#tokyo ghoul ocs
oneeyedsparrow · 9 months
Come join our Tokyo Ghoul Fan-club Discord Server!
What's up Ghoulies~ Come join us in our Tokyo ghoul server where we discuss, theories, arts, writings, music, headcanons, spicy art (if you're 18+), OCs and memes and meet cool new people!
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fawntastic · 1 year
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My and @tg-headcanons tokyo ghoul ocs! They are so slay and babygirl
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tg-headcanons · 1 year
Hey dude! I was just wondering, with all the worldbuilding you do, do you have any tokyo ghoul ocs of your own?
I do! @fawntastic (who I made these ocs with) did a drawing of them here and I’ll put details under the cut because i have brain rot
First is Arlen Cain
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He’s 6’0, 42 years old, ex Mormon, and seemingly a normal, if a little too straight laced, associate special class investigator in the Las Vegas branch of the CCG. The story he tells people is that he lived a normal life until a ghoul broke into his house and killed his family, which prompted him to become an investigator and attempt to hunt down the ghoul known as the Shrike who was believed to be the one that killed them. He has a reputation as a kind and hardworking man who is popular with his coworkers and impressive in his ghoul killing skills. However this is a carefully cultivated facade. In reality, the abuse and repression from his family had him on thin ice when he met a ghoul he fell in love with, and they killed and ate his family together. From the beginning he was working at the CCG to have an inside advantage in keeping his husband safe and has a long history of killing any partners who get too close to figuring them out. Between being raised in a cult, an affinity for cannibalism, and the increasing ease with which he kills other CCG employees, he has something so very wrong with him. He loves his family but everyone else is fair game and he doesn’t much care for human life
Next is Leonard Cain
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He’s 5’0, somewhere in his late 30s, known to the CCG as the SS ranked Shrike and extremely off putting. He was born in tokyo, and lived on the streets as he never had a human identity. He moved from gang to gang to avoid being exterminated but became too high priority for the doves after he killed a senior investigator. So as not to endanger more people by staying in groups of other ghouls, he stowed away in a shipping container and ended up in bullshit nowhere Utah, where he met Arlen. He ended up falling for him after enough of his clumsy attempts at communicating with him despite knowing he wasn’t human, and after killing his family with him per his request, he stuck around and eventually married him. He worked several jobs as a bouncer before eventually settling into one at a casino his adopted son’s distant family owned, and since he says maybe 5 words a day and can’t make a normal amount of eye contact to save his life people mostly leave him alone. He has a reputation with the CCG for hunting with long Ukaku sharks by hand and staying on buildings or in trees
Then there’s Angela Kazmarik
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She is 5’9, 33, a moderately strong kakuja known as The Plague Doctor and was only weeks away from getting her doctorate before she was outed as a ghoul. She was orphaned when she was young and to survive she stalked a notoriously bad foster home until one of the kids was killed, and quickly ate the body and took her place before the death could ever be reported. She was incredibly clever and skyrocketed through grades, eventually getting a full scholarship to an accelerated medical program. Her goal was always to find a way to allow ghouls to eat non-human meat food, but was discovered before she graduated and has been in hiding since. She lives with the Cains as she’s been a long time friend ever since she met Leonard while hunting and just refused to leave, and continues her work in secret. She funds it by doing questionable art commissions online and steals medical equipment. She’s become oddly obsessed with investigator Vivienne Mallory, makes massive shows of killing doves, and is all around a theatrical nuisance who is unfortunately able to get away with her cringe ass performances because she is horrifically strong. She’s no stranger to cruel and unusual methods of slaughter and her victims are often found uneaten but missing organs
Next is Ahiga Cain
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He is 6’8, 16, an SSS rated kakujas known as Roadkill and an absolute horror show of a ghoul. As far as anyone knows, he’s a living fossil, the last surviving ghoul from a bygone era that was never meant to survive this long and who both humans and ghouls find deeply upsetting. He’s a southwestern American subspecies once known as the N’daga Hasteen, but is currently referred to as the Cave Ghoul thanks to fossil records of creatures like him and the CCGs reluctance to publicly admit that a ghoul with adaptations meant for hunting megafauna and mimicking human voices is still out there. He was born deep in the Grand Canyon where his mother was hiding him, and he lived there for only three years before the CCG launched a massive raid to kill her. She bought him time to escape, but he could only flee so far, and was found by Arlen hiding behind a dumpster. Thankfully for him Arlen reported him as a human child found captured by a ghoul and adopted him. Human Friends of his mother who were part of the tribe his family came from confirmed the story, and he’s lived with his dads and sister since. He grew close to them and spent several years living peacefully, but after being targeted by gourmet ghouls who wanted a piece of the last Cave ghoul, he and his sister began hunting and fighting against the CCG. Becoming a kakuja came naturally to him, and the CCG was completely unprepared to handle Cave Ghoul fighting abilities. He amassed a gang which has become quite a problem for the doves, and hopes to eventually be followed out of loyalty rather than fear that he’s well aware he instills in people. He is an apex predator, and despite his desire to be likable, he needs to be dangerous right now, even to the point of kakuja induced chronic illness and no longer being able to pass as human. But despite being built like a sleep paralysis demon, he hopes that eventually the conflict between humans and ghouls can end and he can go back to school and focus on a somewhat normal life
Finally there’s Megan Cain
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Megan is 5’8, 16, avid 4chan user, and known to the CCG as the S rated Jaeger. Her mother was a friend of Arlen’s at the training academy and in the same squad as him in the Coyote King Extermination Operation that killed Ahiga’s mother. Unfortunately she was also killed in this attack, and Arlen, being her godfather, adopted her. Since she and Ahiga were both the same and and both orphaned in the same event, they became inseparable, and by the time the language barrier wasn’t an issue and they could speak each other’s languages easily, they were as close as biological twins. Being raised by a human and a ghoul and with the single weirdest subspecies still alive, she ended up very good at telling when someone is a ghoul, and with all the ghoul behaviors she’s picked up ghouls often think she’s one of them. When her brother was taken by a gourmet circle and came back changed, she was enraged by what people could get away with doing to ghouls and joined in on the war against the CCG. She was a natural with coding and machines, and she designed a lot of viruses for CCG computers and weapons for the ghouls. Her biggest job is keeping Ahiga under control. Since his kakuja is so massive, it has a mind of its own, all his brain power goes towards just keeping it alive, so she rides on it’s neck and gives it commands. Between that, and being the one who makes and equips the armor and kakuja mounted turrets, they are always together when they fight. The CCG has no idea she’s human, and if she spent as much time producing more weapons as she does bullying people on Reddit, they’d stand no chance
Again The other three OCs, Vivienne, Fawn, and Jonah, belong to @fawntastic and are part of the same universe! I’ll leave it to him if he wants to gush about them but oughhh I have so many oc thoughts I am rotating them in my mind
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toukasspouse · 1 year
Arthur having a scary dog is so funny because Mira is only 5'2 ¹/2", and yet anyone who causes him problems has to deal with someone who is willing to eat anyone. Mira does not plan to play nice if you touch their person.
Meanwhile, Milo is confused af because Arthur is just some guy?? Who was indirectly involved with his and Mira's father's death? Like. Why are you keeping him alive. Is he a pet? Is that it??
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meltedpopsicl · 1 year
how about I finally work on the character references for my tokyo ghoul ocs instead of wallowing in self pity
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tothearrk · 2 years
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I've been so obsessed with my Tokyo ghoul ocs so much I have literally spent almost 15 hrs on this canvas full of sketches with them ❤️ I have to draw Jiiku's boyfriend but hell yeah ugh
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captain-astors · 10 months
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Burn it!
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akihomei · 11 months
Happy birthday Haise! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊
buen dia ‹𝟹
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hiphopcherrrypop · 15 days
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hai zenji + hi tokyo debunker fandom
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chronolatry-art · 3 months
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to live is to devour
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vampirecorleone · 6 months
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Favorite Anime Openings / Closings - TOKYO GHOUL: Unravel
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oneeyedsparrow · 9 months
A stupid meme doodle of Milo, Mira and Arthur to show their relationship dynamic
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Milo, Mira belong to @toukasspouse
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fawntastic · 1 month
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Something something wolf mother (ft @tg-headcanons ahiga)
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tg-headcanons · 29 days
(Lost this in the ask pile and was just reminded) MY WRETCHED LITTLE BOY!! I’m putting it under the cut because it’s a big rant about my most wildly self indulgent oc
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(My drawing ability is extremely bad but Fuck It We Ball) he’s from an Au I made with my bf @fawntastic (he drew the cast here)
Ahiga Cain is 17 years old, 6’5, an up and coming musician and is the last known member of H. Sapiens Cleptavox. They were one of the native ghoul species of the Americas and once a prominent part of the environment and society, but after hundreds of years of sickness and war, their numbers have dwindled to the certainty of extinction. He was born as the result of a last ditch attempt to save the species, but it ultimately failed.
He only made it to three years old before the CCG found where his mother had been living with him in a cave on protected land in the Grand Canyon, and an extermination operation was carried out on the day his younger brother was born. He was the only one who managed to make it out, fleeing towards the closest shelter, a dumpster where he was found a few days later by Arlen Cain, one of the investigator’s responsible who was coming back to the scene to do reports. He, already having some weird relationships with ghouls (I lowkey based psyb houji on him), and having also just been given custody of the daughter of a coworker who died in the operation, took him home and hid him away until he could be sure the kid wasn’t dangerous and reported him as a human child he found captured by ghouls. It was obvious that Ahiga was not human, he wasn’t even a normal ghoul, but after seeing what his partner did to that kakuja’s other cub, Arlen didn’t want any more children to die. Plus, he kind of wanted to see how this played out
Ahiga grew up in an extremely weird situation. One of his fathers is a common Eurasian ghoul, the other is an investigator actively covering up his identity, and his sister is a human who lost her mother at the same time he lost his, but they grew up close as creepy rural kid twins who just go off into the desert unsupervised sometimes. They had to learn as they went how Ahiga worked, especially when he ate birds and rodents and seemed to be fine and mimicked their own voices back at them, but they were happy. They just put him in loose clothing so it’s hard to tell how weirdly shaped he is, claimed he was born with ROS, and occasionally got information and help raising him from the few members of his mother’s tribe who knew about him.
The main problem at this point, was Vivienne. She’s Arlen’s partner, and more importantly, she was the one who brought down his mother. She’s reached high acclaim after killing a kakuja of a ghoul species previously thought to be prehistoric, and has since wracked up a reputation as being the most ruthless and effective ghoul hunter the Las Vegas CCG has seen in a long time. She’s a friend of the family, because it would be suspicious to cut her off at this point, and is close to Ahiga. He knows who she is, what she did, but instinctively he wants to be near her because when she uses the quinque made from his mother, it left her scent on her, and ever since sensing it as a small child he’s been attached. No matter how much he tries to rationalize it as he gets older, he still wants to be around her. And Vivienne, not aware that there’s anything wrong with Ahiga besides his illness and many allergies, loves him. Arlen is the closest thing to family she has, and so are his kids
His life was, oddly enough, pretty normal as a kid, up to the time other ghouls found out about him. They were so focused on protecting him from humans, that they didn’t know to protect him from certain ghouls, and a restaurant society heard rumors that the last cleptavox in the world was alive and well and ripe for the taking. He was taken by them when he was 11, and carefully kept alive so he could be butchered and auctioned off piecemeal, fed enough to regenerate, and start over again. It was there in captivity when his kagune finally started to harden, and after a couple weeks there, he managed to kill a handler and escape. He made his way home, but wasn’t the same after that. He had hoped to never get involved in the violence of the ghoul world, he wanted to just live like a human as much as he could, but the violence had found him and all because he was the last of a doomed species. He never wanted to be an endling, it wasn’t his choice, but he was one and now both humans and ghouls want to cut him to pieces for it, without even the dignity of a clean death
After that, he accepted that he’d need to be prepared to fight, but that wasn’t enough. It wasn’t fair, his mother didn’t deserve to die, his little brother didn’t deserve to die, all ghouls didn’t deserve to be hunted and have their lives ruined for what they can’t control, and he’ll do whatever he can to change it. The way his body changed after having to regenerate from being butchered, his hair turning white and his instincts getting worse, as well as the feeling that it wasn’t his anymore, made him eager to decide to turn it into a weapon. He and his sister, Megan, learned to hunt. His fathers, though reluctant, brought home ghoul meat. Ahiga, being a subspecies designed for cannibalism, grew a kakuja quickly.
He burst onto the scene to slaughter doves patrolling any area close to where his mother was killed, and it was obvious that this new one was the same species as the SSS ranked Coyote King that was exterminated there years ago. The CCG was whipped into a frenzy trying to find and kill it, headed by Vivienne, who having grown up in CCG education, saw the extermination of another ancient monster the perfect legacy
Ahiga became known as Roadkill, and quickly rose to his mother’s rank of SSS along with his sister, who became known as Jaeger, who is rank S as the CCG hasn’t yet figured out she isn’t a ghoul. They’ve amassed a gang, making it their business to not only support the ghouls in the area with food and shelter, but to launch coordinated attacks on CCG buildings and operations. There was a particularly brutal one when Operation Headlights, the task force led by Vivienne and Arlen to exterminate Roadkill and it’s gang, was first formed. His gang cornered the members sent to exterminate them, but rather than killing them themselves, he had them split into groups, vote on which of them will die, and them to kill the losers. After the wave of resignations that came from that it became well known in the CCG that even the money and acclaim that comes with the position isn’t worth what those ghouls will do to them.
He and his sister are horrors. In possum and deer skull masks, they and their gang move quickly on bikes and in cars, strike fast, and pile up corpses before the law can respond. He’s the reason that their branch of the CCG had to make new rules that sound like they come straight out of a horror movie, such as “do not believe anything said over the phone or radio as it could be a mimicry” and “no gloves or sunglasses in the office to ensure a ghoul wearing human skin is not on the premises”
In order to justify staying in Las Vegas full time as opposed to the more rural area outside of it his family lived at, they claimed to be starting a band as it was very believable that two idiot teenagers thought they could make it big performing at casinos. Their cover story worked to explain why they were always in the city that Roadkill and Jaeger were terrorizing, but by pure coincidence, they did well. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time, performing some stupid little show at a casino a relative worked at, when they got some attention. They realized that some fame will be good, not because of the money (though being able to afford a private jet to smuggle ghouls around in didn’t hurt), but because making music with ghoul dogwhistles can help get the word out to recruit more people for their militia
By now they’re a well oiled machine of performance, Murder, and self destructive spirals for the sake of destroying the CCG. Though Ahiga remains distant from his comrades. It’s not that he’s particularly rude or doesn’t want to be close to them, but because as he gets older, his subspecies traits become more obvious and very unsettling to other ghouls. He makes too much eye contact, his talons are way too big, and his occasional quadrupedal walk make other ghouls not want to be around him as he’s just uncanny. Being a kakuja also doesn’t help. So he’ll go out of his way to find other ghouls that are weird subspecies or kakuja because he’s kind of desperate to hang out with someone as weird as him. He’s also just kind of cringe in the way he behaves
Becoming so powerful at such a young age, especially in response to a horrific event and knowing that he’s the last of his kind, did terrible things to Ahiga. He compulsively cannibalizes to grow his kakuja even as his RC fluctuations grow out of control and leave him dependent on all sorts of suppressants and medications, and leaning on a cane half the time he’s out of combat. He’s been utilizing drugs and machinery to try to make himself stronger, dosing himself with all types of chemicals and plants to make his kakuja bigger and more aggressive while his sister tries out ways of armoring it and attaching mounted turrets to his back. It’s quickly destroying him, chipping away at his body and mind as he’s left with injuries, chemical imbalances, mood swings and hallucinations for the sake of turning himself into the war machine
But he’s careful to make sure the public and Vivienne can never tell. He wears sunglasses to hide his eyes that can rarely conceal his kakugans, he dresses in elaborate alternative fashion so no one thinks to question why he’s always wearing high heeled platform boots, ones with false bottoms inside to conceal his naturally digitigrade stance. He tells people that it’s just illness that makes his hair white, that he only looks so tall because of the boots, that he never eats anything because of allergies. It works, he even set up a donation drive for ROS research in his name to keep the lie going, and even Vivienne doesn’t question it. She’s the most dangerous person to him, having a personal vendetta against Roadkill, yet he still can’t bring himself to kill her. He wants so badly to tell her what he really is and for her to join him, but he knows she’s too far gone into CCG brainwashing to be saved yet
In all, he’s a very weird creep who is torn between the desire to save ghouls so that no other ghoul will have to suffer like he did, and wanting to slaughter everyone for causing him to be the last of his kind doomed to die in a world that he doesn’t belong in. Increasingly sick and unwell, he puts on a persona of a sweet, good humored teenager to the public to protect his human image, and a persona of a brutal, sadistic leader to protect his people as he orders others to kill and die for him. Even he isn’t sure what his plan is, he mostly does what will immediately help the ghouls in his community, follows leads of ghoul restaurants to slaughter anyone involved, or does as Arlen commands to strike at the CCG. He is in a death spiral with his surrogate mother, he and his sister cyberbully public officials together, he loves divorced dad rock, and he is a horrible little gayboy who can not be saved
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lamialangley · 1 month
3 page OC google docs template
Free access, click on link ----> file, MAKE A COPY to use
cred/reblog @lamialangley
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stitchedfeather · 12 days
Tokyo ghoul sketches
here’s a collection of sketches and doodles I did !
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