#steven like 'oh yeah want a flower? i could probably grow one for you.'
soapgraves · 4 months
Vashwood and connverse connverse is just me & connie but vashwood is the two dudes we project ourselves onto because we're silly and autism.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 11 - Katsuki has shitty feelings.
Summary: Katsuki has a crisis. That’s the chapter. Oh, and some Kirishima POV, because Katsuki’s best bro deserves some screen time.
⚠️: Swear words, Katsuki talks about his third leg.
First Chapter Master List
“I want to stay here forever…”
Bakugou Katsuki is a lone wolf. He doesn’t need another human being to be able to exist; he lives for his job, for the role of the Number Two Hero and that’s all Katsuki has ever wanted to achieve in his life (Well, he wanted to be the number one hero not the second, but that ain’t gonna change until Deku is alive), so honestly, he should be content with what he’s got.
Young Katsuki would be thrilled to hear about his current life; he’s loaded enough to buy a fancy ass apartment; actually, scratch that, he’s loaded enough to fucking build his own agency and his own motherfucking apartment. Katsuki saved Japan from extinction at least 500 times in the last ten years, he gained the respect of the public at the humble age of 16 and he’s also really fucking good looking, just ask the public. And the photographers of Vogue. Sure, he has a bunch of scars all over his body, but Katsuki is proud of every single one of them; he thinks they look sick, hot and sexy.
He also managed to grow a decent-sized… third leg. It’s not the biggest in the whole world but it has a pretty shape. It’s really sophisticated and while Katsuki has no idea about what the other gender likes, he’s quite sure he could get at least a million followers on a certain website with his neat little brother.
Wait, where was he going with this shit?
Oh yeah.
Bakugou Katsuki does not give a single flying fuck about other people. He doesn’t need them, he doesn’t want anyone in his personal space. Steven is enough of a bother already with his constant tapping on his window at 5 fucking AM, begging for food or just in need of attention or some shit. Katsuki might be perfect, but he can’t speak pigeonese. He’s not proud of this fact and trust him if he says he’d tried.
Katsuki is literally thinking about breaking both of her legs right now just to keep her in his flat for a bit longer. A few more days… weeks… months… years…
Okay, this is just ridiculous. This isn’t him. This guy must be a pathetic excuse of a doppelgänger.
Katsuki stares at his own reflection in the mirror angrily, hoping to scare the guy on the other side, but he doesn’t budge.
“Uhm… are you practicing your intimidating stare?” The woman of his fucking nightmares waltzes into the room.
Y/N has been almost perfectly healthy for three fucking days now. She’s dead tired by the end of the day but everything is perfectly fine with her otherwise.
Why the fuck can’t she be a normal fucking person and take her sweet time getting better?
To be honest, it’s probably Katsuki’s fault for spoiling his woman to death from day one.
This whole crisis is also her motherfucking fault by the way; the way she mumbled that fucking sentence to Katsuki, planted the seed in his heart then watered it with kisses and sweet, soft touches, then the fucking flower bloomed in Katsuki’s chest and he hates the way it suffocates him right now, two days before the day of doom.
“I was daydreaming about breaking some bones.” Katsuki admits as he moves away from the damned mirror nonchalantly.
“If you miss breaking bones that much I can go home now and then you can go back to work. I’ll be fine.” Y/N gives Katsuki that damned smile he hates so much; she’s clearly missing the point here which isn’t a surprise considering he haven’t said a single fucking word about his stupid-ass feelings, but it still makes Katsuki mad that Y/N can not read his fucking mind.
Well… technically, she probably can but it would be considered an invasion of privacy and Katsuki would hate that.
But just this once… can’t she just… like… understand his feelings without actually understanding them? Just this once? Pretty fucking please?
“Fuck no.” Katsuki answers without hesitation. “Put your ass back down on the sofa, you are supposed be resting!”
“I’ve been sitting on my ass for 5 fucking days, Katsuki!” Y/N whines, of course she does, and for some fucking reason even her annoying whining is fucking cute. Katsuki hates it.
“You wanna do something? Yeah?” Katsuki pushes Y/N right through the door and he doesn’t stop until her back hits the wall. Katsuki takes her hands in a quick motion, pulls them both up and pushes them into the wall; not hard enough to leave a dent or injure anyone but just enough for Y/N to not be able to do jack shit about it. “Get out of this then.”
Y/N is otherworldly as she licks her lips with an evil smirk on her face; she looks menacing and evil but also really fucking hot.
“Challenge accepted.” She goes for the grand prize right away; his dick. And not in a good way. Call Katsuki a genius because he saw that move coming; he moves his crotch out the way and pushes Y/N’s shins into the wall with only one leg. “Are you impressed with yourself by winning against someone who hasn’t trained for more than a year?” Y/N is a sore loser. Katsuki’s kinda into that.
“Wow, mind your fucking attitude, weakling.” Katsuki smirks; he pushes closer and leaves a chaste kiss on Y/N’s lips. Apparently, he pushed the big red button somewhere inside her with this because Y/N’s hand becomes transparent for a few moments then it’s Katsuki’s back that hits the wall next.
From this point… things happen really quickly.
The hallway becomes an impromptu training room, then they move towards the living room and that’s when shit gets real; having two stubborn bitches in a room without any way to burn some energy was probably not the best idea, or at least that’s what the poor coffee table thinks when it gets broken in half by Katsuki’s massive back as Y/N sends another cotton candy colored explosion towards him.
“You are dead meat, bitch!” Katsuki yells and he really hopes his beautiful sofa will be able to take his next hit, otherwise he might start crying.
It takes them a several minutes or maybe even hours to stop their shenanigans; Katsuki and Y/N ends up sprawled out on the feather covered sofa, fighting for their lives with every single breath. They can’t help but stare at the mess they’ve made; there are random books on the floor as few of the shelves gave up on life after Y/N threw him into the bookshelf, there’s broken mug shattered into pieces right on top of Katsuki’s favorite white rug, the walls are singed all over and he’s quite sure they broke one of the doors on their way to the living room. Hopefully, it wasn’t the toilet one.
“What have we done.” Y/N mutters quietly, still half dead.
“We are going shopping tomorrow.” Katsuki mutters back with a content hum.
Fuck, Katsuki swears this was better than sex; he has a hunch he will change his mind about that when he gets to that point with his girlfriend though.
A few hours earlier…
Kirishima is a cool bro when it comes to his best bro, Katsuki.
It doesn’t mean he’s not concerned for his well-being after not seeing him for a several days; he knows his best buddy is only a hallway away but Kirishima didn’t feel too welcome in his lair last time he’s been over as he’s almost fucking died by the hands of a jealous Katsuki so he decided to give his bro some space.
It’s absolutely fine. They are both adults, they have their own lives and all that jazz but…
Fuck it, Kirishima is not a chill bro right now, not at all. Honestly? He’s never been chill. You remember when Eijirou ruined Katsuki’s first kiss at the wedding? Yeah. Eijirou is an absolute mama bear when it comes to his favorite people, but he really did try his best until today.
Why today, you ask?
There are extremely weird sounds coming out of Katsuki’s flat. His best bro doesn’t know about this but every time he leaves his kitchen window open, he can hear basically everything from his office.
Don’t ask him what kind of things has he heard before. He will take that information to the grave with him.
First, he hears grumbling; that’s normal, just Katsuki being his good old grumpy self. Then he hears a bunch of loud knocks. Then something breaks. Only a few minutes after that, something shatters on the floor.
Needless to say, Kirishima is extremely concerned. What if he’s in danger? What if he’s hurt?
Well, technically, there is no way anyone can attack Katsuki in his home; there is a CCTV all over the place as Katsuki’s flat is a part of the agency building and they even put one on Katsuki’s window in case someone tries to break in from there.
Eijirou is also concerned that maybe… maybe he’s doing something with his missus that Eijirou is definitely not supposed to see, hear or be a part of.
He already ruined their first kiss, he doesn’t want to ruin their first… well… that.
So Eijirou waits.
He’s a patient man.
When the weird sounds subdue, Eijirou takes a deep breath and makes his way to Katsuki’s front door; whatever they were doing, it must be over and he was even nice enough to give them some time to take a breather, or to cuddle, depends on the actual situation.
He knocks. Three times.
He waits. Patiently. Like a gentleman.
He waits for an eternity or to be exact, five whole excruciating seconds before he barges into his best bro’s flat without any hesitation.
“What the fuck?!”
That’s all Kirishima’s able to say. The room is a mess; 90% of the furniture is broken or singed, there is a dent in the wall, Steven somehow ended up inside the flat and he’s happily munching on a spilled bag of nuts on top of the broken coffee table. The only piece of furniture that’s in tact is Katsuki’s fancy ass sofa on which Katsuki currently lies on, his skin shining with sweat as he tries to wiggle into a more decent-looking position.
Katsuki doesn’t like to be stared at so it doesn’t take him long to get out of his weird, half dead state and start yelling.
“The fuck are you staring at?!”
Kirishima doesn’t answer that question. He’s a really pliant man and usually lets Katsuki get away with making him feel stupid even if he’s right, but not today.
So Kirishima stares. He just stares and says nothing. There is a sound coming from the bathroom; Y/N is probably taking a shower which means she is NOT FUCKING DEAD, thank god.
“Stop fucking staring, we were sparring and things got out of hand. No fucking biggie.” The blonde even rolls his eyes, probably thinking this whole situation is ridiculous; which it is, but not in the way his best bro thinks so.
“You are a pro hero.” Kirishima mutters with a deadpan face. “You live in your agency’s building. You own a fucking gym. A gym that’s 2 minutes away from your flat, just at the end of the hallway.” Katsuki looks at Kirishima with an unfamiliar look, like he’s been caught even though Kirishima has no fucking idea what did he say that made his friend feel so cornered. “You look constipated.” Eijirou decides to change tactics and ignore the mess around the living room; he sits down next to his best bro, ears open and ready to listen to whatever is bothering him right now. Katsuki sighs then looks at the bathroom door; the constant flowing of the water inside is enough for him to finally speak up.
“I tried to prove that she needs more time off but I only managed to prove that I’m really fucking wrong.”
For some reason, there is pain in his best bro’s eyes and Kirishima hates that; he hates to see his loved ones in agony, he hates when things are not going right for them, he would give up on all his happiness for the sake of his best buddies even though he doesn’t have too much to give up on.
Fuck, that was a really uncharacteristic thought, wasn’t it? Oh well, welcome to Kirishima’s real life. He’s really lonely, goddamnit.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing, bro.” He looks at his best friend questioningly, not really understanding the pain behind his crimson eyes. Katsuki makes that constipated face again, and that’s when it clicks. “You don’t want her to get better.” Kirishima says and he swears Katsuki’s soul leaves his body for a second then it barges back into to him, now fueled with anger, so he decides to continue with his train of thought. “You are scared shitless that she’s gonna leave you once she’s back in business.”
“She’s not gonna dump me because of that you shitwit.” Katsuki grumbles but by the look on his face, Eijirou is really close to the truth. Ahh, okay, Eijirou understands now.
“It’s really fucking hard to be alone once you get used to the company, trust me, I know.” Kirishima gives Katsuki a knowing, sad smile. “But it’s only a matter of time before this becomes your new normal. Just give it some time, bro. I know you want to get down on one knee and seal the deal but don’t rush this; enjoy the small things and keep the big ones for later, buddy.” Kirishima grins and this time, his grin is real; it doesn’t mean he’s not dying from loneliness still, but that’s his own problem, not Katsuki’s.
“Do not fucking patronize me, Shitty Hair!” Katsuki yells but Kirishima can see how thankful his bro is.
“Come on now, I actually managed to say something smart this time, let me have my moment!” Kirishima retorts, fake-offended.
“Stop talking about yourself like you are just an idiot extra. This is why no one takes you seriously.”
Damn, that arrow went right through his heart. Thankfully, Y/N chooses the right time to get out of the shower; she looks at the two men with a fond smile before her eyes wander to take in their environment; Kirishima can see the exact moment when Y/N realizes how much they fucked up by sparring in their own home.
“Need a hand with cleaning this shit up?” Kirishima grins happily, extremely excited to see Y/N so happy and healthy again.
“I would like to be nice and say it’s fine but bro…” she giggles and looks at Kirishima like he’s the savior of the century.
Kirishima might not have any self-confidence but there is one thing that makes him feel like his existence wasn’t just a waste of time and space and that’s the fact that he is the reason his best bro found the love of his life; it all started with a prank and ended up changing their whole lives completely and none of this would have been possible if Kirishima doesn’t hire “the Menace” all those months ago. Kirishima can’t be happier to experience this beautiful love, even if he’s not the one actually experiencing it.
Maybe one day… he’ll find his own soulmate, but for now… he’s just glad to be surrounded with all this happiness. It kinda lifts his spirits up, you know? Seeing his friends happy like that. That’s enough for him to be able to keep smiling, even when the world crumbles in front of him. If you can’t enjoy the small things you don’t deserve the big ones - is what his mother said to him when he was 13 and depressed. He needs to make sure to thank her for that advice the next time they video chat.
…Next chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Almost on time, yay!
- Do you ever feel like you love someone so much you want to beat them to pulp? Bro, mood. (IN A SPAR NOT IN AN ABUSIVE WAY DON’T CANCEL ME)
- Yes, I’m sleep deprived again. Waking up at 5 am for 3 days in a row is my own personal nightmare but at least I had time after work to write this chapter and 2 Deku chapters so… worth it, man. (Btw, the next Deku chapter is coming on Saturday on Sunday!)
- I work in retail and it’s Christmas season so if the chapters won’t come out as quick in December, I’m sorry. I’m doing more late shifts which means I won’t have time to write in the afternoon so… we will see how it goes.
- I wanted to show Kirishima’s POV in this chapter because I really want him to have a spin-off in the future with his own reader! I actually have 2 chapters ready but I won’t post it until I finish the whole thing because I definitely can’t write and post 3 different stories weekly haha.
- I hope you guys are okay and still enjoying this series! Please send me your thoughts so I know it’s worth it to push myself and do this weekly! Cheers 💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Open wide for Steven
Steven Grant x reader
Sum: Smut. Oral this time.
Spread them for Marc
Bend over for Jake
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It’s a standing date night that brough you to Steven’s place after work. Since he’s accidentally stood you up more than once this was the only way you’d agree to another date. Even if the workday was hard and you had yet to shower or change before reaching his door.
Although unlocked you still knocked before just barging in. Immediately starting on your practiced speech for why you should just stay in tonight.
“Hey, Steven. It’s been a long day and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind- oh.”
Your interrupt yourself by finally seeing the apartment. The candles set up on any available shelf, flowers (mainly roses) in vases on the tables in the living room and kitchen. Enough lights were out to make the entire room dim. With the candles a mood was definitely set. Especially when Steven stepped out from the kitchen with two wine glasses.
“I messed up again, I know. But this time it wasn’t my fault; the host didn’t get down our reservation when I called and the next one wasn’t until nine. I figured we could just stay in instead?” Steven explained but you weren’t listening. What he was saying was probably important and all but it’s hard to focus when Steven is clearly only wearing a robe.
“Yeah, uh-huh.” You say, dropping your bag and coat without caring about the mess they made.
It was only a few steps to get into Steven’s space. He only having enough time to place the wine glasses on the table before you were practically chest to chest. Your hands toyed at the collar of his robe, eyes drifting between his lips and his exposed chest.
And yet Steven felt the need to explain himself.
“I swear I didn’t do this on purpose. This whole ruining our dates thing, I don’t- I would never…” He trails off, letting himself be interrupted by the soft kiss you gave.
It’s nice, downright cute, to have a man care this much about your date. That he thinks about your feelings beyond anything else. As a human he couldn’t fix past mistakes or change things that simply can’t be changed, but he can apologize. And he does that plenty, enough that his anxiety can be seen through the love. Most could say the same, though.
“It’s okay,” You say, holding his face. “The last thing I want is to put on heels tonight, anyway.”
He tastes like garlic and spices. Taste testing while cooking was likely the cause. You kiss him harder to get a better taste. Biting down on his bottom lip to distract from your coldish hands sliding through his robe.
“I made food too.” He says, voice heavy from the kisses.
There’s no way he didn’t say this on purpose. You hummed in response. Taking hold of the belt in a loose knot. It would be so easy to simply pull and take the barrier away. Steven knowing this too, based on the look in his eye when you smile at him.
“How cheesy would it be if I said I’m hungry for something else?” You ask, pulling the knot free without breaking eye-contact.
“Personally, I like cheese.” He says, kissing you this time.
He semi-hard when you sink down to the floor. Making him agonize by slowly sliding your hands down his chest, his stomach, and down to his thighs. The thighs you hold firmly to sit up slightly and kiss his tummy just below the belly button. He moans at the warmth of your lips but hisses when you blow lightly over your kiss marks.
Steven is the stone you sculpt with a blowjob. You can chip away that the harsh edges with kisses on his inner thighs. Feel the stone become smooth from your spit coated hand sliding from root to tip and then back down.
Steven was better than stone, though. He responds with moans that grow with every stroke. Downright gasping when your lips take control of his tip. He looks down to you as if he were surprised that this was your intention. Hands grabbing the table behind him to try and pretend that he had some control in the action.
If previous attempts were anything to go by you weren’t going to be able to take him all in. Instead you had to settle with half-way before your gag reflex stops you. Your hands taking over what your mouth couldn’t.
“Love, Love, I need- Oh!” Steven says to the ceiling, his hand on the back of your head.
He always becomes chatty when getting close. Anything short of your safe word couldn’t stop you. That and Steven suddenly pulling your hair harshly away from him.
“Ow, A little rough, babe.” You said, reaching back to get his hand off your head.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” He says, letting go of your hair and dropping to his knees to be eyelevel. “I had to stop before I’d ruin this. I’m supposed to be seducing you, not the other way around.”
You laugh while putting you arms around his shoulders. Pressing your foreheads together and giving another kiss. “That I’m ready to take your cock on sight probably means your seduction worked, Babe.” You say, another kiss on his lips.
“This is still to make it up to you,” Steven looks around the room for a second. Kissing his cheek you didn’t think about anything else except this cute man. “Sit on my face.”
That brought you back. Leaning away from him to see his face that was now grinning at your reaction. It’s his turn to kiss you before standing up and walking towards the living room.
“Sit, like sit on you?” You tried to clarify. “I’m not exactly light. I’m gonna hurt you.”
Sitting with his legs out on the living room carpet Steven just nods. Reaching his arms out towards you like an angel welcoming you to heaven. Instead of telling you to be not afraid he simply said; “I have insurance. Come here.”
It’s embarrassing to admit that you were excited. Even standing wasn’t fast enough as you crawled towards him. Another kiss and another question of if he really really wanted to do this.
He nods. “There has to be a reason I was given this thick head, Love. Just the panties need to go if that helps. Everything else can stay on.”
The skirt you wore today was a circle. Just long enough to reach your knees and fluffy enough that you could hide the removal of your compression shorts and underwear. It was hard to be sexy while wiggling out of those shorts, luckily Steven was too busy moving the coffee table to notice. Not that he cared, immediately going back to his sitting position.
“Ready?” He asks as you sit next to his head while he lays down.
“Are you absolutely sure? I don’t know how I’m gonna explain this to an ER nurse.”
“Tell them I suffocated in heaven.”
Although you laugh at it you still have to be safe. “Seriously, Steven. Tap out twice when it gets too much. Okay?”
Steven nods, head rested on the floor. “Twice tap if I go insane, understood.”
Simply crawling over him is awkward. It takes a second but the easiest was simply to swing your leg over him and just straddle his face. Your thigh muscles strain for a second to keep from completely taking a seat. Steven putting a stop to that by holding your hips and pulling down hard.
He start by licking but just opening his mouth against your lower lips. Hot air so close, so intense against your lips was almost enough to jump a bit. Steven keeping you in place to slide his tongue between your lips, licking them open to your entrance and back.
Most of Steven’s torso is hidden by your skirt. It’s only by the shuffling under your skirt that you know he is holding your hips to stay in position. Something you started fighting against without meaning to. Instead of grinding back and forth like you wanted you could only roll your hips in little circles. Making an almost game out of dodging Steven’s tongue on your clit. A double-edged sword but still fun to hear his annoyance under your thighs.
Steven moves his hands from your hips to your ass. Squeezing firmly to have as a control. Now pushing you back and forth over his face. Tongue dragging over your clit as the absolute tip of his nose bumps at your entrance.
“There we go…” You encourage, leaning forward over his body.
Somehow your brain is still operating during all this. While warmth and pleasant pressure overwhelm your pelvis and thighs, your mouth waters for a job unfinished.
Steven’s robe is completely open. Cock still hard and wet from your spit that curves slightly towards his stomach. A drop touches onto his stomach. Your leaning farther forward, Steven taking the chance to take a longer lick through your lips, and shudder before getting to your destination. Steven licks you like this again, doing so slowly and deeply. Good for a feeling but not enough to build towards a release.
Out of revenge you take Steven’s cock back in hand. Not giving him enough time to comprehend as, with two strokes, he is back in your mouth. One hand holding it up to position as your head bobs up and down.
Steven has completely stopped his movements. You could hear the shudder and moan that goes through him as you bob. Smiling around the cock that you drooled around without shame.
Without any words or agreement this has become a contest. You had the advantage of a head start and sight, but Steven was downright cheating. Using his hand to slide up and into your entrance with two fingers so his tongue could focus on pressing and turning your clit until silence was no longer an option.
He groaning just as loudly as your mouth vibrates around his cock. Taking your mouth from him completely and swirling around the tip. Licking up and down the sides as if you could clean it all with just your mouth. The mess only coming back when you stroke up and down, thumbing over his tip and back down, smearing pre-cum just to lick it up again.
Steven has brought out the big guns with the switching of his fingers and tongue. Sliding the clitoris between two fingers while his tongue fucks your hole. His remaining hand pulls your hips down as best he could, His tongue so deep he would drown before suffocating.
That warmth is traveling, taking over, your body. Pressure from your pelvis now in your nipples and chest. Like you may burst from the heat of a star, only way to get it out was to open your mouth and give in. Moaning and calling out Steven’s name while pressing back as hard as you could. Rolling through the orgasm that Steven refuses to acknowledge as he continues to roll and fuck the sense out of you.
Your hands have become lazy in the wake of your orgasm. Barely pumping away at his cock that couldn’t possibly get him there.
In almost desperation you surge forward and take him into your mouth. Hands on his hips to stabilize yourself while your head moves back and down. No thought or rhyme or reason but moving with the goal of noise that starts within seconds.
You couldn’t hear the groaning and moaning that Steven makes. Holding your hips, squeezing them hard, to try and hide that he was just as bad as you were. Of course he was just as bad, probably worse. Especially when he doesn’t last very long with your mouth moving so messily.
Without warning Steven cums over your face. Mouth open in both surprise and an honest attempt to say you tried to keep a mess from being made. Licking him over the same way he did you, except he taps out and you actually obey.
Your thighs are hot and feel sticky from your cum and Steven’s spit. Your face isn’t doing much better. Semen was definitely in your hair and covered your face. This being confirmed when Steven’s eyes go wide at seeing you. Quickly becoming a laugh when you smile at him and he crawls forward for a kiss.
“I’m filthy, Steven,” You say but don’t fight when he comes in and takes the kiss. “I just wanna appreciate my handiwork.” He kisses you again, this time on the cheek.
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elianamarie-blog · 3 years
The Things You Give Pt 14
Steven Hyde x Read
Happy Holidays and New Years everyone! I can’t believe we’re already 14 parts in. I’m so glad you guys are loving the story! Tag list is open if you want to be a part of it :)
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Beep, beep, beep.
           The sound of the heart monitor was the only noise resourcing from the room. Hyde sat beside y/n, watching as her chest gently rose and fell, and listened to Red interrogate Eric from the hallway.
           “What do you mean you don’t know what happened?!” Red asked him in his usual gruff tone.
           “I don’t, Dad!” Eric defended. “All I saw is that she was sick and she was trying to get Fez and Hyde to stop fighting and she just dropped!”
           “And you didn’t catch her?” Red fumed. “She could’ve gotten hurt!”
           “Well, I didn’t expect her to fall!” he responded.
           “Red, honey, your yelling isn’t making anything easier,” Kitty said quietly.
           “For me it is!”
           “Red,” she said more sternly.
           “Well, have they figured out what’s wrong with her?” the worried father asked impatiently.
           “No, they haven’t,” Kitty answered calmly.
           “What’s taking them so long?” he grumbled. “We’ve been here for hours!”
           Kitty blinked at her husband. “We’ve been here for twenty-five minutes.”
           “And our daughter has been unconscious for forty! My little girl is in there now and I want answers, dammit!”
           “Red, she’s fine,” Kitty said, trying to soothe him. “She’s tucked in a bed right now with monitoring and her breathing is normal. They drew her blood and we’re just waiting on the test results.”
           “They need to come faster!” he shouted, causing Kitty to frantically look around and smile nervously as her coworkers stared at them.
           “Hey, Mom, if Dad has another heart attack, at least it’ll save us another ambulance bill since we’re already at a hospital,” Eric said grinning, sarcasm bleeding into his tone.
           “Can it, dumbass!” Red snarled.
           Inside the room, y/n groaned, hearing the arguing from outside and slowly opened her eyes, seeing nothing but white. Her head felt someone was taking a jack hammer to her skull. Steven noticed and waited anxiously by her side.
           “Why do they have to be so loud?” she mumbled.
           Steven sighed in relief and grabbed her hand. “Are you okay? How’re you feeling?”
           “I think so,” she croaked. “I feel like crap and I’m tired.”
           Hyde chuckled softly and leaned over, kissing her head softly. “You scared the crap out of me.”
           “What happened? Am I in the hospital?” she asked, not letting go of his hand.
           Hyde paused, searching her face. “You don’t—? You fainted and hit the ground pretty hard. They think you may have gotten a concussion.”
           “Well, that explains my headache,” she grumbled and rubbed her head. She looked at Steven who was still looking at her with worried eyes. “Where is everyone?”
           “Your parents are out in the hall with your brother, Fez is here but went to find ice cream.” He rolled his eyes at the thought but continued. “And everyone else is on their way.”
           “How long have I been out?”
           “About forty-five minutes. I’m glad you’re okay,” he answered and pulled her hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss.
           If it wasn’t for her head screaming at her, her heart would be fluttering away like butterflies, but all she wanted to do was numb the pain. A sharp pain surged through her skull, causing her to hiss.
           “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked her.
           She tried to nod, but that caused more pain to her skull. “My head hurts. A lot.”
           “That’s what happens when you smack your head on concrete,” he answered. “You have a pretty good-sized knot on your head.”
            Y/n reached up and felt her scalp until she felt a painful bump behind the side of her head. She winced at her own touched. “Ow.”
           “Maybe you shouldn’t do that,” Hyde chuckled. “I’m going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?”
           Her stomach churned at the thought of liquids and scrunched up her nose. “No, but I probably should. I’ll take a ginger ale if they have any.”
           “You got it, doll,” he said and walked out just as the doctor was stepping in.
           “Good afternoon, Miss Forman,” the middle-aged, dark haired man said. “I’m Dr. Kipp. I’ve been looking over you while you were out. How are you feeling?”
           “Not gonna lie, Doc, I feel pretty lousy,” Y/n responded. “I’ve been sick for the last couple of days. Not being able to keep anything down, I’m achy all over…I’m starting to wonder if I have the stomach flu or something. On top of that, my head is killing me.”
           “Well, you passed out due to your blood pressure dropping which caused a lack of blood to the brain, but it’s definitely not the stomach flu,” Dr. Kipp answered casually, setting down his clipboard as he went over to the sink to wash his hands.
           “How do you know that?” Y/n questioned him.
           “Well, it can’t be because you’re pregnant.”
                                                  --Time Skip—
           “How’s y/n doing?” Donna asked as she got to the waiting room, flowers in hand.
           “Oh, that’s so sweet that you got her flowers!” Kitty gushed, making Donna smile. “And she’s awake. The doctor is in there right now with her.”
           “Oh, good,” she said and sat down next to Fez who was quietly eating ice cream. “Where did you get the ice cream?”
           “Oh, I told them that y/n was my wife and they let me get ice cream!” he replied stoically.
           “So, you’re telling me that you hit on her and now you’re telling people she’s your wife?” Hyde seethed, holding a cup of coffee in one and a ginger ale can in the other.
           “Can you kids not fight for five damn minutes please?” Red asked impatiently. “It’s bad enough that we’re here, I don’t want to have to hear about your petty drama.”
           “Hey, don’t get mad at me. You’re the reason she’s here in the first place,” said Fez.
           “Why would it be your fault?” Kitty asked Hyde.
           “It’s not!” Hyde replied. “He’s just saying crap so I can knock his teeth in.”
           Kitty and Red squinted their eyes at the teens for a moment. “What on earth is going on here?” Kitty asked, growing frustrated.
           “Nothing,” Hyde answered through gritted, glaring daggers at Fez.
           Fez returned the glare. “You know, Hyde, I often wonder what it would be like to hook up with my best friend’s sister. Don’t you?”
            Hyde’s expression hardened. “It’s a good thing we’re in a hospital because when I break your bones, you’re already here!” Hyde aggressively moved towards Fez, but was stopped short by Eric getting in between them.
           “Okay! That’s enough,” he sang-song. “Hyde, why don’t you sit over there quietly and don’t beat up Fez.” He turned to Fez. “And Fez? Shut the hell up.”
           Hyde jerked himself away. “I’m going to go give this to y/n.”
           Back in the room, y/n felt like the wind had been knocked out of her lungs. “I’m…what?”
           “Pregnant,” he responded in a faux enthusiastic voice. “That was through the blood test. We’re going to have you take urine test as well. So,” he pulled out a plastic cup. “You’re going to pee in this cup and when you’re finished, pull the string and a nurse will come in and collect it. Then, we’ll do a full examination on you to make sure your head is okay.”
           Y/n nodded numbly and mindlessly grabbed the cup in her hand. “Okay…”
           “Probably not the news you were expecting, huh?” he asked.
           Y/n chuckled weakly. “No. Not at all.”
           “Well, I’ll be back soon with your test results.”
           He walked out the door, leaving y/n alone in the room. Her hands felt numb and she felt like there was static all around her. How could she be pregnant? How did she let this happen? And oh God, what was she going to say to Steven? Her eyes widened. Her parents?!
           A sudden heavy weight was shattered onto her chest and her eyes began to water. How was she going to tell everyone? What if her dream came true and she truly was alone? Could she raise a baby on her own? Where would she live? What job would she have to do to support her baby? Was she even going to be a good mom? Will her children grow up to be decent people? What if they’re born with health conditions? Or they fall ill? Can she even count on herself to get out of bed at 2 AM to go to the 24 hour store to buy cough medicine when they get sick? How do you even change a poopy diaper? How is she going to react when they’re teenagers and they’re learning how to drive or get their first boyfriend or girlfriend? What kind of mom was she going to be? What kind father was Steven going to be? Will he even stick around?
           With all these questions swimming through her head, she didn’t notice Steven walk back in. “I got that ginger ale you—hey, you okay?”
           Y/n snapped her head up as she was yanked out of her thoughts, which she silently thanked heaven above for. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
           “You sure?” he asked as he set down the drink on the table next to her. “You don’t look fine. In fact, you look kinda pale.”
           “Yeah, um,” she stuttered, swallowing hard and waved her hand casually. “The doctor says I passed out due to lack of blood to the brain. Blood tests came back normal, but he wants me to take a urine test just to be sure.” Not a total lie. Just left out a part.
           “Oh, okay. Do you need help getting to the bathroom?”
           “I think I got it,” she answered truthfully and slowly got out of bed, barley able to feel her legs. She ambled her way to the bathroom, dragging the IV along with her. She felt Steven’s stare burning a hole in the back of her head, but she couldn’t think of what he was thinking right now. She couldn’t. It would drive her to an anxiety attack.
           She closed the door quietly and baby stepped her way to the toilet. She passed by the mirror and did a double take to her reflection. Her ponytail was a complete rats nest, her eyes had dark circles under them, and her normally rosy cheeks had lost all color. She looked half dead and she wanted to cringe away. She turned her head to the side and saw the swelled up bump on her skull. She winced when she saw it and let out a sigh. She really wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep for 72 hours.
           She made her way to the toilet and shakily did her business in the cup. When she was finished, she left in on the counter in the bathroom and pulled the string. After she was finished washing up, she walked out to meet Steven sitting in the chair.
           “Hey,” he said gently whispered.
           “Hey,” she answered in the same manner. “Where is everyone?”
           “In the waiting room. Do you want to see them?”
           Her heart dropped, but she needed to play it cool. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
           He nodded and opened the door to call them in. She got back in bed with Hyde’s help, making sure her IV wouldn’t get pulled out of her arm.
           “Oh, y/n,” Kitty sobbed and rushed over to y/n who was sitting up fully and wrapped her arms around her. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
           Y/n barley reciprocated the hug. “I’m okay, Mom.”
           “When we saw you being loaded up into the ambulance, I thought I was going to die right there,” Kitty responded, stepping away from her daughter.
           “I’m fine, Mom. Really.”
           “What did the doctor say?” she pried.
           “Uh…they don’t know yet,” Y/n replied. “They’re taking a urine sample.”
           “Well, a person fainting is never a good thing,” Kitty stated matter-of-factly. “It means your blood pressure dropped and you weren’t getting enough blood flow to the brain. Those things just don’t happen.”
           “I know. They’re running tests right now,” Y/n said and leaned back against the pillows.
           “When will we find out?” Red pushed.
           “I don’t know,” Y/n responded growing annoyed. “I don’t know anything.” Lie, lie, LIE.
           “Well, we better find out soon,” Red said. “This place gives me the creeps.”
           “If you wanna leave, you can. I’m a big girl, I can leave on my own,” Y/n responded.
           “No, no, I wanna be here in this room when the doctor comes and tells us what’s wrong,” Kitty said stubbornly.
          Y/n’s heart and stomach dropped. There was no way anyone was going to be in this room when the doctor came back with the results. Positive or not, she didn’t need her parents asking questions and then finding out about her and Steven.
           She kept her face and voice as calm as possible. “No, no it’s okay. Really. I don’t know if I want everyone in here anyway. In fact, it’s probably best that I’m alone.”
           “Oh, nonsense. I—”
           “Kitty, if she wants to be alone, then we’ll leave her alone. She’s an adult now. She doesn’t need us in here,” Red said, signaling to his wife that they leave. “Besides, the Packers’s game is on and I wanna go home.”
           Kitty sighed, annoyed. “Fine. Fine, I’ll leave, but I want to hear everything, missy.”
           Y/n’s eyes widened a fraction and her heart beat violently against her blood cage. She could practically feel her blood pumping through her veins. She nodded numbly. “Okay.”
           Kitty nodded and kissed y/n on the head before leaving. She felt some tension leave her body as she watched her parents leave. She leaned her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes, feeling completely drained.
           “Are you okay?” Donna asked.
           “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Just…feeling depleted.”
           “Well, you can’t go to sleep yet,” Hyde said. “You might have a concussion.”
           “I want sleep,” she whined.
           “I know, but I’d rather you be exhausted than not wake up at all,” he responded.
           She glared at him through half open eye lids and grumbled, “I hate you.”
           He chuckled lightly. “I know.”
           The door to the room opened revealing Kelso, Fez and Jackie.
           “Hey, y/n, how are you feeling?” Kelso asked.
           “Bout as great as I look,” she replied, a weak smile playing her lips.
           “So, super sexy,” Fez responded cheekily but that smile quickly faded when Hyde punched his shoulder. “Ow.”
           “Remember: Respect,” was all Hyde said before sitting back down.
           “I heard what happened,” Kelso responded. “And Brooke made me bring you these.” He handed her a small bouquet of yellow daisies and lilies.
           Y/n chuckled, accepting the flowers. “Tell Brooke I said thank you for the nice gesture. And tell her to bring the baby around soon. I want to meet my niece.”
           Kelso’s face brightened. “You…you really think of her that way?”
           Y/n nodded. “Why wouldn’t I? We’ve all been best friends since we were little and it only makes sense that we look at each other more than just friends now.”
           “Like lovers?” Fez asked her seductively.
           “Do you have a death wish?” Hyde spat.
           “Okay, Steven that’s enough,” Y/n said as sternly as she could. “And Fez, shut up.”
           Fez pouted and went and sat in the corner of the room.
           “You know what? My mind is made up,” Kelso said. Y/n stared at him curiously, everyone joining in.
           “Kelso, in order for your mind to be made up, you have to have a brain,” Eric commented.
           Kelso shot Eric a glare before turning his head back towards y/n and Hyde. “I’ve been spending a lot of time with Betsy lately and Brooke is really starting to trust me.”
           “Okay, and that makes up your mind for?” Y/n asked him.
           “Hang on, just let me finish,” he said smiling. “Brooke is starting to trust me so much she’s even allowing me to pick the godparents.”
           “Oh, that’s great!” Y/n gleefully responded. “I’m so happy for you.”
           “And there’s only one rule. It can’t be Fez,” Kelso added on.
           Fez nodded. “That is a good rule.”
           “Godparents?” Donna mumbled to Eric. “Like we need any more responsibilities.”
           “I know,” Eric whispered back, rolling his eyes. “Such a burden.”
           “I’ve been thinking about it a lot and it’s a big deal. So,” Kelso said, stepping closer to the bed where Eric and Donna sat. “Eric, Donna.”
           “Uh, oh,” Eric sang-song.
           “Please scooch over so I can ask Hyde and y/n if they’ll be Betsy’s godparents?”
           Y/n looked at Hyde with excited eyes. “Really?!”
           “What the hell?!” Eric exclaimed.
           “Hyde and y/n?” Donna asked insulted.
           “You picked Hyde and y/n?” Jackie asked, equally insulted. “Why didn’t you ask someone else? Like me?”
           “Because you’re single,” Kelso deadpanned.
           Jackie crossed her arms. “And?”
           “And you need to be in a relationship to be a godparent,” Kelso responded slowly like he was scared to continue speaking. “That’s why they call it godparents. You can’t be single and be a godparent. That’s just stupid.” He laughed and rolled his eyes.
           Jackie stared at him in disbelief, trying to make sense of what he said. “That barley makes any sense, you moron.”
           “Hey, hey, hey, he chose us. Let him speak,” Y/n said not trying to contain her glee. “Not that I’m questioning your choice because, you know, you chose us, but why us?”
           “Because I really trust you and I think you’d be fantastic with Betsy,” he responded sweetly.
           “And you don’t think we won’t?” Eric asked.
           “Yeah, you don’t trust us?” Donna chimed in.
           “Well, to be fair, I’ve seen you drop almost everything you’ve held in your hands,” Kelso responded. “And you’ve never really taken care of a baby.”
           “Yes we have!” Donna defended. “Remember that time last year when Laurie had to babysit that one baby and I ended up changing her diaper when she couldn’t? I was a freakin’ natural!”
           “Yeah, I mean, if you gave me the honor of being godmother, I would be popular, head cheerleader, and voted best legs. This would give me another title,” Jackie argued.
           “Would you guys relax?” Hyde asked everyone. “It’s not that big of deal.”
           “Yeah, it’s not like he’s shunning you guys,” Y/n responded.
           “You’re all still going to be aunts and uncles,” Kelso defended.
           “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say,” Jackie grumbled and joined Fez in the back.
           “We can be good godparents,” Eric argued. “You can trust us.”
           “Eric, remember Goldie, the goldfish?” Y/n asked.
           “Yeah,” he responded.
           “Remember how you killed Goldie by taking him out of the fish bowl?”
           “I needed to hug something,” Eric answered coldly. “Besides, I’m not going to have to flush a baby down the toilet!”
           “Either way, man, thanks. I’m honored,” Hyde said and clapped his hand with Kelso’s and pulled him in for a bro hug.
           “If I have another kid, I’ll make you two godparents. I promise,” Kelso said.
           Eric huffed. “Yeah, yeah.”
           “Alright, I have to take a leak,” Hyde announced.
           “And I’m going to go find some more ice cream,” Fez said.
          “Can you guys make sure y/n doesn’t fall asleep?” Hyde continued.
           “You got it pal!” Kelso responded and watched as Hyde and Fez walked out.
           “I’m not a child,” Y/n responded once they were out of ear shot. “I am perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you.”
           “Kelso!” Fez called out and barged back into the room. “Kelso, come quick! There’s a hot nurse fight happening downstairs! Hurry before it ends!”
           “See ya,” Kelso said and scrambled out the room, leaving Jackie, Eric, and Donna alone.
           “Yeah, I’m leaving too,” Jackie said pouting. “I don’t want to sit here and be reminded that I wasn’t picked for godparent. I may have to do some shopping therapy to get over it. Bye!” She squealed and walked out, leaving just the twins and Donna.
           “Do you need anything sis?” Eric asked. “Some water? Fluff up your pillows? Relinquish your title of godparent over to me?”
           Y/n gave her twin a look before scoffing. “No, thanks. I’m fine.”
           “Fine. I’ll just go see if they have any teddy bears in the gift shop that reads ‘Not Quite the Best Godparents’ and maybe it’ll be tear absorbent!” With that, he stormed out the room, leaving Elena in stunned silence.
           Donna rolled her eyes. “I better go after him. Last time I left him alone while he was upset, he thought I didn’t care about him anymore and didn’t speak to me for three days.”
           She left, leaving y/n alone in the room. Again. She leaned back once more, enjoying the silence, but now that she was alone again, she realized just how loud the silence was. All she could think was pregnant, pregnant, pregnant.    
           “What am I going to do?” she mumbled to herself.
           The door to the room opened again; Dr. Kipp entering once more.
           “Hi Miss. Forman,” Dr. Kipp greeted. “We got your test results back.”
           She gulped. “And?”
           He sat down on the stool next to her bed and looked her in the eyes. “It’s positive.”
           Her heart dropped completely, and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. “I’m pregnant?”
           “I know this is a lot to take in, but we need to gather some more information from you so we can determine how far along you are. But first the basics. What’s your full name?”
           “Y/f/n y/m/n Forman.”
           He scratched her answer down on his clipboard. “Birthday?”
           “May 18, 1959.”
           “So, that makes you eighteen years old, correct?”
           Y/n nodded.
           “Okay, and your current address?”
           “416 Edlebrook Ave.”
           “Beautiful,” the doctor responded and looked up from his clipboard. “Do you know who the father is?”
           Tears started to burn her eyes as she nodded her head. “I do.”
           “What’s his name?”
           “Steven James Hyde.”
           “When was your last menstrual cycle?”
           “Somewhere in mid September.”
           “And today is October 19,” he said more to himself. “So, you are about three weeks along. Now, I’m going to give this information to the nurse and have her give you a pamphlet and a referral to an OB/GYN. I’ll have them give you a call to set up an appointment. Do we have permission to leave a message with someone if you’re not available?”
           “Uh…no, just me is fine, thanks. I’m not ready to tell people yet.”
           He nods. “Understandable. Now, let’s look at your head and see how you’re doing.” As he took out a flashlight and started examining her eyes, Hyde walked back in the room.
           “Hey, Doc. How’s she doing?” he asked.
           “Well, I’m not seeing any signs of concussion, so that’s good.” He turned off the light and started feeling around underneath her jaw to the back of her head where he felt her bump. She winced and he took note of it. “She seems great besides that nasty bump. Just put some ice on it if it starts to hurt and take some aspirin for the pain. Otherwise, you’re good to go.”
           “What about her test results?”
           Dr. Kipp glanced at y/n and saw her terrified look. He glanced back at Steven who looked worried. “Test results came back normal and she’s perfectly healthy.” He noticed Steven visibly relax. “Anything else, she may discuss with you at her discretion.”
           Y/n mouthed a thank you to the doctor who gave her a subtle nod and finished writing his notes on his clipboard. “I’ll have a nurse discharge you. You have a good rest of your night and rest up.”
           Y/n nodded. “Thank you.”
           With that, he left the room, leaving y/n wanting to vomit—and not from feeling sick this time. She continued to sit in her bed, not being able to properly process the information. Her world felt fuzzy and she felt like she was going to pass out for a second time. She could hear Steven talking to her, but it was all garbled and muffled as if she were underwater. Was her dream right? Was she going to be disowned by her family? Is she going to disappoint her mother? Oh no, how is Red going to take this? She and Steven are dead. Dead like road kill.
           She heard Steven’s muffled voice again, but this time louder. She blinked and looked up at Steven. “I’m sorry, what?”
           He knitted his eyebrows at her. “I said, are you okay? Do you need help getting dressed?”
           She shook her heavy head and slowly slid out of bed. “I should be okay.” She untied her hospital gown, allowing it to pool around her feet. She shivered as the cold air hit her bare skin and turned to see her clothes balled up in a plastic bag. She slowly started dressing herself and felt Hyde’s eyes burn into her the whole time.
           She finally looked up at him as she finished putting on her pajama top. “What’s up?”
           “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting different.”
          ��She nodded, not being able to look him in the eye. “Yeah, I think so. Just still not feeling well and feeling a little disoriented from the fall. But I think I’m good.”
           He eyed her for a minute. “Okay,” he responded slowly. “As long as you don’t pass out on me again.”
           She chuckled. “I think I’ll be okay.”
           A knock came at the door and the nurse walked in. “Okay, Miss Forman. Here are your doctor’s notes to help you feel better. Plenty of rest and fluids. And—” She noticed Steven listening to her and she looked back down at the pamphlet in her hands and slid the doctor’s notes over it. “Here’s everything you else need to know. If you have any questions, there’s a number you can call and if you don’t get better or start to feel worse, come on back in.”
           Y/n thanked her and quietly gathered the rest of her stuff and headed out with Steven. He guided her slowly into the camino and started up the car. She rested her elbow on the windowsill of the door and leaned her head into her hand, feeling like sleep will overtake her any minute now. Hyde placed a gentle hand on her thigh and lovingly rubber circles with his thumb.
           “Let’s get you back in bed, yeah?”
           She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded, not being able to form words in fear she would start crying.
           The drive home was deathly quiet as rain started to fall. The only noise emitting was outside as the rain fell onto the windshield. Not being able to handle the silence, Hyde reached over and turned on the radio, allowing the music to softly fill the car. It eased the tension slightly, allowing y/n to relax.
           He pulled up in front of a supermarket and put the car in park.
           “What are we doing here?” she croaked.
           “Do you want some soup?”
           She gave him a small smile. “That would be nice. Thank you.”
           He nodded and got out of the car, leaving it on so the heater would warm up y/n. Ever since the hospital, she’d been cold and not able to heat up as fast as she normally would. She shivered, realizing she didn’t bring a jacket or her robe. She looked around the car and noticed a blanket behind the driver’s seat. She wrapped her cold fingers around the soft material and realized it was their sex blanket. She crunched up her nose a little, noticing some stains. “Ugh, gross,” she murmured before placing the clean side on her. The stench of sex filled her nostrils, but luckily it didn’t upset her stomach more than it already was.
           She waited in the car for a few more minutes with the blanket pulled up to her chin and listened to the music. Paul Anka came on, singing (You’re) Having My Baby.
           “Would you look at that,” she grumbled and changed the station. Stevie Wonder’s Isn’t She Lovely was on playing. “What the…” she grumbled and changed it to another station. A country song this time was playing. One that y/n didn’t know, but it was better than the others, so she left it on. She listened to the lyrics as they went:
           The girls in New York City, they all march for women's lib And better homes and garden shows, the modern way to live And the pill may change the world tomorrow, but meanwhile, today Here in Topeka, the flies are a buzzin' The dog is a barkin' and the floor needs a scrubbin' One needs a spankin' and one needs a huggin' Lord, one's on the way
Oh gee, I hope it ain't twins, again.
             “Are you kidding me?” She reached over and turned off the radio, choosing to sit in silence.
           Just then the driver’s door opened and Steven clambered inside with a container of chicken soup in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other. “Here you go, doll.”
           “Awe, thank you, baby.” She grabbed the container from his hands and allowed the warmth to thaw her icy ones.
           “You turned off the music?” he questioned and started to beat the pack against the heel of his hand.
           “Yeah, there was nothing good on.” Technically not a lie.
           “Ah, makes sense,” he responded and noticed the blanket. He snorted teasingly. “Cold?”
           “No, no, I’m burning up actually. The blanket was so I could feel like I’m in hell.”
           He threw his add head back laughing. “Take it easy, Firecracker. If I hada known you were cold, I would’ve given you my jacket.”
           She smirked at him. “Nah, this is fine. Thanks. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to be cold.”
           “I’ll be fine,” he said and stuck a cigarette between his lips.
           Y/n’s eyes widened and quickly ripped it from him mouth.
           “What the hell, y/n?”
           “Uh, I’m still not feeling well enough. I don’t want hurl all over your car.”
           He scrunched up his nose at her. “Fine. Fair point. But I’m smoking when I get back!”
            Y/n shook her head at him. “What a rebel.”
           “Damn straight,” he responded and turned the car on. “Don’t forget who you’re with.”
           “I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
           He smiled at her before backing up and driving them home for the night.
                                                 --Time Skip—
           The next couple of days were brutal for y/n. Kitty wouldn’t stop interrogating her and y/n finally told something made up to get her off her back. Kitty didn’t believe her, but she backed off knowing she’ll be back again. She wanted so badly to tell Steven about her pregnancy, but every time she tried, it would come out a different sentence.
         “I’m,” she would start, but right when she would look into his baby blue eyes, she would panic. “hungry. I’m hungry, starving! Can we go get something to eat?”
         He would give her a weird look before agreeing and leaving to buy her food.
           On top of that, morning sickness would rear its ugly head and she would end up being sick at the most random of times. She would be sitting down in the basement with her friends, feeling fine, but then she would feel her lunch coming back up and she would have to haul ass to the nearest restroom.
           Everyone was worried about her, trying to get her to go back to the doctor, but she already knew. She had secretly made the appointment with the OB/GYN and wasn’t going to be able to see her until two weeks out. Until then, she had to keep lying and making excuses.
           “It’s been almost a week,” Eric said one afternoon as they were all huddled into the basement. “You really should go back to the doctor.”
                      “I’d rather not,” Y/n said. “Going to the doctors for every sniff and cough is not my thing.”
                     “But it’s not just a sniffle or a cough,” he pointed out. “It’s like one minute you’re fine and then the next you’re throwing up Mom’s tuna casserole.”
                  “That was a long night,” she countered, remembering that night as she had to lay on the floor next to the toilet for hours because she couldn’t stop throwing up.
             “Well, can you still keep down fluids?” Donna asked. “Like, chicken broth, orange juice, and tea?”
           “Yeah, those are fine,” Y/n responded. “I just can’t seem to digest solid foods. But I was able to drink apple juice the other day with some bread. I’m also not nauseas all day anymore. I think I’m getting better.”
             “Well, if you’re feeling better, wanna go shoot some hoops?” Kelso asked.
             “Nah, but you guys can,” Y/n responded. “Me and Donna can just sit and ogle.”
             “I knew you were checking me out,” Kelso purred and rubbed his chest.
             “Not you, you dork,” Y/n said. “Hyde and Eric.”
                      “You ogle at me?” Eric said disgusted. “That’s gross.”
             “No! Donna is, you dumbass!” Y/n said and stood up while Eric laughed. “Moron.”
             She walked outside to the driveway with everyone behind her. As they reached the driveway, the boys split up into their group while Donna and y/n moved away to watch from the porch.
             “So, Hyde, how’s it been with you and y/n?” Kelso asked under his breath, making sure the girls couldn’t hear.
             “You know, things are going good, but with her being sick this past week, it’s been kinda hard not getting any action,” Hyde responded.
             “Ewwwww! Could you please not?” Eric exclaimed. “I told you I don’t wanna hear it.”
             “I know, that’s why I did it,” Hyde laughed and tossed the ball to Eric. “Your play. Go.”
             The girls watched from the porch, admiring the way their men looked. Y/n wanted so badly to jump Hyde’s bones, but didn’t want to puke in the middle of it and ruin the mood. She and Donna chatted idly as they watched their men get sweaty and hot.
             “Look, I know he’s your brother, but damn does he look hot when he’s all concentrated,” Donna swooned as she watched Eric block Fez’s slam dunk.
             “Really? I think he looks constipated,” Y/n laughed.
             In the middle of the play, Eric turned, facing them while trying to block Kelso from making his shot. The concentration he wore on his face made Donna drool but laugh.
             “You’re right, he does look constipated,” she agreed and laughed even more.
             “I know you don’t think so, but Steven just looks so good when he’s moving around like that,” Y/n said and stared at her boyfriend. “I mean, when he gets all sweaty and flushed, it makes me want him so bad.”
             Donna chuckled. “So, how have you guys been?”
             “We’ve been good. You know with me being this sick, we haven’t really gotten the time to do it or anything.”
             “From the looks of it earlier and hearing Eric scream ‘ew’ makes me believe that Hyde already said something like that to him,” Donna laughed once more.
             Y/n chuckled. “Sounds about right.”
             They fell into a comfortable silence as they watched the four boys play basketball. The entire time, y/n’s heart was hammering against her chest, debating on telling Donna right there. She couldn’t take keeping a secret this big from her best friend. Besides, if she wasn’t going to tell someone soon, she was going to explode.
             “Donna,” she said shakily. “I have something to tell you.”
             Seeing how serious her tone was, Donna perked up. “What?”
             “I need you to promise me that you’re not going to freak out. Because if you do, everyone will hear it and I can’t have that right now.”
             Donna’s heart started beating wildly against her own ribcage, now nervous and worried. “Okay?”
           “And whatever happens, promise me you’ll still be my friend?”
           “Of course! What’s going on?”
             Y/n took a deep breath before looking Donna in the eye. At that moment, she wanted to crawl up in a bawl and just cry. But she knew she couldn’t; She had to be strong. So instead she let out a shaky breath.
             “I’m pregnant.”
@lieswithoutfairytales​ @mdittyz123​ @n-dg-wm​ @undead-sierra​ @random-thoughts-003​ @taysirene​ 
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royalnugget42 · 3 years
3RD Life x Steven Universe
Green Pearl. It was irregular for an emerald to have a Pearl, but this emerald was one of the best of them. Such a rare gem, and with a more decorated past than any but the diamond commanders. It seemed only fitting that she be gifted a Pearl as reward for years of service to the Diamond authority.
Of course, she didn’t really spend much time with said Pearl. More often than not, she was out fighting insurrections or attending ceremonial battles in the arenas. It didn’t leave much for her Pearl to do really. That’s where the trouble started.
Green Pearl, or just Green, as he liked to call himself, was not a very well behaved gem. The first instance of this being his constant use of he and him. It was a habit he’d picked up from one of the more distant colonies, something that the organic lifeforms apparently used. He just couldn’t get enough of it, and though he didn’t correct his Emerald, that didn’t stop him from correcting everyone else.
He was bored so often. With nothing to do but stand around and hold things and sing songs every now and then. He liked singing, but Emerald didn’t ask him to often, so most days he spent thinking up ways to perform his usual acts of petty mischief. Because Green Pearl absolutely loved to prank people.
Usually these pranks consisted of sneaking up on unsuspecting gems and scaring them. Sometimes he’d make a loud noise, sometimes he’d announce the presence of his Emerald, and sometimes he’d sneak up to just say hello. Something he loved to do was give them strange random items that he’d collected and stored in his gem. He had fabric scraps, balloons, dirt, some flowers, and his favorite, something Emerald had called a tree branch. This he never gave away, choosing instead to poke other gems with it from a distance.
It annoyed other gems of course, but for a Pearl he spent so much time with soldiers who either laughed it off or just ignored him, that he faced little to no punishment most of the time. At most one of the soldiers could call Emerald over, and she’d just sigh and put him in her chambers for awhile.
He was still in there plotting his next practical jokes when she returned, talking loudly into her communicator.
“Yes of course, my diamond. I will of course be present to observe.”
Immediately he hopped up from where he was seated, hands outstretched for anything she needed him to hold. She ignored him, finishing what sounded like a very important conversation.
“Yes my diamond. Thank you for this honor, I am so unutterably flattered. Emerald, out.”
She waited for her diamond, yellow diamond, to hang up, and passed the communicator off to Green. He dutifully stored it in his gem, eagerly awaiting what he assumed was important news.
“There’s to be another tournament, and I will be attending to oversee the event and evaluate the battle. Begin preparations to leave for sector 3,” she instructed.
“Right away, my emerald.”
“Oh and Pearl?”
He frowned slightly, at not being called Green, but replied, “Yes, my emerald?”
“Please, for your sake if not for mine, do try to behave yourself. This will be a very important event, and I’d rather not deal with any of your little pranks.”
Without waiting for a response, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Little pranks. It was all he could do to pass the time, though, and other gems fighting each other wasn’t nearly as exciting as they made it seem. It was all respectful dueling and perfectly choreographed movement. At the end of the day it was all staged. It wasn’t a test of skill or instinct, or reflex, just memorization. It bored him to death. They could at least add a few explosions.
Behave yourself. Stay still. Don’t bother the agates, don’t upset the hessonites, don’t ever disobey your emerald. It seemed like at every turn he was ignored and told to sit still and make as little noise as possible. Maybe he should try to behave, just once, but the more he thought about it the more it irked him. No, he would simply have to do the opposite. Maybe if they wouldn’t add explosives to the fight, he’d just have to bring some of his own. He smiled, and brought some of his more secret items out of his gem.
Not much can be said about the actual event other than the fact that it was utterly boring until Green managed to sneak away to prepare his joke. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to actually cause any real damage, just some colorful lights and loud noises. Really, that Sardonyx Agate was so oblivious that it was hardly his fault his form was destroyed.
But of course Green took the blame, and there he sat in a room listening to one of the other agates complain and berate him. His punishment was apparently a demotion. He would serve not as an Emerald’s Pearl, but as the Pearl to the Sardonyx he had inadvertently damaged. It was fair enough, he supposed, he just wished he could have at least told off Emerald if he was going to be punished. In for a penny in for a pond right?
But no, he just had to wait quietly for his agate to reform, and then he’d help with whatever it was that an agate does. Maybe it would at least be more interesting working for someone who hated him, but he doubted it. Most likely his agate would just ignore him like everyone else.
It didn’t take long for the reformation to be complete. Green supposed it was a better punishment than being shattered or rejuvenated, but he had to grit his teeth for what would pass through them when the light started shining.
As soon as the agate reformed, Green went into his prepared speech.
“My agate, I’m glad to see you have reformed.”
Sardonyx just looked confused, which was understandable. A Pearl being assigned to an agate, well, it was probably something that very rarely happened, which of course served to make the appointment even more embarrassing.
“I see you are confused, allow me to introduce myself,” he said with a humble bow. “Your physical form was destroyed by some mischief that I caused at the tournament. Therefore, I have come to offer my deepest apologies for my transgression, as well as my service. I am Green Pearl, but you may call me Green if you so choose.”
All in all it was a masterful speech. He had spent a while working out the exact phrasing, and to practice sounding genuine in his regret.
“Well, I am a little surprised, but I accept your service, and your apology.”
“Thank you, my agate,” he said, breathing a small sigh of relief. The Sardonyx wasn’t angry then. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “I assure you, it will not happen again. I look forward to serving you.”
Green waited quietly for a response, or a dismissal, or something, but when he looked up he saw his Sardonyx staring intently at him.
“Um...my agate?”
Then suddenly his agate laughed. And laughed and laughed. Green started to join in nervously, unsure of what was so funny.
“Oh you nearly had me,” Sardonyx said, still chuckling. “You’re an excellent liar, Green.”
Had he said something wrong? Had something in his manner been incorrect? He had practiced so much. No one could tell when he was lying, not even Emerald! Perhaps this was a test of some kind?
“I...I assure you, I meant every word. I-If you are still upset I understand, but please, I really am sorry!”
“Relax, relax. I’m not upset. You don’t need to lie to me, though. You shouldn’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” Sardonyx said matter of factly, as if he wasn’t accusing Green of something he could be destroyed for.
“Wh-why? Why won’t you just believe me?”
“Are you angry?”
“Yes of course I–“ he cut himself off before worse words could be spoken. He didn’t want to be shattered. I’m the agonizing moment after he made his mistake, before anyone realized what had happened he had come to that conclusion. He didn’t want to be broken.
But if he was going to be shattered anyway, he might as well say what he was really thinking for once.
“You know what? Fine. You want the truth? I’m not sorry, I never have been, for anything that I’ve done. It was your own fault you weren’t paying enough attention to avoid the fireworks and still, even if you were standing directly in the line of fire, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. The look on your face when you got spooked was worth it, it was hilarious.”
Sardonyx looked up as though preparing to interject, but Green just cut the agate off.
“And frankly I added better entertainment than anyone else at that awful tournament! Do you know how agonizing it is to sit there clapping politely for a victory you already know is predetermined? There’s nothing interesting about it. And for the record, when you do have me shattered, feel free to call me Green, because that’s my real name, and use he and him when you refer to me, and–“
“Whoa whoa whoa, why would I have you shattered? This is great!”
Ok, now that was a weird turn to take. Either this agate was especially cruel, and willing to drag it out, or they were being genuine.
“Why...why is it great? I just insulted you, my Emerald, and plenty of other gems.”
“Because I don’t even have to get you one my side about this! You’re already very anti Diamond I bet, and what did you ask me to call you? Green? And you use he and him instead of she and her? That’s so genius, it sounds so much better, wherever did you learn that?”
“Um...thanks...I guess? I just sort of picked it up. Seemed to annoy people so I kept it. You can also use his for when something belongs to you.” Green was very confused now but he wasn’t going to question it. What was the phrase one of the soldiers taught him? Don’t look a gift horse in the towel?
“Yeah, ‘He walked. He is an agate. His Pearl taught him something new.’ Oh that is fantastic, can I use he and him, too?” The Sardonyx was beaming, like he had been given a new toy.
“Sure, I’m...uh...not in charge of you. So…”
“Great. My name is Scar by the way, so you can drop the whole ‘my agate’ thing.”
“Uh...why Scar?” Green asked, growing more curious and less scared by the second.
He replied, “Oh it’s sort of a joke. I have a stripe that looks like a Scar on my chest, so some of the others started calling me Scardonyx, and then it just got shortened to Scar.”
Now that was intriguing. “Others? What do you mean others?” Green asked excitedly.
“Oh just you wait, they’re gonna love you! We already have a Pearl with us, we call her Moon, but she took so much longer to really open up to us. Come on!”
“I’m still confused, where are we going?”
Scar turned around, smiling blindingly bright. Green could see in his eyes that this was someone like him. This agate knew how he felt. Suddenly, for the first time in his life, Green was not alone.
“To freedom, Green. We’re going to freedom.”
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lotusthekat · 3 years
Be Wherever (Whoever) You Are
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: G
Relationships: Lars & Rose Quartz, Lars & Steven
Characters: Lars Barriga, Rose Quartz (Pink Diamond), Martha Barriga, Dante Barriga, Steven Quartz Universe; other characters are only mentioned
Summary: “Hm… I don’t think that’s a problem,” the pink-haired lady tells him. “You can always change your name whenever you feel like it.”
The boy looks up, meeting her shining black eyes. “I can?”
Rose grins at him. “You’re always growing and changing… and I think your name is the perfect way to show that, even if no one gets it. It’s what makes you happy. Isn’t that so?”
He’s quiet for maybe a minute, thinking about what she said.
“Yeah… you’re right,” he says, finally.
“So,” Rose speaks up again. “what’s your name?”
At the age of four, Laramie is already pretty lost. That changes when he finds a really beautiful garden one day.
Word count: 2.000
A/N: I remember way back then when people had the idea of Lars meeting Rose before the events of the show, and although this might contradict canon, I’m all for this concept!
I do hope I wrote Rose well, and I’m still getting in the hang of writing child characters, lmao... well, enjoy anyway!
TRIGGER WARNINGS - implied character death and bullying
Laramie doesn’t like school.
If anything, he’s sure most kids don’t… but his reason isn’t the same as theirs. As far as he’s concerned, they’re not left alone like he is during recess. Or even during class.
Laramie is only four – almost five – and he’s got a corner of his own, near the small woods. The teachers say he’s not allowed, but honestly, they don’t seem to care when he goes there.
That’s how it is. They don’t care about him. His classmates never invite him to join them, and when he does try, they avoid him like the plague. Like he’s got some dirt on his face or something. Or maybe his face is the dirt they don’t like.
And well, that’s how he ended up here. In the woods. They’re not scary like his teachers say; they’re really small. Harmless. It doesn’t take that long for him to find another way out in the opposite direction.
What he finds, though… is a place he’s never seen before.
It’s a huge garden with pink flowers blooming. This place looks so… dreamy. Like some kind of paradise. It’s very pretty.
Laramie is careful with the flowers as he walks in. Is this what his teachers have been hiding? Or have they never thought of going in there, judging only by the woods behind him? Because that’d be dumb.
The boy looks down, the flowers staring back. Laramie looks around, wondering if this garden belongs to anyone… but it doesn’t seem like anyone’s here, and there isn’t a house nearby. So, he sits down, and for some reason that feels really good. This does feel like paradise.
This might be his new little corner. It’s so far from everything, from school, his teachers, the other kids… it’s perfect.
Laramie smiles for maybe the first time in a while (“now Laramie, you should smile more!” He remembers his teacher say, much to his internal annoyance). He doesn’t care about anything at all right now.
… well, before he hears someone coming.
“I see you like my garden.”
Laramie shrieks, turning around and finding… the tallest woman he’s seen. She’s got pink hair, huge curls falling on her shoulders. She’s wearing a long white dress with a star shape in her belly.
“S-Sorry! I didn’t know anyone owned it!” Laramie blurts out. She doesn’t seem annoyed, though.
“It’s okay,” she laughs silently, “it’s nice to have some company.”
Her voice is so… soft. You’d think his mother was sweet like candy, well, this woman manages to beat his own mom in that.
The woman sits next to him, though not that close, which he likes. Laramie just isn’t good at talking to people, least of all a woman so nice and pretty… her presence is as relaxing as the flowery ground under him.
Laramie can’t really help staring. He knows it isn’t polite, but there’s something about her… something different.
When she looks at him back, though, Laramie looks away the fastest he can. He can tell she’s smiling, anyway.
“Where are you from?” She asks.
“O-Oh, um. I’m from… here. I-I mean, Beach City.” Laramie wants to punch himself, stupid, stupid. “And you?”
The woman hums. “I’ve come from very far… far away from this place.”
“How did you get here?”
“Oh, that’s a very long story,” she responds, her smile… falling a little. She soon recovers, “What matters, though… is that I’m here now. I’m home.”
Laramie nods and doesn’t ask about it anymore.
“How did you get your flowers to grow?” He wonders instead.
“What if I told you it’s magic?”
Laramie raises an eyebrow. “Really?”
She nods with a smile. “Would you like to see it?”
“Uh, yeah?” He says like it’s obvious, but not in a rude way, he hopes. She seems to like it, anyway.
She picks up what seems like a bunch of leaves and kisses them, sparkles coming out. Right then, Laramie gasps at the pink flower in her hands.
“Woah! How’d you do that?”
“Magic,” she repeats, amused.
She gives him the flower and he admires it. It is different from other flowers, though. In the center of the petals, there’s…
“… a gem?”
The woman hums. “It’s unlike what you’ve seen before, isn’t it?”
“Did you know, I’m still inspired by all the other flowers you’ve got in your home. They’re why I’ve created this place.” She smiles both at the flower and the young boy. “You have a very beautiful home.”
Laramie holds it like it’s a treasure, worth so much that not even money can count. When he looks at the woman again, he does notice the… pink stone in her belly, too.
“What’s that?” He points at it. “Is that where your magic comes from?”
“Yes.” She touches her own belly lovingly. He looks at it, too.
“Wait…” he jumps away in alarm. “Is it moving?!”
The woman laughs. “That’s actually my son!”
“Oh.” Laramie blushes. He scoots closer again. “You’re having a kid?”
“Mm-hmm. He’ll come very soon.”
“That’s, uh, neat.”
She looks at her own belly like she loves her child so much, even before he’s really there. “I can’t wait for him to be born. For him to explore and fall in love with this world like I did…” she speaks, “and for him to make friends with someone as sweet as you.”
“W-What?” Laramie stutters. “Y-You really… mean that?”
She nods again. The woman isn’t messing with him. Every word she says is honest and comes from her heart. Besides his parents, she’s… the only person who’s ever enjoyed being around him.
“Hey, uh… what’s your name?” Laramie asks, realizing he hasn’t before.
“You can call me Rose,” she says. “And what is yours?”
His joy disappears in a second, and he looks away, so she doesn’t see his frown.
“What’s wrong?” Rose wonders, concerned.
Laramie doesn’t really like talking about it. Not even with Mom and Dad… but even if he’s just met Rose, she’s been nothing but nice with him. It’s really the least he could do.
“I don’t… really like my name,” he admits. “It doesn’t feel right.” He scoffs at himself, “Ugh, I know, it doesn’t make sense.”
“Oh, no, I understand what you mean,” she reassures him. “It doesn’t fit you, right?”
“Yeah.” He sighs, looking at the flower, its petals moving with the breeze. “I can’t really be myself, so I just hide from everyone… but I want to go out there and be me, y’know? And I’m not gonna do that with a name as lame as mine!” He exclaims.
Rose doesn’t interrupt him at all. She listens all the way through, and she knows he has more to say.
“I wish I could change it… but no one would get it,” the boy complains. “No one really gets me, anyway,” he mutters in his breath.
“Hm… I don’t think that’s a problem,” the pink-haired lady tells him. “You can always change your name whenever you feel like it.”
The boy looks up, meeting her shining black eyes. “I can?”
Rose grins at him. “You’re always growing and changing… and I think your name is the perfect way to show that, even if no one gets it. It’s what makes you happy. Isn’t that so?”
He’s quiet for maybe a minute, thinking about what she said.
“Yeah… you’re right,” he says, finally.
“So,” Rose speaks up again. “what’s your name?”
It’s a simple question, but Laramie gets what she means.
He’s never had the gut to really say the answer… but now, now might be just the time he stopped being a coward and dealt with it.
Laramie opens his mouth.
“… ‘Lars’?”
“Yeah, it’s my name now! You can call me Lars from now on!” The boy claims, his stance firm and tough.
Mom and Dad stare at him like he’s hit his head hard and forgot everything. Then his mother giggles affectionately.
“Oh, Laramie, you’re so creative,” she says. “What a great nickname!”
“It’s not a nickname, mom!” Lars protests. “Like, I know you guys have other names, but you want me to call you Mom and Dad. So, I want you to call me Lars!”
“Right, son. Whatever makes you happy,” his dad tells him. Lars can tell he finds it cute, too, which is the opposite of what the boy really wants.
“Now, go take a shower, sweetie,” Mom says. “You seem like you had a pretty big adventure today.”
“Yes, mom,” the boy answers with a sigh, walking to the stairs.
“And please do your homework when you’re done, Laramie!” Dad says from afar.
“It’s Lars, dad!” Lars yells back, quickly rushing to the bathroom.
Yeah, he should’ve expected that. Of course his parents wouldn’t get it… But Lars is a pretty cool name, though.
The boy takes the pink flower from his pocket and puts it on the sink, smiling at it before he gets in the shower.
He doesn’t know why he’s got into this.
Steven wants to take him and Sadie on a vacation, because sure. Why not?
So, they’re inside Steven’s house, which is pretty big. Inside there’s a pretty stony place, probably because of that giant statue. There’s also a platform guarding a big door in there.
“You’ve got a nice house, Steven,” Sadie compliments.
“Thank you,” Steven grins. “Now come on, the warp pad is this way! Get ready to have your jaws dropped!”
Lars sighs, staying behind while Sadie and Steven go ahead. He does look around. If you take away that warp thing and the statue, it’s a pretty standard beach house. It does seem like Steven doesn’t have a bedroom of his own, though…
Once Lars takes a glimpse behind him, he’s… stunned, to say the least.
It’s a pretty big painting on the wall, just above the front door. It’s a portrait of a beautiful pink-haired woman, whose eyes are closed. Her hair and dress flow like she’s floating in clouds, fully at peace.
Lars doesn’t know why, but something about her is…
“Hey, Lars, you coming?”
Steven’s loud voice takes him off guard, and Lars tries his best to disguise the feeling, “Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever.”
“Oh, that’s my mom,” Steven tells him, knowing very well he’d been staring at the painting like a creep. “She’s pretty, right?”
“Your mom?” Lars repeats.
He tries to suppress the shame from when he’d insulted Steven’s mother not too long ago. It really seemed like a tough topic to the kid, and while Lars hasn’t verbally apologized, he’s been thoughtful of not disrespecting Steven’s mom again. Lars didn’t know her, after all.
Either way, she does look… divine in that portrait. He remembers Steven saying that she saw beauty in everything, and even in the painting you can probably see that.
It’s… he doesn’t know how to word that. Lars can say, though, that the painting awes him.
“Come on, Lars! We have a vacation to get to!” Steven pulls him out of his thoughts.
The older boy sighs exasperatedly. Lars doesn’t have a choice now, does he?
For once, he follows Steven in that weird “warp pad”, really not sure how the hell they’d get anywhere. But sure, he’ll let Steven do his thing.
Lars does take one last look at the painting, before the three of them are gone in thin air.
After that day, he went back to visit Rose.
But she wasn’t there.
He went there the day after that, and she was still nowhere to be seen. And every other day after that.
He could only wonder where she was. Maybe she travelled? Or moved away from Beach City?
The garden stayed the same, but Lars never saw the woman again. He didn’t even have the chance to really say goodbye to her… or thank her at all.
Regardless, the flowers stayed. In a way, Lars could feel her presence there with him.
The garden became a little home of his own.
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If James Bond Was Bruce Springsteen
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: Ella tries to focus on the future.
A/N: Surprise! Here’s the epilogue way earlier than I thought! Seriously, I have loved writing this story. Thank you so much to everyone who went on this journey with me. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
five years later
Biting at the inside of her cheek, Ella struggled to keep her eyes open. One hand was on her stomach, and her free hand went to her mouth. Ever since getting pregnant, the nervous nail-biting was nonstop. She didn’t know exactly why, and she didn’t know exactly how to get it to stop, either. After Jess finished another passage, he cast her a glance and frowned when he saw her fingers resting on her lips. He scoffed and gently reached over to bring her nails from her teeth.
“You need to quit that, Eleanor,” he said.
Rolling her eyes, Ella shifted and readjusted her position with her head on his shoulder as he read. “Fine. I’m sorry. I’m just nervous to see your mom tonight.”
“Why?” he asked, furrowing his brows.
She sighed. Things had been tense between Jess and his mother as of late, since she had accidentally landed in a religious cult with her husband and daughter. They had managed to escape before being totally brainwashed, but the incident left a bad taste in Jess’s mouth. It reminded him a bit too much of his childhood, and the thought of Doula having to experience any of what he had made his insides squirm. The atmosphere of frustration had resulted in Ella and Jess waiting as long as possible to tell Liz and TJ about the pregnancy. Seeing them at Luke and Lorelai’s wedding was simply inevitable, and the news would be obvious. Ella was a little over four months along, and had a clearly pregnant belly, which showed in the simple gray dress printed with small black flowers she was wearing. Jess, Ella knew, was more likely worried about exposing his own baby to Liz, even before she was born.
Ella shrugged. “I don’t know. I just don’t want seeing her to make you too upset. We’re the ones who get to decide how involved she is.”
Jess let a small smile across his lips. He leaned down to kiss the crown of Ella’s head. “Don’t worry about me, honey. I know.”
“Okay,” she said in earnest. “Just let me know if that changes.”
“Will do, Stevens.” Then, he shut the book, saving his place with his finger, and looked over at her inquisitively. Her eyes were tired, and she was a little pale. “You can sleep if you want to. We don’t have to be at Liz and TJ’s any specific time. No one here is gonna care if you rest for a little while.”
“Maybe, Mariano,” she said, running her hand over her stomach absently. “I just hate being so tired during the day.”
“Hey, at least the puking finally stopped,” Jess said with an opportunistic chuckle.
Letting her eyes flutter shut, she laughed with him. “That’s true.” Up until two weeks earlier had seen Ella constantly slammed with morning sickness. The tide was recently changing to crazy cravings, barbeque sauce on top of a banana being the highlight of the last week.
A couple minutes later, with Jess back to his reading, Ella did end up dozing off. She was cozy on the Gilmore couch, wrapped in a black cardigan over her soft, worn dress. The autumn chill had just arrived in the Northeast, and Ella had yet to adjust to it once more all the way. The air smelled crisp and familiar in Stars Hollow. It was the first time they had been back in over a year, busy trying to get pregnant, and then freaking out once they finally did. But distance had indeed made the heart grow fonder. Ella was happy to be able to see everyone again, and the idea that she was free to leave whenever she wanted, guilt-free, made the trip infinitely more enjoyable. The little blue house was finally sold to a young new family over eighteen months prior.
She floated back to reality at the sound of Luke’s heavy footfalls down the stairs. Opening her eyes, she didn’t move. Instead, she watched with Jess as Luke descended from the upstairs in his wedding suit. They’d barely arrived for the visit when Lue had raced upstairs with self-conscious requests for honest opinions. Then, he’d remained upstairs for twenty minutes fussing over himself before finally returning. Ella fought back a laugh as he came down, but he did in fact look decent in the suit. A fond smirk came over Jess’s face as he shut the book with a snap, putting it beside him.
“Well, where’s Right Said Fred when you need ‘em?” he drawled dryly.
Ella snorted, finally raising her head from Jess’s shoulder. “I second that.”
Luke barely noticed their compliments, instead fiddling with the small silk square meant to go in his pocket. “The guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don’t know what the hell to do with it.”
“It’s a pocket square,” Jess explained, brows furrowed. Even he knew that one after being forced to wear a tux at the launch party for Dave Eggers’ collection at Truncheon last year. “Do the math.”
“Oh,” Luke said, looking down at it. Realization dawned on his face and he put the pocket square in its rightful place. “Oh, it looks kind of nice.”
“Sure does, boss,” Ella said, biting back giggles. Luke was like a deer in headlights.
“So, this is the big outfit for tomorrow,” Luke announced, finally turning to them and putting his arms up to show them the look. “Get it all out now.”
“I like it. You look like James Bond if James Bond was also Bruce Springsteen,” Ella said.
“That’s what it is!” Jess said with mock excitement and wide eyes, pointing to Ella.
“But, I think it’ll make Lorelai’s whole life, Luke. Seriously,” she said with more sincerity, almost pride.
“Thanks, kid,” he said shyly. Then, he looked at his nephew. “Jess?”
Jess paused for a moment, then stood up and spoke with gravity. “Turn around?”
“Jess,” Luke said, sighing in exasperation.
Raising his eyebrows expectantly, Jess gestured in a circle. “Turn.”
Luke did as Jess said, spinning in a slow circle. “Well?”
“You are a very handsome man,” Jess answered.
Luke rolled his eyes. “All right.”
“I mean, very hot,” Jess continued emphatically.
“I got it,” Luke said.
Jess chose not to take the hint. “Rande Gerber hot.”
“Enough, Jess,” Luke warned.
Jess’s face softened with sincerity. “Hey. You look good.”
“Yeah?” Luke asked, surprised.
Jess clapped Luke on the shoulder and then went to sit back next to his wife. “I only do sincere once, man.”
“Right, thanks,” Luke replied.
Ella laughed, feeling nostalgic but not letting it overtake her. Since finding out about the pregnancy, Ella had been trying to focus on the future instead of the past. Even if it scared her a little. She was overjoyed at the idea she was going to get to see Luke and Lorelai marry. Before the conversation could go in any other direction, Kirk rushed into the house unannounced, taking a seat on the armchair opposite Ella and Jess. He put his head in his hands and gave a distressed groan.
“Luke! Everything is under control!” Kirk screeched.
“What happened to knocking, Kirk?” Luke asked.
“Yeah!” Jess said ardently, picking up his book again. “What if we were naked?”
Ella nudged him playfully with her elbow as a soft, sly smirk came over his face.
“Don’t say that,” Luke admonished him.
Kirk shot up and headed in the direction of the downstairs bathroom.
“Where are you going?” Luke asked.
Ella watched from her spot, her head back on Jess’s shoulder, as Kirk shouted about how he was going to throw up because he had messed up the wedding decorations at the gazebo, where the ceremony was to take place the following day. In the midst of the argument, Lorelai wandered in from the kitchen with a Pop Tart in her hands. She wordlessly handed one to Ella, who had been telling Lorelai about her recent sweet tooth during their frequent phone calls. Smiling gratefully, Ella raised her head and threw the wrapper away in the bin next to her as the scene unfolded in front of her.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Luke asked.
“I live here,” Lorelai said plainly. “You look hot.”
“Rande Gerber hot,” Jess chimed in without looking up from his reading.
Ella snorted a laugh.
“Yeah.” Lorelai continued munching on her pastry.
“You’re supposed to be at the Inn!” Luke insisted. Lorelai was meant to be spending the day at the Dragonfly, before Luke, Jess, and Ella departed to sleep in the apartment above the diner for the night.
“I was,” Lorelai said. “They don’t have Pop Tarts.”
“Get outta here!” Luke exclaimed.
“Why?” Lorelai’s brow crinkled.
“I’m not supposed to see you before the wedding,” Luke explained. “It’s bad luck.”
“Oh, are we doing that?” Lorelai asked.
The confusion went on, as Rory entered the room as well and was equally surprised Luke wanted to partake in the superstitious tradition. The two Gilmore women pretended to leave lamely before Luke gave into letting Lorelai stay. At talk of pizza for dinner, Ella’s stomach growled, despite her having just finished the Pop Tart. Jess heard it and chuckled, standing and putting his book in his back pocket before holding his hand out for her to grab.
“We should get going. Liz is making dinner and we won’t have the heart to leave if you threaten pizza,” Jess said.
“You sure? There’s still time to back out,” Lorelai said.
Ella sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear after rising. “No, I think we’re stealing enough thunder telling her the night before your wedding, let alone the day of.”
“Well, considering you didn’t tell anyone you got engaged until after you got married,” Luke said gruffly, “she probably won’t be as shocked as you think she will.”
“Agreed,” Lorelai said, nodding.
They both still threw in the occasional jab about Jess and Ella’s elopement, having missed it. Mostly, it was good-natured. Mostly.
“You guys got copies of all the pictures!” Jess said defensively.
Ella could only laugh along with Rory.
“Yeah, and you can keep Liz’s thunder,” Lorelai assured her, back on topic. “I don’t think I’m interested in it.”
Ella laughed, but followed with her hand back in Jess’s grasp as he went over to the doorway. “We should be back in a couple hours.”
“Hopefully,” Jess added, sullen.
“Hey, look alive, Mister Sunshine,” Ella teased.
He rolled his eyes playfully as he grabbed their coats and Ella’s bag. Lorelai, Luke, and Rory began bidding them goodbye (while Kirk lay on the couch, wailing and wallowing). Ella’s smile faltered a bit as she looked at Rory. They spoke semi-regularly, but it was sometimes very hard for Ella to bite her tongue. Rory was floundering in her career, burnt out from her intensity in school, and back to sleeping with unavailable men. Her affair with Logan, who was engaged, had been going on for a while, and Ella tried not to judge her. Instead, she just felt sad that her childhood friend was struggling. Rory had experienced meltdowns over bad grades even when they were in kindergarten. She had just begun working as the editor of the Stars Hollow Gazette, though, which Ella thought might actually be perfect for Rory. She hoped things would brighten up soon.
Jess held Ella’s coat up for her to put on chivalrously.
It made Ella roll her eyes at how adorable he was. If she didn’t know it was only because of what a good dad he was already becoming, it would have been irritating. But she couldn’t help the way her heart glowed at the thought. He was a natural with kids. Always had been, even when he had no experience. And after the baby came, Jess and Ella were going to split time off, since Ella didn’t want to miss the summer semester at the University. Both of them would be part-time, and Ella was glad for both herself, and also, the baby. She was lucky Truncheon had finally picked up enough speed for significant taking of prolonged leave.
“It’s only a couple blocks, Jess. I think I’ll just carry it. I’ll be fine.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s what you said last time. Then you got a fever!”
“God, you have no concept of weather! You can’t get sick from it! We’ve been over this!” she argued warily. “It was a coincidence! And it was just a cold, anyway!”
“Seems like a pretty big coincidence,” he said.
“Yeah, seems like it,” she retorted flatly.
He sighed. “C’mon, Elle. Help me out. What’s the point in risking it?”
After a calculating look, she finally relented and turned, slipping her arms into the plaid peacoat’s sleeves. “Okay. But I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing this for you, James Dean.”
She faced him again, and shot him a look, as she pulled her blonde waves from beneath her collar.
“Thank you so much,” Jess deadpanned.
“And, for Rhiannon,” she added, putting a hand to her stomach again with the extra layer on.
Jess was donning his jean jacket, and he scoffed. “C’mon, Elle.”
“Rhiannon?” Lorelai asked.
“I’m trying to convince him,” Ella said, tilting her head to her husband.
“I just think it’s a bit of a mouthful,” Jess said, shrugging.
“But we can call her ‘Annie’ for short, like I said,” Ella continued, unwilling to back down. The name had been on her mind forever. And they had already decided the baby’s middle name would be ‘Sophia.’
Jess sighed through his nose, then glanced at her earnestly. For once, Ella saw him actually consider it. Very seriously. Fleetwood Mac still wasn’t his favorite, but as he looked at her back in the Gilmore house, a reflection of who she had been over a decade earlier, he could hear her playing the song on Miss Patty’s piano the night of their first Thanksgiving together so vividly. It was like he was there again. And his eyes shone with love. It seemed he might like the name for their daughter after all.
“Maybe,” he said finally.
She smiled widely, dimples showing and hazel eyes dancing. “Progress. I’ll take what I can get, cutie.”
“See you guys later?” Jess said, eyebrows raised at the other three.
They uttered various confirmations and Jess turned to open the door as Lorelai came up behind them, blowing a kiss. Ella and Jess walked out the door, hand-in-hand, towards the dark green Volvo, which now seemed like it had been their car forever. As they descended the front porch steps, orange leaves crunching under their feet in the yard, they talked amongst themselves.
“I can’t believe I finally converted you to good taste, Mariano!” Ella teased. “Your daughter’s gonna be named after a Stevie Nicks song!”
Jess scoffed. “Yeah, right. Like you’re anywhere close to indoctrinating me, Stevens.”
“So, you’re not denying the name thing, then?” she asked.
“No, I’m not denying the name thing,” Jess answered after a moment.
Ella pressed a kiss to his cheek. He rolled his eyes, but eventually became genuine, turning her head with a gentle hand on her chin so he could kiss her on the lips just before they made it to the car. From the doorway, Rory shook her head and laughed at their familiar brand of bickering.
“Guess some things never change,” Lorelai said, chuckling with her daughter.
Luke smiled fondly from behind the two women, while Ella and Jess prepared to drive away. He watched them go. “Yeah. I guess not.”
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
A Silence Growing
Post-Prickly Pair, Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl try to talk to Steven.  Angst, 2300 words.
At first, Amethyst had thought the problem with the cactus was just another wacky misadventure.  Cactus Steven, mutating like crazy, throwing cactus spines everywhere, smashing up the house?  They’d fought so many other monsters before.  Was this one really any different?
Well, sure, this one wasn’t exactly like a corrupted Gem.  It talked, for one.  (Boy, did it talk.)  But the really scary thing about it was the way it seemed to affect Steven, and the way he wouldn’t meet their eyes after the cactus left.
Still, though, Amethyst had thought once they got the house repaired that Steven would get back to normal.  It had only taken them a few days to sweep out all the debris and cactus needles from the different parts of the house, and Bismuth and some of the gems from Little Homeschool had happily assisted in repairs.  
Steven had been there at every step, using his strength to carry siding and windows, helping them with little details.  Amethyst had thought that he’d be happy to talk to help the time pass, but instead he brought down a radio and blasted chipper pop songs while they worked.  Every time she tried to talk to him, he seemed to find something else to do.  Now here it was, nearly a whole week since Cactus Steven had gone crazy, and Steven was still just as close-mouthed as he had been that morning.
She pulled Garnet and Pearl aside one night into her room in the temple.  “Come on, you guys. Emergency meeting.”
Amethyst leaned back in her rickety lawn chair, one of several stacked in a pile in her room.  Garnet sat on a boulder Amethyst had been saving for something; she’d forgotten what.  Pearl paced nervously, touching nothing.  
“So what’s wrong with Steven?” Amethyst said at last, breaking the silence.  “Has he talked to either of you?”
“No,” said Garnet, staring down at her palms.  “I tried to see if he would come to my yoga class yesterday.  He said he had other plans, but he stayed in his room all day.”
“I’ve tried to talk to him several times,” said Pearl sadly.  “He just keeps saying he’s fine!  But I don’t think he is.  I’m not sure he’s sleeping properly.”
“What makes you think that?” asked Amethyst. 
“I, ah, may have tried to watch him sleep last night,” said Pearl, blushing slightly.
“Awww, come on, P!  You know he wanted us to stop doing that.  That’s why we changed his room up, so that we could give the dude some privacy,” said Amethyst, rolling her eyes.
“I know, I know.  I was worried,” said Pearl, looking uncomfortable.  “But even though it was late, he was still awake. And I don’t think he was doing anything.  You remember how sometimes he used to play video games all night, or try to call Connie secretly when her parents had gone to bed…  But all he was doing was laying there and staring up at the ceiling.”  She sighed.
“Did he actually talk to you though?”
Pearl chuckled ruefully. “No.  He just asked me to leave.”
“Ouch,” said Garnet, shaking her head.  “Not the best approach.”
“Well, I tried.”  
“We don’t want him to feel ambushed,” said Amethyst, picking up a piece of trash and idly swallowing it.  “But it’s obvious something is bugging him, right?”
“Of course,” said Garnet.  She frowned.  “But I can’t see a clear path forward for him.  I used to believe I understood him.  Yet something has changed.”
“So what should we do?”  asked Pearl, folding her arms across her chest.
“We gotta keep trying, right?  Like, I think one-on-one is definitely the best approach.  I used to get so mad when you two would lecture me about acting like a Crystal Gem,” said Amethyst.  “But it wasn’t so bad talking to just one of you.  He probably feels the same way.  And he probably feels pretty crappy about what Cactus Steven did.”
For a moment they were quiet, remembering how they’d asked Steven to talk after Cactus Steven burst through the house and escaped.  Amethyst saw him in her mind’s eye again, miserably clutching a flower from the cactus, covered in spines, his eyes red.  And all he said was I think I’ve said enough, before tossing the flower in the trash and getting the broom.
“We will keep trying,” said Garnet determinedly.  “The more opportunities we provide him to speak his mind, the better.”
“We won’t give up on him.  We’ll figure this out.  He needs us, and we just need to figure out how to be there for him,” said Pearl, a fire alight in her eyes.  Amethyst felt heartened, looking at the others.  Yeah.  They could figure this out.
“All right,” said Amethyst.  “Operation Talk to Steven.  We got this!”
Operation Talk to Steven was not going according to plan.
It wasn’t for lack of trying on their part.  Every day they tried something new, though they were working hard to keep it subtle enough to not annoy Steven.  They got together frequently to compare notes and give each other critiques.  Some days Amethyst was almost sure they had it.  Other days she started to worry it was hopeless.  
They each had preferred techniques.  Pearl kept trying to cheerfully mention to Steven how well she was doing these days, and how it was so helpful to get things out in the open and talk about them.  Garnet took the approach of encouraging Steven to meditate and reminding him of how reflection and yoga could provide true calm.  Amethyst put on maximum chill when she wasn’t trying to just get him to laugh again.
Yet Steven fended off every attempt with a bland smile and a tired, “I’m fine, really, thanks.”  
They tried changing roles.  Garnet attempted jokes, dry sarcastic things that would have had Steven howling a year or two back, but he replied to them as Pearl was so casual and relaxed around Steven that he asked her more than once if she needed to take a nap.  Amethyst tried to pretend she knew how to be wise and collected, and Steven just gave her a raised eyebrow.
“We’ll get it right soon,” Amethyst told the others urgently.  “There’s gotta be something we can say.”  So they kept trying.
But the silence in the house felt heavier every day.
Amethyst crept out of the temple in the middle of the night, figuring she would get situated on the couch so that she could catch Steven shortly upon waking up.  She hoped he might be more likely to talk when things were quiet, one-on-one, just the two of them the way it used to be.  She hadn’t expected him to already be awake; nor had she expected him to be sitting out on the porch in the dark, the shape of his head a dark silhouette through the newly repaired window.
She came up to the door, then bit her lip.  She could do this.  It was up to her.
She swung the screen door open.  Steven was sitting at the table outside, wearing his jacket and pajamas, his feet bare, his head propped up in his hands.  He lifted his head as she took a seat beside him, not looking at her in the dim moonlight.  His hair was damp and mussed against his forehead.  “Oh, hey, Amethyst,” he said thickly.
“Hey man,” she said, uncertain of how to begin.  Steven’s phone sat in front of him, the time reading 3:13.  This wasn’t right.  He should be sleeping.  “So… whatcha doing?”
He shrugged, leaning back in the chair and rubbing at his eyes with one hand.  “Um…. I dunno.  Just looking.  Connie mentioned there was a meteor shower going on tonight.”
Amethyst looked up at the full moon, peeking through a cloudy sky.  The conditions were all wrong for any kind of stargazing, the moonlight too bright, the clouds covering most of the sky.  “She didn’t wanna watch it with you?”
“She has school,” he said automatically.  
“On a Sunday?”
“You know she studies all the time.”
“Right.”  Amethyst went for another angle.  “Doesn’t the town have that big telescope?  Wanna go check it out up there?”
“No, I --”  Steven closed his eyes.  There were dark rings under them.  “I don’t even know if Ronaldo still takes shifts up there anymore.  I haven’t talked to him in forever.  It’s probably locked.  It’s fine.  I’ll look it up on TubeTube later.”
“Well, we could always go a little farther,” said Amethyst, thinking furiously.  “Didn’t they fix the warp to the moon base?  I bet we’d get a great view there.”
“I’m not going to the moon tonight, Amethyst.”
“Just a thought, dude.”  She glanced out at the dark waves beyond the beach, watching them go in and out, remembering Steven declaring her the most mature Crystal Gem.  She’d believed him, then; she’d felt so proud of what he’d said.  She wanted to be worthy of it.  Needed to be, for his sake.
She decided to go for it: the direct approach.  “Why are you really up right now?  I know you don’t always sleep as much as when you were a kid-- “ (See? I know you’re growing up, man! Doesn’t that count for something?)  “But something’s bothering you.  Please talk to me.  Come on, Steven.”
The lines of his shoulder, his neck, his jaw tightened.  She could see the way the softness went out of him.  “I already told you guys I was sorry about the cactus,” he said flatly.  “Why do you keep bringing it up?”
“It’s not about the cactus!” Amethyst burst out.  Her eyes pricked with tears.  “It’s what’s behind the cactus, and I think you know that.  We’re worried about you.  We’re not mad or whatever, we’re just trying to figure out what’s bugging you!”
Steven took a deep breath, his hands clenching into fists before he slowly, carefully, laid them flat against the table.  He still wouldn’t look at her.  “Great.  So now I’m worrying everyone.  Everything I do is just so--”  He stared off into the dark, suddenly distant as if remembering something.  
“What is it?” Hesitantly she reached out, touching his shoulder.  He didn’t react at all, though once he would have leaned into her immediately for a happy hug.  How long had it been since they’d hugged?  Not since their snow day, she realized.
“It’s nothing,” said Steven at last.  
“You’re acting really weird,” said Amethyst, fighting back a wave of frustration.  She pulled her hand back from his shoulder, crossing her arms.  The burning in her eyes threatened to become outright tears.  No!  Steven didn’t need her falling apart on him!  “You wanna know what I think?”
Steven hung his head.  “Sure.”
Oh, crap.  She hadn’t fully thought this out.  She took a chance.  “I think you’re like, blaming yourself for Cactus Steven when we all know it was an accident.  We’re not mad at you about the stuff it said.”  
“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled, keeping his eyes on his hands.
She tried again.  “I think you feel bad for venting to it or whatever, but you were probably just having a bad day.  I know you don’t really think that way about us.”  
“Mhm,” he said.
She kept at it.  “It seems like you’re kind of lonely since you left Little Homeschool, but nobody’s upset at you for moving on, it just means it wasn’t your thing!  That’s fine!  You’re Steven, I know you’re going to do something awesome.  And if you don’t know what you wanna do yet, that’s cool too.  You could take this time to do other stuff, you know, hang out with your friends, catch up with everybody….”
He tensed, knuckles whitening.  Amethyst stared at him in confusion.  He loved his friends.  Why would he be upset at talking about them?
“You don’t have to, though, if you don’t feel like it!” she said quickly.  “You have plenty of time to figure out your own thing, like we did.  We just wanna help you.”  She leaned over and put her arm around him.  It was harder than it used to be, with how much he’d grown.  “Look, Steven… I love you, okay?”
He leaned his head against her shoulder, breathing hard.  She held him tight, hoping, hoping he’d finally open up --
“Thanks.  Sorry for worrying you.”  He shivered, and Amethyst was suddenly reminded of how cold it was out here in the dark.  “Love you, Amethyst.”  He lifted his head up from her shoulder and turned to her for the first time, giving her a watery smile that didn’t reach his reddened eyes.  “I’d better get to bed.  I guess I’m not gonna see any comets tonight anyway.  Night.” 
She watched him go, the screen door swinging shut behind him, his shadow’s movements quick and practiced as it took the stairs up to his room.  
“I thought you said it was a meteor shower,” she said softly, and this time, she didn’t bother fighting back the tears.   
She sat on the porch watching the waves until the sun began to rise, until Garnet and Pearl joined her at the table beneath the pre-dawn sky.  
“It didn’t work,” she whispered as they sat beside her, their faces drawn.  “I thought -- I really thought I could help him.  Something’s really wrong with him.  And we don’t know how to help.”
Garnet wordlessly patted her on the back, her hand strong and comforting.  Pearl raised her arm and laid it over Amethyst’s shoulders.  They watched the gulls wheeling in the breeze, the dawn flaring brighter with every moment, and the silence in the house behind them only grew.
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
IV. The First Taste*
Summary: NSFW Chapter. Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader A/N: Modern AU, Teacher reader, Dad/Baker Steve… lots of pining, slow burn, romance. Enjoy!
Slow Like Honey Masterpost
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Since you kissed Steve Rogers in your classroom on that Thursday afternoon, you’ve kissed him again and again after each meeting. It’s been precisely two more lunch dates, one more dinner date, and one long walk in the park on his day off before he was suddenly called in for an emergency pastry situation. That’s five kisses. Five dates. Five moments you lie in bed and think about while trying desperately not to scream.
You scold yourself every time because a part of you is embarrassed that you’re so—thirsty! But good God, the man is a tall glass of water you want to drown in. It’s been two stupid years since you’ve kissed anyone, and when you’re in bed at night, you hope that it’s not your lack of practice that’s been keeping him from moving forward.
You can’t be that bad, right? … Right?
But it’s always you who initiates, and Steve always keeps it short and sweet. Once, you felt the slightest flick of his tongue against your bottom lip, but then as quickly as he’d done it, he pulled away.
Grumbling, you press your pillow over your face and punch it a couple of times before settling back down into bed. You peer at the back of your hand in the darkness of your room and contemplate on trying it just like you used to when you were a kid. God, this feels stupid.
Tomorrow, you’ll just ask. Because you’re both adults and because he was your… boyfriend. You smother yourself with the pillow again, because that was an even more mortifying thought than making out with your own hand.
 In the morning you go for a jog and make yourself a quick protein and fruit shake breakfast afterward. Then you head to the pool for about an hour before coming back home. Everything is quiet, and the world is peaceful, now that you don’t have the lives of twenty-five children hovering over your every waking moment. You shower and lie down on the couch before turning on a baking show. Looking around, you survey your apartment. It is so damn barren and cream-colored. You’re not strong nor brave enough to go get a bunch of furniture by yourself and start arranging.
Sighing, you settle on an easier task: maybe today you’ll go buy some houseplants.
Steve texts you a picture of a cheesecake around noon as you’re spraying water into the soil of two new succulents and a hanging fern. You show him your fern, placing your hand next to it for size reference. The messages between you are short and brief, since you see each other pretty often.
Summer break unravels you a little bit, but you’ll be damned if you let your new (very adult) boyfriend know. You play video games and browse the internet with a bottle of wine on the weekends, and your summer is just a giant weekend. It’s almost troubling, really, because every summer you have to either find a new hobby to keep yourself entertained.
Last year you took up rock-climbing and baked a lot… but with Steve around, that just seemed like a good way to get laughed at. And of course, the summer before that one was spent moving out of your ex’s apartment and trying to keep your head above water. You shudder at the thought. If it wasn’t for the very fortuitous call back from your current workplace, you would have probably had to move back home or continued spiraling into credit-card debt.
You text Steve, asking him to suggest a new hobby to you.
Right away, he responds and recommends that you join his watercolor session at the bakery:
I’m teaching a two-hour workshop Sunday after we close. The sign up sheet is already full but… it helps knowing the teacher personally doesn’t it? I do a ceramics one in the winter, too!
You blink.
Steve… I can only draw if I invoke the spirit of Other Steve from Blue’s Clues.
Oh perfect, now he’s calling.
“Yes?” You answer. His laughter is ringing on the other line.
“Hey! Blue’s Clues is an excellent show! And, I gotta admit, that guy can really draw.”
You huff and sputter at him, “Stop messin’ with me. Last year I baked a lot but now that you’re here… I really need a new hobby- a doable hobby!”
He chuckles again before his voice grows quieter. Bossa nova plays in the background, and the coffee grinder is buzzing intensely. “Oh honey,” He whispers, and you’re nearly gasping at the way his voice sounds—low, deliberate—like he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Come to the workshop, won’t ya? It’s just a beginner’s thing. I think you’ll really like it. For me?”
The quick-draw refusal you were so sure you could unholster on time is nowhere to be found, not with him asking you so sweetly like that. You grouse jokingly and accept, warning him that if he laughs at your unskilled hand, you’ll never take his advice again.
“Me? Laugh at you? Never, sweetheart. I can’t believe you would think that of me.”
“Oh hush, Steven.”
A puff of air escapes him and everything grows quiet. Steve mutters something you can’t quite make out, and then, even louder than before, the coffee grinder screeches. “Everything okay?” You ask, worried.
“Yeah. Um, yeah. Everything’s good.”
You’re suddenly reminded of the way he pulls away after a good night kiss and reach to unholster that gun.
“Hey—uh wha—why do you--- um.” What the hell is the right way to ask this question? Why have our tongues not fought for dominance? Why haven’t both my hands gotten lost in the front of your button-up shirt? Why have you not pressed your hard, broad chest against me?
Maybe you’ve been reading too much Cosmo or Buzzfeed Relationships in your quest to find the right answers.
“Huh?” Steve asks. “What’s that?”
You holster the gun.
“Nothing! Ha! I’ll see you Sunday!”
“Okay, hon… See you then. Don’t be nervous! It’ll be great!”
 You squeeze your eyes shut as you place your phone on the coffee table. Crisis averted. Then, you search for basic video tutorials on watercolors as well as tips for beginning artists on your phone before casting it to the T.V. It’s entirely baffling and when you pick up a pencil and try to draw your new succulent on a nearby notepad, the voice coming through the speaker sternly states that you should “make marks deliberately-- not fiddling about with sketchy, hairy lines like a fuzzy caterpillar!”
What you’ve been working on looks exactly like a fuzzy caterpillar, and your cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
So you try again, erasing furiously before attempting those “deliberate” lines. After nearly fifteen minutes, you sit back and peer at your creations.
Your smooth, plump, glossy plant looks like one of those inflatable tubes outside of an auto dealership in the middle of deflating.
You feel deflated, too.
Over your dinner table is a corkboard of photos and postcards, and you walk over to snag Steve’s thank you card from its place in the corner. You study his technique and peer at the delicate forest green line of each stem- just a single, continuous stroke. The petals seem to be merely blobs of color if you’re looking closely, and where the flowers touch, sometimes the pigments bleed over each other.
No, it’s not a perfect thing. But it is gorgeous, still.
So, you try… again. This time, you tear off the deflated succulent drawing and place it on your coffee table in the left corner. Just for good luck, you chant “Steve, Steve, Steve!” as if he’s Beetlejuice, and get to work. Half your brain is thinking of the striped green shirt and oversized crayon, and the other half is thinking of a striped blue shirt and oversized pecs. Either way, both of them could art.
You’ve drawn all year for your students- especially your ESL kids who struggled with codeswitching. Sometimes, when they were unable to find the right word, or you were, you’d draw a picture instead. According to twenty-five first graders, you were an amazing artist, so… what the hell!
Ten minutes later, you tear off the top of the notepad and set it down next to its brother.
The two are stark differences, and your second one is little bit better. You’re almost proud of it—smooth flowing lines, rounded edges, and even a flat plane of the table to ground the pot.
Sitting back, you click around some more, making sure to choose videos that are most helpful to your current ability. Those speed-up painting videos were hella tempting, but you do not want to get lost in the rabbit hole.
Sunday is two days away. At the very least, you were going to be able to draw a damn good succulent.
You come in early to help him close before the workshop begins. Cap&Co. closes on Sundays right at six, and the workshop would start half an hour later.
The baristas say hello to you and smile, and you do the same back before you grab a rag and spray a counter down. The leftover pastries and sandwiches are placed on a tray and put in the middle of the room, where the tables and chairs have been pushed together by Steve.
“Snacks!” He smiles, “For the students.”
“Does that make me your student too?” You tease, finding the situation a bit ironic.
He winks at you before hanging up his apron. Between the four of you and the work that’s left, it’s quickly finished in the next ten minutes and the employees leave, wishing you a good night as they go.
Steve lets you choose the music for the night as he brightens the lights, and you randomly scroll through the shop’s selection before picking an old album you used to like as a younger girl—Fiona Apple’s 1996 Tidal. Right away, the singer’s brassy voice catches his attention.
“Who is this?” He asks excitedly, “I think I heard her on the radio the other day!”
You tell him, and he nods along to the music as he sets out sheets of watercolor paper clipped neatly on boards. Then he lays out five travel-sized round palettes already filled with an array of colors. By the time all the paintbrushes are next to each clipboard, people are starting to arrive and Steve is back and forth saying hello and giving hugs. You finish the end of the preparation and fill up heavy mason jars with water and set them at each spot. Then, you take your seat with a cake pop and eagerly and watch him lead the demonstration.
“Thanks for coming, everyone!” He smiles widely at the end of the table. “Good to see some of you again!”
 This must be what your students feel like, you think—you hope, because you are absolutely enthralled with everything that pours from his mouth. Even the way he stumbles over his words fascinates you, and the fact that he is so animated and engaged makes you love it even more.
Steve tells the group that he’ll demonstrate for about twenty-five minutes before everyone can start either trying out various techniques, or if they’ve done it before, can begin on painting whatever they please and he’ll come around to offer help. He suggests the plants for a nice still life, or other knick-knacks around the shop. Some returning students have even brought their own objects and you want to pinch yourself because you could have brought your succulent!
Then, he begins, showing you the right way to load the paintbrush with paint and water, and how water tension is so important to the medium. He shows you the difference between a wet brush and a dry brush. He shows you how to layer the colors. Your brain can hardly keep up with your eyes as they enthusiastically soak up the colors over his paper and the way his wrist moves easily back and forth from the mason jar where he cleans the bristles, to the palette saturated with pigment, to the paper where strokes are being placed.
“Here is a quick and easy way to make a flower.”
Steve loads a fat brush with water and pulls two shades of orange onto the white of the palette. In one swift motion, he streaks a daub of it onto the paper, letting the water gather more heavily on one side.
“We’ll let that dry for just a second— but we can do this for now.” He presses the tip of the brush into a tiny bit of red and makes another mark similar to the first one. The edges of the paint that touches leaks into each other, creating a tiny blossom of red into the first petal.
“This is what will happen when your paint is still wet—but that’s okay!” He makes two more petals—slightly more yellow than the last and touches his finger to the one with the accidental red bloom.
“It’s pretty dry now.” He blows softly on it for good measure and mixes a rosy coral shade into his brush.
The last petal is swept over the first, and the overlapping area where they touch turns into a vibrant shade of ripe orange. Then, quickly, he sticks the wood handle of the brush sideways between his teeth and picks up a smaller brush, wetting it, loading it with a deep purple that’s almost black, and makes a spray of dots in the middle.
“There ya go!” He takes the brush out of his mouth.
A part of you thinks that you are fucked because you may have just fallen in some deep shit here, as you stare at him, grinning widely—so proud of himself and somehow proud of you, too, for listening.
He’s made it seem impossibly easy. An absurdly beautiful blossom from his imagination stares at you from the watercolor pad in his hand as you shakily pick up the brush next to your hand.
“Well… shit, Steve.” You whisper before breaking out into a silly laugh and putting your forehead into your palm at the thought of the herculean task at hand. The woman to your right laughs along with you as she makes scribbly marks and drips globules of blue water onto her paper. Steve beams at you lovingly as you try to imitate the way he made the first petal, steering the water where you want it to go.
It doesn’t.
But you’re determined, damn it. Because one, you really want to impress him, and two, you really need a summer hobby.
The next hour flies by as you paint diligently, occasionally humming along to Fiona Apple’s resonant vocals in the background, chatting with the other painters. They’re all regulars at Cap&Co., and they adore the Rogers family.
Steve circles the room and answers questions, giving pointers, and sometimes putting his hand over yours to lead your paintbrush. He even kisses you on the top of your head when you finish your first flower—a lavender five-petaled ...cephalopod.
The affectionate gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by the others as they smile and quietly ask him questions when they think you’re not listening. Your ears go hot the rest of the night—just as hot as the top of your head because Steve!
Before you know it, it’s time to pack up. The album has already repeated, and it’s back to an early track. No one seems to mind, however, as they take their papers and wave goodbye. You linger in the area, pouring out dirty water and putting the jars back under the sink. Steve puts away the paints, fixes the rest of the tables, and you return to the café area to join him. He’s patting his thighs with his wet hands when you come in, nodding along to the music.
You gaze at the damp spots on his legs, the fabric of his trousers slightly clinging onto his muscles. Quickly, before he sees you, you look away.
“This exact song was on in the car.” He mutters amusedly, “I really like this… she’s got a great voice.”
Steve walks closer to you, stopping a few steps away and leans against the edge of a wooden booth. He crosses his arms and press his lips together, eyelashes fluttering as he smiles.
“What now?” He asks. His voice echoes the same low and deliberate tone you’ve heard before, and you think that the question isn’t really a question at all. But you’re not really sure what to make of it—tonight may have been the most forward he’s ever been.
The lights are dimmed. The piano melody crescendos before the song ends. There’s a pause of silence before the next song begins, and you feel your heart leap as the first few words start.
I lie in an early bed, thinking late thoughts.
“Um…” Your voice cracks.
I do not struggle in your web because it was my aim to get caught. But daddy long-legs, I feel that I’m finally growing weary of waiting to be consumed by you.
Steve cocks his head to the side, also listening—to the music, perhaps to your now uncomfortably loud heartbeat. You run your hand through your hair. The music chimes into a more upbeat tone as the chorus starts.
Give me the first taste. Let it begin. Heaven cannot wait forever.
“Why don’t you ever kiss me first?”
His eyebrows raise briefly before he blinks a couple of times. You tilt your chin to your chest and lace your fingers together, foot tapping anxiously as you stand in wait. “I mean, I think I’m just a little confused. We’ve seen each other for like, two weeks now. I feel like it’s always me who initiates—but tonight you did a little bit more of that. And… I guess we’ve only kissed—Am I bad kisser? Steve? Am I?”
You’re full of rambling, nervous energy but you try your best to play it off. It was such an awkward thing to say out loud, and there was no way you could come out and spit: Why have we not had sex yet?
Steve surges forward and takes your hand in his, “No!” His head his shaking wildly, “You’re a great kisser! The best!”
His blabbering catches you off-guard and the snort of laughter that comes from you is anything but attractive. “Jesus, Steven, that’s too much.”
Steve slaps his palm to his forehead. “Ah… I’m sorry. I think I’m just nervous.”
“About what?” You ask, leaning forward and looking up at him, “Steve, I just… snorted. You can’t be nervous about this. I should be the one who’s nervous! Look at you!”
He takes a step back and puts one hand on his hip, the other reaching forward to signal to you. “Look at me? Look at you!” He gawks.
The two of you stand there, pointing at each other, making scoffing noises of disbelief for a good two minutes before you put up your hand. “Okay. Pause, mister. You look like someone Photoshopped a rugged Ken Doll and then 3-D printed it. Westworld-style. You bake, you paint, you’re a ceramic---ist? Ceramicist? What! Steve!” You throw your hands up in exasperation, “Come on! Your fuckin’ arms!”
He rolls his eyes, “I’m thirty-five and divorced. I sleep four hours a night. I’m a walking disaster.” Then he narrows his eyes at you.
“You’re gorgeous! You’re funny, you’re kind, you’re so sweet…! You’re honest?” He ticks off each adjective using his fingers, “You’re patient? God, Sarah throws half a tantrum and my world collapses. You’re dedicated. You’re---“
“Okay. Stop.” You mutter, cheeks burning hot, “I sleep on the couch next to a bottle of wine and have three pieces of furniture. We’re both disasters.”
Steve laughs and steps forward again, putting his hand over yours. “I just… didn’t want to mess anything up.” He whispers, “I like you so much… and… if we’re… talking about that. I haven’t… been with anyone in … two years. Other than you, I’ve only kissed one person my entire life… So, the question is—am I a bad kisser?”
You giggle as he gives you an apologetic smirk, shaking his head at the way you two have been aggressively complimenting each other. Standing on your tiptoes, you move to nuzzle your nose against his. “You’re a great kisser, Steve. The best.”
Darkness flutters over his eyes briefly before Steve expertly dodges your nose and catches your mouth with his instead. With a half-whimper, half-moan, Steve Rogers grabs the back of your neck in one large, warm hand and your lower back with the other and presses your body flush against his.
He’s so tall he has to bend over and you’re so small against him that he’s nearly picking you up. A brief parting of your lips give you a moment to catch your breath, but he’s back again, tongue sliding against yours sweetly, as if asking a silent question.
Is this okay?
With a sigh of pleasure, you ask him to continue in the same, secret language. Your chest his burning hot, tummy quivering with nerves and delight as his hands roam your body. Firm. Strong. Almost desperate. Your own hands rest against his chest before one reaches up and cups his face, trailing your fingertips through his beard.
“D-does it bother you?” He mutters against your mouth before he slides down past your jaw and lands his lips on your neck, “My beard?”
“Mmm—no—” you’re breathless as he kneads his fingers into your waist, moving up to position them just below your breasts, “I like it—mmm-- lots.” You sigh, as his scruff tickles your shoulder, sending tingles all over your body. “I’d like to feel it… elsewhere, too.”
He freezes and pulls away. His hands place you back down on your feet-- back to Earth-- as he swallows hard, looking at you with open, red lips. Steve rolls the bottom one between his teeth and clenches his jaw, eyes half-lidded and lustful. You’re probably a wreck, too, you think as you catch yourself against a table.
“Can we---”
You cut him off. Your purse is already in your hands, keys swinging around your finger.
“God. Yes. I’ll follow you.”
 Steve tugs you from the driver’s seat of your car, hand entwined with yours as he leads you up the walkway and over the step. Once the front door shuts behind him and he’s made sure it’s locked, you’re pressed up against the wall, purse, shoes, keys, clattering onto the hardwood.
“Oh, honey,” he mumbles as he presses his face into your collar, scooping you up into his arms. “Oh, Jesus, sweetheart.”
You’re glad he knows how to navigate his house with his eyes closed because the whole way there, you can’t stop kissing him. Your hands tug his hair and your teeth pinch his bottom lip. Steve responds by growling softly, biting you back, squeezing your thighs before slowly easing you onto his bed.
It’s dark in his room, but you feel the bed dip as he climbs on too. Both your eyes are trying to adjust—trying to find each other. Your hands fumble around until you catch him, his knee. His hands find your stomach. Slowly, he reaches for the hem of your shirt and peels it up over your head. Then he does the same to his own shirt and both of you shimmy out of your pants.
He is hard and hot when your bare skin touches his. Steve lies down on his side to face you, panting slightly as you glide your hand up and down his arm. Oh fuck, it’s been two years and the first man you touch is more like a mythical creature than any man. It should be illegal for someone to feel this good.
Trembling, you touch the hard planes of his torso, the ridges in his abdomen, the swell of his chest taking hard breaths. You shut your eyes and imagine the way he looks right now—breathless and wild. His knee parts your legs easily and one hand descends to feel your center, saturating your underwear.
“Jesus, baby,” Steve sighs into your neck. “You’re makin’ me crazy. This--” He begins to slide his digits up and down, getting the slippery wetness all over his fingers, “Already...”
A shudder rolls through your body upon hearing his words and you arch into his touch, moaning when he rubs your clit in perfect pulsing circles. He moves forward, kissing the tops of your breasts through your bra, nipping at the soft flesh spilling from the cups.
“Steve, you’ll make me come.” You admit, a little shyly even as your hips rock consciously into his hand. You paw at his arms, squeezing the ridges of thick muscles.
The mischievous chuckle that pours from his throat vibrates against your chest. Steve grabs onto your thigh and eases your leg over his hips inching closer and straightening himself until you’re aligned perfectly. He tilts back and guides you against him until your center slides against his bulge.
Just as you find the elastic of his waistband, he jerks away and places himself in-between your legs as he moves you onto your back. You scoot until your head hits the wall, propping yourself up on your elbows, giving him more room at the foot of the bed.
“You wanted to feel this?” Steve caresses your thighs with his cheek, the hairs on his beard tickling your sensitive skin. Your toes curl up reflexively as he moves back and forth, trailing his lips and face all over.
You squeal when the tip of his nose touches your mound, mouth hovering over your soaked panties. His mouth latches on, almost in a bite before he takes them off. Both his hands slide beneath your bottom, squeezing the soft flesh of your ass before he pulls your hips forward. You land on his face, eyes rolling back in ecstasy.  
“Steve,” You gasp, “This is unfair.” Your body jerks with every teasing kiss he presses to your folds. His breath comes out in a smug puff of air that purposefully continues to drive you unbelievably closer to what feels like breaking entirely.
“Baby…” he mutters—right into your cunt, Jesus! You groan at the way his face is nestled there. “Baby---mm— It’s been two years for me.” He whispers, “If I don’t get you off now, in a really good way—it’s not gonna be good at all.”
“Steve—you know—ah! It’s been the same amount of time for me too, right?!”
He ignores you, crawling his hands around onto your hips to keep you from squirming. When you settle finally, he moves one hand to your center, sliding a finger up and down your slippery folds. His mouth latches onto your clit as his finger continues their trail. You fist his hair with both hands at the same time he slips a digit inside.
But he doesn’t move. Other than his tongue’s soft licks on your swollen clit, Steve doesn’t move at all. He happily lets his finger rest inside of you, gathering your juices all over his hand.
You whimper, trying to shimmy against them, anything to create more contact. Its intrusion builds a terrible itch inside of your body, and goddamn it, you want to scratch.
It feels like an eternity passes before he finally lets you have another—adding one more thick finger inside, stretching you as he moves them both around, curling them, pumping them in and out. He sucks enthusiastically on your sensitive bud, fucks you with two fingers almost wildly, and your body responds with fervor. You gasp and moan, arching your back into his hand and face, goosebumps blooming all over your shoulders and down your arms and legs.
“C’mon, that’s it. Thassa good girl. You’re so close. Almost there… Good girl… Good girl.”
With a cry, you come undone, rolling your hips every which way as you reach orgasm on Steve’s hand. His voice continues to praise you, lips kissing your sweat-slicked thighs, beard tickling your sensitive skin.
Instead of pulling away, Steve continues to stroke you with his fingers, slowly prodding at your entrance with a third.
“Just trying to get you ready.” He murmurs, and your heart stills. Ready?
You voice your concern, “What do you mean?”
With a slight chuckle, he sits up, wiping his mouth and parts of his beard with the back of his hand. In the dark, Steve reaches for your arm, guiding you to feel exactly what he’s talking about. A strangled cry escapes your throat as you wrap your fingers around his cock. Hot. Throbbing. Big.
Sweet, sensitive, divorced, baker, artist, ceramicist, father Steve fuckin’ Rogers was packing. And it isn’t until you nervously grip him in both hands do you realize the importance of his last statement.
“Can I get you ready, baby?” He asks again.
For the millionth time that night, your eyes roll back and get lost in your head as you lean against the headboard with a whimper. Steve crawls over on top of you, scoops you up once again in his arms, and places you on his lap. Your legs wrap around his back loosely as he holds you still, previous two fingers pushing inside gently.
You rest your head on his shoulder as your body shakes under his ministrations, already tired and overstimulated. Your hands find their way to grip him, massaging his length tenderly, savoring the temperature of his body, spreading the beaded precum at the tip of his cock up and down his shaft. Steve groans, scissoring his fingers inside of you, spreading your walls.
The third finger meets resistance as you tense up.
“S-sorry,” You whisper, “I’m… I’m pretty nervous…” But you move his hand back and try again. He’s so tender and sweet with you as he turns his head to place kisses on your cheek and ear. It’s a few minutes of this exploration before you feel brave enough to shift and stroke him with determination. Steve takes the message as a confirmation and reaches into the end table for a condom.
It’s slipped on and you follow suit, gasping as Steve guides your hips with one hand, and grips himself with the other. Slowly, he fills you inch by inch until he’s so deep inside you think he could emerge from your throat.
“Oh… my… God!” You cry. There aren’t enough words to describe it— the sweetest sting, an all-encompassing and chilling burn, a mystifying and utter fullness that nearly brings tears to your eyes. You’re afraid to move, to lose this sensation, and afraid to feel what comes next. But you know that you want it.
Steve kisses your lips tenderly, babbling praise, whispering affirmations, soothing the shock that surges up your spine with his warm palm. Slowly, he rocks you back, holding onto your body with one hand, smoothing the hair that falls over your face with the other.
You’re gripping him so tightly it takes some effort to slide even an inch of him out— and there’s many inches of him. Sweat collects on your brow as you grind, dragging against his length, forcing shudders to course all over both your bodies. “Is this okay?” you mutter, delirious, “Steve? You feel so good.”
He flexes within you, grunts into your ear. A dry chuckle escapes him as his hand squeezes your back just a little too hard. He’s holding back, trying to prolong your pleasure, but his own is chasing him down, only a few steps away from pouncing.
You coax it towards him with faster snapping of your hips against his, clawing at his back, nibbling on his ear. “Come on, my love… just a little more.”
With a grunt and a shudder, and a hard kiss to your lips that makes your teeth clack against each other, Steve thrusts one last time as deeply as possible, riding out his orgasm as he pulls your hips against his. The two of you feel welded together, sticky with sweat and so tightly flushed that you’re not sure where he ends and you begin. You body slumps as you drape your arms over his neck. Steve turns his head to kiss your shoulder before making the effort to pull away and clean himself up. He goes into the bathroom first, lying you down and covering you with the blanket.
 When he returns, Steve finds you already dozed off. You palm rests under your cheek as you lie on your side, breathing deeply.
As quietly as he can, he squeezes in beside you, fitting himself against your back. He’s read it somewhere, that falling in love was a little bit like falling asleep. As his eyes slip shut, he feels it happening, just like that quote had said: slowly at first, then… all at once.
In the darkness behind his lids, there is strangely so much light.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 3: Cracks and Buds (originally published on December 21, 2020)
Author's note: Like I said last chapter, this will be where things get interesting and diverge a bit from the original version of Future. In addition to merging Rose Buds with Volleyball, A Very Special Episode will mostly be skipped since while I did enjoy that one, it pretty much rendered itself non-canon by the end. However, elements of that will be incorporated into the final episode of Part 1. But I've been talking too much, let's get on with the show!
Synopsis: Steven is forced to air out more of his mother's dirty laundry when Pink Pearl and a group of Rose Quartzes visit Earth.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Ocean Jasper, Lace Amethyst, Famethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Pink Pearl, Shell, Mega Pearl
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Kimberly Brooks as Shy Rose, Superfan Rose, Hippie Rose, Angel Aura Quartz, Zebra Jasper, Biggs Jasper, Carnelian, Skinny Jasper
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Lamar Abrams as Wy-Six
Cristina Vee as Jay-Ten
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion
Noël Wells as ?
"Thanks for stopping by to help me with this painting while I help some of these Gems today TZ." Steven, wearing a doctor's uniform, thanked Teal Zircon while she stood before a painting of her former leader Rose Quartz. "Seeing this after all I've been through recently is kinda making me uncomfortable, so I want it moved somewhere else."
"Can do Steven!" Teal exclaimed while keeping her eyes on the painting, contemplating what to do with it. "Now where to put this."
First, Teal tried hanging the portrait above the temple gate. "Naw, no good."
Next, Teal went up to Steven's conservatory and thought Rose's serene expression would fit well among the greenery, but then changed her mind. "Hm, needs to be more grandiose."
Then, she tried going up to the temple's hand and hung it on one of the fingers. "Nice view, but I'm not sure."
Warping back down to Steven, Teal Zircon carried the Rose Quartz painting over to the kitchen and leaned it against the trashcan. "Hey Steven, you think this is a good spot?!" she called to Steven, who had just wrapped up healing a Ruby.
"Wait, in the garbage?" Steven asked as he walked over to the painting near the trash. "Why would you choose that place?"
"Well, it's simple really." Teal explained. "Y'all think Rose is trash now so therefore, she belongs with actual trash."
"No, it's not like that!" Steven objected to the Zircon's decision. "Rose may have done some highly questionable things, like faking her own death as Pink Diamond and lying to both sides for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean she should just be thrown away like that!" Before Steven could continue, there was a knock at the door. "Hang on, gotta take this."
When Steven opened the front door, he was greeted with tons of Quartzes with cracked gems and physical deformities. "Volleyball must've gotten real wild, eh?"
"You said it!" Biggs Jasper replied, sticking out a finger that had an eyeball at its tip.
A few minutes later, all the Quartzes were back to normal thanks to Steven, and they returned to their volleyball game while he waved them off. "Come again!" Steven cried. "But not like, too soon. Remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport!"
"Yo Schtu-ball!" Steven's father Greg called for him while he walked towards the beach house with Amethyst in tow. "Did you and that crazy Zircon find a good place for that painting yet?"
"No can do." Teal answered with a shake of her head.
"What she said." Steven agreed. "After everything that's happened lately, I don't know if I still want her hanging over us, y'know?"
"Hey, speaking of pink Gems, I think someone might wanna talk with you." Amethyst said, and she & Greg moved out of the way to reveal Pink Diamond's former Pearl standing behind them.
"Oh, it's you!" Steven exclaimed, recognizing Pink Pearl from when he managed to free everyone from White Diamond's control, including her. "What brings you to Earth?"
"I came here because I heard you might be able to help with this." The Pearl said, stepping forward while gesturing to her hideously cracked eye that extended to parts of her face and even a small portion of her hair.
"Well step right on in!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before she and Steven walked Pink Pearl into the house and sat her down. "You came to the right guy. You should've been here earlier. He was able to fix up all these Quartzes, including one that had an eye growing on her finger!"
"Thanks TZ, but let me take care of this." Steven said. "I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." He began to lick his palm, which grossed Pink Pearl out. "Don't worry, it may seem gross but it gets the job done." He placed his healing saliva-covered palm on his patient's gem and waited for her eye to be healed. But sadly, nothing happened.
"Did it work?" Pink Pearl quietly asked.
"Maybe you should try touching her eye?" Teal suggested.
"That's exactly what I was going to say." Steven stated before he licked his hand again. This time, the spit went on Pink Pearl's injured eye. But just like last time, nothing happened. "This can't be right!" he said to himself. Steven rushed over to a plant and plucked off a leaf to double-check. He tapped on the stem the leaf came from, and out of it came a bouquet of flowers. "It's alright, my powers are fine."
"But what if there's something more to this?" TZ guessed, sitting down where Steven once sat right across from Pink Pearl. "Tell me, I've been told you were controlled by White Diamond once. I know this might be a touchy subject, but is there anything you remember from that time?"
"Nope!" Pink answered. "8,000 years just, blip! Gone!"
"So you don't remember getting cracked in the first place?" Steven asked.
"Oh no no." Steven's patient corrected him. "This was from before."
"So White must've hurt you at some point!" Teal guessed earnestly. "Is that right?"
"Oh stars, no!" Pink Pearl stated. "This was all Pink Diamond's doing!"
"My mom?!" Steven yelped at this revelation and began tensing up, turning a little pink in the process.
"Told you." TZ muttered, unintentionally making Steven more nervous already until Pink Pearl let out a gasp.
"Are you okay?" Pink Pearl asked Steven, who began to ease up more thanks to her.
"Sorry, it's just baggage." Steven let out a sigh of exhaustion. "And thanks a lot Teal."
"Oop, sorry!" Teal giggled nervously. "No hard feelings?"
"It's fine." Steven said to Teal and turned back to Pink Pearl. "Anyway, I think I know just the Pearl to help us fix you!"
As Steven took Pink Pearl outside, Amethyst joined the two as they began searching for Pearl. "So, I take it fixing her eye was a no-go?" she asked.
"You're right, and that's why we're looking for Pearl." Steven said. "You know where she is?"
Before Amethyst could answer, a stray volleyball zoomed past her, Steven and Pink Pearl. Right in front of them, the same group of Quartzes Steven healed earlier were playing a very aggressive round with Pearl serving as the referee.
"Think fast!" Angel Aura Quartz yelled before she spiked the ball towards Zebra Jasper's head, followed by Pearl blowing the whistle.
"Next set!" Pearl declared before she noticed Steven. "Oh, if it isn't my favorite medical professional. How's your clinic going?"
"Hey Pearl, you got a moment for she and Steven here?" Amethyst asked, pointing to Pink Pearl.
"Sure." Pearl accepted as she looked at Pink Pearl. "Did you come to compete?"
"Pardon?" Pink Pearl asked confusedly.
"I mean, in the volleyball tournament." The other Pearl blushed awkwardly.
"Actually, we came here because we need your help." Steven said.
"Okay, what can I do for you?" Pearl asked the two.
"So, this is Pearl." Steven introduced Pink Pearl to Pearl. "She was Mom's, I mean, Pink Diamond's Pearl too, a long time ago." Unfortunately for Steven, introductions quickly got confusing. "And Pearl, you remember Pearl? She was also Pink Diamond's Pearl, AGH! That's too many Pearls!" he snapped in befuddlement. "We should probably give you a nickname."
"A nickname?" Pink Pearl blushed in surprise.
"Yeah, a nickname." Steven repeated.
"Like how Steven calls Teal Zircon stuff like Teal or TZ." Amethyst said. "Maybe we could put an eyepatch over that eye and call you Captain Pearl!"
"Oh, I know what a nickname is." Pink Pearl stated. "It just reminds me of how Pink Diamond once gave silly little names to everything." She added, reminiscing on her former owner with a longing stare. "She was so funny like that."
"Looks like someone's still holding a torch, am I right?" Amethyst snarked. "Now if only I had an eyepatch lying around."
"How about-" Steven began just before a volleyball hit him in the face, and an idea hit him just as hard. "Volleyball!"
"Volleyball? You're so funny!" Pink Pearl, now known as Volleyball, blushed with a cute giggle. "You're just like her."
"No, I'm not like," Steven yipped in surprise. "Anyway, we're here because of the crack on-"
Steven was cut off however by the beach growing darker as a large rumbling sound rang out, and an equally large dagger-like silhouette descended towards them.
"Uh guys, is that who I think it is?" Greg rushed to join the Gems, as the shape grew closer to the Earth.
"Um, is whoever's in there with you?" Volleyball asked nervously.
"Yep." Steven answered, before the Human Zoo docked itself right in front of him. "They're with us."
"Ste-Van, greetings!" Wy-Six, one of the humans inhabiting Pink Diamond's former human zoo, merrily greeted Steven alongside Jay-Ten through the communicator in Steven's conservatory.
"Jay-Ten, Wy-Six, how did you get your space station all the way to Earth?" Steven asked just as cheerfully.
"We took the Zoo ship and made it into a cruise ship!" Jay-Ten answered.
"Um, I don't think I was told there were humans that made it to space." Volleyball stated.
"You were still under White's control when Pink had this human zoo made for her." Pearl suggested to Volleyball just as Greg, Amethyst and Teal Zircon arrived in the conservatory. "I'll fill you in later."
"Oh hey Jay-Ten. Hey Wy-Six." Greg nervously greeted the two Zoomans, whose pleasant expressions turned sour in his presence. "I haven't seen y'all since the Choosening!"
"You mean since you DIDN'T choosen us?!" Wy-Six said angrily. "Don't you have any sound discs to listen to in your wheeled conveyance?"
"Yes, yes I do." Greg replied as he nervously walked away from the conversation.
"Now that he is gone, we'd love it if you came by for a visit." Wy-Six offered.
"Sure thing." Steven accepted the offer. "Is it okay if Amethyst came along and saw the Famethyst?"
"You're right, I gotta introduce the Quartzes to them!" Amethyst exclaimed before preparing to run off. "Oh we're gonna have such a ball!"
"As long as she is not Ga-Reg, she is welcome." Jay-Ten smiled.
Since Steven had last been there, the Human Zoo had received a massive overhaul. Now that Era 3 came with the end of the caste system, the Famethyst and the Zoomans essentially took over control of the zoo from Holly Blue Agate and turned it into a paradise for themselves.
"Ste-Van, welcome to our cah-ruse!" Wy-Six declared, introducing Steven, Pearl, Volleyball, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes to the new & improved Human Zoo.
"Wow, it looks so much different that last time." Pearl gasped in astonishment at how much change they brought to the space station.
"Um, was it always like this?" Volleyball asked the Zoomans.
"Kind of." Jay-Ten said to the Pearl. "We were descended from humans that were taken here and choosened, but it's all different now for us while the Amethysts and Jaspers laze around like delinquents! Am I right Holly Blue?"
"Stop relaxing and get back to your posts, you low class twits!" Holly Blue yelled orders to the relaxing Amethysts, despite the fact that she no longer had power over them. "How can anyone function with this total lack of order?!"
"Aw come on Holly, chill out." A Carnelian the size of Amethyst said while another Amethyst put a flower crown on the angry Agate's head. "You know you want to."
"I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one." Holly Blue kept ranting, unaware that Steven and Volleyball were standing behind her. "I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they ever talk about is Steven, Steven, Steve-STEVEN?!"
"Hi Holly!" Steven casually greeted Holly Blue. The Agate gave a stink-eye to Volleyball before nervously shuffling away while performing the Diamond salute, and ran off as her former subordinates laughed at her expense.
"Soon boy. Soon." Holly growled under her breath as she ripped the flower crown off her head and the doors slowly closed behind her. "That Pearl we made into a sleeper agent better work."
"Bye Holly." Steven said just as casual, unaware of what Holly Blue murmured.
"Yo, Famethyst!" Amethyst called to her fellow Quartzes. "Meet some of my new homies!"
"AMETHYST!" the Famethyst cried out happily before Amethyst spin-dashed towards the group and knocked them all down like they were bowling pins.
"Hey, you came here with Amethyst here?" a very skinny Jasper asked Zebra Jasper as she held up Amethyst. "You guys are gonna love it here."
As the large group of Quartzes laughed and played together, Steven looked on with a grin. "What a weird, happy family."
"Ste-van, we have some special friends we'd like you and your Pearls to meet." Wy-Six said to Steven and the Pearls before he led them out of the Zoo.
"They wanted to meet us?" Pearl asked in total confusion.
"Yes, it is they who wanted to come with us to Earth." Jay-Ten replied before they stood in front of the door that led to a room where so many Rose Quartz gems were bubbled by the Diamonds. "We cannot wait to see the look upon your faces when you see their faces! Ooh, here they come!"
The door opened, and standing before Steven, Pearl & Volleyball was a Rose Quartz with a face and hair eerily similar to the Rose that Pink Diamond had disguised as. While Steven and Pearl stood wide-eyed in shock, Volleyball was still left in the dark.
"Yes, that's the look we wanted to see!" Wy-Six exclaimed.
"I suppose she looks familiar to you?" Volleyball asked her friends, who were still silent in alarm as two more Roses, a medium pink-colored messy haired Rose with her gem on her shoulder and another with her gemstone on her chest and slightly straighter hair of a lighter color, rushed out of the room, where tons more formerly bubbled Rose Quartzes frolicked about.
"S-s-so many Rose Quartzes." Steven finally stuttered in surprise. "But how?"
"Now that it's Era 3, we were all unbubbled, so now we're making up for lost time!" the shoulder-gem Rose revealed excitedly while shaking Steven's hand. "Hi, I'm Rose Quartz! And you, you must be Steven!" she added while picking the boy up. "You're so much smaller than I thought you'd be! Is it because you're half-organic? Isn't he amazing Rose Quartz?"
"It's, like, we were bubbled but, like, now we're not." The chest-gem Rose pointed out while speaking like a hippie while her super-excitable companion presented Steven to her.
"Uh yeah, it's really great." Steven laughed awkwardly. "I'm glad to see you're adjusting well."
"Oh, isn't Steven just the best?!" the hyperactive Rose exclaimed. "You're so kind and friendly and brave and smart and handsome and gentle, and we haven't seen the Earth since we first emerged! Tell us, what's it like living there?"
The familiar-looking Rose Quartz peeked out from behind the hippie-like Rose, continuing to make Steven & Pearl nervous while Volleyball still looked befuddled.
"I'm sorry, what?" Pearl stuttered.
"You know, the planet you live on, Earth!" the happy Rose shouted as she lowered Steven to the ground. "What's a day in the life like for a hero like you?"
"Well, most days I am pretty busy." Steven answered shyly. "I wake up pretty early and-"
"Where's your house at?" the hippie Rose interrupted with a question of her own.
"Oh, we have a beautiful view of the ocean." Pearl answered.
"I've never seen the ocean before!" the exuberant Rose said, placing a hand on Steven's shoulder.
"I've never smelled it before." Her relaxed friend added as she placed a hand on Steven's other shoulder, making him even more disturbed. "Speaking of smell, what's it like breathing?"
"It's mostly nitrogen." Steven explained. "My friend Connie says-"
"I bet you sleep ALL the time!" the Rose that had pretty much become Steven's new number one fan cheered.
"Well, not all the time." Steven replied. "I only need eight to ten hours of sleep at night at my age."
"What's it like eating food?" the fangirling Rose squealed eagerly.
"W-w-w-well why don't you come to dinner and find out?!" Steven blurted out while looking at the shy Rose with a massive degree of unease. "That is, if you want?"
"I'm still lost. Why are Rose Quartzes such a touchy subject for you?" Volleyball piped up, breaking up the tension.
"Oh ye of little faith." Pearl declared as she put a hand on her fellow Pearl's shoulder. "You have so much to learn."
Just then, the Quartzes suddenly arrived via conga line led by Amethyst; seemingly unaware of what just happened. "Yo Steven!" Amethyst cried, before she turned catatonic at the sight of the Rose Quartzes with Steven and the Pearls. "Uh, what did I miss?"
"Family reunion." Steven answered meekly before the Quartzes conga-lined away. "So what do you say girls?"
"I'd love to Steven!" the shoulder Rose cheered and gave Steven a big hug. "Come on guys, Steven's having us over!"
"Like, wow man." The chest Rose replied. "You really are a real sweet guy Steven."
"You go on ahead, I'll catch up later!" Volleyball laughed while Steven and Pearl walked away with the Roses. When she was left completely alone, Volleyball hesitantly knocked on the wall and a peephole opened up. "I've come to report Holly Blue."
"Excellent, at least I have one bright spot." Holly Blue sighed happily from the other side of the wall. "Can you give me any important info?"
"Yes. Apparently this Rose Quartz they once spoke so highly of is a rather uncomfortable subject for the Crystal Gems." Volleyball said nervously. "I could see it in Steven, the Pearl and the Amethyst's eyes when they met those Rose Quartzes."
"The boss will like this." Holly Blue purred mischievously. "Return to that boy at once and see what else you can gather."
"That reminds me, I think I'd like to back out of this revolution." Volleyball murmured. "I know it's because of Pink Diamond that I'm like this, but Steven is barely anything like her! He even gave me a nickname!"
"You one-eyed moron!" the Agate yelled at the Pearl. "Our master has brought us together in the first place because Steven bent all of Homeworld to their knees by being a controlling brat, just like how Pink constantly threw tantrums because she didn't get what she wanted! Is that clear Pink Pearl?!"
Volleyball didn't listen however, and instead walked faraway from Holly Blue. "I still won't have any part in this." She declared hotly. "And by the way, they call me Volleyball now."
"What kind of stupid nickname is that?!" Holly shrieked furiously. "Get back and do as you're told, like the slave you are!" Her yelling fell on deaf ears and Volleyball was gone, leaving Holly to panic. "The master will not like this."
"He's cutting one of those carrot beans again." The excitable Rose announced as she, her fellow Roses, Garnet and Pearl watched Steven cut up some carrots on his dinner plate. "Going up…..into…his mouth!" she continued before Steven picked up a piece of carrot to eat. "Ah, and it's gone! No one can eat a carrot bean like you!"
"I've been doing this for most of my life now." Steven said, still unnerved by the Roses' obsession with him. "I'd hope that-"
"Hey Scthu-Ball!" Greg cheerfully greeted his son as he entered the beach house. "Any idea when the Zoomans will leave? I haven't had this many of my exes visiting since-"
"You must be Steven's human dad!" Shoulder Rose exclaimed. "Hi, how are you?!"
Greg completely stopped in his tracks at the sight of the three Roses, especially the one that looked almost exactly like his late wife. "I can feel the rest of my hair falling out."
Just as Greg was about to leave, Steven tried to stop him. "Don't go Dad. You wanna join us for dinner?"
"Nope!" Greg answered without hesitation, and left just as quickly as he came. As Mr. Universe left, Volleyball finally returned to Steven.
"Hi everybody, sorry I took so long." Volleyball fibbed. "Amethyst wanted me to stay a while."
"Uh…" Steven muttered.
"Okay, now back to this eating thing!" Shoulder Rose continued while she took Steven's plate for herself. "So, you take this food stuff and you put it in your face hole like this, right?"
"Yeah, that's basically it." Steven laughed nervously.
"Y'know, if I had my own Pearl, I'd totally, like, want it to be just like you." Chest Rose said as she gazed at a very unnerved Pearl. "You tried this butter stuff? It's real groovy."
"It's okay, but thanks anyway Roooooose." Pearl answered very uncomfortably.
"Excuse me Pearl, but are you alright?" the shy Rose Quartz asked Pearl.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Pearl abruptly declared and, as she stated, moved away to the bathroom.
"Yo, you're lookin' kinda tense." Chest Rose said to Garnet with a hand on the fusion's shoulder. "How about I give you a nice relaxing message while we talk?"
"I'm also in need of the bathroom!" Garnet stated and got up to follow Pearl to the john.
"Okay Steven, I think I got this eating thing down." Shoulder Rose proclaimed while holding a carrot from Steven's plate in front of his face like he was a little boy. "Here, open your face hole." With that, Steven reluctantly took the carrot and ate it. "Good job!"
"I, uh, should probably see how Garnet and Pearl are doing." Steven nervously said. "Why don't you talk to Volleyball here while I chat with them?"
As Steven left for the bathroom after Garnet & Pearl, the three Roses stared at Volleyball.
"So, what was it like as Pink Diamond's Pearl?" Navy Rose asked Volleyball.
"They're not her." Steven whispered to himself as he watched the Pearl talk with the Quartzes, with a hand on the doorknob. "It's not weird at all."
Steven found Garnet and Pearl waiting for him in the bathroom as he closed the door behind him. "So, how's it going?"
"Don't you think this is super weird?" Pearl asked her son figure. "I mean, we've lived without Rose for sixteen years now, and then here come these Rose Quartzes that were bubbled because of her! And one of them even looked like her!"
"Of course it's super weird Pearl!" Garnet answered bluntly.
"Come on guys, we can't all be like this." Steven tried to calm the two down. "It's like Pearl said, they were bubbled because they looked like Mom. Now they're finally free, and all we're doing is hiding away in the bathroom whispering to each other about the same thing."
"I know it's wrong," Garnet stated. "but I'm overwhelmed."
"You know what? They don't just look like her, they are here!" Pearl exclaimed. "Because she made them!" The ex-servant took a deep breath and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. "I thought I'd be more prepared for this."
Just then, they heard someone rushing down the stairs, followed by a familiar voice. "Hey Steven, where are you?! I still need help with the painting!"
"That's gotta be TZ." Steven recognized the voice and prepared to go back outside. "You two wait here, I'm gonna go back out to make sure they're having a good time. And that they don't see the painting."
"Oh Steven, come out come out wherever you are!" Teal Zircon called for Steven around the house while she hauled the painting around on her back, when she noticed Volleyball and the Roses. "Oh hey Pink Pearl, who are your new friends?"
"Oh, you're that Zircon from earlier." Volleyball said. "I was about to tell these three Rose Quartzes about how I got my eye cracked when you came around. How are you doing?"
"I still can't find a good place to hang this doohickey that won't make Steven freak out." Teal explained as she flipped the painting off her back to show Volleyball. "I understand why he doesn't want it within his line of sight, but it's a very nice lookin' "meep morp" as I've heard some Gems call art."
As Steven finally emerged from the bathroom, he saw that Teal Zircon was presenting Rose's painting to Volleyball while the Roses looked on.
"I think we should leave." Navy Rose suggested. "We wouldn't want to overstay our welcome."
"But we're having so much fun!" Chest Rose complained, and the trio looked at Steven with hurt on their faces.
"Do you not want us here?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven sorrowfully.
"N-no, you're totally welcome here!" Steven stuttered bashfully, taking a brief moment to glare at TZ for bringing up the painting at such a bad time as he slightly began to turn pink. "I-in fact, I think there's still something we should t-t-t-t-took, I mean talk about, like Volleyball! We haven't brought up your eye yet!"
"Oh yes, it's a real shame what White Diamond did to this poor thing!" Pearl dramatically agreed as she impulsively burst from the restroom, realizing far too late what she just did and covered her mouth in shame. "Oh, darn it!"
"Yeah, I mean, Steven's healing powers won't work on her eye." TZ replied. "Hey Pearl, you know a place where she can get fixed?"
"Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they're usually taken to the Reef." Pearl explained. "It's located on one of Saturn's moons
"Yes, that's exactly what Pink would do!" Volleyball chirped happily.
"Ooh ooh, can we come too?!" Shoulder Rose asked Steven and Pearl. "I always wanted to know how Pearls are made!"
"Oh sure, the more the merrier!" Steven accepted.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose yelled, and she dropped down to the floor. "I'm dying, I'm dying, I am dead! I am dead Rose Quartz!"
After they all had a good laugh, Steven, Pearl, Volleyball and the Roses all left for the Reef via Warp Pad, leaving Teal Zircon all alone in the living room. At least until Garnet peeped out of the bathroom. "I predicted you would play a role in screwing the pooch TZ." She coolly stated.
"Was it something I said?" Teal said meekly.
Far from Earth, past Saturn & Jupiter and on the moon called Titan rested the Reef, a Gem facility that was essentially the birthplace of Pearls. And it was just the place that Steven was looking for.
"Here we are." Pearl announced as the Warp Pad took her, Steven, Volleyball and the Roses to a clamshell-like building surrounded by water.
"So this is the Reef." Steven declared as he looked around the place.
"This is where Pearls are made, right?" Navy Rose asked.
"Were, but you're right." Volleyball answered. "It also serves as a luxury boutique and center for refurbishment & repair."
"Repair, yes!" Steven exclaimed. "Just what I needed to hear." When Steven pressed his hand on a nearby pedestal, the facility turned on and a voice similar to Pearl's spoke to the group.
"Welcome, Pink Diamond." The voice greeted Steven.
"No, my name's Steven Universe." Steven corrected the voice.
"Welcome, Steven Universe." The voice corrected itself. "My name is Shell, your guide to the Reef."
"Wow, it sounds just like Pearl!" Shoulder Rose chirped eagerly.
"Well, this is a place for Pearls." Pearl stated with a chuckle. "Anyways, tell Shell why we're here Steven."
"Okay." Steven said, and then he turned to Shell. "My friend Volleyball here has a big crack on her face, and we'd like to get it fixed. Can you show us where you can help?"
"Understood." Shell obliged as a path to the center of the facility was lit up. "Please follow the illuminated path to the Care Center."
"You really didn't need to go all this way for something so trivial." Volleyball smiled.
"It's not so trivial Volleyball." Steven assured Pink's former Pearl. "Soon, we'll all be able to put this behind us."
"And don't you worry." Pearl added while taking her fellow ex-slave's hand. "I'll be with you the whole way."
Steven and his Gem friends began following the lit path to the Care Center while they examined all the boutique's accessories and holograms of Pearls.
"This is like, so cool." Chest Rose commented. "Pearls are so lucky to get all this cool stuff."
"Please feel free to take your time looking at the boutique's latest offerings as we make our way to the Care Center." Shell instructed. One offering in particular caught Volleyball's eye.
"Look at these darling fans!" Volleyball exclaimed, pointing to an assortment of fans.
"I'm taking one of these for the road." Chest Rose snickered while taking one of the fans for herself.
"What about you Pearl?" Steven asked Pearl. "Any memories rushing back into you?"
"Please, nothing like examining all these glitzy tchotchkes to get you remembering the simpler days." Pearl scoffed when she found a ribbon wand on display. "I mean, who even needs something as tacky as a ribbon wand, right Volleyball?!"
"What a sweet ribbon wand!" Volleyball gasped at the wand on display. "It looks just like mine!" To demonstrate, she summoned a ribbon wand of her own just like what was displayed and began twirling it around. "It was a gift from Pink. Isn't it exquisite?"
"Ooh!" Shoulder Rose whooped in excitement.
"Takin' this one too." Chest Rose declared as she snatched the ribbon wand from its stand.
"It's sweet she gave you all these keepsakes." Pearl laughed sardonically. "But I don't think there's any need to get attached." She tried to remove the ribbon wand from Volleyball's grasp, but the other Pearl refused to lose it.
"Guys, can we keep moving already?" Steven said impatiently.
"Yes, let's." Pearl obliged grumpily before she stomped away to the Care Center. "I've had enough of this old circus of objectification."
"Welcome to the Care Center." Shell introduced the almost featureless round room to its guests as they stepped into it. "We have everything you need here to update and repair your Pearl."
"If only I had something to help us remember this trip by!" Shoulder Rose whispered to her fellow Quartzes as Volleyball stepped onto a panel in the middle of the Care Center.
"Hey, I got these." Chest Rose replied, holding up the trinkets she took from the boutique. "Can't wait to show everyone at the Zoo."
"Scanning in progress." Shell informed as the one-eyed Pearl was scanned for any injuries to her form.
"So how do I look?" Volleyball asked Shell, but the answer she got was nothing like she expected.
"I am sorry." Shell apologized. "There is nothing I can do."
"But I thought this place was for fixing Pearls!" Navy Rose exclaimed. "There's got to be some kind of misunderstanding!"
"That's right! What's wrong with her?" Steven agreed.
"There is no visible damage to her pearl." Shell analyzed. "Perhaps the damage was severe enough to impact her even if her gem shows no signs of disrepair."
"So, it's psychological?" Steven gulped at the AI's answer.
"That's absurd!" Volleyball laughed creepily while turning to the others. "I'm totally fine!" The forced smile on her face and the worsening cracks on her eye, on the other hand, told a completely different story.
"How could White be so careless?!" Pearl shouted furiously at Volleyball.
"Oh no Pearl, you got it all wrong." Volleyball revealed. "This was all Pink's doing."
"What did you just say?!" Pearl yelled in Volleyball's face, as Steven watched in horror.
"Ah dudes, I don't think Steven's looking too hot." Chest Rose muttered while she noticed Steven sweating very nervously.
"It's a real funny story." Volleyball said. "Once, Pink got so fed up with Yellow and Blue Diamond refusing to give her a colony that she went straight to White Diamond. Of course, White told her that she wasn't fit to have one, and that set her off."
"Set her off?!" Pearl shouted, currently unaware of the stress Steven was under at the moment. "What kind of crazy talk is that?!"
"You know how Pink's powers were so destructive, how she threw tantrums left & right and that her screams could crack walls!" Volleyball continued explaining, accidentally earning her more of Pearl's ire. "But she didn't mean to hurt me! I was just standing a little too close during one tantrum and-"
"It doesn't matter!" Steven yelled while averting his ears from more of his late mother's dark secrets. "I don't want to hear anymore, I just want to fix this!"
"Destructive powers? Tantrums?!" Pearl exclaimed in disbelief of what Volleyball was saying. "The Pink I knew was a healer who kept her feeling secret!"
"The Pink I knew couldn't keep a secret to save her own gem." Volleyball admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" Pearl replied as Steven's angst reached a boiling point. "If anything, she was too good at keeping secrets! In fact it was because of one secret that we're even here today!"
"STOP IT!" Steven finally screamed as he fully turned pink and his shout knocked the Roses off their feet, catching the Pearls' attention. "I've had enough with hearing about all the horrible things she did! I get it already, she was the absolute worst, can we just cut it out already?! I don't want to think about it anymore!"
"Steven, please!" Pearl cried out, shocked at both Steven's outburst and how it changed his body.
"I just want to fix it!" Steven exploded, causing a room-wide shockwave created by his fury, forming a crater beneath where he stood. Pearl rushed to the traumatized Volleyball's defense as the pink-colored Pearl curled up into a ball on the floor. When Steven finally calmed down, he gazed at his reflection in the broken floor and immediately regretted what he just did.
"I am terribly sorry for the troubles these defective Pearls have caused you." Shell coldly apologized while the whole Care Center turned an ominous red. "Rejuvenation is required to contain these two."
Suddenly, a pair of oyster shells emerged from the ground and began trapping the Pearls inside of them right before Steven and the Roses' eyes.
"Zoinks man!" Chest Rose yelled, a complete 180 from her usual hippie-like persona. "What do we do?!"
"We have to use our heads!" the panicking Shoulder Rose suggested, and her two sisters turned to face her. "Uh, what are you looking at me for?"
"When the process is complete, they will obey you without fail." Shell continued while pulling up a viewscreen showing the Pearls inside the clam-like trap.
"What have I done?!" Steven yelled frightfully while banging on the shells. "Please, let them out!"
In the midst of the chaos, a loud clanging noise was heard from the other side of the shell, which came from Chest & Navy Rose trying to use Shoulder Rose as a battering ram to help free the Pearls. "I didn't mean use my head!"
"Do not worry Steven Universe, your Pearls are about to be better than new!" Shell assured the boy while presenting him the viewscreen. "Feel free to examine this process from the outside using this screen."
While Steven was forced to watch as Pearl & Volleyball were writhing from the pink energy they were zapped with coursing through their forms, the Roses kept on using Shoulder Rose's head to try breaking them out.
"What are you three still doing?!" Steven cried out at them.
"We're just trying to help, uh doy!" Shoulder Rose yelled while rubbing her head.
"Can't you all take a hint?" Shy Rose stated. "He doesn't like us because we look like his mom, and us coming here made it worse!"
"There's no way that's true, right Steven?" Shoulder Rose began sobbing in disbelief.
"That's not important!" Steven replied. "What's important is that we have to save them!"
"Wow dude, not even considering our feelings?" Chest Rose said. "That's just cold!"
"Never meet your heroes." Shoulder Rose began crying.
"No please, don't leave me like this!" Steven yelled for them while they tried to escape the Reef. "You can still help me, it's just that you guys look so much like my mom! I thought I could finally move on from her, but then here you three come and start making feel all twisted up. I've been pretending I'm fine this whole time, but to be honest, I'm not."
"We've been pretending to be fine too." Navy Rose confessed.
"But not pretending to have fun with you!" Shoulder Rose added.
"And not pretending to take all this cool stuff." Chest Rose also stated.
"Your mom created us, and then we were bubbled because we looked like her." Navy Rose said. "Because we were Rose Quartzes. I don't really expect you to understand."
"But I do understand." Steven responded softly. "If anyone knows where you're coming from, it's me."
While Steven and the Roses were still outside, Pearl and Volleyball were on the verge of being rejuvenated into completely new Pearls, and used these last moments of their current selves to confide in one another.
"I'm sorry for not believing you!" Pearl apologized quickly to her fellow Pearl. "I just can't stop making all these excuses for her!"
"Is that what you've been doing?!" Volleyball asked while twitching in agony. "Like I said, she didn't mean to do this to me!"
"But you were hurt!" Pearl yelled. "Badly hurt!"
"You were badly hurt too!" Volleyball exclaimed. "But how did you stop all the hurt?!"
Pearl simply responded by hugging Volleyball tightly and proclaiming, "I didn't." When Volleyball hugged her back, the two began glowing in harmony.
"Don't worry Pearls, we got you!" Steven exclaimed as he and the Rose trio raced to the viewscreen just as it disappeared. "Oh no, are we too late?!"
Thankfully for Steven, his question was answered in the form of the clamshell exploding and from its remains came a fusion of Pearl & Volleyball, standing calm and confident. The fusion had a single gold eye while the other got its cracked eye from Volleyball, and was dressed in very regal attire.
"You fused!" Steven exclaimed joyously. The Roses were just as amazed, particularly Shoulder Rose who just kept squeeing in amazement.
"WARNING: UNKNOWN ENTITY SIGHTED!" Shell roared in alarm while activating the Reef's defense systems. "FACILITY DEFENSE PROTOCAL INITIATED!"
"We can cheer later dudes, we gotta bounce!" Chest Rose cried out as claws emerged from the walls. The Pearl fusion, however, detained all of the claws with elegant ease using a weapon that was Pearl's spear combined with Volleyball's wand.
"That's so awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered. "Go Mega Pearl! Yeah, that's what I'm gonna call her, I call dibs!"
"Hang on everyone!" Mega Pearl exclaimed as she rounded up her four friends and sliced the Care Center's door open immediately after it was shut. Laser began firing from the walls, which Mega Pearl nimbly maneuvered through. But as one last defense, smaller clamshells tried to block the exit while tendrils emerged to keep Mega Pearl restrained.
"We were almost there!" Steven groaned in frustration, before Mega Pearl picked him and the trio up in her hand.
"You four take it from here." Mega Pearl said before she turned her ribbon spear into a lance that pierced straight through both the clams and the exit. She then tossed Steven, Shoulder Rose, Chest Rose & Navy Rose forward, and Steven used his shield to slide on as he reached for the pedestal to shut down the facility once again.
With the defense systems finally off, the door opened and Mega Pearl was lying gracefully on the ground, now free from the tendrils, and gazing tenderly at Steven.
Steven smiled back just as Shoulder Rose rushed up from behind him. "That, was, SO AWESOME!" she squealed and squished her cheeks in excitement.
"Best day ever." Chest Rose declared with her face to the ground and a thumbs up in the air.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Navy Rose sighed, exhausted but relieved that everyone was okay.
Unbeknowst to all the Gems as they left the deactivated Reef, a peculiar device left out some dying beeps in the Care Center, and then finally shut down.
Night fell by the time Steven and the Gems returned to Earth, and they all gazed out at the ocean together.
"Wow, everything looks so pretty at night." Shoulder Rose muttered in awe.
However, Steven was silent for most of the night, until he turned to Mega Pearl and the Roses. "I'm sorry that this whole trip was for nothing." He apologized to the fusion, and then turned to the trio of Quartzes. "And I'm sorry I made you guys feel bad."
"Nothing personal Steven." Chest Rose accepted the apology. "And like you said, no one could understand us more than you."
"Yeah. Guess that kinda makes us siblings in a way." Steven admitted.
"What does that mean?" Navy Rose said shyly.
"Well, my mom created you, just like how she created me." Steven guessed. "I think that would make you my sisters in a way."
"That sounds awesome!" Shoulder Rose cheered, and she gave Steven a big hug. "Siblings forever!"
"I'm glad to be related to you." Chest Rose agreed with the sentiment.
"I can't wait to tell all the other Rose Quartzes about this." Navy Rose said. "It was very nice getting to see Earth."
"This whole endeavor wasn't for nothing." Mega Pearl finally said softly. "Your mother's Pearls just never knew the whole story. One knew your mother as she was trying to change, but didn't know why. The other never expected her to change at all. But now, I can understand it all, and they can have each other."
With that, Mega Pearl unfused back into Pearl & Volleyball, holding hands and gazing out at the night sky. As Volleyball leaned on Pearl, Amethyst and the Little Homeschool Quartzes suddenly returned.
"Yeah, Famethyst for life!" Amethyst cried, accidentally ruining the mood as the others stared at her from behind. "Hey, what did I miss?"
"Oh, Steven!" Teal Zircon yelled as she raced towards Steven. "First things first, sorry for making your guests feel bad. And second, I think I finally found a place to put Rose! And no, I won't put her in the trash this time."
"That's great TZ." Steven smiled at the Zircon. "What did you have in mind?"
Later that night, Steven was lying peacefully in bed with Lion by his side. And within Lion's mane, Rose Quartz's painting leaned against the tree within its pocket dimension, no longer hanging over everyone.
"So she just up and left?!" a voice barked at Holly Blue Agate from a computer screen in a hidden room at the Human Zoo. "Why didn't you stop her?!"
"I tried your clarity, but she refused to listen!" Holly Blue pleaded on her knees. "Please forgive me, I can do better on whatever assignment you give me next!"
"Okay, I'll let this slide." The voice sighed, bringing joy to Holly Blue's face. "Return to Homeworld at once, I have another assignment for you. But in the meantime, what about that tracking beacon we planted on the Pearl?"
"It seems to have short-circuited, last I checked." Holly Blue declared. "Last known location was the Reef on Titan."
"And that's why you never send a Pearl to do, well, anyone else's job!" a slim, black figure wearing a white cape complained on the other end of the call via a green visor, pinching the gemstone replacing her nose in irritation as she arrived via Warp Pad at the Reef. "I'm already at the designated location. I'll keep you all updated with further orders."
Pushing the pedestal, the facility suddenly reactivated, to the figure's delight.
And cue For The Damaged Coda! Gotta say, this was probably my longest chapter yet. Now that we have yet another load of dirty laundry cleaned up, it's time to ask some bigger questions. Who is Holly Blue taking orders from when she said earlier she didn't take orders from anyone? What does this mystery character want with the Reef, and how will Steven react to a possible revolution taking place right under his nose? Join us next week for more answers, and happy holidays!
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Steven Grant Rogers - Chapter 1
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Warnings: Mentions of sex, alcohol use, bit of angst, bit of fluff.
Masterpost Prologue
Co-authored by @keliza
He was long and lanky. He’d been slow to grow right up until our senior year of high school. Junior year he’d left for the summer and in just three short months it seemed like he’d sprouted right up into the 6’2” bean pole. 
You’d always liked Steve. Most girls gravitated towards Bucky, the well off, naturally charming mechanic that Steve was connected at the hip with. Not you. 
It was always Steve, with his gentle blue eyes and his kind smile. Just once you wanted to know what it felt like to hold his hand or how he’d kiss. 
You always imagined he kissed like John Thorton at the end of North and South. How many times had you fantasized that he brushed his hand over your skin and breath a little breath to blow away your insecurities like he had with his sketchbook. 
You’d glanced once to see what he drew. Mostly doodles, but once, you’d seen a face. One that broke your heart. Ms. Carter. Your senior lit teacher. He drew her in such a lovely way there was no doubt to his affections for her. And how could you ever compete with someone as fierce and intelligent as Ms. Peggy Carter.
You tended to shy away from him for the most part. Usually too worried about being a nuisance to really try to hold a conversation with him. You were honestly surprised to go see him go to school. He came from a poor family, you knew his mother was sick. It made your heart ache to watch him go through what you did. 
Then it happened. 
Sarah Rogers passed away and he was devastated. So was Bucky if you were being completely honest. He and Steve were like brothers, and towards the end of high school he lived with them, right around the time his dad cut him off. You put everything aside. You went to Bucky and asked if there was anything you could do to help. You did a fundraiser to help raise money for her funeral, they didn’t have health insurance, let alone life insurance. Steve tried to deny the help at first but he slowly opened up. 
Somehow you ended up even more in love with Steve than before. It wasn’t hard. Bucky teased you in private about your crush on the little dork who never backed down from a fight. Now here you were, about ready to finish up your senior year with your two best friends. Ready to graduate, to flee the nest. 
The music was so loud in the backyard it was hard to hear right next to the speaker. But thankfully you didn’t have to stay by the speaker. You saw the blond hair that you’d spot from anywhere. The hair your eyes always searched for. It was habitual now. 
You break into a grin at seeing him. He smiles back. His gentle, amused smile that says he’s feeling a bit mischievous tonight. It’s so distracting you aren’t prepared to be lifted off your feet. Letting out a squeal of terror, you kick your feet. “BUCKY! PUT ME DOWN!”
“Down you say?” 
“Don’t you dare!” You meet Steve’s eyes just as you leave Bucky’s arms. Time slows as you see the grin break out of Steve’s face. You inhale as fast as this slowed time allows you to. The water is warm when you hit it. No guarantee it would be when you climb out. Of course, there was nothing like seeing that twinkle in his eye. 
Time stayed slow under that water. Bubbles surged around you, when it cleared you gazed about the pool. Red solo cups had sunk to the bottom of the pool. There was a pretty pink bra near the bottom as well. A few glow stick bracelets shined from the bottom as well and legs kicked about. A couple guys were wrestling near the other side. 
Why was water always so comforting? You wonder idly, listening to the dull noise of music filter through the water. It was so soft and quiet.
You just wanted to stay down here, to float. It sounds morbid. 
When the blond appeared above the ripples of the water, you forgot about the water and pushed off the bottom of the pool, surging up to break the surface of the pool. “You’re an accomplice, you know?” You hum to him. He chuckles at you, hands stuffed in the pockets of the pants he couldn’t fill out yet. 
“That only counts if I knew about it beforehand,” he replies. You shoot Bucky a hard look, but not too hard. You could never mask your true feelings to them. Instead you just soften into a grin and giggle. 
“You’re dead, Barnes.” He smiles as Steve holds out a hand to help you out of the water.
“Sure, sure.”
“Been here long?” Steve asks you.
“About ten minutes. Thankfully I left my phone in my car.” 
“I tried to call you,” he replies, with a shrug. “Explains why you didn’t answer.” 
Wringing out your hair, “To repent, you gotta get me a drink, Buck.”
“Haven’t gotten one yet?” Bucky asks.
“Nah, was waiting for my body guards so I could feel extra special.” 
“Oh, in that case, I’ll get the princess a drink.” He gives a dramatic bow and then turns to head inside to where the jungle juice lay. Leaving you with Steve. 
“To the balcony?” You ask.
“Sounds good.”
There was an ease about being with Steve, one that wasn’t there before. He made things easier. Made things better. There was no doubt that you loved Steve, even if he wasn’t for you. How you longed to be his muse like Ms. Carter was. He was like dawn on a winter morning, long awaited. He was warm sunshine melting the snow. He was a necessity. You’d prayed so many nights that you could be good enough for him, but you weren’t sure. God could be so cruel.
Soon, you both had made your ways onto the balcony. Exactly where you always went when Tony Stark threw parties at his parents house. He’d moved across the country after high school to go to school at MIT. A smart kid, he’d gone from quiet, like he couldn’t bother with anyone, to a cocky asshole. His parties were statement pieces. Tradition in our little town. There wasn’t much to do besides parties around here. Steve wasn’t a big fan, you knew. 
He’d much rather be at home, drawing memories of his mother. A heart breaking experience for you. This at least got him out. Once he even participated in one of those games. Bucky had talked him into playing the game with cards. Where you have to pass the card by lips alone. It had been Bucky’s plan to get Steve to kiss you. 
It had not worked. 
He’d hoped you’d both finally be able to admit feelings. But it hadn’t worked. Steve ended up locking lips with another girl. Not just once. The girl had spent the night kissing Steve exactly how you’d imagined to kiss, delicate, savory. His hands, brushing hair from her cheeks like she was a flower. At some point you couldn’t take it anymore. You shuffled away, looking for some relief from the awful pain of seeing someone else on him. 
You found it, alright. 
Clawing at some strangers back, hiding your tears and regretting the next never ending weeks. Hating that those hands weren’t Steve’s. The guy, who’s name you didn’t care enough to get didn’t have soft blonde hair, his hands were too soft. He didn’t smell like him. The whole thing took way too long to recover from. It took almost six months for you to even meet Steve’s eyes like you used too.
Now, you both pretended nothing happened. It had been erased like a nightmare fading after waking. 
But dreams still came. You never expected to be Steve’s number one. His number two, maybe his number. When you fell in love with him, a little spot of necrosis began on your heart. It expanded every time you gave yourself hope to be more. You’d settle to dream of him.
There was a recurring one that hurt more than anything else ever had, only because they were so real, you’d forget they weren’t. Waking up to his skin under your fingertips, he’d smile, gentle, free. His fingers black from charcoals, he’d drawn you sleeping, loving the morning light coming through the window. 
You’d once told Bucky you hoped one day you could break away, and love someone else. “One day, I’ll love someone more than him,” you promised. Alas, it wasn’t anytime soon.
“You cold?” Steve asks. As you shiver on the balcony. 
“Hm? Oh, no,” you dismiss. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Here, I’ll get you a blanket, I’m sure the Starks won’t mind.”
“Ah, thanks,” you reply and glance out at the party below. A familiar prickle rose in your gut. Something unsettling. You lean against the edge and ponder. It didn’t seem more than a moment before a voice tore you back, but not completely. There was something, almost like being underwater.
“Sorry, I took so long.” You frown at Steve, throwing a blanket over your trembling shoulder. You weren’t cold though.
“You were only gone a few seconds.” Steve chuckles.
“I suppose. I was gone for almost five minutes.” You shake your head at him, or yourself, you’re not certain. “Maybe you zoned out again,” he suggests.
You didn’t want to worry him, but it happened frequently. “Yeah, probably.”
“Where do you go when that happens?”
“I… There’s this feeling sometimes.” Steve frowns deeper. “It’s almost like the air gets stale… like… I feel like a ghost, Steve. Like I’m not living anymore and I’m just… stuck, just reliving the same moments over and over,” you breathe. “It’s not good or bad or numb… just like I get stuck in these little moments, you know?” Steve doesn’t reply, but he also doesn’t look at you like you’re crazy either.
“Well, you’re not a ghost, (Y/N). You’re alive. More alive than anyone I’ve ever met.” You meet his gaze. You take a moment and nod, reassured for another moment that all was well. 
“Steve?” You ask.
“Is it too much to ask you not to leave me, I don’t care if this is dream. But when you get famous for your art, don’t forget about me, okay?”
“A dream?” He repeats. “Why would you ever want to dream about me,” he jokes.
“I’m serious, Steve.” You say, turning and fluttering a hand toward his chest. You hesitate, afraid if you touch him he would crumble into a thousand, thousand butterflies and float away to be gone forever. But when you lay a hand, he doesn’t crumble away like your dreams, instead you stroke the fabric of his collar under your fingertips.
“I would never leave you,” he leans down when you avoid his eyes. Making you meet his eyes, a tiny smile stretching on his handsome face. “‘Till the end of the line, right?”
“Right,” you breathe, like a relief. And suddenly your eyes are holding each other’s and it’s endless. Like one of those moments only you feel very much alive. He’s very close. If you pushed up onto your toes, your lips would meet. Would he want you too?
You could smell him. He smelled like clean sheets and his paints. Like the craft store.
“I got drin- Oh…” Both of you snap your heads. Bucky looked disappointed.
Both you and Steve shifted away from each other quickly, a coolness rising. Dosing us and sending us toward Bucky. The dark haired beauty presses his lips together like he was uncomfortable and heaves a sigh as the both of us took the drinks. 
“This is gonna be a long night,” he sighs into his drink as I shuffle over to the patio furniture with them.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
Chapter 14: A First Date
A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
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Chapter 14:
Delilah stood in the kitchen chopping up peppers for lunch. She originally was going to make breakfast, but as it was 1pm when she woke up in Duff’s arms she decided on lunch instead.
“Do you always make the guys food?” Delilah laughed at Drew’s question.
“I’ve made the past couple. It honestly all comes down to who is here at the time...and awake,” Drew jotted down some notes as Delilah spoke.
“Sorry if I’m asking too many questions,” Delilah looked into Drew’s soft eyes and smiled.
“No, you’re fine. It’s nice having someone to talk to,” Delilah added looking up on the clock.
“Do you all usually get up in the afternoon?”
“No usually I’m up by 10 in the morning at the latest. Last night Duff and I were up late,” Delilah smiled as she finished chopping up the peppers.
“Up late?”
“No no no, not like that,” Delilah quickly corrected herself earning a laugh from Drew
“Ohh please do tell Del,” Mags said walking into the room with a blanket wrapped around her.
“We just stayed up late, talking and stuff,”
“Stuff,” Mags cocked an eyebrow at Delilah’s comment.
“Fine we cuddled and made out,” Delilah’s cheeks turned red as she mumbled and immediately went back to cooking.
“Alright mister next big journalist, do you have your story?” Mags teased trying to grab his journal.
Delilah focused on assembling the sandwiches as fast as she could in order to get out of the room. To say she felt awkward in the room while Mags flirted with the writer was an understatement.
“I think I might have something,” he replied tapping his journal.
“Can I ask you some questions too? I was quizzing Delilah earlier and I think she is too nice to tell me to get lost,” Drew added opening up his journal again and pulling out a pen.
“Well you are 100% correct, Delilah is probably the nicest out of all of us,” Mags added.
“Speaking on that, how did you two meet?” They two girls gave off a different vibe. It was more of a question on how Delilah, who seemed sweet and very straight and narrow met Mags and the band.
“A bar, and then we hung out back stage. Now we’re roommates. Feels like it was only a week ago,” Delilah snorted at Mag’s comment as she grabbed a sandwich and left the room to go sit on the couch.
“Hey Delly,” Delilah smiled as Duff joined her on the couch.
“Hey Duffles,” Delilah smiled as she passed her sandwich.
Duff places it down on the table and stood up, Delilah quickly following him.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Are you free tonight?” His voice was no louder than a whisper.
“Yeah, why?” One of the few perks of leaving everything she once knew behind.
“Be here at 8, it’s about time I took you on a date,” He played with Delilah’s hair as he spoke sending the butterflies that were in Delilah’s stomach into total chaos. Maybe Duff did like her, Delilah thought to herself as she watched Duff twirl her hair.
Without hesitation, he bent down and kissed her. What started out slow quickly sped up as he guided her to lay down on the couch. A loud moan filled the room as Duff climbed on top of Delilah, and it drove him crazy. He wanted her. No he didn’t want her, he needed her. Despite the noise that would lead the two of them to get caught, they kept going. Neither of them cared. The more Delilah pulled his hair the hungrier he became. It was an endless cycle that was only stopped when Slash yelled across the hall, “Get a damn room. No one wants to see ya fuck.”
Delilah felt her face flash red and Duff shot Slash a look before chasing after him. Delilah grabbed her sandwich and headed back to the kitchen.
“Good morning Izzy,” Delilah said as she noticed him eating a sandwich at their sad excuse of a table.
“Sounds like you are having a better morning then me,” he noted before grabbing another bite of his sandwich.
“Hey, shut it,” Delilah snapped at Izzy who just laughed.
“You know Delilah you’re not that threatening,” Axl added with a smirk on his face that mimicked Izzy’s.
“No, but that’s my job,” Duff walked into the kitchen now, a smirk on his face as he wrapped his arm around Delilah’s waist causing her to subconsciously lean into him.
“So he asked you on an actual date?” Mags asked while they drove back to her place.
“Yeah,” Delilah couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off of her face.
“What are you going to wear?” Mags asked causing panic to grow over Delilah.
“I uhhh..I,” Delilah had only ever been on one other first date, but this date wasn’t setup by her parents. This one she actually cared about.
“Let’s go shopping then. I would lend you my clothes, but it’s special occasions like these that you should buy a new dress for. I know a second hand store that’ll have something that you will hopefully like,” Mags smiled as she quickly switch lanes.
It was only a 10 minute drive to the small resale shop. The moment they walked in Mags grabbed a small shopping basket and followed Delilah.
“My treat,” Mags said as she began to browse the dresses section.
“Oh I couldn’t,” before Delilah could continued Mags interrupter her, “oh yes you could. You’re my new roommate, so why not. Plus I’ve never gotten you a birthday present before, and you’ve had what 18 birthdays is it now? I’ve missed 18 of them.” Mags dramatically tossed her head back earning a giggle from Delilah.
“Fine, but I owe you one. Remember that,” Delilah pulled out a floral dress.
Mags shook her head no and replied, “if you keep making food for all the guys and visitors in that hell of an apartment, we are the ones who will owe you.”
“Did I miss anything last night once Duff and I left?” Delilah asked as she moved into another section.
Mags froze in her tracks, but quickly collected herself. “Nothing much. Continued to drink, talked, and Axl almost got into a fight.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Delilah laughed as she pulled out another dress and immediately put it back. To gaudy for her taste.
“Sometimes I worry about him, all of them actually. Like for instance is Izzy okay? He never seems to hang out with the guys at night,” Mags could feel her heart warm, not only at Delilah’s words but the concern in her voice. Part of her also wondered when someone would tell Delilah that Izzy sold drugs.
“You’re not alone, welcome to the club. We call ourselves the mother’s of Guns N’ Roses. We meet Sundays at 10 AM aka the only time when Guns N’ Roses is sleeping and not spreading chaos and making stupid decisions,” the girls laughter fill the room as the continued to shop.
They wandered up and down the aisles looking for something, anything that would work, but they were not lucky. That is until Mags stumbled across a white dress on the return rack outside the dressing room. She quickly snatched it off the rack. It was a thin dress perfect for the hot summers. She smiled at the small blue flowers that covered the dress. It was perfect.
“Hey, Del!” Magmas raised the small dress into the air earning a smile from her. She checked the price and thanked God it was only a couple of dollars.
“Go try this on while I go find some shoes,” Mags handed her the dress, but Delilah quickly protested.
“It’s the least I can do,”
“The least you’re could do it nothing,” Delilah replied before Mags shoved her into the dressing room.
“Shoe size?”
Delilah sighed at Mag’s words. Delilah sensed that Mags was stubborn, but now she learned how correct she was about Mag’s stubbornness. “Seven”
Was part of Mags vicariously living through Delilah right now? Yes.
Did Mags wish she had a friend who helped her prepare for her first date? Yes.
But most of all, Mags knew the storm that Delilah was running from. She would do anything to help the girl, her friend.
She browsed the shoe collection only to find a couple of shoes that could work. Her eyes immediately darted to the pair of blue strapped heels, perfect.
Within no time they bought the clothes and drove back to Mags apartment.
“You say you have a roommate, but I have never actually seen her,” Delilah said strolling into the bathroom to take a shower.
“Trust me it’s better off that way,” Mags joked back, well at least partly joked.
“Duff come on man, you’re gonna use up all of the hot water,” Steven whined while pounding on the bathroom door.
“If you keep pounding on the door, it might actually break open,” Izzy groaned from the kitchen eating some leftovers.
“Maybe that’s what I want,” A wicked smile crossed his face.
“If you need help, go get Axl. It’s kinda his forte,” Izzy chuckled as he went back to eating.
“What’s my forte? What the fuck is going on out here,” Axl screamed over Steven pounding on the door.
“Duff is probably preparing for his date with Del,” Slash said while continuing to strum his guitar on the couch.
“Huh, he actually did it,” Axl said under his breathe. Slash heard what Axl said loud and clear, but chose to ignore it. He didn’t feel like dealing with Axl’s wrath.
The water turned off and Steven’s pounding stopped.
It only took a couple of minutes for Duff to put on his eye liner and ‘style’ his hair. As Duff left the bathroom he was welcomed into the hallway with a series of whistles and cat calls from his band mates.
“Ohh Duffy, ohhhh Duuuuffffyyyy,” Slash screamed from the couch, Axl soon joining him. Duff slammed the door to his shared bedroom as he dug through his clothing trying to block out his band mates screaming and laughter.
Delilah stood outside the door to his apartment, frozen. She was a couple minutes early. Should she knock. Should she stand out here and wait. What if he was waiting on the other side? What is he was just now getting in the shower?
Delilah took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“It’s unlocked Del, you can come it,” Delilah smiled at the sound of Izzy’s voice. She quickly opened the door to see Axl, Steven, Izzy, and Slash relaxing on the floor and couch.
“Hey,” Delilah walked in now feeling the nerves growing in her stomach.
She was welcomed by a bunch of heys and immediately felt awkward. They were all staring at her, were they waiting for her to come by? Did they know about the date?
Slash scooted over on the couch making room for Delilah, she thanked him and quickly sat down.
“So where are y’all going?” Axl asked, more curious than anything.
“I have no idea,” Delilah replied now mindlessly fidgeting with the hem of her dress. So they did not about the date.
“Well do us a favor and don’t eat all of whatever Duff cooked for your dinner. It smelled amazing,” Izzy joked .
“Hmm so a picnic is involved,” Delilah said under her breath. She didn’t know he could cook.
“Do you guys know anything?” Delilah asked curious to hear any more potential hints.
“Besides the fact that he has a bag with a blanket and food in it, we know absolutely nothing,” Steven added.
That’s when Duff walked in. He saw Delilah sitting on the old couch smiling and talking with his band mates. He watched as Steven made a stupid joke and they all laughed. She looked at home amongst them.
Duff walked into the room and immediately made eye contact with her and smiled. She looked gorgeous. Both of them remained frozen in time as their the butterflies grew larger in their stomachs.
“Nice hat,” Duff interrupted Steven’s story commenting on the hat he gave Delilah the night before which she currently wore.
“Thanks,” Delilah felt her cheeks go instantly red. Why was she so nervous? It was just Duff. They had spent so many other nights before with each other and talking till the sun came up. This was different thought, this was a first date. Delilah wasn’t a fool, she saw the girls at the party last night. He could have had anyone of those groupies, but he chose her. Why?
“Hey, you ready to go?” Duff grabbed the basket and held out his hand to Delilah. The white flowered dress flowed angelicly behind her as she stood up and walked towards him.
She would be lying if she said she didn’t lose her breath the moment their eyes met. He wore black leather pants with a white puffy shirt that was partially unbuttoned. She gladly took his hand and then they left the apartment.
“Fuck, wait here,” the two of them didn’t even make it down a flight of stairs when Duff put the basket down and ran back up the stairs and into the apartment.
“Back so soon?”
“Run outa stamina already?”
“Dude, you okay?”
We’re amongst some of the things his band mates asked him as he ran into the apartment to grab his leather jacket. No, not for him, but for Delilah just Incase she got cold.
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twodrfters · 4 years
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   ‘ who am i ? who am i ? what are you even saying ?             i’m the loser of the game you didn’t know you were playing – ’ 
   was that kim jiwoo ? oh no no , that was just spinel , a canon character from steven universe . they are nineteen years old and are not aware that they are not actually from washington dc . too bad they can’t stray from this city for long .
how long has your character been here
   spinel has been here long enough to adapt . about six months ?? is convinced she moved here from out of state to further her career bc the underground scene in dc was supposed to be bitchin . 
what is your character’s job
    band member !! i don’t have a band name yet but its probably something really fucking stupid . doesn’t make sense but she likes it that way . 
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
   she’s been pulled from the end of the movie but it doesn’t matter bc she doesn’t remember much which is great . she’s still emo though so that’s cool but she thinks she’s fucked up bc of a recent breakup which mirrors her canon situation w pink diamond bc aha i love to hurt .
has any magic affected your character
   she has no memories and she’s human !! no gem but she has a birthmark where it should be . eats , sleeps , spazzes like a human . maybe something she’d appreciate if she did remember everything sghsjk
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
before washington ;
   born to be nothing more than a playmate . someone to keep the other entertained and happy . she lived for her smile , her laughter . she wouldn’t have it any other way . they were playing a game , or at least that’s what she was told . stand very still in the rose garden , she said , don’t move and you’ll win . and so she stayed still for 6,000 years in fact . spinel found herself wondering if she was playing right as the roses around her began to whither . but still she stayed hopeful , hands clasped as tired reddened eyes continued to wait for the other’s return .
 she never came back . it was during a special broadcast from his son that she realized that her friend deserted her , she never came back to her . she was forgotten and thrown away and there was nothing she could do about it … other than ruin her son’s happily ever after . yeah , that felt right .
she tries her best to do so , undoing her character development after doing the same to his friends . we see her as she was before everything and when she remembers , she comes to terms with that happened . she works on herself w steven , trying her best to be his friend . it backfires as she soon feels scared he’s going to discard her like his mother did even though that is not the case . she’s scared and confused and so she continues with her plan to destroy the world .
it doesn’t work out though thanks to the gems and steven . her plan is foiled and she realizes what she did was wrong and that she also did nothing to deserve what happened to her . in the end she is sent to live with the diamonds in homeworld in order for the four of them to truly grow and start anew .
now , here in washington ;
she’s spinel ‘ ‘nel ‘ flowers . she watched scott pilgrim and was immediately whipped thank u v much . she’s also now a human so she needs to eat and sleep , her gem now replaced with a small tattoo of it instead . she’s physically eighteen y/o and is currently a member in a band . she’s main vocals , screaming her heart with a mic in her hand during their underground performances . may look cool on stage thanks to her outfits n makeup which she works on a lot but is a huge goof . her act mimics mars argo , imagine sweet girl singing unusual and eerie songs like USING YOU !!
 wanted to be an entertainer but being called a Clown as a profession was a lil turn off . so she’s sticking w the band scene . @ me if u want to plot this out or add ur character to the band bc  , , , she needs people GSJSSJ
young new york accent , think harley quinn , anyone could take one look at her and her mannerisms and swear she’s from another time ( because she is ) and she takes it as a compliment . find her constantly doing stupid shit when she’s not on stage , however . she lives for chaos and a good laugh , so much that she’d do quite literally anything for a good time . yes , poor girl is a vandal but she thinks she pulls it off quite nicely .
she’s living at her own shitty apartment , it’s small and cramped but has a homey feeling . it’s full of flowers and plants that she takes care of , her room looking more like a greenhouse than anything . pictures all over the wall as well as album art . a huge paramore and pup fan thank u very much . when a plant dies she holds a memorial service and expects everyone to come . says the stupidest shit , sometimes very crude things but she means well . can be impulsive and brash though . will get into verbal fights for the fun of it . can be seen usually as chill and uncaring though , doesn’t care about other’s opinions , only those she cares about .  
her old tendencies shine the most with said people . she lives to make her friends smile and laugh , will act up just for a chuckle , worries the most when they’re not okay .
spinel’s going through a rough patch though but she blames it on her recent bad breakup . as she closes her eyes for some good night’s rest , she finds her mind drifting to a distant place . she can smell roses , feet the grass beneath her feet , swear she sees the stars passing over her head vividly . such trances used to make her feel peaceful but lately they’ve been driving her insane . it doesn’t feel peaceful anymore . she feels like she can’t wake up from the dream sometimes , like she’s stuck there forever . due to this she tends to be a little more erratic and irritable but she’s trying her best to be okay .
 remembers bits and pieces of her canon . remembers the crystal gems , steven and pink but only their faces . when it comes to pink diamond however she remembers the various feelings felt . happiness , sadness and anger but no specifics . she’s convinced pink diamond and her were childhood friends or something . but she doesn’t talk about . she doesn’t want to since she always gets in a tizzy when she does .
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Journey into the MCU XII
Avengers: Endgame
I just watched Endgame. Part of me doesn’t even know what to say. Some bits were brilliant and exactly what I wanted them to be and then some bits were just... a bit shit?
Don’t get me wrong. I loved it. Whenever something happened I was screaming ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT’ you know, in the best way :) ...But... I had to love it, you know what I mean? Seriously though, don’t really know what the shit I just watched (in a good way lol)
So, I love the fact that it started with Clint - that already got me crying (the first of the 41 instances of crying due to this film and probably the fact that I’m hormonal lmao). I adored Tony and Nebula’s interaction playing the game in space and I was like ‘Ah shit here we go again he’s adopting another one’ lol. I honestly had no idea how they were going to get back to Earth until That Bitch™ turns up - I actually waaaaay prefer Carol in this film to Captain Marvel!!!
I love them so much :’) sorry I’ll stop
Tony’s whole ‘zero zip nada no trust liar’ just. Wow. Very well done to both RDJ and Evans because that’s improvised right? I love!
I really like Thor, Protector of Lesbians and That Bitch’s interaction. Instantly a yes from me.
I enjoyed Thor’s desperation at just slicing that purple twat’s head off.
I’m trying to do this chronologically but I’m gonna start fucking up. Whatever.
I HATE what they did to Bruce. I wanted to see Bruce Banner being distraught and instead they wrote in all this unnecessary humour which personally I didn’t think was too funny maybe because I was too mad and made him permanently green?? Excuse me? The Russos have gotta be clowning right? The dared do THIS to the strongest avenger? Fuck off honestly. Think about what that man has been through - tried to kill himself and this is the treatment he gets?! No.
I like the fact that Thor is depressed because that was a natural decline. And I mean, he was depressed waaay before 2023 right? He has lost EVERYTHING and can’t really relate to anyone else because most of his loss was different, but he manages to maintain some of the humour we see from him in Ragnarok, HOWEVER I feel like the Russos were just trying too hard to make the humour happen and it just didn’t feel right?
Also, Tony Stark really is one of the best dads, huh? Along with Mr. Lang of course. AND NEITHER OF THEM GOT TO SEE THEIR KIDS GROW UP SORRY MORE ON THAT LATER.
I understand that Tony wasn’t on board at first, despite being a bit annoyed at him being selfish, I got it. And then bitch gets on board and everything’s happy for 20 minutes.
The Time Heist was ICONIC aND no one can tell me otherwise!!! Honestly just the fact that it was called the time heist and it was Scott’s plan and Scott is still tHE biggest fanboy - we stan.
I knew about the time travel shit before watching and thought they were gonna fuck it up because time travel is difficult with regard to not just going ‘so now we’re gonna go back and fix everything, job done’ but I actually think they did a pretty good job and did well explaining how *this version* of time travel was gonna work.
I really enjoyed Bruce’s interaction with the Ancient One and when she realises there must be a problem in the future if Stephen saved Tony’s life for the stone.
STEVE, TONY AND SCOTT WERE EVERYTHING AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THESE GUYS BACK IN 2012!!! I love Tony making Scott induce a heart attack. ICONIC. I live for the fact that we see all this sort of ‘behind the scenes’ action of The Avengers 2012 and the stuff that happened after the event and the ins and outs of everything. I will NEVER be over these whole shenanigans!!!!! I already knew about Cap V Cap but nOTHING could’ve prepared me for tHAT. This will be a continuing theme lol. I had no idea the whole ‘that is America’s ass’ thing actually happened jfc. SIDE NOTE: Tony really does say ‘I forgot that suit did nothing for your ass Cap’ bITCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA why you looking though you bi little shit lmao I’m not sorry. Steve whispering Hail Hydra was iconic and I was screaming ‘FUCK YEH BITCH FUCK EM UP NOW THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON HELL YEAH STEVE!!!!!!’ and at first I was like ‘wait, are they gonna recreate the CATWS elevator fight sequence?’ and then they did tHAT. ICONIC. And then I also knew that they go back further because I knew Tony met Howard and I knew about Dr. Potts and Capt. Stevens (lol) BUT NOTHING COULDVE PREPARED ME FOR THAT EITHER!!!! That shit got me FUCKED aND he hUGged him! He hugged his dad! I was! Not ready! For that!
Anyway so their time heist was really nice and I loved it so much it was everything I could’ve hoped for.
Thor and Frigga’s interaction I thought was really nice and she MUST know by the way he’s talking that in his future, the near future, she’s dead. I just find it so lovely and she completely restores Thor’s confidence in himself.
That totally fucked me up. I knew Nat died at Vormir but turns out it didn’t matter that I already knew because nothing could’ve prepared me for that either.
For one, they hint at it quite a bit after they’ve finalised the plan - you know, that someone’s gonna go there and die. Nebula knows and we know that whoever’s going to Vormir ain’t coming back - well, one of them. oops
Secondly, I had no idea that they *playfully* fought it out to decide who it was gonna be and I was sOBBING from the moment they got to Vormir till- uhhh- well tbh it never stopped but you get the point. The whole fact that Nat realised that *this* was her purpose and after what Clint had been doing for the last five years, he thought he was too far gone and didn’t deserve his family anymore, even if they could get them back. It just totally fucked me up. That was one of my favourite scenes.
Sad Steve. AHHHH.
Then a whole load of shit happens and Thanos learns about the plan. I like the way Thanos talking about his future self is written, so kudos to the writers on that one!
I also appreciate the fact that there’s no delay between Thanos, Squidward and the rest of his crew coming to the future and the fight. That’s it. All of a sudden we’re straight into it! Great!
AHHHHHHH so now it’s time for The Big Three to confront Thanos and I just LOVE this sequence so much I honestly can’t express it and I was so so sooooo hoping that I would see these three on their own (plus purple numpty of course). At this point Thanos is just completely psycho because he wants to destroy the universe and create a new one which is an addition I really like - creates a new sense of urgency I suppose.
In other news, Steve Rogers is worthy! Which I love because somewhere around CATWS I started stanning this bitch!
Dr. Strange’s portals? ICONIC. Hotel? TRIVAGO.
Peter’s back and his and Tony’s whole interaction and hug had me in fucking tears jesus fUCKING christ nope. That shit hurt. THAT IS HIS SON RIGHT THERE. FUCK.
The fact Stephen knows - has known for 5 years - what must happen.
The look on both their faces when Tony realises.
Made me wanna die.
Then he does it. Fuck. I’m completely fucked now. Thanks. And then Peter’s by his side and Peter’s whole speech while Tony’s just dYING!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT. I DID NOT COME HERE TO BE HURT LIKE THIS. AND RHODEY. AND PEPPER. AND PEPPER HAS TO PULL PETER OFF. NOPE.
THEN they dare just cUT TO THE FUNERAL??!!?!
Get the fuck out honestly.
Tony’s recording. No.
The placing of everyone at the funeral was just perfect. The funeral was just beautiful in general tbh. The Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart on the flowers. HARLEY!!!!!!! NO.
Did I know Tony Stark was gonna die? Yes I did. I would’ve had to leave Tumblr to not have found out. There’s only so much that tagging can hide and you see something that hints at it and then you see a quick gif and then you just know, you know?
Did it prepare me? Fuck no.
Now, Steve.
What was that?
I’m not buying it.
Love the fact he passed Cap onto Sam, but to spend the rest of his life with Peggy? Fuck no. Some girl he knew too seconds vs spending the rest of his life with his BEST FRIEND who was irreplaceable. Fuck off. Bucky’s face throughout the whole sequence. The poor man was fucking devastated. And I’m writing this from a canon perspective because I’m all for stucky you know? Then I asked my self: ‘How could Steve do that?’ Conclusion: he couldn’t and he wouldn’t - the writers were playing silly games and none of us, none of us are buying it.
Did I know all this was gonna go down? Yes. Was I prepared? No.
Not for Bucky’s fucking face jfc. All they got was a line and a quick hug. They were BEST FRIENDS. I honestly can’t stress that enough. Wow.
The deleted scenes. Of course I have watched them aND WHY IN THE SHIT WERE THEY DELETED??? Russos are fucking clowns!!!! They all fucking kneeled for him and that was cut? You having a laugh mate?! And Gerald the Alpaca was cut because??? The extra Howard and Tony didn’t make the cut? Excuse you? Tony’s talking about how he doesn’t think he’s done enough, and then he goes and does the aBSOLUTE MOST???? :’) fuck. And uhhh Rhodey having the ONLY brain cell in the avengers with the whole ‘well you coulda jumped out the plane beforehand Cap’ lmaooo brilliant!!!
So they may be deleted but let me tell you, they released them so now they’re fucking canon.
So in conclusion, did I know all the major spoilers before watching this film? Yes because I wasn’t going to be a tumblr hermit, but managed to pretty successfully ignore them until today. SO WAS I PREPARED? FUCK NO!
Surprisingly I LOVED Clint in Endgame - not that I didn’t like him before but I just really respect how broken he is in this. His family. Nat. It really adds up and I really enjoyed what they did with his character.
I did really love it generally but just wasn’t entirely happy with some of the character choices - because they seemed pretty damn out of character! There’s development over 5 years of not having seen them, and then... there’s... some other situations.
Would I have enjoyed it more not knowing any spoilers? Completely! But I wasn’t gonna stay clear of Tumblr for 4 months lol.
Main thing I will take away from watching this. I miss Tony Stark so much and love him so much. And no I will not shut up about it. And was I crying for a good hour after the film ended and then some whilst I was watching the extra content? Maybe.
Also I’m so emotional that this is IT for Downey and Chris. Wow. Ok I’m done :’)
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gottalovekidding · 5 years
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Day One
That’s Christmas to Me: Bucky's worried his present isn't enough. You explain to him just how wrong he is. 
Word Count: 1307
moi masterlist | 12 Days of Songmas
A/N: This is nothing but fluff (and maybe language because like I suck and swear all the time) and it may be poorly written because me. But I hope you enjoy! Also Em, my sweet, thank you so much for what I’ve dubbed my banner it will be present always. 
“So, I’m thinking I’ll pick up the bracelet and necklace tomorrow.”
“Okay, and I’m picking up the bag.”
“Steve you have the shoes right?”
Bucky walks in to the kitchen, already confused by the conversation going on. Everyone greets him as he enters before returning to the topic.
“Yeah, I have the shoes. Clint you’re going to get the dress?”
“On it, Wanda you have makeup right?”
“Yep, and Bruce you’re gonna set up the hair appointment?”
“It’s already done. Sam, you’ve set up the spa day too?”
“Yes, I have, nails are also included in that.”
Bucky decides to finally chime in, “What’s going on?”
“Every year we trade off on who we spoil for Christmas collectively as a team, everyone else gets small things from one another, but together we just go all out for one person. This year it’s Y/N. We decided we’d go all out and get everything she could possibly want for the Christmas party we’re having.” Tony answers for the group. “We would have included you, but we thought since this is your first year as a couple we’d let you get your own present for her.” Bucky nods his head. “So keep this hush, hush Barnes.”
He’s worried about what to get you, the concern distracting him, what do you get the person you want to give the moon on a string. He does the only thing he thinks can give him answers, and starts to ask for advice from your friends. Nat tells him to get you a watch so you can hurry your damn ass up and get to training on time; Clint chimes in and tell him to get you glasses so you might be finally able to see a target well enough to hit it. Bruce tells him you probably wouldn’t mind him just taking you out for an exciting day of activities, like ice skating and coffee. Wanda thinks he could get you a piece of device that you’ve been eying of Tony’s, that he’d been hoarding. Tony had agreed that would probably be a good present for you, but that you weren’t going to be getting your hands on that piece of tech. He then offered Bucky some money to buy you whatever he thought you’d need, Bucky declined. Finally he went to your best friend, the one you shared.
“Steve, what do I do? You guys can give her anything, and I don’t exactly have money. Everyone’s given me ideas but they just don’t feel right.”
“If you really want to get her something expensive you can take Stark up on his offer.”
“No, I need to get her something by myself.”
“What could she possibly want then Buck?”
“I don’t know, what do you get someone who can have anything?”
“She always complains that she doesn’t have a picture of us, so how about we take a picture for her? Or she’s always writing in her journals.”
“I have an idea, I’ll need to get a hold of someone though.” He pauses on his way out of the room, “Steve, what if she doesn’t like it?”
“What did Rebecca say that time you were concerned about getting that gal a present?”
“If she didn’t like the effort I put into it she wasn’t worth the time.”
“Y/N will love it, as long as it comes from you.”
It’s Christmas Day and you’re amazed at the love your friends have shown you throughout the day, ending now by being escorted into the large room. As you enter you can’t help but to look at the extravagance around you, still amazed after all this time the wonders Tony Stark can perform
“You look beautiful doll.” You can’t help but let the smile on your face grow as you turn to meet your date. “Breathtaking as per usual,” he leans in to peck your lips.
“Dashing as per usual,” you quip back as you take in your boyfriend. “You clean up nice, babe.” He rolls his eyes and huffs at the compliment, still pulling you into his side as he does though.
“I know we just got here, but can you come with me?”
“Anywhere.” He leads you out onto the balcony, draping his jacket over your shoulders to stem off the cold for as long as possible.
“I know the team gave you everything this year,” you nod, “and I wasn’t a part of that.” You nod again. “Now I can’t give you the luxuries Tony Stark can, so you don’t have to like this at all, and I didn’t want to use his money to buy you something. So I used my money and well the knowledge I have of you to get you something I hope you like, but like I said, you don’t have to.”
You reach across the space between the two of you to grab his hands, “Babe, you’re rambling.”
He takes a deep breath before reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket, the one resting on your shoulders, and handing you a wrapped box. “It’s not much,” but he trails off as you slowly start to unwrap the twine holding the box together.
Underneath the paper and in the box lay a journal and beside it some crumpled origami flowers. You hand Bucky the box as you pull the journal out. Rifling through the pages you stop as soon as you realize it’s not empty, instead each page contains words. Promises. Promises to you from the man standing before you.
I promise to never let you go to bed angry.
I promise that each tomorrow is the next beginning to the rest of our lives together.
I promise that for every sunset we have together a sunrise will follow.
You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. “It’s not much, but,” your eyes read the words he’s written on paper as they leave his lips. “I promise that today, this Christmas, is the first of many to come.”
“Oh, Buck, I love it.”
“It’s no dress or jewelry, but I’m glad it made you even a little happy.”
You're still flipping through the promises he's making to you when you're stopped again by the present in which he's given you. A photo, stained and slightly worn, rests in between the pages. It's of Steve and Bucky, in uniform, from the forties. "Oh Bucky, how'd you find this?" "Got in contact with a few old friends, they still had a few lying around for me to snag." "Do you really think jewelry could make me happier than this?" "Wouldn't it for most people?”
“Bucky, James, I don’t need these fancy things to be happy around the holidays. This year I needed you by my side. Last year I needed my friends and family. The holidays are never about the presents, it’s about us. Our friendships, our love, it’s the simple things no matter where we are or who we’re with. It’s the joy of being around family. That’s Christmas to me, it’s being here in love with you, making a promise that next Christmas is going to be exactly the same as this one. Spent together.”
“So the love that Christmas can bring?”
“It’s all I’ll ever need, for years to come.”
“So you like it.”
“James, I love it. And I love you.”
“I love you too, Merry Christmas.”
You turn to another page in the journal. I promise to kiss you breathless as often as possible. “You gonna make good on this promise Barnes?” His eyes flit down to the page, a small smile resting on his lips as he pulls you closer.
He was right, you don’t see yourself being anything but breathless if he continues to kiss you like that.
@notimetoblog @buckysbeardliness @whitewolfbumble @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz @delicatelyherdreams @bibibucky @stupidsweaterwearingdumbdorks @agentpegcxrter @captain-steven-rogers
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Pretty Gertrude Stein
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: mentions family issues, anxiety about future, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: To congratulate Jess for an award, Ella gets him a lucky bouquet, and arguments over the future ensue.
A cozy, aged smell filled the bookstore, aisles lined tightly with weathered pages. Ella ran a finger along the ancient, dusty spines. She didn’t have a massive budget, exactly, but they’d stopped in partially because of the Edgar Allen Poe decorations. The author’s fan society had begun rolling into town the day before, and all the Stars Hollow businesses were taking advantage of the possibility for sales, the bookstore only one of many. Sighing heavily, she pursed her lips and decided she should move on to the next shelf. There, she found Jess with a couple dystopian novels in his hands. Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451. He was on a masochistic kick, as always, but instead of heartbreak it was now the fate of the world.
“I’ll have to give you The Handmaid’s Tale next. Probably scarier than both of those combined,” she said, gesturing to the books in his hands as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Jess shrugged. “Not everyone reads things for the terror factor, Morticia.”
“Well, not everyone can handle it,” she quipped, smirking.
He chuckled, then turned away from the various volumes and held the books to his chest. “You ready to go?”
Ella nodded.
“Really? Not even the Poes are striking your fancy?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at her empty hands as they made their way to Andrew at the register.
“Trying to save up. Textbooks and whatnot.”
“Very wise of you, college girl,” he said, nodding at Andrew as he put his choices on the desk.
She breathed a sigh through her nose. “Besides, master of horror or not, Poe was still a creep who married his thirteen-year-old cousin.”
“Fair enough,” Jess agreed, digging in the pocket of his jeans for some crumpled dollar bills.
“But, when you consider the time period-” Andrew began as he placed Jess’s books in a paper bag, but Ella immediately cut him off and raised a hand.
“His wife was a child who was a victim of oppressive patriarchal norms. I’m not even entertaining this conversation, Andrew. Good luck with the crazies this weekend,” she said, bidding him goodbye as soon as Jess had the bag in his right hand, grabbing his left and leading him towards the door.
Jess smirked proudly at her as they exited the store into the April evening. Squeezing her hand, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. The air was still slightly warm from the sunny afternoon, even as the pinkish evening came. Ella breathed in the night and glanced over at the town square. The gazebo was empty below the twinkling lights. She and Jess were set to study for the evening, with Jimi Hendrix on the record player. Though they both were aware the night would probably end in distraction.
“You wanna hang out tomorrow?” she asked. “We could go to the movies or something? Or we could watch those fake Poes butcher ‘The Raven’ at Patty’s?”
Jess shrugged. “Actually, I’ve gotta go to Shangri-la.”
“Really?” she asked, eyebrows furrowing. “I thought they didn’t schedule you for Saturdays anymore?”
“The exception that proves the rule.”
Snickering, she stopped walking and turned to face him with a smirk. “If you’re mixed up in something, you can just go ahead and tell me, Scarface.”
He rolled his eyes. “Very funny, Daria. I just…”
“What?” she asked, face falling into a frown of concern.
Heaving a sigh, he finally locked eyes with her again. “I’m employee of the month and I get two hundred dollars for going to this stupid ceremony.”
A wide smile blossomed on her face, and she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, hands winding into his hair. Jess paused in surprise for a moment, then sunk into the moment with her. His skin tingled beneath her fingers, and he felt her lips turned upwards against his own. Pleasant giggles bubbled from her lips as they separated, though she kept her palms on his shoulders.
“That’s great, Jess.”
He shook his head humbly. “It’s not a big deal. I’m only going so I can get the money.”
“I’m serious, Mariano. I’m really proud of you,” Ella said earnestly.
“Thanks,” he replied quietly, cheeks tinted pink, gaze cast downwards.
“You’re welcome. You’re the fucking best.”
She planted one last peck to his lips before grabbing his hand again. There was a moment of comfortable silence before she nudged him playfully with an elbow.
“So, what time’s the ceremony tomorrow?” she asked.
Narrowing his eyes at her, he shook his head slightly. “No way.”
“C’mon, James Dean! I’ll sit in the back.”
Sighing again, he rolled his eyes. “Fine. If you promise not to bring ridiculous balloons like you did for Rory’s birthday.”
She scoffed. “Of course not.”
“You gotta promise.”
“I promise. Cross my heart,” she said, kissing his cheek.
.   .   .
Three knocks sounded on the door, and Jess finally pulled himself away from the Twilight Zone episode on the TV near the kitchen table. The Sunday afternoon crowd chattered in a monotone hum down below, and the smell of burgers filled the apartment. Sighing, he ran a hand through his ungelled hair and trudged over to the entrance. A small look of surprise crossed his face when he saw Ella, in a faded green dress and her battered converse, hair falling loose around her face. He hadn’t seen her since the ceremony the previous day, after which he had picked up a shift. Luckily, she had sat quietly in the back, alongside Luke. She’d had time to give him a quick peck on the lips in congratulations before he had to go move stock.
He couldn't help but be rendered silent when she told him how proud she was. It made nauseous butterflies rise in his stomach and up his throat, and a blush spread on his face. Often the way she made him feel was new and pleasant, but when she praised him it was undoubtedly an uncomfortable feeling. So foreign he couldn’t decide whether it was positive.
“Hey, Mariano,” she greeted him, nodding slightly. “Do you have a vase?”
She shrugged, smirking. “Well, I got you these flowers,” she said, bringing a bouquet of red roses from behind her back, “but I’m concerned now that you won’t have a vase.”
He couldn’t help the doubtful laugh which escaped his lips. “You...got me flowers?”
Ella sighed through her nose, then brushed past him into the apartment, placing the flowers on the table and searching through the cabinets. Standing on her tiptoes, Jess watched her dress rise up, her legs in full view. He bit at his lip, brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation.
“Since I promised no fanfare at the ceremony yesterday, I thought I’d give you something today. And I know you have a hatred of balloons, so flowers seemed like a natural option. But now that I’m here I’m worried about the vase situation. I certainly can’t take these flowers back to my house; they’ll die within a day! I mean, why do you think I only have cacti? I can’t keep anything else alive!”
Jess, eyebrows raised, nodded along with her rambling, amusement growing on his face. His hands were shoved in his pockets. Eventually, Ella gave a frustrated huff, crease between her brows, and took a beer stein from the cabinet near the sink. She filled it with tap water and placed it down on the table, wiping her hands on her dress and tucking her hair behind her ears before going to work on the bouquet.
“Can I have some scissors?” she asked suddenly, locking eyes with him again.
“Oh...yeah,” he said, grabbing some from his desk. After handing them to her, he leaned against a kitchen chair on his palms.
Ella found her eyes flicking up to the TV a few times as she cut the bouquet open and trimmed the stems of the roses diagonally. A dying man dealt masks out to his family, which would end up disfiguring them all in the end. “I love this episode.”
“You like all the macabre ones.”
“But of course,” she said, smiling over at him for a moment.
“I can’t believe you got me roses,” he said slowly, a smirk still present.
She shrugged. “Why not? I mean, it’s no two hundred bucks, but I just...thought you deserved them. A rose is a rose is a rose.”
“And I didn’t go full Lloyd Dobbler with the boombox outside your window, so you’re welcome.”
He chuckled breathily. “Thank you.”
After arranging them to her liking, Ella stepped back and regarded the stein. When she decided it was good enough, she balled up the crinkly clear plastic the bouquet had been wrapped in and threw it away.
“Pretty Gertrude Stein of you, Stevens,” he said, still slightly flabbergasted at her move.
Again, she shrugged, hands on her hips. “A little saccharine, but it seemed fitting. And I got you the bouquet with thirteen instead of twelve. My mom always said those were lucky.”
“But you don’t believe in luck.”
“No, but I think it’s good to cover all your bases.”
A full smile broke out on his face, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her in for a long kiss. Pulling away from her, Jess kept his smile. “And you say I’m the romantic.”
Ella rolled her eyes at him. “If I bought you all the bouquets in the world, it still wouldn’t match your love of Hemingway. The bigger Hemingway fan is always the bigger romantic. It’s a universal law.”
“I disagree wholeheartedly.”
“Of course you do.”
“But thank you,” he added quietly.
“You’re welcome,” she replied.
.   .   .
The Replacements played over the boombox, Ella on the end of the bed and Jess leaned up against the wall at the head. Golden, dusky light streamed in through the windows of the apartment. Ella’s history textbook sat open in front of her crossed legs, as she scribbled on a notebook in her lap. Biting at her thumb nail, she glanced up at Jess. He wrote something in the margin of his Huxley novel, already nearly finished. It made her want to roll her eyes; she could never even come close to matching his reading speed. A long afternoon of making out with The Twilight Zone as background noise had bled into an evening of studying. Ella almost always had various homework in her bag, in case of a random study session at Luke’s corner table.
“Hm?” he asked, eyes still on the words.
Hesitating for a moment, she put down her pencil and ran her fingers through the ends of her hair. “Are you...going to school?”
Brows furrowed, he marked the place in his book and tilted his head at her. “What kind of a question is that?”
She sighed, trying to formulate the right words. “Just...we don’t have any classes together and I’m always in the art room during lunch. Your manager mentioned something about you working forty-five hours a week yesterday...and you’re always so tired.”
“Jeez, Big Brother,” he snapped. “Need my alibi for a specific date and time?”
She scoffed, doubling down. “Fuck, Jess, I just wanna make sure you’re not working too much. I mean, if you don’t graduate, you can’t stay with Luke anymore.”
“I’m aware.”
“I’m glad,” she shot back. “Forgive me for not wanting my boyfriend to end up homeless!”
“I’ve got it under control.”
Nodding doubtfully, she sighed again. “Fine. But if you need help or-”
“Stop it, Eleanor. I don’t need you to worry.  I don’t need your help. I think I can handle my cursive practice and my arithmetic,” he deadpanned. “If I need help, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will be a satisfactory supplement.”
Her jaw tensed and she bit the inside of her cheek. Then, so quickly Jess could barely even register what was happening, she was packing up her stuff and over by the door, tugging on her shoes.
“You can be such a dick sometimes,” she said, shaking her head to herself.
“Taking your dramatic exit now, Norma Jennings?” he asked, his voice dripping with angry sarcasm.
Licking her lips, she tucked her hair behind her ears in frustration. “Maybe I’ll go to the library and study, so I can graduate and get outta this town someday. And not think about how all the work I’ve done the past four years is some joke to you. Holden fucking Caulfield.”
“Elle, I didn’t mean it that way,” he sighed, getting up from the bed, ready to run after her if necessary.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Then how’d you mean it?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I just...I’m doing fine! If I need to catch up, I will. All I need to do is pass! You can stop worrying!”
“You can’t stop me from worrying, Jess! It’s what I do!” she insisted, gesturing wildly with her hands. “If Luke kicks you out, what are you gonna do?”
“He won’t kick me out!” he replied, voice raised. “I’ve got school under control. So I take a few shifts, who cares? It’s not your problem!”
“I just…” she began uneasily, shaking her head. “You would tell me? If you were falling behind?”
She arched an eyebrow at him, still obviously annoyed. “Really? If you were one step from not graduating, you would actually tell me and let me help you?”
Jess rolled his eyes. “My god, you’re like a broken record! I would tell you!”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Why does graduation have to be such a big deal, anyway?”
“Because it is!” she shouted back. “I know you don’t like it, but if you don’t graduate, you won’t have a place to live! Why can’t you just grow up and realize it?”
Brows furrowing, Jess took a step back at the accusation. “What? Grow up like you? End up getting some bullshit job I don’t even like so that maybe, someday, I’ll end up where I wanna be?”
Ella scoffed. “At least I have a plan! At least I can actually handle thinking about the future! I mean, Jesus, Jess, bad things happen and you deal with them! You don’t just avoid them, and run away, and wait for them to solve themselves!”
“Getting to be valedictorian doesn’t make all your problems go away, Eleanor! They’re still here, in that house you never wanna go home to, where you’re trapping yourself for the next four years! I hate to break it to you, but no amount of sad music is gonna change that!”
Biting the inside of her cheek again, she looked down at her shoes. A charged silence hung in the air before she looked back up at him with fiery eyes, though full of sincerity. “You really wanna get kicked out of here? Fine. Fuck it! But, God, Jess, why can’t you just talk to me? Tell me the truth? What are you so afraid of?”
Heaving a sigh, Jess tried to come up with something to say. He ran a hand over his mouth, searching his mind for an answer, a witty retort, an accusation to deflect from the core problem, but nothing came. A blank drew in his mind; he was speechless, looking back at her expectant gaze.
When she realized he was done with the argument, shutting her out completely, she gave one last roll of her eyes. Her shoes were still untied as she left the apartment, bounding down the stairs. Jess waited for a moment, pondered going after her, but didn’t. If she hadn’t let that last question slip out of her mouth, he would have. He would have run after her down the street, found a way to convince her he knew what he was doing, he was sure of it. But he knew then that he couldn’t fool her. She could see right through him. Instead, he switched the music to some angry screamo, cranking the speakers up as far as they would go. He flopped down onto his bed, bringing the pillow over his head to block out the world, focusing only on the ear-bleeding music. The stein of roses sat alone on the kitchen table, stagnant and unchanging in the unhappy air.
.   .   .
Notes of “Für Elise” drifted from the dance studio out into the town square. Ella could hear it, making her feel nostalgic, as she sat reading Dorothy Parker in the gazebo. The Poe society packed the diner, having been forced to leave the Independence Inn after a fire the night before. Though she had tried more than once to get behind the counter, Luke told Ella it was already too crowded with Sookie having taken over the kitchen and brought the inn employees. She’d already done all her homework, in preparation for an evening of work, so her forced freedom was proving difficult to fill.
After a couple hours of sketching angrily in her room, Stevie Nicks on the record player, she decided she was too moody to face Fiona. Her stepmother was humming country music in the kitchen, making her tuna salad. Usually, she could stomach the small talk. But as she was still fuming about Jess beneath an outer layer of indifference, it was ultimately too dangerous. She didn’t need to add another screaming match to her recent hits. The night fell chilly as dinner time approached, but the twinkling lights offered enough, so she could still see the words on the page. Even if Fiona was upset she didn’t show up for the awkward, sit-down meal, Ella knew her father didn’t care. It would be easier to deal with.
The soft music floated around her, Mrs. Rothschild apparently taking advantage of the Poe crowd off for dinner to practice in solitude. Ella thought of the piano bench, the girl with the short red hair and vibrant blue eyes, who now danced on some stage in New York City, tuition paid with family money. Before meeting Veronica, Ella had known she found both men and women beautiful. After all, her first fictional crushes were a tie between Kevin and Winnie from The Wonder Years.
But she hadn’t thought of kissing Veronica before it happened, and when it did, she felt some piece of her heart falling into place. Even Rory and Lane didn’t know she was bisexual (a word she hadn’t known before reading it in a biography about Virginia Woolf). She wasn’t exactly scared of backlash, or open criticism. But she knew Stars Hollow well. She knew there were lingering eyes and judgmental whispers. She had decided it would be easier to label herself when she got away, got to a city where she could be whoever she wanted. Sometimes she wondered if she felt so out of place in her hometown more because of her mother, or because there was a part of her she couldn’t fully embrace there. If anyone asked, she would tell them, but no one ever thought to ask. She wasn’t ashamed, but she certainly wasn’t forthcoming.
Only Jess knew that part of her. Her mind wandered to the night she’d played “Rhiannon” for him, the way she’d decided on a whim to tell him the truth about her first kiss. For some reason, with Jess, it was easy. It was comfortable. She’d never met anyone who understood her the way he did, who knew what it was like to be out of place, to feel like there was something missing. No matter how much she loved Rory or Lane, or even Lorelai, she knew they wouldn’t quite get it. But Jess did. Jess always did. Breathing out a sigh, she tried to swallow down her thoughts of him and concentrate on the poetry in front of her instead.
Fiddling absently with her necklace, she tucked her legs underneath her and wished she had brought more than just her jean jacket.
“You’ll catch a cold if you stay out here too long, Stevens,” Jess drawled at her side, stepping up into the gazebo with an unreadable expression.
Startling slightly, Ella looked up from her book with a scowl. “You have no concept of weather, but thanks for the concern. It’s duly noted.”
“Anytime,” he said, taking a seat next to her, leaving a careful distance between them. They both stared ahead, into the bustling diner.
“Pretty chaotic in there, huh?”
He nodded. “Luke kicked me out.”
“And Lorelai slept in the apartment last night, right?” Ella asked dryly.
Uttering a quiet scoff, Ella shot him a momentary look. “Now the whole town’s gonna know you snore.”
“Avoided the press as long as I could.”
Ella quietly hummed in acknowledgement, nodding. An unusual awkwardness filled the space between them, and it took Jess a long moment before he mustered the courage to venture a look over at her. Her hair, pulled back messily, glinted with gold beneath the lights. Arms crossed over her patterned dress, she looked chilly and defensive. He could feel words choking his throat, but he swallowed them down and turned back to the diner.
“Are you gonna talk, or can I keep reading?” Ella asked, having felt him staring and fidgeting.
Blowing out a long sigh, he rubbed at his mouth. “I understand what you said.”
“Good,” she said shortly.
He chewed his bottom lip, brows furrowing in frustration. “I just...I can handle it. And I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Okay. I’m sorry too,” she replied half-heartedly. As much as she wanted to lose the tension in her shoulders, to let the topic drop, she couldn’t find it within herself. “Look, I’m not trying to...you’re eighteen, you can make your own choices, whatever. But I care about you and I want you to, one: have a place to live, and two: be able to have money. You and I both know how much it fucking sucks to not have money.”
“I do have money. I get it from working the way I do,” he argued.
Ella nodded slowly. “I know. Just...I want you to have everything you need. To write your novel and do whatever else, y’know? And I’m gonna worry, no matter what.”
“Believe me, I know,” Jess said, cracking a tiny smirk. Words from Lorelai echoed in his mind, and he gave a hesitant shrug. “But I know what I’m doing. You just have to trust me.”
She offered a small smile back. “Okay, I’ll try.”
“I’ll try too,” he said, bringing an arm around her shoulders. “And I want you to have everything you need, Stevens. Some studio with very organized art supplies and horror-movie-caliber sketches.”
“Sounds perfect.”
“It will be. I really am sorry,” Jess said. “But I want your someday to not just be a someday.”
“I know,” she sighed, bringing her head to his shoulder. “I’m really sorry, too, Jess.”
“Glad we sorted that out then,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her hair.
Ella cleared her throat and nodded against him. She leaned into him, warmer with his closeness. “Me too.”
Running his fingers gently up and down her arm, Jess took a deep breath and felt his heart relax.
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