#this drawing took me 6 HOURS TO COMPLETE
mvanqsh · 5 months
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they had a sleepover at the lauter house for christmas this year 💕
steph bought them all nice sweaters and she went to beanies
merry christmas and happy late birthday to WIGGLY 💚
( pls repost or something idfk idc )
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Template where you have to draw your faves with fevers, but I just drew Yuma 6 different times because he's my top victim~ :3c
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No form of Yuma is safe from my wrath... Heheh.😈
(tho ramen yuma is spared)
Happy Yuma Month from the Whumpcode CEO~ 🌡️
I'll try to participate as much as I can but probably not every day... I think this is appropriate enough of a start/warmup from me XD
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finelinevogue · 2 months
an absolute nuisance
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summary - harry is a nuisance in the morning
pairing - boyfriend!harry x reader
word count - -1k
“What’s this for?” Harry sat up in bed against the headboard.
The duvet was pushed down onto his lap so his bare torso was showing. There was a little roll or two where his stomach was tucked over from where he was sitting.
“Happy first day of spring!” You smiled cheerily.
You felt happy this morning.
The sun was shining into your bedroom, the sky was cerulean blue and the birds were chirping away.
You handed Harry his mug of peppermint tea, which he religiously had every morning, whilst you enjoyed the classic english breakfast tea. Milk, no sugar.
“Thank you, m’love.” Harry smiled, giving you a moment to kiss him softly before you situated yourself beside him crossed legged.
“Sleep okay?”
You took a sip of your drink even though you knew it would be too hot.
Harry kept his hands around his mug as if it was the middle of winter, more out of habit than necessity.
“Mm, yeah. You?”
“I’m going ‘round to Noel’s this afternoon to drop off some tech gear.” Harry told you.
“Okay.” You nodded, “I’ve got work at 2.”
“When do you get off?”
“Should be about 6, but you know what they’re like.” You rolled your eyes.
“If Katherine keeps you for extra hours again, love.. I’m going down there myself to kidnap you.”
You chuckled, “Kidnap me?”
“Yeah. I’ll stage the whole thing. I’m an actor now, you know?” He winked at you, carefully taking a sip of his drink.
“Okay, Mr Hollywood.”
You stayed chatting about everything and nothing whilst you enjoyed your morning teas, before you decided to start getting ready for the day.
“Where you going?” Harry asked, his hand softly stroking small circles into the exposed skin of your thigh.
“Need to get ready.”
You reached over to draw the loose hairs away from his eyes, allowing your hand to brush over his cheek as it moved due his face.
Harry warmed at the feeling, his cheeks glowing in colour as your skin moved across his.
“Don’t go.” He pouted.
You moved from your cross legged position to sitting on your legs in a kneeling position. You leant closer to Harry and cupped both of his cheeks with your hands.
“I’m only going to get ready.” You kissed him. He kissed you.
“Wanna stay in this moment with you forever.” You kissed again.
“And make me late for a shift with Katherine? I don’t think so. If I had a dick, she’d cut it off.”
Your words sent a laugh through Harry, him complaining how sometimes you really did know how to ruin a moment. You took it as a compliment, because sometimes it would a good tactic to have.
“She’ll cut off my tits instead.”
“No!” Harry pretended to be horrified, which sent you into a fit of laughter. You sank you face down into the crook of his neck to hide yourself.
He smelt so good. And how? It was first thing in the morning and he smelt so homely and perfect.
Harry took the moment to his advantage, pushing himself over you and trapping you underneath him. The manoeuvre was too quick for you to even understand the logistics of it.
“Harry!” You sighed with a giggle.
“You have four hours before you need to leave.” He whined. “Stay with meeee.” He buried his face against your neck and left a trail of kisses there, getting close to the spot behind your ear that made you melt.
“But I need to do stuff.”
“Yeah? Like what? Maybe love on your boyfriend?”
“Gonna be just my friend in a moment if you don’t let me go.” You huffed.
Harry’s head perked up at that. “There’s nothing friendly about what you did to me last night.”
“You make it sound like you were helpless…” You giggled.
“I was!”
“Oh give over.”
“You had me completely surrendered.”
“You’re such a nuisance.” You groaned, trying to lift up but he was too heavy for you.
“And yet you love me. Sounds like you’ve got the issues, babe.” He teased you.
“I hate you.”
“I love you too.” He kissed you. Reluctantly, you kissed him too - which only ended up with you staying in bed for another four hours…
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theenbyroiderer · 9 months
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One more tutorial. I think this is the last one I have for now.
Here's how you stitch a 3D jellyfish. This is a more advanced tutorial. Prior experience with most of the stitches is recommended.
Materials: You'll need several needles, at least one shorter and one really long. I've used sashiko needles in three lengths, 4 cm, 5.5 cm and 8.5 cm. As for yarn, I think you can use whatever you have. Most of it can be done with six-stranded floss, but you'll need some thicker woolen yarn for the fluffy turkey stitch. I used fine d'aubusson (a fine wool embroidery yarn) for the body, six-stranded floss (2-3 strands) for most of the tentacles, a shiny silky embroidery floss for the edge of the body and a couple tentacles, and knitting yarn scraps for the turkey stitch.
Stitches: satin stitch, bullion stitch, padded satin stitch, buttonhole stitch, drizzle stitch and turkey stitch. Please look up stitch instructions on youtube, and do a bit of practice beforehand. This project is probably not a good practice run for these stitches.
Time: depends on the size of your jellyfish. I made quite a large one and it took me about 5 hours to complete.
1. Make a sketch of your jellyfish. At least of the body. Fill this body from edge to edge with bullion stitch, make them a bit longer than the body is wide so that they are somewhat loose. You should be able to get a finger underneath the bullion, depending on the size of your jellyfish.
2. Then it's time to satin stitch the body. For this part it's important that the needle goes through the fabric as close to where it came up as possible. The goal is not just to make a 3D body, but to make it a hollow 3D body. Don't just stitch over the bullion, stitch around it. It's also important to not pull too tight. Bullion stitch of this lenght is rather malleable, so it's a bit tricky to keep the satin stitch even. Hold a finger in the hollow underneath the bullion as you pull the thread tight. This will stop it from getting to tight, as well as make sure you keep the hollow. As the stitching gets thicker the hollow will get smaller, but that's ok.
3. When the top part of the body is fully stitched it's time to do normal flat satin stitch for the bottom part, the inside of the body of you will. Leave an opening in the middle though, you'll need some space for the drizzle and turkey stitch later.
4. This is a good time to give the edge some definition. Do buttonhole stitch around the top edge, then you go around and do another row of buttonhole stitch, kinda the other way around, through the loops from the first row. Hopefully you can see from the pictures what I've done. The bottom edge of the body doesn't need defining and won't be very visible anyway, so I just did some sloppy stitches along there and called it good enough.
5. Now it's time for the tentacles. Start with the drizzle stitch, because the turkey stitch will just get in the way if you start with that... but do remember to leave space for the turkey stitch underneath the drizzle stitch. This is where you need the loooong needle. Pack as much drizzle stitch on that needle as you can. You'll notice that the drizzle stitch wants to rotate around your needle as it gets longer, do let it, that will just help you fit more stitch on there, as well as give the finished stitch a nice curl.
6. When you think you have enough drizzle you can move on to the turkey stitch. You will not need to do a lot of it. You'll probably overestimate how much you need, but that's ok, you can always give the fluff a bit of a haircut later. Do a few looong loops of turkey stitch, a little bit longer than your drizzle stitch. Cut the loops to slightly different lengths, otherwise you'll get a very blocky bit of fluff... tapered is better. Untwist the yarn and separate the strands, draw a needle through the strands to fluff them up.
7. As a finishing touch you can add some long and thin strands around the edge of the body.
Edit: Tfw a post has been up for years before you notice that you forgot a whole-ass step. Apparently #4 has been missing all this time. Oh well.
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bamsara · 2 months
A03 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by: @kagedbird I tag: @onethirdofimpossible, @coffincrows, (first two that come to mind) and anyone else who wants to do the game
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
At the time of writing this post, currently 30 fics. (Not including any fics or written works that are not posted to AO3)
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
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3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Formerly: Don't Starve, FNAF, Dragons Dogma, Invader Zim
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Solar Lunacy, Celestial Omens, Bytes of Lunacy, The Rehabilitation of Death, Saturday Insomnia
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I also get very nervous responding because I often don't know what to say back and I feel like it's almost rude or disrespectful to respond to a comment, esp the very nice ones that are long and in-deph with just a keysmash or a bunch of emojis, but I do read every single one since I have email notifications on for them
I'd like to sit down and respond to many but I really don't want to make it awkward so pls dear god readers forgive me
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like unhappy endings. I enjoy angsty stories but I like when it's at least ending happy to me
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not posted? Solar Lunacy
Ongoing? TROD
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? Most adults (in my experience) know the 'don't like don't read' rule and know basic online etiquette. I've gotten some for discontinuing a fic or switching fandoms though
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't write or draw NSFW! I like to make some suggestive themes sometimes, but I'm a very ace person, it's not something I do often. (I do have a current running goal that if my friend reaches their donation goal for their medical bills that I would give NSFW a shot, but again its not really my cup of tea)
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah I haven't written any cross overs, but I do draw them sometimes. Recently I've been spinning a Alice in Wonderland x COTL crossover in my head.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. I've had people copy and paste my work, go in with a thesaurus to change a few words (like changing 'angry' to mad, 'upset' to 'sad', and so forth) to try and avoid detection and re-posted my written work under a different title name. AO3 staff took them down for violating their policy against plagiarism though
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I wouldn't mind it so as long as I'm asked before hand, though not on anon so I can actually work with the person to prevent any mistranslations or mishandling, and that I don't want my work posted to other websites
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
I think I did when I was a teen but I cannot remember now
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Eh I don't have any favorites, just ones I really focus on for a long while
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
I can sit down for hours or several days and work on a writing wip completely in the zone. I cant do it on command but its at least something I can do
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling and grammar, and sometimes long running sentences. I just kinda write, theres not really a goal for it to be perfect though so as long as the story gist and vibe is right, im fine with it
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before but only minor, had a friend help me with it (one or two lines of dialogue) Aside from that, I'm not comfortably fluent enough in anything to do it again without assistance
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Soul Eater, when I was wayyy too young to be posting anything on the internet. My fanfics I wrote are still on fanfic.net to this day
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
It's inbetween TROD and EE&E right now
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georgewashingtonuwu · 11 months
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“Rest for the Weary.”
I SOOO proud of this drawing. like, completely went past what i thought i could do.
Though this is *technically* a part 2 of a wip i didn’t finish yet, it can be it’s standalone thing, idk
it took me 12 hours all together, which sucks because when i al’s most finished the lines i was like “wow, i’m gonna do a record on this one” no the lineart took another 6 hours and then the coloring a 4.
They make me happy
(link to part 1) technically, but not rly prt 1. like this could be it’s own standalone art but ait does exist as a prt 2
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
hi! i saw your post about how true the makers of atsv were to real-life brooklyn and i loved it so much that i just had to ask if you'd be willing to make a more in-depth analysis on that? i'm not from america but i adore the movie so it's very interesting to hear firsthand accounts about its authenticity from locals! ofc this is just a humble request and i completely understand if the answer is no <3
I'd LOVE to! The Spiderverse Series is honestly the most accurate movie of New York I've seen in my life - including live-action movies. I say that not just in essence but in everything. And Across the Universe takes it over the top. Like, INSANELY so.
Across The Spiderverse & It's Dedication to Cultural Accuracy [aka ATSV is so goddamn good I can tell you exactly what street Gwen and Miles went to Mumbattan from. It's that accurate.]
I'm a black, afro-latino, and a born and raised 'Brooklynite'. Despite there being thousands of movies of New York, I'd say less than 5 percent of them are in any way accurate or current. (Yellow taxi cabs are no longer a thing here really.)
But Across the Spiderverse defies that in every way - nailing it historically, culturally, and even by replicating exact locations.
Wanna see the Bodega Spot robbed? Cause it's a real, random bodega! And the building he goes into at the end - I can tell you exactly where it is, with 100% assurity. All by street signs.
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In the first scene with Spot we see him standing outside on the curb, looking into the store. On the corner there is a street sign that reads Fulton St.
Fulton is an actual street in BedStuy (Bedford Stuyvesant, pronounced Bed-St-eye), literally a stone's throw from my house. And they take it further.
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Although it can be hard to see, the other side to the left of it reads Nostrand Ave. Fulton and Nostrand is a very popular intersection in the neighborhood, mainly because there's a subway station for the A line located on one corner.
There's Nostrand and Fulton.
But if you turn to the other corner you see...A Bodega! Looks familar?
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That's the bodega Spot robbed.
99% of the people who watch this movie will be from New York. Even less will be from BedStuy. Even less will catch the split second sign on the corner, only on screen for only a few frames.
It took me 3 watches to notice. But I noticed. And my jaw dropped. How much that means is unexplainable. I've been on that corner, and the TacoBell across the street. And so has Miles. That's insane.
It doesn't stop there.
Spot enters the store, as we pass we see a sticker for 'WIC/EBT' on the cashier's counter. I'm not sure how common this is - but WIC and EBT standards for Welfare Benefits and Food Stamps. As you cannot buy warm food with Food Stamps (sadly), lots of bodegas advertise taking EBT for the deli sandwiches.
Nice shout out to the struggling families in the communities, I love a Bodega that takes EBT.
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We move towards the back of the store - In the Bodega while Spot messes with the ATM we get a wider shot, and another very insanely specific shout out.
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Behind Spot is a sign showing a Beef Patty (which I'll mention in a moment) and a sun logo called 'Sunny Patty'.
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This is a direct call out to a specific chain of Beef Patty shops in Brooklyn and Harlem called 'Golden Krust'.
I cannot stress how much of a niche reference this is! Golden Krusts only exist in low income neighborhoods - mainly in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx. If you're anywhere near Times Square or any place else New York shows choose to portray - you're not finding a Golden Krust.
Golden Krusts are store that is ingrained in Caribbean culture, which Brooklyn is full of - hence the adapted Jamaican flag up front. I grew up eating Golden Krust and I'd eat it more if they didn't close so goddamn early.
But it's there.
Once again, only a few pixels, only a few frames, but someone probably took 6 hours drawing that. For the 0.009% of the people who'll get the reference. Low-income, black New Yorkers - like me.
ATSV is so accurate that you can even find the exact spot in which Miles and Gwen leave through the portal.
But before I tell you where it is - I wanna talk about why it's so important.
It's important because one of the most famous Spider-man scenes in history is just plain WRONG to New Yorkers.
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This scene is ENTIRELY incorrect, and I knew it even as a child.
Firstly, based on the skyscrapers everywhere, this is solidly Manhattan. The train says Bay Ridge, which is in South Brooklyn, maybe 40 minutes away by train. So I'm going to assume this is the Q or B train, running through Manhattan. Which, okay they do, but -
There are NO elevated trains in Manhattan. The Q, like every other train, only goes above ground in Brooklyn and Queens. This is very clearly Chicago.
So he couldn't be doing this. It's a simple but HUGE fuck up. Any one born in New York will notice it because Manhattan just looks wrong with elevated trains.
And it would've been fine if they just set it in Brooklyn where Bay Ridge and the elevated trains actually are.
But instead they made generic Manhattan streets - so much so I can't even tell what neighborhood they're in. Do you see how this is such a problem?
Across The Spiderverse is animated. And they still put in the effort.
I can't tell you where Peter Parker is stopping that train - it ain't Manhattan - but I CAN tell you where Miles and Gwen leave for Mumbattan.
So let's go back to where we started. We're on Fulton and Nostrand both in BedStuy.
Throughout the fight, we see Spot and Miles go through a couple streets - most notably a very popular street in the neighborhood - Broadway.
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This happens twice, once while fighting Spot, and once when Miles and Gwen grab the hot dogs. They show this twice, cause this will be important for what we're trying to do.
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Now this may not make any sense to you, since it's just random streets, but I'm about to tie it together.
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Gwen releases the bug near an elevated train. When we see Miles and Gwen swinging, they cling to a train. Now, it's hard to tell what train this is but so far we know.
We're in Brooklyn
We're near Broadway
We're near an elevated train line
There's a station on Broadway called Broadway Junction. It serves the G line and the J,M,Z line.
When we see the train pass by, we get a glimpse of the model. Each train line has a slightly different variation, with some being a lot old. The one that passes is one of the newer ones.
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(Once again, very accurate, as those models do run on elevated lines)
And although we can't see the letter on the train, by that alone, I can guess we're by the elevated J,M,Z lines in BedStuy - near Broadway Junction. Easy. Now we just need to know what stop we're at.
Well, they tell us that too. Finally, When Spot heads into the building we get a glimpse of the exact street he's on - Bedford.Ave
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So I just threw a LOT of information at you - but look at this map of the J,M,Z line and hopefully it comes together
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At the bottom along the green line - we see Bedford/Nostrand Ave. Remember, the robbery starts us off on Nostrand. Let's move up the green line. We get to a part where the green line passes the brown and orange ones - the JMZ trains.
They connect at Broadway (Officially Broadway Junction Station). We see Broadway with the hot dog vendor there.
If we move to left of Broadway we see Marcy Av. - and if we look to the left OF THAT we see a faint white line heading north.
THAT line is Bedford Ave. Where Spot enters the building.
Because we know they're in Brooklyn, and we know they passed Broadway. Plus we know they're now on Bedford by an elevated train that runs newer models.
So from those signs alone we can definitely say that Spot is on Bedford Ave. and Broadway. Next to the JMZ elevated trains, two stops from Broadway Junction in Brooklyn.
100% that's the spot (lol). That's the only place Bedford crosses an elevated train. And as a New Yorker, I got that from this photo.
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Trust me when I say - we can tell.
By those short shots of street signs, we know that Miles started in BedStuy, swung north towards Broadway, then took a turn towards Bedford Ave in Williamsburg. And that's where Gwen plants the bug - and the place she returns to before going to Mumbattan.
Is that crazy? That's CRAZY. Percision accuracy that I have never seen in a movie live-action or otherwise.
All throughout the first scenes of ATSV - they are on actual streets, that are reasonably within swinging distance of each other, along actual train lines - with their stations accurately located.
That's INSANE. There was no need for that amount of detail, but they did it anyway.
There's SO many times in Spider-men movies where they'll start swinging in Queens, and then the next scene is like Upper Manhattan. They don't label the neighborhoods, but from buildings alone, I can tell what neighborhood it is.
And I'm supposed to believe Peter just swung 2 and a half boroughs in twenty minutes. I don't notice. But I NOTICE.
Here, Miles and Gwen are truly swinging accurate distances in the right amount of time. That's mental. And refreshing!
In a live action movie - they have NO excuse. Just film in the city, it's not like we're Gotham. And we give film crews huge tax breaks. In an animated movie - completely understandable. But they still said 'No, that's subpar.' and went the extra mile.
They didn't even have to show ANY street signs, they could've left it at the easter egg at the corner store.
But they didn't. Because they're telling a story about a Black kid from Brooklyn, who leaves for someplace completely unfamiliar. BedStuy is Miles' home, and they wanted to make it feel that way. So when he's not there - in the cold polish of Neuva York - you can feel it.
You can feel Miles leaving his warm, rich community when he lacks that community in the Society. In the movie and IRL, BedStuy is so full of color, with so many people doing so many things and sharing so many cultures.
And in the society, everyone is the same. There's no culture. That's dedication.
Because of a train in Spider-man 2, I was immediately taken out of the story. And because of train in ATSV, I was immediately brought in.
For once, it feels like they're swinging around a neighborhood - cause they are.
A Large Detail in ATSV:
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So I talked about Trinity Church - the real church that Peter Parker was buried at in ITSV - and how accurate the team got it to the actual building.
In fact, this is the spot where Miles is standing.
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Like he's standing maybe 20 feet AT most from this spot, you can see in the windows and spires at the top.
But I also wanna explain why this - and why the fact that Peter was buried there is SO important.
Trinty Church is one of the most famous historical churches in the United States. It was started by the first English settlers in New York. It's extremely famous, and extremely sentimental.
For reference - Alexander Hamilton and his family are also buried at Trinity Church, along with dozens of other important US historical figures - across centuries.
You can't just be buried in Trinity. It's a city landmark. The cemetery is full, small, and you CANNOT pay your way in. The church is extremely choosy with who they will bury there - and honestly, I don't think anyone has been buried there for maybe a century or more.
So for the city to bury Peter Parker's body in the most prominent church in all of the city, if not the country - that speaks VOLUMES.
Like I said in the last post, my father use to work at Trinity Church - and they're the whole deal. Candles burning everywhere, super quiet and devote. The church has catacombs under it, everything.
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They didn't just bury him anywhere. The people of New York went out of their way to give Peter Parker the most honorable burial physically possible within the city of New York.
The highest honor for any New Yorker. One reserved only for Spider-man.
Which I think was an amazing touch. Especially since Trinity is in downtown Manhattan - so anyone could come visit and pay respects.
Other Cultural Accuracies
Before we wrap up I wanna breeze through some other cultural accuracies that appear in ATSV.
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Miles stops to eat a Jamaican Beef Patty while in the Bodgea. I spoke about these earlier with the Golden Krust sign. Jamaican beef patties are these flaky pastries colored with tumeric, full of spicy meat. And they are very popular with the large Carribean community in Brooklyn - which I'm apart of :)
In the case, we see the Beef Patties labeled with red dots. But Miles seems to go for the only one without it.
I'm guessing the red dots indicate which ones are the spicy Beef Patties and which ones are the mild, and Miles grabbed the last mild one they had.
They draw it really well, especially while Miles is eating it.
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"Spider-man seems more Dominican." Genuine question - did anyone laugh at this joke in your theatre?
Because all three times I went, people laughed. The first time people LOVED that joke.
NYC, especially the Bronx has a HUGE Puerto Rican AND Dominican population - many times living side by side
And there's this kinda 'beef' in the same way Yankees fans have beef with the Mets fans (NYC baseball teams)
The best way I can describe the joke is that they're two very strong, very proud Spanish cultures that are often mistaken for each other - but Puerto Ricans and Dominicans can very obviously tell each other apart. Mainly because of the Spanish they speak.
So for him and his mom to have that back and forth, it's kinda an inside joke of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans getting confused for each other - but them being able to tell the difference.
His mom says Spider-man is Puerto Rican, but Miles corrects her - without backing it up with any reason.
It's like they can just TELL.
I don't know how else to explain the joke but its a very New Yorker thing to do - discuss that out like that.
Since a lot of us are the children of immigrants - it's knee-jerk to identify with your parent country and not this one.
If you ask someone in New York 'What are you'. Many young people (me included) would say "Oh I'm *parents nationality*." In my case, I say I'm Bajan and Peruvian. Even though I was born in New York.
Miles would say he's Puerto Rican though he's never been.
So them discussing where Spider-man is 'from' even though he's obviously a New Yorker is the joke.
Like - someone on the writing team HAD to be from New York to add that in cause it's so...oddly New Yorker???
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While swinging Miles and Gwen pass the B46 bus. Once again, completely accurate. The scene starts on Nostrand and Fulton. The B46 does indeed stop on Fulton St.
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When they're swinging, the movie accurately shows the new World Trade Center (aka The Freedom Tower) - which is the tallest building in the picture.
Also, the bridge to the LEFT is the Brooklyn Bridge, while the tall one on the right is Manhattan Bridge. Many people don't know there's actually two bridges. (There's more but those two are the main ones)
Good on them for showing both Bridges, both accurately placed as well
Fun fact: Trains run over the Manhattan Bridge - the Q, B and a couple others (beautiful - I love it when they do) but trains do not run over the Brooklyn Bridge.
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And lastly, when Miles and Spot are on Broadway, the school behind them is actually architecturally accurate for a Brooklyn school. So much so that design is iconic.
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______________________ So those are most if not all of the cultural accuracies in Across the Spiderverse!
I cannot stress enough how ridiculously bang on this movie is in terms of everything.
The team put in so much work, and it paid off. To me, at least.
I don't feel like Miles is some kid from a different alternative New York. I feel like he's a real kid in MY New York. From everything down to his Jordans (don't even get me started on how much Jordan's has a CHOKEHOLD on teenagers in New York. Like...it's a status thing. Even since I was a kid, everyone wanted Jordans. Jordans or Nike Air Force 1s. So having Miles wear Jordans is my favorite thing cause yea a kid from BedStuy would think those are flyest shit ever even though they're just regular degular Jordans lol. And you KNOW Miles 42 a sneakerhead. Look at those shoes. He aint creasing those)
This movie, is chef's kiss. It tops all other New York portrays - live-action or otherwise and I stand on that.
If you read this far, thank you SO much. I love sharing New York culture (and the cultures that make it what it is to begin with) and I'm SO happy I can share this stuff and hopefully help people appreciate the movie more too!
If you learned something or have any questions, I'm all ears!
And I usually leave a photo of Hobie here as a send-off but this post hit the photo limit LMAOOOOOO
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kishdoodles · 1 month
Treebark Week 2024 - A Post-Mortem
Hi! If you haven’t seen, I have released seven (7!) videos for Treebark Week 2024! This wall of text is my behind the scenes and also post-mortem thoughts on the project, which I found worth documenting.
Even if you don’t end up reading the text, I appreciate every comment, tag, and view my videos get. I did it for the fun of it and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do it for the attention. I did, because I think these videos are the funniest things I’ve ever released. Shoutout to @thefluxqueen for being my partner in crime and confidant for these. You saw my vision.
I wanted to do something for Treebark week but admittedly I had noooo idea. So this whole gimmick was a fun set up for me to stretch my creativity in. What started as “I’m just going to do everything in mspaint with a mouse” spiraled to “I think it’s going to get boring if everything’s in the same style, so I’m going to have to do something different everyday.”
The important factor to me throughout all of this is earnesty.
Even if its life started as a joke, this project is a love letter in every respect. This is what I grew up on, this is the YouTube that is precious to me. Capturing this era of time in 7 videos is all at once easy, yet surprisingly laborious.
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First I planned the songs. Fitting the songs with the prompts was a brain scratcher, but once we (me and Spain) had a few in the rest slotted in pretty easily. Common thread was, of course, any popular song from the mid-late 2000s.
The first confirmed song was Sugar, Sugar for Sweet (Day 2) courtesy of Spain, given the Eddsworld video. We had a few songs for Burn (Day 3) or Infernal (Day 4) which we threw out (Elli Goulding’s Burn, 2NE1’s Fire, Steam Powered Giraffe’s Fire Fire, etc.) I ended up digging through my old playlist and listened to 20% Cooler, which after a realization I immediately slotted it for Frost (Day 1). Spain brought up the Heat Waves parody (Cold Spells) for Frost too, to which I realized I could just do regular Heat Waves, so that became what I did for Burn.
Bring Me To Life was brought to my attention (I forgot how, maybe Youtube recommendations?) and with the lyrics, it became the song for Blood (Day 7). The all time classic, Angel with a Shotgun, fit in nicely with the prompt of Divine (Day 4), so there was no contest. Another classic, Everytime We Touch, was harder to fit but I eventually reasoned through the prompts enough to fit it with Lips (Day 5) (the everytime we kiss part).
At this point, nothing I’ve found fit Day 6 (picnic/garden/strawberry) at ALL. So I decided the only way I knew how. RANDOM CHOICE!
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Mad World won but that was a trap, for I have biased myself toward Animal I’ve Become at that point and it almost won, so I went with that instead. This is a lawless land. 
The actual video ideas really came to me in piecemeal, so I’ll explain how I got each idea as I cover each day in order of when I completed them. 
20% Cooler (Day 1) was the most straightforward of the days. It was done in 1 hour and 30 minutes and I was purposefully being extremely literal about the lyrics. I already had the vision for what I want, and I didn’t want to care about quality all that much, so it came together really fast. 
For my process, I lined with mspaint brush and then bucket tooled with default colours. I took advantage of the new layer system mspaint added for some scenes, but otherwise it was as simple as just drawing. (Pictured, 3 layers for 2 scenes.)
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It was really easy to just quickly edit in Windows Movie Maker 6 too, I just dragged the pictures in, slapped effects, roughly timed everything and it’s done.
Programs used: mspaint, Windows Movie Maker 6
Sugar, Sugar (Day 2) was an honest effort at avoiding any complicated animations. I initially thought of doing an animation similar to the original video that inspired the song choice, but eventually scaled back because. I don’t want to animate. 
Thus came the decision of subject matter. I ended up settling on the demon roleplay because I thought it was the campiest thing in the world. And it was a sweet reunion, no? The lyrics just fit the vibe, and in a moment of brilliance (hitting the showers) I thought to make a visual novel. One reflective of old flash games and like the visual novels of cultural zeitgeist at the time.
I’ve known about Ren’py for quite some time now, but I’ve never properly learned how to use it. For this my task was simple. Find out how to change sprites, backgrounds, and move people into the scene.
Sprites and backgrounds were easy, so those were the first things I did. Ren’s sprites were inspired in design by Demon Hunters in the Warcraft world, mostly because I was playing a lot of Hearthstone and liked the idea. Martyn’s sprite style was inspired by early 2000s anime visual novels, like Higurashi (though I’ve personally never consumed it nor do I actually recommend consuming this piece of media (neutral) its ripple throughout the anime community was felt. Notably, parodies of the anime’s opening were very popular.) I toned back the stylizations, but trust me when I say that Martyn’s hands were purposefully big to be yaoi hands. It didn’t end up that big, and I did not give him the dorito chin here so, immense self control on my part (or cowardice?). False and Joel were just my regular style. For all this I used my tablet instead of my mouse.
The programming part was a little troublesome, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t google, so it got done pretty fast. There’s other small bits, like how I mismatched the background sizes, the sprite sizes (with each other)(minorly) but for the most part it came together pretty quick. Once the VN was done, it was just about recording it. So I put on the song, and danced along.
[You can download the VN here]
Programs used: Ren’Py, OBS, mspaint, After Effects (just to move the scene over at the beginning)
So I knew I wanted a classic style AMV, so that eventually became Everytime We Touch (Day 5). 
The pictures mostly come from a discord server I’m in (hi [redacted]!!!!) and I thought of it like a nice homage to the insanity we had in there. Bless all of you guys, you guys were the ones I wanted this series to be made for the most.
Not much to say beyond that, besides me just editing it all on movie maker as usual.
Programs used: Windows Movie Maker 6
Angel With a Shotgun (Day 4) was the last to be planned for. I predicted it was going to be the easiest to make on the fly (it was) and just kind of winged it. I wanted a unique style still for it though, and the idea of drawing their cubitos came pretty late. 
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I was not exempt from this trend in my youth (my art in mspaint, age 11, me and my sister)
The rest was history. Just kidding, I really wanted something to do with the shotgun thing so I literally searched “shotgun” in Curseforge and got MrCrayfish’s gun mod just for the shotgun. I loaded up the 3rd Life world I had from my Broken Lives animatic (it’s a custom made world using the seed) and just got to work with FreeCam and OBS (it’s my first time with FreeCam too!)
A rejected clip I didn’t use because of skin consistency / continuity.
Programs used: Minecraft, mspaint, Windows Movie Maker 6
Heat Waves (Day 3) acquired a pixel art style as an homage to its original lyric video. People have said it reminded them of Homestuck, which I honestly don’t mind. It fits the era and I did grow up with it. It kinda looped back in on itself that way.
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I blame this frame, here's it as a gif which lies unused.
For the video, the more I rewatched bits of Last Life for it (it’s been a while!) I realized it had a lot more potential than I initially thought. Though I doubt most of it didn’t come through in the final product (I limit these videos to a minute or less, if possible, excepting credits and allowing few more seconds over the minute mark so long as it felt warranted), I tried to cram in what I thought fitting to the prompt the whole time.
The watch tower burning was an easy pick, a classic Treebark moment you might say. For the rest of it, the nuance laid a lot in how Martyn presented the Shadow Alliance. “The Dog, The Shadow, The Roots. We make this place burn.” Under the eyes of the moon, it witnessed this pact form, and its resolution for the server. The moon is included in multiple frames because of this, as a stand-in for the eye of the Watcher(s) I included at the start, watching Martyn through the series.
In a lot of ways, how Lizzie and BigB turned red I also found fascinating. Lava and explosions you could argue are an extension of burning and fire, and an explosion was also how Martyn left the series. Ren, from the start of this alliance, inexplicably committed to and saw through what ultimately rips the people he was loyal to away from him. 
Martyn on the other hand, I drew in the later portions quite aware of the position he’s in, hence only his eye in the frame with the last 4 folks. This to me starts a path for him toward where he goes in the later serieses (notably in Limited Life). This is all very “vibes” and instinctual kind of “trust me on this” sort of read on c!Martyn honestly.
On missed opportunities, I’m almost upset at how I never brought up the moment Martyn buys a love crystal from Scar (never used, it got blown up) which I (and a lot of other) may have delusionally thought it was for Ren. Besides that, I never had a chance to desaturate the colours in the video leaving only red (which Ren did upon the encounter of the establishment of the Moon Cult)(it really emphasized Martyn’s lips!), I tried just plain desaturating, but ended up ditching it since it never felt like it jived well with the rest of the video.
All that aside, I finished this one really late (for me, which was past midnight on the day it was going to be posted), so I’m glad it was out on time. It’s the one I put in the most effort for, and I’m glad to see people enjoy it.
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The eye on its own, which reveals the Watcher symbol I accidentally did in the wrong orientation. Oops!
Programs used: Aseprite, After Effects
Animal I Have Become (Day 6) was thought on for a while. Eventually I have my eureka moment and I thought it was a nice shout out to the Bannedstory community who I’ve followed in my early days, where I’d watch animations of people’s custom OCs (original characters) made with Maplestory sprites animated to audio clips that I really wasn’t supposed to be listening to at the time lol. That, and all the online games and the like I grew up with on the early internet. I personally didn’t partake in it, but roleplaying on those was a common sight, and I found it endearing. 
My partner in crime for this day in particular was @thefluxqueen, because I really can’t be bothered with character customization for a lot of these games (I respect the craft but I lack the patience), but I knew who LOVED doing that. He really knocked it out of the park, helping me do the Gachalife, Club Penguin, and the characters for Animal Jam and Ponytown. For the latter, they handed me the account information and we just went to town.
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A Treebark stream in a just world.
I can’t tell you exactly how I assigned the lyrics, but I definitely assigned the animal sections during the chorus so it was a surprise (and so it also fit the lyrics). I did have fun recording and we had a fun time in Ponytown. We were shown where other mcyt fans are by a Grian pony (Hermit Hill) and then we hung out there sitting down while we workshopped the Bannedstory segments with both our sonas together. All in all a great time.
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It took a few takes.
Programs used: Bannedstory 3 (I would’ve loved to use 4, I grew up with that!), Gachalife, Club Penguin, Animal Jam, Ponytown, Windows Movie Maker 6, OBS
For Bring Me to Life (Day 7)... I ended up getting more attached to the thought of it the longer this project went on. 
I wanted it to be the end all be all, go out with a bang and everything. I kept thinking and thinking, how do I end Treebark week? After a week of homages, how do I make the last one?
What’s beyond my childhood? It was just growing up. But it’s not like I had to let anything go. My artistic endeavors are influenced by all of my experiences. I saw good reason to bring it all home, do a callback to the styles of the entire week, it’s my victory lap.
And why not call back every instance of Treebark through the entire series then? This evolved into me learning more about Martyn’s lore because I want to be informed! I want to make this as someone who earnestly loves the narrative of these characters, and the stories they’ve told.
From a story perspective, it felt like Martyn was always doomed to tragedy. Suppose the life series always does end tragically, but Martyn’s Vtuber in relation to all this has its own inherent tragedy to it. In my eyes, this roamer of cyberspace constantly has to live through different lives with familiar people. The people he loved and cared for in one world will always be ripped from him, and he knows that.
Amongst everything the Unguided Hand gets me the most. In the video I drew the Ren he chases as a shadow. He’ll never get the Ren he knew then, back. Even if he meets another Ren in another world, it's never going to be The Red King. To me, Limited Life is the snapping point, a point of selfishness above all else in the comfortable knowledge that he wins, without ever needing to experience the same closeness and loyalty he had in lives past. The realization that this is what the game was about. Winning at all costs. I wanted the progression to reflect that.
Deep down, maybe he yearns to be saved from all that. The song echoes that sentiment. I tried to match the lyrics to how I saw the timeline of events as close as possible for that to hit. In this, Ren is his anchor, someone that he gets drawn to no matter the incarnation. The tragedy is that Ren, even if he knows about what Martyn’s going through, can’t join him in this journey. Martyn will always be alone in this experience, and Ren can only be a short comfort before the cycle starts anew. 
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I quite liked the pixel art I did for LimLife!Martyn
From a meta perspective, this video (and by extension, the whole series) is about art and creating. I have been obsessed with art for 14 years now, and as time goes on I’ve grown fond of every way that we, as people, have evolved our storytelling. The multitudes of mediums that we have developed to express ourselves and share narratives will continue to fascinate me endlessly. Cringe be damned, there is a universal desire to create and enjoy stories of all folds. From the smallest story told from painstakingly typing chat boxes for little custom-made characters to say, to the highest production play put on for multiple hours in a game of Minecraft. 
And at the beginning of my journey lay paper and pencil. Bring Me To Life is an elaborate pun on my end, yes, but also a reflection of my roots. I started my journey as an artist endlessly doodling the adventures of tiny magical girls fighting demons, drawing fanart of costumes in MMO games I found cool, and sharing them with my friends at school. I find myself still drawing, still creating, for hundreds, if not thousands of eyes to see. Still I get inspired by the stories others tell, and I create in turn. In appreciation, in love. 
Bring Me To Life as a song, is a slate that, to me, reflected what I saw in the relationship of Treebark. Bring Me To Life is also a demand, of a piece of art that I had a vision for, that I wanted to bring to life. I struggled at how to end it for a while. Closing the book became very straightforward. It’s the end of this video, this saga, and another way that me, as a Watcher myself (as what they’re originally meant to represent) exercises control over stories in my own unique way. Creation is never limited to a select few. I think everyone should keep getting inspired by the things around them, and keep making art in turn.
To the people who’ve made it til the end here, make art, keep creating. Do shitty doodles, write whatever you want, make sounds and crafts and keep living. That’s all I really want, and this was what this whole series was about.
Programs used: mspaint, Aseprite, Blockbench, Bannedstory 3, Pencil and paper, After Effects
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sugercherri · 10 months
Im tryna remember how to draw usagi and different ways to draw him where I'd be satisfied enough to like it😊‼
I miss the way I used to draw him💔
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Surprisingly only took me almost 6 hours to complete
I take abt 10 hrs to do random doodles like these💀
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ashwii · 7 months
How long do you typically spend on a drawing?
Of the ones you've posted, which took the longest? Which was the quickest?
Ohhh, that's a good question. I suppose it really depends on the drawing :00
Honestly, I dont spend anywhere near as long on drawings as i did a year a two ago (which comes with pros and cons — i feel like i haven't really made a "mona lisa" in forever that i can be super proud of, but on the other hand i'm overall just quicker at getting paintings done now)
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[Going from left to right♡]
The first one (done a little over a year ago) I remember taking me a good couple of weeks to complete. HOURS upon hours were spent on that water trying to make it look perfect, and tbh I'm not super into the water looks anymore anyway XD. Lots of things i dont really like about the piece anymore, but i haven't really made anything since that I think is a suitable replacement for a pfp haha
Second guy (6 months after the first one) i think took me a couple days? Spent an evening doing the sketch and line art, and I think I spent the next evening doing the coloring and painting. I dont think I like the colors as much as the first one, but i dont think I dislike them enough to warrant multiple weeks worth of working on a drawing, lmao
And then the third boy, the one i posted a few hours ago. I think i spent a lil less than an hour on him?? That one's just a doodle — no background or real composition in mind like the other two drawings, just wanted to scribble the boy, hehe. Like I said, it depends on the drawing!!
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albertasunrise · 1 year
Look for the Light - Part 7
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Summary: Four years ago, Joel saved you from certain death. In return, you followed him faithfully. Always ready to do and give him whatever he asked, despite the hurt it inflicted on you, body and soul. Agreeing to go with him to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies… this would be the last time you’d follow him… After this, your debt would be paid.
Relationships: Reader x Joel Miller, Joel Miller & Ellie, Reader & Ellie
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose to give none. Read at your own risk. 18+ (Once again... I know this took a while but I hope you like it :) Please don't hurt me... )
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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You clutched Joel's hand like it was the only thing tethering him to this world. He looked terrible. His eyes had sunken into his skull and his skin had taken on a sickly grey palette, glittering with sweat in the low light of the ward. It had taken several gruelling hours to remove the infected tissue and repair the damage the baseball bat had done to his stomach. You and Tommy had sat there and waited, each painful hour that went by leading to your dread increasing tenfold. 
Then when you were convinced that the worst had happened. 
The doctor had come and fetched you both. 
You had been led to a small room where Joel had been set up for observation. The doctor informed you that they wanted to keep a close eye on him for the next twenty-four hours before they were comfortable putting him in the general ward. 
That was four days ago. 
Now you were just willing the man you loved to fight. Each day you were told the same thing. 
"He's no worse... But he's not any better either." 
You had lost count of how much you had pleaded with the man to come back to you. Your heart hurt with each hour he remained unresponsive. He had been pumped with as much antibiotics as the small hospital could spare and now it was all down to him. 
"Ellie's started school." You piped up after a while "Already made a few friends but there's one she's constantly rattling on about." You chortled as you stood to plump his pillows a little and adjust his blanket "Some girl called Dina... Seems really taken with her.
"It's nice to see." You finished as you smooth his hair back and leant down to kiss his brow. 
You jumped when you felt his brow draw together a little. Your eyes widened as you pulled back to look at him better. Sure enough, he sported a small frown. 
"Joel?" You called as you cupped his face "Joel can you hear me?" 
He didn't respond. 
Instead, his whole body went rigid and your stomach sank. This wasn't him waking up. This was something else completely. 
"HELP." You screamed as Joel's body started to thrash violently "PLEASE." You sobbed as you fought to keep the man on the gurney. 
Hands then pulled you away as the doctor and some nurses took over. 
"Come with me." Said a kind voice and you allowed the owner to guide you away from Joel and into the dreaded waiting room you had already spent much time in. 
"Why won't he get better?" You sobbed as she guided you to a chair "I just want him to fight." 
"He was very sick when he arrived here." The kind voice replied, "The doctor did everything he can to remove the infection but it reached his bloodstream." She sighed as she rubbed your back in an attempt to soothe your hiccuping cries "We have given him all the medicine we can spare and hopefully the latest supply run will bring some more but hun, even then this fight is down to him." 
"I just... I just thought that with the medicine, he would just turn that corner and get better." 
"Everyone hopes for that sweetie." The kind voice cooed "But unfortunately, it doesn't always go that way." 
You nodded numbly. Giving her a weak smile as you looked up at her. 
"I'll come and get you when he's stable." She finished before giving you a sympathetic smile. 
Then, you were left alone to wait again. Tommy walked in a short while later and saw you sitting in the waiting room. His face then sported the same frown that Joel wore, it was obviously a family trait. 
"Why you in here?" He asked as he jog over to you, his heart leaping to his throat when you choked on a sob.
"He had another seizure." You replied between hiccups "They're working on him now and will come get me when he's stable." You managed to choke out before your eyes dropped back to your hands. 
Tommy nodded and sat himself down beside you, his eyes watching the yellowed plastic clock on the wall. Around half an hour passed before anyone came to fetch you. Your nails were bitten bloody and your hair a mess when the lady who owned that sweet voice came to fetch you again. She led the two of your wordlessly back to Joel's bedside where the doctor was standing waiting for you with an unreadable expression on his face. 
"Good to see you, Tommy." The doctor said as he acknowledged the younger Miller with a nod.
"How's he doing doc?" The man asked and he was answered with a sigh. 
"I'm not going to sugarcoat this." He started and your stomach sank "The antibiotics we have just aren't getting the better of the infection. Without more, I can't see him pulling through this." 
"Did the supply run find any?" Tommy asked and the doctor shrugged.
"They've not returned yet." He replied simply "They're due back in tomorrow morning. I have given him all we can spare." 
"So you do have more medicine available?" Tommy pushed and the doctor nodded. 
"Well yes but we can't use it all on one man. There are other people here than may need it." 
"May... not do!" Tommy pushed "My brother's layin' there dyin' and he needs that medicine." 
"I understand that but-" 
"There's no buts here Doc." Tommy growled "You better give Joel everything you can. I need to know that you are doin' everything you can to save him because if you don't-"
"Tommy." You warned, stopping the man before he said something he'd regret "Is there any way you can spare a little more?" You pleaded and the doctor sighed. 
"I will discuss it with Maria and co. and see what they say." He replied, shrugging his shoulders "But I know it'll be a no." 
"Maria's my wife!" Tommy argued, his eyes dark and angry. 
"Yes, but she's always in charge of the well-being of this town. She can't favour one over all." The doctor pointed out "I will see what I can do but I can't make any promises." 
"We understand." You said softly in the hopes it would placate the situation "Anything you can do will be appreciated." 
The doctor left after that and you were left to watch as Tommy sobbed over the state his brother was in. Your heart ached for him. You knew he blamed himself for this. He's told Joel that it wasn't a suicide mission and now his brother was hanging on by a thread. But if you were being honest with yourself, you blamed yourself also. If you'd done better.
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The three of you were frantic as you tried to load your weapon into the horse. You had just managed to get yours secured when Ellie called out. 
Your head whipped around in time to see a raider sprinting towards your party. Desperately your tried to pull your weapon out again but nerves got the better of you and by the time you had managed to unfasten it from the horse's saddle, Joel was already brawling with the man. 
You held the weapon steady as you watched the men tussle and then, the man grunted a little before a sickening crack sounded and the man dropped dread. The three of you stood motionless for a moment as the adrenaline from what just happened started to wear off. Then, yours and Ellie's eyes grew wide as they zeroed in on the broken bat handle that was now lodged in Joel's stomach. The man looked down at the offending item, shock settling in and that's probably what then led him to pull it out. Blood spilt through his fingers as he clutched his gut and started to waiver. 
You sprung into action then. The gun was strapped back on the horse much faster than before and as other raiders started to spill from the building, you ran to help Ellie.
"Joel! Get on the horse!" She ordered when the man started stumbling "Get on the horse." She ordered again, helping keep him steady as he sat himself in the saddle and grabbed the reigns. You then jumped onto your own mount before the three of you made a run for it. Ellie shot at the men as the horses galloped away from their attackers.
You made it to some railway tracks a short while later, Slowing your horses to a walk when satisfied that your attackers were not close behind you. 
"They're not following us. I think we're safe." You piped up as you looked over your shoulder before returning your eyes to the route ahead. 
"Joel?" Ellie called out again and you looked over to see the man in question listing in the saddle, his head dropping just before he did. 
"Joel, no, no, no! shit!" Ellie called out as she leapt down from the horse and dropped to the man's side. 
"Fսck!" You exclaimed as you joined her at his side, hands then pressing down hard on the gushing wound. 
 "Joel? Joel? shit. Joel, open your eyes." Ellie pleaded as she tapped his cheek "Open your eyes. Joel, you gotta get up." She begged, tears falling freely as she looked down at his unconscious form "I can't fսckin' do this without you." She whispered, letting a few more tears fall before she looked up at you "What do we do?" 
"I uh... Umm..." You trailed off. 
Truth was you didn't know what to do. You were in shock and you had no idea where you were. You needed to find shelter. That much was obvious but you also needed to move Joel and that was where things would be more difficult. Your eyes then drifted to the blood that slipped through your fingers. 
"I should have been quicker." You sobbed as you dropped your head and cried "If I had just been faster, this wouldn't have happened." 
"This isn't your fault." Ellie choked and you scoffed. 
You said nothing. You didn't want to argue. You knew this was your fault and you would never forgive yourself if he died. His blood was on your hands. Both literally... and figuratively. 
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You were sitting at Tommy's table with him when Maria arrived home. The hospital had kicked you out a little over an hour ago and so instead of wallowing alone, had chosen to do it with the younger miller. She said nothing when she entered. She hung her coat and made her way to the kitchen, placing the kettle to boil so she could make some tea. 
"How's Joel doing?" She asked when she returned with the brew, placing one in front of you also. 
"He's dying." You answered plainly "Needs more medicine." 
"What did the council decide?" Tommy asked his wife, his sad eyes making her guilt bubble to the surface when she answered his question. 
"We said no to the use of the last of the antibiotics." She stated plainly and you sobbed.
"What the fuck... Why?" Tommy asked, his expression morphing into something else entirely.
"Because the supply run group still haven't returned yet and we can't risk potentially using the last of what we have on one man." 
"That man is my brother." Tommy growled and Maria sighed again. 
'I know that but-"
"This ain't got nothing to do with the medicine." Tommy spat "This is to do with the fact that y'all don't like him. Ever since he arrived here you have been tellin' folk to be weary of him. That he's dangerous." The younger Miller continued "Well new flash honey... So am I!" 
"It has nothing to do with my feelings towards Joel." Maria argued but Tommy was having none of it.
"Don't fuckin' lie to me." He drawled "You've made it clear from the beginning that you don't trust him. Now you're choosing to let him die because you're worried about what impact he'll have around here." 
"It's not like that and you know it." Maria spat out "Yes, I don't trust your brother but I would never allow a man to die, simply because I didn't like him?" 
Tommy glared at his wife as he waited for her to continue. The air in the room was so thick with tension that you were sure you might choke. You wondered if you should leave. This was clearly an issue between the two of them but when you went to move you found your limps wouldn't move. 
"If the supply run returns with more medicine then I will gladly give the last of what we currently have to Joel. I don't hate him so much that I would leave Ellie without a dad. But I can't just give it to him because he'd my husband's brother." She warned, her eyes wide in an attempt to get her point across to him "There are rules I gotta follow and I can't break them." State stated plainly "Not even for you." 
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You were sitting on the couch in the house you'd been assigned when Ellie came in. Your eyes drifted from the fire in front of you to the teenager as she stepped into the room and plonked herself down on the armchair across from you. She seemed to be deep in though, not reacting to you when you first called out her name. 
"Ellie?" You said more firmly and she looked up at you then, her expression troubled "Everything okay?" 
"Yeah... well... I um, I guess." 
"You guess?" You pushed and she shrugged. 
"Well, I like bumped into a guy I go to school with and his brother was on that supply run." She started and already you knew this was headed in a direction you didn't like. 
"Oh yeah?" You piped up, hoping to draw a little more information from the girl. 
"Yeah, well apparently the patrol came back and they found them dead about a mile away. Looks like it was Raiders." 
Your stomach sank at that and your hands started to shake as you leaned forward in your seat. 
"Why raiders and not infected?" You asked, knowing you weren't going to like the answer.
"Cus they were like literally stripped bare." She answered "Like everything was gone. Even their clothes." 
Your hand shot to your mouth as you leaned back and attempted to hold back a sob. Only to fail and grab Ellie's attention. 
"They were looking for medicine..." She trailed off "Weren't they." 
You could only nod. Not trusting your voice as your hands started to shake even more.
"Does that mean Joel's gonna die?" She asked and you broke down at that. Unable to keep the tears at bay as you shook your head. 
"I don't know Ellie." You answered honestly "But without that medicine..."
You paused, Breathing through the tears as you tried to pull yourself together just so you could speak the truth to the girl who had come to look at Joal as a father. 
"His chances are shit."
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Fic updates: @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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tennessoui · 7 months
Trick or Treat Counseling AU
trick or treat 😻🎃☠️
Here’s a silly 5 sentence fragment (jk it was supposed to be a 5 sentence fragment but nvm it’s like 20 lol):
Anakin bolts from the kitchen to the couch with a speed only possible through misuse of the Force.
Obi-Wan would comment on it, if only because he knows how much Anakin resents it when he does so, but he himself is rather preoccupied with the blinking comm sequence in the air.
Ahsoka has not voluntarily reached out to talk with them since the immediate aftermath of the war when she called frantic and rather wounded herself to make sure that they were still alive.
It’s set a rather bad precedent, if Obi-Wan’s being honest—now her name lights up his comm link and all he can think of is has someone almost died once more?
“Well, pick it up, pick it up,” Anakin urges him in the tone of voice of one who is absolutely thinking the same thing.
The blue lighted figure of Ahsoka is small and grainy, as if her connection, wherever she is, is bad.
“Snips!” Anakin says, body like a live wire beside Obi-Wan even as his voice sounds casual. “How are you?”
“Masters,” Ahsoka replies, dipping her head. She’s smiling slightly though her countenance otherwise can only be described as befuddled. “I received a packet of…questions. From a Sheari Flot’inae?”
“Oh wow, that was fast,” Anakin says. “We just gave her your name a few hours ago. Do you have questions about it? She said the packet would be sort of obvious.”
“Right,” Ahsoka says. “So. Just one question actually. Is this a joke or something?”
Her head is tilted to the right and her voice is confused; immediately, Obi-Wan understands she means no harm whatsoever in the asking.
The question stings all the same, and across their open bond, he can feel Anakin’s equal hurt.
“No,” Obi-Wan says carefully, allowing his hands to tighten around each other in his lap where they cannot be seen. “It is not. We, ah. We have recently decided that it would be for the best if we…addressed some of the problems in our relationship. To help us grow as people and partners.”
“Cause walking away isn’t an option,” Anakin adds, voice unreadable. Obi-Wan barely resists the urge to close his eyes.
“Our counselor requested we send her a handful of names that she could contact,” he says quickly. “With a questionnaire similar to one we filled out upon our intake with her. So she can get an outsider’s perspective on our relationship.”
“Right,” Ahsoka says slowly, drawing out the letters. “So this questionnaire is like the one you guys filled out…about your relationship with each other. And I’m supposed to take it seriously.”
“And complete it sober,” Anakin nods. “That’s important.”
Obi-Wan coughs. “It would mean so much to us, Ahsoka, if you were to help us in this. I know—we do not have the right to ask anything of you, that this may just be another burden we are placing on your shoulders unfairly and for our own personal gain, but no one knows us the way you do.” He clears his throat, and anakin’s hand falls to rest against the back of his. “You of all people would know how we are together in our happiest and at our worst. It would mean so much to me if you took this task seriously and with the wisdom and thoughtfulness I have always admired in you.”
“Right,” Ahsoka says. Her cheeks look darker, and Obi-Wan hopes she’s taken his words to heart. “So for question 6, what would you like me to put? Cause I’m not sure I understand why I’m being asked this if this isn’t all just a joke.”
Obi-Wan can feel his confusion mirrored on Anakin’s side of the bond. “What’s question 6?” Anakin asks.
Ahsoka looks down at the sheet of flimsi in her hand. “On a scale of one to five with five being very comfortable, how comfortable would you say the couple is with public displays of affection? For example, have you ever seen them kiss each other in public? If you can remember a specific time, please note.”
She raises her head to look at them, markings where her eyebrows would be if she were human raised high. “I can’t say I remember, Masters, so should I put that you save all the kissing for your quarters or will that make you sound too frigid?”
[trick or treat ask game!]
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writerscafehub · 6 months
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ೀ ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ ㅤ ♡ ㅤ . 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄:
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Oh god, a 3.5? I will admit that it’s very hard for me not to downplay myself, it’s what I’m best at. I will say that I have gotten much better as a writer since I took it back up.
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think probably my dialogue. I find myself able to sink into relationship dynamics quite easily and am able to show a character’s personality through their conversation with other characters rather than just describing it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Well, I have to give credit where credit is due as @stargazingfangirl18 is the whole reason I started writing fanfic. Other fanfic authors I find myself drawing inspired from would be @angrythingstarlight, @boxofbonesfic, @slothspaghettiwrites, @onsunnyside, and @howdoyousleep3. For my non-fanfic writing I draw a lot of inspiration for Ursula LeGuin, George R.R. Martin, Robert Jordan, and Tolkien of course.
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Definitely In the Pines. It’s so different from anything else I’ve ever written and I honestly love it. It’s so haunting and I’m very proud of the prose.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Easiest is absolutely the quadrouple - my Ransom/reader/Ari/Jake kinda polycule that’s part of my No Love Like Your Love AU. I also find it really easy to write for Natasha and her peach from that same AU. Most difficult? Oof, off the top of my head Mike Weiss, he’s just kinda depressing.
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Again, the quadrouple. They’re my comfort characters for a reason. I also just love writing about people in relationships, about them being in love and working through tough times but coming out better for it. I love when two (or more) people are just completely open and honest with each other and do their best to make each other better.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
Fic wise all the upcoming stuff for the NLLYL verse, and there’s a lot. But I am most excited about my novel! It has so many characters that I love so much. It delves into stuff I’ve never written before but that I found surprisingly intriguing. And of course, there’s a ton of bangable characters. Blorbos for everyone.
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
The Chris Evans fandom. I can’t help it, I want to fuck so many of that man’s characters. 
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Omegaverse for sure. Specifically knotting and scent. I just want a giant, masculine smelling animal of a man to fuck me and then have his cock locked inside me for an hour. And the snuggly vibes of nesting and just having a bunch of soft and comforting things around you that smell like someone you love feeds the marshmallow romantic inside me.
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Look, every time I say I’m never going to write for something I end up writing it. But I can hopefully say that scat will never happen.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Probably the one where Deadpool is stuck in a self-insert fanfic. It breaks the fourth wall and it’s short but it’s weird as fuck.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Ari and Jake. They’re so soft and sweet and perfect and I am never going to let anything bad happen to them ever.
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
With my ADHD I have to. It’s usually just the tv though. I’ll put some sitcom I’ve watched a million times on in the background.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
This is kinda tough! I love creating AUs but I feel like those are more a bunch of one shots that just happen to be for the same couples in the same setting. But I also really love the actual series I’ve done. So I’m going to say multi-chapter.
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Constantly! I mean, if I daydream about it I typically add it to my WIPs which is why I have so many. It’s usually just about my characters being happy and living their best lives in some way.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Not yet! I will say I’m a little bit intimidated still about writing for a male reader but after my first foray into it I feel much more comfortable.
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I can’t think of a specific one but I’ve gotten a few from people who have told me my fics provide a little bright spot for them and I always enjoy hearing that! There was also an ask I got where someone told me they recommend and discuss my writing more than they do real authors and that felt pretty good.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
This goes back to what I mentioned before but definitely writing for a male reader. The reason I wanted to do it was part curiosity to see if I could do it and part desire to write for an audience I hadn’t had a chance to connect with. It turned out really well and aside from some cliche accusations of fetishization I had a lot of positive engagement.
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, always fluff. If I do the angst I end up living in it for days and I hate it. (I say this while hosting a giant angst ask a thon on my blog)
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
For my fics, aside from my reader characters who in spite of being inserts are basically OCs, there’s the second generation of my NLLYL core group. All the kids are so cute and when they grow up there’s a lot of fun to be had, new romances and I could just go on and on about them. For my novel, oh my god you guys. There’s the Viking pirate sealord, the feminist icon, the super hot himbo best friend, the tiny and fiery lady of the lakes, the sexy villain, the spoiled but handsome prince. And that’s not even all of them.
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Would it surprise anyone if I said the NLLYL verse? Because that’s the one. It’s like my security blanket.
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
Just that I have zero control over where my muse goes. If you’re craving the next installment in a series or an AU I am also craving it, but I’m also not going to force my muse to go somewhere and put something out that isn’t up to my standards.
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
“The cold wind whipped through your nightgown and tangled it around your limbs as you stared at the sky in rapture, bathed in the silvery light of the moon like some kind of goddess.” - In The Pines
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I just love the community I’ve been able to cultivate in the fic writing community. Not just the members of this server but so many readers who leave thoughtful and sweet comments that always make my day. 
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jinxxedmisery · 8 months
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So...the new ADHD meds I'm on evidently work great..
I spent like 6 or more hours on this, half of it in complete silence (which is completely out of character for me, I usually blast music into my ears every waking hour) and yes, I did already post a very similar piece not long ago but with gouache. I took the sketch from that and digitally painted it. And I am SO HAPPY WITH IT!
I especially adore the hair.. it's just so pretty (I did so many studies on Ayami Kojima that now I'm able to kinda draw hot vampire men well.. 😲)
Anyway hope you enjoy this as much as I loved making it 😊
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aerowolf · 2 months
raphael's final act
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completed February 6, 2024 as a gift for my cousin ! His favourite fictional villain
This took like three hours and I was listening to Raphael's Final Act the entire time. On loop.
I've never played bg3 myself but I'm a fan by proxy and dang it my cousin made me have a crush on Gale.
He asked me to draw his human form in that one demon pose he does so yippee
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tvckerwash · 5 months
man, I've always thought that wash was the most 'master chief-y' character in rvb—with carolina also having a lot of the same qualities based solely off of what I knew about him from the games—but now that I’ve read the fall of reach, I can say with 100% certainty that they both take after john.
(utc bc it's another long post lol)
carolina takes very heavily after master chief’s competitive side, and teamwork was not a skill that came to him naturally. there’s a scene very early in the book right after john and the rest of the kids were first conscripted into the spartan program where everyone is split into teams, and they’re told to complete an obstacle course and compete to be the first ones to ring a bell at the end of it. the last team to ring the bell wouldn’t be getting dinner (and for context, these are a bunch of 6 year olds who spent the last however many hours being forced into the same grueling physical activities grown adults are on their first day in boot camp).
john, who was absolutely starving, abandoned his teammates because he believed they were just going to slow him down, and he was right—he was the first to ring the bell, but his teammates were the last two to do so. but, john was punished for doing that, and he didn’t get to have dinner alongside the teammates he left behind (and he was so hungry he even secretly stole some of the food from a girl he was sitting next to while she wasn’t looking).
this experience deeply impacted john, he corrected his mistake the next day, and in a future training exercise done years later, him and his fellow spartans were dropped off in the middle of the mountains and told to compete to get the extraction point, and the last person there was going to be left behind and would have to walk back to the base. I think I’ll let john tell you his thoughts on that himself:
“One more thing,” Mendez said. “The last trainee to make it to the extraction point will be left behind.” He glanced out a window. “And it’s a very long walk back.” John didn’t like it. He wasn’t going to lose, but he didn’t want anyone else to lose, either. The thought of Kelly or Sam or any of the others marching all the way back made him uneasy…if they could make it all the way back alone over those mountains. 
They stopped at noon to stretch and eat berries they had gathered along the trail. Fhajad spoke up. “I want to know one thing,” he said. He paused to wipe the sweat off his dark skin. “We’re going to get to the extraction point at the same time. So who’s getting left behind? We should decide now.” “Draw straws,” someone suggested.  “No,” John said, and stood. “No one’s being left behind. We’re going to figure a way to get all of us out.”  “How?” Kelly asked, scratching her head. “Mendez said—” “I know what he said. But there’s got to be a way—I just haven’t thought of one yet. Even if it has to be me that stays behind—I’ll make sure everyone gets back to the base.” John started marching again. “Come on, we’re wasting time.” 
Carolina is portrayed very, very similarly to the way john is above through most of s9, and it’s only when her obsession with beating tex starts to take a priority that she becomes more like john was as a child. In s10 her characterization becomes more juvenile, and that’s where she truly reverts to the 6 year old john who will abandon his teammates because being first takes priority in her mind. 
Another blurb of text that I find very applicable to Carolina as a character is this:
“Irritated, sir?” John asked, genuinely puzzled. He would have thought the UNSC top brass would be elated by the victory, despite its cost. “But we won.” Captain Keyes took a step back and cocked a quizzical eyebrow. “Didn’t Dr. Halsey ever teach you that winning isn’t everything, Master Chief?” He saluted. “You’ll excuse me.” John saluted. He was so confused by Captain Keyes’ statement that he kept saluting as the Captain walked out of the room. Winning was everything. How could someone with Captain Keyes’ reputation think otherwise? The Master Chief tried to recall if he had ever read anything like that in any military history or philosophy texts. What else was there other than winning? The only other obvious choice was losing…and he had long been taught that defeat was an unacceptable alternative. Certainly, Captain Keyes didn’t mean that they should have lost at Sigma Octanus? Unthinkable. He stood silently for ten minutes mulling this over.
wash on the other hand seems to take queues from various other aspects of master chief’s character shown throughout the book. If I had to sum up these bits and bobs I’d say he takes inspiration from john’s more serious and practical side, or rather, the side of john that is ‘less human’.
I’ve talked about how I’m not a big fan of wash and locus being foils on chorus because miles picked the wrong aspects of what it means to be a soldier to focus on when it comes to wash, but beyond that I do actually see wash as the more soldier like character between him and carolina. 
wash is a character who has a very strong sense of duty, and he takes whatever he believes his duty is very seriously. wash is hyperaware of his position, and while he can—and does—read between the lines, he prefers to keep things simple and straightforward. he’s not a scientist, he’s not a psychologist, he’s a soldier—just hand him a gun and tell him where to shoot. these two blurbs sum wash up very nicely:
John only knew three ways to react to people. If they were his superior officers, he obeyed them. If they were part of his squad, he helped them. If they were a threat, he neutralized them.
“You engaged and neutralized a threat,” Mendez replied. “That action seems to have answered your question, Squad Leader.”  John wrinkled his forehead as he thought it through. “I followed the chain of command,” he said. “The Sergeant told me to fight. I was threatened and in imminent danger. But they were still UNSC Special Forces. Fellow soldiers.” Mendez lowered his voice. “Not every mission has simple objectives or comes to a logical conclusion. Your priorities are to follow the orders in your chain of command, and then to preserve your life and the lives of your team. Is that clear?” “Sir,” John said. “Yes, sir.” He glanced back at the ring. Blood was seeping into the canvas mat. John had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. He hit the showers and let the blood rinse off him. He felt strangely sorry for the men he had killed. But he knew his duty—the Chief had even been unusually verbose in order to clarify the matter. Follow orders and keep himself and his team safe. That’s all he had to focus on. John didn’t give the incident in the gym another thought.
another scene that I want to share is this one, as upon reading it I immediately imagined that wash’s meeting with internals in s9 probably went very similarly: 
Finally one of the officers deigned to notice the Master Chief. “At ease, soldier,” he said. The Master Chief let his arm fall. “Spartan 117, reporting as ordered, sirs.”  There was a pause, then the woman’s voice spoke up, “We would like to congratulate you on your successful mission, Master Chief. You’ve certainly given us plenty to consider. We would like to pin down a few details of your mission.” There was something in her voice that made John nervous. Not scared. But it was the same feeling he had going into combat. The same feeling he got when bullets started flying. “You do know, Master Chief,” the first male voice said, “that not answering truthfully—or omitting any relevant details will lead to a court-martial?” John bristled. As if he could ever forget his duty. “I will answer to the best of my abilities, sir,” he replied stiffly. 
anyway, another blurb I want to bring up is this one involving dr. halsey speaking to cortana about john, and I feel how it relates to wash is self-explanatory. It’s really only the very last paragraph that’s important, but I’m including the whole scene because imagining a similar conversation between the director and alpha is SO funny to me (insert the gay robot joke lmao).
Cortana leaped to her “feet,” turned her back to Dr. Halsey, and examined the photographs on the wall. She brushed her fingertips over the glass surfaces. “Which one will be mine?” “Which one do you want?” She immediately gravitated to the picture in the center of Dr. Halsey’s collection. It showed a handsome man standing at attention as Admiral Stanforth pinned the UNSC Legion of Honor upon his chest—a chest that already overflowed with citations. Cortana framed her fingers around the man’s face. “He’s so serious,” she murmured. “Thoughtful eyes, though. Attractive in a primitive animal sort of way, don’t you think, Doctor?” Dr. Halsey blushed. Apparently, she did think so. Cortana’s thoughts mirrored many of her own, only unchecked by normal military and social protocol. “Perhaps it would be best if you picked another—” Cortana turned to face Dr. Halsey and cocked an eyebrow, mock stern. “You asked me which one I wanted…” “It was a question, Cortana. I did not give you carte blanche to select your ‘carrier.’ There are compatibility issues to consider.” Cortana blinked. “His neural patterns are in sync with my mine within two percent. With the new interface we’ll be installing, that should fall well within tolerable limits. In fact—” Her gaze drifted and the symbols along her body brightened and flashed. “—I have just developed a custom interface buffer that will match us within zero point zero eight one percent. You won’t find a better match among the others. “In fact,” she added coyly, “I can guarantee it.” “I see,” Dr. Halsey said. She pushed away from her desk, stood, and paced. Why was she hesitating? The match was superb. But was Cortana’s predilection for Spartan 117 a result of him being Dr. Halsey’s favorite? And did it matter? Who better to protect him? Dr. Halsey walked over to the picture. “He was awarded this Legion of Honor medallion because he dove into a bunker of Covenant soldiers. He took out twenty by himself and saved a platoon of Marines who were pinned down by a stationary energy weapon emplacement. I’ve read the report, but I’m still not sure how he managed to do it.”  She turned to Cortana and stared into her odd translucent eyes. “You’ve read his CSV?” “I’m reading it again right now.” “Then you know he is neither the smartest nor the fastest nor the strongest of the Spartans. But he is the bravest—and quite possibly the luckiest. And in my opinion, he is the best.”
I’m pretty sure there's actually a joke somewhere in the show where wash says he’s only the third favorite behind tex and carolina, but considering they’re literally the director's wife and daughter I think being third is still worth something here lol.
but all of that aside, I want to end this post with one last blurb because of how it relates to both carolina and wash, and why I think it’s so important that they’re the two freelancers who survived to the end, and how they both take after master chief.
If Dr. Halsey had a mission for him and his team, it would be a good one. She had given him everything: duty, honor, purpose, and a destiny to protect humanity. John hoped she would give him one more thing: a way to win the war.
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