#sigyn headcannons
foxcakq · 1 year
I like how most ppl’s MCU Sigyn is cute, and has little to no actual damage/character changes in a story, while mine just has like a metric duckton of trauma, with only a few “happy” moments.
Random things about my Sigyn:
She gave birth to Vali shortly before her death, and hid him.
Has extremely powerful magic, and is considered the strongest of her sisters.
She accidentally k#lled Amora after sparring with her and still has nightmares about this moment.
She was reincarnated in Constanta, Romania during the 80s
Sigyn is intersex but hides this by her magic, she switches between male and female forms whenever she feels like it. (Uses she/her and he/him)
She has major ptsd from her time in Hydra.
She looks Asian, has long black hair, and is skinny
She was one of the only people that cared for the soldat's health, and often starved herself to make sure that he ate
She has problems with body dysmorphia
Whenever Bucky has nightmares, she comforts him in Russian, which she learned only for him.
She can speak Romanian, Japanese, Korean, English, and speaks some Russian.
She is an extrovert, but has social anxiety
Sigyn escaped Hydra with the help of the soldat (Bucky)
In her male form, she is called Sigryn
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Art :0
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sigyn-foxyposts · 25 days
Loki & pregnancy headcannon!
+ Sigyn & Angrboda :3
These are not to made to invalidate anyone by the way! They're just my own headcannons based on what I've heard and been taught.✨
As we all know Loki experienced pregnancy in his earlier years (its cannon lore according to frigg in the lokasenna) and personally I think they all gave him bad experiences.
Not only were all of them unplanned and he often had to deliver alone without support, but he also felt helpless and regretful in the aftermath.
This caused him to not be able to bond with for example Sleipnir and ended up giving him away to a place he knew he would be cared for, eventually serving a great purpose which he is very proud of, I can imagine!!
Like many moms, motherhood isn't all sunshine and rainbows and it was just too overwhelming for him. He just wasn't ready! That doesn't mean he didn't love any of his children though and he wishes he did better!
Despite the negative aspects Loki likes to focus on the good parts of it at least!
Like the fact his children were all healthy and they both survived the whole ordeal. Also the fact he became very helpful and sympathetic to Angrboda and Sigyn once they'd carry their children.
He always knew what to do during their pregnancies basing it off his own experience.
Like what to eat, how to care for them, ect! Heck, he even knew how to make childbirth a little more comfortable and easier.
He understands their pain and will go out of his way to make their experience to be a lot better than his own. He was always so worried about the endless possibilities that could go wrong! But luckily it all worked out.
Fun little extra! Loki is actually very uncomfortable with pregnancy and baby bumps, but overtime has warmed up to it enough to be affectionate with his wives. Though he prefers to not get too close, he doesn't like when the babies move and he is afraid to hurt them somehow! 😭
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There's a lack of Sigyn so imma draw it myself. Would've loved to see content of this trio goin on adventures or something tbh. 3 kids burdened with horrid fates, how would they have coped?...
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lore-olympus-saga · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for Loki's Wives in the LO Universe?
I'm often more of a Loki/Sigyn shipper than a Loki/Angrboda shipper tbh.
Oh my, do I? (yes, so much xD)
First and foremost In my headcannons Loki is polyamourous and also genderfluid. It’s accepted and known in this universe. 
For Angrboda and Loki:
Angrboda is his first wife and it’s quite the friendship/romance type. They’re both jötunn and spend a lot of time playing with magic and runes. 
Since Loki is bound to Asgard he spends less time with her because she disagrees on his loyalties but that doesn’t mean they stopped caring about each other.
 In the LO universe they’re still allies but it’s strained due to their children’s fate in which Loki failed to protect them. Angrboda 
I sadly don’t have much more about them :( even though I love Angrboda
For Sigyn and Loki,
Their relationship was more complicated to start off with. I’ve imagined more of an arranged marriage for them.The classic trope strangers to lovers really.  
At first Sigyn was really scared and repelled by the jötunn, completely influence by the horror stories Asgard has spread about jötunheim. 
After their wedding, Loki didn’t even dare to touch her because she was scared of him. He’d rather leave her for months to travel with Odinn because he didn’t see the point in staying with someone who hated him.
 It’s only with time and with the few moments they shared when he stayed at their home that Sigyn got to understand him better and started to realise that maybe he is more than the rumors that surrounds him. 
Sigyn stays an ansgardian so she’s a good fighter. I’d like to think that Loki and her will fight side by side and can protect each other just as well.
He’s a wild card and she’s very soft and peaceful. They complement each other even if it means they butt heads more than most. 
During the events of LO, Sigyn would be pregnant. She’s expecting and doesn’t really like to see Loki so interested in Olympus’s mess.  Plus Loki and her are both worried of how their children will be welcomed by the other gods since that until now no offspirng of Loki’s have been kindly treated.
In the event this LO au, Kore has to take shelter in Asgard and since she’s quite close to Loki she’ll get to spend time with Sigyn who’ll be a sort of guide in the politics of the Asgardians. 
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(Here’s a little prototype of Sigyn’s design. All bundle up and cosy with her husband)
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littleliongirl16 · 8 months
okay there are a lot of "the Mechanisms were the Archivist's college band" headcannons. And I think they're really silly and fun. But sometimes I think about the Mechanisms being the Archivist's band during or after TMA.
For the moment I'm just thinking about Jon, any version of this becomes very complicated if you try to work the other band members who are also TMA va's in. I'm going to try but it's a story for a separate post and I want to think about it for Jon regardless of how nonsensical it is for everyone else.
I just think there's a lot of potential to lean into the fact that they're recognizably two stories by partially the same guy. Jon taking inspiration from his own experiences to write mechs songs... maybe even venting some of his own anxiety into songs? healthy coping mechanisms for the archivist? pun intended?
Like, a lot of these albums end very apocalyptically, especially the bifrost incident (but all of them really). If the archivist was in the mechanisms basically anytime from late s3 to your post-cannon of choice, that could be him trying to process his fear of the rituals succeeding.
And Um. The Bifrost Incident is my favorite and also the one I think would be most interesting in a the archivist is in the mechanisms universe. Jon always had a bit of a "a ritual succeeding eventually is inevitable" attitude, especially in s5 where they're debating sending the fears away but also before then. So i really really like the idea of him writing Loki and Sigyn, who can't prevent the elder gods from breaking into the world, they can only delay it for the length of their lifetimes, and that delay is treated like it still matters. I like the idea of the Archivist looking at Loki and Sigyn and going "that's us" and feeling that that's comforting. I don't know if this is s3 jon planning to prevent the unknowing, s4 jon worrying about the extinguished sun and the watcher's crown, some au where jon and martin stay in the original universe after getting the fears out of our world and jon feels like he's doomed countless universes, some postcannon where jon and martin are in one of those doomed universes...
but like. I think it would be really sweet regardless.
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useless-chan-draws · 2 years
[ Click for better quality! ]
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Because Loki is a Frost Giant, I headcannon that with her pregnancy Sigyn begins to seek colder temperatures.
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holderofthebowl · 3 years
Thor: -lifts up shirt- I got this scar when your father stabed me atop a great silver tower on Midgard. And he gave me this scar when......
Narfi: Cool!
Sigyn: Nonononono -scoops up Narfi- We dont stab people we love.
Sigyn: -glares at Thor over Narfi's shoulder- By Valhalla, its hard enough to keep knives out of the boy's hands as it is!
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foxcakq · 1 year
Norse Mythology headcannon for a book I’ll never (probably) write.
After Loki’s binding Odin knew that everyone knew that Sigyn and Loki had 2 sons, but they were so young that nobody other than immediate family and main Aesirs knew their names. So Odin created two different Lokisons from Vali, Vali Lokison, child of Loki and a female giantess named Signne (Odin isn’t very creative with names ok?), and Narfi Lokison, child of Loki and Sigyn. Navi and Narfi (Vali). Both Navi and Narfi were killed by Vali, who was born a wolf (like Fenrir). The only Aesirs there was Thor, Tyr, Frigg, and Odin himself and Odin knew that they wouldn’t speak about anyone else about what actually happened. Once everyone heard this, they unanimously agreed that Signne was a nickname for Angrboda. Nobody in Sigyn’s family who feared for their lives would say anything, so Odin knew that the plan was foolproof.
Of course that was until a man calling himself Vali Lokison, child of Sigyn, walked into Asgard’s gates and told everyone that Odin was no worse than Loki for lying. (Angrboda gave him his Aesir form back and Freyja retaught him how to behave, bc Sigyn was her daughter).
Sigyn is the daughter of Freyja and a Jotun named Sigfinnur, who was the half-brother of Thor, being the child of Jord and Iwaldi. He and Freyja’s love story was short but sweet, him treating her to everything she ever wanted and dreamed of. Sigyn was a Valkyrie (basically think the person who got a job because they are related to the boss), but was actually very good at it. She married Loki when she was 12,BUT Loki traveled the Nine Realms until she was an adult, in which she was a Valkyrie. She was still a stranger to Loki, so Odin was basically like mission time! So Sigyn and Loki had to work together and they fell in love! Loki didn’t want to lay with a child, especially considering that she was a year younger than Fenrir.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 3 months
"Braiding traditions"
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(Jörmungandr with his sons Jinhai [Blain] and Xiao Yu [Reign/Rain])
So a little head canon of mine is that Sigyn started a little braiding tradition in her family which some of Loki's children actually passing this down to their own! The braid originally became a symbol of her in their family because she wore it the most!
The reasonings were to keep her long hair out of the way and to keep it cleaner. When some of Loki's children struggled to manage their hair because most wanted to keep it long, Sigyn taught them how to braid by themselves like a mother should.
Now whenever the next generations wishes to keep their long hair, they make sure to teach each other how to manage their hair property! And recall what a loving act that was from Sigyn~
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(Old art depicting my headcannon)
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giltandgreen · 3 years
Sigyn bails Loki (and occasionally Thor) out of jail so often that they’re on first name basis with everyone who works there. Sigyn and Loki even got invited to the records clerk’s wedding. 
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swamiiyasssss · 2 years
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Headcanon- Sigyn Iwaldidottir
Loki/season 2
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loki-fanfiction · 6 years
The Lonely King
Synopsis: Sigyn goes to Jötunheim looking for someone important who has recently gone missing from her soon to be kingdom, Vanaheim. Instead, all she finds is grief, and the Jotun crown prince.
Word count: 2125
Warnings: Mentions of death, grief
Part 1 / Part 2
Loki could hear faint voices outside of the corridor, fading in and out of earshot every once in a while. She was vaguely aware of her own breathing which rung around the room, like a bell toll in her head. Everything was somewhat blurry and her entire body ached. Whatever that prince had done had taken its toll on her, making her mind feel weighted as if it were lead, rather than simply a brain. Perhaps it was some sort of a sleeping spell which inhibited her from thinking properly. She tried to stretch, letting her arms extend above her head and arched her back, letting herself groan a bit. The comforting weight on her chest, both familiar and not, made her smile a bit. So she still had her magic. good.
She sat up against one of the walls, sinking comfortably into the cold stone which encompassed the entire room, save for a glass wall which sealed her comfortably into her little nook. She couldn’t see a conceivable entrance or exit and so she set about wondering how they got her in?
She stood and groaned, her entire body aching in protest, before padding quietly towards the glass which allowed minimal light in. As she looked out upon the rows and rows of cells, she saw them almost completely empty, save for one man towards the end of the cell block. He leered at her, his eyes fixating on her half naked state, enjoying the view. Loki growled and glared, making him flinch back slightly.
She looked in front of her at the glass wall holding her back, trying her hardest to strain to listen for some sort of electric buzz or humming which would indicate that she would get hurt by touching it, and yet nothing. Loki smirked slightly and walked towards the glass, letting her skin steam and feeling the comforting frost spread slowly along the floor. Of course the King hadn’t foreseen having an ice giant in her dungeon. Damn this would be too easy.
And yet, rather than begin climbing up the glass, the frost simply stopped at the foot of the front of her cell, as if hesitant. Loki growled slightly and tried to concentrate on the glass, imagining every single molecule freezing and the wall shattering, and yet nothing seemed to happen whatsoever. The glass stood defiant and frustratingly so.
Loki groaned and turned away, padding back to the end of her cell, hoping that perhaps the lack of light which had previously served as a distraction, would simply allow her to focus more, enough to break one of the walls or perhaps the seeming impenetrable glass.
When she turned back and the glass was still there, she screamed in frustration and went up to the cursed material, battering her fists against it loudly.
“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!”
She was frustrated, completely out of here element. Sure there were moments where her ice magic hadn’t worked on certain things, but usually those things were a beast on a hunting field she could easily shoot down with a bow and an arrow, but this? This was some sort of enchanted glass which was taunting her at every opportunity it could possibly muster.
She huffed and turned further back into her cage, not wanting the other prisoner leering at her in her state of half dress. This change, and the way she was dressed was normal in Jötunheim, but she wasn’t there anymore, she was in a strange place with strange people.
Loki slid down the wall and sighed, brushing the hair which had gone onto her horns right off, and out of her face. So she was trapped, in a dungeon not on her world, whilst Laufey was dead and Loki had been presumed to be in the same state. Of course they would think she was dead, when did anyone like the King have pity?
So everything would fall to her sibling, young as he was, and she would be left In a dungeon alone. She sighed and shifted, trying to get comfortable in some way on the stiff wall behind her.
Maybe someone would come along and look for her? She remembered when her brother, stupid as he was, had gotten trapped in Asgard against Laufey’s wishes, and still they had gone to save him. But that was her brother. And her father was dead. Waiting surely wouldn’t do anything.
Slowly, ice began to encapsulate the room as Loki got further and further into the recesses of her own mind. What would her funeral look like? The one without a body. Would they cry? Would they mourn? What would her brother do alone? He had always been the immature one, unable to handle the slightest of responsibilities let alone the responsibility of an entire kingdom!
The cold that was encapsulating her cell was a comfort. Like a slice of home. It felt more like her room, with its vast white ceilings of frosted stone and her icy bed, rather than a cell on an alien planet.
She didn’t want to think about her father. That was dangerously overemotional territory that she would be straying into. It wasn’t something to be dwelled on. Even if she did think about it, she knew she wouldn’t be overly upset.
Laufey was somewhat distant in his parenting. Coupled with the fact that Loki had been a ‘runt,’ whereas his second born was a fully formed Jötun had made him somewhat bitter. Sure, Loki was fierce and skilled, sure Loki could turn someone to dust with a simple look and a quick spell, and sure, Loki talked to the people and made sure they were comfortable with her, but Loki was a small. A runt. Even if Loki had held the entirety of Jötunheim in one hand, and fought with the other, Laufey would have found her disappointing. Why? Probably for not for growing a 3rd arm.
Parents were complicated.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that Loki didn’t hear the clicking of heels walking cautiously towards her cell, until she saw a blob of colour in her periphery. She turned her head to be greeted by a pair of striking blue eyes which were staring Loki down. She was tall, for a Vanir, around about the same size as Loki. Her hair seemed to have been hastily styled and there was a wet patch around her shoulder, as if someone had poured half a glass of water over that one specific area.  
Loki stood very slowly, stalking over to the glass like a caged animal, with every intention to outstare whomever had decided to bother her. She didn’t want to have to talk with the woman in front of her. In fact she didn’t particularly feel like talking to anyone if she was honest.
“I was sent to check if you were still alive.” The girl said, scanning Loki as if she were something awful that the girl’s shoe had ended up in.
Loki didn’t reply, and simply stared at her blankly. Yes, she could understand Vanir, and yes she could have easily replied in the girl’s language, but for sheer stubbornness, Loki decided that the conversation, should it unfortunately happen, was to happen in Jötun or not at all.
The girl just sighed and rolled her eyes, before turning and starting to walk away. Loki had almost believed that she was leaving, before he saw her stop for a moment, considering something.
“If you understand me,” She said, her words echoing around the empty dungeon, “Then understand that you should be every bit as afraid as your father was when her hand was facing you.”
Loki didn’t reply, and simply watched her walk away.
She would never admit to it until the day she died, but in that moment Loki shivered. And it wasn’t from the cold.
Sigyn wasn’t even sure when she had fallen asleep. It was an odd feeling, to suddenly wake up and realise that at some point you had just nodded off, and still not be able to identify the rough time that sleep had overtaken you. So when she woke up, Sigyn felt an odd inability to place the date or time in that moment. She also felt, for some reason, an unexplained pain in her throat and an unbelievable amount of guilt settling so nastily in the pit of her stomach. There was something preventing her from breathing properly. Of course, she thought, my mother’s dead.
She couldn’t find it in her to cry. The shock of the revelation had already left her and her knee jerk response of tears had evaporated as she had sobbed. Now, she just felt numb. As if someone had  put a blanket over her emotions to hide and mute them. They were there, she knew that, but she couldn’t quite see or hear them properly. The lump was still there in her throat, she still had a faint stutter in her breathing from crying and her cheeks were still puffy and red, but that was the only hint that she had felt any emotion.
Sigyn was grateful that it wasn’t the Kings suite that she was led to. Laying in her mother’s bed, where she had done so many times as a child, would have been too much to bear in that moment. Not because of the room, but because of who would be absent from it.
Instead, she slipped off of her own bed, her feet gently landing on the wooden floor. She gently padded over to her fireplace and placed two wooden blocks into the stone grated divot in her wall. True, it was spring, but the nights were still far too cold to simply rely on a blanket for warmth.
She simply gestured at the blocks, and they were set alight with an alarmingly green tinged fire, which eventually settled into the typical blue fire which came from burning Tyanha tree wood. She grabbed one of her many blankets sat on the end of her bed, before dragging it back to the chairs surrounding the fireplace, before settling down and tucking herself in, allowing her to be lost in her own thoughts. Staring at the fire was the only thing she was truly capable at that moment.
She didn’t want to do anything in particular in that moment. Sure, her mind was racing, and every single possibility of what could have happened to her mother was passing through her mind, but she couldn’t find any motivation to even tear her eyes from the fireplace.
She heard Amora creep in, slowly opening and shutting the door and padding over to the only occupied chair. She felt the gentle touch on her shoulder, and still she found herself completely engrossed in the dancing flames which flared every so slightly.
In books, grief was something that was a simple notch in the story. It came in a firestorm of tears and left after a day. The characters occasionally felt a small bout of melancholy, but apart from that, they tended to simply stop crying and move on.
But grief was so much worse, and Sigyn knew it.
Grief, from what she remembered when her Ama died, was something which was both all consuming and completely uninvolved. You would go about your business with it weighing on your mind, and you chest, ever so slightly. Then one word could make it all come crashing down. A damn of emotions could easily break and leave you with sobs wracking your body and tears blurring your eyes. It was something which could make you feel equally elated and devastated in the best and worst of occasions. It was something which made you so irrational and so unlike yourself, and yet when you followed its calling, you found yourself learning more and more about the person who you were.
But for now, grief, and everything else, had seemed to abandon her.
“The Jötun’s awake.” Said Amora gently, rubbing a thumb reassuringly over Sigyn’s shoulder.
Sigyn just nodded in response, still feeling nothing.
“What should we do with her?”
Sigyn just shrugged, her eyes never leaving the fire. At the moment she didn’t care. Politics, prisoners and propriety could wait until the morning, where Amora would knock anew on her door and lead her to the King’s Suite, but right now, Sigyn was comfortable waiting in her childhood bedroom. There was nothing left of her Mother or Ama, save for the warmth of the fire, the blanket and memories, but for now that would do.
A few levels down, Loki was staring at the frost which had coated each surface, save for the glass in her cell, in the same blank way.
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Bright Lights
Summary: a place of refuge is usually a place where someone can relax, enjoy themselves without having to be judged and simply be without stress. For her, and a certain prince of Asgard, that place happens to be the library.
A/N: Might continue this as a series, not sure yet :/
Pairing: OC x Loki
(Originally posted on my side account loki-fanfiction)
She hated Asgard. The cripplingly bright halls and the extreme covering of gold in every hall was too much for her. Every single room was too painful to look at, and so there were only a few rooms that she could use as a sanctuary in the palace to hide from the constant stream of invasive light.
One of her favourite rooms to hide in was the library. Though it did have many windows it wasn’t painful, it was only ever gently lit enough so that you could read a book without having to light a candle unless it was nighttime. The architecture wasn’t the bold and brash Asgardian style, but a more subtle Vanir hall, possibly due to the queen’s love of the room. It was a simple and kinder place, where those who preferred the quiet could sit for hours and do nothing but enjoy the company of knowledge.
The problem of such an accessible sanctuary is that others sometimes came to share it. More specifically one certain someone; The second son of Asgard.
She’s see him sliding in since she was young, having loved the quiet confides of the shelves of books since childhood. Often her mother had left her alone with the mountains of knowledge and too much time to kill, as it seemed Frigga did with Loki, and so she was very much used to the prince’s presence without being intimidated by it.
Of course, she had never approached him properly. Once and a while she may have sent him the odd smile or the occasional wave, but he was here for quiet in the same way she was, and so she left him in the quiet that he had wanted.
Of course, there were some exceptions to them interacting, perhaps when asking if the other had seen a book by a certain title or if they had checked out a certain book, because it was nowhere to be found. Sometimes, when she was feeling particularly dissociative towards whatever book she was reading, when she had gone over a certain passage a thousand times over and yet it didn’t stick, she’d just close her eyes and allow herself a small rest in a quiet nook.
In those moments she would sometimes feel a pair of eyes settling on her. Perhaps in curiosity, perhaps in an odd expression of a willingness to interact, she had no clue. She just knew that sometimes, when she did open her eyes, there would be a pair of crystalline blue one’s meeting hers for a brief moment, followed by a swift breaking of eye contact from a blushing Asgardian prince.
He had been in the library less, more recently.
There were moments where she would walk past his nook, the one that had almost become his own in a way, and feel somewhat perturbed that he wasn’t occupying it. There were moments when he was there, but always distracted, frustrated.
There were a couple of moments when she could see his fists balled around books he was dragging from place to place. There was something very clearly wrong, and whilst she did want to investigate or understand, her mother had always told her curiosity killed the cat.
Of course, there were many moments which tested her curiosity and ability to simply stay put, and right now was one of them. She was currently watching Loki rooting through many books, searching it seemed for a very well hidden novel. Or possibly the one in her hand. He was muttering in a slightly mad manner, every part of his body somewhat tensed as if on a knife’s edge.
Every once and a while he would flit his eyes towards the door, as if wondering when or if someone was going to come through, before resuming shuffling through books. A single brash laugh made him freeze completely, followed by a giggle and a couple of chuckles from down the hall.
Instantly, she could see panic build in his eyes. Whomever was coming towards the door seemed to be somewhat threatening, either that or someone to be avoided.
He slowly made his way through the bookcases, sliding along the shelves before tripping slightly on one of the many books littered around, and stumbling into the small nook where she was sitting and reading, watching in curiosity.
As soon as he fell, his eyes widen slightly, looking directly into hers. Perhaps in some weird recognition, or perhaps a realisation of a plan. Either way, he raised his finger slowly to his lips and drew the curtain on the nook slightly, making only him hidden, whilst she was still completely exposed to whomever he was hiding from.
Slowly, the laughter from the hall grew louder as the people approaching grew closer, eventually turning into the library to reveal the band of warriors 3, Sif and Thor. They all stood in the room as if they didn’t quite understand whereabouts to go, all of them looking quite confused as to what they were looking for.
Should she had not been hiding the second prince from his own brother, for whatever reason, she might have been at ease at the appearance of the warriors in the library, however her heart was thumping slightly faster in her chest.
Instead of sitting and doing nothing, she stood up slowly and walked towards the group, greeting them with a slight smile and a nod to the prince.
“Your Highness,” She said, her voice almost wavering and giving herself away, “May I help you?”
He simply waved in a nonchalant manner, not swatting her away but almost dismissing her, “No need to worry, simply looking for my brother.”
“Oh,” she said, trying to silence her heart beating in her chest, “I can’t say I’ve seen him today.”
Thor nodded slowly, turning back to his friends and shrugging slightly, before turning away.
“Thank you anyway, miss…?”
“Sigyn.” She replied, curtsying and turning back towards her little cove, trying not to seem too eager in getting back to her reading.
As she was walking back, she made sure to listen out for anyone still left in the library from the previous visitors, hoping to not catch their attention in any way. As soon as the groups footsteps faded, she began jogging back to her small retreat. When she was finally there she drew back the curtains to a now relaxed and smiling prince.
“Thank you,” he breathed, turning to her and flashing her a brilliant smile, “Sigyn, was it?”
Sigyn nodded slowly, unsure of what to say or what to do.
“Well, thank you Sigyn, I’ll remember this.”
With that, he vanished, leaving her as confused as ever.
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Okay I love your Jotun what if headcannon but like 👀 how would that work?? He's 12ft tall 👀
Sigyn is one of the most powerful sorceresses in the nine realms, I’m sure they’d come up with something. Besides, have you seen his fingers? Not to mention what that tongue probably do. 😜
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What If…Thor Was an Only Child?: Sigyn Cut
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asgardsfallenson · 3 years
Loki epi 2 thoughts
So it’s been a hot minute since I rped on tumblr, mostly cause I definitely see it as a very toxic rping environment. But that is a discussion for another day... I came back on here cause aside of all that, I will give tumblr it’s props when it comes to headcannon discussions. The best discussions I’ve had came from here. So I want to throw in my 2 cents on a little thing that came to mind after seeing the 2nd episode of Loki. So ...
Ok so warning out of the way. Lady... Fucking....Loki!!!!
I’m hype for one. I’m happy to see that they are showing that Loki can come off as female, Loki is genderfuild and identifies with whichever gender he presents as. (I say “he” because the Loki we are used to seeing so often is normally in a male presenting way, so I’ll say she when I’m taking about Lady Loki.) Anyways, I was excited but since we are just in the second episode, there are so many possibilities this could pan out. When I first realized that Lady Loki was going to show up, I didn’t know about the actress playing her. I wondered how Marvel Studios was going to go about it. For one we started the Disney + show line up with WandaVision. In the comics, Lady Loki came about through Loki possessing Wanda. So I wondered if Elizabeth Olsen was gonna come back as Lady Loki or would Marvel go with the genderfluid route that we have seen already in Loki Agent of Asgard and in other comics as well. At the start of the episode when the TVA agents came to investigate you see a hand come out of no where and tap the one chick’s (I am typing off the top of my head, please excuse I’m not gonna remember everyone’s name off the bat, My brain is fucky) temple JUST LIKE WANDA DOES to get people to hallucinate. I thought, ‘Oh Shit!’ The Wanda route! My geeky self was happy either way. BUT Then at the end you see the reveal, it’s not Wanda! Genderfluid route! My geeky self and My Non-binary ass was happy..... BUT...... Lady Loki is blonde..... Let me state now that I’m not mad about it. Now don’t come at me, Some people are pretty pissed about that little bit, but really I don’t care. Loki is a shapeshifter. In Norse mythology he was supposed to be a redhead. And we all know about the horse thing. I even strongly defend POC cosplayers on tiktok because 1 cosplay is meant to be fun, fuck anyone who tries to gatekeep cosplay with racist idiology, and 2, Loki is a shapeshifter, any race he makes himself is cannon by that logic. So if Lady Loki is blonde, than she is blonde. *insert advertisement music* “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s shapeshifting!“ BUT There’s different ways to look at that little point about her being blonde. Yall remember that deleted scene for Dark World where Loki had an illusion playing of him walking down the ramp, all of Asgard cheering for him while he wore a RED cape... Thor’s color? There were discussions ALL over the place about that. Why red and not green and in short the discussions were all about Loki emulating Thor in his desire to be deemed worthy. One simple color choice sparked all that discussion. What if this blonde was the same thing? Just one little change to make her feel closer like Thor. Or.... What if it IS like the Wanda route? But it’s not Wanda’s body that got taken over... What if it was the dutiful wife, the one whom would bend over to collect the droplets of snake venom, the one who would do anything for her husband... even offering her body. What if that’s actually Sigyn? That thought alone has had me all fucked up.   Or maybe this is just alternate universe Loki, we saw one image of Loki jacked as fuck so who knows. But like I said this is the second episode. So who knows, but I am excited to see how this goes. 
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Okay, just finished episode 2. Just in case it's not obvious, there will be spoilers here. There will also be some opinions that you may not agree with. That's fine but don't come after me in replies about it. I'm allowed to have my own opinion on things and express that. This is also pretty long lol. Okay, with that out for the way, here are my thoughts:
I enjoyed this one much more than the first.
I laughed a little at Loki vs Miss Minutes. It was a bit out of character in my opinion but I can reason it that being stuck at the TVA (and apparently having to study) must get boring. Especially if you have a cheery little cartoon character hanging around.
Loki seemed a little more Loki-like in this episode too which I liked. The moment at the renaissance fair was good at first. I thought we were getting some 'old' Loki before the end bit. I know there will be people who disagree in my perception of Loki as a character (and that's fine. You can interpret him anyway you like but so can I) but he's over a thousand years old, not to mention the God of Lies. It's silly for him to let his manipulation be so obvious like that.
Unfortunately, some of the campy stuff was still there in his character (I cringe everytime I see the 'I'd never do it again' clip. People really find that so funny?). It was bearable though. He was less 'cartoon-y' in this episode, at least.
The interaction with Mobius was great for the most part. Hiddles and Owen Wilson have great chemistry on screen. They play well off each other. I still don't know if I trust Mobius fully but, at face value, it really seems that Mobius wants to believe in Loki and trust him. I feel like it could be a front though and he has his own agenda. I could be wrong though.
As silly as it was, I actually (and believe me, it surprised me too) enjoyed Loki's method of causing a scene in Pompeii. I think the reason it didn't bother me like the other silly aspects of the last episode, is that it shows how done Loki is with all of this while also trying to prove he's right. And really, how iconic Loki can you get than him grinning maniacally as a volcano erupts in the background. Very God of Mischief that we never really got see much of in the movies.
I was a bit disappointed with the fight near the end of the episode. It wasn't bad but it showed nothing of Loki's usual fighting style. Sure, he didn't have his daggers but he usually moves a lot more fluidly when fighting than he does in this episode. We could assume that Lady Loki infused her host's bodies with super strength (otherwise they probably would have died considering Loki's body weight is 500 pounds. That display he got thrown into should have been a bit more destroyed because of that, in my opinion) but still, Loki usually fights a lot better than what we saw, even when up against formidable enemies. I guess writing Loki trying to use a dagger on Thanos was a slippery slope to some weird combat choices. I won't go on because then it will probably turn into a bad writing rant.
Anyway, I was also disappointed with the Lady Loki reveal. I predicted that she would be the Loki that's killing the minute men but I had hoped she would look more like comic Lady Loki. Why blonde? It just doesn't make sense for her not to have dark hair too. That look is iconic. Blonde just makes me think of Amora, the Enchantress. I'm just going to have to headcannon that it's to help stay under the radar, even though that excuse doesn't work. She can do illusions, after all. So far, I'm really pleased with the actress that's playing her though (don't know her name, forgive me). Can't wait to see more of her. Ooh, I just thought of a what if. Obviously it's not the case because Loki would have reacted more when she revealed herself but it could have a been cool twist. What if Lady Loki was actually Sigyn, Loki's wife turned evil? It would have tied in well considering the next episode is called The Ex Factor. If anyone wants to write that fic, go ahead lol.
Last point and it is very nit picky. When Loki and Mobius go to one of the places, you can see their breath, indicating it is cold. Loki's breath shouldn't really be visible though, should it? The way I understand it, your breath becomes visible in the cold because your body heat is interacting with the coldness (or something like that. I'm not a scientist). Loki is a Frost giant and doesn't have much, if any body heat. We know that from the Avengers movie where, on the screen, you can see Loki's heat signature in the glass cell. It was freezing cold. I know, its a very nit picky thing and you can reason that Loki uses his magic to make his body less Jotunn-like (because we know how much he hates being one). Still, it was something I immediately picked up on.
All in all, I liked the episode. If the rest of the show continues like this, I think I'll enjoy it. Like I said, it was definitely a step up from the first one.
One final note before I leave you, we all have to appreciate how great Loki looks in the TVA uniform. Sure, I miss his usual armour but he does look very handsome (still not a fan of the hair)
Oh, almost forgot, I did laugh quite a bit when they were showing the different Loki variants. Especially the normal looking one with the trophy. It looked like someone dug out one of Tom's photos from his Eton rugby playing days. Please give us more subtle jokes like this.
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