#the devil in the details
suncaptor · 6 months
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easier than lying // sam winchester
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marril96 · 23 days
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Supernatural 11.10 | The Devil in the Details | bloopers
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dessertbird · 13 days
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Loving touch. 😊😍❤️
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samsrowena · 2 years
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obsessed with rowena dreaming about gifting crowley a sam funko pop. like of all things why THAT
(and then he immediately throws it out because he clearly wanted a dean one)
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Chapter 17
The conversation continues...and a revelation happens..
“Which is?” Astaroth queried with a touch of hesitancy in his voice, wondering what his wife had in store for him now.  A zoo’s worth of animals on the island? Another island paradise to hideaway in? A mountain one this time?  A baby?  Primus Sator forbid!
Taking a deep breath, since she felt kind of foolish for asking, but that seemed on par for the course of the evening, “Could we try a first date again? Maybe just the two of us? You know, since I ruined this one.” Yara looked away from him, trying to keep the tears from building in her eyes.  The thought of how to ask, or even how to plan it on her own, had been what was keeping her awake.  She wanted to have a romantic time with her husband.  She wanted to show him she wasn’t a lost cause.
If Yara had been trying to hide how nervous she was to ask that question, she failed spectacularly.  Astaroth was impressed she wasn’t physically trembling in his arms when she asked though, as bad as her voice shook and cracked.  That was tempered with pride in her for being able to actually get it out instead of hiding her thoughts like she had a habit of doing. Her looking away didn’t bother him, he’d rather her look away and be able to speak her mind than them keep tripping over one another.
Gently, he used two fingers to tip her chin so that she was once more looking at him in the very low light.  “Do you mind if I change it a little?  Make it so we both have a better time and are more relaxed?”  His fingers gently caressed the edges of her face as he looked at her adoringly.  There were mistakes that he had made that he didn’t intend on making again. He was learning he rather enjoyed having his wife in his arms, and the sound of his name rolling of her tongue. “Whatever you want, but I just…” Yara paused as she nodded, she honestly didn’t care.  It could be a completely different type of night, she just wanted a second chance.  He already meant something to her, and was beginning to mean a whole lot more, she didn’t want to drive him away or to actually look at someone else longingly because she was an emotional mess.  The thought of that was killing her, even with his promise that it would be just the two of them.  “I just want a special time for us, and not to ruin it this time.”  Her head pressed firmly against his chest, her eyes closing.
He tsked her, shaking his head slightly, before kissing her forehead.  “You did not ruin it, Papilio.  You learned that you are cared for, and will never be abandoned or rejected.”  He held her tighter and sighed.  “Life is not an all or nothing, with me, not for you.  We will learn one another, and things will get easier.”  Another kiss was placed on her forehead, as he tried to figure out how to better comfort her, and also wondered why it was that her upset troubled him so deeply.  This whole relationship was a new experience.
“Dinner was amazing, but you know that the rest was not what you had envisioned, or what we could have had.”  There was an undercurrent of sadness and remorse to her voice that displeased him. There was no reason for it.  Yes, she had misunderstood the situation, but she had not done anything to purposely ruin the night. Her sitting there silently was the exact opposite of how he would have expected her to react to seeing someone flirt with him, and assuming he was receptive.
“True, but such is life.  So, we shall have a second date.  I do want to keep my wife happy. I wouldn’t want her eyes or heart to wander to someone else.  After all, she is becoming very important to me.” The seriousness of the conversation gave way to a slight tease in his voice. 
“Asti….” She scoffed and lightly thumped his chest with her hand, looking up at him like he’d just told her that Lucifer was a fluffy bunny. Still, she had not missed his last statement, and it hit her deep.
“I do love it when you say my name….” That wasn't a lie, which the deepening of his voice and the darkening of his eyes gave credence to. There were even times he wished she said it more.  He had to be losing his sanity, but for the moment he didn't care.
“Astaroth…” Yara’s voice lowered and became husky, his name becoming an almost purr that reverberated against his neck before she placed a soft kiss there.  To find out that she had an effect on him emboldened her, and gave her a newfound sense of satisfaction.  The woman at the bar might have been more seductive than she was, but it was clear that she hadn’t affected Astaroth.  If Yara was able to with just his name, well that was definitely a bonus in her favor.  
“Keep doing that and I might keep you in bed all day tomorrow, Papillio.”  His own voice lowered as well, his wife's seduction working fully on him. Even tired after an emotional evening, he would not refuse her.  Not with the new feelings taking root in his heart, and how enjoyable their first encounter was.
“Is that a threat or a promise, love?”
“Both.” Astaroth kissed her lightly, enjoying the tease and seduction of the moment. Fingers sinking into her dark locks, he pulled her closer for a deeper kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“Te amo, Astaroth Anthas, Mortem meam.” (I love you, Astaroth Anthas, my Death.) Yara slipped into Latin as easily as she breathed. For some reason, saying the words in that, instead of Demontongue, was easier. The admission that she had already fallen in love with him, since the moment he had learned all about her past, yet had not pushed her away like the others, terrified her. She had handed him the instrument of her own destruction. 
For a full beat, Astaroth was convinced he'd translated what she'd said wrong in his head.  There was not a possibility that she could feel the same for him. He knew her doubts and fears, her insecurities; but he also knew that after their conversation earlier, she would not say such things lightly or in jest.  His belief, once more, that the Fates were involved in whatever was transpiring, seemed confirmed. 
Yara had felt like she couldn't breathe, maybe her heart didn’t even beat, while she waited for him to say something.  Once she had said it, it was too late to take it back and the expected rejection was causing her to want to run from the bed and the room. Even though she knew he would not be cruel or mean, that almost made it worse. He would be kind in his denial of mutuality.
The last thing Astaroth was going to do was leave Yara wondering his reaction to her admission.  Rolling over so she now was the one on her back, and he was looking down into her soulful eyes that he adored, he gave her his answer. “Te amo, Yara Anthas, amica mea papilio et amator animae meae.” (I love you, Yara Anthas, my darling butterfly and lover of my soul.)
Her eyes searched his for any sign that he was just placating her, her heart trying to escape her rib cage as it thundered inside. If he had not been so close, his eyes capturing hers with their intensity, she would have sworn she hallucinated those words, those words that no one had said to her before in her life; and they came from the only man that would ever matter to her for the rest of her life,
Astaroth truly loved her. Her, the daughter that no one wanted. Death loved. In some way it was poetic, but in every way it was perfect. As they came together once more, sealing their bond and their love, both felt whole for the first time in their existence; like they had truly found the part that was missing.
On Olympus, Clotho sat back from the pool and looked over to Atropos with a smirk. Both Fates had worked hard for this day, this hour, this minute. More was coming, some dark, some light, and a lot bloody. Lachesis came with the wine and goblets and they looked over at the twelve tapestries with threats binding them. It was coming together. Soon the Primus Sator would summon them, and it would begin....
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banner: @cafekitsune
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lillysilverus · 2 months
Watching "The Devil in the Details" again. Sam says it's about having faith in his family and friends. He's willing to die and watch his family die because of his faith in them. And then Castiel comes along and poops all over his faith again. This show, I swear.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
like. can someone tell me what the FUCK was going on in the writers room that these two scenes were in the same episode. how does this even happen. baffling
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samepisodebracket · 1 year
Round 1; Group 10
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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Lucifer’s Pitch // The Devil in the Details But I can beat her. We can beat her. You and me, together. So come on, Sam. Make the right choice, the big sacrifice one more time, man. Sam, it's time to save the world, man. No.
image description: scenes from “The Devil in the Details” where Lucifer attempts to convince Sam to let him out of the cage using his own memories.
Sam and Lucifer watch as a teenage Sam sits in a park with a girl, turning pages of their schoolwork. Lucifer sits on a bench and Sam stands in front of him as he describes them, saying, “The simple girl from a one-stoplight town. And you. The worldly... handsome-ish. Sam Winchester. She didn’t stand a chance. You remember?” / The girl turns to Sam and says, “So, I mean... if you wanna makeout?” He kisses her, and Lucifer jumps up raising his fist and saying, “Boom!” Sam flinches, just slightly, and Lucifer continues, “That’s it! That’s what I’m talking about right there, man.” / Lucifer stands close and slightly above Sam, saying, “Hell, you beat me.” He shakes his head a little as he says, “Now? I don’t know, I look at you and I don’t even recognize you anymore.” Sam doesn’t look at him, but turns back to his younger self, brow furrowing a bit.
Sam and Lucifer stand at the rusted, iron gate of Stull Cemetery, watching as Castiel yells, “Hey, assbutt!” He throws the holy fire Molotov cocktail at Michael, who bursts into flames and screams. Lucifer tells Sam, “‘Assbutt.’ I– I– I still don’t get that.” Sam turns to him. / Sam tells him, “Look, I appreciate the stroll down memory lane, but...” Lucifer says, “Sam, have I ever told you how much I respect you?” Sam turns to him and glances up and down, asking, “What?” Lucifer smiles, saying, “Oh, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like you. I’ve never liked you. You– You’re... sort of prissy.” / Sam and Lucifer are watching as Sam jumps into the cage and Lucifer tells him, “You were willing to do the hard thing, if it meant saving the world.” Sam looks conflicted and they turn to look at each other as Lucifer says, “That’s not you anymore. You’ve gone soft, Sammy.”
Sam and Lucifer are watching Sam outside with Amelia and Riot. Sam tells Lucifer, “But Dean and I promised not to look for each other.” Lucifer nods and says, “Right, and if he never came back, you’d be fine. But he did, so you’re not.” Sam glances up and down and looks away from him. Then Lucifer asks, “What ever happened to the Sam Winchester who was bold? Decisive? And ready to sacrifice for the greater good?” / Lucifer says, “And you’d do anything to save him, and he’d do anything to save you. And that is the problem! Because of this!” He points over to past Sam and Amelia, saying, “You’re so overcome by guilt that you can’t stand to lose Dean again. And he could never lose you.” / Lucifer tells Sam, “You can’t win this one, Sam. You’re just not strong enough.” Sam turns to him skeptically, asking, “And you are?” Lucifer smiles, shrugging, as he says, “Hey, snappin’ necks and cashin’ checks is what I do.”
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cljordan-imperium · 2 months
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Not a new WIP, but an existing WIP with changing faces. Astaroth & Yara from @devil-in-the-details-ay are getting these new faces. I am a writer who is inspired by senses, and I have to have faces for my characters. I had lost the connection w/the previous faces and it was making it hard to write the stories, so we went face shopping and BOOM...meet the new Astaroth and Yara, Lord & Lady Death.
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suncaptor · 6 months
When Sam uses sexual innuendo to talk about Lucifer possessing him too. like Lucifer making these degrading and targetted comments about it is one thing. it's specific and he knows what it does to Sam. but something about how Sam does it as well. okay.
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deansamnatural · 1 year
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hellerradio · 1 year
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Happy new year, friends! We’re excited to continue our journey through Season 11 and beyond this year, along with fawning over Eileen, enjoying Cas and Dean playing doctor, praising Misha’s acting skills, detailing our favorite headcanon in the Destiel timeline, and so much more! Let’s light this candle! 🧏🏻‍♀️
➡️ Listen here!
Episodes discussed:
11x10 - The Devil In The Details
11x11 - Into The Mystic
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churchofsatannews · 5 months
The Devil in the Details: Episode 29 - The Hanover Witch Hunt or Should Fortune Telling Be Illegal?
On this episode the Satanic Skeptic, Warlock Sword, discusses laws criminalizing fortune telling and whether or not they really protect the public from fraud. Listen on Apple Podcasts
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You have been brainwashed into believing you are your own enemy, and you are set against yourself. The enemy is laughing at you as you tear yourself to pieces. That is the most effective warfare an enemy can launch on his foes: confounding them.
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lillysilverus · 2 years
“The Devil in the Details” is such a good episode even with some of the worst things to happen on the show. 
The Good:
Mark P. and Jared are gold together.  “Hey snappin’ necks and cashin” checks is what I do”.  “I’m ready to die, I’m ready to watch my family die, but I’m not ready to be your bitch.” 
Then there’s this from Dean:
“Don’t worry about Sam.”
“Oh I’m sorry have you met me?”
Crowley getting one over on Rowena.  
The Bad:
If only we hadn’t had to watch poor hangdog Castiel make the worst decision of his celestial life because two people told him he’s useless. While Sam is facing his worst nightmare all by himself and staying strong, Castiel blows the whole thing.  
And of course bringing up Sam trying to live a normal life in season 8 as the worst thing he’s ever done AGAIN. 
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