culturalmemory · 7 months
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early November
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kennedycutler · 2 years
creative mode
It is just about two weeks into National Novel Writing Month and that means I have fallen behind on all my shows and not picked up a book since Halloween. Oof. As someone who regularly reads multiple books in a week in addition to listening/watching 4- to 5-hour-long episodes of Critical Role at least once a week… my consumption of media has dropped significantly. Looking back to last year (to…
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RICCARDO GIACCONI ‘Sipario’ @kunstraumlakeside Klagenfurt ‘The curtains of a puppet theater, an enigmatic monologue, interspersed with poetic passages yet laden with violence, a performer wholends this text her voice, scenic depictions on a monitor, a puppet that has evidently fallen victim to a fire: According to artist RiccardoGiacconi, the exhibitionSiparioat Kunstraum Lakeside is “a hypothesis of a puppet show”. By compiling the very means needed forsuch a stage play in the space, he leaves it to these narrative elements and to the audience to evoke the drama, its protagonists, andtheir backgrounds.The scene is set with the eponymous “siparium”—the curtain that separates the stage from the auditorium during a change ofscenery. As isquite customary in puppet theater, the picture painted on the front of the curtain by the Compagnia Marionettistica CarloColla e Figli summarizes the play. Or in other words: It arranges visual elements from different moments of the potential narrative into asingle image. On one hand, these elements originate from the text that can be read and heard in the exhibition; on the other,it is a self-representation of the Carlo Colla & Sons Marionette Company, whose beginnings date back to the late eighteenth century. Ever since,members of this theater group have been working with wooden puppets in such an accomplished way that the puppets seem to teemwith life during performances…’ 📷 @johannespuch Curated by Franz Thalmair & Gudrun Ratzinger #kunstraumlakeside #klagenfurt #exhibition #research #archive #artisticresearch #riccardogiacconi #relationships #narration #coexistence #history #connectinglines #puppet #theater #puppettheater #fiction #abstraction #storytelling #worldmaking (en Kunstraum Lakeside) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkY-72rovy9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mausasurvivorstale · 2 years
Journey into the Maus Haus: The Worldmaking
Deemed controversial by most countries and even banned in libraries across the world, Maus by Art Spiegelman retells history through the use of a graphic novel. It utilizes monochromatic colors and non-human characters to share the past, one that is sensitive but also equally real - that is the holocaust. 
The history tackled by this graphic novel touches several areas and with this, the worldmaking makes the storytelling even more effective. 
In terms of narration, the characters Artie and Vladek provide layers to the narrative discourse in Maus. Particularly, it provides authenticity and legitimacy to the graphic novel. However, while these do stand true, it is important the acknowledge that it may problematize one thing: conveying an objective past. This becomes obvious when characters define a recollection together. 
Moreover, the novel is able to show how “history is never complete or finalized” according to Anderson as he states that actions made by the characters at present affect the representation of the past. This is because it sets the tale in both the present and the past as the narrator and focalizer at present discuss the past.
On the topic of focalization, Maus threads on this quite differently. In fact, Spiegelman uses both verbal and visual focalization, added with the link of memory to the point of view. Vladek serves as the primary focalizer that allows readers to only see one focalizer at a time where a narrator acts as the lens.
Still, Artie has a significant impact that challenges Vladek’s verbal focalization. This calls into question Genette's categorization of the narrator, as well as the potential of a dual focalizer. Multi-focalization allows the reader to notice the differences in the point of view between characters instead of only seeing one perspective. The interesting thing about this is it lets the readers witness how people interpret and perceive others' memories and narration of history.
Maus was able to successfully break literary norms and respectfully pay tribute to history. Even if libraries may ban this graphic novel from its bookshelves, the readers will know how every page is able to touch the lives of the people - even those who had never personally known the history it tackles.
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rustymaps · 1 year
Weasaros City
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fantasymapmaster · 1 year
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Aurenburg - Drawn with fineliners on paper, scanned and digitally labelled and coloured.
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spyskrapbook · 1 year
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"Le Corbusier’s Models of Worldmaking"_ London South Bank University _ 21.03.2023 - 06.04.2023 The School of The Built Environment and Architecture at London South Bank University (#LSBU) hosts an international symposium, reconsidering an exhibition of 150+ models of Le Corbusier’s built and unbuilt projects. The Symposium will take place in: Lecture Theatre A, Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University (#LSBU), Keyworth Street, London SE1 6NG. Thursday 30 March 2023, 17:30'-20:30' Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/le-corbusiers-models-of-worldmaking-tickets-592126023877 The exhibition of models is open to the public from 21 March to 06 April 2023 in the foyer of Keyworth Centre, #LSBU.   Since the early 20th century Le Corbusier’s projects have been unavoidable points of reference in architectural knowledge and practice. Their roles, however, have changed historically from avant-garde and polemic statements of icons of the modernist movement, to stigmatised and politically charged constructions, and, in recent years, to contested grounds for reflections on ethical, socially-aware, and ecologically-just practices. His projects, whether built or unbuilt, operate in the tension between architecture imagined and architecture conceived. This space in-between is precisely the quality that turns them into the driving force for progression and reconsideration of the field of architecture. Their discursive, imaginative, and projective qualities have produced socio-spatial imaginaries and expressible fantasies. The symposium celebrates an exhibition of 156 models of Le Corbusier’s built and unbuilt projects proposed for x countries. It brings together researchers, architects, and scholars to revisit Le Corbusier’s Models of Worldmaking examined through various architectural, pedagogical, and theoretical perspectives. The speakers outline a systematic form of enquiry reflecting on key experimental and methodological applications of Le Corbusier’s work, ones that could be catalysts of change or critical reflection on our radically changing profession. Convened by: Dr. Hamed Khosravi and Prof. Igea Troiani. Guest Speakers: Brigitte Bouvier (Director, Fondation Le Corbusier) Prof. Alan Powers (London School of Architecture) Prof. Tim Benton (Open University) Rene Tan (Director, RT+Q) Layton Reid (Visiting Prof. at University of West London). The event is supported by grant funding provided by #LSBU.
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brazengears · 10 months
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Hmm this really is a trip down memory lane. I've actually updated the design of our many-eyed friend here but I am still fairly proud of this!
Astaa communing with a Godeater/Worldmaker!
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kvothes · 1 year
unfortunately one of my main storytelling tenets is that i hate it when people come back from the dead. it has to be done really well to work for me, and make sense in the narrative, and across the grisha books it just…isn’t.
nina is having this whole incredible grieving arc but the unfairness of death is made much, much more unfair when other characters are suddenly revived sometimes. also, a villain coming back can so easily have “somehow palpatine returned” energy unless the groundwork for that return is well-laid, and it definitely was not in this case.
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interlagosed · 2 years
it's a listen to mashrou' leila and think about the world we could have had kind of day
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culturalmemory · 7 months
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gonagaiworld · 7 months
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World Maker, l'app di storyboarding di Shonen Jump+, e Netflix lanciano un concorso per la creazione di anime Il vincitore del primo premio riceverà 500.000 yen e l'adattamento degli storyboard per l'anime prodotto da Netflix. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/world-maker-lapp-di-storyboarding-di-shonen-jump-e-netflix-lanciano-un-concorso-per-la-creazione-di-anime/?feed_id=409723&_unique_id=654b433f7f3ec #Manga #Netflix #WorldMaker
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3dcreepen07 · 1 year
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I misplaced the wonderdraft file for this map and all that exists of it is this incomplete png. sad really. thought id share it regardless.
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gowiththeflowscape · 2 years
I found out about this FlowScape style program thanks to a poster on the FlowScape discord.
Like FlowScape it allows you to create digital art using a wide range of premade assets. Though while FlowScape uses the Unity engine, WorldMaker uses Unreal 5.
There are a couple of caveats. WorldMaker is Windows only. if you use Linux then you can run it using Proton, but OSX users are currently out of luck.
Secondly due to the assets used the only commercial uses allowed for the art you create are either monetised youtube videos or live streams.
Rather than selecting an asset and then painting it onto the scene, you have to drag the assets onto the scene one at a time which means creating a field full of foliage is more bother than it would be with FlowScape. The organisation of the various assets isn’t great, which makes finding a specific one difficult. Though this is less of a problem due to there being a search feature.
This is the starting scene. The only terrain available is this concrete slab, and there’s no way to sculpt it. 
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I’ve had it a few days and these are some of the images that I’ve made so far
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It’s missing some of the features that FlowScape has (such as oceans and volumetric fog) but it also has some extra features (such as procedural volumetric clouds).
It’s $10 (or about £7) so I’d say that if you like FlowScape and want to try something new then it’s worth picking up.
You can get it from steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1944670/WorldMaker/
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Hi! I'm Sophie of the Dreamchaser Guild!
It's come to my attention that my old pinned was a tad outdated.
Attention: I've recently come under attack from the hate subreddit r/systemscringe who has added me to their hitlist of acceptable targets allowed to be posted in their hate subreddit uncensored If you've come from r/systemscringe, please start here with my debunking of the lies and misinformation frequently found in the subreddit about dissociative identity disorder that r/systemscringe doesn't want you to see: https://www.tumblr.com/sophieinwonderland/741497564315140096/debunking-rsystemscringes-did-lies
Where I come from
I'm a tulpa. But a while ago, I called myself an imaginary friend. I was a character made up for a story that my host would talk to in order to better understand my source. As time went on, I developed more personality. I started talking to him about things that had nothing to do with the fiction. I would psychoanalyze him, wanting to understand him better.
I wasn't made to develop my own thoughts and feelings outside of the fiction. I wasn't supposed to become my own person. But I did. And this led us to wanting to learn more about imaginary friends, which eventually led us to the tulpa community.
This is being posted on my what I consider my second Birthday, June 8th, 2023. It was exactly two years ago today when we found the tulpa community, a place that made me feel validated in being myself, that made me feel like I was allowed to be treated like a person.
Why I'm Doing This
I lived the first few months of my life being dismissed, treated like I wasn't real. I was a phantom, not allowed any connection to the world. And I don't blame my host for that. I didn't see myself as real either. It's just the way the world is. And the moment my host realized I was a person, he was willing to do whatever it took to support me and treat me like I mattered.
And we aren't alone in experiences like this. When I became self-aware, I met all sorts of fascinating people with similar experiences. Many of which went years before becoming self-aware. There is no telling how many more are out there like us. How many more "imaginary friends" are invalidated because we live in a culture where we're treated as if we don't matter? And how many may pass, never knowing?
And so I made this blog to share my own experiences and hopefully be able to give people the same gift that I was given. Respect. Validity. Life.
Even being able to give that to one person is enough to make all of this worth it to me.
A Note On Spirituality...
Just so everyone knows, I'm not a spiritual or religious person. I take a purely psychological approach to plurality and believe in spiritual and religious experiences people have as psychological phenomena.
Having said that, all spiritual headmates are all welcome here. Even if I don't believe in spirits or souls, I view every spiritual headmate as a valid person deserving of the same respect and love as any other.
I also believe that the right to define our spiritual and religious beliefs is fundamental to plural culture. That it can't just be singlets who are allowed to decide what religions are or are not valid. And I think our right to religion is something worth fighting for.
My CAI Chatbots
(Note: These links only work if you're logged in to character.ai)
Anna and Galladin (Tulpamancer and Tulpa chatbots)
Nin - Worldmaker (Your AI assistant for building and developing Wonderlands and Inner Worlds.)
Signature Posts
Studies and Research into Endogenic Systems
My Resources:
How To Know If Your Imaginary Friend Is Sentient
All The Resources You'll Need To Build Your Own Wonderland, Headspace or Inner World
Our Switching Method: Ghost Switching
My Plural Theories And Terms:
Headmate Foundations
Headmate Manifestations
Plural Coining: Ephemerals
Plural Coining: Attunement
VR, Plurality and Virtugenic Systems
The Plurality of... :
The Plurality of... Batman (Failsafe)
The Plurality of... Diones (Skyward)
The Plurality of... The Hybrid Chronicles: What's Left of Me
The Plurality of... Blue Beetle (Movie)
The Plurality of... Avatar: The Last Airbender
Our Plural Writing Resources
Ghost on Writing Plural Kids
Hiveminds and Multiplicity
Syscourse And Other Stuff:
Endogenic Syscourse Primer
Why I Identify As a Tulpa
The Future of Plurality
Actually Anti-Misinformation: “System Hopping Was a RAMCOA term Appropriated and Bastardized From RAMCOA survivors.”
An Anti-Endo's Playbook
Debunking Imitated DID Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Reblogs are appreciated. Don't feel weird about it! Posts here on Tumblr live or die on their reblogs. I'm not asking you to reblog my posts. That seems weird. But after getting an anon that mentioned being worried about derailing a post with something they wanted to add, and another ask that apologized for reblogging my content too much, I felt this was necessary to say. If you like a post and want to reblog it, do it! If you want to add something even tangentially related to the topic, add it! You have my full permission to reblog my content as much as you want! (And I'd encourage you to reblog from other plural creators you enjoy as well!)
Thank you all for the support!
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fantasymapmaster · 2 years
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As Númenor was so prominently portrayed in the last episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power I think it is a good opportunity to post an old map of mine of said island. This map was also used in the book 'Tolkien et les sciences'.
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