#rotting so hard
hana-no-seiiki · 1 month
hhhh first proper meeting between cv! reader and timmy boi being the cadmus project maybe?? i won’t go in depth with descriptive writing and will just assume you guys have watched the first episode of young justice.
reader was also investigating the scene, mostly interested in the biotech the lab had for their own use (a menace as always) but also cause it could be used to resurrect jason from the dead. they’re most likely still high on their yan era.
“rob? the hell are you gawking around for?”wally questioned tim as the latter stood still in the middle of the elevator door.
“they’re . . .here. . .” he stared at the icon of your face in shock. he hadn’t met you outside of the occasional fight, and even then your mind seemed elsewhere.
he’d heard and seen the fights you’ve had with other robins, stories of dick saying the adrenaline rush was like no other, and he had expected you to show at least some enthusiasm when fighting him.
and just like how freeze reacted to him, he was a tad underwhelmed.
it’s safe to say that he was irked when you treated him like that while you acted all buddy buddy with the rest of the sidekicks
“kaldur, wally and . . . tim.”
“kitty!” wally practically tackled you to the ground.
“[cat villain name], to what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you here?” kaldur smiled. you used to be one of the few villains that intimidated him at times purely cause of your influence and seniority; but you were harmless in the end and reminded of his king at times despite your knack of attacking the ‘fish guy’ with bites everytime you meet.
“i should be the one asking you guys that. i’m the villain: i’m just here to mess up the place or learn how to mess up other places better.” you crossed your arms, your faux leather tail swaying from side to side. “you guys should be careful. it isn’t safe here.”
“is it just me or do i feel some sort of tension between those two?” wally whispered to kaldur as they watched you and tim
“it’s . . .” kaldur stared at you in particular, blushing as you looked back at him with a wink. “just you.”
ofc you’re not immune to alien brainwashing so eventually you end up fighting the trio.
tim ends up confessing his frustrations
“now this is the perfect amount of whelmed. i’m so sick and tired of you not taking me seriously. it’s a shame that it had to be this way”
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malebreastmilk · 3 months
how gojo would sleep with you imagine(?)!!!
Gojo ♡ Greedy ♡sleepy!gojo who is actually a bit nervous the first few times you cuddle despite his usually confident exterior, short glances trying to gauge if you’re comfortable with being so close with him like this, reassure him and watch the way his eyes light up ♡sleepy!gojo letting out fake and obnoxious yawns, throwing you fake frowns as if he was the saddest puppy in the world until you finally concede to his attempts at getting your attention, don’t expect to be moving once you’re next to him, he’s tangling his lanky build around you holding you tightly… he can’t lose you
♡sleepy!gojo SNORING like the perfect prince he is! denies that he snores if you mention it, he feels safe with you that’s all, he lets his guard down, he lets himself live, hold him while cuddling and watch him melt in your arms, blush painting his face pink, he’ll hold your hand with his and squeeze it, he’s eternally grateful
♡sleepy!gojo always ending up with all the blankets leaving you with nothing but him, not even anything you sleep with is safe…if you sleep with stuffed animals? across the room on the floor, he punches them when you aren't looking too! pillows? his side or also on the floor! despite that he’ll litter you with kisses when he wakes calling you all yours and his favorite pet names
“Goooooood morning my sleepyhead~! Are you ready for your morning kisses, because I know I’m ready for mine!”
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summerscribbles · 2 months
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my favorite lesbians <3
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alien-bluez · 3 months
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Lark can't handle nice things, and as he says "always fucks it up."
Drew a scene from this fic here, please please go read it right now!
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green-crocs12 · 1 month
idiots in love (nami already hates them)
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lotitheism · 2 months
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something something specific species of rove beetle mimic the appearance, odor and behavior of certain species of ants in order to infiltrate colonies
aka @somerandomdudelmao's most recent marble sky part is on my mind and i can't stop thinking about oscar in relation to rove beetles. he may not be trying to eat marmor young but hey. imitation beetle funny
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citrussmootee · 3 months
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i finaallly got to play one of my dream games WEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEE
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hyperactively-me · 9 months
king!ghost x reader -- exploratory
it’s giving anakin and padme in the fields in that one scene from attack of the clones except add in smut 💐
warnings: smut, virgin!reader, loss of virginity, missionary (also yes i am aware that this is fantasy and theres no protection here, she's not gonna get pregnant from this time because i say so lol i make the rules!)
Under the vast expanse of the open sky, the gentle clip-clop of hooves resonated through the serene countryside. You and Ghost rode side by side on your horses, the wind playing with your hair as you explored the winding trails and rolling hills of Kastron. You were rarely let out of the castle, so this little day trip with Ghost was meaningful to you. You were excited to see the natural beauty of Kastron. There was an air of freedom around you, the two of you escaping your responsibilities just for today, finding solace in the beauty of nature. 
As you rounded a bend, the landscape before you transformed into a breathtaking sea of color. A ginormous flower field stretched out like a living painting, petals swaying in the breeze like waves on a tranquil sea. Your eyes widened in awe, a delighted gasp escaping your lips. You reined in your horse, a large grin forming on your face. 
“Simon, look at this!” you exclaimed, your voice tinged with excitement. 
Ghost pulled his horse to a stop beside you, his gaze following your pointing finger. The corner of his lips quirked up as he studied your reaction, his normally stoic expression softening in the presence of your sheer delight. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice warm.
You turned to him, your eyes sparkling. “I've never seen anything like it! I’m going to see it up close.” You slide off the saddle, patting your mare before turning to face the fields. 
"Of course," Ghost replied, his tone holding a hint of amusement. He sits high atop his horse, studying your form. 
The scent of flowers filled the air, wrapping around your body as you entered the field. The world was a carousel of colors – vibrant reds, delicate pinks, and radiant yellows, – all coming together to create a rainbow. 
Unable to contain your enthusiasm, you let out a joyful whoop, throwing your arms up in the arm. You spin around, your arms outstretched, face upturned to the warm sun. Your laughter blended with the rustling of greenery in the breeze. Turning your gaze to Simon, you found him watching you with an affectionate glint in his eyes. Your elation mirrored his expression, and a comfortable silence settled between you.
With a mischievous grin, you whip around and take off running through the field, your feet sinking into the soft earth with each step you take. Simon’s gasps for a moment, watching you take off. He jumps off his horse, following you as you twirl and skip amidst the flowers. His heart swells in his chest at your joy, in your simple infatuation with the fields of flowers. You’re dozens of feet ahead of him, your dress whipping in the wind as you frolick. 
Yet, as you looked back to see where Simon was, you stumbled over your own feet, your laughter mixing with a surprised yelp as you fell to the ground. Simon’s heart lurches, and he breaks out into a sprint towards you, his concern immediate. 
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” he asks, chest heaving, falling to his knees beside you on the ground. 
You roll over onto your back, your hands hiding your face. He can’t tell if you’re laughing or crying. 
“D- don’t cry,” he says gently, hands hovering over your form. 
You bring your hands down over your mouth, and he sees your eyes are filled with mischief. 
You burst into laughter, unable to contain the amusement bubbling within you. As your eyes meet his concerned gaze, you can’t help but laugh even harder, your mirth contagious. 
“I- I’m not crying, Simon!” you manage to get out between fits of laughter.
Simon blinks at you, clearly confused by your reaction. Relief starts to mingle with his confusion as he watches you laugh, and then his lips slowly curl into a reluctant smile. 
“You scared me for a moment,” he says, letting out an exhale. He looks at you, your smile, your beautiful face, and it suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. He rips his balaclava off his face unexpectedly, catching you off guard. You look up at him, mouth slightly agape as your laughter dies down. 
Suddenly, he straddles you, swinging his legs on each side of your body. He presses his hands into your shoulders, fingers gently squeezing your soft skin. You gasp at the feeling of his body on top of yours, and you bring your hands up to hold his wrists. You grin up at him, your eyes dancing with amusement. The flowers you’re laying in surround you like a colorful crown. The sight of you laying amongst them makes Simon’s heart pound. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just clumsy…” you murmur, brushing his tousled hair with your fingers.
He just looks at you. Your eyes flit to his mouth, his lips slightly parted. He hovers over you, unspoken desires hanging in the balance of the moment.
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to do all day,” you whisper, trailing one of your hands up his chest. 
Before he could respond, you closed your grip on his tunic and gently tugged, pulling him down towards you. The surprise in his eyes turned to a mixture of warmth and anticipation as your lips met in a soft, tender kiss. 
He groans quietly into your mouth, his hands drag up from your shoulders to cup your face. 
As you pulled away, Simon’s lips curved into a genuine smile. "That was worth tripping for."
You chuckled, your fingers tracing patterns on the fabric of his tunic. "Definitely worth it."
He kisses you again, pressing his hulking body on top of you. He slides his tongue into your mouth, his hands cupping your cheeks to deepen the kiss. You gasp into the kiss, eyes instinctively screwing shut because you’re so full of anticipation and your body has gone to jelly because Simon is engulfing your senses, so big and strong, so perfect, as he kisses you. 
The warmth of his body against yours ignites a fire within you, the moment intensifying as he gives you more, more, more. Every touch, every caress means something more than it ever has before.
He breaks away from the kiss, panting with his face flushed. He licks his lips, pupils blown as he stares at you with nothing but adoration. 
“Si, please.” 
That nickname, the breathy please that fell from your lips. 
It was over for him. 
In an instant, he’s latched onto your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses along your skin, hands running down the sides of your body. He presses his hands into your sides, squeezing your soft curves. He lifts his head up from your neck when you let out the quietest, breathy moan. He looks down at you, your mouth slightly agape, his eyes search your face. 
“Do you trust me?” 
You lick your lips, nodding your head.
“No, no, darling, I need to hear you. Use your words.”
You shudder at his words, at his implications. “Yes, I trust you.”
“Good girl.”
He delves back into your neck, sliding his hand behind your head to push you closer to him. 
“Wanna make y’feel good,” he mumbles into your neck between kisses, nipping at the sensitive skin. Warmth floods your face as he speaks, your core growing wet with arousal. You press your thighs together in an attempt to alleviate the growing pressure in your core, your clit throbbing as he kisses you. 
Your hands brush over his broad shoulders, swallowing as he works on your neck. Suddenly, he starts sucking hard at your skin, putting pressure into the curve. He kisses a trail from your neck, up to your jaw, then the corner of your mouth. You gasp quietly, and he pulls away, admiring his work. The feeling of his feather light breath on your skin makes you shiver ever so slightly, arching your body up into him. He lets out an amused huff, running his fingers through your hair. 
“What do you want, lovie?” he coos, twirling your hair in his fingers. 
“Everything,” you moan lightly, your fingers finding their way into his hair, pulling him close to you as your heart races. 
He nods once, then tilts his head to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. He’s so gentle with you, methodical and patient in a way you’ve never experienced or expected from someone like him. 
“‘M gonna take my time with you,” he says gently, searching your eyes. “Tell me, please, tell me if it’s ever too much at any point.” 
You cup his face with your hands. He flicks away a stray flower petal that fell into your hair. 
“I trust you,” you smile at him, stroking a thumb along his cheek. 
With that, he slowly makes his way down to your legs, hands pressing into your ankles as he starts to lift your legs over his shoulders. He starts to bunch up the skirt of your dress, pulling it up ever so slightly to give him access to your dripping core. 
“Wait, won’t someone—”
“No one will see, I promise,” he says firmly, giving you a reassuring squeeze before delving under the skirt of your dress. “Besides, there's no one around here for miles,” he chuckles under your skirt. 
The anticipation nearly kills you as you feel his hot breath on the insides of your thighs, your pussy throbbing for pleasure. He peppers light kisses on the insides of your thighs, calloused hands gripping onto your supple skin with purpose. One of his hands cups your clothed sex, a finger tracing the thin cotton of your panties. You’re so wet already, and he had only kissed you.
“S’ wet already,” he murmurs. “Sweet girl.” 
You gasp, hands reaching out to your sides in the earth as he slowly, agonizingly slowly, pulls your panties down your legs and around your ankles. 
And then, as soon as he fully pulls your panties off, his mouth is on your core, licking a single stripe up your wet pussy. A light moan slips from your lips as this newfound sensation, grasping the grass and flowers around you, pulling at the flimsy stems for support. Simon starts to run his tongue in circular motions around your clit, applying pressure into it as he expertly explores your pussy. You moan louder now, more freely, as he applies pressure, thighs quivering as he sucks on you, lapping your wetness like a man starved.
You can’t take it anymore, you pull your dress off his head, raking your hands through his hair as he laps at your sweet cunt. You watch as he delves in and out, watch as his nose presses against your clit just right, his tongue pressing into your hole ever so slightly. Your back arches as he hits a particularly sensitive spot, tugging his hair as you moan. Simon flits his eyes to you, still lapping at your pussy with an eagerness as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. That cheeky bastard. 
“Si,” you whimper, a plea for a moment to take in what you were feeling. You make another sound, a mix between his name and a moan, all high pitched and breathless, and he groans, his pants feeling extra tight and restricting. He exchanges a groan into your core as he holds you tighter.
“Taste s’ good f’me,” he grunts against you, “such a beautiful girl."
His groans are muted but dripping with desire against your wet cunt, pulling and sucking your clit into his mouth. You writhe under him, moans freely slipping from your lips, pressing your core up against his face as you arch your back into him. You can feel him salivating against you, worshiping you like a man starved, like you were the most precious thing in the world. You are to him, though. You’re everything and more to him.
The coil deep within you starts to build towards a climax, your muscles tightening as he works on relaxing you, on helping you reach the pleasure that you so highly deserved.
“Let go,” he says against your clit, squeezing your thighs in encouragement. The huskiness of his voice, the way his tongue expertly explores your core is enough for the coil in your abdomen to unravel, and you cum on his tongue. You moan breathlessly, muttering his name, chest heaving as you let go. 
“Sweet, sweet girl,” he breathes as he pulls away, licking your dripping wetness from his lips. “Perfect, beautiful girl.”
You keen at his praises, tugging at his hair harder as he lifts up from your core. His cheeks are flushed, lips swollen. You’re panting, heart racing, staring up into the sky, blissed out from your first orgasm. You whimper as you watch him lick his lips, and you reach your hands out for him to come to you. He immediately obeys, and as he hovers over you, you can see how his cock is straining against his pants. You push yourself up onto your elbows, eyeing his bulge for a moment before he kisses you, hard and deep. He shoves his tongue in your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. 
“So good,” you say in between kisses. Your hands dragging up to the collar of his shirt. You start to paw on it, wanting him to take it off. 
“Take this off, please,” you beg, fingers sloppily moving to the buttons of his shirt. 
The way you say please so prettily, he’ll do anything for you. Anything.
He doesn’t wait to unbutton each of the buttons of his shirt, so he rips the shirt off, popping the buttons off as he rips the shirt off. 
“Ohhh-kay,” you whisper, taking in his bare chest. This wasn’t like when he fell into the lake, no, no, this was better. You run your hands over scars littered across his coarse skin, feeling him shudder under the touch of your soft hands. He lets you just, touch him, feel him. It’s quite nice, honestly, he thinks. He studies your face, your eyes growing wide as you run your hands across his chest and up to his broad shoulders, and squeeze them tightly. 
Absent-mindedly, Simon reaches up by the side of your head, plucking a rather large wildflower from the ground. Slowly, he slips the flower behind your ear, pushing away stray strands of hair from your face. 
“So beautiful, darling,” he sighs contentedly, his voice confident and full of pure affection. 
His eyes meet yours, and for a moment, the world around you seems to fade away. A warm blush creeps onto your cheeks as you smile at Simon, your heart fluttering in your chest. His touch is gentle, and his actions speak of a tenderness that leaves you breathless. You find yourself lost in his deep, brown eyes. 
“I’m yours, Si,” you murmur, as you start to slip the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. “All yours.”
He watches, entranced, as you pull your sleeves down lower and lower, and immediately he reaches up to help you. He takes the fabric of your gown into his hands, and he shimmies it up and off your frame, casting it to the side. 
His breath is caught in his throat as he takes in your naked form, eyes unabashedly raking down your body. You swallow the lump in your throat, the nervousness once taking a hold of you dissipating as he looks at you with nothing but adoration and devotion. His hands trace down your shoulders to your breasts, an animalistic desire to take you then and there strong. But no, no, he was going to take his time, be gentle, focus solely on you. 
“You really don’t understand what you do to me,” he says, kneading the pillowy flesh of your breasts in his hands, tweaking your nipple, pulling a string of light moans from you. 
He lowers his head down, latching onto your nipple with a contended hum. His hand grazes from your side, past your thigh, and down to your dripping core. His fingers tease your clit, and you gasp with a jolt. He chuckles against your breast, mouth moving to your other. His finger traces down from your clit to your entrance, and just before he pushes a finger in, you gasp out. 
“I– I’ve never—”
He raises his head immediately, looking at your flushed face. You bite your lip, eyes looking away with embarrassment. Simon’s face morphs into a gentle, reassuring smile. 
“Shh, shh, I understand. Let me take care of you, darling,” he coos, stroking your skin. “Relax f’me.”
With a breath, you nod your head, and try your best to relax your muscles, breathing in and out steadily. You stare up into the sky for a moment, grounding yourself, watching passing clouds casting shadows all around. 
He agonizingly slowly plunges a single finger inside you, stilling for a moment as he feels you adjust. You shudder for a moment, your mouth open slightly as you take in his thick digit.
“Good, good girl,” he encourages, slowly pumping his finger inside you. Your back arches involuntarily, your hand sweeping in the flowers, plucking some out of the ground from your grip.
Simon grabs your hand with his free hand, allowing you to squeeze it as he works his way into you with a second finger. He starts curling his fingers inside you, reaching places you never knew existed. You let out breathy moans, gripping his hand as he picks up the pace, fucking you with his fingers. 
“So perfect,” he mutters, pressing his thumb into the thumb of your hand, massaging it slightly. 
“Simon, feels good,” you manage to spit out, your eyes fluttering closed as you just feel. Your wetness is gushing around his fingers.
“That’s it, lovie,” he encourages, voice sickeningly sweet. “Just one more.”
He plunges a third finger in, and you have to hold yourself back from screaming. 
“My perfect girl,” he praises as you take in his third finger, now reaching deep inside you. A deep set moan releases from your throat as you take in three of his fingers, wincing just a bit from the large adjustment, but feeling pleasure nonetheless.  Simon remains the embodiment of thoughtfulness and care, taking you in as you are, knowing that he has the privilege of being intimate with you. The way he stares at you in amazement, in awe, in affection has something growing even deeper within him. He loves the way he can make you come undone, the way he’s the only one who is allowed to see this side of you, the way he’s the only you trust fully and completely like this.
And with that, he can’t hold back anymore. He kisses you deeply, his fingers working in you slowly, methodically. 
“Simon, please,” you beg, panting between kisses, your core aching for more than just his fingers, “need you.” Your clit is throbbing as he presses into it, building up another orgasm. The way your fingers flutter around his fingers makes his cock jump, suddenly painfully aware of how badly he wants to be inside you right now. 
“I know, darling,” he soothes, yanking his pants down, his aching cock springing free from the confines of the fabric. You start to feel your muscles pulling, your wetness building up as his fingers hit a spot inside you, beckoning you to cum.
“Cum on my fingers,” he grunts, the pressure of your velvety cunt around his fingers making him move faster, reach deeper. You swallow heavily, your hips bucking into his hand a few times before cumming, soaking his fingers. 
“I need you, Si,” you’re practically crying, pawing at his chest for more. Your clit is throbbing, cunt aching for his cock. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he says again, sucking your slick off his fingers with a satisfied hum. You watch him, mouth agape. 
“Please,” you groan again, wrapping your legs around his waist, beckoning him towards you. 
In a rush, he’s checking you over, making sure you’re comfortable in the plush grass before lining the tip of his cock up with your entrance.
Slowly, he pushes the tip inside you, letting you adjust to the size of his cock for a moment. Your eyes threaten to roll into the back of your head as he barely pushes his way inside you, but this feels better than his fingers. Much better. The stretch wasn’t without some pain, but you bear with it, gripping onto him as he starts to push himself inside you further.
“I know, I know, you’re nearly there, sweetheart,” he coos into your ear, his deep voice rattling your eardrums.
He lets out his own moan, feeling the way your pussy squeezes him just right. Your back arches at the sensation, a gargled moan slipping from your lips, encouraging him to slide the full length of his cock into you.
“F– fuck, lovie,” he moans, his voice high-pitched and husky. “So perfect—”
He finally bottoms out, hips meeting yours as you both pant, the stretch feeling so fucking good. He stills for a moment, relishing the way you squeeze and flutter around him, relishing the way your face is contorted into nothing but pleasure. 
“Fuck me,” you plead, hands reaching to his shoulders as he hovers over you.
He grunts and thrusts himself into you as deep as he can. And it’s nothing like you’ve ever felt before. You can barely breathe as he sets a pace, slow yet not teasing. He works his way into you with a reigned fervor, his hands gripping onto you like you could break into a million pieces. You feel like you’re floating on air, your back arching, pressing into him as he pumps inside of you. Your eyes are half-lidded, your vision being taken up entirely by Simon. His eyes meet yours and for a moment, you swear he falters. He’s taken with you entirely, your eyes on him is all he needs to be happy in this world, he decides. 
He hisses as you drag your fingernails down his back, holding onto him as he starts to move faster, harder. 
“My beautiful, perfect wife,” he grunts, rocking into you. He beckons you to wrap your legs around his waist, yanking you closer to him. 
“So soft, so soft,” he groans, lips meeting your neck in an open mouthed, sloppy kiss. “S’ happy you’re my wife.” 
Your face flushes at his words, too flattered by his words to say anything. Pure bliss courses through you as he praises you, fucking into you like a man starved. He hits a region deep inside you, and you moan abruptly. 
“That’s it,” he groans, his own eyes threatening to roll into the back of his head as he watches you intently. A coil builds faster by the second, your stomach muscles clenching.
“Si—” you manage to moan, your hands moving up from his back to cup his face.
Tears blur your vision as you stroke his cheek, and he almost stops thrusting in you at the sweet action. In a flash, he’s moving faster, the colors of the flowers around your body becoming a blur as his vision narrows in on you, you, you. 
His hands slide down to grip your waist, his hold on you tightening. Your hands move to clasp around his neck, pulling at the hair on the nape of his neck, your movements sloppy as he fucks you so nicely, so perfectly. He has to will himself to stay upright on top of you, wanting to pass out from how fucking beautiful you look, how fucking perfect you are to him. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, my perfect wife,” he moans, trying to express just how much he fucking loves this, how much he holds you in high regard. 
“I love you,” you blurt out, yanking him down on you. And then he’s pulling all the way out, just to slam into you again, and he can’t even find the proper words to respond, just absolutely fucking you into the flowers. 
“I love you,” he strangles out, bucking his hips helplessly into yours, and you press a kiss on his shoulder. “I love you, I love you,” he groans, letting you pull his face towards yours as you give him a deep, sloppy kiss. 
“I’ve loved you–” you try to say, your mind foggy as you leave open mouthed kisses along his face and neck, going down to his collarbone as he ruts into you. Simon mewls, his head dropping to your neck as you work on his skin. The coil within you is about to snap, your wetness coating his cock perfectly.
“Let go,” he says, pumping into you deeply, hitting a point that his fingers couldn’t even reach. “Let go, sweetheart.”
With that, you let out a garbled moan as you cum on his cock, clenching your eyes shut as you ride out your orgasm, the world fading away as if it's just you and him. His cock twitches inside of you as your walls flutter around him, his cock pulsating and throbbing, pent up from fucking into you. He breathes heavily, cumming into you with no remorse. God, you think you see stars as you feel him fill you up, moaning lightly as he slows to a stop. Simon is hovering over you, his hands planted on both sides of your face. 
“I love you,” you say again, wrapping your arms around his neck, prompting him to lay on top of you. He stares at you, mouth agape, blinking slowly.
“I thought I dreamt you saying that,” Simon says quietly, before letting himself drop on top of you. You grunt as he lets his full body weight rest on top of you, but you didn’t mind. It felt good. Felt so good having your husband laying on you like this, after the most intimate moment you’ve ever shared with him up until this point. 
He turns his face to press a kiss to your cheek. He picks more flowers from the side, stuffing them behind your ear, pushing stray hair out of your face so he can see you clearly. 
“I meant what I said,” you whisper, voice hoarse. You brush some stray grass out of Simon’s hair as he goes to lay his head down in your neck. 
“I know you did,” he whispers back, inhaling your scent.
“I love you, too,” he says, leaving a gentle kiss on your pulse. 
. . . 
After laying together for a little longer, he begrudgingly gets up to slide his pants back on. He goes over to your dress and undergarments, again, begrudgingly helping you get dressed again. You blush as he slides your panties back on your legs, breath seizing in his throat. When he finally pulls up the sleeves of your dress, you take his hand in yours. 
“Si, I honestly don’t think I can ride my horse back home,” you blush, securing the flowers behind your ear. 
“Ah,” he nods, looking down at you with a small smirk. “Of course.”
Suddenly, he scoops you into his arms, carrying you as though you weigh nothing. You let out a small yelp, fastening your arms around his neck securely as he makes his way over to the horses, both grazing on some grass a while away. 
As he approaches his horse, he sets you down for just a moment, reigning in your mare. With a lead, he attaches your mare to his horse. You watch him for a moment before he’s back on you, lifting you up so you can sit side saddle on his horse. With a grunt, he swings on behind you, gripping your waist so you can sit steady. 
“Thank you,” you smile, leaning your cheek on his chest. 
“Anything for you,” he says, motioning the horses to go home. 
You didn’t notice the bouquet of flowers he had shoved in his back pocket.
A souvenir to remember this day by. 
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caelanglang · 1 year
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ladykyriaa · 6 months
Something something Jinshi was never allowed to be childish and was forced to grow up as a child so it deeply impacted his adult life hmm..something something maomao never telling him to act otherwise like everyone else around him did and in fact prefer that childish quirk of his
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mywingsareonwheels · 8 months
“And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.”
“It’s a lot more complicated than that –”
“No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts.”
“Oh, I’m sure there are worse crimes –”
“But they starts with thinking about people as things…”
(Granny Weatherwax, to Pastor Mightily Oats, Carpe Jugulum, Terry Pratchett.)
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prettygirlsstanskz · 1 year
somno with hyunjin tho!!!!!!!!
you'd be sleeping in a tank top and shorts and you'd be wiggling around in your sleep, trying to get comfortable and hyunjin just thinks you look so cute and so fuckable like that.
he'd probably wait for you to settle on your back before brushing stray hairs from your face in a feeble attempt to wake you, but when you don't respond, he'd trail his fingers from your head down to your chin and then your collarbones where he'd mess around with the top of your tank top.
"i'm gonna take this off, okay, love?" he'd whisper, circling your nipple with his finger. after you whine a little bit, turning your head to the side, he would take it as a sign of you being at least a little bit awake and he would start to slide it up to your chin.
"lift your arms for me," hyunjin would whisper, and in your half awake state, you would obey, lifting your arms and then your head just enough for him to slide the thin top up and over and onto the floor next to the bed.
hyunjin would just look at you, all the parts of you he had just uncovered, before leaning down to lick a stripe from your neck to your nipple, swirling his tongue around for a second before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it, enjoying the way you reacted, arching slightly into him, small whines leaving your lips as you turned your head to the other side.
hyunjin would give just as much attention to your other nipple, making sure he left both sticky and wet before kissing his way down to your bellybutton and then leaving kisses along the top of the waistband of your shorts.
he would kiss you over your shorts, over your mound, leaving wet spots where his tongue stayed in the same spot for just a little too long.
"so pretty, love," he'd whisper as he slid your shorts and panties down your legs and past your feet at the same time. "so so pretty,"
he would discard the garments down on the floor with your top before laying on his stomach, face just inches from your core. he would admire you for a while, complimenting your body under his breath.
but he would slowly start to feel the admiration turn into something more, something like lust. he would reach up to rub your clit with his finger, then a stripe down to your hole, feeling your wet folds on the way.
"so wet," he would murmur, finally scooting forward enough to taste you. "so wet for me,"
hyunjin would lick up and down your folds once more before taking your clit in his mouth and sucking on it, bringing his fingers up to enter your hole below.
you would whine, the sounds quickly turning into moans as hyunjin fucks his fingers into you, swirling his tongue around your clit before sucking it again.
"hyune..." you'd mumble, eyes starting to flutter open. a broken whine would escape you, tears prickling the corners of your eyes as you begin to feel what's going on.
"jinnie.." your hands would fumble around for his, settling on his hair instead. "jinnie, please.. please please please," you wouldn't know what you were pleading for, you would just know you wanted it.
"i know, love, i know," hyunjin would whisper into your pussy. "i know i know,"
hyunjin would speed up the pace as soon as he hears your voice raise an octave. oh, he would be hitting all the spots he knows you're sensitive to, eager to drive you to your high, eager to hear the pretty little sounds you make.
"'s too much, jinnie," you would cry, back arching off the bed, your fingers leaving hyunjin's head to grip the sheets beneath you. "hyun, 's too mu–" your sentence would be cut short by the sudden moan hyunjin causes as he hits your g-spot.
"fu– fuck, hyun, fuck, please,"
his fingers would hit the same spot over and over again, only slowing down when he knows you're cumming. he would fuck you gently with his fingers, releasing your clit to lean up and kiss your warm face, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
when he feels you finally start to come down from your high, he'll pull away and remove his fingers, bringing them to your lips. you would immediately take them in your mouth, sucking softly on the skin as you grow tired once more.
hyunjin would kiss the tears from your closed eyes. "was it too much, love? was i too much?"
you'd hold his wrist, rubbing soft circle into the palm of it while still licking and sucking the fingers in your mouth.
"no," you'd murmur around his fingers, taking back your earlier words. "you're never too much. never,"
hyunjin would settle down next to you, slowly removing his fingers from your mouth. he would laugh a little at your whine, shushing you with a chaste kiss to your lips. "i'm gonna clean you up, okay? i'll be right back,"
you would feel his hands on your body, damp towel covering the tracks he had left.
"d'you want me to do you, too?" you would ask once he's laid down next to you again, opening your eyes to see him.
but, he would just shake his head, pressing a kiss to your nose.
he had taken care of himself in the bathroom after he looked down and realised he came in his pants, probably at the same time you did. it didn't bother him much. he had woken you up to satisfy the desires in his chest, but it very quickly turned into satisfying you. cumming on his own was just an added extra, something he hadn't planned on.
"go to sleep, little love. you're tired,"
you wouldn't fight it, eyes fluttering shut as you leaned your head into his chest. "g'night, jinnie. love you," you would whisper.
and hyunjin would whisper back, "love you too,"
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Comic book writers who still make Bruce hit his kids even after years of mass criticism from fans who TELL you it's a bad creative choice that pushes them away from the fan base and comics in general,,, you did this for what?
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tunapesto · 8 months
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doomed yuri moment
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bogkeep · 4 months
truly videogames are such a good medium for stories where Something Is Wrong With Time... every game with a saving mechanic has a time travel function, be it acknowledged in universe or not. games can give you the option to experience pieces of story in a non-linear fashion or skip them entirely. time and timing is no longer bound to the confines of a movie's runtime or pages of a book...!
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tinyfantasminha · 8 months
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im at my last straw i cannot contain the silliness any LONGER
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