#shes tied to a chair so she wont run outside
hqmillioncorn · 2 months
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Coco! Coco! Help me Cocoooooooooo
As Pancake settled into her tent she noticed that Cherrypit was sitting down on the ground, chewing on a singed branch. "Cherry? I thought you said you wanted to sleep in Coco's tent" That's what Pancake could remember hearing him say anyway. Cherrypit laughed. "I am!" He helpfully explained. "Wha-?" Before Pancake could ask him what he meant she heard Coco scream. She poked her head out of the tent just in time to see him run out of his own tent, followed by another Cherrypit with a scary face on. "H-Huh...?"
Lalapril 4/13 Blazing with coco cocoda and @windupnamazu 's Pancake (and also coco cocoda)
Cherrypit opened the front door of the mansion and stumbled his way outside. In his hands he was carrying a big bag of marshmallows, something that Babycorn had told him was crucial for tonight.
It was a little dark out but Cherrypit wasn’t scared because he was gonna be in the dark with his friends. 
He took a small step forward and called out for his friend. “Coconuts! Panka!” With the bag of marshmallows covering his view it was hard to see anything that wasn’t a marshmallow. 
Before he knew it, the marshmallows were lifted up into the air and away from him. “I got it! Thanks Cherry!” Pancake smiled at him and led him over to where she and Coco were putting up their tents for the night. 
“Are you excited to go camping, Cherry?” 
Cherrypit looked up and nodded really fast. “Yeah! Yeah! I’m ex-pited!”
It had only been a few days ago when Pancake learned she would be camping outside with Coco tonight. Cherrypit had also been invited along, or more accurately he had invited himself after he heard Pancake ask Butter about going camping again, grabbing onto Pancake’s arm and joining her in asking Butter to let her sleep outside.
There was no way Butter could resist both Pancake and Cherrypit staring at him with such sad little eyes. And Babycorn couldn’t even be counted as a contender. 
With the permission to go camping secured they just needed someone to chaperone them. When the idea of Coco taking Pancake and Cherrypit camping was first being tossed around, he assured both older siblings that he was an expert at this sort of stuff. 
“I’ve read the official Onion Knights guide cover to cover more times than I can count!” Had been Coco’s exact words. It was a pretty hefty book too. At least, that’s what both Butter and Babycorn imagined. 
Both Babycorn and Butter nodded their heads at all the different things Coco listed off that he had done. From learning to tie knots, learning how to make a campfire and sleeping outside in tents. It sounded really exciting and exactly what Pancake had been asking for weeks now.
The only question was how did she find out Coco had even done this stuff in the first place? 
A question for another day probably.
The only real obstacle to overcome now was the tiny little problem that Babycorn and Cherrypit had where they couldn’t really go anywhere without the other. A problem that was quickly solved when Butter suggested that they could go camping nearby.
Which ended up being the front lawn of the mansion.
Neither Pancake or Cherrypit were disappointed with that. The two of them couldn’t have been more excited about it. 
Tonight was finally the night. Pancake couldn’t stop talking about it since morning.
When Pancake walked back to the tents with Cherrypit she noticed that Coco was gone. “Huh? Where did he go?” She looked around everywhere for any sign of his fluffy little head but he was nowhere to be seen. “...Do you think a Spriggan ate him?” 
“Bahbah!” Cherrypit helpfully added.
“You’re right he would probably be too fuzzy to eat.”
As Pancake started to wonder if the bird she had seen circling the house was a seagull or not she noticed something moving underneath the tent. “Woah! What the-!?” She took a step back and made sure to get in front of Cherrypit to keep him safe. That didn’t do much to deter Cherrypit from jumping into action. 
Pancake barely even noticed Cherrypit running under her arm and right towards the tent.
“Cherry wait!” 
Cherrypit happily babbled as he pulled the tent away and revealed what it was exactly that had been under the suspiciously shaped Coco Cocoda lump.
Unsurprisingly it was indeed Coco. “Uwah!!” Coco uwah’ed in shock. He was convinced that he was going to be trapped inside of the tent for the rest of his life. “Oh hi guys!” Coco waved at Pancake and Cherrypit, then he jumped to his feet and placed his hands on his hips. “Glad you could join us tonight Cherry!” 
Pancake couldn’t help but think that Coco sounded pretty confident for some guy who had just a few seconds ago been trapped inside of an unmade tent. 
“I told you! It’s part of the process!” Coco insisted. 
Cherrypit paid Coco no mind as he grabbed a fistful of tent and began chewing on it. 
Taking things out of Cherrypit’s (and babycorn’s) mouth was pretty much second nature now to everyone who spent a lot of time with them. So Coco pulled the tent out of Cherrypit’s mouth as he continued to explain why the tent still wasn’t set up. “I accidentally dropped something I needed for the tent and I’ve been looking for it. No sign of it yet though.” He’d be looking for it ever since Pancake went to go fetch Cherrypit. 
“Ooohh.”  Pancake stared down at the ground to help Coco look for whatever it was he was looking for.
Completely on a whim Pancake decided to take a closer look at Coco. That’s when she noticed a strange object sticking out of his hair. “Hey what’s that in your hair?!” Pancake suddenly shouted.
“Wahuh?” Coco gasped and ruffled around his hair. Until he found the very thing he was looking for. To Pancake it just looked like some sort of weird stick, unsure what it was for. 
Coco beamed, “Yeah that’s it! Thank you!” 
“You’re welcome! Yay!” Pancake was just happy to help.
As Coco began to demonstrate how to set the tent up, Pancake noticed something. Coco was wearing all sorts of funny buttons on his shirt. “Wooaaahh! What’s that?” Pancake pointed right at them, “Are they really fancy buttons? Where’d you find them? Did you buy them somewhere?” It was so odd, some of them had really cool pictures on them and there were so many of them.
“Oh!” Coco was stopped mid explanation but he didn’t mind. “These are my merit badges!” 
“Wow…What’s that?” Pancake asked.
As Coco picked out some grass from Cherrypit’s mouth he continued to explain. “They’re like special pins that you get from doing something really cool!” His eyes sparkled with glee, a sharp contrast to how his eyes usually looked. Which was more like a crying cat. 
“Neat!” Pancake pointed at a badge with a lightning bolt on it. “What’s this one for?” Maybe it was for running really fast. Like-quick as a lightning flash kind of thing?
Coco scoffed, “That one was for surviving a thunderstorm.”
“Huh?” That sounded kind of cool but not really that much of a feat. She had technically done that too but from inside her house. She pointed at another badge with a bee on it. “What about this one?” Maybe that one was for beekeeping? 
“That one’s for stepping on a bee!”
“Is that so…?” That last one didn’t sound cool at all. It sounded like something that people would make fun of him for years after the fact. Definitely not badge worthy. “What’s this one?” Pancake asked. They did say that the third time was the charm.
“I got this one for surviving sinking in quicksand!” Coco looked particularly proud of that one. 
“I see.” While that one did sound a little impressive there was still the fact that Coco had walked into quicksand in the first place. “These sound...Really specific.” 
“Well yeah they’re for really specific things!” 
“Is there a Being an adorable girl named Pancake badge?” 
“They’re not that specific.”
Pancake rolled her eyes, if that was the case why have them be specific if they’re not too specific? She took another look at the badges and pointed at yet another one. This one had a picture of a bear on it. It looked really cute, not as cute as her stuffed animals of course but still cute.
“Well there was this time that a bear rampaged through our tents and...” 
“A bear?! Are we going to get to fight a bear?!” Pancake shouted in disbelief. This was the one badge that actually sounded cool. “Did you get it cause you fought the bear!?”
Cherrypit looked at Pancake in surprise and then at Coco, with his eyes shimmering in anticipation. “Bear? We fight a bear?” He had a big teddy bear at home so if he got to meet the real thing that would be really exciting! 
“No, no!” Coco waved his hands in a panic in front of him. “I got it because I managed to make sure the bear didn’t eat our lunches!”
“Oooh…” Not as cool as she thought. Pancake turned away from Coco with a smirk and whispered to Cherrypit. “Is there one for being a big sucker in love without knowing it?” She giggled to herself, while Cherrypit was really confused about Pancake’s gossip. 
“What was that?” Coco asked, trying to hoist up the tent.
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Eventually the tent had been pitched and the snacks had been gathered around them. Cherrypit had wasted no time and had opened the bag of marshmallows as quickly as he could. He took a handful of them and happily ate them in one big bite. 
“Don’t eat too many Cherry.” Coco gently warned him, “If you eat them all we won’t have any left over for roasting them by the campfire!” 
Cherrypit immediately understood what Coco was talking about. He nodded and spit out the marshmallows he had eaten, they were completely intact. “Here! Marshmallow!” He handed them over to Coco for safekeeping. 
“I…” Coco grabbed one of the handy tins he had grabbed from the kitchen and held it under the marshmallows, “Just drop them in here. Okay?” Cherrypit did exactly what Coco said to do and laughed as the marshmallows fell into the bowl. They reminded him of eyeballs, just like grapes did. 
Pancake sneakily took the bag of marshmallows away from Cherrypit just in case that he forgot he wasn’t supposed to eat them yet. “How are we supposed to roast marshmallows if we don’t have a fire?” There was a pile of logs in front of them but they were very distinctly not on fire. 
Coco was ready for that too. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do next!” Behind Coco's back appeared a pair of sticks and what looked like a rock. “We’re going to learn how to start a campfire-!”
“Yaaaaay!!” Cherrypit cheered. He looooooooooooved fire! It was so fun to start and to play with!
“-Without magic!” Coco happily picked up a pair of sticks and wiggled them around.
Cherrypit instantly set his arms down with a pout. 
Pancake gave Cherrypit a sympathetic pat on the head. “There, there. It's gonna be a lot of fun!” She was trying her best to cheer Cherrypit up but she’d be lying if it wasn’t cute the way he was crossing his arms and trying to look really mad.
Pancake couldn’t help give a little snort of laughter when Cherrypit stuck his tongue at Coco. 
Coco was turned around so he couldn’t see what Cherrypit was doing. 
“Don’t worry I’ve started a fire like this before so this’ll be quick!” Coco smiled and got to work on trying to figure out how to start a fire from the things he had brought with him. Cherrypit still thought starting a fire with magic would be easier and funner than this. 
The aura of pure confidence coming off of Coco was unnerving Pancake a little, but she kept that thought to herself. When minutes upon minutes went by of Coco still trying to light a fire she was starting to feel bad for him. “Are you sure you can do it?” She asked. 
“O-Of course!” Now Coco ‘s eyes were the familiar watery looking that Pancake was used to. He pointed to another badge on his shirt. “See? You can see I got the merit badge for starting a fire so I'm not lying I promise. :(” 
“Heh. Must have started it with your eyes closed…” Pancake mumbled. 
“What was that?”
Another save for Pancake.  
As time marched on without any sign of a fire Pancake was getting kind of bored. As she stopped Cherrypit from eating grass for the umpteenth time she had a thought. “Hey. Can I try lighting the campfire?” Tossing the grass in her hand aside she scooted over closer to Coco.
Coco was very tired at this point so he was more than willing to let someone else try. “Sure…Go ahead!” He handed Pancake the sticks and collapsed onto the ground next to her. Cherrypit was quick to climb on his back and pat him like he was a small horse. 
Coco opened up only one of his eyes, watching Pancake closely. Thinking he was soooo cool for sneaky plan of his.
“Okay!” Pancake concentrated and tried to remember the movements that Coco had been doing earlier. While she may have been bored out of her mind during Coco’s efforts it's not like she wasn’t paying attention. Pancake took the sticks in both hands and copied Coco’s movements closely. For a few seconds it looked like she was going to have to have the same results as Coco did but that’s when they all saw it. 
A spark, and then some smoke. “Ah! I did it! I’m doing it!” Pancake cheered. 
“You’re doing it!” Coco cheered alongside her as he adjusted the sticks on the pile. From a relatively safe distance He knew from the start this awesome and amazing and well thought out plan of his would work.
Sitting next to him, Cherrypit happily clapped along. The fire could be a lot bigger but Pancake had still made it happen all by herself, she was more than happy, she was elated. 
Cherrypit clapped for Pancake and ran around her, cheering for her, “Panka! Panka! Yaaaay! Panka!” He thought Pancake learned to do fire magic too! Just like him! 
Cherrypit was so excited about the fire and how they could roast marshmallows now that he ran over, grabbed the bag of marshmallows and threw the entire thing in the fire. 
“Waaahahahaha!!!” Cherrypit cheered as the marshmallows burst into flames.
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gyupinkys · 11 months
Use you
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Hoshi x reader ft. txt
Soonyoung doesn't play around when it comes to his girl. Despite you being able to fend for yourself, he can't help but worry when you turn up missing. You on the other hand, you're having the time of your life putting a bratty Soobin and his friends in their place.
WARNINGS: MURDER, GORE, TORTURE, guns, knives, switch reader, dom hoshi, impact play, degradation, masturbation, some mxm, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, voyerism, exhobitionism, mommy and daddy kink bondage, and more. I kinda went a little ham.
Hoshi’s knuckles are really starting to hurt. He’s not the muscle man so why is he the one torturing this man for information? 
“Where is she?”
“You’re never getting your bitch back.” the man tied to the chair says with a bloody smile. 
Soonyoung likes to think he’s a calm man. He always tries to keep his head steady, he tries to think things through, but right now all he can see is red. This fucking low life thinks he can disrespect you and it’s wont become an issue?
“That bitch huh?” Hoshi says with a smile; turning around to pick up his favorite, sharpest knife. You gifted this to him two years ago after you stabbed him in the leg for flirting with a girl at the club. The knife is beautiful, matte black blade with gold detailing and across the handle is his name engraved. You were so excited to give it to him only to see a girl's hand on his chest and his hands on her hips. You knew he was trying to rile you up, make you take him to the nearest bathroom and fuck him like he’s yours, but little did he know he had another thing coming. You and Hoshi have an open relationship, you both know you wouldnt work well tied down. Hoshi don’t mind you being with other people, frankly he think it’s kind of hot knowing you fuck other people but at the end of the day your his and you’ll do anything for him.  God, just remebering that night is making him hard but he needs to focus on the fucker who has the nerve to take you from him. 
Hoshi runs the knife across the cheeks, carving a smile into his face. “You know I've always wanted to do this to someone, joker style.” The man groans in pain and spits blood onto Hoshi's face. Without hesitation hoshi cuts the man's pointer finger clean off, making him scream.  
“You have nine more opportunities to tell me where she is.”
“Last I saw her she was gagging on my cock.”
“OK. You’re done.”
He shoves his knife straight into the mans throat making him gag and choke on his own blood.
“Gag on that bitch.”
Hoshi leaves the room frustrated. None of these guys give up any information and it’s already been two days since you were taken.
“Hosh, if you keep killing them you won’t get any information.” Jun sighs from outside. 
 “He doesn't know shit he’s just tryna piss me off.”
“Take a breath man, you know she can fend for herself.”
“You know I can see why Karina won’t fuck you, you punch like a bitch.” you say as you spit blood out of your mouth. That's a complete lie, well not the Seulgi part but he absolutely does not punch like a bitch. Your head is throbbing after only one punch.
“Shut it Y/N, I really don’t want to hurt you.” Yeonjun spits.
“What is your goal here? All you're gonna do is piss off everyone and Hoshi will make sure to kill you.”
“You know how much respect I’ll get for being the one to take one of SVT’s girls? Make her mine? That's the biggest slap in the face to any man.” 
“You're so cute Soobin, but that’s not happening. You got the right idea, but the wrong bitch.”
“And what’s little old you gonna do?” he says with a smile.
“You really don’t know who you're messing with.”
“I’m so scared," he said sarcastically and turned to leave the room. Before the door closed you hear him sadly say to someone outside “Yeonjun, do i really punch like a girl?” 
This makes you chuckle to yourself. You feel bad for the poor kid. He’s trying to make a name for himself but this isn't the right way to do it.  Slipping your hands out of the poorly tied ropes you stand up and stretch your legs. These guys are clearly new to the game, they only tied your arms together which is a rookie mistake. They also didnt search you which is even more of a mistake.  You don’t think they’re stupid enough to leave the door unlocked, but you try it anyway and low and behold it's unlocked.You pick up a gun from the tool table and sigh feeling even more sorry for them, this is very pathetic. 
You walk outside to see this is an empty warehouse. You’d think they’d have someone guarding the door but you walk right out. You hear commotion coming from a side room and you peek inside seeing five guys arguing over a game. You decide to mess with them, walking in and taking a seat next to Soobin.
“What are we playing?”
They all look at you with wide eyes. “Beomgyu! I thought you said you tied her up!”
“I did, I don't know how she got out.” 
“Guys, you really need to figure your shit out.” you sigh.
“Why are you all sitting there go get her!”
Beomgyu jumps up and tries to grab you but you hit him across the face with your gun making everyone stop. They all put their hands up and you tell them sit down. 
“Guys, I really don’t want to kill you ok! You seem like nice dudes but this is not the way to make a name for yourselves. You can’t be a puppy and try to attack an elephant or some shit. Start small.” 
“I told you we shouldn't do this.” the blue haired one says.
“Taehyun this is not the time for “I told you so” “
“Can you not tell them it was us, I really don’t want to die.” the tall black haired one whimpers.
“Aren’t you so cute, what's your name?”
“Kai, I can’t let you guys go without punishment.” you pout.
“Pleaseeee” he says giving you a finger heart.
“God, you guys are so cute.” you say with a smile. 
“Stop calling us cute. I don’t know why we're even listening to you, bitch.”
“Soobin. Do you know that I kill people for a living?” you say as you approach him.
“So trust me when I say I’m not scared of five little boys who think they have the balls to be in the mafia.”
“I think you’re underestimating us,” he says as he looks down on you.
“Do your best, love.”
He goes to throw a punch at you which you quickly dodge and grab his wrist, twisting it until it snaps.
“Oooh thats gotta hurt.” you mock in false sympathy as he drops to floor clutching his hand.
“I’m sorry baby, here let me fix it for you.” you grab his wrist and pull it, making him whine in pain. “Are you going to behave Soobin?” 
“Yes, yes please just fix it” he whimpers.
You snap his wrist back in place making it instantly stop hurting, hearing him sigh out a breath of relief. “Go sit back down and shut up.” He stands up and sits on the couch, furthest away from you.
“Kai, sweetie, come here.”
He sheepishly stands up and walks over to you with his head hanging. You put your hand on his chin and raise his head to make him look you in the eye. 
“Give me your phone kai.”
“You promise not to get us killed?” he pouts.
“Yes, sweetie, I pinky promise.”
He gives you his phone and you call Hoshi.
“Babe, I need you to come here. Track the address and come by yourself you won’t need any backup.”
“Y/N what's going on? Why would I come by myself?”
“Soonie, I have everything under control, I promise just come.” 
“Hoshi, just come here jeez.”
“Ok babe I’ll be there.”
You hand your phone back to Kai and smile at him. “Can you get me some rope, Kai.” you say and drag your fingers up his arm making him blush.
“Kai, don’t.” Taehyun says.
“Go get it for me baby” you say and walk over to Beomgyu grabbing his hair. 
“I’m sorry about this by the way.” you say and softly touch his face making him flinch.  
“I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
“How? I’ll make you feel really good love, I promise.”
Kai comes back with the rope and you tie them up one by one with little complaints. You make sure to be careful with Soobins wrist, not wanting to hurt him more. You tell them to go sit in the corner and be quiet making taehyun stay on the couch. 
“Gyu, why did you want to hurt me?” you say caressing his face.
You see his eyes dilate in real time. “Oh you’re enjoying this?”
You straddle him and he groans, his hips bucking up into you. 
“What do you want me to do to you Gyu?”
He groans and you feel him throb under you. “Whatever you want Y/N.” 
“Whatever I want?” you say with a malicious smile.
“Well, I think I’m gonna punish you. Do you think you deserve a punishment?” 
“I’m glad you agree.” You unbutton his pants and pull his boxers down, pulling him out. He’s much bigger than you anticipated, his dick was almost completely hard and throbbing. You spit directly on his tip and make his moan out, pulling at his restraints. You climb off him and round the couch so you're both facing the boys, draping your hands over his shoulders and beginning to stroke him. The other boys are staring hard at the two of you, all with dents in their pants. Yeonjun is biting his plump lips with furrowed eyebrows and Kai has the cutest blush on his face.
“Gyu, you feel so good in my hands. So big and thick you would stretch me out so nicely.”
“God, I wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Only good boys get to fuck me baby.” you speed up your pace and tighten your grip making him buck his hips wildly. His moans fill up the warehouse and the other boys start shifting around trying to loosen the ropes.
“Yeonjun come here and rub Gyu for me and if he cums I won't let you cum.”
He groans but gets up and you re-tie his restraints so his hands are in front of his body.
He spits in his hands and strokes Beomgyu watching you walk up to Soobin.
“I don’t think you deserve anything. You’ve been so bad to me soobin.” you say as you rub him through his pants.
“I’m sorry, please, please, please.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so.” you say and turn to Taehyun who's looking at you with wide eyes.
“Taehyun come with me.” You sit on the couch and spread your legs. You pull down your pants and pull his face into your clothed core and he starts lapping at you. He rubs his face back and forth into you, his nose bumping your clit.
“Take my panties off honey.”
He pulls your underwear band with his teeth and lets it snap back on your skin. You smile at him and pick up the gun next to you pointing it at his head. 
“Don't play games honey.”
He immediately pulls your panties down and dives in. He sucks and licks, devouring you. You look over to Beomgyu and Yeonjun seeing both staring straight at your pussy; soobin and Kai doing the same.  You run your hands through Beomgyus' hair, stroking his scalp. 
“You wanna cum so bad don’t you?”
“Yes, please let me cum Y/N, I’m so sorry”  
Seeing him look so helpless and pathetic makes you want to get up and fuck him but thats not what this is about. This is a punishment. 
“Yeonjun stop.” They both groan but Yeonjun stops stroking him. 
“I want you to switch. Gyu, you stroke junnie nice and slow for me ok?”
“Ok” he says, taking a deep breath.
You pull Taehyun deeper into you and he sticks his tongue into you, thrusting in and out. 
“Just like that honey, I want you to make me cum just like this.”
He moans into you,the vibration pulling you closer to the edge. You look up straight into Soobins eyes, giving him a smirk. 
“Don’t you just wish you behaved?”
He hangs his head and doesn’t answer you. 
Taehyun sucks hard on your clit and you’re thrown over the edge, moaning loudly making everyone groan. You pull Taehyun’s head back and catch your breath. You call Kai over and push Taehyun to the side. They don’t get to cum. “You three go back and sit by Soobin. Kai, sweety, take a seat for me Ok?”
 “My only good boy hmm?”
“Yes, who?” you say as you unbuckle his belt.
“Yes, mommy.” 
“There we go baby.”
You pull him out and lick a long stripe up his shaft. He whimpers and bucks his hips into your mouth.
“I’m sorry mommy, I couldn’t help it.”
“It’s ok sweet boy.” you say and take his whole length in your mouth. Hoshi’s trained you to take his whole cock in one go, since Kai is slightly smaller it’s not an issue for you. You use your hand to rub his dick as you suck on his tip. You keep sucking until he’s whimpering and on the verge of tears.
“Baby?” you hear Hoshi’s voice echo through the warehouse.
“Perfect” you whisper and pull off Kai with a pop.
You walk outside to see a very apprehensive Hoshi looking around. 
“Hi, baby” you smile and give him a sweet smile.
“Why is there blood on your face? I’m gonna kill these motherfuckers.” 
“Soonyoung, calm down. I’m already punishing them come look.”
You pull Hoshi into the room and he see’s five boys all with their hard dicks out looking humiliated. 
“So you’re the punks that took my girl?”
They all hang their heads in shame. 
“What a pathetic scene.” he says as he walks further into the room.
“Baby, you should've just killed them, because if you don’t I will.”
“Soonie dont kill them. They're just trying to make a name for themselves.”
“They're not doing shit, especially not using my girl.”
“We already used your girl. Quite the slut you’ve got on your hands.” Soobin says with a smile.
You immediately run in front of Hoshi, knowing he was two seconds from killing Soobin. 
“He’s just a kid babe, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Why are you defending him?”
“I feel sorry for him.”
He gives you a dark look.
“Y/N, get on your knees.”
You immediately listen and drop to your knees looking up at him. He looks at Soobin, “I’ll show you how to really use a slut like her.”
You unzip his pants and pull out his cock spitting in your hand. Hoshi likes it beyond messy, he likes to see tears run down your face while you’re struggling to breathe. He pushes you all the way down his shaft, your nose on his pelvis. He starts to fuck your throat like he would your pussy. Your throat burns and you can’t breathe,your eyes start to flutter. He pulls out and slaps you, pulling your hair. 
“You can’t go two days without some dick? You resort to playing with punks like this”
“I’m sorry daddy. Maybe if you found me sooner I wouldn’t need to” you say with a smile. 
The five boys' eyes widen at you calling him daddy. Big bad dom Y/N is suddenly calling Hoshi daddy?
You’ve really riled Hoshi up now, he pulls you up and throws you over the couch so you're facing the boys.
“Watch real good, I’ll show you how to put those pathetic dicks to use.” he says as he slides in, not giving you time to adjust as he starts ruthlessly thrusting into you. He gathers your hair into his hands and pulls your head up so you have to look at all the boys. 
“Tell them how it feels baby.”
“It feels so good daddy, don’t stop.”
His thrust somehow deepens and gets harder, your whole body shaking. 
“Daddy, can I cum?”
“No, you don’t deserve it baby. You barely deserve me fucking you.”
“Daddy, please I need it so bad.”
He puts your leg up on the couch and thrust impossibly deep, hitting your g spot everytime making you groan.
“Shit this pussy is always so nice and tight. I bet you wish you could feel, huh Soobin?” hoshi taunts.
“Fuck you” Soobin spits making hoshi laugh.
He feels you squeezing the life out of him, a clear sign you're about to cum. “Don’t you think about it baby.” he says, making you groan as he pulls out. He pushes you to your knees and cums on your face with  a groan. 
You look up at him with his cum covering your face and smiles. “So pretty like this, baby.” making you smile along with him.
He pulls his pants up and walks over to the boys bending down to Soobin. “Don’t think about trying some shit like this again. I’m not as nice as my dear Y/n, I’ll fucking kill your bitchass.”
“Let's go baby.”
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Maybe Gideon interacting with a child/teen reader. Maybe one of the other BAU team members kid??
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Jason Gideon X Niece Child Reader
Request: Maybe Gideon interacting with a child/teen reader. Maybe one of the other BAU team members kid??
I need to write more Gideon oneshots.
Third person pov...
The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the slight smell of charcoal and hamburger wafted through the air. It was a beautiful day for a BBQ at Gideon's house. It was a normal Saturday for the team and for once they actually get to enjoy their Saturday
Before the team left for home Gideon invited them and their family round for a BBQ, which surprised the team, but they all agreed.
Currently it was 11am and Gideons niece Y/N was getting ready, the kid was nervous about meeting the team as she hadn't before. The H/C girl was done with her hair and ran downstairs where her uncle was setting up the barbeque.
As she came out she ran over to her uncle. "Uncle I'm ready are they here yet!" She exclaimed making the man jump, he looked behind him and smiles at his energetic niece.
Usually she is on the quiet side but this bargeque is making her excited. "Don't worry Y/N they will ve her every soon, why don't you get some games out ti play with Jack and Henry" he suggests.
Y/Ns smiles grows even wider. "Oh yes I should do that" she said before running to the shed and getting out some games to play.
After that she helped her Uncle bring out the many chairs they need for everyone to sit outside and enjoy the sun.
Each member was bringing something, Derek and Penelope are bringing drinks for both adults and kids, Hotch and his wife Haley were bringing snacks and foodie stuff, Spencer and Emily were bringing games for the kids and anyone else to play.
Finally, JJ and Will were bringing the burgers, hotdogs and other food to be grilled so they wont run out, Henry and Jack are also coming so Y/N has kids her age to play with.
Once the clock hit 11.30am the door bell rang, Y/N jumps over to her Uncle who heard the bell and was walking back inside. "They're here they're here!" Exclaims the young girl.
Gideon laughs as he opens the door, Y/N then goes quiet and hides behind her Uncle. "Hey Gideon!" Exclaimed Derek as he walked in holding drinks for the adults.
Behind him came Penelope woth drinks for the kids "Hello sir" she says politely before running after Derek, next came JJ and Will woth Henry. JJ had the burgers and Will was holding the hot dig buns and other bits. "Thank you for inviting us" Says the Southern man walking after his wife.
After them came Spencer and Emily, "We've got games!" Exclaims the black haired woman making Henry and Penelope cheer, Spencer shook his head and set the game she bought down.
Lastly Hotch and his Wife walk in, Jack runs in and up to Henry the too boys begin talking fast. Hotch was holding snacks for everyone, as was Haley.
Once the food was put down and everyone had a drink and a place to sit, Gideon introduced them to his niece. "Everybody, this is my niece, Y/N” Gideon said, pulling the girl out from behind his legs, She was shy and timid, but the team welcomed her with open arms.
The team members all smiled and welcomed her to the gathering. Y/N seemed a bit shy, but the team was friendly and she eventually came out of her shell.
Y/N was as an only child, so she was delighted to have such a large group of people over to her uncle's house. She watched as the team ate, laughed, and talked. She was amazed by how everyone seemed to get along so well, like a family.
Throughout the day, Y/N hung around the team, listening to their stories and asking them questions.
She was especially interested in how the BAU team solved their cases. Of course her Uncle had told he rmany of them but was happy to hear them from everyone else.
As the team enjoyed their BBQ and getting to know Y/N, Hotch and JJ brought over their sons to meet Y/N, Henry and Jack instantly ran up to Y/N and they all quickly became friends.
The H/C girl lit up when she was playing with Hotch and JJ’s kids, they decided to play football, Y/N was pretty good she was always a quick runner.
The team laughed and talked as they watched the children play. This was more than just a BBQ now; it was a family gathering. Everyone was happy to have a chance to meet Gideon’s niece and relax for the day which no cases.
The sun eventually began to set and it was time for everybody to go home. One by one, the BAU team members said their goodbyes and took their leave. But before leaving, Gideon smiled and told Y/N that they would stay in touch and they would have another gathering soon.
The BAU team left Gideon’s house feeling content and special. They had all enjoyed their BBQ and meeting Y/N.
Before leaving Jack and Henry surprised their parents by hugging Y/N goodbye, each member had taken many pictures throughout the day to remember how much fun they had.
The team left with smiles on their faces. this BBQ was definitely one to remember, after clearing up Y/N was getting ready for bed when her Uncle knocked.
"Come in!" She exclaimed jumping onto her bed, Gideon walked in a smile on his usually neutral face. "Did you have fun today Y/N?" He asks her already knowing the answer.
The little girl grinned up at him. "Yes definitely the best fun I ever had Uncle" she says, Gideon then tucks her into bed.
"I'm glad, good night sparrow" he says kissing her forehead ans turning out the light. "Good night Uncle" Says Y/N before closing her eyes ans falling asleep.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot as usual so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Request are open!
Wors count: 1042
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I'm simping hard for Mason and Bailey, so could we get mutual non-con with them? Also maybe with the person forcing the non-con degrading m!Mason and or m!Bailey about forcing them breed f!pc?
Like maybe Leighton wants to watch the hot swim teacher pipe that pretty little thing that wont let him photograph their gentiles, so he threatens Mason's job if they dont fuck in the locker room so he can watch. He knows pc is Mason's favorite, that Mason might actually have caught feelings. He's seen them hanging out outside school.
Or for Bailey, it could be that someone was pissed they couldn't buy you since you were paying your dues, or maybe Bailey just didn't like their vibe. They hold pc and their pissed off caretaker at gun point and make them screw. Bonus on the forced breeding kink, since bailey def doesnt want kids, and I cant imagine any PC wanting to put another kid in his care.
Sorry for the long ask 😅 Your writing is so good and you capture the characters so, so well. It really gets my imagination going.
Dear gods anon this haunted me from the moment I read it you're so smart I love you.
NSFW below (tw for noncon, loss of virginity)
Waking up tied to a chair and gagged isn't exactly how Bailey wants to start his weekend, but here he is.
It had been a simple task. Drop off some money at Quinn's office. That's all.
So when he'd been hit over the head and knocked out, it had been rather unexpected.
He can see a man in a tailored suit looking at him and he immediately recognises who it is.
The guy was with that drug gang Bailey had seen to a couple months ago. Saving you from them, his favourite pretty brat.
Trust you to get in drug trouble over a fucking maths competition.
"You're awake. Good. We can talk about how you owe me," the man says. Yeah cause Bailey could do a lot of talking right now.
The door opens, two henchmen dragging in a girl with a bag over her head.
Bailey knows it's you, can recognise your voice as you whimper in fear.
Someone that had been standing behind Bailey's chair comes forward and starts to pull the caretaker's pants down. He can't fight back, tensing his arms to check how tight the bindings are.
The person covers their hands in some weird clear slime they then proceed to rub on his freed cock. It's cold and tingles.
"This one's your most requested right? Always pays her debts though. It's cause she's a virgin isn't it?" The boss questions as whatever that salve was kicks in, stimulating Bailey till he's hard as a rock.
The bag is ripped from your head, your eyes scrunching up at the light. You look so scared and helpless.
"Well you're about to drive her value right down with your own cock, mate," the boss nods to his men and you're brought forwards, skirt of your school uniform ripped up and pantes cut off with a knife.
You start sobbing and begging as you're picked up and your pussy is angled so that they can push you onto Bailey's cock.
Bailey is still. Staring straight ahead, trying not to let the rage he feels show.
He shudders as your body is pushed onto his cock, having to admit its a nice tight fit. God you would have been worth so much.
You scream, pain from being taken for the first time with so little preparation adding to the stress of the whole situation.
The henchmen holding you lift and drop you onto your caretaker's length at a steady pace. You feel no pleasure in the situation, just deep sorrow and an itching need to run.
But you can only whine out "I'm sorry," to Bailey, unable to look at him in the eyes.
It feels good. You feel good - you feel wonderful and Bailey can't help it when his balls start to feel tighter.
Can't help it when a tingle grows up his spine.
Can't help his hips jolting up the tiniest bit to meet you, needing more friction so he can cum.
"Oh and one last thing. We injected the girl with some hormone treatment to make her more likely to get pregnant. Good luck selling a used up whore then," the boss finally interjects, but its too late.
Oh fuck no.
Bailey is already on the verge as the man speaks, ejaculated deep inside your pussy since the henchmen so kindly push you down when they notice his body spasm.
The men let you go, your arms coming to wrap around Bailey's shoulders as you cry into his neck.
"A few more rounds, I think. Let's get our money's worth," it's only now Bailey sees the camera pointed at the two of you.
"This time the girl will move herself," a gun is brought out and you wrap yourself tighter around Bailey's body, seeking comfort. You're still sat on his cock, that hasn't gotten soft even after his orgasm. Just what was that salve?
He's going to kill them when he gets out of this rope.
He can't belive he's doing this.
Can't believe he has your cunt in his mouth, tongue deep between the folds as he licks away.
He wishes it were under any other circumstances.
Leighton had always rubbed him the wrong way, but Mason loved swimming. Loved teaching, this was his perfect job.
And you were his perfect student.
So kind and understanding, so innocent compared to the horrors he dealt with most classes.
You'd been so shy when you'd caught him swimming naked, but had accepted it without judgement.
You had been lovely to talk to at the pond.
You clung to his hair so tightly as he ate you out, moans echoing through the locker room.
Leighton had threatened his job. Had told him he wanted a video of that good one getting ruined by a handsome man like Mason. Wanted to see the pretty thing impaled on his cock.
And it worked. The threat worked. But at least Mason was the one corrupting you, he reasoned. At least it was someone who genuinely cared for your wellbeing.
You were shaking like a leaf when he had explained the situation, looking between him and the headmaster, off the to the side holding a camera.
"If you don't do it, I'll send every university you apply to personal letters telling them what a whore you are," Leighton added, and you reluctantly let Mason strip your uniform and kiss up your thighs.
"She's wet enough," Leighton calls from behind the camera, admiting the flushed pink dusting your cheeks. Forced, yes, but your were enjoying this, weren't you? What a little harlot.
Mason frees his length from his swimming trunks, never having the chance to change from his last lesson.
Bending your legs up so they're pressed to your chest, he gently kisses your forehead.
"It's going to be okay," another kiss, "just breath nice and steady for me." It's the same soothing tone he used to teach you.
You take in a deep breath as Mason pushes himself in, inch by inch. Both of you try to ignore Leighton moving to get a better angle.
Soon enough, your teacher is balls deep inside of your virgin pussy, the two of you breathing raggedly while staring into each other's eyes.
You both look upset.
"Well fuck her then," the headmaster tuts, and Mason starts to thrust.
Your mouth falls open, an expression so lewd and lovely the teacher wishes he could have seen it in another situation.
Wishes he could have waited for your graduation and asked you out on a proper date.
Not lose himself in your cunt, on camera for the pervert blackmailing you both.
And he does lose himself, can't stop his hips from hammering away at the warm, tight, wet heat that sucks him in like it was made for him.
Mason can't last this long. He brings a hand to start rubbing circles around your clit, eliciting more moans and whimpers.
You're so pretty, so good for him.
"M-mason, sir," you yelp as he hits a nice spot, and his breath catches in his chest.
Leaning in, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing.
Your walls tighten around his shaft, signifying your end coming soon and Mason increases the pressure on your clit.
You milk his cock so perfectly he cums right when you do, filling you up to the brim with seed and aware it was spilling onto the bench below.
He can't bring himself to let you go when he's done, has to keep you covered until Leighton puts that camera away.
"Excellent. Now, try to get used to each other, I won't be satisfied with only one tape."
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 20
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 4714
Warnings:  smut (mff, bisexual threesome, bdsm, sub/domme, impact play, pain play, humiliation kink, lactation kink (mild) (lol i promise it wont be in every sex scene), queening, bondage, anal sex, vibrators, over stimulation, latex kink)
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there
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Chapter 20: Natasha’s Dungeon
Edwin and Clarke visited for two more weeks and in that time Eddie managed to get the communications between Asgard and Earth up and running properly.  We were all very glad about it.  While we had agreed that moving here was the best option we didn’t just want to sever all ties with home completely.  Plus it brought us that little bit closer to Eddie and his partners moving here as well.
We all enjoyed having them here.  Every dinner was a big family event and I spent as much time as I could with both Eddie and Clarke before they were to return home.  All in all the visit had been really good for me in particular.  I was feeling myself again and I was happy to be back.
There were tears when they left but I felt good knowing that it was easy for them to come when they wanted.  We all soon fell back into a regular rhythm of study, family, and our duties as royalty.  Of course, we all made time for fun too.  We wanted the kids to all feel like this was home, not just responsibility, and we knew for ourselves too, that we needed to take time to enjoy each other and the things we loved.
A couple of days after Clarke and Eddie had left Natasha had brought me a list of things she was willing to try out with me in the role of her submissive.  We went through the list and she explained what everything meant and how far she was willing to go with each one.  I crossed out the ones I didn’t like the sounds of, circled the ones that I really liked the sounds of, and if there was anything that I was interested in with amendments we adjusted them.  She then took the list away and didn’t bring it up for a couple of weeks. 
The next time she came to me I was just feeding the twins. It was just me, her, Sam, Tony, Clint, and the babies.  Steve, Bucky, and Wanda had taken Zak out to play in the garden, Marya was in class, and Bruce was at his very first council meeting with Thor.  “Elly,” she said, taking a seat next to me.  “I was thinking that if you wanted to come to my dungeon, today might be a good day.”
I looked up a little surprised.  “I definitely do, but…” I looked down at the suckling infants.
“I’d need about an hour to set up,” she said.  “So if I go now, they’ll just be going off to sleep by the time you’ll need to get ready.”
“An hour?” I asked, a little surprised.  “What do you have planned?”
“At least an hour.  Do you want me to go through it with you or have it be a surprise?”  Natasha asked.  “It will just be from the list we talked about.”
I thought it over.  Tony was tinkering with a small bot on the chair over from me and he looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“A surprise,” I decided.
Natasha looked over at Clint. “You up for a session, ptichka?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said.
“In about half an hour or so I want you to help Elly get ready.  Full face.  You need to be naked.  Elise, -” she looked at me again.  “I’d prefer you to be naked but if you want to keep your bra on, I won’t punish you for it.”  The stipulation was there because of the fact I was still breastfeeding and my breasts had a tendency to leak.  It could be embarrassing and while I knew it didn’t bother her, I still tended to feel self-conscious about it.
“Okay, Nat,” Clint said.
“I can do that.  What if it takes longer because of the babies?”  I asked.
“I won’t punish you for being late.  It’ll just give me more time to adjust.  But don’t dawdle,” she said and got up and kissed my temple.  “Sam, Tony, I might need help.”
“Alright, I’ll bite,” Tony said, getting up.
“How are your nails?”  Natasha asked.
“Like you have to ask,” Tony replied, showing her his perfectly manicured hands.
“Make sure both yours and Elly’s are done, too,” Natasha said to Clint, ruffling his hair as she passed him.
“Of course,” Clint said, bouncing a little in his seat.
When Natasha left the room Clint flopped back in the seat and kicked his legs in the air making a whoop of excitement.
“Sounds like you’re all going to have some fun,” Sam teased.  “You gonna come back to me with a very bruised ass, princess?”
“I sure hope so, Sammy,” I said.
Thour let go of my breast and made a soft cooing sound.  I looked down at her and lifted her a little.  “You finished?”  I asked.
Sam got up and took her from me.  “Come to papa, little one,” he said, holding her against his chest.  She cooed softly as she stared up adoringly at him and Icy jumped up from where he’s been eating and ran over. 
“Why does Nat need Tony’s nails to be cut?” I asked, Clint.  “Is he going to get her ready by - you know?”  I held up two fingers held together and twisted my wrist while I curled them toward me.
Clint snorted.  “No!  Oh my god, El!”
“Well, I can’t think what else they’d be doing that takes an hour,” I said.
“You’ll see,” Clint teased.  “And you better learn to be more patient than that or you’re gonna be in for some trouble.”
I huffed and sat back in my seat.  “Fine.”
Tony came in looking slightly damp and sat down.  “She told me to say you still have time, she needs to adjust.”
I looked at him curiously, and he smirked at me.  “You’re gonna love it, El.”
When Nova finished eating I put him down under the play gym where he smiled and began waving his hands around and Inky came running to play with him.
“You two can go if you want,” Sam said.  “We’ve got them.”
“You sure?”  I asked.  “What if they get hungry?”
“You literally just fed them,” Tony said.  “We can handle it.  We are their dads.”
“Come on, Elly,” Clint said, taking my hand.  “Let’s go have some fun.”
I let him lead me, not down but up.  The ‘dungeon’ was actually a large room in one of the towers.  We entered not into the dungeon itself, but a small entryway with a large set of wooden doors in front of us.  To the left and right were two smaller doors.  Clint immediately turned left and took me into what looked like a small dressing room - the kind you might find at a theatre.  There was a dressing table with lights all around a mirror though they were the soft golden, slightly magical kind of Asgard rather than the bright white electrical kind.  The table had makeup laid out on it along with brushes, combs, and a manicure set.  There was a wardrobe, though it seemed to only contain things that Clint might wear and all seemed to be of the ‘barely there’ variety.
“Take a seat,” Clint said.
I did as I was told and Clint came over and began brushing my hair out.  He didn’t Do a lot to style it but made sure it lay as smooth as it could down my back.  He then moved to my nails.  I already kept them short but he gave them a buff and made sure I didn’t have any hangnails or nicks.  Finally, he did my makeup.  He gave me a doe eye look and went heavy on the mascara and eyeliner and he went slightly heavier than I normally would with the blush on the apples of my cheeks.  Finally, he painted my lips a dark red that glistened slightly under the light.
“I think she’ll like that,” he said, standing back to admire his handiwork.  “When you’re ready you can take off your clothes.”
I got up and he took my seat and began working on his own eye makeup.  I had seen him in eye makeup from time to time, though he didn’t wear it much.  He looked good in it and I could see why Natasha would ask him to put it on.
I stripped down to my bra.  I didn’t feel particularly sexy in the large maternity bra with its breast pads in place, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to risk leaking all over myself either.
Clint seemed to sense my apprehension and turned to me.  “Just whatever you’re comfortable with,” he said.  “Us being naked isn’t about being sexy.  Though of course, you are.  It’s about her having power over us.  We’re vulnerable naked.  Exposed.  That works fine in that bra.  But if you want to take it off, that works too.  There’s something really sexy in humiliation play.  You know what it’s like.  When Nat or Steve or Sam call you a dirty slut and you know that they aren’t saying it as a bad thing.  You feel dirty and sexy all at once.  That’s good.  But being embarrassed isn’t.  There’s nothing good about that and it’s not what Nat wants.”
I nodded in understanding.  “It’s just such an ugly bra but if I leak all over myself…”
Clint moved up behind me and ghosted his fingers up my spine as he brought his lips to my ear.  “Then she’ll probably make me lick you clean, and trust me, princess - I want that.”
My skin broke out in goosebumps and my nipples hardened.  “Okay,” I said and unhooked my bra.
“If you decide you need it back on, just say orange.  Nat’ll ask you what you need.  You tell her that,” Clint said as he started to undress.  “You think you’re ready?”
I nodded.  “Hey, Clint?”
“Yeah?”  He said.
“I really fucking love you,” I said.
He grinned at me and pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear.  “And I really fucking love you too.  I’d kiss you, but Nat would punish us.  Which -” he looked over at the door and went back to undressing.  “Look, I’m going to attempt to be much better behaved than I normally am.  Or - not that I misbehave, but like Natasha said, I usually banter because that’s who I am.  But she won’t take it from you.  I’ll try and keep it in check, but just because I’m allowed to do something doesn’t mean you are.  We’re different people and she’s not going to treat us the same.  She’s gonna let you do things she won’t let me do too.  You get it?”
“Yeah I get it,” I said.
“When we go in there, kneel and look at the ground.  Don’t say anything or look anywhere else until Natasha says,” he said.  “Normally when we mess around with her she lets you brat her and plays along with it.  But that isn’t here.  She’s told you what she expects and punishment won’t be things you like.  It’ll be things like orgasm denial.”
“Gotcha,” I said, starting to wonder what I’d gotten myself into.
He laughed when he saw my face.  “You have your safewords, remember orange is one of them.  And … she wants you to enjoy it.  But the rules are, behave and if you’re good you’ll get your mind blown.  You have to behave or you can’t get to the headspace where that happens.”
“Okay, yeah,” I said, nodding firmly.  “I understand.”
He tossed his socks into the pile of clothes he’d been wearing.  “Shall we?”
“Let’s,” I agreed.
He led me into the main room.  It was large but not anywhere as big as our bedroom.  There was one stained glass window that sat up high on the far wall and let in soft gold and blue light.  Otherwise, the only other light came from candles around the room.  There were lots of drawers around the walls which I assumed must contain a lot of different devices.  At different points around the edge were also devices like a bench with shackles on it, an x-cross, chains hanging from the roof, and something that looked like a Sybian and may very well have been one that Natasha had brought here, but it was attached to a beam with places to shackle your hands and legs.
In the middle of the room was a large four-poster bed that had different cuffs and shackles all over it so we could be tied down.
Clint went and kneeled a little away from the bed and I kneeled beside him.  I’m not sure how long we kneeled for.  It was longer than ten minutes but while I’m sure it can’t have been by much, it felt like forever.  The floor was stone and my knees began to ache.  Neither Clint nor I moved, not even when we heard the door open and the click of Natasha’s heels on the hard floor.  She walked around behind us and the cool brush of something swished over my back.  I suppressed a shiver, not wanting to move at all.
“Look at both of you,” she praised as she moved to the bed and sat on the edge of it.  “So patient and well behaved.  I didn’t think either of you had it in you.”
I wasn’t sure if I should reply and when Clint didn’t, I didn’t either.  Natasha strummed her fingers on her leg, making a soft tapping noise.
“Elise,” she said.  “Come here.”
I knew if she wanted me to stand she would have said, so I crawled over to her, the cold stone biting into my knees.
“Good girl,” she said when I was kneeling in front of her.  She ran her finger along my jaw and tilted my head up to look at her.  She was wearing a black latex catsuit that was all one piece and covered her from neck to foot, her six-inch heels seemed to be part of the suit itself.  Only her hands and head were uncovered and her hair was pulled back severely from her face.  Her makeup was set perfectly with dark red lips and sharp winged eyeliner.  She looked sexy and powerful and she made my mouth water.
“Have you felt latex on someone before?”  She asked.
“No, Natalia,” I answered.
“Touch it,” she said.
I ran my hands up her thighs.  It was warm under my palms and felt like it had been sprayed directly onto her skin.  Almost like it was a second skin.  She hummed and licked her lips.  She watched me closely as I stroked my hands over the latex and picked up something from the bed.  She held it out for me to see.
“Do you know what this is?”  She asked.
In her hands was a black leather collar.  A silver metal arrow shape was attached to the front and hanging from that was a silver loop for attaching a leash.
“It’s a collar,” I said.
She turned it over for me to see the inside.  It had the words ‘Property of Natalia Romanova’ etched into the leather in red.  “This is Clint’s collar.  While Clint isn’t solely mine outside of this room, there’s always a part of him that is.  As there is a part that belongs to you and the others.  In here though, he belongs to me.  His body is mine.  His pleasure is mine.  His pain is mine.  I decide when he can move and when he can speak and sometimes even when he gets to breathe.  He surrenders himself completely to me and I am responsible for him.  Do you understand?”
“Yes, Natalia,” I said.
She ran her thumb over my lips and looked over at Clint.  “Clint.  Here.”  He quickly crawled over and kneeled beside me.  “Head up,” she said and when he complied she put the collar in place around his neck.
“I have one for you, Elise,” she said, picking a box up off the bed beside her.  The box was made of different kinds of wood and intricately carved with Celtic knotwork.  On the top of the box, the knotwork took the form of the world tree.  She snapped open the lid and showed me the collar inside.
It was completely different from Clints.  It was stiff metal - silver in color though I didn’t think it was made of silver - and seemed to have been formed by forging strips into intricate knotwork.  At the back of the collar was a lock and on the front a blood-red gemstone.  She put the box on the floor and kicked it back under the bed as she unlocked the collar and showed me the engraving on the inside.  ‘Property of Natalia Romanova’.
“Will you accept this, Elise?”  She asked.  “Surrender yourself to me in these walls.  Give yourself to me?  You don’t have to say yes.  We’ll play either way.”
“Yes, Natalia,” I said quickly.  “I accept.”
She placed the collar around my neck and locked it into place.  It was cool and heavy around my throat and I loved the feel of it.  “Beautiful,” she said.
She stood up and walked away from us both.  “Clint, bend over the bed.”
He quickly complied, resting his head on his closed hands.  Natasha laughed softly.  “You are being very good, ptichka.  Trying to lead by example?”
“Yes, Natalia,” Clint replied.  “I don’t want to teach her any bad habits.”
“Such a good boy,” she said, as she opened and closed a couple of drawers.  “I’m very proud of you.  If you keep it up, I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”
“Thank you, Natalia,” Clint said.
I could see him out of the side of my eye and he was trembling slightly.  Not from the cold or fear - but out of excitement.
Natasha returned to us.  “Stand up, Mishka.”
I did as I was told and Natasha handed me a buttplug.  It was lavender silicone and had a purple gem in the end. It looked a lot like the one I first used on him all those years ago when he told me he didn’t like plugs at all but soon changed his mind after I’d plugged him.  The main difference was it was a little bigger.
“Hold out your hand,” Natasha said. I offered her my hand palm up and she squeezed a small glob of lube into it.  “That’s all you get.  Plug him.”
The amount was barely enough to cover the toy, but I did my best.  I teased his asshole with my fingers, rubbing the last of the lube on my fingers into the tight hole, and then slowly began to ease the plug in.
Clint moaned and his hands tightened in the sheets.  When the plug was in place, Natasha nudged me out of the way and put a cock ring around the base of Clint’s cock and balls.
When she was happy with how Clint was prepared she took my hand and led me to where some chains hung from the ceiling.  She instructed me to hold out my hands again and attached a pair of leather cuffs to them.  “Now,” she said, hooking my wrists to the chain above my head so I could touch the ground, but only on tiptoes.  “Let’s see how my little mouse likes pain.  Elise, I expect you to tell me when it’s too much.  Even if you’re just questioning it.  I don’t want to push you tonight.”
“Yes, Natalia, I promise,” I said.  “I’ll use orange if I’m on the border.”
“Such a good girl,” she said.  She picked up a flogger and ran it over my hips and up my back, making my skin prickle.  She then brought it down on my ass.  It wasn’t hard but it did have a sharpness to it.  She went back to running it over me gently and then did it again, this time in a slightly different spot and a little harder.
“Clint,” she said.  “Here.”
He climbed off the bed and hurried over.  “On your knees,” she told him.  “Use your mouth on Elise.”
He dropped to his knees and he greedily sucked on my cunt.  Natasha started to rhythmically strike me with the flogger, getting harder and alternating between my ass, my thighs, and my back.  She was artful with each strike and soon a hot pain seared my back.  It blended with the pleasure Clint was sending rushing through me and I jerked against the chains, as I tried to escape both.
“Color, Elise?” Natasha asked as she lowered the flogger.
“Green still,” I said.  “I can keep going.”
“Mmmm something else, I think,” she said and went and put the flogger aside.  “Ptichka, bring the queening chair around so Elise can see it from here.  Then get in position.”
“Yes, Natalia,” he said, getting up and going to the other side of the room.
Natasha grabbed a small vibrator from one of the drawers and some tape.  When she returned she slid part of it into my dripping cunt and turned it on.  When she was happy that it was sitting how she wanted it on my clit she taped it into place.
“You’re going to watch Clint make me come,” she said to me, caressing my cheek.  “I would prefer you don’t come.  If you do, I will spank you.  One with a strap for each time you do, and then I will make you come until you safeword.  If you’re good, I’ll let you tell me what you want.”
“Yes, Natalia,” I moaned.  “I’ll try and be good.”
“I know, Mishka,” she said.  “You’re my sweet girl.”
She strode over to Clint and unzipped the crotch on her suit before lowering herself down on the seat, so her cunt was over Clint’s face.
I watched as Clint began to eat her out.  I could see that the position made it hard for Clint to breathe, and he seemed to love it.  She smothered him with her sex, rolling her hips and moaning as he worked her cunt.  She would raise herself periodically and each time Clint took a large gasp for air and his cock would throb before she lowered herself down again.
My arms ached and my back stung, but the sensation that dulled both those to almost nothing was the pleasure that tore through me.  The vibe buzzing against my clit and mixed with the erotic sight in front of me was too much for me to take.  I came hard, my body shaking.  I sagged against the chains but another orgasm hit.  And then another.  I was already starting to feel overstimulated and I hadn’t reached my punishment.
I came four times before Natasha’s orgasm hit.  I was on the brink of the fifth before she’d gotten up and turned the vibe off.  I was a mess.  I’d come so hard and so many times a puddle of my fluids had formed on the floor at my feet and the insides of my legs were soaked.  My breasts had leaked too and the breast milk mixed with my come on the ground.  “How many was that, Mishka?”  She asked as she lifted me from the chains.
“Four, Natalia,” I whimpered.  “I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” she said as she led me over to the bed.  “Bend over the bed, Mishka.”
I got into position as Natasha went to get a strap.  “Clint, be a dear and clean this up.”
While I couldn’t see, I knew he was licking my mess up off the ground.
Natasha returned and she gently caressed my ass.  “Elly,” she said softly.  “How are you doing?”
“I’m green,” I said.  “I want the punishment.”
“You’re sure?”  She asked.
“I promise.  I won’t push myself too far,” I said.
She stroked my ass.  “You’re doing really well, Mishka,” she said and struck me across the cheeks with the strap.
I cried out and grit my teeth, tears pricking my eyes.  She hit me again in a slightly different spot.  I started to cry properly and she struck me two more times in succession.  My ass stung and burned and adrenaline surged through me.
Natasha lifted me and lay me on the bed.  She attached the cuffs to the bed above my head and then picked up a magic wand vibe.  “I’m not stopping until you safeword,” she said.
I nodded and she pressed the vibrator against my clit.  I cried out and jerked up immediately, trying to get away from the toy.  Natasha gestured to Clint.  “Come here, ptichka,” she said.  “Time for your reward.”
He hurried over and while Natasha continued to use the vibrator on me, she took the cock ring off Clint.  She carefully lubed up his cock and pulled him into a kiss.  “I watched them and an orgasm hit, tearing through me so hard I jerked up violently and squirted.
Natasha broke the kiss and laughed.  “Oh my, this is going to be fun,” she teased.  “Clint.  I want you to fuck her ass.  And as a special treat, if you want to, you can suck on her breasts.”
Clint moaned and moved up between my legs, pushing them out wider and up, so he could access my ass.  The press of his cock against my asshole made another orgasm hit, and I was still quaking from it when he eased himself in.
As he started to thrust he leaned down and pulled a nipple into his mouth.
It was too much.  Pleasure and pain mixed together, surging through me to create something wholly different.  Everything started to feel somehow both far away and in high definition.  I made sounds that were not human.  Primal and animalistic.
I came again and again.  Losing count completely.  I was only vaguely aware of Clint’s orgasm hitting despite the fact he roared when it hit and jerked hard inside me.
“God, oh god, Natalia, Nat, please, god,” I babbled.
“Elise, do you need to safeword?” she asked.
“No,” I said right away.  Though that was wrong.  I shook my head and then nodded vigorously.  “Yes.  Red.  Red, Natasha.”
She stopped immediately.  The vibe came off and she quickly unhooked my cuffs and pulled me into her arms.  “That’s it,” she soothed as I wrapped my arms around her waist. “I’ve got you.”
Clint curled in on her other side and she began playing with her hair.  “You both did so well,” she said.  “Clint, if I knew you could be so obedient I wouldn’t let you get away with so much.”
“I just wanted to make sure El was okay for her first time,” Clint said.
“Were you, Mishka?”  Natasha asked.
“Mm-hmm…” I hummed.
“Okay,” she said.  “What do you both want?  I have a bath ready for us.  Or we can cuddle here.  I can send for tea or food.”
“I’d like the bath,” I said.  “I’m sore.”
“Of course you are,” she said. “Clint?”
“Yeah, bath,” he said.  “I’d like food too.”
She got up and helped Clint to his feet before picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom.  She set me down on my feet and put me in front of a full-length mirror.  “Look how sexy you are, Mishka,” Natasha purred.  I gazed at myself.  My make-up was smeared and I had red welts on my thighs.  I still thought Natasha was much sexier than I was, but I could see what she was seeing in me.
I smiled as she took the collar off my neck.  “Thank you, Tasha.”
She kissed my cheek.  “Anytime, my love.  Now get in the tub.  I’ll send for food and come join you both.”
I hummed and stepped into the water followed closely by Clint.  He cuddled up to me and nuzzled into my neck.  I closed my eyes and relaxed with him.  I was glad I’d finally been brave enough to try this with them.  Part of me wished that I’d done it years ago, but it was good to have this new thing for us.  I hoped we’d always be able to find new things to enjoy together.
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Mr. & Mrs. Holland- (Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader) part 4
summary: sometimes the price to pay is the worst consequence 
warning: kidnapping, torturing, blood, cursing 
w/c: 2,907
a/n: i had this idea so long ago and seeing it written it’s absolutely amazing. i hope you guys like it! happy reading everyone 🦋
prologue~ part 1~ part 2~ part 3~
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After Tom hung up, he quickly got dressed. 
“Babe, what happened?” she asked leaning over the bed to grab her underwear. 
“James.. he is dead.” he said, poking his head out of the closet, seeing her face of shock. 
“Um.. how? w-why?” she stuttered, running her hand through her hair. 
“Darling, i don’t know but i have to go over there.” Y/n was still in shock, how can someone she just saw earlier in the day was found dead. Her thoughts were cut short when Tom came out of the closet and gave her a kiss. 
“I’m gonna figure this out, okay? I’ll call you. I love you.” Tom said and left for the hotel leaving Y/n alone in bed, worried to death. She spent the whole day at home, waiting for Tom to call. Y/n wasn’t gonna stay inside the rest of the day bored to hell. So of course, she kept herself busy. She painted and played the piano in a small library Tom had made for her. She was writing a song for her husband which was quite hard. The melody didn’t sound as soothing as she wanted to. At the end of the night, she was drinking tea on her bed while watching tv when her phone finally rang. It was Tom. 
“Hey, darling.” 
“How are you? Are you okay? Is everything okay?” 
“Honey, calm down. I’m fine. I just got caught up, I’m sorry I didn’t call.” he chuckled making Y/n let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“No, it’s fine. I’m just glad you’re okay. I was literally going crazy.” 
“I’m sorry love, it’s just pretty hectic over here.” 
“It’s alright. Are you on your way home?” she asked, feeling hopeful and bit her lip. 
“Actually, love. I wanted to talk about that.” Y/n stayed quiet waiting for him to continue, immediately feeling upset. 
“I have to leave for a few… have to go to Washington.” 
“Why?” she whispered sadly making him frown too. 
“Some business issues, darling. Just gonna go check it out, see what’s going on.” 
“Can’t Harrison go and handle it?” she asked as she ran her finger around the teacup. 
“Not this time. They need my signature to prove Haz is not lying. You know us mobsters have serious trust issues.” 
“How long are you gonna be away?” 
“Like three days.” 
“Do you have clothes?” that made Tom smile, loving how she worries all the time. 
“Yes, I do.”
“And your toothbrush?” she smiled as his laugh filled her ears. 
“Yes, my love. I have everything.” 
“Okay, then.” she said softly as she fidgeted with the blanket. 
“I have to go, baby. I’ll call you in the morning.” 
“Okay, goodnight. I love you.” 
“I love you too, princess. ‘Night.” they hung up and Tom went back to work while Y/n’s eyes teared up. It was gonna be a peaceful nice so she felt the sudden need to do something she’s never done and was slightly scared to do. She just needed to be alone right now. Y/n got out of bed and put on her silk robe, going downstairs to talk to William. He was sitting on the kitchen stool drinking coffee with Susan, the maid. 
“William.” she said softly not wanting to startle anyone. He heard his boss and quickly stood up from the stool, turning to her. 
“Gather everyone around, please.” she turned around and left to the main entrance leaving William and Susan all confused. Wondering what she was going to say. A few minutes went by and all her employees from the house gathered in front of her. 
“Hello, everyone. I don’t know if you know but Tom is gonna be away on a business trip for the next three days. You all can go home today, to your family. Take the rest of the day off. I’ll see everyone tomorrow.” she smiled as her employees smiled too. They all said thank you and spread out to grab their belongings. She turned to William who was still standing there, not moving an inch. 
“William, you can go home.” 
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t leave. I don’t want to.” 
“Thank you. You can sleep in the guest room.” she said as she walked upstairs to her room to try and get some sleep. 
The clock read 3:30 am when Y/n woke up abruptly from a slamming door. ‘It must be William.’ she thought as she suddenly felt really thirsty. She walked out of her room and made her way to the kitchen. The whole house was dark, only lights that were reflected inside were the ones from the pool. She opened the fridge to get some water and when she closed she saw a figure next to her making her gasp. The jug of water crashed on the ground, covering the floor in broken glass. As she stepped backwards, trying to get anyway from the intruder, her back met a strong broad chest. The man quickly wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place as she kicked around trying to get out of his grasp. Y/n was about to scream for help when the person in front of her quickly covered her mouth. 
“Where’s the chip?” the person asked as she struggled against the strong grip around her. Y/n shook her head making the person roll her eyes. 
“Check the whole house! Now!” he screamed and a bunch of people walked in, beginning to trash the whole place. Flipping tables and furniture, breaking bases, mirrors, picture frames, everything. The man behind Y/n kept a strong grip around her with one arm and covered her mouth with his other hand, making her see how they destroyed everything. She kept screaming into the man’s hand and moved her body abruptly to get out his grasp. 
Suddenly, people started walking down the stairs holding William at gunpoint while his hands were up in surrender. He was about to say something when one of the men hit him in the back of the head with the barrel of the gun, leaving him passed out on the floor which caused Y/n to scream into the hand. 
“You’re gonna wish you’d never taken that information.” and with that he punched her so hard that she fell unconscious onto the man’s arms that were still wrapped around her. 
‘Ugh, what a massive headache.’ Y/n thought immediately when she started waking up, thinking that everything from the night before was a dream. She was hoping she would wake up in her bed, nexto to her husband but it wasn’t like that. Once she opened her eyes, she felt immense fear from her surroundings. She was tied up to a chair with duct tape over her mouth and she was in some kind of basement. After what felt like hours of her trying to break free from the ties, the door behind her opened letting a man walk in. 
“Well, hello there. You finally woke up.” a familiar voice said she struggled against her restraints feeling immediate fear. 
“It’s a pleasure to have you here.. Mrs. Holland.” the man said finally standing in front of her causing her to lift her head slowly. Her eyes went wide when she saw who it was. Which made her pull against the restraints even harder, needing to get away. It was Adam. The same Adam that was spying on her and her husband, the same Adam that probably killed James. He laughed at her fear as he ripped the duct tape off her mouth making her groan in pain. 
“Now, let’s talk. Shall we?” he said as he placed a chair in front of her and sat down. 
All the way in Washington, Tom was having dinner with a couple mob friends when Harrison’s phone ran. He saw it was William calling which made him answer immediately, knowing something bad must be happening.
“William, everything alright?” 
“Haz, he took her. He took Y/n.” he grunted getting up from the floor feeling immense pain on his head. Harrison’s eyes went wide quickly turning around so his boss wouldn't hear.
“Who took her, William? What the fuck happened?” he whispered aggressively running his hand through his hair. 
“Adam… he came here, trashed the whole place. He came looking for the stupid chip.” 
“Where the fuck was everyone? That house is supposed to be surrounded 24/7.”
“Mate, I know that. Y/n sent them all home for the night.”
“Why the fuck- okay, thank you William. I’ll call you later, after I tell Tom.” he whispered not wanting his boss to hear. 
“Alright. I’m sorry, mate.” Harrison hung up and turned to see the men laughing, Tom all smiley with no worries. It pained him to be the one to ruin that but he had to say something. Y/n’s life was on the line. With all his courage, he walked towards Tom and leaned getting close to his ear.
“William called. It’s about Y/n.” he whispered then stepped back making Tom turn to him and give him a questionable look. He excused himself from the table and walked over to Haz, pulling him towards the hall of the restaurant.
“What about Y/n?” Tom asked angrily with a clenched jaw.
“Adam showed up at the house.” Harrison saw how he wanted to interrupt so he held his hand up to shut Tom up.
“He went looking for the chip, trashed the whole place and took Y/n. I asked William where everyone was and he told me that she had sent them all home for the night.” Tom stayed silent for a while, feeling anger course through his body like wildfire. All he replayed in his head was ‘took Y/n’. 
“Let’s go back to New York. Now.” he said angrily and stomped outside of the restaurant, getting into the car with Harrison behind him. Tom couldn’t take Y/n out of his mind. Thinking how scared she might’ve been, how he wasn’t there for her, everything was eating him alive. He bounced his leg up and down the whole way, feeling nervous and worried and angry all at the same time. All he wanted was to be with his wife, to keep her safe and he wont till he gets her back. 
(New York…)
She huffed as another punch hit her cheekbone causing it to open. Adam has been torturing her for what felt like hours. He hit her in the face, her torso, even on the side of her head. All his rage went out on every punch he gave. 
“No one is gonna fucking steal from me again. Specially stupid ass women like you.” he said with gritted teeth, punching her in the corner of her mouth making her cough and spit out blood. 
“Didn’t your mom ever teach you to not hit girls?” Y/n mumbled with her head hanging low, feeling dizzy from all the fist to face contact. He laughed dryly and yanked her head back by her hair making her wince in pain. 
“She did.. but she also told me to defend myself and you’re a slimy little bitch.” he said with gritted teeth as his grip on her hair got tighter making her shout in pain. Adam let go of his grip pushing her head forward. He was about to punch her again when he’s phone started ringing. One of his men gave him the phone which made him smile devilishly once he saw the caller id. He took the gun from the back of his pants and pointed it at Y/n as he answered the fun.
“Hey, Tommy.” her eyes went wide when she heard her husband’s name and started pulling on the restraints. 
“Tom!” she shouted causing Adam’s employee to stand up and cover her mouth. Of course, she continued shouting Tom’s name over and over again. Until she had enough of being silenced and bit the guys hand making him scream and take it away. 
“Tom! Please let me talk to him, Adam. Please, I need to talk to him.” Y/n begged on the verge of crying. He laughed and placed his phone on her ear. 
“Tom, baby-“ 
“Are you hurt? Do you know where you are?” 
“Baby..” she whispered as she started to cry.
“Tom, I’m scared.” she muttered feeling ashamed and disappointed in herself. 
“I’m gonna find you, okay? Try to give me a coded message, baby. Just try, please.” She started looking around, trying to look for something familiar that Tom would notice but all she saw was Adam and his men staring at her. 
“I-I can’t. There’s nothing- I can’t.” Tom was about to answer when Adam came and ripped off the phone from her ear. 
“I’m sure you guys had a nice conversation.” 
“If you dare fucking touch her, I’ll find you and cut you in tiny little pieces.” Tom said with gritted teeth. 
“Oh well, Tommy you might have to sharpen your knife then.” He quickly hung up the phone before Tom could start talking. 
(Tom’s private jet..) 
The mob boss threw his phone on the floor as he stood up and walked back and forth in anxiousness. He ran his hand through his hair, only thinking about his wife. 
“He fucking touched her, Harrison. He… fuck!” Tom screamed with gritted teeth only wanting to kill Adam over and over again. 
The plane finally landed and they drove quickly to the house. William was waiting outside with a bruise eye and a sling holding his right arm. The car came to a stop and both men stepped out quickly walking towards the man who was scared. 
“Mr. Holland, I’m so sorry. She sent everyone home but I decided to stay to look after her and then they came in and just-“ 
“William, breath.” Tom said, interrupting his rambling. 
“I’m so sorry. I- I couldn’t do anything.” 
“It’s not your fault, William. Do you have any idea on where she might be?” he asked, walking into the house with the men behind him, going into the kitchen. 
“Of course, I thought about the hotel. His house too or maybe James’ house. She can be anywhere by now.” Tom stayed silent rubbing his chin in deep thought. 
“We should go to the hotel an-”
“Wait, didn’t you put a tracker on James’ car?” Harrison interrupted leaning against the counter. 
“Did you ever check it, boss?” William asked, turning to him waiting for an answer. 
“Not really.. James was found dead that day. Never got the chance.” he said softly as he stood up to get his laptop. He turned it on and began typing away, looking for the current location of the vehicle. It was at Le Royale, where James was last seen before he got murdered. 
“I wonder why he went back there..” William said walking away to get some water. Tom quickly thought about the chip Y/n had. 
“Will, does the chip have access to the security cameras?” 
“Yeah, I think so.”
“We have to find it, right now.” and with that, they all spread out around the house. They went into every room and checked every closet and drawer. Tom finally made it to his bedroom that stayed as Y/n left it. Bed undone, her clothes on the floor, the smell of sex still in the room and her purse wide open on the dresser, next to her laptop. He ran and grabbed it, then ran downstairs to call the guys. 
“I got it!” he shouted as he got closer to the computer, immediately plugging it into the device. Tom sat there again, typing and typing, trying to pull up the footage of James in Adam’s office. He was thinking about this for some time. Finding proof that Adam killed James, sending it to the police anonymously and following them when they went to look for him at his home. That way he could find Y/n. His thoughts quickly changed, ‘That would take too long.’ he thought quickly stepping away from the computer. William and Harrison looked at each other in confusion wondering why he would just stop. 
“I have to call him.” Tom mumbled standing up from his chair and pulling out his phone, quickly dialing Adam’s number. 
“What do you want?” he asked angrily as the man laughed. 
“What do I- oh Tommy. It’s not that easy.” he said as he watched Y/n get her head dunked in water repeatedly, not giving her time to breath. 
“I’ll give you anything. Just tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you just… just please give me Y/n.” Adam stayed quiet for a bit as she gasped for air once her head was out of the water. 
“Give me my chip back and we’ll schedule a place.” Adam said, holding his hand up, signalling his stop the turtering. He then hung up and walked towards Y/n who was still gasping for air. Tom put his phone back into his pocket and made his way to the boys who were still on the computer. 
“Adam wants the chip.” he said, breaking the guys’ trance.
“I’m gonna give it to him-”
“But Tom-” Harrison started interrupting him out of shock. 
“I’ll give it to him empty.”
mr&mrs.h: @ilovefandoms102 @themaddies-obx @guillerminacaba @teenwishes08 @runawayolives @theartisticqueen @quacksonlover81 @wonderfulfluffer @spidernerdsblog @nerdy-collector-festival
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junquisite · 3 years
If I can’t have you..No one can
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GENRE : DARK, Angst. Prince Junhee
WARNING : Ambiguous Morality, Mention of death, murder, Knife, threatening of life (If I missed any warning, please comment or DM)
NOTE : Whoever expected fluff when I posted yesterday that I have a fic for Junhee, I would like to personally apologize to you.
“The prince is in love.” the Queen spoke up and she looked up at the Queen as she was serving her tea. She probably was not talking about her, Karissa thought as she looked at the disgust on the Queen’s face. 
“How’s that a bad thing my Queen?’
“Well for starters it's not you. It's a commoner!” the Queen spat and Karissa repressed a smile. The Prince’s heart matters nothing at all as long as the Queen wanted her to be the next Queen.
“I cant believe after training you for almost 7 years to take my position, Junhee had the audacity to tell me he wants to marry for love! How is he to be a king!” the Queen continued her grumbling as Karissa smiled at her.
“Why don't you let me talk to the Prince, my Queen?”
“Yes! You do that. See if you can put some sense into him. He has always listened to you!” the queen said as Karissa bowed to take her leave. Ofcourse he always listened to her. She had always been nice and charming for him. She looked up at the sudden grey clouds at the sound of thunder.
Guess it was time to let him know that she won’t leave what was hers so easily.
“You wanted to see me Miss. Karissa?” Junhee said as he bowed and kissed her hand. Always so gentle, oh how much she adored him.
“I heard..rumours. From the Queen.”
His face grimaced slightly.
“Is it about our marriage?”
“I heard you wanted to break off the engagement.” she said and he looked away, clearly avoiding her eyes.
“Please understand that I wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Know what my Prince? That you were in love with someone who was not me? Who was a mere commoner?”
His head whipped up at the mention and if there was pain in his eyes, so was anger now.
“Her being a commoner means nothing, her status doesn't matter to me.”
“Well clearly it doesn't! if it did,a  Prince like you wont be wanting to break off your marriage with me, a Noble to be with a Peasant!”
When his jaw clenched, she knew she had lost him. He won't listen. And she had lost.
“If that was all, I’ll be taking my leave Lady.”
Well mannered even when she could feel the anger simmering underneath his skin.
“Marry me. Take her as your Mistress. I won't even mind if you’ll spend every night with her as long as I'll be the Queen.”
He turned around to look at her. The eyes she had adored since she was 9 were cold as they stared her down.
“Is that all I am to you? A way to the crown? A way for you to be the Queen?” Junhee asked and she stared at him.
“Did you ever loved me?”
“I did.” she said. “Until you chose her.”
~ “Are the preparations for tonight’s party done?” the Queen asked Karissa as she nodded.
“As always! You never cease to surprise me Karissa. I am so happy you convinced the Prince for the marriage.”
Karissa just smiled at the Queen as they walked into the hall where the party was to be held. 
“My lady, sorry to interrupt but there's an urgent matter you should attend to.” a knight asked her and she bowed to the Queen as she went to her parlour.
The Karrissa that left the parlour after it though, was livid. The Prince was trying to fool her - he was going to present his peasant girl as his fiance, in front of all the nobles and delegates and make a fool out of her. How dare he?!
“Find her. And bring her to this room.” she ordered as she left to get ready for the party. She’d put an end to this problem once and for all.
“Your majesty, Lady Karissa is asking for you in her parlour. It seemed urgent.” The knight spoke to Junhee who had been at the party for a bit more than a few minutes. He bowed to the Duke he was talking to and left with the knight. It wasn't out of character for the lady to call for him out of the blue but a bit before the party she worked weeks for was throwing him off a bit.
He knocked on the door as he entered, “Lady Karissa?” 
The sight that greeted him made him hurry to the centre of the room where his lover was tied to a chair with a cloth covering her mouth.
“What happened here? Why is she tied?” Junhee yelled at the knights standing around who didn't answer him. He pulled out his sword and put it on one of the knight’s neck who didn't even flinch. They were loyal but not to him.
“Calm down would you my Prince?” he heard as Karrissa entered the parlour from the other door. 
“Did you do this Karrissa?” he asked and she laughed.
“And here I thought you couldn't even be rude to a prisoner but you already dropped the titles. I suppose I should too then.” she spoke as she walked towards him until she was standing behind the tied up girl.
A whine resounded in the room as she grabbed her by the hair and Junhee cursed as two knights grabbed him from behind.
“I thought we had a deal Junhee. You would marry me and make me the Queen and take her as your mistress. What happened then huh? How dare you try to trick me and bring her here to announce her to the public?! And that too in my dress! MY precious cerulean dress, how dare you give it to a peasant like her!”
“So? What if I want her to be the queen? You’re too hungry for power! And she deserves everything that is yours more than you!” he spat back as the smile on her face dropped.
She sighed as she took two steps back and ruffled her dress a little bit. A glint caught Junhee’s eyes as she pulled a small dagger out of the dress’s layers and he struggled more in the arms of the knights.
The whine turned to sobs as the girl felt the blade of the cold knife against her neck.
“How about we talk now about my hunger for power?”
~ “..And there is the Prince!” the Queen exclaimed as Junhee and Karissa walked down the stairs, hand in hand.
“I would publicly like to announce that our Prince, my Junhee, is officially engaged to marry Miss. Karissa in the time of 2 weeks!” 
Round of applause and soft congratulations filled the room as Karissa squeezed Junhee’s hand, “Smile dear soon to be Husband, the grimace doesn't suit your face.” as Junhee smiled at the crowd.
A running soldier distracted everyone at the party as he ran directly towards the dais, knocking into the nobles here and there.
“My queen! My Prince! There’s been an accident!” he shouted and she felt as Junhee stiffened.
“What's wrong?” the Queen said.
“A Girl was found dead in the gardens! It looked like she jumped from the roof of the palace or maybe someone pushed her.” he spoke and Karissa tightened her grip on the Prince’s arm.
“What was she wearing?” Junhee asked, sounding too calm for everyone but she could hear the tremor in his voice.
“A cerulean dress, My Prince.”
Karissa pulled him towards her as she felt his legs weaken and he let her pull him close as he leaned on her.
“The Prince and the Queen should leave to safely lest it be an attempt on their lives. It could have been an ssasination. Knights, go search the surroundings and lead the nobles outside!” Karissa ordered and everyone followed as the Queen left to her room and she helped Junhee walk to his. 
When they entered his room he fell on the bed as Karissa leaned over him, unbuttoning his jacket.
“Why did you kill her?”
“It wouldn't have led to this Junhee had you just done what I asked you to. She could have lived and you would have lived with her.” she spoke as she pulled his jacket away and then pulled at his shoes.
“But then again, who knows. I could have gotten jealous. You are a very selfish man Junhee, you never thought of me or how much I loved you - how much I gave up for you and learnt to be your Queen.”
She went to the candle stand as she blew it out.
“I do not take nicely to my things being taken away from me. And If i can't have you..no one can Junhee.”
She closed the door behind herself as she left Junhee alone. Alone with the guilt of getting his lover killed because of his foolishness.
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henrycavillisbae · 4 years
Summary: Logan ‘Sy’ Syverson, returns from his deployment. Maddy is 29 weeks pregnant with their first child, a girl, conceived the night before Sy was deployed. Sy hasn’t seen Maddy or the bump in person and to say he's excited is an understatement. Written in first person.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x ofc (Maddy Syverson)
Warnings: SMUT! Oral, slight MaleDom/FemSub, Pregnancy Sex, Bad Language, bodily fluids and fluff.
A/N: Hey guys! New around here (not really just been lurking in the background) Hope you enjoy this one shot. Got the name ‘Logan’ for Sy from @littlefreya. For the record I am English and this is set in a America soooo... Also, this is unedited and I'm slightly nervous!
I plodded towards the wardrobe and grabbed one of Sy's tshirts before pulling it over my head. It's one of the only things I can tolerate in this Texan heat and being pregnant. I then waddled downstairs to get some breakfast.
I groaned as a rolled my pregnant self over to climb out of bed. This baby makes me need to wee all the time. A second groan left my lips as I stood up and plodded towards the ensuite to relieve myself. Washing my hands I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair resembled a birds nest. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth before making my way back to the bedroom.
I was greeted by Kal waiting for me by his bowl obviously after his breakfast.
"Okay Bear, I'll feed you" I said leaning down and stroking him, "your daddy is home today and Aika will be in a few days" he waged his tail to this obviously hearing the words 'daddy' and 'Aika'. Kal is an Akita who stays with me while Sy is on deployment, Aika is a German Sheppard that goes on deployment with Sy. This is their last deployment as Aika is retiring and Sy is moving to fire arms training. We found out I was pregnant just after he left for Iraq and as soon as he found out he was on the phone to his boss requested to move. I grabbed Kal's meat and scraped it into his bowl. I opened the door to let Kal out after he'd eaten. He quickly rain outside to do his business after he'd eaten. By then I had made a coffee and some toast and was sat on the sofa. As I was eating my breakfast the baby started to wiggle.
"Well good morning to you" I said rubbing my tummy, Kal running in and rested his head on my tummy, “You’ll finally meet your daddy today dot, and I need ti take you out in a bit Kal” I stroked Kal’s head before he got excited and bounced around. Laughed at him as I checked the time in my phone, 08:43. Sy’s plane landed at 12:03 so I had time to take Kal out quickly and get ready to drive to the airport.
After eating my breakfast I grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped my bra on underneath Sy’s Iron Maiden t-shit. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before shoving my phone in the back pocked of my shorts. Kal was already waiting for me by the door with his lead in his mouth.
“Alright boy, I’m coming” I called to him as I slipped my low top converse onto my slightly swollen feet. I clipped Kal’s lead to his collar and shoved my sunglasses on as I left the house. We walked towards the dog walking park near our house. We haven’t had any rain in a while so the grass resembled straw, tornado season had been and gone and summer was definitely here. Kal was already hot so we wont be having a long walk. In the summer the dogs get walked morning and evening. Kal ran round for 10 minutes or so before he decided he was too hot and wanted to go home.
By the time we reached home it was 10:15. My neighbour Hallie was taking her trash out.
“Morning Maddy” she called over the white picket post fence.
“Hey Hallie” I shouted waving back
“Sy’s back today isn’t he” she asked, I nodded in reponse “I bet you cant wait”
“I really can’t” I replied as I unlocked our large oak door, “I’m looking forward to soneone to help me put my shoes on. Thats becoming difficult” ‘I also need sex’ I thought to myself. I laughed slighty, we had sex a lot. By a lot a mean daily, sometimes maybe 2 or 3 times a day. Yup, I need sex.
“How loge do you have left” Hallie asked referring to my pregnancy.
“Around 12 weeks, Sy is having 6 months off before starting his new role in fire arms trainging, so that will be nice” I said resting my hand on my bump.
“Oh gosh” Hallie exclaimed, “Well look after yourself, we’ll have to all get together for a BBQ when Sy is back and settled”
“Yes we must, see you soon Hallie” I called waving to her as I walked into the house. I herd her shout bye back just as I was about to shut the front door. I unclipped Kal’s lead and he ran off to have a drink as I made my way upstairs to get ready.
I pulled out a floaty ditsy floral midi dress that was fitted at the top. The v shaped neckline and think straps accentuated my large swollen breasts. I laid it on the bed and quickly used the toilet before I sat at my dressing table. I decided to apply a light layer of make up, if I wore too much it woud just melt off of my face in this heat. I let my hair out of it’s top knot and ran my fingers through the curls to make it look presentable. I checked myself in the mirror, my blue eyes sparkled due to the brown eyeshadow I had applied. I applied a thick layer of lip gloss before getting up to get changed. 
I pulled off my tshirt and shorts and put on a white lacey thong and my white lacey maternity bra. I walked over to my full length mirror and took a picture of my bump in the mirror making sure the my breasts were obvious. I opened up Sy’s contact and attached the picture with the caption, ‘We can’t wait to see you daddy’. I sniggered before pressing send. Sy will see this before he see’s me and I know it will drive him mad. I pulled my dress on over my head before needing to rearrange it over my bump. I found my strappy wedges before sitting on the bed to put them on. Sy’ was a foot taller then me so I needed all the help I could get with my height. I then made my way downstirs again.
“SHOOT!” I shouted to myself. I rushed around and grabbed my bag throwing the food I had made for us in it along with the ‘Welcome home Daddy’ sign I had made which was rolled up,  my phone, purse and bottle of water. I grabbed the keys to our Ford Ranger and rushed out of the house. 
I arrived at the airport at 11:45. I managed to find a place close to the arrivals lounge to park. I spotted ‘Ocres’ girlfriend, Jaimie, sitting in the red chairs of the arrivals lounge. I waved and walked over to her.
“Maddy look at you!” she exclaimed standing up to give me a hug. I hugged her back before sitting down next to her, “How are you?” she asked after she had made herself comorftable.
“Fat and hot” I said laughing, “Still have 12 weeks to go roughly” I rubbed my bump slightly.
“You know, rumour has it that Sy said he would never stop being deployed. You must be a special person as he’s chaging his job role” Jaimie said as I grabbed my sub roll out of my bed to eat. I had made Sy his favourite pasta to eat on the way home. I took a bite and wiped sauce off of my lip before replying.
“And now look at me, fat and horny” I replied laughing, “Pregnancy hormones are no joke”
“Well I’m not surprised you’re married to Captain Big Dick, I’d miss that too” Jaimie said laughing. I had forgotten that’s what they called him. His nickname also didn’t lie. His cock stood proud at about 10 inches when erect, it had a good girth to it too. Thinking of his cock did not make my horniness any better. Jaimie and I sat talking until my phone buzzed. It was a message from Sy.
Don’t think they’ll be staying on for long when I get you home darlin, my cock is already desperate to be inside you.
Who says I’m still wearing them? I replied smirking. Jaimie and I made our way to the arrivals gate and I pulled out the rolled up sign as we waited for our men to appear.
We only waited 10 or so minutes before we saw some soilders arrive and their significant others run up to each other. Jaimie then saw Ocre and ran up to him. Ocre pulled her into his enbraced before kissing her. They then walked over to me hand in hand.
“Maddy” Ocre said greeting me, “Congratulations” he said pulling me into a hug. “Sy hasn’t shut up about you or the baby. Quite sweet really, slightly irritating but mainly sweet” I lauged at Ocres comment. I caughte a glimpse of Sy out of the corner of my eye. He was dressed in his military gear which always made my knees go weak. As soon as he saw me he started to jog towards me, i jogged towards him and we met in an embrace where he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me firmly,  with his hands on my ass, I felt the faimiliar flutter in my chest of his kisses.
“God I missed you Darlin,” He whispered to me in his thick Texan accent.
"I missed you to bear" I said kissing him again. He put me down and then nealt down and kissed my tummy.
"Hey there dot, hows my little princess doing in there?" He asked my tummy before kissing it again. She did a little wiggle and Sy's face lit up, "that's amazing" he gasped looking up to my. By now my eyes were starting to leak salty tears.
"She wriggles alot" I said as Sy stood up and pulled me into his chest.
"I love you Darlin'" he said wiping the tears away with his thumbs' "You look so beautiful carrying my daughter" he kissed me tenderly.
"I love you too bear" I whispered into he lips before kissing him again. He threw his bag back over his shoulder and held hand as me made our was over to Ocre and Jaimie.
"Miss Williams" Sy said greeting her, "you look well"
"Call me Jaimie Sy, I am well thank you" she replied greeting him back. We stood and chatted for a little while before we decided to head off.
"Right, I'm off to get laid" Sy announced making me laugh and blush at the same time, "Remember what I said Ocre, put a ring on it. It the best thing you'll ever do"
"Roger captain" he replied, "Oh and dont poke your daughter in the eye with that dick of yours" Si flipped him off as we walked off.
"He's only jealous of my big dick" he started laughing, "You made my trousers very uncomfortable earlier with that picture of yours.
"That was the idea Captain" I said to him smirking, "by the way I've made you your favourite meal to have on the way home"
"Thank you darlin', you're my favourite meal though" he replied smirking.
We arrived at the car and Sy chucked his bags in the back before we both climbed in. I grabbed the food out of my bag for Sy and passed it to him before shoving my bag in the foot well of the car. Sy unbuttoned his military shirt and took it off revealing the white tshirt underneath which he quickly untucked from his trousers.
The drive home took half an hour and you could feel the sexual tension in the car. Sy would glance across at my breasts and shift uncomfortably in his seat which in itself make my pussy tingle.
Whe we arrived by home I grabbed my back before walking up the drive to open the door. Sy soon followed with his bags. Kal barked and ran up to us as we walked through the door. He saw Sy and jumped up at him.
"Hey boy" he exclaimed as he dropped his bags in the hallway and made a fuss over him, "Did you miss me? I missed you too"
I opened the back door for Kal to go out.
"Come on Kal, toilet" I called, he left Sy and ran out into the garden. Sy walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me placing his hands on my bump. He kisses my neck as he pulled me close. I could feel his already hard cock through his trousers. I rubbed myself up against his crotch earning a groan from him. I turned around and kissed him passionately, his hands travelled to my ass and he massaged each ass cheek.
"I need you Maddy" he groaned into the kiss.
"I know Sy, me too" I moaned back. Kal ran back inside and Sy quickly locked the back door before picking up up the same way he did in the airport, which caused me to squeal and he carried me up the stairs.
He booted our bedroom door open then pushed it shut so we wouldn't get disturbed by Kal. He placed me down gently on the bed before he pulled his tshirt off and climbed between my legs. He hitched my dress up to above my bump. He placed lots of soft tender kisses over my tummy.
"Fuck Maddy, you're so beautiful" he groaned as he rubbed his crotch to relieve some of the built up pressure in there. He quickly pulled my dress off leaving me in just my lacey underwear. "These have grown" he growled as he massaged my tits. I moaned and quickly propped myself up on some pillows as I can't lie on my back for very long.
Sy leant down and kissed me hard, he deepened the kiss by darting his tongue in and out of my mouth. I groaned as he rubbed the outside of my thong with his thigh. His kisses made their way down my body and he stopped at just above the top of my thong. He swiftly removed my thong and kissed my mound. I groaned with pleasure. Sy slipped a finger into my cunt earning a moan from me. He harshly sucked on my clit causing me to gasp and moan. He slid another finger into me and started to finger fuck me quickly. He licked circles around my clit with brief sucks and nibbles that he knows drive me mad. I could already feel my release starting to build up. The familiar burn started in the bottom of my tummy, my legs started to quiver around Sy's head and my cunt started to clench on his fingers. Sy sensed this too as he picked up the pace with his fingers.
"Ohhhh fuuuuckk, Syyyyyyy" I moaned as I tumbled over the edge. I felt him smirk into my pussy as a moaned and convulsed under his touch. He finger fucked me until I came down from my high. He moved up me and kissed me. Our tongues fought for dominance, our teeth clashed in desperation of us wanting to feel complete again. Sy pulled away and rid me of shoes. He then stood at the end of the bed and stripped him self of his trousers, boxers and socks leaving him standing there naked. He'd gotten bigger since being away, obviously been working out more. His beautiful cock stood proud begging for attention so I shuffled down to the end of the bed and took it in my mouth.
"Arg Maddy" he groaned as I started to move my mouth up and down his cock. He laced his left hand through my hair and started to fuck my mouth. I gagged as his cock hit the back of my throat. I relaxed my throat to let Sy's cock down. I swallowed against his cock causing him to buck his hips and groan at the same time.
Suddenly Sy pulled away. He wiped away the dribble and precum from my chin. Before kissing me and pushing me back down on the best the best he could without putting pressure on my bump.
"I was about to cum Darlin', lord knows I need to paint your walls with my seed. 6 months is too long" he growled into my ear, "get on all fours" he ordered as he flipped me onto my front. He knelt on the bed and lined himself with my entrance. Slowly he pushed his throbbing cock into my pussy.
"Oh Sy" I gasped as his cock stretched my pussy walls. He stilled briefly as I got used to the size of him again, "Sy please, move" I begged.
"As you wish Darlin'" he quickly unclipped my bra which I threw to the floor, before he started to thrust in and out of me. "Ohhh Maddy, I've missed this pretty little cunt of yours" he groaned behind me.
Sy fucked me quick and hard. The same way that got me pregnant. The new sensation of my heavy tits slapping my bump and my nipples brushing the comforter turned me on even more. Neither of us were going to last much longer. Sy's thrusts were becoming less paced and more erratic. My body started to convulse in his grasp.
"Cum with me Darlin'" he grunted as my cunt started to tighten around his cock. He smacked my ass my orgasm hit.
"Unnggggg Syyyyyy" I moaned my cun convulsed around his cock. I felt myself squirt around his cock and onto his stomach. I could hear my juices squleching around as he fucked me to his release.
"AARGHH MADDY!" He called as I felt him still inside me. I felt his cock throb against my g-spot
"FUCK" I shouted loudly still riding my orgasm. I squirted again as he involuntarily fucked his cum into me causing me to convulse in his grasp. He held he tight to stop my legs from given out as my orgasm shook my body. He hissed as my cunt milked the very last of his cum out of his now sensitive semi hard cock.
I rolled onto my side and lay there panting. Sy collapsed down on the bed next to me. I laughed as my breathing started to become more normal.
"What?" Sy asked pulling my close so I was using his chest as a pillow.
"Nothing, I just love you that's all" I said leaving a soft kiss on his nipple.
"I love you both too" he said kissing the top of my head and stroking the side of my bump, our baby. "I'm never leaving my two girls again, ever" he muttered into my hair. He pulled the thin sheet over us and I felt my eyelids go heavy. We both drifted off into a content afternoon sleep. I think we might knew we would be needing as much energy as we could now Sy is back.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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Hey guys im sorry I haven't been posting, honestly tumblr is making it hard to. every single story I write tumblr crashes then deletes it so it's been HIGHLY frustrating...guess I need to invest in a laptop or a better phone
Sorry this was so long I always want the boys' back stories to be only 2 parts
This story contains: death, torture, abuse, toxic relationships, murder, violent themes
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"you're too soft! They are sinners theodore why are you being so damn sensitive"
Theo winced at the punch his father landed which caused him to stumble back his back hitting the table which held their latest victim, a young woman that theo cleaned up and dressed in his mother's clothes, he didn't like the sight of her all bloody and mangled it made his heart sting.
Theo never helped to Kill any of these women, only cleaned them up and made sure they looked beautiful in death it was his way if asking for forgiveness.
When he was ten he idolized his father but it's been two years since he caught his father and been training under him to take his place and all that love vanished he found himself feeling nothing but hate and disgust for his father, what made matters worse was the fact that his mother had to take half the brunt of his father's anger.
"I won't do this anymore, you're wrong. Women aren't devils, mother is an angel and I wont hurt her"
Theo's harsh remark earned him yet another punch in the face this one knocking him down as he spat out blood the metallic taste making him sick to his stomach.
"you're a damn fool boy, I'll make you see her filth"
With that his father left him in the attic to starve for the night which was always a common occurrence. As he laid back on the floor the boy let out a dry chuckle.
"Just a little more...then you'll be the one burning in hell father"
Theodore felt everything go black and it wasn't long until he had passed out soon waking back up in bed with his mother caring for his wounds. He could smell her sweet perfume and hear her soft humming, something about those things made his heart flutter in the purest of ways.
"you should be careful theo, you know making him angrier will only result in pain"
"it's okay, we'll leave together one day..just me and you.."
There was silence after that and for a while things were okay, the family was quiet during dinner and once it got late theo figured his father would have went to bed forgiving him for his outburst in the morning.
Theo woke to the sound of two metal objects clashing together, the sound was enough to stir him awake though when he tried to move he realized he was tied up against a chair. That clashing noise he heard was his father sharpening a few knives, the sight made theo's blood run Cold.
"god told abraham to kill his son, and abraham was about to do it like a loyal sheep. God will make you do awful things theodore and as a man we must do them"
Theo frantically struggled against the ropes binding him only feeling more and more stressed as his father stepped closer and closer thing soft steps of his shoes making theo feel like he had to puke.
What's going to happen to me?
Am I going to die?
Theo felt his father press the tip of the blade pressed softly against his forehead on the left side of his face, the cool metal only brought theo to reality more, his father was going to kill him cause god said so.
"i-i know we are nothing alike but please-"
"we are absolutely nothing alike! You are exactly like your mother a sissy little housewife! You were never going to be a good man or husband! When I asked God for a son I thought he would send me one I could be proud of!"
Rage fuelled theo, he wasnt sure why but something about what his father said made him want to scream, his father was wrong... absolutely wrong.
"I'll be a perfect husband, and a better Father than you"
As soon as he said those words theo felt the sharp pain of his father pushing the blade into his skin earning a sharp inhale of breath trying not to show too much weakness. Theo kept thinking about his mother and how in a way he was protecting her, their goal were to run away safely together.
"we might have one thing in common theodore, you have a devil in you just like me..it's time to show you just how tainted you are"
With that theo felt a harsh intense pain as his father dragged his blade along the boy's face earning screams coming from him as he thrashed and tried kicking but his father pressed his knee onto the boy's legs now carving his skin off in such a slow and unbearable way that it was driving theo crazy
"accept your sins theodore! This is your punishment for being unloyal!"
Theodore couldn't stop screaming as the knife raked down his face roughly cutting a large chunk of his skin clean off, the pain was so great he was close to fainting but his father came prepared and injected him with an adrenaline shot.
"p-please f-father please please please..."
Theodore at this point didnt know what he was begging for, maybe death? The overwhelming taste and smell of his own blood was making him sick and not to mention there was a lot of blood pouring down his face.
I'm dying.. god has forsaken me
"may you be reborn as a perfect child next time"
Theo kept his head down but felt a soft kiss on his head before hearing footsteps walk away from him before the door to the attic closed, his father left him to die!
Theo swayed side to side hoping to get free, if he could just get to his father's desk and grab a knife though without his glasses seeing things far away was near impossible though he could see the shape of the desk.
"mother needs me, I can't die.."
Theo grunted in pain as he fell forward which wasn't his plan but he'll take it, with every fiber of his being he crawled and scooted along the ground towards the desk before seeing a knife handle over the edge of the desk. Thankfully his legs were tied just his arms so with some embarrassing attempts to stand of even kneel before turning around to grab the knife with his hand.
Before he could cut himself free he heard banging on the attic door before a crash, the sound was enough to startle him into cutting the palm of his hand and dropping the knife
"argh! I-it hurts!"
Soon the attic door opened and rushing towards him was his loving mother, her frantic questions and worrying about him made him feel far better especially when she untied him from the chair.
"I'm leaving tonight theo, my fiancee is waiting for me outside"
"t-then let's go mother! Now is the perfect time to go!"
There was a tense silence after that as theo felt his mother bandage his wound up, his mother was hiding something and he didn't like it.
"w-we have a little girl and he's very protective of her and well with how your face looks now you'll scare her and I don't want to bring any baggage from my pa-"
Theodore felt as if his head was spinning, what was she saying? He did everything for her he almost died for this woman and she saw him as baggage to toss away before going to her new family.
"y-you're going to leave me here? J-just like that?! I protected you from him! I made sure he never hurt you! Were you ever going to bring me with you?!"
"keep your voice down theo, please calm down you're scaring me-"
"I'm scaring you?! I'm the one scaring you?! How could you?! I'm your child! I love you!"
He watched his mother look down shamefully and slowly back away clearly afraid of what will her next words do to him. Theodore was feeling a little unstable at the moment, his own mother just betrayed him can he truly trust no one in his life?
"your eyes just...look just like him. I can't theo I'm so sorry I can't it's too painful for me.. you're too much like him"
That was the thing that broke theo all together, it was like his brain just snapped and no clear thought came just pure anger and pain. How could she think that?! Theo thought he was nothing like his father absolutely nothing!
"no! I'm nothing like him! Nothing! He's abusive and a horrible man how could you say that!? I thought you loved me but you're just like him-yeah you're like him not me! I'm pure! A good person"
Theo couldn't stop himself, before he knew it he had grabbed the knife he dropped earlier, the large blade held tightly in his hand and scaring the one person he thought he can trust.
"w-why do you want to leave me? You're just embarrassed of me..you don't want me around cause you hate me"
"no no no baby I love you I just-"
Theo swung the knife slashing his mother's arm, hearing her cry out in pain made him only smile as he gazed at her fearful expression. His sense of reason was vanished and all he wanted now was to show everyone how much they hurt him
"maybe if you were a better mother I wouldn't have gotten hurt all the time, maybe if you weren't too busy being a good wife instead of a good mother I wouldn't be in such pain!"
"t-theo please I just-"
"why couldn't I just have a normal family?! I prayed for one! So why!?"
Theo slashed at his mother again and again over and over sloppily slashing at her without caring about where he aimed. He was far more focused on releasing all this pain and betrayal he felt
"why doesn't anyone want me?! Why don't you want me! I want you so what's wrong with me?! Why am I so broken?!"
Theo ignored the sobs and begging for her to stop, they were not processing clear enough to him he just wanted to hurt them to hurt them in ways they hurt him. Her thrashing soon stopped but it wasnt enough for theo, he moved ontop of her now raising the blade and slamming it down inside her chest his eyes glossed over as he did so.
"I'm not like him, I'm nothing like him! I'll be a good father! A good husband! I'll never abandon my family! Never! Never ! Never!"
The knife slipped I his hand and when he tried to catch it he grazed his hand before hearing the knife clatter onto the ground, theo panted heavily before looking at his hands seeing hands were lightly bruised from gripping the knife so hard, he then looked down at his mother and her horror stuck face.
"look at what father did, I told you we should have left before...it's okay I'll protect you"
Theo reached out taking the scarf his mother wore before putting it on himself before pressing it to his nose and taking a deep inhale, the sweet scent gave him shivers.
The sight of his dead mother made the boy tear up but he honestly didn't realize he was the one who had did such a thing, it was something he refused to accept. Now gripping the knife he once had before he creeped down the attic stairs each step more and more anxiety fuelling, from the quiet sounds it seemed like his father was asleep.
Theo had never acted out so violently than when he saw his father sleeping soundly in bed, once again much like before he had completely snapped now walking over and plunging the knife deep into his father's side earning a painted grunt along with his father's eyes to snap open
This caused theo to panic and he did the first thing he could think of which was to bite his victim's ear using that time to shove the blade into his father's chest before biting his ear off and spitting it onto the ground in a feral snarling mess.
"t-there's your demon... y-you're just like me"
"I'm nothing like you! Nothing!"
Theo gripped the knife blade shoving it deeper til it became stuck and his father stopped breathing, what struck theo as odd was the lack of struggling..didn't his father want to live? That escaped his mind as he tried wiggling the blade out of the corpse only to whine lightly at how stuck it was
"heavy, too heavy"
Theodore decided his next plan was to change out of his bloody clothes except for his scarf of course and to turn on the gas stove as high it can possibly go, he used his bedroom window to escape since his mother's boytoy was still waiting for her outside.
One match, it took one match to burn the place down starting the fire in his bedroom and letting it spread. A few minutes after theo jumped out the window the house roared to live now completely on fire.
Theodore only 12 years old had killed his parents and burned the place down, he had no one else to turn to no family or anything so he turned to his local church. They sent him to a boarding school where he grew up and found a passion for medicine as well as helping others.
His dark past always haunted him, he was known as the boy whose family died horrible deaths. There were always rumors about what happened that night some say that his father killed everyone before burning the place and stabbing himself others think that his mother's lover killed them all in an angry rage. Theo would always just shrug and laugh it off thanking God that he's alive
Those dark desires of having a family only grew as he grew older, it became a twisted obsession that festered stronger and stronger by the time he was 18 he was already waiting for marriage..after all a good husband waits for the perfect bride.
"theo? Hey theo? Hello earth to theo?"
Theodore snapped awake only to see his sweet darling staring at him worriedly, he must have fallen asleep in his office again. Theo simply smiled as he stood from his chair
"what's wrong?"
"well, dinner's ready have a good dream or something?"
Theo chuckled softly before running his fingers through his hair trying to come up with a suitable answer
"just dreaming about the past my angel, though I should focus on the future with you after all the past is the past..."
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fuwahiko · 3 years
HELLO IM BACK FOR KUZUHINA. Soon enough you'll see a theme with my asks...hopefully i wont be so predictable but i like what i like so who knows hehe. SO. Non-Despair au, Hajime and Class 77 are a found family (bc its THE BEST TROPE), and some idiot organization has the nerve to kidnap Hajime because he's "the Kuzuryu Clan Heir's boytoy." Ur thoughts on this scenario?
YESSS FOUND FAMILY!!! hoooo boy this organization has messed with the wrong teenagers, they don’t know what they’re in for lmao.
I had such a fun time thinking about this idea haha. I feel like there’s just so many possibilities for shit that could go down! (this is gonna be a really long one, uh oh...)
so they’ve taken Hajime to their base, my first thought is like a mansion or something but idk, and the class are of course determined to get him back. I feel like Fuyuhiko would be incredibly worried about Hajime, of course because he loves him but also because he knows Hajime isn’t used to dealing with this sort of crap like he is, and Fuyuhiko knows Hajime is tough but even still, he can’t imagine what it’s like being in that situation as someone who isn’t yakuza.
everyone comes up with a plan to get Hajime back and they all do their part to help out of course. this is the fun part to think about because as I said, there’s so many possibilities! one idea I had is that Mikan could (maybe with some help from Seiko?) make some kind of drug that could cause like, an extreme (but essentially harmless) sort of numbing effect and she would team up with Akane to take out some guards; Mikan would distract them while Akane would swoop in super fast and inject the guards from behind. the guards just like... flop over lmao. I also love the idea of Gundham asking a dog to walk over to a guard pretending to be hurt only to give him a big ol’ bite when he goes to try and help. poor dude’s running around with a dog clinging to his arm that won’t let go and his buddies are just lil useless lumps on the ground that can’t even lift a finger to help (this sounds like something from a kid’s movie lol).
imagine the amount of chaos Nagito would cause too, like we know what kind of crazy shit he’s capable of lmao. he’d bring the whole building down!
Fuyuhiko and Peko would be the first to find Hajime, I imagine at least most of the others would be spread out around the rest of the building and outside keeping an eye on the situation and fighting their own battles. they break into the room only to find Hajime tied to a chair with tape over his mouth, and as soon as he sees them he starts panicking and trying to shout. several men come out from hiding to attack Fuyuhiko and Peko and try to capture them as well, but they knew this would be a trap from the very beginning and fight them off pretty easily, knocking them all to the ground. Fuyuhiko probably says some shit like “hah, you really thought you were gonna be tough enough to fuck with us? what a bunch of fucking amateurs” while like, grinding his shoe into one dude’s head probably lol.
Fuyuhiko carefully removes the tape from over Hajime’s mouth and helps him out of the rope. He tells Hajime that it’s okay, he’s safe now and it’s all over, but he’s reassuring himself as well; he really was so worried and he’s relieved to have Hajime by his side again. Fuyuhiko grips Hajime’s hand tight as they walk together out of the building. later on when it’s just the two of them Fuyuhiko opens up and talks about how worried he was and Hajime talks about how scary the whole situation had been. for the next few weeks Fuyuhiko is a little clingy; sticking close to Hajime as often as he can, holding his hand more, and wanting to cuddle a lot more too.
(feel free to leave more ideas for this in the replies or tags, I’d love to know what people think the others could do to help out!)
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Todoroki being assigned to help an ex-villain adapt to “normal life” because they where born into being a villain and he falls in love in the process - Haikyuu anon
Part One
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“So… this is a new project?” Shouto asked his father.
“Yes, the Rehabilitation Act. And we are giving you the first case.” He set a folder down on the desk for Shouto to read.
‘The Rehabilitation Act.
Former villains are taken into Hero custody and are to be rehabilitated back into a normal life.’
“But do they want to be ..rehabilitated?” He asked his father, confused. “Are we not just pulling them off the street and forcing -“
His father slammed his hand on the desk. “We are protecting the city, Shouto. “
Realizing there was no way to get a word in Shouto just left his father to his own devices.
Finding the villain was not difficult thankfully. But were the restraints necessary? He saw you sitting in a chair , well, tied to a chair. Ripped clothes and special hand guards strapped up to your wrists. You looked up hissing at Shouto and he stepped back , looking at the Hero Safety Officer.
“Careful, her hands can grow snakes and if they bite you'll get turned to stone. She's kinda feral too.” He said yawning.
“How so..?” He looked at you again, watching you huff and puff, and hiss.
“Well she won't talk to us “ he tapped your head and you shot up as far as the chains would let you to bite the air above his hand. “She bites, too.”
“Why are you treating her as if she's an animal…?”
The Officer looked at Shouto, you could be heard in the background struggling in the chair. Knocking it from side to side.
“Because she has turned many people to stone. Because she's a threat to the city, she was born a villain.”
Shouto did not know what to think of this , no one is born a villain. Maybe she just needed help, someone to lean on.
“You have one week from today. Its Monday now, so next Monday we expect an improvement and complete turn around”
He blinked. “I .. i have a time frame?”
“Yes, heroes work better under pressure.” He waved his hand going to the door. “Id keep those restraints on” he closed the door behind him.
Shouto was sitting on the floor in front of you, he was still in the holding room with you trying to process all of this . A week? This new project seemed more forced to him than anything else. You really looked like you did not want to be here and your clothes showed signs of a struggle.
You growled down at him rocking the chair around fighting to get free. Enemy, enemy, like the rest. All my enemy.
“How am I going to get you home..” he stood up in front of you, looking you over. “I should get you new clothes ..do you want to pick them out.?”
“Rrarrr!!!” You thrashed around and Shoto put his warm hand on your shoulder making you stop and stare at him. His smile was gentle, he showed no signs of being scared of you.
“I know all of this is … crazy. I don't understand it myself but i want to help. And let's face it I'm probably the only one who wants to help you.” His thumb gently rubbed at your shoulder. “I can't tell you what will happen in a week because i don't know, but i can tell you that you wont like it.”
You eased up in the chair, eyes still locked on Shoto. Enemy, he's gonna hurt me. Hes gonna.. warm.. very.. warm……trust. For now.
Shoto kept the hand restraints on you till he was a safe distance from his father's Agency. He stopped on the sidewalk watching you give everyone the death eyes and a growl. He placed both hands on your shoulders so you'd look at him. “I'm taking these off okay? They must be uncomfortable.”
Take off. Off. Off. Off!!!
Run when time right, then , go back to-
He held your hands . Your gaze shot to him in disgust.
“That's better right? You can't pick out clothes you like without holding them or trying them on .”
Hot and cold. Why. Two Why two? It doesn't hurt but chilly and warm at the same time.Pets okay? Pets feel happy.
“Ready to go in?” He asked letting go of your hands.
You looked down seeing your cut up hands and bandages then back up at Shoto. You nodded once. “Uhn..!”
Was this the first time you were in a store? You couldn't recall any other time in your life ever being in one. Colors, so many colors. What is this? You pulled on a long garment till it fell off the hook and into Shotos arms.
“Like the dress?” He asked, smiling at you.
Green, like the green. Dress? Reminds me of pets. You pointed to the snakes on the bottom of the dress with a bandaged finger.
“Ill take that as a yes.” He draped it over his arm. “Pick out some other things , i'm going to get you a hair brush and some other hair supplies” he turned away going down to the otherside of the small store.
Where going?!? Left me alone? Escape? Escape? Escape..? You looked towards the Exit , a snake slithered out of your hand to look at you. Pets? What we do? They flicked their tongues and curled around your arms closing their eyes. Tired? Never sleep on outside.. comfortable? You looked back at the clothes touching a pretty blue shirt. Stay.
Shoto brought you to his home after shopping for clothes and hair things. No one was turned to stone and he even said your snakes were cute. You were quiet on the way there, timid even. But Shouto held your hand to make sure you didn't wander off or worse.
Home? Smells like soba. .. very traditional..
“Hungry?” He asked, setting the bag down.
You looked over and so did the snakes, raising their heads.
“You guys are hungry too?”
Tongue flick.
“Okay.” He pointed to the restroom. “Get changed and ill make us food.”
It took a minute to change into something more comfortable. You chose a loose shirt and some green sweatpants . The smell of food filled your nose and you rushed out of the room to see Shouto setting food on his Kotatsu and sitting down.
You joined him eyeing the food like you had not eaten in weeks. So did the snakes who slithered farther out to inhale the mice on the table. You picked up some ramen looking at Shouto who was eating Soba. He looked over swallowing. “Go ahead.” His eyes wandered to the snakes. “Do they have names?”
“Kaa…” the green one on the left wiggled around
“Nagini..” the blue one on the right wiggled.
“...and you?” He asked .
Kaa & Nagini looked back at you.
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dogfatherpads · 4 years
Remus J. Lupin with a FUCKING BEARD
I just know he gets extra hairy around the full moon. What if one day he just decided he wasn’t going to shave it anymore?
Tbh this is just Wolfstar Slowburn sort of but not really
He sighed as he looked in the mirror. He was already running late and it would take at least 15 minutes if he didn’t want to add new scars to his face. It was just so bloody hard to get up in the morning around this time of the month. His skin itched in anticipation of the pain they would go through in a few short days. His bones hurt, his muscles felt heavy, who cares if he showed up to transfiguration with just a little bit more hair? He could shave it tomorrow, today he was just too tired.
“Moony!! We’re gonna be late lets go!!” James hollered, banging on the bathroom door.
“To hell with it,” Remus threw his razor back in the drawer and pushed his unruly curls out of his face. When did that grow out? He’d just gotten his hair cut three days ago. He huffed aggitatedly and stepped out into the room. “Sorry to keep you lads waiting. Im just so tired this morning,” he began to pick up his books, straightening up just a little when he noticed their staring. “What?”
“You’re um,” Sirius spluttered.
“It’s nothing,” James held up a hand, “now lets go before Minnie gives us detention again. I’ve got a date I don’t want to miss.” Remus rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face when looking at James’ fond one. He and Lily were so disgustingly in love and it was wonderful because James in love and happy was less awful than James in love and pining.
“I found a hidden hallway we can take. I was trying to put it in the map last night, I’ll need your help with the spell Prongs,” Remus ran after them, breathless with excitement. “It ends behind that suit of armor just outside of Transfiguration.”
“Brilliant. Stupid staircases are not working in our favor today. Lead the way Rem.”
They’d made it with ten minutes to spare thanks to the hidden hallway and James grinned thankfully at Moony before walking over to Lily’s desk for a chat. Remus slumped in his chair, wishing desperately for the day to pass by quickly so he could get back into bed.
“You look tired Remus,” Lily commented, “go back to bed, I’ll take notes for you.”
He smiled greatfully, “Thank you, but I’ll survive. I will however, steal that hair tie,” he pointed to her wrist and she grinned.
“I wasn’t going to comment on the hair. I like it though, may I?” she asked, moving to stand behind him when he nodded. His eyes seemed to close on their own accord as she raked her fingers through his hair then scooped it all up and tied it at the back of his head. “Looks good. All the muggle rock stars are rocking the messy bun.”
He chuckled and shrugged, “Don’t feel so rock and roll right now, but I like it if it keeps the hair out of my face. Thank you,” he smiled gratfuly. He pulled his things out of his bag as McGonagall started the lesson. “Hey Pads,” he whispered, still searching through his bag, “do you have an extra quill I can borrow?” He looked up to meet Sirius’ eyes and froze. The storm in his eyes was clouded by his furrowed brow, his lips parted slightly. He gulped inaudibly when Remus’ bewildered gaze dropped to his lips. Sirius slid the quill across the table, his eyes never leaving Remus’ face before he stood abruptly, causing his stool to tip over.
“Mr. Black?” McGonagall turned, a frown quickly forming across her face, “are you alright?”
“I’m actually feeling quite ill,” his eyes bore into Remus’; Remus who wanted so desperately to look away but couldn’t tear his gaze from the tempestuous glare. “Please, may I be excused to the infirmary?”
“Very well, do you need someone to accompany you? Mr. Potter,” she motioned to James who was already getting out of his chair, a look of alarm on his face as he looked between Remus and Sirius.
“No,” Sirius finally tore his eyes away from Remus who gasped raggedly, unaware that he’d been holding his breath the entire time. “I think I can manage thank you.” And he was gone.
It took Remus a second to collect himself and when he looked up he met James’ confused stare he could do nothing but shrug as he tried to think of what he had said or done to Sirius this morning or even the night before to make him look at him with such... anger? There wasn’t anything Remus could think of. Sure he’d teased Sirius a little the night before about wearing Lily’s shirt to bed, too be honest it was kind of hot, but no way was Remus going to allow himself to think about that right now. Not about how tight the t shirt had been as it was three sizes too small. Not about how it exposed his hips when he stretched his arms over his head to yawn or threw his head back in boisterous laughter. No, it wasn’t the time to think about that now. Not when his glare had been so intense. The daily lessons seemed endless and Remus was glad when finally it was time for dinner and he could stop pretending to listen about mugwort or goblin wars. He loosened his tie and dumped it along with his books on his bed before stepping into the bathroom. He promised to meet the boys in the dining hall after they visited Sirius in the hospital wing. He hadn’t returned to any of their lessons and James’ expression only grew more suspicious when Remus declined to join them.
“Did you have a fight?” he inquired as he and Peter hurried and stumbled up the stairs to catch up to Remus.
“I’m telling you I don’t know what happened,” the fat lady scoffed when Remus practically snarled the password at her, “one minute I was asking if he had an extra quill, the next he was storming out.”
“Maybe there was a misunderstanding?” Peter suggested, looking to James for an answer.
“Come with us Moony. We’ll sort it out, whatever it is,” James insisted once more at the foot of the stairs to their dorms.
“I’ll meet you at the hall. No way Sirius would willingly spend the night at the infirmary. We’ll sort it out there. Promise.” He hammed it up a bit to get James off his back. It had failed miserably but James didn’t press the issue and escorted Peter out of the common room.
Remus shut the bathroom door and flicked the light on. He startled at his reflection before leaning in a little closer. His usually green eyes were beginning to turn that hazel, almost vile yellow color they usually did when the full moon neared. His skin was pulled almost a little tighter across his face, giving his nose and jaw a sharper more defined look. His canines were becoming longer too, the pointed end sharper. He admired that the beard covered most of the scars that marred his face. Perhaps he wouldn’t shave it off it all. He scoffed at himself. He looked like a crappy extra in some muggle teen romance about vampires and werewolves with the over exaggerated features that somehow no human could seem to realize were not human.
Not human.
If this is what Remus saw... Had Sirius been cowering away from the wolf that lingered so close to the surface now? Had he looked at Remus with disgust in class now that his features reflected the monster within? He stumbled away from the mirror. Of course. No one else has to risk their lives for their werewolf friend. 
Some friend! 
Asking his friends to join the wolf to keep it from destroying itself. If Sirius had come to resent him, well, Remus couldn’t blame him. The grumbling of his stomach resurfaced him from his wallowing and he sighed. If he didn’t join the others in the hall, James would surely convince himself that something had happened between he and Sirius. Perhaps something had happened. Perhaps he was no longer Remus’ friend. Remus swallowed down the pain of the thought of losing Sirius and locked it away where he kept hidden all of the other feelings he had about the grey eyed man. There was nothing he could do about his appearance now. Concealing charms and even beautification charms were tricky things. He’d learned simple ones to keep the werewolf teltales away. He chanted a few then removed Lily’s hair tie, hoping to receive some coverage from the too long curls now. That was all he could do. The boys would see past his charms. They always did. It didn’t matter now. He had to face Sirius eventually.
But he wasn’t there. “Madame Pomfrey says he’s got some stomach bug. Wouldn’t even let us see him.”
“Hmm,” Remus stabbed at his peas with a sigh. A stomach bug, please.
“Won’t you pay him a visit?” Peter asked around a mouthful of potato and Remus grimaced.
“For what? You already said Pomfrey wont let us in.”
“Yeah,” James interjected then motioned towards himself and Peter, “US. But you? She’s got a soft spot.”
“So do most new borns. Regardless of the fondness or not, she wouldn’t let a stomach bug,” he said sarcastically and around air quotes, “spread. Not a chance.”
Peter and James shared a glance that Remus wanted to question but was interrupted by Lily’s arrival, a pretty brunette in tow. “James, I’m sorry to do this last minute. Do you mind if we reschedule tonight? I’m a little behind on the Transfigurations essay,” she admitted sheepishly, “mum was sick this weekend and I didn’t get around to it.”
“It’s no problem Evans,” James smiled and took her hand, “I could help you with it. Top of the class remember?” he grinned and she rolled her eyes but smiled fondly.
“That’s just because you managed to win McGonagall over with your stupid charm and clever spell use in your pranks.”
“You think I’m clever?” his grin widened and she smacked his arm. “Im only joking. Im happy to help. We can reschedule for this weekend. The Hogsmeade trip?”
Remus tuned out the rest of the conversation when he realized Lily’s friend had been staring. He panicked momentarily. Had the charm worn off? Was his werewolf showing?
“Hey.. Remus,” she smiled shyly.
But what was her name. He was sure they shared a class but which-
“Have you started your essay for History of Magic? I can’t decide which war I want to write about,” she sat across from him and smiled politely. Alice?
“Umm, I’ve outlined a rough draft on The Goblin Rebellions.” Emma? Samantha?
“Oh, I thought about the Gargoyle Strike of 1911 but I’m a bit confused about one of the events. Do you think you might be able to tutor me some time?” She smiled and Remus blinked. What the fuck was her name?
“You can join our study group, Charlie,” Lily gave Remus a pointed look and he smiled gratefully when the girl turned to look at Lily. “It’s currently just James and I but I think Marlene and Dorcas might join.”
“Oh,” she smiled ruefully, “I wouldn’t want to fifth wheel... maybe if Remus came?” she turned to look at Remus once more.
“Fifth wheel? Who’s the other couple?” James whispered to Lily who shook her head and sighed.
“You can be so oblivious Potter...”
“Sure,” Remus finally smiled politely, regretting it almost immediately when he heard the girl’s heart leap.
“Okay! Great! Thank you, I’ll get the details from Lily,” she smiled and stood up. “I like your new hair by the way,” she threw over her shoulder with a smirk before striding away.
“Are Marlene and Dorcas dating?” James asked loudly and Lily sighed.
It was almost nine when Remus returned from the library, leaving James and Lily alone to flirt. Peter had gone off to meet some lass he was seeing who, if Remus was being completely honest, was sporting a mustache much greater than Peter’s. He tugged on his cloak and tossed it over his trunk, beginning to unbutton his shirt when he stumbled over a shoe. A doc marten to be exact. He turned to look in every direction of the dark room, his eyes not needing to adjust in the dark, until they landed on the figure perched at the window. Those very hostile eyes met his again. Was hostile the right word? It was a mixture of dismay and confusion and maybe... lust? That was ridiculous, but Remus wasn’t going to be the first to drop his stare this time.
“Thought you were ill.”
“I was.”
So that’s how it was going to be.
“Sick of your own bullshit?” Remus raised a brow and Sirius frowned. Remus had to remind himself that he didn’t have any right to be angry with Sirius. He asked a lot of him when he expected him at the shack every night. “If you don’t want to come anymore,” if you hate me now and despise me and resent me for risking your life every month, “I understand.” But Sirius looked confused.
“I know I... around this time I start to show... I’m sorry if it bothers you more now. I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to.” Sirius had hopped off the window sill and begun walking towards him, making him stumble again when he took a step back and took a hard seat onto his trunk.
“Remus,” he was so close now that he could feel Sirius’ breath on his face, “you don’t have a clue..” Sirius’ fingers had began toying with the collar of Remus’ shirt, tugging ever so gently as his eyes flashed up to meet Remus’.
Sirius wasn’t ready to confess. It wasn’t a secret that he was gay. All of the Marauders knew and a few blokes he’d hooked up with did too. But Remus? Remus who was too kind and too smart and too good for him. He had his own problems he didn’t need to take on more, especially not the kind that would surely come if they ever... If they ever what? Hooked up? Moony wasn’t hook up material. Not with his warm skin and needy fingers in the morning. It wasn’t like he and Remus hadn’t shared a bed before. They all had at some time or another. Platonic cuddles were important, James had said. But Sirius hadn’t expected it would feel like the waves crashing against the shore when Remus pressed his cold nose against his neck in the morning, his lips brushing there too as he mumbled sleepily about chocolate pudding. He didn’t feel that way when James threw a haphazard arm around him or even Peter wiggled in too closely. With Remus it always felt like he wasn’t close enough.
And it had been so easy, so bloody easy to ignore it. To ignore the need to be closer and to want to crawl into his bed every night instead of taking turns with James who thought Peter’s elbows were too knobby. If he could wake up every morning to Remus’ cold nose he could take on anything. It had all been so easy until this morning. They had all teased Remus about how high maintenance he was about his hair. He was always cleanly shaved, he got up extra early every day to do it. He had his hair cut every two weeks and he even made sure to trim across his chest. Yes he was a werewolf, but he didn’t have to flaunt it, so he had said. The last few weeks leading up to the full moon had been tough for him, however. He’d been much more tired, much more reluctant to get out of bed. The stubble last week had already made Sirius stare for just a little too long when he thought no one was looking. He didn’t expect that Remus would be sporting a whole beard just a week later. He looked older even, especially with the way his features were beginning to sharpen. Sirius longed so much to run his fingers along the slope of his jaw. He wondered if it would be as sharp, if it would cut, if the hair that hid it now would make it softer. Would it tickle his skin? His face if he just leaned in now? He swallowed audibly when those golden eyes, nearly hidden behind the over grown curls, glanced briefly at his lips.
“Don’t know what, Sirius?” Remus whispered. He wanted so much to believe that the question in Sirius’ eyes was the one he wanted to hear.
“Hey Moony we went to check on Pads but he’s not,” James barged into the room with Peter in tow and they froze. Sirius took a step away from Remus and smiled.
“I’m feeling much better now. Pomfrey let me sleep in my own room,” he smiled as convincingly as he could.
“That’s great! Was it something you ate? I thought the biscuits at breakfast were a little off,” Peter had pushed past James and was already undressing to get into his pajamas.
“That must’ve been it,” Sirius gave him a small smile that disappeared when he met James’ eyes again. Remus looked between them. Between Sirius’ pleading eyes and James’ knowing ones.
He had to pay a certain red head a visit.
He sat still in the girls’ dorm, watching through the mirror as Marlene pouted. “Are you sure you want to cut it all off Remus?”
“Marlene, I already promised to keep the beard. The hair keeps getting in my eyes though. Please? Just some length.”
“Oh alright,” she sighed and she picked up the shears. Mary tapped her chin.
“What if we kept the length at the top.”
“Whatever just get it out of my face.”
“Ooo a werewolf with a temper, how original,” Lily grinned at his scowl. And then he remembered he was supposed to make nice because-
“Hey Lils?”
“Hmm?” She was distracted. The girls had taken advantage of Remus asking for a hair cut to have a spa day. Marlene was the only person that Remus trusted with his hair. Supposedly she’d taken lessons over the summer with a muggle cousin of hers. She’d made quite the profit dying and cutting hair when lessons were over. “If I wasn’t so sure I wanted to join the ministry, perhaps I’d open my own salon,” she had mentioned the first time she cut Remus’ hair. She was the only one who could get it exactly the way he wanted it.
“Want to play a game to pass the time?”
“Does it involve using my hands, kind of occupied..”
“No, Marlene would kill me if I moved a muscle.”
“Got that right,” she huffed.
“What game?”
“I’ll ask you yes or no questions and you have to answer with the first one that comes to mind.”
“You’re looking for trouble, me thinks,” Mary lifted a cucumber from her eye to peek at Remus, “there’s something he wants you to confess. Don’t do it Lily.”
“Remus is smarter than that. If he wants answers he should ask like a big boy, isn’t that right Remus?” Lily laughed at his scowl through the mirror.
“I’m not certain you’d tell me.”
“Alright Remus, I’m in good spirits, I’ll humor you this once. Go on,” and she was back to painting her nails.
“Do you like chocolate ice cream?”
“Do you prefer McGonagall over Bins?”
“Do you like Shakespeare?”
“Absolutely not. That won’t change, leave me be!!”
“Yes or no only!”
“Do you prefer butterbeer over fire whiskey.”
“Do you fancy James?”
“Does Sirius fancy me?”
“WAIT!” Marlene shouted making them all jump.
“Oh no,” Lily groaned at her ruined toes, “Marlene you’ve bloody ruined them.”
“No no no,” Mary was removing the cucumbers again, “forget your toes for a minute. Remus,” she smiled condescendingly, “sweetie,” Remus growled lowly but she persisted, “do you fancy Sirius?”
“Stupid question babe,” Marlene laughed and Remus sputtered.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh Remus really,” Marlene gave him a tired look, “it’s so bloody obvious. You practically drool over him.”
“Fine. I’m in love with the idiot is that what you want?” They all froze before sharing a look and then turning to him.
“You’re in love with him?”
“I thought it was obvious?” Remus scowled and Lily waddled over to sit in front of him next to Mary.
“Well I mean it was obvious you were totally gone for him but, in love? That’s different...” Mary shook her head. Remus was starting to feel nervous. Maybe love was more than he bargained for. Here he was confessing and he wasn’t even sure. He was sure of his own feelings but what did they matter if Sirius didn’t feel the same?
“You didn’t answer my question...”
“He doesn’t fancy you,” Lily shook her head and Marlene snorted, “he worships the ground you walk on.”
“Get stuffed,” Remus rolled his eyes and Lily flipped him the bird.
“Do you know how before James and Lily were dating, they would go on and on and on about each other? And if they were having a conversation, they acted like they weren’t aware that anyone else was in the room?” Marlene had taken up the scissors again as she asked.
“Come off it,” Lily blushed.
“Sirius is like that about you. Only worse.”
“Worse?” Remus breathed almost inaudibly. He didn’t believe it when he asked. He wondered and he hoped so much that it were true but having it confirmed felt like a glacier melting in his chest.
“He pines,” Mary grimaced.
“Merlin, does he pine. And he rambles too,” Marlene shook her head.
“He whines! That’s the worst part,” Lily laughed.
The floor beneath him felt unsteady. Was the chair swaying?
“Get a grip Remus,” Marlene’s brow furrowed, a bit if concern on her face, “is that not what you wanted to hear?”
“I- yes but...”
“What is it?” Lily asked.
“What now?”
“Men are impossible,” Mary rolled her eyes then placed fresh cucumber rounds over them.
“You know he has feelings for you, the same ones you have for him, and you don’t know what to do now? Do you need to hear about the birds and the bees too?” Marlene laughed and Mary snorted.
“Birds and the birds Marls.”
“I think men are the bees?”
“Can it you two,” Lily grinned, “Remus... you have to tell him. When you’re ready of course. Doesn’t have to be today. But also what are you waiting for!”
“Poor Charlie will be crushed,” Mary chuckled and Marlene’s fingers froze in his hair.
“Charlie... Charlotte McLaggen? Yuck please, you can do better than that, Remus.”
“Mean, she’s a nice girl,” Lily frowned.
“Better than Sirius?” Marlene countered and they burst out in laughter.
“That’s really a matter of opinion,” Lily shrugged and Remus sighed.
“I can hear you lot laughing from down the hall,” Dorcas came through the door, arms full of sweets from the kitchens. “You started without me!!” she feigned a look of disbelief and pouted.
“Are those for me?” Marlene smiled at the chocolates in her hands. Remus didn’t hear the rest of the conversation however. He was too focused on Marlene’s face. She was looking at Dorcas.... he had to look away, it felt like intruding to keep staring. He could only smile when he realized that Sirius had looked at him that way the night before.
It’d been a week since the night in the girl’s dorms. Remus, who now found himself trapped between a bookshelf and Charlie’s fingers in his hair, regretted most deeply that he had not yet confessed to Sirius about his feelings.
“It’s such a shame you cut so much of it off Remus,” she frowned and Remus smiled politely. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and gently removed her hand from his hair and placed it in her own lap.
“It’ll grow.” He was ashamed of his inability to conceal his irritation. The full moon had come and gone and he was tired, his body still feeling the effects of the change. He’d managed to get a new scar that split his left eyebrow and he was happy now that he had allowed Marlene to leave his hair just a little longer than he usually wore it. But oh how Charlotte loved it.
“You just look like such a bad boy. Its sexy.”
Remus wanted nothing more than to be done with this damn study group so he could find Sirius. He kept waiting for the right moment but maybe there wasn’t one. Maybe any chance to tell him was the right moment. Any chance to be able to press his lips against his-
“Remus?” James snapped him out of his trance.
“Same time tomorrow? The weather’s too nice out we aren’t going to get anything done now. Even you seem distracted,” James grinned and Remus smiled sheepishly.
“I apologize I-“
“Maybe we can skip off to Hogsmeade, Remus,” Charlotte interrupted him and Lily began to pick up her books faster when she noticed Remus’ tight lipped smile, “visit Madame Puddifoot’s tea shop?”
“Charlie,” she grinned and Remus all but screamed.
“Charlie,” he stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, “it is never gonna happen between us. I’m sorry I wasted your time. I just don’t see-“
“Oh... oh you’re joking!” she laughed and shoved his arm, “you’re so funny.”
“I’m not funny, I’m gay. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Remus strode off then, leaving behind an open mouthed Charlie and a laughing Lily and James.
Remus ran out of the library and out towards the lake. It was common to find Sirius under the tree there, having a nap and ditching study hall. Remus could see his boots protruding from behind one of the roots and smiled. He sped up, wincing as his muscles protested. He dropped his bag at the edge of the lake, leaning over and bracing himself on his knees as he wheezed for air.
“Remus?” Sirius sat up, a look of alarm on his face, “are you alright?” he scrambled to his knees and made his way over, pressing his hands to Remus’ shoulders. “Hey,” he tilted his head and smiled when his eyes met Remus’, “alright Moony?”
Remus had just begun to settle his heavy breathing but he was suddenly breathless again. He straightened himself and Sirius dropped his hands, taking a step back before Remus caught his arm.
“I’m not... I mean..” he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before looking at Sirius again. “I’m much better than alright.”
“Is that right,” he reached up, “you’ve cut it.” Remus wrapped his fingers around his wrist, chuckling at the familiar action. Except he didn’t mind these fingers in his hair as much. He kept his hold on Sirius’ wrist and smiled.
“It wasn’t very me... plus it tickled my nose,” he grinned wider when Sirius laughed, “I think I’m in love with you.”
He’d stopped laughing then. “Think you’re still under the effects of the full moon there Moony,” but his smile never faded.
“Oh I definitely am. My legs are ready to give out actually,” he released Sirius’ wrist then, leaning into the fingers that had tangled into his hair and were now pressed to his face.
“I’m so stupid,” Sirius laughed, “I’d hidden it so well... who knew I had a thing for hairy men.”
“Everyone. I might be a little ashamed to say I asked Lily and Marlene.”
“Moony!” He exclaimed, “I didn’t take you for a gossip.”
“Be nice,” Remus’ face hurt from smiling, “I had to be sure... didn’t want to make a fool of myself or even push you away. I’d rather be your friend and keep my feelings to myself if it means you’d stay in my life.”
“What made you change your mind? Seemed to be in a rush when you got here,” he chuckled, “so eager to give me a half arsed confession.”
“Half arsed!” Remus’ eyebrows shot up.
“I think I’m in love with you,” Sirius repeated and Remus grinned.
“I know that I am... you however, I think you’re just lusting,” he teased and Sirius dropped his hand, giving him a small shrug.
“Mayhaps I am. So what now?”
“I think that’s up to you,” Remus couldn’t help but be surprised at the shy smile that Sirius offered him. Sirius reached forward once more to grip the front of Remus’ shirt, stood on his toes, and pressed his lips to his.
“The hair I can part with, but please... never shave that beard,” he mumbled against Remus’ lips.
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. P2/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: Mention of loss, Spelling mistakes, Picture of gun (straight after keep reading), you go to church?
Around 1700 words.
(Around season 5 but not following story at all)
…the day before your 18th birthday. The day you can finally start training and helping on hunts. You fall asleep after the movie and wake up to your alarm reading 8.30am (Birthdate) Sunday. The day you had been waiting for. You could finally start training. Well after Sunday service, it was something your mother never failed to attend no matter what state she was hunting in and you kept that alive, even if you weren’t exactly sure how you felt about religion, but going helped you feel close to your mum again, and after hearing briefly about what the Winchesters had gone though it could be useful to learn a bit more. You got ready and headed to the kitchen where you met with Bobby.
“Happy Birthday kid” he said trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible, even though he had woken up kinda early on a weekend.
“Hey, I’m 18 now, no longer a kid.” You smiled at him.
He shook his head in response chuckling as he grabbed an envelope with a box attached to it. When you received it you could see your name written messily on the envelope in a blue ink, you opened it and to no surprise was a card with (Your fav animal) wearing a hat, just like every year. You smiled and read the inscription inside. Then headed for the black box with a gold ribbon loosely tied around, Bobby had never been the best at bows, but you love the effort. Untying and opening the box you see a silver gun with carvings on, and a wooden handle with a pentacle carved. (Like below but you can change to preference)
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“I know it's not much, but it was your dad’s, the boys found it when they…” he trailed of for a second. “when they were searching the nest, I thought it was the best time to give it to you, seeing as you’re so god damned persistent on training.”
“I love it Bobby, thank you so much” You gently lay it on the table and encase him in a hug, which he allows for a few seconds”
“Alright” He said patting your back and stepping away, “just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you are ready to hunt though. Understood?”
“Yeah I know” you reply trying not to laugh at his stern expression.
“Right well there’s some (f/f) if your hungry” he said moving to reveal a plate behind him.
“Oh my gosh you didn’t have to” You say looking at the counter with a neatly plated breakfast. You grabbed it and sat down enjoying the change from the usual cereal or toast, and with a mouth half full asked. “When can I start?”
“Lunch time. We will start with some basics ways to hunt and defend yourself.”
You were about to speak when he interrupted guessing your thoughts.
“You won’t be going on any hunts anytime soon until you are 100% ready. You can help out with some of the research though”
You rolled your eyes, as if you didn’t already help with the research. You finished your food and said your goodbyes, Bobby probably heading back to bed for a nap, you left heading for church to see Priest Peter. He was a nice priest and you got to know him a bit with the visits you made.
You were stood outside the church on time at 9:30 when you friend Lena came up and you started heading in. Lena was lovely, you had met at your first church service and continues to go together ever since. You didn’t really see each other outside, but you grew close nonetheless. She was only a year older than you but sometimes it seemed like she was half her age. She like the rest of people outside your small family didn’t know it was your birthday, and you liked that.
“So (Y/N), did you hear Priest Peters gone away for a while?” she spoke grinning at you, unlike you she didn’t like Peter, said his voice made her want to sleep.
“What, how come? I didn’t hear anything” you replied completely confused.
“Yep, No one knows for sure, but I think it's something about a family member getting married in Australia.”
“So, do we have Marcus today then?” Marcus was as you called him jr Peter, he was still in training and followed Peter around like a lost dog.
“Must do” She replied smiling, she never said it but you could tell she liked Marus a lot more, you took your seats, you sat on the second row back always. It was good for the winter because it was next to a heater, and good for the summer because it was near an openable window. You and Lena sat and talked about pointless things until everyone had sat down and the service started.
The priest walked up, but it wasn’t Marcus or anyone you had ever seen before. It was a very attractive man. He had messy hair, and very short beard on his pale skin. He was slightly chubby and wearing the usual priest get up, but for some reason seemed slightly us of place. Your eyes were drawn to him, it was like you couldn’t look away.
“Good Morning. I am Father Crowley, and I will be covering for Peter whilst he is away at his sister’s wedding.” he spoke confirming Lenas rumor.
He had a beautiful English accent and managed to get everyone's attention without raising his voice. The service went on as usual, although you payed more attention to the man in front of you instead of his teachings of God. Before long, it was over, and you all got up to give blessings and mingle a bit before you were to go. After a while Lena had left having to go run an errand, and you were talking to an old woman you did the occasional job for who lived about 5 minutes away. Just as you finished your conversation and the women went out, your phone buzzed, and you pulled it out of your pocket. 10.45 am, and two new messages.
One from Sam “Morning (Y/N), Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day, me and Dean will try to visit soon, I found a book in the bunker library you will like.”
Another from Dean “Happy Birthday (N/N) good luck training today, have a good one. Me and Sammy will swing round in a couple weeks to check in and make sure Bobby’s not driving you too crazy. Be safe xx”
You smiled as you slid your phone away deciding to reply later. You had been close to the Winchesters after the accident, both becoming brothers to you, Dean was however much more protective of you then Sam was. You looked around and noticed you were the last to leave, as you turned towards the doors you noticed Father Crowley still stood there looking at you.
“Did you enjoy the service?” he asked casually walking over to you.
You hesitated a moment before replying with a simple “Yes”. You don’t know why but he made you feel slightly nervous, not in a bad way, but you couldn’t describe it. You noticed up close his eyes were a sort of green colour.
“Good, I’m new to holding services to be honest with you…”
“(Y/N)” you filled in the blank.
“(Y/N) what a lovely name. Do you always come to church (Y/N)?” He asked lingering on your name.
“Yes, Father every week” you replied composing yourself a little. “It seemed like you had done a thousand services before, I don’t think anyone noticed”
“Thank you, and please just call me Crowley, I’m not a big fan of the whole Father thing” he said smiling. “What were your thoughts on the passage read today?”
“I’m not sure. I think in some ways it………...but it seems a bit………” You gave your opinion and Crowley responded with a grin.
“I agree completely. Well I assume you will be here next week?”
“Yes, I will be, and you?”
“Peter will still be away so it will be me again for at least another 2 weeks. Would you perhaps like to meet up after service for coffee and discus some more of your views?”
“Sure, I would love to” you replied trying to hide your smile, “I better get going though, goodbye Crowley.”
“Until next time” he nodded as you left to go back home.
Meeting up next week? For coffee? You thought as you walked along the path. Okay (Y/N) don’t think to much into it, he just wants to talk about the service. Oh, why did I agree, I don’t want to sit and talk to a priest about the bible, although I do want to talk to this specific priest more. Why am I even worrying about it it’s not like it’s a date, can priests even date? I wouldn’t even want it to be, he seems nice and he is attractive, but if he can date he's probably already married he did seem a bit older. It's probably a group thing and he just invited me along to go with them, of course that makes sense.
You finally arrived though the front door and are greeted with the sound of yelling coming from in the house.
“…no, you idjit, you’re supposed to give them the second number if you want the FBI………. Just don’t mess up again your lucky I have common sense.” He put the phone down just as you walked in the room.
“What was that?” You asked sitting on a chair.
“The wheelers, giving out the wrong numbers again. Your back later than usual service run over?” He asked looking at his watch.
“No just stayed to chat a bit after, it was a new priest.”
“Ahh I see, well do you want to watch a film seeing as its your birthday we could go get some snacks and rent a movie?”
“No way, you’re not getting out of this one, you said we would train at noon, its 11:30. We can watch a film after.” You looked up at him and he frowned.
“I don’t know kid, maybe we should wait another year.”
“Nope no chance, I’m going to get changed and then we can start.” Bobby looked unimpressed so you added on a “Please.” Giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine all right, alright go change we can start today”
“Yay thank you” You yelled heading up the stairs to get changed.
 A/N I don’t really know what a service looks like because i haven't been to one for ages, so apologise about that. Sorry if your names Lena as well don't worry show wont be mentioned much. Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed it. :D
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ajfanfic · 3 years
The Golden Room - A 70s Lesbians Witcher Fic
Part four of Snow and Dirty Rain
Read it on Ao3
We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so I said What do you want, sweetheart? and you said Kiss me. Here I am leaving you clues. I am singing now while Rome burns. We are all just trying to be holy. My applejack, my silent night, just mash your lips against me. We are all going forward. None of us are going back.
Richard Siken, "Snow and Dirty Rain"
The dykes are always the first to go. That was a fact Geralt had gotten used to. It doesn’t surprise her, and it hadn’t upset her much before. This time, though, her eyes burn as she walks in the door, a pink slip in her pocket. She drops her coat on a chair.
Jaskier looks up from where she’s scribbling in her notebook and before even saying hello, asks, “What’s wrong, baby?"
“Got laid off,” she says roughly.
Jaskier rounds the table and pulls her close. Between their two incomes, supporting the three of them had been a close thing. She says, “I’ll work more nights.”
Geralt wants to say no but bites her tongue. Jaskier knows how she feels about the risks her work poses. She breathes in the sweet smell of Jaskier’s shampoo. “I don’t want you to.”
“I don’t want to either, but what else are we going to do?”
“We’ll figure something out. I’ll find another job.”
“The rent is due soon.”
“I know.”
There isn’t much more to say.
Vesemir calls the next day and Geralt swears the old woman has a psychic ability to tell when something is wrong, no matter the distance between them. The longer Ciri is with them, the more she thinks it might be a parent thing. Jaskier sits leaning against Geralt’s shoulder to listen in.
“There’s always work for you here,” Vesemir says.
Jaskier raises her eyebrows in a question at Geralt, who shakes her head and answers both of them.
“I couldn’t leave Ciri and Jaskier for that long.”
“I meant all of you.” Geralt can hear the look on Vesemir’s face that asks are you stupid, kid?
“We wouldn’t want to impose,” Jaskier says, pressing close to join the conversation.
“No imposition, you’re family. Get that Yennefer to bring y’all down Monday, she can have the guest room for the night.”
And just like that, it’s more or less figured out.
Yennefer jumps at the chance to see Vesemir again. They pack themselves into her battered purple car with bags of groceries and a bottle of Vesemir’s favorite whiskey. Jaskier and Yennefer fight over control of the tape deck before letting Ciri pick. They speed down the highway, “Mercedes Benz” blaring. Geralt can’t help smile as the noise of the city fades away, replaced by the shout of the wind and her little family singing along.
The old farmhouse is much like its owner, weathered and grey in a way that would be imposing if not for the brightness of the life within. Vesemir is waiting for them on the front porch, arms crossed and grinning. Ciri looks between her and Geralt as they climb out of the car, then down at herself.
“I see what you meant, Yen,” she laughs. Between their hair, faded jeans, work boots, and muted flannels, the three look uncannily similar.
“Told you,” Yennefer says. “You were meant to end up here.”
Geralt drops their bags on the step and tackles Vesemir in a bear hug.
“It’s good to see you too, kid.”
“Been too long.”
Vesemir pulls away and smacks Geralt upside the head. “Now, who’s fault is that?” She holds her hand up before Geralt can protest. “Introduce me to my grandkid.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Geralt beckons her up. “This is Ciri.”
Ciri squares her shoulders and tips her chin up. “Good to meet you.”
Vesemir looks her up and down appraisingly. “Can you ride?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Then that’s our first order of business.” Vesemir throws an arm around her shoulder and pulls her into her side. “Why don’t we let Geralt put y’all’s stuff away and I’ll show you around. The ladies can put their feet up for a bit.”
“Hey!” Geralt protests even as she picks the bags up again.
“Vesemir is absolutely right, that long drive was just exhausting.” Jaskier fans herself dramatically.
“And you didn’t even do anything,” says Yennefer.
“Nothing but enjoy your company, darling.”
Jaskier darts up the steps, giggling, with Yennefer hot on her heels. She pauses to drop a kiss on Vesemir’s cheek before heading into the house.
It doesn’t take long for them to decide to stay. They hadn’t talked about what they were going to do next, too grateful to want to ask too much but the next morning over breakfast Vesemir looks up from her coffee and says, “I’m not sure how attached y’all are to the furniture you got in the city, but you’re welcome to the truck if you want to bring anything else down.”
“Honestly, a coat of paint and this place would be nicer than anywhere else I’ve ever lived,” says Jaskier, “furniture included.”
Vesemir smiles. “Then we’ve got our first task. Ciri, what color’d you like?”
She thinks about it for a long moment. “Yellow. Bright yellow.”
“Yellow it is, then.”
Vesemir introduces Ciri to the horses when Geralt goes into town to buy paint. Ciri decides that Applejack is her horse. Applejack has yet to agree, but with time and sugar cubes, Ciri is determined to win him over.
Geralt comes back with paint, and brushes, and a package of seeds that promise to someday be a feast. Jaskier’s eyes light up and she claims a plot by the porch as her garden.
“So I can sit in the shade and keep an eye on it,” she explains. She’s got a wide-brimmed hat on and her hair tied up, a pair of Ciri’s jeans too short at her ankles, and Geralt has to push the hat back and kiss her.
Vesemir kneels in the dirt beside her and shows her how to build a mound and press the squash seeds into the middle, how to make furrows for the carrots, and put marigolds around the edge to keep off the bugs. Together, they plant the seeds.
“Good work,” Vesemir says. “It’s been a long time since I’ve kept a garden here. It’s too much work for one person.”
“Most things are,” says Jaskier. “Most things are, honey.”
They don’t end up using the truck. Yennefer drives down again the next weekend, the rest of Jaskier’s clothes, her records and record player, and Geralt’s few books in the trunk. Jaskier runs an extension cord out the kitchen window and sets the record player up on the porch. Geralt and Vesemir argue over their plan of attack, but settle on taking the week to do the work, one side of the house at a time, top and bottom. Ciri ends up with soap in her hair and Jaskier’s top is soaked through by the time the walls are clean, and they have to take a break for lemonade. They tape off the window trim and pull the chairs away from the wall. Vesemir starts at the top with Geralt, claiming her knees are too old to get on the ground. Ciri obliges and lays on her belly to paint the edge where the porch meets the wall.
The project grows, as projects are wont to do. The house’s bright color makes the trim look dirty, so white joins the yellow splatters on their jeans. A rainy weekend leaves the kitchen bright green, cans of blue waiting at the foot of the stairs for the bedrooms and the next storm. Summer is beginning to frizz Jaskier’s hair by the time they finish and the house matches the riot of color outside.
Vesemir teases them for their taste and Ciri says, “That’s what you get for inviting a bunch of queers into your house.”
There is a glint of victory in the smile Geralt and Jaskier share at that, satisfied in the knowledge that they have done well. After dinner, Ciri and Vesemir do the washing up and Geralt follows Jaskier onto the porch.
Fireflies flicker over the dirt road. They stand for a long moment at the rail, a breeze keeping the night from unpleasant heat.
“Thank you. For coming here.” Geralt doesn’t say for me but Jaskier knows her well enough to hear it.
Jaskier leans back against Geralt’s chest. She sighs, looking out past the small garden she’s planted beside the porch and the wide fields beyond. Geralt’s arms wrap around her and she feels very peacefully small.
“I knew I’d be happy here because you and Ciri are happy. And I am, but I’m happy here for me, too. All of this isn’t what I thought I wanted but it’s good in a way I couldn’t have predicted, putting down roots. I’ve never been in one place long enough to do that before.”
“What do you want, sweetheart?” Geralt says.
She smiles softly and says, “Kiss me.”
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lewdladylily · 3 years
You've mentioned this kink club you frequent a few times, what's the place like generally? Like what kinda stuff do they have going on in a place like that?
There are about 4 within reasonable driving distance of where I live (salt lake city, Utah) but I have only gone to two of them due to time and distance constraints. Though you do get kink nights at a couple local dance clubs, I know Area 51 (local dance club) does them here and there, and they are generally kink friendly any time. The local drag queens really like Area 51.
Anyway, the kink clubs are community run and non commercial. The two I am familiar with are actually built in a residential area - from the outside it just looks like someone’s house, you would never know unless you knew. Someone owns the place and it is technically their home, but I don’t know who. They don’t like to let people know who they are and we all respect their privacy. My understanding is not even the neighbors know. As a side note, the cops all know where these clubs are, it isn’t a problem.
My personal favorite was founded around 60 years ago by the gay leather community but it’s always been open to the larger kink community, we all want somewhere to meet and do our thing so we support each other. Also there is a lot of cross over between different groups.
The one I go to most often has a large living room area that has been converted into a dance floor, which acts as the main play area, area for meetings and classes, and occasionally as an actual dance floor when events call for it. There is a sound system, dance club style lighting, padded benches along the walls, and lots of bondage furniture (also scattered around the rest of the clubhouse). There are several other rooms, 3 additional smaller play rooms, a rest area, a kitchen area (Free water bottles all the time, snacks most nights, as well as a soda machine).
Outside of the main clubhouse they built a small bar, maybe 15 feet by 30. You can smoke there, some nights they serve drinks, tables, stools, etc. You get it. It is a good hangout place, cozy and comfortable feel. I’ve spent a lot of hours there just chatting with people.
They have a consensual non consent area set up in the back half of the bar. The idea is that there is a hazard line on the floor that indicates a “danger” area, as well as a stop light they got somewhere. If it is green, all normal rules apply. If it is red then past the line cnc rules are in place - if you are past the line then it is an invitation for someone to come and do what they want with you without asking permission first (unless you safe word, safe words are always in effect). Generally people are not confident enough to do anything though, unless they already know you. I’ve never had the nerve to try it myself on either side. There is this one lady that is a really good belly dancer that likes to go hang out and dance in the CNC area. I’ve never been around for anyone doing more than groping her, but I understand sometimes people will tie her up, maybe use a vibrator on her.
There are also two chairs with built in restraints set up in the CNC area if that is your thing. 
There is also a pretty good size patio area. Generally we just sit and chat on warm evenings out there. It is technically open for scenes, and that does happen sometimes. I once saw a girl and her dominant doing a water torture scene, basically she was tied up arms behind her back, on her knees in front of a plastic tub filled with water. Her dominant shoved her head under the water, holding her in place while she tried to resist and break free. Pulled up and allowed to breathe before she was unexpectedly pushed back under. Very hot to watch.
For the more general things we get up to there, generally things are set up as events that you can attend. The entry fee was $15 last time I checked, just to cover minimal expenses. You can also donate to improve the clubhouse. It gets a good amount of donations, everyone wants a good place to hang out, but no one is getting any real amount of money out of it. All the donations go into things like buying furniture or cleaning supplies. All events are invitation only, basically any member of the clubhouse can sponsor someone for their first event, after that they have a standing invitation to any open event.
The events themselves vary greatly. The most popular events are the general play parties, where people just show up, hang out, meet people, and sometimes do some play. It is not uncommon at all for people to come without any intention of sexual play at all, it is a very comfortable, queer friendly environment. We’re all weirdos here, no one is going to judge you for whatever you do.
Generally speaking at any given time someone will be doing something though. All scenes and play being done in the clubhouse is open for anyone to watch. So if some hot girl is being tied up, or two attractive people are having sex, or if there is just a really sexy woman half naked across the room, you are free to watch the show and it is not considered impolite to stare.
At any given party you are going to see a wide variety of people. Lots of people in street clothes hanging out, chatting, and watching whatever is going on. You’ll see several people in anything they find sexy such as lingerie, corsets, formal wear, or even just straight up naked. I have seen two submissive friends come handcuffed together and only in panties. One of my friends likes to wear maid outfits with cat ears and a tail. All that good stuff. You’ll see people on leashes or other obvious signs of dominant/submissive dynamics too.
The events are 18+, and I’ve seen people in their 70s there. Most people are 25+. You’ll also find a wide variety of body types, including fat or otherwise not traditionally attractive people, trans people, you name it. That isn’t a real barrier to joining in on the fun or finding partners.
For an example of a more exclusive event, there is a gender queer play group that used to meet regularly, I am not sure if they still do. Open for trans people and cross dressers plus established allies. Strictly invitation only because this can be an extremely frightening thing for people.
I was a regular of the gender queer group, it was an easy place for me to start as a trans women. I felt more comfortable there than at a general play party until I got my bearings in the community, and I was friends with all the cross dressers by that point. Generally the idea was we would get together to hang out and chat, give all the cross dressers a night to dress up, some of the more experienced CDs would put on a workshop for how to do makeup. That sort of thing. These were more casual parties without much heavy play. You wont find people fucking in the basement, but you might see a light spanking scene.
They also do a weekly class on some kink subject. Someone in the community puts together a presentation on something they like in kink - for example, pony play, or dollification, or leather working - and you can come learn about it. I went to a leather class once where the presenter showed off these black leather angel wings she made, they were stunning.
These classes are strictly no play, with the exception of any demonstrations the presenter does, and the donation drive, in which a female volunteer brings around a donation box (it is actually a wooden duck, a lighthearted tradition that I don’t know the origin of) while stripped down to her panties in order to “encourage” donations. It’s a tongue in cheek tradition, we are all perverts so we might as well have some perverted fun and let an exhibitionist whore herself around a bit. No one is expected to donate, but it is encouraged.
The thing that might not get across easily is that this is a very comfortable atmosphere and basically one of the safest places you could go. Everything is built around safety and consent, and everyone is looking out for everyone else. I’ve done intense bdsm scenes before that left me so fucked up that I couldn’t even walk on my own. People helped me to the couch so I could rest, got me a blanket, and then got me a sealed water bottle so I could rehydrate and checked in on me regularly until I was able to properly take care of myself. I felt completely safe the entire time. I’ve watched over people like this myself before. It is just what you do.
If I had to pick a personal favorite thing, it would have to be the cages.
The clubhouse has a large standup cage, usually one occupant, but you can fairly comfortably fit two. Often someone gets locked in there and basically put on display. One time a cute girl was locked in the standing cage, her arms bound to the top of the cage, with it sitting in the middle of the room. People were encouraged to reach in and grope and touch her as they passed. I’ve locked people in there before, including heavy bondage to the bars of the cage while I groped and teased them with a vibrator. That was a ton of fun.
There is also a horizontal, long cage big enough for one person, or if you are willing to get very close and personal two people. It is comfortable enough for long periods of time. You often see a submissive or two locked in that cage, sometimes left there while their dominant goes off and plays with someone else. I met one of my good friends while she was locked in that cage. It has a padded top so it doubles as a bench for an added level of humiliation.
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grox · 4 years
I had a dream where like my friend and I were at a department store looking for my homecoming clothes and as time went on we started having more fun there the store started disappearing and like 100 random classmates joined in and eventually the last shelf disappeared so we were in like a building but it looked like outside and it was night. And I was running around from friend to friend since everyone kinda spread out across the store in the cliques and I wanted to celebrate our new land so I like. Got some people to help and went outside and just snatched this teen girl and we dragged her back in. And we like tied her to a big box of fireworks and called everyone in the store to watch and set the fireworks off. And everyone was like :00 WOAH and she died and disappeared. And nobody was worried about anything so I started playing a video game that I swore existed irl but does not and I wont tell you what it was about because it would reveal to you my worst desires. I played it for a while against a friend and I beat him
Right after that some adult men broke in and pointed at him and they were like. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT TOOK HER!!! And they picked him up in front of everyone and took him away and I was done playing so I sat back in my chair. But then I realized I was guilty and started freaking out and stuck my hand in my pockets and realized it was still full of the staples I had used to restrain that lady. And I was like oh my god I gotta get rud of these. So I snuck out at night (still in the department store) and hid them all in my mouth and they rrally hurt but eventually I went behind a building and spat them all out
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