attheendofforever · 1 year
 The most beautiful thing in the world 
Though I haven't exactly experienced 
 Life to its full potential yet
I think I've seen so much
 But I have hundreds more lifetimes
To unfold in
 A bond so strong 
A relationship so pure 
Is undoubtedly heaven sent 
So blessed yet so clueless 
 Not in terms of love In terms of there being so much more to learn 
 To give and take
 To step into and yet not know
 The world is at my fingertips
 Love is just the beginning
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attheendofforever · 2 years
When I Need Some Space
Trip to the beach
Let’s join some friends
Apply sunscreen on me
Take my hand
Multiples bottes of water
Salt sneaking its way into your mouth
Onto your skin
Especially your eyes
Beautiful, regardless
Every surrounding area of it, timeless
introduces fresh memories
Draws you in, leaving you wanting more
And more
“Swim in me” it begs
Let me devour your sweet skin
And as humans, we listen to this
Almost charming demand
If not I, always someone else
The water isn’t selective
Literally anyone will do
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attheendofforever · 2 years
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attheendofforever · 2 years
Taking Time
Cleanse your mind of worry and trouble 
Set your spirit free 
Individuals on separate missions
 Exactly how it should be 
Empty your mind of hate and resentment
You are better thank you think 
Cultured, you are loved 
A grand treasure all your own 
Take a second to realize this 
Let your conscious roam
 Breathe in, breathe out 
Take your sweet, sweet time
 You're fine and dandy
 With a heart of gold 
You will be just fine
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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attheendofforever · 3 years
A Fresh Perspective
I am thankful for the courage to breathe. Every day I learn something new about myself. My emotions are undeniably intense. In other words, I feel everything so deeply. I used to be afraid of this, and question myself.
However, God gave me a huge heart that I plan on using to its fullest. Due to this observation, I also hurt easily. I get offended at the drop of a hat. I am currently working on this, and I’m learning to love even more and love others, no matter how imperfect they are.
Forgiveness has played a massive role in my life for the past couple of years. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Being so young, with everything being so new to me, I’m allowed to make mistakes, and whether or not I learn from them is all part of the beautiful journey. Here, the option of variety and the beauty of life come together. How amazing it is to know that I am one of a kind, a unique individual. My heart is my own, my emotions, my fears.
I used to take things day by day, insinuating a worry, a fear if you will. I took to heart, unhealthily how others thought of me, if I mess up again, what will happen? Oh man, did I say the wrong thing? While I am still working on this, I can say that I look forward to growing and learning more about myself.
From a Godly perspective, I have been practicing not getting offended as easily.  It has been working out pretty well so far.
Ultimately, I should not be so focused on worldly concepts or desires. Forgiveness plays a role in this concept. My heart is on fire, with a passion for life.
One step closer.
I am and will forever be a work in progress, and that’s perfectly fine with me.
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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Best friends forever. ❤️
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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kajaki jp
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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曲院风荷quyuanfenghe, west lake, hangzhou, zhejiang province by 影像视觉杨
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attheendofforever · 3 years
So in love with floral
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Bir Akşam getir bana bütün Akşamlardan farklı..
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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Brunch with my friend Melanie a few weeks ago. Love the color in our meals.
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attheendofforever · 3 years
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Peter Brunner 
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attheendofforever · 3 years
Looking For Tomorrow
My eyes burn
From the smoke of my past
Sweltering blisters begin to
Form in my memory
Growing rapidly from trauma
Begging to be forgotten
Knowing very well they
Aren't going anywhere
They have always been present
On the back burner
Of what I identify
As memories that won't ever
While this poem does seem pessimistic, it's more of a realization. Yes, I have a past, a rather rocky one. However, I am tired of living in the past. I yearn to be happy and find the joy in things as opposed to always looking down.
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