#they’re the one band he LOVES that’s not metal and it’s bc so much of their shit references Tolkien
yikesharringrove · 2 years
Who Made Who was released in May 1986 and can you fucking imagine how annoying Eddie would be about the song Hells Bells?? Especially after being fucking hunted by the town that believes he’s the devil’s protégée.
He’d cruise around town super slow just BLASTING the song and waving to everyone he sees.
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Tell me about the eurovision AU
Gladly!! It’s an au that I played about with a bit last year, set in a mystery year in a random location I haven’t thought of yet. Probably Sweden bc they’re the iconic hosts. The nations are all represented by their personifications, who are human in this au. Although in some cases I’ve opted for a nyo or a 2p version.
I currently only have the Nordics, France & the UK thought of.
I know that I for sure want to see at least two of the Nordics become an iconic friendship, much like what we’re seeing of Norway and Iceland’s entries this year. I would like a close friendship between Finland & Estonia too. And I am definitely considering letting scotland and Norway have a little Eurovision romance that manages to go under the radar a bit until nearer the end of the season.
Currently, the songs are:
SWEDEN: the classic perfectly perfected Swedish pop song (sung in English) that Sweden loves to send. The fans don’t care for it too much bc it’s been done before, but he’ll still end up coming like 7th bc the juries love to suck up to Sweden.
DENMARK: Denmark, along with my Faroe Islands oc, come in with a 2000s style europop beat. Again, it’s in English. It’s fun and energetic, but they don’t manage to make it to the final and the fans are outraged.
FINLAND: remember, I have an OC for Finland and don’t follow canon. I see them as part of a band, probably other random people from Finland. Not sure who else is in the band, but I know fin themself is the lead singer. It’s a heavy metal song in English.
NORWAY: Norway has a folk-rock song, it’s sung in English and tells the story of one of his favourite Norwegian folktales. It’s easily the more vocally demanding song of the year, and I actually don’t think he’s what norway wanted to send. I think for most of melodi grand prix there was a different favourite, singing a pop song, but they had to drop out last minute, so he ended up winning.
ICELAND: or, my interpretation of 2p Iceland. He’s the only nordic singing in his native language. Which would be good, but the song is… confusing at best? No one has any clue what’s going on. It’s like he’s shouting into the mic and there’s lots and lots of pyro equipment. You can see elves on the screen behind him? He’s shirtless and running around the stage like a mad man, no one can even pay attention to the song bc the performance is just so… what the fuck? He, surprisingly, does make it the final though.
FRANCE: the most French sounding ballad ever with lots and lots of Eiffel Tower memorabilia. It’s of course sung in French. His song is kind of forgettable.
THE UK: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland are a band. Wales is the lead singer- with much pushback from England. England is the bassist who also does back up singing bc he threw a hissy fit probs. Northern Ireland is on the drums. And Scotland INSISTED he was allowed to play his bagpipes, which none of the other brothers like. It’s supposed to be a classic English rock song, but they all have very different ideas of what the band is so the song sounds messy at best. It’s not a popular song to begin with and their live performances are just awful every single time. They come dead last in the final scoring a whopping 0 points.
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vwbugggie · 10 months
*casually screams into pillow* 😖
I just want him to be so casual w/ me and I wanna just annoy the shit out of him at the same time. What makes her stories so cute is the fact that Dean listened to music he didn’t really like JUST TO MAKE HER A MIXTAPE OMG OMG OMG so fucking sweet! I too have vastly different music taste to him, I’m in the whole 90s grunge/rock?!?! vibe (Fiona Apple, the cranberries, deftones, slowdive, Mazzy star, Alanis Morissette)
I scripted in that I have those cassettes and I just KNOW he won’t let me play them…because by his logic, whoever drives makes the rules up ig and they get to pick the music…BUT BEST BELIEVE WHEN IM THE ONE DRIVING…THOSE ARE BEING BLASTED
also do you have any ideas on the songs sam listens to, because I’m trying to make a playlist but I just can’t think? I’ve got blink 182 on there bc it fits his college vibe! I need suggestions 😅 I adore Sam too much!
As for Sam’s music taste. He gives me like mainly into non aggressive music but secretly kinda edgy??? It’s hard to explain, I feel like he’s sorta into a little bit of everything. In one episode he was listening to Visions by Jason Manns (a calmer song), but in later seasons he was listening to the bloody messiah (supposed to me metal/ rock-ish)
Low key I could see him getting down to some MCR, maybe some Queen (probably biased though cuz they’re my fav bands). I feel it heavily depends on his mood. (He definitely likes pop though, fight me lol)
Canon wise his favorite artist is Celine Dion, although he tells people it’s Elvis (which probably means he likes Elvis too)
Bonus: Some songs that reminds me of him is When I look at you by Screaming Trees (I think he’d really like that song) also ready for love by bad company.
(He was probably on screen the first time I heard them so now they just remind me of him)
But for the most part I think he’s into gentler music.
But he’d happily listen to whatever made you happy
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gonegrove · 2 years
okay but seriously i love PASSIONATELY the idea of billy being a huge fan of twisted sister and dee snider and not just bc i grew up listening to dee’s radio show and grew to love him when i only knew 1 fucking twisted sister song lol
but like of al the metal bands they’re one of the more camp and pageantry laden bands. like they took the name “twisted sister” and ran with it hardcore to the point dee talks about crossdressing and their costuming/makeup has huge drag energy.
and i LOVE thinking about THIS being the band billy is OBSESSED with because he loves the music and how intelligent they are and eloquent (dee snider spoke to congress at a hearing about music censorship in 1985). we’re not gonna take it from the album stay hungry came out in 1984. shoot em down (under the blade 1982/5) has lyrics like “they don’t care about feelings/they were meant to be stepped on/and while one is healing/they go and step on another one”. it’s a band neil would hate because they’re like, aggressively queer, and i say queer explicitly because even if every single member was the most cishet man you’ve ever met they’re still dressing up in glam metal drag and engaging with femininity/gender in a way that would not vibe with a huge amount of people. that’s queer. and it fits well into like why billy cares so much about his appearance that he’s more into those kinda of bands on the glam end.
i can see billy watching the congress shit with rapt attention bc dee fucking snider is his idol and seeing him rock up to this suits and ties bullshit in his denim and shirt and just rock fucking shop would be so powerful. liking twisted sister is a meaningful piece of defiance for him, intentional or not, because they’re the antithesis of everything neil is and respects and billy’s continued refusal to let them go is powerful. like yeah he might have to hide those albums under his mattress or replace them or something but he’s not giving up on twisted sister just because neil hates them the most of all his music. because billy loves them the most.
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What do you think about (in fics) the whole having sex without dating like not talking about the relationship or about if it’s a fwb situation etc thing? I’ve read a few where they’re friends and they have sex and it’s like what are they I need details 😭 they don’t talk about it and it’s crazy to me. Irl I either have one night stands or I date (I’ve tried friends with benefits and it’s not my thing) so it’s wild to me that the relationship isn’t talked abt by the ppl having sex lmfao like that’s crazy I’d be stressed tf out what do you mean they haven’t communicated what they are I’m going insane! Also I hate those fics where they’re friends then one of them fucks someone else and it leads to feelings being revealed and they get together like 😂 damn that’s crazy you have feelings for me and still had sex with someone else…but that’s just me! I guess I’m very? particular (for lack of a better term) with my relationships and who I have sex with but I also wonder how much life experience some fic writers have. Also I saw that one post of yours about Eddie being a virgin and I agree…I’ve noticed a lot of people making the reader be a virgin and Eddie’s experienced and that just pisses me off tbh like ok write whatever I respect that but damn 💀 can we just be a whore this time and not some innocent little thing 😂 and he’s some 20 year old guy too not a professional dom or whatever I’ve seen those too 🙄🫢 anyway this has been a vent bc I would sound crazy talking to anyone else abt this 😭😂
No, I totally understand wanting to be able to at least define what kind of relationship your in - be with FWB or one night stand. I know in movies, shows, fics etc there is a lot of just hooking up on the fly - but in my personal experience (I’m pretty experience, not bragging just stating facts) I’ve never just hooked up with a friend out of nowhere. I have had one night hook ups and have been FWB with two people before - but there had been things leading to that point. Flirtation, talking, etc. I’ve never really dated someone, mostly hooked up until I met my husband. It does seem kinda crazy to just fuck your friend but most cases, I think there is a build up. When I write fics, I try to make that build up apparent but I’m pretty sure I’ve been guilty of just having characters randomly hook up but there’s always a conversation afterwards. I don’t think the real work works like that fully. When it comes to not realizing your feelings and hooking up with someone else, only to realize said feelings - not a fan of that in writing either. I get it though for plot reasons, but I think there are better ways to convey that.
Now when it comes to Eddie being a virgin. Originally post is here - wasn’t my OG post, just added my opinion. I don’t think there is anything wrong with being a virgin. Having truly know an Eddie in high school, I was completely in love with my friend Jeremy who was a metal head - Megadeth was his band, I can truly believe Eddie was a virgin. Maybe he got to second base, but no home run for him. My friend Jeremy, we had this thing going on for years and I ended up taking his virginity. Before that he was a total dud with girls. He was also a 19 year old kid. So it makes sense.
Lastly, I love venting! Thank you!
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az-cain · 10 months
Went to a MIW/ITM concert (SO FUCKING COOL) and now im thinking about rockstar Azriel
He’s totally a bass player w/ backup vocals (he does the screaming <3)
Him about to go onstage, kissing you on the forehead while forgetting he has his black lipstick on, sending both of you into a fit of giggles and making him scurry out there just a little bit late
His band’s name is the Shadowsingers!! Or smth similar idk. OR OMG MAYBE THE ILLYRIANS MAYBE ITS THE BAT BOYS (but Rhys is a good guy in this)
Super tatted up, all over his arms so they look almost totally black from a distance but up close they have the most gorgeous, intricate line work that he literally gets touched up every six months bc he’s obsessed
But he also has a huge back/chest piece that’s very readable so on occasion he goes out shirtless.. everyone fawns over him and you’re down there in the pit yourself so you get it and squeal with the girls
He’s always super concerned when you go down into the pit (but you love it) so between every song he’ll kneel down and squeeze your hand
One time some guy got handsy, and while three other guys had already stepped up to tell him to fuck off, Az jumped off the fucking stage, bass in hand, to push him away and share a few choice words. Nobody has since.
He’s the only member of the band with his hair out of his face because he just can’t stand it. He does headbang but pushes it back with his hand after obvs
His band all wears variations of the same outfit— torn black jeans of their choice, a shirt they can whether or not to wear, and leather jackets inlaid on the shoulders and back with stones of their choice— but his stones are lapis lazuli, and each one is encircled by aquamarine with an LED behind the lapis to make them glow
Super calloused fingers from playing. That’s all.
He has to have a long skincare routine because face paint every night for a few months… well it does some things to your skin. And on top of that he’s not allowed to kiss you when his face is all greasy with paint so he really has to get it all off
That being said, him running off backstage to give you a quick kiss when you’re not expecting it— your splutter of disgust from the makeup, his raspy laugh echoing as he runs away again
The boys let him have one song about you and it’s so fucking romantic but it’s still metal so it’s just Az screaming about how much he loves you
The crowd always goes crazy when you come onstage— you’re kind of a special event, if you will. You sing one of their songs with them on a single track off a single album and they only play that song once per tour. There have been systems put in place by fans to try and figure out which concert you’ll be singing at. It’s entirely random.
It’s even better when you hop out of the pit to grab your jacket from one of the props and you can hear the crowd start screaming over the song they’re playing
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ihavemanyhusbands · 11 months
UGH he is so dreamy literally has me kicking my feet giggling like it’s honestly the best part about this job if only you were here to freak out with me😫
I doubt anything will ever happen tho bcs I’m awkward as fuck but if shit goes down u will be the first to know, literally tho bcs I don’t have anyone else to share this shit with and I’m so glad to tell u and have u share my excitement bcs u just get me ugh ILYYYY and APPRECIATE U SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!! BRB manifesting a sexy new coworker for u too 😘
ALSO don’t even apologize taylor swift is def not for everyone, I also listen to a lot of diff stuff (taylor is my main girl tho love her ugh) but I’ve actually never really listened to metal do u have any fave artists or song recs???? I need something hype rn this weather and this man have me feral lately lmaooo🌱
Ughhhh and if he’s buff just bite his biceps for me literally 😭😭😭😭 AND OF COURSE I LOVE THAT YOU TELL ME THESE THINGS AAAAA IM SO HONORED AND SO EXCITED!!! 🥰🥰
And omg yeah I listen to Deftones a lot, but I also like other bands like Narrow Head, Loathe, Kittie (they’re esp cool, an all female metal band!!!). Actually Deftones was what got me into other metal bands, they’re pretty great and i love them, their album “Koi No Yokan” is one of my favs definitely recommend!! ❤️❤️
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radiant-elsecaller · 1 year
I thoroughly enjoyed reading BoM and am preparing for the lore dump of my life which I am assuming I will find in Secret History. For now here are my thoughts on the book. Spoilers for Mistborn up to BoM and also minor spoilers for Oathbringer and Elantris.
So I thought the prologue established a nice contrast between Wax as a teenager and the Wax we know today. Though he isn’t powerful or skilled at first, he is able to use his ingenuity to save that child (which by the way that whole event must have been so traumatizing). Then in the first chapter Wax is much more confident, hardly thinking about using his metals, just burning them naturally and not being alone this time. And on the day of his wedding no less. I adore the fact that Steris left in time for him on her schedule, AND planned a second date for the wedding. I’m looking forward to seeing their relationship more in TLM because they honestly work so well together in multiple ways.
I got so excited as I always do, when Investiture is mentioned. Also “tapping mental speed tends to make one hungry” is like Lift! It’s cool to see the parallels between different branches of Investiture.
Wax mentions the Red Rip twice in this book, is this the same nebula thing as Taln’s scar?
So we got Hoid giving Wax a medallion and I am pretty sure that woman was Khriss in the span of a few pages. It sounded like her and idk I’m pretty sure it was her?? Bc she was asking him about how his powers worked and stuff.
Hotel scene = iconic. Enough said.
AIRPLANES! And Telsin! I was a little suspicious of Telsin because she wasn’t being helpful at all and was saying weird things. So it wasn’t too surprising when it was revealed she was part of the Set.
Anyway it was so cool when Marasi stopped the bullets from hitting Wax and they kept passing the cube to each other and using it to help each other so seamlessly. I love seeing teamwork like that between members of a group and it’s so cool when they know each other so well that they can do it all largely without even actually speaking.
Also the language medallions being attached to location, like how Aons rely on the physical geography of a place. A lot of implications about Investiture and Allomancy and also apparently there are all these other people who have never been mentioned before and I think they’re talking about Kelsier?? Bc there was that whole memory in the epilogue. I’m a little confused lol
Steris Harms has my whole heart and I’ll probably make a separate post talking about her. But she is just. So amazing and I love her so much. I found her more entertaining than anything in the first two books, but I just have such an appreciation for her, as someone with no powers on this grand adventure, doing all she can to help the people whom she loves. And that often ends up saving people’s lives.
The whole scene when Wax had the Bands was such a Vin moment. And I love the trope (this happens with Dalinar too) where the antagonist can no longer manipulate the protagonist because they’ve undergone character development and/or a change of mindset.
So the epilogue was a thing. I guessed that it was Kelsier’s memory but there are so many other things I’m confused about, like did this take place after the Catacendre? What is even going on with Kelsier? Why are we only hearing about this whole other civilization in the third installment of the second series?
And there is an evil force (another shard?) who is using its own kandra? Does Harmony know about this? I’m wondering if it’s some kind of shard or smth bc of the red shadow surrounding the planet. So maybe that’s what is in charge of these Faceless Immortals. We still don’t know who or what Trell is, so he might be connected to all this.
This is random and probably insignificant but I want to know how that temple was lit. What was that blue light. Was it stormlight or a Scadrian equivalent. Powered by some metal,, or what. Also what metal powers the airplanes.
Now I just have to read secret history, row, and then the lost metal. And then tress and other short stories. I didn’t dive super deep into the implications of various cosmere and character developments, etc bc I’m trying to just get all of the main parts of the novel down. Actually I just realized I didn’t even talk about Wax’s death lol. And there is the ever growing technology on Scadrial. But there’s a lot to unpack here that I’ll probably write more about at a later date.
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varietyshiw · 2 years
okay pardon me for going all fandomy on my first post—but can we as a fandom talk about how Glam Metal Family is somehow accidentally some of the best OSDDID/plural rep i’ve literally ever seen?? in my life??
like. im kinda like having trouble organizing my thoughts bc it’s like 5 AM and i haven’t slept yet but just. look back through the series and read between the lines and you’ll find a lot of context clues/evidence supporting the theory
its like. “sebastian” was the original host and is the one who was geared more towards achieving perfection but a new alter named “glam” formed and took over when they listened to the record ches gave them, and then went on to rebel against their father and create a band and such. glam would be the ongoing host long into their adulthood as u can see by the way their style branched out and the way they interact with daily life.
not to say sebastian isn’t still there though! in the very first episode, when glam& is doing work in their office, they look a lot more dreary. they don’t hold glam’s signature smile and talk in a lower, more serious tone. this is a pretty good representation of sebastian’s presentation, and his role in stuff—he acts more behind the scenes, handling financial stuff and working. but he doesn’t actively front much, especially around others—unless he’s triggered out.
remember the box 37 scene?? when glam& opened it and kinda spaced out and then had a flashback for the next two episodes? i’m inclined to believe that the city model inside box 37 was something so personal to sebastian when he was host, that upon glam& seeing it, it was enough to trigger him out for a while and cause them to have a flashback. the way they slowly turned back and stared out the car window after seeing what was inside was on par to my experiences with dissociation, triggers, and flashbacks—just thought that was a pretty neat detail that added all that much more to the amazing rep :)
to sum it all up—being fully honest, if some movie producer wanted to make a series about a character with DID, i would point them directly towards glam. because glam lives a fulfilling life while managing their disorder. yes, they still struggle with their past and their symptoms. and yes, they are flawed in some ways. but they have a wife and kids that they love! they have hobbies, and friends! and best of all, they don’t kill people and are a normal fucking person in society! which is something we clearly don’t get with most plural rep.
really, the nifty thing about glam is that they struggle, they have symptoms that affect their life, and they’re a pretty flawed character—but they still live a good fucking life. which is, honestly? something i’d like to see way more in representation of people with DID.
BLEGGHHGJSGSHDH that was sure a lot of motherfucking wordbarf but thanks for reading it all!!
also i am so fucking excited for season 2 EEEEEE!!!!! i’m especially excited for the series to delve more into glam and ches’s past in season 2, kinda scared for the angst tho RIPPPP but that clip of the band getting excited over smthn in the trailer more than makes up for it lol :)
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
colorguard! reader x peter parker
summary: an entirely self-indulgent piece for myself bc i have to be at my school by 4:15 and get on a bus for 5 fucking hours
wordcount: 750
warnings: cussing, mentions of racism and homophobia, my saber cut me one time and now i hold a grudge against it
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• for those who don’t know what colorguard is, it’s this:
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ah pls look at those rotations! those are 7s or 8s y’all😩
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low key think i’ve been to that arena
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• ok assuming ur in high school, this is also kinda gonna be peter parker x reader
• idk ab other schools’ guards but literally my whole guard is fruity
• we love
• anyway
• you’ve been friends with peter for a while, and he had called you in a panic when he got bitten by the spider at oscorp.
• aka, you had to help him make the first spider-man suit. neither of you could really sew and you honestly want to forget about the shabby costume.
• you convinced him to join marching band, even if he did choose saxophone (slightly to your dismay, you’d love to see him in guard, or god forbid, drumline).
• band camp nearly killed that boy, leading to you making many jokes about how, even after gaining superpowers, he was still laying on the field dying after a run-through.
• he attends every winterguard competition, much to your director’s joy. directors take any excuse for extra help.
• when he joins the avengers, he stays in marching band for you 🥺
• peter brings you to meet them, and you’re literally in awe. they don’t think you’re weird or nerdy for it, instead they ask if they can come when marching season comes around.
• nat helping teach you ballet and gymnastics so you can get that dance solo babe
• making them attend a DCI performance and screaming for blue devils bc iconic. my first blue devils show i saw was ghost light and it’s still in my heart.
• them coming to a friends and family performance at the end of band camp
• making the super soldiers try to toss your equipment and wanting to fucking scream because once he gets decent, bucky can toss elevens on rifle with only half preps🤠
• tony as a band parent pls 😩
• the team cheering you on at state and literally jumping down bleachers to hug you both.
• not to brag but my band won state this year and omg fucking surreal. literally froze my nips off bc we didn’t have sleeves on our costumes in the middle of goddamn november but fun anyway.
• them at winterguard comps? almost embarrassing bc they’re screaming when you pull the tarp out.
• consoling u if the outfits are ugly
• if u have any solos it’s over hon they’re hyping u up big time
• WGI slapping every time. this year’s lexis winterguard show is bussin bussin y’all look them up they’re hot
• anyway have some fun scenarios that have happened to me:
• slamming into a fucking metal pole in the parking lot bc i couldn’t see over the goddamn flags
• it rained on us during warmup and our flags were soggy af. still got first tho
• swarming a mcdonald’s at 5 am with the winterguard
• going batshit for a ziploc bag half full of grapes
• breaking multiple lights in the gym because ‘oops didn’t think i could toss that high’
• trying a trick toss at practice and everyone going crazy when you catch
• showing off when another school group walks by (our track team practices at the same time and close by)
• cutting ur freaking hand open with the saber because the tape is too scratchy
• honestly f saber line it’s literally just pinch pinch like bitch i’m not a crab
• we get m&ms instead of trophies for the winter competitions, so literally going feral for the family size bag
• wind and flag work🤮
• exchanges looking sexy as hell. i have a duet suicide (a double exchange) with a friend this season and i nearly kill him every time but the crowd likes it sooo
• crying because your rifle has a crack but buying a new one and adjusting to the weight is a shit time
• fighting the winds bc 90% of ours are racist or homophobic 🙄 literally don’t associate w them
• guard cuddle-piles
• our band does separate breakfasts for each section the morning of the first comp, and we exchange gifts.
• no matter how much you complain, staying for your friends who are more like family
• anyway back to fanfic stuff
• peter asking you out at a competition and sneaking to sit with him on the bus
• sorta-cringey-super-cute hand holding at comps
• him being buff and being able to lift you with ease, leading to partner choreo
• packing snacks for each other bc couples that steal each other’s food stay together
• even if there is a no-pda rule, he’ll kiss you in the middle of the gym or field after every awards ceremony, whether you win or not. he’s proud either way and you feel the same.
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what random hyperfixation aside from their cannon interests do u think the obey me brothers would have? like i could totally see satan be one of those people that is super into fragrance and knows what every single note smells like or beel being very informed about brand marketing lol
The idea of Satan being like every fanfic character and being able to pick out all sorts of smells from anything is hysterical lmao
I’m only at, like, lesson 39, so if this is either disproven or comes up as canon in the later lessons, Oops. So some of these will be more random/Vibe based, and some might have some justification I pull from canon like aspects of the characters’ personalities or canon interests bc, well, even when extrapolating/taking a canon character and saying “mine now”, I tend to like to refer to the source material.
So without further ado!
Random Hyperfixations/Interests the Brothers Have (At Least, According To Me)
No, not birdwatching
What is birding, you ask? Well it’s basically birdwatching but much more meticulous and aggressive
Birdwatchers tend to just kinda chill somewhere or set up a bird feeder and admire whatever shows up, maybe look up some local birds to better identify them when they see them
Birders(?) are like mf Pokemon trainers: Gotta Spot Them All! Birdwatching is a much more active hobby for them, they will literally drive out a couple hours just to see a bird they’ve never seen before and record it
I think this fits Lucifer because he is absolutely the kind of person who would try birdwatching and get super competitive about it
(No shade to birding, I just find it really funny that there’s a name for what is basically “INTENSE BIRDWATCHING”)
Anyway, Lucifer has probably been responsible for several discoveries of new bird species in the Devildom, and is well-known amongst ornithologists, who may or may not stalk him on his bird-ventures because the odds of him finding something new and exciting are quite high
Idk why exactly but I feel like he’d be big into drumming? Most kinds of percussion, really
There’s something really tactile and stimmy about a drum set that I think Mammon would appreciate
I don’t know a lot about the technique of drumming, but I love a good beat, and rhythm is the foundation of music
Plus he could totally do streams and take (paid) requests every now and then
But mostly I think this would be something he just does himself
To relax, to have fun, to vent out any pent up Feelings
His drums are kept in a separate music room that is magically soundproofed tho because he has a tendency to get the urge to play at odd hours
And that has caused Problems in the House in the past
Okay, we all know Levi is into collecting, especially fandom merch and the like
But I think he’s also into Swords
Don’t get me wrong, he probably has some decorative and/or nerdy swords
But I do also mean like Actual Historical and Modern Swords
Cursed swords, enchanted swords, ordinary swords that are just Really Cool looking or have an interesting history behind them…
He can’t display them all at once, but he has a comprehensive organization system for them as well as a giant binder with all the information about them
A lot of his finds come from his underwater explorations of Devildom and human world seas and oceans
Like Lucifer, he’s got professionals who occasionally stalk him because of this
But they’re gonna have to be faster than him at actually finding the weapons bc once he’s got it in his sights, he’s not exactly keen on letting someone else take it
The Devildom Royal Museum has been in deep negotiations with him for centuries about displaying parts of his collection in personal exhibits but he’s been pretty stubborn
It’s not fair, he’s the one who found them, why do they get to take them away?!
However, as space becomes increasingly limited, Levi might have to concede some ground...
Straight up amateur archeology/whatever the Devildom equivalent of urban exploration would be
Satan’s a huge nerd, so it stands to reason that he’d be into visiting old ruins in the Devildom and see if he can find anything interesting
Archeology is basically like uncovering the mysteries of the past, and he’s big into detective stuff already
He probably finds the research afterwards just as interesting too
He has definitely let his grades slip a bit while following up on a particularly promising trip
Unlike Levi, if he finds something of value/interest, he has no problem handing it over to actual historians and the like, but he wants to be involved in the Process
He refuses to call the emotion he feels when seeing his name on an exhibit’s plaque “pride”, but...
Heavy metal :)
It absolutely Does Not fit with his pastel pink softboi sex kitten image
So very few people know
Lots of people have heard Asmo sing, and a few have heard him scream for… certain reasons
But practically no one has heard him really scream
Part of him is slightly insecure about liking something that some might find unbecoming
But mostly he likes to keep it secret because he finds it deeply amusing to drop small hints about it and see people’s reactions
There may or may not be an underground Devildom metal band with a suspiciously charming singer who can go from the most primal growls to the crispest cleans without a hitch
I just really like the idea of Asmo dressed like a metalhead okay? He has the range!!
This one is totally random, I have zero justification for it
I just think it’d be neat
Big things, small things, decorative things, functional things
Woodworking is a very physically and mentally involved process (unless you wanna lose a finger), so I imagine it’d be very grounding for Beel
Plus, bringing food into the woodshop would likely end terribly so if he’s looking to beat his cravings without emptying the fridge, that’s a plus
Now, my sleep-deprived brain supplies, has he ever tried to carve something with his teeth like a beaver? Well
I’m gonna say yes, but only once and it went poorly
He probably also does, uh… idk what it’s Officially Called, but when you burn/engrave stuff into wood with a heated metal stick
For some Sad Boy Hours, he’s definitely made something in tribute to Lilith and placed it at her tombstone
I’m gonna cheat a little bit bc while I don’t think it’s been brought up in canon, we do see it in his dance battle sprites… Ballet
It is the One Single Physical Activity Belphie’s into, and no it’s Not because ballet is easier than other activities
That is a bullshit lie fed to you by sexism, since ballet is perceived as more feminine than say, basketball or wtv
If ballet’s the base of your dance knowledge, you can do a lot of different styles with it, using a variety of techniques
But I imagine Belphie’s style is more classical leaning
He will literally do exercises in place to stay awake, his core is excellent
He can go on pointe, but because he sometimes takes long breaks from dance it may take him a while to build his strength back up to do it safely
Also it is now my headcanon that one of those breaks did not take place during his attic-captivity, because what would piss Lucifer off more than the THUNKS of Belphie’s slippers at odd hours?
THUNKS, you ask? But ballet shoes are so delicate lookin-
Toe shoes, my friend. Toe shoes.
They contain a wooden box at the toe which help support a dancer’s feet when they go on pointe. At shows, the music drowns it out, but if you’ve ever heard a pointe dancer practice in person, it is Loud. Not actually as graceful as it looks lol
Also also, does this mean Beel could have repaired Belphie’s shoes at some point? I dunno, i have no clue how ballet shoes are made. But i think it’d be sweet if he did ^-^
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heauxzenji · 3 years
Hot Fuss, Full Panic
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Pink Lips: Semi Eita x f!Reader
Warnings: this banner being bad, alcohol/drinking, sex under the influence but really it’s like maybe 2 shots for liquid courage- idk of lipstick counts as marking but fuck it we ball, unprotected sex, sex outside... in an alleyway, orgasm denial on his end, semi calls reader ‘toots’ yay sleazy musicians
Wc: 2.7k... well 2698 to be exact but we round up in this house
A/N: yes this is named after both a killers album and a lipstick. For the lovely Two in the Pink, One in the Kink Collab by the Sewer. I loved writing this it’s been done for weeks now and I’m so excited to see everyone else’s! Check the mlist here and support all the other creators, bc it’s v sexy! ~squeak squeak~ 💕
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“You all alone tonight?”
“I’m alone every night, Sem,” you chuckled, continuing to clamor through empty glasses, wiping the sticky, rum-coated bar clean. Knowing him by name, you quickly poured up his usual gently sliding it his way. Jameson & Ginger Ale, for nights when he performs- any other time he’d get through the night on a few Dark n’ Stormys, saving at least 2 Kamikazes for you throughout the night until he stumbled back into whatever sewer hot pseudo-troubled musicians came from- probably one downtown, not too far from you.
“Well yeah, but no one’s bought you a shot tonight…”
He raised the glass to his lips, slowly knocking back down the stiff one you poured. He grimaced, clearing his throat and pushing the glass back toward you, blowing out a whistle as he cleared his throat.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, I don’t think anyone would like it if their date bought the bartender a shot.”
He pointed to the silver bottle of Milagro on the top shelf, sending you a wink. Taking the hint, you let out a half laugh- grabbing two double shot glasses and tiny slivers of lime, pouring both glasses to the rim.
“To a day just like any other,” you sighed, leveling yourself with him. Your disdain for February 14th was just as palpable as the months of innuendo laced conversation and shared shots with the local band’s d-list ‘celebrity’ frontman- the mutual desire pulling ahead by just a hair.
“To a wallet full of tips and a bar full of people getting lucky,” he shot back, tapping his glass with yours. The tequila was smooth, but being your first shot of the night, the burn was present and crisp as it went down, sending a shiver up your back. You slapped the shot down, pink lipstick stain imprinting the glass as you harshly sucked down your lime. Semi slid a $20 across the bar to you. As you neatly tucked it in your bra and took the glasses, he stood up to adjust his shirt and get his bearings.
“Have a good set!” you called after him. But he was already in the crowd. A sliver of light expanded and disappeared as you watched him slip into the backstage opening.
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“Here ya go boys- on the house.”
The small tray you carried into the bar’s makeshift green room was filled with glasses of pink drinks, each adorned with a little lime slice and sugared rim.
“Pink Whitney… how original,” one of his bandmates remarked, knocking back the glass and setting it on top of a rusted filing cabinet.
“Be grateful,” you scoffed. “It’s the only thing I could manage to sneak past here for free.”
A chorus of sighs and clinking glasses resounded in the room, reassuring you the band would be happy regardless of what drew alcohol you bought them for the night. As long as the guys had an ounce of liquid courage before their set, you knew it’d go off without a hitch. You noticed one of the glasses still full on your tray- and Semi was nowhere in sight.
“Hey where’s-“ you started to ask, not really expecting an answer.
“Probably out back smoking,” a voice answered before you could even get his name past your lips. Picking up the small offering, you had half the mind to guzzle the glass down on your own- after all, it was already starting to water itself down. You poked your head up against the tiny door window, peering out slightly before sticking your head out to find the musician in the middle of his usual pre-show activities.
“There you are.��� You spotted him.
He was leaning against the wall of the brick paved alleyway, cigarettes pursed between his lips.
“You shouldn’t be smoking those y’know,” you teased, bounding over to him. Finishing his drag, his smoke plumed into the crisp night air. His eyebrow cocked toward you as he placed it back to his lips. Gingerly, your own fingers scissored around the white tube, pulling it from his mouth and bringing it to your own lips with a soft smile, taking a deep inhale.
“They’re bad for your voice,” you exhaled away from his face and into the night. The mouthpiece was now coated in the same rosy markings as your shot glass. You stamped it out, much to his dismay.
“You got something better?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
With a pursed-lipped smile, you pushed the pink concoction to his lips, the sweat from the ice causing the sugar to run down the rim and over your hands. As Semi sucked the drink down, the glass was ripped from his lips and replaced by two of your saccharine coated digits. His tongue suckled your fingers as you pulled them out with a wet smack, neatly tucking them into your own mouth, then trailing the hand down your body to dry at the hem of your skirt. Your eyes fell just in front of his, glossed over in a heavily lecherous gaze. His lips found yours suddenly, hungrily- the fading flavor of pink lemonade and sugar on both your tongues as his body caged yours into the wall. Your face felt hot and your head was barely swimming from the rush of the shots you’d taken prior, but the surprise of the contact had knocked enough air out of you that you were gasping into the kiss, clawing at the back of his dip-dyed head of hair. The small glass in your hand slipped through your fingers, shattering and sending shards scattering against the asphalt beneath you.
The back door swung open, a head peeking out just enough behind the frame.
“Yo, Semi!” It was one of his bandmates, sticking his head out of the door. “Hurry it up we’re on in 10!”
He clamped a head over your mouth, sticking his head back to yell unintelligibly- or at least you couldn’t hear with the blood rushing to your ears and heartbeat pounding in your head. The loud thud of the heavy door tore through your spine, snapping you back into this present moment: the one in which you’d basically just made out in a cold, damp alleyway with Eita Semi- on Valentine’s Day. Of all days, you just had to do something about the months of mounting sexual tension between you two… on Valentine’s Day.
He moved his hand, freeing your lips as he checked to see how clear the coast was before turning back to you.
“I think I can get you there in 8,” the way he whispered reverberated in your chest and core almost simultaneously. His lips connected to your neck, slowly tracing upward, stopping to nip at your earlobe.
“Whaddaya say?”
He was telling you more than asking at this point, closing the finite space between you and already starting to slowly hike up your skirt with his fingertips. His eyes had become tenfold darker than originally, and the head rush you were feeling left you little to no time to oblige, not that you didn’t want to anyway. Your head began to loll to the side as it flew back, allowing him more access to your neck, his tongue gliding against the exposed skin while his calloused fingers began toying at your already exposed, and already slick pussy. You were putty in his hands at that point- no matter if you never wore underwear in the first place.
“Fuck,” Semi hissed against your collarbones. “No panties and you’re already nice and wet for me, hm? What a nasty little thing… good girl.”
He traced the pad of his index finger up and down your slit, collecting your essence as you shuddered yet again under his tough, a soft whine spilling from your throat. He couldn’t hold back a laugh, teasing you gently while grinding his bulging cock into the soft flesh of your exposed thighs. Your hands balled at the fabric of his shirt as you lifted it just enough to find his belt buckle, fidgeting with it and having absolutely no care for the heavy metal pieces rapping against your knuckles- if anything the small twinges of pain only added to the euphoria you were already starting to drown in.
“Hurry it up Y/N, we only got 7 minutes left…”
Obeying his command you unzipped his jeans, immediately hooking your thumb between the waistband of his boxers and the skin of his lower abs. You started to sink to your knees as you freed his cock from the confines that held him, mouth already watering. Just as you parted your lips, though, a harsh tug of your hair pulled you back onto your feet, spinning you and pressing your face against the cold brick. Your skirt was now pulled completely up and at your hips as Semi pushed your back down, arching you at his perfect level and holding your arm behind your back.
“Ah-ah,” he reprimanded with a smirk, sending two rough slaps to the meat of your ass. “Not enough time for that toots- maybe after the show.”
He lined himself up with your now glistening hole, teasing it with the tip for a few swipes before beginning to prod at your pretty pink insides. The stretch was slow and searing, but you were so wet that your walls immediately sucked him in, offering barely to no resistance. Your face pushed impossibly further into the wall in front of you as he started to build up an even pace, the head of his cock just barely grazing against the spot inside of that would render you absolutely and irrevocably cockdrunk.
“S-sem-ah-fuck!” Just as you started to speak he pulled out completely, arching your back even more as he buried himself deep in your aching pussy. Your back arched like that of a cat’s- leaning into the sensation with a wild, lewd mewl. He was speeding up now, groaning as he watched you coat his cock with a milky white sheen.
“That’s it,” he spanked you several more times, coaxing you to fuck yourself on his length as he spread your ass apart for a better view. “You think you can get yourself off on my cock in 5 minutes? C’mon, you can do it- go ahead, it’s all yours…”
You felt yourself growing even slicker at his words, his voice was like velvet and he wasn’t even singing. You started working your hips so fervently, so earnestly against him that the pace you were going had you white knuckling the railing next to you for stability as he continued to pull you down onto him with the hand behind your back. The smacking of skin against skin filled the air of the dark, damp alley, echoing out into the street as you could see the hazy lights of cars passing by though your eyelashes. His hands found your hair, pulling you up and back into him, matching the speed of his own thrusts to yours.
You could barely get out anything other than choked out moans and gasps. As you got closer and closer to your high, you started to feel dizzier and dizzier. You could feel your insides slowly starting to flutter as your conquest slipped from where you needed him, the displeased moan was halfhearted as he flipped you back around, closely holding your head into his chest.
Semi hoisted your leg up, holding it up at the knee, pushing the head of his cock just past your gleaming lips, walls greedily pulling him in with a slick smacking sound made by your wetness.
“Please, I’m so close- ‘mso fucking close,” you sobbed, rubbing your face against his chest. He smelled like cigarettes, cardamom and sweat. Combined with the carnal scent of sex wafting through the outside air, you gritted your teeth as your walls started to spasm and clench around him.
“Good girl, ngh- good fucking girl.” His praise had you spilling over, gushing over his cock with a shrill cry of his name into the night. He didn’t ease up, fucking you though the high, clutching you closer as your body went limp on your comedown.
“Time’s up, toots- but I’m glad you got what you wanted.”
Your breath was shaky and haggard as he pulled out of you, neatly trying to tuck his still hard cock into his pants. You were too hazy to make a point at how he hadn’t cum, but he helped you into your feet and up the stairs leading back to the green room. He picked up his guitar, swinging open the door and letting you go through first, leaving you sprinting on wobbly legs to your post at the bar.
“Y/N!” He called after you. You whipped your head back, mouth still ajar and eyes glossed over as your thighs continued to tremble.
“Stick around after we finish the set- I’ve still got to get what I want,” he said, flashing you a smile dripping with self- righteousness.
You still nodded though.
Creeping back behind the bar, you stopped just in time to not be noticed by the other 2 girls working with you that night, falling right into the chaos and clamor of everyone getting a drink before the house lights started to dim.
The lights on staged tuned a neon pink as Semi and his band took the stage, the chorus of screaming fans and adoring groupies filled the small space so much so that it felt like a stadium show, so much for the feeling of being a small town secret.
“Hey everyone, we are Hot Fuss”, he said into the mic, the cheers once again following as he set up with his guitar, the strap resting softly against the three undone buttons of his shirt- the shirt covered in the soft pink that previously adorned your lips. It was Everywhere, perfect little smeared kiss-marks, ever present reminders of how he had you bent over in an alleyway not even five minutes earlier, fucking you within an inch of your sanity. He shifted the guitar to rest behind him, exposing his chest, and the perfect imprint of your lips adorned his soft skin, the light giving it a glow almost, another round of mostly feminine squeals pierced the air again as someone whistled at the sight of Semi’s tousled physique.
“What’d you get up to Tonight, Semi-Semi?” His drummer teased, egging on the crowd. Your cheeks were so hot you felt like you’d melt. Semi just laughed, taking a soft strum while tuning his guitar onstage, leaning into the microphone and sending a look toward the back of the bar.
“I’m just dressed for the theme,” he joked, winking at several girls in the crowd. He strummed a couple more notes, pushing up against the microphone stand- and showing of his still present bulge, thick as the mic handle in his hand.
“We’re very grateful that all of you chose to be here tonight instead of getting laid,” he began, keeping the banter engaging while the rest of the band continued to set up.
“The night is young though, I guess.  And hey, the bar’s still open,” he looked back again, this time seeming to scan for you. You could feel him on your skin still, his touch was feather light, yet lingered on your skin so heavily.
“Ask your bartenders to help you get lucky!” The crowd laughed again, this time earning a lot of raunchy cheers from the men in the audience.
“All right enough shooting the shit though, you all came here for music, right?”
Loud applause filled the bar again as you stopped to watch him, propping your elbow up and onto the bar, fixating your eyes to see him in the shades of pink across a sea of heads.
“Well then let’s do it. Our first song for the night is very fitting…”
He found you. Your eyes locked on one another and stayed still. You could feel your heart freeze as you ran cold. He winked at you.
“Sing along if you know this one… it’s called Valentine.”
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kkodzvken · 3 years
Glad to see that you’re back! If requests are open, could I ask for more about the band AU that you’ve been teasing?
aaaaa thank u angel!! requests r certainly open (and much appreciated bc i need to get back into the groove lol) and i am always thinkin band au thoughts ksjfjdks
although my brain is quite fried rn so i’ll add more later, but here’s some of the stuff i’ve written in my planning doc!!
tags/warnings: notsfw so 18+ only pls, manipulative/toxic relationships, mentions of drug use, infidelity
touya’s the scary one. hes covered in tattoos and metal, and his eyes are as cold as ice. hes scary, but he loves you. he loves you, right? that’s what you want to believe. you repeat it to yourself, even as he’s slamming his hips against yours and biting your lips so hard that they bleed.
truth be told, he knows that it’s wrong. maybe he felt a bit guilty at the beginning, but he’s too far gone to care now. you’ve always been too pure for a man like him, whose blood and brain are sticky with toxins. but you just look so pretty when you’re crying for him. he just can’t help it.
keigo is the golden boy, the songbird with the prettiest voice and even prettier eyes. he’s always so sweet to you, always treats you like you’re something precious. he’s liquid sunshine, and despite your touya telling you to never fucking talk to him, you can’t help but be drawn to his light.
you hate seeing what fame is doing to touya. he’d always loved music, ever since you were kids, but this band is dragging him deeper and deeper away from you. he promises that he loves you, but when he’s on tour, he never spends a night alone. the fame, the drugs, the attention, they all consume him. he gets meaner and meaner, treats you worse and worse.
but at least keigo is there. he’s your light in the darkness, your liquid sunshine who’ll steal you away. when you run, he’s the one that catches you. but you can’t get rid of the sinking feeling of wrongness whenever you’re with him. he’s not touya. he’ll never be touya. even though he whispers the sweetest words against your skin as he fucks you into the mattress. his hands, his tongue, his cock — they all feel good, but they’re not touya.
keigo says he loves you. you’re not sure if you believe him. you’re not sure if you believe touya, either, when he finally pushes past his pride and apologizes. you’re not sure if you can trust a single word that leaves their lips, or a single thought that leaves your brain.
for reference — keigo (singer) n touya (bassist) are in a band, along with tomura (lead guitar) and toga (drums). i have …a whole Lot that ive been thinking about in terms of the relationships between the todorokis and their whole messy dynamic, particularly between enji and touya bc the potential there drives me MAD aksjfndksj enji will definitely be the catalyst for a lot of touya’s actions
i’ve written a fair amount but it’s all just random scenes and flashes and nothing that i’m satisfied w so idk how long until i’ll have something /ready/ but we’ll see!!!! hopefully soon!!!!!!!
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pansyfemme · 2 years
absolutely 6, 20, 18, and whichever one was the “songs you didn’t expect to like” one from the 3 song list!!!
Hi Cadence!!!
6. Three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
ummmm so like the songs i truly fucking hate r like ones i hear on the radio and never even know the name of but i rlly hate like. theres this one country song that plays on the radio all the fucking time about cheating. and i also rlly cant stand certain tiktok sounds so much they make me feel ill especially that one person who makes all those songs in a “goblin voice” bc it literally just makes ne feel sick
7. Three songs you didnt expect to like
- so hearing the pastels for the first time was. an experience. as many ppl who hear their first pastels song feel- so probably baby honey by the pastels! It’s. an aquirred taste and i often refer to baby honey as a like- advanced pastels song. You have to listen to coming through or nothing to be done first otherwise you will hear that song and never listen again.
- ok this is more of a song i didnt like and then i did but. It’s love by the softies! initially i thought it was kinda bland but now i rlly like it lol
- i just posted this one but my dear giant by the marshmallow kisses! It’s waaaay cutesier than i usually go with my twee and i was under the impression they were french for some reason? so imagine my surprise when i realized it was a hongkongese band lol…
18. Three songs that remind you of your best friend!
So. This is complex bc a) i dont get to see my best friend very often (they r the former host of a system and arent rlly allowed to front often anymore) and b) they only listen to metal and i hate metal so 😭😭
- ok saying what i just said this is weird but different drum by Micheal Nesmith! essentially. There was a time they came to a party at my house where a friend’s band performed and they played different drum and it was the only song he liked lol!!
- Maggot by slutever is also one of the only songs i sent them they liked so that one also!
- hmmmm ok weird one but their name is zombie, right. and theres a very explicit song by the magnetic fields called zombie boy and it reminds me of them so much but i know theyd hate that song lol
20. Three songs that remind you of the person that sent this!
ok! so like i am so unsure bc im not 100% on how similar our music tastes r and im like scouring my music library rn so lets see lol
- I was listening to Crushin’ by Sourpatch a lot when we first we speaking- and it has a kind of mellow feeling to it!
- Another kind of song that kinda feels mellower but also has personality to it that i was also listening to a lot a year ago is Pulling at the grey by young romance!
-and tbh idk why this comes to mind it just does but. movies in my head- the 6ths
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - TS Parental/Familial
On The Off Chance (Tony Stark X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of spitting in a drink and some threats of violence, and mention of violence Request: Tony stark parental figure with “i know you’re joking but on the off chance you aren’t, no”
Arranged Plans Cancelled (Peter Parker X Fem!Stark!Reader) Warnings: Bad friends Request: Stark!Reader is often hurt by others, like people will arrange plans + blow her off/friends will make plans in front of her + not invite her. people will get her to do their homework for them bc they know she can’t say no. Peter Parker thinks its really unfair but she handles it really well + doesn’t make a fuss. one day Steve/Tony/someone accidentally upsets her (maybe they cancel plans she’s been really looking forward to or something) and Peter just loses it. she’s really shocked that he noticed and he’s standing up for her. She goes to Midtown too …
Homework Struggles (Tony Stark X Fem!Teen!Reader) Request: What about a reader x father figure tony where the reader is really struggling in school and feels like she’s failing him but instead of being upset he just helps them out and discovers they have adhd and gets them the help they need?
Accidentally Coming Out (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Accidentally coming out, fear of homophobia Request: … reader accidentally makes a comment about being gay and panics bc she’s not out to him yet? And she tries to run away but someone catches her and brings her home?
Taking the Lead (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers to Infinity War and Endgame, death Requests: … the one who survives in infinity turns to dust and the one did is alive. the reader didn’t urn to dust and he missed his father, even throught they don’t have nice relationship. he learns that he has a sister and he helped to take care of them as he is like a father figure to Morgan. when endgame happened, the reader do the snap. it like the reader do the snap instead of tony
More Like Pepper (Tony Stark X Teenage!Reader) Request: Could I request a fic where the reader is Tony’s kid but lowkey has no time for the teams shit and is savage?
Hiding Hickies (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hickies/bruises Request: Would you be open to writing a tony x daughter reader where the daughter goes out with a boy for the first time and has to hide hickies? And tony finds out and she’s expecting him to freak out but he just accepts it and is really chill about it?
Metallic Limbs (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of injury and loss of limbs, mention of surgery Request: … Reader is a quadruple amputee after the Chitauri attack in Manhattan. Tony, As the one who found her in the rubble, feels inclined to watch over her and help her in any way he can. So he has her fitted with state of the art cybernetic limbs. Years later, reader is coming to the avengers HQ to get a tune up and she meets the friendly neighbourhood sideman without the mask. Tony is unsure if he’s okay with them being so chummy together.
Never There (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Absent father, swearing, threatening Request: ... reader has been under Tony’s financial care since she was a child but he never saw her as his child and saw no need to spend time with her until after the Ultron situation. But with all the years or ignorance, is the damage already done?
Science Fair (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Mention of neglectful parent Request: Son male reader x tony stark where tony wants to be better of a parent than Howard to male reader
Bitten (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Blood, near death Request: One more please if available. Tony stark and daughter were she gets bitten by a vampire and tony and team are extremly worried and strange is the only one that can save her? Fluff and angst. Pepper is her mom.
Left Behind (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent, a wittle bit of swearing Request: … Tony wants to adopt a kid and he choiced the reader. But the reader is actually Tony’s child by blood m, but he doesn’t know that. and she knows that she is relateted and hates Tony for ‘leaving’ her. …
Looking for Advice (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Request: Could you maybe do a tony stark x son male reader where the male reader ask for advise to ask a girl out
Dentist Appointment (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: Could you write one where the reader needs to have oral surgery to remove some problem teeth but she’s petrified to make the call. But she’s in tears all nigh from the pain? Her dad Tony stark, makes the call behind her back cause he hates seeing her in pain. When they arrive at the hospital she nearly freaks out saying he betrayed her so he hugs her and says it will be ok; but when he did that he also got her in the neck with a sedative to knock her out to make it easier on everyone? Lol
Session (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM AND DEPRESSION Request: … reader is Tony’s daughter and has a history with self harming so he sends her to therapy for depression. Tony went to intro session with y/n and she says that she doesnt cut anymore and still maintains the lie and then Tony begins to notice all of the signs that point to her self harming and realises she never actually stopped? If thats okay? If not, i understand?
Dip (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Depression, self-doubt Request: Tony stark x daughter reader where her grades slip bad because of depression and she panics but Tony’s there for her and makes sure she knows it’s okay to fail?
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Feeling Loved Again (Father!Tony X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Swearing Request:I had an idea. Where the reader is Tony Starks daughter (15-16 yr old) but she lives with her mom. She’s kind of tomboyish and dyes her hair funky colors so her mom gets sick of it and drops her off at the tower unexpectedly and tells tony she’s his problem now. So he gladly signs the custody papers. He totally adores her and celebrates her first night with him with take out and movies with the whole team.
Parker! (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Bit of bullying, angry over protective dad. Request: Tony Stark’s daughter is popular and in a band and at a concert, Peter is getting picked on for being alone so Reader goes and kisses him and hugs him, surprising everyone with their secret relationship, much to Tony’s disapproval.
Five Days (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) SERIOUS WARNING: EATING DISORDER Other Warnings: Bullying/ teasing Request: Hey love! I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of where the reader has been in recovery from an eating disorder and then has a hard relapse? Maybe with a platonic or father Tony Stark?
It’ll Work Out (Stony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War, emotions Request: Hey can you do one where reader is stonys daughter and it’s just about how the family is torn apart lots of angst ends in fluff
New Environment (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of bad background and illegal activities. Request: Do you think you can do a roleplay where tonys daughter doesn’t come from the same background as him and maybe is coming from the ‘ghetto where she lived with her mom and she’s trying to act tough and stuff buts she’s actually really scared? …
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: … reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? …
Fight Me (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader, Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Threatening (not serious) Request: Hey can I get a Tony x daughter reader where she’s always says fight me like someone says “I Was sitting there” and she says fight me ect. Anyway lots of fluff a little Peter x reader too- Og I forgot Tony x daughter reader fight me she like pure™ thanks😘
To Make You Happy (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hints of depression Request: … She’s been depressed and going through a rough time. So to cheer her up her dad gets her a kitten even though he isn’t fond of animals. He knew she always wanted one. And she does start to cheer up and they share a dad daughter fluffy moment.
My Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent Request: … Tony has a teenage daughter he didn’t know about but the mom dies, so he takes custody and introduces her around and just overall becomes a dad of a teenager? (You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable)
Supporting Dad (Tony Stark X Reader) Request: Could you do reader being Tony’s kid and they’re as smart as him and decide to go into music instead of inventing? Like with Tony being the super proud band parent at every concert or somth about him being supportive
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: … reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony (their bf, or dad, you choose!), being the overprotective dad/bf he is, has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. Can it be really fluffy?
Delirious (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Sickness Request: Tony stark x daughter request? Where she’s sick with a really high fever and completely delirious and keeps saying crazy shit. As concerned as tony is he can’t help not to laugh at some of her antics so he takes video. When she’s better he shows her the video and they both share a laugh over it.
Bookworms (Loki X Fem!Reader) Request: Hey could I request one where the reader is Tony’s daughter and she does a bunch of reading with Loki, but finds out he hasn’t read Harry Potter, freaks, and makes him read all of them?
Your Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Minor Spoilers of Civil War Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter and he doesn’t know about her and during the airport scene in Civil war this teenage girl arrives in an iron man suit and stops the fight and Tony’s like who are you and then she’s replies with “your daughter” ...
Telling Him (Peter Parker X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of coming out and past murder Request: ... reader is Tony’s son (probably an adoption situation?) and is closeted gay… maybe after Peter is already a part of the avengers, and not during Civil War? ...
I’m Here Now (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Mention of car crash, death, injury Request: ... Her and her mom got into a bad accident. The mom dies and reader needs a blood transfusion so when the drs test her they match her to Stark. He gets the call and rushes over. Realizing he’s a dad to a teenage girl now he has the team ready a room and he welcomes her into his heart and makes her feel extra special since she lost her mom.
Who Is It? (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Request: ... Tonys daughter is sitting in the living room being like ‘hey I hacked into your system 'cause I’m your super smart daughter and have no where else to go’ and Tony starts to get really protectiv over her. And then finds out that she is falling in love with Peter, but Tony is basically the last one to find out? ...
Missing My Voice (Tony X Fem!Reader, Peter x Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, surgery, needles, injury Request: ... reader loves to sing and play the guitar and a ton of other instruments but goes mute during a mission (due to an injury), and how it impacts Peter and Tony? And can Tony like, go to a ton of doctors and stuff to try and find a solution? ...
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: ... reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? ...
Being Tony Stark’s Adopted Daughter Would Include…
Be Careful (Tony X Daughter!Reader, Peter X Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, getting shot Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter who’s dating Peter and she’s just the type of person everyone loves but she’s also a really good hacker and fighter so she does missions sometimes and she ends up getting shot? ...
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: ... reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony ... has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. ...
Approving (Peter Parker X Reader, Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: ... Tony says to his daughter that he doesn’t like the idea of them dating but behind her back he’s talking to the Avengers about how happy he is that his daughter found a good guy. ...
Warning Signs (Tony and Peter X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse Request: ... reader goes to peter Parkers school and she also started interning at the avengers tower as a lab assistant? She gets along with the team and considers them family. She ends up not showing up at school or the tower for a few days so Peter goes to her house to check on her and finds out she’s being abused by her parents. ...
Parental Advice (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Teasing Request: ... Tony goes on with his life as an Avenger and all and it’s getting harder on him ... Meanwhile, you’re struggling with your social life ... you become pretty lonely and your favorite place is the tower with the avengers ... Finally, one morning, you and Tony are both up early(like, 4 am) and you talk to each other about your troubles. ...
Being Pepper’s Adopted Daughter and Tony Adopting You Would Include…
A Little Dense (Tony Stark X Sister!Reader, Clint Barton X Fem!Reader) Warnings: A bit of swearing Request: Clint and tony’s sister. You are trying to tell him that Clints gonna be a dad and tony is gonna be a uncle? The rest of the team finds out at the end. Some cute and fluff.
Meeting Her Husband (Loki X Stark!Reader) Warnings: Pregnancy Request: Tony and sister reader: he and the team discover you are in a secret relationship with Loki and you both are happily married and you are a few months pregnant with loki’s baby and he is not happy about it.
A Little Talk (Tony Stark X Brother!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Swearing, alcoholism Request: one with Tony as your big brother and you’re both going through a hard time or something?
Unfinished Business (Tony X Brother!Reader) Warnings: Death, death of parents, presumed death, a lot of emotions coming your way Request: … Reader is Tony Starks brother who, at a young age, runaway and now is coming back at Tony? But like Reader has some sort of a supernatural power like seeing ppl? …
I Still Love You (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War Request: With the stark reader and Bucky one, can you do where he blames himself for the death of readers and Tony’s parents, but she still loves him, even though Tony doesn’t allow it. Eventually Tony and reader have a heart to heart and gives her his blessing. Bucky puts aside his guilt?
Passing The Test. (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Death threats, unplanned pregnancy, minor violence. Request: … reader being Tony´s sister. She dates Pietro for a long time and gets pregnant, and the avengers find out (exept tony) and their reaction, and at the end Tony realize because of her tummy and wants to kill pietro but at the end he is proud …
Better Choice (Tony Stark X Cousin!Reader, Peter Parker X Reader) Warnings: One swears and mentions of bed relationships and breakups Request: The reader is Tonys younger cousin (teenager) and she starts falling for Peter and tony just pets it happen because he’s better than any boyfriend the reader has had before
Where’s Nat? (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Blood. Looooots of blood. Request: teen reader has period and goes to avengers for help but Nat isn’t home – Tony is her uncle!
Overprotective much? (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: One swear word, threatening, flirting, drinking and attempted murder by an overprotective brother. Request: ... reader is Tony´s sister and she is really beautiful (thats why Tony won´t introduce her) and the avengers are surprised and start bothering Tony and he gots really jealous and protective ...
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duans · 3 years
some middle school emo, kinda punk in high school dex stuff thats been rolling around my head. the rest is under the cut bc holy shit this got so long
dex is covered in miscellaneous stick and pokes, they range in quality, but most are bad enough that they’ve faded quite a bit. he’s proud of the fact that none of them ever got infected, even if they kinda suck. one of the better ones is a shark fin on his ankle (he showed it to chowder once and had to stop him from going out and getting a matching one.)
dex doesn’t smoke, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t sneaked off with one of his uncles’ packs when they weren’t looking. he stops when he realizes it doesn’t really count as teenage rebellion when his entire family smokes, or how it hurt his stamina on the ice. he rebels by just not accepting any of his family’s offers for a smoke when he reaches the age where it would’ve been okay to ask.
he cringed so much looking back at the longer hair he had in middle school/beginning of freshman year that he constantly keeps his hair closely cropped. he doesn’t want to risk anything even reminiscent of the ‘emo swoop’ at all. he ends up liking the routine of monthly barbershop visits.
dex was like, in love with DIY punkness, and whenever he snuck out for another basement or house show he never regretted it. the steel toed boots he had for work came in handy for avoiding getting his toes stepped on, and his newly gained height let him see over most over the crowd, so he always had a fun time. then again, he was a tall white dude in heavy boots and a mean (anxious) look on his face, clad in a spiky leather jacket and threadbare jeans, so folks rarely messed with him, but if they tried, it was because he was young and skinny (he doesn’t really realize this until later.)
fights. i don’t think dex wanted to get into half of the fights he’d ever been in, but they just sort of happened, and they already threw the first punch anyways so what’s the point in not fighting back? he can take a punch, and throw one back, but he knows his mom would be pissed if he came home with a bruised face and bloody knuckles, so he tries to avoid them if he can. he kinda sucks at avoiding conflict though, quick to anger and the general teenage want to prove himself to the people around him, evidently.
he has to call his mom every once in a while to ask her to take down a recent #ThrowbackThursday pic on facebook that showcased either his middle school trials at tween angst, or his high school endeavors of trying to look rough enough so that no one would mess with him. she teases him about keeping it up for just ‘one more day’ before taking it down like ten minutes later, much to his relief.
dex used to make fake piercings (snakebites, septums, nose rings, etc.) with paperclips/wire, and when he finally gets to samwell and sees some of the artsy students with actual metal in their face, he thinks about getting a real one again before remembering he’s a D1 hockey player.
he has real piercings in his ears though, made with sewing needles from his patch kit. he used to keep safety pins in them until he got a pair of studs. he took them out before going to samwell, kind of wanting a fresh start, but by the time he graduated high school he had two lobe piercings in his left ear and three in his right. the one helix piercing he tried didn’t look right, so he took it out before it even healed.
he has nostalgia playlists, one filled with the classic emo/pop punk of his middle school years, and the other with the punk bands his brother showed to him when he thought he was ‘cool enough to listen to’, aka 14. some of the songs show up in his regular playlists now and then.
he didn’t have the classic emo wardrobe, too much money to spend on entirely new sets of clothes, some that he wouldn’t even have been able to wear for any other occasion, but when he gets into punk, its easier to look it. his boots aren’t docs, but they’re steel toed and black, and he’s pretty sure they’re the better use of money anyways (they are.) 
he has a mass of flannels in his closet, most of them hand-me-downs from his dad or brother, like three pairs of jeans, and two workpants. he buys a pair of black jeans from walmart to make them his ‘DIY pants’ and sacrifices one of his flannels and t-shirts to make patches for his others when the threadbare parts turn into holes. his t-shirts are just shirts, stuff that would double as a rag when it gets stained or ruined, but he does have a few shirts from some bands that he really liked. when he found a legit leather jacket from the thrift he gave it a three day grace period before going to town on it and covering it in spikes and patches.
when he gets into samwell, his family drags him out to get new, nicer clothes, so most of his college wardrobe are his newer things, plus some of his well-loved flannels. 
yeah. past edgy dex :)))
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