#then either tries to get on tippy toes or straight up pulls her face down to kiss her
143htg · 6 months
I think that Red Thread!Sunny wouldn't even bat an eye at randomly seeing Aubrey and Basil making out behind the church when Aubrey should be delivering pastries in the city, maybe the client's order tidy and nicely put on the grass, forgotten for a minute.
Not batting an eye at least physically, but internally probably scoffing and cursing Basil for distracting Aubrey from her job, pastries will not forever be warm after all.
Again seeing the tall figure of Aubrey getting more meek and shy that usual because of Basil, who is significantly tinier that her, is amusing. So Sunny doesn't really say anything, prefering to not disclose to Aubrey that maybe their little lovebird spot is a bit too close to the path he takes everyday.
Maybe he tells Mari out of amusement.
A bit annoyed, too.
Aubrey's new and probably first boyfriend. And Mari is happy for her, her beloved friend finally finding someone that she's content with. Sunny's happy too. Already marveling over meeting the boy when Aubrey is ready enough to tell about her little love.
Sunny does not tell who the love is.
Mari pouts when he doesn't tell.
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n6918 · 4 months
The Heroine’s Thighs
“come on Oscar this way” ruby said to the boy she was talking along by his hand. Pulling him into a dark hallway just before her team left on a mission out of Atlas. She was dressed in her full combat gear, but he was dressed in an exercise outfit, as he was going to head to the gym after they left.
“Ruby I don’t know” Oscar said to her looking nervous. “what if someone sees us this time? Or what if Yang sees us this time?” he said to her as they reach the back of the dark hallway.
“I told you not to worry about that anymore” she said, turning to him and putting her hands on either side of his face, bringing their foreheads together. “You don’t need to worry about anything, I got you~” Ruby said to Oscar; opening her eyes and staring at him in the blush on his face. Before turning her head to the side so she could get her mouth on his quickly dominating him in an overpowering kiss. Her tongue delving deep into his and wrestling with him, well her hands roamed his body and especially squeezed his ass. He, by contrast simply, hugged her back and leaned into the kiss, although he tried not to lean in too much for what was happening in his shorts.
Having fondled his ass enough, Rubys hand now moves from his butt to the front and quickly began groping and stroking his hardening cock. This received many moans into her mouth as she played with him down below. She could feel him getting weak in the legs and having to lean more on her, just how she liked it. And soon they broke their kiss, with his head, falling down and resting in her cleavage as he continue to moan. “I think you’re just about ready, we do need to be quick as I have a mission” she said to him practically breathing it into his ear.
She finally stopped, fondling his cock and moved both her hands around to the side of his shorts. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband she got both the underwear and his shorts to come down just enough to free his penis. “Ruby~ I~” Oscar try to say to her looking up from her breasts; but he was silenced another kiss.
As she sucked the air out of his mouth, she stroked him with one hand, and lifted her skirt with the other. She pulled him forward so that his cock rested between her bare thighs, which she was squeezing together. They were drenched from the juices from her anticipating pussy, although it wasn’t going to get anything today. The shorts she usually wore were stowed in her bag to put on after she had her fun.
Releasing him from her mouth once again, she squeezed him tightly with her thighs and her hands on his back and his butt. “Go on~ Hump away~” she said to him, and she looked at him straight in the eyes. And so he began staring straight back at her moaning and softly, calling her name. His hips coming back-and-forth as he slid his cock in between her thighs over and over again. Eventually, it became difficult for him to hold on, and he stopped, looking at her having his head fall on her breasts, as he continued to moan out, and now breath straight down her cleavage.
She was getting close to, his cock continuously against her sensitive clit. Back-and-forth, back-and-forth, his cock rubbed her off and got her closer and closer. And as it did, so, she began to get more and more aggressive, squeezing his ass, nibbling his ear, moaning his name; but it wasn’t enough, she wasn’t getting enough stimulation. Taking one hand, she reached down from behind and pulled her panties slightly down, his cock quickly slid in and she let go. Now they held his cock even closer to her, increase in the pressure on her wet lips and needy clit.
This seem to do the trick for him, Oscar was soon gripping her with so much strength it kind of hurt. Standing on his tippy toes and pushing himself into her. “Ruby I’m~” he pleaded to her.
“Shhh~ go~ go ahead~” Ruby said to him, as she went cross side with anticipating feeling opens about to happen.
Suddenly he stopped thrusting, and held her still pressing his face deep into her breasts and moaning softly. She could feel each pulse of his cock as it spilled his Pine seed into her panties. She had had him edge himself for the whole weekend, well, teasing him with sexy photos. The results were clear to see that she could feel his seed, trenching her panties, and mixing with her witness. And as she felt him, she can shut her into her; She bounced up and down on the balls of your feet. As she experienced her an orgasm.
The two of them stood there, writing out the high of their orgasm. Oscar soon let go and fell back against the wall. Ruby on the other hand really leaned back still standing up with a very pleasant smile on her face. She quickly pulled out the shorts that she had and slip them on over her now very drenched underwear. Looking down with the boy, she blew him a kiss before walking away to get to her team. “See you when I get back farmboi~” she said to him, leaving him there with his cock out on the floor.
(Hope you guys like this, it's the first character of a small series I've work on 😉 constructive criticism is always welcome if you feel inclined)
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
i love the idea of bakugo corrupting kirishima so much like just encourage him about his yandere tendencies and surely with the two being so close of course some of Bakugo's traits rub off on him.
Bakugo telling Kirishima how it's ok that they're fucking kidnapping you while you're crying so much, begging them to stop like "She'll get use to it" or "We'll just fucking knock her up n she'll be good"
Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki
AN: It's strange, but I always picture it the other way around? Hope you enjoy my take on the dynamic.
TW: nsfw, dubcon/noncon, stalking, misogyny
fem reader
It's not much of a secret that Bakugou doesn't quite enjoy being robbed of his self-restraint each time his focus is pulled from what's important and his eyes forced to look at little ditzy you.
But somehow that busy-bee swing you have in your hip when you bob down the corridor, and the way you clutch your textbooks so tight to your chest and squish your tits, has his eyes zeroing in on you no matter how hard he tries resisting it.
He knows well he's by no means any saint, but he wants to be able to say that he at least tries meeting the standards of being a somewhat decent guy.
But for fuck's sake-
That dorky wave you pull where you wiggle your small fingers all delicately in the air like a complete flirty tease doesn't help. Nor does the way you cheer all your words in that terribly nerdy sweetly girly tone of yours.
And though it should, that entirely innocent smile you give him makes it no easier to think straight either.
He hates the dirty thoughts that bubble up.
He hates wanting to sniff you each time you pass by him.
He hates thinking of how much he wants to squish your adorable baby-face in his hand.
He hates how much he wants to make you cry.
He hates thinking about taking your little plush body against the nearest wall. Of lifting your short school skirt over the dome of your little round ass and pinch the fat there until you whine. Of tearing your pink panties down to your knees. Of ripping them off and sticking them inside his pocket.
He hates how fucking aroused the thought of making you walk around the school panty-less makes him. Imagining how cute you'd bat your lashes at him all bashful and doe-eyed, pushing your knees together and biting down on your plump bottom lip as you desperately try pulling your skirt further down as far as you can.
Perhaps he just doesn't like getting snagged on Kirishima's pointy smirk each time the boy catches him redhanded in his daily perverted daydreams...
Still, he tries his best at abstaining from looking at you when you're in compromising positions.
But, it's hard with Kirishima acting like the devil perched on his shoulder.
Always alerting him of how cute your butt is each time you bend over to pick up that pencil you clumsily dropped on the ground. Jabbing his side with his elbow when you stand on your tippy-toes reaching for that book on the top shelves. Stretching so that your shirt slips from out your skirt and rides up to give a tempting show of your no-doubt soft skin.
He'll fight so hard to keep his depraved perverted thoughts to himself, to push them down, suppress them in the deepest darkest pits of his desires, flush them from his mind to focus on something less criminal, something that won't have him choke on his spit and blush bright red when you turn your ditzy little clueless head to look at him in the exact moment he's imagining something filthy starring you.
He doesn't even dare talk to you. Even when you do your little wave and give your bright greeting.
He just scowls at you.
Still, clueless you, oblivious to how the ash-blonde dreams of spitting in your mouth while you moan and take his cock, think him and his redheaded counterpart make for the cutest couple on campus.
The bright one always roaring with laughter and poking fun at the other one's tight frown, pulling him along instead of leaving him to grumpily brood in solitude.
Silly you thinks they're adorable.
You think it's romantic how such stark opposites attract.
Like something straight out of a movie.
And it's true.
Kirishima isn't anything like Bakugou at all.
Goofy and kind with just the right amount of playfully charming to make your cheeks heat up.
He always gives you a great big toothy grin in return and a dumb boyish wave that has his entire body swaying to follow the exaggerated movement of his arm as he hollers at you.
He walks up behind you and grabs that book you were trying to reach for you. Handing it you with a lop-sided grin that's perfectly disarming as well as handsome. Sparkling white, making your stomach do little flips as you take the book out of his much larger hands.
Bakugou just hates how you splutter out your words when you thank the redhead all so nervously. He hates how you bow your head and grind the tip-off your shoe into the floor when Kirishima gives you his deceptively good-natured words of welcome in return.
He hates how the whole show turns him on like nothing else.
But more than anything, he hates the shitty look on Kirishima's face once he turns his head quite subtly to the side to look to him with an expression so smug he's unsure whether he wants to knock his stupid croc-teeth right out or kiss him until breathing becomes hard.
But that would be giving him what he wants.
The innocent act doesn't fool him.
He knows full-well what the scheming two-faced little shit is up to.
He can see it plain as day in that alarmingly dangerous twinkle in his matching red eyes as he flirts with little flustered you.
He makes the blonde even rowdier than before, nearly uncontainable were he sits and stares at the two of you giggling with each other.
"Would you fuck-off with that shit already?" He barks once the red-head finally makes it back to their study-date, done taking a break to play with little adorable clueless you.
"What?" He simply smirked, laughing mockingly at the visibly angry blonde sitting with folded arms in front of spread textbooks and busy notes. "You're the one who's dirty sock has her pretty name on it, creep."
Bakugou's jaw clenched as he suppressed what curse words he urged to fling at the infuriating imp sitting apposed from him.
He sighed and threw his head back to let it hang off the chair's back. Looking to the stale grey ceiling of the library. Counting the tiles before closing his eyes and sighing out again.
"You've made your point." He stated, now calmly.
Bakugou, in all his narcissistic rights, believing he knew why the sturdy male was acting the way he was.
"I've been distracted, I'm sorry." The blond apologised.
But the sincere apology was only met with Eijirou's laughs.
"You're so cute-" He smiled, earning him the look of a frustrated and confused boyfriend. "But not everything is about you, King Explosion Murder God Dynamight."
Kirishima stopped laughing, though his smile still present and looking every bit as ready to tear through skin like a chainsaw.
"I think she's cute too." He said, voice having shed its friendly tone.
And Katsuki's skin spiked with a million goosebumps at the haunting of what impure ulterior motives he was hinting at.
"But you know what?" The shark-toothed male simpered.
Turning to face you again. The blonde followed the redhead's gaze to where you sat undisturbed knowing and wishing no ill-will at the other library study table some meters away from the pair. The tip of your pencil caught between your lips as you tilted your head at the fat book plopped down in front of you.
"She'd look even cuter sandwiched between us." He mused darkly.
Two pairs of stark red-eyes never once leaving you, as though you were a peaceful rabbit in a flower field and they were foxes on the hunt hiding in the grass.
"Don't you think?"
Bakugou looked away from you with a snap of his head, slight hint of rose dusting his cheeks with bright pink, sensing his battle for morality was already forfeit.
Where, as much as Bakugou would like to boast and say that he was immune to the redhead's persuasion...
In spite of spotting how Kiri's smile curves sinisterly in those moments when no-one but him is looking...
He, quite like everyone else, falls right into the honey-trap time and time again.
Where despite all his practice of self-restraint and in waste of all those times he'd talked himself out of fucking his fist when thinking of you. Those enticingly tempting words dripping from Kirishima’s tongue so brazenly acted like a sanction to the fire-type, who simply couldn’t resist the image of your tiny plush body and terribly adorable face squeaking out precious moans and whimpers while the two of them breed you full like what a sweet cute ditz like you deserves.
And it doesn't help that you're too sweet to even consider saying no when Kirishima approaches you.
Gullible people-pleasing you nearly jump with enthusiasm when the redhead asks you for tutoring help. Nodding your head like such a well-manored goody-two-shoes when he invites you to his dorm-room. Gushing with gratitude when he offers to carry your bag for you. Snorting on your laughs when he cracks joke after joke as though he's got an endless supply to charm you with.
Ditzy dork completely distracted from seeing him secretly text Bakugou.
Phone held at his side real smooth and out of sight, while the two of you walk side by side as he guides unsuspecting sweet you right into his trap where another tall strong male is waiting with sweaty palms and and an almost violent urge to play with you outweighing his burdening morals.
Kirishima isn't struggling whatsoever though.
Like a true sociopath, he's playing the perfect gentleman with the perfect smile and the perfect amount of pressure in his hand laid on the small of your back as he guides you forward. Opening the door for you. Welcoming you inside. Taking your jacket and feigning nervousness as he scratches the back of his neck and tells you that he's sorry that his room's such a mess.
And sweet little unknowing you obviously just giggle. Completely unaware that it was the signal Bakugou was waiting for to come out of hiding.
No... Kirishima doesn't struggle at all...
He has no problems holding you down. No guilt burdening him when bending your helplessly weak arms behind your back and pulling you against his chest in his lap as he lays down with you on the bed.
He shushes you smoothly, with that same suave voice he's been buttering you up with the entire week, giving you chills as to how completely calm he can be when doing something as disturbing as violating his peer.
And poor little you is so terribly confused at first.
You almost don't believe it because you don't want to believe it.
You're almost convinced it must be some cruel prank he's pulling, like the ones you see in movies, where the handsome popular hero student picks on the nerdy nobody from general studies.
But this is so much worse than a movie.
Because the bud of the joke doesn't come and soon he's got his hands on places that's barely been touched by anyone but yourself.
And that's when the fear finally comes. Settling like snow on your skin, until it goes seeping into your bones like the cold in late autumn.
Biting like winter once you recognise the spike-y ash-blonde hair of Bakugou round the corner.
The white sleeves of his shirt rolled up to just above his elbows, buttons undone halfway down, flexing scarred brawn you cannot ever hope to fight against.
He crawls over you with heavy hands and knees sinking into the mattress. Trapping you even further where you lie tight against Kirishima's chest.
The two of them manuevering as though it was only natural, as though it'd been carefully thought through a million times before.
And you can tell the blond has been waiting once you feel the hard tent kept constrained rubbing against your thigh, making your stomach fold in every haunting way.
You're on your back like a flipped ladybug struggling to get up. Hands trapped beneath you with your tits face-up and jutting forward for the face that ducks to rub between them. Beard-stubble harsh on you sensitive skin.
His hands move impatiently. Tampering with the buttons as though it's his first time and Kirishima chuckles at him like it's all some cute gesture even though he's clumsily struggling at stripping you off your clothes in order to violate you.
You try screaming rather than begging once Kirishima's large paw grabs a handful of your tit, but his other hand had already taken repercussions. Forming a tight lock over your mouth, making any and every noise you try squeaking out sound like lewd whines and moans instead of pitiful pleas of mercy.
You choke on your heart once your eyes meet Bakugou's bleeding red gaze, where he looks at you like a dog drooling for steak.
Your arms savagely bent behind your back, tucked away from intervening while making you chest strut forward where he'd buttoned up your shirt for the sake of seeing your sweet tits squeezed together within your pretty bra.
Your waist still gripped by your short black school skirt, doing little to protect you from him where the pleated edges ride up your thighs, giving for a show of your chaste cotton underwear beneath it.
Your thigh-highs squeezing into the soft cake of your flesh. Teasing him. Making him want to squeeze you even tighter. Grab and hug and bite you.
The tears spring free once Bakugou's clammy hands start groping at your ass. His fingers curling around the band of your panites and pulling down your thighs and knees and legs before ripping it off at your thrashing feet, leaving you shaking in just your cute bra, skirt and socks.
Your knees quaking as they huddle together, pointlessly trying to protect what tenderness found between your thighs from the beast on top.
But Bakugou pays your meagre efforts no mind.
He just reaches forward and grabs your legs, prying them apart. Having falling much too deep into his desperate need of fuck you dumb than to care of the resistance you might put up beforehand.
Especially when most of your struggle was kept contained by redhead beneath, where all your other pathetic thrashing only resulted in the blond's raging temper, where with much unneeded brute strength he roughly grabbed you by the calf before you managed breaking his nose with your clumsy panicked kicking.
You cry out under the assault. Bawling into Kirishima's hand and try pulling your bruised legs back to yourself. Whimpering all cutely for the strong men you're caught between.
But the redhead only tuts at you, his other hand keeping a tight grip around your waist, keeping you close. His cheek squished against your cheek, rubbing against your hot tears while his lips kiss at the space right next to the hand kept like a muzzle over your mouth.
"Don't struggle, baby girl." He whispers, his breath warm and ticklish against the peach-fuzz on your cheek. "You wouldn't guess it, but Pop-rocks here's extremely sensitive you see." He chuckled. "Fight too much and he'll start feeling insecure. And trust me, you don't wanna be hurting his flimsy feelings-"
"Shut up, Shitty-hair." Bakugou interrupted in a growl and you felt the sharp teeth of Kirishima's smirk graze your cheek, making you still. "And make her stop squirming."
“You hear that, sweetheart? Already on his last straw..." The redhead threatened playfully.
And all you could do was whimper pitifully in return.
"You'll be a good girl for us, won't you?" He asked, kissing your cheek tenderly, making you whine whilst Bakugou's coarse fingers greedily carded into the plush fat of your thighs. "We don't wanna hurt yah, toots, but one way or the other, today and tomorrow, we're gonna figure out how many times we can make you cum before you pass out."
His words had you shudder while bleating. Big pleading eyes looking to the blonde on top of you, silently begging him to stop.
But Bakugou paid little attention to what transpired from Kirishima's pointed teeth and your reaction to his cruel words.
He was much too busy doing what he'd imagined so many times before when stalking you to have the focus to amuse his boyfriend's petty intimidation games.
There were more important things waiting for him after all.
His strength barely needed as he grabbed you beneath the knees and pushed your thighs to each their side.
Already salivating at the mouth. His dick drummed at the thought of fucking you into a wet little cross-eyes mess.
Thoughts drifting to what a good little bookworm you were. Always chewing your pencil with your eyes flitting over textbook pages. Your knees tapping against one another, giving him a slight peek at your panties each time your thighs softly clap together beneath the table.
And Kirishima got hard with you twisting against his chest as he watched the blond's eyes go opium-black with soaking dark desire. His spiky ash-blond locks ducking down as he pulled you forward with his meaty arms looped and locked around your thighs.
Hot eager tongue meeting your exposed cunt hungrily. Making you squeak and Kirishima chuckle wickedly whilst holding you still.
Bakugou's red eyes couldn't leave you. Looking up between the the valley of your tits squished in your white floral-lace bra, at your pretty teary eyes and that sweet crinkle between your brows, and your tiny face caught inside Kirishima's large scarred paw.
He grabbed you harder with a rowdy growl, spiked by the cute lewd sight of you, sucking harder at your clit. Some part of him getting immensely off on how fucked up what he was doing was, and how he was doing it to sweetest kindest you.
Angelic you, who reacted with a whine as he curved his tongue inside you. Kicking the balls of your feet into his back, digging them into his muscles, gripping his shirt with curled toes, trying any desperate attempt to pull him off.
But Bakugou didn't mind your pathetic aims.
In fact, it all just made him seem all the more keen.
Further abusing how lapping at your poor little bundle of nerves had your back arching from Kiri's chest and your doughy thighs quaking in his arms.
"You should feel lucky." Kirishima broke your struggle, licking your cheek with words. "He doesn't eat me like that."
Bakugou grunted. "'Cause you drink too much soda-" He mumbled, his angry eyes dragging from intently watching your face twist along the sharp movements he made with his lips and tongue, to glaring at the redhead by your side. "Tastes like acid- not sweet like this."
"Ouch, Bakuboo." Kirishima feigned hurt. "I thought you'd be sweeter once I gave you this little gift." He teased as his rough hand spidered up your back while still keeping you down with the other. Tampering with the clasp to your bra. Pinching the mechanism and releasing your breasts.
"Tch-" Bakugou scoffed, scooching further up the bed again. "Don't think I owe you anything. We both know this's as much for me as it is for you."
His thighs touched yours as he circled your clit with the rough base of his thumb. Rubbing patterns on top of it. Making you whimper and writhe as his lips once again came to kiss your chest, now with your nipples free for him to suck on.
"Yeah, but if it'd been up to you we'd be stuck daydreaming about this cutie forever. Wouldn't we, Scaredy-Kat?" Kirishima further poked whilst Bakugou tried comforting himself from the snide comments in the pillow of your chest. Rather fixating on how wet with you his hand was, how silken and velvety and soft your cunt now was after he'd sucked and tasted you.
Your breathing stilled as you felt him tease your opening for a second. Crying more as he pushed his crooked fingers inside your drooling cunt. Starting to pump and work your tightness. Briefly preparing you whilst his cock strained close to painfully inside his pants.
"Shut up, Shitty-hair..." He grumbled, rising from your chest.
Fingers wet as they fiddled with the belt to his pants. Ripping it loose from it's loops and throwing it to clatter on the floors.
"Heh, I'm just teasing yah..." Kirishima crooned, large red eyes glued to watch the man in front buttoning up his slacks.
Watching intently as he reached a large hand within his trousers. Freeing the thick meat kept bulging within the confines of his boxers.
Standing proudly, purple veins strumming up the shaft on both sides, pumping blood to the head that seemed angry by the long wait it had endured.
The redhead felt your whimpers vibrate against his palm, where you as well were no doubt watching the same intimidating sight as him.
"You know I like watching you have fun." He whispered, though it wasn't meant for you.
Tone playful and wanton and sadistically gleeful as he continued watching the blond play with your cute dripping cunt with one hand and himself with the other.
Strong fingers rubbing up and down his own size. Thick where they spread you open and rubbed cruel friction upon your buzzing clit.
And you could only watch as he shuffled forward some more. Pushing his plush bulged and weeping cock-head against your slit, where leaking from his slit dribbled hot pre-cum he painted your folds with, mixing it up and down your own wetness, as you desperately sobbed to let them free you.
But Kirishima held you tightly. One arm locked over your waist, keeping your arms to your sides, whilst the other still kept your pleas muffled.
And your scream once Bakugo pushed forward and filled your tightness up snug with one swift roll of his hips.
Barreling forward with a deep groan. He squeezed your thighs tight in a bruising grip and hissed at the tightness. Sure to leave spotted marks on your skin where his fingers dup inches into your flesh.
His head dipped down to your shoulder, continuing to push deeper inside even though he was already at your cervix. His scruff brushing against your cheek as he placed sluggish kisses alongside your jaw.
Your body tense between them. Tense with pain and fear of tearing in two once the blond started moving. Dragging his thick length out where your taunt walls clung to him. Slowly at first, but soon with such a force you were rocked like a boat in a storm. Your tits doing jumps and your legs springing where they where held in the air. Feeling someway weightless and lightheaded being stuffed full in one second and robbed in the other.
Kirishima removed his hand and you were just a second to late to beg them to stop before Bakugou had your mouth stuffed with the frill of your pink lace panties.
You sobbed again, but sucked on the cloth for comfort as you thighs ached from the constant pain of having the strong hero-student's fingers bury themselves greedily into the flesh there. Having you spread wide as he rolled his thickness inside your weeping wet cunt, milking him uncontrollably as the other brute's hand clasped atop you belly, with abusive fingers as coarse as rock flicking mercilessly on your poor budding clit, making you clench so tightly on the member taking up space inside he couldn't last longer even if he'd wanted to.
You were sure his nails tore your flesh. His mouth leaving your neck wet with drool as he groaned into you on last time.
You could feel it filling you with warmth. Dripping from you hole where he was still pumping it into you in slow and deep bumps against your womb.
Disgust drained your veins of their blood, making you feel sick.
Overwhelmed with dejection, where still a mixture of disbelief of what had just happened still lingered in those places you still felt warm and safe deep within.
Your flesh crawled, where in the cold sweat layered like dew on your skin you felt used. And in the harsh pressure beneath the four handprints that pawed at you, you felt fear.
But somehow, in the way warm cum seemed to cool as it dripped from your cunt where the male was done pumping it into you, you felt relieved that it was all finally over.
You closed your eyes and cringed as Bakugou's softening dick slinked out of you.
Breathing better once Kirishima did you the justice of pulling your panties out of your mouth.
He happily watched you pant before looking to Bakugou who'd collapsed on top of you. Ruffling his ash-blonde head.
"Mmh..." He hummed, shifting beneath you. "My turn, buttercup."
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 3
“Minseok! Soojin! Time to go!” you yell, checking your phone for the time. With three kids, it’s always a struggle in the morning. But you all manage to get things done and going. 
You turn your head to see if the kids were coming out of their rooms yet but the first one you saw out was your youngest son. He smiled up at you right when he saw you looking and you laughed, pointing behind him.
“Can you call your brother and sister please? They’re going to be late for school.” Haneul turns around and runs to his brother’s room and yells ‘mommy says wet’s go!’ and then runs across to the other room to yell the same thing to his sister. Who you hear scream ‘I’M COMING!’ 
“Are you ready?” Jin says, walking up behind you. You both had a free morning so the two of you decided to take Haneul out on a little date while his older siblings were in school. You haven’t asked him where he wanted to go, but knowing your son, his ideal date would be auntie Sohyun’s bakery and the playground. It’s all a three ish year old wants. 
“I’ve been since 6:30,” you replied. “KIDS LET’S GO,” you yell one more time. Now the two finally came running to the front door with their backpacks on. 
“Got everything?” Jin asks. 
“Yes!” Soojin yells, grabbing the door knob and walking out, followed by her older brother.
“Yeah we got everything,” Minseok replies. Haneul watches the two walk away and looks up at you.
“Where’s mine,” he says in a little voice, patting his shoulders. 
“You’ll grow broad shoulders like mine when you’re older,” Jin says, “let’s go, Minseok and Soojin are going to be late.” Both you and Haneul held the same expression as you frowned up at him.
“Honey, he’s talking about his backpack,” you tell him, pointing to Haneul’s backpack that was hung up by the door.
“I knew that!.. I was just--,” Jin replies, grabbing the bag and handing it to his son, “here.”
“Be good like always, we’ll see you later okay?” you tell your kids as you drop them off. 
Minseok and Soojin give you and Jin a kiss before getting out of the van. 
“Bye bye,” Haneul waves, Soojin and Minseok hug and kiss him goodbye too. 
You lowered down the window and yelled, “Love you!” as they walk away from the van.
“Love you too!” They yelled back, waving at you and Jin. Jin leans over you and yells out your open window.
“SOOJIN-AH MAKE SURE YOU STAY AWAY FROM BOYS!” Jin yells. Your eyes widen and you push Jin away. 
“I only like Yeonjun oppa!” Soojin yells back. Jin’s eyes widens.
“Uncle secretary strikes again,” you laugh. “Calm down and let’s go, Haneul’s getting hungry.”
“That’s it, I’m grounding her until she’s married.”
“You’re letting her get married?” You ask. “I’m surprised you’re even going to let her date.”
“She can date.”
“And when will that start?”
“After she’s married of course.”
Haneul tilts his head. “What?”
“Auntie Sohu!” Haneul yells as soon as Jin opens the door to the very iconic, 24/7 Heaven. 
“Oh Haneul you’re back!” Sohyun happily says, stepping out of the counter to greet you three. 
She kneels down to Haneul’s level and he runs to give her a hug.
“I have money,” your son says with a smug smile, slightly pulling away from Sohyun to show her his ₩10,000. Sohyun laughs, standing up straight. 
“Wow! Go ahead and get whatever you want then,” she says, Haneul immediately runs off, grabbing a tray from the counter. 
It was a bit high for him but with some tippy toeing and a few jumps, he was able to grab one on his own. 
“Wah, I wonder where he gets that appetite from,” Jin says, shaking his head. You look at him, furrowing your brows as you see him with a tray of his own, already piled on with a few pastries.
“When did you get that we just got here?” you ask. Sohyun laughs, walking away from the two of you and following Haneul. 
“Is there anything special you want Haneul-ah~” she asks, bending down to Haneul’s height as he looked through the glass case filled with pretty and cute cakes. 
Your son smiles and points to a chocolate cake.
“Haneul I don’t think your money can pay for a whole cake, maybe just a slice?” you say, walking up to him.
“Just one?” he asks you, looking up at you with those puppy eyes. You smirk, reaching out to ruffle his hair.
“Those eyes don’t work on me any more buddy, your siblings overused that already.” He pouts, turning back to the cake.
“Just a wittle one please,” he tells Sohyun. She laughs, getting up to go get his little request.
“You got it,” she says.
“Is Yoongi in the back?” Jin asks, putting his tray on the counter, ready to pay. Sohyun shakes his head.
“He’s at his studio. He might be busy for a while, rumor has it, he has a popular celebrity that came by the other day that wants to work with him… but you didn’t hear that from me,” she winks. You put your hand over your mouth.
“Omo.. is it someone we know?” You ask. Sohyun, disappears behind the counter to get the cake slice for Haneul.
“Yeah I want to know too,” Jin says, you both wait for Sohyun to answer. She laughs when she turns around and faces you two, seeing your dumbfounded expressions. 
“I would love to tell you,” she says and you both lean in to hear what she says next. “But that jerk won’t tell me either,” she rolls her eyes slightly. “All he told me was that he won’t be working as often in the bakery because of it.”
“Aww,” you pout, “that’s so cool though, imagine being surrounded by a celebrity all the time?” Jin frowns down at you.
“Nothing,” he replies, “so is it just you right now?” The bakery wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t busy either. So you weren’t too surprised that it’s just Sohyun working this morning. As of now, it’s just your family, a couple sitting by the window, and a couple of university students. 
“No, Rina is in the kitchen and Taehyung should be coming in soon,” she says. 
“Oh Rina is here?” you say happily, stretching your head to the side. Sohyun smiles at you nodding. 
“Auntie my cakkee~” Haneul whines, placing his tray on the counter as well. You and Jin got caught up with your friend that you forgot why you were there in the first place.
“Oh, sorry baby,” you say sheepishly. Jin bends down to pick him up, having him sit on his hip.
“You have your money?” Jin asks, looking at his son and brushing his hair back. Haneul digs into his pocket, taking out his money, waving it around.
“Let me just ring this up,” Sohyun says, she then looks up at you, “do you want anything Yn?” 
“Oh, yeah, just a mocha latte please,” you say, your best friend nods, punching in the numbers. 
While Jin and Haneul pay for their food, Rina comes out from the kitchen and instantly lights up when she sees you three. 
“Auntie Rin!” Haneul yells, pointing at Rina.
“Hi buddy! Are you having a date with mommy and daddy?” Rina asks. Haneul nods his head, smiling at her.
“Hey, can you make a mocha latte for Yn?” Sohyun asks as she packs the food into boxes. 
“Sure thing, what size?”
“Just a regular,” Sohyun responds, handing you the box full of the pastries your boys chose.
“Thank you~”
The three of you were now at the playground at the kids’ favorite park, the one by the bakery. You and Jin sat on the bench, eating croissants and drinking coffee while Haneul made friends on the playground. 
“Can I have a bite?” You ask your husband, already opening your mouth. He brings a hand up to brush your hair away, before giving you a bite of his croissant. 
“You literally have one for yourself in your hand,” he says, as you take two big bites of his. 
“But yours is ham and cheese, mine is chocolate,” you say, mouth full. 
“After 18 years of being together, you’d think I’d learn to buy two of each,” he says, eating the rest of his food. You crinkle your nose.
“Saying the years make us sound so old. Our dating anniversary is a whole adult,” you say, eyes widening. Jin laughs at you, turning to grab a napkin. 
“Well I just like to remind myself that we started dating young and that we have a three year old to not make it seem like we’re so old,” he says, putting a hand on your chin and wiping the sides of your mouth. “I feel like I have another child,” he mumbles. You frown at him pushing his hand away.
“Says you.”
“Daddy!” Haneul calls as he runs to the two of you. It looked like his friends had left with their parents already. Jin dusts off his hands and wipes his mouth as he gets up from his seat.
“What is it buddy?” he says as he picks up Haneul when he gets to him. 
“Swings!” He says, pointing to the empty swing set. 
“Okay, let’s go.”
As the boys left for the swings, you got up to throw all your trash away so you could join them.
Jin puts Haneul on one swing as you come running to sit on the other.
“Push us,” you say, looking up at him with a big smile. 
“Yeah yeah yeah!” Haneul yells, kicking his feet. 
“Okaay~” Jin says, walking up behind you and pushing you off of the swing.
“Jin!” you yell as you stumble onto the floor. He doesn’t help you but instead walks over to Haneul and does the same. 
“Hey!” he says, pouting and you don’t know if he’s about to laugh or cry. 
“Yah, you said to push you so I did!” Jin says, backing away as he says this. You go over to Haneul and help him up.
“Let’s chase daddy,” you whisper to him. Haneul’s pout turns upwards into a mischievous little smile.
“What?” Jin says, looking at his youngest.
“IMMA GET YOU,” Haneul yells before sprinting off, you run after and the two of you start chasing Jin around the playground.
“Yah, you really think you can get me,” Jin laughs, running faster around the slides and jungle gym. Physically, yes, he’s much taller, has longer legs than the two of you, but was he smarter?
As Jin runs away from Haneul, you run the opposite direction to meet him at the other side as you three are just running in circles. 
He wasn’t even looking forward, but laughing as Haneul tried to catch him with his little legs.
You managed to get in front of him without him seeing and you immediately wrap your arms around his torso, pushing your weight against him and bringing him down.
“Mommy got you!” Haneul laughs. Pointing at Jin as he caught up.
“What should his punishment be Haneul?” You ask, sitting on top of your husband. The whole scenery actually was quite strange now that you think about it. You were sitting on top of your husband… near a slide of the children’s playground… asking your three year old for punishment ideas.
Let’s just say good thing the other kids left and it was just you three at the moment.
“Tickle tickle?” Haneul says, his knee bent as he slowly walks towards his dad. Hands up and fingers wiggling. 
“Y-yah, don’t get close to me,” Jin says, squirming beneath you. You laugh at Haneul as he creeps closer toward his dad.
“Tickletickletickle,” your son mumbles, tickling his dad’s sides. While Jin is distracted, you slip a hand into his pocket and take his wallet.
“Haneul quick, take this and run!” You say, handing the wallet to your son. You watch Jin’s eyes widen and he pushes you off as soon as Haneul runs off, screaming with his dad’s wallet.
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” Jin yells, running after Haneul. You sit there on the floor laughing as you watch them run off, knowing darn well that Haneul was running towards the bakery. 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part three: tickle tickle? ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: sorry for the super late update! still struggling in school lol, this update has helped me destress tho?
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @nightapple4jk  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @shinyplaidbagellamp @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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lovelylexipedia · 4 years
Just Friends – Alex Karev x Fem! Reader
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Type: Imagine (2,200+ words)
Requested: No
Summary: After being invited to a gala, you beg Alex to accompany you to help soften the blow of your mother's demands of you finding a suitable man.
Warning(s): Grey's Spoilers, Mild Swearing, Smut-ish towards the end
Note(s): You're a Peds nurse, so you and Alex grew close over the years, and your mom is a famous fashion designer. Thank you for reading!
I sit behind the nurse's station, going over a couple of charts. I drift my index finger over a few lines, then look up to log the information into the desktop computer in front of me. My ears perk up as I hear a familiar voice coming from down the hallway to my left. I look up from the log and spot my best friend and Pediatrics Chief, Alex Karev.
He enters a patient's room and I duck my head down to continue transfering information from the charts that I have. After a few minutes, he comes out and knocks on the marble island in front of my seat.
I look up and give him a sweet smile. "Hey, Karev. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to say hi." He smirks, returning the smile.
"Aw, that's so–"
"Ah, just kidding. I just need the chart for 2211. The kid in there is allergic to a few medications and I just need to look over which ones." Alex leans his forearms against the island and scrunches his nose.
"Rude." I roll my eyes before sifting through my pile of charts on my lap and beside me on the desk. I grab it and begin to hand it to him, but then I remember that I need a favor. "Actually," I pull the chart back, looking Alex up and down, "could you do me a favor?"
Alex reaches over for the chart and shakes his head. "You've asked me too many times for me to know that what I'm gonna agree to is gonna be either embarrassing or go down really badly."
I pull my arm back and feign a gasp. "What? No! It's just a simple, teeny-tiny favor, Alex, please!"
"Let me hear it," he grumbles, standing straight and crossing his arms. "This better be quick."
"Okay, so you know how my mom has these galas a couple of times a year to celebrate the brand and their partners?"
"Yes?" Alex drags out.
"Well, she invited me to one and wants me to bring a date. And I was hoping‐"
"No, no no no no no." Alex turns and walks away briskly. I tuck 2211's chart under my arm and I immediately get up to try and follow him.
I trail behind Alex, pouting. "Karev, please! It's just gonna be for a few hours!"
"Don't you have patients to tend to, L/n?" Chief Bailey turns the corner and stops in her tracks, eyeing the chart in my arm. I wince and Alex shakes his head.
"She's being a brat about her Mom's stupid gala," Alex explains as he leans against a wall a few feet down from the nurse's station.
"Am not!" I scoff and shove Karev lightly. He chuckles and finally turns to look at me.
"Well whatever it is, it better not he interfering with patient care. Hurry on." Bailey continues down the hallway, making a few stops in a could rooms along the way.
I give Alex a lopsided smile before continuing to pester him. "Alex, please. My mom really wants me to bring someone."
"Yeah, and that someone should be your boyfriend." Alex raises his eyebrow as if he's challenging me.
"Alex, you and I both know I don't have one of those. Believe me, I don't wanna go either, but the gala's tomorrow. Please? I'll do anything."
"Whatever," he turns and begins walking away, but I quickly catch up to him.
"I'll do your laundry for a week. I'll pay your rent for three months. I'll buy you a suit for tomorrow!" I finally intercept him and stand in front of him, hugging the chart in front of my chest and keeping my arms tight around me.
"Fine. But you're telling your mom that we're just friends. None of this 'fake boyfriend' crap." He points an accusing finger at me and I nod happily.
"Ah, thank you, Alex. Send me your measurements tonight so I can order your suit so we can have it ready for tomorrow!" I hug him briskly and hand him the chart curtly, before rushing back to the nurse's station to finish with the rest of the charts.
I knock on Meredith's front door and open my red velvet handbag, searching for the small comb I had packed before I left my apartment.
"Who is it?" I hear Meredith shout from inside.
"Your favorite nurse!" I yell cheerfully. I straighten my dress, it's black with small red roses trailing around the skirt.
A few seconds later, Meredith opens the door and looks me up and down. "Hm, I don't think so..." I scoff and smile, she giggles at her joke and steps aside. "He's figuring out his tie, maybe you should help him. Upstairs bathroom."
I walk in and thank her before making my way up the wooden stairs and to the upstairs bathroom. I knock on the door before entering and swing the door open. "I'm here!"
Alex whirls around from looking at himself in the sink mirror and lets his tie rest on his shoulders. "Jesus Christ, knock much?" He grabs the black fabric from his shoulders and holds it out to me. I leave the bathroom door open a few inches and take the undone tie from his hands.
"Uh, I did knock, Karev. Maybe you're just deaf." I drape the tie around his neck and begin.
"Whatever. Anyway, what time are we heading out of there?"
I pull back, having finished tieing his tie, and gasp, hitting him on the shoulder softly. "We haven't even left for the gala yet and you already wanna leave!"
He chuckles and I smile. Alex turns around to look at himself in the mirror once more. He tries shifting his tie around and I reach my arms over his shoulders to fix it for him.
"Quit it, I wanna do it..."
"It looks fine, Karev, calm down." I scoff and lightly slap his hands away from his tie. "So, you ready to go?" I ask, moving beside him and looking at him through the mirror.
He lifts his chin and turns his head from side to side before nodding and looking back at me through the mirror. "Yeah, let's get this over with, I guess."
The valet takes my car keys, tipping his head to Alex and me before rounding the front of the car and sitting in the driver's seat.
Alex and I walk up and gawk at the size of the venue. The building is about 5 stories tall and looks large enough to host a carnival and then some. Freshly-cut bushes line the front walls by the large double doors, and leading up to those doors is a mini red carpet. Two men guard the door, while another waits and is taking the names of who is arriving, he stands at a pedestal holding a pen and clipboard.
While marveling at the sight of spotlights dancing along the outside walls, I feel Alex's hand slip into mine. I take a deep breath, It's just the lights, it's just the lights.
Alex nudges me with his elbow, letting go of my hand, making it seem like an accident. "You ready to go in? You've been staring at the stars for a few minutes."
I don't bother correcting him and just nod, looking down at my feet and smoothening out my dress. Others walk past us, mostly couples my mom's age and younger, business partners, former models, employees. All are in their elegant attire, chatting away and it makes me feel small, insignificant.
Alex hooks my arm into his and I smirk slightly as we walk in together. After passing through the security, Alex and I make our way inside and the scenery is just as bright and fancy what was outside.
Another red carpet is lined up, but it instead leads to a large ice sculpture in the center of the building, with three more on the sides of it. Mini chandeliers hang over a few of the tables with the largest at the end of the hall, hanging over the large stage. Tables that seat 8 are sprawled around the venue, around 50 to 70 of them, covered in white table cloth and fixed with a wine glass, plates, utensils, and napkins.
"Oh, shit. This is a gala." I hear Alex mutter under his breath.
"You bet'cha. Crap, I need to find my mom." I bite the inside of my cheek and stand on my tippy-toes for a bit, looking around the large room as we continue to walk in.
"Look at that sculpture, how is it not melting?" Alex continues to marvel at the many exclusive items inside the vicinity while I scour the room for my mom.
"Y/n! Y/n, darling! Over here, honey!" I could hear my mom's voice from across the building. I spot her past the sculpture and right by the stage.
"Okay, Alex, you're gonna stay quiet and only talk when spoken to. If not, we'll be talking for a while and this gala will never end. You understand?"
"Loud and clear, captain." Alex sneers and I elbow him in the side. He crumbles over for a split second and groans before standing up straight again.
I walk up to my mom and smile, my arm still looped in Alex's.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you made it. And who's this?" My mom asks, eyeing Alex up and down.
"Oh this is Alex, my be–"
"–Boyfriend. Nice to finally meet you, Ms. L/n." Alex smiles shortly and shakes my mom's hand.
"Boyfriend? You never mentioned anything about a boyfriend, Y/n?" My mom questions, raising an eyebrow and looking me in the eye.
"Well... I was..." I look from her to Alex and bite my lip. "You see, I was going to, but I've just been so busy, y'know, at the hospital." I exaggerate to try changing the subject. I can feel my face going warm and my hands becoming sweaty.
"Okay, okay. I guess it's valid enough. I'm glad you could make it, we missed you at the last one." My mom pouts and rubs my arm, giving it a squeeze before pulling back. "Well, going to go get a drink. Would either of you like something?"
"No ma'am, but thank you." Alex smiles and shakes his head. My eyes almost widen in shock, but I keep my composure.
"Alright, well, I'll be with Ricky and Delilah by the stage if you guys need me. Have fun you two!" She waves a good-bye and makes her way back to the large stage, weaving her way through small crowds of people.
I wait a few seconds before turning to look up at Alex with wide eyes and my jaw dropped. "Why would you do that? Now she's gonna keep asking me questions about you all night!"
"Don't worry about it, just follow my lead, okay?"
"You're supposed to be following my lead! What happened to 'Loud and clear, captain'?"
Alex shrugs nonchalantly, "I got bored."
"You got- You know what, never mind. We just have to get through the first few hours, and then we can sneak out of here."
I stumble with Alex at my side into the unisex bathroom. I pull us both inside and lock the door.
"Alex, what happened to Following. My. Lead?" I pinch the bridge of my nose and look down, my back against the brown door.
"'Your lead' was about to get us busted. You should be thanking me! I just helped convince your mom you aren't a lonely loser who can't get a guy." He smirks and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
The few glasses of wine make me push him back harder than I intended, which makes him hit the restroom sink on his backside. He groans and rubs his side, probably where the sink jabbed him.
"Hey! No need to get violent! It's the truth!" He jokes, moving off the sink and taking steps toward me.
I laugh loudly and he covers my mouth, pushing me up against the door. "Shush! They're gonna think there's a comedy show in here." Alex whispers, slowly removing his hand from my lips, but not his eyes.
I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing and stare into his eyes, though he doesn't stare back into mine. I notice his hands have moved down to my waist and his fingers are slowly tapping at my dress. He looks up to my eyes, then down to my lips and I nod. Alex kisses me harshly, squeezing my waist as I tug at his dress suit.
We can taste the alcohol on each other's lips, but it doesn't stop either of us.
I can only think of how badly I've wanted this. To be able to kiss Alex Karev without the fear of him not wanting me back. Now that it's happening, I'm praying to God to make it last forever.
Alex moves one hand to my neck, the other on the back of my thigh. He lifts me up and holds me steady, my hands are in his hair and my legs are wrapped around his waist.
We continue making out for a few more seconds before I pull back. "What about 'just friends'?"
"Screw 'just friends'." Alex kisses me again, rougher. He takes a few steps and sits me on the bathroom sink, taking off his suit jacket.
We continue making out until we aren't "just friends" anymore.
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“I didn’t know you were one for romance novels.”
Warnings: Mentions of death and war
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Words: 1k
Summary: Draco Malfoy finds solace in a kind soul.
(Another little fluff piece for you all!)
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After the war, Draco Malfoy was afraid. He was more afraid than he could possibly say. Regret settle deep in his stomach and into his psyche as he cursed himself for even joining the Death Eaters. He was ashamed of himself and his family. That embarrassment didn’t disappear even when Draco broke free from his parent’s grasp to throw Potter’s wand at him, something later Harry would begrudgingly thank him for. Draco Malfoy roamed the streets, terrified of seeing any of his old classmates. They hated him, they had to, he was part of the reason their families and siblings were dead. As his parents were taken into the ministry and tried for their involvement and operations with the Dark Lord, Draco was alone. Alone in Malfoy Manor, alone in his head, and alone for what felt like forever. Until he met you.Draco Malfoy, three years after the war had ended and the Wizarding World had just begun to become fully functional again, he walked into a coffee shop. A muggle one, somewhere hidden in the cobble walls of London. He sat down, ordered himself a cup of tea, and looked down at his ring clad fingers. He felt anxious and kept his head down despite being in a muggle coffee shop, he was scared of being recognized. 
Draco Malfoy hadn’t felt human contact in years, the last he had felt was his Mother’s grip, holding him to her until she was torn away into hiding with his father. He hadn’t felt touch until you reached and tapped him on the shoulder, making him jolt. He turned and looked at you. You. You looked with a small innocent smile peaking on your face.
“Draco,” you said softly.
“Y/N?” he said, surprised. He had seen you a few times around Hogwarts, and once during the battle when he watched in horror as you took a spell straight to the chest and still managed to get up.
“Hello, may I sit?” You asked, pulling out the chair in front of him,
“Y-yes,” Draco said, worried about how you’d react to him. He twisted his rings nervously on his fingers. 
“It’s been a while,” you softly said, “How have you been?”
“I’ve been... around.” Draco managed to say, not looking up at you.“I thought... after the war-”
“I know. I know, I’m a bad person and I. I should go.” Draco began to rise but stopped when he felt your soft hand on his arm.
“Please stay,” Draco looked around the coffee shop. No one seemed to notice you two as he sank back into his seat. “I meant, I thought you died.” “
You thought I died?”
You hummed, “Yes, well. None of us really saw you after the war, I thought... well I thought you died.”
“I didn’t.”
“I can see that,” you joked, Draco didn’t smile. “You look nice.”
“Why are you talking to me?” Draco asked sharply. He wasn’t sure his mental health could take another insult from another hateful person, or another comment about wishing he were dead.
“Because we’re classmates, and you looked like you could use someone to talk to.” You said simply.
“Well, I’m more than alright.” He hated the way he was talking to you, call it the fear, but he wanted nothing more than to escape this conversation. He would later thank himself for staying in that shut in coffee shop.
“If you’re alright, then we can finally have a nice conversation.” Draco didn’t reply as you continued and talked about what you had been doing after the war. You graduated Hogwarts and instead of going into an Auror position as you had previously so hoped to have, you decided against it. You had seen enough war and violence for a lifetime. Instead, you opened a small shop on Diagon Alley selling books, knitted clothing, and pastries. You joked it was an “all any” type of store and if you just looked hard enough, you would find exactly what you were looking for. Draco stopped looking at his rings as you spoke, looking at you intriguingly. Draco searched his mind trying to think of a fact about you. He finally remembered you had a brother. He was small, scrawny and two years below your year, but you had seen the pair of you on the Hogwarts express. 
“How is your brother?” Draco asked, hoping he made a good contribution to the conversation you had so generously been carrying. When Draco saw you stiffen and grip your coffee mug tightly, he knew he had made a mistake.
“Oh, he died a while ago.”
“Oh.”“During the war, he escaped from the younger students to help fight.”“I’m so sorry.”
“No!” you shouted, “Don’t be. It’s not your fault, and I’ve learned to believe that it’s not mine either.” You sipped your coffee casually.
“It isn’t your fault,”
“He was always so stubborn, he wouldn’t have stayed in the sidelines even if I chained him up and jinxed his body to a wall.”
Draco found himself chuckling, surprised he even could laugh. The conversation continued. You spoke about what Draco was doing and the restorations he was doing to Malfoy Manor. He admitted that he always found his home to be drab and gloomy, and he wished to tear down the entire house and start from scratch. You agreed with him, telling him that you thought yellow was a wonderful colour for a home. The coffee and tea drinkers around you wouldn’t have known about the war you two had survived, they would only have seen two young adults, sharing a laugh and a muffin that you had ordered. Draco felt himself become quite saddened as the shop began to close, wondering if he’d ever speak to you again after this. You didn’t do anything but reassure him,
“I come here most days after I close the shop, around five actually. Maybe you could come and we could... drink coffee?”
“I’m more of a tea person,”You grinned wildly, “Then tea then, tomorrow? Five?”
Draco nodded, helping you out of your seat and into the streets of London. You bid him goodbye, opened your umbrella, and drifted away. 
You two frequently found yourself in the coffee shop and looking at the clock during the day to tick down the minutes until you could see each other. Draco, you thought, was actually quite funny. He seemed to have a dry sense of humour and enjoyed the blueberry muffins rather than the strawberry ones. Imagine your surprise when you heard your store bell chime to see Draco Malfoy in a dark coat and hair wet from the rain.
“Draco!” You smiled, dusting off your hands on your apron, “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d see the shop you’ve been going on about.” Draco felt awkward in the doorway and stepped around the store to observe the selves.“
Yes! Wait, hold on. ‘ve just got to take the cookies out of the oven, don’t you dare move.” You warned and disappeared into the back. Draco slipped his hands into his coat and peered around your store. It was small and quaint. The shelves were littered with small objects and books that were neatly placed together. Draco pulled a book and browsed through it, not entirely reading the words but waiting for you to return.
“Sorry ‘bout that, I-” you paused, “Draco Malfoy, I didn’t know you were one for romance novels.” 
Draco shut the book to see the title ‘The Lover and I’s Last Dance’ and blushed furiously. He began to stammer out words but you laughed and shoved him. 
“I’m only joking, relax!” Draco exhaled nervously. Why was he nervous? He was never this nervous. 
“I like your shop,” He finally said, touching a small knitted hat fit for a baby.
“Oh! That reminds me,” You turned and searched through the clothes before pulling out a small knitted black hat. You faced him and reached on your tippy-toes to place it on his head, covering half of his hair.
“Shh,” you shushed and fussed with the hat, pushing his hair around until you were satisfied, “Knitted that one myself, I did.” You patted his cheek. Draco peered at himself in a small mirror on the wall. His face was flushed, likely from the cold, and his small beanie covered his ears. He turned back with questioning eyes, “I don’t want you to catch a cold, thas’ all.” 
Draco never received clothing. His mother, before, had bought him suits and robes, but never a winter hat. Draco liked the warmth it gave off and sent you a smile.
“Does it look good?”
 “It looks marvelous, now go sit and I’ll bring you a cookie.” 
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kafka-ish · 4 years
stanley’s sister has got it going on | r.t.
richie’s got a crush and he’s got it bad. the only thing that’s keeping him from the girl he’s been chasing is his best friend—her brother.
word count: 4,665
warnings/included: nsfw (not explicit), fluff, swearing, fem!reader
a/n: as i was rereading this i realized that this is the dirtiest thing i’ve ever written??? (so far). in comparison to other works it’s probably vv vanilla so pls bear with me
In the defense of Richie Tozier, it wasn’t his fault he ended up catching feelings for Stanley Uris’s little sister. There were a lot of things he couldn’t control. Like when his mouth opened and out came a poorly done impression of his chemistry teacher. (Which just so happened to have been done as Mr. Ford was standing behind the boy). 
Richie may as well just start a list of things he can’t help, marking y/n Uris down as number thirty-three. 
“Hey, Richie!” Well, well, well, if it wasn’t the person Richie had been most desperately trying to avoid. “Are you going to Stan’s tonight?” y/n asked. She was standing outside of his car door while he was in the driver’s seat, flicking through the radio stations, trying to find a good song for the ride home. 
Upon hearing the voice, Richie stopped fidgeting with the knob. It was honestly hopeless trying to find a good song at this point. None of the good stuff comes on until later. He turned his head to meet eyes with the accompanying voice from outside his car.
Bad idea. 
Of course, y/n chose to wear a tank top and the shortest skirt possible that day. Hell, any day he’d find his thoughts lost in her. Whether she was wearing a bikini at the quarry or in an oversized t-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“Earth to Richie?” y/n laughed. She waved her hand in front of his face, trying to capture his attention. Little did she know, that wasn’t necessary. 
“Actually, I was thinking about being a no-show today. I’ve been neglecting my training.” 
“Oh! You train? Which gym?” She was grinning wide and her gaze burned a hole through his heart. 
“The arcade. I gotta keep my skills fresh if I ever wanna keep that high score.” y/n rolled her eyes, but his comment still made her laugh. 
“Well, can you take me home? Once you drop me off I promise you can have all the time in the world to work on your skills.” Emphasis on ‘skills’. 
“Promise, eh?” Richie repeated, giving the girl a hard time. “Did Stan forget how to drive?” 
“No…” The ‘o’ part was drawn out. “He has his bird watching club today and I don’t feel like sitting in the sun for an hour while I wait for him.” 
Richie smiled to himself, thinking for a moment. On one hand, he shouldn’t be alone with the sister of one of his best friends’, as he had different intentions. On the other hand, he couldn’t just leave his best friend’s sister hanging like that. In hindsight, he had come to the conclusion that there was a possibility of Stan getting mad at him either way. 
Taking Stan’s sister home it was. 
“What are you waiting for, y/n/n, get in.” Richie finally made his decision. 
y/n cheered happily, thanking him, as she rounded his car and opened the door to the passenger’s seat. 
“You have no idea how happy this makes me!” y/n smiled, her expression reaching ear to ear. 
“Oh yeah. I bet you’re over the moon about getting a ride from your brother’s best friend in some beat up chevy.” Richie tried his best to distance himself. He really did. But he couldn’t help but notice y/n’s figure in the tight-fitting clothes, especially when she sat in such a close proximity to him. 
“I don’t think you get it, Tozier.” y/n hummed as she started turning the knob on the dash, finally settling on some rock station. She lowered the volume so they could still talk without yelling over the atmosphere. “We never hang out.” 
“We’re hangin’ out right now,” Richie argued, daring to look away from the road for one millisecond just so he could steal a glance at her. 
“Yeah, but… You hang out with Bill, Eddie, and Stan, and stuff.” She sounded disappointed. 
“I guess it’s different with them.” Richie shrugged. It was different with them. Bill, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly even, had their group together. They had the same classes together. They faced off a killer clown together. 
“I get that you guys have your own friend group and stuff.” y/n said quickly, not wanting to sound lonely or weird from her previous statement. “But we’re friends. Aren’t we?” She said this with an unsureness in her voice that Richie didn’t know how to reply to. 
I should’ve just left her at school. What’s so bad about waiting in the sun while Stan’s off watching some stupid birds? I guess it is kind of hot out. But a little heat won’t hurt anyone, right? Besides, she’s wearing a tank top. 
Richie peered over at y/n who was looking out the window as her head leaned against it. 
A white, lacy tank top that makes her skin look even more—
“Richie?” Concern washed over the girl’s eyes. Her attention turned to him instead of the scenery that passed by them. 
Richie whipped his head away from her body and stared blankly at the road. It was almost as if he were a ghost. Except he actually had color in his face. 
“What is it, y/n/n?” Richie’s eyes were still on the road. 
“I asked if we were friends.” The girl giggled, not being able to take anything seriously for longer than five minutes. “But that’s a stupid question.” She looked down and began to pick at her nails. 
“Of course we’re friends.” Richie insisted. The only problem is that I want more and your brother would kill me. 
Something inside of y/n calmed at the affirmation. “So we should hang out.”
“Already told ya, y/n/n. I got a date with destiny today.” 
“I don’t mind being the third wheel.” 
To be frank, that was the last thing Richie needed. It was bad enough that middle schoolers would wait lined up behind him, watching as he lost at some silly arcade game that he still had a passion for. He didn’t need some hot girl hanging over his shoulder while he did so, too. But Richie’s mouth had betrayed his thoughts. 
“Only if you want to, y/n/n.” He had avoided trying to call y/n anything other than her name or her nickname. He wouldn’t allow himself to call her any of the cutesy trademark pet names he’d call other girls that he would shamelessly flirt with for fun. He started implementing this tactic in sophomore year once he really started to notice her. 
At first, it was the way she greeted him every time the losers met up at Stan’s house. Maybe he was crazy, but he swore she gave him special attention: always running up towards him when she saw him, her lingering by his side before Stan yelled at her, asking if she had anything better to do. Her smile was seemingly wider and her eyes brighter whenever she held conversations with him compared to the other losers—or maybe that was just Richie looking into things too much. 
Due to drama and false rumors, y/n had started hanging out with the losers more this year. It was an attempt for her to take her mind off of the absence of friends on her part. None of the losers seemed to mind, even Stan. Thus, she became a regular when the group went on swimming trips to the quarry or slept over at each other’s houses. This didn’t really help Richie’s case. Now, he was basically forced to see her figure in a swimsuit and in every other setting imaginable. Not to mention, he couldn’t do anything about it either. 
The two had finally arrived at the arcade. Richie had managed to snag the closest parking spot to the entryway and y/n relentlessly made fun of how he never parked straight until they got in the door.
“Okay, kid. Once you get your license, you can criticize my ‘bad’ parking. But for now, since you’re hitching rides for free, I say you better just keep quiet for now.” 
“But you’re so over the lines! I can’t imagine your coloring if that’s how you park.” 
“I’ll have you know, y/n, I don’t color. For one, that shit’s for babies. And I am way past that preschool shit. And second of all, coloring’s way lame.” Richie had made his way over to the Street Fighter machine and inserted a quarter in the slot. 
y/n watched him thoughtfully for awhile as he fidgeted with the joystick and jammed the buttons. 
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked, growing bored of watching the same repetitive visuals from over his shoulder. But she didn’t think she could ever grow tired of watching him. 
“Hold on.” His hand smashed against the buttons in rapid fire movements while he simultaneously maneuvered the joystick. A few seconds after, the game played a pitiful noise and the boy let out a groan. Richie had lost. 
“That’s a weird way of saying coke.” y/n hummed before skipping off to the lounge area. 
On her way back, she saw Richie’s face contort in frustration. Once again, he had lost to the game. 
“Cheer up, buttercup!” y/n passed handed him the glass bottle and Richie had finally stepped away from the Street Fighter machine. 
“Easy for you to say. You don’t got an inanimate object beating ya four to one.” Richie pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat off his brow and looked down to y/n, offering her a smug look. 
“Would a kiss make you feel better?” The girl leaned closer to him and got up on her tippy toes, preparing to peck him on his cheek. 
This was the first of y/n showing any sign of real interest. And while Richie wanted to bask in the glory of his long time crush finally coming around, his thoughts also drew to Stan. What kind of friend would he be if he made a move on his friend’s little sister? Technically she’s the one making the moves- 
Cut it out, Rich!
His internal monologue argued for a while before he realized y/n’s lips were attached to his face. 
“W-what are you doing?” Richie belatedly snapped out of his thoughts and came to his senses. 
y/n pulled away. Her arms crossed tightly around her chest and her posture was now slightly hunched over. Oh. 
“I thought I could make you feel better.” She mumbled. When she eventually spoke, she let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “Can you take me home?” She asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. 
“Of course.” The two started heading for the door and Richie tried to slow his pace so that his long legs would be in sync with hers. “To be honest, y/n/n, I was kinda getting tired of this ol’ dump anyways.” 
A small smile graced y/n’s lips as he talked. Even if she was still embarrassed from the previous events. 
“You’re not gonna be a professional video game player?” 
“Oh no. That dream’s been abandoned for a long time now.” Richie quipped back. He was turning the keys into the ignition and began to drive off. 
The car ride to Stan’s place was silent. Either because of the turn that had taken place earlier at the arcade, or because Richie didn’t wanna open his big mouth and accidentally slip up; ruining his relationship with both Stan the Man and Stan the Man’s hot sister. 
Richie’s old chevy slowly came to a stop at the front of Stan’s house. The sky was cloudless and an unnerving shade of blue today, highlighting how perfectly trim and green Uris’s lawn was. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” y/n finally spoke up. Her voice foreign to Richie’s ears after the fifteen minutes of dead air from the two of them. But it wasn’t that foreign. Her voice echoed through his brain practically everyday. Whenever classes got boring or nights seemed endless, Richie found himself either replaying past conversations between them. Or other scenarios… She was an unhealthy addiction he couldn’t quit. Like smoking, only hotter and way more deadly. 
“What’s there to talk about?” Richie faced y/n, putting on his best ‘I’m-not-interested-in-you’ face, when he really felt quite the opposite.
“Richie, I feel like you don’t like me.” Her accusation was dead wrong, but there was hurt in her eyes. Somehow, Richie had managed to convince the girl of his dreams he hates her when that couldn’t be less true. 
“I don’t.” He forced a chuckle to ease the tension but y/n wasn’t having it. 
“Can I tell you something?” y/n asked. Richie nodded, a quizzical look on his face. Before continuing, y/n swallowed. She didn’t usually get nervous, but Richie was someone to get nervous over. “I like you.” 
Her words felt like something out of a dream Richie once had before. 
“What can I say, kid. It’s impossible not to.” Of course, y/n didn’t really like him. At least, not like that. She was probably just saying this for shits and giggles. Pulling his leg. A classic Richie stunt. 
“I mean, I like you like how Ben likes Beverly.” 
Richie’s eyes then widened at the declaration and his body stiffened. 
“It’s okay if you don’t like me back,” she said with such ease that Richie admired. She shrugged and the thin strap of her tank top fell down her shoulder. Richie couldn’t help but notice, his eyes wandering where they shouldn’t. 
“Listen—” He gulped. His eyes kept trailing down no matter how hard he tried not to. “Listen,” he repeated, now meeting her big eyes, “I don’t not like you, y/n/n. In fact the funny thing is… is—” his words got caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Not with Stan’s breathing always down his back (whether Stan was actually there or not).  
“What’s so funny, Rich?” Her soft, sweet voice filled his ears once again. It was like a spell, because suddenly (and conveniently), the thought of Stan was no longer in the back of Richie’s mind. 
“I like you too, kid.” His voice was low, but y/n still heard him.
“So what’s stopping this?” A sly smirk formed on y/n’s face. She climbed over the control panel and her already short skirt rode up to be even higher. 
y/n sat herself on Richie’s lap. The boy had to keep from pinching himself. What was happening was straight out of a wet dream of his he’d probably had last night. 
The girl on his lap was toying with a strand of his hair while looking into his eyes. Her shoulder was still bare from the strap that fell off it.
“I’m so glad you feel the same way.” Richie didn’t think he could help himself any longer with the sultry way she was speaking and the fact that she was on his lap. “Now I can do this.” 
y/n placed a tender kiss to the awestruck boy’s lips. It was slow and steady. She didn’t want to mess things up since they had just admitted their feelings to one another. 
But Richie was impatient. 
As soon as she pulled away, he connected his lips to hers again. He was sloppy and fast paced with his movements, yet still full of passion. 
y/n giggled into his mouth which caused Richie’s heart to skip a beat. She’d been waiting for this moment since she first laid eyes on him. 
The first time Richie stepped foot into the Uris household, y/n had greeted him excitedly. 
“y/n could you get that!” Stan shouted to her from their den. He was busy setting up board games, making sure every last piece was in its designated place. 
“Why do I have to?” y/n grumbled, still walking out of her room so she could get to the door anyway. “You were closer.” 
“I’m preparing for game night. This is the first time my friends are coming over and I want everything to be suitable.” Stan was polishing the game pieces now. 
“I don’t think your friends will mind if one of your little thing-a-ma-bobs is out of place.” y/n jokingly tipped over one of the players to Stanley’s game that he had already put into place but she quickly put it back upon noticing the discontent that marked his face as she did so. 
“I’ll mind.” Her brother replied calmly. 
Another knock at the door. 
“Can you please get that?” 
y/n got up and walked over to the door. She was first met with a lanky boy whose legs were too long for his torso and eyes were too big for his face. 
She didn’t expect Stan’s friends to be hot. 
“Hi!” y/n exclaimed, hoping to give off a good impression on the group.
“I didn’t know Stan had an underaged maid. I guess the Uris’ will do anything for labor work.” No one laughed at Richies joke. 
“That’s Stan’s sister, dipwad,” Eddie said, disgusted at his friend. 
Richie made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and the group shuffled in, meeting Stan in the den. 
“Stan you never told me you had a hottie for a sister.” y/n could hear Richie’s voice from across the hall. Her intestines turned into butterflies and she could pass for a canary with how red her face had gotten. 
But despite having the hugest crush on Richie, y/n never shared any classes with the boy. She was a year younger than Stan, but in the same grade as him because of the accelerated classes she took. So y/n had to admire from afar. 
Well, not anymore. 
Her lips were now attached to his neck, eliciting a moan from him. She smirked at that and started to roll her hips against his. Her name fell from his lips over and over and over again which evoked her to keep going. 
“Richie!?” An angered voice called from the outside of his car. 
It was the one and only. Stanley Uris. 
It was too late to act fast. Richie pulled y/n off him and looked guiltily out the window to see the face that matched the voice. 
But Richie already knew who it was. 
“Who me? I dink you ghat de wrahng goey.” Richie did his best Irish man accent but it was no use. 
“Okay, Richie, cut the crap.” Stan’s face was twisted up in an expression that almost scared Richie. His hands were folded against his chest and he was waiting for an answer. 
Richie simply couldn’t bring himself to answer the boy. He sat in shame with y/n next to him staring at her brother. Richie may as well have had ‘I’M SORRY’ written on his forehead with the way he was gaping at Stan.  
“y/n get out of the car.” Stan said, breaking eye contact with his friend. 
The girl complied, whispering about how sorry she was to the boy who drove her home before getting out. After that, she didn’t dare glance back at him in his car and Richie didn’t have the energy to even look anywhere besides the steering wheel. 
That was last week. Since then, Stan and Richie hadn’t said a word to each other. Richie hadn’t spoken to y/n since then either. The tension was too thick between Stan and Richie and Richie didn’t want to mess things up more than he already did. 
“I c-cuh-can’t believe yo-you liked y/n.” Bill chuckled. 
It was after school and the two were in the library. The details of what happened that day eventually got out. Both Stan and Richie had told their sides of the story and the losers were respectful enough to not take sides. They just hung out with Richie when Stan wasn’t around and hung out with Stan when Richie wasn’t there. 
“What’s so bad about that?” Richie looked skeptically at his friend, trying his best to defend himself. 
“I mean, yea-yeah sh-sh-she’s cute—”
“She’s beautiful.” Richie cut off but Bill rolled his eyes. 
“What-h-ever. I-it’s just funny tha-hat you wuh-would go after her.” 
“I already told you she kissed me first.” Richie proclaimed, a little too proudly. 
“Sh-he’s Stan’s sister!” That was true. 
“And a good kisser.” That was also true. 
“Gross, Richie.” Bill returned to the book in front of him, but Richie kept egging on the conversation. 
“I don’t see why someone has to be off limits just because they’re related to a friend.” His annoyed tone was evident and Bill gave him a sympathetic look. 
“It-t’s b-ba-basically written in th-the br-r-ro code.” Bill paused for a moment and Richie didn’t know if it was because he was embarrassed of his stuttering or if he was gathering his thoughts. “But i-i-if you li-li-like her… wh-who am I to s-suh-say any-th-thing.” 
If Bill was insinuating what Richie thought he was, then that made him cooler than he already was. 
And that’s how Richie found himself in y/n’s room Friday night. The losers were meeting up at the Aladdin to see the new Jim Carrey movie and somehow Richie had been able to get himself out of it, claiming he was overdue on chores and couldn’t make it. 
“Th-that’s t-too bad, R-Rich.” Bill said over the phone (but he knew better) while the other losers pressed their ear up against it, listening in. “The c-co-omedy should be ri-right up your alley.” 
“Dumb and underdeveloped?” Eddie asked Bill. “I don’t wanna see a movie just to hate it,” he complained. 
“Yowza, Eds. And I thought you appreciated my jokes.” Richie feigned hurt over the speaker. “Anywho, I gotta make like a tree and hang up. The ‘rents are asking for me.” They weren’t. 
“O-okay. Maybe nuh-nuh-next wee—” Beep. 
Richie had already hung up. 
y/n grabbed his hand, which was clamped over her mouth and took it off. She was bursting to the seams with laughter. 
“I can’t believe you’re a liar now,” she tsked, trying to fake an ‘I’m-not-mad-at-you-just-disappointed’ look that her English teacher had given her once. 
“Only under these circumstances.” He was fast to attach his lips to hers. They didn’t have much time and he wanted to make the most of what they had now. 
Richie was on top of her now, his lips still on hers. He kissed her everywhere from the crown of her head to the crook of her neck. If his kisses left a print, her skin would be buried under them. 
“Rich…” She sighed contentedly, eyes fluttering from the pleasure he inflicted on her when he had found a sweet spot behind her ear. y/n kissed him back hard with force and a sort of dominance Richie didn’t know she had in her. 
She flipped them, so that she was on top now. y/n took this liberty of having full control to take off her shirt and Richie’s as well. 
Richie smirked and began to kiss lower. His pace was slower than he originally started. Painstakingly slow. y/n wined at how delicate his lips felt tracing her skin but she needed more. 
“Touch me,” she urged. Richie obeyed, his hands were now on her chest, massaging and caressing her delicate skin. 
There weren’t enough words to describe the thrill and satisfaction Richie gave her. y/n could relish in this boy’s embrace forever with how good he made her feel. She began grinding against his jeans, just like the day they were caught by Stanley, so she could ease the ache for him between his legs. 
Richie chuckled, feeling her press against him. He knew precisely what she wanted but to give or not to give in was the question. 
“y/n/n, we don’t have that long,” He warned. 
“I don’t care.” She started peppering his face in kisses the same way he had done to her. At the same time, she began to unbutton his jeans. Who would Richie be to turn down sex anyway? 
She was fast at getting him inside her. Definitely not inexperienced. But Richie didn’t want fast. Not with y/n, at least. He wanted their first together to be slow, sensual, special—
“You’re amazing,” he grunted and she blushed in response. 
Her pace quickened at his praise. Their movements together felt electric and y/n herself was so hypnotic, Richie felt he could get lost in the thought—or the feeling —of her forever. 
A feeling that was indescribable washed over Richie once the two of them were finished. He had stayed inside of her, and y/n was now laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and tracing circles on his skin with her thumb. Their chests rose and fell together at the same time, a small action that Richie melted at the sight of. 
“For the record, I didn’t want it to happen like this,” Richie said. There was a sort of fear palpable in his tone. 
“For the record, you kissed me first.” y/n eyed him suspiciously before giving him a peck on the cheek. “And what does that mean? Did you…” She shyly decided on her words for a moment. “Did you not want to..?” 
“No, no, no, no.” Richie immediately counteracted the girl’s suggestion. “I so wanted to do this. I’ve dreamed about doing this—” Richie stopped himself before his talking could make things worse, but y/n found his rambling amusing. 
“So, what did you mean?” y/n tried again. She reached out to hold his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. 
“I mean.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “I wanted us to be, like, an official couple and shit before we do this shit.” He motioned between them and to where they were still joined. 
y/n flushed at the sight and covered her face. 
“Hey.” Richie was soft. Softer than y/n had ever seen him be. He took her wrists in his hands, uncovering her face so he could admire her. 
She was stunning even after sex. 
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He was almost embarrassed to admit it, but with y/n he didn’t feel the need to be afraid. “I want us to go on dates and hold hands and tell each other about our day.” He was looking at the ceiling, daydreaming at the thought.
y/n’s eyes searched his face thoughtfully. “Of course, Rich. I want that, too!” She kissed his lips once more, elated at the boy in front of her. Her face fell shortly after she had a sudden understanding. “What’re you gonna do about Stan?” 
“Who’s Stan?” But Richie’s fake grin wasn’t fooling anyone. “Uh, well, we could tell him…” But when Richie saw a certain uneasiness consume y/n’s face, he ruled that option out. “How do you feel about dating in secret?” He offered. The situation wasn’t ideal, but at the time it seemed to be the lesser of the two evils at hand. 
“Okay,” y/n whispered. “So you should leave.” 
“Woah, babe, I just got here.” Richie sat up, looking for his shirt. 
“Yeah, but the movie should’ve ended by now.” y/n gestured towards the alarm clock on her nightstand causing Richie’s jaw to drop. 
He was heading towards the window now, knowing he had enough time to get out, but he wanted to be careful. 
“See you tomorrow then?” y/n giggled at how clingy he could be. 
“I’ll call you.” And Richie just couldn’t get enough of the smile she was wearing. 
“Sounds like a date!” He yelled from outside her house. 
During the drive home, Richie’s thoughts became lost in y/n once again. This was just the beginning.
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Witch Beauty
Been wanting to do an undercover story for this series- here it is 
Warnings: Usual SVU, Undercover SVU, light swearing  and shower smut
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"Once you guys are ready, we will run over tonight again. Barba should be here by then" Liv closed the door of the locker room and you went into the bathroom.
"I can't go out like this-Amanda swap outfits please"
"Nice try, the answer is no"
"Come on Y/N, let us see you" Sonny yelled through the door.
Sonny and Amanda burst out laughing when you stepped out.
"Don't be ass holes" you spat at them "Amanda, why do you get to wear pants? I have nowhere to hide my gun"
"So the preps are mid 20's. Perp one is 5 foot 8 inches with red hair, prep two is 6 foot even with Sandy Brown hair. They target women in pairs, they talk the victims into going back to their apartment, walking them through the park nearby and they attack them there. They are highly dangerous, they have done a number on all the girls they have attacked. One will have scratch marks on his neck from his last victim. Unis will be around in the club with Carisi and will around the park, Fin and I will be in the van, and if you want to join us"
"How many victims so far?" Rafael asked
"You two need to shut the hell up and leave me alone" Rafael turned his head and when he seen you, his mouth dropped open at the sight.
You had heavy dark eye makeup, deep red lips and dead straight hair. You had a black choker around your neck with a moon on it which was your hidden camera, a boob tube black leather dress that didn't leave much to the imagination, just covering everything, with a small v slit on your left thigh, with low black platform heels.
Rafael met your eyes and you rolled them at him with Amanda and Sonny laughing behind you. Amanda was dressed in red leather pants, a black halter neck top with an open back, heavy makeup and large hoop earrings; her hidden camera. Sonny was in black jeans and a white button down, wearing glasses; his hidden camera.
You walked straight over to Rafael who was sitting at the conference desk in the bullpen, he stood up and gave you a hug, not kissing you because of your makeup
"Hey Rafi, keep these safe for me please"
You handed him your heart necklace, heart bracelet and his grandmother’s ring. He nodded with a smile and put them in his pocket.
"Rollins, Carisi do we have a problem?" Fin asked hushing them from laughing
"No" Amanda answered holding back laughter.
"Y/N looks like she just stepped out of The Craft" Sonny and Amanda burst out laughing again and you rolled your eyes.
"I'll be waiting at the car" you turned on your heels and headed for the lifts.
"Sorry for teasing you" Sonny grabbed your arm to try and get you to look at him.
"Yeah you know it was all fun and games" Amanda grabbed your shoulder from the back seat
"You guys mention it again and I'll craft your asses, turn yall into frogs" you all laughed.
Just then your phone chimed.
10.30 pm: Rafael- Stay safe Hermosa, I'll be in the van waiting. I love you
10.32pm: Y/N- I love you Rafi, see you when it's all over xx
"Ok we're here, you both know the signal, if it gets too much just let me know and I'll gets you’s out of there" Sonny grabbed your hand and squeezed it and looked at Amanda giving her a nod. Sonny's phone rang
"Hey Liv"
"Ok Carisi, all your cameras and sound are working. Send the girls in now, you follow in 10"
“Everything by the book Detectives” Rafael yelled from the other end of phone.
Because Rafael was in the van with Liv and Fin, they each had a monitor. Liv was watching Sonny's camera, Rafael watching Amanda's and Fin watching yours. Of course he didn't argue when Liv put him on Amanda's camera, he got to stare at you on the monitor.
As different as this look was for you, you looked beautiful, very Gothic but stunning. He could tell you were uncomfortable, but of course only he knew that, he knew that look you had on your face. He wasn't happy that you were undercover, dressed like that trying to catch two rapists, but he was there which eased him, and as annoying as Sonny was he knew he wouldn't be far away from you. At times Sonny was just as protective of you and he was.
You and Amanda were dancing and resting the same drink that had gone hot. Sonny was standing leaning on the bar as he scanned the room. He finally seen the preps walking down the stairs, he caught your eyes and gave you a double wink.
You step closer to Amanda's ear, "They’re here". Amanda spotted them and when she seen them go to the bar, she pulled you with her to stand behind them.
You guys made sure you were directly behind them so when they turned they bumped into you both. On one preps neck you could see scratch marks from where his last victim tried to get him off her. You looked at Amanda who noticed them as well and you stood up on tippy toes for the camera to get a better look at the marks.
"Barba, Liv look" they both looked at the screen and seen the scratch marks down his neck.
"We keep on top if this, we don’t need a situation with either of them " Rafael looked at Liv dead in the eyes.
"ALL UNITS GO GO GO" Liv screamed over the radio
"I SAID GET OFF ME" you managed to lift your knee between the perps leg and knee him hard in between them, he fell back leaning down to cup himself, when you brought your knee up again and kneed him in the nose causing him to fall back on his back. Sonny and some undercover uni's came running around the path and seen you standing over him while he held himself with both hands. Liv and Fin went running for Amanda who also managed to subdue her perp.
Liv gave Rafael strict instructions to stay in the van when it was time to go, he agreed half heartily and continued to watch your screen seeing everything unfold.
"That's my girl" he said to himself when he seen how you protected yourself.
"Good job ladies, let's get back to the station" Liv patting you both on the back
Sonny drove you all back, Liv wanted you and Amanda to question both guys first to see if they would crack being questioned by you both. Rafael sat in the back with you holding your hand and squeezing it, you looked up at him and he winked at you.
Amanda got changed first. You both agreed to leave you hair and makeup on to spook them so they knew they attacked under covers.
You couldn't wait to get out of the dress, it was too short and too sticky from sweat. You reached around to the zip, but it wouldn't budge. You pulled and pulled but nothing happened.
"For fuck sake" you muttered to yourself about to unlock the door to go and look for help when you heard the other door open.
"Hermosa, are you ok? Your coffee is getting cold"
You unlocked the door and Rafael saw how flustered you were.
"Are you ok?"
"The zipper is stuck" he chuckled at you and walked in closing the door behind him locking it.
Rafael put his hands on your shoulders and spun you around sweeping your hair over one shoulder. After a couple of tugs, he managed to get it undone. He lent over and started to kiss your shoulder which sent shivers down your spine.
"Rafi, I have to get changed, the others are waiting"
You turned to face him and kissed him on the lips. He wasn't wearing a tie, and had the first few buttons undone on his shirt, you kissed down to his neck, back up along his jaw, up to his ear.
"I'll make it up to you when we get home"
"I can't wait" he kissed you back and left you to get changed.
Within two hours you and Amanda got both confessions and they were sent to be processed and arraignment on Monday morning.
It was the early hours of Sunday morning when you and Rafael finally both got home from Sonny dropping you off.
"I need a shower, Rafi wanna join me?" You pulled him into you kissing him deeply.
He ran his hands down your side and cupped your ass lifting you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist and he walked into the bathroom.
He placed you down so he could start the water. You were undressed before he even turned back around. You opened the mirror cabinet and pulled out your make up wipes and started to remove the heavy makeup. He turned around and took in your naked form, looking you up and down. You seen his face in the mirror,
"Better catch up Counselor" You smirked at him.
You had never seen him undress so quickly before and he was on top of you, running his hands down your sides and peppering kisses along your shoulders and neck, you could feel him hardening against your thigh.
You turned to face him and he pulled you into the shower and pushed your back to the wall. He started to kiss your neck and ran his hand down your naked side across your hips and too your opening.
"You looked so hot tonight. I was fighting to keep my hands off you" Rafael purred, you giggled
"Rafi, I looked like a witch"
"A hot witch-wow so wet, all for me?"
"Always for you Rafi"
He spun you around and pushed your front against the shower wall kissing and lightly nipping at your neck, you reached behind and took his length into your palm and started to rub him from base to tip.
"Keep that up Hermosa-oh-" he took a large gulp.
"Bend over" you pushed yourself off the wall, spreading your legs more and sticking your ass out, he rubbed his length along you,
"I have been wanting to do this to you all night" and without warning he slipped into you in one go. He paused for a second knowing that he would come too quickly if he got too carried away. You noticed his pause and knew exactly what to say to fire him up again,
"You ok back there Guapo?"
Just saying that one single word is Spanish sent fire through him and you knew it, and started to pound you hard and fast.
Moans filled the room, " Rafi...I" he reached around and started to rub clit with his thumb, which was pulsing and hard.
"Rafael" you screamed, tipping him over, he grunted your name and his thrusts slowed to a stop.
He pulled out a moment later and helped you get your balance and turned you to face him. He was trying to slow his breathing, but he lent against you kissing you deeply, he pulled away to catch his breath and he tucked a piece of hair behind you ear,
“Its so hot when you call me Guapo”
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wolferals · 3 years
reader x him (imagine any guy you want)
His POV:
„Fuck." He moaned out as the heavy metal hit his foot. He grabbed the hammer again to slam the last nail into the wooden shelf he was currently putting up in his bedroom.
After making sure it was fully on the wall and wouldn't fall, he brought the hammer back in the basement and went to the kitchen to prepare his dinner.
It was way colder in the kitchen than expected, i mean what would you expect from a snowy December afternoon in England?
As he had decided to throw some more wood in the oven, he noticed he had all run out. Groaning, he put on some shoes and a jacket to get some more from his backyard.
He slammed the door shut and walked around his house to grab some more of the wood he had gotten from his brother the other day.
But what he saw not far from his garden was more than strange.
It was her. His first love, the girl that had to break up with him because of her strict parents. He was 18 then.
She smiled when she spotted him.
He could just stare at her, not being able to form words in his mind.
She approached him and stood before him.
„Hey.“ she gave him a bright smile. She looked as beautiful as he remembered. Her long straight hair framed her pale face as he noticed her eyes light up.
She was wearing a long grey coat and a big scarf around her neck. And a small silver ring decorated her small freckles covered nose.
„Hi.“ was all he was able to let out his mouth.
She looked him up and down, smiling yet again.
„I left my parents. 2 months ago.“ She spoke as her face turned sad yet proud at the same time.
He coughed loudly and forced himself to speak:“That‘s amazing. Come here.“
He wrapped his muscular arms around her little body and pulled her close. She held him tight on his neck and stood on her tippy toes to be able to reach his face.
„How are you though?“ She suddenly asked and he let go of her.
„I‘m great, yeah. And you? Are you feeling alright since you‘ve left your parents?“
She nodded.
„Oh shit, come on in you must be freezing.“
With a chuckle as a response she followed him into the house. „Just make yourself at home, I‘ll go get some fire wood.“ He added before heading outside again.
In the meantime, the young girl took off her warm clothes and walked into the kitchen, where she sat down on one of tthe chairs at the table. She examined his house.
It looked the way it did when she was last here, almost nothing had changed.
She at first didn’t expect him to be here since it was his parent's house.
“Hey, where are your parents?” She immediately asked him when he entered the kitchen, panting from carrying the heavy wood.
He threw some wood in the oven and then sat down with her.
“Uhm my dad died about a month after you left and my mum is visiting a friend in Ireland.”
She didn't know what to say, she had always loved his dad. To her, he had been the good father she’s always wanted.
“I’m so sorry about your dad..”
He nodded and then got up to grab an empty glass from the top drawer.
On the sink in the kitchen he filled it with water and handed it to his long lost love.
She took the glass in hand, smiling. „Thank you.“
-„So what have you been doing all those years? It‘s been a while.“ He started nervously, waiting for a response.
The shy girl emptied the glass rather quickly and shot him a glance. „Oh this and that. After my parents made me move across the country, I‘ve finished college and then went on to study in Glasgow. I moved back here a couple of months ago and decided in October that my parents had controlled enough of me for way too long. So yeah, that's about it. What about you? What have you been up to?“
He listened carefully and took a sip of water himself before starting:“Yeah almost the same as you, graduated college, started working here and there and got away from some old friends that were never good for me at all. It‘s been boring to be fair.“
She could feel the tension in the room so she decided to change the topic:“But why are you here right now? You‘ve moved out though right?“
He nodded at her question. „Yeah but since mum‘s not here right now, I‘m house-sitting.“
She chuckled lightly, replying with a short:“Thats sweet of you.“
He caught himself staring at her when she let out those beautiful laughs occasionally. He never knew how much he had missed her. Her voice, telling him all these unintentional jokes. Her smile, that brightened up his life, the way she played with her earrings when she got nervous. And the way her beautiful light eyes looked right into his soul, warming him from the inside.
And the girl felt it too. It was almost impossible to not notice the way her ex boyfriend was looking at her, observing her. And she liked it. When they broke up, it broke her heart even worse. She missed him every second.
His humor, his contagious laugh and personality. And how he kissed her. She‘d been a sucker for those soft yet passionate kisses.
„You want me to give you a little tour around the house? A lot‘s changed since you were here last.“
He suggested after they‘d run out of conversation topics.
„Yes please.“ she smiled as they both got up.
He walked her upstairs and opened the door to his old bedroom he was also currently staying in.
„Nothing‘s changed in here.“ She smiled and walked around, taking a look at the old books that he probably hadn’t opened in years. His first ever guitar that he had hung on the wall above his desk.
And the picture of them, smiling into the camera.
His dad had taken it, not long before she had to move across country.
They looked so happy, careless. Like nothing in the world could separate this loving couple.
Little did they know, fate couldn’t keep its hand to itself.
„Yeah I haven‘t been here for a while.“ He ran his hands through his hair, watching her as she scanned his teenage room. The old posters of bands he could barely remember were neatly hung on his walls. Now he‘d love to rip them off but she seemed to like them.
„Oh i remember you were super in love with them.“ she laughed and pointed at the biggest of all posters.
„I did?“ he asked and stepped closer to her. „Yea“ she started laughing and sat down on his bed.
The only time she‘d ever sat on this bed was the night before she left.
The only night they‘d ever spent together.
And the one night she‘d given herself to him.
Without any regrets she thought back to that night.
He slowly sat down next to her and sent her a smile.
„I cant believe you‘re back.“ He spoke, not even wanting to say it out loud. „Yeah me neither.“ she breathed out and leaned back against the headboard, looking up at the ceiling.
For some reason he couldn’t explain. He lied down next to her and mimicked the way she observed the ceiling.
„I missed you.“ she whispered.
„I missed you more.“ he turned his head to face her.
Being so close to her beautiful face flooded back all the memories. She looked more mature as well. Her freckles had come in over the summer, he‘d always adored them.
He was surprised by himself, how he still loved her so much after all these years.
And she seemed to be feeling it as well.
She leaned in on him and gave him a quick smile before softly placing her lips on his.
He was startled by the gesture but was much more than happy to feel her again.
Their lips fit perfectly and moved in sync while he held her face in his hands, smiling into the kiss.
She let out a little giggle and alined their lips again.
Her hands were on his chest and that spot burned in on his body.
Carefully he hovered over her while he still tried everything not to scream right now from how happy he was.
He held her as close as he could while her hand found the back of his head to dive into his hair with her delicate fingers.
Softly he let out a hum, making her smile again.
He smiled as well and moved to her neck to leave a trail of sweet kisses on her jaw.
She loved it. He only did that once, and she had always dreamed of him doing that again.
She bit her lip to not moan out loud right now.
He pulled away for a second and looked down at his hand that was hooked around her jeans.
She nodded with permission and he started pulling them down her smooth legs.
Then he took off his own shirt and continued placing wet kisses on her cheek and neck.
After that she took off her sweater as well, making him look at her chest in awe.
„God i missed you so much.“
She sent him a sweet smile and watched him kiss down her chest and stomach, down to her clothed vagina.
He softly spread her legs a little to kiss the inside of her thighs as well.
She let out an excited squeak, which made him chuckle before he moved back up to kiss her lips again.
He noticed that she got more eager by the second so he didn’t waste any more time and removed her bra.
With slow circles around her nipples, he erupted a moan from her.
She then indicated that she wanted more by pulling on his briefs. He grinned at her.
After pulling then down he gave her another reassuring look. She nodded at him yet again.
He grabbed a condom from the nightstand as she prepared herself to rise to heaven once again.
His strong arms wrapped around her torso and slowly slipped inside of her.
Due to the discomforting feeling she closed her eyes and grabbed onto his shoulder. „Are you alright?“ he whispered against her neck.
She nodded and opened her eyes again once the fog in front of her eyes had cleared up.
It didn’t necessarily hurt but it wasn’t a nice feeling either.
„Its okay. You can move.“ She whispered back and placed a kiss on his cheek.
So he did as she said and starting at a slow, careful pace.
While doing so, he looked at her to see if her expression changed.
„Is that okay?“ She didn’t seem to be satisfied yet.
After a while at that pace, she told him to speed up a little.
So he went faster and finally saw her face change.
She closed her eyes and her breathing got heavier.
„Mhm yeah.“ she moaned out quietly and hooked one leg around his waist.
After hearing her moan he got even faster and let out a loud moan himself.
He‘s had sex with a couple of others over the years but with her it was more than that. He loved her dearly and it felt more intense than ever before.
She couldn’t stop thinking about their first time and how amazing she had felt. But right now, she was up in the clouds. The sweet clouds of skin clapping, breathy moans and scratches on her love‘s back.
He couldn’t hold himself back and kept moaning loudly into her ear while he fucked her into oblivion.
She simply felt too good around him. Hearing those whimpers escape her lips could make him cum undone.
But he tried his best to make her cum first so he could truly make her feel amazing.
And she did feel amazing, she had no words for the way he made her feel.
„I think I‘m gonna...“ she whispered right before squeaking loudly.
He kept his speed but started biting and kissing her neck again to maybe make her cum faster.
And within seconds her orgasm ripped through her entire body and she let out a loud high pitched scream, holding onto him for dear life.
Her clenching around him threw him over the edge too and he moaned into her ear louder than ever before. He‘s never experienced such an intense orgasm and he didn’t know how to handle it properly.
He almost let out an animalistic scream when his cum filled the condom.
She scratched his head to calm him down and he ended up falling onto her naked chest, breathing heavier than ever.
Just as she did, he tried everything not to smile brightly and just focused on his slowing down breathing.
After they had both collected their thoughts, she laughed out loud and then whispered:“I love you, you know? I never stopped.“
He smiled into her boobs and turned his head to see her face again.
„Me neither, i love you too.“
And for the next 30 minutes all they did was admire each other after being apart for years.
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averykedavra · 4 years
Our Bodies Made of Stardust
(Hey y’all! This is my story for @sleepless-in-starbucks‘s A Meter of Space challenge! Go check them out, they’re wonderful! You can find this story on Ao3 here!)
Summary: Every atom in your body was once inside a star that exploded. Moreover, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than did those in your right hand. We are all, literally, star children, and our bodies made of stardust. -Laurence M. Krauss
When Logan was six, he broke his arm trying to touch the stars. When Logan was eighteen, he finally did.
This is the story of the time in between.
Ships: platonic or romantic Logince, can be read as either
Warnings: kind of spoilers for the newest episode? Maybe? Crying, discussions of insecurities and self-esteem issues, anxiety, divorce, some mentions of death and murder in a very joking fashion, injury and broken bones, falling from a large height, sympathetic Remus and Deceit although they’re not there for very long.
Word count: 10488
Logan broke his arm when he was six years old. He’d just received his first globe, discovered the joys of subtraction, and firmly believed that Santa Claus was real but just sent all the presents through the mail instead of by reindeer. Reindeers couldn’t fly, everyone knew that. They didn’t have wings or rockets or anything. And Santa wouldn’t want to travel in a sleigh all night, either. It would get cold! He should use a car like Logan’s family, or maybe a bicycle.
Logan had seen a movie where a bicycle flew. He tried to make his own bicycle fly but it only fell over and broke on the end. He probably had the wrong kind. When he asked his parents for a flying bicycle, they did the little laugh-look at each other and didn’t give him one.
The laugh-look came when Logan asked why countries existed or why dogs didn’t have to attend school or why the color orange was orange but the color purple wasn’t grape. It was a glance between his mom and dad, usually accompanied by stifled chuckles or a “You’ll understand when you’re older.” Logan quickly tired of the laugh-look, so he learned to keep his questions to himself.
He wrote them down in a notebook with a cartoon dog on the front. It used to be Patton’s, but Patton let him have it when he asked. Patton didn’t have questions like Logan did. Logan had almost a hundred questions in the notebook. He’d counted one afternoon. Counting was one of his favorite things to do.
Once he wrote a question, he would let it sit for a while and see if anyone would write the answer. If no one did, and no one usually did, he would try to answer the question himself. This involved lots of humming, tilting the notebook around to see the question from different angles, and occasionally, an experiment.
Most questions didn’t merit experiments. Logan figured them out on their own or they turned out boring. Only a few questions bothered him so much that he decided to answer them by any means necessary.
On this particular night, he wanted to know if he could touch the stars.
Logan knew stars came out at night. He knew they twinkled. He didn’t know what twinkling was, but it was in the song, so it must be true.
His mom showed him the stars once, after a long boring party full of big cotton-covered people that smelled like old cheese. He was exhausted when they arrived home. It was way past bedtime. But he remembered his mom holding him up as they walked to the house and tilting his head to the sky.
“Look,” she’d said. “The stars are out.”
There had to be at least five. No, ten. Everywhere Logan looked, he saw more. They covered the sky like splashes of paint or Patton’s freckles or holes in a piece of paper. They felt very far away and close enough to touch.
He’d reached out his fingers to see if he could touch them, could feel them between his fingers and understand what they really were. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. But his fingers only met crisp, starless air.
He needed to go higher.
That’s what Logan figured out one day in the middle of kindergarten class. If he wanted to touch the stars, he needed to climb up to the sky and reach them.
The highest thing around was the big tree in Logan’s backyard. It had a lot of branches and a large trunk and a little treehouse his dad made especially for him. Logan kept lots of books in there. He spent many afternoons curled up in his favorite onesie, reading.
Logan could easily climb to the treehouse and see if he could touch some stars. He wasn’t allowed to be outside at night, but it was okay because this was an experiment. Experiments were learning, and learning was important. Logan’s kindergarten teacher said he should always be learning. He liked his parents, but his teacher was smart and wore big dangly glasses and sometimes gave them jam tarts. So he decided to follow her rules instead.
It was really late when he snuck out. His mom and dad were watching grownup stuff on TV so he walked out the back door. The backyard was dark like someone put sunglasses over the world. Logan touched his face to make sure he hadn’t put on sunglasses accidentally. He was, thankfully, sunglasses-free. Taking very careful steps so he wouldn’t kick a rock or a night animal, Logan shuffled across the grass to the tree.
He couldn’t see the ladder very much, so it took him a few tries to grab it. The rope dug into his hands as he scaled the trunk and pulled himself through the hole in the treehouse floor. He had left a flashlight in the treehouse just in case, but it could scare the stars away. They might think it was the sun and leave early. In the dark, Logan scooted to the treehouse window and leaned outside.
He was so high up. The usual view of his house and the driveway and the neighbors’ pool was covered in black. Some houses down the road had their lights on. He tried to pick out Patton’s house, but all he could see were little window squares floating in the air.
Logan looked up and saw the stars.
They were even better up here—spattered and splattered and straight from Logan’s books. Big ones, small ones, close together and far apart.
Carefully, so he wouldn’t frighten them, Logan reached a hand as high as he could.
His fingers met nothing.
He stretched further. He leaned out on his tippy-toes and tried to scrape the sky. Nothing sparked. Nothing became solid and heavy in his hand. The stars remained resolutely out of reach.
Logan could have decided they didn’t want him to touch them. He could have climbed back down the tree and went back to bed and gone to sleep. But he wasn’t tired at all! And he wanted to touch them. He wanted to climb into the middle of the stars and let them swim around him like a river. He wanted to have them on every side, flipping like fish, drifting like bubbles, fizzing like fireworks, breathless and weightless and perfect.
He could climb just a little higher.
The window ledge was firm beneath Logan’s feet. He pulled himself upright and shuffled along, holding tight to the treehouse roof. He placed a sneaker on a nearby branch and began to climb.
Logan’s eyes were on the stars, shining behind the branches, just out of reach.
His eyes should have been on his feet.
Or perhaps the ground, more than twenty feet away.
The roof slipped from his fingers. His sneakers lost their grip. And Logan woke up on the ground.
His arm burned. His eyes were filled with tears he didn’t remember crying. It hurt. Did he touch a star after all? Did it bite him, burn him, hurt him? That wasn’t very nice. It hurt so much. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. He didn’t think he had a body anymore. Why did everything hurt?
Someone was yelling. Was it Logan? No, it was his parents, who were running outside. They were checking him over, bundling him up, he was crying and couldn’t stop, he couldn’t remember why he was crying, he couldn’t remember where he was or why it hurt so much, his arm was on fire, why wouldn’t they make it stop—
Logan got a blue cast on his arm, after his parents drove him to the hospital in the backseat of their car. It felt heavy and chalky. He didn’t like it, especially when he learned it was his good arm. He couldn’t write any more questions until it stopped burning. Logan cried again when he heard that.
“You can get your friends to write their names on it,” his dad suggested. But he only had Patton.
On the way home, his parents asked over and over why he did that. Logan didn’t have an answer. He couldn’t explain the lure of the stars that still sparkled outside the car window as they drove down empty streets. He was tired and sore and wanted to go home and sleep.
His last thought was wondering whether he did really touch a star. He didn’t remember falling…maybe…
Logan wished he could remember what the star felt like.
The car rounded a bend, and Logan was fast asleep, cheek pressed to the window. The stars lit his way home, and for that night and many afterwards, they filled his dreams.
Logan was eleven years old when he made his second real friend.
He didn’t mean for it to happen. In fact, it was the last thing on his mind. The only thing he cared about was that he couldn’t go stargazing.
This was the clearest night all week. He’d checked the weather maps and confirmed the overcast skies of the past weeks would finally disappear. He could spend the night in the backyard, stargazing.
But of course Patton invited him to a sleepover that night, and Logan couldn’t say no because Patton seemed so excited about the idea. He gushed about it for days. It didn’t even sound that bad. Patton promised to have lots of jam tarts and popcorn and a few terrible movies Logan could make fun of. Roman was coming too, and Logan didn’t like him much, but Janus was coming too and Janus was at least interesting to talk to. He did swear a lot, though.
Still. Stars.
Eventually, Logan devised a plan. He knew Patton’s house like his own. Once everyone was asleep, he could sneak out and catch a glimpse of the stars.
The flaw in that plan was that Patton and the others would not fall asleep.
Their conversation wasn’t even important—it was an extended debate about the merits of different Disney movies. By ten o’clock, Logan was irritated. By eleven, he was annoyed. By midnight, he was seriously considering suffocating the three of them to make them stop talking. Every time Logan thought the conversation had finally died, someone would ask “Who else is awake?” and the process would begin again. Honestly. Sleepovers weren’t called ‘talk-overs’, were they?
Finally, as the clock neared one, the living room fell silent. Patton snored softly in his blue puppy-patterned sleeping back. Janus snored less softly, splayed on a pile of sofa cushions. Roman was across the room from Logan. All he could see was a red lump and two socks.
Carefully, Logan shifted his blanket off and rolled to the edge of his air mattress. Every move caused a creaking, rushing noise as air left the mattress. Logan wished he hadn’t won the Rock Paper Scissors tournament for the mattress. Fortunately, nobody seemed to stir.
Putting on his glasses, Logan got to his feet and tiptoed down the hall. Patton’s moms were upstairs and all the lights were off, leaving the house a maze of dark hallways and sharp bends. But Logan remembered the route well. One window carefully opened, a few jumps and handholds, and Logan was balanced on the roof.
Patton showed him the way up maybe three years ago. Logan had never been a fan of high places and didn’t want to get hurt, but over time, he grew more confident. It was high up, sure, but the edge only sloped at a forty-five degree angle and friction kept him from slipping.
Logan sat on the side of the roof, placed his hands on the shingles, and leaned back so his weight fell on the roof behind him. His legs curled up to his chest.
The stars were beautiful. Barely a hint of blue was left in the sky, leaving only smoky darkness and the stars crossing it in familiar patterns. The moon hung in the east, a few wayward trees etched below it. Silhouettes of houses ringed the horizon, along with streetlights and headlights and city lights and nightlights. They were stronger than the stars by far, and if Logan made the mistake of glancing at them, he would have to wait for his eyes to adjust again. Still, it was fun watching stars fade back into view, one and two and more and more. The sky teemed with them, almost shivering, all the stars Logan could not quite make out shifting like mirages. A whole universe, beyond his eyes and his reach.
“Didn���t take you for the climbing type.”
Logan inhaled sharply. Balanced on the roof behind him, wearing red and white pajamas and a serious bedhead, was Roman.
“What are you doing here?” Logan growled. He felt exposed, caught staring up at the sky in a Sherlock t-shirt and pajama pants.
“Followed you,” Roman said with a yawn. “Can I sit next to you?”
His eyes were curious, but Logan spotted no trace of judgement. Perhaps he was too sleepy to make fun. Logan shrugged. “I suppose, if you wish.”
Roman beamed and walked over. Two or three times he wobbled, waving his arms to maintain balance, and Logan wanted to reach out and steady him. He stopped himself. Roman was a jerk! A chowderhead! Someone who thought Star Wars was better than Star Trek! He was not to be trusted, even if he did look different in pajamas and messy hair and a strangely sincere smile.
Roman sat down next to Logan. There was a good amount of space between them, but Logan was used to an empty roof and an empty sky. The freedom of open air was different with someone next to him.
“Go on,” Roman said. “Don’t let me interrupt.”
If he didn’t want to interrupt, he wouldn’t have walked out here. Logan didn’t say that. Instead, he pointedly ignored Roman and stared at the sky again. The stars glimmered, magnificent celestial bodies of gas and fire, but Logan couldn’t focus. Roman was too close, too warm, too alive, blinding him to the stars even more than the streetlights.
He was humming, too. When You Wish Upon a Star. Very funny. Logan pressed his knees closer to his heart and tried to tune Roman out.
He’d almost managed when:
“Why did you sneak out?”
Logan sighed. Maybe if he ignored the question, Roman would leave him alone.
Roman did not take the hint. He kept staring at Logan, waiting for him to respond. Getting no answer, he began to prod.
“Specs? M.C. Escher? White and Nerdy? Rankenstein?”
“What?” Logan snapped.
“I’m just curious!” Roman said, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “It’s, like, really late, and you were the one complaining that we all needed to get to bed or we’d be super tired in the morning. So.”
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, Roman. Please leave me alone.”
“Sorry,” Roman mumbled. “Like I said. I’m just curious.”
Perhaps it was the lateness of the hour, or the softness in Roman’s voice, or Logan’s understanding of being so curious you couldn’t help it.
But something made him sigh, adjust his glasses, and say “It is a clear night and I wanted to observe the stars.”
Roman didn’t laugh, just tilted his head and asked “Why?”
“I think you’ll find my statement is self-explanatory,” Logan said stiffly.
“No, why go through all this trouble?” Roman leaned forward, elbows on his knees. ”Can’t you see the stars another night?”
Logan thought through his words before speaking. “It hasn’t been this clear for a while,” he said. “Due to light pollution, I can’t usually see as many stars as I would like.” Logan leaned back and rested his head on the shingles. Lying there, all he could see were stars. He still felt Roman’s presence acutely, but it was a little easier to get lost.
“You love stars, huh?”
“Yes,” Logan admitted. “I find them…satisfactory.”
“Why?” Roman asked again.
Logan tried his best to glare at him. Roman seemed to get the message, because he immediately backtracked. “I mean, that’s cool! Stars are really neat. I’m just—I’m curious why you like them so much.”
The magic words again. “I’m curious.” Roman asked a question and Logan could provide an answer. Did Roman know the effect of that statement, or was he oblivious to it? Knowing Roman’s figurative track record with intelligence, Logan believed it was most likely the latter. Nevertheless, it worked.
“I don’t know exactly,” Logan began. “I’ve always found them fascinating, ever since I was young. They appear small in the night sky, but in reality they are many times the size of our planet. Some of them are billions of light-years away from us. Some are white dwarfs or red dwarfs, and sometimes they explode as supernovas and their remains form new stars out of the stardust. Sometimes they collapse into blackholes.”
Logan was getting excited now. He only talked about space with Patton, who was nice but didn’t really get it.
“…and the stars have planets circling them, and they form galaxies and supergalaxies and clusters. We don’t know how many stars are in the universe, because the universe is huge and always growing. They’re above everything, on an entirely different scale than us. Everything on Earth doesn’t matter to them. You could get lost in the universe and never find your way back. A star could suck you in and burn you up without noticing. Stars are massive and important and wonderful. But we only see them as tiny pinpricks on Earth.”
Logan swallowed. On any other night he would stop there, but sleep deprivation and the crispness of the night air in his lungs kept him going.
“I want to be an astronomer one day. Maybe even an astronaut. I want to travel up there until I’m surrounded by stars. I want to…I want to touch them. Swim in them. That’s illogical and impossible, but it’s what I want.” Logan bit his lip. “It’s foolish, I know. Stars are just balls of gas. I don’t know why I feel so strongly about them.”
Roman was silent for a few seconds.
“I think I get it,” he finally said. “It’s like how I feel about stories. I love telling them, writing them, reading them…it’s my passion. Stars are your passion. It makes sense.”
“Huh.” The beginning of a smile formed on Logan’s face. “Thank you, Roman.”
“No problem, Rocketman.”
Logan looked up at the stars again. Infinite, ever-changing, dancing around each other to a tune only they could hear.
Roman was humming again. See the Light from Tangled. Logan smiled wider.
“There are stories about stars,” Logan murmured. “Constellations, they’re called.”
Roman smiled. “Really?”
“Tell me one.” Roman shifted closer. “Please?”
Logan looked at Roman. The stars were reflected in his eyes. His smile was brighter than a supernova. He drowned out every star in the sky, because stars were cold and distant and Roman was right here.
Roman was a planet, Logan decided, revolving around the same Sun. Maybe his orbit was different than Logan’s, and maybe he was a little big and bright and full of hot air. But he was another person. Another planet. Another—another friend.
Maybe. Just maybe.
“There was hero,” Logan said, “and his name was Perseus…”
Logan was fourteen and spending his first two weeks away from home.
He’d never went to summer camps, preferring time to himself in the school-free months. He found himself loathe to part with his many books, his microscope, his charts of the Periodic Table, or even the obnoxiously high-pitched bird that woke him up every morning. It reminded of a friend Logan would not name whose name began with an R and ended with OMAN.
That was irrelevant.
The point of the matter was that home had always been safe. So every time Roman invited him to the yearly beach trip, Logan politely declined.
This year, however, he had just graduated middle school and hadn’t gotten into the science program he wanted for high school, and he’d discovered that boys were supposed to kiss girls now but he couldn’t really imagine wanting to kiss anyone, especially not girls, and his parents’ frequent “discussions” they had when they thought Logan couldn’t hear were getting louder and uglier.
When Roman extended the invitation again—a formality at this point, since he always refused—Logan surprised everyone, including himself, by saying “That sounds interesting. If you don’t mind, I will come with you.”
Nobody asked why he’d suddenly changed his mind about beach trips. Virgil did give Logan a look, but Logan knew Virgil wouldn’t tell. In fact, he hadn’t changed his mind at all. The ocean terrified him ever since he read an article about how much of the seafloor remained unexplored. As for sand, Logan’s opinions matched Anakin Skywalker’s. Sand was course, rough, irritating, and it got everywhere. But his parents were all those things and passive aggressive. It was a lesser of two evils.
Despite the location being the hellscape known as a beach, Logan found himself counting down the days. He packed his suitcase twice, making sure he had extra books to keep him entertained if his companions or the evil beach grew too tiresome. When the day finally arrived, he loaded his bags into Roman’s station wagon and they drove towards the shore.
It was simultaneously the best and worst vacation Logan had ever had.
Everything smelled like fish and salt. He got sand in unmentionable places. He broke his glasses playing ping-pong against Virgil and had to tape them up. Roman called him Harry Potter for a week after that. He also got a nasty sunburn, Janus was stung by a jellyfish, and Remus replaced every toothpaste in the hotel rooms with shaving cream. Patton ran after a stray dog, got lost, and ended up at an ice cream parlor. Sometimes Logan would be woken at six o’clock in the morning by the cawing of seagulls, the pounding of the surf, and Roman singing In the Heights at the top of his lungs.
But there was Patton. Virgil. Roman. Janus. Even Remus, in his own way. Patton made them pancakes every morning and lemonade every afternoon. Virgil cleaned the rooms and kept their beds made. Roman and Remus staged karaoke nights where even Logan ended up singing, although if confronted, he would deny it. Janus calmed Virgil down after he broke Patton’s phone case. They were strange, silly, and sometimes their edges grated on each other. But they fit like pieces of the same puzzle.
Logan was so lucky to have them.
He told them so, stretched on a rainbow towel, watching Roman and Remus build a sandcastle with five turrets and a moat. It was a lazy, sunbaked afternoon, and Logan was too languid to worry about sharing his feelings. It seemed to go over well, anyway. Virgil smirked fondly as only he could, Janus rolled his eyes, Remus jovially flipped Logan off, and Patton practically squealed.
“You’re cool too,” Roman called, sand on his nose. “And just remember you wouldn’t even know Virgil or Remus if it weren’t for me.”
“I wouldn’t know any of you if it weren’t for Patton,” Logan fired back.
“I deserve some of the credit.”
Logan chucked a pile of sand at him and returned to reading ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.’
Things were peaceful. Even the arguments, which Logan admitted he participated in a fair amount of, were playful and easily resolved and nothing like the fighting he heard at home.
On those nights, when the yelling shook the floorboards, he just looked at the stars and imagined flying far away from planet Earth on a comet. He could find a new planet and make a new city of just him and his friends. Every day could be like the beach vacation, minus all the sand and Roman’s poor overworked dad who’d given up shepherding them by day three.
But that was just a foolish dream, and it, like the vacation, couldn’t last forever.
Logan found the end of the trip growing steadily nearer. Everyone packed their suitcases, Remus and Janus had an argument over whose sock was whose, and Patton found a baseball cap that seemed to belong to none of them. It was left dangling from the hotel chandelier in the lobby.
The night before they left, Logan couldn’t sleep.
As far as he could tell, there wasn’t a concrete cause of his insomnia. Perhaps he simply didn’t want to wake up and have to go home.
After a few hours of tossing and turning, Logan crept out of bed to get a glass of milk from the refrigerator. Across the room, Virgil was still awake, but was staring at his phone and barely acknowledged Logan as he walked past.
Logan was sipping his milk, leaning against the counter, and contemplating the merits of diving into the sea and becoming a mermaid, when he heard footsteps.
Roman staggered through the doorway, rubbing his eyes and yawning. It took him a second to notice Logan.
“Oh! Hey!” Roman smiled, already looking more awake. “Lo! Couldn’t sleep?”
“No,” Logan agreed.
“Well, you wanna join me?” Roman slid on his shoes and pulled a red letterman’s jacket over his pajamas. His t-shirt read ‘Fairest of Them All’ and his pajama pants were hot pink. Together with the jacket, Roman’s tousled hair, and his neon sneakers with no socks, it was a very interesting look.
“I’m going for a walk on the beach,” Roman explained, taking Logan’s glass of milk from his hand and downing half of it. “I can’t sleep, so why not?”
Logan frowned. “If you can’t sleep, you shouldn’t be engaging in more activity. You should do something relaxing that requires little cognition, like—”
“But I wanna.” Roman pouted. “Whatever. It’s your loss anyway if you don’t wanna come. It’ll be awesome. And it’s our last chance to do it until next summer.”
“No.” Logan finished his milk and placed the glass on the counter. “You may do as you like, but I will not participate. Good night, Roman.”
Roman’s smile grew mischievous. “But the stars are really clear tonight.”
“That won’t work,” Logan said, but already he was picturing a clear sky over the ocean. He hadn’t stargazed since before the trip, it couldn’t hurt—
“C’mon,” Roman pleaded. “You know you want to.”
Logan held out for a second longer before sighing in defeat.
“Where’s my jacket?”
The stars were spectacular. This far from most buildings, the light pollution was less of an issue and more stars popped into view than Logan had ever seen. They covered the sky, filling every inch of it, so many that he couldn’t pick out his usual constellations. What he could see was a thicker band of stars in the middle. An arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The waves curled against the beach, pounding rhythmically and tossing white foam into the air. The bubbles glowed with dim phosphorescence. A few sandpipers skittered along the edge, dabbing into the skeins of shallow water that blossomed in the wake of the waves. Other than them, it was just Roman, Logan, the sand, the sea, and the sky.
Roman grabbed Logan’s hand and pulled him towards the waves.
“My shoes will get wet,” Logan complained.
Logan huffed but allowed himself to be dragged into the ocean. Waves lapped at his ankles, sand skidding and sinking under the influence of the tides. Roman stared out at the ocean. Logan stared up at the sky. Neither could find the spot where the two met—one became the other somewhere distant, far out to sea.
Roman sighed. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Me neither.”
The low glow of phosphorescence danced over Roman’s face. “Do you know why I couldn’t sleep?”
Logan watched him for a second. “No.”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking.”
Roman ran a hand through his hair. After another pause, Logan asked, “About what?”
“Life. Stuff. I don’t know.” Roman waved a hand at the water, as if the answer lay in the waves. “We’re going to high school soon.”
Logan suddenly realized this conversation was becoming About Emotions. Normally, he would back out or dial Patton. But he was standing in the ocean, a million stars surrounding him, more awake than he’d ever been.
“We are,” he agreed. “How do you feel about that?”
Roman bit his lip. After a few seconds, he burst out, “I’m scared.”
“Scared about what?”
“Everything. Nothing. I don’t know!” Roman sighed in exasperation. “I just…everything’s changing now. Virgil’s going to art school, Remus is trying an alternative school, I’ve been auditioning at theaters around town, and I don’t want us to drift apart, y’know? We’re…” Roman swallowed. “I don’t know what I’d be without you guys.”
“You would still be Roman,” Logan said. “Whether or not our friend group stays together—and I am inclined to believe it shall—you would still accomplish great things and continue to be yourself.”
Roman shrugged. “Would I, though?”
Logan shivered as a wave soaked his socks. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’m not….” Roman’s face screwed up. “I’m not…like you guys.”
Logan kept his voice measured. “How so?”
“You’re all…wonderful, and smart, and talented, and kind, and I’m…”
“All those things and more.”
“Yeah,” Roman said unconvincingly.
Logan watched the waves fall, in and out, up and down.
“How else do you feel?” he asked.
“Like, right now?”
“About high school. About yourself.” Logan, after a moment of hesitation, reached out and touched Roman lightly on the back. “About everything.”
Roman laughed. “You sure you want to open that can of worms?”
Logan just nodded.
Roman took a deep breath and let it out.
“Sometimes,” Roman mumbled, “sometimes I just feel like I’m invisible. Like I’m helpless. Falling into a black hole with no way out. I’ve got a future I don’t understand, grades that are mediocre at best, and friends I’m terrified will leave me at a moment’s notice. I’m just—” Roman spread his hands out and tried to laugh. “Yeah. I guess. It’s—it’s kind of stupid.”
Logan shook his head. “It’s not stupid.”
Roman let out a breath.
This was not Logan’s area of expertise. He was not well-suited to comforting people like Patton or being quietly supportive like Virgil or even cutting to the heart of the matter like Janus. He did not know how to make Roman feel better.
So he started with what he knew.
“Black holes are created when a star collapses in on itself,” Logan began. “There are estimated to be at least several thousand, one in the center of our own galaxy. They are holes in spacetime itself. Nothing can escape their extreme gravitational pull. Certainly not a human.”
Roman chuckled softly. “That supposed to make me feel better, Specs?”
Logan swallowed. Maybe this was a mistake, but there was no going back. “Black holes have been photographed only once by humans. For a long time, their existence was only speculated at. Light is sucked into it and disappears. It is, to the human eye, invisible.”
Roman shifted under Logan’s hand.
“Although they are invisible, they are massively important.” Logan looked up at the stars once more. “Their gravitational fields keep galaxies together. They alter the paths of stars. They’re like glue that binds the universe together. They shape the form and layout of every portion of the sky. Without them…” Logan raised a hand to the sky. “The entire universe would fall apart.”
Roman’s eyes were wide and glassy.
“I…” Logan tugged at his sleeve, flushing. “I apologize, I am not good with these situations—”
“Logan,” Roman breathed. A smile grew on his face. “That was…you were perfect. That was perfect.” He placed a hand over Logan’s. “Thank you.”
Logan smiled back. “That is what friends do, correct? Help each other?”
Roman beamed. “Absolutely correct, you Iron Giant Nerd.”
“How dare you.”
“Insulting things is how I show my love.” Roman frowned slightly. “Hey, Specs?”
“Why did you never come on vacation with us before?” Roman shifted, glancing away. “I always thought you…didn’t like us or something. Didn’t like me.”
“Oh!” Logan shook his head. “No, I just don’t like sand.”
“You don’t like—”
“Sand.” Logan nodded. “It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.”
Roman, to Logan’s satisfaction, burst out laughing.
It was Logan’s sixteenth birthday. He was sitting on a slightly damp bench in the park, counting the cars that passed. Four minivans, seven pickup trucks, and three red cars—although one might have been brown, it was hard to tell in the dark. Logan spotted a “punch buggy” and instinctively winced, but Roman or Remus didn’t punch him. They couldn’t. They had no idea where he was.
Logan shivered, pulling his coat tighter around him. Winter’s approach already showed in the thinning foliage and crisper winds, and the sign advertising pumpkin spice lattes across the street. The café’s door was open and inviting, but Logan possessed no money for a drink and he doubted the owners would take kindly to a loiterer.
His phone vibrated for perhaps the fiftieth time that night. Logan pulled it out—there were a few new texts added to the unbroken wall from Patton and Roman. Virgil and Janus had sent far fewer messages, but the concern was palpable.
As Logan watched, several more texts slid onto the screen. They were looking for him, apparently. Of course they were. His brief text of “I’m fine” twenty minutes ago seemed not to have sufficed.
Logan sighed. He didn’t want to worry them. They were only confused and concerned, and although they could technically be blamed for the situation, Logan knew they had only acted out of the goodness of their hearts. A surprise party was a sweet idea. Virgil had loved his. It wasn’t their fault that Logan wasn’t in the mood.
However, every time Logan thought of returning to explain the situation, or even sending another text, his windpipe choked up and he had to take deep breaths and tap rhythms on the bench until he steadied.
It was a cold night, an ugly night, a dark and lonely night. It was the worst birthday Logan had ever had, and at his eighth birthday party someone threw up on the cake.
Logan put his phone away and rubbed his hands together. A shame he hadn’t thought to grab some gloves on the way out.
He was contemplating entering the café across the street—even if they kicked him out, a moment of warmth would be wonderful—when he heard his name.
At first, Logan thought he imagined it. It was a distant yell. But he heard it again and again. Someone was calling for him, and based off the increase in volume, they were getting closer.
As discreetly as possible, Logan glanced around to find the source.
Oh, Newton, why did it have to be him?
Roman was walking down the street, hands cupped around his mouth.
Logan let loose several choice swear words. Could he hide in time? Movement would just alert Roman to his presence.
Before Logan could cover himself in leaves and pretend to be a misshapen, foulmouthed bush, Roman stopped walking.
Maybe he got something stuck in his shoe, Logan thought desperately. He couldn’t see in the dark to confirm whether Roman had actually seen him. Maybe he hadn’t.
Logan deployed several more swear words.
“Hey!” Roman waved, running across the street. Logan opened his mouth to lecture him for jaywalking, but he couldn’t form the words. His hands tapped at the bench, not in a relaxing 4-7-8 rhythm but a scattered jazz percussion. He probably looked terrible. He had been crying, after all. Had he cried? He didn’t remember. The trip from Patton’s house to the park bench was a blur. Perhaps he had jaywalked just like Roman.
Roman was walking up to him now, looking absurdly relieved. Logan clenched his fists and took a few deep breaths. The bundle of nerves in his stomach didn’t settle.
It took Logan two tries to speak. His voice was raspy. “Yeah?”
“Can I sit next to you?”
Logan shrugged, staring at his knees. In the corner of his eye he saw Roman sit down, keeping several inches between them. Logan appreciated that.
“Are you okay?” Roman asked. His voice was quiet, like Logan was a rabbit he was afraid to frighten. Logan did not appreciate that. “Are you hurt? Cold?”
“I’m not hurt,” Logan said. “I am a little cold.”
If Roman noticed Logan’s dodging of the first question, he didn’t comment.
“Can I touch you?” he asked instead.
Logan thought about it and shook his head.
“Okay. That’s okay. Thanks for telling me.” Roman took out his phone. “I’m going to tell Patton I found you—”
“Don’t,” Logan croaked, hating how upset he sounded. “Don’t call Patton.”
“Lo…” Roman looked confused, but the softness didn’t go away. “He’s really worried. We all are. Pat and Virge are at Pat’s house, and Jan and Rem are looking around the city. I need to tell them you’re okay.”
“I know.” Logan shook his head. “Just…a few minutes. Please?”
Roman watched him and slowly put his phone away.
“Thank you,” Logan whispered.
“No problem, Specs.” Roman leaned back on the bench, tucking his hands behind his head, staring at the iron-dark clouds. “You wanna talk about it?”
Logan rubbed at his jeans. “Not really, no.”
“Fair,” Roman agreed. “Do you want me to talk?”
“Do what you like.”
“Cool.” Roman nodded. “Cool. Um…did you know that wombats poop squares?”
Logan couldn’t help but give him an incredulous look.
“Sorry. Remus is rubbing off on me.” Roman sighed, eyes still trained on the sky. “Hey, there’s a star out.”
Out of habit, Logan looked up. “N-no there isn’t.”
“Look.” Roman pointed at a spot on the horizon. “Star.”
“Th-that’s a planet.” Logan swallowed. His voice was already growing stronger. “Venus, I think.”
“Oh.” Roman’s face fell.
“There won’t be any stars tonight,” Logan mumbled. “It’s too cloudy. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you don’t control the weather. And I bet there’s at least one!” Roman scanned the sky and pointed. “There!”
Logan looked. “Roman, that’s moving.”
“It’s a satellite.”
“Hmph.” Roman pouted. “What about that?”
“Another airplane.”
Logan squinted. “That is a patch of empty sky. I do not see what you see.”
Roman squealed loudly. “There! I found one!”
Logan peered between the clouds. A small pinpoint of light greeted him. It didn’t move, blink, or fade away.
“Fine.” Logan rolled his eyes. “There is one star.”
“There sure is!” Roman clapped his hands. “Now we make a wish, right?”
“Wishing on a star is a preposterous and pointless venture,” Logan snapped. “You cannot affect the course of events by simply ‘wishing.’ Anyway, it would be more logical to wish on a multitude of stars instead of the presence of a singular star, since the former is more rare. This is just…” Logan waved a hand. “A stupid empty sky.”
Roman didn’t respond. Logan folded his arms and returned to staring a figurative hole in his jeans.
“But they’re still there, right?”
Logan blinked. “What?”
“The stars.” Roman’s tongue poked out of his mouth, like it always did when he was concentrating. “You told me that. The stars are there no matter if we see them or not. They’re omnipresent. Behind those clouds is the whole flipping universe. Right?”
Logan nodded slowly.
“So the sky isn’t empty!” Roman smiled triumphantly. “And when you see one star, you know there are trillions out of sight. They’re never gone, just out of reach.”
Logan chuckled softly. “Mary Poppins Returns?”
“I changed a few words! And it’s a good sentiment!”
Logan huffed and rolled his eyes. “Prep.”
The smile on Logan’s face quickly faltered. Roman had made him laugh, yes. But the sick, seething mass in his stomach refused to go away. Already anger rose like bile in his throat. If Roman didn’t leave soon, Logan would snap at him again, and he refused to hurt his best friend.
Roman’s face darkened with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“I—” Logan curled his shoulders inward. “I apologize for ruining your party. It was a kind gesture.”
“It’s alright, Lo.” Roman’s voice was soft again. “Nobody’s mad. We’re just worried about you. It was out-of-character for you to just run off like that. I just…” He sighed. “We want to know why you’re upset. Did we overstep a boundary? I know our dear Puffball can be a bit exuberant at times, and I know I’m also overwhelming in large quantities, so—”
“No!” Logan shook his head. “No, none of you did anything wrong. Please don’t—no.”
Roman still looked sheepish. Or was he concerned? Affectionate? Logan’s limited skills in parsing human emotions were almost nil due to the late hour and the stress of the previous incident. The ugliness climbed up his throat, ready to lash out, to strike at Roman who just wanted to help. Who hunted him down because he cared about him. Because he was worried.
Because they were friends.
Logan looked up at the sky, at the star that looked like it was alone, but it wasn’t.
“My parents finalized their divorce two weeks ago.”
Roman exhaled sharply. “I—didn’t know.”
“I didn’t tell anyone, so that makes sense.” Logan kept watching the star as he continued. It was easier to talk to the universe than Roman. “I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, and I do wholeheartedly believe my parents will be better off separated. However, I will miss my father, as he is moving to another state and will be less present in my life than before. I shall also miss…the possibility of convincing myself that their relationship could be repaired. Or that they would choose to attempt that.”
Logan pressed his lips together to stop the tears. “Due to the circumstances, I did not feel up for celebration, so I did not have a birthday party. It would have felt…odd…celebrating at such a time, especially when I find myself unable to enjoy the frivolities of such an experience.” Logan ran a hand over his face. “It doesn’t feel like my birthday at all.”
“And we sprung a party on you anyway,” Roman finished, eyes wide. “You must have felt so pressured—Lo, I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have—”
“It’s not your fault.” Logan scrubbed at his eyes, but the burning sensation didn’t recede. “I was not in a good position emotionally. I overreacted.”
“Still.” Roman sighed and gave Logan a half-smile. “Thanks for telling me. I appreciate it.”
“It was no trouble,” Logan said. “Actually…it feels rather relieving to talk about the situation.” Indeed, it was like a weight had been lifted from his stomach. The nauseating hurt was still there, but lesser, kept in check. Acknowledging it had somehow robbed it of its power.
“Talking to people helps. Who’d have thought.” Roman laughed and gently shoved Logan’s shoulder. “I’m always here to listen, okay?”
“Okay.” Logan took a deep breath and steadied himself. “Um…you can call Patton now.”
“You sure?”
“I—” Logan nodded. “Yes. I still don’t feel like a party, but we could watch a movie. It would be a shame to waste all those snacks.”
“What movie?” asked Roman.
“Big Hero Six, what else?” Logan bit his lip. “And…maybe Frozen? I know it’s your favorite. Think of it as…a thank you.”
Roman gave him a smile brighter than the Milky Way and dialed Patton’s number.
Logan was eighteen years old and under heavy assault from the devious creatures known as mosquitoes.
He wanted to single-handedly eviscerate every one of the nasty blood-sucking insects. He understood the natural balance all ecosystems maintained and the importance of every animal within it. But were mosquitoes really necessary? Did the environment really benefit from the presence of blood-thirsty vampiric six-legged suckers that attacked Logan’s exposed skin like the Catholic Church attacking the scientific notion that the Earth revolved around the Sun?
If mosquitoes hadn’t existed, the vacation might have been perfect. If blisters didn’t exist, it would definitely be perfect.
As things were, it was still the best vacation of Logan’s life.
They were all eighteen. Logan had graduated top of class. Janus was second. Roman and the others had just graduated.
Logan had gotten into his first choice college and planned to major in astronomy and minor in chemical engineering. Roman was headed to theatre school and Virgil had decided to take a gap year and go backpacking in Switzerland “’cause why not.” Patton was studying vet care at a community college, and Janus had somehow landed a spot on a prestigious abroad program. He vehemently denied all accusations of cheating, blackmail, or using connections with the “Intellectual Mafia I know there is one, stop laughing.” And Remus, to everyone’s surprise, turned out to have a stable income in freelance writing, art commissions, and a semi-popular YouTube channel. He had already bought an apartment and planned to work from home.
In a few short weeks, they would go their separate ways. So in addition to the annual beach trip, they organized an early-August camping expedition. Pitching a few tents on their campsite, they hiked and explored the surrounding terrain with no adult supervision.
“Technically, we’re all adults,” Logan pointed out.
“Mentally? No. Emotionally? Also no.”
“Janus, I swear to Brendan Urie I will feed you to the first bear we see.”
Fortunately for Janus, on the first day, they did not see a bear. They saw three caterpillars, one deceased, and a newt. They also discovered some strange spotted mushrooms that Logan dissuaded Remus from eating, and a large raccoon hole that Janus tried to push Virgil into, saying that “you belong with your kind.” Virgil got his revenge by shoving Janus into the lake near their campsite. That backfired, since the water turned out to be lovely and they all ended up wading.
That first night, they started a fire and lay around it, roasting marshmallows and exchanging ridiculous ghost stories. As the night wore on, the fire died, sparks spitting into the sky and embers fading. Nobody wanted to return to the tents yet, so Patton dragged out the sleeping bags and they lay outside. It was quiet, save for the humming of crickets, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional yelp when a mosquito struck.
Finally the fire was out. The last of the smoke curled into the sky.
Logan shifted on his pillow and watched the woods around him. The trees framed an open spot of sky above the clearing. As his eyes adjusted from the blinding glare of the fire, he saw them. And he was powerless to stop the huge smile that spread over his face.
Stars. More stars than he had ever witnessed. There was more space with stars than without them. They splashed across the sky, white and milky and glowing, a thick band clearly denoting the Milky Way. They looked almost like clouds, if Logan didn’t look closely, masses of bright pinpricks. It was impossible to focus on just one. The sky was full, huge, and deep.
Logan felt he was drowning in space, the ground falling away from him. He felt he might lift off and float into the vast sky until the stars were all he could see.
Logan carefully gripped a handful of grass. He didn’t want to float away. He would rather stay on Earth, with his friends and a dying campfire.
“Are you guys seeing this?” Roman whispered.
“Like I could miss it.”
“Logan?” Roman teased. “Did you die of shock?”
Logan tried to wrench himself from his bottomless state. All he could manage was a breathy, “Stars.”
“Yeah.” Roman laughed. “Bet you’re enjoying them more than all of us combined.”
Logan flushed. “I—I just find them fascinating.”
“Oh, you still like stars?” Patton asked. “I didn’t know.”
“Of course he does.” Janus' eye roll was audible. “It’s not like he’s an astronomy major or anything.”
“He’s got stars on his ceiling,” Remus added sleepily.
Logan flushed deeper. “I—I put those there when I was little!”
“They’re…like, correct down to the centimeter.”
“I appreciate scientific accuracy!”
“How do you know they’re correct?” Virgil asked suspiciously. “Come to think of it, how do you know he has stars on his ceiling?”
They fell silent. Remus began to snore loudly. Roman shifted around a few times and whispered “Logan?”
“Yes, Roman?”
Roman paused. “Tell a story.”
“A ghost story?”
“No, a star story.”
Logan bit his lip. “A star story?”
“What’s a star story?” Patton asked.
“Stories about constellations.” Roman chuckled. “Logan used to tell them all the time when we were younger. He was obsessed with them.”
Virgil snickered, and Logan’s face burned. He hadn’t told a constellation myth for years. Why would Roman bring them up now?
“Tell us a story!” Patton pleaded. “Lo, please, that sounds so cool!”
Logan frowned and rolled over so he was facing away from them. “I don’t tell those stories anymore, they’re too childish.”
“Childish?” Roman sputtered.
“Yes. Goodnight.”
“Specs,” Roman whispered.
Logan ignored him.
“Spock. Hugo Cabret. Be More Ill.”
Logan pulled his sleeping bag tighter around him. “Logan.” Roman sighed. “Please? I—I liked them. A lot.”
“Tell them yourself, then.”
“That’s not the same,” Roman protested. “You get all excited about it! And you pretend you’re not excited, but I can see you smiling, and it’s really sweet!”
Logan flipped Roman off.
“Kiddo, watch your language,” Patton warned. “And Roman, if Lo doesn’t want to, you can’t make him.”
Roman huffed. “Fine. I’ll tell them myself. Whatever.”
“Go ahead, kiddo!”
“Alright.” Roman sighed. “So there’s this guy, right? His father is the sea god, Pluto, or whatever, and his mom is Medea.”
Logan clenched his jaw. He knew that Roman knew the actual myth. Roman was trying to bait him. Well, it wouldn’t work.
“And this guy’s name was Bellor-phon. He fought in the Trojan War as a kid but after he was kidnapped by a king, he got attacked by a manticore…”
Logan tried to cover his ears. Roman’s tone was lilting and teasing and itched at Logan’s cheeks.
“…So Hermes gave him a waterproof umbrella and some sweet shades, and he flew off to get the head of Cassiopeia—”
“Medusa,” Logan muttered.
“Hmm?” Roman’s voice oozed triumph. “What was that, Specs?”
Logan sighed and rolled back over. There was nothing for it now. “Perseus went to find the severed head of Medusa. Cassiopeia is the name of his mother-and-law.”
“Oh really?” Roman asked dramatically. “Well, shucks, I didn’t realize! Guess I’ll, I don’t know, need some help telling the story.”
“If you’re going to theater school,” Janus pointed out, “shouldn’t you be better at acting?”
Virgil snorted.
Roman, for once, ignored the slight. “Lo? Please? Tell the story? Please? They’re the best!”
“Fine,” Logan grumbled. “Let’s just get this over with.”
But despite himself, hearing Roman’s cheer as he settled in to tell the story, Logan smiled. It was alright. He was hidden by the darkness. Roman wouldn’t realize how much it meant to Logan to hear those compliments, to learn that Roman still remembered and liked his stories, years later.
“There was a woman, and her name was Medusa…”
Logan was eighteen and lost.
In fairness, Roman swore that they weren’t actually lost. But Logan had only his word for it, since the trail and surrounding woods were completely surrounded in night. Roman held the only flashlight, its beam lighting up desaturated corners of the landscape. Logan followed close behind, stumbling over roots and resisting the urge to grab Roman’s hand to make sure he wasn’t left behind.
“Only a little further!” Roman assured him for the third time.
Logan would have snapped back, but a stick cracked somewhere in the distance, and his voice died. He wished he hadn’t left his flashlight at the campsite. He wished he hadn’t let Roman take him hiking on the last night of the trip. Any animal, bird, beast or bear could be inches from Logan’s nose and he wouldn’t know. Logan shuddered and sped up until he was almost tripping over Roman’s heels.
“Almost there,” Roman said.
“What, am I ruining the sanctity and serenity of the night hike?” Roman laughed. “I thought you were the one who said this was stupid.”
“I said it was illogical, and I stand by that.” Logan tripped over yet another root. “I do not understand why you insisted on this. Why not bring Remus or Janus? They seem more inclined to dangerous, pointless midnight hikes.”
“You’ll see,” Roman said in an infuriatingly sing-song voice. “And it’s not dangerous.”
“Lower your voice,” Logan hissed.
“If there are any bears, the guide said to make loud noises and scare them off.”
“I would much rather avoid all possible attention from things that might eat us.”
“You’re starting to sound like Virgil.” Roman steadied Logan as his foot slipped on a dip in the path. “No harm will come to you, Nerdy Wolverine. On my honor.”
Despite knowing that Roman couldn’t ensure such a promise, and that harm had already come to Logan in the form of several stubbed toes, Logan stayed silent. He was still unconvinced that bears were not lurking in the near vicinity.
But Roman did stay quiet after that, save for a few more “Almost there”s. Logan could hear the forest now, rustling and crackling. He could smell the rich earth and taste the languid humidity curling in the warm August air. He felt simultaneously marooned in a wild wood and stuck in a small space, accompanied by only his feet, Roman, and the flashlight bouncing merrily along. Logan tried to catch a glimpse of the stars, but the moment he took his eyes off the path, he almost stumbled into a ravine.
Then Roman’s flashlight illuminated something other than rocks and bushes. The path widened in front of them, sloping down to a grassy area. Beyond that was water, ink-black and glassy.
“The lake?” Logan asked.
“Yep!” Roman made some expansive gesture that Logan couldn’t see, which sent the flashlight beam careening wildly over the grass. “Welcome!”
“Why the lake?” Logan eyed it warily. “Are you going to drown me?”
“Of course not!” Roman exclaimed. “This is not a murder mission.”
“Come to think of it, you did lure me away from the group, at night, with no means of contacting them—”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Roman insisted. “You couldn’t help me with my homework if you died.”
“Roman, we’re going to different colleges.”
“Roman, you’re studying acting.”
“They have a language requirement! I have to take a Spanish course and I will be asking for verb conjugations at three in the morning.”
“Roman, you’ve spoken Spanish since age four.”
“I’m still gonna.” Roman’s voice softened. “’Cause I want an excuse to text you.”
Logan smiled. “You could have just asked. You don’t have to think of an excuse.”
Logan couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw Roman smile back.
“So what are we doing here?” Logan finally asked. “It’s a lovely view, though granted, I can barely see any of it.”
What he could see was the texture. There was no color, no light, but the different strokes of black betrayed the outline of the lake. Scrubby, slapdash shadows for the trees, smooth watercolors formed the lake, but the sky was one massive stroke with no variations. Logan could spot a few stars, but the flashlight blocked him from seeing any more.
“Why, haven’t you figured it out?” Roman stuck his flashlight under his chin, forming craggy shadows around his eyes and nose. “We’re here to investigate the legendary, fearsome lake monster! Several years ago, a young boy disappeared in the lake on this date exactly—”
Logan just stared at him. Roman sighed and dropped the act and the flashlight, sending the beam skittering across the lake. “You’re no fun. Take off your shoes.”
Logan spluttered. “What? Why?”
Roman pulled off his own shoes and tossed them on the grass. “You don’t want them to get wet, do you?”
“Get wet?” Logan repeated. “What in the name of Aristotle are we doing?”
“We’re wading,” said Roman as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“In the lake?”
“Well, what else would we be wading in?”
Logan felt he had missed some crucial information that would help this conversation make an iota of sense. “And why, exactly, are we going wading at midnight?”
Roman looked into his eyes. “Do you trust me?”
“Do you trust me?”
“No, not in the slightest!”
“Well then.” Roman shrugged. “Too bad, ‘cause you’re gonna have to.”
Logan folded his arms.
“We’re not leaving until you take off your shoes.” Roman folded his arms too. “Let’s go.”
“I could leave without you,” Logan suggested.
Roman pointed to the flashlight in his hand. “No, you couldn’t. Shoes off.”
Sighing loudly, Logan untied his shoes and took off his socks. The grass was soft under his feet, blades tickling between his toes.
“Come on!” Roman grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the lake. Logan stumbled after him. The water hit his ankles, cold and clear. Mud squelched beneath his feet as they came to a stop roughly two feet from the shore.
Roman turned the flashlight off. “Look at me.”
Logan did.
Roman was barely visible, but as his eyes adjusted to the light, he could see the sweep of Roman’s hair and the arch of his nose. His mouth was set in a fond, teasing, expectant grin.
“Don’t move, Logan.”
Logan didn’t.
They were still holding hands. Logan’s feet were cold, but his cheeks and hand and chest were on fire.
“Now.” Roman smiled wider. “Look up.”
Logan did.
It was the stars again. They exploded into sight, bursting through the sky, dipping in waves to scrape against the tallest trees before soaring up in clusters and bands and constellations. They seemed to cover more area than the sky, bleeding into the surrounding forest and the lake.
As the water stilled, Logan realized why.
He could see the stars’ reflections.
A mirror image of the stars filled the lake, pinpoints strewn about. Only a few small ripples disturbed the surface, so Logan could pick out constellations. Then he looked at the sky again and there were more stars, new ones glimmering into view every second, and they couldn’t all reach the lake but the ones that did surrounded him, water full of stardust, lapping at his legs, gently splashing the shore.
In the distance the lake and sky met, stars touching stars, with no join line. One bled into another, a continuation of the same universe.
“You’re going to be an astronomer,” Roman whispered next to him. “You’re going to see the stars for yourself one day. Send probes up there and look around and see them. But that’ll take a while, and I thought for now, you could settle for this.” Roman squeezed Logan’s hand. “I remember you wanted to touch the stars, when you were little. You wanted to—”
“—to have them surround me,” Logan finished, voice weak with awe. “You did that. You made that happen.”
“So…” Hesitance crept into Roman’s voice. “You like it?”
Logan turned to face him, even though his eyes were wide and glassy and he was beaming. “Roman,” he breathed. “I can touch them. They’re everywhere, Ro.”
“Yeah, Specs.” Roman smiled. “Yeah.”
Logan reached down and skimmed the water with his hands. The stars wavered beneath his palms, but he could touch them.
So that’s what they felt like. Cold water and silvery droplets and the space between the lake and the sky. Cold and clear and crisp. He could feel them. He could touch them. They surrounded him on all sides, a river. He swam in stars.
Logan straightened, leaned forward, and hugged Roman as tightly as he could. Roman froze with surprise but soon hugged him back. Logan’s vision blurred and he realized tears were slipping down his face and splashing into the lake to join the stars.
“I’ll miss you,” Logan choked out. He’d wanted to say ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘Thank you’ or a million other things. But from the way Roman squeezed him tighter, he knew Roman understood.
“I’m not that far away,” Roman promised. “I’ll see the same stars and everything.”
Logan smiled, resting his head on Roman’s shoulder, watching the stars spin. “Roman—thank you.”
“Thank you,” Roman countered.
“I’m sorry for—” Logan sighed softly. “All the arguing.”
“I’m sorry too.” Roman chuckled. “Though it was pretty fun.”
“It was.” Logan closed his eyes. “I—I love you,” he finally managed to say.
“Oh,” Roman said softly.
“Was that okay?” Logan flushed. “I apologize if I misread the situation—”
“No, no.” Roman brushed Logan’s hair off his forehead. “I love you too, Specs.”
“Oh.” Logan somehow smiled wider. “Good.”
They stood there for a long time, arms wrapped around each other, their warmth countering the chill of the lake, tasting every inch of the moment and enjoying every last drop of stardust. Tomorrow they would drive back home in a station wagon filled with their best friends, and have to part ways. In a month they would be in their own colleges, with new roommates and new classes and new lives. They would text. They would call. They would send each other pictures at three in the morning, hair mussed and smiling. And when Logan felt lonely, he would look at the sky.
Roman wasn’t a planet, he’d figured out. He was a star. He had to be.
And Logan knew some stars came in pairs. They circled around each other at the center of their system, weaving in and out, keeping the other in place. Some were so close they appeared to be one star in the night sky. But they didn’t crash into each other, didn’t burn out, didn’t move away. They stayed in their own perfect rhythm.
They had different orbits, but they were in the same system. The same galaxy. They danced together in the universe. They stood together in a lake in the mountains on a small planet called Earth.
Above and around them, the stars shone on.
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meliakim · 3 years
Purple Seokjinie
Seokjin dyes his hair purple for Mun’s birthday.
*Mun’s POV*
“Oh my gosh, just give me a moment!!!” I said, trying to catch my breath after laughing so hard at Namjoon singing a karaoke song… er… rather, shouting it. Hobi and I were about to do a duet together, so I tried to compose myself. As soon as the music to our song started playing, I broke down laughing again, causing everyone to laugh with me. “I think Mun-ah must’ve had too much sugar tonight!” Taehyung commented, looking over at the giant birthday cookie that we had instead of cake.
I never liked making a big deal of my birthdays, but that is certainly not the case when it comes to my boyfriend. When my birthday came around two years ago, they were all in the middle of their Wings world tour, so I spent it alone… Seokjinie ended up video calling me after their concert that day, and we talked for hours, even though we weren’t dating at that time. I never bothered to tell him what day my birthday was, so Min must’ve told him about it.
Last year, Seokjinie got his brother to reserve his entire restaurant for us to have a party. All the members came, of course, as did Seokjinie’s family. We ate so much food that night and just had a great time being together. A couple days after that, Seokjinie released a cover of the song “Autumn Outside the Post Office,” which was secretly dedicated to me. This year we were in Busan, preparing for their 5th muster. I wasn’t sure if I was going to go with them on this trip, but Seokjinie insisted to the staff that I come, especially since it was around my birthday.
Even with being out of our hometown, Seokjinie still managed to make my birthday a special one. After their rehearsal the night before my birthday, Seokjinie, with the help of some of the staffs, went out and bought all my favorite foods as takeout. The party started as soon as it was midnight. He set up all the food in his hotel room, including a giant cookie instead of a cake, since I like cookies much better. He also somehow got his hands on a karaoke machine, so we had been singing for probably a couple hours at this point, and the later it got, the more I found things to be funny.
“Either she’s had too much sugar, or she’s just sleep deprived!” Jimin said with a laugh, trying not to move too much, as Min had reached the point of sleep deprivation and was fast asleep with her head resting in her boyfriend's lap. Seokjinie stood up and noticed that Min had passed out, and that Yoongi and Jungkook were about to fall asleep as well. “Ok, maybe we should end the party before anyone else falls asleep!” he said with a laugh, kicking JK gently as he laid on the floor. “That’s a good idea,” I said, getting up from my seat on his bed.
“Happy birthday again, Mun!!!” each member greeted me with a hug on their way out. “Thank you for celebrating the first few hours of it with me!!” I said. Jimin was the last to leave, carrying my sleeping sister in his arms bridal- style. “Here’s our room key,” I said, slipping it into one of his hands so he could tuck my sister in her bed in our room. “Happy birthday, Mun!” he whispered before heading out of Seokjinie’s room so that there were only two of us remaining. As I turned to Seokjinie, I saw him holding a small, wrapped gift.
“Here’s your first gift,” he said, sitting down on the bed. I sat down next to him and took it, gently unwrapping it. I smiled widely when I saw the 5x5 canvas with our two avatars from Animal Crossing on it, sitting side-by-side on what I guessed was a bench, though it honestly just looked like a brown blob. The grass was also messily painted and the sun and clouds in the sky were crooked. The two characters, however, were painted perfectly and looked like they came right out of the game.
“Aww, look it’s us!!!” I said cutely as I continued to study the painting. “I wanted to paint the whole thing, but after I finished the background, I decided I at least wanted our characters to look good, so I got Jungkook-ah to paint them for me,” he said with a laugh, laying back on the bed with his head propped up on his elbow. “And wait… are these the outfits we wore when we played Animal Crossing for the first time together?” I suddenly realized, looking back at him. He nodded and gave a satisfied smile. “Ah, you remembered!! That was the start of our online gaming together,” he said, sitting back up and facing me.
“It’s perfect, Seokjinie, thank you so much,” I said, leaning over towards him. He met me halfway and kissed me gently, resting his hand on the back of my neck as he did so. “I love you, Mun-ah,” he said afterwards, shaking his head while he said it, as if he couldn’t believe his luck. “I love you too,” I replied before leaning in and giving him one more kiss, which was interrupted by my urge to yawn. “You need to go get some sleep,” Seokjinie said, standing up and pulling me up with him.
“I have a full schedule of things for us to do tomorrow… or today rather,” he added, looking down at his invisible watch. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” I said, getting on my tippy toes and wrapping my arms around his neck. “Good night, Seokjinie! Thank you again for everything,” I said as I hugged him. He kissed my cheek and hugged me back. “Good night, my Mun,” he said sweetly before we both let go and parted ways. When I got back to my room, I was unsurprised to find Min fast asleep in our bed. I was already in my PJs, so I slipped into the bed beside her and turned off the light, falling asleep almost immediately.
He had told me that he would come by my hotel room the next morning at around 9, and then we would go out for breakfast. I was up before then, as was Min. I showered and put on a large pink shirt and overalls, completing my look with my usual pair of Converse. “You look cute!! What are you guys doing today?” Min asked me after I had gotten dressed. “I really have no idea… but I guess I’m going to find out!” I said, sitting down on the bed and checking my messages. “I can’t wait to hear all about it later!” she said, heading out the door, as she was going to meet Jimin for their own day out.
After a few minutes of reading and responding to birthday messages, I heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Seokjinie. He was dressed in a large pink shirt, skinny jeans, wire-framed glasses, and black converse, matching me like he had planned. The first thing I noticed though was his hair. It was styled back so that I could see his full face, but more importantly... IT WAS PURPLE. I grabbed his arm as I stared at him and pulled him into the room, closing the door behind him.
“Kim Seokjin!!!!” I said excitedly, putting my hands on his shoulders and forcing him to squat so we were at eye-level. I tilted his head at every angle as I studied his hair, smiling like an idiot the whole time. “When did you even have time to go to the hairdresser??” I asked, still so captivated by the sight of purple Seokjinie. He stood up straight and looked at himself in the mirror. “I dyed it myself last night… you can’t tell by how uneven it is?” he asked as he ruffled his hair slightly with his hands.
“No!! It literally looks so good, oh my goodness, I’m in love!!” I said with a laugh. He turned towards me with his dramatic “I’m so handsome” face as I continued to fangirl over him. He broke character when he saw how cute I was being and laughed. “Aish, Mun-ah! I’m so glad you like it! It’s your second gift,” he said. “Have the producers seen it yet??” I asked, knowing full-well that it was against the rules for the boys to cut or dye their own hair.
“They haven’t yet, but it’s not like they can fire me… the worst they can do is dye it a different color, but they will probably let me keep it since it looks so good,” he said, looking at his hair in the mirror again. “It really does though!” I agreed, hugging his waist from behind and peering around his wide shoulders so I could see him through the mirror. He smiled as he rotated himself in my arms so that he was now facing me, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down at me. “Y’know, if they do let me keep it, the media is going to assume I dyed it purple for ARMY… just remember that I dyed it for you, since it’s your favorite color,” he said, reassuringly.
He began leaning down, as if to kiss me, but I teasingly stopped his lips with my hand, causing him to look at me with a small pout. I eased out of his arms and grabbed the polaroid camera he got me for Christmas. “I want to capture the purple Seokjinie while he’s still only mine,” I said. He made a cute pose, and I snapped the picture. As I looked at the undeveloped photo, Seokjinie pulled me back towards him, staring into my eyes with a surprisingly intense gaze. “I’m always only yours, Mun,” he said before getting the kiss that he wanted.
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anoddkpopfan · 4 years
The Rivals (HatetoloversAU)
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Pairing: Skater!Jungkook x Skater!Reader
This consists of: Switch!Jungkook, Switch!Reader, Lots of Smut, Lots of Angst, Lots of Fluff. We have it all folks. Synopsis: You and Jungkook grew up as best friends, but an altercation during high school resulting in the two of you hating each other. When the two of you are forced to skate on the same team perhaps you’ll rekindle your old friendship? Or maybe even something more than that?
Words: 5.4k
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Years ago in a little town you might find a little girl with pigtails pulling on some blue skates, and a boy with dark hair pulling on contrasting red ones. The two sent silly smiles in each other’s directions as their parents watched the two of them gleefully and soon they were up on their feet.  
Today in that same town you might find a group of university students watching two immature sophomores gear up in front of a fountain. A girl pulling on royal blue skates, and a boy with dark hair nearly reaching his shoulders tying up his maroon skates. The two catch each other's eyes and send glares the other’s way. The two of them got up and rolled up next to each other. 
“Remember to be careful on the grass Y/n!” The boy warns the little girl who nods her head as the two take hands and line up at the place they agreed to start the race. 
“You’re going down.” Jungkook warns you straight away and you scoff at his comment.
“Only in your dreams, Jeon.” Jungkook felt himself tense up at the nickname only you had the guts to call him, unlike several of your peers whose knees buckle at the sight of the doe-eyed boy.
The two kids set off on the little obstacle course their parents set up. They each skated circles around orange cones, and they went over “hills” made out of wood by the boy’s father. They even skated up the girl’s driveway only to go straight back down to dodge several more cones. 
The two university students immediately speed off, eyes focused on their obstacle course created by imagination. Both of them jumped on opposite railings of stairs, sliding down. They skated through the campus, jumping on and off of tables and cutting through groups of people, and throwing down trash cans in their way.
The boy was clearly far more skilled than the little girl who fell behind him. She tried her best, but she simply wasn’t as experienced as he was. She tried her best regardless. 
The two were neck in neck. The boy would pass the girl for a few seconds and vice versa. They’d both been practicing for years, and finally the two were battling for the title of the best. 
The finish line was right in front of the little boy and he almost crossed it before he heard a cry from behind him, he turned back to see the girl had fallen. He quickly came to the crying girl’s aid. The parents noticed the commotion and rushed over to the two. Before the day was over the two families were laughing and eating ice cream. 
The finish line was where they agreed, but their friend’s weren’t at the end of it as per usual, but the headmaster stood there with his arms crossed, resulting in the girl and boy to bump into each other and look at each other with fear in their eyes.
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“This is it two of you. I gave you a warning!” The principal glared at the two troublemakers before him. You looked down at your lap and Jungkook sat back in his seat with an uninterested look. You loved skating with all of your heart, but you normally weren’t dumb enough to skate on campus like Jungkook and his little crew. But you couldn’t help but break your morals in order to take the jerk down from his high pedestal. Now you’re facing the consequences, and you can’t say you don’t deserve it. 
“Listen Mr. Kang, I am so sorry. Please don’t do anything drastic!” You sit up more in your chair, begging for the principal’s forgiveness, but he only looks in Jungkook's direction menacingly. You hit Jungkook’s arm and he lets out a noise, glaring at you. You point to the principal and Jungkook lets out a reluctant noise. 
“Alright, what can we do.” Jungkook crossed his arms, and you thanked the gods for making this guy finally cooperate. 
“I’m good friends with your parents, and the last thing I want is to expel either of you. But you know, I can’t let you two off the hook.” The principal took a seat at his desk, and a ghost of a smile reached his lips as he handed each of them a flyer. Both of them took one and they both sent each other a look before reading. 
“Skating competition?” You mumble aloud and the principal nods.
“You two, are going to form a team of four with two of your skater friends, and enter this competition. We have such great skaters attending our school, but no team.” You and Jungkook are speechless at the thought. The two of you on the same team? No way. 
“And one more thing, you guys are cleaning up the gym today, the janitors have no choice but to spend their time cleaning the mess you made in the cafe.” And with that, the two of you were dismissed. 
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You aggressively dipped a sponge into a blue bucket before scrubbing the floors. You glared over in your rivals direction. He was too occupied with his headphones in, shaking his butt as he scrubbed the walls. You hated him, and his cute butt. 
As much as you loved spending the night with your rival you were happy to see that the two of you were finally almost done. There was clear animosity between the two of you all afternoon, but after a bit you simply stayed out of each other’s way. You were glad, you just wanted this place spotless already.
Your eyes scan over to Jungkook’s direction and you sighed in annoyance as you noticed the spot he missed. You quickly got up to co clean it, shoving him to the side. 
“Hey, what the hell. I’m already cleaning here, are you blind?” Jungkook took out his earphones and looked at you with his eyebrows scrunched together. 
“You missed a spot dimwit, and I am not getting punished for your half-ass job, alright?” You barked back at him.
“Jesus, you’re always breathing down my neck.”
“It’s not my fault that you bother me. Go away, we’re done after this.” You tell him, and he doesn’t move from his place. You sigh it look back to the stain on the wall. 
He leaned against the wall, eyes looking towards you. He chuckled aloud and your eyes shot to him, “What?”
“I always forget the way you act, you skate with groups of guys, you’re rough and outspoken. What kind of girl are you? You’re practically a guy at this point.” Jungkook remarked and you sent an in genuine smile his way. Of course he’d blatantly express his disgust with girls like you. He only liked girly girls with pretty clothes, long straight hair, and lap dogs.
“Have you ever considered that maybe you just, don’t have enough girls around you? Because personally the thought of no girl wanting you wouldn’t surprise me.” Jungkook’s mouth fell open slightly hearing your words. You’d have to be delusional to truly believe no girls wanted him. You knew you sounded delusional too, but taking a jab at Jungkook’s ego is one of your favorite past times. You turned back to the spot you were cleaning, and you went on your tippy toes to try and reach up the wall. You saw a hand clean it before you could, and once you turned around you were face to face with the jerk himself. 
“W-what? Move.” You said and you tried to step to the side but he took your wrist and pulled you towards him, tilting his head to the side. You swore that your heart stopped at that moment. You could easily push him off, but you just weren’t expecting him to do something like this. 
“Is this fucking prude.. Really acting like I can’t get anyone I want.” He gruffly let out and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“It’s not an act.” You somehow voiced out, he let out a deep laugh that brought out a feeling in your stomach. Jungkook’s face soon reaches your neck, and you use a hand to grip his arm once he leaves a kiss on your neck.
“You’re not stopping me.” He whispers and he continues to litter kisses up and down your neck. 
“F-fuck you.” At that, Jungkook nibbles your neck and you let out noise at the unexpected action. He continued to do it and you couldn’t stop your reactions. Your neck is your soft spot. Jungkook thought he’d fucking burst right there. He did this only as a joke, but he wasn’t able to stop. Your little noises in his ear were riling him up and he couldn’t help but think this was better than he’d imagined. The two of you didn’t get along, but you are a beautiful woman, and it’s inevitable that he’d have a fantasy or two. Or at least.. That’s what he told himself. 
“J-Jungkook.” Are you finally gonna stop him? He pondered. 
“P-please..” What? What are you asking for?
“Please just touch me Jungkook.” Fuck. 
Jungkook pulled away from your neck and put his forehead against yours while nodding his head. He undid the button of your shorts, he pushed them down before putting his fingers right where you wanted them. Your hand grips his hair and your head falls into his shoulder as he fastens his movements on your heat. 
“Holy shit baby..” He whispered, and he couldn’t believe he called you a pet name. He knew he wanted to rile you up more, and he moved your panties aside and pushed his fingers into you, emitting the loudest moan yet from you. You grinded against his palm and he felt like he was in heaven. 
“Kookie..” You whine out. 
“Kookie! I hope we’ll be best friends forever.” The voice of the young girl he remembered echoed through his mind. 
“Kookie, fuck me..” And he feels his mind run in circles at the thought. 
“Kookie, I like you more than anyone!” He remembers the lies the girls told him. 
“Kookie, please.” You felt your release coming. 
“Kookie, why are you looking at me like that?” Because he loved you. Kookie snaps out of it and looks to see you here right in front of him. He can’t do it. He can’t make himself vulnerable in front of you, not again. He knows he wants this one hundred times more than you do. He knows that after today you’ll move on and pretend it didn’t happen and he’ll still be in love with you. With that thought he pulls his fingers out of you. Jungkook looks at you dead in the eye as he puts his fingers into his mouth. He steps away from you and out of the gym. 
Before you know it he’s left you there alone, and you cover your mouth once you realized what just took place. 
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2 years ago, things were completely different.
“I’m gonna do it today guys!” You sat on the bench next to Jimin who only gave you a look that showed he was unconvinced. You looked over at your friend Seulgi to see her making the same face. You looked to them with a lost expression, “What…”
“You tell us all the time that you’ll confess to Jungkook, and then you punk out. I don’t know what to believe anymore.” Seulgi tells you and you shake your head.
“No, I’ve changed. I’m a junior in high school now, it’s time for me to woman up. No other guy makes me feel the way he does.” You mumble out shyly and the two of them make kissy noises and you immediately swat at the two of them until you hear a voice behind you.
“Y/n? Can I talk to you?” You see Jungkook and immediately smile and nod your head. You follow the boy to another bench in a more secluded area.
“What’s up Kook?” You decided on telling him the way you felt after he told you what he wanted to say.
“You know my type right?” You raise an eyebrow and you feel your mouth turn upwards. Is he trying to say you’re his type?
“I like girly girls you know? The ones who always wear the nice dresses and fix their hair all pretty. The ones who don’t like the rough sports and everything.” He starts explaining and you feel your mouth falter.
“Oh.. oh.” You let out.
“Basically not you.. And anyone who says otherwise is blind.” Jungkook asserts and you nod your head. And look away, holding back tears. Did he know? Was he tired of you following him around like a lost puppy?
“I feel the exact same Jungkook. I could never like an egotistical loser like you. I like attractive and understanding guys!” You clenched your fist and stood up and Jungkook look down, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Oh yeah? Well at least I don’t constantly play a sport I suck at, it’s a bit pathetic don’t you think?” Jungkook stood up as well. This angered you. He always said you were getting better, was it all just a lie?
“If i’m so damn pathetic, maybe we just shouldn’t talk to each other anymore.” You angrily let out before storming away.
You were late for the team meeting for the third time this week. You couldn’t help but be hesitant at the thought of going. You didn’t even want to face Jungkook.
He probably thought you were desperate and pathetic. What were you gonna do? Now he knows that he can still get you with the snap of his fingers, and that terrified the living hell out of you. So throughout this month you’d been avoiding the boy like a plague.
As soon as you walked in you were already practicing, rarely interacting with the team. Luckily Jimin was on the team, and you somewhat got along with Jungkook’s friend Taehyung. You skated up a ramp and nearly tripped before arms caught you. You felt Taehyung's arms on your waist, you looked up and thanked him with a relieved smile, and he sent a smile back your way.
“Y/n!” You jump when you hear a harsh voice, you turn to see Jungkook coming towards the two of you, “Come here.”
You look at him and make no move to respond, Taehyung moves his hands from your waist and looks to Jungkook as well. You sigh and go over to Jungkook who immediately grabs your shoulders and turns you in the direction of the ramp.
“I know you Y/n.” Jungkook whispered near your ear, and you continued to look down and away from him as he spoke, “You need to be less tense, and you’ll make it no doubt.” You nod your head and take a deep breath before going down the ramp, more focused on enjoyment rather than perfection. You went back and forth with ease this time. You and Jungkook both cheered once you got back, high fiving before both of your smiles slowly dropped.
“Thanks.. Thanks for this Kook.” You mumble out before skating away.
“Yeah.” He whispers back as you go farther away.
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“Wooo!” Your team had finally finished up practice. You guys all invited some friends out and you guys went to celebrate for the day before the tournament. There were jokes being made, and laughs being shared. 
“Thank god Taehyung finally got that move down.” Jungkook cheered and Taehyung shook his head in disappointment. 
‘No thanks to you, you spent all practice watching Y/n and giving her tips.” Taehyung complained, and his words caused you and Jungkook to nearly choke on your food.
“It’s not my fault, she needs the extra practice.” Jungkook stumbles out.
“Or you’re just whipped for her.” One of their friends let out and the whole table began to laugh. You smiled to yourself and poked at your food, and when you looked up you saw Jungkook looking straight at you. You looked away as soon as you could, but soon he was talking again. 
“I’m whipped? But Y/n..” Jungkook starts, “Weren’t you just begging me to fuck you a while ago?” People at the table let out gasps and some laugh while others whisper in surprise. 
“Jungkook… are you joking?” You mumbled.
“We both know what happened.” Jungkook retorted. And just like that he did exactly what you feared. He called you out on how desperate you sounded. 
He was winning the little game you’d created in your mind, and you knew the only thing that could catch you up to him is revenge. 
Later that night half of the group went home and the rest went to the karaoke bar. You had sung a couple of songs, but your mind was on something else. You’d been scanning Jungkook all night, waiting for an Idea to pop in your mind. 
“Jimin, can you tell Jungkook to buy us more drinks? You know he won’t listen to me.” Jungkook’s parents always provided him with a good amount of money, so he often volunteered to pay for the drinks and snacks. You left as Jimin walked over to Jungkook. You quickly paid for a karaoke booth, and you can’t believe you’re wasting money, but you couldn’t miss this opportunity. 
You stood by the booth nervously, playing with your fingers. You watched Jungkook leave the karaoke room and you’re almost stunned by the way he managed to look amazing no matter the setting. You say his name as you see him and look nervously at the booth. 
“Something happened…” You weren’t the best at making things up, all you did is enter the booth, surely he did the same and before he could react you were pressing your body against his. Jungkook gasped as you pushed him back onto the couch and straddled his lap. Before he could even process the situation you were moving your body against his at a slow pace. Jungkook let out a soft grunt and placed his hand on your thigh. You two moved hard against each other as Jungkook began to move along. You were enjoying it way more than you were supposed to. Soon you were putting your hands on his sweats and pulling them down. You looked at his cock for a second, as silly as it sounds you're sure the you in high school would be having tears of joy at this sight. You make eye contact with Jungkook as you start to do little kitty licks on the tip of his dick. 
“Oh my god, You drive me so fucking crazy, you know that?” Jungkook moaned out and it encouraged you to wrap your mouth around him, humming and sending vibrations right to his stomach. 
Your hands start to play with his balls faster and faster the farther you go down on him. Your head then went on to quickly move up and down. Jungkook was a mess, trying to grab on to any object he could hold. You could feel his leg begin curling and he was trying his best not to be too loud. 
“Oh shit, just like that.” Jungkook moaned out, you moved your lips off of him and moved your fingers to your lips.
“Shh, baby not to loud.” You let out, he nods his head and covers his mouth once you go back down on him. He eventually moved his hand from his mouth to grip on to the couch cushion. 
“Shit.. please. I’m gonna cum, yes.” He choked out. And that was your cue. You pulled your mouth off of him and he whined and opened his eyes. Once you made eye contact he shook his head, “No..” 
A smile came to your lips and he sighed in disappointment, “Y/n, don’t.” But before he could say anything more you were out the door. 
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Finally it was competition day. You’d all been practicing so hard, and although you hated the thought of doing this in the first place, you’d become set on winning with your team. The whole team was dressed in purple to represent their sponsor. Currently the team was taking a break. 
You guys had been doing good, you’ve made it to the top two. The only thing left is for Jungkook to win the head on head race with the competition and you guys would have the trophy. 
Speaking of Jungkook, the two of you haven't said more than ten words to each other. It felt good at the moment, but in hindsight you should’ve saved your “revenge” for later. It’s not the best idea to feel awkward around your teammate the day of competition. Luckily he seemed to be focused on the competition, and your actions hadn’t impacted him too much in the rink. 
“20 minutes till finals.” A man came in and told you guys and you nodded your head. Your eyes shifted over to Jungkook who’d distanced himself from the three of you. You weren’t sure where the sudden uncomfortable behavior came from. 
“His dad.” Taehyung whispered your way, and you turned to look at him. 
“His dad is here.” Taehyung specified and your eyes widened. Jungkook must be freaking out. You’ve always known Jungkook has wanted to make his dad proud, and it doesn’t help that his father used to skate professionally. 
“You guys want to get some snacks before the finals?” Jimin asked the two of you and Taehyung nodded immediately. You guys haven't had much time to eat today. The two of them got up and looked at you.
“I’ll catch up.” You told them. The two of them leave the room soon after and you look over to Jungkook and bite your lip before standing up. Without a sound you took the seat next to him.
“Are you here to sike me out? You know we’re on the same team now so that wouldn’t be the best-” 
“You’re going to do great, Kook.” You interrupt him and he stops speaking, looking down. It’s silent for a few seconds before he shakes his head. You take his hand and squeeze it. 
“You’ve practiced for so long, I know you can do this. Your dad has always wanted to see you compete in a skating competition, and I’m sure he’ll be proud even if you lose.” You assure him and he shakes his head.
“Yeah.. I just wanna do good you know? This is his thing. He came all the way out here to watch me skate.. I can’t screw this up now.” Jungkook couldn’t help but spill out his feelings. Once again you were his confidant like old times, and it felt so good having you there with him when he felt this way. 
“You’re Jeon Jungkook, the boy I was never able to beat. You can do this, alright?” You told him before picking up his purple skates and handing them to him. He smiled in your direction before putting them on. You watched as he pulled on the skates that matched yours, and you still couldn’t believe you were on the same side.
“You know.. I miss you. I miss us.” Jungkook lets out, not looking into your eyes.
“Yeah us.. Remember that? We were like two peas in a pod.” You played with your fingers and you both slowly made eye contact. 
“I can’t believe it all ended because of a stupid crush.” Jungkook said and you look down shaking your head. 
“Yeah.. i’m sorry about that. I couldn’t help how I felt about you, but I shouldn’t have ruined our friendship end over that. I was an emotional teenager in love, give me a break.” Maybe the feeling wasn’t in the past, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“What are you talking about?” Jungkook’s eyebrows scrunched together.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, even more confused. 
“We’re talking about how I liked you, right?” Jungkook asked and you swear your heart dropped. You shook your head quickly, eyes closing.
“I thought we were talking about how I liked you? You didn’t like me, you told me yourself. You said you wanted a girl who is nothing like me.” Jungkook heard your words and he immediately put both of his hands on his face, shaking his head. You were still so confused. 
“I’m a complete idiot.” Jungkook mumbled out.
“What.. what did you do?” You asked him, quietly.
“I was so afraid of telling you how I felt. My friends mocked me for it… they told me if I didn’t confess to you in a week they’d say it themselves. I tried so many times, but I knew you would reject me so I couldn’t do it. That day.. I thought my friends told you the way I felt, and I didn’t want you to think it was true so..” 
“So you lied to me.. And then I told you that you weren’t my type at all.” You finished for him. The two of you sat in silence. All of this for what? You couldn’t believe such a small misunderstanding came between the two of you.
“So.. we liked each other.. That whole time.” You mumble aloud. Jungkook shook his head.
“No Y/n.. “ Jungkook sits up and looks at you, “I was head over heels, in love with you.” Jungkook admitted, and you looked back to him shocked. Your eyes went to his lips, and the two of you moved in closer to each other, but before your lips could touch a knock sounded on the door. The two of you immediately move away from eachother. 
“Hey, we have to head out now guys, I got you some food.” Jimin told the two of you. 
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“Jeon and Kim are on each other's tails!” An announcer’s voice rang out. You were yelling out Jungkook's name and cheering for him. You watched as he sped along with his competition.  
His rival, Kim Seokjin glared in his direction as a hill came in view. You could only watch them on a TV screen set up near the finish line. Seokjin was starting to loose his lead, and he decided to “Accidentally” bump into Jungkook, making him fall to the ground. 
“No!” You yell out. Come on Jungkook. Come on. 
Jungkook gets up to his feet, heaving and immediately he’s skating with all of his might. He cuts through the forest area, and everyone knows how difficult it is to skate on grass, but somehow Jungkook managed to do it. You watched as Kim Seokjin’s silhouette came into view, and you could have cried on the spot. Suddenly Jungkook came in through the woods, startling Kim Seokjin who fell in shock. 
Jungkook kept on moving until his body hit the finish line and the whole crowd roared in celebration. Jimin and Taehyung picked up Jungkook and cheered before dropping him when his dad came to view. 
You watched from afar as Jungkook hugged his father and the two talked for a bit. Jimin and Taehyung somehow managed to grab the trophy and celebrate with it while Jungkook was distracted. 
“My god guys, we just got the trophy, don’t break it.” You warn the two of them with a laugh. You then hear your name, and you turn to see Jungkook, coming straight towards you. As if it were a movie, he placed his hands on your face, pulling you into a kiss. Cheers came from your friends and parents who’ve all been patiently waiting for the day you two finally got together. 
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Jungkook and you let out giggles as he shakily tried to open the door to his apartment. You’d all just gone out and celebrated your win, but you and Jungkook left early because of.. Circumstances. 
Once the door was opened and closed the two of you were kissing. Jungkook held on to your waist and you held on to his shirt as the two of you stumbled into his bedroom. Soon you two pulled away, and you Quickly began undressing yourselves. You took off your shoes and threw them to the side, next were your shorts, and lastly your shirt. Once Jungkook had his clothes off he opened his arms for you to jump into. You jump up and wrap your legs around his hips, giggling as his lips kissed you neck. 
Before you know it he pushed your back to the bed. His lips kissed yours softly at first, at least until the two of you began grinding on each other. This time the two of you were free to moan as loud as you wanted to. 
“Your moans are so beautiful baby, I can’t wait to hear the way you sound when I’m inside of you.” Jungkook whispered, and you nodded your head. Soon he pulled your panties down and threw them to the side. He left soft kisses on your thighs before moving his fingers to your middle, quickly moving his fingers around and your moans quickly increased in sound. You loved the feeling, but you didn’t want his fingers anymore, you just wanted to finally fuck him. 
“I wanna ride you.” You sat up slightly and your words caused him to pause his movement. He remembered the karaoke bar and how bad he wanted you to ride him that night, soon he flipped you over and you smiled in his direction. You pulled down his boxers, kissing up his body until your lips were on his again for a quick peck. You grabbed his cock and re positioned it before slowly going down on him. Once all of him was inside of you the two of you let out  equally loud moans. 
“How does it feel Kookie?” You whispered, but he only responded in groan, his head falling back as you moved on top of him. Your hip movement became faster and moans filled the room, Jungkook’s hands gripped onto the sheets. 
“This is all I've fucking wanted for weeks now.” Jungkook let out, and you felt butterflies rumble in your stomach at his lustful and vulnerable tone. 
“After the.. Shit… after the gym.. I think I came more than three times that night just thinking of how beautiful your moans are, baby.” He admitted, and you knew his words were bringing you closer. 
“Fuck Jungkook. I wan.. When you come.. Come inside me please.” You begged him, and at your words his hips snapped up at the thought. Luckily you were on the pill, but either way at this point you were willing to risk it all for him. Your hips started moving sporadically and he knew you were close. Jungkook flipped you over and put his hands on your neck, his eyes looking into yours. He pushed into you again, moving his hips at a fast pace. 
“Oh my god, Kookie.. I’m gonna cum.” You could barely let out with his soft hold on your neck. When you felt your high coming you moved your arm to your face and Jungkook immediately held it down away from your face. 
“No, I wanna see you lose it. I wanna see it.” Jungkook sputtered out, and he knew he was coming close as well. Suddenly you felt your stomach drop and you were coming around him, moving your hips eagerly and the way you squeezed around him caused Jungkook to let go too.
Jungkook’s eyes closed and his mouth fell open as he shot endless streams of cum inside of you. The two of you breathed heavily, and his face fell into your neck. Jungkook took your hands in his and you guys sat in each other's warmth for a bit. Jungkook grabbed some tissues from his night stand once he was able to breathe again, and he cleaned you up. 
You two laid together in a comfortable silence. 
“Is now the best time to ask you on a date?” He asked, and the two of you laughed at the situation, but you nodded your head and cuddled into him.
“I love you, Y/n.” Jungkook told you. 
“I love you, Kookie.” You responded, and you guys kiss again, a kiss full of love and passion. 
“Kookie?” A little girl says, holding hands with a little boy as they walk around a playground. 
“Hm?” The boy responds.
“My mommy says that you should spend your life with someone you love.” The girl says confidently. The boy is a bit confused, he wasn’t sure what love was. 
“So if I love you, we will be together forever?” The boy asked.
“Mmm!” The girl nods.
“Okay. I love you Y/n!” The boy says happily. 
“Me too! Will you always love me?” The girl asked with a smile.
“Yes! Always.”
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Okay so like, this took like two days to write. And I kept wanting it to be over already, but now that I’ve finished I’m just sad! I’m never had post-writing depression before. I hope you enjoyed this! 
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Could I request something with Liebgott where you’re going through a tough pregnancy and how you deal with it together please
Author’s Note: Ohohoho- This request right here has me imagining things, like oh my gosh I was so hyped to write this. But oh dear, I’m actually... Really not sure about this one???? Idk why- I still hope you enjoy, lovely anon!
Words: 5.0k (eye-)
Disclaimers: Swearingggg also I made it Modern!AU because I feel like it’s easier to write than pregnancy in the mid-to-late 40s. There’s also just the teenist hint of angst so yeah-
Description: As happy as you and Joe were when you found out you were pregnant, you knew it was going to be difficult--who were you kidding? With stress high enough, one day the two of you broke out into an argument. However in the end, you and Joe knew that no matter what--the both of you will get through this together.
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Taglist:  @deldontplay​, @thatsonefishyboi​,@noneofurbusinez​, @meteora-fc​, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes​, @floydtab​, @wexhappyxfew​, @sherlollydramoine​, @meganthesunflower​, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @runtdrummer​, @fromtheoldtimes​​, @liebegott​
The powerful rush of glee and joy washing over you that one fateful day was unforgettable, to say the least. Holding the pregnancy test in your fingers brought a certain kind of happiness to your whole entire being. 
You and Joe had always wanted children, with your husband going on his cute rambles about how he wants to spend the rest of his life with you--with a few or more children along the way. The both of you always seemed to talk about the aspect of having children, it excited you to whole other levels and seeing Joe’s warm brown eyes light up would make it all worth it. 
He would always grasp your hands in his, his mouth running a thousand miles a minute when the topic of children came up. The small action bringing a genuine smile across your face as you two discuss more about what it’d be like. The name, whether it’d be a boy or a girl, the new room, clothing, and oh so much more. 
Your mind was always buzzing during those moments, scene after scene of your new life flashed between your head before a new one replaced the previous one.
Of course you noticed signs, like your period not coming up or tiny bits of nausea here and there. It’d been two and a half weeks since you and Joe had done things in the bedroom and when the signs kept on happening you called your mom. Every time you said another one of the things happening to you, the first thing that came to her mind was pregnancy. 
Your mom instantly gave you all sorts of advice, telling you the do’s and don’ts--which you immediately took note of. With the call now ended, you decided to head over to a pharmacy and buy a few different brands of tests.
So when you peered at the test in the restroom, turning it over with your dainty fingers shaking slightly--you were more than antsy for the result. The anticipation was real and you debated on taking your time or immediately looking at the test to figure out the results faster. Not willing to wait, you chose the latter and you were instantly glad that you did. How two lines changed your life, the idea of it was thrilling. Something so ordinary when taken into the right circumstances truly can be remarkable. 
Your hands were shaking uncontrollably from excitement. They almost threatened to drop the test you held carefully in your fingers and you raised two of your hands to hold it in your grasp. You then tighten your grip on it, your bright (E/C) widening larger than you can ever imagine. 
Sitting there for what felt like forever, you brought your right hand to cover your mouth from squealing loudly because of sheer and utter thrill and happiness. You found yourself doing a little sort of dance of celebration, positive pregnancy test still in hand.
Ecstatic, you rushed to make yourself presentable and got up. You felt like you could’ve almost broke down the wooden bathroom door when you swiftly tried to get to your husband.
Attempting to not trip over your feet as you quickly padded over the hardwood floor of your spacious home, you found Joe in the dining room, tinkering with a few knick-knacks he found in a nearby store. With your breath hitching as you trailed your gaze over your husband’s features and admiring him, you almost forget the test you held in your hand. It was only when Joe cleared his throat did you remember.
“Do ya need anythin’, darlin’?”
His signature voice and accent snapping you out of your stupor and you nodded your head in response. To say Joe was curious about why you seemed to be speeding trying to get with him was an understatement. He noticed how you were out of breath and how you were clutching something in your hands, however it was obscured by the angle. He leaned to the side to try to catch a glimpse of what it is, but to no avail. 
He stood up to walk towards you and as the wooden chair screeched on the floor but with the first step that he took he was stopped by your voice.
“I’m pregnant! I’m pregnant, Joe, we’re having a baby.”
Those words hit him like a dozen trucks, but in a very good way. Slowly his gaping jaw and mouth bloomed into a wide grin and he bounced towards you like no tomorrow, his arms hooking around your arms to spin you in a circle. Giggles erupted from your mouth as he gently put you down and you brought your hand up to show him the positive test.
With his warm honey eyes widening and his smile only getting bigger by the second. His orbs seemed to yell ‘we did it, we’re having a baby, I can’t wait to spend my life with you two!’ and you could see his brown hair bouncing with each energetic step he took around the area. The strands falling around his face, framing it perfectly.
“(Y/N)--Holy shit, can you imagine? We’re goin’ to be parents!” He had excitedly said, his hands running through his full head of hair, that beautiful beam of his never leaving his lips for even a second. 
He could’ve bursted through the roof by this point, Joe really was excited and thrilled about the idea of having a family with you.
“I’m goin’ to be a dad,” pointing at himself then grasping your shoulders to land a swift kiss on your cheek, “and you’re goin’ to be a mom!”
“Yeah, Joe, that’s generally how it works.” You teasingly said, the test still clenched between your hand. You slightly chuckled but he just gave you a cheeky grin in return.
Your husband was just so pumped on adrenaline and internally squealing to mash together a clever remark like usual. You offered the test to him, and he took it up with eager fingers, and straight away he ogled the two lines displayed there. His beautiful brown eyes glancing between the test and your bright face. 
You began, your eyes glancing at your stomach, “I just can’t believ-”
“That we’re finally going to be parents? Me neither.” 
Your husband remarked, completing the sentence for you. He gingerly placed the test on the dining room table, the hollow clack of it echoing in the room.
You nodded enthusiastically, you felt tears of joy welling up in your (E/C) eyes and Joe walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist so he could pull you closer. Separating for a while, the two of you looked at your belly, the possibility of a newer and better future inside of you. It hit a chord within your being, how you were now responsible for the life of another. 
Pushing the thoughts away, you gazed up and stood on your tippy-toes to press a kiss on your husbands lips as you pulled away, Joe snapped his hands to bring your lips to his again. Melting into his hold, you could feel his hand grasping your head cautiously. The sunlight is filtering through the open curtains, giving the room an umber glow. 
This was exactly how you pictured you breaking the news to Joe would look like. And you treasured this moment, keeping it snug in your mind to look back upon. Closing your eyes, Joe rested his hand on your abdomen and you raised your hand to lay it over his.
The first trimester of your pregnancy was a living hell. Of course you knew about the symptoms and all, your mom or any of your friends wouldn’t stop talking about it. Even when you weren’t experiencing it yet, the stories the people around you recalled gave you overwhelming amounts of anxiety. 
So you did as much research, putting in many hours to look at websites and read books about what will happen during pregnancy--but nothing really did anything to prepare you when they actually occurred.
There was the morning sickness and despite its name, it happened all throughout the day. Either you’d wake up feeling like your head was banged with rocks and pans or you’d go to bed feeling your stomach was going to burst open. It was disorienting and the world kept on spinning you even though when it was in fact still. Waves of dizziness would hit you and Joe would find you heaving everything in your system into the toilet bowl.
Whether it’d be 2 A.M., in the morning or afternoon, or in the late evening--you found yourself kneeling on the cool tile floors as Joe soothingly ran his hand up and down your feverish back. The sickness continued for days on end and on the occasions you didn’t throw up or feel incredibly dizzy, you’d just lay in bed all day--thankful for finally having a break. 
Joe was always there to comfort you and when your cravings hit the roof, he’d always try his best to comfort you and provide you with anything you needed. Every single time, Joe made you happy and you made him too in return. Relishing in the loving moments you shared together, the tough symptoms of pregnancy seemed to be a bit easier to handle when he was around. It was like the heavy baggage on your back was lightened, and it all became more bearable.
You also had to go to the restroom more and more, and you’d stumble in the dead of night heading there. Mood swings were another key factor of making you grouchy, first you’d be happy and with a snap you’d be crying or frustrated. You were easily annoyed then when you’d lash out at Joe, you’d immediately apologize profusely. 
Joe reassured you that it was always alright, and the two of you would put it in the past. Of course Joe understood and never took your statements personally, but he too snapped one day. 
Rolling your eyes that one time didn’t help that moment. Joe had just come back from work, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth as he frustratedly ran his hands through his thick chestnut hair. Standing near the doorway you huffed, you did feel a bit upset that morning and while you were fine for most of the day--the negative feeling seemed to find its way back. You didn’t notice how tense your husband was, and while obviously stressed, Joe didn’t seem to voice it like he usually did. Still standing there with nothing to do, Joe finally took notice.
With a gruff he dropped his things near the floor as he took off his shoes. In a clearly upset tone, he began to talk.
“What’s your problem?”
“Oh you know… Just being pregnant.” You sarcastically said, obviously taking his different attitude and demeanor lightly.
“No, (Y/N), I’m serious.”
Sighing, you sat down on the big sofa in your living room. The small bump you had then still growing but not getting in the way.
“It’s the mood swings, Joe. God I fucking hate them so much. And just everything else. I’m always so tired, I haven’t been able to eat and when I do eat, I end up barfing it all out like some dispense-”
“Love, I’m tired too, but can you just try to tone it down a bit.” He sounded so nonchalant then, and it tore your insides. In your bitter mood, you took it to heart. Obviously if you had a clear head, then maybe you wouldn’t have acted so recklessly and impulsively then.
“Wow, why didn’t I think of that? It’s way easier said than done, Joe.” Crossing your arms, you held a slightly indignant look in your (E/C) eyes. It was really getting to you, and it seemed to be getting to your husband too. 
Scoffing and crossing his arms like you, he hastily turned to you, “I was tryna help, no need to be so fuckin’ sarcastic. I’m havin’ just a hard time as you ar--”
Something inside you just broke, and all you wanted to do was to just yell at him. Looking back at it, you regretted what you had said to him. Thinking that if you just took a breather and ignored him instead of yelling perhaps it wouldn’t have escalated as fast as it did. You would’ve screamed at your past self and Joseph to just break it up, but what was done was done.
“Well, you’re not the one that’s pregnant.” You firmly said then and then that’s when it all went downhill. 
“And because of that I don’t have the right to be stressed as well? I don’t get why you’re acting so stuck up. Calm down, will you?”
He really did have the audacity to ask you to ‘calm down’, the utter nerve-- Both of you were wound up after weeks of being pressed down by the stress and responsibilities of being future parents. You loved being pregnant, you were so glad and happy when you first found out. While it was sunshine and rainbows for the most part, some days were less than desirable. These happened to be one of those days.
Like a tight coil waiting to break, this was the breaking point for you at that moment.
“Calm down? I have to carry our baby for nine months, how about you try doing that, huh?”
“Can’t you see the I’m trying my best, maybe if you’d appreciate it more than maybe I wouldn’t be here wasting my time.” Joe responded, his mouth downturned in a sour scowl.
Rolling your eyes once again, you walked towards him, “Jesus Christ, Joe. are you serious? You’re being so fucking petty.”
You got up, your hands flying in the air. More than fired up, you stood your ground as you glared at your husband. His ordinarily warm and consoling eyes were filled with fury, his shoulders standing tall as his chest heaved up and down.
“Get a grip, (Y/N), do you even hear yourself right now? If I knew that you were going to be like this, then maybe I wouldn’t have wanted you pregnant!”
His words hit you deep, cutting through the rage and anger that had built up. Instantaneously, Joe’s orbs had widened and he wished that he hadn’t uttered a single thing when he saw your hurt expression. Staggering back you sat back down at the couch, a look of disbelief and sadness whirling in your eyes. The nausea you felt was stronger than any sickness you had experienced in the last few weeks, and you sat still in surprise and shock--the words still resonating within you.
They sounded so true… And you couldn’t but wonder if they came from a place of honesty.
Joe almost covered his mouth then too, wishing to take those words back. The ire he expressed melted away like ice on a hot day and he made his way towards you with fast strides. Still in denial about what happened, your anger had also disappeared and while hurt you couldn’t bring yourself to push Joe away. 
You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel angry as you felt the familiar warmth of Joe’s arm wrapping around your silent figure. With all the previous vexation seething around just mere minutes ago, it was a miracle that you seemed to calm down so swiftly.
“Oh fuck, (Y/N)-- I didn’t mean it, really! I just… God, I was so insensitive.”
“I am so fuckin’ sorry, how can you even forgive me at this point? Y’know what? You deserve every right to be angry, Jesus, I don’t know what came over me--” He resumed rambling, genuine apologies spilling over his lips like a waterfall.
“Joe, please--”
His brows were furrowed and you could hear his heart thumping with him pressed so closely against you. Trying to get his attention by tugging on his shirt, he was far too busy spouting ‘sorries’ and you smiled kindly at him before speaking just a tad firmer.
“No, I need to apologize, I was being a huge dick--”
“Please, Joe. Just… Stop.”
Clearing his throat just a bit, he stared at you with wide doe eyes. His back then stood straighter like a fresh candle wick, his attention all put on you.
“Yes, love...?” Finally giving in, he quieted down and replied. It was quiet--his voice. It was so soft and not at all like the fiery and passionate Joe you loved, this tender and intimate side of him hidden so well from the world only for you to see.
The palms of your hands rubbed your raw eyes trying to prevent tears from spilling out from them. Hiccuping and feeling your chest becoming heavy, you dove into the deep pool of his amorous embrace, it immediately brought you a consolation that made your heart sing. The brunet man cooed in your ear, reassuring you and softly goading you to tell him your worries without even having to speak a syllable.
“I’m just so stressed. I thought I was all this and all that when in reality, I’m not. And all of these symptoms, Joe, they’re getting to me. The first few weeks were fine, I expected that. But then it just kept on going and it’s all so exhausting… I just thought that… I’d be strong enough to take it.” 
Nodding solemnly at your statement, Joe tucked your hair behind your ears, giving him a clear view of your face. He understood your words, and he let it sink deep within him. Joe was a sympathetic guy, even if he doesn’t admit sometimes. So he got up from the couch, telling you to wait for a moment. 
Joe left the room, his footsteps growing quieter and the ticking of the wall clock was all that accompanied you. He returned, the big and fluffy comforter that occupied your bed in his arms. He laid it over your back, the soft material enveloping you and him as the two of you got under it. 
Joe settled in, his hand placed flush against your baby bump, “You’re strong, (Y/N). You’re stronger than anyone I’ve ever met.” 
You retaliated, “But you’re a soldier, Joe! I’m just… Me.”
“Exactly! You’re (Y/N)--the same woman I fell in love with, the same woman that can get through any obstacle, the same woman who I want to spend my entire life with.” The hurtful words he had said barely had an effect on you now, and your gleaming grin made Joe reciprocate the action.
“We can get through this, I know we can. I’ll be here for you all the way. It’ll all be worth it, (Y/N), believe me.” Scooping up your hand in his, he cradled it compassionately.
“You really think that?” Voice still slightly quavering, you hopefully looked up at Joe as you inquired him.
“Of course I do. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t?”
Focusing your (E/C) orbs at his warm sepia ones, it seemed as if you two had silently forgiven each other. You two are both willing to easily put it all behind you, for the sake of your baby and your relationship. Letting go of the words he had just spoken, you compassionately wrapped your arms around him, Joe returning the favor.
You two will be alright, you kept thinking. You two will be alright.
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In a way, that argument you had with Joe made your relationship stronger and harder to crumble. When in face with difficult tasks, the both of you would come help the other and continue to face the obstacle side by side. The symptoms still pursued and hung around, but so did Joe. He continued to take care of you, always promising to get you what you need. Joe really was sweet, and you could daydream for hours about just how good of a father he’ll be.
The mood swings you had were showing up less frequently but the cravings skyrocketed. You really didn’t want to bother him by asking but he had insisted constantly. Of course it was no surprise that he constantly brought Hershey bars, he’d show that same cheeky smirk as he’d pull out a few bars from behind his back.
If you were tired, for example, those sleepless nights being the bane of your existence--your husband would lay you gently on his lap while running his long fingers through your scalp. Countless nights were spent tossing and turning and no matter what position you laid in, you couldn’t sleep. Sighs of content would leave your lips and you would melt like butter right then and there. 
Other nights when you couldn’t even get a single blink of sleep, Joe would tell you fun little stories about his friends, sometimes obscure subjects. He talked about his passion for being a barber and Joe never failed to make it all sound so interesting.
Though undoubtedly, your favorite talks when you couldn’t seem to rest were the talks when he gushed about his future with you. He’d make up all these scenarios and he just seemed so truly happy when he went on and on about the endless possibilities. 
Joe talked about how you two would decorate the room, asking you ever so often what you would like to put in it. Then he’d go on about the clothes you’d buy for your child, and all the seemingly regular things were turned into something magical.
Pausing, he would glance down at you with a sheepish laugh, “God, i’m bein’ sappy, aren’t I?”
“Joseph D. Liebgott, I find it very adorable that you’re being sappy right now.”
“Thank goodness, as I was sayin’--”
You lay there starry-eyed, both your hands laying on top of your stomach as his voice would relax your stiff muscles. Even after going on for hours, he still had more to say but by then you’d already have fallen asleep.
Joe would look down, pausing for a moment and his eyes would soften as he took in your dozing being. Sparing one last chaste kiss on your lips, he whispers a ‘good night’ before spooning you comfortably until the morning comes.
The morning sickness had faded away and was growing sparse as your pregnancy continued and you’d never been more glad. They did show up here and there a few times, but not at all like the constant waves of dizziness and vomiting that you had during the first few weeks. Joe comforted you throughout the whole thing, he even offered to set up a movie night every time you became upset just so he could cheer you up.
Sitting down, you recalled that moment 4 months ago, where you had revealed to your husband that you were pregnant. The bump was more prominent, stretching your shirts. You carefully plopped yourself on the sofa, taking attentive notice of your belly. A sigh released your lips and every so often you casted your eyes downwards. While you were never a really reckless person in the first place, you were noticeably way more cautious than you used to be. How could you not? You were now carrying a baby.
The days quickly went by and before you knew it, here you were. 
“Have you thought of a name yet, (Y/N)?” Your husband asked you from across the room, his voice raised louder as to catch your attention because of the distance.
“They’re not even born yet, you really are impatient aren’t you?” Playfully scoffing at Joe’s words, you said and questioned, one eyebrow raising up teasingly at the brunet man. 
Your hands glided over your stomach, the slight bump then not even comparing to the baby bump you had now. Your eyes softened when you ran your palms on your stomach, your eyelids lowering as you gently caressed it. You truly did feel like the luckiest woman in the world at that short moment in your home.
“I can’t help it, okay! It’s a baby, our baby.” Joe had quickly replied, his leg bouncing up and down at the speed of light. The ‘our’ was enunciated, sending a warm and welcoming feeling to your chest.  
“Well, I was thinking about ‘Gabriel’. Y’know--like the angel.” You answered, your hands as your deft fingers still absentmindedly caressing your stomach as you gazed upon the back-turned head of your husband.
“Gabriel… Gabriel,” your husband repeated, testing it out on his tongue. After a few more attempts he turns to meet your stare, a pondering expression ingrained on his face. “I like that name; Gabriel…” He trailed off once again before giving you an electrified smile which lit up the whole room.
Turning to your direction once again Joe asked, “Well what happens if it’s a girl?”
Biting down at your bottom lip at the thought, you pondered hard. What would you name her? Digging deep into the back of your mind, you tried to figure out which name caught your attention. Letting your mind run, you were stopped in your tracks when Joe softly called out your name.
“What about ‘Celine’?” Joe softly inquired and the corners of your lips turned upward at the name.
“Celine and Gabriel, don’t those two sound pretty?”
“When our baby is born, (Y/N), I can see where they’ll got their beauty from.” 
With your cheeks warming up, you turned away while grinning as Joe smiled. Looking at the time, you cast a glance at the calendar on the wall. The bright red letters in Joe’s handwriting sprawled out on a square, stating ‘Doctor’s Appointment’. Joe even went to put it a little more effort and drew a simple baby face. 
Getting on your feet slowly, your husband stretched out his arms to grab yours to instantly ensure your stability. The drive to the hospital was filled with questions as Joe repeatedly wanted to ask you about how you’ve been feeling. It was the usual cravings, cramps, and sickness, you had told him as he nodded in understanding.
The two of you made sure to constantly visit the doctor’s, getting weekly updates about your pregnancy really was exciting. You would fiddle with the hem of your top, nervously chewing at your lip. Joe held your hand comfortably, sometimes reaching to put loose strands of hair between your ears. Your nerves never settled though and they only went haywire when the doctor had called your names. 
Waiting in the bright white room made your mind race and shut down at the same time. Occasionally you would space out, your eyes focusing on nothing really peculiar as your mind muffled any sounds around you. The doctor came in, introducing himself and explaining the ultrasound process. There he took you to a different room where you saw the ultrasound machine and chair where you’d lie on, you quickly grabbed Joe’s hand. 
Squeezing back, he leaned down slightly to give you a brief peck on the top of your head.
Listening to the doctor, you laid back on the examination table and pulled up your top to reveal the four month baby bump. The process was quick and quite obviously painless, the entire procedure only taking about 30 minutes. The ultrasound showing up on the computer right beside you made you excited to see the results. 
Fixing yourself, the doctor had told you to wait in the room as they examined the results. Joe sitting beside you, he lifted his arm and ushered you close to his side and he closed it around you--pulling you in.
The door to the room opened and there revealed your doctor with a professional yet welcoming grin on her face.
“Well, we got the results back from the ultrasound, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” She had said, taking a seat next to you. The words ‘results’ and ‘ultrasounds’ made your heart do flips and somersaults, Joe next to you also giving you a knowing glance.
“Starting things off, your baby is very healthy and we didn’t pick up any complications. The heart rate is good and we see no physical abnormalities whatsoever.”
Grinning with each word, you excitedly looked to Joe, who was already looking your way. The doctor’s nimble fingers dashed on the keyboard, showing you the black and white images of the baby inside of you. Your eyebrows were raised high on your face and you knew that your smile was just as big as Joe’s. Tightening your hold on his hand, you waited patiently for the big reveal. Joe was ahead of you though, and decided to ask the doctor himself.
“That’s amazing. But--if you don’t mind answering, what’s the gender?” The question hung up in the air and the doctor nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes gleaming with happiness and recognition.
You were bouncing your leg up and down, and the time span of a few seconds you anxiously bit down on the tips of your nails. Joe was obviously antsy too, his body on the edge of his seat as you were on the edge of the examination table. Leaning forward in excitement, you drummed your fingers against your thigh.
“Ah yes, of course, well, I’m very happy to announce that you two are the proud parents of a beautiful, healthy boy. Congratulations!”
Blood was rushing through your ears and it wasn’t until your husband reacted did you ever move too. Eyes growing wide, you practically squealed in excitement, your whole form bouncing up and down the examination table as you looked at your husband. The two of you were exuberant, the doctor letting out a small smile just by looking at how absolutely joyous you two were. 
Turning each other’s forms to each other, Joe’s hands gripped your upper arms while leaning in. He leaned forward to press his forehead against yours like he always did. You felt your mind creating pictures of your future life with Joe and your baby, flashing them like a slideshow.
You knew Joe never really let out tears, but you could seem some welling up in his eyes. 
Casting a downwards glance at your stomach and setting his hands there, Joe cooed affectionately, “Hello Gabriel, me and your mama love you so much...”
Removing his hands from your belly, he brought them upwards to cup your face. Your eyes met and your heart raced faster as his next words. He beamed uncontrollably as his mouth opened, his eyes threatening to burst with tears as yours was the same.
“See, darlin’? I told you we could get through this. I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). Forever and always.”
There in that moment, it was just you three. You, Joe, and your beautiful baby boy and you couldn’t imagine trading away this moment for even the entire world.
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Author’s Note: Oh jeez, I hope I didn’t bore you with this fic! I guess I also changed some things, so ahh I’m sorry if it’s not what you imagined. If I made a few mistakes with either writing or portrayal, I apologize for that. But thank you all for reading, have a great day, my loves! <3
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kumeko · 3 years
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A/N: For the Foreverbound Zine. I wanted to explore a possible post-canon scenario.
Summary: It was strange exploring their old high school. Kou felt oddly tall, Nene couldn’t see the mysterious anymore, and all of their old haunts had lost their magic. The only thing they had left was their memories.
Kou felt tall. There were many emotions he’d expected when he strolled into his old school, but this strange sensation as he looked down at his old locker was not one of them. When he was younger, he used to lean on his tippy toes to look into his cubby. Now he had to lean down to peer inside, his shoulders hunched uncomfortably as he tried to put his sneakers into an empty space.
They ended up hanging out of the cubby. “I feel big,” he muttered, frowning.
“Well, you are kinda big,” Nene replied brightly next to him. She hummed lightly as she slipped off her sandals, her smaller shoes fitting neatly into a locker. Looking up at him, she added, “Though your brother is taller.”
He flinched. It was a sore spot and she knew it. “By a centimeter,” he mumbled, crossing his arms defensively.
“That’s alright, you’re still plenty tall,” Nene consoled, patting him on the arm. There was something smug about her smile. “Just not as tall as him.”
“And you’re short as a kid,” he grumbled, the words slipping out before he could stop them. In the five years since they’d graduated from here, Nene had only grown about a foot. Maybe. Now she was at the perfect height for the top cubbies and despite her pink sundress, she looked like she was still a student here. Even the daisies in her hand didn’t shake that image. All she was missing was her uniform, and he was certain she could still fit into her old one.
“I’m not that short,” she pouted, jutting out her lower lip as she looked up at him.
However time had changed them, it hadn’t made her any less beautiful. Kou felt his neck flush as she glared at him. They could be a hundred and she’d have that effect on him. “It just makes you cuter.”
“That’s a given.” Despite her confident reply, her cheeks were red. Nene tossed her long hair over her shoulder and marched past him. “I’m always cute. Now, let’s go!”
A certain pink-haired photographer said the same thing once. The memory didn’t hurt as much as it used to, but it ached nonetheless. Mitsuba would have been in university with them, majoring in photography. Maybe he’d still be cute. Maybe he’d have become handsome instead.
They’d never know the answer to that.
That jolted him out of his thoughts. “Coming!”
Scrambling to pull on his indoor shoes, he chased after Nene. It was Sunday, and fortunately there were no students around to witness their return. No teachers either—Kou didn’t know what strings Teru had pulled to let them in, but it wasn’t surprising that they were connected to someone high up. Even when they’d dealt with the supernatural, he’d never seen the school so empty and he suppressed an uneasy shiver. There was nothing dangerous here.
At least, nothing he couldn’t handle. His powers might never be as strong as Teru’s, but he had come a long way since high school.
“That tree…” Nene paused at a window, gazing outside. “Think it’s the love tree?”
Kou followed her gaze to a small, broccoli shaped plant outside. It looked more like a miniature shrub than a tree, but the face on the trunk was unmistakable. “Yeah.” He grimaced, remembering all the pairings that came from it. “I hope it doesn’t get too powerful.”
“Even if it did, I changed the rumour, remember?” Nene winked at him playfully.
“Right.” He scratched his chin. “You changed a lot of rumours here, didn’t you?”
“The staircase, the tree, the mokke,” Nene counted off on her fingers slowly. At the last one, she paused and looked around. “Do you see them?”
Something soft landed on his head and he sighed. “Yeah, one’s on my head right now.” Immediately, he patted his pockets, checking that his keys and wallet were still in place. Kou could do without their sticky fingers.
“Really?” Nene leaned back, standing on her toes as she tried to look at the top of his head. “Lean down,” she ordered, grabbing his shirt and tugging. “You’re too tall.”
“And you’re too short.” Obliging, he crouched, his hands on his knees as he lowered his head toward her. “Better?”
“Much better.” She smiled brightly at his hair. “It’s good to see you again, mokke. There’s candy in my pockets, if you’re hungry.”
“Candy?” Happily, the mokke jumped from his head to hers, tugging on her hairs. “It’s been so long!”
Kou straightened. When she looked at him blankly, he pointed at her head. “They’re on you now. They missed you.”
“Oh!” She kept her posture ramrod straight as she walked toward the stairwell. “I missed them too.” Nene chuckled. “You know, it’s strange not being able to see them anymore—they used to be everywhere in the school.”
“They still are.” Kou smiled at her fondly, reaching down to grab her hand. It was warm. He had spent so long fearing that it would turn cold. If living meant she’d lost the sight, it was an exchange he was fine with.
“I know, but it’s different when you can’t see them anymore.” Nene sighed, her cheeks puffing slightly as she started to count the steps up. At the fourth one, she hesitated before stepping over it. “Can’t risk it,” she explained, looking at their clasped hands.
Kou hadn’t thought it was possible to grow any happier, but apparently Nene was out to prove him wrong every single day. Still holding hands, they passed by the library, not spotting their spider teacher for once. A right turn and they were at the bathroom.
“Hanako!” Nene let go of his hand finally, pushing open the bathroom door cheerfully. “I’m back!”
Kou bit his cheek as he followed. Entering the girl’s bathroom felt even more awkward now that he was an adult. At least it hadn’t changed much inside—the mirrors looked new, but everything else was the same as it had been when they’d last been here. Nene twirled in the center of the room, clicking her teeth as she observed her surroundings. “I left this place so clean,” she muttered, grimacing. “Hanako, you couldn’t get anymore help?”
No one replied. Nene tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she went to the Hanako’s stall, laying the daisies on the ground. “Thought you could use something to brighten the space up.”
There still wasn’t a response. Kou closed his eyes as he observed the place, focusing for any supernatural aura. The only thing blipping his radar were the mokke. Another one had stolen his keys and he opened his eyes with a grunt. “They mugged me.”
“You need to be more careful.” Nene smirked at him, hand on her hip. “They know better than to rob me.”
Or maybe they just respected her for what she’d done. Kou didn’t bother to burst her bubble. “I’ll go get them.”
“And I’ll just clean the place up a bit.” Nene walked over to the small closet on the side, yanking out an old mop. “I haven’t used this in so long! Remember how he forced me to come here every day?” She stared at the frayed head, her hands clutching the wooden handle tightly. “Kou…you think he’s really gone?”
Moving closer, Kou wrapped an arm around her shoulder, squeezing it tight. It had been years, but he could still remember the soft glow around Hanako as he passed on, his last snarky words of Take care of her.
I will, he hadn’t replied, but somehow the spirit knew. He always had.
“Yeah,” Kou answered softly. “He’s at peace now.”
“That’s good.” Nene turned toward him, burying her face in his shirt. “That’s good.”
Maybe it hadn’t been the happiest ending, but when dealing with ghosts and spirits, there had been only one way it could all go. Well, two, but he didn’t want to think about the other. Nene was alive, Hanako and Mitsuba had moved on, and that was all he needed.
Pulling back, he smiled at her. “Want me to help?”
“Nah.” Nene sniffed, wiping her eyes, but her smile was as bright as ever. “That’s my duty.”
It hadn’t been the best ending, but it was their ending. And for that reason alone, he was happy.
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mywonuderful · 4 years
Not So Cold-Hearted Pt.17
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Summary: Y/N, a member of a popular newly debut girl group and Wonwoo has what some may call a relationship with emotional ambivalent. Will their relationship remain cold-blooded or will they finally come to an agreement and become something more?
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
A/N: After the long await, I’m back! I’m slowly regaining my creativity but I’m still lacking a bit so I apologize with this part isn’t as interesting as it seems. I’ll work harder in the future to recover! Thank you everyone for waiting patiently... It truly means a lot to me <3
“Over here, Moonbin-ssi!” You waved your hand as you walking into the lobby area, seeing Moonbin standing near the side, pacing back and forth. He shifted towards your voice before breaking out into a smile, returning the wave.
“Wow, this place is amazing...” His voices trails off as his eyes wandering around the area, making you chuckle. You escorted him to the practice room, as he pointed at every object, asking that it is. You ended up laughing at his adorable actions as you opened the door into the practice room.
“And here we are- Wonwoo, why are you still here?” You opened the door, extending your arm into the room when you saw Wonwoo sitting in the middle of the room, scrolling through his phone. You tried giving him a glare, telling him to leave but he just looks at you with a blank expression, clearly not getting the message.
“Hello, Wonwoo hyung.” Moonbin quickly bowed once he saw him. Wonwoo looked over his shoulder at him before giving a slightly nod and returned his attention back to his phone. “Sorry, am I interrupting something-”
“No! No, no, you’re absolutely not. He just stopped by.” You shook your head, trying to come up with a quick excuse.
“That’s good news.” You heard him mumble under his breathe.
“What?” You looked at him confused, trying to made sure you heard that clearly
“Oh nothing! I stopped by a restaurant on the way here and bought us some lunch! I felt bad coming after you already finished practice so I bought lunch!” He cheered, lifting a bag stacked with take-out containers. 
The both of you sat of the side of the room, whereas Wonwoo remained in the middle, as you felt his glances here and there. Moonbin opened the bag and handed you a lunch box.
“Thanks.” You smiled at him, noticing his cheeks flush as your fingers brushed during the exchange.
“No worries, it’s the least I can do.” He said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he looked to the side. “Plus the owner was nice enough to give us an extra lunch box! Though it might be too much for us, maybe you could bring it back to your dor-”
“Extra lunch box? Man, am I starving after practice. Thanks Moonbin.” Wonwoo suddenly raced over beside you, pumping into your shoulder as you gave him a frown on how he almost dropped your precious lunchbox. Moonbin was completely taken back, nodding silently as Wonwoo sat beside you, digging into the food.
“Did the two of you have practice together?” He suddenly asked, making you choke on your food. You quickly opened the bottle of soda before take a sip to get the food down.
“Yeah.” Wonwoo nodded, making you choke once again. You furiously waved one of your hand while the other pounded on your chest. You felt Wonwoo’s hand patting your back, trying to help.
“We didn’t practice together. We were just next door from each other.” You clarified in between your coughs. Moonbin gives a silent ‘ah,’ nodding to himself.
“Anyways, do you have any ideas on the collaboration, Moonbin-ssi?” You asked, after recovering.
“I have a rough plan. And you can just call me Moonbin.” He smiled, as you felt your heart starting to beat faster. As if time stopped, the both of you were looking into each other’s eyes. You blinked a couple of times, trying to regain yourself as you glanced over at Wonwoo who was staring right at you. You quickly turned away, picking up the bottle of soda and was about to take a sip when it disappeared in your hands. You turned out to see Wonwoo chugging down you drink as you gave him a nudge. “Hey! I was about to drink that.” You pouted.
“Here you can have mine.” Moonbin quickly said as he thrust his drink to you. You were about to take it when it Wonwoo interfered, once again. The both of you looked at the bottle chugging male with widen eyes. You started getting suspicious on why Wonwoo was acting this way.
“Ahh... Sorry, I must’ve been really thirsty. Drinks will be on me next time?” He sheepishly smiled as you rolled your eyes as Moonbin lets out a rather awkward chuckle. After cleaning up the boxes, Moonbin took out his laptop and took a seat in the middle of the room. Wonwoo was seating on the side, his back against the wall as he quietly ‘read on his phone.’ You took a seat beside Moonbin, glancing at Wonwoo time to time and whenever you caught him looking, he quickly reverts his eyes back on his screen, pretending that nothing happened.
“Alright, so I’ve been giving much thought and I found this song that I think would suit the both of us.” He clicks on the video as the music started playing. Your head unconsciously started moving to the beat, as a smile forms on your face on how nice the music was. Moonbin looked over at you before laughing, making you follow along as blushes form on both of your faces. You could feel Wonwoo’s gaze on the side of your face but ignored it.
“I love this song! I think singing and dancing to this will be so much fun!” You complimented as he nodded, excitedly. The both of you wasted no time and started coming up with the choreography. In a blink of an eye, time blew by but you were too caught up in the dance with Moonbin, endlessly coming up with different moves. You glanced at the clock to notice how much time has passed before seeing Wonwoo through the mirror who had fallen asleep, his head slightly tilted to the side with his steady breathes. A smile form on your face as you observed his state.
‘He must be really tired, being able to sleep through this loud music...But why is he here?’ You thought to yourself. The thoughts quickly vanished away when Moonbin suggested another move.
“I was thinking for this part, we could do something like this? And maybe you can do it like this?” He showed you the move as you mirrored him. “To fit the lyrics, I’m going to rest my hands over your waist. Don’t worry, I won't touch you.” He shyly said as you felt your cheeks heat up. Slowly nodding, he gives you a soft smile. “Alright, so 1...2...3...and-” 
“Boy am I tired!” Wonwoo’s voice suddenly came about, making the you and Moobin flinch at his voice. You both turned to look at the male was who stretching his arms over his head. “Sorry, was I bothering you guys?”
“Yes. Yes you care. Why are you here either way? Don’t you have better things to do? You’ve been here for almost the whole day.” You grumbled. In the corner of you eye, you saw Moonbin glancing at the clock before pulling out his phone, texting someone. “Do you need to be somewhere?” You leaned over to him.
“Ah... My members and I were planning on going out to eat, but it’s okay! I tell reschedule for another time! Plus, this is more important.” He muffled the last part, look at the floor while rubbing the back of his neck. His words made your the butterflies in your stomach to grow.
“That’s really sweet of you. Fortunately, we were able to get majority of the dance down thanks to your help so I think it’s good to call it a day. Plus, I’m sure your members are waiting for you! You should go. We’ll meet up again soon anyways.” You reassured him.
“Right... We’ll meet again soon anyways....” He repeated with a smile. Your offered to walk him out but he rejected, telling you to go straight home to rest up after a hardworking day on continuous dancing. You bid him goodbye by the doors of the practice room as he disappeared in the hall. Turning back into the room, you pumped into a firm chest. Looking up, your eyes meet Wonwoo, who was looking down at you with somewhat soften eyes.
“You’ve worked hard today.” He complimented, making you look at him with a twisted face on his sudden kindness.
“And you’ve been annoying and suspicious.” You spat back, taking your belongings out of Wonwoo’s hand before turning your heel, walking out the building. You heard his quick footsteps following behind as he tried catching up to your peace after closing the lights in the room. He caught up to your pace, silently walking beside you. You glanced up at him, seeing him look at you before turning your head to the side, hiding your blushing face. Suddenly you phone rang.
“Y/N speaking.”
“Y/N! Where are you right now?” Nari asked through the loud chatter on her side.
“I just finished practice with Moonbin. Heading home now.”
“Do you want to eat with us? We’re out right now.” You quickly thought about it but the tiredness starting growing in you.
“Hmm... I think I’ll pass. I’m too tired. You guys go ahead.” You silently yawned, covering your mouth.
“Alright, remember to eat your meal! We’ll be making sure you ate!” You heard Nari’s scolding voice through the line, making you chuckle.
“I’ll try.”
“Uh.... By any chance, is Wonwoo with you?” You glanced over at Wonwoo
“No. No he’s not with me.” You blankly said, directly looking into his eyes as you saw him narrow.
“Yeah, we thought so to-”
“This is Wonwoo speaking.” Your phone was taken away from you as Wonwoo brought it to his ear. You started tippy toeing, trying to retrieve your phone from the much taller male.
“WONWOO?” You heard the voices of your members scream through the call. “I TOLD YOU HE WAS WITH HER” A group of male voices followed after.
“You called?” He glanced down at you, not bothered by your actions.
“N-Nothing! You enjoy your time together!” Your members teased. You jumped, getting a hold of your phone and grabbed it back from him
“*beep*” the call ended as you stared at the phone hopelessly. Wonwoo’s phone dinged, signalling an incoming message. 
“Can you make sure Y/N eats? She’s most likely to skip meals when she’s stress and tired. I don’t know if this helps but she likes _____. Thanks Wonwoo, I owe you big time.” He reads the message from Nari. Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he looks over at you, while you were still speechless and frozen with all that happened just now.
“Let’s go.” You were about to punch him when he takes a hold of your wrist, dragging you down the street.
“Wonwoo if you don’t tell me where you’re taking me, I’m gong to call the cops on you-” he lets go of his grip as you shake your wrist, shooting him a glare.
“Where here.” He opens the door to a bright old fashion corner restaurant. You peeked into the restaurant, showing a very snug and cozy environment with only a few people in it. “You can freeze to death. If that’s what you want then.” He walks into the restaurant as you quickly followed in behind him.
“Why are we her-”
“Wonwoo! I miss you!” A young looking woman comes running towards Wonwoo, pulling him into a tight embrace.
“Sorry I haven’t been able to come often.” He returns the hug, smiling down on her. You started getting curious on who this person was and what kind of relationship she has with Wonwoo.
“Guess, you’ve finally starting working out? It’s definitely paying off.” She tippy toed, her hands flying to squeeze his cheeks before giving a quick peck on his cheek. Wonwoo squints in embarrassment, his cheeks slowly flushing red. You let out a chuckle before covering your mouth realizing that it was loud. The lady lets go of her hands before leaning over, tilting her head at you while you were standing behind Wonwoo, with your hand over your mouth. “Oh... Who’s this?” She slowly spoke, scanning your appearance. 
“A-Ah... Hello, I’m Y/N.” You stumbled upon your words quickly bowing deeply. She looked at you, scanning you body while tapping a finger on her chin. Sensing the awkwardness, Wonwoo lets out a cough.
‘She looks really young... And Wonwoo seems to be really fond of her too...’ You thought to yourself.
“Are you guys closing soon?”
“Even if you came when it’s close, I’ll open it just for you.” She gently chuckled at him and brought you to a table. You sat down and looked at the menu, displaying a wide variety of perfectly displayed and plated food. The lady remained waiting in front of the table as you felt her sight cutting through the menu as you brought it higher to cover your face.
“Y/N...” You heard her call your name. You slowly lowered the menu as you were met with her eyes locked on yours. “Y/N.... From Eunoia?”
“Yes, that’s me.” You nervously smiled, trying to be respectful
“So you’re the person W-”
“I’ll take this.” He cuts between the two of you, pointing at the dish on the menu. “Do you know what you want yet?” He peers to you as your eyes dart back onto the menu, feeling stressed that you haven’t even looked pass the first page yet.
“U-Uh not yet-”
“And she’ll take this.” he points at the picture but before you were able to see what it was, the menus were taken away from you and the lady disappeared into the kitchen. You and Wonwoo were sitting facing each other, in silence, where none of you spoke. Your eyes scanned around the restaurant, admiring how effortless everything was place and matched. The scent of delicious food started filling the room as you closed your eyes, taking in the scent as a smile formed on your face. When you opened then, you caught Wonwoo staring at you before he quickly looked away, turning behind to check if the food was coming out yet.
“Here are you meals!” The lady placed down the meal. “I added more for you so that’ll make it for all the times you left me lonely.” She cheekily smiled at Wonwoo while you sat there, quietly observing their interactions. Wonwoo chuckled and returned a melting smile to her before thanking her. You looked down on your dish and it was surprising one of your favorite dishes. 
‘How’d he know I like this? Only my members and Minghao know I like this.’ The two of you quietly started eating, too mesmerized into how delicious it tasted.
“They’re known for these kinds of dishes.” He spoke. You glanced up at him, giving him a slightly nod as your eyes traveled to see what he was eating. “Do you want to try it?” He caught you looking at his food. You shook your head, rejecting the offer.
“Here.” He stuck out a spoonful towards you. You hesitated at first but then realized that rejecting it again will only piss him off so you stood up a bit and leaned over but then your eyes gazed over at the counter where you say the lady looking at you with her arms crossed on her chest, eyes narrowed at you. You quickly sat back down, as Wonwoo looked at you with a surprised expression.
“I-I can get it myself.” You picked up your own utensils and took some to put on your plate as Wonwoo stared at the untouched spoonful in front him.
‘Who is she and why is she looking at me like that?’ Different options floated in your mind but the only one that was in bold was ‘girlfriend.’ Then, you remember watching one of the variety shows where Seventeen were describing their ideal types.
‘Someone who is hard working, gentle yet fun’ Wonwoo’s voice echoed your head as your eyes shifted over to the lady who was taking order at a nearby table before jogging over to plate the dishes and run back to clean up the dirty plates on the tables.
‘She’s hardworking, gentle, sophisticated and she know how to make Wonwoo smile... Maybe... She is his girlfriend’ Heavy thoughts started filling your mind as a weird sensation was felt in your chest. A clenched sensation you just couldn’t explain.
“I’ll pay.” Wonwoo stood up but was stopped by you holding on to his wrist.
“No! What do you mean you’ll pay? It doesn’t work like that. I’ll pay.” You stood up, grabbing on to your wallet.
“Sit down before we cause a scene.” You looked around but there wasn’t anyone in the store, almost making you laugh but you held it in.
“No. At least split the bill.” You suggested but he gave you a silent shake of his head.
“Ah there’s no need to worry about the bill. It’s on me.” The lady appear behind Wonwoo, gently smiling with her hands behind her.
“Please, let me just pay for my dish.” You tried taking out your card but her hand hovered over your hand, stopping you.
“Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it’s on me. As long as you enjoyed it, that’ll be your repayment.” She smiled at you but there was something in that smile that just didn’t seem right. You thanked her and bowed deeply to show her your gratitude. Before you left, you went to the use the restroom. As you came out, you saw the backs of Wonwoo and the lady who were sitting down beside each other. Her head was resting on his shoulder and Wonwoo was looking down at her, brushing the hair out of her face. You stood there, unable to move. Your eyes were glued on them as you heart felt like they’ve been torn into a million pieces. But why? Why exactly were you feeling this way? You didn’t like Wonwoo. You don’t have any feelings for him....Right?
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sams-sass · 4 years
The Others pt. 5
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Hello, here is part 5 because I am INSPIRED. 
Read parts One through four here: 
Part One 
Part Two 
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Summary: You and Sam are precious. You figure out more of the puzzle. 
Pairings: Sam x Psychic!Reader 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, implied smut (gettin it). 
Sam was standing behind you. His chest was pressed against your back, his breath tickling your neck as he spoke in your ear. Your arms were stretched out in front of you, your fingers curled around Sam’s gun. His finger tips ran along your hand and up your forearm.
“Relax your elbows.” He said, running his hands over your elbows.
“Shoulders squared.” His voice was heavy on your skin, his hands firmly planted on your shoulders.
“Hips steady.” His hands ran down your body, dipping into the well of your waist before landing on your hips. Your whole body was tingling against his touch and you could hear his breathing becoming more ragged in your ear.
“Aim.” He whispered making your hair move with his breath.
“Close your eyes.” You could feel his lips next to your jaw, your breath caught in your throat as your eyes closed.
“Center yourself. Feel the sun on your skin, hear the breeze through the trees. Clear your mind. Open your eyes.” As he spoke he steeped away from you a little, his hands leaving your skin. Your eyes opened, feeling clear and bright.
“Fire.” His voice was warm and inviting behind you. You shot and watched the glass bottle explode. A smile crept across your face, your gun lowering to your side. You turned and looked at him with wide eyes, a happy and shocked laugh leaving your mouth. Sam was staring at you with a smile of his own. Your eyes connected with his and your heart jumped into your throat, he took a step towards you. His hand came up to cup your cheek. You didn’t look away from him. His eyes were dancing in the sunlight as his face lowered towards yours and his head tilted. You rose up on your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, lips colliding with his. Heat spread throughout your blood and your mouth opened for Sam, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tasting all of you.
Sam was holding you in his arms, he tucked his hand under your shirt. He felt your warm and soft skin against the calluses on his palms. You made a sound against his mouth that made his blood run even faster. The world dropped from around him and all he could feel is you. All he could see was you. Your back arched against him and his legs bent to lift you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, he could feel the heat of you and it made him dizzy. He tasted every part of you until his lungs were burning from lack of air. He reached one hand up and twisted it into your hair, pulling your head back to taste more of you. His lips ran across your neck and chest. He loved how responsive you were to his touch, how goosebumps covered your skin where his mouth was. His mind was blank and his senses took over as he felt himself drowning in you.
“Ok, so when someone throws a punch always try to block or no shame in ducking.” Sam said as he took a step towards Dean, his hands up in a ready stance. Dean threw a punch and Sam crouched, letting Dean’s arm fly over him. He stood grabbed Dean’s shoulder and landed a fake punch to his ribcage.
“Remember, most people forget about their legs. Aim for the kneecap.” Dean turned to kick at his brother, Sam backed away slightly. You and Jenny looked at each other, eyebrows raised and your eyes wide.
“When you punch, aim for the soft area of the cheek. Bone on bone isn’t fun.” Sam traced over the area to aim for on his own cheek as he spoke. 
“Know the weak areas of the body. Step on their foot. Hit them in the groin, punch them hard in the belly. Break their nose if given the chance. All that shit is dooable and hurts like a bitch.” Dean showed you the areas he was talking about, the exact places to hit. “Here, let me see your hand. You stretched your hand out. He splayed your fingers and bent them slightly. “Heal of the hand straight to the nose. They’ll be seeing stars.” He dropped your hand. 
“Most important: always get back up.” Sam said as he wiped his brow, his tee shirt riding up and showing you a glimpse of the skin around his hips. You swallowed and licked your lips, feeling a tingle in your stomach.
“Alright, Bruce Lee, I think we are all hungry.” Bobby said, slapping both the boys shoulders. You all chuckled and made your way into the house. There was a plate of hamburger patties and buns on the table. You all ate while Bobby, Dean, and Jenny told you about their research. They hadn’t found much on the brand on her chest. They had only gotten through a few books though. You and Sam said that you would help after dinner.
Jenny was sitting next to you on the floor, you yawned and flipped the page. Your eyes were heavy, your head was starting to pound and your muscles felt worn. No one was finding anything and you could tell it was starting to make Bobby upset. He slammed the book he was looking at shut and grabbed the next one.
“Hey, I got something!” Jenny shot up next to you, her fingers dancing across the page. “It’s a summoning ritual.” Her eyes shot up from the page, looking directly at Bobby. He walked over and took the book from her, his eyes scanning the page.
“Balls.” His face hard and emotionless.
“What is it Bobby?” Dean asked, standing up and looking over Bobby’s shoulder to get a better look.
“It’s a summoning ritual alright. This is a very specific brand, it’s in an attempt to raise Beelzebub. The ritual calls for 6 human sacrifices, the last being that of ‘one of gifted mind’” Bobby’s face fell as he read from the book.
“Beelzebub?” Dean asked, his eyebrows coming together on his brow. Bobby turned and grabbed another book off the shelf, flipping through the pages before pointing to a page with force. Sam stood now too and walked over to stand behind his brother.
“The Emperor of Hell, the second fallen angel in the chain of command in Hell.” Sam’s voice became increasingly worried as he continued to read the words. In that moment everyone turned and looked at you.
“I guess that’s why he wanted me and my ‘gifted mind’.” You tried to joke. No one laughed. Jenny took your hand in hers as you tried to push the emotions down and your eyes welled. You could feel all their eyes on you, feel the sinking weight of the situation inside your chest.
“Hey, lets get some sleep.” Jenny said, nodding to the men and grabbing you into her arms. She stood with you and the two of you walked up the stairs and into a bedroom. The two of you laid down in the bed and held each other close. You let out all your anger, frustration, and sadness. Feeling the weight push down further onto you. The two of you laid in bed for a while. Without even realizing it, you had drifted off to sleep in Jenny’s arms. You woke to a noise in the otherwise quiet room, you looked around to see Jenny standing by the window. Her shoulders were shaking and you heard her sniffle against her shirt sleeve. You stood and walked over to her, touching her shoulder. She turned and immediately threw her arms around you.
“I was so tired that first night, I just passed out. Now, every time I close my eyes all I see is them surrounding me and hurting me.” Her voice was shaking and just above a whisper.
“I’m so sorry, Jenny. I’m so sorry you’re caught up in all this.” You dragged your hand over her hair, letting your fingers play with some strands.
“All I feel is their knives in me.” A fresh wave of tears ran through her and she hugged you even tighter. You stayed with her until she could lay down in peace before you tried to sleep too.
The sunlight was harsh through the dusty curtains. You rolled over and found Jenny’s peaceful face, she was still deep in slumber. Her lips were slightly parted and her hair was scattered around the pillow. You gingerly got off the bed and made your way into the hallway and downstairs, looking for coffee. You stumbled upon Sam in the kitchen, his back was to you. You watched the muscles move under his shirt for a minute before you stepped towards him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your cheek between his shoulder blades.
“Hey.” He said softly, his voice was deep in the morning.
“Hi.” You answered back, letting him go so he could turn and face you. He placed both his hands on either side of your face and pulled you to him.
“Ew. I just woke up.” Dean’s gravely voice spoke from the entryway. You turned and wiped your mouth, not making eye contact with either one of them and Sam busied himself with the coffee. You went to the fridge and looked around.
“You guys want some eggs?” You asked, taking out the container from the fridge and checking them.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’ll run into town and get some bagels.” Sam smiled at you.
“Mind if I join? I wanna make dinner tonight. I’m tired of diner food.” You asked, turning to face him. He looked over at you, a look of appreciation crossing his face.
“Of course.” He nodded at you, taking a sip of his coffee.
You got ready for the day and met Sam downstairs, he was leaning against the door frame. He took up almost the entire thing. You bit your lip and held back to urge to jump on him right then and there with everything you had. You two walked out and climbed into the impala. Sam drove with one hand on the wheel and the other resting against the door. He cracked the windows slightly. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, letting the small breeze wash over your skin. He pulled into a field, his face one you couldn’t quite read. You turned to look at him, your eyebrows coming together.
“Is something wrong?” You asked him.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just don’t know how much longer I can hold back. Y/N, I want you.” He faced you, turning his torso. Your breath stopped and you completely forgot how to speak. You let out a shaky breath and somehow found the words you were looking for.
“I want you too, Sam. I want you so bad it scares me.” You crawled up onto the seat, never letting your eyes leave his. His hands found you immediately and pulled you tight against him. The two of you climbed into the back seat. He laid you down gently, letting his fingers twirl within the strands of your hair. His hands were everywhere. You could feel them dragging across your body with every passing second. His breathing was becoming harder and louder, you could feel his chest moving heavy against yours as his hands ran from your hips to your breasts. He removed your shirt and yanked off his own. You stared at his muscled and massive chest. His pupils were blown wide with lust. When you were with Sam you quickly forgot about the bad and only felt the good. And my god did he feel good. It was like his body was made for you. His hands were made to hold yours, fingers twisting and caressing in perfect harmony. You were made to take all of him. He took you to heights you didn’t know you could hit.
Sam was on top of you, your body warm and soft under him. You were absolutely perfect. Everything about you was made for him. His fingers were made to slide between yours, hands meant to hold you. His mouth was made for yours, lips and tongues gliding in a perfect dance. He could feel how your hearts were beating at the same time. How your body perfectly took him. You surrounded him. Completed him in every way.
You and Sam got back to the house with bagels and groceries about an hour after you left.
“Where did you go to get this? Canada?” Dean asked, taking a bagel out of the bag and slicing it open.
“Sorry, long line at the grocery store.” Sam quickly lied, placing his hands in his pockets. Dean looked up, his eyes darting between the two of you. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Sam for another moment before walking away. You let out the breath you had been holding and looked at Sam out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey Bobby, where’s Jenny?” You asked.
“She’s still in her room.” He answered. Your gut turned and you raced up the stairs. Something was wrong and you could feel it coursing through you. You opened the door to see Jenny still in bed, her body was in the exact same position that you left her in over an hour ago. Your heart sank and you walked over to her. You placed your hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. Her eyes opened and she sat up, taking a large breath in through her lungs. She looked at you with confusion on her face.
“What? What is it?” She was panicked and shaky.
“Nothing, you have been out for 10 hours now.” You sat down on the bed next to her. She gave you a confused look, eyes narrowing.
“Really?” There was confusion and worry in her voice.
“Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” You tilted your head to look her in the eye.
“Yeah. Yeah, I feel ok. I guess I just needed to sleep.” She was trying to convince herself as much as you.
“Ok, well whenever you are ready there are bagels downstairs.” You gave her hand a squeeze before you got up and walked out the door, closing it behind you. Something still didn’t feel right and you were nervous there was something Jenny wasn’t telling you. Something she saw in her dream that she didn’t want you to know. The nerves crept up your spine and you chewed on your lip anxiously. You could feel it in your bones, something was horribly wrong.
 You added the flour and parmesan cheese to the bowl with the other spices, mixing them all together and coated each chicken breast. You placed them in the pan of sizzling butter and olive oil. The spaghetti boiling in a large pot on the back burner.
“Who taught you to cook?” Sam asked, his eyes watching your every move.
“Myself.” You laughed, taking a sip of beer. Feeling the carbonation run down your throat and into your stomach. He laughed with you, nodding his head slightly. You removed the chicken as it was done, then combined chicken broth and lemon juice in the pan with garlic. The sauce bubbled and thickened before you added it to the spaghetti, making sure it was coated. You plated the meal and turned around.
“Dinner.” Sam called. There were footsteps from every direction as the others joined you at the table.
“Is that your chicken piccata?” Jenny asked, taking a bug whiff and sliding into her seat.
“Yup.” You nodded, taking spaghetti from the pot.
“Oh hell yes.” She giggled, serving herself a large plate. Dean took one bite and stared directly at you. His face one of amazement.
“This is out of this world, Y/N.” He shoveled more into his mouth without chewing. You weren’t sure if he was really tasting it with how fast he was eating.
“Thank you.” You held back a laugh, watching him thoroughly enjoy himself.
“This is delicious.” Sam complimented, smiling at you. You smiled back, feeling good about yourself.
“I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time. This is great.” Bobby chewed his food with surprisingly good manners. You nodded at him and the table fell into a comfortable silence, aside from Dean’s moaning about the food.
You were lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. It was another night where sleep just wasn’t coming. There was a tentative knock on the door. You looked at Jenny quickly before you got up and opened the door to see Sam. You smiled and slipped into the hallway, being quiet down the stairs and out the door.
“I want to show you something.” He whispered, taking your hand in his. He pulled you to the backyard and unfolded the blanket under his arm. You both sat down and he pulled you against him. 
“The sky is beautiful out here.” You looked up, your head against Sam’s shoulder. 
“That’s what I wanted to show you.” He chuckled, you felt the rumble against you. His fingers grazed your skin.
“I love you, Y/N.” His lips whispered against yours.
“I love you so much, Sam.” Your fingers twisted into his hair. The two of you laughed together.
“You gave me everything I ever wanted and more.” His smile was wide across his face and his eyes never left yours.
“You’re my everything.” You bit your lip, tracing his face with your fingertips.
You blinked pack into the present, a goofy smile across your lips.
“What did you see?” He asked you, moving so he could look at you.
“The future.” You answered and turned to press your lips to his.
Tags: @watermelonlipstick​ @virtualheaderssupernaturalnerd​ @wnchetrs​ @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish​ @lukawats​
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