My latest post is all about Gender and how I came about realising my own gender. Check it out! 😊
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My latest post is all about my self harming and how I've managed to stop doing it. Check it out if you need any tips for distractions! 😊
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Baby deer 🦌
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When you said you used me , it yore me to pieces .
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You don’t have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It’s your life. Live it without apologies.
Mandy Hale (via wnq-anonymous)
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"Life is all just a series of lessons that you're expected to take on board and hopefully learn from. It's a series of mistakes that, hopefully, you won't make again - as hard as that can be."
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The Other Woman
Things were so perfect with you and me,
Life was constantly on our side.
But you got greedy,
You started to play games.
 You deleted her messages,
Didn’t tell me when you met with her.
Ended things days before spending a whole weekend with her.
You was in love…
 …With the other woman.
 The other woman with long brown hair,
Dreamy eyes you could stare into for days.
The other woman with cheekbones so high,
And a smile to make any person melt.
The other woman with her stable sense of mind,
And a body that matches the clothes she wears.
 You was in love, but not with me – no dear!
You was in love…
 …With the other woman
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Slowly Blooming
I am a flower, I am blooming slowly. I am a star, I am shining brighter each day. I am the moon, hiding one moment and saying hi the next. I am the seasons, ever changing. I am the weather, unpredictable. I am the sea, stormy and calm. I am a flower, slowly blooming. I am a flower, coming into my beauty. I am a flower, soon I will be proudly open with nothing there to make me feel blue. I am a flower, Slowly blooming. I am a flower, Soon I shall be me.
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Inside, I am beautiful
Inside, I am beautiful My heart is big and my soul is free. Outside, I am hideous My body is there for all to see, but I hate the way it traps me. Inside, I am beautiful I care for all and wish happiness to the world. Outside, I am hideous My body grows hair in all places I feel it shouldn’t be. Inside, I am beautiful I’m a free spirit with a love for life. Outside, I am hideous My chest isn’t how I wish and my genitals are like a prison. Inside, I am beautiful I am me. Outside, I am hideous I am a slave to biology.
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The Dark
I close my eyes, I see nothing I open my eyes, I see darkness. I close my eyes, I see the past I open my eyes, I see the pain. I close my eyes, I see the dark I open my eyes, I see a bright white light. I close my eyes, an Angel comes I open my eyes, I see my death bed.
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The Wave
My mind is like a wave,
My thoughts just flood my brain.
My mind is like the sea,
Unpredictable and a cruel mistress.
 I feel the wave coming,
I seek my bed for comfort.
I feel the wave coming,
Sadness washes over me.
I feel the wave coming,
Now I feel happy.
I feel the wave coming,
Now I’m picking up my blade.
 My thoughts are out of control,
My mood swings hard to bare.
I feel the wave coming,
I can’t carry on like this.
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"When it comes to recovery and discussing what recovery means to someone, it's also important to consider relapse and the affects a relapse can have on someone. For me, relapsing is going back to unhealthy and potentially dangerous coping-mechanisms and feeling myself going into decline. " New post is up so check it out 😊💕😘
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Always look for the good in life 💕
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Well this is relatable. Sometimes we have to be our own best friend and support system!
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