#spn asks
pissthena · 4 months
For “Let's do Sleepover Saturday!”: crowley headcannons, go! (and as a bonus, crowley’s top three moments/scenes/interactions.) *chinhands*
My Crowley headcannons
This one is moreso all demons than just Crowley, but I like to imagine that salt is kind of like chili or wasabi for them. A little bit spices up food. I think I thought about it because of Ruby loving fries.
Crowley definitely wanted to appear more evil than he ever was and I choose to believe it's because he couldn't ever be good (as he was kind of a shit human), so he wanted to be the worst. Which he couldn't be either. He really was better as a demon than a human, huh?
He absolutely watches reality shows and sitcoms. I like to think he likes reading in front of his fireplace with a glass of Craig.
This isn't really a headcannon, but I just love how damn clever Crowley is. I think they should have leaned more into his smarts and how he came on top despite being weaker than most. I need more fics with Crowley being clever.
I think my biggest Crowley headcannon is that he isn't a demon at all, but is hiding amongst them. I think it stemmed purely from him being the only demon with red smoke instead of black and him being kinder and smarter than most of the demons. I really wanted him to turn out to be God before he was revealed.
My top 3 Crowley moments
3. I freaking love Crowley showing off the picture of him and Bobby kissing. Maybe I'm biased since I love Crobby, but I think its a hilarious scene that really shows off his dynamic.
2. Everything with Castiel and Crowley together. Their dynamic cracks me up and they truly fit so well together (Crowstiel is also such a good ship)
1. Of course it had to be "I deserve to be loved". Even just thinking of that scene makes me bawl. Such a good performance, it tore my soul out. As someone who hss a fairly dysfunctional mother, I've always related a bit to Crowley and that scene hit home. I love it with all my heart, one of the best scenes in the entire show.
(Sorry for the late answer, my internet provider has blocked Tumblr, so I have a hard tine knowing what happens on here. Thank you for the ask!)
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months
What's your favourite headcanon of something that happened in the Impala?
Ha, surprise surprise, my immediate answer is (weecest) gritty no-boundary teenchester backseat sex education 👀
Covert masturbation/mutual masturbation in the backseat while they're still figuring their dicks out. Playing with condoms like balloons when the one school that does sex ed sends a few Trojans home in their baggies of sponsored deodorant/hygiene products and std pamphlets. Grossing each other out with the slimy, pre-lubed ones.
Sam spying on Dean making out with his date at the drive-in, after Dean kicks tag-along Sam out of the backseat to go play at the playground and let them watch Hatchet Man in peace. Sam losing his virginity to Dean the night their latest high school's prom is happening.
And, of course, when Dean becomes the driver, Sam loves to tease him and see how far Dean will let him go before pulling over.
But also:
Wincest or not, Dean has definitely made Sam hold an empty bottle up to his dick so he could piss while driving.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 15 hours
I don't know how into Supernatural you are, but you might have seen the news that two of the cast just announced they're getting married! They played a werewolf and a vampire on SPN. I just keep thinking, alongside being thrilled for them of course, is here's how Vianton can still win... 😅 Jemaine, Taika, you guys now have real life precedent to write in a queer werepire wedding! 😁 And congrats to DJ and Ty, the real-life werepire husbands-to-be! 🎉
Hey Anon! I used to be HUUuUGE into Supernatural. OMG I didn't realize Garth and Benny got together IRL!!! That's amazing omg, those two are adorable apart, I cant imagine them together, they have to be so cute. Yess let's get a werepire wedding, or just werepire in generally in We're Wolves. I need it, the fans demand it. Congrats Dj and Ty!
Im always down to talk about supernatural Anon! Feel free to reach out whenever :D
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supernaturalkickparty · 5 months
i've never seen supernatural but i like seeing hot guys have fun
Hotness aside, it's actually really good. The first couple of seasons are the best and as the series went on it was hit and miss on a few but the main theme of the brothers choosing each other time and time again is what made me love it.
If you ever give it a chance let me know. I love people experiencing for the first time.
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Sad I didn't find more (tbh I click on the deviant site and found incest drawings and I pucked in my mouth) and scrolling on Pinterest I found other masterpieces 😂🤣
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Aw, these are cute. I like the one with the pie the most...That's so Dean...😋😋
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destiel-wings · 1 year
Ooh for your WIP compilation, tell me more bout When the levee breaks? 👀
For the WIP Title Compilation game
Uhhh this is my idea for my next longfic. So ambitious and awesome but also very mentally heavy to write (especially since I'm already writing a longfic now). Basically it would be set in an alternate season 9, as an AU where Sam completed the ritual to close the gates of Hell. There would be so many interesting implications that come with it and i have some pretty awesome ideas (like seriously, this story has so much potential, and the title has been chosen for one those implications), but I'm not sure i could write this one by myself, so if someone wants to co-write it with me I'm open to it, lol. But also, i need to finish my current longfic right now so i would postpone this one for later.
Thank you so much for asking! 💙
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Simply cuz it doesn’t seem like I can ask you on your side blog I’m putting this here: which spn season is you fav? Or one that you have a lot of feelings about?
tbh i don’t think i have a favorite. i love the earlier seasons bc they feel nostalgic and they’re pretty good (and i love sam and dean’s dynamic). i think i loved season 4 and 5 bc cas was introduced in s4 and if i’m recalling correctly, he had character development in s4 and 5. the rest of the reasons are even more batshit but they have their moments and i loved all the characters.
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Hiii, for the Supernatural ask :
C, F, L, U, X, Z 😘
Ooh!! Thanks for this!!
C: Favourite Friendship
So tough to pick, because I love Donna and Jody, but I LOVE Donna and Dean too!! (But also, I really ship them.) And Bobby and Rufus!! So many good choices.
But I think I'll go with Dean and Charlie. I just absolutely love everything she brought out in Dean, his dorky side was often on full display when she was around. I love how protective he was of her, and how MUCH she loved him. It was a truly beautiful, sibling relationship, and I loved it so much!! 😞
F: One thing you'd make canon if you could
Only one?! Lol! Truthfully, I'm one of the few that, for the most part, was very happy with how the whole series played out, so there's not a lot I'd change. But if I could make one thing canon, it might be that Sam went looking for Dean in Purgatory. That was the only major story arc that didn't ring true for me. Sam wouldn't just leave him.
L: Character you think is underrated
She only appeared in two episodes, but I really liked Chrissy Chambers, the young girl that shows up in 7x11 first and then is back in 8x18. Her episodes both came after really big episodes - Death's Door and Goodbye Stranger, which I think made her character get lost in the shuffle. She was really strong and sassy, and I would have killed to see her as part of the Wayward Sisters. Also, I love her little crush on Dean, and I think their relationship was really sweet.
Plus, this moment is from her second episode and I LOVE it!
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U: Scariest Episode
Hmmm...Well, I watched "Bloody Mary" alone in the dark, the first time, and that was pretty damn creepy/scary. The Benders creeped me out to no end, but I think I might go with Scarecrow, cause that fucking scarecrow was horrifying! And just something about Dean and Emily being tied up waiting there to be eaten?!! All kinds of nightmare fuel.
S1 SPN definitely had the most scares, I think.
X: Character's death you've never gotten over
Well, I mean that has to be -
cut for spoilers, just in case:
I will never be over the barn scene || never over losing my favorite character of all time || never over the conversation between sam and dean || never over - "st-stay with me, please", || never over "there he is...my baby brother", || never over - "i love you so much.", || never over the forehead touch || never over his trip to heaven and finding Bobby waiting for him || never over - "it's almost perfect" and "he'll be along" || never over "i think i'll go for a drive" || never over "hey baby", and "ah! i love this song" || and never, ever over "hey sammy." and "dean." || and never over this moment:
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or this one:
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Unlike many people, I was very, very happy with the finale, but Dean's death still ripped my heart out and made me cry harder than I ever have over a fictional character's death. And I miss him (and Sam! and Cas!) so much! 😔
Z: Two characters you wish had met:
Hmmm...🤨🤨...maybe Ellen and Jody? I think they might have had fun teaming up and smothering the boys with tough mom love, meaning giving them a hand up and a shoulder to lean on, but also kicking their ass when they need it. I think they would have been good friends. 😊
This was lots of fun, Eva! Thank you so much for sending them! I'm so very sorry this was so friggin' wordy, but I think you should know by now that I don't know how to shut up! 😄😆😄
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cannibalsamruby · 1 month
What are your top 5 favorite episodes of Supernatural?
Ty for the ask!
What Is and What Never Should Be
Bad Day at Black Rock
Changing Channels
The Born-Again Identity
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watcher0033 · 10 months
Y’all, the Archive admins are made up of VOLUNTEERS. And they have been working for 12-13 HOURS STRAIGHT.
I better not hear any complaints when donation period comes around. OR ELSE.
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cosplay by @woahchriswoah on Twitter
EDIT: How do we show appreciation to the volunteers? For me reading these deep dives on OTW issues u guys apparently it's been said multiple times that one of their objective statements is to have paid staff for ao3 and there's a surplus of donations they haven't used up or the other community solutions that needs to address. For those more financially literate feel free to analyze, snipe me or add to the discussion etc. linked here by deepa. They’re cool and these yearly analysis they did aint no joke.
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But Seriously what can we do for these volunteers? The probable burn out from this entire fiasco would be no joke. @ao3org
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astralpenguin · 1 year
self care is writing a fic that you’re literally the sole target audience for
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fandom-hoarder · 6 months
Happy WW! What do they think their brother (or other family member if you like) does better than anybody else in the whole wide world?
Omg, it is Wednesday. Happy Wincest Wednesday, and thank you for the ask!
I think they each genuinely think the other is The Best Hunter. Of course at this point it's a given that together they're probably The Best compared to other hunters, but individually they judge their own weaknesses against their brother's strengths, and find themselves wanting.
In the bedroom (or impala. or shower. or...general surface), Sam is the best dirty talker Dean's ever had-- because he knows exactly what to say to hit those buttons (and no hangups about the incest kink, obviously), and gets really verbose when he's worked up. Dean eats Sam's ass the best, and unfortunately for the inflation of his ego, he full well knows it (see prev).
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jay-wasstuff · 1 month
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer, because the one thing I want... it's something I know I can't have. But I think I know - I think I know now, happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being, it's in just saying it. What are you talking about, man? I know - I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken - your daddy's blunt instrument. And you think that hate and anger, that's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not! And everyone who knows you sees it. Everthing you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love, you fought fo this whole world for love. That is who you are! You're the most caring man on earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of hell - knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack, but I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean. Why does this sound like a goodbye? Because it is. I love you. Don't do this, Cas. Cas- Goodbye, Dean.
String identified: aa , c t tat , tat c, at t c , at t a c . a a, ca t tg at… t' tg ca't a. t t - t , a 't t ag, t' t g, t' t ag t. at a tag at, a? - , a. t a a . ' tct a ' ag a ' - a' t tt. A t tat at a ag, tat' at , tat' a. t' t! A t. tg a , t g a t a, a . a tt t , gt t . Tat a! ' t t cag a at. a t t , g a g . , c t, c t - g a cag . ca ca, ca. ca at . ca at a, ca at ac, t ca at t ca . cag , a. t a g? ca t . . 't t, Ca. Ca- G, a.
Closest match: Apoda limacodes genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Festoon
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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Possessive Castiel with a marking kink makes me feral
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destiel-wings · 1 year
What’s a tag you’ve searched that would shock people?
okay going straight for the throat I see... mainly it's between me and god, but you're my first ask so I'm gonna reply 😂🫣
Dean Winchester/Endverse Dean Winchester
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