anyaapes ¡ 5 years
Moon & Mars: Experiencing Emotions and Expressing Them
Our moon placements speaks to the inner dialogue of how we feel and experience emotions. However, emotional expressions can manifest in our Mars placement when experiencing raw and strong emotions. This creates an interesting dynamic between moon and Mars; the moon can explain the basic instincts when it comes to interpreting feelings while Mars is how we may act it out. 
Below is how these two placements may be portrayed elementally wise when it comes to ones emotional state vs how they may unleash that to the world. 
Fire moon ☽ (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-
Fire moons experience emotions quickly. Emotions can be like a wave, it hits them hard but can disappear just as quickly as it surfaced. However, when strong emotions come they are okay with experiencing and owning it. Their passionate minds make it easier for them to feel defensive when the ego is under attack. They can be prone to having their emotional state eat up their entire mind if expression is not released. 
+ Fire Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and fire Mars means strong emotions surface fast and are openly expressed. They own what they are feeling and aren’t as concern as how it may come across at first. They are probably the most honest about how they feel even if the execution isn’t ideal.
+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and earth Mars means they take the raw emotions they are feeling and try to make practical use out of it. The energy gained from emotions can be expressive more productively. They may struggle with the contradictions these elements bring because their fire moon calls for impulsivity, but their earth Mars makes them patient with it.
+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and air Mars means they sit on their emotions before expressing them outwardly. They can take their spontaneous emotions and intellectualize them quicker than others. They are very adaptable to the situation their emotions may have brought them in, but because their fire moons they may need to make damage control a priority. 
+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and water Mars means they are well aware with how they are feeling, but don’t want to admit it to others. They are strongly invested with their emotions, but are afraid with how others will view them so expression is passive. However, they are like a boiling pot of water, eventually get them heated enough they will burst. 
Earth moon ☽ (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)-
Earth moons have the tendency to suppress emotions in favor of a more practical view. They aren’t emotionless but may come across stoic or indifferent. They seek stability for themselves and others as well so when that is threaten they may feel the most discomfort with their emotions. It takes a lot for them to be honest with emotions and often only shares them with those deemed worthy enough. 
+ Fire Mars ♂️:  A combination of earth moon and fire Mars means they put their emotions into passion and have a strong drive. They handle pain and hurt with productivity, but it may not apparent to others as to why they are behaving the way they are. They may battle with themselves of holding high standards to itheir emotions while craving the desire of it being shown to others. 
+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of earth moon and earth Mars means they come off as well discipline and hard to sway. This can be intimidating or even inspiring to some. They can have the most control over their emotions and how they are executed. However, they can be the most dishonest about their feelings to themselves and others. 
+ Air Mars ♂️:  A combination of earth moon and Air Mars means they have strong control of emotions and knows how to execute them in a smart and polished way. It takes a lot for them to show aggression and sometimes the way they talk about emotions may seem robotic and rehearsed. Their air Mars allows their more stubborn earth minds to be adaptable in this area as well.
+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of earth moon and water Mars means they struggle being direct with their feelings. They will hold back sharing them and then dance around the truth when it needs to be released. However, it can be scary once tested too far because of how important they take guarding themselves and others they love. 
Air moon ☽ (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)-
Air moons hold emotions to the same standard as oxygen: they know it’s there but they don’t need to really acknowledge its presence. With this standard it can make an air moon feel like they need to intellectualize their emotions so they hold validity. When they actively think about them then it consumes them. Emotional state become unideal when communication is rough with others and they feel others have grown disdain for them.  
+ Fire Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and Fire Mars means the moment their emotions override their control it may be expressed abruptly and unrefined. This can create frustration for them, however they are adept individuals who can get out of the situation they may have created by mistake. They are also skilled in making the outcome desirable for themselves when conflict is resolved. 
+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and earth Mars means they might not communicate all their emotions which could be a good thing cause they say what’s necessary. They have strong filters and are hard to break. They are observant from their air moon which is a resource that the earth Mars utilizes to end tension. 
+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and air Mars means they come off as more graceful with emotions. They can communicate them to be viewed as attractive so it may be received well. This isn’t without consequence however for they may be the most detached to their emotions. They may think a thousand words, but not all of them will be acknowledged and expressed. 
+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and water Mars means once the emotions have been analyzed they know how to strategically use them to their advantage. Gaining sympathy is their talent, but they do recognize others feelings. Though this should all be taken account after they are honest with themselves and are brave enough to confront it.
Water moon ☽ (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)-
Water moon experience emotions deeper and can understand the layers and complexity it brings. While their strength is admirable, their weakness is holding emotions in until it becomes too much to handle. This isn’t because they avoid emotions, it is the conflicts they may cause to those around they don’t want. Emotions guide what they would and should do. Emotions becomes too much to handle when they feel they are being treated poorly.  
+ Fire Mars ♂️:  A combination of water moon and fire Mars means they navigate life with emotions more openly. Their fire Mars encourage their water moon to let the floodgate open which can be refreshing and necessary for them. Though the lack of premeditation may cause the results they don’t desire. 
+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and earth Mars means they value comfort and stability in their emotions greatly and when it becomes disturbed is when they will act on it. They don’t want to be seen as uncomposed so they shed their strong emotions through a shakey voice. They have to fight their imagination in these situations in order to prove they are realistic beings. 
+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and air Mars means they will hide their emotions until somebody makes them show it. They can manipulate the situation in their favor. On the flip side, an individual who is more developed with these placements may use this power to understand others emotions better. Their air Mars refines what they are thinking before it’s expressed as well. 
+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and water Mars means they intuitive with emotions, but struggle with showing the more negative ones. They don’t suppress them they just don’t want them to escalate drama. They be more likely to deal with their emotional state alone because of this. When feelings are expressed to other the result can be the most devastating to see because of how expressive they become. 
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anyaapes ¡ 5 years
Some beautiful things about each Zodiac Sign
Aries, you’re so strong and brave. Even if you’re silent, it feels like your power is in the air. All or nothing - that’s your motto, and it’s really amazing. You amaze me.
Taurus, how can you be so blooming? You spread your energy all around you and when I’m with you, I don’t want to think about the bad. I want to grow with you, you make people laugh.
Gemini, you’re so flexible and that’s awesome! You’re a cool person, it;s easy to be with you, you make people relax when you’re around. Your intense makes me move ahead. 
Cancer, if people would be their traits, you’d be a care, definitely. You’re so gentle and strong, I’d never seen such a soft and at the dame time powerful person as you. Spread your love.
Leo, give me your ambitiousness, because you already have enough and more. You make people want to follow you, they trust you, because you’re true and your heart is burning of love and better purposes. 
Virgo, your aim for perfection is really a good one, because you do everything so cool and accurate, you really breathe it in and out, your blood is full of better aims for people you love and care and they can really trust you.
Libra, you’re so energetic and funny, you can really light people up, your smile is so pure and it makes me smile too. You seem special even if you’re among your soulmates. You’re a sunny person, keep that!
Scorpio, you’re so strong and hard-working, in spite of all bad things, you keep on doing your business, I admire you! You try to love everyone and get on well with people, and you’re really good at it. Your belief makes me believe too.
Sagittarius, where do you find so much energy to be like that? I believe every emotion you have and every eye you give. I forget about time with you, because you’re like out of this universe, you’re not like others.
Capricorn, thank you for keeping people closer to the ground. I feel I stand strong on my feet when I’m with you, because you add some real things to this magic world and keep that perfect balance. 
Aquarius, you are so kind to others and I like your intense to make everything perfect. To do the job clear or don’t do nothing at all. I really don’t know how you have time to do so many things at the same time, you’re so good at it. 
Pisces, your talent to speak to people, tell stories, love as loud as possible - that’s all so beautiful in you! Your heart wants to spread love and freedom all around and it’s so sweet. I appreciate your care for others. 
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
What each sign has taught me to
Aries: don’t give people the second chance, they rarely change
Taurus: don’t be afraid to be generous and welcoming, that’s a really sweet thing
Gemini: always smile even if it hurts inside. Smile really heals.
Cancer: to be compationate is really good, but to be strong and be able to hide weak sides is way too exellent. 
Leo: always be confident, no matter what they say, because you’re really special
Virgo: don’t try to be cool or whatever, just be yourself, then you’ll see who are really by your side and who aren’t. 
Libra: fuck those who don’t respect your opinions and interests. They don’t deserve to be your friends. Live as you please.
Scorpio: to speak about your feelings is nothing bad. Let people know about it, enjoy it, it can cause big changes in your life.
Sagittarius: to do crazy things is so funny and exciting. To let your guards down is more than okay, allow your wild beast out and have fun.
Capricorn: intelligence is so important in every person, so choose your surroundings very carefully, it influences you a lot.
Aquarius: be open-minded, it can lead you to the tops. People like such people. Don’t judge them, we all have frames in a wardrobe. 
Pisces: to dream about stars is so good, it doesn’t mean you can’t reach them, other way round, you must aim for better. 
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Really worthy things the signs have done to me (part 1. Men)
Aries: took a day-off just to spend it with me; came to me at 5 a.m. to help me carry my bag to a bus station; just hugged me when I needed it and it felt like heaven
Taurus: bought me a lot of books; always treated me like I'm special; was always ready to get I to any stuff with me
Gemini: talked to me like we're were alone in the whole world; treated me like we were always friends; was always ready to help and explain any shit
Cancer: sent me flowers while was a thousand miles away; listened to my advice and used them; ask me about everything just to get to know me better; made letters in the old-fashioned style (I mean, real letters written by hand)
Leo: interceded for me; left me sweet things; talked about very smart things that made me feel like a sponge; laughed with me when nobody around had no idea what it is
Virgo: call me sweet names; listened carefully; bought me food and drinks; understood all my crazy thoughts; was very gentle
Libra: guided me at nights on the streets; bought me food (they were tryna feed me up!); was interested in my points of view; was my protector from assholes
Scorpio: explained me everything I asked for him; was super patient when it came to something annoying; always helped me with anything without asking; were truly and real
Sagittarius: cared of me when I needed; tried to warm me up when it was cold for me; shared his secrets with me; was so open and outgoing
Capricorn: always bought me anything; was really into me and my thoughts; trusted me; came to me from a faraway; was ready to fight for me with another (I just stopped it, it's okay)
Aquarius: discussed lots of issues with me; invite me to his comfortable house; hugged me while watching movies; always caught me when I was falling; taught me some really interesting thibgs
Pisces: sang songs playing the guitar with me; looked at the starts; understood my thoughts; was really sorry when he failed and made awesome excuses; acted gently and innocent
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Pisces:. I need to eat immediately!
Aquarius: But you just had lunch!
Pisces: oh, yes, right...
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Virgo: why are you looking like hell?
Aries: well, I just got back!
Virgo: oh, so you were so irritating that devil kicked you out?!)0))))0)0)
Aries: *smiles like evil getting ready to hit her*
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
I like you a lot and I don't hide it!
Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
What the signs did when they have failed with something
Aries. They got really angry, were trying to hide their emotions and seem to be calm but at the end of the day screwed everything
Taurus. They were trying to find out what went wrong and why they fucked up with something. Taurus' were looking for the answer asking the others who did well, then tried to follow those pep talks
Gemini. Got very upset and depressed but then quickly pulled themselves up and were ready to kick everyone ass
Cancer: whether cried or got very sad. Tried to be better but when nobody was watching, were breathing deeply and trying not to splash their emotions out, though it was pretty hard. They really want to be better and do their best.
Leo: no matter how surprising it would be, but they cried, too. They're leaders and they want to be the ones of the first, so they cry when they're alone trying to find out new ways to the top
Virgo: criticized themselves and rooted out any details that prevented them from being good. They can be in a flap but analyzing is more attractive
Libra: got depressed and stayed speechless thinking the things through. They are very sad when they fail, so they need lots of time to get back on the track
Scorpio: tried not to turn mushy and find the new ways to get what they wanted. Sometimes cried and got panicked very much. But all in all, continued the race
Sagittarius: abased themselves in their thoughts, lost their belief and strength to move on. Cried a lot, more than anybody, stayed alone tearing themselves apart
Capricorn: the other way round - never gave up and always tried to do much better than they have done before to reach their goals. Always self-confident
Aquarius: got angry but not that much. Thought about other ways to get what is wanted, analyzing every step, usually they don't blame on others
Pisces: cried just a little bit, were talking to everyone about their failure, trying to find a support. Hardly continued to fight for their goals, lose they belief very fast.
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
I have never known such a (an)
Wayward person as Aries
Generous person as Taurus
Ambitious person as Gemini
Understanding person as Cancer
Confident person as Leo
Hard-working person as Virgo
Outgoing person as Libra
Radiant person as Scorpio
Cheerful person as Sagittarius
Erudite person as Capricorn
Fight-for-justice person as Aquarius
Chatty person as Pisces
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Interesting phrases the signs have said
Aries. Pain is a test of the power of spirit
Taurus. The negative is worth to be let inside of you to engage the inner changes
Gemini. He always says smart things, it's hard to choose
Cancer. Live for yourself, not for the others.
Leo. You're always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.
Virgo. If you love it, it's no matter what they say
Libra. Sorry, but he often says bullshit
Scorpio. If you want to do something - don't think about doing it - do it!
Sagittarius: Don't be afraid, ever.
Capricorn: I believe in the triumph of common sense
Aquarius: If you love someone, you won't let her/him do harm himself/herself
Pisces: *agrees with Aquarius bc he's his best friend*
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Negative sides of the Zodiac signs, Pt. 2 Women
Aries. A very angry girl, she can wish the bad to people she doesn’t even know personally. For example, if it’s an ex of her boyfriend. They often do things for show. Sometimes she forgets about everything in her own lies, she can easily cheat on her boyfriend telling that wasn’t a cheating and nothing is really serious. I wouldn’t trust her in that case.
Taurus. She’s one of the most gossiping person I’ve ever known. I wouldn’t tell her my secrets. Also she can gossip behind your back. She acts like she’s cool, but it’s not her, it’s her mask. She will flatter everyone who she thinks can bring benefit to her. And also she tends to get it outside. Mentally or physically, that’s all the same.
Gemini. Tends to get depressed and go deep down in herself. She will smile and laugh but after the party she will sit alone and cry, worrying about everything. She can splash out all her emotions on you if you’re on the spur of the moment. Also she tends to gossip.
Cancer. Hiding her feelings, she can be very rude and say words just to hurt you. She knows it, but doesn’t do anything with that. She tries so hard to be cool that she forgets about others feelings. She worries way too much, thinking each thought through over and over again.
Leo. Gets angry very fast, like a sparkle. If she’s really mad she will talk shit about everything that meets her eye. She just can’t handle with this angry. Her emotions is like an oil with fire. If she doesn’t like you, she will show it the best way: jeer glances, absolute indifference and even rude actions.
Virgo. She’s so cynical and rude. She really can tell everything she thinks to you even if it’s in a rude form, and she thinks she’s right. Such a girl hides a lot inside of herself, she tends to get depressed easily and take everything to heart. Sometimes she can do something to spite you if she’s really hurt.
Libra. She wants to show her life like it’s a fairytale. She needs everyone to admire her, to compliment her and say how wonderful she is. At the same time she can thinks that your beliefs are bullshit and even have arguments with you in that case. She tends to get it outside, she needs to be sexy and superb so much.
Scorpio. She’s so irascible sometimes, even if you didn’t meant something bad, she can take it to heart and get really angry. She’s like a real scorpion, will sting you so painful, you won’t be able to forget it for a long time. A Scorpio girl tends to mind not her own business and it’s kinda irritating. She rudes when she is unhappy with something.
Sagittarius. This girl sometimes seem to be careless about everything. It feels so cold of her. Tends to whine about her unhappy and unlucky life, unfulfilled love and other things she came up with in her mind. Sagittarius girl won’t notice details in your behavior, feelings, words. You try to pay her attention on yourself, but she doesn’t do it. Just doesn’t.
Capricorn. She tends to hold grudges for a long time. Even if you apologized a thousand times, she will pretend that she’s hurt so deeply by you and it looks like you’re the worst enemy in the world. Can’t accept criticism, smile like a cobra and choke you in her thoughts. How dare you to tell such a rude truth to her??? You deserve a cold wall between her and you.
Aquarius. This girl can forget about everything you said or did, just because. Whether she doesn’t really care or just has a bad memory. She tries to play mama for you and it often goes really far. She tries to help but she doesn’t know the borders. She loves teaching you how to live. Sometimes she’s really selfish, especially if you let her down, but often she is just because!!!
Pisces. It’s so annoying that this Pisces girl loves having arguments with anybody, even if she isn’t right, though she think she really is. You’ll be defeated by her stubbornness even if you were right, doesn’t matter, she will hit you down. And also she will tell about you somebody else, most likely it will be a person you don’t know personally, so she thinks it’s alright, but you must say her you don’t want her to talk about the things you’ve told her to anybody else.
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Negative sides of the Zodiac signs Pt.1 Men
Aries. He’s careless when it comes to something that threatens his freedom and independence. He would rather sacrifice himself and let you go, than try to save any kind of a relationship with you, thinking it’s the right decision, but actually he doesn’t understand that it can hurt you deeply. Such a man can suddenly disappear from your life and then return again as if nothing even happened. He’s really disorderly, but he can’t help it.
Taurus. Taurus men can be really two-timing, just for fun. When they’re alone, of course. But I don’t think it justifies them somehow, though. As a friend, sometimes Taurus men seem careless, and also can lie about something. He doesn’t seem to care about your feelings if he doesn’t really love you, I think, they actually don’t care, they can play with your heart easily. And also, they’re wusses who can’t say the truth in face or make a firm decision.
Gemini. They can manipulate you easily, so that you won’t even understand that. They can hide behind the innocent phrases, but meaning something different saying that. It’s like “there’s an idea to do this job, and it would be great, you know, if we have it done until...” They’re funny but sometimes it can go really far, and their jokes will probably hurt you. Sometimes they say horrible things just to hurt you on purpose, to pick your wounds and take you down.
Cancer. They’re sooo crybabies. I mean, they can’t accept defeat like real men, they will ask you for hours, days, months, what wrong is and then will whine to you how you’re unfair and ask for one more chance. Sorry, Cancers, but just accept it. (If you’re not like that, I’m really glad!) Cancer men can be really rude hiding their true feelings, but then they will think about it eternally and at the end of the day apology for that. They should think carefully before they say such painful things.
Leo. Rude. Over self-confident. Selfish. Wild. If you make them angry, you better off running. They become mad really fast, like a sparkle. It’s the way they protect themselves even if they’re actually not that confident, strong and right as it seems. But they should think before act, because they can even hit you. They’re even more impulsive than Aries. So don’t think they will forget about your words that hurt them sometime, when it’s a right moment, they will remind you every single word you’ve said to them once.
Virgo. I thought a lot about all the Virgos men I have known, and I came to a conclusion that I’ve never met such a pity-himself man like Virgo. Whatever you say to them, they will find a thousand excuses not to do something, because they just feel pity for themselves. Seems like they’re afraid of this world and it’s better for them to stay speechless and an idler, than take a risk and try to do/change something. Don’t regret them.
Libra. They don’t control their speech. I would call them chatterers number one. Everything, every stupidest word, thought, any delirium that’s in their heads - they will splash out everything. And do whatever you want with this information. Sometimes they’re too confident and can hurt the others thinking they’re right. But it actually is not. Libra men often mind not their own business and that’s rough and annoying.
Scorpio. They try so hard to hide their true feelings and intentions, that their words don’t match their actions. If a Scorpio man really likes you, he can just pretend he doesn’t even notice you when you're around. It’s weird and I think they should be more confident and stubborn.
Sagittarius. That’s the case when the stereotype that Sagittarius men are monogamous is really true. They don’t even hide it. Their eyes can turn red because of staring at the other women. They can love one girl but sleep with another. That’s horrible. Also, they’re perfect pretenders. Does he seem like he doesn’t even remember you? It’s just because he doesn’t WANT to remember you anymore. That’s it.
Capricorn. He’s such a nerd. I wish they would be more loyal to other’s opinions. I’ve never met such a closed person to new points of view. They're too stubborn and at the end of the day you’ll get bored and let them be. Their stone walls around them don’t let them see things from different sides. Besides, they can be wusses and forgive people who didn’t deserve forgiveness. Their stubbornness is directed not to the right side.
Aquarius. They seem cold and careless because they just don’t know how to express their feelings but they just don’t try to do that! They content what they get, but don’t even try to get more, to go out of the comfort zone. Why? They can care well and love deeply, that’s the gun in their hands, but they don’t wanna shoot. I can’t find a reasonable explanation. Also, they can flirt with other women and it’s alright for them.
Pisces. Cold, emotionless, careless for the ones they hurt. They just left a wound in you and let you be by your own. Sometimes they seem to have a cold black heart. Pisces men can easily hide the truth from a girl or friends, and it’s fine for them. Be careful, if you ever become a good friend with this man, he can probably seduce your girlfriend.
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Anti-stereotypes of the Zodiac signs Pt.2
Libra. First thing is that they're not always that flirtatious. And the second is they know what they exactly want if they're confident that they'll reach their goals. Libras can eat you by their eyes and consider this as flirt, but also they can just be like "fuck you" and wait for you to crawling back to them. Making desicions is sometimes the easiest thing for them. If it comes to not a global deal, of course.
Scorpio. If all that you could ever give them was sex only - they will never stay with you, not for the world! And they're not bitches! They're affable, responsive, you can talk about everything with them, and they won't ridicule you for anything. Actually, they're very sensitive. How can it be considered they're bitches, if they're just trying to hide their feelings being afraid they would be rejected? They're very sweet, truly.
Sagittarius. Unfortunately, not all of them are resilient. Sometimes they tend to fall into apathy, and they can't understand themselves, and cry a lot. Yes, Sagittarius people are sensitive, sometimes even more than anybody, and they also love hard. If they fall for somebody, they won't even look at the others.
Capricorn. These goats are not such analytics. Sometimes they seem latent Libra😁😁😁 It's easily for them to take off somewhere, just spontaneously. They love enjoying life, catch the moments. So, take them by the hand and go!
Aquarius. They're not careless and cold bitches! They just don't know how to express their feelings the way the others used to. They mess up with that sometimes. But if you get to know Aquarius well, you'll see that they're caring and loving. And if you have something serious with them, be careful! They can fall to paranoia because of jealousy. You'll be surprised when see a jealous Aquarius, but that means that you're really significant one for them.
Pisces. Occupying the pedestal of stereotypes by sentimentality, Pisces can be far away from this, actually. They just can not to give a fuck about something or somebody, and they'll become a cold and careless ones! They cry rarely, in fact, and choose real action over dreams. So, don't underestimate their power, they can be very determined.
* don't judge people by their sign's stereotypes, they can be the opposite of that. Love everyone and take care💕
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
Anti-stereotypes of the Zodiac signs pt.1
I decided to write about anti-stereotypes signs of Zodiac because I think that's unfair to judge people by stereotypes especially if it comes to their Zodiac sign, because it's not that information that can give a 146% of possibility that you can see the person through. So, here we go;)
Aries. They're not evil! I mean, they're as evil as the other signs. If you give them respect and kidness, they will reciprocate and give back even more. They're sweet and gentle but sometimes they hide it deep inside, but it actually is. They really need to be needed by someone. Don't be afraid of their impulsivity. It's not always manifest in a bad way. It's those people, who can come by you at any time just to be there for you and give a support to you.
Taurus. They're not so obsessed by food, clothes and sex. You feel comfortable and freely when they're around. They will listen to you carefully and support you if needed, and it's not necessary to feed them for that!
Gemini. They. Are. Not. Duplicitous! If they're not happy about something, believe me, they won't pretend. To endure something that is against their will or comfort isn't their style. They're easy to talk to, and they tend to tell the truth in face, though, or just not to talk at all, than be fake. And also, they rarely show if they're sad or hurt, but it's wrong to consider it as pretending, get it.
Cancer. Most of people cry, and Cancers aren't an exception. But if you meet a new person whose sign is Cancer, you won't recognize in him that person who is descriptioned by the stereotype. They're strong, sometimes rude, confident (or at least they seem so), and they won't whine or complain on life in plain sight. They're emotional as much as the things it comes to are important to them. That's all.
Leo. These predators are not a narcissistic ones who think they're always right. In fact, Leos are very sensitive inside and just look for someone who would share happiness and unhappiness with them, so if you find a such one he/she will care about you so much and give you lots of attention, you'll feel special, believe me.
Virgo. There's not always a perfectionism and cynicism at the wheel. Virgos love orderliness but each Virgo may have own definition of this word;) Chaos is some kind of orderliness too. They don't always idolize everything and criticize everyone. They just love thinking, analyzing and conclusing. Everything's fine, don't be afraid of them;)
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anyaapes ¡ 6 years
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Sadly, this is out of order but! Here’s another meme post! This post is reblogged with Taurus and Libra added
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