#so it only took me like 3 days since i also kept skipping all the flashback scenes. some of which i have seen at least 20 times
#so because i hate myself obviously i decided to finally finish naruto. after all those years. it was time#and damn you guys. and here i mean you guys who love this show. i would like to ask you how#i skipped all the filler eps for my own sanity (thank you anime filler list i owe you several hours of my life)#i have seen the first 250eps or so when it was still freshly coming out all those *checks watch* eleven years ago. wow. horrifying.#so it only took me like 3 days since i also kept skipping all the flashback scenes. some of which i have seen at least 20 times#im not even joking. 20 times. the exact same scenes. within 100-200 eps. why and also fuck you#anyways#i have just a few more to go but i know how it ends anyways so its just a formality now but like. i have just one teeny tiny question#why the fuck. is sasuke evil again#for the ten thousandth time#yo fans of naruto. completely seriously how do you deal with this shit#i dont hate the show. it has been a huge formative anime of my childhood/adolescence. my entrance to fandom#my reason to learn english and also japanese#my reason to start drawing and writing and creating and so on and so forth#but my fucking dudes. the story writing of the show is so shit#the show couldve ended at ep 340 or so. for what reason were there fifty different plot twists#i swear no one was amazed anymore. there were no plot holes to fill i promise you. why would you keep snowballing more#''secret evil plots'' and ''actually even stronger eviler more god-like creature that wants to end humanity for whatever reason''#this is like number one rule of good story telling. you cannot keep telling the reader actually this was all someone else's evil plan#and then keep going with the ''actually'' three more times#im so annoyed because regardless of how bad the quality of the show always was and how mediocre some of the characters were#*cough* all the women ones *cough*#i still loved the show. if nothing else for nostalgia sake#but sasuke turning evil for the nth time like 10 eps before the show ends really makes me want to throw hands#to quote my real life friend chidi anagonye: the dot above the 'i' broke me. sasuke being evil again for one last plot twist did it#his character is so empty what the hell. i cant even say that his actions are out of character bc i dont think he even has any#also now that i started shitting at the show. whats with all those bible references. why?? for what reason???? stop?#i get izanagi and izanami and a literal ep called sengoku jidai but my dude. cant you just do one?#(if i see obito's tragic backstory flashback one more fucjing time i will lose it i swear on this. or worse - turn evil!)#also if anyone of you read this whole rant im sorry but also this ones on you <3
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notmyprey · 21 days
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Ope, another new character that's not actually new and has technically been a full fledged character in my brain for a while now.
Their name is Angel, and their basic premise is that they are a "Guardian" (creature made to look after a himan, read specifics under cut) of a girl named Lilly.
Again, I go a bit more in-depth after the cut, but feel free to send me asks about them!!
(TW: SH and Attempted Suicide mentions under the cut. I will highlight the paragraph/s containing this in red, so you can skip over them if you would like)
Background Information:
Angel lives in a world where about 1 in every 3 people are granted a "Guardian" at birth. Most people only get one Guardian, and its rare to have more than one. The purpose of a Guardian is to help their human with making decisions, though that's not to say Guardian dont have their own personalities. Guardian look and act like humans, but are much smaller (they are normally 9-12 cm tall once full grown). Guardians also mature at the same pace as humans, and do grow to get taller and or more mature.
Guardians dont need food or water, but many choose to eat and drink because they like the taste.
Each Guardian has the ability to sprout wings. Their wings are part of the Guardian, and cannot be changed or altered, though the type of wings can be anything from bird like to bat like. Guardians also posses the ability to teleport to the human they Guard.
Guardians are near unkillable, the only way to kill one being that both of their wings need to be cut off.
Angel is a Guardian of Lilly, alongside Lilly's other Guardian, Ash. As depicted above, Angel does not look human at all, something they are mocked for constantly. They have paws, fluffy ears, and have white and black fur all over his body. They also has a tail (which is not shown in the picture).
Angel and Ash got their names from a common phrase which refers to the Guardians as "an Angel and a Devil". The phrase was originally something to degrade people who had 2 Guardians, since many thought that those born with 2 Guardians were cursed to be born with one angel and one devil. But since that theory has been debunked in modern times, its now used to say that someone has 2 Guardians.
Angels story:
Angel had a normal childhood, but things started getting rough when Lilly started school. Kids would point out Angels strange appearance, some being meaner about it than others. After the kids started to get meaner to both Lilly and Angel around 4th-5th grade, Lilly stopped claiming Angel and ignored them. This caused Lilly to start really bonding with Ash, while her and Angel did not get that same bond.
Angel is also ignored by Lilly's family, since many in her family dont have Guardians and as such dont know how to interact with them. Both of these factors worsened once Lilly hit middle school, and she herself started bulling Angel as well. Her and Ash started mocking Angel and making backhanded comments about them to their face. They would also play pranks on Angel, directly putting them in harms way.
Often, when it came to holidays, Angel wouldn't get gifts, and if they did it was often something small or something Lilly or Ash discarded.
Once in Highschool, Lilly and Ash started to get more elaborate with their pranks. Lilly read online a meme that was along the lines of "Technically, since Guardians are small enough and they cant die, you could eat them lol", which Lilly then took as a great prank to pull on Angel.
In short, Lilly ate Angel, and kept them for a few days before spitting them back out.
While in Lilly's stomach, Angel started to reevaluate their worth to Lilly, and confidently decided that they were practically useless. Lilly was functioning just fine without Angel, and they didnt think they would be missed.
Once let back out, they waited till everyone was asleep, and went to the kitchen. They tied a string to the hilt of a knife, and anchored it to a drawer handle, acting like a makeshift guillotine. They placed the joint connecting their wing and torso under it, and let go of the string. Their wing was severed from their body, the resulting pain making them scream for a moment. After calming down, they pulled the string to bring the knife in the air once more. Right as they positioned their second wing, Lilly's mom entered the kitchen. Upon seeing Angel, she quickly screamed for Lilly to wake up. She picked up Angel, wrapped their nub with a paper towel, and thrusted them into Lilly's hands. She threw the wing into a bag with ice and ran to the car.
Once at the ER, the doctors tried to reattach Angels wing, but unfortunately it did not work.
After this incident, Lilly realized just how drastically mean she has been to Angel. Since it had just been the norm to her, and since Angel had never fought back, she hadn't thought to stop till then. She decides to try and be better towards Angel, working to build a bond with them.
What my drawing depicts is a moment a few days after the incident. Angel had by then convinced themself that they are only useful when they are "food", and in the drawing, Angel is trying to convince Lilly to eat them again.
So ya, my poor poor trauma ridden Angel......
Again, questions are the best!! ASK ME THINGS!!!!
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aeoncss · 2 months
hihi! just came across your blog during a fixation trip on mike from fnaf. i love how u write the hcs, it's endearing (i don't make sense rn, sorry). could i request a fluffy with just a hint of nsfw with an olderbf! mike? like the reader is early 20s while he's in mid/late 20s..? the au thingy has me in a chokehold i don't wanna get out of anytime soon.. if you're not comfy, it's alright!
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and i love her | olderbf!mike x fem!reader
an: anon, i was at work when you sent this and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since. because it also wasn’t specified, i’m using fem!reader for this prompt but i will gladly do a gn!reader version if that’s what you wanted instead <3 thank you so much too!!
cw: nsfw (18+!), hints to a unstable home life, mentions of insecurity.
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the two of you first met while working at the local mall. you worked retail in one of the clothing shops mike used to frequent, and soon enough through time, the two of you began having breaks and lunches together. they were short and 9/10 times were always interrupted by somebody needing mike, but the time spent together was enjoyed nonetheless.
mike, honestly, didn’t think much of it until he brought abby over one day on his day off, needing to get her some new clothes for school. he stopped by your shop, saying a quick hello and allowed abby to look around for a minute while you two conversed.
after a bit, abby turned back around and skipped over to her older brother — standing beside him as her eyes glanced up at you from behind the vendor counter.
“are you my brother’s girlfriend?”
the panic that instantly flew into mike’s body left him speechless. wide eyed, lips parted, stuttering so hard he could barely speak. not to mention, how fast his cheeks grew red.
he couldn’t lie to himself, there was a growing reason why he started enjoying kept away moments with you. mike was slowly developing a crush, but the thought of it absolutely terrified him.
you two weren’t far apart in age, but he still had some years on you. you were in college, slowly beginning to make a name for yourself and a future worth working towards — while mike? he was using every second taking care of abby and attempting to keep their lives afloat just for her sake.
he didn’t have a support system, and truth be told, he was more than just down in the dumps. rock bottom was stirring in hot.
you deserved someone more stable. more capable than him, and god knows you would never look at someone like him.
however, a smile graced your lips rather than a shocked expression at abby’s question. you leaned over the counter, grinning as you dropped a dum-dum into her hand.
“we’re just good friends,” you chuckled - eyes flickering between mike and his little sister, “but who knows? fate is a funny thing.”
“what’s fate?” abby replied back, beaming at the lollipop now resting in her palm.
mike’s heart was fucking pounding. he couldn’t even hear you responding back to abby, all he could focus on was how his heartbeat echoed inside his ears and how hard his stomach fluttered.
soon after that, the two of you began dating. it only took one date and a late night kiss at your doorstep to make things official.
the dynamic of your relationship is different than anything mike has had in the past.
you keep him up to date with things he normally doesn’t pay attention to. what celebrity is dating who, what new fashion trends are in and out. things of that nature.
he absolutely fucking loves it when you start rambling about topics regarding that. he’ll sit and watch you, a quirked smile on his lips as he nods and hums along.
“angelina jolie and who? tell me more, hun.”
adores calling you pet names. prefers babe, baby, and honey.
when he’s sleepy, he is clingy — super clingy. doesn’t want to sleep without you because now he’s so used to having your weight against him and in his arms.
likes to sleep with his head on your lap or stomach, especially when the two of you are laying on his couch, but in bed he prefers being the big spoon with his head either on your shoulder or pressed against your back.
breakfast in bed MASTER.
loves, loves waking you up on a day off with some freshly made breakfast and a smoothie, if he has the groceries for it, and always admires the sleepy smile that stretches across your lips when you realize what’s happening.
mike also loves it whenever you go to him for advice. needing help with something rumbling in your car, needing to figure out how to send in a specific document or form, really basic and mundane stuff. but it makes his heart soar, knowing that you trust him enough to seek that from him.
absolutely knew he wanted to marry you the second abby began asking around for you more often, wanting to do girls-nights together and sleepovers.
the fact that abby loved you and trusted you enough as well — that was all mike needed.
the three of you try to have nights where you all go out or do something for abby at least a few times a week, if your work schedules allow it.
most of the time, it’s taking abby to the nearby park and watching her play around with her friends for a few hours before walking back home. or heading to a nice restaurant to have dinner together.
nsfw —
he was hesitant on being intimate with you for the first few months. not because he didn’t want to — trust me, he wanted to — but because it had been so long with his previous relationships that he was afraid of even bringing the topic up.
during a late night drive, wanting to look at some christmas lights being put up before the holiday, mike was going to bring it up..
however, it never exactly did — when you pulled him into the backseat after parking in a secluded area and riding him after.
now he’s not afraid lmao
mike is a fucking sucker for eating you out. man is a munch, all day every day.
with given consent, will absolutely wake you up by eating you out. groans into your pussy when you stir awake, slowly and tenderly rolling his tongue between your folds as you’re struggling to keep yourself quiet.
he’s not insanely dominant, but he has his moments, especially after a long day at work, where all he wants is to fuck you into the mattress.
hand on your head, moans being muffled by his pillow as he thrusts into you from behind — biting onto his shirt to keep himself quiet while he watches his cock sink into you over and over.
tries not to have rough or fast sex on his bed. it’s fucking squeaky.
if you’re going to take a shower, he’s coming with.
likes slowly thrusting into you while pushed up against the cold tile wall, fingers intertwined with your hands above your head as he moans softly into your mouth. goes at a steady pace, slowly dragging himself in and out between your walls until his head drops into the crook of your shoulder, a whimper falling from his lips as he fills you up.
lots, and i mean LOTS of praise. always when you’re riding him or if you’re in missionary together.
“that’s it— fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good..”
“yeah? you can take it. just a little bit more… just like that..”
aftercare always. even after a quickie right before work, he’s kissing you sweetly before getting dressed (all with a little bit a wobble to his legs), grabbing you a little snack and some water to get yourself going again.
or he’ll happily cuddle you in bed, bathing in the afterglow as you two settle your breaths and relax into one another.
will always love a bath together if you suggest it. whatever his baby wants, his baby is gonna get. mike will sit behind you in the tub, doesn’t even matter if it’s cramped or he’s sitting awkwardly, and will let you relax against him as he gently combs throughout your hair or helps you wash yourself off.
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sleepingpillscosmos · 4 months
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pairing: jean kirstein x fem!reader.
warnings/content: modern AU. implied past sex activity if you squint. reader cries but it's because she's happy.
wc: 1.3k.
a/n: hi hi hi @stopisa, this is your gift from me, your cupid <3 I hope you'll enjoy this fic and I hope you passed a wonderful day! I saw Jean was one of your preferred ones and I've wanted to write for him for a long time so I took this opportunity to do it!
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You finished packing for tonight, remembering to put your gifts beside the bag so that you wouldn’t forget them.
It was Valentine’s day, every couple probably decided to go out and eat at a fancy restaurant, but you and Jean opted to stay at home and relax. You both had a hell of a week, so it was the only thing that didn’t require too much effort while spending time together.
As you left your apartment, you sent a quick text to Jean, letting him know that you would be there in about twenty minutes or so.
After you arrived at his apartment you rang the doorbell and Jean opened the door almost immediately.
“Were you waiting for me at the door like a dog?” You said jokingly as you hugged him.
Even though you lived close, you often didn’t have the time to see each other. You both worked, had classes at university and your own lives, so even if you really wished to spend time together everyday, you couldn’t.
You also had different friends. You met Connie, Armin, Eren, Mikasa and Sasha at the very start of your relationship, but they were all childhood friends and you didn’t want to intrude every time they hung out, even if they told you multiple times that it didn’t bother them. Jean met your friends a couple months into your relationship, but it didn’t go as smoothly. Jean and Reiner already knew each other and they weren’t, and still are, on bad terms. Your boyfriend always kept it civil for your sake, but you can’t blame him when he doesn’t want to hang out with you all, which is rare anyway.
“Would I sound pathetic if I said yes?” He asked as he squeezed you harder, leaving a couple of kisses on the side of your head.
“Don’t worry, I already know you are.” He scoffed, breaking the hug while you chuckled. He grabbed your cheeks with both his hands as he closed the distance between you to rest his forehead against yours, you moved your hands to his waist.
“Hi,” Jean said looking in your eyes, “Happy Valentine’s day, sweetheart.”
You smiled muttering, “Happy Valentine’s day to you too, love.”
His smile widened before he kissed you gently. It didn’t matter how long you two have been together, his heart always skipped a beat when you called him that. He just felt so loved and appreciated when you used pet names, but that was with no doubt his favourite.
Once you were both in need of some air, you broke the kiss. You took off your shoes and went to Jean’s bedroom to leave your things and get changed in your pyjamas while he prepared your luxurious dinner, cup noodles.
When you got back in the living room, Jean was already waiting for you on the couch, noodles placed on the little table in front of him, blanket beside him and remote in hand already choosing the series you were slowly watching together.
“I hope you didn’t watch episodes without me.” you teased, sitting beside him and covering the both of you with the blanket before grabbing your noodles.
“It happened one time!” He defended himself.
“And since that day I know that I can’t trust you. What kind of boyfriend would do that?” You clutched your heart with a hurt expression. He looked at you smirking, “Connie doesn’t count.”
He sighed defeated, then he pushed play with the remote, to finally let your night start.
“Okay time for the gifts!” You exclaimed, clapping your hands together. It was your favourite part of the day, not because you were materialistic, but because of your tradition together. It started randomly, but since the first Valentine’s day you spent together it’s stuck with you.. Your tradition consisted of two gifts, one is the real or serious one and the other is the stupidest thing you could think of.
One year you gifted him a pair of slippers. To be exact, horse slippers. Honestly, he loved them, but his friends even more, especially Eren.
“You start.” He said since he knew you couldn’t keep your mouth shut for too long. You nodded happily and handed him the first gift, the stupid one. He opened the bag and found a mug, which looked like it was plain, but when he turned it he read the phrase “I love you for your personality, but that dick is a great bonus.” written in black.
“No, you didn’t!” He gasped, covering his mouth with his free hands, he was nearly crying from laughing so hard. This was one of the best gifts hands down. “I need to send a photo to Connie and Eren right now.”
He quickly took a photo of the mug and sent it to the group chat with the boys, then he hugged and kissed you, thanking you a hundred times and saying this would become his everyday mug.
“Okay, here’s my stupid one for you,” he handed you the package and you didn’t waste a second to open it. It was a pair of socks, but you couldn’t really understand what was printed on them at first. Once you looked at them better, you realised.
“What the actual fuck is this.” You said laughing. There was a face printed on them. Jean’s face. “They’re horrible. I love them.”
You hugged him and finally gave him the real present, even if he told you that nothing could surpass the mug.
This year you went for something more cheesy. You saw he was looking for a chain necklace on the internet since his broke a couple of months ago, but he never bought one, he couldn’t set his mind on a specific one. So you researched for the perfect one, you spent weeks finding it, and then you had both his and your initials engraved on the inside of the necklace.
“I don’t know what to say, really” He stared at the necklace like it was the most beautiful and precious thing in the world, inspecting every centimetre of it. Then he saw the engraved initials and his brain malfunctioned for a good 10 seconds.
He thanked you again, hugging you so hard that you struggled to breathe for a moment, then he took your next present in his hands.
“There’s something I want to say before you open this,” he started, fidgeting with the box in his hands. “We talked about this thing multiple times, mostly joking, but I think it’s the right thing to do now. We’ve been together for a long time, and I love you so, so much. We’ve been through a lot, and even now we’re still struggling with some things. Like spending time together because we’re so busy. But I think you’re my person, honestly I kind of always thought that, and I hope you think the same. So, after thinking about this day and night for a very long time, and after a push by Mikasa and Sasha, this is my gift for you.”
He handed you the box and you opened it with teary eyes from the sweet words he just used.
You found two keys and a little keychain with a phrase from your song, “These are the keys for my apartment. I want to ask you to come and live here with me, so that we don’t have to worry about finding time for each other since we’ll always come home, our home.”
Now you were crying. You couldn’t find the right words to voice your love for him and your gratitude for the gift. You hugged him again, wetting his shirt with your happy tears and mumbling a soft thank you, and that yes, you thought that he was your person too.
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No, you knew that he was your person.
network: @enchantedforest-network.
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luvangelbreak · 4 months
Deprived | Seven
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, drug use (weed), mentions of alcohol word count: 2.9k a/n: another matt pov bc i felt like it was fitting. lmk what pov you like more and thank u for all the support <3
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pov: matt
As we drove to Downs, I kept stealing glances at Layla as she chewed on her tacos. She only asked for tacos but I of course got it for her in a meal with fries as well. Allie was singing along to the songs in the backseat and I glanced in the rearview mirror to see her dancing happily as she ate her fries. I bit my lip, trying to focus on the road instead of the girl beside me.
My mind drifted to when she placed a kiss on my cheek not only during the intermission of the game but also when I was standing outside with her. I didn't expect her to actually do anything, I just wanted to tease her but I wasn't mad that she did. I was cheesing like a 13-year-old boy inside and it drove me insane.
I'd know her for all of a week and I felt like she was consuming all of my thoughts. Every day she didn't come to school, the more I thought about skipping and driving to her house. I didn't want to seem obsessed, that's not something you do when you talk to someone for the first time only a few days prior and I knew that.
I tapped my hand on the wheel along to the beat of the song, looking over at Layla again but this time she made eye contact with me, a mouth full of fries as she sarcastically said, "Take a picture it'll last longer."
"Okay," I responded casually as we happened to pull up to the last set of lights that were red. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a photo of her and she frowned, swallowing the fries.
"Delete that," she deadpanned and I shook my head, locking my phone as the light turned green. We drove down the street and pulled into the parking lot, seeing Nate and Chris were already here eating McDonald's in the car.
"I'm gonna go steal Nate's fries. Be right back!" Allie jumped out of the back seat before I had even put the car in park making me laugh at her as she scurried around the car and jumped into the back of Nate's. I turned the car off, taking my seat belt off and winding down my window so the cold air hit my face
"Matthew," I heard Layla's serious tone and I turned my head to look at her again, "I'm holding your food hostage until you delete that photo."
She picked the bag up off of the floor between her feet, holding it tightly in her arms so I couldn't get my food. I heard Allie and Nate bickering from the car beside us but I didn't bother looking over.
"Why? You said to take a picture," I leaned over, trying to grab the bag but she pulled it closer to her body, leaning away from me slightly.
"I look disgusting," she frowned and I tilted my head at her.
"You didn't even see the photo," I state the obvious as I went to reach for the bag again.
"I don't need to see it. I had a mouth full of fries so of course I look bad," she seemed dead serious but I smiled at her nonetheless.
"You don't look bad," I told her, shaking my head and she huffed, "You look good all the time."
"Well, clearly you haven't seen me when I have just woken up," she rolled her eyes dramatically before throwing the bag in my lap. I let out a grunt when the heavy bag hit my crotch and she pursed her lips, "Oops."
"'Oops' my ass," I joked and she shrugged with a smile, taking another fry into her mouth. I let my eyes linger on her lips for a moment more before I grabbed my food out of the bag. I heard a phone vibrate and I knew it wasn't mine since it was underneath my thigh. As I dug into my phone, I noticed Layla pull her phone out of her pocket and her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the small screen, "Everything okay?"
"Uh..." she trailed off, nodding hesitantly before she locked her phone, "Yeah everything's fine."
"You sure?" I double-checked, now mouth half full of food like she had done moments ago. Instead of responding, she quickly swiped on her phone and I heard the camera click on her phone. I furrowed my eyebrows as she smiled at me, making it hard to stay annoyed at her.
"Now we're even," she shrugged, the smile not leaving her lips as I shook my head. The rest of my teammate's cars pulled into the parking lot, all having their own variants of food and drinks. I was sure Dan was going to bring beer or weed and not to any surprise, he appeared out of the car with both.
"You think it's laced?" Layla spoke up and I looked over to see her staring at the bag of joints Dan was throwing around with not a care in the world.
"Nah Dan's super picky about what he smokes. Went on a whole tangent to me about strains and what they all do. Didn't listen to a word of it though," I told her honestly as she nodded, pursing her lips before she looked over at me.
"You mind if I have some?" she asked and I shrugged, scoffing down the last of my food before taking a sip of my drink, "Slow down there pretty boy. You're gonna choke on that if you're not careful."
"I always eat fast after a game," I admitted and she smiled, shaking her head like she was scolding a child, "You can smoke. Just don't get so high that you can't function."
She sent me a smile before nodding and jumping out of the car. My eyes followed her every move as she walked over to Dan and I saw both of their mouths moving. Moments later, Dan handed her a joint and she used her own lighter to light the end of it.
"You look like a goddamn dog drooling at her like that," I jumped in my seat and turned my head to see Nate standing outside the window of my door.
"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my drink as I slid further down into my seat, my eyes always finding their way back to her, "I'm just making sure Dan won't try anything.
"Why do you care if he does?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face as he leaned his elbows onto the windowsill.
"He's a dick," I mumbled and Nate hummed in response before he chuckled.
"Okay, enough. You look like Joe Goldberg just staring at her from the car," Nate pulled the door open and I turned my head to see him standing there, waiting for me to get out. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone, keys and drink from the car before hopping out and closing the door behind me.
"I'm not a stalker, dude," I grumbled and he chuckled as we began walking towards where everyone was now huddled around Ethan's car.
"You fucking look like one," he jokingly said quietly before we were a part of the group. As soon as we walked over, Layla moved her position between Dan and Ryder to stand between Chris and I. I resisted the urge to look down at her but as everyone talked amongst themselves, I felt her weight shift on her feet so she was leaning towards me.
I swung my arm around her shoulders causing her to lean into me fully. I could tell she was still tense as she continued smoking the joint, making sure to blow the smoke to the ground so as to not let anyone else breathe it in. I wish I could say the same for Dan who was basically directly blowing the smoke in my face.
"Dan," I said sharply catching the attention of his slowly redening eyes, "Quit it."
"What?" he asked, still blowing the smoke in my direction.
"You're blowing it right in my face and I'm like 5 feet away from you," I frowned at him as I felt Layla relax into me further, her tense nature depleting the more she smoked. Dan rolled his eyes before blowing the smoke behind him and I thanked him in my head, not bothering to verbalise it.
I felt her head shift against my shoulder and I looked down at her to see she was already looking up at me, her eyes slightly red and pupils every so faintly dilated.
"You okay?" she asked almost inaudibly and I nodded, smiling down at her before she returned the nod, resuming her head to a straight position to look at every one. She turned her attention to Dan before asking, "Dude, where did you get this from?"
"Some guy named Ray. He's down at South End," Dan explained and I felt Layla tense against me again, "Poor excuse of a house but the shit is good so I go anyway."
Layla just nodded, finishing the rest of the joint before she threw it onto the ground.
"Damn, didn't even think about sharing?" Ethan asked, a playful smile on his lips as he looked at Layla. Dan handed his joint to Ethan before Layla spoke.
"Wouldn't do its job if I let someone else smoke it," Layla shrugged, now placing her hands in the pocket of her hoodie. Ethan raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed as he took a hit of the joint before he looked at me.
"You gonna let loose yet, boss?" he asked, holding the joint out for me and I shook my head, my thumb mindlessly tracing circles over Layla's arm as she relaxed again.
"I'm driving and you know I don't do that shit," I told him and he shrugged.
He took another hit before saying, "More for me."
Ryder grabbed a beer from Dan's car, chugging it in an instant making me cringe at the frat-boy nature of my teammates. I liked them for the most part, they were good at the game and overall decent people but they had the tendencies of total fuckwits and I hated being grouped with their idiotic behaviour.
"I'm tired," Layla mumbled so quietly I almost didn't hear her as I looked down to see her eyes hooded and her body slumped against mine.
"We can sit on the hood?" I asked her quietly and she nodded slowly. I kept my arm around her as we walked through our small ground before I sat myself down on the hood of Ethan's BMW. She sat herself next to me, once again her body leaning towards me as I swung my arm around her.
"Dude, not my new car," Ethan whined and Layla went to stand up but I pulled her against me as I looked at him with a straight face.
"You were just sitting on it," I stated and he rolled his eyes before returning his gaze back to the ground. I had completely checked out of the conversation still, not listening to a word any of them were saying as I felt Layla's warmth radiating off of her body.
I noticed Allie and Chris running around the parking lot, Chris seemingly chasing Allie with something that I couldn't see from the dim lights of the parking lot. I shook my head, smiling at their idiotic actions.
"This is nice," Layla spoke quietly so only I could hear and I looked down at her to see she was still looking ahead.
"What's nice?" I asked her in the same hushed tone, returning my thumb to tracing circles on her arm.
"All of it," she mumbled before she looked up at me, her eyes now very red and pupils dilated even more so, "You're nice."
"You're not too bad yourself, Layls," I smiled down at her and a lazy smile spread across her lips.
"I've never had a nickname. I like it," she nodded like she was a little kid making me chuckle. I never liked being around people when they were high or drunk but she just seemed to be more relaxed, her cold demeanour disappearing by the minute.
"I'll have to keep using it then," I told her and she nodded once again, returning to look ahead of us at my friends, "Is Rockstar still on the table though?"
She laughed and it felt like music to my ears, my smile widening as she shook against me before saying, "You're a fucking idiot."
"At least I'm pretty," I shrugged, an amused look covering my face as she looked up at me with a roll of her eyes, "You said it, not me."
I stared down at her, a small smile still on my lips as her eyes scanned my face before she said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you're the pretty one here," I blurted out without a second thought and I saw a small tint of red cover her face. She moved her to look ahead again as I leaned down, placing my chin on top of her hair.
"Bony ass chin," she mumbled, making me chuckle as I pinched her arm, "Hey!"
"Don't call my chin bony," I said back as my eyes drifted to where Chris was now sitting with Allie in the middle of the parking lot.
"Then don't have a bony chin while putting it on my head," Layla said back and I moved my arm off of her shoulders, sliding it down so it was on her back before I pinched her waist lightly. She sat upright, hitting me in the chest with her right hand, "Stop pinching me!"
"Or what?" I challenged and she stood up, moving to stand in front of me. She moved my right knee so it was slightly further apart from my other as she placed herself between my legs. I felt my breath hitch as she leaned forward.
"Or this," she simply said before she stepped back, holding my phone in her hand that I hadn't even noticed she slid out of the pocket of my hoodie.
"Layls, give me my phone back," I reached to grab it but she moved it further away, "Really?"
"You want it?" she smirked at me as she started walking backwards, "Come get it then, pretty boy."
I stood up from the hood of the car and I placed my drink on the ground before I slid my keys out of my pocket, turning to Nate and placing them on his chest before saying, "Hold these."
He didn't get a chance to respond before Layla bolted down the length of the car park and I quickly ran after her. Her laughter echoed through the parking lot but she made the mistake of slowing down to look behind her at me because her reaction time to seeing how close to her I was, was not fast enough. I grabbed her arm just in time before she could slip away, pulling her chest against mine but she moved her other arm to hide my phone behind her back.
"Can I have my phone back now?" I looked down at her, eyebrows raised as she smiled up at me dopily. She shook her head and I reached around her back to grab it but she was able to contort her arm so it was further away from my hand. I rolled my eyes as I let my hand drop to my side.
She chewed on her lip for a moment, looking in thought as she scanned my face before she moved her arm, sliding it up the bottom of her hoodie. She pulled her hand out again, the phone no longer in it.
"If you want your phone, grab it yourself," she smirked up at me and I groaned, still keeping a grip on her arm but not tight enough to be aggressive.
"I'm not taking my phone out of your bra, Layls," I stated and she shrugged with a smile still on her lips.
"Guess you're not getting your phone back then," she giggled and I shook my head, pursing my lips so a smile didn't slip through at the sound of her joy.
"You're the most stubborn girl I've ever met," I mumbled, trying to keep a straight face as she beamed up at me.
"And you're a pussy. Just grab the phone, Matthew. Not that hard," she challenged and I let my eyes fall closed, debating on whether or not it was a good idea to follow her wishes. The devil on my shoulder got the better of me as I gave in, pulling the hem of her hoodie towards me only to realise she wasn't wearing a shirt.
"You're really making me do this?" I asked and she nodded, looking dead into my eyes as I sighed. My fingers brushed against the warm skin of her stomach, the coldness making goosebumps rise on her skin. I slowly trailed my hand up as she raised her eyebrows, a smirk still on her lips.
I felt my hand touch a fabric that wasn't her hoodie and I hesitated, not being able to see under the sweatshirt to figure out where my phone was. I let out a huff, deciding to just get it over with so it didn't look like I was just feeling her up in the middle of the parking lot. My hand rose to the top of her bra, my fingers running along the top of her boobs before I felt something solid. I felt the rectangular shape and quickly slid the phone out before my hand left her hoodie entirely.
"Good boy," she patted the side of my face before she slid past me, walking back to the group as I stared at the ground in front of me. I tried to regain my consciousness and pull myself together but the feeling of her skin on mine made my hand tingle and my pants tighten. My mind was swirling with thoughts of nothing but her. Her skin, her eyes, her smile, her mind, her voice. God, her voice rang through my ears, "You comin' or what?"
This girl will be the death of me.
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl
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tulipsforvin · 7 months
I really love your writing. Thank you so much for being here and taking your time with writing so many incredible stories, and also sharing your talent 💕
Anyway, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind to write some nsfw with post-time skip William with Dom! female reader, with a bondage kink. Basically, they are having soft sex, where reader gives him lots of affection and so much pleasure after being apart from each other after 3 years.
(If you don’t feel comfortable with writing something like that, you’re free to ignore this request.)
William J. Moriarty x DomFem!Reader
A/N: Apologies for the late, late, LATTEE response 😭 I hope you have a good day or night ahead of you, anon!
Tags: NSFW, Bondage kink, Soft sex (it turned kinda steamy by the end😭), Praising, Penetration, Intercourse, DomFem, Implied Multiple Rounds, Use of blindfolds, Feather play, No Contraceptives (use them irl), Established Relationship, Post - timeskip William, Pet names Used: Darling, Sweetheart, My love etc.
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It'd been too long — far too long since you'd felt him against you, skin against skin, mouth on mouth, hips colliding with each other.
Three years, to be exact. The two of you had gone so very long without the other's touch.
You two needed each other; physically, mentally, spiritually, carnally. And thus, to bridge the gap of affection and contact William and you had faced, the two of you ended up together in bed.
William lies under you — tied up in a red rope, head against the pillow and gasping for air. His back arches off the bed every time your tongue rolls over his twitching cockhead, making him moan and whimper in pleasure.
“Hff..” William tries to catch his breath, seeing nothing but the dark. A black blindfold covers his eyes; shadowing his vision. His heart drummed in his chest in anticipation, unsure of what you would do to him next.
You pull away from his cock when he's at the brink of, most likely, his umpteenth orgasm. In your dominant hand was a feather that you lightly, very gently trail over his erogenous zones - making a shudder go down his spine.
“You okay down there?” You ask him softly, slowly letting the feather travel over his pulsating cock - making his breath hitch.
“.. alright,” He confirms, his breathing ragged. “I'm alright.” His face was flushed in vibrant shades of reds and the tips of his ears pink.
You sat down on him at an unhurried pace, straddling him - his erection pressed deliciously against the fabric of your panties. You then leaned down to press your lips against William's and he parted open his lips to let your tongue enter into his mouth.
“You look wonderful, Liam - all tied up.”
Your tongues danced against each other, low moans and groans escaping the both of you - lips disconnecting and connecting over and over again. You pull back from him again.
“What do you want, Liam? Tell me - I'll give you anything you want and need.” You murmur against his lips, smiling at the way he kept on trying to hump himself against you.
“I— haa..” He huffs, panting. “In you, darling. I want to be i-inside of you - so very bad.”
“Hm?” You hum inquisitively, lazily pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. “Really? Are you sure, my love? You don't seem as desperate enough to me. How bad do you want it?”
William, embarrassed and blushing took his time responding to you - the sounds of him panting and breathing heavily were the only current sounds present in the bedroom.
He takes in a deep breath, “...like I could go mad. Like I could go insane, (Name).”
An amused laughter escapes past your lips. Slowly nodding your head, you slip out of your panties. William, with his obscured vision, hearing the soft rustle of fabric as you shimmy out of your remaining garments becomes even further aroused.
You angle his cock against your slit, running it up and down your wetness - causing William to softly moan out in pleasure. Even whilst binded, he trembles and squirms under you, fingers helplessly twisting into the sheets.
“Sweetheart? Are you—oh god..” A soft gasp comes tumbling past his lips when he feels you with utmost slowness lower yourself onto his throbbing length. “Ngh- god, that feels good. You're so warm, darling. So tight.”
Your lips curve into a sleazy smile, looking down at him. You pause for a moment, letting the both of you adjust before you begin to slowly bounce up and down his cock.
“Good job, Liam.” You cooe. “Doing so well.”
Your own head tips back in pleasure, palms against his lower abdomen as you repeatedly raise and lower yourself on his shaft.
You lean down to pepper kisses against his jawline and his chest, occasionally pressing your lips against his neck and forehead.
“So good, haa..” William babbles. “So good..”
Your hand travels to the dampness of his chest, heaving. You place your palm over his chest where his heart lies thumping almost violently. You can almost feel him twitching inside of you everytime you roll your hips.
“Ah, hgnh—” William croaks out, rutting his hips upwards, pace uncoordinated and fervent. “Darling.. (Name)..” he whines out.
Your own breathing has grown ragged - your moans almost harmonizing with his and the both of your cheeks are flushed vibrant pink.
“Hff..” You breath out shakily. “Yes, my love?”
“I'm close, (Name). I'm so, so close..” William says, voice strained and breath stuck in his throat. “Let me see you, love. I want to see your face when I'm about to— agh.. please.”
You hum in affirmation, giving him soft reassurances while your fingers fiddle with the blindfolds. He lifts his head slightly to let you unfold it for him - all the while as you continue to bounce over his leaking cock.
As you remove the fabric away from his eyes, you notice his glossed over gaze; hazy with lust and yet still bright with love for you.
William's lips curve into a little smile upon seeing your face, seeming almost joyous.
“Ah— so pretty..” He murmurs, gazing up at you with limpid red irises. “Gorgeous.”
Your spongy walls tighten around him at your words, feeling yourself go breathless. William moans, his back lifting off the bed once more.
“(Name), 'm so close.” He whines, gazing up at your eyes. You're so beautiful to him.
“I'm- hngh..” You moan out softly. “I-i'm close too, Liam. Let's come together, okay?”
A few more jerks from his hips, a few more up and down motions from your own - a few more gazes at each other, lashes fluttering and lips parting, moans and grunts slipping from your throats and a few “I love you's” thrown here and there was all it needed, all that was required to push the two to the edge.
White, hot spurts of pleasure overwhelm the two of your bodies. You're not sure who's orgasm triggers who's but with a long shudder and a curl of your limbs and his — you end up gushing around him and he, gushing into you.
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I know I said soft smut but it ended up becoming kind of steamy in the end 🏃🏃
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wonderwithin-us · 11 months
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The dream you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Guess who got their phone broken 💗 but it's alright, it's all ok now & I noted down all I did in the past 3 days. My exams were a little bad, really bad to be completely honest, but it's alright, it was my first time giving exams this semester and I learnt what I need to do.
11th of July, 2023 💕
100 days of productivity — day 5, week 1
Economic exam preparation ~ I was so confused, there were so many concepts I'd missed because of my sickness but I tried YouTube and notes online. Procrastination really did get the best of me. I need to lessen my use of insta, seriously, I think Tumblr is more safe in that regard.
Microeconomics — Introduction & Consumer's Equilibrium
Statistics — Introduction & Organisation of Data
I need to work on my graphs, practice more and overall concepts of microeconomics. Also, clear up my concepts on stats. It's easy, but revision is needed.
12th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 6, week 1
Economics exam, yikes. Next exam was Psych the next day, so I was really nervous because I wanted to score well in it! ❣️
Procrastination got to me, again. I studied for a while then thought it was too easy and I could do it at night, which, evidently, I couldn't.
I think rather than seeing easy topics as something to skip studying or take easy, I should put more effort in them so I can get them perfect and let it pay back to me.
What is Psychology? & Methods of Enquiry
I need to work on my basic concepts, esp in ch-2, and notes. Visual learning works best for me, and making my own notes is essential to my learning 📖
13th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 7, week 1
Dear god, I think my psych exam was the most terrible. Which hurt me the most.
I really did lose hope after this. Not only did my incredibly unclear concepts and no notes not help, but the exam was extremely tough, the questions were really vague and I didn't understand them, and the worst of all, I literally forgot I had a whole section to do as objective even after rechecking. I lost 5 marks from that, maybe more.
That really hurt.
Tomm was English exam! I had seen what had happened in the last papers, so I really worked hard here.
I mostly focused on literature, since the creative writing formats were mostly very easy and took less than an hour.
Chapters with details are hard!
Anyways, I was really anxious until the end, and kept a few detailed chapters to the morning after to revise.
I really need to work on studying chapters I've missed before the exams come. It was so messy and frustrating trying to understand all these chapters with online notes and summaries, especially when the chapters are so open ended and the teacher is so strict with answers 💌
14 of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 8, week 2
WAR!!! IS!!! OVER!!!!
Final exam day, I was nervous but it was actually quite alright!
I absolutely need to work on my speed, though.
Also, I almost always exceeded the word limit in answers. So, I need to practice my creative writing more, not just in my head, but actually on paper, and be more perfectionist in my answers in literature.
I went out with my big brother to eat street food and it was all very lovely 🍝
I also wrote a lot of poetry, which I'm really quite proud of. I also received some really good news! 💕
New week! The first week was really, really overwhelming, and I don't want my future self to end up like that again. It was exhausting and hurtful and I want to get better.
In the end, I've got a lot of stuff to work with and I'm really proud of my self to survive all this! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* I hope nothing but peace upon my future.
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starksvinyls · 3 months
Title: And It's Valentine's Day Rating: Teen+ Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Getting Together, Fluff, First Date, Valentine's Day, Happy Ending, Age Difference, also peter is a lil anxious bean but it's fine Summary: Tony invites Peter to hang out not realizing it’s Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, Peter is freaking out trying to figure out if Tony asked him to hang out on Valentine’s Day for a reason. Notes: for @starkly for the @starkerfestivals valentine's exchange <3 the prompt used was 'tony finding out peter’s had a huge crush on him since childhood'. i hope you like it, happy (belated) valentine's day <333333
AO3 Link
“Wait, you’re hanging out with him on Wednesday?” Ned’s voice said through Peter’s headphones. 
“Yeah, why?” Peter erased the last part of the equation he had been working on and flipped his pencil back over to try again. 
“Wednesday is Valentine’s Day.” MJ sounded amused. 
Peter’s head shot up to stare at his best friends on his computer screen. There was no way…he looked up at the calendar hanging on the wall above his desk and stared. Wednesday was indeed Valentine’s Day. Oh. 
“Why would he invite me to hang out on Valentine’s Day?” Peter blinked. “Oh my god, what if he asked me to hang out because he knows I’m a single loser who would be all alone and he felt bad for me?” His voice raised an octave as he rambled on, anxiety flaring. 
“Calm down, dude,” MJ rolled her eyes. “He probably doesn’t even remember the day of the week, let alone what stupid commercialized holiday it is.” She did air quotes around the word holiday. 
“No, you’re right, yeah. Yeah.” Peter nodded. 
“Still haven’t told him about your massive crush, huh?” Ned shoved a handful of chips into his mouth. 
“Of course not!” Peter squeaked. “He does not need to know about that. Oh god, what if he knows about that? And that’s why he invited me over? What if he’s going to make fun of me? Or worse, what if he likes me back?!” 
“Peter!” MJ yelled. “Breathe. Tony would not invite you over just to humiliate you. I might have a lot of issues with the man and his hoarding of wealth, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t see how much you mean to him.” 
“Wait,” Ned cut in. “How would him liking you back be worse?” 
Peter groaned and dropped his head to his desk with a painful thud.
By Wednesday, Peter had worked himself up, back down, and then back up several times. He spent the rest of Saturday night on the call with Ned and MJ, the only way they could hang out now, being at three different colleges. On Sunday, Peter took his laundry to May’s and had dinner with her before swinging around Queens for a bit. He tried to get out and patrol his old neighborhood, but with his dorm closer to campus in Manhattan, it didn’t always happen. 
Classes were normal, which was nice, but it gave Peter too much time to think about seeing Tony on Valentine’s Day. He kept up a constant stream of messages in the group chat, eventually causing MJ to send the rolling eyes emoji and put on Do Not Disturb. MJ was probably right, Tony probably didn’t even remember what day it was when he asked Peter to hang out. Wednesdays were Peter’s easiest days, schedule wise, and Tony more than likely remembered and that was why he picked Wednesday to hang out. 
Peter had himself convinced of that when he finally activated the suit and took off towards the tower on Wednesday afternoon. It was nothing, just friends and superhero colleagues hanging out, like they did all the time. There was no reason to think anything deeper was happening, pfft why did he even get so worked up? That was dumb. 
Launching himself higher on his next upswing, Peter let go of the web and sailed through the air towards the landing deck of the tower. He landed in a crouch, popping back up quickly, mask retracting as he skipped towards the sliding glass doors. 
“Welcome, Peter!” Friday greeted him. 
“Hi, Fri!” The rest of the suit retracted into his web shooters once Peter had removed his backpack. He flung it onto the couch and headed to the kitchen for a drink before going to find Tony, as was his routine now when coming to the tower. Peter stabbed the straw into the top of the juice box and wandered down to the workshop, slurping happily. 
Tony was where he usually was when Peter came to find him, hunched over a worktable. This time he was soldering something, so Peter came in quietly. Nothing worse than being startled while doing something delicate, he knew. It didn’t seem to matter, though, because before the door even finished sliding shut behind him, Tony was looking up, his smile already forming. 
“Hey, Pete.” He pulled off his goggles and set the soldering pen back in its holder. “How was class?” 
Peter told Tony about the lecture, his only class on Wednesdays, as he finished up his juice, suction noises included, which made the older man roll his eyes. Peter laughed and tossed it towards the can, landing it without even looking. 
Tony shook his head. “Show off.” 
Peter grinned, heading over to his own station to check on the latest batch of web fluid. 
Peter could feel Tony come up next to the table, his arm hairs picking up the slight change in air flow as Tony moved. He looked up from his notes and noticed the sky outside was dark. “How long have we been working?” 
“About three hours, but Friday says it’s time for dinner, so,” Tony shrugged in a what can you do? kind of way, as if he didn’t have the power to tell his own AI no. “What are you in the mood for? Your pick tonight.” 
That gave Peter pause, and he swallowed. All the thoughts of “was this or wasn’t it?” that had quieted while he worked, came flooding back to him. Normally, Tony just had Friday order them whatever was fastest (usually because they got caught up in their work and were starving by the time they called it quits in the lab), but letting him pick sounded almost…date-like. No. He had already gone over this with himself, they were just friends hanging out. 
“Uhm, Italian?” Peter inwardly winced. That was such a romantic Valentine’s cliche. Ugh. 
“Sure,” Tony turned his attention to Friday. “Order us up some chicken alfredo, and stuffed shells, baby girl. Oh, and some cannoli, from the usual place.” 
Dessert, too? And Tony remembered that the stuffed shells were his favorite. Oh, man…
They headed back up to the penthouse and got comfortable on the couch, Friday pulling up the movie list for them to browse. Dinner and a movie wasn’t unheard of for them, so Peter forced himself to calm down. There was no way this meant anything more than their hang outs usually did. 
“You okay, Pete?” 
Tony’s voice cut through Peter’s internal panic and he turned wide eyes on his mentor. 
“What? Yeah, of course.” 
“You sure? You look like you’re gonna hurl.” The man’s brow was furrowed in concern. 
Peter wanted to bury his head under the cushions and never come out. How embarrassing for Tony to have noticed he was freaking out. And how embarrassing to be freaking out over nothing. Tony was a straight-forward guy, he does what he wants and doesn’t do what he doesn’t want to. If he wanted this to be a date, he would have asked Peter on a date. It probably would have been way fancier than lab time and ordering in, anyway. 
“I’m all ears if you need to talk about anything,” Tony offered. “I was in college once, I know it can be a weird time,” he joked.
“No, it’s not that,” Peter assured him. “I just, uh, sorry. I’m being weird. Ignore me.” 
“Something is obviously on your mind, so spill.” 
Peter wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole. God, his face must be a tomato by now. “No, it’s fine- it’s nothing.” He bit his lip, physically trying to keep the words in. He tended to word vomit when he was nervous, and Tony tended to make him nervous. Peter seemed to always be word vomiting around the man. 
Tony was quiet, just looking at Peter. The younger man finally cracked. 
“I just…it’s Valentine’s Day and I wasn’t sure if this was just us hanging out like normal or it was supposed to be more, but of course it wouldn’t be more, I mean. You’re you and I’m me, there’s no way it would be more. And I told myself that, and MJ told me that, but my stupid brain has not let me not obsess over it since Saturday!” Peter rushed out. “And now you let me pick dinner and you got dessert and it’s Valentine’s Day. 
“And I know it’s so stupid to assume, but then this stupid crush goes and convinces me that everything you do is a sign that you like me, too, when in reality it’s probably such the opposite because you have never given any indication that what you feel for me is anything but platonic, and Valentine’s Day is just a made up commercialized holiday so-” He glanced over at Tony and the man was staring, wide-eyed. Peter’s mouth snapped shut and he sunk further down into the couch. “Maybe I should go,” he mumbled. 
“Well…first off, I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s Day,” Tony said slowly, before Peter could get up. 
Peter nearly facepalmed, because of course. He had worked himself up over nothing and now he’s spilled his guts all over the place and there’s no way to shove those back inside. 
“And second, that was a lot. How long have you been holding that in?” 
Peter bit his lip. “A…while.” Tony looked expectant. “I mean, I always had like a celebrity hero-worship crush on you after Iron Man came to be. And then I met you and it sort of became more than a crush, but I knew nothing would ever happen because of Miss Potts and my age, so I tried to ignore it. That obviously has not worked well,” Peter said self-deprecatingly, looking down at his hands where they twisted in his lap. “And then after you and Miss Potts ended things, and I got older, well.” 
The older man studied Peter for a minute. “What if I told you there were some not so platonic feelings on my end?” 
“What?” Peter’s head snapped up, eyes wide with shock. He was sure he heard that wrong. There was absolutely no way that someone like Tony Stark would ever like him…
“Kid, fuck, Pete,” Tony sighed. “I’m, what, 30 years older than you? I had to keep that as buried deep as I possibly could. There are so many potential ramifications with just our ages alone, let alone the whole mentor-mentee situation. I wasn’t quite ready to admit to myself that I had any feelings or attraction towards you, especially when you were 17 or 18. It made me feel like a dirty old man, and I never wanted to pressure you into anything. Which it felt like it would be no matter what,” Tony explained. “But, you brought it up first.”
Peter blinked several times before looking over at Tony. “I mean, I’m clearly not all that opposed to the age thing…” 
Tony stared before snorting. “How do you go from a rambly nervous mess to a cheeky little shit in the span of three minutes?” 
A shrug. “Natural gift, I suppose.” 
“C’mere,” Tony held open his arms.
Peter hesitated for just a moment. Tony didn’t move, though, just waited for what decision Peter would make. Finally, the younger man scooted over on the couch and let himself be enveloped into Tony’s warmth. The embrace was comforting, and felt so familiar despite this being the first time they’d been like this. 
“I’m willing to try if you are,” Tony whispered. 
Taking a moment to think about it (something that MJ would be proud of him for, he was sure), Peter nodded. “I really like you, Tony, more than I probably should.” He rubbed his finger over the stitching of the pocket opening on Tony’s jeans. 
“You said you’d had a crush on me as a kid, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Peter agreed. “I didn’t really know or understand who you were when you were just Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries. I heard about you from time to time, mostly Ben or May shaking their heads about some new weapon or scandal. Sorry,” he added. 
Tony snorted. “They weren’t wrong.” 
Peter hummed. “But once Iron Man existed, well, you were a real life superhero. I was eight, that was the coolest thing ever for me.” 
“Jesus, eight,” Tony groaned. 
“Don’t make it weird!” Peter gently shoved his elbow into Tony’s ribs in warning. 
“It’s already weird.” 
There was silence for a few moments. “So, how did it feel to come home and find me sitting in your living room? 
“Oh, man,” Peter giggled. “Pretty sure my stomach dropped to the floor, and then you took me to my room and shut the door,” Peter turned to look at the man. “My fourteen year old, recently-discovered-pornhub brain nearly exploded.” 
Peter shook with Tony’s laughter, smiling at the reaction to what was once such an embarrassing memory for him. He snuggled further into Tony, still a little stunned that he could. They both sat there, content in the quiet of the penthouse. After a while, Tony finally spoke. 
“We should go on a second date,” 
“We haven’t even gone on our first,” Peter laughed. 
Tony laughed, too. “First dates are always full of nervous energy and awkward conversations, but if we count tonight as our first date, then I can take you out and spoil you the way I want and we can call it our second date,” the man explained. “Then, all the first date jitters are solved! Plus, as you pointed out, it is Valentine’s Day and I got dessert.” 
Peter had to admit that was pretty sound logic, and Peter knew he was going to need all the help he could get on a date with Tony Stark. He would be awkward no matter what they called it, but thinking of it as a second date was helping to ease Peter’s mind already. Also, a first date of take out and a movie snuggled on the couch sounded perfect to him. “Okay, now hurry up and pick a movie.” 
Tony picked Empire Strikes Back. He wasn’t a genius for nothing, after all.
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fruitybashir · 2 months
it's been 3 minutes since i read the last chapter and i just wanna ask how are our boys doing right now? will they eventually tell kris' parents that they were fake-dating but are together now? was the first officially-in-a-relationship sex good? how long has bojan been in love with kris? did he realize it during their whole friends-with-benefits thing or earlier?
okay okay okay lets get into it
1. how are they doing right now? well timeline wise, currently they are suffering. but right after the end of the fic? doing fantastic. im imagining since its a friday, kris takes another sick day and bojan skips his classes just bc fuck that, and they just went through a lot and finally have each other again and theyre both not willing to let the other out of their sight again for even just a second. kiki has probably noticed kris has not been doing so well lately, so he gladly covers kris' shift. they're gonna just lie in bed a little bit, answer texts from the other guys making sure the others know theyre doing fine, and then they take jans advice and fuck like rabbits.
on saturday they go to band practice together again and maybe just bc kris is a little shit hes gonna go "yeah the song was nice but the guitar could use some improvement" and maybe thats when they start working a third guitar into songs instead of just kris taking over bojans parts? who knows?
2. will they tell kris' parents that theyre fake-dating but together now? i think kris would want to keep that one a secret, mainly bc he knows theyre never gonna let him live it down and maks definitely wont, but he (very begrudgingly) does tell them. and they have a good laugh about it. for all eternity. bc i think miha and chantal are the kind of people who would find that shit hilaaaaaarious and bring it up all the time, they think its very very funny
and they also obv love bojan and are very glad to have him properly in their family now <3
3. was the first in-relarionship sex good? it was the fucking best. they didnt have to hold back anymore and enough "i love you"s were said to fill a book with it and then some. it was incredible.
4. how long has bojan been in love with kris? god i wish i knew. i just write the guy, i dont know what the fuck is going on inside his head. i think hes had a mild crush on kris for a while, over the last few years, not very deep or meaningful, mostly when kris picked up jan or smthn bojan would go "damn hes handsome" but that was the extent of it - also bc he was still struggling with his sexuality then.
i think over the holidate timeline .. hm. i imagine that crush skyrocketed when kris just slammed him against the wall that one night and then proceeded to give him the best head hes ever had lol. and i think he definitely acknowledged it as a crush then and it slowly developed into more. i think he maybe realised he was in love shortly after kris stayed with him when he was sick? the major factors there being that kris didnt just take care of him, but actually cared for him. he didnt just drop off some meds and left, he actually took the time to stay with bojan, took a sick day just to be with him, cooked for him, made sure he ate and drank enough, kept him company, everything. thats already an admission of love if you ask me. (both platonically or romantically) but that really did a number on bojan.
i even think bojan let himself admit that it was love pretty early on, but always had the safety layer of "we're just doing this for fun, so its okay if im in love with him bc the "only" consequence is having my own heart broken lol" but then when kris wrote him dopamin and bojan realised this could all be real, suddenly there were more potential consequences to deal with and well you read the last chapter lol
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tloujm · 1 year
Headcanon IV: Non-apocalyptic AU
Author’s Notes: I truly can go on and on with this scenario. Let me know if you want a pt. 2! Ended it at the day after Joel’s bday so it could be definitively in a universe where the fungus infection does not happen. Other than that, my usual disclaimer on these headcanons being in a shared universe do not apply here because this is an AU! I love a good AU because sometimes I love a character but not the settings or their circumstances. That make sense? Either way, hope you enjoy!
Joel meets you when Sarah is in Kindergarten 
You become his neighbor by living in the same apartment building
Joel made Tommy take out the trash and while he was outside, spotted you moving out of a U-Haul by yourself
He was the first to introduce himself to you 
Because Sarah was at school and Joel was off, Tommy ran back inside to recruit an extra pair of hands
Tommy had immediate plans to set the two of you up since Joel hasn’t dated since Sarah’s mom left
Joel wasn’t in the mood to help anyone move, but he also wanted an excuse to put his business textbook down
He quickly liked that you weren’t annoying like his brother
Joel has lived at that complex for a few years and never really spoke to his neighbors
He didn’t feel the need to
He kept to his life, which as a single dad with a blue collar job took all of his time, and let his neighbors keep to theirs
He would say hi and bye to you in passing at first
You would go over to borrow tools
He would offer to fix whatever you needed the tools for
Caved and bought a puppy since it was the only thing on his daughter’s Christmas list
Joel begins to vent to you about his unit being messy from the dog’s high energy and him not being potty trained
You offer to walk the dog and help train him when no one is home to
After several months, you become his closest neighbor
One day, Joel’s boss calls for him to come on site last minute for a construction emergency super early in the morning
Tommy was out of town for another construction job
He was the only person that he trusted to babysit Sarah after moving away from their parents
He never had a reason to distrust you since giving you a spare key to his place for the dog
You got through life so far never having babysat, but you saw the bags under Joel’s apologetic eyes after you opened the door
You couldn’t say no to him or Sarah
That morning, you made her breakfast and took her to school
Joel would try to not push Sarah on you when his job was being extra demanding, but every so often, he would ask and you would always oblige
After another several months, you were practically apart of the family
Tommy would keep pestering Joel to ask you out 
Joel came home from work one day to relieve you
When he walked in the kitchen, he found you and Sarah making dinner together
At that moment, Joel decided to finally muster up the courage and shoot his shot
You made Joel a happy, happy man when you agreed to date
Sarah was also happy because she got to spend her free time running up and down the stairs of the complex to play in both your and his units
Joel knew that if he came home and she wasn’t there, she was safe with you
He would take a moment to decompress from his day and freshen up before skipping up the stairs to greet the two of you
Once your lease ends, you move in with them
Quickly decide that a two bedroom for 3 people and a dog is too cramped
Together, the two of you buy a nice two-story house
It was not too old, but old enough where it needed some fixing up before moving in
It was a family affair where Tommy and Joel did most of the work because of their skill set
And you kept Sarah out of their way and out of danger during the day while you helped Joel relax from all of the home and work construction that wore down his body at night
Despite their being a source of income from you too, Joel felt the pressure of now having a mortgage
Joel’s job didn’t seem worth it anymore as his boss became more demanding with no pay raise to match
You encouraged him to revisit the goal of creating his own construction business
You would stop at the library on the way home and get him some books to read on start-ups and upskilling
You eventually convince him to leave that boss and take a PT job at a hardware store so he could go to night school 
Joel has no problem with you being the major bread winner, but he does sulk from time to time but tries his best to hide it about not feeling like the best father and boyfriend at the moment
Tommy helps him pay for a ring
Its nothing flashy, but he knows you’ll love it
After 4 years together, Sarah starts to consider you her other parent and calls you "mom”
It starts with her going to Joel right before Mother’s Day and asking him what he thought about it, worrying that you would reject the title and not see her as a daughter
Joel felt blessed to have you help raise his daughter and his heart melted when Sarah wanted to do something for you on that day
He pushes away her worries and helps her execute an entire day dedicated to you and being a family
In turn, Sarah helps Joel propose
The two of you decide to elope in favor of a big family vacation as the honeymoon
Tommy comes to chaperone Sarah while the two of you have alone time
You officially adopt Sarah 
A picture of the two of you holding up the signed adoption papers hangs on one of the walls
As soon as the honeymoon is over, she starts BEGGING for a sibling
She was the only one in her small-town elementary school to not have a mom or siblings 
She happily completed one goal and quickly moved onto the next
It took a year, but she got her wish
She wanted a brother, but got a sister
Joel was destined to be a girl dad
Middle name is Eleanor 
Tommy breaks up with his girlfriend, leading him to move in with his brother and his family
He becomes a built-in manny 
Walking the dog and/or the stroller quickly gets him back into the dating game
Sarah finds all of the women that he is talking to intriguing and helps him find a new girlfriend
Joel and Tommy go in on the construction business together 
“Miller Bros. Construction”
Between the still energetic dog, the new business and a baby, Joel was noticeably adding some salt to the pepper on his head
Hair everywhere else was still dark brown
In two more years, Sarah surprises Joel by buying him a new watch for his birthday
You help her buy it, but ever the jokester, she claims that she earned the money herself by selling hard core drugs
The five of you all go out to eat for dinner
Joel wears a clean, black cotton button down tucked into dark blue jeans
All of you have cake back at the house
Sarah puts enough candles to match his age on the cake and calls him an old man inside his birthday card
You fall asleep in your bed after putting the baby down
Tommy snuck off in the middle of a movie that Joel and Sarah fell asleep on in the living room
Waking up to paid programs, Joel turned everything off and carried Sarah to bed
Everyone decided to turn his birthday into a long weekend trip
Joel didn’t want that much attention on him, but obliged when he saw his girls’ puppy eyes
Tommy Showed up at their house late the next morning
“C’mon now! We gotta hit the road ‘fore we run into this lunchtime traffic.” Tommy said as he walked into their house to start loading bags
Everyone agreed to take a road trip from Austin to a water park in Houston to beat the last bits of the Texas summer heat 
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anystalker707 · 2 years
Bitter little nothings
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader Genre: Angst/Comfort Word count: 1 100 Summary: Gerard and (y/n) are... something.
A/n: not proofread, and just a little something I wanted to write <3
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There was something different in the air that turned everything different on days like that—maybe it was my brain playing pranks on me, but even breathing is a little difficult and I just can’t keep up with everyone else’s good humor. Ray already knew that, offering me a gentle smile when I opened the door to the band room and stood in the doorway for a little, shaking the excessive water off the umbrella so I could leave it on the rack along with the other ones. My bag and my coat also got wet, though not too much, but nothing that some time hanging from the empty chair in the corner wouldn’t solve until it was time to leave.
“So,” I exhaled, moving to grab the free guitar from the corner, “I— Good afternoon, I mean. What you playing today?”
Gerard cleaned his throat, his hand that wasn’t busy holding a plastic bottle of water skipping through the pages of his messy notebook. “Practicing Venom, Skylines and Sorrows for today. Sorry for calling you again and at the last moment, but these songs really need something else with the guitars to make it work, and since Frank isn’t here all the time...”
“You should make part of the band already,” Mikey commented with a cough and fixing his glasses. He was almost out of my sight, somewhere still enough to see his slender figure holding his bass with all the power and plenitude in the world.
“You know I wouldn’t work for that.” I blinked, stepping back to the amp and pedals to check if everything was at least minimally fixed. “You know that. And taking Frank’s place wouldn’t be nice.”
Ray hummed, ducking his head. “A band can work with three guitars.”
“It works better with a drummer as well.” I pressed my lips together for a moment. That sounded unnecessarily rude. “I’ll tell you if that friend of mine is available.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Gerard nodded. “But do think about our offer.”
I remained in silence because as much as they knew me a lot, there were layers of myself I would like to keep to myself for as long as possible. Playing with them was fun and I was good at it, but it worked for me only as long as it was exactly that—for fun. The moment it turned into something serious, a responsibility, my brain would collapse, and I didn’t want Gerard to see me in such a state. And why him? Well, Gerard was... Gerard.
Some words were shared before the first distorted notes started echoing through the room, primarily coming from Ray’s guitar, soon followed by Mikey’s bass then my own guitar’s.
They weren’t not changing much on the song’s structure that day—they only did that when I wasn’t playing so Frank could keep up with everything and also share his ideas—, so it was swift. Witnessing everything coming together into something beautiful just out of their minds brought me some sort of comfort along with a warm sparkle in my chest that did intensify whenever my eyes lingered over Gerard. Each of his movements carried such a dedication that spreads to everyone else, though not at the same level. It was like his life depended on it; a free fall he dared to take, but kept taking false steps around the edge of the cliff. Of course, he’d eventually fall into it; My Chemical Romance would turn into something great even if he didn’t see it yet. And I wished I’d be there for them.
The last note of Skylines echoed through the room, followed by cheers and claps of high-fives before we were setting our instruments aside and reaching for bottles of water or stepping outside. I mean, only I went outside at first, just to soon be followed by Gerard, who’d have a cig between his middle and pointer fingers already if it weren’t for the warnings he received from everyone. You could notice how the lack of it bothered him by the way he took an irregular deep breath, not knowing what to do with his hands until he finally tucked them behind his back then leaned against the wall.
Just his presence was enough to make my chest warmer, something extremely unusual. Sometimes I wished Gerard wouldn’t always be so sympathetic and attract everyone—otherwise, I would be clinging to his side already despite how humiliating and out of character it would look for me—instead, no, I had to keep this one–foot distance from him with a repressed awkwardness just so no one would know what was going on between us in case they walked out. Not like his whole family and Frank didn’t witness us coming out of his bedroom the morning after the halloween party at his house, both of us with messy hair and necks covered in purple marks.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore,” Gerard mumbled, voice merely louder than the sound of the rain soaking the ground. The back door of the band practice room opened to a beautiful space, with a little clearing before the woods took over.
The words hit me like thunder struck something over the hills, flashing a white light before everything for less than a second. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to react. Not in front of him. Was he crazy?
“Explain.” I deserved an explanation, after so long longing for him.
“I...” He breathed, and fell silent for a moment. I wondered what was going on through his head. He was a difficult person to read. “Things are weird. It’s good for you, but I don’t know whether it’s good for me or not.”
“Why would it be bad for you?” The words escaped my lips before I could even think about it as my eyebrows knitted together. This couldn’t be happening.
Gerard didn’t answer immediately—of course, there was tension and doubt lingering his words and his movements, as small as they were, because there was no reason for him to dismiss me like this after everything that had happened. It wasn’t just about him sleeping with me, it went further to paying for my lunch, holding my hand, keeping my clothes. Something else laced his thoughts, and it probably was the goddamn insecurity again whispering bitter nothings in his mind.
“Don’t think things like that,” I breathed in defeat. “Give it longer. We don’t have to rush anything or compromise with anything yet. It’s just... us, and maybe we should enjoy it while it lasts.”
There was no answer. Only the sound of the rain falling heavier over the roof above us and against the ground filled our ears before a cold breeze hit us. I wanted to go inside, but it wasn’t an option while things still weren’t solved with Gerard, even if I hopelessly believed it all ended there, making something bitter and sharp twist in my chest. It didn’t last long though—neither did the cold—, with Gerard’s warm and soft lips suddenly meeting mine for a peace–making kiss.
tagging list: @trans-ylvania | @newgirlinhell
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Hi! May I request a drabble for Childe/reader where reader has to/wants to get up but he doesn't want to let them go? Fluffy pls. ❤️
Hey there! First of all, I'm so sorry that it took me so incredibly long to get to your request. Also, I apologize if this is all over the place but I honestly didn't have the motivation to re-write it a third time. In any case, I really hope you're still interested in this and like what I came up with. Have a great day/night and stay safe! <3
Don’t go yet – Childe/Tartaglia x gn!reader (fluff) 
You woke with a start when a loud beeping noise pierced through the peaceful bubble of your dreams. A bit disoriented and only half awake yet, you reached over to your bedside table, feeling around for the source of the infernal noise – that you soon identified as your alarm clock. With a groan, you turned it off and rubbed your face as you tried coming to your senses. Whoever had deemed it a good idea to start work so early that you had to leave your warm, comfortable bed while it was still dark outside had undoubtedly been the biggest idiot on this planet. 
But it couldn’t be helped, you needed to get up if you wanted to be on time for work. 
The rustling of bedsheets next to you, followed by a quiet “(Y/N)?” snapped you out of your thoughts. You rolled over, your eyes meeting the bleary gaze of the sleepy Harbinger right next to you.  
“Go back to sleep,” you whispered and reached out to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. His hair was always a mess in the morning, sticking out in all directions, but somehow, it just made him look even more adorable. You smiled at him, although you were pretty sure he couldn’t see it properly in the darkness of your bedroom. Still, he managed to catch your hand, bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“It’s too early,” he then said with a yawn. “Why are you awake?”
“Because there are some people in this world who need to get up early for work.”
You were convinced he was pouting right now. At least, his voice sounded like he was when he replied, “Since when do you have to get up before the sun actually rises?”
“Trust me, if it were up to me, I’d still be sound asleep right now.”
For a few moments, Childe didn’t reply. A part of you hoped that he had actually fallen asleep again because you knew him well enough to realize that he surely would try to keep you from getting up – he always did that when you had to leave the house before him, so you were always careful not to wake him up on these days. With that thought in mind, you remained perfectly still for a while, listening to his quiet breathing before you slowly moved to the edge of the bed. The next second, Childe had already wrapped his arms around you, caging you in a tight hug to stop you from leaving his side anytime soon. 
“Don’t go just yet,” he mumbled. “It’s still dark outside.”
“I know.”
He buried his face in the crook of your neck. “And it’s raining.”
“I know.”
“And you really want to go out there?” he asked. And while you usually took pride in the fact that you weren’t easily persuaded, you could already feel your determination to get up melt away as Childe snuggled up to you, his lips brushing against your neck, right above your carotid.
You sighed, defeated. “… no.” 
And you really didn’t want to leave. Lazy mornings like this were your favorites, especially when the world outside your window looked as uninviting as it did today. The rain kept pouring down, and from afar, you could hear the faint sound of thunder. Just the thought of going out there was enough to make you shudder.  
For a couple of moments, neither of you spoke a word as you indulged in the warmth of Childe’s embrace. He was always so warm… and on mornings like this, it was particularly hard to leave your bed. 
“You’ll be late for work,” he mumbled against your neck, his breath tickling your skin. You let out a deep sigh. “Yeah. You’re right. But…,” you hesitated, wondering if you could really skip work today without feeling like your bad conscious was going to eat you up for the rest of the day, “I don’t want to go. Maybe I should call in sick, or something.”
Childe chuckled. “Catching a cold really isn’t unusual this time of the year.”
You hummed in response. The thought of staying here for a couple more hours really was quite tempting right now. But at the same time, you knew that you would probably feel incredibly guilty if you skipped work without actually being sick. Then again, why would they know? Besides, it wasn’t like the world was going to end if you didn’t show up for one day… 
With a quiet sigh, you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around Childe, knowing very well that your sense of responsibility had lost the battle for good this time. “Fine. I’ll stay,” you agreed. “But if I get into trouble with my boss, it’s entirely your fault.”
“Hmm… I think I can live with that, buttercup.”
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, please consider liking, reblogging and/or leaving feedback. I'd really appreciate the support! <3
Taglist: @genshinparty @kaeyas-beloved @the-gayest-sky-kid @ajaxstar @nakurak
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
hello, hope ure doing well :D may i please request an akaashi fic where the reader is going thru grief of the passing of their mother and can’t focus in class leading onto low grades for their semester exam making them feel even worse bc that’s not what their mom wants (reader always gets good grades) and reader feels like a disappointment and just breaks down one day?? i’m so sorry if this is too specific, just finding it hard to cope and no one understands!! thank you so much <3
ANON I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, but I have literally been dealing with exactly what you requested (still am, but now I'm on reading week so :P). And since I'm literally writing this immediately after a rough grieving session of my own, I feel like now I can tackle it and do it justice. bc... as someone who also used to get good grades before my mom died then started almost failing everything after... this hits hard!!
And just another little side note, I'm so sorry for your loss. if you ever want to reach out to talk to someone who's going through the same thing, my inbox or my messages are always open <3 dead mom club solidarity !! thank you so much for your request, anon and again i'm SO sorry this took so long.
{Grades and Grief- Akaashi}
warnings: death of mother (mentioned and focused on, no descriptive details), depression/grief, anxiety, this counts as hurt/comfort right? fluff and lots of support from akaashi. university life needs to be a warning tbh so its here.
gn!reader, timeskip!akaashi (except it's more like, in between the time skip cause it's university)
your heart dropped as you opened your emails and saw that the grades for your midterms had been posted.
on one hand you were hopeful. maybe you did better than you expected? maybe you would open up the online portal and see that you passed. just a pass, that's all you were hoping for at this point.
you ignored the way your stomach twisted at the fact that all you wanted was a pass. you used to be at the top of your classes in high school, and now you were barely scraping by.
but deep down you knew it would be a failing grade. it was getting impossible to hope for anything better. you could barely find it in yourself to go to class some days, let alone actually study. it required more brain power than you could expend.
and on the days you did go to class, you felt like a zombie. mindless, lethargic, stupid. definitely not in any condition to take notes that were good enough to aid you.
you opened the email and sighed. another fail. you tried to convince yourself that you'd do better next time. that you'd start studying earlier, you'd go to your professor's office hours and ask questions, you'd do the work that needed to be done.
your future was at stake, why couldn't you just put in the the work-
this was one test in one class. there would be other chances to raise your grade.
how many times can I keep telling myself that before I stop believing it? before it becomes an empty promise?
breathe. you'll be okay.
it's self-sabotage, how much longer can I just stay like this? mom wouldn't have wanted this for me. she'd want to see me succeed. I'm such a-
you tried to do exactly what your boyfriend kept telling you: be kind to yourself. "you're grieving the death of someone who was supposed to be there your whole life. the one person you never thought would leave. it's completely natural to be struggling with your mental health right now. don't be mean to yourself." is what he had said. "take the time to feel what you need to feel, bottling it up will only make it worse."
you sighed and curled yourself into a ball on your bed. you were finding it hard to breathe.
feel what you need to feel, huh? when was the last time you had a good cry session, anyway?
the tightness in your chest only grew as you started to tear up. you tried to keep the thoughts of being a disappointment to your mother away, but you glanced at the picture of her smiling face on your nightstand and winced.
if she could see you know, you wondered if she would be angry or comforting.
grieving was one of the loneliest experiences anyone could ever deal with. unique to each person, not one person to share the same memories with, becoming acutely aware of your own timeline. and not something that happens often to young people. none of your friends understood. they could try, but they'd never get it. and sometimes you felt like they didn't even care enough to attempt it.
you've never felt more alone and you've never been more aware of it.
"and if you ever need comfort, I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'm always here to listen. it's never going to be too much."
so instead of dwelling on it, you picked up your phone and called the one person who would.
it took three rings for akaashi to pick up.
the smile in his voice immediately soothed you. anything related to your boyfriend felt like a blanket to you. comforting, warm and soft. "hello, my love, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
you sniffed and tried to get some words out without choking up. "keiji," his name came out pitifully.
"oh sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"can you come over, please? I need you."
"of course I can, I'll be right there. I love you."
"I love you, please be careful."
the second you hung up the phone, you let more tears fall freely. you didn't even know what you were crying about anymore, there were so many emotions mixed up inside you. but for some reason you didn't want to fully let loose while you were alone. you wanted comfort when you were at your most vulnerable- comfort and validation you weren't capable of giving yourself in that moment. there was only one other person who could give you that now.
while you waited, you thought more about your mother. it really wasn't fair that you had to lose her, why did she have to go? it didn't matter how long it had been since she passed, this type of pain will be everlasting, you thought.
ten minutes later you heard the door to your apartment unlock and you got up to greet him. he had a bunch of bags in his arms that he set down the minute he saw you walk out of your room.
he held his arms open and you crashed into him immediately. finally you felt safe enough to let the dam break. akaashi shushed you as you sobbed into his chest, rubbing your back gently and whispering soft affirmations into your ears.
"what happened, my love?"
"I- I failed another test," you hiccupped. "and I don't know what to do to help myself get out of this hole."
"oh dear... it's going to be okay."
he tenderly picked you up and carried you to the bedroom and you continued to cry into his shoulder. his heart broke at the sound of your whimpers.
once you were both settled comfortably on your bed, you took one of his hands and played with his fingers. "keiji, am I a disappointment?"
he shook his head before you could even finish speaking. "never."
"I just feel like I'm letting so many people down, myself included, but mainly my mom... her one request throughout my whole life was that I do my best in school. and now I'm failing and I can't help but think-" your voice cracked and he cupped your cheek with his other hand.
"baby, look at me. you are not a disappointment, okay? you are so far from that ever even being a possibility. and she would be so proud of you."
you looked up at him and your eyes widened. "but I'm not living up to her expectations-"
"you're doing your best. she would understand that."
"I'm not, though!" a flash of red hot anger ran through you. "I'm not doing my best! If I were doing my best, I'd be passing. I'd be studying, paying attention in my classes and not just staying in bed. not just staring at the ceiling and dissociating for hours when I need to be working on assignments. I'm not doing my best and I don't know how to fix it!" instead of getting upset at you for blowing up, he just listened to what you were saying.
as you got up to pace the room, you kept ranting. "I know something needs to change, I can't keep going on like this, but it's like I'm stuck, keiji, I don't know what to do and I'm so angry. and I'm tired, exhausted, actually. I hate this, I feel useless. I'm in limbo. I don't know why I can't force myself to change, but I'm absolutely not doing my best."
true anger wasn't an emotion you felt often before your mom died, but now you were well acquainted with it. you thanked your lucky stars you scored a partner as patient as akaashi.
"have you considered that you're doing the best with what you have right now?"
you paused and looked at him. "what?"
he shifted and took your hand. "my love, you've been through something extremely traumatic. you've told me before that you've been in survival mode for a very long time now. that's not your fault. you can't control it on your own. keeping that in mind, you absolutely are doing your best. you get up and keep going everyday. even though it scares you. you're still kind, and actively striving to be a good person. this rough patch is temporary, everything will be okay. she would be proud of you for everything you've overcome so far."
you bit your lip and looked down, shaking your head. "what if this is 'my best' forever? what if I'm not capable of changing anymore?"
"anyone is capable of change at any given time, my love, you're the one who told me that. I promise you, everything will be okay. and besides," he tugged your hand to guide you onto his lap. "the willingness to change and not just refuse to heal is there."
"but what if it takes too long?"
"it won't. there's no such thing as too long, everyone's healing process is different. and you have me by your side as well, ready to help however you need." he finished his speech with a kiss to your nose and you smiled a bit.
"...thank you, keiji. I love you."
"I love you too, dear. I'll be here as long as you'll let me."
"forever, if that's alright with you?"
"of course, my love." his arms tightened around you.
"can we stay like this for a bit longer?"
"mhmm, you've had a big day. we can cuddle for as long as you need."
you buried your face into the crook of his neck and planted a few kisses. "I love you,"
he kissed the top of your head. "I love you too, sweetheart."
you repeated the phrase over and over again, smiling a little wider each time he returned the sentiment with a kiss to your face.
"can I ask you one more thing?"
"go ahead."
"are you proud of me despite me failing so much this year?"
"I'm so proud of you, baby. nothing would ever change that."
looking up at him with wide eyes, he just smiled and leaned down to kiss your lips. "so proud of my baby. always trying their best. so sweet, so kind, just needs to be loved on a little extra sometimes. all mine."
a happy sigh was released, and with it, most of the tension in your body, so you rested against your boyfriend. "all yours."
you felt a lot better now. not perfect, and still uncertain about some things, but at least with akaashi there you knew you didn't have to go it alone.
after a while of cuddling in bed, a thought hit you and you shot up, obviously in a clearer, less fuzzy state of mind.
"love, what were all those bags you had earlier? did you stop somewhere before you came?"
his eyes widened a bit and a blush spread over his cheeks. "yes and no. uh... before you called, I was actually picking us up some food and other things for a stay-in date night. I was planning on surprising you today."
you could have burst into tears again at how cute his confession was. "keijiiiii, you're so sweet!" you ran your fingers through his hair a bit and he melted into the touch. "what a sweet boy I have," you cooed.
he made a noise of protest and you giggled. "can we go see what you bought? please?"
he nodded and smiled at you. he was so glad you seemed to be in better spirits now. there wasn't anything akaashi keiji wouldn't do to see you happy.
this was literally just me projecting holy shit. that was really a look inside my brain, wow. but anon I hope you enjoyed it!! and I hope it was worth the wait, I'm so so so so sorry it took so long. this is the first thing I've managed to write in a while (and I wrote this all in one sitting!!). But the ask was very therapeutic for me, I really need this type of validation :'D
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ashxketchum · 6 months
For the requests:
“Wanna hear a joke?” “Absolutely not.” TyHil obvs.
This dialogue is so perfectly TyHil that it fit well with 3 of my ongoing WIPs and I tried to write all of them ( w h y ) and ended up getting too lost and invested in each of them that the reason for including the dialogue kind of slipped away from me...TyHil really is a virus in my brain...
So finally I'm deciding to post the one I think makes the most sense (who am i kidding) since I still have 2 more requests to go and not enough time lol.
This is from my Fake Dating AU which is also a Rich Girl/Poor Boy AU. Since this particular excerpt skips ahead in time I tried to add as much background information about what's happening as I could without it getting boring. I can't post the whole thing yet because it's around 8k and the main angst/fight scene hasn't even started yet (can't wait to dump a super long update 6 months later that no one will read haha 🥲).
Thank you for requesting, and so sorry that my power of TyHil brainrot actually ruined the whole thing in a way 😭
Post dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Prompt: “Wanna hear a joke?” “Absolutely not.”
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One of the most distinct memories Hilary had of her childhood was when she’d told her first lie, blaming one of their house helps for a vase she’d broken and having her mother catch onto her immediately. The disappointed look on her mother’s face as she’d told Hilary that the consequences of her actions would always catch up to her, was forever etched in her mind, and even now, every time she decided to lie, that scene would play in her mind like clockwork. Yet, somehow that hadn’t kept her from lying to make things easier and only made her a little more paranoid about getting caught. Almost two months had passed since she’d announced to a room full of her close acquaintances, that she had a boyfriend and his name was Tyson, and two more since she’d somehow managed to rope in that very Tyson into playing the part. 
She was spending every day looking over her back and covering her tracks, hoping that at least this time she would be able to escape facing any of the consequences of her actions. 
Tyson obviously, did not make things any easier for her. 
After she’d gotten him to agree to her ridiculous demand, they’d met once for coffee to set down some simple ground rules, every which one he’d managed to flout shamelessly. Hilary was very particular about keeping their stories straight, since any discrepancy would lead to suspicion, while Tyson on the other hand, loved to make up answers on the go. Even if she spent a whole evening texting him the correct responses to any questions they may get asked at the party they would attend the next day, he made sure to make up extravagant incidents that anyone would find hard to believe as true. Hilary would then need to improvise her own version of the story on the spot, and that often led to the two of them arguing in front of her friends. 
To her relief, however, this oddity in their so-called relationship had earned them the reputation of 'the cute bickering couple' and managed to keep her lie afloat so far. Not that it stopped Hilary from trying to get Tyson to listen to her plan, or Tyson from trying to make sure that Hilary always looked like the loser in his stories. For instance, in Tyson’s version of their first meeting, Hilary had been the sad nerd pretending to read in a corner when all she really wanted to do was have somebody ask her to dance. Hilary always tried to interject and make it clear that she had been enjoying reading her novel, but somehow people always gravitated towards Tyson’s version more. 
Tyson’s only rule throughout all of this was that they shouldn’t get involved with each other too personally, though he did a bad job of explaining his reasoning, what Hilary gathered from his incoherent stuttering was that if they got too close, this thing would blow up in their face. She agreed with him, to a certain extent. Since the two spent most of their time together attending parties and events in her social circle, Tyson knew more about her than vice versa. Her acquaintances were notorious for wanting him to know just how much Hilary didn’t fit in before his appearance, and in doing that they overshared information about her life that she wouldn't have brought up with Tyson had it just been the two of them hanging out. 
In an attempt to keep things even, she would try her best to coax information out of him, about his family or about college, but he was a master of evasion tactics. He’d already made himself aware of all the things that made her tick, so anytime she tried to flip the question towards his personal life, he’d go ahead and do something to annoy her. If that didn’t work, he’d give the vaguest answer which would keep Hilary guessing about what her follow-up question should be, and by the time she was ready, they would’ve reached the venue or Hilary’s house and it was already time to say goodbye to the small amount of time alone they got with each other.  
She couldn’t be too mad at him for this either, since he was still playing along to her ruse and if she was being honest, he did clean up well after himself. There was no denying the fluttering of the butterflies in her stomach every time Tyson held out his arm for her to take with a lopsided smile gracing his lips and dark eyes shining with excitement as he took the lead. It was also hard to control the giddy feeling that swelled in her chest every time he led her to the dance floor and heads would turn to catch a glimpse of them. And of course, she couldn’t hide the smugness she felt when the girls who’d spent years laughing at her non-existent relationship status, drooled at the sight of him showing up on his bike to pick her up. 
That’s also why it was hard for Hilary to be afraid of the lie and all the things that it could lead to when it felt so good to live it every day. Until one day the ripples she was most afraid of setting off finally took effect. 
Her parents were bound to find out about her boyfriend sooner or later, Hilary had braced herself for this from day one. But she’d hoped that she would gather the courage to lie to their faces before this news reached them via different channels. But she had so much going on in her mind lately, that she kept putting the task off until her parents very dramatically confronted her about it over dinner one night. Caught like a deer under headlights, Hilary found it hard to argue back and instead became part of a very one sided conversation where her parents lectured her about mutual trust. They spared no antics in expressing how sad they were about being left out of her life like this, and somehow, in the middle of apologising for keeping them in the dark and consoling them about how she was still their little girl, Hilary ended up agreeing to let them meet Tyson. 
The graveness of her mistake only set in when Tyson was the one to put his foot down about going ahead with it. He echoed all of her thoughts out perfectly, and she wished that it would’ve been him sitting across from her parents at the dinner table that night. But what stung Hilary slightly was how adamant he was about not wanting to see her parents. She tried her best to apologise for slipping up and offered many services, such as writing his assignments for a month, in return, however, Tyson didn’t budge until she broke down and cried. Knowing that the only way to get her to shut up was to agree to her plan, he finally gave up with a loud huff and sigh. 
Setting up the meeting had been easy, as much as her parents insisted on having Tyson over for dinner at their house, Hilary managed to convince them to do it in a much more private setting considering how short notice the whole thing was. She patted herself on the back for picking a party her mother was throwing for a friend as the meeting place, giving her parents the restriction of behaving well in front of their guests and Tyson the chance to manipulate that restriction to his advantage if things went south. 
Luckily the evening had gone exactly how she had expected it to so far. Her parents were busy attending to the many guests and only had the chance to wave at Tyson and her from afar once. Hilary hoped that by the time they finished their social round and reached the two of them, they would be a little exhausted, giving Tyson and her the upper hand in the conversation. However, as she stood close next to Tyson in a corner and watched her parents hop across the room, the tension in her veins kept rising when her father only looked more excited the closer he got to finishing the required greetings. 
“Wanna hear a joke?”
Hilary averted her eyes from the party in front of her and turned to look at Tyson, leaning against a wall column, completely at ease as he gulped down the champagne in his hand at an alarming speed. While she had been tracking the movement of her parents, his dark eyes were fixed on her and his voice lacked the usual charm and humour he used when he spoke to her. Even his eyes, she noticed, seemed to be clouded with an emotion that was difficult for her to read. 
“Absolutely not,” she said, feeling a shiver go down her spine at how distant Tyson felt from her tonight, despite of standing so close to him. In an attempt to mask her nervousness, she shot him an annoyed glare before asking, “Why would I want to hear a joke right now?”
He rolled his eyes at her reaction, shaking his head before turning it around to signal to one of the waiters. Within a minute, he’d exchanged his empty champagne glass for a new one, and once again made to gulp it down in a way that he knew would get on her nerves. 
“So that your parents think you’re happy in this relationship and not so much constipated.” His lips curved up in a smirk as he gestured behind her, choosing to gulp down his drink after all. 
Hilary turned away, partially annoyed and partially anxious, only to have her heart jump out of her chest. It looked like her parents had rushed through their greetings and were now heading towards her and Tyson. She waved at them half-heartedly, taking a few deep breaths to calm her nerves as she edged closer to Tyson, who straightened up next to her. Her heart kept screaming at her to grab his arm and run from the scene. It may have just been the anxiety of having to lie to her parents so straightforwardly, but she still felt like something was wrong with Tyson and he wasn’t being his usual supportive self. The warmth that she always felt when she stood next to him was missing tonight and that itself was enough to make the alarm bells ring her mind.
“Here they come,” Hilary stated out loud, more to keep herself grounded in the moment than to let Tyson know. Risking a glance at his face from the corner of her eye, she fought the urge to bite her lip at the impassive expression that covered his face. With whatever courage she could build up, she added in a low voice, “Please, remember everything I told you.”
For a brief moment, just before her parents announced their presence, their eyes met and Hilary felt as if time stood still around them. She searched for any signs of familiarity in Tyson’s face but was instead met with a look of hurt and what she thought was betrayal. It confused her and made her mind turn into a bigger mess than it already was, but before she could ask him what was wrong and why he was so mad at her, Tyson gave her his coldest smile ever as he gritted his teeth together in response, “No guarantees, sweetheart.” 
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Thank you for reading!
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igotanidea · 2 years
The Raven's daughter: Morpheus x Matthew's daughter part 7
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previously: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 (catching up is highly recommended)
Part 7
A kickass party
-Well, sure as hell it took you long enough- Kat greeted her friends, fairly annoyed – do you wish to tell me what kept you.
- Not really, but you’re not gonna let me of lightly, are you.
- Not a chance.
- Great. Because that’s exactly what I need – relieving the most terrible day of my life – y/n entered the cafeteria and started to study the menu for the day. Nothing particularly interesting and she was wondering if maybe she should skip the meal, but the rumbling in her belly had different plans.
- Oh come, on, y/n. Spill the bean – Kat had already made an order and now was dragging her friend towards one of the tables.
- I got suspended.
- what? – Kat snarked – the golden child got punished? Oh God! What did you do you rebel?
- I called the classes off. Nearly anyone showed up so there was no point in conducting it. Or at least it seemed like that at the point. Clearly a mistake from my part – y/n sighed
- How long?
- Three days. Gadling will be assigned to my students until next week, can you imagine that?
- Well, he is hot, so maybe you could use that as an excuse to ….
- Kat!
- What? You can’t stay single forever, you know. You are not getting younger and skinnier, girl. And speaking of boys, I’m actually pretty glad you got so much time on your hands now.
- Yeah, thanks for lifting my spirits, my friend. What’s your idea than?
- A party!
- A party? – y/n looked at her confused – are you serious.
- No. I’m not. You are making up for both of us. Thus, you have to let go of all the tension, so … party. And before you say no….
-Im down for it.
- …. Let me tell you why…... Wait? You’re actually saying yes?  Who are you and what did you do to my friend?
- It’s like in this Avril song, you know all my life I’ve been good but now….
- That’s what I’m talking about! – Kat threw a fist in the air – my girl! So, the plan…
- You’ve already made a plan?
- Obviously. I know damn well that only facts speak to you, so I just in case I prepared my case for presentation.
- Not only facts.
- Of course not – Kat nodded in agreement – you are miss imagination after all. So imagine how much fun we are going to have. Oh, and we have a third musketeer coming. – she waved a hand towards another women who was just entering the cafeteria. – Sarah!
- Morning ladies, how’s your day so far? – the elegant redhead approached them and put her designer bag on the chair.
y/n rolled her eyes. She definitely wasn’t going to repeat the story.
-Someone’s in the mood – Sarah stated
- Don’t mind her. y/n had quite an eventful forenoon. However, I did my magic to convince her to participate in our ladies’ night.
- Magic, indeed, than. – Sarah smiled.
-Oh, come on, I’m not a bore – y/n exclaimed – just ….  mature. And I can’t believe you were involved in this shenanigans, Sarah.
-To be honest, I was plan B. Kat was going to win you with arguments, and I planned on attacking with threats.
-I’m glad it didn’t come to that
- So do I. Anyhow, since I’m the only one with the car, I’m going to pick you both up at 8 sharp. Be ready.
Growing up, y/n was never a party animal. Well, even as a grown-up woman she never aspired for that. On one hand she watched a lot of girls who felt at a club like at home, with their fancy dresses, looking hot and feminine and wondered if she could ever be like that, on the other always believed herself to not be good enough. Being self-conscious with her body and general outlook dolling up was always out of her reach. Supposedly she was afraid to make a fool out of herself. No one really noticed that though, because if anything she knew perfectly how to cover up. And what’s more, y/n was never jealous. It was more like a guilt inside her that she is not a picture of a perfect women, whatever that may mean. And that was also the reason why she struggled with relationships as her friend nicely mentioned.
However, making a promise to Kat and Sarah she made effort to get ready. Trying to balance her own comfort and the specifics of a club she picked up a blue sleeveless trouser suit. Nothing to extravagant or defiant yet still party-like. Hair down, luckily it was best to just leave them natural. Just a quick glance in the mirror just to avoid any second thoughts and she was ready to go.
Sarah and Kat were right on time and without any further delay the girls reached the destination point.
-This was a mistake – y/n stated the very second they reached the entrance.
-Oh, come on, girl, you can’t back out now. Besides, it’s only gonna get better, you’ll see.
-Ladies, less talking, more partying – Sarah grabbed her friends and dragged them both inside.
There were so many people. Like the club was just completely full, despite the fact that it was middle of the week. This seemed abstract to y/n, who was always mature to quote her own words.
-I don’t feel good – she stated again as the crowd surrounded her pulling her towards the dance floor. – I’m gonna….  I think I’m gonna grab us some drinks, if that’s ok with you two.
-I could use a beverage – Sarah said – but you’re not going alone. We’re in this together and besides it’s better to watch each other backs, you never know what can happen.
- Sarah’s right – Kat chimed in as the girls elbowed their way through the crowd– I’ve heard enough stories about roofies to make me not want to be a part of one. Bartender! – she yelled – three shots of vodka, por favor.
-Since when do you speak Spanish?
- Since I’m trying to complete my Spanish outlook. Don’t you think it suits me? – Kat turned around. With her curly dark hair, red lipstick and tight dress she did in fact look Spain-like. As for Sarah she choose a mini skirt and strapless shirt and her hair was straightened and shiny.
- Yeah, it does – y/n took a sip of her drink suddenly feeling heavy underdressed.
- Oh no, no, no. – Kat pointed a finger towards her friend – no long face. I can read your mind, I know what you are thinking right now.
- Really? Please, enlighten me.
- You think yourself to not fit in this place. You believe you are a duff, don’t you?
- Wow. That was painful, Kat, seriously. And completely unnecessary – Sarah smacked the brunette.
-What? I’m just telling that’s how y/n feels, I never say that’s true.
-You can be such an idiot, Kat – Sarah rolled her eyes – come on, y/n let’s hit the dancefloor. This will cheer you up.
- Yeah, I’m gonna stay here for a while if you don’t mind. But you go, go have fun – I’ll join you in a minute, I promise.
When Kat and Sarah started dancing it was captivating. Their moves were intoxicating and capturing the attention of everyone around them – both man and woman. y/n was both jealous of her friends’ sex appeal and proud to be with them and sad that she herself would probably never get to be like that.
-Have you seen that red head? Man, she is hot – y/n heard a man across the bar, clearly talking about Sarah
-You don’t stand a chance man – the other one laughed – I think you might as well take your chances with her friend. You know, the one in blue, right there – he pointed a finger towards y/n. – She’s watching us right now. Poor thing, with that look she will be alone for the rest of her life. Nobody would want to touch her with that look.
Once again  y/n felt sick to her stomach. Hearing something like that was brutal and her first instinct was to flee the club, get back to her house and lay down on the bed with some good book. However, doing something like that would be like handing the argument to her tormentors. Y/n finished her drink, put the glass on the counter with a loud bang, and joined her dancing friends. Loosing herself in the music and the movement she completely forgot where she was, until she felt a hand sneaking on her waist and a strong arm pulling her outside the building into the dark alley. A little overwhelmed and light headed she had no power to oppose to whoever it was.
-Let go off me – she finally yelled as the cool air brought her back to reality.
-That one’s feisty – a man laughed – she’s gonna be a good starter before we hook up with her friends. – this was one of the group who was laughing at her at the bar, the girl now recognized him clearly.
- Trust me, you don’t want to do this – she spoke calming herself, even though her hands were shaking a little bit.
-And why is that, little one? What exactly is stopping me? I’m a man and you are a woman, you have no say in what I’m about to do.
-Honestly, I have no idea in what century you’re living, but it’s 2022. Women are actually equal to men, it not… better and definitely smarter – she smirked
- Careful, doll. Me and my friend may have quite a different opinion on that – he spated as three other man started to surround their prey.
- Once again  - you don’t want to do this.
-Oh, we do – with one step the man was right in front of the girl, grabbing her wrist, while the other squeezed her waist.
-Damn it, don’t say I didn’t warn you all. 
Y/n was quick to turn around and kicking the man behind in the groins causing him to fall to the ground. Then she quickly moved towards the one grabbing her arm, using the other to punch him straight into the nose. As for the other two -  one got a kick from a half turn which left him mazed and the other, who was bold enough to come directly at her trying to use some hand movement was knocked off his feet when y/n popped a squat and made a single leg movement. With all her punched and kick all of the men was soon lying on the ground lifeless. Even though she was safe now, the girl was shaking a bit, all of the emotions now getting out.
-y/n! – Sarah and Kat flounced off the club looking for her, terror on their faces visible when they noticed some unconscious men on the ground – what happened? Are you ok?  
-Yes! – y/n started laughing frantically – Honestly I’ve never been better.
-But… but what happened? Did you do this? – Kat pointed at the surroundings.
-Not to brag, but yes, this was my doing.
-How? I didn’t know you know how to fight
- I watch a lot of Cobra Kai, you know. After some time you learn some useful movement – y/n grinned. – Anyway I think I have enough for one night, I’m heading home. But you were right, this was fun.
-Wait, y/n you can’t walk alone at night. I’m gonna give you a lift, so ….
Before she could finish her sentence, a tall, broody man came from the shadows.
-I’ll be taking care of miss y/n, now – he spoke in dark yet silky voice.
- And who may you be, sir – Kat defensive attitude got the best of her.
- Hold the fire, Kat – y/n reassured her – he’s a … an acquaintance. I’m gonna go with him, I think I’ll be safe.
- You think? – Sarah hissed – that’s not enough for me. I’m not letting my friend get into any more trouble.
-I know how to defense myself, remember? – y/n didn’t bother mentioning that her little karate trick would be nothing against the Lord of the Dreams. – I’m gonna be fine, I promise. I got backup – she nodded as a certain Raven flew from the sky and sat right on the girls arm.
-Fine. But call me as soon as you get home. This is all weird like hell. – Kat and Sarah turned around, got into the car and drove away while y/n turned towards her visitor.
- Hello Dream, what brings you to the Waking, now?  
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sueske · 1 year
I saw an interesting personal opinionated input on the test tube theory and was curious what you think. Skipping past the part on how Sarada came to be and diving into the decision of it all. From this person -who I can't remember if they were an ask or another post - theorized when SSK discovered what Orochimaru did, Sasuke wanted to terminate the fetus, but was guilt tripped by both women into keeping it and implanted it into Sakura as she was seen best fitted.
It's a great theory, but I had questions of my own: Why was Sakura best fitted for not only pregnancy status, but mother too? With Karin's past love for Sasuke, why is she okay with another woman raising her and Sasuke's child? It seems unnatural to me especially if BOTH wanted it. Is it possible SK wanted it terminated, but Sakura was the only one wishing to keep it?
And going off on what I read from someone: do you think Sakura's main reason for doing it all is because she was secretly jealous of NH expectancy and everyone's relationship that this was her only opportunity to have a child and Sasuke all to herself? Since Boruto's and Sarada's birthdays are 4 days apart? Or could this all be too far fetched?
funny cuz I was also thinking about implantation the other day. anw the main thing that differentiates karin from sakura is this:
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so while karin still seems to be harbouring some secret feelings for sasuke, she keeps them to herself and says she just wants him to be happy. she 'let sasuke go' basically. would karin have wanted to keep the foetus? maybe. but would she have also listened to what sasuke wanted first? I think so.
the sakura vs karin argument can be answered by considering popularity and practicality. sakura has a bigger fandom than karin, she is a member of team 7, and the ss fandom is bigger than the sk fandom. if sk was endgame how do you think the fandom would react? also, sakura is a member of konoha. she has good standing in the village. have team taka been fully pardoned for their crimes? they're working with orochimaru but is that cuz they want to or cuz they were told that would be... best for them? yamato still watches orochimaru too doesn't he... so from a child's perspective it's better to be raised in konoha, with sakura, instead of karin in orochimaru's labs.
would sakura have guilt tripped sasuke into keeping the foetus? well, she would do anything to make sasuke hers, she even said smth to that effect in chapter 3. I could see her saying things like 'look the heart has already formed etc don't you want to rebuild ur clan etc I'll take care of the baby etc'. she has a habit of making herself appear pitiful in front of sasuke and trying to guilt trip him (see first and second confession) so it's in character for her to do.
sakura's desire to carry sarada mainly stems from her desire to make sasuke hers, not cuz she's jealous of nh's baby and other's relationships, though I am sure she is envious of them. we know what sasuke's forehead poke 'maybe next time' actually means - no next time even in death, so from sasuke's parting words it doesn't seem like he planned on doing anything with sakura. again, sakura had to chase after him. and I don't think it was a coincidence that when she decided to chase after sasuke, finally, it was when hinata was pregnant. 4 days between birthdays doesn't mean much really because pregnancies can have different gestation periods. hinata could've been pregnant for a month before sakura got sarada for example and the dates would still match up. I'm sure sakura told sasuke of hinata's pregnancy either way. all in all I think sakura saw a chance and she took it and gave it everything she had to make it possible. I'm sure she thought having a baby with sasuke would perhaps change things but sasuke sure kept his distance afterwards anyways. and in boruto, sakura said that it's 'plenty enough now'. she was obviously not okay with how things were before. though sasuke didn't care enough to change that.
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I guess she got what she wanted in the end though. sakura and sasuke do have sarada. sakura can stay forever a girl in love. if sarada didn't exist, well...
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