#send aks
sweetgirlofyourdreams · 3 months
Lemon plum. What panties are you wearing today?
Hey 👋🏻
White panties 🙈
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cincincinnanom · 17 days
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She deserves an undercut.
hey I wrote a fic for this
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zelsisi · 2 years
( wip meme ask ) could i please ask about 'aragorn : tip of the lance' ?
Thanks for the ask! <3
I know the prompt said brief but this ain't gonna be brief. This is one that I'm really passionate about. xD
Ok. So. Aragon: Tip of the Lance is a D&D campaign that I'm playing in. My character is Anduin Thurarsh, who is in my OC Masterlist pinned to my page.
We've had 25 sessions so far and honestly, other than the game I DM, it is my favorite campaign to play in. Bar none so far.
Its a fantasy setting with 5 nations and one area where we have no clue what's going on. The 5 nations are The Castiya Archipelago, The Imperium Ryos, Carthago, Greika, and The Holy Kingdom of Phairon. Castiya is based off of Spain, Imperium is based off of the Roman Empire, Carthago is based off of northern Africa, Greika is based off of Greece, and Phairon is based off of Egypt. And the one place we have no clue what is going on is call The Blacklands.
We are playing as natives to The Castiya Archipelago, specifically being in Lancer Academy which is the nation's best military school. We're in Class Omega, basically the elites of the military or elites in training. All chosen for different reasons. And our party is very diverse too. (I will be referencing the Five Man Band tropes here xD)
We have Anduin, my character, as a Male Half Orc Artillerist Artificer who is the Leader of the party. Another name for Artificers here are Technomancers. He was chosen because he defended a town single handedly from bandits. Though he has "skeletons in the closet" cause he's keeping secrets from the rest. Basically he's the eldest son of a noble family of the nation and made choices that his family didn't agree with and abused the fuck out of him because of it. Only reason he's hiding it is cause he wants people to know him for him and not his family. His upcoming first character arc will be fun xD
We then have Elirthan, my boyfriend's character, as a Male Elf Apollo Labrys Knight (homebrew class) who is the Lancer of the group. He was picked because he defended a farming village from wargs by himself. We've learned more about his past cause we've had his first character arc. Basically Elirthan is trans. He used to be the daughter of a noble family of the nation and didn't want to continue to be a tool for their politics so a friend helped her become him with magic and surgery and helped him run away. That friend was captured and executed by his family and we were sent to help find "her". We found a book in a secret room with a hatch and Elirthan was revealed to be "her" so we then did a plan that basically gave a big middle finger to his folks. It was hilarious. Elirthan is also a character that Anduin has a crush on.
Next up we have Gastron, a Male Goliath Gula Sinwrought (another homebrew class) who is the Heart of the party. He was noticed because he defended the tavern where he was working by himself. He is the party's cook and really good too. We're getting pampered cause we're at a military school and we have someone who can cook regardless of what they have on hand xD We don't have his backstory yet cause he also have secrets. But he's a really good friend. Always there for the rest. That's why he's the Heart.
Fourth up we have Ordekko, a Male Deep Gnome Divine Soul Sorcerer eventually multiclassed with Bard who is the Smart Guy of the party. He was noticed when he saved a prison guard with magic powers he didn't have before. He's very skittish and shy but he's growing out of it. I honestly thought Anduin would've been the Smart Guy but no xD We've been through his first character arc too. He was in a gang when he was young and took the fall and was in a prison when one of the Six Gods brought an earthquake there and it was destroyed. This is where he was noticed when he saved a guard with magic he didn't have. So he got visions and a voice spoke thru him that was like "find this book in a library under ruins" So we went to the underground where the ruins are and Ordekko cast invisibility on himself and ran from the group with Anduin's homunculus (metal owl named Cai) on his shoulder. Elirthan wanted to go back to Lancer but everyone else was like "Nah. We going after him and giving him a talking to". So the homunculus came back and guided us there and we found the book in an ancient library that no one knew about so we got the find of the century. Also found out the source of his powers is from a God called The Hollow who we thought was only legend. Ordekko then discovered he can undo acts of the Gods with the book. So we know have a mission to eventually take down the gods cause they are pieces of shit but research and gathering strength and all.
Anyways, moving onto number five! We have Justinian, played by the DM (whose my best friend), a Male Champion Fighter who is the party's Big Guy. He didn't necessarily get noticed, it was political things. I'll go into that in a bit. Hits really fucking hard as we found out in combat and sparring. He's from the Imperium and the Heir to House Cerinthus one of the Six Big Houses. He got into Class Omega because of political reasons that we don't know which now Anduin is thinking its for stronger times because a war might be happening. But Justinian is a really good person. We haven't had his first character arc yet but we getting there. Anduin also has a crush on him too.
Number six! We have Angelo, who joined late, a Human Mastermind Rogue who is the party's Sixth Ranger. He'll probably fit into another slot once we've had more sessions with him. We don't know how he was noticed just that he's there and it works well for use cause we didn't really have a rogue. We're waiting on his first character arc as well. Anduin is on the fence with him cause they literally just met while he's known the others more.
We used to have another member but they left so not mentioning them.
Ok. So that's our party xD
We've been taking it really slow and actually going to classes and all, getting to know those in the party to be like "Yeah, they're friends" without too much backstory till now cause C-C-C-CHARACTER ARCS! We meld really well and if you've noticed, all of the party members are boys. And all of us are on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Some are Bi, some are Gay (Anduin).
We're now getting to like "main story" arcs too. Justinian is captured and we just fought Shapeshifters last night that were trying to take out the King and military leaders of Castiya and we fucking won. We're rescuing Justinian next session.
There's also SO MUCH LORE AND SO MANY NPCS! I have a google folder that's called Anduin's Notebook, cause Anduin is the notetaker of the group like myself but its after session cause I can't do it during, and that's where all the lore is put and info for NPCs, nations, Gods, party members, gadget ideas and other things. I obviously have my favorites and all but yeah xD
I have so much on them. A lot of text RP too with the DM with NPCs and Justinian.
I'm gonna leave it there for now. But if you got any more questions about Anduin, the lore of the world, or the NPCs, send me an ask and I can respond. I might just do it anyways xD
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imninakk · 1 month
ur artstyle is so cute!! and i love the way u draw mello :3 i lovr ur art sm!!!
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aaah I'm glad you like my art :333
Mello has hair that I always suffer to do, I love him and I always want to draw him, but I end up giving up because of his hair
But I'm happy that you like the way I do it, it motivates me a lot ❤️
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mayasdeluca · 8 months
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Makes me so happy to see so much love and support on Ali's post of the billboard in NYC in celebration of her retirement. Seeing so many people ranging from family, friends, teammates, former teammates, players around the league all showing their support and acknowledging that she deserves this just shows how big of an impact she's had on this sport on and off the field. Hope she's enjoying every minute of it and able to celebrate to the best of her ability ❤️
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 7 months
Sam's Advent Adventure
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I am excited to announce that I am going to be posting a new story every single day in December! I would like you all to be part of it and therefore I am accepting any and all Drarry prompts (except MCD). It doesn't have to revolve around Christmas if you don't want to, anything is welcome. The prompts can be just a few words, a genre or even a short little snippet of something. I will pick 31 prompts out of my asks inbox. I've never done anything like this before, but I am looking forward to it and I hope that y'all are too!
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mistymisfit · 3 months
So long, Marianne II
Summary: Reader is a spy working undercover in Gotham when she meets Jason Todd, who despite her better judgement she forms a very close friendship with. This story follows their escape from Arkham asylum, their fall out and the times they run into each other as they get older.
Relationship: AK!Jason x Meta!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence (I'm serious, tho- in canon it's also pretty violent), angst, hurt/no comfort (for now), this series is just my excuse to write angst lol.> copied from first part but this one's more tame i think. + Fluff if you squint.
Word Count: 3k (a bit more but who cares)
Read on AO3
Part 1- Masterlist
See the end for author's notes :)
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You spent hours by his side when he was unconscious, door locked from the inside just in case and extra security measures just for him. All this despite knowing you should be safe, technically-- but you still didn't trust the very people who handled your life. At one point you feel bold enough to hold his hand but it doesn't last long since you wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable if he woke up then. It was already hard enough as it was, him being mad at you and all. You stared at him, you couldn't help it since he finally looked peaceful. Your mind wandered, you couldn't believe this was the same boy who kissed you on a random rooftop overlooking the city. "Looks beautiful from up here, you can't even tell all the crime going on down there" you had said that night. He had been waiting for an opening for more nights than he'd be willing to admit. He started to bring you to rooftops and high places more often with that intention, showing you the view and to kiss you; he'd been meaning to do that for longer than that too. Your feet dangled in the air, you were both sitting on the ledge of the building and he watched you smile.
God, he thought, if I keep staring she's gonna think I'm weird. Unable to stop himself from overthinking this any longer he just went for it, the gloved hand on your cheek and his lips on yours moved so fast you didn't even have time to realize what was happening. You thought it was cute how awkward he was about it, so when he pulled after just a few seconds you giggled. Before he separated from you, you put a hand on top of the one that rested on your face and told him "Wait, do it again". Soon the kissing grew into something less than giggles and giddiness and more into needing the other like the air to breathe, and when his hands threatened to trail lower on your back you heard a cough behind you. You remembered how mortified you felt when you saw Batman himself standing behind you. Those days were way past behind you now, he wasn't the same boy as then, he had been through too much since your rooftop kissing days.
It also upset you greatly to think about how betrayed he must feel right now. First his mentor replaces him and now he finds out you've been lying to him, both things he knows thanks to the man who had been torturing him. You were mad at him too at the time, even going as far as taking it out on the new guy a couple times-- and on an eventful night on Nightwing too. You were mean to the new boy wonder, even if he tried being friendly you'd cut him off, huffing and leaving on a good day--and cussing and yelling at him on a bad one. And that night was a bad one, one of the worst, you were supposed to plant a tracker on some Russian mobster's smuggling ship. Which was going well until a few masked vigilantes decided to show up, he blew it up. He ruined your mission and the worst part was you couldn't even blame him for it because you would have done the same if you could. You didn't even take cover, you didn't have time but he pushed you to the floor and covered you with his cape to protect you from the rubble. Quickly getting up he offered you a hand when you were on the floor from the explosion and still a bit in shock but you just grunted and got up on your own. You heard him sigh behind you as you started to focus on healing the bruises and cuts scattered over your body. "You know, you could at least be polite to me, I'm not asking you to be friends", he told you finally fed up with your attitude towards him. "Fuck you" you replied shortly and heard him scoff before saying "I just saved you". He recriminated, as if you owed him anything for that. He could've just let you die and you would have been more grateful. You glared at him and announced loudly that you were leaving, he grabbed your wrist and only got to say the word hey before you interrupted him. "I could make your heart stop right now," you threatened "I should make you drop dead on your feet". "Do it, see how it ends for you, hunted down by Batman", he taunted and you replied "Let him, I should've killed him long ago".
And then Nightwing swooped in to stop the argument from turning physical, he asked-ordered-- Robin to let you go and he listened. You were almost out of earshot when you heard "Just forget it man, the suit doesn't come with the girlfriend", everything stopped. Literally, your emotions got the best of you and you stopped time. Everything froze, you don't how far but blinded by rage you walked back, took one the sticks from his back and tased Nightwing with his own weapon. Time moved again, and the older one fell to the floor. Robin just looked at you in shock, when? how did you do that? His eyes went to his brother, groaning in pain and then back to you, throwing the escrima stick back to its owner, coldly calculated to be just right out of his reach. "the suit doesn't come with the girlfriend" you mocked in a childish tone, completely contradictory to your violent actions at the moment when you pushed your boot to his neck. You thought it was a shame since you actually liked him, you thought he was more reasonable than Batman. Robin tried to stop you, to no avail since you hit him right in the neck with your elbow without looking back. It felt almost like you had eyes on your back. He coughed, getting the air inside his lungs again. And in their confusion you pulled out a gun, aimed at Robin so he had no choice but to stay back.
"Marianne, stop" You looked back at him, standing tall and menacing, the man himself calling you by your supposed real name, the name he wasn't supposed to know. You weren't scared of him, in fact you looked at him and pushed in harder, cutting his airflow like you were taught. You could feel his hands weakly trying to pull you away, somehow whatever humanity was left in you was stuffed away in the furthest corner of your mind. He shoot a batarang that landed on your leg, it hurt yet you didn't flinch as the blood pours down, you double down by pulling the safety trigger off without breaking eye contact. "You wouldn't kill them" He spoke, his voice almost like a growl mean to scare you. You scoffed and told him he didn't know shit about you, he really didn't but what you didn't expect was him stating things you had only told Jason. "You're religious and you pray for your missing sister. Do you think your God would allow this?", the shock made you loosen your grip and the man under your foot managed to free himself and gasped for air. "Honestly, God and you both can go fuck yourselves" you bit back, before taking the weapon out of your skin, finally allowing to heal your wound. You shot it back at him, right in his shoulder, the weak point. "Leave," he ordered "I'll handle her". It was quite impressive how spot on your aim was on your non dominant hand but also unexpected, you were breaking your cover. He let you land a few hits, you knew he was letting you win a bit. But soon the cussing turned into silent sobs, "I hate you" you cried, a fist weakly hitting his armor-covered chest. "How could you?" You sniffed and he patted your back in an effort to comfort you.
Eventually you fell asleep, sitting on a chair with your head resting on the bed in front of you. The first thought he has when he wakes up is how stupid it all was; that he felt so angry at you yet he couldn't help but find your sleeping face adorable. He will wake you up so you can give him some answers but right now he can indulge himself, tucking your hair behind your ear so he can see you better. Feeling your hair now soft and clean and how free of wounds you looked, he marveled at how you seemed healthy again. This wasn't the first time he watched you sleep, there was that time he was injured and he hadn't seen you all night. He thought maybe you stayed home--you did, you only left at night when you had a mission and that night you hadn't. When he got to your building and saw you in your room he waited, you were praying. He didn't know you were religious at all, he never asked either. So he sat in quiet on the emergency stairs, in pain until you finished. Out of respect for your faith, and you, he wouldn't interrupt that.
He finally knocked on your window after he saw you sitting at your desk, papers scattered all over it. You turned to were the noise came from and when you saw him, you quickly gathered everything on your desk to hide before even letting him in. "Hey, what were you doing?" He asked, holding his side where it hurt, probably a broken rib he thought. "Studying, I have a test tomorrow" you lied, helping him in and guiding him to sit on your bed. "Think I broke a rib" he grunted, lifting his hand so you could help him get his armor off. His eyes went from the bruise on his side to you as you healed him, sight fixed on your focused expression as the pain left. "Feel any better?" you gave him a smile and he just wanted to kiss you senseless right then. "Yeah, thanks" he wanted to spend more time with you, he was trying to find any excuse to stay before you handed back his clothes. "So, uhm, are your parents here?", you shook your head no saying they were out on some business trip. "How long were you at my window?", fuck he got caught, he replied "a while" in a weak and embarrassed tone.
He noticed the jewelry you wore, that you probably left at home to avoid being recognized. The earrings, the watch, and the dainty chain you had. He took the last one in his between his fingers, playing with the pendant and asking you about it. "I'm not really- my mom believed in this more than me" you explained, "but I do it to feel closer to her". He appreciated the vulnerability you were showing then, you had told him that your parents died in a car accident--lie-- and you were adopted. You never really talked about your biological parents until now. He let go of your pendant to hold your hand, you were sitting next to each other in your bed, awfully close to the point his leg was pushed to yours next to it. "I don't wanna talk about it," you started "are going to kiss me like the other night?". You were looking up at him through your lashes, giving him a look he just couldn't say no to. He knew you said that to distract him, but he would be damned if it wasn't working. Your hands worked on taking his utility belt off, and he let you take his weapons from him, he allowed himself to be vulnerable around you to let his guard down. How could he not when you were asking him so nicely to stay for a little longer? Later that night Jason ended up falling asleep with you in his arms after you did, because moving would've meant waking you up and he'd never do that, he stayed for hours like a cat owner watching their pet sleep on their lap. But still woke up to Bruce waiting for him in the alley that your window faced, ready to tell him all about how irresponsible he had been. You were wearing the same jewelry right now, as you sleep but your relationship wasn't the same as it was then. He wondered how much of what you told him that night was true.
He decides he's had enough of going down memory lane and puts a hand on your shoulder, gently but firmly shaking you so you will wake up. It doesn't take much effort since you were already on edge and too nervous when you passed out next to him. Your head quickly jerks up in an almost painful motion that wouldn't surprise him if you got whiplash.
"You're awake" you whisper, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Hm, thanks" He replies through gritted teeth and you know this is the nicest thing you'd get from him in this situation. "Where are we?"
"A safe house in Chicago, you've been out for a while" You explain, and your eyes follow him sitting up on the bed and yanking the iv off his arm. He's getting ready to leave, you thought. "Are you okay? Do you want me to get rid of that scar for you?"
"Leave it, I don't want you anywhere close to me" He swats off the hand you had close to his face. He turns his back to you, putting on the shoes you left for him. It made you feel pathetic, you've done so much for him knowing he may never forgive you. And yet you were ready to screw yourself even more to help him.
"I'm sorry, I swear I was going to tell you"
"When? You lied to me about everything," He turns to see you over his shoulder when he says that, just to look you in the eye and gauge at your reaction. He had a right to be angry, but you still couldn't help the tears that started to form in your eyes "How can I trust you? I don't even know your name"
Jason was just being mean, he knew you saved him and helped him escape. He was expressing himself with anger since it was easier to acknowledge than what he really felt, scared and sad. Anger he could manage, he could make himself out to be violent and scary. But his own fear, his own sadness and recognizing how lonely he felt finding out the person he trusted the most lied to him, that he could not manage.
"Jason-" Your tone was weak, you didn't want to speak if you knew your voice was going to break mid sentence. But you couldn't let him think those horrible things about you "most of what I told you is true"
"Like what? Bet your parents didn't even die in a car accident, and you don't even have a sister" Jason yells. He nailed it, you didn't know how they died, you just knew they were dead and for your sister... you did have one, but for her safety you shouldn't have been stupid enough to tell him.
"They are dead," You suddenly feel small, like that little girl being violently trained all over again.
"Where's the exit?" He coldly asks, standing up and ready to leave through that door. You knew if he left it'd be the last time you see him, so you had to stop him. Moving faster than him, you put your back on the door and face him.
"I'll tell you everything, just please wait" You beg, holding his gaze and trying to decipher his thoughts to no success, his expression was stone-cold. All you could get from him is knowing how furious he was.
"How much of it was a lie?" He questions again. "Did you even mean it when you said you loved me?"
"Of course I love you!" Now you were starting to get pissed off too. Was he so blind he couldn't tell that? He didn't get it from ruining your mission just to save his life? Was his head that thick that stopping the bleeding from his wound until you were over-using your powers meant nothing?
"Then leave with me" The offer takes you by surprise, and your expression softens. Your brows relax until you're not furrowing them any more, and your lips part in a gasp. What? He was so cold and now he wants you to run away with him "Help me kill him"
"I can't" You turn your face to the side to avoid his eyes, to avoid looking at him if it meant seeing him mad at you again. You were not a spy out of your free will, they had something on you. And with your power you were too much valuable of an asset to be lost. Though you couldn't tell him that, that was the one thing you were willing to keep from him. The only thing you held as dear as him in your heart, sometimes even more so than him.
"Give me a reason" He demands, hovering over you and putting an arm on the door to cage you in.
"I can't tell you" You whisper, unable to look him in the eye.
"Of course," Jason scoffs and takes a step back, he couldn't believe he was foolish enough for one second to believe that you'd say yes "you'll never change"
"You're being mean," You sniff and wipe off the tears from your face as fast as you can. Then you put your hand in one of your pockets, looking for something. You push the credit card to his chest, pushing him in the process. He lets it fall to the ground, not reacting "take it, you have about 48 hours before they notice"
You unlock the door before stepping away from it, pushing him out of your way to reach for the duffle bag on the floor. You throw it at him, now you were angry too. Your patience grew thin, you were as understanding as you could and this is how he pays you, not extending the same courtesy, being selfish. You understood he had been rotting in that Arkham wing for a year but you were there too, he didn't have the monopoly on suffering. All Jason could think about was how he felt, what was done to him, not considering for a second what was done for him. Read, you risking your own neck for him. And now you were tired of it, he wanted to leave you? Then he could be your guest.
"This is for you too, no trackers I made sure of it" He stands quiet as you open the door "Door is right this way"
You lead him to the exit of the apartment, disabling all security measures on your way. He doesn't get the sudden change of attitude, of course he liked it better when you were low energy, just apologizing to him. He knows he must've pushed a button to have irritated you this much. Whatever the reason was for you to stay on this life must clearly be important to you, at least that is what he thinks pissed you off. A reason bigger than your love for him. The love that he kept questioning, yeah he deserved to be kicked out like that. He watched you hesitate to open the front door, and he understood too that when he walked out there was no turning back. "And Jason?" He turns to see you and you whisper your name. The real name your parents gave you for the first time in years. And he remembers it, your voice repeats it over and over again in his head. Cute name, he thought. It belonged to you, not your bosses, not your agency, it was yours and about one of the very few things you owned. And he knew, you finally told him even when you shouldn't have. Even when you were specifically instructed not to do that. But it doesn't matter even if it was the last time you saw him, you wanted him to know. He had to know. Only a few minutes after he leaves you allow yourself to break down, letting the tears fall as much as they please. Because you knew you had to be over it by tomorrow, that you have to leave it behind you forever.
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A/N: hi, idk when will I post part 3 but just know it's in the works 🫡🫡.
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broke-art-girl · 2 months
Dustin and Erica headcanons?
Ok, I don't ship them and I don't know if that's what you want but I'll do that if you request it.
• He's a little goblin, he will swipe anything he can and save it until you notice it's gone then he'll be like, "oh yeah? I've have that shirt for 6 days, that's a new record."
• Brace face. He complains about his teeth all the time and how much they hurt.
• Only child with a single parent, he has a lonely life, he likes to hang out with people because at home it's just him and his...mom... And who what's to hang out with their mom??
• He's a cry baby. Poor boy will break down over anything. He's got a lot of people who care about him but he's also got A LOT of trauma.
• He feels like all his friends are pulling away. Mike and El are together, Will and El are in California, Lucas and his basketball buddies are ruining D&D schedule, Eddie... He doesn't wanna talk about Eddie anymore. He misses him.
• Hes quiet when he's sad. He just hugs his knees and wants to be left alone.
• Grounded 24/7 She's always in trouble for having an attitude. Especially at school.
• She will fight someone if they come for her brother or her friends. She knows what's the facts and she's not afraid to pull up. If a hoe needs smacking, she'll smack a hoe.
• She's been playing DND with her friends since Lucas started playing with Mike, dustin and Will. She got petty and said "Fine if you don't want me to play with yall, I'll find my own group." And she did. (She's better than Lucas tbh)
• She's a brony all the way. Lady Applejack was totally named after the MLP 🐎🤠 🍎
• She doesn't like fish. (Idk why I think this.. I just do.)
• She likes to be feminine but also she's serving in a masc way to.
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cringesnail · 1 year
Aypierre : *mumbling about Forever*
Baghera: What happened with Forever?
Aypierre: oh nothing but something happened with Foolish
Baghera: WHAT
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 2 months
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artofkhaos404 · 9 months
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Two random designs I did yesterday. Didn't even measure out the "WEIRD!" one. Just opened up a bottle of paint and started squirting it everywhere. We getting wild and I may or may not have an addiction to slapping splattered designs all over anything I can get my grubby fingers on. Or maybe I just have a crappy diy addiction in general. I spent 60$ on spikesandstuds.com last night. Haha.
Anyway, pretty satisfied with these.
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sweetgirlofyourdreams · 4 months
Send anons i'm bored 🥺
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chiropterx · 11 months
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If Man-Bat likes you, prepare to have your personal space disrespected! Vampire bats are very social, often snuggling up close to other members of their kind and even initiating grooming as part of social bonding. Man-Bat might rest his head on your shoulders, lean against you, even go as far as licking your hair if it looks very messy and out of place. It can be quite uncomfortable, especially in summer given his high body temperature.
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ennawaky · 4 months
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Se liga aí Brenda.
Tá certo?
Brenda: Isso! Ta certinho 😊😊
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ask-the-underworld-fam · 11 months
Do Nico and Will have pet names for each other?
Just to name a few-
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cheritzheadcanonz · 1 year
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Jieun can see the future, Yeonho can feel about some things in tarot and Zen can see the future when he sleeps...
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But I didn't play Ssum yet... So... I don't know if they stop making this kind of character... Well... Tell me if you know anything and why they can see the future or why people with red eyes are missing in Ssum (maybe because of Zen exists already in same universe)
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