#the animals are a hybrid of two or more animals that its strange if an animal is just one animal. and yet spirits and the spirit world is a
strrwbrrryjam · 8 months
arthurs relationship with the strange and unknown is something so personal to me
arthur is from our world, in a world where magic doesn't, or well, shouldn't exist, but that doesn't stop him from searching for it, he sees some weird writing on the walls of saint denis and hears rumours of a vampire roaming the streets of saint denis and decides to go looking for it, and he finds a vampire, something that shouldn't exist in this world,
he comes across a weird building made out of sticks and plants and inside is a cauldron filled with strange liquid and he drinks from it (which is insane) and he wakes up outside of the building, fully healed and just walks away,
he meets a man who talks strangely and asks him to look for these weird symbols built on the sides of mountains, he takes note of these weird symbols and once he's found them all he returns to the house where the man is gone and a woman with a baby is there and the baby looks like the man from before and is confirmed to be the man who was there before, he's shocked sure, but he just goes along and accepts that he just met a time traveller,
he can encounter ghosts, men who live with wolves, a man talking behind a giant cave close in who claims to be a giant, giant bones, aliens above a dead cult, etc etc etc
his attitude is basically, "so, that's a thing," and he accepts it, and he makes conversation with the vampire, or the giant, or the man who claims to be the devil, the man who hides in a tree, and he treats them normally as if it isn't something that's so strange and I just think that's really, really beautiful
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bloodstainedhair · 6 months
Holiday Season
pairing. obsessed 141 / polar bear-hybrid reader *scenario/headcanons
note. gender neutral reader. reader is physically described to be 6ft or over. common hybrid features such as animal ears, tail, nose, claws, and paw pads.
cw. unhealthy relationships/yandere themes, meat and blood mentions, a lot of eating from hands mentions, a weird type of infantilization, big bad bear is called cute a stupid amount of times, dangerous but passive reader, vague made-up base because i watch too many movies.
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Holed up in the middle of fucking nowhere, Alaska, the white wasteland. That's how the 141 were going to spend the merry month of December. Endless snow in sight and no family to be found. A complete and utter joke of a holiday season.
It scarcely matters, the food that's been stored, the dense furniture they've been given, even the solace they find in each other. It's miserable out here. The freeze is always licking at their skin, seeping through their layered clothes to cling to the exposed nape. It's their constant company.
Yet, something else bothers them. A hint that only their trained eyes could catch in their misery. An entity, perhaps, something that follows the men without rest. It's a shadow of winter, blanketing itself around the base and leaving its warmth with no trace to its next destination. Only something another human could pull off.
Dishes left strewn on the counter are returned to their cupboards, clean and scrubbed. Leftovers are consistently missing a bite more than what Soap remembers wolfing the night before. If a blanket or pillow goes missing, best bet it doesn't come back. It doesn't take much convincing for Price to round up his boys to find out the root of their question. Not when they've nothing else to do.
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It's Soap who finds you first. Rummaging through the fridge with a plastic container in your hands, that adorable black nose covered in spaghetti sauce. He wonders how they didn't hear you sooner with the way you carelessly scarf down the contents. You remind him a little of himself...
Little round ears perk up at the sound of his gasp. Soap freezes in place as your head cranes back to inspect him. Eyes staring at him with indifference, a lone noodle stuck to your cheek and tomato red staining your considerably large teeth. Sharp and big, enough to poke out from your mouth and dig into your chapped bottom lip. A similarly large grayish-blue tongue swipes out to clean the damning evidence.
So. Fucking. Cute.
Johnny is thanking the names of every God he knows when you let him lead you by hand to his team. A new warmth flows through his body, lighting up his dormant nerves in the winter night, your thick black claws prodding into his rough skin. You must be a docile ol' thing, obediently following him to his buddies, though only after he bribes you with more meals to come. He'll cook up the whole damn kitchen if it means you trail him like this daily.
Ghost is sure that Johnny's the one hiding furry ears and a tail when he rushes over like a dog with a fresh new bone. That, and he's more crazy than he imagined dragging over what looks to be a six foot something polar bear hybrid right his way. Ghost doesn't forget things easily, and he's confident that said bears are known to be the most eager predators in the presence of flesh. Not just by circumstance, no, by nature.
A strange thought does pop up in head. That fluffy white tail you sport catches his eye for longer than he'd like to admit. He wonders. If he offered up a nice, raw chunk of seal to you, would it wag in anticipation? Would your ears twitch at the sounds of his boots crunching in the snow, bringing you yet another delicious catch? He could be the perfect provider for you, he thinks. Maybe even have you hunt alongside him, a bonding ritual of sorts. Blood all over your mouth, allowing only Simon to dab away at your chin with a towel. What a sight to behold. Two predators in the same room.
Gaz takes a step away before doing the exact opposite a minute later. You're not just some wild animal, and he's half worried he just disrespected you to your face (you didn't see it). Any bit of nervousness he had melts away when you gently push your nose into his warm hands. He was going for a handshake, but this is surprisingly preferred. Seems he missed wiping some the cocoa from a recent pot of hot chocolate. He hadn't expected you to be so... soft. If you want more, he's got a heap of cookies hidden away in his room. No issue with you visiting him for a late night snack. Christ, he'll even handfeed you if you're feeling lazy, no worries.
Captain Price nearly drops the flimsy cup of coffee held in his gloved hands. Fucking giant thing you are. He nearly drops it again when your nose takes a sharp turn to the smell of his beverage. Not picky, are you... He'll keep note of that for later. From the looks of it, you're adapting well to the chaos of his batch, sniffing and patiently waiting for Soap to release you from his iron grip on your paw pad. He also takes note of what your wearing almost immediately, Arctic grade parka wrapped around your waist in favor of standard workwear, more akin to a jumpsuit than winter gear. Unbelievable. However, that does explain it now. You work here.
It makes sense, considering you're one of the more volatile hybrids. So many people, including your bosses, are uneasy about the predators. It must've been particularly bad for you. Hiding you away in a big and lonely base to eat dinner at an empty table. The world unable to appreciate you for what you are.
Price on the other hand, he knows his boys like the back of his hand. They understand your type. Would take you in without judgement or fear. Indulge you. Feed you fat red meat from calloused palms and let you lap at the warm blood still dripping on the snow. Gladly clean the droplets that stain your pure white parka. Make you warm.
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wheeboo · 5 months
the secret life of jun | wen junhui
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SYNOPSIS. in which jun gets set up on a blind date by his best friend. PAIRING. zoolinguist!wen junhui x gn!reader (ft. minghao, gyu the golden retriever, boo the duckling, and lil mentions of some members as their representative animals. not hybrids.) GENRE. fluff, humour, kinda strangers to lovers, magic-realism au WARNINGS. cursing, jun just being a very cute awkward shy boy :(, my first attempt at something remotely magic/fantasy WORD COUNT. 3k
notes: this is for the caratlibrary secret gift exchange event! and therefore, this gift is for @phenomenalgirl9 who also gifted a fic for me hehe. i hope you enjoy <3 this is also my first time writing something remotely fantasy/magic, so... feedback is welcome! ty to my lovely moots who read this over for me ^^
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"Jun! Can you tell your dog to get the fuck off me?" Minghao attempts to shove away the ever-persistent golden retriever pawing and licking at his face, but Jun doesn't seem to hear, seemingly engrossed on something else entirely in the kitchen.
Minghao just groans annoyedly, and just as he's about to call out for his best friend's name again, a thought crosses his mind. A sort-of stupid one that he knows won't work, but he'll try it out anyway.
He brings a hand up, watching the dog follow it with curiosity, and he points to the ground while firmly saying, "Down."
Unfortunately, the dog only tilts his head inquisitively, as if dazed and confused by the action, before relentlessly pouncing on the boy again, and all he could do is surrender himself to the attack of excitement. Right, he thinks, these animals don't exactly understand him normally.
Jun finally emerges from the kitchen after what feels like an eternity, a black cat cuddled gently in his arms, lightly running his fingers through its fur carefully. When he picks his head up, he could only chuckle at the sight in front of him. Minghao only rolls his eyes, shooting a playful glare to his best friend who only seems amused.
"Your dog is a menace," Minghao declares, wiping away the slobber from his face.
"Come on! Gyu just likes you."
"I'm not sure I share the sentiment right now," Minghao replies almost coldly, perhaps even half-jokingly, attempting to regain his composure.
Jun just sighs and sends out a whistle from his lips to get the dog's attention. And with a subtle look from just his eyes, as if sending a silent signal, Gyu hops off the couch and trots over to Jun, letting out a few barks in response.
"He says he doesn't like your attitude today," Jun translates, setting the cat in his hands down on the floor. "but he's forgiven you."
"Gee, thanks," Minghao scoffs and crosses his arms together, still trying to maintain a façade of irritation, though it's quite easy to see right through it.
He watches for some time as Jun crouches down to the dog's level, the two of them communicating in a way he knows he can never understand, but is grown to be amazed by every time. It isn't a secret that he knows that his own best friend can communicate with animals, as strange as that might sound (because... it's true), but it's a fact he's fully accepted.
Jun probably has more animal friends than human friends at this point. He's made friends with the birds at the park, the stray cats that roam the streets, a deer that comes to visit occasionally behind his place, an otter that frequents at a nearby pond, hell even one of the tigers at the zoo𑁋the list goes on.
And not to exactly complain, but he also really wants Jun to find a fucking partner.
Not that it's a bad thing Jun isn't seeing anyone, and it totally isn't the entire reason why Minghao is here right now. He has tried to set Jun up on dates, but the older boy almost always manages to find some excuse or simply doesn't show up, claiming he got caught up in a conversation with a stray cat or a butterfly on the way. Or the date ends up in disaster with a chase down the street of the neighbourhood raccoons stealing food.
But then again, that's Jun for you𑁋unpredictable.
"One more date."
Jun raises his head, and the moment he sees that particular smirk to Minghao's face, he groans.
"Oh, come on, just one more," Minghao insists. "I promise you'll like them. They're an animal lover."
"Just because they're an animal lover doesn't mean𑁋"
"You're either going to be drinking 'till you're absolutely couch-ridden on new year's because you're single and lonely again, or you could be celebrating with someone special. Your call, dude."
Jun finds his face flushing out of embarrassment, scratching absentmindedly behind Gyu's ears as Minghao's words wash over him. Then his features soften, and he lets out a sigh.
"Fine," he relents. "One more."
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Shit, he's screwed. The minute Minghao told him the date would be happening in the middle of the park where he often chatted with the local squirrels and ducks, Jun knew this already wouldn't end well.
He also had quite the love-hate relationship with blind dates𑁋or dates in general, to be honest𑁋and the thought of meeting a stranger made his palms sweat even with the cold threatening through his thick coat (he's convinced that Minghao is pulling anyone out of his ass at this point).
The park is covered with a light blanket of snow, the trees standing tall and glowing with strings of fairy lights against the grey winter sky. Jun shivers in place and adjusts the scarf around his neck, partially from the cold and partially from the impending awkwardness he anticipates.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for being late! The traffic was awful coming here and I got a bit lost..."
The voice is frantic and panicky to Jun's ears akin to his equally panicking heart, who turns around to a figure rushing up to him, covered in layers and letting out misty breaths that appear in the air.
"It's okay," Jun says, voice coming out a bit awkward. He offers a reassuring smile. "I'm, uh... Jun, by the way."
"Y/N," You say, relieved as you finally catch your breath and look up at him with a cute grin. "I'm so sorry for being late. I hope you weren't waiting for too long."
"Oh, not at all. I... just got here as well." It's a bit of a white lie𑁋he was beginning to worry you ditched him, honestly. Jun feels his hands fidget in his pockets nervously, yet he sees the ease that washes over your features at his words, and he relaxes slightly. There's something about the way you carry yourself and the slight blush on your cheeks from the cold that eases some of his tension.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart stutters a little at your smile, like a startled butterfly in his chest. Did the lights at the park grow brighter?
"Would you like to, uh, maybe grab some hot chocolate?" Jun suggests, gesturing towards the small, lit up kiosk nestled in the corner of the park that seemed quite busy with customers. "It can help... warm you up."
Your eyes light up to his words, grinning. "That sounds perfect, actually."
As you both walk towards the kiosk, the air seems to crackle with a nervous energy Jun hadn't expected. Despite the awkwardness gnawing at him, he can't deny the strange sense of hope fluttering in his stomach, somewhat like a small bird unsure of its flight. He's not the best at dates and probably never will be, but for some reason, feeling this sort of apprehension is unlike anything else he's felt. It's not uncomfortable per se, but more... exciting?
The two of you stand in the back of the line, shoulder-to-shoulder, hands tucked deep in your pockets and sharing silences punctuated by the occasional nervous giggle when your eyes meet. The line at the kiosk is surprisingly long, a mix of bundled-up families with laughing children and young couples warming their hands around steaming plastic cups.
When your shoulder brushes against his, Jun freezes for a moment, feeling a warmth spreading through him that has nothing to do with the hot chocolate. He steals a glance at you, finding your gaze already on him, and there's a shy smile that you both share before you look away first.
Then Jun notices it𑁋you're shivering.
It's almost imperceptible at first, a slight tremor running through your shoulders as you shift your weight from foot to foot. He hesitates for a moment, then a nervous breath leaves him. Fuck it.
Without a word, he unravels the wooly scarf from around his neck and drapes it over you, fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary as he adjusts it comfortably. You blink up at Jun with wide eyes.
"Sorry I, uh... noticed you were cold," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
You glance at him, surprise evident in your eyes, and then you chuckle. "Are you sure? I don't want you to freeze."
"I'll be alright," Jun just assures calmly, though the chill creeping up his neck is a bit hard to hide now.
The line moves forward, and soon you're ordering hot chocolate for the both of you. Jun pays for both, insisting with a small nod when you attempt to pull out your wallet.
As Jun and you clutch the steaming cups, the warmth radiating through the thin plastic felt almost comforting. The park bustles around you, but with each sip, the outside world seems to fade away, leaving only the diffident hum of conversation and the fluttering hope that dances between you.
"So, uh, what kind of animals do you like?" Jun asks, trying to break the ice as you both trail down an empty path close to the icy pond nearby. He's not exactly smooth with conversation, but he figures asking about your supposed love for animals is a safe bet. "I've been told you like them."
Your eyes light up as you take a swift, long sip of the hot chocolate, the warmth quickly spreading through you.
"Oh, all kinds!" You answer eagerly. "I volunteer at an animal shelter not that far from here and take care of the injured ones. I have a lot of pets at home too𑁋a hamster, a dog, a few cats, a rabbit... How about you?"
You spoke so quickly that Jun could barely register it all, but he can't help but grin at your enthusiasm. It’s almost infectious.
"Wow, I have, uh... a dog and a cat at home... Gyu and Woozi are their names," Jun replies slowly, almost unsurely.
"That's really cute!" You tell him, catching the way the corners of his lips crinkle up just slightly and how he has to angle his face down just to hide it. "My hamster's name is Hoshi! My dog is Minnie, my rabbit is Hannie, and my cats are Wonu, Nonie..."
Listening to you list your pets' names and some of the ones you've taken care of at the shelter makes Jun feel just a tiny bit lighter with each step he takes with you, and also from the way your eyes sparkle with every word you spoke. He finds himself letting out giggles at your stories of Hoshi's escape attempts and Min's stubborn streak, and for the first time in a long time, he feels truly comfortable, truly seen in a way that didn't feel fake.
Yet it doesn't take long for that feeling to falter just slightly. He doesn't know what Minghao exactly told you about him, or if anything at all𑁋how does he explain to you that he can quite literally talk to animals?
He knew that spilling the beans could go one of two ways: either you'd think he was crazy, or you'd be amazed (and maybe even a little scared). He's never exactly revealed it to any person he goes on a date with because, in the end, after a handful of mishap encounters with animals that don't mean to ruin the date, they end up leaving anyway.
Should he tell you? The words dance on his tongue, ready to tumble out, but that unwanted fear of rejection holds him back once again.
But before he can say anything, a squeaky quack pierces through the air, snapping Jun out of his thoughts. He looks down to see a small duckling waddling towards them, its tiny yellow head bobbing with each step. It stops in front of you, tilting its head inquisitively as it looks you up and down curiously, before heading to Jun's feet and quacking loudly.
It's Boo, one of the park's young resident chatterboxes who loves nothing more than socialising and the occasional spread of gossip. Jun had befriended Boo a while back, often sharing stories and snacks by the pond. But what was Boo doing here, and why does he look so worried? Jun could almost hear a frantic heartbeat echoing through the duckling's chest.
Boo lets out a series of rapid quacks. Jun strains to decipher the splurge of words, picking up snippets about stolen food and a local raccoon, and... how one of his siblings is stuck somewhere.
"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" You exclaim, kneeling down upon noticing the young duck in front of Jun and extending a tentative hand. "What are you doing out here, little one? You're going to freeze."
Jun could only listen as the distraught duck spills its frustration on you. Yet you didn't understand anything, only continuing to coo about how cute the duckling is, and Jun watches as Boo looks up at him with pleading eyes, urging him to do something. He knew he had to act, but he glances at you, still kneeling with outstretched hand at Boo, and his mind races.
Should he explain his... ability to you and risk making you uncomfortable? Or maybe try to handle it on his own, somehow decipher Boo's instructions and lead you on a cryptic animal rescue mission that might look completely bizarre, delusional, and psychotic?
"Do you think it's lost?" You ask worriedly, glancing back up at Jun. And when his gaze catches yours, warm and hopeful in the glow of the fairy lights surrounding you, a surge of determination pulses through him.
Jun only quietly chuckles at Boo's attempts to tell you his name, his tiny feathered body vibrating with slight annoyance, but your gentle cooing and outstretched hand seem to soothe him a little. The sight stirs something deep within him, a warmth that spreads beyond the simple comfort of the hot chocolate from earlier.
"He's not lost," Jun says, his gaze meeting yours. "He's... a friend. And he's telling us a story. Oh, and his name is Boo, by the way."
Your brow furrows in confusion, a tiny crease appearing between your eyes. “You… understand ducks?”
Jun offers a hesitant smile, a knot of anxiety twisting in his stomach. There's no going back now.
“It’s a bit more than that,” he admits sheepishly, watching your expression shift from curious to intrigued. “I can, um, like... sort of talk to animals, I guess. Or they sort of talk to me, basically, yeah..."
The silence that follows is deafening. Jun braces himself for a wave of disbelief, rejection, maybe even a startled shriek. But instead, your eyes widen with awe, a growing smile forms on your lips, and Jun can't quite bring himself to tear his gaze away from you. He'd taken a leap of faith, and you, instead of running for the hills, were looking at him with... wonder?
"Wow, that's..." You breathe, voice hushed with wonder. "I-I mean I always knew that... sort of existed? Like, in research papers and ancient history, but meeting someone who can actually do it is just..."
Jun blinks, a bit taken aback by your reaction.
"You're not... freaked out or anything?" he asks cautiously. "Like... you actually believe me?"
"Jun." You turn to him, shifting so that your knees are slightly touching in the snow. "Minghao told me like... a lot of things, or tried to at least. I mean, at first I found it ridiculous, then I realised that this is Xu Minghao telling me this, and if he's vouching for you, it must be true. And, well... I really wanted to get to know you too."
Oh. "Oh," Jun mutters, cheeks flushing and face burning. Minghao, of course. He should have known his best friend with a 'credible' reputation wouldn't simply set him up on a blind date without throwing him under the bus a little bit. "I mean, it-it's nothing too fascinating. No mind-reading or telepathy exactly, just… understanding their gestures and stuff. It's kind of like learning a new language, you know?"
"Well, can you tell me what Boo is saying then?" You quirk up expectantly, and Jun swears he cannot handle more than five seconds of you peering at him without melting completely. His heart does a little double flip in his chest, landing somewhere around his ankles.
Jun chuckles, a warm sound that feels right at home amidst the snowy air. Then he takes a deep breath, steadying himself under your gaze, before turning his attention back to the little duck at his feet.
"Alright, alright," he teases, ruffling Boo's feathers playfully. "Don't get jealous, little guy. Spill it."
Boo then goes on an insistent frenzy of quacks, and you could only watch in awe as Jun listens carefully, nodding and humming in response. There's a certain magic in the air that you can sense, as if you've stepped right into a fairytale of some sorts. The small duckling then looks up at you with begging eyes, as if seeking your help as well. Jun shoots you a quick glance, and you can see the uncertainty in his eyes.
"He's pretty worked up," he admits, clearing his throat. "He's telling me about a raccoon that stole his flock's food, and... um, one of his siblings is stuck in a log somewhere. I have some food with me, but he wants to find his sibling first. He knows the way."
"Then let's do it," You say, rising to your feet and dusting off the snow on your pants.
Jun hesitates again, staring at you in slight disbelief𑁋you want to come with him? He glances at Boo, who lets out a frustrated quack, urging him to make a decision. Then he looks back at you, your kind eyes holding his own, and suddenly the choice becomes clear.
"Do you trust me?" Jun asks softly, his heart pounding in his chest.
You hold his gaze for a moment, a thoughtful look on your face. Then a smile blooms across your lips, one that reaches your eyes and seems to chase away the worry.
"I trust you," You answer, stretching an open hand towards him.
Jun feels a warmth spread through him, and he grabs your hand in his. Relief and something else courses through him, like excitement and perhaps a bit of fear. You were in, and that was all that mattered.
Boo lets out a triumphant quack, and with him waddling excitedly at your feet, you follow Jun deeper into the park, the fairy lights casting long shadows against the snow-covered ground. It's a strange sight𑁋you walking on one side of Jun and a duckling trotting on the other𑁋but with every step, whatever awkwardness that was lingering seems to melt away.
And maybe, just maybe, something else was blossoming too.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify
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nexysworld · 6 months
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Summary: While away on a business trip, your hybrid boyfriend decides to surprise you upon your return home. Pairing: Hybrid!Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, use of sex toys, pussy eating, hybrid smut
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A/N: I dedicate this one shot to Kenny @dollfacefantasy. She's the best, you should check out her writing, without her inspiration this one shot wouldn't have been possible. Love you Kenken!!
Honorable mentions to @explorevenus, @kaitkatme, and @gigabyte-flare for supporting my work and being awesome too! Also @ghostkennedy and @tosuckmyweenis <3
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For the longest time a hybrid hadn’t been something you considered getting, but recently having to relocate for work, you found yourself often feeling lonely hauled up in your apartment each night. Toying with the idea of a traditional pet, it just didn’t seem like the exact type of companionship you were looking for –  you needed something more. The concept of a hybrid was just so strange to you though, they were sentient, capable of nearly all things people were, but spliced with animals to aid in things like companionship and work. 
There’d been a lot of back and forth in the media between whether or not hybrids were ethical to begin with in addition to if adopting them was even morally correct as well. It was something you hadn’t put much thought into until you stumbled into the local shelter one day, peering around. 
The best way to describe it was like a jail– if each cell was its own little apartment. The cement walls and flooring, along with the barred doors were very reminiscent of a traditional shelter, but inside each room were individual hybrids with their own little decorated room. As you walked by, most ran up to you, tails wagging, excitement written on their face as they shouted greetings at you. 
Puppy hybrids with their tails wagging like helicopters, cats with their ears twitching eyes narrowing as you passed them – even bunnies bouncing up and down at the prospect of an owner. As adorable as it was, none of them really caught your eye, at least not enough to commit to taking home. 
Close to the end of the fluorescently lit hallway, you found what you almost thought was an empty kennel until your eye caught the glimpse of someone sitting in the corner. He was unlike anything you’d ever seen before, sky blue eyes, a face framed by fluffy blonde hair. The bomber jacket he wore suited him so well. “Leon, huh?” You asked, after peering over at the informational plaque on the wall. 
The sound of your voice caught his attention as he shot you a weak smile in return. “Uh yeah, that’s me alright.” “I like that name.” Glancing back over to the plaque you could see that he previously worked for the government, was well behaved, and was good at adapting. “Leon, how would you feel about coming home with me?” His cool demeanor didn’t change, but you could see the shocked written on his face, there only for a second before his iced it back over with his neutral expression. “Are you for real?” “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?”
Hesitantly, he made his way over to the bars that separated you two, tilting his head to the side he looked you up and down processing for a moment. Finally a smirk came over his plush lips. “If you’re sure, I’d be happy to keep you company.” 
That was three years ago. 
Since then Leon had become more than a close companion to you. His corny jokes and dry sense of humor lived rent free in your head any moment you were away from home. Loneliness was a thing of the past when you could curl up with him on the couch and fall asleep to the ambient sound of the tv playing in the background.  Leon had opened himself up to you as well, explaining that unlike most hybrids he wasn’t born this way. Several years back he had to escape from a place called Raccoon City after a massive bio disaster occurred – you’d never even heard of that place before, but the seriousness in his voice had silenced any questions or lingering doubt. After said incident, was when he was forced into a government program, trained to be a federal agent. Once his contract was over with, he could no longer return to a regular human-lived life, the shelter was the only other option.  His story made your heart ache, but you settled on being content with the idea of finally being able to provide him with a happy home filled with love and relaxation.
At some point, not that you could remember when exactly, your relationship had changed. There was an unspoken tension that neither of you dared act on, until it built and built into a volcanic level eruption between you. One bad day at work was all it took for him to have you bent over the couch, rutting into your wet folds with abandon as you cried his name out, desperately clawing at the furniture beneath you. Suffice it to say, Leon became your companion in more ways than one. 
The moment the front door swung open you nearly tackled him to the ground in a hug. “God I’ve missed you, Lee.” “Missed you too baby.” He said with a chuckle, wrapping you into a tight hug. It’d only been a week, but that business trip had lasted far too long in your opinion. The only saving grace was you managed to get back to town just in time for your official one year anniversary of dating.
Finally letting go of him, you stood back and gasped once you really got a good look at him. “Lee where’s your–?” He cut off your question with a deep kiss, pulling away before pressing another to your cheek. “Shhh baby, no questions yet. Not when I have a present for you.” 
You wanted to protest but the excitement in his eyes prevented you from doing anything but following him down the hall, now laced with pink and red flower petals, to the bedroom. Excitement flurried around your stomach as you barely contained your giddiness. 
The bedroom was dimly lit and the scents of lavender and vanilla wafted into your nose, the bedding had been swapped out for a satiny red set. In the dead center was a heart shaped box, a huge bow on the top. 
Leon stepped out of the way so you could move forward. “Go on, open it.” 
Hesitantly you pulled one end of the ribbon undoing the bow, carefully pulling the lid off. By now you could feel Leon’s hot breath on your neck as his hands came up around you, cupping your breasts through your shirt. “Faster baby, I wanna see you get to the good part.”
“Ok, ok!” You exclaimed shuddering under his touch, wetness already forming a spot in your panties. Parting the tissue paper inside the box, there it was an ivory colored dildo. Confusion hit you first as you gently picked it up. It looked exactly like Leon’s, from the thick shaft even down to the shape of the balls, decorative swirls and designs were carved into it, giving it a ribbed texture. The material wasn’t something you recognized initially, as the outward coating made it feel like glass, until it hit you. “Leon… is this?” “Sure is.” He replied nuzzling into your neck again, sucking a bruise into the skin. The feeling of his whiskers always sent delightful tingles down your spine. “Didn’t want you to have to miss me while you’re away anymore.” 
“But your tusks?” “They grow back.” He said nonchalantly, turning you to face him. “What do you think? I carved it myself.” “Lee, it’s beautiful…god I can’t wait to try it out.” “Why wait?” A devious smirk came to his lips as he pushed you back onto the bed. “Wanna see you enjoy your present.” Leaning on top of you he brought his lips to yours one more time before sitting up to yank your bottoms down, pulling your panties along with them. 
He wasted no time in yanking you towards him, legs tossed over his shoulders as he dove into you like it was the first meal he’s had since you’d been away – lapping a line through your soaked folds. The thick whiskers tickled at your thighs, making you squirm against his flattened tongue, the mix of pleasure and tingles making you whine. “There we go baby, so wet and ready.”  He pressed a teasing kiss to your clit before pulling back just enough to reach over and grab the tusky dildo from you clenched hand. He held it against your folds, running it up and down, swirling the tip over your clit making you jolt as firecrackers of pleasure sparked from your core to your fingertips. 
He slid it into your hole slowly, careful to not hurt you and to allow you to feel each ribbed indentation before it was bottomed out to the base. “That’s it baby, that’s my good girl.” He cooed, pumping it in and out of your hot little pussy setting a rhythmic pace. He marveled at the way your back arched and head tossed back before he returned to lapping his tongue over your clit, in tandem with the movement of the present in his hand.  The overwhelming sense of pleasure coupled with your neediness for him made you grasp at his blonde locks to ground yourself. Toes curling with the oncoming orgasm that was so close, you choked out a cry, tight walls clenching around the porcelain coated tusk buried in you. It was a sensation like no other, and soon the pressure that built up exploded – white splotches filled your vision and your legs shook as pleasure consumed you in waves. Little aftershocks tickled along your skin, nerves a livewire.
He left the toy inside of you as he began to kiss his way up, first your thighs then your hip, before planning a kiss to your tummy. This time the feeling of his whiskers pulling a giggle out of you between panted attempts at returning your breathing to normal. Stopping for a moment only at your chest, he gripped your shirt that he’d pushed up before lapping at one pebbled nipple, sucking it gently into his mouth.
He pulled off with a pop capturing your lips once more in a tender kiss. “Happy anniversary baby.”  “Happy anniversary.” You replied, bringing your thumb up to rub over the spot where his tusks had been shaved down. The skin surrounding the ivory mounds was soft, leaving only the flattened discs of where his tusks used to be. Leaning up you gave him a kiss on his flattened nose. “My handsome little Walrus.”
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goddness-lunafreya · 7 months
Meet my Tav/OC!
Philrath, the Half-Dragon
Hello everyone, while I'm writing the next chapter, I thought I'd show a little bit of Philrath, the OC who co-stars in the story, and my Tav in the game!
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Race and Appearance: Philrath is a White Half-Dragon, children of dragons with humanoid races, usually humans and elves. Unlike Dragonborns, Half-Dragons are literally children of dragons, inheriting characteristics from them, but also from their parent's non-dragon races. They usually end up being an amalgamation of the two breeds, with certain characteristics. They are hybrids, just like animals in the real world, and are therefore infertile. Philrath has an elven body, white hair, with turquoise blue highlights. His skin is fair, with freckles on his face. He has white horns, with slight bluish tips on his head. She has white scales on her face, and on the rest of her body, in places such as: Back, Shoulders and Legs. Her eyes are yellow with these draconic pupils, which have a certain glow in the dark. I like to imagine that she would have fangs, very small, even though this doesn't exist in the game, it's a characteristic that I like to think about.
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Class, Alignment and Combat:
Philrath was initially born in my game as a ranger, but I chose to leave her secondary class as a bard, and that ended up being canonical in my story. So, she is a bard who seeks to bring joy to people, with songs, or with actions. Still, the patrol class is not there for nothing. She is very connected to nature, not as much as a druid, but she understands it in a way that benefits her. She uses Speak to Animals a lot to get advantages and to help the poor animals, protecting them from people's evil. She also uses her ranged attacks to help the team, always giving buffs to her companions (cough cough, Astarion, cough), healing them when needed and being deadly when necessary. Philrath as a Half-Dragon transforms into one, being small at first, but growing as he matures and expands his powers, understanding them better. This in gameplay is well... Overpower, but I always dosed it to only use it when it was NECESSARY (hello, Cazador???), so as not to ruin the gameplay. And in history this was cool, it was as if she was afraid to use her powers, and let them emerge as the journey became more difficult. In the end, for her group, she turned into a deadly white dragon, which freezes everyone in its path.
Her Alignment changed A LOT, as my perception changed. At first she was definitely Lawful-Good, trying to be a good person. However, in act 1 she performed very... Chaotic acts. In act 2 I would already put her in Neutral-Good, and in 3 she is certainly a Chaotical-Good or even Neutral-Neutral. My explanation for this was two: The Journey and its Dragon Side. Baldur's Gate's journey is not an easy one, and she has made chaotic and desperate decisions for the good of herself and the group, yet never evil ones. She helped the Tieflings, saved the Nightsong, helped Halsin, was always respectful to Jaheira and let very few die. For her companions, she is a hero, but Philrath doesn't see herself that way. She killed the hunter Guur, she killed all the goblins, she was always aggressive when necessary. But still, she forced Ketheric to seek to be better, not facing him in the end. But as many know, White Dragons are Chaotical-Evil, and she may have gotten that from her father, in part, which explains her impulsiveness in combat.
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(She judging Astarion AND the Hunter Gur)
Personality and Romance:
Philrath is someone kind despite the problems I mentioned above, she understands that she can be dangerous, and that's why she prefers to stay away than to get attached, but at the same time, she is afraid of abandonment. She grew up without her biological parents, always seeing herself as strange. Even though she had a great adoptive father, these problems persist with her to this day. That's why she has her motto: "The Group stays together". Philrath never abandoned any of them, he always gave them the chance to improve and stay with it. She never judged, she doesn't see herself in such a position, after all, she doesn't think she's worthy. As a bard, she likes to make people happy, even if the reason is sad. It's a way for her to make people ignore her different appearance, deep down she hates how she looks, but she loves being who she is. She loves flying like a dragon, loves the powers, the feeling of strength. But she hates being different from other elves, being seen as a monster and a freak. Hence her identification with those who suffer, how would she judge someone, when she is judged all the time? Maybe it was the identification that hooked her. She saw herself in Astarion when he revealed himself to be a vampire, when he declared his fears, when he showed his marks and scars. His words (sometimes false) were comforting. As a Demisexual, she is attracted to the self, not the form. And the Astarion being was interesting. She would love to write more about the relationship, but then it would be fic (more than I've already done in this post). Who knows, maybe I won't do it in my fanfic. She stayed with Astarion until the end, but had a light kiss with Wyll in a moment of excitement during a dance. And she decided to start a relationship with Halsin. I always imagined the "Teddy Bear" as her teacher in transformation, it's cute, right? But she loves Astarion, and always will. A Half-Dragon and a Vampire is a couple odd enough to appeal to me!
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(They look so cute in these clothes...)
What do I expect from Philrath in fanfic? I hope to be able to explore my Headcanons and address what the story of someone so unique would be like. A Half-Dragon would certainly have issues that Tav normally doesn't have in the game, some of which I mentioned above. In the end, I hope to be able to write everything in "Icy Serenade", my fanfic that focuses on Philrath and all the backstory power. I know, it's all silly and trippy. But this character became part of me, playing her was fun, and in the end she had a place in my heart that I didn't expect. It's crazy how such an INCREDIBLE game makes us get attached to the model we create... Philrath ended up having a lot of me, I'm Demisexual, I identified with the story of several characters in the game, and I was simply moved by see her, or rather they, as Non-Binary. Yes, I used "she" out of language and name custom, but Philrath is Non-Binary! She is Philrath! And it's okay to be called She, They or even "Astarion's Husband". She never saw herself as a real woman, just as she never saw herself as an elf or a dragon. She can be both, or neither. It can be "she", "he" or "they".
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This race is obtainable in the game via MOD! It exists in d&d 5e, but it is not normally playable. The MOD(which is not mine!!) is based on an expansion of this race, with extra things and an expansion of its mythology. These clothes are from MOD too, I can share them all in the comments, for anyone who wants them. And yes, a lot of things up there are FIC/HC, after all, Tav is the character made for us to play with our imagination and create his story. And everything is fine! We all create this ourselves when we play games like this. And I had to add these details to make sense of a Half-Dragon out of nowhere in the game. But remember that the game itself places us as Dragonborn in the dialogues, since this limitation exists.
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(There's no way we... She's so expressive!)
Thank you all!!
Thank you for reading what I wrote and will write, it is gratifying to put what I think here. It has been an environment that has done me a lot of good in the last few days.
I hope to meet everyone's Tav/Durge/OC too! Knowing your Headcanons, your stories, your fics, let's all think and create things together. Expanding this wonderful universe that is this Game and RPG. Finally, I hope everyone is safe.
And what did you think of Philrath? Or the Half-Dragons? I simply fell in love with them. I'd love to hear opinions.
See you soon, with more fics and random subjects. Tchau! (Bye Bye!)
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(BONUS: Her looking at Halsin like that is hilarious)
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toky502 · 3 months
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"Prototype chimeras"
Artificial experiments with soul attributes, hybrid beings mixed with animals, they are varied in size and abilities! created as pets, familiars, or guardians specifically for the monsters of the containment unit from alternate universe 502. The little creatures are loyal, loving and powerful! The only sound they can make is "Khy!" every time they express themselves. Their gender is undefined when they are born, only until they reach a certain physical maturity is it known what gender they are. They all have the reproductive ability to lay eggs.
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Prototype number 1: Golden chimera
Mixed with lizards, a dog and a vision and the attribute of determination in its purest form. The little being is cheerful and curious about his surroundings, he demonstrated wall-climbing abilities and immutable supernatural resistance at its best, being the first of his kind, he has more similarities with a human domestic dog. failed to calculate its gluttony with respect to food since the creature is capable of eating more food than it normal, sometimes what he eats does not even have to be food since on one occasion he ate a steel desk in 30 minutes. His condition is not very stable, his body is physically strong but I fear that his mind will collapse at any moment. I have decided to keep him under observation and subject him to more tests to find a cure for this strange disease he suffers from and repair his unstable mind, since he has to be healthy for mass production, if I don't have a cure soon. I may have to put him in a suspension chamber until further notice to prevent him from dying prematurely.
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 2: Purple chimera
Mixed with otters, and a cat and a chameleon and the attribute of perseverance. The little being is relaxed and carefree, he has more similarities to a human domestic cat, he demonstrated abilities to deform his physical structure and become invisible, he is sociable and friendly, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in a week. Mass production will be carried out as soon as possible, my oldest son likes this creature. Maybe I'll give it to him as a gift.
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 3: Blue chimera
Mixed with rabbits, an oyster and a hamster and the attribute of integrity. The little being is quite happy despite not having two eyes, he has more similarities with a human rabbit since he likes to jump everywhere too much, he demonstrated abilities to petrify and turn objects and living beings into stone, as well as the ability to make pearls. He is sociable and friendly, sometimes he has a certain suspicion that his pearls will be stolen, his petrification ability is long-lasting, but nothing that cannot be reversed in a day, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in 2 weeks. Mass production will take place as soon as possible, my assistant Alphys adore the prototype too very much, she constantly tells me that it is like a lamp as she shines her pearl in her tail when she is happy. She gave this creature a name, she called it "Light", I for one will consider her request for adoption, as I do not want the prototype to further petrify my laboratory!
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 4: Cyan chimera
Mixed with iguanas, a fruit bat and an orangutan and the attribute of patience. The little being is quite restless and flies a lot, it has more similarities with the human bat, but it is very patient like a thoughtful human orangutan. He demonstrated abilities to lift extremely heavy things and cut objects quite easily, as well as hunger from eating a lot of fruits, nothing serious honestly, just a little annoying since he steals food. He is sociable and friendly, sometimes he tends to follow and observe any being that catches his attention, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in 4 days, due to his kindness and consideration. Mass production will be carried out as soon as possible. The ex queen Toriel constantly brings the prototype back to the lab, as it escapes too often. Prototype 4 really likes the ex queen since he constantly follows her everywhere indiscriminately and as I always asked to her if she wanted to adopt him, the queen accepted, it is a relief on my part since I will be able to eat my peaches in peace!
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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seyemvertisepra · 3 months
Up until relatively recently in its natural history, Centauri Prime was the homeworld of not one but two sapient species, close cousins who diverged around 550,000 earth years ago. This other species was referred to by Centauri ancestors as the Xon, a word whose meaning is lost to apocrypha. This is the origin of the Centauri species' original name for itself, "Ahnxon" or "Not Xon" as the ancients viewed themselves as weaker creatures living in a frightening world where their predatory cousins held dominion over their lives.
The average Xon male stood around 7 feet in height, a considerable advantage over the average male Centauri height of 5'7". Obligate carnivores, they possessed notable meat sheering dentition and the ability to unhinge their jaws, something still observed recessively in their modern Centauri descendants. Their skull structure was more readily compared to their crocodilian like ancestors, giving them the appearance of a slight reptile "snout."
Like most members of their family, males possessed the usual six prehensile reproductive organs. Unlike the Centauri, these were more highly developed, with an extra digit evolving on each. It is believed that Xon may have used their pachiri for manipulation and grasping far more often, which aided them as predators and in navigating their more heavily forested habitats. They are believed to have been used as a threat display on occasion. Xon crests were long and laid flat on their backs, with three or four sets of quilled hair in sections, giving them a tiered appearance.
Female Xon are mysterious, as nearly all written examples describe lone wandering males who occasionally joined together to execute pack hunts.
The only clue to their existence is the occasional discovery of incredibly small Xonoid remains found deep in the impenetrable forests of the western mainland. These individuals would have stood only three feet in height fully grown and are often attributed to Centauri mythology around Whisper Folk, strange tiny women who built Creche-cities in the forest and shied away from interaction with the outside world.
It is well known that male Xon frequently interacted with Centauri Claves and Creches, with Claves favored for pack hunting and hybrid instances existing in both. The modern Centauri population contains an average Xon admixture significantly greater than that seen in humans with Neanderthal ancestors, with the highest admixture existing in the Zapata culture and mainland Centauri coming in second.
The rapid acceleration of Centauri society and its ability to defend itself began to show damage to the Xon population as early as 1500 years ago, with the last full-blooded individuals living just prior to the foundation of the Republic 200 years ago. During this time, they were often treated as second class citizens when they did manage to interact with Centauri, believed to be less intelligent and naturally violent. Individuals were often held captive for research aimed at pushing them further towards the edge of extinction.
The last major Xon population center was wiped out in a single cataclysmic event; the launching of the first suborbital Mass Driver, which was aimed at their then-home in the western continent of Eachnke. This devastating attack tore the continent itself apart, and the newly founded Republic declared the Xon race to have been obliterated in the process. High content hybrids continued to live on the mainland for some time but were mostly eventually driven out or killed, the survivors settling on the ruptured Eachnke to form the Zapata culture.
The violence between the two species has left a permanent mar on the epigenetic health of modern Centauri and is thought by many to be the catalyst for their developing xenophobia and warlike attitudes. They retain many traits associated with prey animals, such as heightened fear responses; they have a tendency to sleep in groups and an intense instinctive fear of having the stomach exposed that can induce panic attacks for many.
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onepiece-oc-archives · 7 months
The Different Tribes/Species in One Piece
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This topic was requested by @dogfightx - thank you for your question!
General Introduction
The world of One Piece is extremely vast and diverse, with its whackiness ranging from all sorts of odd islands to weird weather phenomena to the creatures that inhabit it. At this point of the live action, you may not know that much about them, but as the story goes on and we enter the Grand Line, you'll start to see a lot more of what the world has to offer. It's fairly rare to see anything other than humans in, say, the East Blue (which is why Arlong was such a big deal), but not impossible (see, once again, Arlong, the host at Baratie in the live action, and Merry - but we'll get to him later).
As such, here's my list of the most important, naturally-appearing, humanoid species - or "races" as they're referred to in the wiki, but that term just really bothers me - you can find in the world of One Piece. You won't find any artificial races or animals in this post. If you want something on that, let me know! I'm gonna be listing them in chronological order of their appearance, so you can tap out whenever you like. As usual, I'll try to keep this spoiler-free. This also means there will be no pictures because those could be spoiler-y - and because I can't possibly fit the diversity of some of these species into one picture. If you want pictures, just ask!
(First appeared: ch. 01; ep. 01; s01ep01)
You're probably gonna say: "Evie, they're humans, what's so special about them? Just skip it!" But oh no, my dear reader, humans in One Piece are far from regular humans. Most of the humans you might have seen so far in the live action are fairly normal. They might look a little quirky sometimes, like Nami and Zoro with their "unnatural" hair colors. Their hair colors are natural. And that's just the start of how odd humans can get.
Admittedly, we have no way of knowing how far the live action will actually go with the freakishness of humans, but it did keep Buggy. Yes, Buggy's clown nose is real. He was born like that. Humans can have "non-human" features and still be fully human. Feel free to give your OCs pointy ears, sharp teeth, even horns. Some humans in the manga look like apes while still being fully human. You can also make them freakishly large. For reference, one of the tallest humans in the One Piece universe is nearly 30 feet tall with no mixed genes in sight - and their parents are regular-sized! But these are really the outliers and they appear fairly late in the story, oftentimes as antagonists, usually intentionally made to impose respect. And again, there's really no way of knowing if the live action will pick this up in cases where it isn't mandatory for the character to work. Most humans are just regular people with maybe one or two appearance quirks.
So, you can get away with some strange design choices for your humans without them having any mixed blood. But here's the thing: Humans are also compatible with most if not all other species of the One Piece world! Hybrids usually inherit a large chunk of the non-human features of their non-human parent. So, create away!
Humans are the most dominant species across all seven seas to the point that encountering another species or tribe outside of their homeland is fairly rare, and they usually have a bit of a rocky relationship with other species, mostly due to actions of the World Government or the fact that they're considered weak in comparison to some other species I'll touch on later. Humans are often freaked out by the special traits of other tribes and those tribes are often freaked out by humans because they lack those traits.
Most humans have a lifespan that we would consider normal in our world, but there is one character who is currently close to 150 years old and at perfect health, due to her medical expertise. Sanji and Usopp also both claim to never have been sick, but in both of their cases, it should be taken with a huge grain of salt, though for very different reasons.
(First appeared: ch. 69; ep. 31; s01ep05)
Fishmen were introduced to us in the live action as incredibly strong and durable, their skin even able to withstand bullets. That bullets part doesn't hold up for the manga and anime though and may have been special to Arlong, who is a fairly strong fishman. Generally speaking though, fishmen are on average ten times stronger than your average human. It's a tradition in their society to tattoo the symbol of a group you belong to on your body, for example Arlong's jolly roger, the sawfish tattoo.
Fishmen vary greatly in appearance because they can be based on every type of fish imaginable, as well as other sea creatures like squids and octopodes. Crustaceans so far haven't been shown but might also be possible. This can result in some fishmen having multiple sets of arms, for example, or special abilities. Remember Arlong and Luffy's little jabs at each other about having expected the other to be taller? Well, in Luffy's case of insulting Arlong, this is actually a reference to manga canon where Arlong is, in fact, noticably taller. This is a trait shared among many fishmen. They also always have legs and gills at the base of their neck which are also their weak point. This played a huge part in how Sanji defeated Kuroobi in the anime, by the way! They were fighting under water, where a fishman's power is doubled and a human's power is halved. Sanji, close to drowning, blew air into Kuroobi's gills, forcing the fishman to surface and take the battle back to land. Maybe this little bit of information is useful to my fellow fic authors in the future. Many fishmen also have webbed hands and those sharing the genes of a type of shark usually have very sharp teeth. Sharks are also considered some of the strongest fighters among fishmen. Yes, Arlong is a shark, a sawshark to be exact.
As you may have guessed, fishmen can breathe underwater and in the air. Get air or other substances in their gills and they can't breathe underwater anymore, just like how humans can't breathe air if their airways are somehow blocked. Some fishmen are also trained in Fishman Karate, a special martial art that allows them to control water - a very potent weapon, especially against devil fruit users. Their genetics can get very weird, with people often inheriting traits from distant ancestors.
And yes, in case you were wondering, there are female fishmen, referred to as fishwomen. They're also mammals, by the way.
Fishmen mostly live on their own secluded island under the sea, called Fishman Island. Those who don't are usually pirates, but there also are some fishman civilians living on land. Fishmen and humans have a very strained relationship, with fishmen believing humans to be violent and dangerous, but also weak and inferior to fishmen. Humans, in turn, have a long history of classifying fishmen as fish instead of men and discriminating against them. This isn't true for all humans and all fishmen though. Both species are very capable of living together in harmony and there are known hybrids between them.
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The following species haven't been introduced in the live action yet! I'll introduce them in the most spoiler-free way possible, but if you consider simply knowing about them a spoiler, this is your chance to close this post.
(First appeared: ch. 96; ep. 45)
Giants are, well, giants. They're incredibly strong, incredibly big (real, full-blooded giants are at least 12m tall and stand at 20m at average) and can get incredibly old. There are different tribes of giants but the most commonly known ones are the ones from the island of Elbaf, which is viking-themed. One other tribe of giants are the Ancient Giants, which reach around 60m in height and have ogre- or oni-like features. There is also a tribe that resembles yetis, standing at roughly 40m tall.
Giants age slowlier than humans do. The difference is barely noticable while they are children, but by the time they are adults, an 80-year age gap between two giants is somewhat like a twenty-year age gap between humans. In their early eighties, a giant may look to be in their early thirties by human standards. The oldest giants seen in the story are over three centuries old.
Hybrids between giants and fishmen are called "wotans". They're noticably shorter than giants and maintain a lot of their fishman heritage.
Culturally speaking, giants value a warrior's honor. They celebrate the winter soltice in a festival and fast for twelve days before it. When it comes to relations between giants and humans, there mostly aren't any real animosities, but there is some amount of friction.
(First appeared: ch. 221; ep. 145)
Shandia are one of three (officially) tribes who originally came from the moon. Yes, you read that right. They're largely human in appearance with small wings of white feathers on their backs that are too small for them to fly. Per tradition, they often have tattoos across their body. They're modeled after the indigenous cultures of the Americas.
Many Shandia have a hatred for foreigners for historical reasons that I won't mention here because of spoilers. They're a very dedicated tribe and many of them are fearsome warriors. A central belief of the Shandia is worshipping their ancestors, mainly the legendary warrior Kalgara.
(First appeared: ch. 238; ep. 153)
Skypieans are another species originally from the moon. They're very similar to Shandia except they're not modelled after indigenous people (meaning they're mostly fairly light-skinned) and their wings are slightly less detailed, sharp and defined than those of the Shandia. They're a very peaceful tribe and also can't fly.
The Skypieans have a caste system that they rarely question.
There's a third tribe of people that's confirmed to be from the moon, the Birkans, but they barely have anything to talk about, so I'll just mention them here. Some of them look very human, some of them have a goat-like appearance. They also have small white wings but they're down-turned and, you guessed it, they can't fly.
(First appeared: ch. 195 (cover story); ep. 306)
There's no pirate story without mermaids, of course, so here they are! These are your regular old mermen and mermaids, mostly. Human upper body with a fish tail - or octopus tentacles. I haven't seen any crustaceans around yet, but that might also be possible. Biologically, they function very similar to fishmen, including being able to inherit traits from their distant ancestors, and can mate with them. However, they usually don't give birth to hybrids. Their children are either fishmen or merfolk. There are hybrids between humans and merfolk though! They're virtually indistinguishable from full-blooded merfolk in the first generation but lose almost all merfolk features by the second generation. Merfolk live on the same island as fishmen and the royal family of the island comes from their ranks.
Mermaids' tails split when they turn 30, meaning they can walk on land more easily, whereas males keep their tails intact all their lives. Don't ask me how this works for our octopodes folk, I have no idea. They can consciously merge their tail back together for swimming. Mermen generally have a more fish-like appearance similar to fishmen, whereas mermaids usually look fully human save for their tails and have a dazzling natural beauty, which soaking in water allows them to maintain. I don't know about you guys, but I see a lot of gender-bending potential here :)
Merfolk, unlike fishmen, live a mostly vegetarian lifestyle, though it's unknown whether this is for cultural or biological reasons. They're usually good natures and are said to save drowning sailors. They're the fastest swimmers in the entire world of One Piece and can talk to sea creatures and even control them to some extent. However, this excludes sea kings (save for one very special person). Like fishmen, they have a water-based fighting style called "Merman Combat", but it's less useful than fishman karate since merfolk are less capable of walking on land.
(First appeared: ch. 498; ep. 392)
The Kuja are, essentially, humans, except for one very important detail: They're all female. They're a lot like the Amazons from Greek mythology in that they're an all-female warrior tribe, but they go one step further: Weirdly enough, all Kuja seemingly only ever give birth to females. Maybe that's because of something going on with their island, but that's just my theory. As such, most Kuja go through their life never having seen a man before. Don't ask me how they keep their population up like that, I have no clue. But this could be a fun thing to play with in fanfiction!
The Kuja are ruled by an Empress and have their own pirate crew called the Kuja Pirates, though not all Kuja are part of the crew. Lots of them spend a relatively peaceful life on Amazon Lily, especially considering that they're fierce warriors. Their clothing is generally very revealing and could be considered offensive by outsiders. (Good luck with that one, live action!) Being warriors, lots of Kuja are fairly muscular, and they consider strength to be beauty. They all have a pet snake that can take on various forms like a bow, for example, and can track people or objects. Most Kuja have no idea what devil fruits are. No men are allowed on the Kuja's territory, potentially because the Kuja's empress can catch a disease known as "love sickness" when she falls in love with a man but keeps that love suppressed due to her tribe's traditions and laws, which will lead to her eventual death.
Longarm Tribe
(First appeared: ch. 498; ep. 392)
People from the longarm tribe have a second joint in their arms, leading to them to have very long arms - hence the name. There's at least some amount of racism against them for their appearance. Apparently, there's at some animosity between longarms and longlegs. They can have a hybrid child with both parents' special features, being referred to as someone from the "longlimb tribe". Hybrids between longarms and humans maintain the tribe's long arms. Longarms seem to be largely Chinese-themed in their fashion.
(First appeared: ch. 498; ep. 392)
Minks are a lot like fishmen, concept-wise, except they're based on mammals instead of aquatic creatures. Or, to say it more bluntly: Furries, rejoice! Minks are anthropomorphic animals. They have been largely isolated from other species for about 1000 years and refer to humans as "lesser minks" for their lack of fur but have no animosity towards them, considering them a type of monkey mink. Lots of minks also carry over some traits from their animal resemblance. For example, canine minks have a thing for bones. Yes, they have toe beans. Similar to fishmen, the type of animal minks are born as doesn't have to be directly hereditary.
Contrary to what the world believes about them, minks are actually very welcoming towards visitors - the only issue is reaching them. Additionally, minks have access to newspapers and are thus informed about world events. They also know about devil fruits and are fiercely loyal to their friends.
Minks are born great fighters. They possess incredible strength or speed and are extremely stealthy. Additionally, they can generate electricity, which is how you can differentiate a true mink from an animal-based devil fruit user, for example. The minks of Zou know a powerful transformation called "Sulong" which is activated by looking at the full moon for a specific period of time. During this transformation, they grow larger and their hair longer and more voluminous, turning white along with their fur. This transformation greatly increases their strength and speed, however, it has massive drawbacks. If the user hasn't been trained to suppress their feral urges, they will go on a rampage, and using it for too long will result in potentially fatal exhaustion. To transform back, a mink's view at the moon would have to be blocked, either by clouds or by covering their eyes.
Minks take great pride in their fur and don't eat meat from anything that has fur. They do, however, eat animals like fish and reptiles. Generally speaking, minks are very physically affectionate and consider sharing close an act of friendship. They great each other by rubbing their cheeks together and saying "Garchu!" and refusing this or other physical affection could lead to them becoming upset.
There is a theory out there that Merry is part mink, due to his sheep-like features, which are even more pronounced in the manga.
Longleg Tribe
(First appeared: ch. 651; ep. 570)
As the name suggests, members of the longleg tribe have very long legs, making them much taller than average humans. They seem to have a tradition of showing off their legs through clothing or jewelry and, most importantly, tattoos, though not all longlegs do this. Their legs are the most important part of their fighting style and if they use any weapons, they are scaled to their increased height. Hybrids between humans and longlegs look virtually the same as full-blooded longlegs. There is apparently some animosity between longlegs and longarms, but this is never directly addressed and they can be seen working together, their hybrids being known as "longlimbs".
Three-Eye Tribe
(First appeared: ch. 651; ep. 571)
As the name suggests, these people have three eyes instead of two, their third eye being considered "creepy" by other species. Because of this, they might cover it up. A full-blooded member of this tribe has never been shown in the story, but a hybrid between a human and a three-eyed person looks like a normal human, save for the third eye. Full-blooded three-eyed people can achieve something known as the "True Awakening" which makes them incredibly valuable assets, but it's unknown if hybrids can achieve this.
(First appeared: ch. 711; ep. 640)
Dwarves are small enough to fit in the palm of someone's hand but they possess much greater strength and speed than humans. Members of the Tontatta Tribe have very fluffy tails. They are very careful not to be seen by humans and will kill anyone who does see them unless they promise not to tell anyone about their existence. The humans who live on the same island as the Tontattas refer to them as "fairies". Humans and dwarves can produce hybrids.
Generally speaking, dwarves are very gullible towards humans, whom they call "Big Humans". They will casually ask them whether they are good or bad and "good" humans can prove themselves by giving up their weapons or possessions. They're great cultivators, being able to grow any naturally-occuring plant with ease.
Snakeneck Tribe
(First appeared: ch. 827; ep. 786)
As the name suggests, snakeneck people have very long necks that they adorn with rings and, sometimes, tattoos. Oftentimes, they have slender bodies to match their necks, making them resemble snakes even further. No full-blooded snakenecks have been shown thus far, only human-snakeneck hybrids.
(First appeared: ch. 925; ep. 918)
OH BOY, Lunarians. This species is commonly thought to be extinct. They have large, black-feathered wings that allow flight, brown skin, and silvery white hair. A plume of flames is constantly burning at the base of their wings an extinguishing it might be the key to weakening them but it also grants them a speed boost. Generally speaking, Lunarians are very powerful and can ignite their body, making them capable of using formidable fire-based attacks. Additionally, they're known for their near invulnerability. They used to be "a race of gods" that lived on the Red Line, long before the Holy Land of Mariejois was ever there, but went extinct for unknown reasons. The World Government has put out a reward of 100 million Berry for any information on any surviving Lunarians. There's a popular theory that they originated from the moon, much like the flightless Skypieans, Shandia, and Birkans, but it hasn't been proven.
So much for the info part, now here's my little warning to you: Be very careful creating Lunarian OCs. Because of their extinction status and the high reward out for their heads, having a Lunarian that is recognizable as one would be very difficult. They would constantly have to be on the run or enslaved. That being said, you're also very much allowed to apply Schrödinger's Canon.
I had my winged OC Luna even before Lunarians were introduced and had a very minor breakdown when they came along since I could already see my whole concept for her being thrown in the trash. What I did to solve that is way too complicated and spoiler-riddled for me to explain here, but if you'd like to know how I solved the issue because you maybe want something similar to a Lunarian but not quite, let me know.
So, here it is! The collection of almost all of One Piece's species! Hope this helped :)
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lupunsus · 1 year
there's only one mention of a bird hybrid in diluc's part, and as any person in the middle of the night would do, my brain began to wonder. what ab other birds?
As always, based on and dedicated to the hybrid au made by @cinnamonest
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In Diluc's part, it's mentioned that he'd either have a dog or a bird hybrid, but the bird is described to have human ears, no tail, and wings (unfortunately clipped. Remember hybrids, don't still from crazy rich people! They can pay their way out of any legal troubles). But what if there were other bird hybrids with different features?
People wouldn't know in the first place because of their elusive nature, but in places like the desert in sumeru, there's definitely a good amount of bird hybrids living there. Especially if you consider small animals, bugs, lizards, and fruits laying about. Of course, there are monsters and mercenaries scattered about, but I like to imagine that desert bird hybrids are tougher than most.
This brings us back to the main topic of this post. Bird Varieties.
In the desert, there's a good amount of trees, but not enough to allow the birds to nest in them. I think this would lead to changes to help the hybrid adapt in the environment. For bird hybrids living in the desert, because of how vast and empty it is (a stark contrast to the labyrinth below it), I believe that there would mainly be two kinds of hybrids found in the desert.
One is like any other hybrid, but instead of dog ears and a tail, they have wings and tail feathers. The other being similar, except they don't have human arms like the others, but wings instead.
So basically, one bird has six limbs, and the other four (including wings).
Sometimes, their feet are identical to their bird counterparts, but its not limited to those living in a specific location, so it's considered to be a trait some hybrids just have, and others don't.
For our birds with special feet, sometimes they're mistaken as gigantic beasts from afar, and stories have picked up in the desert about naughty kids that stay outside late will be picked up and eaten by these creatures. At first, it was just a story made up by adults to keep their children from wandering off until someone saw one of the hybrids eating a human.
In the hybrid's case, they saw this dying person, thought that it could be free food, and decided to have a taste.
But from afar, it appeared to the village folk as a four-legged monstrosity with wings. Some even felt guilty, thinking that telling the story so many times made it come true. Of course, later on, as time passed, humans learned that they typically won't eat you if you aren't laying dead for every animal to see.
It's still strange to see a hybrid eat an actual person because they look human as well. Thanks to safely conducting research in the desert, it has been proven that one factor that could lead to this odd behavior is a lack of food in their area, and while some birds don't go down the carnivorous route, hybrids that are larger in size don't mind waiting a bit for humans to succumb to the harsh environment.
Some adventurous souls even found out that some hybrids are smart enough to scare people into either sharing their rations or into having a heart attack. This only happens with types that hunt during the night and are larger in size.
Are they really that big, though? Some, yes. But oftentimes, it's due to their large wingspan and how the darkness makes anything 100x scarier than it should be.
Bird hybrids with wings for arms have it more difficult, as they have to use their mouth or feet to hold things. But because they're born this way, it doesn't really seem to be an issue for them. Sometimes, they're mistaken for overgrown birds and are shot at by hunters. Due to the mistake of injuring or even killing the hybrids, hunting birds was restricted in areas that had a bird hybrid sighting.
Bird hunting in general would've been outright illegal, but people really like chicken. Raptor hybrids do too! An unfortunate discovery where one lost their small feathered friend to a hungry hawk hybrid. You would think these elusive creatures keep their distance from humans, but when they let chickens just roam free... they consider it to be an all-you-can-eat. It's recommended to have a dog hybrid to scare them off, as the more aggressive birds can easily pick up a dog.
On the off chance that someone tames a wild bird hybrid, they make for great companions. Especially for those living in the desert. I like to think that Candace once saved a raptor hybrid while being attacked during a sandstorm, and now it lives nearby and helps out in the village. People thought it was lucky to stumble upon it in a sandstorm until they saw that 2 more joined her party. Is she a god? What do these dangerous birds see in her to follow her?
The answer is mutual respect. Candace views her new companions as equals and even helps them out when they communicate their needs. In return, they're willing to protect the village from harm with their lives. Because of this, researchers flock to the desert just to get a glimpse of the birds in action but are sometimes scared off by how rough they look. Aren't hybrids supposed to be cute?? Well, if you lived your life in the desert fighting against monsters, humans, animals, and other hybrids, you'd probably have some scars and a mean look.
They're nice, though. Being around kids in the village makes them more protective, but also very distrustful of newcomers. Unless you have Candace's approval, be prepared to have eyes constantly on you.
However, for birds living in more tropical areas, these hybrids are softer and cuter in nature. But still shy around humans. Unless they're raptors, then try to keep a respectful distance. These are wild animals we're talking about, after all. For bird hybrids born closer to cities, they're more relaxed around humans, but some species are smart enough to know what happens to hybrids that have masters, so they opt to live in hard to reach places. They could just leave, but human food is too delicious to be replaced with fruits and insects.
It's their weakness, though, as humans can easily drug the food and capture the hybrid. Or, like the poor thing in Diluc's part, caught in a trap for stealing and having their wings clipped as a result.
Clipping wings is considered inhumane and outright illegal, but if you have a certified doctor's note stating that due to medical circumstances for whatever reason, their wings needed to be clipped, then it's brushed under the rug. But for bird hybrids with wings for arms? Well, it really is game over for them. Learn from Diluc's bird darling and try not to steal from the rich, as they can easily pay a doctor to sign a document to allow your pretty wings to be taken away.
Honestly, bird hybrids could be smart enough to become citizens, but because of how most choose to distance themselves from human society and value freedom more than anything else is probably the main reason why no bird hybrid in history has ever been documented as nothing more than a "treasured pet" or a "monstrous beast".
Maybe one day a bird will be able to have the same rights any human has, but for now, they should probably maintain a distance from humans who want to take away their freedom.
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makutamewtwo · 7 months
Introduction to Jaala, the strange nature of his birth, his youth, his emerging adulthood, and his first visit to Hell!
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Plate 1: Jaala at his current age of 20-something in a certain pose
Aw Heck, um I mean Hell, It's Jaala Leeds! This tricky imp isn't a particularly powerful demon and is about as low on the hierarchy as you can get. He commands no legions and spends most of his time slacking off and pulling low-stake practical jokes, the kind that even the one being pranked can laugh at or that involve some unconvincing plastic junk. Jaala does have one thing that makes him unique among devils: he was born of a human via the unity of two humans, without the involvement of a succubus or incubus. The reason Jaala was born like this seems to have been due to a prophecy. It was said of the ancestors of the Leeds family, who in the late 1700s early 1800s lived in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, that, due to Father Leeds' occult interests, Mother Leeds' 13th child would be a Devil. Now this seemingly did not happen then, but the prophecy must have been in the back of the gods' heads (perhaps Apollo took notice), and therefore it was made so for the next descendent of the Leeds brood who had 13 children the 13th would be born a devil.
Now the modern Ms. Leeds, mother of Jaala, lived in Drollerieville a bustling city mostly ruled by, in the mind of its politicians, conventionality. Ms. Leeds was active in the local LGBTQ+ community and acted as a surrogate mother for the children of many couples, 12 to be exact. You would think going through the pain of childbirth 12 times would be enough for Ms. Leeds but she had not yet had a child with her husband Mr. Leeds, so they unified, and soon enough Ms. Leeds was with child for the 13th time. When the embryo was visible via ultrasound, what most would consider an abnormality was noticeable, the fetus resembled a hybrid between a human and a goat. Any "normal" couple would have been shaken by this, but strangely, despite no awareness of the prophecy, the Leeds couple was as overjoyed and filled with love as any couple seeing their child for the first time.
A few months of gestation later, a fuzzy crimson child was born, a little prematurely, who immediately cried out a wail that sounded more like a bleating baby goat than a human infant. The child drew surprisingly little attention for his strange Satyr-like appearance but had to stay in the hospital for some weeks after his birth, but luckily, he was without any major ailments and was able to go home. Jaala as an infant could be described as clever and loud. His wailing could be heard across the whole neighborhood, and he was able to walk within weeks. It took him awhile to say his first word, which was the standard "Mama" for the curious, and there was a worry that he could only make goat vocalizations; however, there was a sigh of relief when he spoke. As a baby, Jaala did not have horns, nor a point at the end of his tail, his ears were disproportionately large, and he was very fuzzy. Jaala grew fast, but only as fast as a human child, in fact, despite his goat-like exterior, the doctors said that he was, for all intents and purposes, a human, except for his head which was like a combination of a human's and a goat's, and his cloven hooves. When his teeth grew in, however, they were very sharp like a carnivore's, Jaala was already observed to be omnivorous, so this was a little odd and very hard on Ms. Leeds, so she switched to bottle feeding. Eventually Jaala went from a baby, to a toddler, to a kid!
 Jaala's days in Elementary School were difficult, he made some friends but was bullied a lot for his animal-like face. He also had trouble with the teachers as he didn't cotton to their authority that much and also found that he didn't enjoy the curriculum that much either. He liked to read, but by himself and hated math with a burning fiery passion. He also swiftly ended up with a teacher who was Christian though she wasn't supposed to express it. "I know what you are, devil." she would whisper to Jaala at any opportunity. Jaala didn't understand this, he hadn't, before attending school, thought he was that unusual. Sure, he looked and acted a little different than other people, but he still had a human heart. He had never put much mind to religion but had seen The Devil in cartoons, Halloween decorations and books of old folk tales, sure they were both red and The Devil had hooves sometimes like him, but implying these things meant that he was wicked like The Devil was difficult for Jaala who was generally a kind, gentle, and sensitive boy. He came home that evening crying. Jaala's parents were not happy with this unprofessional behavior from someone working with in the school system and got Jaala moved to a class with a nicer teacher. This teacher encouraged Jaala to do what he liked, while still teaching him the subjects he didn't care for, but it was fine. Jaala was learning and that is what mattered.
Eventually Jaala was in Middle School, an awkward time in everyone's life. He started experiencing changes but not just the usual ones, his fingers grew sharp golden talons, his tail gained a sharp bony point, and large horns grew from his head. He filed his talons, tail point, and horns down to avoid any hazard but still had trouble lying on his back and going through narrow doorways. He also started to feel angsty, he loved his parents who had supported him but he started getting mad at them for telling him what to do, he felt like he was being judged by his classmates for his different appearance. He found out about the rebellious figure of Lucifer and immediately related to him. Jaala came to understand something: regardless of if he was a demon or not, the idea of being one was kind of cool! He started vandalizing Church grounds and creeping around them hoping to scare the nuns. These pranks seemed harmless to him, but he was becoming known and loathed by the religious community who were treating him as a scapegoat for all the "problems" they had. When he and his parents found a local religious publication talking about "An Imp of The Devil in Drollerieville" they realized that if the local politicians caught wind of this, Jaala, only a mischievous tween at the time, could have become a political scapegoat for all the local issues. Jaala had to lay low and stop pranking out in the open, instead, he started doing graffiti and minor vandalism under the cover of dark without his parents' knowledge. Having stayed out of the eye of the public, Jaala was able to graduate middle school with few issues.
 Jaala, of course, proceeded to High School, you would expect that, given how High School is often imagined, That Jaala overcame social ostracization and became the prom king and went on to marry that special someone who he met in High School, you would be wrong. Jaala generally laid low in High School, he had found himself to be a bit of an introvert, but he had a few close friends and some pleasant acquaintances, the classes were difficult, but he graduated and was, incidentally, now 18, he decided to chill for a year before seeking higher education. However, what he didn't know was that the Forces of Hell had been observing him, remotely viewing his antics, he wasn't incredible but he was distinctly devilish. Now you might think that this would be a horrible situation and that they were going to tempt him or mark him for death, but you view hell as a human, the demons viewed him as one of them, though he was especially interesting for one reason to the Demons of Hell, his body...no not in THAT way, most demons don't have physical flesh and blood bodies they are merely spirits without physical forms, so Jaala having a flesh and blood body was certainly a novelty. They started projecting themselves into Jaala's dreams which was quite disturbing for him, "We know what you are, devil," these apparitions would say, often times in the form of, people, sometimes even ones he knew, animals, and even his own reflection. The first time Jaala had one of these dreams it didn't shake him, though as these dreams got more intense and frequent Jaala started to be suspicious, these weren't just anxiety dreams, there was more to this, he was being communicated with. This came to a head when his reflection in a false awakening dream breathed onto the mirror and, in the condensation, drew a sigil, a sigil with his name on it, 4 Ankhs surrounding a goat's eye. Jaala didn't understand the relevance of this (he didn't have his Ankh necklace yet, but how he got that is another story) but he understood the assignment. He spent the entire day drawing and redrawing the sigil until he could finally draw it from memory.
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Plate 2: Jaala’s Sigil
That night he went out to an alleyway. He was so tense his back felt like it was made of concrete, but he was determined to do what he needed to. He got out a can of spray paint, shook it well and onto a brick wall on the side of an abandoned building he painted the sigil, the smell of spray paint faded into the awful stench of brimstone as a doorway to Hell opened.
With very little hesitation, Jaala held his breath and plunged into the portal, falling on his face on the red clay of Pandæmonium, the employee housing of Hell. His senses were assaulted by cacophonous sounds, horrible stenches, and the foul taste of hellish clay. Jaala succumbed to overstimulation and fainted. He woke up in a comfortable bed in a well-furnished and air-conditioned apartment. He didn't know it, but the devils who had made contact with him had carried him to his room in Pandemonium. Jaala was puzzled and decided to look out the window to see where he was. Millions of demons who were each going about their business, stoking flames, eating, napping, talking, generally going about their day to day. Jaala saw this and felt sympathy for them. They were not all that different from the people of Drollerieville.  Sure, they were spirits of frightening appearance, but they seemed normal enough.
Jaala left his apartment to be greeted with an unbelievably long hallway. Luckily a door marked "stairs" was right in front of his room, so he opened it. Inside it was too dark to see anything. Jaala stepped inside and felt movement under him, it kind of felt like an escalator, soon enough Jaala was greeted by a single light and a door. The door was labeled on a gilded sign "Mammon's office." Hesitating a little bit, Jaala opened the door and was greeted by a businessman-like demon at a desk, smoking an expensive cigar. On his desk a plaque read "Mammon CEO of Pandæmonium Apartments LLC, Archdemon of Greed." Mammon looked like a human businessman at first to Jaala, but then he noticed his face, an upside-down bag with a dollar sign on it covered most of it, and his jaw looked like a skull's jaw but with razor sharp teeth. He seemed to have dollars sticking out of every visible part of his person. He almost reminded Jaala of old political cartoons of "Boss Tweed" that he had seen in High School History class.
"Ahh, you must be that imp that I have heard so much about," Mammon coughed out in between puffs of his cigar. "What is like to have flesh?" Jaala understandably felt threatened by this statement, his face scrunched into a frown, "Oh, forgive me, that wasn't a threat, you're just a rare breed! Would you care for a mint?" Mammon corrected himself and pointed at a bowl of stale, melted together mints.
"Look," Jaala managed to get out, "It's nice here, but I was called here through my dreams, my Beelzebub damn dreams, do you understand what that feels like?" Jaala raised his voice more than he meant to and covered his mouth in embarrassment.
Elsewhere in a deeper part of hell, the peppy and egotistical giant fly, Princess Beelzebub's antenna twitched upward, smacking against her escoffion. "Huh, my Antenna, that’s unusual!" the Princess of Hell exclaimed, "There must have been an invocation to me... I'll get to it later." she said going back to flirting with her many suitors.
Mammon's expression was difficult for Jaala to read, he already wasn't the best at reading expressions and Mammon's eyes were covered by the bag over his head, assuming he had eyes at all. There was a period of awkward silence and Jaala's breathing became heavy and uncomfortable, he worried that he was going to be killed and that, for all he knew, the shortness of breath was caused by some kind of noxious gas that was pouring into the room. In reality he was very anxious, and his breathing was shallow, and the cigar smoke that filled the room certainly wasn't helping either. He and Mammon just stood there staring at each other, until Mammon broke the silence "I'll give you one thing, kid..." he said in a quiet voice "you've got spunk!" Mammon burst out into a genuine, mirthful laugh interspersed with throaty coughs and hacks. He didn't seem to be angry, nor was there any malice in this laugh.
Jaala smiled uncomfortably; his breathing normalized a little bit. "But... uhh..." Jaala stammered out to the Archdemon of Greed, who was in a coughing fit from his laughter "Why have I been guided here, what do you expect of me?" "Ahh, yes, yes, ahem" Mammon cleared his throat, he spit a wad of black bile into a spittoon on his desk, which melted through it and the desk. "Well, to be frank with you, you aren't that evil, but you certainly are, how should I put this... Devilish, do you understand what I mean, Mr. Leeds?"
Jaala was starting to feel more comfortable, Mammon seemingly had no malicious intent for him, despite clearly being an authority, something which Jaala loathed and feared with every fiber of his being, Mammon was speaking to Jaala on his level, Jaala noticed an old plastic chair in front of the desk as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he turned the chair backwards and sat in it facing Mammon, hoping to impress him with a old tactic to look cool that he had learned in his edgy middle school days, "Please, Mr. Leeds is my father, call me Jaala," he said in a manufactured confident and almost smug tone of voice, "Please clarify what you mean by devilish, because I'm not quite sure I understand."
"Well," began Mammon in a clear voice, no doubt the voice he used to speak to investors, "we here at Pandæmonium Apartments LLC cater to all kinds, but we tend to categorize them as 'devils' or 'demons' but this is a broad strokes term, many many kinds of spirits populate Hell and make it the wonderful diverse workplace that it is including, but not limited to, 'daimons', 'shedim', 'gods', 'fallen angels' from everywhere in the hierarchy, 'lilu', 'mazzikin', and even some 'faeries' and 'djinn.' Isn't that wonderful?"
Jaala's head was spinning, he was even more confused, he may have been a demon, but he wasn't a demonologist so most of these terms meant nothing to him and didn't clarify anything. He replied "Uh, yeah!"
Mammon let out another hearty laugh. "Okay, well let me cut to the chase, given your devilish nature, we in Hell have taken notice and, even though you're basically a gristly human of meat and bone, we still consider you one of our own and you may, as you wish, come and go to Hell whenever you like, simply by drawing your sigil."
Despite how honest he seemed, Jaala became suspicious that he was being tricked by the smooth talking but rough voiced Archdemon of Greed. "Wait, wait, you set me up a nice apartment just because I'm a demon? What do you want from me? Do you expect me to torture damned souls? Do you expect me to pay you money? Are you going to claim my soul when I die? I may be a demon and I'm also a human but I'm no fool!"
Mammon took a long drag of his cigar, clearly considering his next words carefully, "I wasn't going to say this because I felt it would sound insulting, but, we expect nothing of you, Jaala Leeds. We don't need your human money as we have our own currency, Beastmarks, we don't need your service as your physical body is too weak to survive the oppressive environment in which the souls of humans are tortured. In addition, we don't think you could psychologically handle it either, and we do not lay any claim to your soul, nor do we ask for it, the fate of your soul is... uncertain." The Archdemon made a gesture with open hands implying balance scales.
Jaala's tension lowered a little, but the statement about the fate of his soul intrigued and frightened him. He decided it would be best not to inquire further about it. "So, I'm allowed to leave whenever I want to?" This whole situation had been emotionally intense for Jaala, and he was ready to head back to his earthly home and take solace in its familiarity.
 "Yes, but allow me to tell you one more thing..." Mammon's tone was suddenly very serious, Jaala picked up on this and listened closely, his floppy ears visibly perked up a little as Mammon spoke "Hell is a very dangerous place for a living being, it's not designed with them in mind. Due to this, you might want to stay near Pandæmonium, It's safer than most places in Hell. It's also important to know that your fellow demons are liars and deceivers, they shouldn't be trusted much, take everything they say with a grain of salt, this even applies to me. Judging by how you acted during this conversation, this shouldn't be much of a problem for you though, will it?" Mammon took a long drag of his cigar and coughed almost to punctuate the statement he had made.
Jaala didn't think that Mammon had noticed his hesitance, but apparently, he had. "So, can I just leave now?" Jaala asked, he felt that he had most of the information he needed.
"Sure, but if you fall on your face, my imps won't be there to pick you up!" Mammon smiled with a surprising amount of warmth for a greedy tyrant, he opened a desk draw and rummaged through it and finally pulled out a pen that was burning with light. "I stole this pen from heaven before I fell, it seems no one missed it!" Mammon tossed the pen to Jaala, who fumbled it in his talons before finally getting a grip on it. "Just make sure you give it back, It's a rare find!" Mammon smiled and, though Jaala couldn't be sure, it was almost like he was winking. Jaala drew his sigil with the pen.
The sigil was drawn in pure light, illuminating the dark room, the walls were fleshy and seemed to be breathing, a sleazy pin up calendar was nailed into it behind Mammon’s desk, staining the nail with blood. Jaala didn't stay long to observe his surroundings, he had seen enough and, frankly, it made him feel viscerally ill. He plunged into the circle and left.
Soon after, Princess Beelzebub appeared in a cloud of blood-sucking flies. Mammon immediately jumped from behind his desk and fell on his face at her feet, "Great art thou, O Princess of Hell!" he cried out, shivering.
"Oh, hi Mammon," Beelzebub cheerily buzzed "did you invoke me, do you need me to let loose a plague of flies on those filthy, filthy humans?"
"No Great Princess, honored be thy name, that will not be necessary, it was not I who invoked your unholy name, it was a guest in my office." Mammon belted out, his voice muffled by the fleshy floor.
"Okay~," Beelzebub sang out, enzymes dripping from her mouth, "then, who was this guest who used my name in vain?"
Mammon choked, he didn't want to reveal Jaala's name to her, but he had no other choice, she already knew it, nothing escapes her she just liked to act playful, "Jaala, great Ba'alah of creeping things." he sputtered out nervously.
"Okay~," she said, "that He-Goat knows not that he shouldn't speak my unholy name in vain, but if YOU invoke me for no reason, I'm going to have to cut off..." Mammon gulped at this pause, knowing all too well what she was going to say next "...your funding~!"
Mammon wept and gnashed his teeth out of agony, though he had been warm in front of the sensitive Jaala, the only thing he truly cared about was money, "Yes, Great Princess Beelzebub" he said through his tears "it won't happen again." Jaala regained consciousness in the same alleyway that he had entered Hell from, it seemed as if no time had passed and it all kind of felt like a weird dream, though a stale mint stuck to his butt suggested that this was more. "Aw, gross," Jaala thought "I knew I should have swept my hand across the chair before sitting in it, that office was a total sty!" He quickly got up and dusted himself off, a lasting odor of brimstone briefly wafting through the air before petering out. Jaala quickly went home and immediately took a long, cold shower, mulling over the events that had taken place as the water dripped off his horns "So Hell is real huh, I wonder what else I thought humanity made up is true," Jaala thought, shampooing his ears.
The filth of Hell washed off his body but was still in his mind as he tried to lay his weary head to rest, but his mind was rushing, and he couldn't sleep due to a combination of excitement and fear. The next morning, he hadn't slept a wink and was trying to decide if he should tell his family. He supposed that maybe Breakfast was a poor time to talk about his amazing voyage to Hell, so he waited until afterwards to tell the amazing story. Jaala's parents were certainly surprised, but not upset, they listened to the story with great interest, they suggested consistently packing burn ointment every time he visited Hell. Jaala had never suffered a burn in his life, but he agreed. Jaala continued to practice traveling between Earth and Hell whenever he desired, he quickly learned that he could use these sigils to appear almost wherever he desired, as long as he had been there before. He quickly imagined the pranking opportunities, just sticking his arm through a sigil could allow him to tap someone on the shoulder, to pants an important politician during an important speech, to invert all the crosses at the craft store all while remaining unseen... then he considered that any of these would have the issue of the appearance of a clawed hand emerging from a Hell portal to do the prank which would probably make waves, so this flight of fancy quickly faded from his mind.
He did, however, learn to master the art of travel by sigil in a few years, Jaala was now 20-something. He had saved a fortune on bus fares and hadn't yet learned how to drive because he had become so adept at subtle travel via Hell. He manifested himself in subtle places to get where he needed to go without the Hell portal startling fellow citizens. He would manifest unsubtly and theatrically at parties sometimes, and even set fancy cocktails alight with Hellfire, though those who drank them complained of a revoltingly pungent aftertaste and tended to practice temperance from then on, still, certainly a neat party trick. He started to keep his horns, tail point, and talons sharp as he had learned how not to injure others with them. Jaala would learn about others like him, other "monsters" and supernatural beings. The idea made him giddy, he had rarely been lonely, but he was truly not alone, other people like him existed! He knew for certain, even though he still lived a somewhat normal life, the world (or even worlds) seemed much bigger to him, and he knew that this wouldn't be his last adventure!
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Projections have THE GARFIELD MOVIE opening somewhere in the $20-30m range for the three-day, and somewhere over $30m for the 4-day.
In other words, it's opening like a typical post-COVID breakout animated movie. Unless you were the Mario movie, MINIONS 2, or few other films, you stayed below $30-35m for the three-day opening. For context:
$57m - KUNG FU PANDA 4
The five half-hundred openers. And then... Other big studio Western animated movie (and in some cases, hybrid)... Squarely below $35m:
$33m - IF
$27m - ENCANTO
$22m - SING 2
$19m - WISH
$14m - TOM & JERRY
So, yeah, THE GARFIELD MOVIE is performing as usual. It curiously has a B+ CinemaScore, when usually, an animated picture - no matter the reviews - gets an A- minimum. I still expect it to leg up until INSIDE OUT 2 is released, and make back its fair $60m budget.
Director Mark Dindal deserves a big hit after three movies that didn't quite cut it at the box office. CATS DON'T DANCE was dumped by Warner Bros. and made soooo little in 1997, THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE was similarly dumped by Disney but had the fortune of garnering excellent legs that might not have covered its budget, but it showed that Disney had a sleeper hit on their hands... and then there were the subsequent great video sales that probably un-flopped it a year later. CHICKEN LITTLE barely made the grade. Dindal hadn't directed since, the closest he got was with DreamWorks' unmade ME AND MY SHADOW. Dindal would be replaced by Alessandro Carloni on that film, and then DreamWorks nerfed it altogether. (Though they did briefly revive it as SHADOWS, courting Edgar Wright to direct at one point!)
So, yeah, I'm rooting for Garfield! For Dindal! I'll be seeing the movie in about a week or so.
As for the other side of this weekend's box office coin... FURIOSA:
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I want to point out... A lot of people are seemingly confused as to why FURIOSA isn't breaking out... Thus making for a pretty small Memorial Day box office long-weekend...
When were the MAD MAX movies ever these massive blockbusters here in America?
The first film was barely released theatrically in North America, lost in the midst of its domestic distributor - American International Pictures - being acquired. The film's breakout success in its home country, Australia, was really what lead to sequels. MAD MAX 2, released as THE ROAD WARRIOR stateside, did fairly well but wasn't among 1982's biggest movies. MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME, thought to be the most Hollywoodized of the movies, also did okay enough. Again, nowhere near the edge of the Top 10. I reckon for most people my age, FURY ROAD was their first MAD MAX movie. It certainly was mine, and then I went and blind-bought the other three movies thereafter.
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD opened with a fair $45m back in 2015, and went on to gross $380m worldwide against a $150-180m budget. Barely 2 1/2x that price tag if it was $150m, so I guess it just made it. Enough for more movies to be made at least, as Tom Hardy was signed on to reprise his role as Max Rockatansky for at least a few more films. A fifth movie proper is in development, apparently... But, yeah... $380m. Good gross, but not... Let's see, STAR WARS or MCU-sized. Not DUNE: PART TWO nor RISE/DAWN/WAR OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, for fellow sci-fi comparisons...
And nor did it need to be... There's more a gnarly, punk-like edge to these movies anyways.
Which is why I did not expect FURIOSA to make that much more than FURY ROAD, especially since it's about a younger Furiosa and it's a prequel. Having not seen the movie due to circumstances (I'm gonna aim for it this coming Friday), I've also heard that it's way different from FURY ROAD, which was more or less a two-hour car chase that barely lets up. This apparently, at 2 1/2 hours long, is more in line with the classic MAD MAX movies. There's some vehicular action that really delivers, but the bulk of it is a lot of atmosphere and long stretches that really souses us into the wasteland world of the series.
One of my pals actually compared it to director George Miller's previous film, THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGING... And... Uh, if it's really anything like that film, it's going to be interesting to see how it holds up in the coming weeks. THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGING is a curious film that I didn't particularly enjoy much, but it's very cool that a $60m movie that appears to be Miller - in his 70s - pondering and reflecting on the art of storytelling and the big mosaic of it all even exists. Now to see that applied to a massive budget action movie in an iconic sci-fi franchise? Even cooler. That's what you call taking a BIG SWING. If MAD MAX 5 happening hinges on this movie's success, I really hope it defies the odds.
So THE GARFIELD MOVIE doesn't have a massive bar to clear, and it's already over $50m worldwide thanks to opening in a few territories beforehand. Should make back the budget easily. Only needs to clear $150m to do that. Legs would really have to be bad in order for it to not do so. FURIOSA is the one I'm concerned about, as that cost $168m to make. If that closes the door on future Wasteland movies, then that will suck big time. Fingers crossed for both.
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honoka-marierose · 15 days
Cameos: They’re not just videos that actors do in their living rooms for money! In its excellent first season, the X-Men ’97 writers have had a lot of fun giving viewers little views into the Marvel Universe beyond the X-Mansion. A quick glimpse of Spider-Man here, a conversation between Rogue and Captain America there — it’s a thrilling old-school approach to comic book cameos that signals the scale of what’s happening instead of teasing the potential for spinoffs.
Those cameos step up big time in the three-part “Tolerance is Extinction” finale, as the human-machine hybrid Bastion plunges the world into chaos. As a result, we get some neat cutaways to Marvel heroes around the world reacting to a pending apocalypse — Daredevil fighting crime, Doctor Strange mid-surgery — and one that implies something kind of big. Take a look at these two:
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Marvel animation heads will recognize them as Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson as they appeared in Spider-Man: The Animated Series, which was set in the same continuity as X-Men. What’s notable here is that both MJ and Peter are seen here, together, in a show that’s a sequel to their cartoon contemporary.
Spider-Man famously ended on a cliffhanger, as escalating threats led to the webslinger bopping his way around the multiverse (I know) with Madame Web (I know) to find Mary Jane. The reason? Earlier in the series, Peter learns that the Mary Jane he married at the start of the final season was in fact a clone (relatable, as Scott Summers would say), and the real Mary Jane was lost in limbo after getting pulled through a portal two seasons prior.
So yeah: in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene, X-Men ’97 gives Spider-Man a happy ending, showing Peter and Mary Jane reunited at last. But there’s a bit more to the story if you’re curious.
Spider-Man producer and head writer John Semper has spoken quite candidly about his time running the animated series (not a picnic) and how his intended plans to end the series were disrupted by the network wanting to reboot the show into the bizarre Spider-Man Unlimited. After notably beating Spider-Verse to, well, the Spider-Verse with a final story that had his Spider-Man meet multiversal versions of himself, Semper left the door open for a final story that would depict Peter’s search for MJ. Over the years, Semper has said varying things about that final story — one version was a journey through history that would include Jack the Ripper — but ultimately, it’s hard to imagine the story ending in anything other than a reunion, even if it was off-screen.
Well, until now.
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miloscat · 4 months
[Review] Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sat)
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Maybe they should have stuck to rail shooters...
My perfectly sensible journey through the Panzer Dragoon series: Mini, then Orta and the OG, then Gamera 2000, Remake, Zwei, and now finally this, the one that's not actually a rail shooter. Apparently development on Zwei and Saga both started at the same time but being an RPG spread over four Saturn discs, Saga took a few more years to cook. It's also one of the more pricey games in existence due to its release right when the Saturn was imploding and overall poor sales; its reputation as a rare and expensive title comes with a vaunted hidden gem status, but the reality... well...
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Saga (or as it's known in Japan, Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG) certainly is experimental. Like the monsters that populate the world's wastelands and forests, it's a mutant creation, a strange hybrid of Panzer Dragoon mechanics in an RPG framework. Or if not mechanics then surface trappings: four-quadrant perspectives in battle, aiming a lock-on cursor, three-dimensional dragon flight... but the gameplay experience is nothing at all like the arcadey rail-shooters that constitute the rest of the series. Saga is very much a departure, and I don't think that works in its favour.
The world of Panzer Dragoon was always so evocative, the unknowable but hostile technology of a lost era (with its cool techno-organic designs) littering a devastated landscape, folk struggling to eke out an existence while empires battle overhead. Digging into the setting seems like something the series was crying out for... yet somehow, by nailing things down in Saga you do end up losing some of the mystique. Sure I understood the lore more clearly from in-game texts and characters pontificating, but is that what the series really needed? Maybe they explain too much, and since this is a Japanese RPG you of course end up travelling through space and time to kill God. Ho hum.
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Panzer Dragoon has always had cinematic moments, but again Saga goes to excess by having all dialogue be fully voiced, with mocapped cutscenes and long conversations. (The VA is all in Japanese as well, even in the international releases, with the series' trademark made-up language only used for the intro and outro cutscenes; another choice that removes a layer of mystery from this world.) It really slows the pace down, which is a theme for the on-foot sections, battle animations, and the speed of the overall plot.
After the inciting incident where Edge the bland protag-kun meets the dragon who befriends him for no reason, almost nothing happens to advance the plot for two whole discs. Although Edge is a defined character with a voice and backstory, he was designed to take a backseat to the eponymous Azel in story terms. Congratulations Team Andromeda, you created another boring RPG protagonist. Azel herself has potential to be interesting and has her moments but ends up underdeveloped, as often a plot device as a character, and literally not present for maybe half the game.
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Although four discs sounds big, each one has just a handful of areas, and there's only two and a half towns in the game world. As an RPG and a story the scale is relatively small which works just fine for Panzer Dragoon, and the inhabited areas you do explore are dense and lively, with a day/night cycle and lots of interaction with the blocky Saturn people who live there. Controlling Edge in these areas is kind of clunky and slow, with the lock-on cursor being an odd way to interact and observe the world, but it results in lots of flavour text for background details even if a lot of it feels like filler.
When on the dragon, the world is understandably scaled back. An overworld map takes you between discrete zones, which are usually big open spaces broken up by tight corridors, or dungeons absolutely riddled with repetitive hallways and lifts. The dragon movement mechanics seem impressive but feel ultimately shallow and limiting, the technology and dev realities clearly not fulfilling the ambitions of open-roaming dragon-flying exploration. There's only a couple of occasions like the assault on a flying warship or the stealthy infiltration of an Imperial facility where these sections actually approach compelling gameplay; most of the time it's just busywork flying around and locking onto things to interact with them.
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Finally, the battles. There are random and set encounters in the flying zones which take you to the battle screen, your dragon occupying one of four cardinal positions around the enemy. You or they can choose to move, which affects the ATB gauges that determine your actions but more importantly your relative positions put you in safe or danger zones from enemy attacks, and likewise enemy weak points are only revealed in certain spots. This positioning mechanic gives battles a unique feel, and turns most encounters into puzzle battles as you figure out how to respond to certain enemies. Your actions include the traditional PD single-target gun shot, a multi-target homing laser, and Zwei's Berserk technique is now the magic spell system. It's an amusing way to convert PD conventions into RPG ideas but it works well enough in theory. The problem is it felt to me that battles eventually became just slow and punishing until you learn the trick to them, at which point they're easy and time-wasting.
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Saga is full of little secrets and such, the sort that compelled me to follow a guide so I didn't miss any obscure sidequest or missable treasures. One interaction requires you to talk to an NPC twenty-six times for crying out loud! Many of these rewards are relatively inconsequential but if you want your dragon to reach its final form there's a few hoops to jump through. By the end I found my inventory full of unused items and unspent money, so maybe I was too thorough. I also followed the guide's advice to seek out rare enemies to grind levels on, which may have reduced the difficulty but I'd rather that than the tedium of getting destroyed in late-game battles and having to replay sections. Saga is old-school in that way but it is from 1998 after all.
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Panzer Dragoon Saga is such an unconventional RPG that I can't help but admire it, but at the same time it's clearly held back by the technology of the time and development pressures that result in it feeling messy and clumsy. There's no denying it has atmosphere and ideas and ambition, but it just didn't translate to the transcendent masterpiece that it's been built up as for me. Moreover, as a Panzer Dragoon game, it has almost nothing of what I really want out of a series that is otherwise stylish and inventive rail shooters. If telling a deeper story is what you want, then Orta was much more successful at it just by having a little more cutscene between levels! Even the rich world and visual design of the series is compromised rather than enhanced here as a result of the combination of gameplay styles/scales. I'm glad I played it but it's firmly the black sheep of the series as far as I'm concerned.
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thenightmistress · 2 years
“Love is Irrelevant to people like Us.” ~ Part 2
Paring: Dream of the endless/Morpheus x Vampire/hybrid OC Fem!Reader, Hob Gadling x reader
18+ You have been warned! Proceed with caution!
A/N: I have unfortunately have not read the comics, so it will be based on the show and mythology that surrounds the characters.
Warnings: Blood, violence, dead person, alcohol, consumption of blood, mentions of other TV show characters like in Good Omens, TVD, and Tom Ellis’s Lucifer along with the Sandmans Lucifer, Morpheus cause he is his own warning, eventual smut, slow burn, Hob being the best wingman, Matthew cause why not, Not really enemies to lovers but not friends to lovers, idk.
Summary: Life is a strange thing, so fragile, yet gives us the courage to keep going. It’s what makes us human, after all. Ultimately, we all end up in the same place in the loving embrace of death, helping us move on to the next life, but what happens to those who come back? What happens to the undead? The ones who escaped the clutches of death yet are quite alive? Life is a strange thing; so much to learn, so much to love, and so many dreams to explore, but there is always a price to life, even immortal ones. Mother Nature will always claim what is rightfully hers, and no one, not even the Endless, can say no.
Word count: 3,932
This is a Longer Chapter
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Not my GIF
Third person POV
The days passed since your meeting with Hob; winter arrived to lay its claim on England and engulf it in its cold embrace. What wasn’t accounted for was for the man you drained of life to come back and haunt you.
You had been so distracted by the man who spotted you that you forgot to dispose of the body; it was left to rot in the alley, with no witnesses, or so you thought. The man that you killed was found by the two other men that were with him that fateful night. His friends had received word that their friend had not returned home that night or the nights after, so they went to look for them.
They searched for their dear friend in houses, clubs, pubs, and the English court, but nothing. It was like he had disappeared into nothing. After days of searching, they decided to return to the brothel where they last saw their friend and share a pint.
But when they got there, they were greeted by an audience of people surrounding the nearby alley for a man more like his corpse was discovered. The snow did its job by covering the killer's tracks but not entirely.
The two men pushed through the crowd to see it with their own eyes. It was their dear friend or what’s left of him. The snow had preserved his body, but maggots and animals had done their job. Their friend was unrecognizable; the only way they could identify him was by the medallion on his chest, which carried his family's chest. The news spread like wildfire through England all the way to her majesty herself, Queen Elizabeth I.
Since your arrival in England, you haven’t made any appearance in court; there has been much to take care of since you got off the ship. The ship had docked near the English and Scottish border, which wasn’t far from where your estate was. You hadn’t seen it in years, being gone for so long; it felt like a distant memory. All you could think about was going home, riding yourself, of all the worries of the past years, and feeling as though you could sleep for the next century. You paid for a horse and rode off into the night; the moon illuminated your path, under the stars, and not a care in the world for anything around you.
It’s funny, immortality, when there is no threat of death, there is no rush to live, for you know life is promised. Immortality gives a new perspective on life; some may say “it was the best thing to happen to them, while others may disagree.” For you, it was somewhere in the middle; life now seemed dull but full of possibilities, so much to do, so much to see, so much more to come, but living multiple lifetimes as you have, it feels as though you've seen and done it all. One of the downsides would have to be the hunger that comes with eternal life. The bloodlust is not for the faint of hearts, for some can’t control it; they are the ones that leave chaos in their wake, chaos that men have turned into stories. Stories that parents tell their children at night so they can go to sleep and behave.
I mean, do people really believe that Garlic and holy water will harm us? And the stories of how silver hurts us and our reflections are not seen? How do these stories come to life? If anything, they call us the boogeyman; we do not quarrel with children. There are rules we must follow, and one that every vampire knows is that we don’t kill kids. We’ll leave that to the Sandman. You were so lost in thought that when you came to, you got a face full of bird.
Where in the bloody hell did it even come from? Worst of all, you lost control of the horse and fell straight onto a man.
What in the hell is happening? You seemed to have blanked for a moment before being pushed off the man that broke your fall. “Ow” is all that could be heard. You felt as though you dislocated your shoulder; it's going to be hell to ride back like that. You sat up and cleared yourself, then looked to where a rather odd-looking man was. His skin was white as snow, hair dark as ravens, and his eyes cold as ice; they looked as though they held secrets best buried under the tides of men in forgotten cities long ago. He was mesmerizing, to say the least, but something about him told you to be careful, for he is more than what meets the eye.
To say the man was beyond shocked was an understatement; oh no, he was livid. He and his raven were just coming from the nearby village he likes to visit; he goes to see a friend (but don’t let him hear you say that, or he’ll give you a lesson on your mortality and his superiority.) When walking back from the village to the path which led to what he thought were the meadows, he too was distracted talking to the raven when suddenly there was a loud cry, and he felt a heavy weight bring him to the ground.
Everything happened so fast. Was it an attack? Who is this wretched being that thinks themselves worthy of being in his presence, let alone on top of him? He pushes the thing off and stands up immediately, ready to give this thing its punishment for this utter offense, but first, he has to check on his raven. 
You slowly get up, questioning why you didn’t stay in town and wait till sunrise to go home. You slowly pop your arm back into place with a big grunt that could be heard for miles. You look to the person near your horse, who thankfully didn’t run off once you fell. 
You decided to be the first to say, “What in the hell! Where did you come from? You shouldn't just walk on the road; you could get hit!” The man looked at you as if you had just killed his firstborn. 
“Look, I’m sorry, mate, it’s been a long few days.” You said, mounting your horse; the man just stood there staring into your soul; it was haunting, but as the night grew darker, you knew it was time to go home. “Look, I apologize again; it was my fault for not paying attention. Just be careful, and if you go on a stroll through these parts, bring a lantern so that people can see you.” You took a pouch of gold you had and handed it to him. “This should buy you anything your heart desires and whatever else you can dream of.”  
The man just stared at you, then looked at your hand, then back at you. Alright, this is enough for today. Since he didn't make a move, you let the pouch drop and rode off, continuing your trip back home, trying to brush off the way the man stared at you, which would be engraved into your memory, the stuff of nightmares really, but who are you to talk. 
It took a moment for the man to collect his thoughts; I mean, how could anyone be foolish enough to attack an Endless and pay him off for it, then ride off into the horizon? Oh no, little one, he’ll make sure you pay for this, no matter what the cost is for no one, not even the devil themself, touches, let alone falls on Dream of the Endless and gets away with it. But first, Jessamy needs attending to; then, he’ll search for this mysterious rider. And with that, he put Jessamy in his coat and pulled sand from his pouch, threw it above his head until that was all that surrounded him. Gone without a trace only thing left was the pouch of gold on the cold hard ground to remind the earth of what happened.         
When you finally arrived home, it felt wonderful. You put the horse in the stables and walked up to the front door; the doors opened to welcome its old keeper. It was quiet, and all that could be heard was the crackling of the fireplace echoing through the house. You closed the doors behind you and walked up the stairs to your chambers, where you changed out of your clothes into ones appropriate for sleep and climbed into bed, placed your head onto your pillow, and forget the day's memory for tomorrow; there is much to do.
Morning came; you were still in the arms of sleep when the curtains were pulled back to welcome the sun’s warm embrace. You covered your face in order to hide from the sun, but the covers were pulled. “Up now, it’s late, and you have visitors .” “Come now, sister. I’m tired from my travels; I’m allowed to sleep in. Plus, what makes you think I want to see anyone at the moment, especially you.” You said while sitting up; your sister threw a pillow at your head before getting up and heading towards the doors. “I know but hurry and get changed; I believe the Queen requests your presence in court, and it’s impolite to keep her majesty waiting!” 
You let out a huff and get up. “I suppose so. Tell the visitors I will be down shortly.” You yelled from the room; your sister yelled from down the hall, “I will, but hurry, I won’t stall for your slow ares!” You quickly ran to your door and popped your head through. “At least I have one!” You quickly rushed to close the door, and she came banging on the door before leaving. You changed into a dark green blouse, dark trousers, socks, black leather knee-high boots meant for riding, and matching undergarments. 
You looked in the mirror for what seemed like the first time in ages, and there you were, the same. Never growing, just the same. How it tormented you, but there was some avail, you didn’t age, 23 for thee rest of eternity, yay. Even so, you are in dire need of a haircut, maybe later. You grabbed your sword from the table and put it in the holster on your right and hid a dagger on your left side under your shirt, after you put on a dark cloak and headed towards your door, closing it behind you walking down the hall and descending the stairs.
On your way down, you could hear the laughter echoing through the house. You entered the room to see your sister and two other men sitting on the couch. “Ah, sister, finally, I was beginning to think you would never hurry.” “Yes, well, I wanted to look my best.” You said gently tilting your head towards your sword. Your sister saw it and gave you a don’t do anything stupid look. You gave her a nod while she excused herself. “As much as I have enjoyed our conversation, I must get going, I hope to see you all again!” With that, the men got up and gave your sister her farewell, as did you, and she left. 
You looked at the men, and the younger of the two spoke.  “It’s good to see you, Ser Drakos. You look well.” “Oh please Ser Criston Cole, no need for formalities,” you said with a smile while giving him a hug. The older man cleared his throat, and You and Cole broke the hug. “Ahh, and who might you be?” 
Before the older man could speak, Ser Criston Cole spoke up, “This is Lord Baylos” “Oh my days! Lord Baylos, I didn’t recognize you without your.. Um, what did you call her again?” “Mistress,” Eyebrows raised a bit with a small nod and smug smile, “Ah yes, Mistress wrapped around your waist! How are you doing?” The older man looked bothered, but if he was, he didn’t say anything. 
“I can’t complain -“ “Yet here you are.” You said, looking into the man’s eyes before speaking once more. “Enough pleasantries,” you said, looking back at the both of them “What is the reason for this visit?” 
Lord Baylos spoke, “Her majesty has requested your presence at court” “That I know, but why send a Lord and a Knight when she could have easily sent a messenger? There is more! Speak!” Both men looked at each other, and Ser Cole spoke, “Much has changed since you were last here, the roads are dangerous, and the people won’t tolerate those who don’t share their faith! along with-“
“Enough!” You raised your voice, moving closer to the younger man. “I will not be insulted in my own home! yes it is true I do not share your faith nor do I share that of our Catholic nobles. But I have shown my loyalty to my Queen and her country, and it has cost me the lives of many. The lives of many of my friends! Our Queen has accepted what I worship and granted me my title. You do well to remember that! 
You backed away from the young man who only nodded. “Now if there isn’t anything else that needs to be said, then I guess we should get going. We wouldn’t want to keep her majesty waiting, do we?”  The men looked at each other and Lord Baylos spoke “No, we don’t.” “Very well then. Henrik!” 
Henrik came to the room and awaited your command. “Henrik, could you ready some horses for us, and leave a note for my siblings. Tell them that I’ve gone to see the Queen.” “Yes of course my Lord I’ll get right to it.” He said with a small bow before leaving. You shouted a thank you and led the men out of the house and to the stables. 
There was an uncomfortable silence that followed you three as you made your way to the stables. Luckily Henrik was already waiting for you with three horses at the ready. 
You took the reins from Henrik and mounted the horse. Oh how you missed this, she was a wonderful Arabian horse gifted to you by a Duke who wanted your hand in marriage but after he was found guilty of treason you were allowed to keep the horse. Not like you would ever marry a man who thinks they can buy your love with gifts but the horse was a tempting offer. 
You hadn’t realized that you spaced out not until Henrik spoke up “My lord, they’ve asked you a question.” You looked down to Henrik then to the men and whispered a thank you before giving the horse a little nudge so it could start moving.  
The men followed this action and Ser Criston Cole repeated his question. “Your horse is a fine beauty, I’ve never seen anything like it” “Why thank you!” 
“What is the horse's name?” “Her name is Nightmare” “Nightmare,” Lord Baylos repeated. “Yes, Nightmare” “Is it because she is mysterious and something many wish they could live without?” You Let out a small chuckle. “No, Lord Baylos, but that is a good answer” “Thank you,” “I named her Nightmare because you can’t really trust a dream , and she is far too loyal it be anything less.” “But Nightmares can’t be trusted either” you looked back at the younger man and gave a slight nod. “Fair enough, Ser Cole.” 
You and the men were chatting for what seemed to be a while. They told you stories from when they were kids and you told stories from your travels all seemed well until you three stumbled upon a town. 
From what you could tell there was much commotion coming from every corner. People buzzed about what can be none other than gossip so you three made your entrance. As you made your way through the town there were many people who looked at you and turned to speak, hushes and whispers. 
You were no stranger to gossip. Everyone knew the stories that surrounded you but that’s all they were stories, no one could prove whether they were true or false and no one would dare try, for it could risk the Queen's fury and no one wanted that. So all they could do is spread stories in hopes of one of them being true. 
The three of you kept galloping till Lord Baylos asked a seller what the commotion was all about. “You there!” He called to the man “Yes my lord?” “Why is everyone in a sort of frenzy? What has happened?” “You don’t know my Lord?” “Know what?”  “A man was found dead in an alley outside the White horse tavern” Ser Criston Cole spoke “What!? Do they know the cause of death?” The seller replied “No not really but some say it was the work of the devil, ya poor sod was just walking passed when a creature pulled him” 
This sparked your interest “ A creature? Did anyone get a look of this devil?”  “No can’t say they have malady, they do say whatever it was drained the man of its life the only way they could recognize him was by the crest on his chest other than that he would have been buried with the rest of the season’s victims.” 
Lord Baylos thanked the man by giving him 5 gold coins and off you guys went. “You don’t think what they say is true do you?” “What do you mean by that?” “What I mean is that, you don’t think it was the work of the devil?” Before Lord Baylos could answer Ser Coles' question you spoke. “No, I don’t think so. It’s probably the work of fanatics trying to spread fear into the hearts of people” 
“Ya your probably right” all you could do was hum in return. But inside you were mentally cursing yourself. How could you be that careless and leave a body exposed. I mean you didn’t even try to get rid of the evidence, no, you left it for everyone to see. 
It wasn’t long before you three arrived at the castle. You dismount your horse, and stable boys took them to the stables. There were a few British ambassadors near the entrance while nobles walked through every hall. You made your way to her majesty's throne room, where you three were announced. 
You bowed before the Queen who welcomed you back with gratitude and sorrow, she knew you were close to your friends at French and Scottish court but it would never stop you from serving her majesty. 
“Now Ser Drakos, it’s wonderful to have you back” “Please your majesty, you're too kind.” “Yes well there is someone I’d like you to meet he is new to court but I believe you to will be friends.” “Well if her majesty thinks so then I’ll happily and humbly agree!” You said with a smile as she walked you to a familiar looking man. 
The man was having a conversation with some nobleman when Queen Elizabeth walked over they stopped their conversation to bow and the Queen spoke. “Lord Gadling, this was the woman I was talking about” He turned to look at you and you met his gaze. 
Shit this was the man who you chased after. 
Shit he thought this was the woman who tried not really tried but went after me. 
The both of you stood there in awkward silence. When it got too much to bare, the Queen spoke up, “Do you to know each other?“ “No” was what both of you said at the same time. More confusing looks came from her majesty “No, we don’t know one another, it's just I didn’t expect her to be so tall.” Lord Gadling said while looking at you. “Well yes but she is the best swordsman anyone could have!” “Thank you, your majesty; I am flattered!” Before her majesty could say anything else one of her ladies came to give her a message so she excused herself and left you and Lord Gadling on your own. 
“So you're a Knight?” With a nod, you said, “Yes, I am, and you, a Lord was it?” “Yes,” he said with a smile. “I take it that your meeting with your friend went well” “Huh? Oh yes, it did. I got there just in time with a few minutes to spare” “Good, good, good.” 
Oh, kill me now! Why does small talk have to be so so uncomfortable? 
“Yes, it is; he isn’t much of a talker, but I don’t mind. It’s the company that’s nice even though he did leave me for some poet.” Oh, this is interesting. “Really? Who?” “I believe he now goes by William Shakespeare” Huh, no way, Shakespeare, that man is a fraud. Not one day in his life has he had an original idea; even Crowley will tell you that. All you could do was give a small chuckle to that. “I guess your friend has bad taste on who he keeps company” “Right, thank you! Finally, someone agrees!” 
You both laughed about it, and as it, quite the man spoke. “I didn’t mean to cause any harm last time we met” this made you lose your smile as you spoke. “That isn’t something we can speak of here. Maybe we can go somewhere more private?”  “Oh, of course,” Lord Gadling said, looking around. “How about the gardens?” “That would be a wonderful idea. I need fresh air anyways.” “Great, shall we?” 
The man extended his arm, which you took, and off to the gardens you went.  You got to know each other a bit more. He told you of his friend and how they met. From what you could tell, this man, Lord Gadling, was human. How fascinating; I mean, you are human too, but it has been so long that you sometimes forget how it was to be alive. 
As you and this man spoke, laughed, and shared in each other's sorrow, there was a force working against you in the shadows. The man you toppled over was planning your demise, but there was a catch “who were you?”
A/N: Sorry this took too long, but part three should be out soon. Don't worry we'll see how Morpheus is doing but in the meantime, we have Hob/Lord Gadling company us instead.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Not really an open ask either but If you were to crossover two of your interests/fandom what two would you pick and how do you think it would go?
I have a whole bunch of answers for this one tbh, really interesting question. Let's start with the one I already did: RWBY x Arknights.
I feel like there are actually a lot of similarities between the two, maybe more than there seem at first glance. In both RWBY and Arknights, humanity faces threats to its survival from all angles, and yet that often takes a backseat to the awful, horrible, terrible things people do to other people who are just a little bit different. Immortal beings play with the fate of nations. Elite warriors with special weaponry and powers stand against the darkness, carrying the hopes of the masses upon their shoulders.
Even the weapons and powers are easily translated between franchises. Bagpipe's gunlance or Nearl's swordspear wouldn't be out of place on Remnant, and the various Arts could easily correspond to a character's unique Semblance. While the average power level seems to be higher on Terra than it is on Remnant, the difference isn't so extreme that a little bit of rebalancing couldn't address that to keep everyone competitive.
RWBY x Bloodborne is also one I think would be really cool. RWBY actually feels to me like a lighter and softer hybrid of Bloodborne and Attack on Titan (yes, I'm well aware of Attack on Titan's... issues... but I wasn't back when I started watching it, back when it was the hot new anime series everyone was raving about). You have the AoT setup with humanity pinned within a small number of safe territories, surrounded on all sides by ravenous, unreasoning beasts bent on their destruction; you have the protagonists who do battle with those mysterious foes on behalf of humanity; you have the starting arc where the protagonists are accepted into a training program and learn about the world before something horrible changes the plotline; and you have the ancient evil behind the enemies that changes the context of the series and shows you that there's more going on than you thought.
As for Bloodborne, both series share fancy, intricate trick weapons that transform to allow their users to adapt to changing battlefield conditions; bestial foes that the protagonists hunt; eldritch gods unable to relate to the human experience who are either outright malicious or trying and failing to be kind because they can't relate to their supplicants well enough to truly understand their needs and desires; and a strange old man who serves as a mentor figure and is much more than he seems at first glance. Bloodborne really does feel like a darker, edgier RWBY set in London as seen through a Japanese cultural lens.
Bloodborne x Arknights is cool for a similar reason. 40% of the events are just Lowlight's Soulsborne fanfiction at this point, might as well go all the way. There's no shortage of strangeness on Terra to tie into Bloodborne lore, and Originium has some interesting parallels with the Scourge of Beasts. We also have the whole "maybe this source of knowledge and power isn't as benign as it seems and we shouldn't base our whole society on it, but by the time we've figured that out, it's so heavily integrated into daily life that we can't decouple the two" issue show up in both pieces of media.
Arknights x Fate Grand Order because I want to see how the Doctor and the FGO protagonist react to each other. They're very different characters with very different experiences that I think could nonetheless find common ground based on the way they've engaged with the horrors of war. Also, I want to see all the people with crushes on their respective protagonists argue over which one's better.
RWBY x Mass Effect solely because I want to see what happens when Yang meets a krogan.
Mass Effect x Starcraft: While I'm pretty much done with anything Blizzard at this point, I used to be really into Starcraft and it's similar to Mass Effect in a lot of ways, and I want to see how the various factions respond to each other.
I would love to see Godzilla x Gamera at some point. I used to be really into giant monster movies (which was a considerable source of parental suffering) and these are two of the real big, successful Japanese franchises. On the same note, I would probably die of happiness if we got a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover.
RWBY x Fate and Fate x Bloodborne/Elden Ring solely because I find it really interesting to think about which characters fit into which Servant containers. Feel free to ask me about that if you want.
RWBY x Hololive because Calliope Mori's video for Unalive literally looks like it could be the full version of a RWBY opening or a character trailer. Also, every vtuber has a unique design and some kind of power that could probably translate to RWBY with a little tweaking. Honestly, I just want to see Kanata arm wrestle Hazel with her gorilla strength.
Arknights x Hololive: Half the vtubers are animal people at this point. The crossover writes itself. Too bad Coco acknowledged that Taiwan exists, so now they can't do anything with China, ever.
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morbidist · 1 year
louis, out wandering early into the morning, hears the beginnings of a fight and out of sheer curiosity goes to investigate.  when he finds your muse being assaulted by two assholes, he steps in.  he could just knock them out or kill them outright, but he picks a fight with them instead.  it’s more fun this way, but by the time he’s done, they're both in bloodied, dismembered heaps on the pavement & he’s got blood dripping down his chin onto his shirt & uh oh! your muse saw the entire thing. depending on their reaction, he has to either convince them (by way of threats, probably) or incapacitate them long enough for him to take them to his home upstate [*thread dependent].  because he can’t possibly let them start telling everyone about the monster in town.  well, he could, because who would believe them anyway? but it’s more fun this way...
louis happens upon a newly turned werewolf or vampire and has to help them:  a) learn how to come to terms with the fact that they aren’t human, and/or b) learn to exist in a world full of hunters with skills that far surpass their own.​
give me that one plot where your muse spends years seeking out supernatural creatures because they want to be turned.  they don’t want humanity anymore and they’re wholeheartedly willing to give it up.  they’re “lucky” enough to find louis–and now they have to convince him to turn them.  of course, he’s going to be an asshole about it and really make them jump through hoops.  or, another option: they find louis and see how he is, how indiscriminately he kills, how brutal he can be. suddenly they’re not so sure about giving up their humanity.  for a darker twist, maybe louis isn’t so happy about them changing their minds; they’ve wasted his time so now he’s going to make them pay for it.
after hiring your muse to be a private tutor for some subject he’s suddenly got an interest in, meetings always take place at louis' home upstate [*thread dependent]. things start to get eerie for them when they start to pick up on all these strange things about louis and his unusual personality, his weird hybrid-related quirks.  he can pick up on their growing unease straight away, but he doesn’t mention it; he keeps things cordial, just smiling through it.  three weeks later, they get the courage to confront him about it and demand the truth.  bonus points if they end up being from a hunter family... can you imagine the angst?!
give me louis + hunter plots!!! all of them!!!!!
a specific hunter-esque plot:  some twenty years ago, louis took a young orphan child under his wing (he does nice things every couple of years!).  he cared for them while they couldn’t & taught them to hunt wildlife and defend themselves against both animals and people.  they parted ways while the kid was still relatively young, but old enough and smart enough to care for themselves.  flash-forward to now, when louis is running as a wolf in his woods and here they are, all grown up with a crossbow aimed at louis' heart.
witches!! give me all the witches!!!  louis loves witches so give me one that hates his guts and can’t stand him, but he still shows up unexpectedly with that one thing they need but don’t have.  “stop coming here, i told you—you aren’t welcome.  i’ll set you on fire.”  —  “but wait, i brought this thing for you.”  and the entire dynamic is just louis hardcore adoring them while they can’t stand him.
also give me one-sided relationships where louis is the one being taken advantage of; a witch who isn’t afraid to use his love for them to their advantage, one who only tolerates his presence because of the things he does for them, etc.
another witchy plot (we love our witches here) where louis unexpectedly comes across a scent that reminds him of dahlia, his creator.  he’s completely thrown and just freezes up for a few minutes because he hasn’t come across a scent like that in hundreds of years—and for it to be so alike is insane on its own.  as insane as anything in his world can be.  apparently, dahlia has a distant ancestor that louis wasn’t aware of.  give me an awkward, hesitant first meeting and eventual bonding! also: maybe they don’t yet know they’re a witch, so louis has to break it to them. *this one requires some plotting, as dahlia is very close to my heart.
found family plots!! family dynamics!! please. i want close connections and louis to struggle with them; i want new people coming into his life and reminding him of the past; i want new relationships that challenge what he knows of love and allow him to learn new, better ways of expressing it... i want him to learn how to love someone again after being alone for so long!!
give me... louis + human ships!! platonic or romantic; they're always tragic.
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