widewebhoster · 2 years
Cheap in price high in performance.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
Gentle reminder that you don't have to reply to people immediately. You can take your time, especially if you feel overwhelmed by them, their message or anything else going on in your life. You can tell them something like "I'm sorry I need to stay alone at this moment, I will answer you as soon as I feel better mentally". You don't have to answer them immediately so to not upset them: what about you being upset and maybe even frustrated? What if this feeling made you answer the them rudely or harshly, to lash out on them even if it's not what you wanted to? And it all would make it worse on you and make you feel guilty? You can avoid all this by simply talking about your needs openly. Take time for yourself, it's okay. Everyone goes through bad stuff, everyone takes time off from it all. You can do that too. Be nice with you.
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idleminds · 17 days
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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raining-anonymously · 8 months
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[ID: Digital drawing of Carl Karl, Monty Monogram, Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Stacy Hirano, Jeremy Johnson, and Candace Flynn from the torsos up. Most of them are smiling, but Vanessa has a flatter expression and Candace is looking up with slight confusion. end ID]
the Teens my beloved. they’d be an unstoppable autistic power friend group
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laufire · 2 days
anyway. if you don't think lost days jason went cruising, having fucked up, insane and unsafe sex with men because at that point in his life that was the way his touch-starved ass could half satiate his cravings for closeness and intimacy. we're fundamentally different people.
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Disabled people deserve to have our needs met without sacrificing our autonomy.
We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of how much support we need.
And we deserve to receive that support regardless of whether we personally know anyone able and willing to provide it, or have access to enough wealth to hire helpers.
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hekateinhell · 7 months
Anne Rice on Lestat's relationship with his mother, Gabrielle:
She wanted a neutrality, an invisibility in a world in which women were inevitably more visible than men. She is truly not maternal and is rather cold. I have never really enjoyed writing about her. I enjoy writing about Lestat's need for her, and his broken heart when she is cold to him and basically not particularly interested in him. I understand his great love of her, his appreciation of her strength, and his need for her which goes unmet. ~ Anne Rice
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edwinas · 29 days
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Unmet: A Neurosurgeon's Diary dir. Yuki Saito & Motohashi Keita
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
Is it weird that I love the Likeability comics more than the story? I feel we get more in depth characterization and I love that they also extend from the loading screen comics too.
But the Levi Attacker one makes me super conflicted because I love that he has that super shy moment about his scars, but everywhere else I get iffy(maybe also because MC is a complete pushover but I won't get into that since I think that's a shared agreement with many). I 'm letting Ch5 slide because that's MC's first meeting with him so yet but god I'm so not sure how to feel about him atm. I want to like him but I think something isn't lining up and IDK what i t is
I'm telling you rn anon I really want like a full based comic of WHB because I feel they'd pace it out better with the backstories, daily lives that they live, I feel like I learn much more about everyone just as you explained here.
I learned a bunch about the seraphim too from their comics.
Now on terms of Levi, in each comic I've seen of him he's like toned down compared to how he is in the game story (though that may just be me) For Chapter 5 (SPOILER WARNING) SPOILER WARNING) He was a little shit being that rude as the shoved MC in a damn coffin, have the nerve to be upset that they knew about some embarrassing moment from his earlier years, and then have Foras go and spy on Minhyeok and was hesitant to even let Ppyong leave to go get Minhyeok's spunk so they can fucking breathe lol I feel that he only cared because he needs MC...but he's so untrustworthy of everyone due to his trauma he just acts like an asshole. I'm reading more of his selfie card story as I unlock the unholy board and I'm really just not liking his attitude whatsoever. Again...he's pretty but he's sending me up the fucking wall in a bad way. It was even revealed in his likability that he isn't close with any of the kings despite growing up with them. The group photo of him with the kings looks so genuine tho like he's enjoying himself and in one of his comics they played pranks on one another when younger so I just was like huh.. okay? I'mma see where PB is going with his character development...because he somehow got along with Solomon, and Solomon himself advises MC on how to handle him because he figured it out. Me? I'd strangle him non-sexually lol like omfg Levi
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 8 months
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drugbot-brian · 2 months
fans of the crane wives and the forgetmenauts hiiii anyway i ain't done and helena and gerard are opposites. i don't know why but theyre like complete opposites even though they have the same vibes.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Today I am bothered by the fact that babies and toddlers are programmed to ask for attention and affection naturally, right, and if they don’t get it, they ask for it louder and louder, until they get completely exhausted and they can’t move anymore, which is when it sinks to them that there is no help, no attention, nobody coming, they’re not being cared for, which is when they go silent and numb and stop asking for it.
Natural progression for a human is to get as much attention and care as they need as a baby, then also as a toddler, and then at some stage later they stop needing it as much, they start desiring separation and individuality, and their desires for attention flow towards different people then, they want positive attention from their peers, then from the rest of the world as well, but not in that parental way anymore, now they want to be acknowledged and equal and needed and wanted, not fed and pampered and hugged, although a tiny amount of that isn’t rejected if offered.
If abused, these needs can developed differently. If as a toddler you’ve spent more time in that catatonic and numb state, fearing for survival because you’re a baby and there’s no caretakers, that leaves a mark on you. If you’ve been denied physical attention, hugs and pats and strokes on your head, as a toddler, that again leaves a mark, makes you feel undesirable, unwanted, disgusting, unworthy. And since you’re constantly feeling hurt, the desire for separation can come early too; because your instinct is to survive, and if your caretaker is a danger to you, you still love them of course, but you realize you have to be independent, have to take care of yourself, have to figure your own issues out without asking for help. It’s also followed by a dose of dissociation because the pain of being emotionally abandoned so young, is too much for anyone. Being neglected when you desperately need someone, will cause you to dissociate, possibly even develop a dissociative disorder to survive.
But what happens with all those needs for affection? If nobody fulfilled your basic needs for care as a toddler, do you ever evolve to wanting to be equal to others? Or do you, forever, yearn for parental type of care? Need to be pampered and reassured that you’re wanted and valuable and that someone will take care of you, make sure you eat, make sure you don’t die, make sure you’re safe? Does this ever go away, if nobody ever takes care of you this way? Do you ever feel completely comfortable being equal to someone? Do you not interpret intimacy as a way to get that positive touch, and crave it not in a sexual, but in a ‘i need to be held’ kind of way? Do you not assume they also want to be pampered, and offer it as a wild hope they might do it back, but they just accept it and take it and run off with it? Do you forever just end up a caretaker nobody ever took care of, who has no way to ask for it because it feels so wildly inappropriate?
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idleminds · 2 months
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loveyourlovelysoul · 7 months
Ofc when you've been told to communicate or talk about something and all you (often if not always) got was being shut down, talked over, judged, gaslighted and left with your emotional needs unmet, it really stays with you and it doesn't let you have the will to communicate and talk, or even ask for help or support, anymore. But please remember that not everyone is going to let you down, or shut you, or talk over you or anything of that kind. Not everyone will not be able to understand you and treat you like that. Be patient and give yourself the chance to find the right people for you. Do not give up please, keep talking and asking until you find those willing to listen to you and help you as you need and deserve.
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faolonfiendrender · 2 months
I bid the sunshine adieu in 1872
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