#so im going to take what is said or done at face value
sluttylittlewaste · 2 months
Maybe this is just a me thing but the MOMENT I realize a person in my life, whether romantic or platonic, doesn't reciprocate my feelings - I drop it. If I say "Hey I really like you" and they go "Oof sorry, I don't feel that way " or they leave or they try to change the subject? I will never bring it up again. Fully never happened.
I feel like a lot of people (specifically with regards to the romance genre in media) have this fantasy of being chased and having someone fight to tear their walls down, or to stick around even when they are constantly being pushed away - and perhaps it's because I have always envisioned myself in these scenarios as the one forced to do the chasing - but it feels... sad? Imbalanced? Pushy and coercive?
I don't want a relationship I had to talk the other person into. I don't want to have to give a grandiose speech about all the reasons loving me is actually worth the effort, or roll out a full marketing presentation to convince my partner that our relationship could be a good thing if they just "gave it a chance".
If a person I care for decides not to be around me? I'm going to trust them to know what's right for them. I'm going to trust a person if they say they don't want me or don't have space for me in their life. The moment you say you don't want me around, I'm gone. Poof.
IDK. There is just something about responding to blatant rejection by trying harder that makes me sort of sad instead of the happy tingly feelings these stories are trying to elicit.
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thestitchywitchy · 1 year
Future Spouse: First Impressions Pt 1
Hello my dears! Here’s a little PAC I’ve been working on…. This is going to be a 2 part (possibly a third, 18+ post, depending on how well these do) series as this one became a lot longer than I intended it to lol. This one will be about your future spouse’s first impression of you. The next one will be your first impression of them. Please leave feedback 😁
To book a reading with me, please DM or send an email to [email protected] with your inquiry 💌
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Here we go! Shake it out, take a breath, close your eyes, and choose one of my favorite movie couples that calls out most to you. This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you feel inclined to choose more than one group, please feel free to do so.
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Pictures are from Pinterest, credit to the owners. Editing was done by me, Stitchy!
Gomez & Morticia - Pile One
6 of cups reversed, Queen of Swords, Page of Pentacles
All right, pile one, welcome to your reading! You will strike your future spouse as a complex individual from the very first moment. You may have seemed a bit guarded and reserved, which made them immediately think “💡I need to see what’s past that guard”. Aw cute lol. Some of you have a femme fatale thing going on and some of you are incredibly private or reserved, so you give off this mysterious vibe to your FS. The energy is as if you were carrying a heavy emotional burden from your past experiences on your shoulder, which makes you seem hesitant to open up to someone new.
As you two start conversing, they notice that you may have an air of authority about you. You may even be a manger/boss. Could even own your business or attempting to at the point of meeting them. This is only for some of you, but I’m also seeing kids? So you may be a parent or work with kids often. Teenagers/middle school age, specifically. They will also notice that you are very clear and precise in the way you communicate, and you seemingly have a sharp mind and quick wit about you. You may talk with your hands a lot too. They can tell that you’re someone who values honesty and straightforwardness above all else, and you are not someone who would suffer fools gladly. Get it, boo! Show those suckers what you’re made of 😉 But there was also something very innocent and curious about you under the surface that they are going to be intrigued by. Despite your guarded nature and no-nonsense attitude…you still seemed eager to learn and grow. They like that you may be open to new experiences and perspectives. You may have even called them out playfully or wasn’t afraid to stand up to them when they said something out of pocket. They aren’t typically used to receiving that energy so you made them go a bit gaga (even turned on for some of you lol) with this display of power.
Im sensing that, for a lot of you at least, you guys may really gravitate towards each other when you first meet because it seems like they were able to get to know you better on a deeper level right off the bat. They see that your past experiences have indeed left a deep mark on you and that you may be struggling to move past them. You may even bring up an ex or family issues during your conversation? But They also see that you had the strength and resilience to face your pain head-on and work towards healing and growth. They have/had no doubt that you have the intelligence and determination to make progress. They were inspired by your willingness to learn and explore new ways of thinking. You inspire them to become a better version of themselves. They may be going through some personal issues of their own at the time and the way you tackle issues may differ from they way they would usually do it. But they prefer your outlook on life so they may get inspired to take a page out of your playbook.
By the end of your meeting, they were left with a deep respect for this complex and multifaceted individual standing before them. You may have had a guarded and stand offish first impression, but they could see that beneath the surface was a person with a strong will, an open mind, and the courage to face your past and move towards a brighter future….and they would do anything in their power to be apart of it. Aww I love that for you, pile one! I hope you enjoyed your reading.
Adam & Barbara - Pile Two
4 of pentacles, Ace of swords reversed, 9 of cups
Hey pile two, thanks for joining! Upon first meeting, you left a deep impression on your future spouse. To them, you seem to have an air of wealth and luxury about you. You may be dressed in your finest clothes or rockin your most expensive jewelry. Lmaooo I just heard “they’re bangin!” Sooo they’re really going to like your body, pile 2! 😂 can't get enough of it, apparently! That night/day, you will just all around be dressed to the nines and that will catch your FS’s attention right away. They may have noticed you right away, but it’s going to take them a little time to approach you. So as they continue to examine you from afar, they could sense something underneath all of the pretty wrapping paper. They feel a sense of possessiveness emanating from you. Like you’re holding on too tightly to your material possessions. It’s like…though you’re dressed to kill, they catch on to your insecurities beneath the surface. They’re trying to get familiar with your poker tells, basically.
Oop. Ok….Your FS may think that you might be having an identity crisis. Not necessarily in a negative way (although it might be for some of you who chose this pile), but it is apparent to them. You may be the type of person that struggles with their decision-making abilities. You may even seem lost and unsure of yourself, even though you’re dressed confidently. Like you don’t really belong in that setting, but you’re trying to fake it until you make it for whatever reason. This lack of clarity may also hinder you from making better choices for yourself. What I’m getting is like a nightclub, bar, or busy restaurant setting (take what resonates). You may have a lot of suitors physically surrounding you before your FS gets to you, so they’re still watching you from afar. They may see someone flirting with you and you’re eating up the attention and they’re just thinking to themselves… “really? You’re impressed by *that*?” Lmao your future spouse cracks me up. They’re a cerebral person, that’s for sure. They take in their surroundings before doing anything.
To them, it seems as though you are trying to use your wealth or material possessions to fill a void within yourself. Your future spouse feels like you’re trying to find emotional fulfillment in all the wrong places. They may also think you may be hard to satisfy or please, but are still not entirely sure what you really want. They see that you are seeking happiness but are met with fleeting moments instead and may even have lost touch with your emotional well-being. But they’re thinking that you’re knock out gorgeous, so why are you so sad?
Overall, their first impression of you is that you are struggling to find true happiness and emotional fulfillment in your life. While you may have amassed great wealth, luxury, and success ( whatever that means to you), you still seem to be missing something important in your day to day. They may have a fleeting thought of “ could it be me that’s missing from this equation?” Aww cute 🥰 hope you enjoyed your reading, pile 2!
Seymour & Audrey - Pile Three
4 of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Knight of Pentacles reversed
Hello pile 3, ready for your reading? Your future spouse’s first impression of you would be one of complexity and depth. They would see in you someone who is highly guarded and may be struggling with a fear of financial insecurity. You may be going through some difficulty at the time of meeting your future spouse and you may wear your worry on your face. For some of you, they felt your energy before they laid eyes on you. You may have been in a whirlwind of panic or frustration, maybe even tripping over yourself a bit, and they picked up on it before you even entered the room. Fear not, they will think your dishevelment is rather adorable lol awww!
However, they would also sense a deep emotional intelligence and sensitivity in you, much like the Queen of Cups. They would think that you’re someone who is highly empathetic and in tune with your and other’s emotions, but you may also be very protective of your feelings and hesitant to fully open up to others. I see a lot of nervous chuckling happening when you’re around them. They may have approached you in a teasing manner and you reacted shyly and a bit embarrassed. That’s so adorable pile 3! But remember, you’re the prize…no need to be nervous 😉 oh, I’m getting that they really like your smile! They instantly see in you someone they can start a life/family with. There’s just something about you that tick off all their boxes.
Your FS will also feel that you may be resistant to change and may prefer to stick to a routine or maintain the status quo. They see you as the type of person who doesn’t want to step on any toes, even in detriment to yourself. They feel that you may be cautious when it comes to taking risks or trying new things, but this energy can also indicate a strong sense of dedication and a willingness to work hard and persevere. They see that you like things done a certain way so that’s how you’re going to do it.
Overall, their first impression of you would be that you’re a person with a complex and multi-layered personality. They would see someone who is both highly sensitive and guarded. They want to tear your walls down. Make you feel safe with them. Hmm…Your fear of financial security keeps coming up… like you fear financial instability, so you’ve married yourself to your work to never see your bank account dip lower than a certain amount. It may worry them a bit that you may not have room for a relationship (with them) in your life because of this. However, On the same note, they would also see someone who is dedicated and hard-working… Someone who has the potential to break through their blocks and achieve success and fulfillment in life. Your FS would be drawn to your emotional depth and dedication, and would be eager to help you navigate any challenges that may arise….they’re just hoping you’ll make a little bit of space for them in order to do that. Aw, congrats pile 3. That sounds sweet!!
All rights reserved to @thestitchywitchy . Thank you for participating in this pick a card reading 😊 if you liked this reading and would like to dive in further, please DM me for a $7.77 extended reading 💞
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 4 months
When Someone Tries to Touch Your Hair
JJK men x gn black!reader
I had this idea for a little while and I absolutely love it. As someone who has to literally fight off ppl with a stick to keep them from basically "petting" me, I thought it would be so cute to write about the JJK men sticking up for you
Warnings: Fluff!, no nsfw but MINORS ARE STILL NOT ALLOWED GO AWAY, angst in Gojo's, specified braids/locs/twists in Toji's, unwanted physical touch, I think that's it!
Starring: Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru
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Nanami Kento
Of course he remains calm, he's always calm. but trust, inside he is BOILING with anger
Kento adores your hair, it sounds weird but he loves watching you on wash day care and tend to your hair with such detail and precision. Apart of it is so he can learn to do it himself one day so you won't have to spend so much time doing it yourself
He's always buying the best products for you no matter how expensive he knows black hair care products can be.
Design Essentials, Creme of Nature, Mielle, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, hair masks, curling cream-- you name it (or even glance at it in the store) he's already bought it for you
So seeing someone disrespect you by even attempting to touch you makes him absolutely livid
Kento: "I don't know I didn't think it was all that great, the plot didn't really make a lot of sense." Kento said as you two walked out the doors of the movie theater.
Y/N: "What?! I thought it was good, you're always hating on superhero movies you're like an old person. Oh! the boba place closes at 9:30 did you still wanna--
"Oh my gosh I just have to ask who does your hair? It's so pretty!" A young woman around your age popped up from behind you guys, her intensity kind of startling you a little bit
Y/N: "Oh, thank you that's so sweet! I actually do it myself" you smiled and she looked at you in astonishment
"Really? Wow it looks like it was done by a professional, I bet it takes you so long!"
Kento's eyebrow raise and body stiffen in an almost defensive way, he was already anticipating what was coming next
Y/N: "Yeah, sometimes it can. It kind of just depends on how tired I am that d--
Your body leaned back as she reached out to grab the top of your head. Kento wrapped his arm around you and pulled you back by your shoulders, shooting daggers at the woman as if she had just committed an unforgivable act
Kento: "Please step back. You don't need to touch them to compliment them." he reprimanded and held a firmer grip on your shoulder. He wasn't going to yell at a woman he didn't know but he sure as hell was going to get his point across
"O-oh Im sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I just think it looks really ni--
Kento: "Then you can think it's nice from a distance, they're not a dog. Have a good night." Kento intwined your hand in his and led you away to the car. You looked up at him and a small grin grew across your face
Kento: "Don't look at me like that."
Y/N: "You're like a guard dog. Like a snappy little golden retriever." you giggled before planting a kiss on his jaw which he returned with one on the top of your head
Kento: "Cmon lets go get boba."
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Toji Fushiguro
Rage, Rage, and more RAGE
The anger that fills this mans body when someone tries to touch you is immeasurable, ESPECIALLY if its a man
Sometimes you have to calm Toji down when someone tries but its no use, he's already out of his seat and practically ready to kill
Toji is definitely someone who values his personal space, so he completely understood your frustration when you talked about how crazy it is that some people think its okay to try and touch you without permission
He's only seen it happen a few times, thankfully most people had common sense. But there was always that one asshole that crosses the line
You and Toji were out on a late night supply run getting items for Megumis science fair project. You roamed through the aisles of the arts and craft store filling your basket with acrylic paint, styrofoam blocks, construction paper and glue sticks
Toji: "What kind of fifth grader does a science project on soil erosion? Can't we just do something normal like a volcano or something?"
Y/N: "Are you gonna keep complaining all night or are you gonna actually help find everything on the list?" You turned around mad dogging him, both of you were tired and a little bit cranky and snappy at one another. Most of it was playful but some of it intended
Toji: "You look like a pig when you scrunch your knows like that." He chuckled attempting to pull you in for a kiss
Y/N: "You bitch-- Go get someone to open the spraypaints for us!" You said shoving your hand in his face and pushing his head back. Toji sauntered away to find the nearest employee to assist you guys
You stood alone in the aisle for a few minutes scrolling through instagram to pass the time until Toji came back, until a tap on your shoulder caught your attention. A random man, had approached you attempting to spark a conversation. Your eyes jotted back and forth around the area wondering where tf could Toji be and why was he taking so long to get back
"You got a really pretty smile you know that? Pretty hair too, you do this all by yourself?" He asked and took one of your (protective style)'s in his hands
Toji: "Now you..." Toji came up behind the man and planted a firm grip on his shoulder, "...are way too ugly and way too short to think they'd ever want someone like you to touch them. Don't you think?"
The man trembled in place at the vast size difference between the two
He couldn't get a whole sentence in before Toji pulled him back by his hair then slammed him head first into the shelves next to him, making the man scream in pain. The star captured the attention of multiple employees and needless to say it wasn't long until you were being led out of the building by security.
Toji: "Did I do too much again?" He asked from the passenger seat, knowing full well he didn't regret his actions
Y/N: "We just got banned from the store, what do you think Toji?"
Toji: "Are you mad at me?"
Y/N: "Yes I'm mad!"
Toji: "Mm. The blush on your face doesn't look like someone who'd be mad at me." He grinned and you tried to hide the smile that started to form
Y/N: "Shut the fuck up."
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Gojo Satoru
Gojo unfortunately was very ignorant to the topic at first
Maybe it was a cultural difference but when you told him people would ask to touch your hair he thought it wasn’t that big of a deal
“If someone admired your hair so much that they want to get close to it shouldn’t that be a compliment to you? It’s like they’re complimenting an artist for their artwork right? I don’t really see the harm in that, I touch Getos hair all the time and he's fine with it.” He said once before
Nonetheless it led to a very heated argument
He didn’t understand all the fuss around it, that was until he saw it actually happen
Seeing how physically uncomfortable you get when someone you don’t know tries to “pet” you put it all in perspective for him
Y/N: “Gojo, hurry we’re gonna miss the train!” You shouted as you ran through the subway station
Gojo: “I’m coming slow down! I don’t wanna drop anything.” He followed closely behind carrying the other bags of groceries you guys got from the farmers market
You both managed to slip through the train doors in time before it departed. You two managed to find two seats by the window, it was a preferred spot that way you both could gaze upon the countryside greenery as you passed on your way back to the city. Gojo leaned against the window and you leaned against his shoulder, the both of you trying to get some rest after a full day of walking.
The train stopped at its next spot to let on a few more passengers and a tap on your shoulder shook you out of your rest.
“Can i touch your hair?” a young woman behind you asked, but she had already reached out her hand before you could even answer. You pulled back before her hand could touch you
“Oh, um no please don’t do that…” you awkwardly said and turned back around. You looked over at Gojo who you know heard everything but was undermining the situation yet again
Gojo: “Calm down she didn’t mean anything by it, go back to sleep.” He dismissed you, not even bothering to open his eyes as he still laid against the window. You let out a low scoff and laid back against your seat instead of Gojos shoulder like you were before
The next few minutes we’re quiet as you dozed back off until you heard a loud camera click and could hear the girl frantically trying to turn the volume down
Y/N: “Did you just take a picture of me?”
“Oh it wasn't a bad one I was just sending your hairstyle to my friend I think it’s cute.”
Y/N: “I don’t care. Don’t take a fucking picture of me if—
“I didn’t even touch you so calm the fuck down…this is why no body likes to compliment you people anyways. You take everything too goddamn seriously.” she muttered the last bit under her breath but still loud enough to pick up. This sentence being the one that finally caught Gojos attention
Gojo: “What was that?” He stood up towering over the young woman
“I-I didn’t say anyth— I’m s-sor—
Gojo: “Shut up. Delete it. Now.” His eyes pierced through her and she scrambled to reopen her camera and delete the photos. She flipped the phone towards his face to show that they were no longer in her folder
Gojo: “Now go to a different seat. And if you touch them against i’ll smash that stupid fucking phone into the fucking concrete.” The young woman ran from her seat to the other side of the train as quickly as possible and Gojo sat back down. He attempted to put his arm around you but you wanted no part in it, for the next 30 minutes you ignored every attempt he made to get a word out of you. Even on the walk home you were cold
Gojo: “Y/N if you don’t tell me what’s wrong I can’t fix it!” he said as you entered your apartment
Y/N: “IVE TOLD YOU WHATS WRONG BEFORE. YOU DONT LISTEN!” you yelled, something he rarely heard you do, “I told you countless times before that people trying to touch me is a reoccurring problem for me and what did you do? You belittled me and made it seem like no big deal. Why did it take someone being blatantly racist towards me for you to actually start caring? Why did I have to prove the problem to you?” He looked back at you with no words just a stunned expression as he struggled to find the right thing to say
Gojo: “I…I don’t know. I’m sorry.” you rolled your eyes at his lackluster reply and turned away to the bedroom
Y/N: “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”
Gojo: “Y/N, wait I—
you slammed the door in his face before he could finish his sentence
story belongs to @nonbinaryeggrolls
do not steal
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mncxbe · 6 months
hiii! i hope ur requests are open and if theyre not im very sorry and ignore this!
ive been thinking too much about dazai with a younger reader whos 15 and reminds him a lot of himself. like he remembers what oda said and becomes determined to steer u down the right path
overall becomes a sweet (but very annoying sometimes) big brother figure <333
nonnie♡♡ this is hhh such a nice idea I went a bit silly with it hope u like it. he would definitely try to bring you on the right path. to make things even more interesting let's assume you're from the PM.
The two of you met when he was out on a mission with Atsushi. Naturally, he paid no attention to you, a little scrawny kid scrolling on her phone, walking in their direction. But that was until you suddenly attacked them.
You were so relentless in your fight that you ended up badly injured, so they had to take you back to the Ada office to get treated by Yosano. After all, a Port Mafia member or not, Dazai couldn't bring himself to let a kid die.
When you eventually woke up in the infirmery you saw him standing at the edge of your bed, arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched you intently.
"You feeling better kid?" he asked and you only nodded in response, eyes darting around the room, taking in your surroundings.
Dazai noticed the cunning look on your face, the way you scanned the room for possible escapes while still maintaining a nonchalant facade and couldn't help but chuckle.
"Now, now don't worry kid. We'll let you go as soon as you answer some questions"
Dazai asked you about your mission and your involement with your Port Mafia; routine questions mostly: how you ended up working for them, who you serve under, how long you've been with the PM- things to which you gave a half-hearted, disinterested response. But you refused to get into detail about the organization's plans; no matter how much he persuaded you and tried to get inside your head, you just wouldn't break.
With each calculated reply Dazai saw more of his younger self in you; the innate ability to lie like it was your second nature, the way you managed to turn any conversation in your favour and mostly, how impassive you were to any of his threaths.
"You know, if you refuse to cooperate I'm gonna have to get the information out of you in other ways"
You simply sighed, idly picking at your nails. "Well, pain would be bothersome, but I'd rather die than betray the Mafia"
Dazai saw an opening, a slight crack in your carefully built facade "So you're that afraid of what they might do to you if they find out you're a traitor?"
"Nah, but I prefer to stay true to the things I believe in. After all, does life have any value if you give up on your beliefs?"
There it was, the answer he was looking for. Sighing, he rose to his feet, staring down at you "That's quite grim for a kid your age to say."
"I don't think it's grim. More like honest, but who am I to discuss the value of life with you?" you said casually, pointing at his bandages.
"Oh wow touché" he chuckled "But what exactly are those values you're so keenly holding on to, some principles passed down to you by the boss? Can you really call those things values?"
"Sure I can. As long as they give me a purpose to live" For a brief moment you caught a shadow of doubt on the brunette's face. He was conflicted, you could tell.
"You know" he started again "I once thought the same as you do, that good and evil don't matter as long as you do a job and get it done well, but violence and death only give birth to more violence and death. It's a vicious cycle, really, so don't expect to find a purpose or a reason to live in that."
You lowered your gaze, continuing to pick at your nails and he knew the conversation was over. He wasn't gonna get anything out of you.
"Look, kid, you're wasting yourself in there. If you want a reason to live I can give it to you"
"And why would you do that? You don't seem the type to do charity work?"
"Let's just say that that's my purpose in life, to guide people like you on the right path"
"People like me? Meaning petty criminals working for the Mafia?" you inquired mockingly, raising a brow.
Dazai scoffed at your remark "We both know you're more than a petty criminal, but yes. People like you, who don't take life for granted and want to understand its meaning."
"So now you can psychoanalyse me too hm? Are you gonna tell me this mentality of mine comes from the fact that I grew up without a father figure or...?"
Your witty remarks were starting to get to him, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Nah, it comes from the fact that all you've seen in your life is evil and look where this has gotten you. Five years in the Mafia and you're still where you were at the beginning, still searching for a deeper meaning in life. We're more alike than you may think, kid. As I said, I used to be in the same position you're in"
You shrugged, feigning disinterest, but he could tell his words were affecting you.
"And your point is?"
Taking in a deep breath, Dazai combed a hand through his hair "My point is that you should leave the Mafia and join us. Change your perspective. If finding a purpose in life truly is your goal, then you won't regret this decision. Trust me"
You both stood in silence for a while as you considered his proposal. You could technically leave the Mafia, it's not like working there has gotten you anywhere. No matter how many missions you completed or how fast you climbed the ladder, there was still a nagging feeling that you could do more, that there was more to life than this.
You finally raised your gaze to meet his and gave a small nod. "I'll think about it."
"Good, you do that, kid"
Dazai helped you out of the bed and walked you to the front of the building. You left without even saying goodbye, making your way down the street; towards the Port Mafia headquarters. Dazai watched you slowly walk away, your figure growing smaller with each step you took and somewhere deep down he was sure he'd see you again.
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love-islike-abomb · 3 months
Roman reigns x Mystic (OC)
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"Yo-ho, Mexico! Far to the south where the cactus grow! Take me away from the ice and the snow! Let's go to Mexico!"
(a/n: you know the photo Paul posted of him saying "when the tribal chief summons you" it gave me an idea so here we are. I actually started this a while ago but I've been in a creative rut so it took me longer then I thought it would)
Warnings: fluff, smut, errors I may have missed, its also LONG!!
Word count: 1.4k
Tag list: @acknowledge-reigns @reignsangel444 @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @queengreenarrowmia89 @romanreignshairdresser @weirdgirl16355
The winter months in Canada are so harsh! A 20° day is a heatwave here! It was so cold that when I threw boiling water in the air it turned to ice almost instantly. Some people had some fun with it and put food coloring in the water before throwing it while it did make for a bit of fun I wanted somewhere warm.
"you look deep in thought Mystic. What's on your mind" Paul asked.
"I'm just missing my husband that's all" I said with a half smile.
"well he's called me resently and he's bought you a plane ticket" Paul smiled.
"wait what? To where?" I asked.
"Mexico City" Paul smiled "your flight leaves in 3 hours so pack your bags and I'll take you to the airport"
I hadn't seen my husband in 3 months and I had a surprise for him. Paul was the only person I'd told because I had to tell someone "you haven't told him have you?" I asked.
"your secret is safe with me" Paul smiled "but i know he'll be over the moon"
"you think so?" I said, trying to hide the worry in my voice. We had talked about kids but never really got into detail about it. I was afraid Paul was just trying to soothe my nerves.
"mystic, he's always wanted kids. There's no need for you to worry" Paul smiled.
I took what he said at face value. I was worried but we've been married for 2 years now and I'm pretty sure he wasn't going anywhere "alright I'll go get packed" I said with a soft smile, walking away from paul to Roman and i's room. I grabbed my suitcase out of the closet and packed my bikini, several pairs of shorts, shirts, panties, bras, pajamas, and flip flops. I grabbed the pregnancy test I took and wrapped it in tissue paper and put it in the front of my suitcase. I zipped up my suitcase and walked out to Paul "come on mystic, I'll drive you to the airport" paul smiled, grabbing my suitcase.
"paul I'm pregnant not an invilet" I laughed "im perfectly capable of rolling my own bags"
"my tribal chief has told me that I take care of his wife while she's traveling to him. Im just doing what I'm told" he smiled.
I shook my head and smiled "I truly did marry an amazing man!"
At the airport
Sitting on his private jet I wondered how he was gonna react. I didn't have much time to think on it because my phone rang and he was on Skype. I answered and saw his gorgeous smile "hey babe!" I smiled.
"hi babygirl!" He smiled "I see Paul has taken you to the airport. I can't wait to see you! I was planning on taking you to the ruins of Tenochtitlan!" He smiled.
"I would love that! You know if it wasn't for the indigenous a lot of things people use every day wouldn't exist. Things like rubber wouldnt exist and we wouldn't have tires or those expensive shoes we wear wouldn't have their rubber souls. Mouthwash wouldn't exist, syringes, baby bottles and baby formula, the cultivation of corn, snow goggles, birth control, oral and topical pain killers, cable suspension bridges and many othes! None of those things would exist and we really should appreciate them more!"
"I agree! Also quinine!" He smiled.
"you've done your research! The first ever anti malarial drug!" I smiled.
"flight 21 now boarding for Mexico City!" The announcer said over the intercom.
"that's me babe! I'll see you soon!" I smiled "I love you"
"I love you to baby girl" he smiled back.
"you're a very lucky woman!" An older woman next to me said "he's a very handsome man!"
"he's my everything!" I smiled back, getting up to board the plane.
I handed my ticket to the stewardess "oh Mrs Anoa'i your on a private plane!" She smiled.
"he never disappoints" I smiled.
10 hours later in Mexico city
The flight here was uneventful and when I arrived I couldnt get off the plane fast enough. I knew he'd be at the airport waiting for me. I grabbed my carry on and headed off the plane. The the fight attendant opened the door he was standing at the bottom of the stairs with a smile on his face. I ran down the stairs and leapt into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist "hey baby" he smiled giving me a kiss "I missed you"
"i missed you to!" I smiled back as he set my feet back on the ground.
"We'll go to Tenochtitlan tomorrow!" He smiled "i have something planned for tonight" he said with a smirk. I knew what that meant. I wasn't gonna know my own name. the mere thought of him taking me all over the hotel room- "mystic? Are you ok baby? You look kinda pale"
"yeah I'm fine. I'm just a little queasy. I have a surprise for you" I smiled
"oh what's that's?" He asked.
I took a deep breath and reached into the front of my bag and took out the pregnancy test i'd taken before handing it to him.
"what's this?" He asked.
"what does it look like" I smiled nervously.
"are you pregnant?" He smiled.
"yes" I smiled back.
"baby why are you shaking?" He asked.
"I'm scared" I said "I'm scared that you'll leave now that you know"
He put his hand under my chin, gently moving my gaze to meet his "baby i don't know why you'd think I'd leave just because you're pregnant. I know we've vaguely talked about kids but you have nothing to worry about!" He smiled and I felt my body relax. I leaned into him, feeling his strong arms wrapping around me, realizing I was safe in his arms.
"come on let's get back to the hotel" he smiled. I'm sure you're tired"
"I am but I want my husband!" I said with a smirk.
"oh yeah?" He said licking his lips "I'll take you all over our hotel room!"
At the hotel
"fuck baby girl!" He growled "that mouth feels so good!"
I felt him twitch in my mouth and I knew he was close. I felt him pull me off him, my mouth making a popping noise "face down ass up baby!"
I happily obeyed, shaking my ass when I was on all 4s. I felt him tease me with the tip, sliding it through my wet folds "Roman please!" I whined.
"so impatient!" He said finally sliding himself inside me, both of us moaning out in pleasure. I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or not but feeling him inside me for the first time in 3 months activated a part of me I didn't know was there. I moved my hips against his, fucking myself on his hardened flesh "oh fuck baby girl! That's it! Fuck yourself on my cock!" The sound of his hand connecting to my ass rang out and he ran his hand up the curve of my back and into my hair before grabbing a handful and pulling me back, thrusting into me, His hips snapping against mine. He pulled me so I was on my knees and reached his hand around to grab my throat "i'm gonna take you all over This hotel room! You'd like that wouldn't you? You wanna be my little whore?" He growled in my ear.
I bit my lip "yes daddy!" I groaned.
"say it to me!" He growled.
"please use me!" I groaned.
"that's my good girl!" He growled.
"fuck baby! The way that pussy is gripping me I think you're close! Be a good girl and cum on my cock!" He growled. Fuck his dirty talk always got me. "Fuck! Yesss!" I groaned.
"that's it baby! Let it go!" He groaned into my ear "uhn fuck! That's it milk my cock! Milk it dry! Uhn I'm gonna fill that pussy!"
His thrusts became sloppy and eratic, his hot cum coating my walls. A few last sloppy thrusts and he stilled inside me, both of us trying to catch our breath. He slowly pulled out of me and collapsed on the bed and I followed him, snuggling into him "I love you" I smiled.
He smiled back "I love you to baby girl"
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milgram-tournament · 6 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 4 HALF vs. MAGIC
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for HALF:
kazui may just be an old gay man but HE CAN SING.
its. literally stunning.
like aside from his character and everything else, half is just really really beautifully written
HIS V O I C E??? its so pretty
heartbreaking lyrics. i dont love kazui as a character but i have bawled to half
GAY RIGHTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love amane but she will undoubtedly win when her purge march poll rolls around, so lets let the old man have a win shall we?
half propaganda let's goooo sorry i'm sobern't in true kazui style so this probably won't make a bit of sense
theatre kid man. i love him, incredible mv.
this song is pure ASMR to me
visually aligned with Cat and it's so lovely to see that continuity
kazui is so dramatic. i love him i love him
dapper gentleman. such clothes
the key change is so well done
AND THE . THE PART WITH THE. THE ENDING SORT OF LYRICS OVERLAID WITH SPEAKING. and then his quieter singing and, and, and o h my god. im sorry. im not very coherent abt this rn
every part of the song is amazing but once it gets to the key change and after it keeps stepping up the amount of being perfect
kazui is in it
kazui is in it
go my psionic warriors vote for everyone's favourite failhusband
no children were tortured in the making of this MV (cough looking at You magic)
Allow me to present my Half propaganda!
- The slower tempo adds a very relaxing feeling to the song. Kinda ironic, but I like it! It sort of reminds of old indie songs from 2012 (especially with what I think is whistling added in the instrumental in-between chorus and verses.)
- Kazui’s voice. Enough said.
- It’s very easy to listen to, and I find it’s one of the only songs from Milgram that I like to listen to out of context (besides After Pain, Backdraft, and Purge March, oddly enough.)
- The MV is rife with imagery, and is used to beautiful effect. It really makes you feel for Kazui and his situation.
- The scene with him and Hinako before the key change… that makes me so emo.
- The overlapping part at the end… the lyrics combined with the dialogue in the background makes me really sad in a way I can’t explain.
Propaganda for MAGIC:
MAGIC MY BELOVED MAGIC!!! Its one of the best MVs in the entire series, even including T2. Magic is visually stunning and has some fantastic art direction but also is very clever in how it conveys its themes and ideas. Magic doesn't really hide anything from you, not really. It's all symbolic but it Tells You Things. It shows you the abuse, it shows you the cat. There's a fun little relationship going on here where, In Magic. Amane's pain and suffering isn't taken seriously by the people around her and the Audience we are discouraged to take it at face value due to the fictionalized nature of Magic. It's so cool. I'm so fond of the song as well, it's one of the best in the series purely cause of the Layers in it. The implications of this Inability to be good is seeped into Magic. Amane knows this isn't reality, Magic knows it's a show, she watches it at the end. And it's so Sad to me that even in her fictionalized happy world she Cannot be a good girl. It's a standard completely out of reach for her and that idea is just conveyed so well visually.
Im not even talking about the goddamn cat yet- the cat symbolism goes Deep. That cat is HER it has the same wounds Amane has in Purge March. I- I cant talk about the intertextuality of Purge March and Magic here this is Magic propaganda only- I- there's so much good stuff to Magic. I Re watched it over and over again. It has some the Best Writing and Visual Communication in Milgram and I will Die on this Hill.
shoutout to magic for having pretty props AND being vague as fuck about the crime! diversity win!
seriously though amane looks SO cute in it! the mv has such a pretty and colorful style and even with that it's able to show the horrors of what amane went through.
adding onto my last point. that scene where the cat is hyperventilating and you see the camera shaking???? that scene where the mascots find amane helping the cat and they're all standing over her? CHILLS. im repeating myself but the fact that they were able to portray the awful things amane went through in a genuinely emotional way while still keeping the cute cartoon look is soo impressive
there are SO many layers to itill the entire cartoony style making it look like a tv show… utilizing the cartoony effects and bright colors to show amane downplaying her own pain… the transformation after she gets punished barely changing anything to show just how manipulated she was from the start… ueueueue
ALSO ALSO ALSO THE SCENE AT THE END WITH AMANE STARING AT THE SCENE? OHHH ITS SO GOOD it adds such a feeling of dread and reminds you on top of this whole thing that all of this is truly horrifying! something is going on here!
this song is so catchy it gets stuck in my head CONSTANTLY
"Dear wise one, Am I worthy? Is it ok to spoil myself?" AMANE... UEUEUUEUE
the little ding sound effects in the instrumental?????
amanes voice is ADORABLE
i could go on about this mv for days but i am not a theorist unfortunately. just. magic sweep
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hualian-blessing · 2 years
tw// grooming allegations
about the dream allegations? im sorry but i cant fully believe amanduh's case because she has so many holes in her story to the point that she's also destroying her own case as well. i had a talk with my friend who was groomed for years and they told me what a victim usually acted when sharing their story.
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i cant say if the victims should act like that all the time when exposing someone for grooming but it was really sus that she wasn't, uh how should i say this, emotional i guess???
(edit: i phrased that so bad but what im trying to say is that everyone has a different reactions to grooming but from amanduh's video, (i showed it to my friend after so that they'll the one who will judge her instead of me) both my friend and i noticed how she doesn't really put her heart into it in a sense? it's along that line technically but still not all victims have the same reaction as my friend.)
other than that, a lot of people were pointing out how the math ain't mathing with the story.
first, she said that she was turning 18 when dream texted her and allegedly started sexting her but in one of her tweets, she said that she just turned 17 last year. which is really confusing and downright idiotic if she lied about her age.
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second, she said that she was with her boyfriend during the years 2020 to 2021 thus she stopped texting dream at that time range. but here's what confused me, she herself said that her and her boyfriend met at april 2022 tho??? someone might ask "but bella, this boyfriend might be the different one!!!" no, she didn't have an ex. she could have explicitly said "ex", "ex boyfriend" or "current boyfriend at that time" and her boyfriend confirmed that he was already with her when the dream situation happened.
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third, she was still following dream up until today when people noticed that she made that post but still kept up to date with his life happenings in twitter. in fact, she was defending and liking posts about dream's face reveal no less than a week and few days ago. if she was a victim of his grooming, shouldn't she unfollowed and blocked him in all of his social media platforms??? make it make sense. (photos aren't mine, i forgot who the user is because of the sheer idiocy i witnessed).
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fourth, she tried to get keemstar of all people to cover her case instead of going to literal lawyers if she wanted everyone to hear her and the "victims" voices. if she really want to make a credible case, she should hold her cards close to her chest instead of showcasing the evidences in the internet before she could even take legal actions against dream. it's literally the best and most logical action she could have done instead of this.
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fifth, she already has a record of being...weird online?? like this photo for example is literally just crazy for me to read...i literally can't take face value if she's like this.
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i also saw people how the first girl before amanduh already admitted that her claims were fake and i wont be surprised if this one is fake as well. look im not a die hard fan or a stan of dream but i do watch his content and my friend (from earlier) does so as well, and they're downright pissed at this situation because these girls might have destroyed the chances for actual victims of grooming to speak up about their own situations. all for what? clout? it disgusted me and my friend to see people using this serious matter for something so cruel and malicious. i used to believe on the "believe the victim first and foremost" but after the amber heard case and then this, i would be more on "listen and criticize if the victim's claims are true".
to the girls who made these claims and proven to be false, i hope you have a fun time in hell after all of this.
but if it was ever proven that dream literally did it, then i'll retract my statement and remove myself from the internet to reflect.
either way, only time will tell and i hope everything clears up.
edit: no way is amanda fr rn. cuz holy fuck the story is so messy right now, first with avril then anna. and i saw accounts saying amanda did the same thing to sapnap, bad, skeppy and boomer before and im like wtf is going on???
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barb-l · 2 years
Yeees totally! With Enid probably picking stores strategically beforehand because she knows Wednesday can only take so much before her social batteries run out for the day. She's also totally buying her something other than black and white.. maybe in a beautiful dark blue colour and for whatever, whatever reason Wednesday will be compelled to wear it (when they are alone.) Oh no.. I have way too much thoughts and feelings about them.
Ohh I will be ecstatic about anything you decide to write for them. I loved your first fic tons, it's so very well-written! 😊
Oh dark blue could work. Pretty sure that's what she was wearing in Addams Family Values.
Aww thanks! I'm actually working on a summer break fic rn, but i've been hesitant to keep going cuz ive been considering just waiting to watch the show first cuz i wanna know what Enid's family/pack is like by the end of the show. I'll probably be changing a ton of stuff, or just scrap the whole thing altogether, after i've watched the show, so let me just post what i have so far here:
(sorry im on my mobile and can't put it under read more)
Enid didn't really expect anything when she gave Wednesday her number. For one, Wednesday didn't have a phone and has sworn that she will never have one.
But just in case...
As, uh, rocky as their start was as roommates, Wednesday has grown on Enid. Like a mold. Maybe due to Stockholm Syndrome. Jury's still up as to how Wednesday feels about her. But after going up against a homicidal monster and rogue Nevermore student together, she likes to think that she has managed to go past being merely a thorn on Wednesday's side and dug her way to the other girl's shriveled, pea-sized heart.
So just before they leave Nevermore for the long-awaited summer break, she gave Wednesday her phone number to let her know that she can contact her if she ever gets sick of tormenting her brother and wants to bother Enid instead.
Wednesday raised a brow when she's handed the piece of paper with Enid's digits and sceptically looked at her. "Why?"
Enid didn't expect Wednesday to ask at the time. Truthfully she expected her to wordlessly throw it away and was prepared for another bout of back and forth squabble like they've always done. Maybe even tease her over how she's too much of an old lady on the inside to even figure out how to use a phone anyway. It was fun. What's not fun is admitting that she will miss her. She didn't prepare to be asked why.
"I don't know," is what Enid ended up saying. "Just..." She shrugged, turned away from Wednesday's calculating gaze to finish zipping up her bag. "I don't know."
Enid didn't like that reaction. Like Wednesday just caught her doing something embarrassing. So she took her bag, gave Wednesday a saccharinely fake smile, and said, "See ya, weirdo!" before running away with her tail tucked between her legs.
Enid spends the first two weeks of summer break agonizing over how humiliating that was. Who gives their number to a girl who doesn't even have a phone? Desperate idiots, that's who.
If Wednesday knew how much Enid was suffering just thinking about her, she'd be smiling in satisfaction.
...and now Enid has started thinking about Wednesday's smile, wicked as it may be, and has buried her face in her pillow. This time she's suffering for different, more embarrassing reasons.
She didn't expect anything, honest to god, so when she receives a notification one day for a text from an unknown number, she couldn't believe her eyes.
Greetings, Enid Sinclair, it reads.
Against my better judgement, I have gone and acquired a phone. I still maintain the belief that they are unnecessary and annoying, but you were, regrettably, right. Lighting Pugsley up in the good ol' electric chair has not been the same since Nevermore.
Perhaps it's due to everything else that we have gone through the whole semester. Monsters and what-not can't compare.
Though money has never been an issue to an Addams, I expect that you will make my purchase worthwhile by granting me amusement. Go ahead, regale me of your woes spending school break locked in a whole different kind of prison with your family. I don't expect it to be any worse of a time than I have had, but I haven't lost hope.
Forever in darkness,
Wednesday Addams
Enid rolls her eyes when she finishes reading the absurdly long text, but there's a smile she can't contain when she fondly mutters, "So edgy."
She doesn't reply right away. Mostly because she doesn't know what to say, and also because she spent a good fifteen minutes just re-reading the message, giggling over the mental image of Wednesday going to the mall and buying a phone, all for her.
... Well, maybe not, but Enid doesn't have enough self-control in her to deny a hungry ego.
She knows that the text has been shown as read on Wednesday's end by know, but she pays it no mind. With all the torture having Wednesday on her mind has brought her, she deserves to do it back.
After spending much too long of her time erasing and retyping, she finally replies.
u dont have to sign n write texts like letters yunno. U can just talk like normal
Enid once again laughs when she sees that her text was immediately read. Wednesday spends two minutes conjuring up a reply, and Enid spends the whole time watching the dots on the the bubble move as she lies in bed.
Eventually, Wednesday sends a reply.
Your spelling is atrocious.
Enid wonders if Wednesday would get offended if she tells her how often she has made her laugh.
That's more like it, Enid texts in return.
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talkintrashcann · 1 year
Campout - Xavier Thorpe [pt.4]
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summary: the friendgroup is going on a camping trip and miscalculated how many tents they needed, so now you have to share a tent with your least favorite person.
warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, multiple parts, fear of drowning
word count: 857
a/n: yeah that's right, im back bitches. i seriously lost so much motivation to continue writing this series but i keep getting dms and asks from people expressing how much they love this and how they cant wait for the next chapter. so to all those lovely people, big hugs and kisses to you!
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] . . .
As you were resting your head against the tree behind you, trying to calm yourself down for a minute, Xavier seemed to have disappeared for a bit. Not that you minded, you could use the moment for yourself. The last thing you wanted was for him to laugh at you for being so scared of a little water. He had most likely just run off somewhere, not wanting to stay near a crybaby like you. But you really couldn't give a damn about where he went, as long as it was far away from you. Tears had finally stopped coming, breathing becoming normal again. The sounds of the birds chirping and the water streaming down the river definitely helped calm you down, you wanted to stay here for a while without having to worry about anything else.
In the meantime, Xavier had gone back towards the salesman to pay for the kayak that was now long gone with the stream, but the man didn't seem to mind once he saw Xavier pull out a check with way more value than the crappy kayak he lost. He even offered him a single person kayak so that he could still continue the race on his own while you stayed here waiting for the others to come back. Turning around to look at your figure peaking out from behind the large tree, he smiled to himself before kindly declining the offer.
You jumped a little when you suddenly saw a hand appearing from behind the tree you were sitting against, holding up a bottle of water out to you. Eyes moving up from the hand to the face of the owner, you gave Xavier a confused look before returning your gaze to the bottle.
"Are you gonna take it or what?". Taking the bottle out of his hands and taking a cold sip, you couldn't help but wonder what had gotten to him all of a sudden. After taking another few sips, you broke the silence by asking him a burning question. "Why did you help me just now?"
"Would you have preferred it if I took you on a three hour kayak trip?". You didn't respond to his question, both already knowing the answer to that.
"Can I ask you something?", he spoke up after a couple seconds of silence.
"Since when do you ask for permission to say something?", completely ignoring what you just said he asked the question that has been on his mind ever since the incident with the kayak earlier.
"What happened back there? I mean, you looked like you'd seen a ghost or something.", knowing that question would come at some point you decided to just be honest and tell him the truth. Besides, you're probably stuck with him for a couple hours, so you didn't think it would hurt to not spend those hours in complete silence.
"I'm scared of drowning and sitting in that kayak just didn't feel safe to me at all. Can't really help it, I've had it for years.". You were looking down at the ground, playing with your fingers in the dirt as you were too afraid to look him in the eye right now. "Go ahead, make a stupid remark. I know you want to."
"I actually think you're really brave for still getting in that kayak, many people would've bolted the second Enid revealed we'd do something with water. That's a whole achievement on it's own, you know.". You stopped playing with the dirt and looked him straight in the eye, trying to find something that would explain his sudden kindness.
"Who are you and what have you done with Xavier.", he chuckled at your response. "Believe it or not, but I'm not an ass all of the time."
"I used to be really afraid of preforming on stage as a kid so my dad always forced me to show my talent to all his famous friends in order for me to overcome my fear, but it wasn't a great success. He was so disappointed that his only son was too afraid to use the one thing that made him unique. I went to therapist after therapist in the hopes that one of them would fix me. But, ironically, disappointing people has become my new biggest fear. It's why I push people away. If I'm not close with anyone I can't disappoint them either, right?"
Realizing that there might have been a logical explanation for Xavier's annoying behavior all this time made you think to yourself; maybe he wasn't so bad after all. He saw you at your most vulnerable moment, and instead of being a complete ass like he usually is, he's opening up about his own vulnerability to give you comfort. You appreciate what he did, you appreciate him. Perhaps you two have more in common than you think. Perhaps you could even become friends after this. It might finally give you some peace, and Enid probably wouldn't mind to have her long awaited relaxing vacation she's been longing for. Or will the two of you create some chaos together now?
To be continued . . .
Taglist !¡ @wintrr13 @hayleematyas16 @deepblueoceanwaters @purexfuego @loriasposts @princekooks @hope92100 @just-amess @sweaterxav @pookiewookies @araxw @lcvecstiel @reading-writing-737 @ahintofvanilla @xavierthropepartner @poison-ivy-737 @rumoured-whispers @honethatty12 @pippipsquirtsquirt @wrenwastooshort @ambolini @potterheadquinn @ren-ni @makanirock05 @langdonsluxiouslocks @ily2lia
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(Tw: yellings, mentoins of dizzy spells and double standarts ) Hi, can i ask your ipoin on something? So here it goes when someone tells you something that you did worng and they also do the things that they told you worng like not putting your plates on the table and leaving bread on the table, or when you are having like snack while you eating it making it mess then not cleaning that mess up, this was what excatly happens when my dad tells me my mistakes and he does them but when he does them its no problem for him but when we do it, its a huge problem, like yesterday he yelled at me for coming home early at 17:00 and my reasons was no one was coming and the dinner time was coming so i thought maybe i dont need to let hım know cus its already coming close to evening , so i come home and wear my pijamas, and my mom says he is tired and he wants to sleep , can you go back? And i say dont worry,no one came the office whole today , and nobody was coming and also after my dad saw me in my pijamas he let me stay at the home and go back himself , i get the fact that i has some vaild reasons and all, and i get it i messed up but he got really angry at me and yelled at me and my mom , for it and he also yelled at me for other small neccessery things, like leaving the tuna fish on its package, he yelled at me for being irresponsebale cus i leaved it there, and he also yelled at my mom for proceting me and saying that its wasnt a big deal cus i told her to leave it like that cus i was gonna eat it, but he kept yelling more and.more also he told me to shut up my mounth up too when i told him to calm down? And i had a dizzy spell at that very moment so i dont really remmber what i also said but i bulently remmber but still not sure of i said it or not so dont take it too seriously, i think i said " im not giving you demands " or something like that, and i all i remmber is that him yelling at our faces, like i aggree the fact i done mistakes cus lets be honset am not perfect but when he says our worngs to us like the tuna fish one, he does it himself as well and i think it also drops the value of the things he says about our mistakes whatever is related or not, and even if he has a vaild reason about it too, it drops its value but whats your ipoins ?
My opinion is that based on this ask and previous ones you've sent me, your dad sounds like a mean, immature, toxic individual who needs to work on his anger issues. I don't think his behavior is fair at all
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tparker48 · 1 year
The day would be bright as Lisa made her way through the market with her friend Mike. Making their way through, they visited many Jewelry shops and trinkets booths to see what they would like. Lisa Especially as she search for things that would match her purple purse. But after time went, the grew hungry when the decided to take a break at a food stand. Ordering some fish sticks, the two sat on the benches and talked.
"This place really has it all, the product they got here are really nice" Lisa commented.
"And expensive. You sure you wanna shop here? I'm sure there's other places that can have some good things for you try." Mike chimed in, picking up a fishstick as he placed it into his mouth.
"Nonsense, if your going tonfind something if special value, why nit goto a market afterall?"
"Im just saying, I'm just saying" he laughed playfully. "Well then, which would you like to hit next?"
"There's a jewelry shop that might hold some goid stuff, we can hit that once we're done." she finished her meal before she stood up to adjust her shirt. "But first, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." she threw hers away before she went to the back of the market. Mike only nodded before continuing to eat his fish. Lisa made her way down the alley as she used the directions from staff to find her way to the bathroom. Heading inside, she went through the paneled doors to do her business.
A few minutes later, she came back out as she followed the path to return to mike. "Alright, now that that's over with, i think there's another jewelry shop I saw in the way here. I heard this time around they some pearls that-grk"
She bumped into a solid object as a she stepped back from what she hit. Looking up to as built but skinny guy as he blocked her way. "Hey there little lady" they said, their voice smooth, but mischievous. "It's most important to watch where you going. You don't know who you might run in to."
"Oh, terribly sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Apologies for knocking into you Mr.." she said.
"Charlie, call me charlie."
"Charlie. Well then Charlie, I apologize again" she said once more, moving past charlie. "now if you excuse me I'll-" a tug would pull at her pants, stopping her in her tracks. Looking back, a hand clasped at her belt, Charlie's hand as his gaze met hers.
"Not so fast" he smirked deviously "You can't just walk away without paying a little fee"
"Yeah fee, it gets so hard to find some good clothes nowadays. And you went and tarnished mind. And that's just won't do. Butch, Skimpy?" He looked behind him, two other figure stepping out from the alley. Skimpy was short as he came just to the waist of the other figure. And the other, Butch, his body built like a large drumstick as he towered over them all. "So watcha got?" He turned to Lisa, his grip growing tighter.
"I-I really should be getting back. I got someone waiting-"
"Waiting?!" Charlie mocked, swinging her against the wall. Pinning a hand next to her side as he leaned in close. "Im sure they wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer. But first.." He paused, drawing a finger across her chin "let's get that fee taken care of.."
He eyed her clothes for any valuables. Looking at her hearted necklace as it swayed around her neck. It looked decent enough, but even that wouldn't even be a hefty. Her dress did seem it as rocks shined around the fabric, but any who'd take a glance at that wouldn't even sell a penny. Looking to her waist, he looked at her purple purse as it swayed around her hip. A devious smile spreading across his face. "That purse will do just fine."
About half an hour passed since Lisa went to the bathroom. Mike already finished with his fish sticks as he laid across the table, looking to the alley way to see Lisa come from it. But no one came through that he recognized. "Wonder what's taking her so long?" He asked himself, getting from the table as he followed the trail that she took. Stepping towards an alley way, he began to walk through to head to the bathroom. But stopped when Lisa walked from behind the corner. Her dress torn at the bottom as her hat was muddy. "Lisa?! What happened?!"
"Hmm? Oh this? Just had a little bit of tustle with a few folks."
"Are you hurt?" He asked checking her sides. She seemed alright from he saw. Now bruises, no scratches, everything looked good. But he noticed her purse was gone. "Where's your purse."
"oh..that raggedy thing. Don't worry about it..its not much I want you to bother with."
Mike didn't know what to say to her response. Looking at her face as her expression seemed sad. But his attention looked forward when laughter lingered ahead. The three guys huddled together, celebrating upon their latest steal. One raising their hands as the purple purse held between them, before they bolted further into the Alley way. Mike's hand clenched as they disappeared behind the corner, wantng to chase after them. but looked to Lisa as she looked to the ground, taking her hand her hand and leading her out the alley way. "Come on, lets get you of these dirty clothes" he said softly. Lifting her off the ground and carrying her back to the market place.
After buying her some new clothes to wear, Mike treated her to a restaurant as he bought her some tea. Setting her along the outside tables before he stood in front if her. "Now that you're all dry, how about you catch up on some shows." He handed her his phone.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna go take a quick walk around the place. See the sights a little bit"
"Oh..okay" she replied.
Mike lowered toward her and kissed her forhead. "Don't worry, I'll back." He assured with a smile. But when he turned, his smile would flipped as he walked from the table. Vanishing around the corner. "Now where are those three.."
In a warehouse just a few houses down from the market, the three crooks hid inside. Away from other people, They looked through Lisa's bag. Throwing out document and papers, before digging through the pockets and found cash"Oh ho man, look at all this money." Charlie said. Shaking them oit and letting the money spill on the floor.
"Right?! This chick was packing!" Skimpy chimed in. Snatching the bag from charlie, he looked inside the purse as well. Noticing a small golden mirror resting inside the pocket. He went to reach in for it, but butch latched onto the purse. Lifting it as Skimpy dangled in the air. "H-hey!"
"Don't go spoiling the goods. We still gotta figure out how to sell it!"
"Yeah? Well until I het this mirror first!" Skimpy said. Fanning at the purse to reach inside. Butch rolled his eyes and shook the bag the to loosen skimpy's grip. Watching him fall on rear as he stood smugly over him. "Why you lousy-" skimpy got from his spot and charge at Butch. The big guy holding his palm along his head to keep him away. "Just wait until I get my hands on you!" He yelled up to him. Butch chuckling at his efforts to bypass his arm.
"Big guys, right. We hit the jackpot with this one. This purse is gonna make us millions! We gotta play our cards right, so don't damage it you two"
"That purse doesn't belong to you.." Mike's voice pierced through the air. Startling the three crooks as he entered into the building. His form towering past the shelves.
"Who are you supposes to be?" Charlie asked.
"None of that is your concern. But I know what is, that purse your holding." He pointed to the two holding it. "Give it to me.."
"Give it to you?!" Skimpy responded. "We caught this bag fair and square!"
"Yeah!" Butch responded, letting go of Skimpy as he crashed into the shelf. "It was easy pickings taking it from that scrawny woman. We're not giving it up!"
"That scrawny woman..is my friend" Mike scorned. His fist cracking as they shook in place. His steps more louder the closer he got to the three.
"Alright, I think I've heard enough of this" Charlie said. Annoyed he had to cut his search through the bag short. "Butch! Take this trash to the curb!"
"Hehe, with pleasure." He grinned. Dropping the bag to the floor, pounded his fist together and charged at Mike. Balling his fist, he punched forward. Awaiting to see his fist connect to his face. Nearly imagining the deformed expression he would have after once it landed, But his fist wouldn't connect. Instead, his hurtling fist crashed into Mike's palm. His force overwhelmed as it stopped in place. "What the?"
"I tried doing things nicely.." Mike groaned. Reaching forward, He Clasped at Butch's neck.punching him in the gut to throw him off.
"Bastard!" Butch wheezed. "Get off me!"
Mike pulled him to the ground and pinned at his heck. "It's not so easy picking on someone your own weight" Mike said. Pressing harder, his hand started to glow. Pulsing lightly as his hold on Butch's neck grew wider.
"Butch what are you doing?! Fight him!" Charlie barked. Watching as he struggled underneath Mike.
"You're dead meat! You hear me!" Butch yelled. Pushing into Mike's palm to get him off, the pulse getting stronger the further he struggled. After seconds of twisting and turning, He found that he grew smaller. And smaller, and smaller, until the thick fingers stretched at his back. "What the? Wha..what did you do to me?!"
"Now you're getting the picture.." Mike said. Curling his fingers around Butch. Hoisting him into his hand, he turned him over to himself. Glaring at the now small man, watching him twist and pound between his fingers to get himself free. But he wouldn't let him. Tightening his grip, he Presented Butch to Charlie and Skimpy, their shocked expressions spreading across their faces.
"He's..small." Skimpy muttered.
"The heck you do to butch?!" Charlie asked furious.
"Made him into a size more manageable. Now he's no bigger than a small hacky sack" Mike replied. He tossed Butch around, juggling him from one hand to the other. Never batting an eye toward him as he kept his gaze the two in front of him. Butch's form flying by below, feeling his body get more smaller with each land he would make his hand. the heavy weight that collided against it getting lighter, as his palm now refusing to move upon impact. After the last toss, he stopped and held Butch between his fingers. The once bulky brute Now no bigger than his pinky.
"Unshrink me you lousy bastard! Fight me like a man!" Their voice yelled. Coming off as noise when they reached Mike's ears.
"Think it's time to shut that mouth of yours" Mike responded. He unzipped his pants before loosening his briefs. Releasing his flaccid cock inside, it flopped onto his waistband. The head already sticking out from the shrouded skin as it pulsed heavily. Cupping it into his hand, he pointed the head upwards. Moving his occupied hand overhead as Butch dangled over the smooth surface of the head.
"Hey, what fo you think you're doing?!" Butch yelled. But received no response from Mike. Instead, the other hand came to view as it lowered to the edge of the cock head. With just a squeeze, the slit gaped open, presenting it pink tunnel inside. "He waai-" Letting go, Butch races toward the gaping maw of the slit. plunging shoulder deep into his urethra, before a thumb tucked the rest of him inside. His legs the only thing left sticking out.
"What the hell!"
"There's no way!"
"Finally I can hear myself think" Mike said. Unfazed by the flailing legs sticking out of his cock. Feeling Butch worm around the thick tube like fish, as he curled a finger underneath bulge sticking out from its length. He'd be lying to say he didn't enjoy, so he decided to let it be known. Stroking slowly his slit climbed to Butch's ankles. Swallowed its meal down its length before the bulge got lost in his strokes. Letting him sink the rest of the as he deposited into his balls.
"Took a lot more time than expected, but he's in." He said to them. He displayed his sac to them as his right nut swelled, Hand and footprints soon extending out from it. "Who's next?" He eyed at the two crook, slowly walking forward.
"Get the purse!" Charlie yelled. Bolting to the hallway of the warehouse. Shaken up, Skimpy followed behind him. Lookimg over his shoulder to eye Mike. His tall form filling the door frame, His cock filling its view as Mike dropped and let them sag back between his legs
"What are we doing?!" Skimpy yelled as ran behind Charlie. His little legs nearly tripping on themselves in efforts to catch up.
"We're taking this purse and we're getting out of this dump!"
"What about Butch?!"
"Forget him!" Charlie said.
The two turned the corner and raced through the hallway, Doors flying by them as cob webs flung at their shoulders. Traveling further, the two entered into a larger space. Suing machines aligning in columns, leasing toward a main table resting at the corner of the walls. Looking around, they found an exit door along the left side of the room. Heading toward it as the tried to bust through Its panels. But they held steady, the panel is creaking heavily with each tackle they made. The panels stopping halfway, before pushing against them.
"What's the hold up! Open them!" Charlie yelled.
"They won't budge!" Skimpy shouted. Reaching on the other end to see why they wouldn't move. Feeling bulky metal wrapped around the handles. "There's chains on them!"
While they focused on the door, they stopped when footsteps echoed from the door across the room. Looking to the dark hallway they exited from, they weren't sure how much time they had left before Mike appeared. Grabbing Skimpy's collar, Charlie rushed to the other doors around the large room. Busting into a room as furniture scattered around inside. A wooden wall next to them aligning with the couch as it stretched to the window. This can't be the only spot they could hide. But where else would they good? Closing the door, Charlie pulled Skimpy with him as they hid behind the furniture. Hiding behind a sofa as they peered over the top of it.
"Shh!" He hushed Skimpy. The faint footsteps getting louder, a silhouette soon casting over the glass window.
Pushed open, the two hid behind the sofa. Mike stepping out from the door as he made his way inside. "hmm.." His groan traveled through the space. His steps clicking on the tiled floor. He Scaled the room for any sign of the crooks. A hand at his balls as he held his sac in the center of its palm. "Come out, come out.." He said into the room.
Following the empty path to the window, looked to the furniture ahead that blocked the way. But looked away as he turned to the wooden wall a few feet away. "I know you two are here somewhere. Why don't you make it easier for the both of us and hand me that purse." He said. Looking to his sac, the right orb bounced upward. A pouch of skin stretching outward as it drooped over the side of his palm. Its egg-like shape jostling in place as Butch struggled inside. "Your friend's pretty restless." He said. lowering a finger down to scoop his teaticle back into his palm, pinning a thumb on top as he rubbed over its surface. "I wonder how you two will fair?"
He turned toward the door and walked toward it to search the other rooms. Looking to the couch just a few feet from door. Peering at for just a moment, before finally making his way out. As the door closed, Charlie and skimpy peeked out from behind the couch. Mike's shadow moving away from the door.
"Phew.. That was close.." Skimpy whispered.
"Keep quite you fool, we don't want him to know we're-"
Crash! A hand extended out from the wall as it clasped at Charlie's shirt. Another bursting through as it grabbed at the Skimpy's as well. The two tried to run to reduce Mike's hold along them, but he refused to relent. Heaving them to the wall as their backs slapped against the wooden board.
"Grgh!" Charlie pried at the wall. Hoisting himself slowly away from the wooden surface, but the arm pulled him back. A loud creak echoing from behind as Mike heaved harder.
"Charlie! I Can't get free!" Skimpy yelled. Cracks beginning to form at his back. The wall caving in on the hole upon the increased strength. Breaking through, the arm pulled retreated past the wall. Skimpy screa3mimg as he zoomed through the wall and into the other room. A flash soon shining as their voice grew smaller.
"Holy!!" Charlie gasped. Increasing his efforts to break free of Mike's grasp. He knew he was next, feeling the hand at his shirt grow tighter. Heaving backwards as it crashed through the wall, Charlie latched onto the wall as his back sunk in. "Grh! I'm not going in there!" He yelled. Pulling harder as he felt the strength coursing through the arm. It was like fighting against weights as each pull sunk his back downwards. His shirt beginning to tear as the corner of the fabric ripped off as it stretched to his sleeve. Snapping off, Charlie bolted for the door. Grabbing the purse along the way as he ran out the room. Looking over to the his shoulder see mike stepping out the opposite room.
"He got, Skimpy, Butch. This guy is crazy!" Charlie wheezed through his breath. Breathing heavily as he Bolted down the hall. Turning at another door, A door shined further ahead. This was it, a way out! Holding his breath he ran with all his strength to open panel, but halted when Mike stepped in the way. Their eyes meeting each other.
Mike only shook his head. Holding his cock in hand to display it to Charlie. A little foot sticking out the slit as it suckles around their ankle, a clench sending it inside as drizzle of pre drooled from its lips.
Charlie didn't know what to say. Frozen as he gazed at Mike's balls, the other testicle filling as it swelled the same height as the other. But when Mike stepped forward, his body told him to run. Bolting through the hallway from where he came through. Running into room, he hid behind the wall to catch his breath. He's won't stop, this guy was relentless! He the thought to himself. Afraid to peek out from behind the door, he looked to the purse as he held onto the handle. "This purse, all this for a damn purse!" He cursed. His head perking up as footsteps came from behind. Mike soon stepped inside, Charlie's heart sinking as he bolted down a pathway next to him. Hoping to find another way around, but instead found a dead end. Turning to Mike as he blocked the way. "L-look! You want the purse? Here!.." Charlie stuttered. Kicking the purse over to Mike "Take it! I don't want it!"
As the purse slid to Mike, he stared at it for split second. But stepped over it as his gaze Met Charlie's.
"W-what's the deal?! You've got the purse, now leave me alone! Hrck!" A palm collided against Charlie's neck.
"You think handing over the purse will weasel your way out of what you three did. I don't think so." Mike scorned. Raising the Charlie higher until their head aligned his.
"What?!" Charlie wheezed.
"You didn't care when my friend was pushed around. So allow me to show you what it's like to be on the other end." Mike said. Pressing harder, his hand began to glow. Slowly beginning to pulse as the Charlie started to shrink.
About an hour passed since Mike went on his walk. Lisa finishing off a sip of the coffee she ordered as she browsed through her stories. But noticed the crowd grow less vibrant than before. Most have already left to go shopping, whereas others went inside. "I wonder what type of purses are online.." She sighed. Flicking through her phone as she clicked on the online order, but looked up when a figure stood in front of her. A familiar face coming to view. "Oh there you are Mike. I almost thought you went around shopping without me."
"And miss all the shops without you? Come on you know me better than that by now" Mike chuckled.
"I suppose your right." She smiled back. "So how was your walk?"
"It was pretty good, got see a lovely sight. And look what I found along the way." He pulled the purple purse from his back. Hovering it front of him to Lisa.
"My purse!" Her eyes lit up. Grabbing a hold of the handle as she looked inside. Everything was there, like it never left. "But how did you.."
"I ran into those guys from before. Had a little talk with them about what happened"
"you did?! Are you hurt?!"
"Oh I'm fine. A little winded a bit, but I'll live. But for now.." He took Lisa's hand into his. Lifting her off the table and into arms, how about we finish our shopping together. I saw a fashion store that just might have what you'rer looking for to match your purse.
"Oh really? Let us go then" she said.
Mike nodded as he lead her forward. A hand at her back as he walked alongside her.
"Im so glad I got my purse back. But there's still one thing Im pondering How did you get them to hand you the purse?"
"Well, I showed them somes jewels of mine that I carry with me all the time. Shared a bit of it with them and just let me have." He said.
"Oh, I didn't know had jewelry. You you gabe them diamonds?"
"Something like that.."
As the two continued to walk, Mike scratched at his crotch to adjust the fabric wedging between them. At least from what he told Lisa. But inside, his balls swelled as they jostled around between his legs. The left testicle toppling over the right as they bounced over one another. Bulges stretching out from them in the progress.
"Well this is just the perfect mess isn't it?" Charlie muffled from the left nut. Pushing outward from his own prison to stop himself from knocking into the from coated walls.
"We just had to steal that purse! We couldn't have just stuck to scams instead!" Skimpy muffled from the right nut. It form much more swollen as both him and Butch shared their prison egged prison.
"Lousy stinking bastard, when I get out of here I'm gonna gonna beat him to a pulp!" Butch thrashed around. Punching at the elastic walls of the sac to cause an uproar, but they'd barely make a difference from the constant bouncing from Mike's legs.
"Will you stop moving Butch, you're splashing me into the cum."
"Cry me a river, Im cramped as it is without your whiny butt in it!"
"Who you calling whiny!"
"You squirt!"
"Shut up already!" Charlie yelled.
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palant1r · 6 months
hi!! i hope you're well! some friends and i were just discussing the fake execution car scene in death note, and the subject of your fantastic analysis on the guns/gun safety in death note came up. i could have sworn you'd done a breakdown of the whole situation with the blanks in the car -- was that you, or did i possibly get that mixed up with your analysis of the way matsuda handles guns? (which i think about all the time btw.) also on a related note your death note analysis is consistently SO good, it's truly some of my favourite in the entire fandom. it's always so comprehensive and well-considered.
AAAAAA thanks so much for the compliment!!!! i always feel like im being totally incoherent in my meta so im very happy u like it :D
I know there IS a breakdown floating around, but I don't think I did it, since I'm honestly not a gun expert, and I don't know much about blanks. I do certainly mention that scene pretty much every time I talk about guns in Death Note, though.
I choose to interpret that scene through the lens of Death Note existing in a world in which blanks are totally harmless even if they go off right next to the face. Because of this, I don't interpret Soichiro as someone who was being willfully reckless with his son's life in that scene — as far as he knew and as far as the rules of Death Note's world work, Light was never in any actual danger. It's a Doylesian issue of the writer not knowing about blanks, not a Watsonian lapse in judgement. That being said, I can and WILL draw conclusions about Soichiro's willingness to Traumatize his son.
As for how Soichiro is constantly getting uppity about killing and guns and legality while also being VERY quick to point a weapon at people...on one hand, this is likely the writer not understanding the gravity of a firearm, and we're meant to take Soichiro's morals at face value. On the other hand, I do think it's a really interesting direction to take the character in fanon to think about what it means for him to be someone who seems to think that the intention with which he uses a weapon can somehow make that weapon less deadly.
It's a nice parallel with Light, isn't it? For Light, the ends justify the means...for Soichiro, the means justify the ends...yet both have inconsistencies in that philosophy and a belief that their inflexible moral codes absolve them of any evil.
Something something Matsuda being willing to wield both a Death Note and a gun for the Yagamis...something something Matsuda, unlike Soichiro and even Mello, never pointing his firearm at anyone he doesn't plan to kill....
I swear to God I am capable of talking about Death Note without eventually bringing Matsuda into it.
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nicosraf · 6 months
hi i have a bit of a personal ask, feel free to ignore. i developed a theology hyperfixation this year. it started with just being into the imagery and then specifically angels and then i read your book which made me start reading the bible (as well as start learning about other religions). im personally not religious, i was even raised christian but it never stuck to me, as soon as i was away from my christian school it felt right and free. i never doubted how i felt. but now that im engaging with all these religious texts and keep hearing how if i dont believe in this god or that god then im going to suffer for eternity it... has made me feel very anxious haha. i dont believe these gods exist but ive been having "what if what if what if what if" stuck in my brain and its making going about my usual life difficult. (i have ocd which doesnt help). anyway... you seem knowledgable and full of wisdom im just wondering if you happen to have advice for my situation. maybe the answer is just to stop indulging this interest but i do genuinely find it interesting lol. thanks so much for your time!
Hello! I think it's difficult to answer this without getting personal myself but I want to answer because I really get it! I go through some phases of obsessive-compulsive (+ I can really struggle with reality sometimes), and religion is a huge one for me. When I got into theology, I think I was partly motivated by the idea that if i delved deep enough, I would find something that would make me stop feeling bound by what the Bible says. As in, I would find something that would make me go, "Ah! It's all fake!" or "Ah! This god is so evil that I'm better off burning in hell!"
Well, I did do my deep dive, and it didn't really turn out that way. The canon Bible is interestingly nuanced and so is theology. So here is what helped me not feel terrified of the "What if" :
Frame theology in a way that brings you comfort, instead of just taking its warnings at face value. Interpret liberally. If it is real, then you will be okay. The Bible is pretty wishy washy about the suffering of non-believers and god is supposed to be forgiving/understanding. Maybe he'll get it. Maybe he likes you. If it's not real, then you'll be fine; you were for a long time, after all. If it is real, you'll be fine too.
On the point above — if hell scares you, then read about hell. Most theologians can't agree on it at all! When I read the theory that hell might be empty, it brought me comfort.
Read on other religions. I can't emphasize this one enough!!! Expand your horizons. Read about every religion in the world, especially smaller and indigenous ones. Read about how Abrahamic religions have split off and what motivated the splits. I think remembering the human role in what eventually gets to the final doctrines really helps. The Christian elite would want you to get the most fear-mongering version of the text; they don't want to lose you!
You can definitely take a break. My therapist recommended me to stop indulging, but that's easier said than done. And it might be the healthiest option, but I wanted to provide this advice in case you think it might help... I'm not full of wisdom!!! I make nothing but mistakes and I am still learning... but I hope I can reassure you that you're not alone! We struggle together
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theonlyadawong · 10 months
my understanding of val and sheila - a chorus line
(warning! this post is super long. also, im not a writer. so.)
in val's monologue she talks about how she was a better dancer than the people that got cast, it was just that she wasn't as conventionally attractive as the other women, so she didn't get cast. val then says, "but after a while i caught on. i mean, i saw what they were hiring," and then she looks to sheila, who has a knowing, proud look on her face. the immediate reaction to this is that sheila is getting cast because of her fuller figure, which is not untrue, but it is also val calling out sheila for relying on looks and being an inadequate dancer. remember, this is the sheila who stops dancing upon getting placed upstage, the sheila who always has a snarky remark about thr audition ready to go, the sheila who by the end, admits that maybe this is the end for her broadway career. sheila represents the women who val was losing jobs to, the ones she was better than, the ones who relied solely on their figure to get jobs, which is why val so blatantly calls sheila out in the middle of the audition. when you remember that val was losing jobs because of women like sheila (or more specifically because of the system which values conventionally attractive people more than those deemed "ugly." that being said, val doesn't take her anger out on the system, she takes her anger out on sheila) suddenly, sheilas jokes about only knowing choreography when she was in the front are not funny anymore, they're infuriating.
on the flipside of this, sheila is a woman who has been working for years, and she's tired now, and despite not being that old (she's only 30) she knows the business will not accept her as she ages. this is something val proves to her when she announces she got plastic surgery, and it did, in fact, change her life for the better. in fact, val's exact words are, "keep the best of you, do the rest of you." while this isn't directed at sheila at all, it is a sentiment that im sure strikes her in her heart, because it's something she's been thinking about herself (before "what i did for love" she has the line, "hell im 30. i mean, how many years do i have left to be a chorus cutie? 3? 4. if i get my eyes done.") also, when val is asked her age she says, "old. no- 25," which must be yet another blow to sheila, as she's the oldest woman on the line, and to hear the person who upstaged you call themselves old when they're only 5 years younger than you must burn.
(also note that sheila and val have similar introductions
SHEILA: I'm Sheila Bryant. Really Sarah Rosemary Bryant, which I really hate. I was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. And I'm gonna be 30 real soon, and I'm real glad.
VAL: Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm Valerie Clark, but my parents think I'm Margaret Mary Houlihan. Couldn't you just die? I was born in the middle of nowhere, a little town called Arlington, Vermont. Bye-bye
ZACK: How old are you?
VAL: Old. No- 25
both women hate their birth names, and you easily could make the point that sheila associates her birth name with her home life, specifically her parents, which she states she tried to avoid, meaning they have the same reason for taking up stage names. then they both say where they're from and then they state their age. sheila states hers with faux confidence, as she knows she will soon be aged out of the business, while zack has to force val to share her age, she even prefaces it by saying she's old, despite the fact that she's not, because she too is feeling the years creep up on her. (again, she's not old, nor do i think either of these women are old, but show business is loaded with misogyny).
it is also important to note that both women express the desire to move out of dancing. val says she's gotten into acting, and sheila admits that she might consider teaching. the difference, however, is that in leaving to teach, sheila would essentially be giving up her career (see cassie's line in her monologue, "and what i really don't want to do is to teach other people what i should be doing myself." this line is cassie stating that being a dance teacher would be a miserable last resort for her), while val would still be in the business, just a different part of the business. but still, both have realized dancing is not for them.
sheila also has the line, "and then your 25, and then you say 'just a couple of years more.' hell im 30..." and then she continues on about not having left to be in the chorus. while this line is about herself, this is also something that im sure resonates with val, as she is 25, and here she is auditioning for the chorus, and here's sheila telling her what her future will look like. this fear that sheila has, it's in val too, which is why shes forced herself into acting, it gives her another avenue to perform, but it is not a guaranteed path to success, it's just something to keep her in the game a little longer.
at the end of the day, sheila and val are the same person just at different times in their life, and im sure in five years, val will be someone's sheila, and a younger woman will be her val, and the cycle will continue.
and in the end, both of these women's feelings toward each other and themselves are validated when val gets cast and sheila doesn't.
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gracie-has-a-sticker · 2 months
tips for wonyoungism
Who is wonyoung?⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
 Following Well many would question, who exactly is wonyoung? This question may come from many non-kpop fans and even new kpop fans! Wonyoung as of 2024 is part of a group called IVE under starship ent She is also a ex-member of Iz*one, just to clear the air she did not leave the group due to any personal problems but the group as a whole disband!
Wonyoung has had the kpop fans and the internet on a chokehold because of
1; her absolutely insane beauty
2; charismatic personality
3; talented performance
4; a fashion, brand and, skincare icon
5; always determined attitude
6; a unbothered queen
7; most recently, the legal battle
In summary, Jang Won Young's charisma, fashion sense, and resilience has contributed to her viral status in South Korea's entertainment scene✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ and in this book, we will be going in dept to talk about her her viral wonyoungism mindset!
reminders about wonyoungism⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆
I just want to let you know that before we jump into this whole wonyoungism mindset, I just wanna let you know you are beautiful the way you are!!! no need to change how you look or anything about you, wonyoungism is suppose to help you to grow as a individual, please don't degrade yourself lol. If you feel like wonyoungism isn't for you, don't mold yourself to be something your not!! Remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!
Mindset𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡
 Wonyoung has a stern mindset, she always has a white swan mindset What is a white swan mindset? White swan~ You always focus on the good not the bad, a white swan mindset is being able to focus on the good and learn from your past failures :( You always have a smile on your face, knowing you will see results, you never put yourself down when someone talks bad about you! Wonyoung never puts herself down because she knows her value, she knows how much she is worth!!! People talk bad about you okay so what???? their is a reason they are behind you!!! Wonyoung also has a idgaf mindset, like queen wonyoung said "your you, im me" Wonyoung doesn't care about haters because she knows that at the end of the day, what did you benefit out of listening to the haters, nothing! you don't get a glow up instead you get glow down, when you listen to haters you end uplowering your value and lowering your worth! why? because you listen to people talk about you, instead of focusing on yourself, it is so important to just block out the haters, Wonyoung got so much hate at such a young age, she dealt with grown adults hating on her but what did she do? she ignored them, when you start doing that people will start to realize, you have a idgaf mindset, people will start to realize how stupid they look taking about you, when you honestly don't give a fuck (sorry for cussing lol) so the whole entire thing summed up, focus on yourself, get your work done and if anyone hates don't worry because when they realize that you don't care at the end of the day and they will be and look embarrassed.
Hobbies are really important because when you have so much extra time on your hands, you just might be a victim of scrolling endlessly on tiktok, instagram, twitter and, youtube. Wonyoung has hobbies such as modeling, she plays the piano, flute and violin and she learned English and Japanese. . . . Yes, I and many have fallen into that constant cycle of being lazy and just laying on the couch, hair messy, clothes dirty with a can of coke-a-cola and a bag of chips, eating myself away. Yes when in the moment it feels nice and being to take a break from reality, but question yourself after the lazy moment "why did I do that?" "what do I benefit from that besides watching 200 reels and binge watching 2 seasons of the k-drama series called happiness *i love that show lol*" but in all seriousness people will joke around and say "My hobby is eating" or "binge watching is my hobby" but lets be honest we all know that's not a hobby. Having hobbies can benefit you in so many ways. Hobbies help you with your emotional or mental health, hobbies can also help you interact/socialize with others, you can find new friends because you guys share a new hobby. Hobbies can be so fun and help you learn more things you didn't know before. . . . Hobby Idea list <3
*Writing music
*Learn a new language (i am currently involved in this hobby and I love it lol)
*Find out new music
*Travel (only if your allowed to;)
*Join a club (jazz, art, photography or clubs you would enjoy!)
*Reading .
More physical hobbies
*Ice Skating
*Weight Lifting
the end love you stay safe my lovely oomfs<3
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noxexistant · 1 year
( sorry if it seems like im repeating the whole raremash thingy, im not even sure that you actually like the ship )
- mystery anon
mystery anon, i would die for raremash. i also pinky promise i am trying SO HARD to get that fight club fic written for you, and it will be. at some point. i am so sorry for the wait. but here’s some them for now, to hopefully help tide you over <3
22. “you didn’t do anything wrong.” for finch, morris, albert, and tommy boy
Finch knows something’s wrong the moment he enters Jacobi’s and hears quiet, anxious murmuring rather than the loud conversation and laughter he’d been expecting.
It’s a Wednesday night, late - but it’s summer, so the sun ain’t all the way down just yet - and long enough after sales that there ain’t many other newsies about, especially not on a weekday. Not that weekends mean anything to them, they don’t get days off, but everyone’s still livelier on a Friday or Saturday just for the principal of it. Them’s the days everyone older’s most likely to gather at Jacobi’s at this sort of hour, and that’s the same reason it’s weekdays that Finch and the others meet Morris.
He don’t get days off either, don’t even get time for lunch between the end of morning sales and the start of evening sales like they do if they sell well enough, so the time they do manage to get with him has to be more valued. They’ll meet when Jacobi’s is dead like tonight and stay for as long as they can all stay awake or as long as Mr. Jacobi’ll stay open for them, Albert talking endlessly and Tommy all but glued to Morris’ side and Finch soaking it all up as much as he can.
But Albert isn’t talking right now.
He’s stood near the middle of the restaurant floor, next to an unoccupied but untidy table, wrestling with a broom as he tries clumsily to sweep up a mess of glass scattered at his feet. It looks to be the corpse of a drinking glass, maybe, thoroughly shattered, with its former contents wetting the mess and making it near impossible to sweep.
On the other side of the restaurant, sort of huddled at a table near the corner, Tommy’s leaning over Morris. He’s the one talking for once, so low that Finch can’t really make out a word of it until he gets closer, but, when he does, just from that he can easily piece together what must’ve happened.
“It’s okay,” Tommy’s saying, real soft. “‘S’fine, ‘s’no buh—bi-big deal, I s-ss-wear. Ain’t nobody mad at you, you didn’t do nuh—nothin’ wrong.”
Morris is shaking. Tommy’s holding the side of his face, rubbing his thumb back and forth over Morris’ bruised cheekbone and trying to get his attention, but Morris is staring right past him like Tommy doesn’t exist. His eyes are fixed to the door behind the bar, his face pale with terror, breath coming out short and scared.
“Where’s Mr. Jacobi?” Finch asks, although he can once again guess. It’s Albert that answers.
“Went to the back room ‘cause he was scarin’ Mo,” he explains, taking one hand off his broom to point to the door when Finch turns to him. Finch’s brows furrow, a burst of protective anger sparking in his gut despite the fact he knows anything the man might’ve done would’ve been accidental.
“What’d he do?”
“Nothin’,” Al shrugs, turning back to his cleaning. “But Mo thinks he’s gonna get beat. Just ‘cause he dropped a glass.”
Finch watches him, inhaling slowly.
He’d easily pieced it together, of course, but it’s still another matter to hear it said out loud. To have one of his own old fears, born of his own old reality, reflected back at him like this. To see Morris - tall and strong as he is, the same age as the rest of them - hold all of the childish fear Finch likes to think he himself has long let go of.
He exhales, and joins Tommy, crouching down on Morris’ other side. From this close, he can see exactly how bad Morris is shaking, and it makes him jittery too.
“‘S’okay, Mo,” he says, quiet, and tries not to think too hard on it when Morris flinches even at him, his fists clenching like he’s fighting the instinct to punch Finch. “‘S’okay. Ain’t like that here, you ain’t gonna get hurt by nobody. Mr. Jacobi sure ain’t gonna hurt you. He’s…’ey, how does Snipe say it? Paper tiger. He’s jus’ a paper tiger.”
“Morris don’t know what that means,” Al says loudly from where he’s still sweeping up the glass.
Finch supposes he’s right.
“Means he’s harmless,” he explains to Morris, leaning in closer. “Pretends to be scary, but ain’t nothin’ underneath that.” Morris breathes shakily.
“Like Al,” he croaks.
His eyes are still fixed on the door, and he still looks half terrified, but there’s a tiny amount of life returning to him. Finch laughs, both amused by Albert’s offended exclamation somewhere behind them and relieved to have some sort of response from Morris. Morris even dares to move slightly, shifting closer to Tommy who takes him gladly, wrapping his arm round him and resting his cheek atop Morris’ untidy curls.
“Jus’ like Al,” he agrees with a somber nod while Finch is still laughing. Tommy bumps his cheek gently against Morris’ head, that silent way of communicating and expressing affection like they do, and it seems to finally break some more of the spell - enough that Morris this time can dart his eyes away from the door for a second or two, just long enough to look at Finch.
“You was late,” he says quietly. It’s a bold opener, but frankly the one Finch’d expected from Morris for breaking routine. He tilts his head in acceptance, grinning wanly.
“Had to sell m’last papes,” he explains. “Ain’t been a good day.”
Even beyond the fresh fear in his eyes, Morris looks like he ain’t really had a good day either. He looks tired again, like maybe he ain’t slept.
Albert ruffles Finch’s hair roughly as he finally joins them, sitting down heavily in the chair Finch is crouched in front of. Finch glowers over his shoulder, glances briefly at the other chair at the table, but that one’s furthest from Mo, and…okay, maybe Finch’s got a little gnawing about the fact that he weren’t here to do nothing when Mo got scared.
Albert’s good at dealing with the practicality of situations - no doubt he’d put himself right on clean-up duty after he’d told Mr. Jacobi to beat it - and Tommy’s good at being tactile, the solid force that Mo needs to keep him on the ground. But Finch is the talker - he’s the one says the right stuff, does the arguing and the ordering and the comforting.
Although, Tommy’d been doing a pretty good job of the comforting today. Finch feels a wave of gratitude, once again soaking up the fact that they all got each other.
“Speakin’ o’ good days,” Finch says, settling himself on the floor and leaning against Morris’ leg. “Any of youse gonna get me a drink? An’ we gotta get at least one replacement.” He nods behind him to where the mess’d been, teasing.
“Was jus’ water,” Albert defends. Finch shrugs.
“Yeah? I say we pay our respects for it by orderin’ somethin’ better this time.”
“Said you ain’t got money,” Tommy reminds him.
“You two were here on time. Musta sold okay.” Finch grins at them. “Gotta have two cents between ya to get me a seltzer.”
Tommy rolls his eyes right back at him, but he’s the one who stands up, gently stroking Morris’ hair as he goes. He digs through his pockets for his money, and disappears through the back door to find Mr. Jacobi.
Finch immediately clambers up and swipes his seat. A move he plays off as selfish, but is really only to be able to toss an arm around Morris’ shoulders when Mr. Jacobi comes back out with Tommy Boy a couple seconds later. Mr. Jacobi, thankfully, stays away behind the bar, and it’s Tommy who comes over to deliver their drinks once they’re made - a metal tumbler of Finch’s seltzer, and a smaller coffee cup which Tommy puts in front of Morris.
Morris peers at it, confused, then peeks up at Tommy.
“‘S’fo—for you,” Tommy clarifies, nodding to it. “Hot choc’late. Mr. Jacobi said you like it.”
“Didn’ order it,” Morris argues, gaze following Tommy with his brows furrowed as Tommy rounds the table for the empty chair. “Can’fford it.” But then he looks at the cup, and Finch can see how his eyes are alight with something childlike and wanting. It figures that Morris likes hot chocolate.
“Wa—was free,” Tommy says. “Mr. Jacobi said, in case you’re feeling gi—guilty ‘bout the glass.” He leans in closer, almost conspiratorially, across the table, and offers Morris a playful smile. “Told you you didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”
Morris can’t fight the smile that comes to his face in return. He goes right for the hot chocolate now that he knows he’s got permission, and Finch picks up his own drink. Chugs half of it before he feels Morris nudge him roughly in the arm.
“What?” he asks, putting his cup down. Morris pushes the hot chocolate towards him.
“Bad day. Hot choc’at,” he says, as if that’s plenty explanation, and somehow it is. Finch’d feel guilty if it were anyone else, especially any of the newsies, but Morris likes sharing like this - has had a lifetime of halving everything he’s got to split with his brother, where Finch is used to halving everything to save - so he takes the cup and takes a gulp.
He ignores Albert’s whining that he wants some, too.
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