#so an older scene 😉
villainii ¡ 2 years
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Villainii’s 3k Celebration: ➤ requested by tohmura
“Every living, breathing thing just rubs me the wrong way.”
587 notes ¡ View notes
sunsetsandsunshine ¡ 1 year
~ Just say you’re sorry ~
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Also tagging my fellow moots who love this HC as much as I do:
@someone1348 @tickleebug @prettychillbrainfreeze @ghostlyshylee @itzystopkiddingmenowloco
Lee’s: Leo🐢💙 and Mikey🐢🧡
Ler’s: Raph🐢❤️ and Donnie🐢💜
Summary: Raph and Donnie have been getting pranked by they’re younger brothers all day. So like the good big brothers they are, they hatch a totally not devious plan to teach they’re younger sibs a lesson.  
“Stupid dumb-dumbs…stupid stupid dumb-dumbs…”
Raph turned around from where he was sitting on the living room couch to see his immediate younger brother- Donnie- pacing back and forth in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee that spilled a little bit every now and again as he turned around in a pacing circle. 
The young genius was wearing his dark purple sweatshirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, wearing his occasional purple mask and goggles. Raph was wearing his own mask as well, clashing with his grey/gray sweatshirt.
The snapper got up from the couch, putting his phone down and walking to his immediate younger brother. “Hey, bud…you okay?” Raph asked, putting a hand on Donnie’s shoulder as a way to show his comfort. The younger looked up at Raph and started chuckling, even though the eldest turtle was 99.9% sure nothing he just said was funny…
“What’s wrong..? What’s WRONG???” Donnie yelled, going close to Raph’s face so they’re snouts touched before stepping away from him. The softshell put his coffee mug on the counter, pacing back and forth again while his hands were behind his back. 
“Oho, I’ll tell you what’s wrong. What’s wrong my dear older brother, is that those imbeciles that I apparently have to call my younger brothers have been pulling pranks on me left and right ALL DAY. I can’t get any work done without fearing for my life that another water balloon or paint cannon is going to hit me!” Donnie said, throwing his hands up to the air before putting them back down. The purple cladded sibling sighed, rubbing a hand down his face slowly as he tried to calm himself down.
Donnie was frustrated- very very (that’s two very’s) frustrated if you couldn’t tell. The genius wanted to have a productive day; a day where he got almost all of his work done and he had the rest of the evening to spend with his family and friends. Believe it or not, the softshell actaully enjoyed spending time with his family, even if he acts like he dreads every single second of it.
But sadly, the universe didn’t want the day to go the way Donnie had originally planned. The universe had to give him not 1 but 2 younger siblings that were annoying as FU- fudge. Annoying as fudge.
Anyway, the two gremlins have been placing boobytraps and pranks all over the lair, such as sparkle canons, water balloons, whoopie cushions- you name it! And at the end of every single prank there would be this…card that mysteriously came out of nowhere. It was orange and blue and had Mikey and Leo’s faces on it, saying “You just got pranked by the Portal Pals! (P.S. L + Bozo)”
Which was…cute. It was nice that the two were having fun and spending time with each other…but WHY did they’re fun have to torture Donnie in the process?
“You too, huh?” Raph chuckled, reaching into his sweatshirt pocket and taking out a couple of Leo and Mikey’s “You just got pranked!” cards. Donnie couldn’t help but chuckle along with Raph at the sight of the cards, going over to him and resting his head on his plastron, groaning. The snapper just laughed some more, wrapping his immediate younger brother in a hug as he patted his battleshell.
“They’re. so. annoying.” Donnie whined, rubbing his hands along his face as Raph sighed. “I mean, yeah. They’re our little brothers, little bro. It’s kind of they’re job to annoy the living hell out of us, y’know?” The eldest reasoned, patting Donnie’s shoulder as he huffed, his anger starting to slip away. “Yeah…I guess so…” the softshell mumbled, taking his head up from Raph’s plastron and smiling at him.
“But hey! Look on the bright side: that doesn’t mean we can’t get payback~!” Raph exclaimed, winking at Donnie who raised one of his sharpie drawn eyebrows, curiosity and mischievousness written all over his face. “Are you implying what I think you’re implying?” Donnie asked, grinning from ear to ear. 
Raph grinned back, nodding his head in confirmation. The second-oldest turtle  smiled a bit more (this time being a kind of evil smile) as he took out his phone from his pocket, going into they’re family GC. The younger started typing up something on his phone, beginning to walk to his lab.
“Walk and talk with me, Raphie. I’ve got a plan…”
🕺🏾🐢🍕Cool Kids GC 🍕🐢🕺🏾
Today at 2:34 pm 
*🕺🏾👾Bootyyyshaker9000👾🕺🏾 is online*
Hello my fellow fam
*UrfaveChamp😘😘😘✨💙 is online*
*Mystic_Mike🎨🤩 is online*
Hey Don!
How are you 😁🥰?
Good good.
How’s the eyebrows working? Feelin pretty, bro?
Donnie groaned from Leo’s text, about to type “kys” in the GC to his younger twin before Raph cleared his throat, shaking his head in disapproval as they continued to walk. The softshell sighed, deleting the text before he was about to send it in the GC. 
“There. Happy?” Donnie asked as the oldest nodded, walking into the lab and both sitting on the lab’s desk chairs. “Very.”
“Anyway, what’s he even talking about, Don?” Raph asked, confused. Donnie ran a hand down his face, clicking out of messages and showing Raph a picture he took earlier. It was a pic of Donnie’s eyebrows covered in sparkles, glitter and fake gemstones- and it looked completely awful. Let’s just say the eyebrows looked like a second graders art project. 
Uh…no offense to any second grader of course…
“One of they’re sparkle canons got me…” Donnie mumbled. The softshell was so glad he was able to clean that monstrosity off- he would never be able to live that down without anyone making fun of him for it. 
Raph cackled at the picture, putting a hand to his face as he did so. “Stop laughing...” Donnie glared, taking the phone back so Raph couldn’t see the photo anymore. And if the alligator snapping turtle knew any better, he could’ve sworn that he saw a pout on his immediate younger brother's face. 
“It isn’t funny.” The pout caused Raph to giggle a bit more, booping the softshell’s snout as the younger playfully swatted his hand away. “It is a bit funny…” Raph giggled, smirking at Donnie. The second oldest just chuckled as he rolled his eyes, clicking out of his Photos app and right back to the GC.
They’re fine, actually. The sparkles really complimented my eyes.
See! Told you he would like it, Mikey!
A success in my book
Oh whatever 😒😒😒
What is it that u needed, Don?
R u okay?
Oh, yeah. I’m fine.
I just need you both to come to my lab.
I have to make a huge announcement to say to everyone.
It’s extremely important.
Raph’s already with me so I just need you two to come.
Oooh! Must be a pretty important if we’re coming to Dee’s lab…
Yes- it is important. I literally just said that.
See you in like- 15 seconds, Dee!
Wait! Raph’s w/ u right now?
Yes. Raph is with me as of right now.
Ask him for me how he likes his new room setup 😁✨ 
Raph grabbed Donnie’s phone out of his hands, his face red in embarrassment as he typed in the group chat. “What’s he talking about, man?” Donnie chuckled confused, not used to seeing his older brother so flustered. 
After the snapper was done with…whatever he was typing, his face relaxed- seeming really calm and content now. Raph cleared his throat, handing the phone back to Donnie. “We don’t talk about it.” 
We love you tooooo Raphieee~!☺️☺️☺️😘😘💕💖💞💖💖✨✨
Donnie clicked out of the messaging app and glared at Raph. “How come I can’t type ‘kys’ in the group chat but you can!?” He asked, putting his phone on his desk and crossing his arms. “Eldest brother privileges, duh.” Raph said calmly, merely shrugging as Donnie rolled his eyes for probably the millionth time today. 
“What’s with the random call to Dee’s lab? Are we experimenting on something?” Leo asked excitedly, looking around the lab to see if there was anything brand new or important to test on as him and Mikey walked in. “Yeah! What is it? I wanna know!” Mikey asked as well, grinning from ear to ear waiting for either of his older brothers to answer the question.
Leo was wearing his dark blue sweatshirt, with his blue mask. Mikey was also wearing his favorite orange sweatshirt, also wearing his mask. 
Not answering any of the younger two's questions, Donnie tapped a few buttons on his wrist watch, closing the lab door behind them. The two quickly looked behind them at the door and then at each other, nervousness starting to broil up in they’re stomachs. “Don? Raph? You guys okay…?” Leo asked, his head tilting to the side in confusion as his twin and older brother just stood there staring at him and Mikey.
“So…you guys gonna keep staring at us, or are you gonna tell us why we’re here…?” Mikey said as he scratched his head in confusion. 
“Glad you two are so curious to find out why I called you here.” Donnie smiled, him and Raph getting up from they’re chairs, looking at they’re younger brothers with a deadpanned face. There was another awkward silence with all of them just staring at each other. 
The two youngest weren’t sure if they were called in Donnie’s lab for a legitimate reason or if this was some huge staring contest. Leo and Mikey exchanged worried glances, “Soooo…you gonna tell us or what?” Leo chuckled, crossing his arms trying to hide his nervousness at his twins vague answers. 
“Well, you and Mikey have been pranking me and Don a lot.” Raph said stating the obvious, only for Leo and Mikey to chuckle. “Is this what this is about? Are we in trouble or something?” Mikey giggled, nudging Leo in the elbow causing the older to snicker.
“You two aren’t in trouble per say. We just want to join in on the fun too!” Donnie smiled…a bit too sweetly. Leo crossed his arms, squinting suspiciously at his older brothers. “Join in on the fun?” The slider repeated. “Oh, but of course! The fun I’m personally thinking of starts with an r and ends with ‘evenge’. Isn’t that right, Raph?” Donnie grinned as Raph nodded his head.
Mikey gulped, “Wehell…Ihi just remembered I have to goho feed my pehet rock…so, uh…if you’ll excuse me I’ll just be on my way…” Mikey giggly said, nervously walking backwards to the opening door to the lab. Mikey attempted to open the lab door again and again but it just wasn’t budging. He turned around, trying to turn the knob but it wasn’t moving an inch. 
“The lab door is locked my dearest Angelo.” Donnie chuckled as he saw the youngest trying to pry the door open- an evil smile plastered on his face as he leaned against Raph’s side, crossing his arms. 
Well shit.
“You get Mikey, I’ll get Leo.” Raph instructed, walking towards Leo as Donnie walked towards Mikey, both of the older siblings wiggling they’re fingers slightly with huge evil grins on they’re faces. The two youngest looked at each other completely petrified, stepping away from the door and splitting up, going deeper into Donnie’s lab but making sure to keep they’re eyes on they’re “attackers.”
“Wahait! W-We cahan talk abohout thihis!” Leo giggled, putting his hands up as a way to try and stop Raph from…whatever him and Donnie were planning. Well- he did know what they were planning which is why he’s TRYING his very best not to think about it too much…
Now, don’t get Leo wrong, he can be a menace. He’s been called it many many times by different people, which he takes a LOT of pride in. And he can become even MORE a menace when he’s tickling one of his brothers. To funny remarks to rib-counting to teases. Leo was one scary of a Ler and that was just something you just couldn’t deny. 
But sadly, the universe wouldn’t allow Leo to be the only scary Ler in the family. The universe had to give him not 1 but 2 older siblings that were terrifying as FU- fudge when it came to tickling.
When it came to Raph and Donnie, they were just…vile. Finding every single possible way to tickle and fluster they’re Lee until they can’t even think straight. 
Since Raph was, like, a TITAN in turtle form, it’s completely impossible to escape him while he’s wrecking you. And since he’s the eldest he will just go on and on and ON about how he was “The best Tickle Monster.” And that stupid thing he would always do was give “Raph-berries.” Basically raspberries but he’s nibbling you as well and it was TORTUROUS. 
Now Donnie was an evil force to be reckoned with. For one, he would cheat. The softshell would use his spider arms to ping your arms up so you couldn’t squirm. And worst of all he would pretend as if him wrecking you was a whole big science experiment. Testing out his “hypothesis” or whatever other big words Donnie knew. 
So getting that out of the way, Leo knows he’s absolutely dead. Deceased. Expired. 6 feet under…
The red eared slider just knows he’s completely screwed. Based on the facial expressions, body language and overall demeanor of his older brothers, the two were out for revenge. And Leo and Mikey being more sensitive than them, (Leo being a tad bit more ticklish than Mikey), they knew they couldn’t stand a chance. All the two were doing was wiggling their fingers and Leo and Mikey were giggly messes…
“Talk about what, little brother? Talk about how you scared the living heck outta me with all those posters of Mrs. Cuddles that you put all over my room?” Raph taunted, stepping closer and closer to Leo making the younger giggle more frantically.
 “I-Ihit wahas funny though!” The younger one stammered, “Actually, now that you mention it…SHE’S RIGHT THERE, LOOK!” Leo screamed, pulling out a completely terrified look out of nowhere pointing somewhere ahead of him, pretending where he was pointing was Mrs. Cuddles.
Hey, he’s not called the Face-man for nothing! 
“Wait- WHAT? WHERE?!” Raph screamed, frantically looking around Donnie’s lab to try and spot Mrs. Cuddles. But the only thing he saw was a certain red eared slider running away from him.
Well played…
That little shit.
Before Leo could attempt to try to hide somewhere in the lab, Raph came from behind him, picking the younger up and putting him on his shoulder, carrying him to the middle of the lab where Donnie and Mikey were. Donnie already “captured” Mikey, using his spider arms to hold his arms so he couldn’t try and run away again. 
Leo started to hit the back of Raph’s shell, squirming to try and get out of the older’s hold as a bunch of giggly threats flooded out of his mouth. The snapper only rolled his eyes, poking Leo in the side causing the him to let out a surprised shriek followed by frantic laughs. “Don’t forget the position you're in, bud.”
“Yohou guhuys! Plehease dohon’t- noHO Deehee!” Mikey squealed as Donnie released him from his tech arms, sitting down on the carpet floor and pulling him into his lap as Raph did the same thing with Leo, sitting a little bit across from Donnie. Before the young genius could pin Mikey’s hands up- as he originally planned on doing, the youngest retracted into his shell, giggling smugly as Donnie tried to get him out by knocking on his shell repeatedly. 
“Hey! You can’t do that!” Donnie said, crossing his arms and glaring at his younger brother. “Toohoo bad. I juhust did.” Mikey taunted, happy he found a way to escape Donnie’s tickly wrath.
Leo, about to go into his shell too was immediately caught by Raph. The older held up his arms, grinning and raising a brow. “Where do you think you’re going, Lee?” Raph asked, chuckling as Leo plastered a nervous smile on his face. 
“Nohowhere…” The red eared slider giggled, looking around anywhere but Raph’s face before looking towards his younger brother who was soon about to break by the demon you would call Donatello.
“DeEHEE! NahAt the tUHuhUmmY!” Mikey squealed, squirming in his shell trying to get away from Donnie’s tickly fingers that were now dancing across his stomach. The older shook his head, grinning at the sound of the youngers frantic laughter.
“Then get out of your shell and fight like a real man!” Donnie taunted, which only caused Mikey to whine throughout his giggles but not coming out of his shell. Suddenly, Donnie stopped tickling his tummy, poking at the boxer turtle’s lower rib. “Boop.”
The younger's reaction was almost immediate as he came out of his shell completely to grab at Donnie’s wrists. “There we go~! See! Was that so hard?” Donnie smiled innocently, using his spider arms to pin Mikey’s arms up. Donnie just smiled at Mikey as Raph let go of Leo to begin tickling his sides.
“Pfft- nohohoho!” Leo giggled, hugging his middles and squirming a bit as Raph lightly scratched around his sides. The older one laughed in amusement, raising a brow and grinning at his reaction. “No? No, what? You two brought this upon yourselves!”
“Oho screw ohohoff!” Leo retorted, pushing at Raph’s wrists as Donnie just continued to look at the youngest, not doing anything quite yet. 
“Whahat?” Mikey asked, looking at his older brother who’s face looked like he was solving the worlds hardest math problem- but the genius probably did stuff like that for fun anyway.
“Hm? Oh…nothing. Just trying to remember where you’re most ticklish, Angelo…I can’t quite seem to remember…” The softshell muttered, crossing his arms and looking up intensely at his midnight purple ceiling.
“Wha-?! Whahat ahare yohou tahahalking about??? Yohou know my worst spot!” Mikey giggled, rolling his eyes at his brother who only shook his head. “My apologies, Mikey. I sadly do not. But…perhaps you could possibly tell me?” Donnie smiled, a smile which only caused Mikey’s face to go a bright red. “I aham nohot telling! Yohou already know!” 
Donnie laughed at the younger one’s answer, starting to trace his fingers along the place where Mikey’s shell met his neck- a known melt spot spot for the youngest. Mikey giggled slightly at the sensation, squirming a bit under Donnie’s hold. 
"Are you ticklish anywhere else?" Donnie asks, not stopping his tracing, looking down at his younger brother’s face that indeed looked like a tomato- which is really weird because he hasn’t even tickled him for that long!
“Noho! I’m not! Juhuhust lemme gohoho!” Mikey squealed, kicking his legs trying oh so desperately to get off his older brother’s lap. “No? You're lying to me, aren't you?" Donnie chuckles, still not stopping as he continued to trace Mikey’s melt spot. 
“I bet you're super ticklish. I just need to find the right spots! Just tell me where, and I'll be sure to avoid it like the plague." He pauses, giving the younger a chance to tell him where he was ticklish (because Donnie obviously didn’t know!). His voice was low and teasing now, a playful, taunting inflection in his words. "Or should I just start tickling you until I find out myself?"
Mikey just giggled, shaking his head and stomping his feet on the ground- determined to try and escape while he still could. “That's a yes, then?" Donnie chuckles, smiling a little to himself. "Alright, I'm going to take your lack of response as permission to tickle you." The softshell merely said as he now started to tickle the younger’s exposed underarms.
“HeHEY!” The boxer turtle shrieked, trying his best to squirm away from his older brother. “ThaHAT TIHIckles yohoU BiHIHiG jeHerk!” Mikey cried, regretting his words as soon as they came out. 
“Does it?" Donnie chuckles in fake surprise, continuing to tickle Mikey’s underarms, his hands being gentle- not getting to his worst spots…not yet at least. “You really shouldn’t have said that, Mike~!” He remarks, smiling as the younger one only laughed more at the tease. The second oldest soon began to pick up the pace of his tickly fingers, laughing as Mikey tried to hide his face in his elbow- not being able to hide them in his hands since his arms were pinned up.
“What are you squirming around for, hm?” I vividly remember you saying you weren’t ticklish anywhere else…” Donnie stated matter-of-factly. “IHI LIhihiED, AhaLRIGHT? Ihi lihihIED- dOHOn PLEHease! QuiHIT IHIT!” The younger admitted, his laugh muffled from hiding his face away in his arms.
“Do you hear that, Raph? This little shit lied to me! Can you believe that?!” Donnie cried dramatically before lightly scratching his fingers at the sides of Mikey’s neck- making the younger let out a high-pitched squeal; not hiding in his arm anymore as he threw his head back in full blown laughter. 
“I wouldn’t be lying to Donnie if I were in your position, Mike. Just saying.” Raph said casually as if there wasn’t a red eared slider in his lap, laughing his shell off and squirming like he’s being electrocuted. 
“And you. Stop squirming so much! Your making it hard to get your good spots!” Raph playfully scolded down at Leo, tickling at the younger’s ribs, chuckling as Leo grabbed his wrists and uselessly tried to pull them away. 
“Ihi’m gOHOnna gEhet yohOU guhuys baHAHAck soho bahahad yoHOu’ll wiHIsh yohOU neHEver knew meehee!” Leo threatened, lightly punching the air in hopes to hit Raph. Which- none of them did. But hey, A for effort, right?
“Oho I bet you are.” Raph laughed sarcastically as he began to tickle Leo’s stomach. “Someone has a ticklish tum-tum, I see~?” Raph teased as Leo’s face began to go almost as red as the oldest’s bandanna. “DOOHOO *snort* naHAT CAHaLL IhiT THAHAT!” Leo squealed, kicking his legs and throwing his head back in hysterics. 
“RAHAHPHIEEEE! PLEHEASE! STAHAP IHIT!” Leo cried, still trying to grab at Raph’s hands as they were lightly pushed out of the way each time he tried. Raph smirked as the younger pleaded, only making Raph tickle his stomach more lightly- almost feather-like. 
“I will stop as soon as you and Mikey apologize!” Raph smiled. “Agreed. As soon as you two apologize, we’ll stop reminding you two just how ticklish you are.” Donnie exclaimed as he began to knead Mikey’s thighs. The box turtle shrieked, kicking his legs in hopes that the kicking will make it harder for Donnie to tickle him there. 
“NAHAHA! DEEHEE! NAHAT *squeak* THEHEHERE!” Mikey squealed, still kicking his legs but Donnie’s hands stayed firm as he began to knead harder. “IHIT TIHIHICKLES! DAHANNIE *squeak* PLEHEASE *squeak* STAHAP!”
“Hm? What? What’s so funny Angelo?” Donnie asked, looking back at his younger brother who- by the way- looked like a full on turtle tomato. “WEEHEE’RE SORRY!” Mikey cackled. Donnie nodded his head, looking at Raph but not stopping tickling Mikey. 
“Hey, did Leo apologize yet?” Donnie asked. “Nope! Which I think is a bit rude considering your situation don’t you think, Leo?” Raph asked, stopping tickling Leo to let him breathe as Donnie did the same with Mikey. 
“Yohou are thehe woHORST older brohohother eveher…” Leo giggled at Raph, knowing he was absolute dead meat after that comment but couldn’t help himself. Mikey made a teasing ‘ooooh~!’ sound, giggling at Leo’s comment to they’re eldest brother. 
“Personally, I wohohould nohot tahake that amount of disrespect…” Mikey giggled as Raph only sighed, shaking his head before smirking. Raph flipped Leo around so that his shell was facing the ceiling- and as he did so Leo felt as if his soul left his entire body. 
Leo and his big mouth…
“AHAHA! NOHO! NOHO WAHAIT *snort* A SEHEHECOND!” Leo panicky giggled, kicking his legs and lightly punching on Raph’s thighs. “Waitwaitwaitwait- lehet’s tahalk- RahaHAHAPH! RAHAHAPH WAHAHAIT!” Leo giggly panicked, his laughter increasing as Raph slowly lowered his head to the back Leo’s knees, ALMOST touching it with his face. 
“What? Wait for what?” Raph grinned, waiting for Leo to reply but the only response he got from the slider was snorting cackles. Raph took a deep breath before blowing a raspberry on the back of Leo’s knees, causing the younger turtle to go absolutely mad in laughter. Leo covered his face with his hands, muffled cackles bouncing around the walls along with Mikey’s squeaky cackles as Donnie gave raspberries to Mikey’s stomach. 
“Jeeheez…you guys are really ticklish, huh~? I wonder how long they could last…what do you think, Don?” Raph asked before going back to blowing raspberries on the slider’s knees, not showing him any mercy now. 
“I estimate about 3 more minutes or so…but it doesn’t really matter because I don’t plan on stopping until I hear an apology from Leo~!” Donnie tauntingly sang, laughing as Leo and Mikey’s laughs became more louder after that. “Besides, these two had what was coming to them for a while.” 
Mikey absolutely paled at Donnie’s tease. This wasn’t fair! This wasn’t fair one bit! He already apologized! He surrendered!But because of Leo’s stupid comment and the denial that’s he’s the most ticklish out of all 4 of them, they’ll probably be here for an hour! 
“LEEHEEO! LEEHEEON *squeak* PLEHEHEASE! JUHUHUST AHAPOHOL- *squeak*” Mikey cackled as Donnie began to blow raspberries on Mikey’s ribs now, scribbling his fingers along his sides too.
“So? What’s it gonna be, Leo? Have you had enough?” The eldest asked as Leo only glared at him through his laughter, throwing his head back again. Leo shook his head, banging his fists on the carpet. The poor slider was trying to act high and mighty but was still squirming like a fish out of water trying to get back into the ocean…
Or, in this case, trying not to get tickled to pieces.
“Stop squirming, Leo. You aren’t going anywhere. I could do this allllll day.” Raph teased as he blew another raspberry on Leo’s stomach. “Well, scientifically speaking, you can.” Donnie said, stopping giving Mikey raspberries but still tickling his stomach with both hands. 
“I was doing some research for um…scientific purposes and I figured out that alligator snapping turtles and softshell turtles can hold they’re breaths for an hour. So, as long as we take certain breaths now and again we could blow raspberries on Leo and Mikey’s ticklish tummies for as long as we-“
“WEEHEE GEHET IHIT!!!” The two youngest screamed, not wanting to hear anymore of Donnie’s “scientific discoveries” about how him and Raph were the most devious ticklish monsters on the planet.
Donnie and his dumb-dumb research.
“Huh…you don’t say…” Raph smiled, trying to test Donnie’s theory about the whole “not needing to breath thing for an hour” thing. He blew probably like the millionth raspberry on Leo’s stomach. 
 And…Donnie was right! Not that he had one single doubt on his immediate younger brother’s genius of course! It just sounded too good to be true! He will definitely be using this tactic on Leo and Mikey in the future…and maybe April too! He’s definitely not scared of the aftermath of when he does that to her… 
Raph smiled, not being taking a single breath as he continued to give a raspberry to the back of one of Leo’s knees. Raph was enjoying this new skill he could do very well! Leo on the other hand…was going absolutely ballistic.
“NAHAO, *snort* AHANYWHERE *snort* EHELSE! NAHAT *snort* THEHE KNEEHEEHEES!” Leo screamed, punching Raph’s thighs lightly again. “Awh~? Why not~? Is this a bad spot, Lee?” Raph teased into Leo’s knees, finding this whole situation quite amusing indeed. 
“OHOMIGAHAHA-!!! YEHES! IHIT’S *snort* SOHO FREEHEEAKING BAHAHAD!” Leo cackled, not knowing what to do but just laugh and kick his legs. He was absolutely defenseless! There was nothing more he could do but just take it! “So…it tickles? Would you say this tickles too~?” Raph asked as he began to nibble at the back of Leo’s knees along with giving raspberries at the same time. Or, “Raph-berries” if you  will. 
“RAHAHAPH! NAHAH- *snort* IHI HAHATE YOHOHAHAH!” Leo snorted, his hands starting to flap against the carpet floor, making light thumping noises. 
Raph laughed, a smile still plastered on his face- but instead of that eat shit-and-die” expression he had on earlier, this smile was way more fond. 
Fun fact: Anytime Leo was tickled by his siblings, he younger would start happy stimming with his hands. His siblings think it’s the most adorable thing ever- much to Leo’s disagreement.
And it was so funny because he couldn’t even deny that he hated being tickled (even though he did anyway)! The evidence was right there!
“You didn’t answer my question, little bro! Does it tickle?” Raph pressed on, eager to get an answer out of his younger brother. “ *YEHES! MY GAHAHAD! OHOBVIOUSLY!” Leo screamed, still trying to kick Raph off of him.
“Just making sure!” The oldest smiled sweetly, still not stopping his new ability on  the second youngest’s knees. Leo whined throughout his cackles, covering his face once more. “Don’t be like that, little bud! You know you love it!” Raph teased. 
“NAHAO *snort* THE HEHEHELL IHI *snort* DOHOHON’T!” Leo screamed, happy stimming with his hands again.
“Your body language says otherwise, bud.” Raph teased back. 
Back with the PB&J Duo, Donnie an idea sparked in the genius’ head. His eyes sparkled as he grinned at Mikey- causing the youngest to gulp in nervousness. He knew what his older brother was planning…
“Dohonatello- Dohon’t yohou dahahare…” Mikey warned, glaring at Donnie as a warning. But that so-called warning only made Donnie laugh. “Oh I dare. Oh I so, so dare, Angelo.” Donnie taunted before blowing raspberries on Mikey’s plastron where his ribs would be. 
The younger let out a glass shattering squeal, causing Donnie and everyone in the lab to flinch a bit. But like Leo- Mikey can’t really do anything but just laugh at this point. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE! DAHAN- *squeak*! STAHAP!” Mikey cackled, kicking Donnie in the side with his knees which only caused Donnie to chuckle. “I think our little brothers have mutated into a pig and mouse.” Raph laughed, both him and Donnie laughing at the comment- because they couldn’t really deny that fact that. 
“OKAHAY! OKAHAY!” Leo screamed, his hands flapping on Raph’s thighs repeatedly. The older chuckled at the gesture, fighting every ounce of him not to take a picture with Donnie’s phone right now at the younger’s adorableness. “Okay, what Lee~?”
“IHIHI’M SAHAHARRY!!” Leo snorted, his hands still flapping happily and Raph couldn’t help but laugh fondly at it. “Should we let them go, Raphie?” Donnie asked, still nibbling at Mikey’s plastron but eyes on Raph, waiting for his answer. 
“Yeheah, we should. We don’t want to accidentally kill them...” Raph said to his immediate younger brother, chuckling at his own joke. The two oldest stopped tickling the two youngest, letting the two just relax in they’re laps; trying to catch they’re breaths.
“Oho my gohod….” Leo breathed out, turning to his side so he could see both Donnie and Mikey. Raph laughed as he rubbed the younger one’s head; trying to soothe him. The younger teen squirmed, holding Raph’s wrist as the older laughed some more. “I’m not gonna tickle you, bud.” He said, continuing to rub Leo’s head as the red eared slider stopped holding his wrists, excepting the gesture. 
“Thahat was fuhun!” Mikey giggled with Leo, sitting up and leaning on Donnie’s plastron- now being able to use all of his limbs. The softshell then used his spider arms to give the pranking duo two glasses of water- which the two happily accepted. 
“Speak fohor yourself…” Leo giggly grumbled, putting the finished glass of water to the side after drinking it and leaning on Raph’s plastron. 
“So! I guess now you two know not to mess with your older brothers, right?” Donnie asked, wrapping Mikey in a hug before lightly squeezing his sides, causing the younger to let out a screech. “YeHES! We learned our lesson, okahay?! Jeeheez! Couldn’t you have warned us in text or something?” Mikey whined, pushing at Donnie’s face lightly.
“Nah. This was way more fun.” Raph and Donnie both said, smiling as the two youngest groaned fondly at they’re answer to Mikey’s question. 
This fic has been a WIP for a LONG ASS TIME so I decided to finish as soon as my stupid exams ended and post it lol-
But srsly- I love this HC for Raph and Donnie sm it’s so evil <3 I hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :D
(Also sorry if the phrasing and/or pacing is weird- this is my first time writing with two lees and two lers- I dunno what I’m doing 😭💀😂)
P.S. Since Summer just started for me I will be able to work on more of my WIP’s so keep watch for ‘em :p
110 notes ¡ View notes
vivid-ink ¡ 8 months
Kinktober #1 - Handjob "Mission Accomplished"
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fem!HumanReader x Neteyam or Lo'ak (you pick! 😉)
Summary: You've been asked to fill in for Norm on one of his Na'vi patient observations, except this isn't any old observation appointment... You need to collect a semen sample and the appointment doesn't go at all to professional plan...
Warnings: 🔞 Sexual content 18+, MDNI 🔞 Word count: 4.6k
Author's Note: Happy Kinktober everyone! 😁 I'm late with this prompt as it was completely unplanned. I got inspired late last night after posting Part 4 of 'The Love Shack' and this is what my brain spat out! As usual, my inability to write short drabbles means that what was meant to be a short, sweet kink-scene turned out to be 4.6k. I've not used any names in this piece, so you're free to imagine either Neteyam or Lo'ak as the male lead in this. Enjoy the spice ya'll!
Tagging some mooties who may be interested (no pressure though): @pandoraslxna @blue-slxt @adrianarose7 @vintaqestar @eyweveng @qcswrites @daeneeryss @oasiswithmyg @delacruzyari @teymars @neteluvr @sulieykte @teyamsatan
And OMG (I feel absolutely rotten for overlooking this until now) - Thank you to the incredible @cinetrix for her render of Neteyam which I've used in the story cover.
You swallowed tightly as Dr Blaise briefed you around the purpose of today’s observation and what was required of you. Your heart was galloping in your chest and you could feel yourself breaking out into a nervous sweat. It amazed you how unconcerned and unaffected she was about the whole thing.
“It’s a simple observation. We’re looking for any key physical differences in appearance, as well as any differences in physiological function.” Dr Blaise stated casually, “No swabs or bloods needed today. Just some notes, photos, and a semen sample. There are sample collection jars in the consultation bay already.”
A semen sample… Good Lord, she said that with all the nonchalance of someone asking for a saliva sample. Though you figured that’s what medical professionalism was all about, right? No awkwardness, no emotion, just plain science and fact.
When Dr Norm Spellman had said that he was writing a book about Pandoran Biology and Na’vi Physiology, you’d jumped at the opportunity to be involved. After all, Pandora was your home. It was the only home you’d ever known. As one of the only two human babies to be born on Pandora, you and Spider were the only generation of humans who’d never known the dying mother planet Earth.
Unlike Spider though who had taken to life on Pandora like a duckling to water, scaling trees, swinging from branches and pretty much adopting himself into the Omatikaya clan, you weren’t anywhere near as outgoing. You’d stuck to the medical labs and the avatar camp for majority of your life, rarely venturing out into the wilderness except to accompany the other scientists on their excursions. Perhaps the only similarity you shared with Spider was that you too were an orphan of war. Your parents had been on the frontlines of the battle between Toruk Makto and the RDA, and they’d met their maker on that fateful day.
You were just an intern currently, but the older staff and scientists were more than willing to teach you. Doing lab observations, drawing blood and other lab technician work was your job, so this morning’s appointment shouldn’t have been any different. And yet it was.
You’d never had to collect a semen sample before.
“Patient is a young unmated male, 23 years of age. Fit. Occupation is hunter-warrior. No pre-existing medical conditions and no recent injuries.” Dr Blaise rationally, handing you the clipboard and pen, “The patient has also been briefed about this appointment, so he knows what to expect and he’s aware he needs to produce a sample.”
“Right, understood.” You mumbled and the words were slightly hoarse. You cleared your throat, dislodging the sticky lump of uneasiness there.
Sensing your discomfort, Dr Blaise placed a heartening hand on your shoulder. Her eyes were kind and the crows’ feet at their corners crinkled as she smiled, “Look, the patient is friendly with the team, one of Jake Sully’s sons actually. So you needn’t worry about any hostility. You’ve done numerous observations and collected all sorts of samples. This is no different. It’s only awkward if you’re awkward. Besides, I’m sure you can understand why Dr Spellman didn’t want to conduct this particular observation himself, what with them being family friends and all.”
A giggle and snort left you at the humorous thought and you found you had to agree. Dr Blaise chuckled alongside you. It would definitely be ten times more awkward if the patient and medical professional were familiar with each other during this observation.
The fleeting moment of hilarity eased the nervous roil in your belly. Tucking your pen into the breast pocket of your lab coat, you took a deep breath and nodded, “Ok, I’ve got this. Thanks Dr Blaise.”
With two thumbs up and a wink, Dr Blaise turned and left you to depart down the corridor, her black pump heels clicking neatly across the hard floor.
Turning to the wall, you grabbed an exopack kit and hooked it to the leather belt around your hips. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you positioned the mask over your face and returned to the doorway that led into the consultation bay. The doorway was tall, much taller than you were used to. All the consultation bays were built big enough with high enough ceilings to accommodate the Na’vi and the avatars. While the main ventilation in the compound was suited to human lungs, the consultation bays were fitted with ventilation to suit their Pandoran patients. Scanning your ID card on the panel of blinking lights on your right, the door slid open with a hiss and you stepped into the bay.
The first thing that always hit you when you entered any of the consultation bays was the sterile scent of it. After a couple of years working here you’d think you’d have got used to it, but every single time the smell was like a synthetic slap to your senses. You wrinkled your nose in distaste. Everything smelled so chemical; too clean and too artificial. It was no wonder the Na’vi didn’t like being in here. If the smell was strong to your human nose, you could only imagine how much more potent it was to their heightened senses.
The second thing to hit you this morning was the sight of the magnificent creature that was standing in the corner of the bay, peering at the various medical models, instruments and books in the wall-mounted glass cabinet. He’d been facing away from you at first, but the sound of your footsteps had caught his attention and he turned to face you then.
A genial smile stretched across his face and he greeted you in a voice that was deep and warm, “Good morning, doctor.”
His use of English surprised you and while his words were accented, his pronunciation was clear. Go figure that Jake Sully would’ve taught his children to speak his mother tongue.
You gave a clumsy laugh and you were quick to correct your patient, “Oh, I’m not a doctor. I’m just an intern. I’m just filling in for Dr Spellman for this observation.”
Your patient grinned toothily at you and gave a nod of his head in acknowledgement, although his tone was teasing when he replied, “Alright Dr ‘Just-An-Intern’, where would you like me?”
You couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up from your throat at his playful demeanour. You smiled at him. He was charming this one, handsome too. Like all Na’vi, he towered well above you in height at approximately nine and a half feet. Though you noted that he was very well-built. Courtesy of being a warrior, you supposed. Yes, he was muscular in all the places you appreciated in a male… You silently reprimanded yourself for your unprofessional thoughts.
“Just take a seat on that gurney for me.” You replied, gesturing towards the make-shift bed against the wall. Retrieving your pen, you began to scan through the notes at the top of the form on the clipboard, double-checking the patient’s details and ensuring everything on it was as it should be.
“Ah, do you want me to take my tewng (loincloth) off?”
Suddenly remembering the aim of the observation again, you felt hot blood rush to your cheeks and ears in embarrassment, “Umm, yes please.” And in a bid to stop your embarrassment running away with your courage, you launched into a rambling outline of the appointment agenda, “Today’s appointment is an observation around Na’vi male genitalia and sexual function. I’m going to need to make some notes and take some photographs of you, both in a r-relaxed and a-aroused state, and I’m going to need to collect a s-semen sample. If you feel uncomfortable at any point…”
He watched you attentively as you babbled onward, the smooth skin of your face and neck taking on a ruddy and flushed hue. He smiled to himself. You were shy and today’s agenda clearly made you uneasy. He felt a twinge of empathy for you. His father had told him that humans were private about matters of the body, especially where it came to sex and pleasure. The Na’vi held no such restraints; sexual freedom was celebrated.
He’d already removed his tewng and had perched himself on the gurney as instructed, unbothered and uncaring of his own nakedness. He was quietly enjoying your discomfort, but not in a rude or condescending manner. He actually found your unease rather endearing.
“Any questions?” Your prattling came to a finish and you took a deep inhale as if you’d squeezed every last ounce of oxygen out of your lungs rushing to finish your speech without taking another breath.
He graced you with another charming smile, “No. You may proceed.”
Willing yourself to get a grip, you walked on slightly shaky legs to the desk in the corner and plucked the glass tablet from its stand and returned to place it on the end of the gurney. You kept your eyes lowered to your clipboard, filling in the date and the time. You could see the striped cobalt of his muscular legs in your peripheral vision where he sat with his shins dangling off the gurney. For the meantime, you dared not glance any higher than his thighs…
Your eyes moved to a set of highlighted bullet points in the middle of the page that indicated questions the patient had to be asked.
You read the first question aloud, its meaning registering simultaneously in your brain as the words left your lips, “When was the last time you ejaculated?”
You fought the mortification that threatened to consume you and your mind struck up a chant of ‘stay professional, stay professional’ in your head.
“Yesterday morning.” His answer was composed.
“And was that with a partner or was it self-stimulated?” Fuck, maybe you should’ve read the questions before coming in for the observation…
“It was self-stimulated.”
“And do you have a preference for male partners, female partners, or both?”
“Female. Definitely female.”
His voice was a smooth, velvety rumble. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but something in his tone stroked over you like an invisible caress that made something clench in your lower belly. You scribbled his answers on the page in a messy scrawl that had more to do with your nerves than your actual style of handwriting.
He continued to observe you as you worked. Your knuckles were pale where your left hand gripped hold of the clipboard and you were so focused, almost concentrating too hard on what you were writing. Nose twitching quietly, he parted his lips and scented the air around. The artificial smell of the bay was unpleasant, but a sweeter and much more appealing smell was filling the vicinity now. Your scent.
The blush on your skin remained and he was sure that if he reached out to touch you that your skin would be hot to the touch where your blood had rushed to the surface. He could smell hints of your perspiration and he could also detect a musky and moist feminine undertone. You were attracted to him… His masculine pride delighted in the realisation. Despite your human form, he found you attractive too.
Finishing up your notes, you settled the clipboard down on the gurney and mentally prepared yourself for the ‘looking’ part of the observation.
Eyes still glued to the brown leather of the gurney’s mattress, you declared your next action, “Alright, just stay relaxed for me with your thighs slightly parted. I’m going to begin the physical part of the observation now.”
Your gaze travelled from the beautiful stripes on his outer thighs inward to the slightly paler blue of his inner thighs and finally, up to his groin. Suddenly, you didn’t understand why you were so nervous about this. He looked fairly… normal? Apart from the general larger size of everything and the blue hue of his skin, everything was as expected. Feeling a little braver now, you grabbed the glass tablet and took a couple of photos and then set it down to return to your clipboard.
“Is everything the same?” He asked out of the blue, “Same as with human males, I mean.”
You looked to his face instinctively and found his amber eyes trained on you, “Ah yes, more or less. Penis, foreskin, testes; everything expected is there and I haven’t noted any real differences in physiology apart from the lack of hair, but that’s consistent with the lack of body hair all Na’vi have apart from on your heads and tail tufts.”
Following the words down the clipboard sheet you came to a section that was titled ‘Texture and Sensitivity’. You paused. How the fuck were you supposed to assess those? The section didn’t have any required questions or sample questions to help you, and no suggestions either, just a space for you to jot down your notes. You looked from your patient’s body and then to his face, and when he gave you a small smile, your gaze shot back down to your clipboard sheet in embarrassment. Texture and sensitivity were tactile aspects. You didn’t really understand how you could assess them without touching the patient.
Evidently you were taking too long in your deliberation, because your patient’s voice sounded again with a gentle query, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, sorry. I’m just trying to work out how to assess the next bit.” You apologised sheepishly. You weren’t doing a very good job of appearing collected, you realised.
“What’s the next part?”
“Texture and sensitivity. So, what it feels like and which parts respond the most to touch.” You stated in as even a voice as possible. You huffed out a laugh then and shrugged, “It’s a tricky one because they’re tactile observations and I don’t know how to assess them when you can’t touch the patient.”
“Why can’t you touch the patient?” His response was clearly a surprise to you and he couldn’t suppress his grin as you goggled at him in shock, “You can touch me if it will enable you to do your job.”
You were almost about to say that you couldn’t possibly do that, but you stopped yourself. You were a med-science professional. The patient was consenting and your research required you to perform a physical examination. In a professional capacity, there was no reason you couldn’t touch the patient to achieve the intended outcome of the examination.
You remembered Dr Blaise’s words: It’s only awkward if you make it awkward. Fuck, you needed to swallow a bucket of concrete and toughen up. The sooner you completed this observation, the sooner you would be out of this uncomfortable situation.
Nodding resolutely, you agreed, “Alright, but you will guide me with your own hands. That way I can be assured that you’re only leading me where you’re comfortable to be examined.”
Your patient dipped his head in agreement, the tuft of his tail curling and uncurling charmingly on the gurney next to him. You set your clipboard down and moved to position yourself before him, standing between his knees. You lifted your eyes to his and they locked with his gentle gaze. Tentatively you offered him your hand and he took it, his large palm and long fingers engulfing it easily.
“So first up, texture?” He reminded, and you nodded.
Slowly, he brought your hand to his crotch and settled your hand over the shaft of his cock. It was very warm beneath your palm. Gently, your fingers tested the slightly springy flesh, noting how smooth and silken his skin was. At this closer proximity, you noticed that there was also spattering of bioluminescent freckles on the shaft. You made a mental note of that.
You touched the base of his cock, gingerly feeling around the length of it and you asked, “What’s the sensitivity like here?”
“I can feel it, but it’s not intense or anything. It’s more sensitive up here.” He guided your fingers nearer to the tip and you stifled a small gasp when he assisted you in pushing his foreskin back to reveal the smooth, dark purple head of his cock.
You’d never interacted with a naked man this close, human or Na’vi, and you certainly had never touched one in such an intimate place. Your body was starting to tingle in various places; in very unprofessional places. It was a surreal situation to be in and you found that you felt oddly calmer now than you were a few minutes ago.
Trailing the pads of your fingers over the smooth tip, you found it was moist and a little slippery. Your thumb tested the underside of it, “Sensation?”
A quiet hiss left him and you instinctively attempted to move your hand away, but his hold over your wrist kept it there, “That’s sensitive. That feels good.”
Your heart was still thumping and your cheeks were still warm, but it wasn’t nerves anymore that were causing your reaction. God, his skin was so soft and so warm… Your curiosity was growing now; your innate desire to explore taking hold of you.
You traced the raised rim of his cock head with your thumb and forefinger, watching as your patient emitted a rumbling groan. His hold on your wrist tightened and he began to move your hand over him. You intuitively wrapped your fingers around his cock. You felt entranced almost, caught up in the moment as you unwittingly began to enjoy the feel of him in your grasp.
The hot flesh in your hand was growing, elongating and engorging as the stimulation aroused him. You watched, amazed, as it swelled to its full capacity. The fingers and thumb of your hand could no longer meet each other. The girth of his cock was easily the same width as your forearm and by your approximations, it looked like it had also more than doubled in length from its relaxed state.
The erect shaft had lengthened out of his foreskin and it was a lovely shade of striated blue all over, except for a paler purple underside and head. In its aroused state, you discovered that while it shared structural similarities to a human male’s genitalia, it also possessed other aspects which were very different. The engorged shaft of his cock was ridged all along its length and as your hand smoothed up and down the column of it, you noted that the ridges were firm and palpable against your hand.
It was the most arousing thing you’d ever seen… Those ridges must feel so good inside for the woman…
You didn’t perceive his eyes on you, watching you as you explored his hard flesh. You were so engrossed that you didn’t even cotton on to the fact that he wasn’t even guiding your hand anymore. He could smell you, smell your arousal dampening between your thighs and the sight of your much smaller hand stroking and squeezing his cock was incredibly sexy.
You ran your enclosed hand in one full stroke from the base of cock and up to the head of it, fascinated by the ridged texture of it and the slippery, bulbous tip. However, your patient emitted a hissing intake of breath then and you jumped a little, snapping out of your thoughts.
“S-Sorry! Is that painful?” You stammered, shooting him a slightly apologetic frown.
He shook his head with a husky chuckle, “No, it’s just very sensitive. A lot more than earlier.”
“Where?” You asked, stroking him from tip to base and back up again.
“Everywhere. The ridges and the head especially.” His voice was notably breathier than before and his breaths were coming quicker, shallower and less even.
“That is fascinating.” You muttered, and your other hand joined in on your exploration. You fondled his balls lightly, observing the weightiness of them.
Your patient grunted and he parted his thighs a bit more. He leaned back to brace his weight on his palms behind him. He gave a small roll of his hips, which caused the top half of his cock to push and pull within your grasp. He moaned and the sound shot straight to the apex of your thighs. When you didn’t object, he continued the motion, thrusting lightly into your hands, both of which were now grasping his length one on top of the other.
Clear and viscous pre-ejaculate began to ooze from his tip, increasing in quantity with each roll of his hips. It was so copious that it was beginning to pool on the backs of your palms and drip down towards your wrist. Lord help you… there was nothing professional anymore about what you were doing… Not that your patient appeared to have any objections…
Still completely spellbound by the situation, your curiosity pushed a murmured query past your lips, “Is there always so much pre-ejaculate?”
“Depends. Generally the more aroused a man is, the more he produces.” He replied and when your bashful gaze lifted to meet his, he smirked wickedly.
You were such a pretty little thing to him, your smaller hands trying their best to keep hold of his slick cock. He knew that this was beyond the normal boundaries of the appointment. He knew that while you would’ve been required to touch him to examine him, stroking him off was probably not anywhere on the agenda. He suspected he was supposed to produce the sample on his own, but looking at you now, so enraptured by his body… How could he have resisted? And besides, he knew you were enjoying this as much as he was, your scent told him so.
You tightened your hold on his cock experimentally, squeezing harder. Each time the swollen head of his cock pushed out of your hands to greet you, you swiped your thumb over the oozing slit on its tip. He was panting heavily now, his impressive abdominals bunching and flexing as he continued to thrust his thick cock through your hold. The bioluminescent freckles that dotted his shaft were glimmering brightly and you never thought you’d ever use the word ‘beautiful’ to describe genitalia, but his cock was gorgeous.
All of him was gorgeous, truth be told…
You were attracted to Na’vi men. Ever since you were old enough to notice the opposite sex, you’d been drawn to male Na’vi. After all, you’d grown up on this moon, inhabited by and surrounded by tall, beautiful Na’vi. The humans who surrounded you at the compound and the camp were your family, and they were all much older. There were no men of your own species to look at or be attracted to. Spider was the only one of your generation and he was like your annoying, gross brother. Your attraction to Na’vi men had been an inevitable result really.
So now as you stood in the consultation bay, between the knees of this striking and aroused Na’vi male while he pumped his cock in and out of your hands, you’d never felt more validated and aroused in your life.
Your patient’s fingers were digging into the squeaky brown leather of the gurney now, straining slightly as his hips continued their onslaught. Your hands and wrists were completely drenched, soaking in his thick pre-cum. The slippery mess caused his cock to squelch obscenely as it slipped through your hold. The whole situation was so sensually explicit and you were never more thankful in your life than you were now that there were no CCTV cameras installed in the consultation bays.
You’d be expelled from your chosen profession for patient abuse… Though by the half-lidded, slack-jawed expression of pleasure on his face, he didn’t look much like he was being unwillingly abused…
A string of Na’vi curses left him then, followed by several panted moans. He abruptly pushed off his palms to sit upright and he stuttered, “W-Where is the container?”
A little stunned by his sudden and urgent tone, you stumbled in your own response, “The w-what? Oh, the sample jar?”
Panting heavily through parted lips, he nodded at you and you pointed to the desk on his left. You saw his gaze follow your eyeline and when he caught sight of the plastic collection jars that sat patiently waiting, he let out a hearty guffaw.
He reached for one and deftly flicked the already loosened lid from its mouth, still chuckling away between his huffing breaths, “It’s so small. You ready, doc?”
“For what?” You asked, realising only as the words left you what a dumb response it was as he handed the sample jar to you.
Your patient smiled at you and it was a salacious leer, all narrowed eyes and pointed canines showing, “You’re about to get your sample.”
One of his hands returned to guide yours, wrapping around your one remaining hand where it encircled his stiff cock. The pace of this rocking thrusts increased and he began to exhale with throaty moans that you swore made your own feminine core throb with desire. Gingerly, you held the collection jar up to him, being extra careful not to drop it.
With two more lurching breaths, his abdominal muscles contracted and his back bowed inward, his entire torso going rigid. You felt his cock harden impossibly before it pulsed and the breath he was holding left him in a coarse growl while his face twisted into an almost pained expression. His cock pulsed again and the first spurt of ejaculate missed the sample jar entirely, landing with a warm splat in the middle of your chest where the frills of your blue blouse peeked out from behind your lab coat. Quickly, his free hand grabbed hold of yours to position the jar better, while his other hand attempted to position his cock so he could shoot straight into it.
He was absolutely breathtaking in the midst of his orgasm. The luminous freckles on his face were twinkling and the striped cobalt skin of his neck and chest was glossy with a sheen of sweat. His cock continued to throb and pulse, emitting rope after rope of thick cum that splattered untidily over the mouth and sides of the sample jar.
You could see why he’d laughed at the size of it. There was no way the small jar could have held the full volume of what he was producing.
Coming down now off the high of his climax, your patient slouched against the wall behind the gurney, breathing hard. He caught your eye and he grinned indolently at you.
The adrenalin and heightened arousal in the atmosphere was fading rapidly now, and cold, hard reality was slowly returning to you. You looked at the pearlescent contents of the sample jar, which was still decently full despite majority of the sample not making it in there. You smiled to yourself.
Mission accomplished and what an exciting mission it was…
Carefully setting the jar down on the flat worktop of the metal sink next to you, you replaced the lid on it with sticky fingers and made a note to thoroughly wipe the jar down later before handing it to the lab techs.
Returning your attention to your patient, you smiled at him, suddenly shy again, “Thank you for your co-operation today. I’ll leave you to clean and freshen up. You can see yourself out after.”
His answering laugh was husky and he dipped his head at you, “I should be thanking you for your co-operation I think, doc.”
“Not a doc, remember?” You grinned at him and you were about to turn on heel to depart into the adjacent washroom when you heard him call out to you again.
“Hey Not-A-Doc, if you ever need another sample, I’m happy to provide another one, whether for med-science research or your own personal research.”
A girlish giggle left you and you felt your face flame again. You shook your head, making your way into the washroom to clean yourself up. He was a naughty one that one…
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landograndprix ¡ 10 months
woman ✾ l.n - i
❧ you love max, you really do but your little brother has been getting more on your nerves each day as he tries to set you up with one of his friends.
❧ new series! Verstappen!reader is older than max so if your uncomfortable with that, please don't read. 😉 to make things easier for you and myself, Iris/irisxo & sanne/sannetje are your best friends, lots of use of random oc's as your tagged friends. I'm not really sure who wanted to be on my everything taglist so sorry if you're not on here :(
next part
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📍 Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens
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liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 132,761 others
y/nverstappen a bit of behind the scenes from this weekend, completely shocked by the results. Very proud of this little guy🥇
tagged: maxverstappen1, redbullracing
view all 625 comments
kian18 absolute beast!
maxmaxmax y/n delivering the goods once again 🥰
sharl16 man, p1 was a real surprise!
y/nverstappen nah, absolutely blew my mind when he crossed the finish line first 🤯
martinleblanc there's nothing funny about a 22+sec time gap between p1 and p2..
y/nverstappen I know, I've told him that before but little brothers usually don't listen to their big sisters..
kellypiguet we're all proud of him ❤️
ginaaa09 all you do is post about max & redbull 😭
norry4 girl it's her lil' bro and she's proud of him and the team, let her 💀
irisxo this guys pretty good, he should consider racing
leon12 verstappens 🤮
y/nverstappie boy you either follow y/n or you're actively looking for max content..tell me you're obsessed without telling me you're obsessed
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📍 Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
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liked by martingarrix, landonorris and 187,982 others
y/nverstappen 'biz baby 🏝
tagged: martingarrix, irisxo, julianpeters, sannetje, liesslot
view all 561 comments
hannahh 🔥 🔥
verstappenmax oh to live a life like this..😩
norrislan Martin not only out here collecting f1 drivers but their sisters too 💀
max33 i don't think most of you know how well known y/ n is in the netherlands and belgium, Martin isn't the only 'famous' person she's just hanging out with..
julieeeexo if anything, y/n might be a bigger person than max lmao
max33 I know right?! I see her more on my TV screen and socials than max 💀
irisxo same time next week?
sannetje I'm too old for that love
y/nverstappen honestly same
patricko 😍
lolaaaxn 🥵
verstapricc beauty 😍
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📍 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 198,728 others
y/nverstappen home is where the heart is or something like that.
tagged: irisxo, victoriaverstappen
view all 478 comments
blake78 you single?
teampapaya two very desperate f1 drivers in the likes 💀
victoriaverstappen can't wait to spend another weekend in Amsterdam with you ❤️
y/nverstappen take my nephews with you next time!
maxmaxmax absolute beauty 😍
norry4 are you going to be in Italy next week?
y/nverstappen no but I will be in Monaco!
charles_leclerc that food looks amazing
lestappen this boy cracks me up, you need to up your flirting game, this is shit 😭
charlos16 probably better than your pasta pesto..
chilisains Charles sees a pretty woman: "so like you make food often?"
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taglist: @hockeyboysarehot
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vidavalor ¡ 28 days
The Ok Sign's historical ties to Vavooming
When Crowley describes his "hypothetical" (😉) Vavoom scenario in S2, he gesticulates a moving version of the OK hand sign to Aziraphale. The history of this particular gesture is rather interesting... especially when you consider what Crowley is saying when he is choosing to use it.
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In modern times, the initial, vertical part of what Crowley is doing while talking about canopies is a sign known as "the OK sign" and, in most places, it is seen as signaling a positive response to something. Even though something that is "okay" is seen as sort of middling-- more "not terrible" than "good"-- the OK hand gesture has a much more positive connotation than the word itself does and generally means that something is excellent. It came to mean that in the United States and many other countries through American political campaigns of the early 19th century. The gesture itself, though, is much, much older than that and can be traced back to ancient Rome and ancient Greece... where it has ties to romantic love.
When painted on vases and the like, the gesture was meant to evoke a kiss through the touching of the tips of the thumb and the index finger. Interesting considering the topic of a vavoomy first kiss in the scene while Crowley is making this gesture, no?
In first century Rome-- a time and place we know to be significant to Crowley and Aziraphale's history-- it was a gesture of assent and if a person made the gesture towards another person in the Greco-Roman world? It was a way of professing romantic love for that person.
While describing a hypothetical scenario for Maggie and Nina that many of us suspect is really a recounting of his and Aziraphale's first kiss, Crowley is gesturing "I love you" to Aziraphale by the social customs of classical antiquity.
There's also a bit of fish, food and Jesus in this as well... so, very Ineffable Husbands. In the modern era, the OK sign is also the gesture used universally by scuba divers to signal that they are feeling good while on a dive. It is also a version of the "chef's kiss"-- the one that is more of an OK sign near the face than kissing the tips of your fingers. In the original version of 'The Prisoner,' the watched prisoners use the OK sign to communicate with each other, which was famously inspired by use of The Sign of the Fish/Jesus Fish as a secret symbol used by early Christians.
The gesture is also used in another unspoken language: Christian monks who took a vow of silence would also use the gesture as a base to indicate other things to communicate-- forming the index finger and thumb into a ring and holding it in front of one's self as Crowley does in this scene would indicate in that language an oblation, or offering, to God.
Crowley then keeps his fingers in the OK position and tips his hand down when he says "together", turning it all into a second gesture-- one that is known as gyan/jnana mudra, which is a hand sign used most frequently in meditation and sometimes in yoga. It is known as the knowledge mudra. Crowley also used it during the Gabriel miracle while Aziraphale used its pair at the same time-- chin mudra-- which is the same gesture, just with the palm facing up, and focuses on similar things.
Both focus on knowledge gained and the calming effects of the unification of the individual soul/ego (represented by the index finger) with the thumb (the supreme soul/paramatman-- the more actualized individual soul made boundless by light and wisdom.) The gesture is done as part of meditation to create a circuit that redirects the prana-- life force/energy-- through the body, alleviating anxiety and calming the mind through a grounding sense of connection, calm and peace.
By connecting the two gestures into one while talking about this canopy scenario, Crowley seems to be connecting the erotic and the spiritual and referencing his millennia-old romantic passion for Aziraphale to Aziraphale by using a gesture for love from antiquity... and that's somehow all before this shows up:
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Who knew Richard Curtis films were this hot?
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octoberautumnbox ¡ 1 month
Yuri is lucky that she could go to Hyewon's place whenever she needs to washup lol. Can't imagine Yuri's face when she discovered the roach in her bathroom 🤣🙈
What if Yuri goes over to Hyewon's place...
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And Hyewon still insists on giving you head when Yuri is only a short distance away in the shower 😳
"Hyewon... Ah...Now's not the best time, Yuri will hear us! She could be coming out anytime soon!"
"So what? Who said the bathroom is the only thing I'm sharing with Yuri today 😉"
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Yuri's look of hunger when she sees the moment you're cumming uncontrollably inside Hyewon's throat. Your eyes watery and Hyewon has her whole face pressed against your crotch while your body spasms from the stimulation 🙊
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Even though I'm gonna embarrass myself horribly, I don't think I could turn down Hyewon's offer 🤤
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a/n: thanks for the ask frisky! to this day it's still wild to me how they did a post-bath/shower scene in Yuri's photobook but im literally the last one on this planet to complain 😋
"Aish, you two," Yuri says while running her fingers through her hair. "You couldn't wait for me?" She takes a seat next to you and leans her head on your shoulder, staring lazily at your cock.
"You were taking forever. He was getting bored." Hyewon licks her lips as she says it, savoring the taste of your cum. She makes a show of it by dragging her tongue all along her plump lips, and the blatant attempt to try and get you hard again is regrettably working.
Your reply comes in the midst of ragged breaths: "Don't... pin this all on me. I wanted to... wait for everyone to... be ready."
The older girl takes your hand and starts sucking your index finger, giving it the same love she gave your cock just moments ago. The younger, on the other hand, giggles at her valiant efforts to get you going again and decides to help her out.
Yuri takes your other hand and places it over her breasts, only a thin fabric in between her chest and your fingertips. Even then, you can feel her soft and perky tits through her top, and the playful pinches you deliver on her nipples cause them to stiffen in pleasure. You watch as they start to poke against the fabric, and she catches you ogling her. With a smirk, she let's out a cute moan to signal her pleasure.
Hyewon, not wanting to be one-upped, takes her place on your other side. She pulls her top off, revealing in tantalizing slowness of the skin of her tummy and chest. Once it's all off, she takes the same position as Yuri and makes you cup her boobs too. Her nipples stiffen in the same way, and her moans at how you play with her body spur all three of you on.
With a knowing look shot at each other, the girls decide wordlessly on a two-pronged attack. Hyewon's delicate fingers wrap around your cock and give long, slow strokes, while she goes in and takes your lips with hers. At the same time, Yuri leans down and starts licking and kissing the tip of your dick, making sure to leave her spit and help her unnie out.
Your tongue and Hyewon's swirl around each other, forcing more moans out of her, while Yuri's soft lips place kisses on your head and shaft wherever she can reach. She takes your cock in her mouth as best she can, trying her hardest to share with her unnie's hand instead of taking you all the way to the back of her throat for herself.
You wonder for a moment how you got two of the most beautiful idols on the planet this needy for you. How on earth did you get to the point where they're so willing to share you between themselves, allowing you to grope their bodies and suck your cock as if they were your own property to do what you please with?
But that doesn't matter now. You find both Hyewon and Yuri with two of their own fingers inside their cunts, rubbing their walls at the pace you set as you play with their boobs. Hyewon grows careless with her kiss, growing sloppier by the minute, not caring how much of your shared saliva falls out of your mouths. Yuri's moans deliver just the right vibrations to your cock growing needier with each lick of your slit. She frantically tries even harder to take more of you into her mouth, her common sense slipping away from her.
You try to warn Yuri that you're close, but Hyewon never lets up. Each time you try and pull away, all she does is pull you back and make you squeeze her soft tits harder. You do the same with Yuri, pinching her nipples harder and groping her more roughly, and it drives her wild. You're not sure if it delivers the message you wanted it to, but you slowly forget as your orgasm arrives.
Hyewon feels the way your cock throbs and immediately lets go, only to force Yuri down onto your crotch. Yuri welcomes it and takes you all the way, licking your shaft as much as she can, savoring your taste and the hard work she put into this load she's about to take. You don't disappoint, and suddenly her mouth is flooded with your thick and warm cum. She tries taking all of it in, but inevitably she lets a few drops fall out with the sheer amount of it. Still, her tongue works overtime to extract every single drop you can give her, and each thrust into her mouth-pussy sends away another thought in her head to be replaced her desire for you and you alone.
Two orgasms so far into the night, and they haven't even started getting serious. You start to get nervous, but they reassure you that everything from here on out is all just mindless fun.
"Don't worry, oppa," Yuri sighs dreamily, obviously still in the ecstasy of getting her face fucked, "we're gonna have so much fun."
"Yeah, just relax and fuck us like you always wanted to." Hyewon punctuates each word with a kiss on your neck. "I promise we'll play nice, unless you want us not to."
a/n: holy shit wait a minute is this my first threesome fic??
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motherofdogs1010 ¡ 6 months
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I write with chubby-coded/plus sized, racial inclusive readers in mind; very rarely do I mention anything about a reader's physical appearance, all are welcome and are written in mind for everyone to enjoy!!
Must be 18+ to join taglists
I also take frequent mental health breaks since I do suffer from poor mental health, BUT writing is my safe space so I will always come back to you guys ❤️
💋 18 + Smut
😊 Fluff
💔 Angst
🖤 Dark Storyline
😉 Omegaverse
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Laurel Sickness (Sonny Carisi x Reader) 🖤
Summary: Laurel Sickness is an case of extreme case of obsessive love that is sweeping the globe with no explanation. People are becoming just as mad as Apollo once was when he first set his godly eyes on the virgin nymph, Daphne.
Warnings: 18+ only, dark!fic, toxic behavior, gaslighting, dystopian society, dark!Sonny Carisi, stalking, stalker!Sonny Carisi, the world's messed up in this story, age gap relationship, forced relationship, eventual non-con/dub-con, Stockholm Syndrome
Part I Part II TBA
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Need to Know (Peter Parker x Reader) 💋
Inspired by Doja Cat's "Need to Know"
Summary: When she was ready to get back out on the dating scene after dumping a certain Winter Soldier, Y/N was a woman ready to get back out there. She just never expected to find herself in a relationship with a certain nerdy spider.
Warnings: older woman/younger man, age gap relationship, heavy smut, drinking, swearing, daddy kink, mentions of cheating, toxic ex behavior, eventual pregnancy
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Little Darling (Thomas Shelby x Reader) 💋
Summary: Birmingham has received a new club, one that is showcasing a exotic type of dance that is drawing in crowds, but it is one particular dancer that catches Thomas Shelby's eye... one that goes by the stage name: Little Darling
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual smut, stripper!reader, mentions of prostitution/sex work, canon Peaky Blinders violence, swearing, drinking
Letters to Juliet & Romeo (Thomas Shelby x Reader) 😊💔
Inspired by 'Letters to Juliet' film...
Summary: Heartbroken and in the midst of the Great War as a nurse, Y/N L/N writes to a person she never expected to write to before... her brother's friend, Thomas Shelby... But the war's over now and it is time to face the letters...
Warnings: angst, wartime talk, fluff, reunion, pre-Peaky Blinders Tommy, solider!Tommy, nurse!Reader, chubby!reader, age gap (everyone is of age)
Part I Part II
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Of Messiahs and Seeds (Dark!Paul Atreides x Reader) 🖤💋
Summary: Emperor Paul of House Atreides has set forth with expansion of his empire on the planets that have resisted and has now come across the last stronghold that resists him: Terra Millennium...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON, eventual forced marriage and pregnancy, violence, language, drinking, chubby!reader, dark!Paul Atreides, spoilers for Dune Part 2
A Jedi in Arrakis (Paul Atreides x Reader) 💋💔😊
Summary: While on the run from Empire troops, Jedi padawan Y/N comes to find out that hyper-driving in a compromised craft can have some major setbacks when she discovers not only is on a new planet but a whole new galaxy as well...
Warnings: jedi!reader, eventual 18+, NSFW, angst, fluff, eventual smut/pinv!sex, oral sex, talks of questioning the Force and teachings, spoilers for Dune Part I and II, eventual marriage
Part I Part II Part III TBA
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Solar Flare (Feyd-Rautha x Reader) 💋
Summary: Chosen as the bride of na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, Y/N finds herself at the hands of the sadistic na-Baron who seems keen on having his bride on their wedding night...
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, arranged marriage, DUBCON/ pinv sex, fingering, loss of virginity, brief knife kink, small breeding kink, crude language, forced arranged marriage
Dividers by @firefly-graphics & me
Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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cevansbaby-dove ¡ 1 month
hey if your still doing requests i was just wondering if you could do
a Mechanic Chris Evans is a little older than Y/N story where Y/N has car trouble, and he finds her on side of the road and helps her.
and they go back to his shop. then things get a little flustered for Y/N they talk a little bit but they have a spicy scene,
if you are comfortable with writing
Omg I am so happy I found time to write this. Thanks for asking.
Pairing:Mechanic!Chris EvansX Reader
Warnings: Fluffy stuff then some spice 😉
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"Damn it!" You said hitting the steering wheel. "Shit now what do I do now?" you looked around the road and see your not near any phone or even a town.
You grab your phone and look on the map for a towing company and you find Evans who is a mechanic, oh thank heavens.
You breathe a sigh of relief, you quickly dialed the number from the maps and heard his voice. "Hello thank you for calling"
You smiled, "hi My name is L/N, Um my car broke down here on I95 and I don't know how far I am from the nearest town can you help me?"
"Yes ma'am where exactly are you?" You looked at the road signs and tell him where.
"i'm only ten minutes from there hang tight i'll be right over" You nodded. "thank you"
You got out of your car wearing this outfit.
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You were on your way meeting some friends in New York when your car broke down, you send a text to the group chat with your girlfriends in it saying you are running late.
You look around and then look at your phone. "it's already noon? oh man I will be very late"
moments later you see a tow truck pull up to your car. Chris hops out. "L/N right?" You looked at him and nodded. "yes that's me hi"
He shakes your hand and then looks at your car. "well I can have it towed back to my shop and take a look there it would be better then being out in this heatwave"
You nod "sounds good" He nods and says. "hop in the front" You do as he says and you watch him hook your car up to the back of the truck damn he looked good.
The way his arm muscles popped when he was hauling the chain to your car made you feel so turned on. But no you just met him it'd be weird to come on to him.
Who knows maybe he's married with kids! You shook your head as he walked to the driver side of his truck and gets in. "Okay" he drives back to his shop and he says. "at first glance i'd say that car has hit the dust"
"Oh that's not good" he nods. "we have a car dealer ship in the city so you could just buy or rest from there"
You nod looking at him. "is it a lot? I saved up a lot for this trip I am not about to spend it on one car"
Chris chuckles. "Yes ma'am it's cheap" He couldn't help but glance at you the way your tanned legs looked he was so in love.
Chris turns into the shop and turns his truck off and then hops out then open your door and you hop out not knowing how tall the step was from the ground you mis land and crash into Chris.
You look at him and he says. "you ok?" You nod standing up but his hands didn't leave your hips as you tried to regain your balance. "I'm okay thanks"
He gets the car into the garage and you stand there watching yet again letting your mind go into the gutter with this man.
Chris turns and says. "Should be fixed in a day or so. Sorry miss L/N"
"A day!?" You said rubbing your arms "I was meeting some girlfriends today not tomorrow, and oh by the way, my name is y/n" You mumbled stuff as you paced.
"Y/N? wait didn't I see you in high school? you were the popular girl every guy but me wanted." You looked at him. "Not so popular now, but I have a good life"
Chris nodded. "well did you ever marry Carl? I heard you and him were planning a wedding" You smile softly. "No it didn't work out" he nods. "sorry to hear that"
You look over at him. "What about you? has Chris Evans got a misses Evans?" He chuckled. "nope I did but we split due to some disagreements in our marriage."
"Im sorry Chris, any girl honestly would be lucky to have you I remember having a small crush on you back in school but...so did many of the other girls"
Chris smiles. "yes I get that alot" You chew on your lip when it was quiet and Chris says. "Anyway i'll see if there is room in the hotel"
You reach out for his arm. "no Chris please don't leave me alone here" he turns and looks at you. "um..okay"
You felt really bold so you stand up and walk to him. "what can we do to pass the time?"
He looked into your eyes and smiles. "I have a few things in mind" You bite your lip and he places his hand on your cheek. "I have wanted to kiss you so badly ever since in school but...God I couldn't"
You said in a hushed whispers. "What's stopping you this time Evans?"
His eyes meets your and he says. "Nothing but-" You place your index finger to his plump red lips. "Shhh..if you keep talking I might back out of this"
Chris crashes his lips on your grabbing your hands in one he backs you to a wall and he hears you moan as he swirls his tongue around your lips begging for you to let him in.
You part your lips ever so slightly so he french kisses you. "Hmm" You said as he run his hand down your waist to your leg pulling it up to his waist.
You gasp feeling his cock through his jeans. he kisses your neck softly nipping at your soft skin. "Fuck Chris..." You said as he let's go of your hand and he says in your ear. "you like it feels hmm?"
You moaned once more before he picks you up setting you on his desk ripping your shirt and shorts off.
"Fuck your beautiful!" he said as he kissed your chest and he moves your bra and starts groping your breast. You let your head fall back as he keeps is hands on you.
You tug at his shirt and he smiles as you take it off seeing the tattoos on his chest made you go crazy.
Chris goes back to sucking on your neck. "hmm" You unclip your bra then toss the the ground as you run your hands through his hair. "Chris...I want you.."
Chris smiles against your skin. "yes?" You nodded. "please" he works his jeans off and says. "panties off" You slid off the black thong and toss it to the ground.
Chris moves his hand to your dripping core. "So wet for me uh babygirl?" You moaned at the nickname. "Yes sir" He pushes a finger into you making you gasp. "Fuck that feels good"
He work his finger in and out of your clit before he adds another finger stretching you out in a best way possible.
"Chris.." That is all you could say as he kept his pace it was rough but you dreamed of this day with him since high school.
Chris feels you tighten around his fingers. "So close uh babygirl?" He said as he looks into your eyes.
"Hmm..yes" You said as you felt close but then Chris stops making you look at him. "No no Chris.." He creases your cheek.
"Shhh your ok" He gets his boxers off and grabs a condom and rolls it on his thick cock then he tease your sensitive clit. "You Ok?" You nod biting your lip. "yes sir..."
He pushes into you making you let out a yelp as your eyes roll into the back of your head. "Fuck Chris" Is all you can say before he slowly moves in and out of you.
"Yea? you like it uh?" He asks moving painfully slow in and out of you. "yes...Hmm so much" he smiles kissing your lips and you run your hands through his hair and tug on it as he speeds up his thrusts into you.
"Fuck fuck!!" You said feeling so close. "Chris...close..so.." he groans feeling close to his climax as well. "Shit you feel so good, why didn't we do this years ago?" he said as you moaned. "you..never...asked" You said between pants as he hit you g-spot over and over.
Chris groans as he cums in the condom and then you let go around him and he looks into your eyes and pulls away from you and cleans you up and says as he gets dressed. "so..was that my payment?"
You fixed your shirt and giggled looking at him still on the desk. "I don't know, could it be?" Chris looks at you and smiles. "one of the best payments I have ever had" he kisses you then you say. "I should get to the hotel" he nods. "i'll call you when your car is ready. IF I can fix it"
You nod hopping off the desk. "Call me either way please" You teased.
Chris nods. "that's a promise Y/N" You walked out of the shop and found the hotel and got a room for the night.
Tags:@nicoline1998enilocin @patzammit @cutedisneygrl @armystay89 @angelbabyyy99 @bookishtheaterlover7
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vs120shound ¡ 3 months
Three kinds of SF models/actresses: The Overrated. The Underrated. The Properly Rated. Priscilla of SmokingModels (Florida, USA) never got the "props" she so richly deserved! Gorgeous. Exquisite. Sultry!
For February 2024
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | Five “Stars”
From vs120shound staff | ★★★★★ (4 total: L)
Dual-Media 3-Post, 21-Pack Megapost!
Priscilla: Unceasingly pretty. Exquisite. Graceful. Classy. Seductive. Its one incomparable combination for an SF model/actress! Such elegance!
* - Note below
How much different would the world be if Priscilla of SmokingModels.com (Florida, U.S.A.) were a showcase SF model/actress for their brand? Well, the United States would still have a terible one-two punch choice for president during the 2024 election, right? Instead, an alternate reality can not be substituted in for what exists. Back to SF . . . so we're forced to deal with what is, or at least what was. Pretty Priscilla was never going to be a heavy-hitter for SM web-master/web producer Austin. "Prescious" Prescilla might have participated in just a handful of video projects for their network, and we doubt she was ever considered -- nor did she consider -- being a participant in SmokingErotica.com with its NSFW content but far, far removed from receiving "XXX" "XX" or "X" content classifications. "R" for sure. She is a stunner. That's for sure. You can learn a lot about Priscilla by listening to this substantive video. She opens up and does so in a grounded way; nothing outrageous. Well, we learned she loves Coldstone! Nothing too outlandish about that, is there?
… well, how and why did Priscilla stay stuck in her lot with SM when she is uncompromisingly gorgeous? From listening to her spiel ⏤ or is it a conventional interview with webmaster Austin darting in and out of the framing for the stationary camera (on a tripod?) several times ⏤ and how she interacted respectfully and somewhat chummy with him, the Austin-Priscilla relationship seemed to be on steady enough ground not to be the source for her failure to climb the SmokingModels ladder. At least at the time of this video's shooting, their rapport certainly would not lead to the precluding of her from reaching the stardom for which she might have been destined to attain on SmokingModels. Maybe it all went south soon after this video was released; perhaps it got away from them many months later. Austin's reputation within the Greater SF World Community scene is not negative in the least but he's known as being particular, merely seeking to keep all aspects of his operation of two websites as structured and as orderly as intended and as needed. Without a true staff it IS a lot of work. The personality that Priscilla conveys in the 7:08 span of the video indicates that she has a strong personality as well, believing what she believes and liking what she likes. We're going to extrapolate and say that Priscilla very much makes the connection between smoking cigarettes and having fun and be sexy and living life to the fullest (no need to bring up the actual health risks in this sentence 😉 ). She grasps the Smoking Fetish and understand its hold upon those who are afflicted. Much of her personality is revealed when the topic becomes smoking. Such discussion is prompted with Austin's question, "Tell me about enjoying the look of your smoking," he said. Priscilla responded with, "I think it looks so classy and I don't know. I don't know what peoples' problems [are] with smoking; I think it's pretty," she says. "It makes me feel older, too, to smoke." Austin asks about smoking during sex . . . he is an SF aficionado above all else, so why wouldn't he be curious? Priscilla gives it some thought, following the specific question about having a cigarette before getting it on. "Definitely," she says, "before and after." Heck, she's our kind of gal, isn't she, after all! The format of this video is not compelling in any way for she does not move. Her emotions do not swing wildly. But she shows off her habit. Strong exhales. Many drags. And her smoking routine is consistent with both her personality/character and the theme of the website that ties in smoking and elegance, cigarettes and glamorous style and allure. But she is so pretty. Won't go so far as to claim there's only a handful of BHYSWs (Beautiful Hot, Young Smoking Women) in our community who are more attractive. Won't do it. Might not be among the Top 25 in beauty among all SF personalities (there's Dorine Zopp, Soléne, Janey of Random Snaps, Courtney of Specialized Videos, Cassandra and Julie of InRealLife, Quinn of USA Smokers, Shannon of Smoking Sexy Girls; Anka Zapala, Natasha Marley, Josee Real-Smoking-Girl and, W-H-A-T Skittlez Cano is ugly now all of a sudden!) but it's not stretching it to say she's in the Top 50 and certainly in the Top 100. Priscilla is in elite company. Great body but not reminiscent of Busty Deelight yet that body sculpting would be calling attention to herself. And Priscilla strikes us as likely being humble or modest. Could not find video of Priscilla within our network while this post was in various stages of production. A few photos, so these are her introductory videos on our family of blogs/vlogs/webpages. If you are new to Priscilla, we hope you enjoy this Megapost! Another SF star whose exclusion from the Honorable Mention list of the "unofficial" official Top-25 all-time favorite SF model list published on vs120s-1 some 14 months ago represents another strike against us!
Previous Posts on Our Network of Priscilla!
From vs120shound-2 on March 2, 2024 . . .
From vs120shound on June 15, 2018 (the seventh post in the history of vs120s-1, with a revision in early-August 2022!) . . .
Photographs of Priscilla from a Variety of Sources!
From www.smokingmodels.com and various SF websites . . .
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Nine photographs from thelibrarian120 (some duplications included in this compilation, but not 100 percent replicas of identical photos; there are composition, cropping and editing nuances among the repeats to make them ostensibly somewhat different)!
YouTube Video of SmokingModels (Cameo Appearance by Priscilla at End)!
From YT's "goosenation" webpage on 2011 . . .
Priscilla appears in the final five seconds of this video, the length of a typical Instagram SF post!
*- Note: The Video of The Week series has been replaced by The Video of The Month series effective in late-December 2023! (The Video of The Month | Honorable Mention division was published on March 1.
The Video of the The Month (Honorable Mention) for February!
From vs120shound on March 1, 2024 . . .
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dreamyfreak ¡ 10 months
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Favourite Naruto moments: Gaara of the Desert saves Rock Lee from Kimimaro
So this year, I started watching the anime "Naruto" for the very first time in my late 20s. As a young girl, the whole Naruto hype actually never got to me but this year's spring I suddenly had the urge to finally give it a shot since so many people told me that I should.
And OH BOY! What shall I say? ;) The character stories are REALLY great and since I'm already a bit older I can relate to so many things this anime thematizes like being bullied for acting "different" than others, getting mocked for being chubby, the constant pressure of having to be perfect as well the crucial pain of loneliness and feeling like an outcast.
Gaara and Lee belonged quickly to my favourite characters in Naruto. Cause Lee is funny and full of enthusiasm while Gaara is just so cool and mysterious, I really adore both. Since I'm quite into shipping, I already knew before that they are a quite popular pairing among the Naruto fans. I actually never understood why but after watching the episodes where they fight against Kimimaro, I can SO see the appeal of this ship now!😍😍😍
Cause as a viewer, you have to keep in mind that Gaara always just fought for himself in the past. After this tragic and absolutely horrific incident with his uncle Yashamaru, he never let anyone close to him again and only cared about his own well-being. So this is actually the very first time Gaara uses his powers to protect someone besides himself! Gaara also remembers his fight with Lee during the Chunin exams where he severely hurt his legs which looks to me like he feels slightly guilty about it. So you can say that Gaara actually goes through a HUGE emotional character development here which makes this scene so much more greater in my opinion!^^
But Lee is also quite amazing in this sequence!^.^ Cause you gotta remember that after his fight with Gaara he was that badly hurt that he almost had to end his path of becoming a shinobi. If Tsunade hadn't arrived in Konoha right on time, his life probably would have turned out quite grey and depressive. Still, he went through a very hard and dark time before his operation. But does he yell or insult Gaara for any of this? No, he does not. Instead, he actually says to his face that "he doesn't hold a grudge" and this actually went straight to my kokoro cause Lee is just TOO precious!😍
Just the whole gentleness and care from Gaara in this very scene is SO adorable and definitely let me become a GaaLee shipper too😉
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ilvero-love ¡ 10 months
Clothes Maketh the (Wo)Man (or the colour coding of the Iron Trio)
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I saw a post recently wondering about the significance, if any, of the colours our Iron Trio wears💙🖤🧡. It prompted me to go looking. Like everything Complete Fiction seems to do in regard to this show, the choices are careful and deliberate.
Lockwood is black and white🖤🤍 He has a business to run and his suited appearance declares that he is prepared to do just that. He’s business like because he has to be. The success of this company rides on his back and the choices he makes. He is ambitious certainly, seen in his constant striving to take Lockwood and Co to the top and in his drive to put them into the public eye, often at the expense of other’s wishes. But it’s understandable. He has bills to pay and people (George and Lucy) that rely on him. Even after they successfully square away their debts, Lockwood remains conscious that there are still other bills to pay.
Lockwood presents an adult façade to the world. Even Lucy (in the book) is surprised to realise he is scarcely older than her upon first meeting him. But, whilst he may appear an adult, he’s still very much a teenager navigating his way through a world where children are dispensable and adults, despite their general uselessness, still call the shots. It’s Lockwood’s sneakers and pink socks that give him away and reveal the teenage boy behind the façade. This was such a clever choice on the part of Complete Fiction 👏 They remind us that whilst Lockwood has been forced to grow up too quickly, at heart he is still a teen.
So, black and white. Very simple and clear cut. Except life isn’t like that, is it?Only Lucy has insight into how tenuous his grip on control can be, and we see this in the delightful stairwell scene 💖💖💖
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😍Take a moment everyone- right, where were we?
Ah yes, Lucy and her blue persona (colour not mood). Lucy’s blue is a nice foil to the green of the ghostly world they inhabit. Both blue and green are heavily associated with nature. I don’t know what that means here, but it’s interesting to ponder.
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Blue is traditionally seen as a colour of constancy, loyalty and reliability. She certainly provides this for Lockwood. But it’s also a strong colour, hence its traditional association with boys. A practical colour, heavily associated with working, it feeds into Lucy’s active strength.
(Some of these ideas came after reading the interesting article https://www.allure.com/story/beauty-and-the-beast-blue-dresses-in-female-centric-films . Not sure I agree with all of it but certainly food for thought).
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Finally, George 🧡 Orange radiates warmth. George is the only from a stable family background, only leaving because of a burning desire to solve the Problem. 
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. Despite taking a while to warm to Lucy  (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. He’s homely-he embodies home. As Lucy says to Lockwood, “Portland Row is my home-You and George”. And despite having taken a while to warm to Lucy (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
It is interesting too that orange is also a complementary colour to blue, meaning that you can argue that George balances Lucy, providing stability for Lockwood.
So, there you have it, my thoughts, nonsensical or not, on the colour coding of our three heroes 🧡💙🖤
Maybe, just maybe, they were completely random colour choices based on what CF could source. But knowing Complete Fiction, I somehow think not 😉
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happypotato48 ¡ 1 month
GMMTV 2024 PART 2 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts (Only The Queers Though)
Ossan’s Love Thailand รักนี้ให้ "นาย": oh here we go again for the third times. i'm still skeptical about it and Chakrit Yamnam definitely is not an ossan yet but... damnnnnn my inner slut for older men sense is tingling, i know gmmtv just gonna keep doing this boring BL idol pairs nonsense, but like can we get more older gays/age gap BLs? i haven't seen Chakrit in ages and that man still so damn fine! he and our honorary uncle earth could've been something that thai BL is currently lacking, a sloppy hotmess Daddies. but alas that will remain a dream for now.
The ​Heart Killers เขาจ้างให้ผมจีบนักฆ่า: i haven't watch the Eclipse yet and really didn't liked both Star In My Mind and Hidden Agenda and definitely never gonna watch Only Friend (seen all the sex scenes though.) i loved the chaotic energy the trailer giving and i'm always a sucker for black comedy (don't know if this show gonna be that but fingercrossed) when it done correctly. also this show better serve us so many leather bad boy looks. i may have not be completely sold on this show yet, but i'm horny for it.
สายรหัสเทวดา Perfect10 Liners: "Too Many Cooks repeated for several minutes" i'm going to be there for forcebook and juniormark but like wtf in frash glee hell is this, most of these mofos are pushing 30. let them be adults god danm it, i know that the target demographic for gmmtv is young adults and teenagers and that they really love/good at??? school settings. but come on let's our peter pans and wendies fly free. they're probably bored out of their fucking minds by now.
Us รักของเรา | GMMTV 2024 PART 2: i'm gonna be a good little homo and let's all the great wlws do all the talking for this show. i'm not keen on the sibling's lover stealing trope but hey as the great Lucille Bluth one said, good for her.
Thame - Po (เธม-โป้): HEART THAT SKIPS A BEAT: hehehe, Est is so pretty, ok i'm sold i'm easy like that. i was never into any boy bands as a teen, but there like a lot of former thai boy bands members that came out as gay in recent years so maybe i shouda had. anywhoo i probably not gonna mind the singing and dancing in this show since most of them going to be done by singers/dancers and not actors turned idols.
REVAMP THE UNDEAD STORY: i'm really not into serious vempires so this show is kinda meh for me. the goofy ones though those i'd have eat up. this one probably a pass for me.
แฟนที่ทันตแพทย์ส่วนใหญ่แนะนำ Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist: all my blorbos are here we get mark, baby ohm, poon, and หมอjim. ahhhhhhh!! i need it now. i also don't mind dentists like most people especially when they're good looking guys, those handsome doctors can put anything in my mouth😉
เพราะแฟนเก่าเปลี่ยนแปลงบ่อย The Ex-Morning: is this going to be our second coming BL? idk i never there for first one 😝this show either going to be a good meta commentary about the whole business that gone down or its head going be so up it own ass that will take several bottles of lube to get the head out to see the sunlight. we'll see.
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its-in-the-woods ¡ 16 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 6
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words.
Thank you all again and again for taking the time to read the stories I put out.
Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, your head is a little fuzzy but not nearly as bad as you’d experienced. Opening your eyes you flip the phone over to see it’s nearly twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Blinking a few times you make yourself sit up in bed flipping your phone on to see a deluge of text messages. Groaning you turn your phone off and stretch. Before any messages were answered you need coffee and maybe a shower. 
Showered and suitably caffeinated you finally flip open the text messages. 
9 am: So what happened?
9:1 5:Hello?
9:30: Look do I need to call the police?
10:30: It’s been hours….
10:32: You never texted me when you got home
11:01: Okay it’s after eleven. You never sleep in. 
12:45: I am coming over in thirty minutes if I don’t hear from you. 
You reply:
I am fine, I just got home super late. I hope you’re not coming over
You scared me! 
Why didn’t you text me back?
How late were you out
Wait did you go back to his place?????
You groan squeezing your eyes close and drinking a healthy swig of coffee.
We went for sushi, then went down to the beach. 
That’s all you're giving me! What kinda 1950s dating scene is this?
You chuckle replying:
We stayed at the beach until 3 am. 
Trevor: Wait did you have sex on the beach
It’s an important question. Don’t want to find out on the gossip train.
why can’t I have nice things TREVOR. No there was no sex in PUBLIC, we kissed and held hands. Can I not do that????
Trevor: Are you secretly asexual? There is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s romantic. 
I am going to become asexual if it means you stop asking me these questions. 
You could almost hear him laughing at you. 
You like it! 
You snorted and switched messages.
10 am: Hey beautiful, wanted to check in. See how you’re doing this morning. 
11 am: I was wondering about maybe going out to bar a city over next Friday? 
11:10 am: Promise I am not trying to kidnap you.
12:20 pm:  Thought you never slept in?
Hey handsome, sorry I actually slept in. Kept me out past my bedtime.
I would love to go out with you next Friday, fingers crossed they don’t keep us late
You set your phone down, pondering if you still trusted the milk in the fridge to make pancakes. Getting up you get a refill of coffee, phone buzzing. 
If they do we can always go out saturday? Can’t be keeping you up so late. Got make sure you can keep up with this old man. 
Oh I am sure I can keep up with you 😉
Careful little lady, I might have to come by and test that theory.
Your face goes bright red and that heat coils low in your belly. 
You: Promises, promises, 
If I didn’t have a zoom meeting in ten minutes 😠
Maybe next Friday. 
You’re not sure why you’ve become a tease, but you’re enjoying winding him up. 
Monday will be more like it.
😜 Your trailer or mine.
Yours just so Trevor will stop texting me.
You let out a laugh, seemed like Trevor was also enjoying winding him up. You spend the rest of the day chatting with both of them. Sunday is a bit quieter, more zoom calls for Walt and Trevor had gone to Decon’s. 
*** Monday goes by in a blur, Walton keeps his hands to himself when others are around. But it doesn’t stop him from following you behind the food tent to steal kisses. You are now sporting a permanent flush and some of your co-workers are raising eyebrows. You are ever grateful that Trevor has kept his mouth shut. Liz is as pissy as ever but seems to be letting it lay. Katie has slowly warmed up to you again, why you weren’t sure. 
The rest of the week is pretty similar. Early mornings bleed into later evenings, the endless weeks have worn on you. Then Walton slides into your chair with his latest story and you feel like a weight is lifted off of you. The man once more touches you gently and gives you lingering cheek kisses as he goes over to set or costumes.   
Friday night rolls around and it’s going to be a long one. You fiddle with a few of your brushes when the door opens quickly. 
“We are being released. There was a fire on stage, and it looks like we are out at least until Monday,” Liz rolls in looking flustered, her normal perfect facade gone. She looks haggard and frazzled. 
“There was a fire on set?” You ask sitting up and feeling much more awake. Panic shoots down the back of your neck.
“Yep, green sparky left a light on too close to set.” Liz sat in the chair grabbing cleaner. You had stayed in the trailer to start tucking things away as Walton was off-screen for the first three setups. You are out the door before she has time to say more. You stop at costumes knocking at the door. 
Rebeccas opens it and looks down at you, she looks flustered but still has a smile on. “Hey, I am guessing you heard about the fire?”
“Yes, I did,” You say trying not to sound panicked, even though your mind is racing. The thought of him being hurt makes you nauseous. “Umm -is.”
Rebecca looks into the trailer, “Walt. You almost done in there?” There is a bunch of commotion going on in the trailer, with people moving back and forth, and different actors in various stages of undress.
You looked at her puzzled at how she knew you were looking for him. 
Rebecca turns back to you, “He never shuts up about you, so figured that’s why you are here,” She replies, and you immediately feel flustered, clearly rumors are moving again. 
“Oh- umm- Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Walton pops his head above Rebecca his fingers nimbly button up his shirt. “Be right out.”
You blush and look away, “Sorry, I should probably go.”
Rebeca waved her hand at you, “Your secret is safe with me,” she winked. You wonder not for the first time if you were the only one who was never included in the rumor mill. 
Walton pops down the stairs, and has on grey button-up sleeves rolled up, navy wash jeans. He tilts his head when he looks at you. You let out a sigh seeing him unscathed. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand touching your shoulder. You nod your head, turning to walk back towards the makeup trailer. You really don’t want to make a scene right now, there were way too many eyes on you both right now. 
“I know I said we should go to the bar tonight,” Walton says, his fingers brushing against yours. You try not to grab his hands, just to know he is still there. “But maybe we should get take out at my place?”
You get to the trailer, unable to stop looking around. He looks right at you, the way he could focus on you was both flattering and unnerving. Especially as you are trying to keep things under wraps. 
“Have to stop and grab a few things first.” You say trying to keep your voice from carrying. “Have you pick me up again?”
He smiles, “I would pick you up any day.”
You are bright red, as you open the door and follow the man into the trailer. 
A large paper bag of Chinese food was acquired, along with a couple of bottles of wine. You both devest at the door, slipping off your shoes, and placing the wine on the counter. You watch him move around the kitchen. Practice ease, you watch his muscles move under his shirt. You were tired as anything but being in his kitchen, waiting to eat greasy Chinese food couldn’t have been more perfect. 
You grab plates from him, laying out the smorgasbord board of different food. The two of you scooped a little of everything, before sitting down at the table and pouring some wine. 
“I feel like I should apologize for having you over instead of going out somewhere,” Walton says taking a sip of wine. “I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you being here.”
You chuckle, “Don’t know what you mean Mr. Goggins. I thought you invited me to your place to play some chess and listen to swing jazz.”
Walton nearly loses his food at the comment, his hand covering his mouth. “Swing jazz? How old do you think I am?”
“Oh you got to be at least in your seventies,” You tease back taking a bite out of your spring roll. 
Walton coughs, “I didn’t realize you where into grandfathers.”
You choke a little, “Well to be fair,” You wave your hand, “I am usually good with trying anything once.” 
Walton sips on his wine eyebrows raised, “Anything?”
You nod your head, a smile spreading across your face. “Can’t say I don’t like it unless I try it.”
He puts his glass down, watching you carefully as you finish your cup. “I could make some coffee while we clean up.”
You grab his plate stacking it with your own as he grabs the glasses. You two make it over to the kitchen, there is tension in the air as you clean things up. He grabs a French press out of the cupboards aswell as some coffee and cups.
You slide over to the counter and sit on top of it. Feet kicking back and forth as you watch the man ready things.  Flicking the kettle on to heat the water. He comes over and moves himself in between your legs.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, placing hands on either side of your hips. Face inches from you.
You wrap your hands lazily over his shoulders, opening your legs to let him in closer. 
“No, you haven't today.” You lean in to kiss him, kissing him will never get old.
“You are stunning.” He whispers against your ear. Sending shivers down your spine. The kettle clicks and he's moving away from you. You watch him pour grinds and then water into the press. 
“Why did you wait so long to ask?” You inquire, moving your feet back and forth. Letting yourself briefly wonder if maybe the question was too forward.  
He turned to look at you, bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Umm-”  
Leaving the coffee he came over to you. Cheeks slightly pink, he tucked his hair behind his ear. 
“I - ahh. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me.” 
Your mouth falls open, “Are you serious?”
He shrugs, fingers fiddling with the outer seam of your jeans. You take his hand in yours using the moment to drag him back between your legs. Once he is there, you tip Walton’s head up to look right at you.
“You're so dumb,” You grin leaning in to kiss him. He chuckles and leans into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around you. “I am also dumb, 'cause I thought the same thing about you.”
Walton pulls back looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. “Didn't you just call me dumb? Seems like we both may have missed the sign somewhere along the way.”
You grin one hand finding its way to rub along his jawline. “Took us long enough.”
He smiled, “Trevor is never going to let us live this down.”
You let out a groan, “He is beyond impossible. I am gonna have a small textbook of text messages.”
Walton’s eyes glint, and he pulls his phone out. “Why don't we give him an update.”
You can't help but laugh, “Oh absolutely!” 
Walton flips his phone on turning on the camera he flips it to the two of you. You lean in and kiss him deeply as he clicks the button. The phone is placed on the counter as you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull out a deep moan that rumbles out of his chest when you bite at his bottom lip. It doesn't stop you from pushing your tongue in. Rocking your hips a little, the room feels hot. 
Walton pulls away, breathless, “If you keep doing that, I am liable to forget about our coffee.”
You let out a sigh, “I suppose a little coffee couldn't won't hurt.” You unwrap yourself from him. 
He moves down the counter as you slide off it. He mixes your coffee just the way you like it, handing you the cup as he fixes his own. You wait, watching him work, he turns and gestures toward the living room. You make your way over to the couch.  
Folding yourself up on the end of the sofa, tucking one leg underneath the other. You sip on the coffee, it is delicious and beats any store bought. Walton comes over and sits beside you, taking a long sip of his drink. Looking out the windows you can see part of downtown and the north shore. The lights still dazzling, as the evening wore on. 
“I know, before, I said I wasn’t sure you would want to go out with me,” He said looking out at the window as he spoke. “I tried, unsuccessfully to give you space. But the further I got away the more I missed being near you. Then when we went out for sushi, it all just kinda clicked. This isn’t conventional.” He gestures between the two of you. You hold your cup listening intently. 
“I am, ahh, older than you. And my life is not exactly straightforward. I don’t take relationships lightly, not that this is that. Or.” You can’t suppress the smile as he tries to explain himself. “I am terrible at this. I don’t want to move too fast, but also. I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You put your cup down, and gesture for him to come closer. He places his cup down beside yours and moves over. Patting your lap, he slips down and lays his head on your lap. You run your hands through his hair, his eyes close and he hums softly against your legs. 
“I can’t tell you what's going to happen,” You say softly, “I am also not good at this, but I am willing to try. However fast or slow you want to go. As for the age thing, I don’t care, it’s never bothered me.” 
Walton’s breath slows and his hand slips under your thigh holding you close. You sit there a while longer, letting him just relax against you. Again you are struck by how simple it is, to just sit here with a warm cup of coffee and the city lights. You could get used to weekends like this. But as always he is moving sitting up and smoothing out his hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 
“Would you like to come to bed with me?” He asks, you turn away from the lights. His eyes fixed on you, not hungry but curious. 
“I would like that a lot,” You say licking your lips and heart pounding in your chest. 
Walton stands up offering you a hand, which you take, pulling yourself to your feet. The coffee is left on the table as you follow him. Fingers laced together like they are two puzzle pieces. You pass by the guest room and there is a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and you walk into the large room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sea, a large king-sized bed on a wooden platform. The room is sparse, with two side tables with lamps. A large walk-in closet to your left along with a bathroom beside it. You wonder for a moment how often he has brought others back here. The thought lingers in the back of your mind as you wander over to sit on the edge of the bed. Walton has disappeared into the bathroom.
“I think I have another toothbrush in here,” He calls out, poking his head around the corner. 
You smile and move towards him, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
He’s blushing again and handing you the unopened toothbrush, “I–I umm. Just figure I’d offer.” 
You move into the bathroom grabbing some toothpaste off the counter and leaning against it, “I appreciate it, besides don’t want to have coffee breath. Would you happen to have makeup wipes?”
Walton thinks for a moment before he scoots you out of the way, as you brush your teeth. He pops up with a bottle of cleanser and a fresh hand towel. “I knew I had it here somewhere.”
You grin and thank him, he brushes his teeth before disappearing again. You take the moment to clean off your face and neck. Looking into the mirror you got a permanent smile on your face. Letting out a happy sigh you finish up, telling yourself not to put the cart in front of the horses. You walk out and Walton is standing there shirtless, blinds drawn. He slips into a grey cotton t-shirt, that you currently hate, and black sweatpants. Sensing you staring he turns around to see you. 
Chapter seven
*tiny cliffhanger. I always need at least one 😜*
*As always if you'd like to be tagged let me know! *
*reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! *
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salternateunreality2 ¡ 4 months
I'm watching The Untamed (adapted from MDZS aka Mo Dao Zu Shi), which is a Chinese BL/drama.
So far, I have found it easiest to understand the unfamiliar names and characters by comparing them to FF7 characters.
It is a SephZack romance (@prismaticpichu), if Genesis were Zack's adoptive brother and Angeal acted as Sephiroth's older brother. Some rough approximations of scenes from the c-drama:
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Zack: hey hey hey hey hey
Seph: 👀
Zack: you're cute 😉
Angeal: 😏😏Did you hear that, Sephiroth, Zack thinks you're cute 😏😏
Seph: 🫣
Zack: have a snack!
Seph: no
Angeal: Seph, have the snack. Both of them 😏😏😏
Seph: 😳😳😳😳
Genesis: Zack. Zackary. WHY are you flirting with the overpowered stick in the mud?!?! Stop it! Leave the man alone!
Zack: He's so cute though! Like when he smiles!
Genesis: that man has never smiled in his LIFE.
Angeal: Hey Seph, I think you should go on this mission!
Sephiroth: As you wish.
Angeal: 😈
Zack: HOWDY! I'm here for the mission, ready to go, bud?
Seph: 😳
Genesis: 🤦
Zack: look, I made an origami kitty out of our mission report! For you!
Sephiroth: 🥴
Sephiroth: 😐 😳
Genesis: THAT IS A GRIMACE! No offense, Sephiroth.
Sephiroth: None taken. 😳
Angeal: 😈😈😈😈😈
(He really is doing his best and his best is the flattest affect this side of the Mississippi)
(He also saved that kitty in his special box the minute Zack was out of sight, and after scolding Zack for not following the rules.)
Zack: I'm going to save the dumbass trooper that dropped his weapon and went back for it!
Sephiroth: ...
Zack: HANG ON BUDDY, I'VE GOT YA! (he does not got the trooper, he only barely reaches him and is now trying to figure out step 2)
Sephiroth: *jumps down, picks up Zack and trooper by their collars, jumps back up*
Zack: aww, thanks bud, but can you grab my hand? This is uncomfy!
Sephiroth: no.
Zack: whyyyyyyyyyyy
Sephiroth: I don't allow people to touch me.
Zack: *extreme pouting*
Trooper: 🤡
This did not happen in the drama, but @errantnight and I decided it should be canon for the FF7 adaptation: Genesis ran away as a small child, and his parents got great publicity out of it, but didn't actually look for him. He made his way to Gongaga and was instantly adopted by Zack (and the Fairs).
Zack just saw him walking down the road, toddled up, grabbed his shirttail, and said "Peepo." Genesis couldn't shake the toddler and Zack's mom invited him in for dinner. Zack never let go and still calls him "Peepo" to this day. Only in private now, but as a toddler, it was constant.
Despite Gen's best efforts, he's also known as:
Wed (red)
Side note:
A translation choice led to the leader of the group telling everyone to levitate their weapons, then stand on them to escape the water monster by saying "EVERYONE! RIDE YOUR SWORDS!"
When I tell you my inner 13 yo almost perished, I am only exaggerating a little.
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skzfictions ¡ 1 year
Not "Little Innie" Anymore (A Yang Jeongin Fic)
♡Summary: When it comes to dating, you and your best friend have a regular routine: whenever they have a bad date, you rescue them, and whenever you have a bad date, they rescue you. So, why is it that when you send them a text asking for their help on the night of a particularly bad date, they send their little baby brother, Jeongin, to come to your rescue, instead?
♡Genre: Cute, Fluff, Comedy, Cliché, Your Best Friend's Brother is Hot, Age Difference
☆Reader is 2 yrs older than I.N.
♡Pairing: Yang Jeongin X Older GN! Reader
♡Word Count: 3K
♡A/N: Time for some I.N. appreciation! I wrote this based on Stray Kid's duality on and off stage. Out of all the members, I.N's duality puzzles me the most. 🤔
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Sorry Y/N but I can't come pick you up tonight. I ended up catching a really bad cold and can't even get out of bed! 😔 But don't worry. I told my brother about your bad date and he volunteered to come rescue you this time! 😉 He'll be there in twenty minutes, okay?
You sighed as you reread the text message you had received from your best friend about fifteen minutes ago. Currently, you were hiding in the bathroom stall of the restaurant your date had taken you to for the night. It had already been about ten minutes since you had left them at the table on their own, claiming that you desperately needed to use the restroom. Eventually, you knew they were going to get suspicious if you didn’t go back to the table soon.
But you weren’t going back. No way!
Not after the way they had acted that night. In fact, you bet they were still out there yelling about how the waiter had messed up their order, when in reality it was your date’s fault and not the waiter’s. After all, it wasn’t the waiter’s fault that your date forgot to specify that they were allergic to mushrooms and onions, but they had made a big deal out of it, blaming the waiter thus, causing a scene. The manager had to be called and everyone else at the restaurant were staring at you two, and it was all just a big mess.
See, you were currently on a blind date that a coworker of yours had set you up on and to say it was going terribly would be an understatement. Literally, ever since your date picked you up that Friday night, they had gone out of their way to show you just how awful an excuse of a human being they were like it was practically their job to be a jerk.
First, when they had come to pick you up that night, they didn’t even come to the right complex. They had parked down the street, at the next one over, so you had to walk down and look for their car by the license plate number they had texted you. Once you got in the car, they then proceeded to blame you for not being in the right spot. No seriously, there were no greetings, at all, they just went straight to blaming you for making them wait so long.
You should’ve known just by how terribly the beginning of the date had started that the rest of the date would only get worse. After all, if your date was already that bad after only a couple of minutes of knowing them while in that car together, how much worse would they be long term?
At first, your date had taken you to your favorite place to eat, which definitely would’ve cheered you up a bit, but because you both had no reservation, along with the fact that it was a Friday night, the restaurant was jam packed with a two-and-a-half hour wait time. Therefore, you guys had to try to figure out another restaurant to go to.
Or, at least, you tried.
Turns out that your favorite restaurant was also your date's favorite spot to eat as well, but once it turned out you guys couldn't go because of the wait time, this turned their mood even more sour than it already was. As a result, they refused to help find another place to go, so you had to be the one to call around and see which local restaurants had the shortest wait time.
You finally found another place which was a little local eatery that you also enjoyed even though it wasn’t as fancy as the restaurant you and your date originally intended to go to. The eatery still had good food, though, and its vibe was much more laid back so, at least you guys could be comfortable.
It’s just too bad your date didn’t seem to think so…
Instead, they continued to be in a pissy mood for the entire dinner. In fact, you felt bad for the waiter. Your date was in such a bad mood that they took everything out on the waiter including their own food allergies!
Finally, you’d had enough. You had tried to stick it out and give your date a chance to show that maybe they weren’t as bad as they seemed, but you knew there was no way this date was going to get any better.
That’s when you had shot your best friend a text to come and get you.
You and your friend had to look out for each other, so in order to help one another out whenever either of you had a date that was going terribly, you both came up with a plan. All you had to do was send a text and the other would come pick the other up, no questions asked. You'd excuse yourself by telling your date that you had to go to the bathroom and then that's when you would ditch the date. Afterwards, you would ghost the person you had gone out on a date with.
It was a routine you and your best friend had mastered over the years and it worked. The pact had saved you both from having to sit through countless horrible dates. You had already told them earlier that week of your blind date so they knew to be on alert just in case you needed their help, but you hadn't expected them to get sick and based on what they told you it was pretty bad if they couldn't even get out of bed.
Concerned, you had asked them if they needed you to get them anything for their cold. You may have been upset by the fact that they couldn't get you and was instead sending their little brother to pick you up, but you were still concerned about them as well. If they needed anything, you could get them some supplies once their brother picked you up. But they declined the offer saying that their brother had already gotten them some things they needed and that he would be there to pick you up soon.
And so, it was during all the commotion your date had made with the restaurant staff that you had decided to sneak off to the restroom, claiming it an emergency. That was how you ended up where you are now. That is, hiding in a restroom stall. You just hoped that your best friend’s little brother would show up soon.
You paused for a moment as you mulled over the name that belonged to the little brother of your best friend.
Yang Jeongin, aka “Innie.”
Just the name brought a wave of nostalgia over you.
Although you were relieved that your best friend was still looking out for you by sending someone else in their place to come pick you up, you still couldn't believe they were sending their baby brother of all people. You hadn't seen Innie in about 5 years. The last time you had seen him was when he was 17 and you were 19. Because of this, you still pictured him as the same boy with a mouth full of braces and a dopey smile.
You and your best friend had been close since grade school, so you had literally grown up with both of them. You guys were only two years apart, but that was more than enough years to give you a bit of a seniority complex. Both you and your best friend used to treat Jeongin like he was a little baby which always got on his nerves.
In fact, when you guys were kids he used to cry whenever you and your best friend would leave him behind telling him he wasn't old enough to hang out with you guys. He also used to have the biggest crush on you when you were all teenagers. But you were 17 and he was 15 so you weren't looking his way. Then when you finally turned 18 and started seriously dating, you were definitely not looking his way.
The last time you had physically seen him was just before you and your friend moved out of state together for college. You specifically remembered him trying to act like he wouldn't miss you but it was pretty obvious that he would since you could’ve sworn you had seen his eyes glistening when you guys said goodbye.
Of course, that was a long time ago. Now you were 23 going on 24, so that meant Jeongin had to be 22 now. About a week ago, he had moved in with his older sibling so they could become roommates and therefore, split the rent to save money. You hadn't been over to their place yet though, so you had yet to see him. You had only seen a couple of pictures of Innie over the past couple years from your best friend but nothing as of recent. It made you wonder how he may have changed over the years…
That was your phone vibrating indicating you had just received a text. It was from a number you didn't recognize.
Hi, y/n. This is Jeongin. I'm here at the restaurant. I'm out front in a black Jeep.
At that moment you could've jumped for joy. Even if it was your best friend's little bro, at least you were finally being rescued from this horrible date!
You texted Jeongin that you were coming out in a minute. There was a side door to the restaurant so you could sneak out that way instead of risking getting caught by your date by leaving through the front entrance doors.
You quickly left the restroom and made your way out through the side door.
Once outside, you walked around to the front of the restaurant and looked for the black Jeep Jeongin had said he was in. You spotted a black Jeep waiting in the front of the restaurant, and you knew it had to be Jeongin. You began to make your way over to the Jeep, but just before you reached it that's when you heard your name being yelled from behind you.
Instantly, you spun around and gasped once you saw your date standing outside the main entrance doors. Even in the darkness of the night, they were visibly angry.
They started storming after you in a heated rage. "Where do you think you're going?!"
Inwardly, you panicked not knowing how to explain. This is why you had gone out the side door!
"Uh…" you trailed as you tried to think of any excuse but your date cut you off.
"I thought you were taking too long in the bathroom…” your date spat out at, accusingly, as they marched up to you. “...so that's when I got up to go find you only to see you sneaking out that side door. What the hell? Were you seriously going to ditch me in the middle of our date and leave me hanging?"
You stood there struggling to come up with a believable excuse for leaving but you were so stunned by your date’s behavior your mind went blank, that is, until you heard another voice suddenly chime in on the conversation.
"Is there a problem, here?"
Instantly, your head shot in the direction from which you heard the voice but you had to do a double take once you saw the man that had climbed out of the black Jeep.
What the…
You knew it'd been a long time since you had last seen Jeongin, but if the man that had just climbed out of that Jeep was supposed to be the little brother of your best friend, then they had to be an imposter because he was definitely not the cute little “Innie” you had grown up with!
Whoever this man was now, was a completely different person altogether. Someone you weren’t even sure you knew.
The man was dressed head-to-toe in an all black get-up. Because of this, he practically blended in with the darkness of the night, making him seem rather ominous from where you were standing. Only his pale white skin is what made him visible through the darkness.
The young man that had stolen the attention of both you and your date, now slammed the door closed to his Jeep with such intensity it caused you to shiver in your skin.
He began walking up to both you and your date, slowly, and as he did the familiar features of his face became more visible to you. Like his sharp, fox-like eyes which you remembered always being one of Jeongin's trademark features.
Just from his eyes, alone, you knew this was, indeed, the boy you had grown up with.
However, you could tell he was pissed off. His sharp jawline was clenched tight, like he had to keep it clenched in order to keep from hurling out insults and his already sharp black eyes appeared even sharper, like slits, as he glared at your date beside you.
Jeongin stopped a few steps away from both you and your date. His eyes landed on you and you swallowed, nervously, at finally seeing him for the first time since he was just a teen.
"Y/N," he addressed you, first, rather tersely. His voice was a far cry from the high-pitched tone he used to have as a kid.
"Hi, Jeongin," you tried to reply coolly, even despite the feeling of your heart racing as if you had just run a mile.
He looked back and forth between you and your date like he was trying to gauge the situation in order to know which step to take next.
"Everything alright?" He asked you, his brows raising at you, questioningly.
You had opened your mouth to respond, but because you didn't know how to answer his query since technically your date hadn't done anything to you besides get mad for you ditching them, which was understandable, you ended up just staring at him without saying anything; however, this didn't matter because your date ended up beating you to the punch, anyways.
"Who the hell are you?" They spat at Jeongin and you had to gasp at how rude they were. This was why you just had to get away from this person.
But if Jeongin was offended by your date's rudeness, he gave no physical indication of being such. Instead, he had kept his focus on you, probably just as surprised to be seeing you after such a long time. Eventually, he turned his eyes on your date, them narrowing as he sized up your date beside you.
He then took one last glance at you before answering.
"I'm Y/N's boyfriend," he said bluntly before throwing your date's insulting inquiry right back at him. "Now who the hell are you?"
You stared at him shocked and you felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment as you bit back a sheepish smile.
Why did he say that? you wondered.
"Boyfriend?!" your date repeated, in disbelief, and you felt them turn accusatory eyes on you. "You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend."
That's because up until a minute ago you weren't aware you had one either.
You stared at Jeongin, unmoving, from shock but as he looked back at you, expectantly, like he was urging you to agree, it was then that you understood that this was him giving you a way out. You immediately took the bait.
"Uh, yes, I do," you agreed, even though it was a deadass lie, but your date didn't have to know that. "You see, my coworker actually set me up for this date but I didn't know it until she told me at the last minute, so I decided to go out with you at least once but it's true. I have a boyfriend already."
You then turned to Jeongin. "And when you found out you came to get me, right honey?"
At this, Jeongin's lips spread into an amused smirk and you knew he was inwardly laughing at you at having called him "honey."
"Yes, honey," he replied, slightly sarcastic and you were hoping your date wouldn't catch on to that.
You turned back to your date.
"So, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding," you told them as you started inching towards Jeongin until you were right beside him. "It wasn't cool of my friend to do this to either of us."
You hoped your date would believe you but as they stared back and forth between you and Jeongin, sizing you both up with suspicious eyes, you didn't have much hope that they did. This proved to be true when they finally said what was on their mind.
"Bullshit!" they exploded causing you to flinch. "I don't believe this!"
"What? Why not?" you asked, worriedly. "What's there not to believe? It's true."
You had thought your made up story was pretty believable but your date was having none of it.
"Oh really? Then prove it!" your date demanded, crossing their arms over their chest.
You stared at them in disbelief with your brows raised by their audacity to command you both to prove your relationship to them.
"W-what?" you asked in a panic. "Are you kidding me? We don't have to prove anything to you-"
"I beg to differ," they cut you off, curtly. "I was promised a hot date but so far this entire date has sucked, no thanks to you. Now all of a sudden you're telling me you have a boyfriend and that you're gonna leave so you two can go off together and leave me all alone? No way! I want proof."
You sighed feeling completely exhausted with your date now. You were seriously considering never going out with anyone again. You just wanted this entire night to be over already.
"Look-" you had started, but you were surprised to find yourself cut off by the man beside you.
"Fine," Jeongin snapped at your date causing you to stare at him incredulously but Jeongin kept his sharp eyes focused on your date. Boy, if looks could kill… "We'll prove it to you. But once we do you have to leave. Immediately."
Jeongin's voice was grave as he said his last word but your date just rolled their eyes.
"Yeah, fine. Whatever. Now prove it," they demanded again.
You seriously hoped your date was being paid for being a jerk because it made no sense for someone to be so awful like this.
As you stood there gaping at your date, you felt Jeongin turn to you, and it was then that you realized you two actually had to do something to prove you both were in a relationship.
You slowly turned to him as well, rather shyly. It's been a long time since you've seen Jeongin this closely. As you looked at him now you could clearly see the differences from his teenage self.
For one, he was a little taller. Not by much, but still, he had definitely grown a couple inches since you had seen him last.
His features were also much sharper than before. He now donned thick black brows that expanded over his black fox-like eyes. Just beneath his eyes lied an angular, pointed nose that lead down to a pair of full cherry colored lips. Also his skin was immaculate to a degree that almost made you envious.
Basically, Innie had grown up to be extremely handsome.
You also really liked his hair. It was the same color it has always been, jet black, but when you were kids, Jeongin always wore the typical short haircut all school boys did, however, he had let it grow out now.
It was slightly wavy, with parted bangs, the tips of them gracefully touching his brows. You suddenly felt an itch to brush them away with your fingers.
"Hey, Y/N," he said flashing you a now perfect smile, which you knew he had acquired from years of wearing those old braces from when he was a teen. They had definitely done their job. His smile was beautiful.
"Hi Innie," you said back and if it was possible, his smile got bigger once you said aloud his old nickname. Even though he was grown now, it was through his smile that you got a little glimpse at the boy you had known as a teen.
However, it disappeared once his smile started to fall as he started to become serious again.
"So I guess we have to prove we're in a relationship," he said and you had thought he was upset since he looked so serious, but once he followed his words with a playful nudge to your arm, you knew that was not the case. You smiled back at him.
"I guess we do," you said, nudging him back.
"How are we gonna do that?" he asked, still playful.
Truthfully, you had an idea but didn't want to say it, so you shrugged. "I don't know."
Under the parking lot lights that shined above in the night, you could see a playful light glimmer in Jeongin's dark eyes, which intrigued you. That's when he decided to tell you what was on his mind.
"I have an idea of how, but I need your permission to do it."
You felt your heart quicken in your chest even though you were standing still.
Was he thinking what you were thinking? You wondered.
"Um…o-okay?" You said unsurely, but still willing to trust him with whatever he wanted to do.
Jeongin nodded before momentarily glancing in the direction of your date, still standing on the sidelines, then back at you.
Your breath hitched once you saw him lift his hand towards you, only to feel him place it on the back of your neck. You felt your heart beat even faster when he followed that gesture by leaning closer to your ear.
"Follow my lead," he lowly whispered in your ear, and you gulped when he leaned back just before glancing down at your lips.
It was then that you knew he was definitely thinking what you were thinking.
You didn't have to wait long for him to pull you in for one searing, mind-blowing kiss.
Jeongin's plump lips meshed with yours, and at first it was slow and cautious like he was gauging how you would respond but in all your excitement, you eagerly lapped back at his lips which seemed to allow him to grow more confident.
In response, his lips gilded against yours, and his hand still cradling the back of your neck, rubbed it in a soothing manner. His other hand came to land on your hip, and you felt him pull you in close to him until there was barely enough space to slip even a piece of paper between you both.
You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss at the gesture.
Honestly, this was the best kiss of your life!
Head swirling, you were so caught up in the kiss you probably would've fallen and passed out had he not been holding you in place.
Funnily enough, you never got to see the look on your date's face, but you knew, without a doubt, that they were extremely upset because you suddenly heard them stomp off rather noisily, throwing a temper tantrum in all their rage.
In fact, until they had made a big fuss, you had honestly forgotten they were still there or that the reason why you were even kissing Jeongin in the first place was only for show.
That's when you and Jeongin abruptly broke away from each other as you watched your date storm off, yelling into their phone at who you assumed was your coworker that had set up your blind date.
You knew you were definitely going to get an earful from your coworker later on, but you weren't too concerned about that right now. Instead, both you and Jeongin looked at one another. One moment, you both were civil, and the next, you were both hunched over in fits of giggles at the hilarity of the entire situation.
Needless to say, you were definitely glad you were saved from that one. You didn't want to have to deal with anyone who had a temper like that. You both laughed it out until you both finally started to calm down. Thats when Jeongin turned back to you.
"So what were you doing going on a date with a loser like that anyway?"
Smiling, you looked away, embarrassed. "Oh, I met them through a coworker. It was a blind date they set up for me."
Jeongin shook his head. "I think your coworker hates you then."
You gave him a look, but now that you thought about it, maybe he was on to something.
"Shut up, Innie!" you teased as you followed him to the Jeep which he was now walking towards.
You laughed, and so did he. You two were already falling into your old patterns like old times. It's funny how no matter how much time goes by, with good old friends, it always feels like you only saw them yesterday.
"No, seriously, you need to slap that coworker for setting you up with a person that throws tantrums like a two year old kid," Jeongin said.
"Please, you're still a kid, Innie," you teased him back but stopped once Jeongin suddenly halted beside you.
When you turned to face him, he was staring at you, his face completely void of any emotion and for a second you thought you must have offended him, but then he took a step closer to you and stared you straight in the eye, challenging you.
"Oh really, Y/N? So, then you're saying you made out with a kid then?" He then placed his hands over his heart and pretended to gasp, feigning disgust. "How dirty, Y/N!"
You realized he was playing with you, and that's when you slapped him in the arm. "Shut up! I did not."
He laughed as he said, "Then admit that I'm a man now, Y/N."
"What?" You asked, a little embarrassed, even though you heard him clearly.
"You always teased me when we were kids and told me I was too young," Jeongin explained, and you smiled down at your feet, knowing what he was saying was true. "Now admit you see me as a man."
Your mind thought back to just a mere few minutes before when you and Jeongin were locked at the lips.
After that kiss? You thought to yourself. Hell yeah, he's definitely a man now!
You then looked up at him.
"Tell you what?" You said to him, "Since my other date left me, I'm actually in need of another one. If you continue this date with me, you can show me just how much of a man you've become."
Jeongin's eyebrows raised, and he smirked as he thought about it. He then held out his arm to you for you to link your own with his and said, "It's a date."
Smiling, you linked yours with his as you guys headed for the car.
You really did have the greatest friend in the world because even while sick, they still managed to save you from a disaster date. Turns out it wasn't so bad sending their little brother to pick you up after all.
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the-heartlines ¡ 4 months
I’m going to binge your fics tonight. Is there any ones you’re super duper proud of that I should start with?
this is the sweetest ask ever! and oh me oh my am i ever proud of a lot of them :)))
one love, two mouths (rhaegon stuck in a blizzard the other with sober aegon and rhaenyra who abandoned him 5 years prior until their father's death brings them together after aegon goes to rehab to get clean...let's just say they deal with their issues together 😉😉😉) it's 13K and my fave fic i've written
suffocator (aegon fucks prisoner of war rhaenyra in front of her son's heads on pikes...and there is a brilliant twist in the end if i do say so myself) is my fave dd:dne fic i've written. i'm even thinking about writing a sequel to it 👁️🫦👁️!
hypnos (dd:dne—rhaegon au where stalker aegon kidnaps nyra) has a special place in my heart because it was the first true dd:dne fic i've ever written
cherry wine (dd:dne—sapphic rhaegon—rhaenyra gives her little sister wine and scissors her on her and daemon's kitchen counter top 😏)
dragon seer; seared by sunlight (helaemond) might be the most poetic and beautiful fic i've ever written. helaena decides to take her autonomy back and pay her little brother a divine visit.
golden and glorious dragonfire (dd:dne—rhaenyra survives sunfyre's fiery wrath and aegon becomes completely obsessed with her, threatening to maim/kill aegon the younger if she doesn't comply!)
naked and clean and bloodless again...and mine (dd:dne with somno—my first helaemond fic i ever wrote inspired by cesare x lucrezia'a final scene and line aemond drugs helaena and murders aegon next to her sleeping for then noncons her next to her husband's corpse covered in blood!)
who is the lamb? who is the knife? (dd:dne—rhaegon with older brother aegon and daemyra, ritualistic hunting au where rhaenyra comes of age and will be hunted to see who claims her as their sweet delicious spoils) very big brained of me i must say! i need to start chapter 2 aka the start of the hunt
my werewolf fics: the second son's curse (maegor x rhaena and helaemond—helaena finds a journal with accounts of the second son and his niece and decides to pull the same stint with another second son ;)...major flowers in the attic vibes with maegor x rhaena in this one!) and this flesh has needs (sapphic jacegan—cregan hunts her fair maiden under the light of the blood moon, seeking and smelling her blood, with a need to claim her as HERS.) these are my two most underrated fics in my opinion. and two im MOST proud of!
slivers of silver has my fave ships of hotd everrrr (sequel to one love, two mouths—rhaegon x helaemond with aegon fucking rhaenyra as she eats out hel while hel gives aemond a blowjob!)
tethered by bloodties (dd:dne—aemondhaera—aemond marries his niece jaehaera...helaemond crumbs as always and there is a sweet surprise twist that i was aching to reveal in the tags but i don't want to spoil!)
i'm your only saving grace in this colossal black (dubcon rhaenicent—queen rhaenyra gives her prisoner stepmother a bath and some other things hehe aka alicent in her queen in chains era)
devour her whole (dd:dne—uncle cregan with his niece jace—he corners her in the bathroom and finds out she's on her period...he's a nasty piece of work!)
WHEW this was a LOT but i'm proud of how far i've come as a writer fr fr! hopefully this helps!!!
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