aquarianpriestess · 2 years
Today I want to talk about where all this started (yes, I’m aware it’s been a LONG time since I started this blog haha SORRY!!). I wrote this a while ago but it’s just been sitting in my drafts.
I’ve always been a very spiritual person but there was a point in my life that I strayed from it in a formal sense. My relationships with people weren’t doing well as I kept surrounding myself with more and more people who just weren’t good for me. They themselves were not bad people, just not people I meshed well with. I kept to myself a lot in high school, then in college, I was blessed to find a few wonderful people who kept me sane, but ended up in another group of people who were toxic for me. I let myself believe their opinions of me defined me. That, somehow, popularity meant their way was the best. It really broke & wore me down. I let it steal my identity & confidence for a while.
Shortly after graduation, I started working at my current company where a similar pattern was emerging. I was involved in a group of people that made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. One person in particular essentially chose me as a friend and we ended up really close. We hung out often, talked on the phone, etc. But then a few “more popular” girls came into the picture and suddenly I felt like I wasn’t worth her time. Almost like she made it a point to avoid me so she didn’t lose any “cool points” lol 
At this same time, I was dating a guy in our group. He’s a great guy, but we did not work well as a couple. We fought constantly. In retrospect, I think it’s because we brought out each other’s insecurities, which I actually see as a blessing. He unintentionally saved me from my own chains and I’m forever grateful.
I was getting to the point of feeling the most lost I had ever felt as these relationships grew more painful. I placed more and more blame on myself for not being good enough. For not being knowledgeable of the “mainstream” stuff.
Then, in October of 2014, I was at brunch with some of these girls and ended up being the topic of conversation upon leaving the table for a few minutes. Gossip. It’s such a hurtful, empty thing. A mode of filling a void with dead air (AKA unfulfilling lol). The girl who I had previously been so close to informed me of this hours later but would not tell me who spoke about me because her friendship to me wasn’t worth losing her popularity with the ones who talking behind my back. I confronted those involved which turned into a big mess but also a blessing. Not too long after, the core girls of that group had a HUGE falling out because of - you guessed it - gossip. I’ve since found way better friends and maintained friendships with those wonderful people from college I mentioned a little bit ago :)
Here’s where everything changed. A few weeks later, my roommate asked me if I’d be her friend’s date at a wedding. It was a Catholic ceremony, which is the religion I grew up with (more on that later), so it was refreshing to get into a church. 
I’ve been to countless masses, but this mass in particular was different. When the priest said “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again,” I instantly had a revelation. These words meant something SO different in that moment. To me, it was a realization that Jesus isn’t going to come back as an individual... no no no. He was coming back through each individual. He comes back through us when we realize our own internal strength, power, divinity, and light. That WE carry the answers to peace through eternal, unconditional love. It’s generally referred to as Christ Consciousness. 
This realization has changed my life. And on that note, To Be Continued lol
A few topics to come:
Christ Consciousness without Blasphemy & the current Perversion of Spirituality today through the mainstream
The Nature of Satan, His Demons, and Hell (it’s not what you think, and no, this isn’t about Satanism or Satanic Worship... I promise it’s Christian Friendly lol)
My relationship with organized religion and how it shaped my beliefs today and strengthened my relationship with God
My Twin Flame Journey & How/Why I moved on without throwing it all away
How this is all playing out in the world today (I can really only speak to the United States because it’s my direct experience & culture)
Whew... I’ve had a LOT on my mind hahah but these are a couple things you can expect
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aquarianpriestess · 4 years
It’s YOUR Turn
This is your life, not theirs. Yes, you’re living alongside them, but they’re not going to take action for you. It’s not their responsibility, but it’s also not their choice either. It’s YOURS.
YOU have the power to do whatever you want... if you feel like someone is blocking you, then go within and ask yourself why you’re perceiving them as someone who even has the power to block you. Where are you actually blocking yourself? What other way can you go to still move forward towards your goal? There IS a way. In fact there’s an infinite number of ways. That one blockage is an opportunity to think outside the box and exercise new thoughts & strategies.
Start living your life on your terms - as long as you’re not trying to hurt anyone - and you’ll see things fall into place (or even out of place if it no longer serves you).
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aquarianpriestess · 5 years
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Amazing photo of Saturn
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aquarianpriestess · 5 years
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🌞 |
#spilledink #writersofinstagram #fashionphotography #consciousness #ink #writersoninstagram #typewriterpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetry #spiritualawakening #lovequotes #inspirational #communityofpoets #lovepoem #poem #god #spirituality #depression #enlightenment #poetsofig #creativewriting #lovenote #blacklove #writersofig #inspiration #yoga #quoteoftheday #lovers #poems #gypsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxepMYylPkF/?igshid=1mjp1kyoei149
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aquarianpriestess · 5 years
Sun - Message for Someone
I just feel like writing at the moment lol
It’s been a LONG time since I’ve posted publicly and a LOT has changed since then. I’m currently sitting at work and I was struck with an unidentified, but overwhelming feeling. As I’m writing this, I know there’s someone reading who needs to see it. Not sure what it is because I don’t have anything planned to write haha but we’ll see what comes out!! I’d pull a couple cards, but like I mentioned, I’m currently sitting at work lol
I do know, though, that it involves the Sun... I’m seeing the Sun shining over a castle.
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The message is to tap back in to your optimistic, brilliant power... YOUR knowing. YOUR peace. YOUR LIFE PLAN. And Believe that you’re capable. No more living your life for someone, on their terms, especially when there’s no expression of gratitude. Enough.
Now, the message isn’t to throw your middle fingers up and slam anyone haha BUT it’s time to start putting your dreams and aspirations first... time to do what YOU love. If you don’t, you’re obviously hurting yourself, but think about it... if you’re leading someone on, or you’re not giving it your all in your career, or you’re not speaking up in your group of friends (whatever your scenario is), you’re hurting those people too. Or at the very least, holding back the wonderful potentials!! Sometimes others need someone like you to set them free and to flourish. It can be painful at first and unclear as to why, but when you do what feels genuinely right, everything will come to light.
So back to the Sun over the castle. I see this as you taking your throne and letting your sunlight lead you and the others around you (so let’s maybe not take a page out of Daenerys or Cersei’s book when taking back your throne... lol)
Moral of the story: Don’t hide your light. Ever. Let it guide you to then guide others (consciously or unconsciously).
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aquarianpriestess · 7 years
Hi there!! I don’t have additional “words” to write for this video so I decided to just post it here this week. Sorry, it’s a little long… hope you enjoy!!
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aquarianpriestess · 7 years
Ok... hopefully the video works here. I wanted to pair yesterday’s post with a video so you could see my face and maybe get a different feel for the cards. As expressed in the video, I’m really not a writer lol so I thought it might be helpful. ALSOOOO at about 3:50 in the video, I mistakenly said the “7 of Swords” when I meant “7 of Wands” ... must have had Swords on the brain lol
Let me know if the video doesn’t work and I’ll try to fix it!
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aquarianpriestess · 7 years
Introduction to My Journey
Hi there!! I’m Aquarian Priestess and I feel it’s time that I write about what’s been going on in my life. It’s been a hugely spiritual experience and it just continues to grow. I will be sharing experiences about my Twin Flame journey, being an Angel medium, the evolution of my relationship with God and the Divine, and so on.
But to kick this whole thing off, I thought it might be fun to pull a couple cards for anyone who finds this and needs to see at the time of reading!
The cards that came out were perfect for what I wanted to express!! (Not at all surprising lol)
Before I get into the cards though, I want you to know you’re not weird or crazy for believing in the Divine, magic, crystals, tarot, etc. If it’s real for you, then embrace it. If it makes you feel good then it serves a purpose (as long as you’re not hurting anyone else). Based on my experience, I think you’ll find a lot more people starting to think the same way.
For the longest time, I hid my true self because I was afraid I wasn’t “cool” enough, or people would think I was weird, or that I didn’t know enough about it all to start talking about it. My fear was if someone asked me a question about my beliefs and experiences and I didn’t have an answer, then they could instantly discredit me and give me a list of reasons why it wasn’t real. Thus crushing my beliefs and stifling my fire. By fearing something in my own head, I was giving away my power. Just because you may see things from a different perspective, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong.
What I’ve found over the years, and MAJORLY in the last few months, is that when I finally started expressing my authentic self, I have been so beautifully embraced by the loving people I’ve surrounded myself with. I’ve been able to set myself free from myself and what I thought society would think. The more you express yourself, the more you’ll draw in “like-minded” people who will love you and who you’ll love in return. Beyond just the love that you’ll generate around you, you’ll find that you’ll lead others into more freely expressing their authentic selves.
SO… getting into the cards. I pulled them based on “What do the people who end up seeing this post need to see?”
Michael – Enchantment (Angels of Atlantis)
What this card says to me is the need to see the magic in the world, and more importantly, YOUR world. Open your eyes and mind to the wonderful, magical things around you. Let yourself believe that it’s extraordinary. When you can embrace the magic in your own world, you can spread it to the people around you. You’ll have deeper appreciation for the seemingly little things. This leads to more joy, more love, happiness, and more.
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The Seven of Wands (The Wild Unknown)
Be the difference!! Many people can’t escape their own darkness. They become consumed by it. I believe that anyone reading this has been called to illuminate your darkness and find the Enchantment surrounding you. Speak your truth and express your authentic self because YOU are a light in this world that people need. The ones who usually need you the most will be your biggest critic. Just shine brighter :)
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Justice – Archangel Raguel (Doreen Virtue - Angel Tarot)
We bring Justice into this world by doing the right thing every day. As Raguel says, “stand up for your beliefs.”  We’re human so we may stumble at times, but he empowers us to do what we know is right in order to free ourselves, change our world, and change THE world. He shows us that things start to change as result of our actions, and that those actions must always come from a place of love.
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I hope you took something away from these cards! Tell me what message you see for your situation! What feelings did they bring up, what thoughts came to your mind, who came to mind?
Since this is my first REAL post, I’m not exactly sure what this blog will be as a whole but I’m currently planning on a weekly card drawing along with this being a Spiritual Journal (partially so you can see how my journey has been, but also to give you hope that your journey is unique and though you may have similarities to people you read about, watch on YouTube, talk to, etc., yours is still yours. And it’s beautiful!! :) )
Thank you SO much for stopping by and I hope to “see” you again lol
With Love & Light, Aquarian Priestess
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aquarianpriestess · 7 years
And So It Begins!
Figuring out where to start is a little harder than it should be lol but here goes…
Question of the decade: Why start talking about it now? I feel like I’m “coming out of the closet” lol Maybe because it’s looked down upon because it can’t be proven by science? Maybe because it’s usually viewed as an ancient explanation in an age of technology?
Anyway, at some point you have to talk about what’s on your mind and in your heart so it doesn’t build up without growing/evolving. Let it out so it can potentially help others AND so others can help you. It can be scary to “expose” yourself but I’ve often found that the people around me were either thinking the same thing or they didn’t realize they even wanted/needed an answer to the same questions!
Today, it just feels right to talk about it. I’ve experienced and learned enough to start sharing what’s been going on and also look back at how far I’ve come. I also just think that the world needs to talk about it more.
Sooo what exactly is it that I’m trying to talk about??? Spirituality. Lately, my entire world feels different. The best way to describe it is that it feels more alive. Like colors being more vibrant, the air around me is humming, like every little butterfly that flutters by is telling a story. Answers from within are easier to find and easier to trust. Here’s another example that people my age will understand… The Pocahontas song about listening with heart makes a LOT more sense lol it also raises a lot more questions, both spiritual and scientific.
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I believe in God, angels, and spirits so strongly that I can talk about this belief with confidence. I’ve always had a strong connection to it but didn’t have enough information about it… but that’s a post for another time.
For now, I’m going to leave it at that!
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