#to someone who categorically SHOULD be able to hear that
highfiveheroes · 20 hours
For the angst prompts: number 6 with Kip and Porter (imagine me smiling an evil smile)
ohhh boy :)
๑ “all you’ve ever done is disappoint me.”
How could she have been so stupid?
How could she have been so stupid?
Kipperlilly knows this conversation won’t be easy. She’s trying to anticipate how it will go—it’s easy to, because she knows Porter well, so the more she anticipates the less it will hurt when he says it.
He’ll call her stupid, tell her she’s supposed to be smarter than this.
(She knows that already.)
He’ll call her a shoddy right hand, a bad lieutenant, a mess.
(She knows that already.)
He’ll say he should have been able to trust her but clearly he can’t, if this is what the results will always be.
(She knows that already.)
(She knows all of this already, the thoughts coming back as echoes from previous conversations. He’s right. She’s supposed to be smarter than this. She’s supposed to be his trusted lieutenant. She’s supposed to be reliable and quick and on the ball, and the fact that this whole thing has gone poorly is absolutely a reflection on her failings.)
And the thing is, if this conversation had happened in his office, in private. If it had been two weeks ago, two months ago, hell—even two years ago—her predictions might have been spot on.
She hears Jace and Oisin tell him they failed. They didn’t get the name.
“Kipperlilly got us out too soon,” Oisin insists, pointing a big, scaled finger at her with anger. He’s soaked in rainwater; she wonders, distantly, if he’s crying too. If he’s a little bitch who saw his grandma die and feels something about it. He’s too weak to be on the team if so, she decides, and she wonders if she can talk Porter into kicking him out—
But they’re out of time, she has to remind herself. The half finished summoning spell is shaking the gym; Jace runs over to help Buddy set up some kind of containment spell, her two blonde companions working as hard as they can to keep it together.
“It was a tactical move,” she’s protesting before Oisin has finished talking. “If you had gotten it right in the first place, this wouldn’t be a problem—“
The sting of his hand across her cheek stutters her into silence. She’s breathing heavy. She thinks one of her teeth is loose. She always thinks that when someone hits her, but it might be true this time.
“No,” Porter says loudly. “Shut the fuck up. You had one fucking job.”
“If they went down—“ she tries to protest, but her voice is shaking. And it doesn’t matter anyway.
“God,” Porter says. His voice is echoing in the room, the power of a half alive god making him sound even more unhinged. “I knew it was a fucking mistake recruiting you. All you have ever done is disappoint me, you stupid fucking halfling bitch.”
He continues, and her brain files the words away for next time so she can expect to hear them again. As she focuses on the categorization, she hopes it’ll make the words sting less.
It doesn’t.
She’s worthless.
She’s the stupidest person he’s ever had the misfortune of working with.
She was a mistake from day one.
She was a liability.
She was never in charge, and she’s an idiot for even pretending she was.
He never should have trusted her.
He should have made sure she never had the chance to come back and fuck this up.
She’s worthless.
She’s horrible.
She’s worthless.
She’s worthless.
She’s worthless.
She hasn’t looked up at him. Did he cast cutting words? She thinks he must have. She thinks she might be crying.
“If this fails,” he says seriously. When did he get so close to her face? “It will be on your hands, Kipperlilly. Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” she whispers. She knows to answer questions. He seems satisfied enough, storming away, but she’s not stupid enough to move this soon. She can’t do anything to bring his attention back to her, because he’s right and she doesn’t want to admit it.
It will be on her hands when this fails. Not a matter of if, but when. She knows this as fact.
All you’ve ever done is disappoint me, Kipperlilly.
All her sacrifices for nothing. All her lost friends, her efforts she put in to a good year, her chance at being a hero—all for nothing. Everything she’s ever done has all been for nothing.
Someone heals her. She isn’t sure who. She isn’t sure it matters. She doesn’t thank them. She doesn’t look anyone in the eye. She just waits.
She stands and she waits for the end to come.
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corvid-corvette-coven · 8 months
emails between my and my school psychiatrist, Kat (the beloved <3) || VENT!! || long post but i vented to prove my point to her aswell
Corvid-Corvette-Coven <[email protected]>
To: Kat (the beloved <3)
Wed 25/10/2023 9:22pm
Subject: <this field has been intentionally left blank>
we had a meeting scheduled for today right? Cos i wont be at school today It's gonna be a bad day for classes for me and I honestly just pussied out of it its more likely i have an underlying buildup of anxiety thats doing that but yeah
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literally me /\
Kat (the beloved <3) <[email protected]>
To: corvid-corvette-coven
Fri 27/10 2023 11:21am
Subject: Re. <this field has been intentionally left blank>
Hi, How are you feeling today? I hope you are at school. Cause you know the longer you avoid anxious triggers, the more difficult they may become to face…just saying….
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With Gratitude, Kat (the beloved<3 | Psychologist  School Jesus School 100 School Street | PO Box 8008 | TOWN NSW 8008 ABN 17 690 720 860 P +61 6 9420 1080p E [email protected] W http://www.school.nsw.edu.au
Corvid-Corvette-Coven <[email protected]>
To: Kat (the beloved <3)
Fri 27/10 2023 12:24pm
Subject: This email took an hour to write lol (can you tell I used to do public speaking and debating)
I'm feeling good today, I've taken my meds (which is why this email is so long and detailed), and I plan to get work done. ('good' really means normal, and for me n o r m a l means I'm still carrying my constant emotional baggage but it's not necessarily bumming me out right now)
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COUNTER ARGUMENT!!! The longer you stay in situations that stress you out the further that will continue to build, and really I am de-stressing to avoid burnout. THINGS THAT STRESS ME OUT (non exhaustive list) -Dysphoria from my friends  (appearance and social gender envy from Ara Ara)  (emotional, appearance, and social gender envy from Brisket)  (emotional, appearance, and social gender envy from Paella) -General emotional uncertainty and inability to connect with my friends as deeply as I wish I could -Particularly painful classes as a result of disruptive students  History, Christian Studies, (English + Math sometimes) (I've gotten over the initial misery I had with english) -Not having classes with ANY friends beyond my electives not only considering they can have classes together which allows them to have more developed friendships, but also the classes I do have with someone I know (that isn't an elective) I have with Shakira who is far from my first option and who I'm only really 'friends' with because of proximity and the fact she isn't too bad (even if a bit irritating, rude, and fickle) (the only nice thing about having Shakira there is she creates a barrier between me, and To Slo/ biggus (despite the fact they only sit near because she's there)) I tend to avoid recognising this in particular because it evokes the part of my thought process that thinks the state of reality now is what it will always be like (hopelessness) -Dysphoria in those classes not only from the perceived disconnect between my behaviour and the girls but from a general assumed association with the boys (the disruptive students) -The fact that dysphoria makes alot of good things more bitter than sweet for me, which can be disheartening for my friends And also that I'm so consistently upset and emotionally devastated that they have given up on trying to comfort me despite that being what I need so much in those situations -That fucking bald spot -Dysphoria from being apart of the boys sporting class and smelling horrific with sweat (even if I wear more than enough deodorant any smell is far too much) -Even food tech (one of the good classes) take some serious emotional manoeuvring to enjoy since I have to  not stress out Ara Ara too much and adapt to what she wants to do. Being funny whilst not interruptive and not a too masculine way to avoid the emotional distress of potentially not being someone she enjoys being around (and avoid more dysphoria) ALL OF THAT brings more dysphoria when its cross compared with her relationships with Brisket and Paella and MORE dysphoria comes when I see the relationship she has with Mrs F, how she's able to talk to her and joke with her and everything -The general emotional uncertainty that I feel Ara Ara and I have, it feels like they are more and less unhappy with me every other week and I can't decipher which of the thousands of possible reasons that could be, or if its real at all and I'm just entirely incorrect about that. Exams are really an afterthought because they stress my brain out too much to think about the effect they'll have (same with my future (both the good and bad possibilities)) I think it might be a defence or coping mechanism but instead of reconciling and working with that stress I somehow have both an oblivious and aggressively optimistic outlook with a glass half full sort've way. "In less than a week and a half it'll be over" is generally what I try to remember. Not thinking about it much is bad for me because I can't seize every chance I could to study; thinking about THAT too hard will stress me out so I'm trying to just think about studying more instead of how I'm studying less that I should.
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It's not something I can always feel buildup consciously, even if I'm feeling good in the morning I know when a day is going to be bad for me, so anxiety is the hypothesis. (I can also tell what days I'm going to be the most prone to dysphoria) that was most of the points I can remember at this time, though I know there's more stresses and arguments I could make but that summarises my current state fairly accurately.  that being said, I am at home today and my excuse is it's actually better to have the whole day to study (even if I just spent the first few hours rotting)
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centrally-unplanned · 7 months
The thing about morality is that it only matters when it's real. Discussions of rules or norms for what is right or wrong are almost always, at some level, illusions, approximating reality and guiding decisions in an uncertain world - which does not make them useless, just contextual. Profaning god in your bedroom can never be “wrong” - there is no one to hear you, no one to be hurt by it. You can only show something is really wrong from the intentions of the actions and their results.
So with that out of the way, lets talk about Knives Chau - and specifically, how the comic vs the anime handled that part of the story.
Scott Pilgrim vs The Reification of Dating a High Schooler
There is an extremely pervasive meme in Scott Pilgrim discourse that our titular Scott is a scumbag. Our returning whipping boy the Kotaku article loves this idea, describing Scott’s “detestable behavior” and wondering “was it too subtle the first time about Scott being an absolute shitbag?”. There is this viral headline screenshot from an interview floating around right now riding that same line:
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Which is, of course, pretty much false. Its up to you in the end, “shitbag” is a subjective description, but the story just isn’t about events that would be described that way. Its the story of a guy getting over an awful ex, hurting some people, then meeting a new person, and realizing step-by-step what it takes to be their partner and levelling up as a person each time he does. He starts off broken, and Ramona of course is just as broken - getting better is their mutual arc. And its fundamentally about relationship drama - those stakes don’t make you a scumbag lol, just clueless, unless you are terminally online and don’t know what real stakes are.
I will let O’Malley get the last word in with his quote the writer of that interview is hilariously trying to torture into his headline:
There's a bit of, like, young people see Scott Pilgrim a certain way, and, you know, there's a lot of, like, 18-19-year-old fans that are really judgmental of the character. They're like, "Oh, he's a bad person. I would never do that." But I always tell them, like, get back to me when you're 25 or 30, tell me how your 20s went. Were you a bad person? Everyone has to make choices and do things in life that maybe they're not going to be proud of later.
Scott is a scumbag the way everyone is - you yourself will likely commit similar sins; that at least seems to be the authorial intent, and I agree with it.
So how does dating Knives Chau slot into this?
Despite the memes, age, in fact, is just a number - two consenting people dating does not a sin make. The reason dating underage people is bad is because of its consequences, not the categorical imperative. So what are the consequences of dating Knives Chau in the comic?
Knives is, as a consequence of dating a guy who is simply via his age able to appear so much cooler than her peers to her, absolutely obsessed with Scott. She worships his band:
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She starts aping his taste in music and interests; she slots herself into his circle of friends, who don’t relate to her, even after their breakup (often drinking her way through it):
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She totally spirals after he cheats on her and leaves her, blaming everyone but him; she is wounded and hurt for months, a year, over a relationship that lasted weeks:
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Knives Chau is a literal poster child for why you should not date a high schooler. She is, at every turn, emotionally not ready to date someone who is not at her own level of social development, and is deeply affected by it. It is, sometimes, played for laughs - that is the nature of the comic, everything is played for laughs, but I would have given it a bit more dramatic space myself - but over the course of the story Scott himself realizes how much of an ass he was to her, and how he didn’t take what happened seriously.
The reason I view this with charity is what Scott did to lead to this - he met a cute girl on the bus! He was deeply hurt and kind of numb in life, and found someone who was safe and easy to talk to. He never attempts to kiss her (she starts trying to kiss him which he repeatedly rejects) they don’t even hold hands, and it lasted a few weeks. He knew deep down, pretty much immediately, it was fake:
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Then he met an actual person he liked, and with some browbeating from Wallace agreed to break up with her, but chickened out for a day. Then the next day he decides to break up with her, and she drops the L bomb before he can, so he instantly ends it. It is really awkward for everyone involved.
Pushing off an awkward and uncomfortable conversation resulting from a dumb decision you made on a whim for a week - god I relate to that, that’s everyone! If you think it isn’t you I think you're lying. Its why this relationship is so interesting in the comic - Scott is always one step removed from it, putting it at abeyance, and the fact that something so minor to him is so destructive to her is a really good portrait of how these kinds of things happen. Its so easy to hurt someone when you don’t even know what the stakes are, and when its coming not from malice, but from weakness. Its a very good portrayal of a bad relationship because its bad in a relatable way, even if as a story is a bit more dramatic than is typical. And its a great portrayal of how fraught age gaps can be - this bad relationship is part of what makes the comic a good story.
But its 2023, we don’t give a shit about any of that anymore!
O’Malley in the same interview discusses the cultural shift around these kind of relationships:
I felt like in this day and age, I had to provide clarity on that [relationship]. Because when I wrote the first books, I took it for granted that people would understand that dating a high schooler was a bad thing. But on the internet, in this day and age, people are like, "He's dating a high schooler. That's terrible!" Like, that's pretty much what I say on page 1 of the book. But I try to spell it out a little bit more this time.
He isn’t telling the full story though - it was bad in 2004, but not bad the way it is today. Its dubiousness was mitigated by its frequency; people were doing this kind of shit all the time. Scott Pilgrim is a bass guitarist in an indie band; fucking groupies is like built into the cover charge. Half the problem Scott has in dating Knives is that she is the wrong kind of 17-year-old - had Scott met her at 1 am in the aftermath of a Born Ruffian’s concert at the Whippet Lounge knocking down shots off the back of her fake ID, no one would have even noticed. Hell, no one does notice; there is someone who actually makes out with a drunk 17-year-old Knives Chau in the comic Scott Pilgrim, and isn’t Scott Pilgrim:
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No one cares about Kim’s inebriated petting session here; that is 10% because she is a Girl and Girls Can’t Be Predators, 40% because she isn’t the main character, and 50% because Kim Pine’s dating history is not a useful proxy battleground for GamerGate-adjacent nerd culture wars in ~2014; but that is road that goes directly to hell, so let's veer back.
The point, of course, is that in 2004 this is a crime flecked with normality, something your friend would do and you would maybe just cock an eyebrow at:
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Its not that in discourse today - it is radically more condemned. It is not a contextual sin, but an original sin. It underwent a process I am calling reification - where it goes from being just a shifting descriptor of reality, to a thing in itself, with a defined (reified) meaning. And to be clear, that is in a lot ways on net a good thing? The reality is that, despite everyone’s protestations, there are today thousands of 17-year-olds taking the L line out to a gig at the Brooklyn Steel and going down on a 25-year-old guy they just met in a back alley off Frost St who swears he’s a “drummer in a sick new band” that played here “just last week”, he promises, and she is having a great time, bragging to her friends about how hot his tattoo was, and then shipping herself off to Cornell next year to start on her pre-med track with barely a memory. But for every dozen of those, there is at least one person who is deeply, deeply hurt, a Knives Chau who never deserved this. The rest can have a slightly worse time, its probably worth it.
That does not make it a categorical imperative, though - the reification has masked that truth. The crime comes from the context - those other girls aren’t victims, they would laugh at you for suggesting they were. But in 2023, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is no longer concerned with context. It is telling you, right to your face, that Scott is a bad dude. Over and over and over - jokes from the Evil League about “wow, I thought we were evil”, its not subtle.
Yet meanwhile, Knives Chau is, like, fine? She dates Scott, is totally into him, and then literally in the middle of his funeral forgets about him for Envy crashing it:
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Picks up the bass and has yuri-inflected playtime with Kim the literal next day:
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And less than a week later is pitching an off-broadway musical adaption of Scott’s life to a billionaire Matthew Patel - I can’t explain that okay, I’m as confused as you are.
She is mad at Scott, sure, but she is over it in a matter of days. Hell, notice how she was already a fan of the Clash at Demonhead now? There is no scene of Scott introducing her to his kind of music. He didn’t change her. By the end she is a member of his band and they are totally chill:
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This is, again, about a week or two later.
Knives is not an important character in this show, way less than in the original, this is no grand sin. But I still find it very interesting: O’Malley is wrong. He “spells it out” way less in this version when it comes to the actual consequences of Scott’s actions. Everyone’s verbal condemnations are substitutes to replace the real damage his actions dealt in the comic. Scott is a better person this time, in a world that has universally agreed he is worse (still not a good move ofc). Even Scott’s moment of apology to Knives about their dating is so tepid its almost Straussian:
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Its ‘frowned upon’…which is not the same thing as saying it was wrong! I don’t think this is intentional, its just funny, but its a nice capstone nevertheless.
And it had to be this way, not just for media in general, but for Scott Pilgrim in particular. Not only are sexual crimes far more reified today, but Scott Pilgrim’s sin of dating a high schooler is reified as well - its the first piece of discourse everyone encounters about it. Its the ur-debate of the franchise. The idea of actively engaging on this point, and digging deeper into it…its too hot, too controversial. Way better to shy away from it, disown it. The discourse wrote this part of the script over the course of a decade; its not something the creatives had any say in.
Honestly they should have just gone all the way - just make Knives 19. Then how tepid it is wouldn’t be a distraction anymore. Scott can just be an asshole for cheating on her, that would work fine. If you aren’t going to commit to the reality of these things, you shouldn’t bother with it at all.
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otakuworks · 1 year
❛ 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍, 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈. crossover
feat. Kayden x Fem!Dazai!Reader | wc. 1.9k
sum. Kayden's meeting with a certain suicidal maniac took 10 years of his life
note. this is shorter because i still yet to know about duke's background, if you still haven't been updated to the webtoon then you definitely should, there's a lot plot twists waiting for you y'all.
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main m.list eleceed m.list
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as FRIENDS (frenemies?)
There was once a saying in the Port Mafia that made everyone tremble in fear that is equivalent of the Awakeners hearing Kayden's name
'The greatest misfortune of being Dazai's enemy is the fact you are her enemy.'
Whether Kayden is aware of who you really are or not, it was wise of him to keep you on your good side.
But is that really the case? Were you still the same person you were back in the Port Mafia? Do people still need to heed the warnings about you?
You had asked Kartein about it once during your unexpected stay in Jiwoo's abode. He was silent for a few minutes and you thought he also doesn't have the answer you were looking for.
Actually, it didn't need to be a wise answer, you only need his opinion and outlook regarding to your change. Kartein knows you way back in the PM, not on a personal level but enough to trust his opinions on you.
"A stranger won't be able to tell the difference. If I'm being honest, I can't also tell what change are you referring to."
You theatrically gasped, "After all we've been through, you're still treating me as a stranger? How could you, Kartein!"
Admittedly, you weren't expecting much out of his answer. Both of you haven't been in contact in years, it'll be difficult for him to pin point what actually changed to you.
You were still the same suicidal maniac, that's a definite answer.
Thinking back to it, if you could only talk to Odasaku, would he have a different answer?
For the first time in your life as a detective at ADA, you were in deep thought. Gone with the rambunctious proclamations of your sudden undying love then proceeding to find an equipment for your demise.
"Dazai-san is unusually quiet. . . I don't like it." A mop of grey hair popped its head on the doorway of your office, "Should I ask Ranpo-san if he knows what's going on?" He pondered, particularly no one but to himself.
"Maskhhhh mweee whatm?"
"If there's something wrong with Dazai-san that we should be—" He abruptly paused and glanced behind him to see an over bloated mouth munching, "ACKK! Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Eh? Aren't you a weretiger who's supposed to have heightened senses?" The said guy continued to eat, unfazed.
"I'm still partially human, Ranpo-san." He pouted, hurt, before turning back to the door in which Dazai is leaning over with an enigmatic smile.
"My, my, Atsushi-kun. Were you spying on me?"
Deep hues of red painted his cheeks as he tries his best to come up with an excuse, "It wasn't anything like that!"
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On his behalf, Ranpo spoke, "The President has a mission for you."
Your eyebrows perched, "Oh? I wish it has something to do with—"
"No suicide is required to accomplish this mission." The greatest detective just knows how to deflate your mood, truly worthy of his title at ADA. While you are now deflated from hearing this.
"This might get difficult. Apparently, one of the Top 10 Awakeners is planning an ambush in the World Academy."
You snorted, "And you're expecting me to diffuse the situation?" Atsushi was more confused than comprehensive.
"Awakeners? I thought Ability users don't meddle in with their business?"
Awakeners and Ability users are basically the epitome of the phrase 'two sides of a coin' and no one can be categorized as a hero nor a villain.
"Correct, however, this is a special request from someone with strong connection on both parties." Ranpo supplied as he keeps chowing down his sweets.
"Like who?"
"You read my mind, Atsushi-kun." You made your way out of your office, not that you were doing something productive anyway.
"Ranpo-san, why did the President accept such request?"
"Who knows what thoughts running in his head, but I do know he wouldn't have done it without any benefits."
". . .But why would he send Dazai-san?"
"Why wouldn't he? She may be a nuthead, but she's one of our best."
Your investigation led you back in South Korea, more precisely, in the Academy of Awakeners where the retired strongest in Korea resides as a principal.
Jiyoung and Inhyuk were the first ones who got informed of your arrival and immediately greeted you at the airport.
And Jiwoo certainly wasn't far behind the news as he begged Kayden to give him an off day to see you.
Even Subin went with Jiyoung to see you. Kartein is only excited to brag about his new attained skill of turning into a cat. Wooin, ever the sweetest big boi, bought extra food to treat you for your return. Now that you're back, Jisuk and Kayden's sixth senses of protecting their precious cinnamon roll are on high alert.
Their mixed reactions caused mayhem on the way to Jiwoo's home, while the lad is certainly delighted to have you back, others have different opinions.
You had forgotten why you were actually in Korea and hang out with them for the rest of the day. It's an oddity how easily you lose yourself to the fun whenever you're with them, especially to Jiwoo who's easy to have fun with.
"I'm so glad you came back! You never got to say farewell to us when you left last time." The blonde boy pouted.
Wooin wordlessly nodded at the back as the your group walk to Jiwoo's house to drop the shopping bags they bought, "You just disappeared out of nowhere then came back without a notice."
"Though I don't think it's great timing since we're going to attend in Awakened Academy next week, we won't be spending time with you as much as we are now." Subin said.
You halted your steps, ". . .Right."
The mission. Dang it!
Jisuk snorts, "I'd be glad if she won't waste our time by tomorrow."
That earned him a kick from the cryo user.
Fortunately for you, Jiyoung is affiliated with the principal and took charge to make it easy for you. Meeting with the retired Awakener was. . . anticlimactic to say the least.
It doesn't seem like he's involved in any shady business, and he does his job to protect young Awakeners diligently.
Oddly enough, he informed you about the upcoming visit of the World Awakened Academy students.
You went home to Jiwoo's with troubled thoughts. He let you stay in his house if you don't have anywhere else to stay and you're broke so you really have no choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kayden seemed to pick up your unusual furrowed eyebrows and had doubts to question you or just let you be. He finds it highly suspicious you went back to Korea just to have fun with his apprentice. You must have some business going on.
But his pride won't let him inquire what's boggling your mind, he simply watches you struggle to come up with a solution to your own problem. You're a grown woman anyway.
By the time Jiwoo and his friends are gearing up for their return in the Academy, you disappeared, again. Unlike last time, they were more concerned about your whereabouts as you have left a note that says "I'll be back with a surprise.''
Either your dead body hanging is on the way to surprise them or you got murdered.
That's all the options Kayden could think of, and no, he doesn't take constructive criticism.
"A new instructor? Who is it?" Jiwoo overheard from the students there was a new teacher who taught them. . . questionable things.
Thinking his friends might know who it is, he asked them, but it seems as though they're clueless as who it is.
"Moshi Moshi!" Jisuk fell over his chair and nearly threw the culprit over the window, "WHO THE HEL— Huh?! It's you again?! What are you doing here?"
In contrary to his reaction, Jiwoo welcomed you with open arms, "Y/N, I'm so glad you're here!"
You chuckled at this and patted his head, "Are you now? Don't worry, you won't get rid of me that soon."
"Why's that?" Subin looked particularly surprised but refrained herself from embracing you out of relief that you survived another day with your suicide tendencies.
You grinned like a chesire cat, "I'll be your mentor from now on!"
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a-weird-cryptid · 1 year
I think we, as a community, should start to reclaim the word "queer" as an umbrella term for us, instead of adding letters to "LGBT".
Why? Because let's be honest, that letter soup is starting to get ridiculous. I can't be the only one who doesn't like to say every single letter of "LGBTQIAP+" when talking about my community.
It not only sounds extremely weird, but it's also getting harder to say. Plus this term makes us seem even more like "just special snowflakes and attention seekers" in the eyes of homophobic, transphobic, etc, people.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the idea behind it. With every letter standing for another sexuality, gender, or similar.
But calling out those specific ones, makes it look like any people who don't fall under those letters aren't worth representing. What about genderfluid or non-binary people for example?
We could argue for hours about that, but it just shows one of many problems this letter soup has. You'll NEVER be able to represent all by adding more and more letters.
Because something as complex as sexuality, gender and sex are not just a "rainbow spectrum" that goes from violet to red and that's it. And even if that was the case, they're still hundreds of different shades, that are too complex to really categorize. It's the reason we have so incredibly many labels in the first place.
I like to imagine queerness always starting with a "rainbow spectrum", (seeing it as the general direction you're taking, for example with homosexual represented by red) with all the different shades of the color, of the color you're choosing, being a more specific label under the umbrella term (for example a shade of "light pink" standing for lesbian).
I know that the word "queer" was used as a slur against us at some point. Coming from the German word "quer", which can bei used in German slang for "weird", "odd", "strange" or simply "out of the ordinary". Take the German word "Querdenker" for example, in English meaning "lateral thinker", aka someone who uses an unusual way of thinking to solve a problem.
But words can only have the meaning that we give it. Words can only have as much power as we give it. And on top of that, words, just like symbols, can change their meanings over time.
An example I really like to take for that, correct me if I'm wrong, is the word "punk" which was and still is used in a bunch of different contexts. Often as an insult, or a slur towards people who didn't/don't fit the norm. But now the day it's rather associated with positive things, such as music and a rebellious style choice.
So why shouldn't we reclaim the word "queer" as well? Why shouldn't we tell those homophobic, transphobic, etc people "Yes, we are not like you. Yes, we are different. Yes, we are 'quer'. But we're proud to be this way!" ?
Why shouldn't we show those people that they can't use the word "queer" as a slur against us anymore? Why shouldn't we attack them with their own weapons, using their own vocabulary against them?
It's so much more inclusive than "LGBTQIAP+" or "LGBTQIA+" could ever be. Plus it's something our community has identified with for decates, even if it's just subconsciously. Take "genderqueer" for example. "Queer" is even in the letter soup, the letter "Q" standing for it.
What do you guys think? And what's your opinion about this topic? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Especially if you're part of this colorful community!
For more discussions, reviews as well as other original stories and more, check out my master list of series.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
tried to explain to my male friend (ugh) that gender ideology is flawed and gender roles are not what makes a woman and he WOULD NOT get it. I was like, a woman is biologically female. He was like well that's not what a woman is. I was like 😐 youre not getting it, i don't have the energy for this right now. He's also "nonbinary". He's one of my oldest friends and i'm not sure it's worth it anymore
im sorry to hear that, anon :/ it always sucks when you're talking to someone, especially a friend, and they don't understand what you're saying at all
I do think we should start making it very explicitly clear that "woman" and such are not gender terms, because I've so often seen "female is the sex, woman is the gender." I think that people often don't realize we aren't operating under that idea at all. when we say woman, we only mean sex. we do NOT mean gender at all. I think that's likely where a lot of the "radfems are essentialist" myth comes from.
Check out some of my posts comparing sex to hair or eye color & how weird everyone would find it if we imposed gender based on those neutral physical traits rather than sex. imagine a world where brunettes are expected and stereotyped and pressured to be soft, emotional caregivers who wear flowy dresses and flowers in their hair, and blondes are expected to dress comfortably and be commandeering and stoic; the radfem take is that we should get rid of that absurd system and everyone should be able to act and dress and do whatever they want without silly expectations based on arbitrary physical traits. This is how radfems view gender. Sex is a neutral, immutable biological trait. Like hair or eye color, you may be able to disguise your sex or alter how others may perceive you, but your hair color/eye color/sex remains unchanged.
As for terms like man and woman, and the definition of sex:
Sex is based on gametes, not chromosomes or genitalia or sexondary sex characteristics. The female sex - in humans and other animals - is the sex whose bodies/anatomy/physiology/genetics/chemical and hormonal makeup are designed and structured entirely around the ability to produce large gametes (ova). Whether or not a female of a given species is lacking certain parts (such as a uterus), is born with a DSD, or is infertile, their body has still entirely developed from before birth with the evolutionary, biological intention or producing large gametes. It is utterly irrelevant whether those gametes are produced successfully or not, or whether they are fertilized or not.
As for man and woman, what we mean when we say "a woman is an adult human female, a male is an adult human male" is no different than what one means by "a doe is a female deer, a buck is a male deer." These terms denote species and sex, as well as youth vs adult status in many animals. This includes humans (woman/girl, man/boy) along with goats (doe/doeling, buck/buckling) and plenty others.
A woman is a female (adult) human being, just as a brunette is a human being with brown hair. Saying that she is a woman because she is female does not reduce her to her vagina* any more than saying a brunette has brown hair "reduces" that person to brown hair. We all know that brown hair is just a visible physical characteristic we are describing to quickly categorize a person, and we all know that person is much, much more than just walking, talking brown hair. So why have so many who subscribe to gender ideology allowed themselves to be convinced that the definition of woman is "reducing" women to vaginas or other female anatomy? This is especially odd when you remember that this is the same group of people who thinks the best way to describe human members of the female sex is "vagina havers," "uterus owners," "menstruators," etc.
*And again, the definition of female is not "has a vagina," anyway, as I discussed above.
There is nothing restrictive about this definition. It applies to FIFTY PERCENT of human beings. It includes women who can't have children, women who don't want children, homosexual women, women who would sooner die than shave a single armpit hair, bodybuilder women, intersex women, women who have taken cross-sex hormones and undergone mastectomies and phalloplasties, women who love trucks and mudding, prostituted women, women who hate pineapples on pizza, women who love pineapples on pizza... women of every single size and color and personality and lifestyle under the sun fit perfectly into this short, simple, and clear non-circular(!) definition.
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" can simply never make any sense. Think about it in mathematical terms. If X = Y, right, then they are the same and any Y can be replaced with X and vice versa. So let's define our terms here.
X being the word "woman"
Y being the definition of the word "woman"
Then X = Y should reasonably be assumed to be true.
However, if the definition of woman is "anyone who identifies as a woman," then we have X = Y, where Y = anyone who identifies as X. This looks like X = anyone who identifies as anyone who identifies as anyone who identifies as... ad infinitum. This quite simply leaves X with absolutely zero meaning whatsoever.
I hope this information can help your friend or perhaps someone else understand what we mean when we say this, and why it doesn't have anything to do with hatred or wanting someone/some group to not have rights or even to die.
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theimpalingpen · 1 year
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It has been an increasing trend for people to denote “morally grey” as synonymous with “whiny annoying man in fiction”, which is very amusing to me. I can honestly, get down with an occasional well written pathetic and annoying man, but it’s not morally grey. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, eh?
So, what is true moral grey?
A character whose crimes and wrongdoings can be literarily justified and/or explained in some manner, but is not able to be categorized as a good person.
I should also point out, applying real world morality to all pieces of media removes a layer of character analysis that is essential here. Not all worlds or universes play by the same rules we do, and while certain actions may be unacceptable in our reality, they are on a different subjective scale for the context of a created reality. Keep this in mind!
Now, onto some basic ideas for writing a character who is morally grey.
- Character motivations and intent matter. Good intent with a bad outcome contributes to conflict both within the story and character.
- Affiliations. A character who is a part of a good/greater cause in their universe becomes grayer when their immoral actions are for something considered good. You can easily use this to further complicate the lines because sometimes, there’s no “good guy”, only worse guys.
- Backstory. I hear this one a lot, but I think a lot of people miss the complexity. The mark is missed when you say “oh, bad things happened to this character, which is why he’s a morally gray asshat.” No. Do better than that. How does their past tie directly tie into their current/future actions ?
Example. A character was mistreated by a certain type of authority repeatedly, and in result they have a strong tendency to punish that authority and all authorities that remind them.
Anti-heros and morally grey characters oftentimes are the exact thing they hate. The reasoning why/how they ended up as such and the key of hypocrisy is a great addition.
- Level of awareness. On what level is the character aware of their actions? Are they deluded or are they perfectly aware and comfortable? This is an important question to answer because it factors into sympathy and justifications.
- The arcs and the in-between. By nature, morally grey characters aren’t static. They’re multifaceted and the way they grow and change is incredibly important to the manner which they’re perceived. If you show only one side, then what is the point? They need breaking points and peaks like every other character.
- CONFLICT. MORAL. CONFLICT. Stop making “morally grey” characters who are incredibly easy to agree with at all moments. I personally think it’s really silly that some of these characters are only grey because we know and recognize their actions are bad, and not because they actually take effort and understanding to adore. Make them questionable and uncomfortable at times, because otherwise, what really is the point? It sometimes feels like morally grey is now “morally dark white” instead of “morally light black” LMFAO. Did that make sense? Not technically but I know someone out there gets me. Point being; the same concept with an execution that is not at all the same.
That’s all I’ve got for today, folks. I hope that was helpful to y’all. Let me know!
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Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright says sex IS NOT a spectrum | Free Speech Nation: The Podcast
Andrew: I've never had an evolutionary biologist on the show before. So you'll be in a position to be able to tell me, is sex a spectrum?
Colin: So it is not a spectrum. There tends to be a lot of ways people try to argue that it is, but it's really confused about what sex actually is, which is how your reproductive anatomy is organized around or the type of gamete it's organized around to produce. So people will use things like the existence of intersex people - so people who have ambiguous genitalia - as this way to suggest that males and females are just these arbitrary social constructs.
Or they'll confuse the secondary sex characteristics, like you know, facial hair and the upper body strength that men get or breast development, as evidence that sex is a spectrum, because these individual traits might differ and overlap between males and females. But this is just fundamentally misunderstands what it means for someone to be a male or female. So sex isn't a spectrum any more than flipping a coin could potentially land on its edge one out of every 6000 flips doesn't mean that heads and tails don't exist. So that's that's sort of my take on that.
Andrew: So, you would be able to find women that are a lot stronger than me, that are a lot more traditionally masculine than me, but that doesn't mean that there's a third sex.
Colin: No not at all. There would have to be another type of reproductive anatomy that is evolved, that someone can exhibit that's organized around to produce a third type of gamete, something between sperm or ova.
So a lot of people think when I say that there's two sexes, that I mean that every single individual in the entire planet can be categorically defined as either male or female. Now I kind of leave it open. Someone might have a developmental condition that makes them truly sexually ambiguous in certain ways. But they wouldn't be a third sex in the same way that male and female are individual sexes.
Andrew: So why do I hear all the time intersex people being used as examples of a third sex, much to the annoyance of a lot of intersex people, i notice.
Colin: Yeah it's part of a larger move to try to blur the lines between male and female, and to assert that male and female, these are these social constructs which is then being used by trans activists to suggest that people who are unambiguously male or female should therefore be able to identify as the opposite sex, and that no one can tell them that they're wrong. So in a way these intersex individuals are just being used by activists to further their own agenda
Because even if sex were a spectrum, this still doesn't indicate that you can choose where along that spectrum you reside. So their arguments just sort of don't hold up no matter even if you grant them what they would like you to grant.
Andrew: So perhaps you could talk us through then this differentiation between sex and gender, because I think that's at the heart of so much of the confusion around this debate.
Colin: Yeah it's what kind of got me into this whole debate too. Because you probably are aware that maybe in the 2010s, this is when I first started hearing about people talking about these differences between sex and gender. They were saying that sex is you know, your biology, it's reproductive anatomy. But gender is how you identify and that was something I was willing to go along with, a lot of other people were. As a biologist, I just wanted to make sure there was this sharp line between biology and psychology to some degree.
But then that line has been more and more blurred. So I know what biological sex is, which refers to your reproductive anatomy, your primary reproductive anatomy. But gender can mean all sorts of things, and I think it's a major point of confusion in this entire cultural discussion about it.
Because some people view gender as the equivalent of sex, they don't distinguish the two. Some think gender is just the evolved natural differences between males and females, some include the social aspects that maybe we've become socialized into into behaving certain ways. Some people view gender as the societal norms and expectations that are placed on individuals because of the sex they're perceived to be. And then some people just think that gender is just something you can completely identify with, it's like this internal sense of being male or female.
So if we're going to have a debate on these, it needs to be clear about what we're talking about. I don't really have a personal definition of what gender is, I just sort of ask people what they mean and then see whether or not that conflicts with my understanding of biology, to make sure they're not trying to blur some boundaries and use sophistry to confuse people or push their agenda.
Andrew: But it is very confusing. I mean I often hear people talking about how we have an innate gender which is fixed, that we can't change, that should should supersede our biological anatomy. And at the same time I'm told that gender is really fluid and it can continually be in flux. And then I see people, for instance, there was a BBC program where where a woman was telling children as young as five there are over a hundred different genders, and she seems so certain about this. But no one's really certain are they?
Colin: No, I'm not even sure what they mean by gender in these situations, I mean, it sometimes appears that they're just referring to the recognition that people have about where they reside on the spectrum of masculinity or femininity. Like they've come to realize if you're a girl, that maybe you're more masculine and you have more in common with boys in terms of your likes and dislikes and personality and and temperament.
But then there's this whole ideological overlay on everything, this almost like an immaterial soul, the way they talk about gender identity. We all have one, this is this deep-seated thing and we know from a very young age even though it can change from moment to moment, and then we should use this as the basis for springing forth and doing things like surgeries and blocking puberty because kids know who they are is what they say. It's one thing to say that kids are aware of their sex and are aware of where they reside in terms of masculinity and femininity compared to their their peers. It's one other thing to say that we have this internal sense of knowing if you're a boy or a girl.
Like, this is kind of a religious framework that they're dealing with. It exits the realm of science and it's really entering pseudoscience, mysticism type of thing in my view.
Andrew: And given that these definitions of this innate sexed soul being either male or female, invariably draw us back to quite conservative ideas of what it means to be male and female. They tend to rely on sex stereotypes. If we're teaching children this, is that not quite a regressive step?
Colin: Yeah and this is the angle I try to convince people of the harms of gender ideology, you know. The feminist movement is in large part defined by trying to defy gender norms, saying that just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't be masculine, I can't be an engineer or a scientist, I can't be risk-taking, I can't be aggressive, all these things that they were trying to shake off.
And what gender ideology has really done, it sort of embraced those ideas of what it means to be a man or a woman in a very essentialist sense, and it asserts that if you're behaving feminine and you're a boy, then maybe you're actually a girl trapped in a boy's body.
There was a really good summation of this. It started off saying sexism was that women should do the dishes, and then it was equality both men and women should do the dishes, and then gender ideology really says that whoever's doing the dishes is a woman. Like that's sort of how they're framing things now based on identifying with these roles.
Andrew: So then that leads us into this realm of of non-binary and I keep seeing this phrase online, "non-binary lives are valid." But as far as I can see, someone who identifies as non-binary is just someone who doesn't see themselves as fitting into traditional roles of male or female, and therefore by identifying as non-binary, they are in a sense reinforcing those roles.
Colin: Exactly. The non-binary phenomenon I think really shows what's behind the mask of a lot of the gender ideology stuff. Because they're not claiming that they're intersex. It's not like they're claiming to be somewhere in between male and female, although some will say, use male and female as identities.
But what they're really saying is the so-called gender binary that a non-binary person is objecting to, isn't the biological categories of male and female, it's like the social roles and expectations that are associated with being male and female. So these types of roles about masculinity and femininity and what those roles mean for society. So they're basically just saying that they don't agree, they don't identify with these maximally masculine roles or these maximally feminine roles, they're somewhere in between.
I attended a gender webinar recently, that I sort of infiltrated, and under this, they had this big umbrella that was like non-binary and underneath it - and keep in mind, non-binary is considered a subset of transgenderism - but under the non-binary umbrella was literally just gender non-conformity. So gender non-conforming kids, adults they're now considered transgender according to this new ideology.
Andrew: But they're absolutely not. I mean, I was a gender non-conforming child. I didn't play football, I didn't I preferred hanging out with girls than boys. It's absolutely not the case that that makes you trans.
Colin: This has been a really big definitional shift that I think a lot of people have not really caught up to. I mean, I'm the same way. I'm straight man, but I'm certainly not like a Randy "Macho Man" Savage type of masculine character. I think a day spent bottle feeding kittens sounds like a nice day for me.
So by their definitions, I would be considered non-binary or gender fluid or something like that. And this is something we need to really push back on. It's one thing to just re-imagine what it means to be trans in these cases, you know, what's the harm of kids just identifying this way. Well, there is a whole medical apparatus that is set up around people who are identifying as trans and what it means to be gender dysphoric. And so if we're letting gender non-conforming kids be trans, if we're defining them as as being trans, literally this opens the door to medicalization, it medicalizes gender non-conformity, and the medical institutions really need to catch up to this change in definition. Because it's, I believe, it's causing a lot of harm, and it's contributing to this insane medical scandal that's going on right now.
Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.
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soulrph · 2 years
omg we've all made mistakes in our early days of rp, but if you don't mind my asking, what's a mistake you made that you're most proud of because of how much you learned?
god, this is such a good question nonnie!!! jesus, there’s been seven years of mistakes made on my blogs, so trying to categorize them to that point is a challenge and a half! but for one that i was most proud of...
i used to be very afraid of hiatuses. the idea of taking a break, either for a day or a week or a year, was terrifying to me! what if people stopped wanting to write with me? what if i was offending my writing partners by not responding fast enough? what if i lost all my friends because i took a few days off? i stayed on tumblr and continued to try and convince myself that the feelings and stress and worries that i had were insignificant. i forced my way through writers’ block, i wrote during exam season, i forced headcanons and threads through the most exhausting eras of my lifetime, all because the idea of disappointing people was entirely alien to me.
i don’t really know how i figured out it was a big mistake to behave that way, but i remember my friend very breezily suggesting i take a hiatus when i was doing my undergrad thesis. that poor long-suffering angel had to walk me through everything. i even asked how long i should take the hiatus for, was it allowed to happen for a week, was a week too long? i apologized like ninety times in that one post that should really have just said “i’ll see ye in a month besties x” and ended up being a whole essay on guilt and suppressed emotions and all sorts of very complex feelings for one who was just taking a break for a few weeks!
since that first hiatus, about five years ago, i continue taking hiatuses. i don’t think too hard about them. i don’t have a whole board meeting about the nature of the hiatus. one time i took a hiatus bc my country received an exceptionally rare week of sunshine and lovely hot weather and i just wanted to go for walks and play with my dogs and try to convince my dad to stop incinerating steaks on the barbecue. sometimes i feel like we all get this notion that hiatuses have to be for these Very Terribly Intensely Serious reasons, but you know something? sometimes it’s the loveliest feeling in the world to just say “hey. the sun is shining, i wanna hear some birds, and i got some new walking shoes i wanna break in, i’ll see you all in a week!”
the truth is, we want this dash experience as a hobby, and it is!! but there’s a limit to all things. if someone goes running for a hobby, they don’t run every single day for twelve hours! there’s a limit, and it’s not a bad thing to acknowledge that the limit is near, and that it’s time to step back and recharge. i love my little corner of this community, but you guys would hate my guts if i were here constantly without taking a hiatus! 
my mother has a saying. “what’s for you won’t pass you.” and that saying is one that i apply to things here. if i take a hiatus and lose absolutely all my followers because of it? who cares! they obviously want something different than what i can offer! i won’t burst into flames, and neither will they! burning yourself out for the sake of a hobby is beyond bonkers, my loves. we wouldn’t do it in any other hobby! 
so yeah! my mistake was thinking that tumblr was a lifelong commitment. nothing is a lifelong commitment. every job you’ll ever have will insist you take breaks. daily, weekly, yearly. the same thing applies to everything that we do, and we don’t even get paid for the rest of it. i’m proud, beyond proud, that i was able to see that, and that i had friends who helped me accept that fact and take measures to look after myself! it’s not a typical mistake, but it’s mine!
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healingfaith · 2 years
Something I've always had a hard time with is the idea that by taking your own life you're condemning yourself to hell
I would always hear people saying it's a sin, it's selfish, it's irrational
And as someone who struggled (and sometimes still does) with suicidal idealation, this really affected me
For a number of reasons,
First, how can you say they're being selfish if they've been entirely convinced by their mental affliction that no one cares about them, or that their loved ones are better off without them?
Second, of course it's irrational. Who on earth would be thinking rationally and come to the conclusion that taking their life is the only option? But it doesn't matter if it's irrational, what matters is that person should have been able to talk to someone and been able to dejumble the mess of thoughts
Personally for me I would describe it like this, when my thoughts get bad or dark again it's as if it's a jumble of cooked spaghetti, but then I talk to my best friend and through talking he's able to almost change it to uncooked straight easy to manage spaghetti. I'm lucky to have that
Now, I also used to believe that people were wrong to say these people went to hell
I would think, there's no way a soul that had gone through so much pain and suffering wouldn't be instantly pulled towards God and his love
But here's my ultimate current theory,
Mental illness is the work of the devil, it is
It is no work of God.
It is the devil sending evil spirits into me in attempts to bring me down, much like Saul is described to be afflicted (i think his is very similar to what we call schizophrenia) or many other times people are described to be afflicted with dark or evil spirits and described very similarly to today's mental illnesses
We've simply just categorized and given names to these spirits
Unfortunately some churches have pushed the stigma that this happens because of something this person has done to deserve it or invite the devil in, that's not true though, the devil doesn't ask permission to attack
And while I wholeheartedly believe that prayer and belief help significantly, I know from personal experience that it never completely fixes it. Even with my medication it still lingers
I believe that a person who takes their own life was driven to that point by the dark spirits plaguing them, overwhelming them, especially when that person has no support system or healthy outlet. It is the most heartbreaking thing to me when that happens
And I firmly believe that this doesn't result in damnation, but I do believe that when that life is lost the dark spirits that plagued that person are still clinging and attacking their soul and in that way they drag the soul down with them.
Taking your life isn't a sin, it's the fatal outcome of not being able to relieve help regarding evil and dark spirits attempting to bring you down
Those around people needing this help who do nothing to provide it are more in need of repentance.
God made us all, and in His image, follow His will and care for your fellow man, especially when they feel they don't deserve it♡
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callofthxvoid · 1 year
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Please welcome SIERRA NEVADA (SHE/HER) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 29-year-old VISITOR who lives in THE COMMUNE. You may see them around working as a SERVER AT THE DAILY GRIND. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
quick facts
Title: The Free Spirit
Name: Sierra Nevada Taylor
Nickname: Sie
Date of Birth: June 17, 1994
Age: 29
Place of Birth: Las Vegas, Nevada
Hometown: New York City, New York
Languages: English
Faceclaim: Aisha Dee
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Polyamorous Bisexual
Relationship Status: In an open relationship with Casey Nestor
Myers-Briggs: ESFP - The Entertainer
Enneagram: Type Seven - The Enthusiast
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Server at The Daily Grind
Role: Gatherer
[+] confident, easy-going, open-minded, even-tempered [-] superstitious, scatterbrained, restless, impulsive
Character Inspirations: Carmen Lowell (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
Sierra Taylor spent her entire childhood on the road. Born during a tour stop in Las Vegas (hence her middle name), her parents were two young, free-spirited, travelling musicians who had no plans of giving up their nomadic lifestyle. They took her with them wherever they went; when they were busy at gigs, everyone in their entourage would take turns looking after her, and when Sierra reached school age, her mother took on the responsibility of homeschooling her. It was an unconventional life, but it worked for them and for many years, they were an exceedingly happy family.
Eventually, her dad wanted to settle down while her mom categorically did not, leading to a nasty divorce and an even nastier and protracted custody battle. In the end, Sierra wound up living with her father in Hartford, Connecticut, where he had not only secured a nice house and a stable job, but also a brand new and very white stepfamily. She hated living in that house. She hated having to attend the same fancy private school as her step-siblings. But most of all, she hated that she only got to see her mom during the summer months, when she would join her on tour and have wild adventures like they used to. It was what she looked forward to all year.
After she graduated from high school, Sierra left her father's house and went back to travelling with her mom full-time, spending a couple of years on the road until they settled down in New York and opened their own business. Now in her mid-twenties, she stayed close to artistic circles and the music scene and eventually met Casey. As the daughter of a travelling musician herself, she understood the challenge of dating someone who had to spend long stretches of time away, but they made it work. He had his life, she had her life, and they had a life together when they were able to.
It was only when she stopped hearing from Casey altogether a few weeks ago that she started to suspect that something was wrong. It wasn't unusual for them to go several days without talking, but it was unusual for them to not talk at all; and when her birthday came and went and she still hadn't heard from him, she decided to pack her mom and their essential belongings into their Volkswagen bus and drive down to the location they had last mentioned, which was his hometown in West Virginia.
Upon arriving in Huntsville, Sierra and her mom were quickly given the lay of the land by Mayor Nat, but ultimately chose to move into the commune when it was given to them as an option. She's only been in town a few days, but she's managed to remain relatively calm over everything; some might argue a little too calm. But going with the flow has always been Sierra's nature. Why should a town of horrors be any different?
Her full legal name is still Sierra Nevada Taylor, but she hasn't used her father's surname in practice in many years. Most people know her as Sierra Nevada.
Her mother and her ran a New Age store together, selling paraphernalia relating to everything from astrology, to tarot reading, to Wiccan rituals. Sierra would also make crystal jewellery and personalised birth charts for people on request.
The tarot deck that she uses was initially sketched by her while on the road. She later had her designs produced and sold in the store, but the deck that she kept for herself contains small differences from the ones they sold, making it unique.
Her preferred practice of ethical non-monogamy is to have one primary partner with both having the freedom to pursue other relationships or casual flings. She is also open to bring other people into the relationship if it feels right for them.
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leaping-in-london · 2 years
Is there a Poltergeist at the Palace?
"Ghosts? Spectral visions? Anomalies in the electricity? Anything?" These are the questions my quintet and a posited to strangers and guides as we made our way through our first week in London. Did I have expectations that I would hear fabulous and frightening stories? Yes, I BELIEVED I would be rifling through a hit list of ghostly wonders. I imagined the categorization of such in my brain and could not wait to pluck out the spookiest and most interesting story in the bunch. Fast forward several days, and the dream of ghostly wonders took its last breath and died. That is not to say that I got nothing, I learned of one story and I am convinced with more time and in a location with locals instead of tourists and busy Londoners, my vision of a ghostly ghoul goulash would have been satisfied.
Other than being used in World War I, Kew Palace, the house of the late King George III and Queen Charlotte, has sat empty for well over 150 years. Because they were the last inhabitants the story that we heard is most likely tied to that of King George III and Queen Charlotte. We learned of the story from one of the trained guides and, as a result of hearing that story, a few of us chose to return for the Hidden Spaces tour later that day.
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The Story (as told by the young worker)
Several months ago after I had been working at Kew Palace for quite a bit of time, I heard someone walking on the floor above me. I was on the second floor and the noises were coming from the third floor, the attic space. Believing that nobody was supposed to be up in the attic, I radioed the other staff members to find out who was in the attic and why they were there (we were supposed to let each other know if we were going up to the top floor). A few minutes went by before everyone radioed in to say that they were not upstairs. Knowing that everyone had been accounted for, I knew somebody must have gotten upstairs that wasn't supposed to be there (the footsteps had not stopped, they had continued). I asked my manager to come upstairs to check out the top floor/attic space with me. When we went up there, nobody was there. My manager tried to convince me that I didn't hear what I heard, but like I said, I had been working there for several months by that point. I had long since learned of the old house's normal noises. These noises were not normal. Somebody was walking upstairs and I never found out who it was.
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That would have been odd enough, but that same week, something else happened. Many of the heirlooms that are in the house have alarms on them. In the front room, we had a teapot in the center of the table that had an alarm. That particular week, the alarm went off on that teapot three nights in a row at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. The alarm only goes off when the teapot is physically moved.
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We never found out why the teapot alarm went off that week for three nights, and I never got an explanation for the footsteps above me. While it hasn't happened again, I don't believe I have heard the last of the noises and the unexplainable alarms.
During the hidden spaces tour, we were able to go upstairs and see the attic. The attic had thick wood planks on the floor and only heavy footsteps would have made a sound. In that same attic, there was a witch carving on a beam as well as some war graffiti from soldiers that had stayed there during the first world war. It should be noted that those soldiers had some real antagonism toward each other. The guide for that tour also shared with us that the room that Queen Charlotte died in has frequently reported orbs and other unexplainable images in pictures that are taken in that room.
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Was the ghost one of the soldiers? Was it King George III looking for his wife? While it would be delicious to have an affirmative answer to those questions, I must leave those who read this to spice up their own "meal" to see how it rings on the authenticity meter.
(Week #3, #4)
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indefatigablepaths · 6 months
Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle (Live at The Ritz 1988 HD)
Well the song is pretty self explanatory. Strong will to survive Ronnie. Why you talkin' like t'hat. My serpentine. Too Lee is to bleed. See it's interesting to s'lee'p. To be awake bleeding. Ok so about that. These people you can't understand how they are there. They exist in a REM cycle that would blow your mind up and turn you blind. A RIN. The major issue is you will not be able to sleep. So it makes sense why this guy no one knows is just better. I'm going to note that's funny. I don't know the difference between a Chinese man and a southern war general. I probably said that on purpose. Who are you even. I am conceded. This is succession. You know. Lee has needs and this has nothing to do with everything you ever said. So about making money. He doesn't seem to have to respect us. You understand Chinese Lee does not agree with Doctor. So maybe someone should do something about this. Maybe the new car wash helps my knee needs I don't know gh I think it would. I suppose if I was Chinese Lee I would find that funny to hear the strange mob mafia man is telling me he's going to break my knee caps when he's already categorized with your Indian fishes. Sleep with the fishes. The Mafia is a fish from the government with the rest of them. How do you think he does it. It will blow your mind. Doctors. Ya see that's funny. REM is American RIN is Chinese and the Indians had to connect the dots or your body would fail. You're just like body though. I can't act Chinese all day. That's why I'm Indian today. Well. You're still American. Everything is normal. I was there. I had to commit to culture. Well that's weird you're a 1950s American. I don't think that's technically an American or a living American. It's weird because choosing your Lee direction is like hands on the mob mafia or hands off the Chinese way. See like look one lee touches you with Doctor and police and one lee feeds you with food. Now I'm looking at this as I'm an Indian and I'm thinking we'll technically I know choosing touch me lee means you go nowhere. You're just a visual projection that is a lie that I can't talk to. See like your suggestions for Americans are weight all economic insecurities gifted to whom cannot be present except legally or in a phone book, because that is a lie.
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coretcoretanaja · 10 months
at the gateway of interpersonal relations weve got the separation of tasks, as the goal, there's community feeling (is having 'a sense of others as comrades" and "an awareness of having one's own refuge" within in the community.223
When we run into difficulties in our interpersonal relations, or when we can no longer see a way out, what we should consider first and foremost is the principle that says "listen to the voice of the larger community" 229
Living in fear of one's relationships falling apart is an unfree way to live in which one is living for other people. 230
separate the tasks, dont intervene in other people tasks, draw a line interpersonal relations with that.
An individual's life is filled with many various sorts of relationships with other individuals, some of which may be categorized as horizontal relationships and others as vertical relationships. Most of these bonds are interpersonal relationships, such as those within families or between friends and acquaintances.
Which bring us to the concept of horizontal relationship.
Physical punishment is out of the question, of course and rebuking is not accepted, either. One must not praise and one must not rebuke. This is the standpoint of Adlerian psychology. 233
In the act of praise, there is the aspect of it being "the passong of judgement by a person of ability on a person of no ability".When one person praise another, the goal is "to manipulate someone who has less ability than you". It is not done out of gratitude or respect.
One wishes to be praised by someone. Or conversely, one decides to give praise to someone. This is proof that one is seeing all interpersonal relationship as "vertical relationship"living in vertical relationships make someone want to be praised.Adlerian psychology refutes all maner of vertical relationships and proposes that all interpersonal relationships be horizontal relationships. it is coveyed by the world "equal but not the same ?" 202
In the first place, the feeling of inferiority is an awareness that arises within vertical relationships. If one can be build horizontal relationship that are "equal but not the same " for all people, there will no longer be any room for inferiority complexes to emerge.
Because one perceives interpersonal relations as vertical, and see the other party as beneath one, that one intervenes. Through intervention, one tries to lead the other party in the desired direction. One has convinced oneself that one is right and that the other party is wrong. Of course, the intervention here is manipulation , pure and simple. 238
Being praised is what leads people to form the belief that they have no ability. The more one is praised by another person, the one forms the belief that one has no ability. 241
When receiving praise become one's goal , one is choosing a way of living that is in line with another person's system of values. 242
You convey of gratitude, saying thank you to this partner who has helped you with your work. You might express straightforward delight :"im glad" . Or you could convey your thanks by saying "that was a big help." this is approach to encouragement that is based on horizontal relationships.243
When one hears words of gratitude, one knows that one has made a contribution to another person. It is only when a person is able to feel that he has worth that he can possess courage.
Eng 189
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
I’ve been watching these NextUp streams from Edinburgh this month, had been meaning to make a post about what I thought of some of them, but have decided this one deserves its own post. I’ve been trying to expand my comedy horizons a bit lately, try out some styles of comedy that I might not really be into normally. Partly because I’ve tried that a few times before and it’s turned out great (I don’t know what the hell “absurdist theatre” is so I expected to not understand one moment of John-Luke Roberts, but then I watched it anyway, and now his show A World Just Like Our Own is one of my favourite comedy hours I’ve ever seen), so I want to see what else I’m missing out on that I’d really enjoy.
The other reason why I sort of feel like I should try this is just because I sort of like the idea of being like the cool cultured comedy fans who can appreciate shit like that. I wasn’t a theatre kid. I don’t understand the theatre kids. I saw the theatre kids in school. I see the theatre kids as adults. I’m glad they’re having a good time. I really am, I’m glad all that artsy experimental theatre shit exists and I’m glad there are people who enjoy it. I just wish I could back up my theoretical beliefs about The Importance of Art by personally enjoying it myself.
Today, I decided to watch Siblings and Family Friends, which was the title of a show by the comedy group called Siblings. I watched it because it was described on the Fringe Festival website as:
“Variety, cabaret: Prepare yourselves for a wild and wonderful variety night hosted by character comedians and IRL sisters Maddy and Marina Bye, of critically acclaimed Siblings, starring their family friends (who also happen to be the best comedians at the Fringe). Expect stand-up, clowning, sketch-comedy, drag, dance and more in these three exclusive nights.”
That is a lot of words that can appear in a description of a comedy show and make me recoil a little, and then move right along past it. Clowning. Drag. Dance. Variety. Cabaret. I figured, if I watch this show, I can get all my horizons broadened at once! A little sample of all the things I’m not sure about, in one show, so I don’t have to see any other shows with that stuff.
Thoughts about it are below the link, just because this gets rather long.
…It opened with an ironic interpretive dance about birth and childhood, but it was a bit difficult for me to tell just how ironic it was, the whole thing was confusing. But “an ironic interpretive dance about birth and childhood” sounds like exactly the sort of comedy I want to be able to appreciate, so I tried to do just that, just stare at it non-judgmentally until I get the joke. I’m pretty sure it was a joke. But I didn’t really end up getting it.
Then they said some other stuff, in character, where the joke was that their family is a secret cult but they’re pretending to not be a cult so they can recruit the audience, and at least that makes sense to me. It’s not the funniest joke I’ve ever heard, but it’s all right, I can see how if you were in the room where that happened and you got on board with it that would be a fun thing, so I tried to get on board.
Then a woman came out and did some things with a hula hoop that would make James Acaster wild with envy, while music played in the background. While this happened, she took off her clothes. Which I believe categorizes that performance as “burlesque”, which is another word that can appear in the description of a comedy show and will make me immediately decide it’s not for me. Not of any prudish instinct, I don’t think. Just because I want to hear someone say funny and/or emotionally moving things into a microphone and this is one of the many types of comedy that isn’t that.
So I actually watched the burlesque show, to see what all the fuss is about. And it was extremely impressive. I’m very very impressed that that person can do all that stuff with her body and with the hula hoops. I don’t… I don’t quite know how to say this without sounding horribly prudish, but I’m genuinely not sure why she took her clothes off. Not, like… “People should keep clothes on because bodies are bad!” I don’t think that. I just don’t really understand what the removal of clothes added to the show.  But maybe that’s exactly what it added. I guess that’s sort of the point of the whole thing, making the performance a rebellion against all the people who say that everyone should keep clothes on because bodies are bad? Either way, I didn’t really get the nudity part of it. But it was fun to watch the hula hoop move in time with music. And it was an incredibly impressive athletic feat.
The Siblings came back, and did a weird sketch, where I did get the joke but didn’t find it all that funny (it was a parody of meditation things, very visual, and I often don’t find comedy as funny if it significantly relies on visual cues).
Then Tom Ballard came out, and it was like… you know when you’re at a party where you don’t know anyone, and you get this rush of relief when you see a familiar face? That’s what it was like to watch this show and try really really hard to appreciate the comedy styles that I do not understand, and then Tom Ballard walks on stage. And yes, I realize it is not ideal that I could watch several women do really interesting alternative entertainment things and it left me impressed but also cold and confused, and then a white guy walks out and I say “Oh thank God he’s here, this is something I understand.” In my defense, I also great enjoy plenty of women who just stand there with a microphone telling jokes in the conventional way.
I’ve heard Tom Ballard tell this joke twice before in recent performances – he announces that he had gay sex with a witch, and then asks if there are any witches in. Both times I’ve heard it before, no one in the audience answers, so he says of course they’re staying quiet, the witches know not to identify themselves or they’ll get burned. He did that joke again during the Siblings set, but this time, when he asked if there are any witches in, quite a few people cheered. He had to change his response, saying that the people who cheered must be lying, because if they were real witches, they’d have stayed quiet to avoid being burned. That seems about right. That Tom Ballard does that joke to a regular stand-up audience and get the silence that he needs to set up his response; he tries it at this show and several witches are, in fact, in.
He did an extract from his full This Is I set, using the parts I’d expect. He did the bits of that show that are about sex. He left out the bits that are about politics and the death of his grandmother. That seems like a good choice for this show.
Then Siblings came back, this time in different costumes, playing different characters. They did a sketch about, I think, annoying teenage boys starting a business. I’m not quite sure what was going on in it, but it did not help that these characters had quite mumbly voices so I couldn’t understand half the words they said. I didn’t find it hugely funny, but I sort of got… maybe 50% of the joke? They waved the microphones around a lot. They made a man in the crowd get up and the lights flashed.
Then a guy came out and juggled what appeared to be bowling pins while music played. I was, again, very impressed with the athletic feat. Though it was less athletically impressive than the hula hoop woman, so if the entertainment is just supposed to come from us watching someone do something physically difficult and saying “Wow look at that,” it was somewhat diminished by having to follow her. I guess that shouldn’t be hard to understand – watching sports is an extremely popular passtime, so clearly, people do enjoy watching someone perform a physically difficult feat just to be impressed by their skill. Although, at least in my experience, a big part of what’s fun about watching sports is the competitive element. Maybe that’s what’s missing here. Those are my notes as a non-theatre kid trying to understand alternative entertainment – I think they should make variety shows competitive.
This guy didn’t take his clothes off. But he did juggle quite a lot of bowling pins by the end.
Siblings came back out in their initial characters, as people trying to recruit the audience to a cult. I liked those characters better than their other ones.
Then out came Egg, a sketch duo I’d vaguely heard of but had never seen before. They were, actually, really funny. Didn’t require any effort on my part to enjoy that. I would enjoy seeing more of them. They did two sketches, one about an annoying conservative aunt and one about awkward crowd work, both of which were good.
Then Siblings came back and sang a song about soccer dads, which was kind of funny. I enjoyed the song. Enjoyed it slightly less when they started slipping in and out of character afterward, and I went back to not being able to tell what they were doing.
Then there was a guy named Bill O’Neill, from a sketch duo called the Banana Brothers. A significant part of the joke in this part seemed to be that the other guy in the sketch duo wasn’t there. He messed around with banana peels and threw himself on the floor a few times, and I kept waiting for the twist or punchline or other way where we find out what funny thing that was setting up, until I realized that the sight of him doing that was meant to be the funny part. Then he did a sort of… parody of miming, I think? Or possibly just actual miming. A fair bit of the difficulty I had with this show came from not being able to tell how much irony there was in most of it. He threw some bananas on himself and writhed all over the stage for a while.
Then Siblings came back and did what was definitely a parody, they said so at the beginning, where the joke is that they have no circus skills but would pretend to do a circus act anyway. Once again, it helped that I finally got the joke, found it a bit funny, but so much of the humour came from visual stuff that just isn’t that funny to me so I ended up skipping bits of it.
And then: oh thank God, another familiar gay white man whose tour show from this year I’ve already heard so I know exactly what he’s like these days so nothing will be a surprise! Out comes Paul Foot (I’ve been weirdly writing this post in the past tense as though I’d seen it all and then sat down to write this, don’t know why I’ve been doing that because actually I’m watching it now and stopping to write stuff down as it goes along), and I know that guy! I mean, Paul Foot is not exactly known for being a non-confusing comedian. But it was quite a while ago now that I put in the small amount of work required to figure out what Paul Foot is doing, so now I already get it and can enjoy it.
He opened with a weird bit where he pretends to be a marmoset, but he was explaining it rather than acting it out, got in the audience’s face, it was fucking funny. Then he did his rhino horn joke from his previous tour show, which I find very funny. The line “They are, though” has gotten a laugh out loud from me every time I’ve heard it, which is now quite a few times. Then he did a bunch more from that show, including some briefcase disturbances.
He actually got quite a muted response from the crowd, which I thought was much less than he deserved; he’s very funny in general but was also very funny in this specific set. The crowd failing to recognize that immediately makes it more difficult for me to agree with this crowd about anything else.
Last up is Rueben Kaye, a guy I’ve vaguely heard of and know is a drag queen but I’d never seen him before. He was funnier than I’d expected, actually. I liked that he did actual stand-up, rather than the drag itself being the entertaining part. He had some quite funny jokes about his family. And at the end he sang a really dramatic rendition of Colin Hay’s Down Under song, which was a lot of fun.
I’ve realized that this stuff isn’t particularly different from those old Late ‘n’ Live videos that I enjoy so much, making it silly that I consider this “not my thing”. But I think what makes those so funny is the irony. The fact that it’s all people who normally get on stage and tell jokes, but instead, for this night, they’re wrestling in bubble wrap and doing rap battles and singing Eminem pulling apart cows and shit. It’s funny because it’s unusual and because they’re doing all of it with an ironic sense that this is a weird thing they’re doing and they’re kind of making fun of themselves. And not that people in this Siblings show weren’t making fun of themselves. It’s more than I just don’t know what they normally do so I didn’t get the joke so much. I couldn’t tell what was a parody and what was just entertainment. I guess that’s part of why I’m an obsessive completist about everything I like and will seek out as much context as I can for everything – I tend to enjoy stuff more once I’ve seen enough of it to really “get” what it is. And I haven’t, really, with this.
Anyway, I'm glad I watched that. I enjoyed... some of it. I enjoyed a bunch of it, actually. Some of it is not going to be for me. I think I like sketch comedy if there's a lot of talking in it and not so much if most of the humour is visual. I think that sentence still works if you take out the word "sketch", actually. This was an interesting experiment but I think I'm now going to find the most conventional straight stand-up show I possibly can, and watch that to balance it out. No character work. Preferably not even any crowd work. No interactivity of any kind. No sketch. No second person on stage. Not even a song. Just one human being spending one hour saying words that are 80% humour/20% personal trauma, as God intended comedy to be.
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
Ways To Mend a Damaged Heart - Marriage Breaking Up Music
Have you simply been hurt within your connection? Typically songs and guidance to get again along with your ex - or mend a broken coronary heart. For those who have a broken coronary heart and need to start the whole process of therapeutic it, these songs are the perfect begin to make you are feeling happier, and heal a damaged heart. I'm confident at this point, you don't truly feel like Hearing true cheery songs! In fact some delighted cheery tunes basically make factors worse since it does remind you of a great situations you and your ex experienced with each other. Damaged heart tunes are literally an previous custom, dating back again to likely throughout the working day guy learned songs - and also a citizen and these days he learned that occasionally associations do not workout as prepared! And we acquire broken hearts on account of them. If it does not make you pretty comfy to put in writing up a complete song, or you might have troubled rhyming you could usually publish a brief poem in its place. You are able to sit down and publish your ex a protracted letter, to precise you! If you feel a poem, or even a song,is just as well much removed from what your ex would count on from you. The underside line is you intend to make a song that expresses your self, And just how you happen to be experience at that current minute, it is a very good action in healing a broken heart, from the marriage long gone terrible.
When you've got at any time gained a tune from an ex spouse, then you probably know the way superior it feels, they have been contemplating you and they took the trip to put in writing that tune. So the idea that you should go to the trouble out to put in writing a tune regarding your ex, speaks volumes about you as someone. And if you are trying to get again along with that ex, to fix your partnership. Composing a track for them is usually a action in the appropriate route. I'm absolutely sure that your ex could well be touched by that considered! And is a great step in how you can heal a broken coronary heart. To jot down these partnership, breaking up music, with your quest on how to mend a damaged heart. Here's a number of easy steps You may use, to write these music. You will only will need to write down poetry, after which you can place it to tunes. You of course have to jot down the terms, however you would not have for being out be a audio producer to jot down the audio alone. Enable your thoughts inspire you! Just come up with a melody, from what your favorite tunes, and maybe reword that track and place them in your own words. Nevertheless producing tracks is not really for everybody! I'm sure you've a favorite song or two, thinking about you can find a lot of tracks in existence. I'm absolutely sure a handful of of Those people tunes have an entirely diverse intending to you now, because you can relate! To aquiring a connection difficulty and everything that goes with it for instance a damaged heart! Here is a neat strategy when you are interested in acquiring back along with your ex. I am certain your ex will see new this means in All those tunes you two may have loved alongside one another also. Maybe you may burn off a few CDs, of a number of sad songs about breaking up and send out it towards your ex, along with a nice well published letter. Now don't Assume Simply because a song is unhappy, that it does not suggest it is not an incredible concept to send out it. It really is! Here's a idea: undergo your preferred songs, and actually listen towards the words and phrases, and look for a handful of that relate on your present predicament and Categorical how you feel within! A different helpful tip which can be definitely efficient is to select some unfortunate songs could be a couple of broken heart, or maybe a marriage breaking apart. You may additionally want to consider including a optimistic, uplifting, sought amid them on the place to remind both you and your ex of The good happier periods you two shared alongside one another. Music regarding how to mend a broken heart, are just that songs which make you really feel improved, but for those who rely on them the right way, and you continue to would like to get back again using your ex, they are often an extremely useful Instrument that can assist you do just that! Take a look at more aspects stop by below: Trending love failure song
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