#when life was simpler
creatingnikki · 1 year
So remember when our biggest worries would be studying for that chemistry exam and attending double math lectures on a Monday and facing our crush after having said something embarrassing and not having enough money to go to comic con and knowing we couldn't even bring it up with our parents and not being able to hang with the cool kids because forget a curfew the concept of even stepping out to chill didn't exist in our households and feeling sleepy during tuitions and wanting to bunk PT periods so we could sit in class and talk and beg the librarian if she could let is borrow more books than allowed and who should we invite to our birthday party and if our teacher will penalize us for wearing kajal and if we will score enough in boards to get into the stream we want and if we look old enough with all this make up to pass for an 18 year old so they don't stop us at the entrance of that A rated movie and if he was going to call back and if dad was going to yell and if our siblings were going to tell on us and if teachers knew what the book Fifty Shades of Grey was about and if we would ever make something of ourselves and if we would get pregnant simply by kissing and if our physics teacher would give us those 2 grace marks so we could pass the final and if it would rain heavy enough so that school would remain closed that day and if mom and dad would allow us to go on that school trip and if we would get to be on the same bus as our crush and if we would make in time to the canteen before all the samosas got over and if our art teacher would be okay with us deviating from the theme and if we would get enough friendship day rings and if we had enough bands for everyone and if we would defeat blue house on sports day and if our school was haunted and if we would be in the same division next year despite the shuffling and if we would remain friends and if and if and if. Trust me I would go back in a heart beat. Despite the bullying and despite the embarrassment and despite the lack of control and money and despite the borderline depression. I'd go back because whatever the fuck this is, this adulting, it's unbearable.
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eves-da-best · 2 years
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Hi I miss her bye
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badbedforbedding · 1 year
Decided to hop on fanfiction.net today for old times sake, I haven't logged on there in years. Was looking at my 'Favorites' and I remembered some fics I used to be obsessed with so I think I will give them a re-read. Just for fun and also to see how my standards changed, if it changed at all.
They are all focused on Gendry/Arya (my babes), If anyone is interested I'll link them below:
Misfits (or up, up, down, down) By: Leopold846 - Modern AU, Romance/Humor, Rated M.
For the Good Life is Out There Somewhere By: shortystylee - Modern AU, Romance/Humor, Rated T.
Dilettante By: Ellie Oh - Modern AU, Romance/Humor, Rated M.
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Does anyone remember of this cartoon? It just popped up on my time line and now I feel like a whole amount of memories unlocked on my brain. Now, the intro is just playing on looping inside my head.
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felizzlemynizzl · 1 year
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mrsjojimiller · 1 year
this app is so 2013 core 🤩
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Using tumblr for the first time in 10 (?) years. Looking for a platform that is fun and doesn't destroy my attention span lol
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 275
Pokemon crossover? Indeed. Because there’s so many ghost pokemon, and many that are specifically stated to be dead children that I bet? They would absolutely adore the Dannies. In fact? They adore the entire Team Phantom. 
Who are in fact on vacation, taking a summer to not have to deal with ghosts. Do they know what Fright Knight is doing back home? No, but they’re on vacation and don’t care. Look at these lil guys! Tucker, don’t steal the rotom- oh they’ve adopted you? Okay. Fair enough. 
Now their world? Pokemon doesn’t exist. And by that I mean not even as a game or series or anything. So it is new and fun and like exploring the zone all over again! 
They’re having fun, making friends with people and pokemon alike. Danny has discovered that pokepuffs don’t become violent if revived and many of his new friends love having snacks they can chase after. Dan absolutely delights in taking care of more than a couple of the evil organizations- and there might have been a cult form, no one asked. 
They had to drag Tucker away from several bits of technology, quite literally drag him. And they had to carefully drag several pokemon away from Valerie because they adore her and her suit. Sam- erm, where did Sam and Ellie- oh there they are. Oh Ellie found a clone friend and Sam. Sam that’s a legendary. 
That’s so cool! But like, they do have to go back home- oh, oh they’re coming with. That’s a lot of pokemon. Oh well, it’s fine. They brought souvenirs for their friends and family and plenty of plants- like Sam would let them not do so. 
So now they’re home and with… okay that’s way more friends than they thought, but it’s fine! Let’s go see- oh hey Frighty, erm, what do you mean heroes arrived?? We don’t have much of an issue anymore???
Fright, teacher of theirs, where are the heroes, did you toss them out- FRIGHT-
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letoscrawls · 1 year
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give me back mandadlorian and his child please
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zoreldanvers · 1 year
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thrill me, chill me, fulfill me
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yunmeng-jiang · 4 months
that man does NOT think of wei wuxian as his gege
#jiang cheng#wwx#twin prides#i have a whole post about how they both think of themselves as having an older-sibling role#but even if that wasn't true jc still always calls him by his full name and the one time wwx tried to call him shidi jc yelled at him#their relationship is not that simple! it's a huge thing that wwx occupies a weird in-between role in their family!#he's definitely not a servant but also definitely not a full member of their family and that's super important to the story!#even if jc WANTED to think of him as his older brother he would need to get past seven layers of trauma to even realize he wanted that#and then he would have to admit it to himself and then work up the courage to admit it to someone else#and even then he probably still wouldn't say it to wwx's face#sure yanli calls wwx her didi but things are much simpler from her point of view#plus she's one of those people - like lxc - that can hold an opinion deep inside herself and be at peace with it even if it conflicts +#+ with what the world says and what she's been brought up to believe#jc is not like that. he internalizes way more from the outside world and if he feels conflicted he just kind of implodes#he's spent his whole life being told that wwx is not his equal and is someone to compete against#and also secretly believing that wwx is eventually going to abandon him because he doesn't think anyone truly cares for him#plus wwx treats him like a bff who is also a liege lord rather than a beloved younger brother#he would Not form a secure attachment to wwx lmao#it also really annoys me that when people write/conceptualize him as someone who thinks of wwx as his real gege +#+ they tend to completely erase jyl and minimize her importance to jc. he HAS an older sibling who he trusts unconditionally and confides +#+ in and takes comfort from! that person already exists! and they ignore her in favor of the protagonist#it also really bugs me when they have him mourning wwx those whole 13-16 years but don't put in a single word about yanli#this kind of turned into a rant about jyl... i have a lot of feelings about her especially since i'm the oldest sibling in my family#anyway. that man does not think of wwx as his gege#haterade#(kind of)
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quibbs126 · 6 days
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You know I love these different Waffle Cookies that the creators made that one time, and how they each interpreted the waffle differently
The first one makes the waffle more like a shield or something? This one isn’t entirely clear, but it led to summoner/cleric
The second one seems to interpret the waffle as like a straw hat, and thus a bug catcher
The third one I’m told they made the connection between the waffle and chainmail, which led to them being some sort of monster tamer? I don’t know
And then this fourth one, the waffle got interpreted like a knit pattern, and so the Cookie’s a knitter
I love how each of these make a connection between the ingredient and something else, and then from there they can make a whole character from it
God I wish that were me. And also that I didn’t overthink things so much
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heleizition · 2 years
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missing kuroyaku in this house tonight
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Just finished reading Pez Dispenser Debris (I don’t even go there but I am fueled by Wiki articles and a love for your storytelling) and first of all—amazing!!! 10/10, I think I need to watch this series now. 
Second, I  noticed that (while very much distinct) Yuuta & Izuku have a lot of similarities in the voice you gave them—maybe it’s the constant panic attacks or perhaps both of  them placing blame for everything squarely on their own shoulders, but ough it makes for the perfect blend of gut-punching angst. I’d love to hear any ramblings you currently have about either of them. I am currently obsessed with both of them now and am placing the blame on you <3
I’m gonna pretty heavily discuss some spoilers for my hero academia in this. I figured that was okay since you’d already read my fanfic and the wiki so the cat is out of the metaphorical bag. That being said, maybe wait to read this answer if you want to not be spoiled for more details in my hero.
Yuuta and Izuku absolutely have the most similar voices out of all of my narrators and it is 90% because they are both completely insane and in violent need of a Xanax and a nice soothing cup of chamomile tea. God I love them both so much. They should each be heavily medicated.
My hero academia is a pretty great watch through the Shie Hassaikai arc. The concept is entertaining, the characters are GREAT, and the world building is really cool.
Then the story sort of. Went to shit.
I tried for a while after that, but eventually had to stop watching. My friends and I have a group chat named “horikoshi just call us” because we got so despondent at the writing decisions after that arc.
Horikoshi. If you’re out there. If you’re reading this. Just call us. We just want to help.
That being said, my love for the characters maintains its death grip on me. I simply adore them. They’re delights.
Yuuta and Izuku, on their face, have a lot of similarities as protagonists. The aforementioned insanity and need of Xanax, of course, but the skeleton of the stories has a lot of common touchstones and themes, like:
Both characters have some kind of history with suicidal ideation or tendencies. In the second scene of JJK0, it’s established that Yuuta canonically tried to kill himself. In the first episode of BNHA, Izuku is told to kill himself by his bullies, in an act which appears to be common to izuku’s life, and the only reason Izuku comes up with to not do it is “then you’d get in trouble for telling me to do it.”
Both characters have severe self worth issues. Yuuta’s looking for a reason to be alive at the start of JJK0. He’s looking for a right to be alive. In a way, Izuku is too at the start of BNHA. At the open of action, he is told by everyone in his life that he is useless. His nickname is “Deku,” which uses some of the same kanji as “Dekunobo,” meaning blockhead. The most direct translation were given is that this is a way of calling him useless. He’s the powerless member of a society choked with superpower, and he’s been told his entire life that he can do nothing, that his dreams are pointless, and that he’s a burden who would be better off dead.
They’re both saddled with power they can’t fully control. Yuuta with Rika, and Izuku with One for All, a transferable power that’s too strong to be contained in his body.
They both have a close relationship with an impossibly strong mentor that they are implied to be the successor of. Yuuta with Gojo, as he’s second only to Gojo in the modern age, and Izuku with All Might (aka Toshinori Yaga), who he is more literally taking on the mantle of One for All from.
They both are chugging that Loving Their Friends Juice and have tried to kill grown men with their bare hands as a result
That all being said, they could not be more different characters and honestly aren’t all that similar.
I have this sort of lasting grievance with literary analysis when people take a list of common plot points or events and use them to make the argument that characters are similar or parallel one another. Like, that’s all facial. The real question is how do they substantively handle those events. How do their story arcs treat those things? How does their character react to them?
Yuuta and Izuku’s actual substantive characters don’t really react to those events in the same way at all. The analysis could go on all day in this respect, really, but the biggest difference is how their respective story arcs treat the cornerstone of their original conflicts.
Yuuta opens action with Rika as the cornerstone of his conflict. She’s who he wants to free, she’s who he’s chained to, and it’s her protection of him that makes him think he deserves to die. Izuku’s cornerstone, meanwhile, is his own Quirklessness. He desperately wants to be a hero, and everyone in his life tells him he can’t be because he is Quirkless. He’s useless because he’s Quirkless. He should kill himself because he’s Quirkless. He’s a burden and always will be because he’s Quirkless.
And while Yuuta’s arc reconciles him with his cornerstone, Izuku’s forgoes it entirely.
The story just. Forgets. That he’s Quirkless. They stop talking about it. It never comes up again. It doesn’t make any real big impact on his character or decisions. It’s one of my biggest axes to grind with how the story developed, and it’s actually one of the biggest reasons why I wrote pez dispenser debris.
Pez dispenser debris was actually inspired by this one piece of my hero academia art where Izuku is hugging his younger self. I don’t know if it was official art or fan art, and I have no idea where it is or where to find it because by god have I tried so I can find it and link it for credit/to boost it. I saw it literally years ago, thought “oh that’s cool,” wrote the original first scene of the fic (where Midoriya stops the bus and is hit by the Quirk), wasn’t feeling it, got distracted by other projects, went to law school, graduated law school, signed up to take the bar exam, and was suddenly electrified in the last fucking month of studying with this fugue state of feverish artistic inspiration. I have never written so easily or so compulsively in my life. I’d write for eight unbroken hours and it would be fucking magic every time. It was like an addiction. I was writhing with a need to create and had so much fucking anxiety about the test I was not studying for instead. The words could not be restrained.
Anyway I taught myself three subjects on the plane ride to the state I was taking it in and passed anyway so it’s fine we’re fine
The moral of the story is that this story has been cooking long enough for me to get two more diplomas than I had when I started it and I have no idea where to find that fucking piece of art that inspired it, but if I find it, I’ll reblog it so y’all can see it too.
The thing is, the narrative sort of forcibly excluding Izuku’s past as Quirkless would make total sense to me if it was used as something Izuku himself was doing.
Izuku necessarily had to hide the truth of his former Quirkless status at the start of action—he needed to keep the secret of One for All. Like, he could not let people find out that a Quirk was transferrable, but you know, just the most powerful one, and also he had it, please come torture it out of him.
But as the narrative goes on, that rationale becomes less important. He has people he can trust with it. And yeah, eventually One for All becomes more known, but the discussion is all about him being all might’s successor. Him being Quirkless and how that affected him and still affects him isn’t really discussed or treated as important. And Izuku doesn’t act like it’s important to him either. He never really thinks about it.
And I just hated that. Like. He spent almost his entire life as a member of society who was spit on. He’s had a Quirk for less than a year. How are his experiences with Quirklessness not important to how he interacts with the world?
The other point of contention I had was Mirio.
Mirio is this superstar of a senpai who takes Izuku under his wing. He has an extremely powerful quirk that’s only as effective as it is because he put in the work and learned how to handle it. He’s a perfect, eternally smiling paragon of heroism. He’s flagged early as the one out of everyone, including heroes with established careers, who is most likely to replace All Might.
He’s also the one who was supposed to get One for All.
His mentor had found him and trained him to be All Might’s successor. Before All Might could meet him, however, he found this feral raccoon child in a sewer and said “oh my god I can’t not offer him incomprehensible power within the first three hours of meeting him” and tripped face first into fatherhood.
During a rescue mission, Mirio loses his Quirk in a way that’s borderline irreversible. There’s no known cure, and the only possible one is dependent on a little girl learning how to control an extremely volatile and dangerous quirk and using it in a way she never has before.
So surely, they’re going to commit to that writing decision, right? He’s Quirkless. We’re bringing back having Quirkless characters. It’s going to be this sick as hell juxtaposition between Izuku and Mirio. We are at least going to force Izuku to reflect on his own times as Quirkless or have some kind of discussion about how Mirio is treated differently now that he is Quirkless.
But no. He gets his Quirk back by the next season. We don’t talk about it much. It’s more of a minor inconvenience than anything.
It’s almost as if the show accepted as an actual rule that you couldn’t be a hero without a Quirk. And then just. Forgot. Everything it had to do with its literal protagonist.
Anyway, I hated it.
In contrast, I fucking loved how yuuta’s storyline with Rika ends. That scene where Yuuta’s turning back to Rika, thanking her for loving him, telling him they can die together? I’m obsessed with it. I recently moved across the country and listened to that theme song on loop during the drive.
Yuuta and Rika’s love was unhealthy. They hurt each other. But it wasn’t malicious.
They just didn’t know how to love each other in a way that didn’t hurt.
They were in shit circumstances. But the love was there.
Yuuta felt guilty for Rika’s love for him and his for her almost the entire narrative. He thought he cursed her with his love. He wanted to kill himself because of how she hurt people out of love for him. It’s why I have moments in sea glass gardens where Yuuta talks about begging Rika to stop loving him—he didn’t know why love had to hurt so goddamn bad, and he’s sorry for that, he really is. He wishes he was better at it than he was.
At the end of JJK0, Yuuta truly is the last person who remembers Rika as she was and still loves her for who she is. He’s faced with Geto, who wants to use her as a weapon. Everyone treats her as a threat or a tool, except for Yuuta.
Like. Just that moment. Of loving someone so genuinely, and being the last one who does, and knowing that everyone else will just use them. I’m obsessed with it.
Yuuta reconciles with his love for Rika and her love for him, and they’re both finally freed. It’s this perfect moment of acceptance that I adore. He comes to terms with his past. It doesn’t hurt him so much anymore.
I wrote pez dispenser debris to sort of force Izuku to have that kind of reconciliation. As it is, he hasn’t reconciled with his own Quirklessness and how that affected him. I wanted to give him something he couldn’t physically escape and had to face.
#tw canon typical discussion of suicide#tw suicide#tw suicide baiting#pez dispenser debris#sea glass gardens#from a narrative voice perspective you are so so right#I tend to change my writing style a bit depending on who I’m writing#and Yuuta and Izuku I use VERY SIMILAR STYLES WITH#to the point where I reuse a lot of sentences between the two stories#I do shift my writing a bit#with Yuuta I tend to use shorter simpler sentences and have a lot of ‘distance’ in the sentences#I use a lot of ‘Yuuta thinks’ and ‘Yuuta feels’ when normally I would just cut to what he actually thinks and feels#like those are a lot of fucking words that aren’t the point. they’re dead weight in the sentence. most of the time they’re unnecessary#but I /want/ there to be that distance between the start of the sentence and the point because it gives more of a detached feel to the#writing and I think of Yuuta as a very detached narrator. he spent most of his life isolated and traumatised. the distance protects him.#he’s got space between him and the rest of the world.#I go off on way more asides with Izuku but that’s less because of a mindset I’m trying to build and more because it’s my silly fun story. I#wanted to write it ‘badly’ and break rules. I wanted the silly asides that have no affect on the story but existed in my head. I don’t let#myself do the same in sea glass gardens.#pez dispenser debris isn’t abandoned by the way I’m just burning myself out on sea glass gardens before I go back to it. I have to take#periodic breaks with stories and I’m trying to get through this one arc before I take one with sgg. that arcs the entire reason why I wrote#sgg to begin with actually. I have a LOT of stories that I /love/ that I never post because I know I only have so much time and there won’t#enough to finish them all. a story has to have something I really want to do for me to actually post it. sgg wouldn’t have made the cut if#it weren’t for this one arc that I found so damn funny that I decided to write the entire thing for the sake of one scene in it. it’s not#that I don’t like sgg to be clear. I love it. it’s just one of my much softer stories?#it doesn’t have a big climactic or intricate narrative. it’s softer and about healing.#its less narratively dynamic and more introspective and probably wouldnt have made the cut were it not for one scene ngl#ill probably finish toy rosaries next once i do that arc like im so close
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bonefall · 11 months
I know you said the Chelford cats and by extension Bloodclan are a bit cultural melting pot but. What are the Statistics, Elder Bones? Does anyone there speak Seamew as a native language? Any who follow the Sister's religion?
Nearly everyone speaks Townmew, but bilingualism is SUPER high rate. Something like 90% speaks Townmew, and 40% speak a second language.
A surprisingly high number of them ARE ex-Clan cats. Brightsky is one of them-- though she's what BloodClan calls an "Innenouter." A kittypet who is allowed outside, but always returns at night.
Innenouters are treated like outsiders, but not in a way that's rude or violent like the Clans. They can't qualify for Official BloodClan Work, but can join in on daylight projects if they'd like. They also aren't able to receive their own food rations, because they are expected to be fed at home.
But, back to demographics.
About 30% of BloodClan is able to speak Clanmew, through being clanborn or being descended from them. It's a minority, but a pretty big one. It's one of the reasons Townmew and Clanmew haven't drifted too far linguistically; Clanmew continues to influence Townmew.
(It's also how Darktail was able to pick up Clanmew even before meeting SkyClan, and how WarriorClan learns it)
Up next, there are actually some cats that speak Modern Tribemew. Tribemew is a popular language family, picked up by travelers that pass through the Valley Ward and distributed around the "mid lands" that lay between the Forest and the Lake.
But, it's rare in Chelford. You're looking at a sharp drop in the demographics compared to Clanmew, something like 8%, and even fewer speak it as their mother tongue.
Seamew is one of the rarest languages in BloodClan. Hengest is VERY far away. You're looking at a rate of maybe 2%. If you made a "map" of all the connections between individual cats to see where they travel to meet family, hang out, and sightsee, you would observe that BloodClan cats have few connections "beyond" the mouth of the River Chell, where SkyClan's gorge was.
Anyway, religion
Ancestor worship is surprisingly unpopular in Chelford. It's a town and there are no stars thanks to light pollution. StarClan is laughable to most of them-- if they're so strong, where are they?
Still, Clankin cats hold to it. You're looking at 10% or so that believe in StarClan specifically, and 20% more who have a more abstract type of ancestor worship.
Reincarnation is a popular idea, that you keep getting reborn in new forms. A lot of cats find the idea of divine punishment for their enemies comforting though lmao, living in a place where there are good and bad humans who you'll never see justice done to.
There's a lot of beliefs here, it's not a sore point to talk about religion except with ex-Clan cats, who are super touchy about it. Everyone has a different, personal idea of how the world works and what comes next.
So there's definitely a couple of Sister religion believers, or people who unknowingly have influence from Sister ideas. Tribe too, and even Park cats from so long ago.
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itspileofgoodthings · 6 months
Had a revelation this week that was so healing. just. gentle and life-altering.
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