#took a bath but had no energy for homework today
bawnjourno · 7 months
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i don’t have sewing pics from today to dump thoughts in the tags of so here r my boyz instead (charlie left joel right)
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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Scott has sixteen grey hairs in his fringe and about twice that on either side.
Virgil knew this because he had counted them three times now.
He let his head drop back over the back of the sofa and sighed.
Scott had fallen asleep beside him an hour ago, too damned stubborn to go to bed. Virgil had suspected this would happen, so had stayed up beside him while sending the rest of his brothers to bed.
Grandma had squeezed his shoulder as she left. He knew she was concerned, but he valued her trust in him.
Virgil knew how to look after his older brother.
Even if it required a butt numbing wait.
The movie had been an old one they had seen many times before. Virgil had planned it that way in yet another attempt to get his brother to fall asleep.
And he had. Just not in his bed.
Scott slumped over, obviously fighting his own body’s needs, until his head dropped against Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil held ever so still. Scott sleeping anywhere other than his rooms was rare and the few times he did manage to collapse at their father’s desk amongst all the Tracy Industries holograms, he had been alone in the room…only to wake immediately once Virgil or one of their other brothers went looking.
Scott’s sleep was fragile and precious, and Virgil was willing to do anything to protect it.
So when his brother started snoring softly into Virgil’s flannel shirt, he kept as still and quiet as possible.
Eventually, Virgil got daring and gently manoeuvred Scott millimetre by millimetre until his head was resting on a cushion in his lap. For a moment there, he thought he had blown it, but his brother snuffled and curled up against him and dropped into a deeper sleep.
And so started his vigil.
Virgil didn’t mind. He had his tablet and a backlog of both engineering and art periodicals to wade through, but his attention kept being drawn back to his brother.
The plaster on Scott’s forehead was ever so white against tanned skin. It highlighted the grey in his tousled mess of hair.
Virgil found himself counting and listing an event to blame for each of them.
He ran out of hairs before he ran out of events.
He didn’t dare brush his fingers through Scott’s hair. Didn’t trust his brother’s sleep was robust enough. So Virgil settled for cupping his head gently with one hand, barely touching him, but meeting his own need to connect nonetheless.
Scott was so young.
Commander, president, leader…awake he exuded so much energy and determination. The man was never still, always moving, possessing a vitality that kept this family alive.
But here, asleep, face slack, all Virgil could see was that big brother from so long ago, before everything happened, before life changed and hurt them so many times over. Before burdens bowed his big brother down under so much weight.
Back when they sat and did their homework together, Mom throwing out answers to questions while she tackled their younger brothers into the bath. Back when Virgil would sit out in the fields and draw, Scott hanging out with him despite the fact he couldn’t sit still. Eventually admitting that he just wanted to spend time with him.
Virgil had a sketchbook somewhere full of his brothers, and amongst those drawings were ones done out in those fields. His happy, smiling and smirking big brother.
Before the burdens.
Virgil couldn’t help himself. He touched one of the grey hairs, brushing it between his fingers.
Scott murmured in his sleep and frowned.
He snatched his hand away and his brother settled again.
Today had been another near miss, but Scott was safe, only a few scratches and bruises to show for it.
Virgil, of course, had more nightmare material, but then that library was so vast already, it would be shoved in with the rest and barely noticed.
But sitting here, looking down at his sleeping brother, he couldn’t help but try to think of ways to remove some of those burdens from Scott’s shoulders.
They all took on their fair share. Virgil and John in particular took everything they could to help Scott. But still there were nights where Virgil had to drag the man away from his desk.
And he always protested. Why was everyone more important than Scott Tracy?
Virgil rested a hand on his brother’s arm.
Why did he need to give so much? Even now, the idiot refused to go to bed despite his exhaustion.
So stubborn.
Scott breathed ever so softly against red flannel.
Well, he was asleep now and Virgil had nothing better to do. His butt was already numb, but it was just part of the deal of being a brother to this…
Great man.
Another sigh.
The things he would do for the idiots he loved.
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stormboundscholar · 9 months
Changing priorities
Day 12/100 of Productivity
Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog! It was a nice day today and I have a lot to talk about. Let's get started!
It was a calm night yesterday. I didn't have any dreams, just slept like I had passed out. I was so comfortable in my bed that I didn't want to get up in the morning. Still, I had a lot of energy after I managed to wake up fully. I got into my uniform and headed outside for school.
It was a busy day at school. I had 4 periods of chemistry and 2 periods of maths so I didn't have a lot of free time. I thought that I should still study as much as possible, and so I spent some of my break time studying. I had to study some grammar so I took a look at that. I also spent some of my lunch break studying,which was nice. I managed to study 2 hours at school.
Yesterday I talked about me needing to change some of my priorities. I am happy to say that I think I found a good balance today. I divided my break time, spent half of it with my friends, and the other half studying. I really enjoy socialising, it is really a shame that I sacrifice it to study more. Still, I want to thank @kindalikechaos for reminding me that I shouldn't totally abandon it.
After school ended and I was coming back home, I had a fun conversation with a friend one grade lower than me. They also focus on their studies a lot so we talked about that like usual. They asked for some advice, apparently they look up to me a little. The way to success is different for everyone and it was kind of sad to see them imitate me at first as my life isn't really that fun. Still, it's nice to see that they are achieving their goals and they seem happy to me! We chatted a little, and went back home.
After I got back home at 6:37, I had a very productive night. I took a bath, practiced a little self care, and finally started studying at around 8 pm. I finished my grammar homework, and practiced what I learnt at chemistry class today. That took 3 hours.
Overall I managed to study for 5 hours today. I think that it was a productive day, I achieved all my goals. I hope that I can keep this up!
That was all for today. Good night everyone, and good luck!
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
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It was a Monday morning. Céline was up making breakfast before having to wake up Jace and Kit. And before Rosemary woke up, she wasn't a morning person.
While Céline was cooking she hummed a french lullaby to herself. The same one she sung the boys to sleep with.
She flipped a pancake and let the other side cook, while that was cooking she started a pot of coffee. When she was done with that, she flipped the pancake onto a plate.
“Mama?” said a familiar voice from the kitchen doorway.
Céline turned around. “Hey, honey. Good morning.”
Jace looked at her with a sleepy face that made him.look grumpy. Or maybe he was grumpy this morning.
“Is breakfast ready?” he asked.
“Yup.”  She smiled at him.
She got a plate and put a pancake on it, adding a little maple syrup to it. Jace had already climbed into a chair. He loved food.
“Here you go, buddy.” She kissed the top of his head.
Céline went to cut up strawberries and mangoes. Kit loved strawberries and Jace loved mangoes, it was a must every morning.
“Ma?” another familiar voice called this time.
“Kit,” Céline said. “Good morning, love. You hungry?”
He just nodded and walked over to the chair beside Jace's. He was having trouble getting up, Céline almost went to go help him but Jace got up and did it.
“Here,” he said, and lifted him up a little.
Jace ruffled his hair.
And Céline tried not to cry over how sweet her boys were. She gave Kit pancake that she had cut up for him, then went back to the fruit. Once she was done she put some in small bowls and handed on to Jace and one to Kit.
Rosemary came into the kitchen a few moments after that, she was dressed in a work suit.
“Are you leaving for work already?” Céline asked, one eyebrow raised in confusion.
Rosemary went over and poured coffee into her work thermos then screwed the lid on. "My work called me a bit ago. They need me to come in early to go over a case."
“Oh. Is it urgent?”
“Just the usual." She grabbed a bagel and put cream cheese on it and took a bite. Once she chewed it she spoke again, "I'll be back this evening.”
“You've been working a lot lately,” Céline said, worried. “They aren't giving you too much are they?”
Rosemary shook her head. “Not at all.” Then she winked. “Plus, I'm the best they have.”
That made Céline smile.
“Hey, boys?” Rosemary said.
They both looked at her and smiled.
“When I get back this evening we're gonna play Candy Land,” she grinned.
Jace grinned back at her. “I'll beat you this time, Mom.”
“Never,” Rosemary stuck her tongue out.
“What if I beat you?” Kit asked.
“There's a better chance of that.”
“Hey!” Jace said, narrowing his eyes at Rosemary.
She looked back at him serious.
They all broke into laughter.
This was how most mornings went. And Céline wouldn't trade it for the world.
That evening when Rosemary came home, she and Céline helped boys with their homework. Then they had dinner and had the boys take baths. The four of  them sat on the living room floor now and played candy land.
In the end Rosemary beat them all. She was unbeatable at Candy Land. Jace and Kit tackled her in a hug. And she play fought them off.
Céline watched this go on for about ten minutes before looking at the time. She hated making the boys go to bed, because, well, they were so much fun and she loved them. But they'd both be grumpy without enough sleep.
“All right, my angels,” said Céline. “Time to get ready for bed.”
A little reluctantly they all stopped play wrestling. Jace and Kit went to go brush their teeth. After they were done Jace and Kit hugged each other good-night.
Rosemary went to tuck Kit into bed and Céline went to do the same with Jace,  Céline a d Rosemary switched each night. Tonight Céline had Jace.
He crawled into bed, she pulled the covers up over him. “Which book do you want me to read you tonight?” she asked.
“You pick,” he said.
She decided to go with one about faeries. Which was apparently a good choice, because he enjoyed and fell asleep pretty fast. Or it had bored him to sleep.
She kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, baby,” she whispered, and left the room.
She walked down the hallway to her own bedroom, the one she shared with Rosemary.
She opened the door carefully, I'm case Rosemary was already asleep. It turned out she wasn't. She lay there on the bed, reading, waiting for Céline probably.
“Hey,” she said quietly.
Rosemary looked up. “Heya.”
"Did Kit go to sleep easily?" Céline asked.
“Yup.” Rosemary set her book down. “He was out quick. What about Jace?”
“He went to sleep pretty quick.”
“I bet they played something extreme in gym class today,” Rosemary said.
Céline chuckled, then said. “Aren't you tired? You worked a long day.”
“Baby, I always have energy.” She smirked.  Céline could tell she was fighting off a yawn.
Céline shook her head but smiled fondly. She them went a crawled into bed with the woman she loved.
Rosemary snuggled her and kissed her neck. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Céline turned to kiss her on the mouth.
Then Rosemary spooned her and they fell asleep.
I got inspired to write something.
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious @simply-ellas-stuff @bookfast-at-tiffanys
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acreativeme · 3 years
Family Comes First
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Family Comes First OA x Reader
Y/N rushed around the kitchen, trying to pack her kids lunch as they ate breakfast. She looked over at the stove clock, noticing that it was almost time for her husband to leave for work. She prayed that he would be down in time to see their kids off to school. “Momma, can I get some pretzels for lunch?” Aria, their daughter, asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. Y/N grinned at her daughter. “There is already a pack in both your lunchbox and backpack.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s crazy curls. “Will dad be here to see us off?” Their son,Odion, asked, shoving a strawberry from his fruit salad in his mouth. Y/N went to reply but was cut off by the sound of their front opening and closing. She frowned, watching OA get into his SUV and pull out of the driveway. “I don’t think so, Oddi.” After they finished getting ready for the day in silence, Y/N had opted to take them to school instead of having them take the bus. She noticed the sadness on the kids face, which sparked anger in her heart. Aria and Odion pressed a kiss to her cheek as they hopped out of the car. “Love you, Momma!” they called as they headed towards their friends. “Have a good day!” she replied as the door shut.
She stepped out of the elevator onto her husband’s floor. She had to take a deep breath as she stepped into the bullpen, where it seemed they were working on a case. Jubial was the first to notice her, but reframed from saying anything so as to not interrupt whatever Tech was talking. Maggie was the next to notice her and didn’t hold back her surprise. “Y/N? What are you doing here? Are the kids alright?” Maggie asked, alerting OA to his wife’s presence. He turned and frowned. “What are you doing here?” “Can I talk with you alone, Omar?” Y/N asked, not breaking eye contact with him. Maggie raised her eyebrows at Y/N’s use of OA’s full first name. “Everything okay?” She asked him. He shrugged, whispering to her. “I don’t know.” He led Y/N off towards an empty conference room. “What do you need, Y/N? I am in the middle of a case.” Y/N sighed, trying to remain calm. “You didn’t say goodbye this morning.” He rolled his eyes. “You know that there is a possibility that I would get called out to a case at any moment and can’t always say goodbye.�� “Yes, I know that! But do you want to know who doesn’t know that?!” Her tone was tense, her calm resolve cracking at his lame excuse. “Who?” He asked, irritation evident in his voice. “Our kids! Remember them? Their names are Aria and Odion, if you have forgotten.” She hissed, face turning red as she spoke. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I know our children’s names, Y/N. I am their father.” Y/N threw her hands up, “well, you aren’t acting like it! When was the last time that you had a conversation with our children? Was it before or after Aria took up painting or Odion joined the soccer team? Because they sure can’t remember when you saw them off to school last.” “Painting? Soccer? When did this happen?” He asked, slumping against the wall. “4 months ago.” She whispered, looking down at her ring. “Omar, I think that we should take a break.” He looked up at her, shock on his face. “What are you talking about, a break, we are married?” She slipped the ring off her finger. “You need to find somewhere else to stay for a while. You can come over today while we are out for your things.” He started to hyperventilate, panic filled his chest. “You can’t be serious, Y/N. That is our home, you can’t just kick me out.” She dropped the ring on the table, turning to leave. “It hasn’t been our home for a long time, Omar.”
After she left, Y/N sat in her car for twenty minutes and cried. It broke her heart to say those things to him, but the look on her children’s faces broke it even more. She was tired of seeing them get let down time and time again by him and his broken promises. When she was finished crying, she cleaned herself up and went to the store to buy snacks for after soccer practice. Afterwards, she headed into work for a few hours-- wanting to get her mind off what happened that morning. During this time, she ignored the numerous calls and text messages from both OA and Maggie. She didn’t have time or energy to worry about them as she needed to focus on caring for her children and getting work done. Around 2:30PM, Y/N left work to make her way towards her children’s school-- making sure that she had an afternoon snack for all of them. They had immediately started ranting about what had happened at school that day, which made her smile as it seemed like the events of this morning were long forgotten. They had arrived at the soccer field about an hour before the start of Odion’s practice, so she had them get a head start on their homework as she started editing a new manuscript. She would pause her work to help, whenever one of them had a question or needed help. When they got home from practice, Y/N had sent them up to clean up and finish their homework while she worked on dinner. Neither child asked about their father, noticing that his absence was hurting their mother. Despite her pain, she kept up a brave face as she went through their usual nightly routine. She tucked them into bed and gave them both goodnight kisses, before running herself a hot bath.
...Three Months Later…
Y/N had been throwing up for a couple of weeks, which has only happened one other time and it was when she was pregnant with the twins. She had to wait until after the kids had gotten on the bus, before she could test her theory. There was a part of her hoped that it wasn’t true, but that hope was dashed when the plus sign popped up. She was quick to schedule an appointment with her doctor to get a more official result, silently hoping for a false positive. Four days later, she was sitting in a cafe-- waiting for the only person she could count on to show. She had been ordered for them both, one black coffee with sugar and one peppermint tea. She was picking at a chocolate chip muffin, wanting to both shove it all in her mouth and throw it up from nerves at the same time. “Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?” Maggie asked, taking the empty seat in front of Y/N. Y/N jumped, surprised by her sudden appearance. “Maggie, you scared me.” Maggie raised her eyebrows, not used to Y/N being jumpy. “What’s going on? Are you and the kids alright?” “Yes, we are fine. I just got some life changing news today and I had to share it with someone that I could trust.” Y/N admitted, breaking eye contact with Maggie. Maggie reached across the table to hold her hand. “What’s going on?” Y/N took a deep breath. “I am pregnant… and it is OA’s. My doctor said that I am around 20 weeks along.” A tear ran down her cheek as she admitted to both herself and Maggie what she had been trying to deny. Maggie squeezed her hand, wanting to comfort her friend. “Are you planning on keeping it?” Y/N gasped at her question, releasing her hand. “Of course! Just because me and OA are separated doesn’t mean that I don’t love who we created.” She caressed her slightly swollen stomach. Maggie nodded, happy to know that she was not going to get rid of the baby. “How are you planning to tell OA?” Y/N closed her eyes, trying to control her anxiety and tears. “I don’t know..”
...Two Days Later… The sound of pounding on the front door at 2:30AM, woke Y/N from a dead sleep. She wrapped herself in OA’s abandoned rob, having kept it after he moved out. She grabbed the gun he had bought her after she got her license to carry, which he had her get after they found out they were pregnant with the twins. She had it resting at her side, with her finger off the trigger of course, as she looked through the peephole. Standing there in the pouring rain, was OA. She could tell that something was wrong as he looked like he had been crying. She stepped aside, wanting to get him out of the rain as soon as possible. “What are you doing here, OA?” Y/N asked, moving to grab a towel from their downstairs bathroom. He thanked her as he took it from her. “Maggie told me.” Y/N froze, halfway turned around to head towards the kitchen. “She told you what?” “She told me that you were pregnant.. With my baby.” He replied, sounding surprised with the last part of his statement. She glared at him. “Did you think that it was someone else’s?” She crossed her arms, waiting for his response. “N-no. I am more surprised that you didn’t tell me.” He stuttered. She sighed. “I didn’t know how to tell you, as it was a surprise to me as much as it was to you.” Y/N sat on the arm of the couch. “I wanted to think about how I was going to tell you, as you haven’t really been a big part of our other children’s lives.” He looked down in shame. “I know, and I have been thinking about that. I want to be a better father, and husband as I seem to have been lacking in both departments recently.” She took a step towards him. “Do you promise?” She looked up at him with big eyes. He cautiously wrapped his arms around her. “I promise. Family comes first, no matter what.” She smiled, meeting in the middle to share a kiss. “Okay.”
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massive and small stars
❝ you were a massive star destined to burn for a few hundred thousand years, culminating in an inevitable explosion. kuroo tetsuro was the sun, a small star, bound to give light for several billion years. the difference between the two of you makes you ask him how he manages to keep his light. ❞
pairing. kuroo tetsuro x fem!reader
genre. college au where you and kuroo are apartment neighbors, implied comfort 
word count. 1.7k words
warnings. themes of burnout due to the pandemic
a/n. reblogs are very much appreciated. i’d be happy to hear your thoughts too. 
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You are by no means an astronomer. You are studying to become a physician. You are a hundred and ten percent certain of this fact. But as you lie limp atop your unmade bed, your mind can’t help but ponder on stars, how they are made, and how they die.
The lifetime of stars depends on their size. Massive stars exhaust their energy much faster and are only able to last for a few hundred millennia. Small stars, on the other hand, burn slowly, allowing them to exist for several billion years. 
You have always been told that you were destined to be a star, to burn brighter above everyone else. You are fated for brilliance, they said. All your life, you are convinced by their words.
Entering college, you believe it is your time to shine. Your days in the dust are long gone. All the ashes and gas are finally going to pool together as the enormous celestial body everybody expected you to be. You are finally away from the drama of high school. You’re supposed to be joining organizations, getting good grades, making lots of friends, and living.
You were supposed to be doing all of that. You were finally safely moved into your one-bedroom apartment near a prestigious university in Tokyo, aching for all of it.
Then the pandemic hit. The club fairs turned into online zoom meetings. The good grades turned into just-above-the-passing-rate marks. Those friends turned into monotonous group chats about academic requirements. Living turned into surviving.
You are destined to be a star, they said. Indeed, you feel like a massive star. You expected too much, gathered too many particles from the universe, that you ended up an immense ball of burning gas about to explode in the near future. You are so close to wearing yourself out. You try everything to avoid it.
You turn up the volume of your favorite songs because maybe it will drown the negative voices in your head.
You bathe yourself in sunlight because maybe it will overpower the darkness slowly wrapping itself around you.
You soak yourself under the shower for hours because maybe it will wash away the dread and anxiety.
You laugh humorlessly.
As if.
As much as you were predetermined for greatness, you are designed for destruction as well.
You look at the time. 5:11 PM.
There’s still time before he comes. You can still take a nap. You’ve been a light sleeper for the past few months anyway. You’ll hear him knock.
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The knock comes two hours later, 7:00 PM sharp.
“Good evening,” Kuroo Tetsuro says.
You mimic his greeting weakly.
Kuroo Tetsuro is your university apartment neighbor. You became friends a month into the pandemic, when he came to your rescue after you almost burned down your apartment (you left the stove on while you were in the shower). Since then, the two of you had formed an unusual partnership. He was in-charge of half of the groceries and cooking the main course. You were in-charge of the other half of the groceries and preparing dessert. You took turns with the dishes.
You’re grateful for his companionship. Somehow, being able to interact with another person face-to-face lessens the gravity of the whole situation.
Today, the weight is just a tad bit heavier for you. You barely have the energy to contribute to the dinner table conversation. You just nod along and give a few replies here and there.
After catching his fingers lingering on his phone and after noticing his sensitivity toward notification sounds, you sense that the weight is heavier for him too.
“Expecting a call?” you ask, getting a bite of tonkatsu.
“Hoping for one,” Kuroo answers, picking at his own food.
“She cut the call short again?” Whether it was his mother or his sister, you don’t bother asking. It was always between the two of them anyway.
“Didn’t even bother answering,” he says. That explains it.
You offer him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry.”
He scoffs. “’S not your fault.”
You know that. Still, you wanted to help him.
There was only one thing you can think of at the moment.
“Dessert?” you offer.
His face lights up a bit. “Yes please.”
You give him a small smile and stand up to reach for the newly-bought mochi.
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 The days after, you still feel the looming sense of your inevitable combustion. Exams were still difficult. Readings were still extensive. Social interactions were still monotonously online. Club participation was still nonexistent.
 You turn the volume of your music a little higher. You stay under the sun a little longer. You soak under the shower head a few minutes more.
Yet, you still end up on your bed, drained. Nothing’s changed.
Another thing that hasn’t changed is him.
Seven o’clock sharp, he’s there, knocking on your door (tap, tap-tap-tap, tap-tap—a unique pattern he uses every time). He still cooks you dinner. He still talks to you about his day. You never see the light leave his eyes.
Kuroo Tetsuro was a star by his own right. He was the sun, bright and warm. You are always sure of his presence. You sense the remnants of his radiance the night before in the early morning just as you wake up. You hear the warmth in his boisterous laughter through the thin walls of your apartment. You feel his blazing passion for the sport that he loves when the sound of rubber on skin hits your ears (or sometimes it’s the sound of things getting broken).
Kuroo was the sun, a small star. Small stars don’t go as loudly as massive stars do, and they stay around for much longer. But they still cease to burn once they exhaust their fuel.
You wonder, sometimes, how Kuroo manages to keep his light burning.
There are days that the darkness creeps into his being. You’ve seen it. On days when the knock on your door isn’t as loud and lively, when his hands aren’t as nimble in slicing onions, when his laugh doesn’t ring the right way. And you know that the sun, like massive stars, like all stars, will collapse.
But he doesn’t.
He still calls his mother and sister relentlessly, trying to rekindle what was once there. Despite the social barriers that the pandemic has built, you can hear him still laughing loudly with his friends on video calls. Despite the halt in sports activities, he keeps his love for volleyball burning.
It makes you rethink whether he is a star in the first place. Something as brilliant as he is, who manages to burn bright despite everything, is something out of this world.
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 You ask him one day.
On this particular day, he shows you a meme, “Are medical students who graduated online called google docs?”
You give a skeptical look at the idiot who was hysterically cackling himself to death.
“Why do you laugh at this as if it’s going to solve all of your problems?” you ask him.
The premise is anything but serious. Yet, you feel like he knows what you’re talking about.
Kuroo tries to regain some composure.
“It won’t,” he says, moving a hand across his all-time bedhead. “But hey, at least even with all my problems, I was able to laugh, right?”
You stare at him, as if seeing the sun for the first time in a long while.
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The next day is still loaded with tests and homework. You still feel dumb. You still have no friends and no clubs. You still turn up the music. You still linger under the sunlight a little while longer. Your time in the shower is still a bit lengthier.
This time, you allow these things to make you smile.
Six fifty-nine—you are by the door, waiting.
Tap, tap—
You open the door before he finishes knocking.
“Good evening,” you greet first.
“Good evening,” he says, a bit taken back.
You hum your favorite song as he cooks sanma shio yaki (which you know is his favorite) and talks about his day.
Later, when you are preparing dessert, he asks, “Did anything good happen today?”
You think about it. “Hmm… Nothing in particular. Why?”
“I just… haven’t seen that smile in a while.”
Your fingers stop cutting midway across the strawberry shortcake you bought two hours before.
“Hmm?” You glance at him in your periphery.
“Yeah. It looks pretty.” 
You take a sharp breath in.
You sense him take in his words as well.
You slowly turn your head back. As you expect, Kuroo Tetsurou has his hands scratching the back of his neck, trying to avoid your gaze.
Well, I’m not going to be the uncomfortable one here.
You allow yourself to tease him. “I do look pretty, don’t I?”
He glares at you. “As if!” But you see his ears flush pink.
You return to the strawberry shortcake that you were cutting.
You feel the edges of your lips inching their way closer to your eyes.
It’s been a while since you felt this way—this light. At the back of your mind, there were still essays to write, exams to study for, professors to impress, parents to make proud, and yourself to fix. The problems will never disappear.
And it’s not as if louder music, stronger sunlight, more bath water, and cornier jokes of the guy behind you could solve all of them.
But maybe if they can make you smile despite all the problems, then maybe… maybe you’re going to be okay.
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Whether you are a massive star or whether Kuroo Tetsuro was the sun, you don’t know for sure.
You are by no means an astronomer. You are studying to become a physician. Instead of concerning yourself with celestial bodies, you should be concerning yourself with the human body.
From all the things that you were taught in medical school, this is something you know by heart: humans are made of the same elements as the stars are.
They are the same, yet they are different. Stars burn bright. And borrowing Guy Consolmagno’s words, they will end “either in a bang or in a whimper.”
Humans are different. They can burn unyieldingly without ceasing. Kuroo Tetsuro has proven that to you.
At present, that is all the reassurance that you need.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Mitsuri’s Birthday
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Seven: (Happy Birthday Mitsuri, Free Day)
A/N: Hello, welcome to the last day of my ShinoMitsu Week writings. This has been a fun little challenge for me as I scrambled to get everything done in time. I only finished this last piece last night so, much like with every other piece I did this week, I hope there aren’t too many errors because I’m tired and only skimmed through twice. Anyway, many thanks to those who read along! Lastly, I’d like to apologize to Mitsuri for making her sick on her birthday. At least Shinobu came to help! Word Count: 2,030
Mitsuri’s eyes fluttered against the sunlight filtering through her window, causing her to roll over and sigh with relief when the light no longer reached her. Nothing could make her get out of her warm, soft blankets.
“Wake up, Onee-chan!”
Nothing could get her out of bed, except maybe her eight year old sister jumping on her bed.
“Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” Natsumi cheered as she bounced with abandon.
Mitsuri whined. Her sister did this every morning, special occasion or not, but today the jostling made her feel terrible.
“Natsumi, please be gentle.” Mitsuri coughed. Now that she was actually awake, Mitsuri noticed just how terrible she felt. She felt hot, achy and it hurt just to swallow.
“Mitsuri, honey, you’re going to be late for school if you don’t get ready soon.” she heard her mother call from down the hall.
“Moooom? Onee-chan doesn’t look too good.” Natsumi called, taking note of her big sister’s trembling and sweating form.
“I don’t feel well at all.” Mitsuri moaned. “Why today of all days?”
Their mother came into the girls’ shared room. She felt her eldest daughter’s forehead and tisked, a sympathetic look upon her face.
“Oh honey, you’re burning up. I guess you’ll be staying with me today.”
“But, birthday plans...” Mitsuri rasped, disappointment evident in her tone.
“Another day, sweetheart. Wouldn’t you rather be able to enjoy yourself to the fullest?”
“I guess...”
“Akimitsu?” The mother called and the young boy appeared in the doorway. “Walk Natsumi to her school will you? Your big sister is sick.”
“Okay mom. Get well soon, Onee-san. I’m sorry you’re sick on your birthday.” The polite boy frowned.
“Thank you.” Mitsuri sniffled.
“I’m going to make you some warm, soothing miso. I’ll be back soon.” Mitsuri’s mother smoothed back Mitsuri’s colorful bangs before following her other children out the door before closing it gently behind her.
Mitsuri weakly kicked her blanket to the bottom of her bed, freedom from the now stifling heat brought mere seconds of relief before returning to discomfort.
With difficulty, she heaved herself into a sitting position and peeled off the large sweatshirt she had taken from Shinobu’s the last time she stayed over. She weakly tossed it at the hamper and it barely made it halfway across the floor.
“Aww,” Mitsuri looked down at the tank top she was wearing covered in sweat. She really needed a cool bath. Carefully, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up on shaky legs. Her hips left especially achy with the change in altitude and her vision was swimming as lightheadedness consumed her.
She grasped onto her bedside table and sucked in a few deep breaths before braving the trip across the hall to the bathroom.
As she exited the room, she heard the cries of the twins as her mother worked to console them. Mitsuri would have loved to help her, but she knew she would be no help as she was now. Her mother would likely scold her for being up anyway.
Finally, she made it to the bathroom and stripped. A full bath would have been nice, but she simply didn’t have the energy and instead cooled herself and washed away the sticky sweat with the shower nozzle.
When she was done, she patted herself dry and hobbled back into her room. She had just enough strength to pull on another tank top and a pair of shorts before flipping back into her bed with a frown. At least the sweatshirt had helped keep most of the sweat off of her sheets.
She stared at her ceiling, feeling miserable. The chills were back so she pulled her blanket back up over her body, turning just in time to see her phone blink to life.
She gingerly scooped it up and squinted at the notification, a text from Shinobu. Mitsuri hurriedly unlocked her phone to open their conversation.
‘Where are you? You’re going to be late.’ the text read.
‘I’m sick : (‘ Mitsuri responded, frowning to herself as she realized she wouldn’t be seeing Shinobu today. Maybe she could ask for a facetime after school? This was easily her worst birthday ever.
‘I’m sorry Sunshine, that’s awful. What are your symptoms?’ Shinobu’s next text inquired.
Mitsuri relayed what she felt, selfishly wishing all the while that Shinobu would ditch her classes and sit beside her all day.
It took a little longer for Shinobu to text back, but when she did, the message made her heart soar.
‘Naho-san is working deliveries in the pharmacy today. She’ll be by in about half an hour with medicine and some other helpful items. I’ll come check on you after school. Love you.’
‘Love you too. Thank you, my knight <3 <3 <3’
Mitsuri clicked the screen off and hugged the phone to her chest. She coughed harshly and turned in her bed, eagerly awaiting Shinobu’s arrival later that afternoon.
About twenty minutes later, Mitsuri’s frazzled mother came in with Naho trailing behind her. The young woman waved at Mitsuri as soon as she saw her and she weakly gave one in return.
“Mitsuri, Naho-san from the pharmacy has a care package for you, but I’m sure you already knew she was coming.” Her mother guessed, carefully setting the miso on her daughter’s nightstand.
“Yeah, thank you for coming by Naho-san.”
“You’re welcome, Mitsuri-chan.” the pharmaceuticals student approached, “You do look ill, poor dear. Not to worry though, Kiyo, Sumi and I put together everything you’ll need for a speedy recovery!”
Naho produced a little bottle of medicine and explained to Mitsuri and her mother how much to take and when. Then she got out a little box of throat soothing tea leaves, a cooling peppermint oil for aching joints and a cute little pink elephant plush.
“On behalf of everyone at the Kochou Family Pharmacy, I hope you feel better soon, Mitsuri-chan, happy birthday.” Naho grinned.
“Thank you so much Naho-san. Please give Sumi-san and Kiyo-san my thanks as well.”
“Of course! Bye, Mitsuri-chan, Kanroji-san.”
And with that, Naho left to her next destination. Mitsuri’s mom stayed with Mitsuri a while longer to help her resettle. When Mitsuri fell asleep, she turned off the light and closed the door gently behind her.
Awhile later, Mitsuri began to stir in her sleep, a cough racked her lungs and stabbed at her throat like needles. She would have to ask her mother to make more of that tea. She was starting to feel hot again too. A small whine sounded in the back of her throat and mere moments later cool, smooth skin rested over her forehead.
Slowly, Mitsuri opened her bleary eyes to find Shinobu hovering close over head. Her eyes closed in concentration as her forehead resting against Mitsuri’s.
With a displeased hum, Shinobu straightened and opened her eyes, noticing Mitsuri staring back up at her.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Shinobu blushed faintly, “I was checking your temperature. You’re very warm. I’m going to get you a damp washcloth, I’ll be right back.”
“Wait Shinobu.” Mitsuri said, her voice quieted by her awakening as well as her sore throat.
Shinobu turned back to face her, “Yes?”.
“Hi Sunshine.” Shinobu simpered, turning back to the door to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom.
While Shinobu was away, something caught Mitsuri’s periphery and she turned her head to observe it more clearly. She was cheered by the sight of a lovely bouquet of flowers.
“Do you like them?”
Mitsuri startled a bit as the cool cloth was placed on her forehead, so distracted she hadn’t notice Shinobu come back in.
“Kanae helped me pick them out. She’s more adept at the whole flower language thing. These ones are supposed to represent good health and healing.” Shinobu informed.
“They’re beautiful, thank you.”
“I’m glad you like them. I’ve brought you some other things too.” Shinobu said, reaching for her school bag.
“Oo!” Mitsuri winced as another dry cough stabbed through, “what, what is it?”
“Well, least exciting is that I collected all your homework. Hinatsuru-senpai even made copies of all of her notes for you.”
“Ah, how practical of you two. Forgive me for not being excited by the thought of schoolwork.” Mitsuri groaned, causing Shinobu to laugh.
“I take no offense. Don’t worry, I’ve got something else you might enjoy more,” Shinobu returned her hand to her bag once more, withdrawing a neatly wrapped box, “Happy birthday, Mitsuri.”
“Aw, Shinobu!” Mitsuri squeaked as Shinobu handed her the box.
She gently removed the pretty wrapping paper as she always did, not wanting to tear it. Then she popped open the lid, wiggling once she saw the contents of the gift. If her throat wasn’t so sore, if she wasn’t so sick, she’d be bouncing around her room squeeing and showering Shinobu in kisses.
Inside was a neatly packed container of sakura mochi, a gift card from the Kamado Bakery, a new cook book detailing recipes from around the world and a beautifully crafted butterfly hairpin.
“Shinobu, this is all wonderful. Thank you so much!” Mitsuri couldn’t help but let a few tears slip down her cheeks and she sniffled, “I really wish I could kiss you right now but I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Then you’ll just have to rest and get better soon, won’t you?” Shinobu looked down at Mitsuri warmly. “Do you need anything? More tea perhaps?”
“Yes please.” Mitsuri sighed.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon,” Shinobu said as she turned over the cloth on Mitsuri’s forehead to the cooler side.
“You’re bedside manner is very good, Shinobu, like you’ve been helping sick people all your life and beyond. I’m so lucky.”
“If there’s one thing my family knows, it’s treatment of human health.” Shinobu nodded. “But it helps that you’re such an easy patient.”
Shinobu left the bedroom again and Mitsuri could hear Natsumi talking her ear off before they were too far away to be heard. Mitsuri looked back down at her box to touch the wing of the butterfly pin. She had often told Shinobu how much she liked hers and how cute it was that her sisters wore them too. It felt very special to be gifted one of her own.
Mitsuri ran a finger longing over the mochi, wanting nothing more than to dig right in. She knew she would enjoy them much more when she felt better so she held off. She took the cook book out and set the rest of the box down on the nightstand.
Shinobu returned with the tea, carefully setting it beside the flowers and box.
“Find any interesting recipes you want to try?” She asked.
“Mm, kind of. It’s hard to focus with this headache.” Mitsuri answered, rubbing at her eyes. Then she looked up at Shinobu standing in front of her, her eyes wide and pleading. “Will you read it to me?”
“Okay, put those puppy dog eyes away. I’ll be happy to read to the birthday girl.”
Shinobu walked around the bed and Mitsuri scooted over a bit to make room for her. Shinobu sat with her back against the headboard and smoothed her skirt over before taking the book from Mitsuri’s hands.
“Anywhere you want me to start in particular?” Shinobu asked, watching Mitsuri down her tea.
“The beginning is fine,” Mitsuri breathed, once she finished the cup and set it back down. Then she maneuvered herself to rest her head on Shinobu’s thigh, relaxing further when Shinobu combed her fingers through her fringe, trying to keep the wash cloth in place.
“Very well, recipes from Afghanistan it is. First we have a kidney bean curry recipe, lubya. The ingredients are as follows: coconut oil, coriander, cumin, dried mint, tomato, garlic, onion, broth, kidney beans...” Shinobu carried on, her voice as soft as a light breeze. She had hardly made it to the instructions when Mitsuri began to snore.
Shinobu set the cook book down with care and watched Mitsuri cling to her side. It may not have been the best birthday Mitsuri could have had, but Shinobu was happy she could be there to help her feel better.
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Toddler do over
Summary:  Hi, can you d a shy! reader x dad! Tony where she is in the lab but something goes wrong and gets turned into back into a toddler
Warning: fluff 
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"What the hell happened?" Tony asked as he held his teenage- or now toddler daughter in his arms. 
"Well, you see," Peter began with a laugh, but it was cut short as Tony glared at him "We were in the lab I was doing homework, but she was already done, so she was looking around the lab. She was looking at your latest invention she dropped it, and it went off and... this is what happened. Sorry" 
Tony groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I already told Bruce as he came quickly when he heard the bang. He's working to fix the machine and told me to bring her to you. I don' know what to do. I've never taken care of a kid before-" 
"I'm not letting you take care of my daughter. Don't worry. I've got it from here." Tony said, waving him off.
"I am sorry, Mr. Stark."
"You're fine, kid. It was an accident she's still here she's still alive that's what matters. Here I made you guys so lunch." he said, making Peter take a seat and giving him a sandwich. "Here, Bunny baby, I made your favorite," he said, putting (Y/n) down across from Peter. 
(Y/n) was still in her big girl clothes, or just her big girl shirt at this point, and she has had yet to say anything since turning she did shed a few tears, but besides that, she was pretty silent. It seemed weird to Peter. 
Peter watched as Tony cooed and awed at his little girl stroking her hair and talking her in a childish voice. 
"Hey - what's that?" Steve, Bucky, and Sam stopped in their tracks as they spotted the young toddler sitting at the table.
"(Y/n)There was an accident in the lab. She's a toddler now." Peter said nonchalantly as if it wasn't weird. 
"How long is this...?" Bucky motioned to the child Tony glared at him. 
"Until Bruce's fixes it." 
"That's okay. We'll have fun until Bruce fixes you", Tony said as he kissed her forehead and picked her up. "Let's go get you some new clothes. Something cute." he then whispered her away. 
Tony was very eager to spend time with his toddler daughter. He was ashamed to admit it, but Tony wasn't very present at the beginning of (Y/n) life. She arrived on his doorstep at the age of three. At first, he didn't believe her to his, but when it was proven he was still cautious of her, it took him a couple of weeks before he genuinely started acknowledging her and trying to get to know her. Tony blamed his lack of parenting back then on the fact he was still reeling in from his drug use and alcohol problem, which didn't make it any better. Also, something else he'd never tell anyone it took him two months at having her before he kicked his bad habit. 
Tony was eager to replace those horrible or nonexistent memories with something new and beautiful. - "Wh-what???" Pepper was very shocked and just absolutely stunned and confused at sight in front of her. Tony had a camera in taking pictures of Peter, who was on the floor with a toddler on his lap, wearing matching outfits. 
"Hey," Tony said, not even looking at her continuing to take pictures. 
"Hi," Peter said, using the little toddler's hand to wave at her. 
"What is this? What's going on? who's baby is this?" 
"This is a photoshoot, We're taking pictures in cute outfits, and that's my pretty baby (Y/n). She's so cute." Tony listed off as he cooed at her getting her to smile. 
"there was an accident in the lab. Don't worry, and Bruce is working to fix it." Peter said, trying to reassure her, he could see the panic in her eyes. 
"Oh, and-and why aren't you helping him." 
Tony finally looks up" It's okay, he's got this. What do you expect me to do to leave my angel with those animals? I think not." he scoffed and went back to take pictures. 
"She is cute," Pepper said as she too began to coo and make (Y/n) smile. "Why are we having this photoshoot." 
"I realized I don't have many pictures of (Y/n) as a baby. I want to make up for the lost time. I want to do it better. I want to be a better dad".
"Oh Tony"
"Alright, outfit change." 
"And diaper change," Peter said with a sink face. 
- "aren't they adorable," Tony whispered to Pepper. Peter was sleeping on the couch and (Y/n) was sleeping soundly on his chest, both wearing matching Iron Man Pajamas. Peter had got permission for his aunt to spend the night.
The day had been very eventful with a toddler (Y/n). They did a photoshoot, finger painting, playing outside, snacks, hide and seek, superhero, etc. They spent the day running (Y/n) out of energy, and after dinner and bath time she, and Peter, were out like a light. 
"yeah," Pepper said, kissing Tony on his forehead. "(Y/n) was always a cute baby. Bet Peter was too" 
"I'm going to have to get May to get me some baby Peter. That will be something to see." 
"Come on, let's go to bed."
"What about the kids? Shouldn't we put them to bed?" Tony was hesitant to leave looking back at the children. 
"They're fine." 
"What if he rolls over what if she falls off?"
"With the sea of pillows put on the floor, she will be found. He won't let her get hurt. She's safe. They are safe. Come to bed." Pepper said, pushing him out of the living room. 
"Alright, just hold on" going back into the living room, he kissed both (Y/n) and Peter good night. Pepper smiled as she watched the little bit of fatherly affection. "You're a good father, you know." 
"Today I was," he said as he pulled Pepper into his chest "I hope she remembers this when she's back to normal... I wish it were like this in the beginning." "Maybe it can."
Tony stopped looking at her, confused. She just smiled as she gently rubbed her stomach.
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plxtokid · 3 years
summer rain - zutara oneshot
Pairing: Zuko x Katara (Zutara)
Rating: General Audience
Word Count: 1.6k
Prompt: “Try again.”
Author’s Note: Hello again! School has been kicking my ass recently but no homework today so I got to edit this oneshot which I’ve been neglecting for far too long (thank you @refulgentart for helping my dumbass edit ily). I don’t normally touch ATLA in terms of writing, but I saw this really rad piece of art by the amazing @elithien (which you can find here) that inspired me to try it out :) You can find the link for the ao3 version of this here (please go and throw some kudos at it if you’d like <3). Please enjoy!
requests open, notes appreciated :) thanks for sticking around!
Hand-to-hand combat was the fucking worst, and Zuko grinned knowing that was exactly what Katara was thinking. In retrospect, she knew it was so much easier to channel your energy into something like water, graceful, flowing, gentle yet powerful; than to use just the power available to you. In this case, the power available to her was her small, not particularly muscular limbs. Her thin fingers were not built to fight, just to dance with the water.
This is probably why Zuko looked like he was having such a good time. In the early twilight next to the small campfire they had set up, his body was one with the flickering of the shadows, tall and imposing as they wavered on the trunks of the tall evergreens. Fire was force. Fire was brutal and unforgiving and a promise; the eternal promise of power. There was a reason they were originally so opposed to each other- she went to sleep every night remembering that crystal cave, both of them bathed in the soft blue glow of the walls. As if it was just them, sitting at the bottom of a still ocean. The world was so vast, and they clung to each other the way snow stuck to her clothes. Despite everything that followed, she didn't think they ever let go. But she felt different now, Zuko had redeemed himself in every way that was available to him, and then every way that wasn't. She watched as he constantly sought out ways to make her life better. The last few years following the end of his father’s reign he spent rebuilding his country and fixing their friendship, both with a gentle hand the late Fire Lord Ozai was never capable of. The way he looked at her like he did after she told him about her mother, she saw it in his gaze every day. 
“Katara, you okay?” She snapped out of whatever haze she was in, looking back at Zuko who relaxed his stance. They were practicing turning kicks, but all she could do was think about the way he looked at her. She let out a sharp breath in an attempt to snap herself out of whatever place her mind was at. This wasn't productive for either of them, she tried to push off her embarrassment, getting into stance. 
“Sorry, I’m ready,” she stated firmly. He nodded with a small and forgiving smile and got into a defense stance.
“He never used to smile like that.” She kicked, turning her foot out as she raised her other leg up and swung forward towards his arms. She knew it was a bad one before she even followed through on the motion. 
“Try again, this time use your right arm to propel you forward.” He gave her a small nod of encouragement and she tried again. This time her foot met its target, but still pretty sloppy. She was so used to being loose and open. This art of fighting was all tight and close, she wasn't familiar with being so close to herself. The arms guarding her chest missed the mindless dance of limbs and water, she felt more like a rock in a stream. He got out of stance and took a few steps toward her, positioning himself behind her. She tried not to react as he put one hand on her arm and another on her waist. His hands were similar to hers, fire and water both came from long, thin fingers. But his hands had seen battle, fire drew his calloused fingers and palms, yet he held her as if she was glass.
“Keep your shoulders down and your left arm close,” He pulled her arm closer in towards the two of them, blocking her chest area. “If you’re using your other arm to add force, be ready to bring it up-” he guided her arm up, “out,” as he pushed her arm out with his right hand, she could feel his breath on her ear, “and back towards you to protect yourself.” When he brought her arm back towards her chest, he paused. They lingered there for a moment. Stood with his hand on her waist and his other arm wrapped around her torso.  She could have burst into Summer rain if he held her a second longer, but he let go, the heat of his hand on her arm and waist dissipated. She didn’t know if she wanted that feeling to stay. He took a few steps back and got into position.
“Try again.” His eyes never left hers. She nodded and gave him a small smile, and he looked as if he was trying not to smile back as she pushed all of her energy into her right side and kicked into his arms. The impact seemed to make a slight echo, the sound of their connection bounced off the trees and was lost in the ambiance of the grasshoppers and wind. But it was there, she still felt it in her core, whatever this feeling was. 
Katara tried again. And she tried again. It may have been an hour of her kicking, Zuko giving feedback and her adjusting a little bit, hoping her muscles would remember this the way she could remember the water. Eventually when the night caught up to them, with shallow breath and tired muscles, the two sat against the fallen log that laid next to the fire as they ate. After eating in silence for a while, Katara paused. “How…” she trailed off. She didn’t understand how to phrase the question in a way that a fire bender would understand. He looked over at her with curious intent, and she almost could bear his gaze, she still felt the outline of his hand on her waist. 
“How do you remember? With water, it’s how I grew up, how I lived, spoke, fought, loved-” she caught herself, realizing how far this question went. “Fire is all you know, it’s what you were taught, it’s the society you lived in, it shows in how you live and interact with people,” she looked over at him to see if he understood. He nodded, understanding and pushing her to continue. “When it is just fighting, with no elements involved, how do you remember something that hasn't been a part of you your whole life?” She looked over at him, but not in his eyes. She would do anything to avoid his eyes in that moment, an attempt to ignore the feeling of him studying her. But he nodded, and looked into the endless forest that surrounded them. She could see him thinking over the question, the way one evaluates a battle strategy. He nodded to himself and scooted over closer to her. She tried to ignore her heart, now banging on the front of her chest like a trapped animal.  
“Knowing and feeling are different, you and I know that more than everyone,” she nodded, understanding but not knowing where he would lead his advice. “When you know something, it’s shallow. There might be effort, but it will always only be half of what you are capable of until you can feel it. It’s the same way you feel when you look back on memories, or think about someone you love or hate.” Zuko stopped and looked over at her, but wouldn’t look at her in the eyes. She knew the void expression, the eyes of someone who held the weight of death in their hands and should have let go of it long ago. The way a child in war only remembers the pain they caused because it was all they knew. That child was Zuko, and she tried to restrain herself, knowing he still blames himself for the death of her mother. “When you remember fighting, it isn’t like learning at school. Remember the kicks and the punches like they are a feeling, one that constantly fills you and follows you. It can be bad or good, but it’s a feeling that you can call on whenever, and it’ll be there for you.” She looked at him, taking in his words and their underlying emotions as he looked down at the forest floor, mindlessly weaving the grass between his fingers. 
“I understand,” she said, almost but not quite a whisper, barely heard over the lull of the wind. She sat on his left side, towards his scar. To him, she knew it was painful. Katara saw where he drew his fight and his flame from. But she saw it differently. To her, his scar was a promise to be better, a promise to both of them she remembered every day. She leaned forward, tracing the bottom of the scar around his cheek. Almost to her surprise, she felt as he leaned into her touch, and she regretted the day she asked him to remove it, a reminder of how much they had grown since they were kids, stuck in a war that wasn't theirs to fight. 
“Thank you,” she said, leaning forward and holding the other side of his face as she lightly kissed the area next to his eye. The smell of smoke and pine lingered around him, and she took as much of it in as she could. Her lips lingered, and the heat of his skin on her lips made her almost giddy. He smiled, his hand finding hers and giving it a small squeeze. The midnight sky glimmered through the trees, and Katara gazed up. The feeling of this, of now, forever imprinted in her.
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Day to day
The two weeks had passed and now Keigo was totally healthy! So healthy that he had a LOT  of energy.
"Yes ma'am..." as he was about to pick the toys that were scattered on the living room you stopped him by putting your hand on top of his head.
"I know that you had helped those people with your feathers by accident, but do you think you can use them now to put the toys away?" you lightly petted his head as he looked up at you and nodded.
He does as he was told, Keigo finishes putting everything away much faster than he normally would. "Isn't illegal to use my quirk without a license?"
"First we are on a closed environment, second, you are being watched by me, a person that has a license, and Third the commission will protect you within reason."
"Oh!... I didn't know that"
You nod and pet his head again before going to the kitchen to prepare for lunch. As you walk to the kitchen you hear his small footsteps following you. "Young master, did you finish your homework?"
"Yes, about half an hour ago"
"What about that book that I recommended to you?"
"It was cool... OH! Now that I can read better will we read that book again?" his wings were fluttering and flapping lightly showing his enthusiasm.
"Sorry young master, it seems that I have misplaced my book, so we won't be able to read it until I find it" You finally get to the kitchen and starts to cook right away.
"Oh... okay" Keigo sit on the chair and watches you walking around while you prepare some light food.
"Young man, tomorrow morning I will take you to where you will train, It will be very hard at the beginning, but it will get easier as time goes on. Every day you will train for about 6 hours, and as you get older it will increase as you will be able to do more stuff... but tomorrow you will train from morning till dawn." He nods at your words.
"But what if I want to come home earlier the other days?"
You look at him and then stops to think for a bit "Then you have to do all the exercises and all the tests faster than the time the coach will give you."
"Is that hard to do?"
"It depends on the person, I think you not only have an incredible quirk, but also have an awesome mind... I think you can do it" You smile at him as you put a sandwich on the table, with a cookie and some orange juice for him.
"You really think that I can nee-san!?" His eyes were shining with hope.
"I know so, you shouldn't doubt yourself" you sat down, and he sat next to you.
You knew that he would be fine since it was the first day, Keigo now was a healthy and happy young master, you teach him the basic and his brain took in all the information really quickly, the small things you asked him for help made him feel useful, but it wasn't because you couldn't do it or couldn't reach it, but it was because you were "warming him up" since the training will be severe after the first week.
"NEE-SAAAAAN!" you woke up from your daydreaming and looked at him surprised. "I finished... are you okay?" he tilted his head.
You smiled at him and petted his head "Sorry, I'm a little tired, but I will be okay"
"Can we watch a movie?" he said while getting up and putting his plate on the sink with his feathers.
"Nope, you got to take a nap now" you started to wash the dishes, but when you looked at him, he was pouting.
"I don' wanna" he crossed his arms.
'Oh... my god... SO. CUTE!!!' You finished the dishes and picked him up "How about we nap on my bed this time?"
His eyes light up, and he nodded happily "Yes, please! It's been sooooooooo long since I went there!!!" he threw his head back dramatically
You chuckled and went to the laundry room, where your hidden door was. "It's been three days, you drama queen!"
"Three days is too long!" you threw him on the bed, where he bounced a little and glared at you. "I'm gonna make you pay for this!" he got up on the bed and started jumping while saying the usual empty threats.
"Oh yeah? So you will have to give your all! Because this woman is one of the bests on the commission!" you made a pose and opened your arms, making claws gesture with your hands while going in his direction "I AM GOING TO HAVE BABY BIRD FOR DINNER!!!"
He screeches and tries to get out of your range, but fails and is quickly captured. "Release me you beast! If you eat me now I can't become a hero!"
"Another reason for me to eat you! Since... HEROES TASTE BAD AND LIL BIRDS ARE DELICIOUS!" you start to blow raspberry all over his face making him giggle and laugh.
"STOP!" he said between laughs.
You stop after some time and lay down on the bed while holding him close. "Let's nap together Kei"
He yawns and nods, getting comfortable on your arms. "Night mom"
You freeze for a minute and then relax, petting his hair "Good dreams baby bird" you kiss the crown of his head and close your eyes, tomorrow will be a long day.
As you predicted, the next day was a long and tortuously slow day, you had woken Keigo up from his bed, helped him dress and took care of the breakfast, gave him some warnings about the training that he would be doing and took him to the commission's gym. Then you came back to the house, cleaned everything and made preparations for dinner, organized the next subjects to Keigo's next class that will be tomorrow morning.
Today was a different day, were the young master was going to train on the hole day, he won't be having any other type of activity, since he will probably just want to take a bath, eat and sleep, but it was fine, you would be there for him.
When Keigo was brought home unconscious and on someone's arms you were alarmed, it was easy to think that something serious would have happened, but you knew that if something like that had occurred, he wouldn't be home, he would be on the hospital, a place where you wish that he never have to go to, but you know that it's a futile wish, since you know very well that pro heroes get hurt all the time.
"Oh my god! What happened!?" You got him on your arms, he was burning.
"He used his quirk too much, and now has a fever, he possibly won't be able to do anything tomorrow, so cancel all his activities"
You nodded and closed the door, his clothes were rags right now, he also had some cut and his skin was lightly burned on some places, nothing serious of course, but enough to make your heart ache from seeing him in pain.
And so you took care of the poor unconscious boy.
Giving him a bath with lukewarm water, them successfully woke him up just so he could eat something and take his remedy.
"My head hurts mommy" he said while panting.
"I know sweetie, hold on a little longer, the remedy will soon do its job." you hummed and rocked him lightly while walking to his room.
"I- *puff* *puff* I don't want to be alone!" he grabbed your shirt tightly
You held his hand and smiled at him "Don't worry, I have no other place to go, I will always stay by your side"
You gently put him on his bed and laid down by his side.
He snuggled next to you, and you covered him with the blanket 'he needs to sweat a lot...'
You keep yourself awake all night to take care of him, keeping a wet towel on his forehead at all times.
In the middle of the night he barfed which ended up all over himself, which made him cry and ask for forgiveness, it took quite some time to get him to calm down, when he did calm down you gave him another bath and feed him something light, you were glad that his fever went down.
"I want you to focus on getting better okay?" he nodded to you while you put him on the now clean bed.
You sing a lullaby while massaging his stomach.
Hush little baby Cuca is coming to get you, Papa went to the fields, mama went to work.
Black-faced ox, Come grab this child Who is scared of grimaces.
Bogeyman Get off the roof Let this child sleep peacefully.
This time he sleeps peacefully the hole night, but you still keep yourself from sleeping, since you wanted to be sure that he was fine.
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crystalrose555 · 3 years
Slap me, I dare you! pt. 3
My Asks are open :)
 “Marley, hey, are you ok?” Luke called out as he waved his hand in front of her face.
“Ah, sorry Luke, I’m fine, really.” She answered softly with a smile.
“You don’t seem like it.” Luke frowned as leaned against her.
She knew that the young angel was right, if she was alright, she would have trapped those arrogant demons in a block of ice. Instead, she froze up at the sight of demonic flames, cowering like a common animal. The last half hour barely registered as she sat in the emptied Hell’s Kitchen with Luke by her side. She took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly, centering herself once more. However, she didn’t have a moment to regain her composure as Simeon and Solomon ran into the cafeteria.
“Luke, where have you been?” Simeon asked as Luke ran to his embrace and hugged him tightly.
Solomon sniffed the air for a moment.
“Why do I smell ash with a dash of sulfur? What were you doing with demonic flames, Luke?” He claimed while crossing his arms.
“Umm, we may have gotten into a fight with a bunch of demons.” Luke claimed nervously.
Luke twitched as he sensed Simeon’s anger radiating from his standard smile.
“So, where are they?” He asked pleasantly.
“I have no idea, Beel dragged them off somewhere.” Luke answered as he tried to calm his companion.
Marley took a deep breath before standing up from her seat.
“It was my fault, I let it get too far. I’m sorry for getting Luke involved, Simeon.”
Simeon’s angered expression remained, causing Luke to jump in once more.
“It’s not Marley’s fault! They wanted her fur and I jumped in on my own. Right, Marley?” Luke confessed.
Marley folded and rubbed her arms before offering a small smile.
“Yeah, I would’ve been in real trouble if he didn’t. Luke’s my hero.” She ended with an earnest grin.
Simeon’s hardened expression softened upon looking at Marley’s shrunken demeanor. He turned his attention back to Luke and gave him an approving gaze.
“I’m proud of you, Luke, but in the future, make sure you call someone before things get out of hand, alright?” He asked with a smile.
Luke gave a compliant nod to Simeon while Marley looked away from the corner of her eyes. Seeing this, Solomon scratched the back of his head and motioned to get Simeon’s attention. After sharing a moment of eye contact, Simeon patted Luke on the shoulder.
“Luke, how about we go get Marley something to drink? I’m not sure if I’ve gotten a handle of that vending machine yet.” He asked.
With a nod, an enthusiastic Luke let his mentor out of the room, leaving Marley and Solomon on their own. 
“So, do you want to talk about it?” Solomon offered as he stood closer to the sadden woman.
“We just did, I got cornered by a bunch of demons and almost got Luke hurt, remember?” She claimed sharply.
“You know what I’m talking about. Come on, it’s just you and me, so let’s talk honestly.”
Marley paused to let the sorcerer's words sink in. 
“...I never thought in a million years that I would back down like I did.”
“So what made you do it then?”
Marley tightened her grip as she rubbed her arms up and down.
“...He was going to burn me and because of me, he was going to burn Luke. I’m so ashamed of myself.”
Solomon closed the distance between him and the shaken Marley.
“You shouldn’t be ashamed, you were afraid. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about showing fear in a stressful situation.” Solomon responded as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
However, Marley pulled away sharply while freezing the air and chapping his hand slightly.
“Showing fear is a death sentence!” She cracked out in a surprising shill voice, her eyes tearing up.
The quiet of the room continued as Marley trembled in front of the sorcerer. The nearby window began to frost over as she sniffled to herself. Icicles began to form and hang from the chairs and tables while the room took on a blue hue.
“...I’ve never frozen up before, I’ve never trembled before. Why do I only feel this here?” She asked quietly as tears threatened to freeze on her cheeks along with everything in Hell’s Kitchen.
Solomon bit his tongue and pulled Marley into a tight embrace. Instinctively, Marley burrowed into Solomon’s chest while squeezing herself as tightly as possible. She let her frustration out as the temperature nose-dived and coated the floor around them in a layer of ice and frost.
“Y-Yeah?” She sniffled out.
“C-can you turn d-down the ice a b-bit?” Solomon chattered out as his breath froze into a white cloud.
Marley looked up to see the trembling man whose complexion was starting to match his hair. Despite freezing in his boots, Solomon kept his friendly smile that vibrated with the chattering of his teeth. 
“Not yet, magic man.” She managed to chuckle out from her own sniffling.
“C-come on, it’s f-freezing and I only have t-this jacket.”
“No.” She giggled.
“M-Marley, please...” He whined.
“Solomon, that coffee was for Marley, not you!” Luke protested with a huff as Solomon snatched the cup from him.
“It’s alright, Luke, he needs it more than she does right now.” Simeon chuckled under his breath.
“I’m glad that turning into a popsicle can entertain so many people.” he sulked as he sipped the coffee gingerly.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Marley smiled widely with tired eyes.
Luke looked around the room to see the ice Marley made evaporating to nothing and tilted his head in response as Simeon joined him.
“Wow, not even a drop of water from all that ice. How can it just disappear like that?” Luke asked.
“It’s because it’s made without the use of a catalyst.” Simeon answered.
“And the sheer volume and quality of ice is a sign of powerful casting. I’ve been meaning to ask, who's your teacher, Marley?” Solomon asked between sips of his drink.
Marley scratched the back of her head, her fingers gathering her fluffy hair in her grip.
“He’s more of a father than anything else. Vali Unn took care of me and tried to keep me out of trouble. So he gave me this really old tome to keep me busy so I wouldn’t scamper off. And before I knew it, I could do what he does but-.” 
She then turned her gaze to the defrosting cafeteria with a slightly concerned look.
“-I wasn’t able to do something this severe so quickly before I came to Devildom.”
“So, you’re saying your casting became more powerful? Did you make a pact the last time you were here?” 
Marley squinted her eyes at the sorcerer with an unsure gaze.
“Umm, what’s a pact?” She asked, scratching her neck.
Solomon sighed.
“And that answered my question. Looks like you are going to need extra lessons, Marley.”
“Wait, just because I don’t know what a pact is, you’re going to give me homework? Who are you, Lucifer?” She protested.
“Well, if you want to get a better handle on your new level of power, then this is the best option. I teach you what I know and in return, you can tell me more about selkies and yourself. Sounds fair, Mochi?~” Solomon teased in between his cold-induced sniffles.
Marley crossed her arms in annoyance.
“I take it that you got a pact thing with Asmo based on how you’re twisting my arm.”
“Good conclusion, but I’m afraid this is all me~” Solomon smiled.
Marley groaned as she dragged her feet down the empty hallway. She managed to talk a great deal to her purgatory hall pals but it didn’t keep them from going to their next class. Alone again, she wandered and wandered, wondering to herself what to do next. She folded her arms and looked out the window, staring at the courtyard garden bathed in the moonlight. 
“Maybe I should just go home again.” She sighed to herself.
“Please don’t leave.”
Before Marley could react, she was lifted and held in a tight embrace. She struggled with the vice and turned with a growl in her throat and fire in her eyes. However, the flame softened upon seeing the sixth born looking pitiful at her.
“I took care of those demons that attacked you. So please don’t run away from us.” Beel whimpered softly.
Marley’s eyes widened before softening to a pitied gaze. With a few grunts, she twisted herself in Beel’s hug so she could look at his face. However, he refused to make eye contact, his eyelids trembled while holding back his emotions. 
“Run away? Beel, don’t be silly. I didn’t run away, I went home. I’m not some lost puppy you guys found, you know?” Marley chuckled as she gently stroked his cheek, easing his sniffling.
“I know but after everything that happened...and Belphie...”
“...Beel, is that why I haven’t seen you two since Lucifer dragged me back here?”
Beel remained silent as his shoulders slumped downward.
“...I’m not going to lie to you, Belphie isn’t exactly on my best friend list after what happened. But I can bring myself to hate him completely.”
“But you do hate me.” Belphie answered as he appeared from the corner of their eyes.
He mirrored Beel and looked away sorrowfully since he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes. The hall grew colder and colder as the twins sucked out the warmth with their melancholy and guilt. Marley, on the other hand, gave a huff before wiggling to turn in Belphie’s direction.
“Listen, I’ve already had two emotional moments today and I don’t have the energy for another one. So I’m going to be blunt about this.”
Belphie twitched hard as Beel turned his gaze to his brother.
“Belphie, you’re not the first person to try and kill me and I doubt you’ll be the last. You’re definitely the first person to set me on fire and I have to admit that shook me to the core. I nearly lost my pelt and nerve, both of which I hold very dear to me.”
“But I’m trying to understand all of this. My new pelt, new feelings and my new connection with all of you. I haven’t forgotten what Lilith means to everyone, especially to you two. So, let’s take things one step at a time.”
“So, Belphie, thank you for saving me and Luke. Thanks to both of you.”
Belphie gave a small smile before erasing it from his face upon hearing Marley’s deep sigh.
“But I take it that it wasn’t enough.” Belphie claimed quietly.
“Listen, cowboy, that’s not how I keep score, but, trust me, we’re gonna have a talk about all of this. Especially since something’s not adding up.”
“Like what?”
Marley folded her arms while still being held up by a slightly nervous Beel.
“Well for starters, Luke and I were attacked at the beginning of classes. So, Belphie, what were you doing at the time?”
“I was taking a nap, so I was skipping my class.”
“Uh huh, then it was awfully convenient that you would come right when we needed you the most.”
“I guess I was just lucky.”
“Especially considering that RAD is so huge and at that point Luke and I didn’t scream for help. And you managed to show right when the fireball showed up. Lucky huh?” Marley huffed out with her nostrils flaring.
Belphie turned his gaze away from the calculating sealskin.
“And not to mention how convenient it was that Beel so happened to pop up right when you were going to get into a fight. I mean what are the chances, huh boys?” Marley claimed loudly as she turned her gaze to a reluctant Beel.
The twins remained silent as they felt the judging gaze of the stout woman being held in the air like a stuffed animal. Despite her small stature, Marley’s glare seemed to pierce with a heavy yet familiar weight. The seconds of silence ticked away like hours before Marley sighed once more.
“Judging from that nice bit of silence, I take it you two planned that little stunt. I doubt you would have a bunch of demons to attack me so my guess is you were both tailing me until you can swoop in and save me. Am I right, boys?”
The twins’ faces wrinkled, worried that all their efforts only pushed her away instead of earning her forgiveness, and unfortunately their worries worsened as Marley nearly exploded in laughter. Marley tried to keep her serious face but deep down she was trying to hold back her laughter. There she was with ancient demons, among the most powerful demons in Devildom and human history, who had the same planning prowess of a bunch of grade schoolers. They froze in place as Marley tried to contain her humor with a series of stifles and snorts. 
“M-Marley?” Beel whimpered out while Belphie refused to look directly at her.
“Ok, ok, I’m good now.” She snorted out while trying to calm herself down.
Marley just motioned for a nervous Belphie to come closer only for her to lock him in a headlock.
“H-Hey, are you trying to kill me!?” He protested in a panic.
“Quit crying, cowboy! I’m in a good mood!” She giggled with glee.
“So you’re not mad at us?” Beel asked.
“How can I be mad right now? You two prove that some things never change. No matter where you are, twins will always be plotting some sort of mischief.” She blurted out with a snort, thinking about her own twins back at home.
Regardless of her context, Belphie and Beel found themselves at ease finally as they became loose and relaxed in her warmth. The three embraced tenderly as their breathing synced up in the silence. However, Marley still had a question on her mind.
“Yes, Marley?”
“You didn’t eat those guys after you dragged them away, did you?”
“No, they didn’t look tasty, so I took them to Lucifer’s office.”
“...Yeeeeaaah, you probably should have just ate them.” She whispered quietly, slightly pitying her former assailants.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Scott has sixteen grey hairs in his fringe and about twice that on either side.
Virgil knew this because he had counted them three times now.
He let his head drop back over the back of the sofa and sighed.
Scott had fallen asleep beside him an hour ago, too damned stubborn to go to bed. Virgil had suspected this would happen, so had stayed up beside him while sending the rest of his brothers to bed.
Grandma had squeezed his shoulder as she left. He knew she was concerned, but he valued her trust in him.
Virgil knew how to look after his older brother.
Even if it required a butt numbing wait.
The movie had been an old one they had seen many times before. Virgil had planned it that way in yet another attempt to get his brother to fall asleep.
And he had. Just not in his bed.
Scott slumped over, obviously fighting his own body’s needs, until his head dropped against Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil held ever so still. Scott sleeping anywhere other than his rooms was rare and the few times he did manage to collapse at their father’s desk amongst all the Tracy Industries holograms, he had been alone in the room…only to wake immediately once Virgil or one of their other brothers went looking.
Scott’s sleep was fragile and precious, and Virgil was willing to do anything to protect it.
So when his brother started snoring softly into Virgil’s flannel shirt, he kept as still and quiet as possible.
Eventually, Virgil got daring and gently manoeuvred Scott millimetre by millimetre until his head was resting on a cushion in his lap. For a moment there, he thought he had blown it, but his brother snuffled and curled up against him and dropped into a deeper sleep.
And so started his vigil.
Virgil didn’t mind. He had his tablet and a backlog of both engineering and art periodicals to wade through, but his attention kept being drawn back to his brother.
The plaster on Scott’s forehead was ever so white against tanned skin. It highlighted the grey in his tousled mess of hair.
Virgil found himself counting and listing an event to blame for each of them.
He ran out of hairs before he ran out of events.
He didn’t dare brush his fingers through Scott’s hair. Didn’t trust his brother’s sleep was robust enough. So Virgil settled for cupping his head gently with one hand, barely touching him, but meeting his own need to connect nonetheless.
Scott was so young.
Commander, president, leader…awake he exuded so much energy and determination. The man was never still, always moving, possessing a vitality that kept this family alive.
But here, asleep, face slack, all Virgil could see was that big brother from so long ago, before everything happened, before life changed and hurt them so many times over. Before burdens bowed his big brother down under so much weight.
Back when they sat and did their homework together, Mom throwing out answers to questions while she tackled their younger brothers into the bath. Back when Virgil would sit out in the fields and draw, Scott hanging out with him despite the fact he couldn’t sit still. Eventually admitting that he just wanted to spend time with him.
Virgil had a sketchbook somewhere full of his brothers, and amongst those drawings were ones done out in those fields. His happy, smiling and smirking big brother.
Before the burdens.
Virgil couldn’t help himself. He touched one of the grey hairs, brushing it between his fingers.
Scott murmured in his sleep and frowned.
He snatched his hand away and his brother settled again.
Today had been another near miss, but Scott was safe, only a few scratches and bruises to show for it.
Virgil, of course, had more nightmare material, but then that library was so vast already, it would be shoved in with the rest and barely noticed.
But sitting here, looking down at his sleeping brother, he couldn’t help but try to think of ways to remove some of those burdens from Scott’s shoulders.
They all took on their fair share. Virgil and John in particular took everything they could to help Scott. But still there were nights where Virgil had to drag the man away from his desk.
And he always protested. Why was everyone more important than Scott Tracy?
Virgil rested a hand on his brother’s arm.
Why did he need to give so much? Even now, the idiot refused to go to bed despite his exhaustion.
So stubborn.
Scott breathed ever so softly against red flannel.
Well, he was asleep now and Virgil had nothing better to do. His butt was already numb, but it was just part of the deal of being a brother to this…
Great man.
Another sigh.
The things he would do for the idiots he loved.
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AHHHHH YOU ALWAYS KILL IT W SONG REQUESTS (as you do w everything else you write bc it’s all gold). may i pls ask for only memories remain by my morning jacket w cal if you could 🥺
Hi, love! Thanks for your patience while I finished up some schoolwork before I got this request!
CW/TW: Mentions of Death. 
Calum grunts as he pushes up off the floor, hands pressed into the mattress to help assist him. It’s less his back and more of his knees that are not pleased with him. But he does this every so often, kneels on the floor on your side of the bed and digs out that shoebox full of pictures, your engagement band. He made sure that you kept the wedding ring itself. He wanted you to take that with you. 
He should probably stop calling it your side of the bed--your scent hasn’t grazed that pillow in nearly three years. The nightstand is missing your mug in the mornings and your glasses that you always forgot where you put them down. Even if you did remember to hook them around your neck, the second you pulled the glasses down you’d forget instantly where you put them. And Calum wouldn’t be laughing at that, but sometimes he’s not sure how you got around in the world. You always told him glasses weren’t important; they were replaceable if you somehow managed to lose them for good. The only things you didn’t forget were the important things. 
And it’s true. You remembered birthdays, anniversaries, just how the kids liked their plates arranged when they were younger and how a kiss to the back of Calum’s neck would always make his shiver spine. You remembered all the quirks to the dogs and you’d remembered songs from decades ago like they were still new to the radio. 
Settling onto the edge of the bed, Calum pulls up the top to box and right on top is the letter you wrote to him while he was on tour, all those years ago. He had saved it, doing his best to preserve it in your handwriting but he had typed up and saved another draft of it, so he’d never forget it. 
 Dear Calum, 
You might think I’m crazy. But I can hear the laughter in the walls--the sound of you laughing at all my purposefully bad dance moves and I can hear the kisses you give to top of Duke’s head. And I know the house is empty except for me and Duke. I know you are miles away. I know you are dazzling thousands every night. But if only they could hear what I hear in the walls. Your bass occasionally thumping the pictures frames and the shrieks when we fail at some new recipe and resign to take out. If only they could hear, the sound of you when you’re murmuring gently in your sleep or the snores that keep me up some nights. If only they could hear the whispers we don’t want to give power too, the anxiety that sometimes build, but knowing that the two of us can confide in each other. 
If only I could capture what I hear just below that too, and send that to you as well. If only I had a way to let you hear what I hear. If I could tell you sometimes I hear a baby’s laughter, or the bickering of sibling. If only I could tell you about the years I hear waiting for us in this house, maybe other one--a place bigger for the dogs and kids. I can hear the splash of our pool with kids from the neighborhood. 
I don’t know if you hear that too in the house when I’ve gone for a conference or even if you imagine it when I’m just in the next room. I know I do with you. Even if you’re just outside with your trainer, I can hear the house whispering for more. And I could totally be projecting on some poor house, that doesn’t ever have wants or desires, just an existence that which is it content with, but there is something happening, something that I want to let you know about. It hasn’t been easy for ys, but it’s always been worth it. I know our options around children may be a little tough, but I think it’ll be worth it. 
I could easily call you, I could easily text you all things. But, no, I must write it down, as some way of working through my own thoughts. I hope I don’t sound crazy. 
Though I can hear it now, you tsking at me with a shake of your head and a single raised digit--I am never crazy, just always thinking. Just always working through the thoughts that run faster than me. 
I hope you’re well. I hope the tour’s going well and you’re sleeping good at night. Have you tried that lavender like I told you about? Duke’s well, in case you’re wondering. He did well at his checkup today, just sleeping a lot still. Vet says it’s normal for a dog his age. But when he does get a good burst of energy he’s happy to trot around the backyard or around the block. He’s still eating well, so don’t fret about that. Your old man’s still kicking it. He told me to tell you, he’s not going down anytime soon. He’s just taking it easy. 
The weather is LA is turning for a bit. We’ve had some clouds for the last few days. But it’s been nice. You’d be displeased, needing that sun. But soon, you’ll be back home--see your mom and dad and be able to get that Australian sun. 
Love you, Calum. To the ends of the earth, back again, and beyond. 
Yours truly, 
Dearly Beloved. 
He’s not sure when calling you his dearly beloved became a thing. You’d remember. You’d remember to the exact date, time, and happenings. But Calum can’t seem to remember that kind of stuff. He just remembers watching you run after the kids as they shrieked about bath time and how you like kisses right on the back of your ears. 
It’s a strange thing, to remember that, remember all the times he could sneak up behind you to kiss the back of your ear and watch you jump in the shock contrasted to the way you felt cool in his hands as he turned your head one last time to kiss the beloved spot and the way dead weight is actually much heavier, the way it took so much more effort to place your head back upright than it ever took to gently cup your chin and instantly you’d turn to him, with a smile on your face. 
Calum places the letter to the side and finds your favorite old t-shirt--it was hardly a t-shirt anymore. The hole in the armpit was spreading just a little but it held the name of your old university and you wore it for everything from weeding the garden to painting the bedrooms, to gutting the kitchen during the remodel. 
Calum bought exact matching t-shirts and made small decor pillows for the kids, sprayed your signature scent onto them so they could sleep easier at night. But they still curled up in bed with him, hugging their pillows, faces buried into the pillows on your side of the bed. He’d rather them take the last of your scent--he’s happier that they got those moments. 
“Pops, I don’t understand this math question,” Trey states poking his head into the bedroom. 
Calum snaps his attention up from the box and nods. “Coming. Algebra, right?”
“Yeah,” he nods, leaning into the molding. It’s crazy to look at him now, how he’s almost surpassed Calum in height. At fifteen, Calum thought he’d surely still have a few inches maybe a foot over him. Calum remembers when Trey found out he had officially been adopted but the two of you. He was six and cried more than Calum or you did--though the margin was probably still pretty close. It couldn’t have been nine years already. 
“Do-do you have their glasses?” Trey asks quietly. “Today’s been hard. And I feel silly with a pillow in my lap as I do homework.”
Calum walks over, box in hand. “I kept a lot of their smaller things. Whatever you need--it’s always in this box.”
Trey pulls your glasses from the pile, noticing other letters and pictures scattered about in the box. He spies the college t-shirt but just next to it is a picture of you and Trey. He’s in your lap, giant headphones over his ears. “Is that from the first show I went too of yours?”
Calum only briefly catches a glance at the photo before Trey’s fully plucked it from the box. “I think so.”
Trey immediately places the glasses back into the box but holds onto the picture. “Thanks.”
“Of course.”
“So, do you happen to remember anything from Algebra?”
Calum laughs at the tease and put the box down on the dresser before following behind Trey to the living room. Brandy sits at the coffee table, her stack of color pages and pencils spread out. Calum did his best to keep her doing art. It was hard after you first died.  But slowly over the years, she’s gotten back into it. “You all good?” 
She nods. “All good in the Hood.” She got the phrase from you and here Calum was, with Brandy at ten, and he was sure she would never let the phrase die. 
Calum stops just for a moment to kiss the top of her head and then carries on to the dinning room table. “Okay, so I know I’m not a math whizz like them. But your old man still knows a thing or two about a thing or two,” he returns to Trey’e earlier quip. “Now let’s see what new math magic they have you all working in.”
Trey laughs, slipping the tiny photo of him into the back of his phone case so it shows out to the world. “You calling it magic does not make me feel better.”
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
the best medicine
Cady is very worried. It’s almost noon and Janis still hasn’t answered her good morning message. She’s trying to calm herself; Janis is renowned for being a late sleeper, especially on weekends. But she wasn’t in school yesterday, and they haven’t spoken or even texted since Thursday night. Something must be wrong.
She decides to start doing some math homework to distract herself from her anxiety, pulling out her textbook and grabbing a pencil from the cup on her desk. She’s working on her fifth problem when her phone finally pings.
Jellybean: good morning butterfly
Jellybean: sorry it took me so long to answer i’ve been asleep all day
Caddy Cakes: It’s fine, darling. Are you okay??
Jellybean: i’m not great
Caddy Cakes: What’s wrong?? :(((
Jellybean: i’m sick. that’s why i didn’t come in yesterday 📷
Jellybean: doc says it’s strep. had to get swabbed
Caddy Cakes: Oh no, poor Jellybean 📷
Caddy Cakes: How long have you been taking antibiotics?
Jellybean: uh since yesterday morning i think ?? why ?
Caddy Cakes: If you’ve been taking them for more than 24 hours you’re not contagious anymore. Do you want me to come take care of you?
Jellybean: u don’t have to do that babes. i’m all gross rn
Caddy Cakes: I don’t care, lovey. I picked up lion crap as my daily chore for eight years, I can handle a sick girlfriend. I wanna take care of you 🥺
Jellybean: if u really want to, cads. my mom and jules are out of town, there’s a key under the ceramic frog in the garden
Caddy Cakes: I’ll be there in fifteen 📷️mwah! 📷
Cady puts down her pencil and closes her book, heading downstairs and grabbing everything she might need to help her sick girl. Two different painkillers, the recipe for the super-awesome-cure-all-wonder soup her family always makes whenever illness hits, some medicinal African herbs to make tea with, and some soothing lozenges for sore throats. That should be everything.
Once she grabs her phone, jacket, and charger, she takes her bike from the garage, since her parents took the car to some convention thing. She texts them to let them know where she’s going and heads out.
She’s so distracted worrying about Janis she doesn’t even notice where she is until she arrives at Janis’ place, hiding her bike around the side of the house and taking the key from the frog.
She heads up to Janis’ bedroom, finding her in the dark, huddled under several blankets, and with Pancakes resting protectively at the foot of her bed. Janis looks half-dead, her skin is pale and flushed pink with the fever, and her eyes are glassy and fogged over. She’s clammy and burning hot to the touch, and clearly in a great deal of pain.
“Oh, mpenzi,” Cady breathes. “My poor love. How long have you been feeling so bad?”
“It hit me on Thursday when I went to bed. I woke up yesterday and my throat felt like it had shards of glass in it,” Janis croaks out a whisper.
“You poor thing,” Cady strokes a hand through her sweaty hair, Janis leaning into her cool touch. “Have you taken your antibiotics yet today?”
Janis shakes her head. “Haven’t had enough energy to get water,” she explains.
“Shh, Jellybean, don’t try to talk, you’ll just hurt yourself more. I’m guessing you haven’t had breakfast either?” Janis shakes her head again, wincing at the mere idea of swallowing anything. “I know, darling, but you still need to eat. I’ll make something that won’t hurt too bad, okay? I’ll be right back.” She tucks Janis in a little tighter and heads down to the kitchen.
The Sarkisians don’t have a lot in their fridge, but enough that Cady can scrape up a decent breakfast. She makes some quick scrambled eggs and grabs a banana, those are both healthy and easy to swallow. Pancakes hasn’t been fed either, so she fills his bowl with some food for him to find before she fills a cup with cold water and heads back up to her love.
Janis is now lying on top of all of her covers, the fever changing her temperature every minute. “Here, mpendwa. The other pills are just ibuprofen, it’ll bring your fever down and help with the pain,” Cady says as she pours out one of Janis’ antibiotic pills and some painkillers.
Janis swallows everything obediently, grimacing at the sensation in her throat when they go down. “My poor sickie,” Cady says sadly, handing Janis the plate of breakfast. She must be totally miserable, she would usually protest absolutely everything happening. Janis hates feeling useless. “Can I draw you a bath, Jellybean? It might help your temperature. It’d make you feel less gross, too.”
Janis nods happily, excited at the idea of a comforting soak. She takes a small bite of her eggs, wincing again as she swallows. Cady kisses her burning forehead gently and heads to the bathroom, spying a bottle of lavender bubble bath. She turns the tap, filling the tub with lukewarm water. If it’s too hot, Janis’ temperature will go too high, but if it’s too cold it will just be uncomfortable for her. She uses entirely too much bubble soap, causing a large wall of foam to rise above the water level. Oh well, Janis loves lavender anyway.
Janis is just finishing her meal as Cady heads back to her bedroom, nibbling slowly at her banana. “It’s ready whenever you are, Jay. Do you want me to stay with you or wait in here?” Janis points to herself. “Okay. Has the medicine started working yet?”
Janis nods, standing slowly and throwing her banana peel away. She tries to walk over to where Cady is waiting by the door, but her knees buckle just before she can make it. Cady lunges to catch her before she hits the ground, pulling her back upright again. “Hate this,” Janis grumbles weakly.
“I know, my love. You’ll feel better once those antibiotics actually start working, I promise. Um, I put in a little too much soap,” Cady mutters once she’s managed to half-drag Janis to the bathroom. Janis chuckles weakly at the tower of bubbles, slowly stripping off her clothes and stepping in.
Cady scoops some of the foam and rests it on top of Janis’ head, giving her a bubble hat. “You’re so cute,” she teases. Janis just huffs, pouting and crossing her arms under the water. “Yes, I know, you’re my tough punk protector. But you’re also adorable.”
Janis shoots her a look that says “I can live with that, but I’m not happy about it.”
“Let me go grab you a towel and some clothes to change into and then I’ll wash your hair, I know you love that. Try not to drown,” Cady jokes, heading back towards Janis’ room. She folds back the blankets to allow the sheets to air before she grabs some comfy shorts and fuzzy socks, a thin tank top, and a hoodie to go over it from her dresser.
She bursts out laughing when she comes back, finding her girlfriend with the bubbles still on top of her head sunk down into the tub so that only her eyes and nose peek out from the mound of foam. “Alright, sit up for me, lovely.”
Janis emerges from the bubbles slowly, as Cady lathers her hands up with Janis’ signature apple shampoo. Once she starts massaging it into Janis’ dark roots, her eyes flutter shut and she gives a contented purr. “You’re just like Pancakes. You both love having your heads scratched.”
“He doesn’t like baths,” Janis says quietly. “And he’s a little bitch.”
“Janis! He’s your son, don’t be mean. He was guarding you when I got here,” Cady chides jokingly.
“He bit my toes! I was napping!” Janis insists hoarsely.
“Okay, that was mean of him. Look up and close your eyes,” Cady says, tipping her chin up and scooping water to rinse the soap out of her hair. Janis gives a pleased shudder at the warmth cascading over her head.
She goes for the conditioner next, squeezing out a little more than she needs and warming it in her hands before stroking it through the blonde ends of her girlfriend’s hair. She works it up from the bottom slowly, the excess giving her a reason to massage Janis’ scalp again. Anything to make her feel a little better.
Once that’s done, Janis lowers herself back into the cooling water, exhausted just from holding herself upright for so long. Cady gives her a moment to rest, telling her some stories of things she missed during school the day before.
“Did you know the way the football team hazes new people is with a taser?” Cady asks, prompting Janis to pop an eye open curiously. “One of the guys who sits next to me in sociology was talking about it. One of the other seniors has one and they tase all the freshmen on the ass when they first join the team.”
They both start giggling at that, Janis in particular getting a vindictive joy imagining the same jocks who used to shove her in lockers getting their asses shocked.
“And obviously your natural instinct is to move away from it, and he said the guy with the taser just kind of follows them with it,” Cady says, making them both laugh harder. “Like, they keep leaning or running away and he just goes with them.”
“That’s great,” Janis whispers. She pauses and then says, “I’m cold.”
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Cady asks. “Or do you want to get out?”
Janis nodded at the first bit and points to her once she finishes speaking. All she really wants is to be held. Cady goes quickly to fetch another towel for herself, coming back and taking her clothes off. She ties her hair up so it won’t get wet and slides into the tub behind her.
“Ooh, it is cold in here now,” Cady says quickly, adding just a touch more hot water to boost the temperature back up. Janis leans back against her and turns her head to tuck her face into her neck, inhaling her comforting scent of rosewater perfume. “Is this better?”
Janis just nods, trying to relax and ignore the burning in her throat. “Another story?” she whispers quietly, glad she’s so close to her girlfriend’s ear and doesn’t have to strain her voice.
“Sure, Jellybean. Let me think... did I ever tell you about the time a lion broke into my tent?” Cady asks, running her fingers through Janis’ wet hair and gently separating a few tangles. Janis shakes her head. “I was nine, I think. Some new cubs had just been born on the reserve and I got to help with the newborns every now and again. One got really attached to me, followed me everywhere like a little puppy. She was kind of the closest I could get to a pet.”
Janis looks very interested in the story. She always does, she loves Cady’s Kenya tales.
“Anyway, one night I was asleep and I remember being a lot warmer than usual, like I had an extra blanket or something, and I couldn’t move as much in my cot. I woke up in the morning cuddling this baby lion. She’d managed to hook the zipper on one of her teeth to get the flap open and just plopped herself right in my arms. I was lucky her mom didn’t eat me. They’re very protective, but she was just laying outside waiting for the cub,” Cady giggles at the memory.
“That’s cute. What was her name?” Janis whispers.
“Louise. My dad named them. They were supposed to be named Lewis and Clark because they were the first ones that would be living in a new area of the reserve, like the first explorers. But they turned out to both be female, so we called them Louise and Clarke instead,” Cady says. “I miss them. I think those two were my favorite.”
“You’ll have to introduce me someday,” Janis mumbles sleepily. “Can we get out now please? I’m cold again.”
“Okay, Jay. Here,” Cady hands her the cushy towel and pulls the drain in the tub, helping her to stand. “Your clothes are here.”
She dries herself off quickly and tugs her old clothes back on, Janis trudging through her aches and fatigue to dry herself and pull on her clean clothes. Once she manages, Cady leads them back to the bedroom, preemptively taking a hold of her girlfriend so she doesn’t fall over again.
“Do you want lunch, Jayjay?” Cady asks, wrapping a towel around Janis’ head so her hair doesn’t get her clothes wet. Janis shakes her head, popping one of the lozenges Cady brought into her mouth before flopping back down on her bed. “Nothing? You have mac and cheese.”
Janis pokes her head up at that, apparently having reconsidered. She hadn’t eaten at all yesterday, so she’s actually quite hungry, despite the pain in her throat. “Okay, take your temperature while I’m gone. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Pancakes follows her back to the kitchen, and Cady gives him one of his ‘diet’ treats and some pets for helping to take care of Janis. “Good boy. But stop biting Janis’ toes, you little perv. She’s sick.”
She decides to make the tea with the herbs she brought to go with their lunch. Janis isn’t a big fan of tea unless it’s super fruity, so she adds a lot of milk and sugar to the mug to cover some of the earthy flavor. She also adds honey, having to psych herself into grabbing the bottle and squeezing the sticky stuff into the mug, grimacing at the goo on the bottle and washing her hands quickly afterwards.
Janis was apparently waiting for her the whole time she was cooking, lying on her bed watching the door with her sad brown eyes. “I love you,” she croaks when Cady comes back in.
“I love you too, my bluejay. What was your temperature?” Cady hands her the warm bowl and rests the mug on her nightstand. Janis shows her the thermometer, the little screen glowing yellow and showing 99.0. “It’s gone down a little, the bath must have helped.”
Janis reaches for the mug, taking a cautious sip of the warm tea.
“Good?” Cady asks, coming to sit behind her with a hairbrush and some hair ties. Janis nods.
“You put honey in it?” She whispers, sounding a bit pained. “Good job.” Cady struggles with certain textures to the point of nearly fearing them, honey being the worst. Imagining touching honey gives her almost the same reaction as imagining watching someone break a bone.
“I did. You owe me for that,” Cady teases jokingly, gently brushing out Janis’ damp hair and twisting it back into two Dutch braids, slightly challenged by her side shave but managing regardless. “Now your hair will be all curly like mine.”
Janis touches one of the braids, playing with the elastic at the bottom. She points to her desk, where Cady sees a notebook resting. She goes to grab it and a pen; Janis’ throat must be hurting too much to speak again.
“When did you learn how to braid like this?” Janis writes.
“I did it a lot in Kenya, and Damian helped me practice and taught me new stuff. He lets me practice on a wig he has. It’s fun,” Cady explains. Janis gives a nod of understanding. Cady realizes something after a second. “Hey, do you want to learn some more sign language? Now is kind of a perfect time.”
Another nod. “Okay, write down something you need or want and I’ll show you the sign for it.”
Janis writes, “Snuggles?” and blinks at her hopefully.
“Aww. Of course, mpenzi. That looks like this, by the way,” Cady says, making a sort of peace sign with her first two fingers bent back, resting it on the back of her other hand. Janis copies the motion, raising an eyebrow curiously. “Yeah, just bend your wrist back a little more. There! Okay, you can take some more medicine and come here.”
Janis swallows a few tylenol with what’s left of her tea before letting Cady pull her in. Cady lies on her back, pulling Janis to rest on top of her with her head on her shoulder and face tucked into her neck. “Comfy?”
Janis nods. “Will you read to me?” She mumbles shyly.
“Sure, my love. Which one?”
Janis leans over to grab Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children from her nightstand before cuddling back into her. Cady kicks the blanket up over them with her feet, tugging it tightly around her girlfriend’s shoulders as she opens the book.
“I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen.” Cady reads, Janis listening intently even though she’s read it several times before.
Cady kisses her still-warm forehead gently before continuing. By the time Jacob winds up in Wales, Janis’ breathing evens out and she can hear a faint whistling sound with every breath. She dog-ears the page (knowing that Janis is very pro-dog earing) and continues reading silently to herself as she eats her own lunch; it’s an interesting story. Once the light from the setting sun just barely starts stealing in through the window, Cady decides to get started making the soup.
She very delicately shifts Janis off of her and tucks her in again, Janis grumbling crankily in her sleep for a second at the removal of cuddles. Cady leans in and pecks her nose before she goes, giggling quietly as it crinkles like a bunny’s.
She pads down to the kitchen quietly to work on the soup, tiptoeing so as not to wake Janis. The Heron’s super-awesome-cure-all-wonder soup is actually just chicken noodle soup, but a really delicious homemade variety with some extra spices. Cady is lucky Juliana likes to cook, they have everything she needs except the chicken and vegetables.
She decides to check with Damian first, he lives closer than the grocery store is and she doesn’t want to leave Janis alone for too long.
africabytoto: Hey Damian, do you happen to have any chicken and carrots and celery at your place? Janis is sick and I wanna make her some soup 📷 all she has is dino nuggets and frozen peas
sashafierce: Aww poor Jan
sashafierce: Let me check. What did she catch?
africabytoto: Strep throat. She’s miserable, I hate to see her like this 📷
sashafierce: She got strep all the time when we were kids, she hasn’t had it in a while. Poor thing :(
sashafierce: You’re in luck little slice, we do indeed have your poultry and veggies
africabytoto: Oh yay thank you!!!!!! I’ll be over soon, I just need to write her a note in case she wakes up
sashafierce: Sounds good :))))
Cady scrawls “Went to grab some ingredients for your dinner, be back soon. Text if you need anything, love C xx” on a post it note and sticks it to Janis’ bedside table, kissing her forehead gently. She feels a little cooler now, so the medicine must have finally kicked in again.
She grabs her bike from and heads over to Damian’s house, finding him waiting for her on the porch with a bag of goodies. He stands from his chair when he sees her, coming to wrap her in a hug.
“How is she?”
“She’ll be okay. She’s really weak right now and still in a lot of pain, but she should be feeling a lot better by tomorrow,” Cady answers, peeking into the bag. Ooh, ice cream.
“Poor Jan. She got strep all the time when we were little. Turns out she just had giant tonsils, she had them removed the day after her mom finally took her to a specialist in second grade. She hasn’t gotten it since, until now,” Damian explains, letting Cady go.
“I hate seeing her like this. She’s so tired and weak. But she is extra cuddly today, that’s been nice,” Cady says sadly.
“She always is when she’s sick. The only thing that makes her feel any better is being held, and then she pretends like it never happened once she’s better. She has to ‘maintain her image’.” Damian says, doing air quotes at the end.
“Sounds like her,” Cady giggles. Janis’ punk image was checked at the door when they got together, but she still clings to it desperately. “I should get back before too much longer. Thank you for this, I owe you one.”
“No you don’t, just tell her I said to get better and give her a hug for me. See you on Monday, Cads.” Damian says as he hugs her one more time and hands her the bag, heading back into his house.
Once Cady has pedaled back to Janis’ house, she heads up to her bedroom to check if she’s woken up yet.
Turns out she hasn’t, but she’s tossed her covers away and is spooning poor Pancakes, who looks like he’s just barely tolerating the affection. Cady goes to give him some scritches when she spots the tip of his tail flicking in annoyance, trying to coax him to stay.
She pecks Janis on the forehead again, frowning at the heat she feels. She scraps the note she wrote now that she’s returned, writing a new one explaining that she’s downstairs if Janis wakes up and needs something.
She decides to do the dishes first, scrubbing out the plates and cups as well as the pan and pot she’s used so far today. She probably should have done it earlier, but Janis needed her more.
Once that’s handled, she starts prepping the chicken and veggies, cutting the vegetables into bite-sized chunks and seasoning everything with the various spices. It’s designed to have enough flavor to taste even through a stuffy nose, so it takes a lot of seasoning.
She seasons the chicken broth as well, adding in the noodles and vegetables to boil. Pancakes comes trotting down the stairs once she puts the chicken into a pan to start cooking, licking his fur back into place after Janis’ rather aggressive cuddle session.
“Hi Pancakes, did Janis finally let you go?” Cady asks, checking the time on the microwave. “It’s your dinner time, too, let’s get you fed. Not that you need it, chunky.”
She picks up his bowl and scoops some of his food out of the can, giggling as he brushes against her legs and purrs very loudly. “I’m going as fast as I can, calm down.”
He dives in once she puts his bowl back down, munching happily on his salmon and turkey paté. Gross.
Cady cuts up the now-cooked chicken into small chunks, adding it to the pot and giving everything a stir. Pancakes hops up on the counter next to the stove once he’s finished his meal, sniffing curiously at the steam coming from the pot.
“Get down, young man. You had your dinner, this is for Janis,” Cady scolds jokingly, scooping him off the counter and back onto the ground. “I’d give you some, but the spices aren’t good for your tummy.”
She ladles the soup into two bowls once it’s finished, cleaning the dishes she used right away since Janis is still asleep. She finds a tray in one of the cabinets, grabbing it so she doesn’t have to carry  everything up in her hands.
The soup is warm, so Cady gets some apple juice from the fridge so Janis can have something cold to go with it. She makes extra sure that Pancakes isn’t around her feet before picking the tray up and heading back up to her girlfriend.
Janis is still asleep, on her back now and shivering slightly. Cady frowns, resting the tray on her dresser and heading to wake her. She brushes her thumb against Janis’ cheek gently, leaning down to kiss her forehead a few times. Janis’ eyes flutter open at the attention, and she gives a pained sigh.
“Hi, lovey. How are you feeling?” Cady asks gently, handing her the thermometer to check her fever. Janis gives her the saddest look and a thumbs down, obediently sticking the thermometer under her tongue. “Worse than earlier?”
Janis nods as the thermometer beeps, pulling it out as it blinks red at her. 102 degrees. Cady frowns at it before shutting it off and putting it back on Janis’ nightstand.
“I made you soup, it’s my family’s secret recipe,” Cady says quietly, as Janis seems to be showing signs of a headache. Janis perks up slightly at the mention of soup, looking around for it. Cady goes to grab the tray, settling in next to her and taking her own bowl.
“This is good. I’ve never had homemade soup,” Janis whispers hoarsely.
Janis shakes her head. “I always got the canned stuff.”
“Well now you have me. I’ll make you soup whenever you need it,” Cady says, leaning over to peck Janis’ forehead. “You should take your hoodie off. You’re burning up, my love.”
“I’m freezing,” Janis responds in her notebook, having leaned over to grab it off the nightstand.
“Freezing looks like this, in sign,” Cady says, holding both hands out in front of her and curling her fingers slightly at the knuckles. “The soup will help warm you up, you’re going to cook yourself if you keep your shirt on.”
Janis pouts but pulls it off, being careful not to knock her bowl. Cady finishes hers and leaves to go get a cool cloth. It’s still too early for Janis to have another dose of medicine, so she’ll have to bring her temperature down a bit the old fashioned way.
Janis has finished her dinner by the time she comes back, sipping carefully at the juice and wincing slightly with every swallow. She perks up when she sees Cady come back, finishing off the glass and resting it back on the tray.
Janis does the sign for snuggles again, blinking sadly at her. Damian did say it’s practically all that helps.
“Let me go clean these dishes, and then I’ll come back and cuddle you, I promise. Rest this on the back of your neck,” Cady says, handing her the damp cloth. Janis takes it and stands, the soup having given her just enough strength to get herself to the bathroom.
Cady takes everything back down and rushes through scrubbing them clean, leaving them to dry in the rack instead of doing it by hand before hurrying back upstairs. Janis has returned by then, looking so small curled up under her blankets.
Cady crawls in next to her, and Janis shifts to sit on her lap and cuddle into her shoulder. Cady rubs her slightly sweaty back gently, leaning down to kiss her cheek and adjust the cloth on her neck.
They sit there for a while in peaceful silence, until Cady feels tears soak into her shirt and hears a quiet sniffle. “Oh, Jellybean, what’s wrong?” She asks sadly, holding her girl closer.
“Don’t feel good. Hurts,” Janis whines hoarsely, letting out a whimper of pain. Janis cries a fair amount, but almost never from physical pain. She must be feeling miserable.
“Oh, mpendwa, I’m sorry. I wish I could do more for you,” Cady says sadly. “My poor love.”
“Medicine?” Janis asks quietly with another whimper.
“You can’t take any more yet, it’s not safe. Just a little longer,” Cady tries to comfort gently. Janis chokes out a sob at finding out she can’t take anything more yet, and has to continue dealing with the pain on her own.
“Please?” She begs.
“I’m sorry, Jellybean. You’ll get sicker if you take more. Shh, lovey, you’ll make yourself feel worse if you cry, shh.” Cady squeezes her tighter, rubbing her back again. “Damian gave me some ice cream for you when I went to get the stuff to make your soup, would that help?”
“What kind?” Janis asks tearfully.
“That really good caramel stuff you like,” Cady answers, wiping her tears gently. “Do you want me to go get it?”
Janis thinks for a second, wanting the ice cream to help her pain but not wanting her Caddy to go. She nods after a minute, scooting off her lap with a sniffle. “Hurry back?” She whispers, blinking her watery brown eyes pitifully at Cady.
“Always, my love. I’ll be right back,” Cady insists, kissing her red cheeks gently and leaving again.
True to her word, she comes rushing back in no more than forty-five seconds later, brandishing a pint of non-dairy ice cream and a spoon. She sits down again, pulling Janis back into her lap and opening the frozen treat. Desperate to do what little she can to help her girlfriend, Cady scoops some onto the spoon and holds it in front of Janis’ lips.
A testament to her illness, Janis accepts the spoon feeding without complaint. “You’re really feeling sick, hm? You almost never let me feed you,” Cady says, getting her another bite.
Janis just nods and nuzzles into her, opening her mouth again. She’s exhausted, it’s nice not having to exert herself. They continue this for a while, until about a quarter of the pint is gone and Janis puts the lid back on it gently.
“Did the cold help at all?” Cady asks, adjusting her grip on her as she leans to put the ice cream down. Janis nods and holds up her fingers in a pinch sign, signaling that it helped a little. “Good.”
Janis shuts her eyes and tries to rest as best she can, held securely in her girlfriend’s arms. Cady starts rubbing her back again and gently humming a lullaby, something Janis doesn’t quite recognize. She just cuddles in closer, nuzzling into Cady’s neck. She can’t quite fall asleep because her throat and head hurt so badly, but she gets close and rests there quietly for a while.
Cady kisses her forehead softly after about a half hour, telling her she can have more medicine now. She heads to fill up a glass with water and put the ice cream back in the freezer, handing Janis another dose of ibuprofen and another of her antibiotic pills once she comes back. Janis takes them thankfully, immediately swallowing them all down.
“I’m amazed you can swallow those with a throat infection, they’re absolutely massive,” Cady says, shocked at the size of the antibiotics. “I never understood that. Surely they should be small and easy for people to take.”
Janis nods her agreement, huddling under her blankets in a desperate search for warmth. “Stay over?” She asks pitifully.
“If you want, my love. Let me tell my parents and borrow some pjs,” Cady says, texting her parents that Janis is still very sick and needs her to stay, before grabbing a large t-shirt and some thin lounge pants from Janis’ dresser and changing quickly. She comes back once that’s done, pulling Janis back against her chest and kissing her forehead. “Get some rest, Bluejay. You should feel better tomorrow.”
Janis falls asleep once the medicine kicks in, held safely in Cady’s arms.
When Cady wakes up the next morning, Janis is already looking much better. Her temperature is almost normal and she’s gotten some color back. She’d woken up a few times in the night, needing more medicine for her pain before falling quickly back asleep, but it seems to have done its job well.
Janis’ brown doe eyes blink open after a few minutes, the fogginess cleared and the beautiful shine back. She grins upon seeing Cady looking at her, stretching and giving a yawn. “Hi.” Janis says, sounding much less hoarse and pained.
“Hi,” Cady responds, kissing her nose softly. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. Still not totally back, but better,” Janis says softly, protecting her recently returned voice.
“Good. I missed your smile,” Cady says. “I liked the extra cuddles though. That was the only good part.”
Janis chuckles. “Thank you for taking care of me. I know I’m annoying when I’m sick. I get so clingy. Whiny.”
“Love, you were absolutely miserable yesterday, you’re allowed to be clingy and whiny. I liked taking care of you, I just didn’t like seeing you hurt so badly,” Cady chides gently.
“I love you,” Janis cuddles back into her, kissing the spot on her chest she can reach. “You’re the best medicine.”
“I love you too. I’ll always be around to take care of you.”
thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. please let me know what you thought!
first request fill is coming next week!
lots of love,
18 notes · View notes
ceratonia-siliqua · 3 years
Peter’s Bad Day
It was a very bad day.
It started bad and got worse from there. He accidentally slept in, and woke to find Bucky had already gone to work, and Peter had missed kissing him goodbye and sneaking one of his signature Post-It notes into the man’s lunch. Just a few words he’d scribble down as Bucky would get ready to leave, something sappy but straight from the heart, usually accompanied by a corny drawing of a heart (or more often, several). He liked to tuck them into Bucky’s lunchbox between his sandwich and plum pudding for the man to find halfway through his break.
Having slept in, Peter was dangerously close to running late for his first class of the day. He didn’t have time to shower and could tell right away that he accidentally used way too much deodorant to compensate. The chemical smell made his eyes burn and left him coughing as he ran from the only bathroom in their shoebox apartment. He didn’t have time to run all the way to the subway, so he was forced to call for a cab to get to campus, which was always painfully expensive. Bucky made good money working for Mr. Stark, but still. Peter was frugal, it was one of the reasons their 1-bedroom place was so small.
The cab driver was unnerving and intense, an old, balding white man who made derogatory comments about the women they passed on the street and left Peter feeling uneasy and argumentative. He didn’t feel safe not tipping the man though, so he begrudgingly handed over all the cash in his wallet and got out. As thanks, the cab sped off, its back tires spinning in place in the muddy puddle beside the curb, drenching Peter in filthy water and street debris. He could swore he saw the man laughing in the rear-view mirror as he drove away.
School didn’t give him any breaks. He had somehow managed to leave his laptop (and all his homework) on the night table beside their bed, earning himself late marks on two huge assignments for two separate classes (his puppy dog eyes weren’t enough to save him, not today). He forgot to grab his lunch from the fridge, and after handing all his cash to the crabby cab driver, didn’t have any left to buy a new one at the cafeteria or campus Starbucks, leaving him hungry and irate. He could use the emergency credit card Bucky gave him, but he didn’t want to spend anymore unnecessary money on today.
He had trouble concentrating all day, and walked out of his last class feeling like the whole day had been a complete waste of time, mental energy and money. He was tired, dirty, hungry, frustrated and sad by the time he got home, and all he wanted to do was run himself a hot bath and have a good old fashioned cry, preferably while stuffing his face with a hot, heaping plate of mac and cheese.
But Bucky, his wonderful, incredible, sometimes overbearing other half, took one look at Peter as he came through the door and somehow just knew.
“Aww, sweetheart. Bad day?”
Peter was ashamed that that was all it took to make him burst into tears. Bucky was off the couch and there in an instant, hugging him tightly even though Peter could practically feel how bad he smelled. “Everything went wrong today,” he hiccupped out, like a baby. “N-nothing went good, not a single thing. It just kept piling up. I’m—I’m so tired, Bucky.”
“Oh baby,” Bucky soothed, rubbing his back and kissing the top of his hair. “Let’s fix that, yeah? The day’s not over. It’s not too late.”
Peter sank into his boyfriend’s chest, nodding gratefully, then yelped in surprise when Bucky stooped down and lifted him bridal-style into his arms. “B-Bucky, don’t,” he weakly protested, his face flushing. “I smell like a back alley dumpster, you shouldn’t-”
Bucky bent forward and kissed his hair, as if to shut him up. “That’s why we’re getting you into the bath, doll.”
His objections went unheard as he was lowered down onto the cold tile floor of their bathroom then gently stripped of his filthy clothes. Bucky ran the bath, cradling Peter in his arms again as the tub filled, peppering his face in gentle kisses (as gentle as they could be, with that thick beard brushing against his own hairless face, almost immediately scratching it), before lowering him once again, this time into the blissfully warm water.
“You don’t have to do this,” he mumbled, humbled and humiliated that Bucky felt the need to baby him to this extent. It was just a bad day, after all. “It’s okay, Bucky, I can bathe myself.”
“I know you can,” Bucky said. The warm wash cloth he’d soaped up crawled over Peter’s skin, washing the day’s grime away. “But you don’t have to today.”
His cheeks burned, but he knew this was just a way of Bucky saying he loved him. He let the man bathe him and wash his hair, perfectly content and relaxed as the warmth of the water seeped into his muscles. Bucky sat beside the tub as he soaked, delicately caressing Peter’s palms with his metal hand, ordering Thai takeout for dinner on his phone with the other.
Peter was dressed in a clean, baggy T-shirt (Bucky’s, since his were so much bigger and better for sleeping in) and a pair of his most comfortable boxer briefs (his own, because Bucky’s wouldn’t fit). Bucky had just finished towel-drying his hair when the doorbell rang, and kissed Peter softly on the forehead as he stood to collect their dinner.
They curled up on the couch to eat, and Bucky dimmed the lights, put on Peter’s favorite episode of The Mandalorian (season two episode 5, obviously) and cradled Peter almost entirely in his lap, feeding them both off of one massive plate. Again, Peter was initially mortified by their position, but it was so nice to be held, cuddled, and fed like he was the most precious thing in the world, and even after a full day of building machinery, Bucky somehow smelled so good. It didn’t take long until Peter found himself tucked beneath the man’s chin, curled up into a little ball, so relaxed that he’d completely forgotten it was a bad day at all.
“I love you, baby,” Bucky mumbled into his hair. They’d finished eating ages ago, and Bucky had replaced their massive plate of pad thai with a thick, cuddly throw blanket. Peter sighed happily and nuzzled Bucky’s warm throat.
“I love you too,” he said quietly, speaking softly like this moment of total bliss might break apart if he spoke too loud. “Thank you for cheering me up. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Never let you have a bad day if I can help it, sugar. You’re my everything. I just want you to be healthy, safe and okay.”
Peter’s eyes suddenly felt a little damp, even though he didn’t feel like crying at all. In fact, he was smiling, so grateful for the man holding him in his strong arms.
I’m going to marry him someday, he promised himself, and found himself smiling harder.
Tomorrow, the note he would slip into Bucky’s lunchbox was going to say just that.
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tomthesoftie · 4 years
laundry day
a/n: this took me like 2-3 hours to write - oops - i came up with this idea when i was drawing in my sketchbook, hopefully it’s good because it’s already 4 am lol
pairing: college!flirt!tom holland x nerdy!reader
warnings: foul language, kind of sexual not really, tom being a dick and a flirt, y/n has a shitty day, rip harry is such good friend
pt.1 | pt.2
After a long day, you headed back to your dorm, taking a bath a soon as you got back. You had planned on going to the library to do some late night studying, or just reading, after your bath. Unfortunately, it was laundry day and you only had a white, cropped camisole and a short skirt, that was too short to be worn anywhere, left in your closet. You groaned having no other choice than to take those. 
The day had been terrible for you. You had been assigned stacks on stacks of papers that were either due by the end of the week or 3 weeks, maximum. Then, when you were rushing to get your lunch, some ass cut in front of you and took at least 30 minutes to order, resulting in you not having any lunch and rushing to your class. After that class, you had 15 minutes to get to your next lecture, so you decided to get yourself a coffee. Thankfully, you were able to order this time with no interruption, but when you were walking to the lecture hall, a curly brunette “accidentally,” and harshly, bumped your shoulder, making you drop the coffee in your hand. You cried out, feeling your anger succumb your every emotion.
“Dude,” you exclaimed.
You were never the kind to fight back, but today had already been so shitty for you that you’d snapped.
The brunette grinned, “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“My ass,” you rolled your eyes, clenching your fists at your side, “look, buddy, today has already been a very shitty day for me, so if you wouldn’t mind, at least sound sincere when you apologize for fucking spilling my only source of energy.”
“Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” he laughed, not taking a single word you had said seriously.
“You know what? Just fuck off,” you stomped away, remembering that you still had to get to your next lecture.
He snickered behind you as you walked away, clearly finding amusement in your indignation. 
That brings you to where you are now: heading to library in a skimpy outfit with a strap of your book bag clinging onto your right shoulder. By now it was 8 P.M. and you still hadn’t gotten any food to eat. Although your stomach was growling louder than a predatory animal sensing danger, you were determined to get to the only place you could seek peace: the library. 
As you walked in, Harry, one of your close friends was eyeing you weirdly. He had volunteered to work at the library, seeing he could do his homework and study there, as well as get in a few aesthetic pictures.
“What are you wearing?” His eyebrows furrowed, scanning your outfit.
“Don’t judge, it’s laundry day and today fucking sucked,” you groaned loudly, knowing that no one would be at the library at such a late time of day.
Your stomach growled, “You got a lion in your shirt, or shall I say piece of fabric?” 
“I haven’t eaten lunch or dinner at all today,” you slouched, dropping your bag to the floor, “got anything I could eat?”
“Of course, I got to have a snack or twenty if I’m going to be working till 10 P.M,” he handed you two large energy bars, “you’re gonna need it.”
“Thanks, you’re the best,” you pulled a chair over to the circulation desk, where Harry was seated.
“I know,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes before grabbing you book bag, pulling out Pride and Prejudice, one of your favorites. You opened the book to the page you left off on and began reading. Harry had gone back to studying and taking pictures, mostly of you.
“Harry,” a voice boomed as it entered. 
You had only gotten 45 minutes to read in peace. You mentally and probably physically banged your head with the book.
“Are you ready to go?” The voice continued. 
As you listened closely, you realized you’d heard to voice before. You just couldn’t put your finger on who it was. 
“I still have 1 hour left, Tom,” Harry stated.
You lifted your head in the direction of the familiar stranger. It was curly brunette, the one who had knocked your coffee out of your hand and given zero fucks about it.
“Who’s there, Harry?” you asked, staying hidden in your seat. 
“Just my older brother, Tom. I don’t talk about him much ‘cause he’s a dick,” he said, raising his voice at the end, making sure Tom could hear him.
“Right, I’m the dick,” Tom mumbled to himself before snapping back, “call me another name and I won’t be giving you a ride home tonight. Also, who’s the girl?”
“Y/N, she’s my friend,” he replied, paying no mind to his brother.
Tom brought it upon himself to scope you out. He wandered through the isles of books and looked at all the seats in the library, finally finding you to be sitting with his brother. His eyes scanned your body, admiring the suddenly too tight tank top and short skirt on you.
“Hey, coffee girl,” he winked.
“You know Tom?” Harry glanced at you, confused.
“No, I don’t. I just know that he’s a douche who can suck and choke on his own dick,” you had tensed and your anger from the afternoon had started rising again. 
“I’m sure you’d like to,” his stance not faltering.
“Son of a bitch,” you simply flipped him off, not wanting to put anymore effort into him than necessary. 
He chuckled and brought a chair over to sit himself next to you. The warmth of his body was radiating off of him. 
“Pride and Prejudice, a classic. I’ve never read it, though. Would you say the 2005 film was worthy of its positive reviews?” Tom tried to start a conversation, but you ignored him, scooting your chair away from his.
“C’mon, darling, if you’re still mad about the coffee, I can make it up to you,” this peeked your interest.
“How so?” You asked, placing your chin in the palm of your hand.
“You and me, tomorrow at 12 P.M, that french café near the garden. See you then?” He offered, arching his brow.
You sat silently, thinking about it, “Fine, but don’t think that this is a date.”
He grabbed a pen and post it, writing his contact information on it, “Whatever you want, princess.” 
You snatched the paper out of his hand and began packing your bags. Forgetting that you were wearing practically a strip of fabric around your waist, you bent over and grabbed your bag, giving Tom a great view of your ass and the black, lace panties you wore.
Harry cleared his throat, “Y/N, your skirt.”
Your eyes widened in realization, “Oh shit, sorry.”
You stood up straight, pulling the skirt down as far as possible and started to head out before a voice stopped you.
“Also, feel free to wear that tomorrow,” Tom winked one last time before letting you walk away.
Your face was burning red and you couldn’t help but let your giggle slip through your lips. You were sure gonna wear this tomorrow.
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