#this is just an excuse for me to use this Bugs Bunny gif. love him so much. what a little freak
fuckmeyer · 1 year
Bella busting out the khaki lingerie to seduce her vampire husband on their honeymoon
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missklou · 7 years
Bts reaction {Wanting to break up because of his insecurities} Part 2/2 Maknae Line.
Part one HERE.
(for people that make gifs/gifsets, I absolutely adore your work, if you do not approve the use of your gifs please let me know and I’ll stop)
(Currently taking requests)
Request:  Helloooo! I’m a bit overexcited but I’d love to read a reaction in which the members doubt themselves (about looks or characteristics or smth) and want to break up with their s/o because they feel like they aren’t enough (heavy angst oh boy) but with a happy ending in which their s/o reassures them and they kiss, hug etc… just fluff :) Not sure if you write angst but yeah that’d be great <3
Mini scenarios (not even that mini, I’m sorry I have a problem) with each member. If you like it, please check the masterlist for more
Warnings: Heavy angst.
Jungkook criticised himself a lot.
You can see it in his eyes when he watches himself in MVs and interviews, the way he just seems so unpleased and serious always bugged you, but it was something Jungkook had to deal himself.
Being the golden maknae was hard but Jungkook owned his nickname. He took his job -and passion- very seriously and it was required a lot of you to get him to show his insecurities and let you help him with them.
Their comeback was approaching fast and Jungkook was not happy with his appearance at all. All tho you insisted that he looked beautiful and fresh, he often complained about “looking expressionless” or not having double eyelids, looking puffy. Every day it was a different excuse for his dissatisfaction and you were getting tired.
-Do you see it? -He points at himself in the last shot of the video. -Why can’t I get the choreography right like hyungs?
“Why can’t I look good like hyungs?”, “Why is hyung so good?”, “Woah hyungs look so awesome.”
You had enough of it.
They had been filming their mv for the past hours and all Jungkook did was talk poorly about himself,  all the other boys had made mistakes too, they got lost too and had unperfect shots as well, why did Jungkook put himself down like that all the time?
-Ya stop! -You raise your voice at him when he looks disappointedly at his reflection in the mirror, he turns surprised, the boys exchange confused looks as well, you walk towards him and slap his muscular arm, he shrinks.
-Ah! What is it Y/n? -He looks hurt and you slap him again.
-Why do you keep insulting my boyfriend? -You yell, the staff around you chuckled at how cute you two looked together. -Ya! He’s the most beautiful, talented, amazing boyfriend in the world, why do you keep saying he isn’t? -You pout at him, he grins and you hit him again, he grabs your hands, laughing loudly.
-Stop beating me noona!!
-Then stop talking about yourself like that! Your eyes are the size of a plate, you don’t need double eyelids! Your arms look strong you muscle pig, your dance is perfect and that’s why you are at the front! -He nods in agreement, promising to stop putting himself down. -Damn it you look so hot! I thought I was going to pass out because of how amazing you are looking.
-Stop exaggerating! -Jungkook gives you his bunny smile, you widen your eyes.
-Do you take me for a liar punk? I thought I was going to have a heart attack! You could have killed me with this looks!
-Okay, okay, you are embarrassing me, you look like my mom. -He hugs you, tugging you to his chest.
-We all need Y/n’s in our lives, it’s like she’s his number one fan. -Hoseok laughs with the other members, crossed arms all looking at you.
-Damn right I am. -You say, shaking your head. -And I’m biased as hell, I must say! My boyfriend is the coolest!
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(by jungkook-gifs)
Jimin constantly talked bad about himself.
If your boyfriend had one flaw, it would be his lack of self-appreciation. Of course, he praised himself a lot and talked about how handsome he is, but you could see it in his eyes that he meant it as a joke, and none of that was taken to heart.
There was nothing that you wanted more than to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he could see himself the way you see him.
You knew exactly when Jimin was upset. He was never good at hiding his feelings, and when there was something wrong he rather tell you right away, knowing you would find out sooner or later
You knew Jimin was jealous over your dance routine but he is a grown man and he would have to deal with jealousy since you two were in the entertainment business. The music wasn't even sexual, it was funny and colorful and your group happens to have a collaboration with a male group, which earned you a dance partner in the choreography.
Jimin didn't want to interfere with your job because he knew just how serious you were about it, instead, he tried to keep his worries to himself and maybe that was the cause of his breakdown.
You are in the dance room, trying to coordinate the steps with your partner. All though you are the main dancer of your group, some parts were choreographed by him and you are having a hard time getting them down since he has a different style than yours.
Jimin would often teach you dance steps and help you choreograph, it was hard learning with him because you were so distracted by your boyfriend's beauty and glow when dancing, even when he was just explaining it, you felt like in a daze. It was nothing like that with that boy, the steps were difficult and you paid attention only to your feet, which made you bump into each other so hard you end up on the floor.
You have to hold your bodies from the way you are laughing hysterically, he even tries to sit down and apologize but you are laughing so hard from the embarrassment that he ends up just lying on the floor next to you again, following your laughing.
He teases you about being clumsy for the rest of practice and you talk more than dance. When you get out of the dance room you find Jimin waiting in the hallway.
-Baby! Why are you here? -You only ask him because you thought he wouldn't have a day off until next week, but Jimin seems to understand it in another way.
-Why? Should I not come? You don't want me here? -His eyes are dark and tense, you stop on your feet, looking shocked at your dance partner and friend, he shrinks his shoulders and murmurs "I'll be leaving you alone" before running for his life.
-What is up Jimin? Why are you mad?
He only looks at you, eyes roaming your face as if he is looking for something.
-Let's break up.
You feel something inside you scream but you can't voice it, all you do is stare at him dumbfounded until he turns away and leaves.
It takes a lot of time to recompose.
By the time you were able to move again and go to your apartment Jimin is in the process of packing his things, you notice that he no longer looks angry, just seems that he cried on his way as well.
-Why? -You ask, standing in the door frame of your room, watching him throw his things into a bag. -Was it something I did? Or say? -He doesn't answer and that pisses you off. -I deserve to know why you are leaving me Jimin!
-Because! -He shouts, letting his bag drop to the floor, he looks so lost and small for a moment that you forget that he's angry, overwhelmed with how good he looks flushed. -You could have better!
You freeze at his words.
-You just... -He is lost in his thoughts, trying to get them all out at once. -I can never make you smile or laugh like that! I got there to see if I could take you home and you were laughing to brightly, so beautiful... -His voice starts to lower as he seems to lack strength. -I can't even concentrate on my dances thinking about you in that room with the man I can't ever be! -You are about to interrupt him but he's too fast. -He's tall, charming, shameless, he has abs, can teach you how to dance better than I have ever managed to do and can even make you laugh like that! -His eyes are filled up with tears now. -And here I am, a second-rate dancer, receiving comments that I don't show my abs anymore because I don't have any or that our relationship is fake because you are too pretty for me...
You cross the room in seconds and push Jimin to your bed, he loses his balance and sits, you put one leg on each side of him and sit on his lap.
-I can't even concentrate on what you are saying because of how good you look. -You tell him, your hands cup his face. -I can never learn when you teach me because I am always so stunned by the way you move your body Jimin.
His mouth opens but he can't say anything, his hands grab at your waist.
-No one can take me to another world like you do Jimin, no one. Seung Jun can get every fucking step right but he could never have the fire that you have in your eyes when you dance. You can't learn to have this kind of passion, you can't learn how to make people see your mind working while you move, only you can do it... It’s like being surrounded, it’s like you are everywhere and that is exactly what got us together, remember? -You kiss him once, then twice, having a hard time to pull away. -I saw you dancing, the way only you can do it and my heart went crazy Jimin. Do you remember how I chased you for a week? I couldn’t get over you!
He smiles, his eyes turning into crescent moons. 
-Now let’s show these motherfuckers who doesn't have abs. -You take his shirt off, nails digging in his back the moment he pulls you closer to him, rubbing against his erection. 
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(by @mvssmedia) 
You and Taehyung had been trying to get pregnant for the past two years. 
Even with all the failed attempts, Tae wouldn’t let you lose hope. One of the things he loved most in the world was kids and you wanted more than anything to see Taehyung as a father, the father of your child. 
You tried everything but you still ended up in a clinic, trying to find out what was wrong and why you couldn’t have a healthy pregnancy. 
Test results showed that you and Taehyung were perfectly normal. 
For some reason, that drained the remnant will you had and left you completely discourage. 
You started to get seriously sick. Depression dragged you into a dark hole where you couldn’t manage to eat, sleep or function the way you should, the fear that you might never be a mom or that the universe is playing you is heavy on your shoulders and what you didn’t realize is that it was hitting Taehyung as well. 
Because he was so focused on supporting you, it passed unnoticed how troubled he also was, how seeing you so unmotivated upset him beyond limits. One day he got home and found you wrapped in blankets, crying your eyes out over a drama where the girl was telling the guy that she was pregnant; The scene was happy but you were so sad over the matter that you couldn’t help but sob uncontrollably. 
Your boyfriend approached, he kneeled in front of you on the floor and petted your head. 
-Y/N, I can’t do this anymore. -He whispers, his low voice hits you so hard your sobs get louder and more tears strain down your face.
-I’m sorry baby, I really am but... I can’t see you like this okay? I feel so bad to be doing this to you, we have to break up. 
You sit up at the same time, shocked. 
-I brought up that we should have kids. -His hands fall to his sides, he stares at the couch, too scared to meet your swollen eyes. -I promised you a beautiful and healthy child that I seem to be incapable of making. -Taehyung sounds so destroyed inside that you wonder why you didn’t notice it earlier, that he has been blaming it on himself. -And now you are like this because of me, because I couldn’t be a good husband, I’m not strong enough to take care of you and you deserve that. -His voice shakes like he’s too scared to say it. -You deserve someone that can give you all of your dreams and I know how much you want to be a mother...
You drag your body out of the couch and sit in your husband’s lap, hugging his waist and hiding your face in the crook of his neck. 
-Don’t do this to me. -You ask him in a small voice, he hugs you back tightly, cheek pressing against your head. -Don’t hurt yourself Tae, you destroy me when you do that. -You close your eyes, overwhelmed with his perfume and warmth. -This is not our fault Taetae... You are right, I really want to be a mom but you want to be a dad just as bad, we are giving it our best. -You lean back to see his face with heart eyes. -We are going to do this because there is no reason for us not to succeed, we are going to have the most beautiful girl ever and she is going to grow strong and talented like her father. I don’t want to have children with anyone else Tae, it’s only you, and that is because you are the only one that can take care of me. -You go back to hugging him and he pulls you both to lay on the floor, your head rests on his chest where you can hear his heartbeat. -We are going to go through this together. 
-We are. -He repeats, to make sure. 
-I love you. 
-I love you too jagi... But it is going to be a boy.
You laugh out loud before weakly slapping him in the arm.
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(By @4cyphers)
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
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“So Jensen,” the fan asked, “I wanted to ask you something about your lovely wife. I couldn’t get a chance to do it in her panel, but well, I wanted to ask you whether she can sing?”
“Excuse me?” Jensen put on a face, trying to look offended.
“I meant,” the fan stuttered quickly, “I know she attends the conventions and is amazing in all the panels, but she’s never been seen at Saturday Night live. Everyone’s been there at least once, but she’s…” The girl trailed off.
Jensen laughed, seeing her obvious panic. “Don’t worry,” he winked, putting her out of her misery, “It’s actually my fault that she doesn’t sing.”
“Really?” The girl asked, clearly relieved but curious at the same time.
“Yeah,” Jensen said, climbing out of his chair. “There’s a story to it. You guys wanna hear it?” 
“Yes!” The crowd chorused. You groaned internally, listening to the exchange from the sides.
“So when we’d just started dating during season 4, we used to share an apartment in Vancouver. She was the guest star back then and her working hours were way less in number than mine. So one day I return to the apartment really late, expecting to be asleep, but this girl is dancing in my room, in front of the mirror, singing at the top of her voice…”
He turned to his side then, making visible efforts to control his laughter and started moving his hips. “So she was dressed in the most outrageous bugs bunny pajama shorts and top and doing this.” He flexed his hips side ways, holding the sides of his shirt and started singing Maroon 5′s Moves like Jagger at the top of his voice. The crowd subsequently burst into a fit of laughter, while you hid your face in your hands, thankful that you weren’t on the stage next to him.
“That’s it,” he said, sitting back on the chair, ”That’s exactly what I did. I laughed at her till I couldn’t breathe and she did too, but I think I might have put her off singing though.” The crowd awww’ed.
“Well to be honest, she does have a beautiful voice.” He looked at you for a moment then, his eyes full of love, before turning back. “She still sings in the shower sometimes when she thinks I am not listening; it makes my day.”
After the panel when he came back down, you pulled him towards the green room, snaking your arms around his waist. “Why’d you have to tell them that?”
He kissed the top of your hair, chuckling quietly. “You’re amazing, you know that right?
“You’re just saying that to appease me Ackles,” you shoved at his chest lightly, blushing beet red, but he only pulled you closer.
“No Y/N/N, really, tell me you’ll sing at the next convention. You have a beautiful voice and everyone should know that.”
“Alright,” you agreed, smiling mischievously at him, “Only if you let me tell them how you performed a strip tease on the same song that very night…” 
Submitted by: @bringmesomepie56… I hope you like this Arie :*
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