thesorcererpoet · 1 day
So I’ve been a little quiet lately. I’m going to be doing a lot of updates to this blog soon. I will still keep writing as I always have, as it’s something I literally just do all the time, so please don’t worry because I’m not going to stop with the poetry any time soon.
For the last few days, I have been working on an astrological compatibility chart (synastry) for a friend, so I have been very busy.
Next week, I am off work so from then I will be revamping things a bit and start posting a bit more about my spiritual work.
As a brief explanation though for those curious, I am a practitioner of Chaos Magick, which is the idea of using belief as a tool. Chaos magick operates on the principle that you can adopt all different kinds of spiritual principles and use them at will as they were intended and then choose to use something different, even contradictory at will. This is called paradigm shifting or belief shifting. Chaos magick also allows you the freedom to work with your own correspondences and even invent your own systems of magic.
One of the main things Chaos magic utilises, is a practice called sigil magick. Sigil Magick works by allowing you to craft your own magical symbols using several methods. The most commonly used one is derived from taking a statement of intent, removing all of the repeating letters and vowels and then taking the remaining letters and creating a monogram out of them which looks like a little picture made from the letters. The best way to do this is to generate a little monogram so the letters are not consciously recognisable. The next step is to forget your intent. If you can deliberately do so then this process is quite fast. The idea is that lusting after the result will prevent it from working.
Sigil magic is kind of like planting a seed in the unconscious mind, which you allow yourself to do the magic for you. This is thought to be where all kinds of primal forces, which came from former evolutions, reside. These primal forces are what the inventor of sigil magic called atavistic nostalgia, literally what your body remembers of its ancient ancestry.
To plant the sigil, chaos magicians work with various altered and trance states of mind, some of which are naturally occurring. Often we use things like meditation, a sudden shock, holding breath until you can’t, drumming, various rituals. There are many myriad ways to plant a sigil. My favourite way is to blow all of the air out of my lungs until I gasp, while staring at the sigil. In the moment, when you gasp, your conscious mind is briefly forced to be silent which allows the sigil to enter into the unconscious uninhibited. Once the sigil has been implanted, you must then destroy it, commonly by burning it.
While I use many chaos magic specific techniques, I also work with an array of different systems at various times. Much of my very favourite work comes from working magic, which is my English heritage. Now, by this, I don’t mean Wicca. I tend to find I do a lot of work with bible magic, old English charms and the grimoires.
A grimoire, meaning grammar in old French, is a magical instruction book, showing techniques for rituals which can put you in contact with spirits. They also contain various spells which are not full summoning rituals, but are instead simpler workings designed to get results for various needs. The most well known grimoire is known as The Goetia which is the first part of a compilation of different magic books called The Lemegeton or The Lesser Key of Solomon. This book has a bit of a reputation as these spirits are considered as being demons. However, I know from my own practice that if you treat them with respect and don’t approach these practices from a place of fear, all will usually be fine. However, these practices are not for inexperienced practitioners. Before working with grimoires, it is important to know how to banish, to make sure you follow spiritual cleansing routines, learn how to make holy water. Be sure you know what you are doing so you know how to deal with it should anything go awry. Much easier then, it is to begin with various levels of simpler spell work and to get confident before approaching the bigger rituals.
While I am big fan of traditional magic practices such as these, I am by no means an advocate for doing things to the letter. Experimentation is really the only way to even get this stuff to work nowadays, since we no longer have access to a lot to the items, or trades people like blacksmiths etc who you need to get to do the work in front of you. My own practice is a blend of ancient rites, Christian prayers and using what is available to me in the 21st century. Much of this stuff was only made operable to me at all because of chaos magic.
While these two sets of interlinking ideas make up the bulk of my practice, I do work within many other systems. I am fond of modern witchcraft, which seems to be like Wicca but eschewing a lot of the old restrictions, the sexism and some of the other more odious elements (for instance, no you do not need to be naked to do magic, that’s just silly). I also work a lot with runes and rune magic, as well as with the Norse gods. I have a deep and long running connections to Taoism, particularly with the divination book, the I Ching which has literally saved my life (it drew my attention to what would have been an electrical fire in my old flat, I wouldn’t be alive without that divination). I actually have much to say on the I Ching but I will save that for another post, however I will say it has taught me so much and I have an immense amount of gratitude towards the oracle since it has come into my life. I also have worked a lot with Thelema, particularly engaging in the book of Thoth Tarot as well as some Golden Dawn practices. However my preferences for magic are mostly rooted in older traditions, mainly grimoires, European folk magic and British cunning craft.
All this aside, I have also been divining for others for many years now and I know many systems of divination inside and out. I am particularly knowledgeable about tarot, mainly following after the Rider-Waite system of tarot, developed by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamala Coleman-Smith of the Golden Dawn. As I have previously mentioned, I work with Runes and The I Ching. I also work with something called Geomancy, which was very popular during the renaissance, and came before tarot. Geomancy is actually very ancient but is still widely used in a lot of African and Middle Eastern countries. It’s methods have been preserved in the fourth book of occult philosophy, attributed to Cornelius Agrippa (his three books and fourth book are about 500 years old and contain a lot of source material for many of the magic books that came after). Geomancy works by poking holes in a box of blessed dirty until your intuition tells you to stop. You count the holes and then work out if it’s odd or even, then generate the various diagrams, which are eventually arranged into a table of astrological houses and read. You can also generate the numbers using a pen and paper or using coins, or dice or various other methods. I will probably demonstrate this stuff soon. As I have already mentioned, I am into astrology, although I am really only just learning at the moment. I also practice scrying, which is the act of causing visions using a crystal ball, black mirror, bowl of water or various other reflective surfaces. I also have my own, self invented system of dice magic which I am currently working on updating.
I will be offering my various divination services soon.
Anyway, thank you for reading my big, long infodump. I will post more cool stuff soon x
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thesorcererpoet · 2 days
You have been blessed by the lucky money frog! 🍀 Let there be lots of money and prosperity to go around ✨🙏✨
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Artwork: RemCat
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thesorcererpoet · 3 days
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One of the Fortune Cards recently commissioned Thank you Aurora for allowing me to share ♥
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thesorcererpoet · 3 days
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thesorcererpoet · 5 days
We skip stones
over the night sky.
Ripples decorate
stagnant life
with movement.
Our songs echo
inside God's teeth
and we
know everything
will be alright
for the lyric
is a healthy love
the we share
with the world
and the mirrors
beneath the bones.
Robert J. W.
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thesorcererpoet · 7 days
I love it! Haha
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trash tarot deck (22/78)
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thesorcererpoet · 7 days
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Tarot Cats 
Chonky Goods by Ping Hatta Studio
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thesorcererpoet · 7 days
Hello friends, so I’m going to be making some changes to my blog moving forwards. As you know, my name reflects my two most important special interests in both spirituality and poetry. Having recently hit a bit of a wall with my writing, it has been revealed to me by divination that I need to put more focus on my more spiritual side. I have been dealing with a great deal of anxiety lately too, regarding financial hardship, due to an extremely messy break up with my now ex partner, last year, which has left me in a great deal of debt and struggling to pay bills. While I have kind of resisted the idea, I have been a practitioner of magic and divination for a very long time, reading professionally on and off for the last five years. I began by hustling for beer with my tarot cards in a local bar. I have also worked briefly for a local medium and occasionally did readings for my friends. So I figured this is both spiritually enriching and might even help me solve my problems, both with rent and inspiration too. I really do hope this isn’t off putting for those of you who do follow me, but it is important that I do this. Giant love to you all.
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thesorcererpoet · 9 days
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thesorcererpoet · 9 days
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thesorcererpoet · 9 days
Silent as clay,
speech sits dormant,
and stasis took hold.
All static, just noise,
dead like a serpent’s skin.
Itching across the window,
it took the life from colour;
left the deadness dull;
offended with its muted nature.
Caving in, self, referred to self.
In recursion, patterns scream;
a camera between two facing
mirrors. Standing sandwiched,
the viewer lost themselves:
an infinite regress.
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thesorcererpoet · 10 days
words breathe
and beat
within art,
human nature
as shifting
and observed,
at one
with interpreter
and interpretation.
Artful declarations,
seen differently:
individual viewer,
selfsame reflection,
unique vision.
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thesorcererpoet · 10 days
The Seed
Skin slip, metamorphosis,
clamouring for relief.
A well. A seed tumbled in,
met the abyss, met it in water;
super cooled, dissolving, percolating,
and rising.
Change altered bearings,
the seed grew a new captain;
altered the context of liquid being,
quenched thirst, just
for a moment, altering the drinker, changing their alignment:
intangible inner shapes shifted.
New skin, new being;
a snake!
The colour of water, the taste of being,
empty. Abyssal waters, clear
blue sky above; reflected
by the mirrored surface skin,
underneath, the captain sings
orders; moves the waters,
watches the way liquid moves within.
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thesorcererpoet · 11 days
Screaming to be silent,
reach the open sky,
and be carried to the moon
on a gentle wind.
Silence escapes me,
but screaming has no air,
even though the pressure is climbing
again. Skyward!
I want to lose the ground.
Feet dragging against the flowering grass,
I see the sky and taste the wind;
but I am here. I am present
in body alone.
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thesorcererpoet · 11 days
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My garden is crazy wild at the moment. My lawn has overgrown a lot since I’ve been working so much, so lots of different wildlife has made a home here. Lately I’ve seen a European Adder (which is a rare venomous snake), grey squirrels, a toad, foxes and several species of birds. My partner has also seen a buzzard and a slow worm. There’s also some gorgeous wild flowers springing up. This, pictured here, is a cinnabar moth. I thought it was really beautiful so I had to photograph it. Sadly it got away before I could get a close up with my SLR but I got it on my phone.
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thesorcererpoet · 12 days
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thesorcererpoet · 12 days
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