bakananya · 1 month
Not well written, but the idea was too interesting to just not write it down. I will prolly write a fic on ao3 with better writing, this is just to put the idea out there so I dont forget about it. Just an enemies to lovers Azriel x oc or azriel x reader idea I had, with a lot of random background Idea I had on the character. Its angsty, and not the best meet cute but you know, I got the idea from a dream after I fell asleep listening to look what you made me, I did something bad, you should see me in a crown and therefore I am on loop. Good dream tbh. Anyway enjoy!
"What do you want from me, Shadowsinger?" She spat out, her hatred for his kind evident in her tone.
He tilts his head to the side again, his hazel eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He walked closer to her, his footsteps silent. "Nothing much, just curious as to why a young woman with no records of her existence is going out raiding, massacring and making so much chaos at illyrian camps?"
"They deserved it." She said quietly, but firmly. "If you're here for the women and their kids that are missing, they don't want to be found. They are safe, fed, comfortable and for the first time in their miserable lives, happy." She held her head high at the words.
"That did not answer my question. Why is a young girl such as yourself, carrying out such planned raids and missions? It can't possibly be to no end? What is your purpose?" He paused, giving her a moment to answer, but continued when she didn't. "You have caused quite the ruckus, you know? Become quite a threat." He said again, face still unreadable as he maintains the distance, knowing she could winnow away at any moment, in the cold and chilly mountains. It took months for him to track her once, he could not afford to lose her now.
"I will ask you again, Shadowsinger, what do you want?" She snarled.
"I am just trying to understand why you think a young girl like you is fit to be the judge, jury, and executioner. Justice is not something just anyone has the right to bestow." His words were veiled in amusement, as if all of her carefully plotted plans and raids were temper tantrums of a child, and not a movement in and of itself.
Her eyes glowed as her anger takes over and her magic her magic seeps out from her, uncontrolled and wild. The sheer strength of it had his amusement dying down into a look of wariness. "Do you want to know, Shadowsinger? You find it so amusing, don't you?"
He stares at her for a minute, a dark chuckle escaping his lips as he realized her weakness.
Her wrath.
"It seems I struck a cord. I do not find it amusing, but rather pitiful, you are so young, with so much anger inside you. What a waste."
She stepped closer, her magic thrumming in the ground, yet her words were quiet, filled with a kind of contempt that could only come from years of experience of things better left unheard, and unseen. "They took me from my mother by force, chopped off my wings, used me for their pleasure and left me there to die. An illyrian camp. And no one. Did. A thing." Her eyes were glaring right into Azriel's, her eyes full of all consuming wrath, as her words reminded him of another female he knew.
She laughed, but no humor was present in her voice as she continued. "No one even knew. You and your high lord lived blissfully unaware while my existence crumbled." She hissed at him, stopping just a few steps away.
"I was broken, thought I would never find myself again as I struggled in a lonely cabin I found abandoned in the woods. Felt as if everyday, I was still there, half-dead on the side of the road. Of course I knew living in the cabin was mercy compared to how they treated the women in those camps, like slaves. And thats when a girl came knocking at my door, an escapee from a camp. We decided soon after to create a safe space, for people like us. And the rest is history." She continued, eyes becoming damp at the memory, before shaking her head and smiling slightly, so sweetly. Azriel almost forgot that she had slaughtered a few dozen men a few hours ago.
He tried to reach out silently to catch her as she finally got to a distance where he knew he could grab her, so he could get more information out of her, about things she were clearly omitting, only to realise, that he couldn't move.
He looked up at her in horror as she continued smiling, almost as if it took her no effort restraining one of the strongest illyrians in history.
It didn't, Azriel realised.
"And so we trained. And I took so much pleasure in breaking the bones of men in illyrian camps as we raided them. Saved the women that wanted to leave, took them with us, back to our hideout, expanded it until it became a thriving community. We raided camps and bring people back, who can pick whatever they excel in and work in tandem. It is what I deserved when I had nothing. What they deserve." She smiled, pride shining in her eyes as she now dropped down to sit on a log in front of him, more interested in a white wildflower glowing in the moonlight instead of him.
"Say, Azriel, You're half illyrian, are you not?" She asked, her voice higher, lighter, mocking. "You trained in one of their camps, with your oh so righteous brothers, did you not?"
She did not wait for him to reply, knowing he couldn't. She made sure of it from her magic, taking away his ability to speak.
"You know it as well. Your brothers do too." Her voice was bitter as she plucked the flower. "And yet you choose to hide away in your pretty little city of starlight, ignoring the pain these women go through every day." She finally looked up at him, eyes shining with contempt. "You're just as bad as them." She hissed. "Why shouldn't I shred your wings like your people did to me? Speak, Shadowsinger, speak."
It took a moment for him to realise he could speak again.
Azriel was frustrated, he understood where she was coming from but he could feel his defensive nature for his family coming up. "Rhysand tries. He tries his best to do things for the girls there. There's new laws, there's change. It's happening but these things take time. We are nothing like them."
"You're illyrian, they're illyrian. You saw the suffering of the women there and chose to do nothing about it. You high lord may have put new rules in place, banning clipping of wings, and starting the training of girls. But you and I both know it still happens. All of you do." She shrugged, back to examining the flower. Her face was young still, and her body lithe, Azriel's heart felt a little heavy at the thought of her past, but the anger he felt at being this defenseless in front of a young fae overpowered that.
A dark growl escaped his lips as his jaw tensed, his voice was raspy when he finally continued. "We are trying our best to keep track of it, to eradicate such malpractices comple-"
He was cut off yet again, but this time her voice was louder.
"Well trying is not good enough!" She snapped. "You don't even know it when it happens. You're too busy going on fancy dinners with your inner circle. If you are so good at protecting illyrian women, where are my wings, Azriel?" She hissed as she looked into his eyes as if she was looking into his soul.
He froze at her question, his hazel eyes widening slightly. His jaw was still tense, and he tried to move his body again, failing to do so. He didn't say anything, choosing to remain silent. There was a hint of shame in his eyes as he looked away.
She scoffed as she looked away again as she dropped the flower and stood up again, dusting off her hands against each other.
"Thought so. Anyway," She cleared her throat, putting on a sickly sweet smile. "I am bored and tired of playing with you now. Scurry off, like the dog that you are and tell your high lord I said Hi. I am sure a very interesting gossip session awaits the inner circle tonight." She finished, the end of her sentence blended with yawn that had her stretching her taut muscles as she freed him from her magic and disappeared before he could even get used to the control he now had over his body again.
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Just over here thinking about Azriel in HOFAS
-“You can do good,” Azriel warned, “while still being bad.”
-“His wings were spread so wide they nearly touched either side of the cavern.”
- “So does it… tell the truth?” A hint of a smile, more chilling than the frigid air around them. “It gets people to do so.”
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 4 months
I play way too much wingspan bc I see a picture of a Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher and always gasp and whisper "A celebrity"
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raccootic · 1 year
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I know there’s grammar mistakes, but I fought autocorrect so hard, and I do not feel like going back and fixing them
Anyways, here’s them with wings!
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boyduroy · 4 months
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finished my Icarus wingspan shawl 🪶
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Wingspan is a conservation-focused board game where players aim to attract different bird species to their network of nature preserves.
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sadiegirl2021 · 5 months
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Nesta asking Gwyn about Azriel's...wingspan!
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nightpool · 1 year
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One thing I did not expect from this year was for me to develop an attraction to wings. This is a new low.
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emiett · 6 months
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She warble on my rump till I yell ow
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multyashka-sweet · 2 months
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Board Games Commission for Shiranai and Daruin
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chronicallyvirgo · 1 year
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jones-friend · 2 months
Wyrmspan! 🥳
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Verdict: Wingspan’s scrappier cousin, for better and worse. You already know if you will enjoy Wyrmspan.
Most importantly: it IS meaningfully different from Wingspan in mechanics.
I love Wingspan. Genuinely one of the greats alongside Dominion and Terraforming Mars. It always feels like eating a well made meal. From the design to the aesthetic to the choices its an all-timer.
Wyrmspan is a delightful game I have a lot of good to say about it. I think Connie did a fantastic job designing this game. I want to make it clear going into this that when I critique a certain system its with love. Its not a laundry list of issues. I liked playing Wyrmspan a good deal and am excited to try it again soon.
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In Wyrmspan players take on the roll of dracologists and look to create a dragon sanctuary by excavating caves and enticing dragons to stay. After four rounds we count points. Its similar to Wingspan with key differences in gameplay.
Action cubes are gone. They are now Player Markets. Each round players start with six silver coins. These coins are spent on actions, each action takes one coin. They replace cubes. This means you get six actions on each of the four rounds. It also means you can buy powerful cards by expending another silver AND some effects give you a silver coin and give you an additional action. It opens up the playspace for new options.
In Wyrmspan there are dragon cards and cave cards. To entice a dragon to stay you must excavate a space in one of the three rows. You spend a silver coin, and sometimes eggs, and place a cave, gaining its one time benefit (food, cards, guild points etc).
Once you’ve excavated you may spend a silver coin to entice a dragon, spend its cost, and place it. They can give effects for activating that row, have effects when played, give end of round buffs, or have end of game points. There’s also hatchlings: new dragons you “hatch” by spending eggs and milk. These hatchlings consume (cache) a resource to give you a different resource. On caching your third resource they reach adulthood with a one time bonus.
You can also spend a silver (plus eggs if you’ve already done so) to activate a row of caverns triggering all abilities with the walking meeple token. Each row leans towards a resource. The red caves help with food. Gold caves help with dragon cards. Purple caves help with cave cards. When you “explore” you walk your meeple along that row and gain effects of any abilities with that meeple icon, walking until you reach a stop sign.
This is the brown powers from Wingspan. In Wyrmspan dragons are set down left to right then activated left to right. You gain other effects as well, each row can earn a guild point and lay an egg. You also get endgame scoring bonuses from filling out each row. Red caches food, gold tucks cards, purple discards caves for eggs.
The last big change is the guild mechanic. There are four guilds that each prioritize a resource. Whenever you gain a guild point you gain the resource of the space you moved onto. For example the first space is always lay an egg. With the brown spaces offering more powerful plays like free dragons or high endgame points.
The guild mechanic really greases the wheels of the game. It kept me from spending an entire action on one draw. It gives consistent and variable value that gives the extra little bit you need to make your strat work. Its scrappy, but smart in that it prevents you from taking dud turns.
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I also found the art to be a delight. Storybook art of dragons in a style similar to but differing from Wingspan. Charming entirely. I love them.
So Wyrmspan’s scrappiness is what sets it apart from Wingspan. It is where the game is strengthened and weakened. I like the guild points freeing up actions, I like actions as coins to be spent or gained, I like that excavating caves bounces you into playing dragons. I like it.
It also undoes some big brain choices by Wingspan. You no longer build left to right to activate right to left, you don’t have that nuance in playing cards down. You also don’t have the trade off of less actions with a bigger boardstate.
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But none of that hindered the experience. Its just different. And different is good. I mean it when I say you already know if you want to play it. If Wingspan but dragons is appealing to you then you should buy it! It certainly justifies its own existence next to Wingspan on your shelf. You’ll have a lot of fun! If you don’t feel much one way or another the game won’t change your mind.
But I had a fantastic time and will be playing it again soon.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Ooooo what about wing things? Both fluffy and smutty (if there’s even such a thing as fluffy when it comes to the wings? Idek 😂) with Cassian and Az (not poly though)
Of course anon, I love thiiiiiiis💛
Wings Headcanons
man loves it when you absently run your fingers over his wings, softly brushing up over the talon and the edges
he also loves it when you wash his wings after he has been flying and they have gotten terribly cold from the icy wind
also this male will always make a cocoon of his wings during the night, where you both would be safe and hidden in
and when you have little babies, they would love to fall asleep on his wings, or curled into them
oh and a bonus fluff one, Azriel once yelped really loudly when you accidentally sat down on one of his wings, but the little yelp was just too adorable
ahm wingspan
and the vein leading up the talon – man is this his weak and super sensitive spot
one touch of you finger and Az is hard as rock
brushing your finger up the vein, adding a little bit pf pressure and he really has to fight hard to not come immedaitely
he loves when you play with his wings when you are intimate, but he had difficulty allowing this because he knew it would make him vulnerable, so he waited until you accepted the bond
oh Azriel sometimes likes it harder, likes a little bit of pain
so you scratching you nails over the leathery membrane of his wings will really make him come in an instant
purrs when you caress his wings
similar to Az, he loves it when you softly brush over his wings and tend to them after a long day of flying
also loves wing massages
also wraps them around the two of you when sleeping but often gets too hot underneath them and so has to remove them from around you
Cass is very proud of his wings and also takes very good care of them, oiling them at least twice a week
as he loves his wings he also loves wingplay
mhm good gods, when you are riding him and toy with his wings, this male is lost
his head is thrown back, lips parted and he groans deep in his throat while your fingers dance over the vein running up to his talon
talking about that vein, it stands out quite a lot so you can see it easily and you love teasing him your mate by randomly brushing the tip of your finger over it when passing your mate
Cass will either growl, yelp or groan as a reaction, depending on where you are currently
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brooklynbridgebirds · 11 months
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Common Tern flying low over the East River Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 2
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