dreme-inc · 3 years
Can I please have a part two for my headcanons with Sophie, Tammy, Thomas, Clyde and Token please tell me if it is too much
a/n: She specifically wanted Butters added and mentioned Nichole. As I don't know enough on Tammy and Thomas, I'm writing these two instead. I'm hoping it is alright.
otherwise hello! these characters fit the prompt well, I think, so please do enjoy friend :) SP headcanons are always fun to write and read too.
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A L W A Y S I N S T Y L E ⟻
I'll start by noting these guys (and the first ones) are knights. They'll defend you against anyone and anything. :)
⟼ S O P H I E
Befriended you fairly quick. Little Gray often runs into being defined by a single aspect and therefore takes the time to find out your likes and spend time with you.
Found often saying to others, "they're as great a person as they dress."
Believes you wear her clothes well, no matter who you happen to be, and says so. She loves the confidence you have in being who you are, and it pairs nicely with her assured, positive personality. Above it all, she likes you liking who you are, because she likes who you are.
+ If a science fiction, fantasy fan like her, she is absolutely willing and unashamed to match your enthusiasm. Want to attend a con? She already has tickets. ("Two. It could be a date... if you'd like.")
- Dressing up? She's there. If you happen to make clothes or buy them, she'll assist with either and a smile. Is truthfully the most happy simply spending time with you.
⟼ L E O P O L D
"H-hey! I, uh, wanted to say you sure look cute today."
Is admittedly a little shy wearing vintage outside, but happily believes and willingly puts on anything you'd hand him if you'd like. He really does trust you and wants to be a good boyfriend and all.
Once, he wanted to wear the clothes around town, and wanted you to pick. ("What d'you think looks best?") Of course you assist in finding pieces he really liked and he felt special with the attention he got that day. The one to matter the most was yours, naturally.
He wore your hat. It made him happy and his smile sure is contagious. Normally is with you anyway, him smiling makes you smile, and then he smiles and it's a cute cycle you guys have going.
+ An innocent one, so while he likes when you put anything on your lips, he's under the impression he needs to kiss you every time (like you applying balm is a sign you want a kiss from him).
- It's sweet, but you gently explain because you aren't here to take advantage of anyone, while you aren't complaining he doesn't have to kiss you every single time. He understands with an embarrassed blush and a smile... and then says, "well, I'm not complaining either."
⟼ N I C H O L E
Whether it was you or her who moved into town in your universe, she immediately liked you straight away (naming you and Kyle, if you'd like, when she was questioned by the girls). It got even better when you started hanging out.
- The reason it starts depends on your complexion. Because South Park, Cartman is the source and fast to spread rumors if you're complexions match. If not, he does try to sabotage you guys but you've got great friends and prevail. They manage to upset his system with the good rumors they spread.
Likely pays the least amount of attention in a good sort. She's aware what it's like to be different but, "it isn't the only reason why we're together y'know? It's because I like them and they're a cool person. Liking what they wear and why they're different is a part of what makes them cool."
(The above is what she told her father when he needled about you.)
+ If you play a sport or anything really, she cheers the strongest for you, whether it means it's loud because you want the world to see or quiet because you don't draw too much attention to yourself.
⟼ C L Y D E
It's funny because he's so used to the dresses and the lettermans on exes, seeing someone in these vintage suits is different. "In a good way though!" because he isn't very good at saying what he actually wants to say.
+ Likely notices you earlier if you're sporty because what. Someone good-looking who dresses well and plays well? If not, it's all good, it is likely he meets you bar his flirty persona.
He starts off a little playful but it eventually delves into something softer because he's a softie. Got you shoes in your style, of course. It's the reason they took advantage of him, and he shouldn't, but he can't stop himself. Besides...
- The first time you stole his clothes to wear yourself made him very happy. Does kind of wear his heart on his sleeve so he thinks you guys must be in it for the long run.
Possibly won't wear your clothes on his fruition and waits until you want but proudly defends you against anyone saying anything hurtful since he likes showing you off if you're comfortable with it.
⟼ T O K E N
Doesn't immediately buy you anything and definitely wants to buy you anything. He sees you aren't with him because he's rich so he doesn't flaunt it but there are perks to having such a caring boyfriend.
- Whoever you are, he's managed to pull strings on a hobby of yours without money. Do you play video games, want to visit an exclusive restaurant, or listen to music? Maybe he's got the game before it's released, a table when you both arrive, or a meet-and-greet with your favorite artist after the concert.
What you like to do is as major to him as what you like to wear. Speaking of, his style likely changes over time compared to the others in a sense it compliments it after you've been dating a while.
Like Clyde, he'd take you stealing his clothes seriously. One who doesn't enter relationships carelessly, I think, and so it makes him happy because he's very committed to you too of course.
+ He's well-spoken and mature amongst his friends. As such, he notes and tells you compliments you normally wouldn't hear especially in South Park on your lip accessories. He'll notice and like the color of your lipstick with your outfit, the shine of your gloss, or when your lips touch softer after balm when he kisses you.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
When can I see you again? ⟻
Summary: What'll your hero do when you're in danger? Marvel Avengers preference. Steve, Bucky, Loki, and Natasha (feat. gender-neutral reader).
a/n: Thank you very much on 50+ everyone! I post sporadically but some stick around, so much gratitude. 💕
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⟼ S T E V E N
It's a huge weakness, to be honest, a hero syndrome and traumatic event combination. He is so concentrated on the one aim to having you safe everything else is almost secondary. Of course he'd never purposefully place anyone in any risk and will step aside if someone he trusts steps up and he felt his judgement cloud.
Any pride couldn't be anywhere near what you meant to him.
Make no mistake. If it were him alone, he'd wade through absolutely anything to see you again. He's your hero, through and through, he'd repeat to himself.
⟼ J A M E S
Ah yes, a soft one. Approaching others is a huge step, truly, but you'd be worth it every time. He'd instantly turn to Steve, to Sam, to anyone. His childhood friend could gather a team easily, but the sergeant is a natural-born leader too, and doesn't have him find reinforcements alone.
Admittedly, he does believe it to be some punishment to him but pleads to anyone listening. Breaking him through hurting you is not what should happen and he'd never stand for it. Terrible events continue to haunt and will do so forever, but he hasn't forgotten who he is and what he can do due to you, and everyone who hadn't given up on him. He'll get to you, no matter what.
⟼ L O K I
Is quite worried, more in a nonspecific sense. He's a smart man, and it is more beneficial to you and him both if he kept his head in such a disastrous midst.
One of those people panicking right beneath the surface but is outwardly rational enough to continue in the right direction, I think.
More into scheming and thus isn't used to plans involving directness. Likely turns to a smaller, contained number of people and any rescue and revenge is equally likely to be subtle, effective, and on those who tried to harm you, dangerous.
⟼ N A T A L I A
A conundrum. Incredibly rational and businesslike because she is so invested. It isn't likely happening in the first place since she does take the necessary (and unnecessary) precautions when it comes to you and you're a powerful team together. Thorough, especially when compared to the others.
Still, ironically or not, possibly one of those who doesn't sleep or eat. She misses these in her pursuit of you. It takes the others to remind her to do so, and even then they need to mention either doing it for them or you. She tells herself because she has to- you're strong and you'll get through it. The both of you will.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
Can I please have a preference for Stan, Kyle, Wendy, Bebe and Kenny with a tomboy fem S/O with short hair and wears vintage suits, newsboy hats, vintage casual clothes and sometimes steals the characters clothes but she still wears lipgloss,lipbalm and lipstick? Please tell me if
a/n: It's slightly broadened, but I put little tidbits on some specifics ^^ The vintage style is cool, no explicit gender necessarily, and please forgive. It's tougher finding inspiration... please, enjoy though!
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V I N T A G E A N D T I M E L E S S ⟻
They're each very encouraging, to start. The vintage fashion is intriguing to them and they'd love to run their hands through your hair if you'd let them <3
⟼ S T A N L E Y
The raven's someone who doesn't broaden what they personally wear too much because he believes others can pull off styles he couldn't, I think. Since being with you however, you're a good inspiration, and he tries to be more daring with his own style and occasionally wears your hats.
I dunno if getting self-conscious about it is something, but there's a knight in shining armor.
Often says to others, "Don't be angry because they dress better than you."
Often says to you something like, "I really like your coat today. It's like you're an agent or something. It's cool."
+ If you're more athletic, then he's either cheering for you or wants to play depending on the event. It's noted you're an especially good team together and people like playing with you guys since you're both good sports about everything.
+ If you're more homey, he's definitely cool with it, too. He could be the boyfriend and best friend sort if it suits you, whether you were friends prior or not. Can truly appreciate a day indoors and often offers to play video games.
⟼ K Y L E
It resonates with the redhead one of the best compared to the others, I think. He's often said he's not born what he seems to be, and if it's a common reason behind why you wear what you do, then birds of a feather. The both of you get close quite quickly because of it.
If not, it's still cool. He's been in South Park so long, and despite the four's adventures, he hadn't ever met someone in a sense like yours.
He'd likely tease, only a little. It was like finding a time capsule in this old town. Tries noticing when you wear new pieces and be the first complimenting it, and usually is.
+ If you're athletic, it suits him. Dates could consist of sports games if you were interested. Quick to defend you and what you can do to anyone doubting your abilities, with a dusty blush as he can admit to knowing firsthand as one of your most supportive cheerleaders. He's so proud of you.
+ If you're more homey, then you're aware this boy hopes you like books. No matter what though, he honestly cherishes any time with you because he's finally found someone to sit with, and he won't ever take it lightly.
⟼ W E N D Y
It is super neat to her. Probably instigates the clothes stealing herself on you, and wears it as great as you do.
The most willing to wear the fashion publicly. If you're cool with it, sometimes you'd wear an entire outfit of hers and she'd wear one of yours meanwhile. It's adorable.
Number one cheerleader in supporting the person you are, no matter the personality, as you do the same for her.
+ If you're adventurous, the raven meshes really well with said personality. She's holding your hand as you maybe jump into lakes, maybe sneak around, or anything else you'd like. She believes she is very lucky with someone like you.
+ If you're a prankster, you two pretend to be one another and you'll both hide your hair in your hats so no matter the hair color :) It's especially hilarious if you guys don't have the same complexion. Everyone loves it.
+ Ah, and she especially likes any short hair. It contrasts with her longer hairstyle, and you'll brush one another if it suits you.
⟼ B A R B A R A
Shopping! Goes shopping with you and buys perfect pieces. And times, she'll go alone finding you gifts. She thinks it's cool picturing vintage, and it makes her happy making you smile.
If you're into it, she'd want fashion tips :) "Should I wear the jacket or the cardigan with my outfit?"
The blonde'll wear your clothes if it'd make you happy, for sure, but only if you said so. Otherwise she'd be encouraged when she sees you to be more bold, like Stan, but with her own closet.
Open to dressing up with you around the house, and a common occurrence is having fun, laughing and kissing in its midst.
+ She's a huge fan of the lipsticks, glosses, and balms. I am unsure if it's something people do, but she'll share with you if you'd like. Wears what you prefer and tells you her favorites of yours, willing to play the guess the gloss flavor if it's interesting to you, too.
⟼ K E N N E T H
Likely brags to everyone, haha.
"Have you met them? Yeah, they're the one with the cool fashion sense."
Currently saving money to buy you a nice clothing piece or accessory: something long-lasting and pairs well with a bunch of your outfits.
Sways between corny and smooth, absolutely nothing else.
Sometimes he'll go, "there's my aviator."
On others, "hello, adventurer. Anything exciting today?"
Once, he surprised you, wearing a matching outfit. And you guys went walking somewhere like downtown or a party -whichever suits your fancy- and were the talk of the small town for a while. It was a real hit with everyone.
+ Definitely a little thirst from the lip accessories. The blond loves stuff on your lips, especially his lips??? I think he's got the knowledge on putting it on you and is tempted to kiss you every time.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
Carol, Maggie, Michonne, Alpha , Andrea reacting to a female reader who has fainting spells fainting against them/in their arms?
A fainting spell and hiding an injury from them. Carol, Maggie, Michonne, Andrea, and Rosita (no explicit gender mentioned). Alpha is missing because I don't know too much on her character, so sorry. Please enjoy, friend :) Please forgive, too, but I hope it was worth the wait ❤️‍🩹😔😊
Will you catch me if I fall? ⟻
⟼ Carol
If you're prone to fainting, she's likely more aware of when it'll happen than you do. She does keep a closer eye on you, but by the time you could even realize being unwell, she's at your side with hands on your arms- gently holding you and steadying you before your chance to fall. She's your anchor, really.
The first time you fell into her arms, she, like quite a few of these females, was very business. Get you somewhere safe and her thoughts swear to anyone out there listening you better be alright when it's all over. Reminded you and herself you're in good hands because you're in hers; she'll keep you safe, she promises.
Peletier is understandably quite angry when she discovers you hiding an injury. She speaks in a light scold, any injury no matter if deemed insignificant needs to be brought to light. If saying it's to the group's safety isn't enough, she'll say it's to her own peace of mind then.
⟼ Maggie
She's very worried, but if you're alright with it, very open and responsive to learning. Is it a condition? Is there anything she can do to ease the burden on you? She's very understanding and without judgement, and while it'll admittedly be a bit of a challenge, she'd fight anyone who dared bring it as a reason to leave you behind. It'll be tough, but you're both tougher, together.
You're in her arms when you fell the first time, and she is panicked, but it's interestingly conveyed. On your sake, she's aware you'd want her to concentrate on the safety of everyone, but you're a priority to her regardless. She's commanding the others quite effectively whilst fueled by adrenaline to carry your body (in whichever position is appropriate and realistic to your body definition, of course :)). Stay with her, love.
Greene's annoyed when she finds the injury you've been hiding but it doesn't show when she's speaking to you. It's only really referred to if you ever consider doing it again. Please, tell her these things, she'd plead to you if she must. She wants you to say because she needs to get you both out of a situation if it arises.
⟼ Michonne
Much like Carol, she is incredibly aware and very observant. Fainting doesn't even have to have happened to you before and she's beside you, questioning if you're alright or if you need a break. She either keeps you in her peripherals or stays close enough to brush her fingertips on your arms in gentle reassuring touches, sharing small stolen smiles with you all the while.
What she does doesn't match what she thinks as she catches you fainting straight into her arms. On the outside, she's very calm. On the inside, she's fighting against the worry pooling in her gut. Not again, not again. She's tearing through the horde, and if you could see her, you'd likely fall in love all over again if it weren't such a dreary circumstance.
Hawthorne understands. She recognizes what you're trying to do really, is the way she starts the conversation concerning your hidden wound. She tries telling you these times aren't the same as they once were. She laughs a little then, and shakes her head affectionately. The world surrounding you both is changing, while her love towards you never will.
⟼ Andrea
She's very business but you're aware she means well when she starts her questioning on what's best to do if you have fainting spells. Even if it didn't appear so to anyone, she's softer when it comes to you, and listens intently on your preferences and suggestions should you fall anywhere. People're going to use this against you, she's no fool, and so she needs as much information as she can if she were to protect you.
Is just so stunned and caught off-guard the first time you fall down, crashing into her arms... why? Who did this to you? Admittedly, her brain is on pause as she watches you for only a moment, but it's one of those to seem like a long time. She never thought she'd have one happen, but she sees you resting peacefully despite everything, and it doesn't sit well. If she could protect you from the world.
Concealing a wound could cause an argument because it boils down to it scaring her. You managed getting injured and even then wanting to hide it from her, and it hurts. It's a time seeing her really vulnerable. Please don't do this, you're smarter and better than this.
⟼ Rosita
Very much like Maggie and Andrea, is interested in speaking on what it is and what can be done. Is there anything she can do? Anything you'd prefer her to do when you're unwell? She'll make it work for you, somehow.
You can see the concern on her face the first time she spots you starting to fall. She's running towards you before she's had a chance to think. Noticing when no one else did, and the next moment you're safe in her arms. It proves to drive her more than it distracts, and her first move is finding you someplace safe. Everything else, the why, the when, the what, it'll all wait until you're both in a better circumstance.
Espinosa is a little lost at first since she's hit with a lot of thoughts at once when she finds your hidden injuries. It's a combination of being shocked because she respects you as much as she respects herself (you two're the couple to beat) and not knowing the reasons why you'd try to hide from her. She'd tell you, please tell her because she'd despise it if she heard of your wounds through someone else. It meant she wasn't with you right away. Any reason for hiding pales compared to what you two have.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
bite mark || g.w
An apple a day keeps the baddies away.
Summary: Not based off anyone in particular, but it could be. George x Slytherin!reader. A housemate insults the blood traitor Weasley family.
a/n: Another self-indulgent writing in queue. Up next are requests. :)
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George Weasley holds his ground quite well. Being half the Weasley duo was bloody brilliant, and a value to him (he loved Fred more than anything), but it wasn't all he was.
It's another day when you hear a student in a telling green-lined hood seize as good Slytherins do- as opportunists. They find confidence in spotting the mischievous twin alone and insult him.
"Blood traitors, you and your family," they hiss.
While you respect being an opportunist as a Slytherin yourself, you aren't cruel. Still, the redhead is matching said opponent insult after insult, the wheels in his head turning as his jaw sets. The prankster is planning revenge as they speak and you suppose they did put it on themselves, didn't they?
It's when the person in your house begins gathering a posse as they normally do, do you choose to intervene.
They spot you, and the front one who started it all is quick in quipping, "what kind of Slytherin are you?"
"A proud one, now shove off!"
George can't deny, you weren't like many others he's met around, and he's drawn. Your entirety had him curious- remaining tough without being rough. He couldn't even tell you the strength his heart was beating until he realized he felt them up to his ears.
How did you look so soft in your robes with their telltale green colors? Magic.
Once, he noticed you comforting a first-year in your house, the poor child frightened by their placement. But you told them to be proud of themselves, and if they weren't like other Slytherins, then be a good one.
Now, he needs to catch himself from gazing over to the Slytherin table too much, for now at least. As melted as it sounds, he's braver because... he wants to talk with you, regardless what anyone else will have thought or said, no matter what it looked like.
(Don't tell Fred yet.)
You turn towards him, "you okay?"
"Yeah, uh... thanks for that," both you and he deem he would have been alright in the end, but the male in red-lined robes genuinely appreciated the assist.
Still, he's... slightly skeptical. Only Gryffindors were said to be brave enough to stand against their own, and you smile, understanding.
You hoped what had happened didn't further ruin the reputation for the others. You were a happy Slytherin (rightfully so :)), as there were so many good people in it- misjudged and dismissed far too quickly.
"A couple of bad apples..." the thought you accidentally said aloud trails, and you bite the inside of your cheek in shock before you continue.
There were some good ones, you promise. You'd promise out loud but- you're caught up watching his lips- they twitch easily into a handsome grin.
He can't push down the flirtatious smile.
"And you're in the batch?"
Pause. Then, he continues.
"I think you're one of the good ones."
George snaps back to reality as Fred stares at him with a hard expression.
"What the bloody hell are you so caught up on?" He hadn't seen his brother so concentrated on something other than their pranks and products for a while.
"It's a little too late to consider returning to a future of academic achievement."
"Shove off."
Fred hums. "Must be a girl then, eh?"
"I mean it."
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dreme-inc · 3 years
bite back || f.w
Hoisted by their own petard.
Summary: The classic Fred Weasley studies with someone bit. A Fred x shy!reader, and respective image credits.
a/n: Please forgive as it's mostly indulgent since I'm a tad shy and love Fred, but hopefully you'll enjoy. :)
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Fred Weasley gives credit when it's due. Good ol' Minnie McGonagall really cared about him and George despite them admittedly being pains in the arse sometimes. After all, she had been around since they were first years, when they had still focused on their academics. The twins were strong and clever (if a tad too free rein with their concentration), so when they're caught again within a two day span, their head of house decides to do something different. She's having him study with someone, apparently. Was it meant to stop him from making trouble?
Well, it didn't really work, did it?
In all honesty, as he watched the girl in front of him rifle through her bag, he couldn't tell you if it worked- he'd willingly prank once more if it meant she'd be here.
He recognized her from the halls. He and George, as popular as they are, enjoy talking to just about everyone. He had heard about her from one friend and then another, and wanted a chance to speak with her, too. It was common knowledge though, she was a bit shy. He was trying to be a little careful.
George hadn't stopped teasing him since.
(Honestly, having a twin brother is bloody brilliant, but it meant they messed with one another relentlessly given the opportunity. He'd have payback soon enough, when the git got a crush.)
The smirk on his face softened a bit as she glanced up at him, bashfully.
"H... hullo, Fred," she greeted gently. Assured enough though, he noticed, saying he were Fred. From the earlier conversation she'd had with McGonagall, it seemed the transfiguration professor only mentioned being with a troublemaker to her, and even then didn't mention which half of the Weasley twins he was. Said thoughts must've been written clearly on his face.
She tilted her head slightly the moment she saw it, and damned if it wasn't the cutest he'd seen.
And he and his brother were debating on breeding these creatures they'd planned calling pygmy puffs.
"Your voice," she explained, easily and kindly. It wasn't her trying to hear them, but when she could find the telltale laughs in the bustling rooms or halls, she differentiated it between the redheads. She'd always been drawn to the more outgoing of the two, but she tried not to be hopeful.
And he breathed a breath he somehow went about holding. Georgie and him had different voices? He's too caught recognizing what's identical, he hadn't thought.
"Aren't punishments supposed to be bad?" he laughed softly, gaze moving slowly to glance at her as his face pulled to its comfort- a wide, easy grin.
And when she replied, eyes anywhere else before he found them looking back at him, he realized he couldn't get out of this one. He was hooked.
"They don't have to be."
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dreme-inc · 3 years
I 💕 your blog! How do we make request?
hello lovely 💞 thank you so much on taking the time! please forgive me 😔 it’s been a while, but thank you to everyone! anyone can send in requests at any time- if I’ve already written for them, I can try to get on it as soon as I can
there’s many I want to write but I haven’t gotten to, so you can definitely request shows, movies, or anything not written yet- I can’t guarantee but I’ll definitely do my best for you guys 😊
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dreme-inc · 3 years
On a Run
...without them, two! The Walking Dead preference. Daryl, Merle, Carol, and Maggie (feat. gender-neutral reader).
-- Daryl
Little Dixon is very tempted to follow at first. He trusts you, he does, but he wouldn’t know how he’d cope if anything happened to you. Once he’s at the camp though, he’s overall alright. You can trust he stays at the camp, doing his tasks to steady his mind from racing.
That being said, he doesn’t like leaving base on some other errand if you’re away because he needs to be the first to either see you back or hear if you need him to get to you. He’s pretty tense to be honest, so people are careful not to mention you. He doesn’t want to hear she’ll be alright, she’ll be alright- he wants to see you’re okay... and give you a hug.
-- Merle
Older Dixon is a mess, ha. No, he simply doesn’t handle it as well as the others. Because you’re his calming presence, he doesn’t like being apart from you, especially if you’re in a dangerous situation. He is a bit more understanding than the others though, and realizes it might not be the best to accompany you every single time since he’d go mad if anything happened and perhaps make the situation worse (he only wants for you- and Daryl, to be safe).
Still, he’s a tad different from his brother and welcomes the reassurance from others. They’re tough and they’ll be back before you know it, and his breathing calms. Like his brother though, he quickly approaches you with a hug once you return.
-- Carol
Such a strong lady is one of the toughest to convince to stay on two reasons. One: you’re a pretty good couple on the outside, and take care of tasks more efficiently yourselves than other larger squads. Two: it’s a little much for her, she can’t handle not knowing the situation when you could be in danger (she’s very driven like that).
While she could give you a tough time, when you do leave she’s- as with many of the others- mature and waiting keenly for your return. She’s a tad tense as well so people can tell when you’re gone without having to say a word, and is the first person at the gates. It’s nice because the smile on her face is for you; you can see it before you’ve even gotten out of the car.
-- Maggie
Hilltop’s leader doesn’t mind you going because she’s got a good handle on the circumstances but is a bit clingy the moments before you leave. She’s simply so worried and doesn’t want anything to happen, a smooth enough run. She does take the time to remind you quite often to get back soon to not keep her waiting too long, and the attention is sweet and not overbearing.
She’s pretty reasonable as well, and perhaps it’s why it’s alright because it’ll logically be a bit more difficult with both. You’ll either concentrate on one another or make each other the priority, consciously or not. She’ll have to trust you and the others to get back to her for now; that you and the others will do whatever you must to get you back to her.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
On a Run
...without them. The Walking Dead preference. Rick, Shane, Michonne, and Negan (feat. gender-neutral reader).
[ I truly apologize on it being an minute hour. Thank you so much for the support meanwhile everyone <3 ]
-- Rick
The sheriff knows you're capable. He knows you're tough and you'll be alright, but really, he worries. He does have a touch of realism in a sense anything could happen out there, but he doesn't try to stop himself from truly being concerned either. You're a different case to him than others; you mean so much to him.
He tries to distract himself and does alright considering, but everyone's aware you're always on his mind. He's hugging you when you return, likely with a kiss to the forehead and checking for any scrapes.
-- Shane
It's interesting comparing him to the old sheriff because he handles it better than Rick in some ways, and worse in others. If he's needed, he's focused with you on the mind, of course- hoping you're alright, but knowing that worrying ain't going to do him any good. Whenever he has the free time however, he spends it near the borders, waiting to be the first to catch a glimpse of whatever vehicle you left in to return.
He's approaching with a smirk, but you can tell by the way he looks at you he's so relieved to have you by him again. He's already said: good to see you, knew you were tough, and makin' me smile- couldn't wait to get you back here safe with me.
-- Michonne
The lovely lady is respectfully levelheaded, likely one of the traits you like the most, really. She gives you a kiss before you leave the house you share, walks with you to the gates, and then gives you one last hug. She sends you off with a smile and a laugh, saying she'll see you later.
She's getting better. It's a bittersweet combination on having lost so much, but wanting you to see her smile last if the worst arrived. If something hit the fan, she'd want you to remember her laugh and how she's thinking of you, and expects you to fight to the very end to get back to her (or at least until she gets there since she'll be the first out the door the moment she hears anything).
-- Negan
The leader of the Saviors is pretty hesitant to be honest, though who could blame him? If you're with him, you're likely a wife or husband and therefore he isn't too used to them being so capable and willing to go on runs without any real need to do so. He does let you go without too much hassle (unlike the others) because he honestly likes the thought of you handling it but it's obvious to everyone he worries the entire time you're gone.
It doesn't change much of what he does, but he runs a hand over his face a lot, a little more restless pacing, that sort of deal. Enough to remind others he's thinking of you but not enough to deter the duties he has.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
When the Amortentia
...reminds them of you, two! Harry Potter preference. Sirius, Remus, Severus, Lucius, and Graves (feat. gender-neutral reader).
-- Sirius
Everyone is smacked with the opening surprise, I think, but some brush it off fairly quickly compared to others. Mr. Black is one of those, and the potion serves to fuel him- reminding him of the many reasons he loves you so, and he laughs.
I didn’t need the confirmation, he thinks, amused, but thanks for trying anyway, amor(tentia). He’s straightforward but, at the same time, unconventional. It doesn’t go to the head and the validation isn’t necessary either. It simply goes to make him want you near even sooner, so he can give you all the love.
-- Remus
Everyone’s a sweet baby and deserves love (you, too). The werewolf’s brain is a bit spent when he recognizes the scents wafting from the potion before him, too busy wondering and doubting anything and everything. But... like Sirius, it’s a breath of fresh air.
It’s more than liking you- he’s no fool- he loves and adores you, and certainly doesn’t need the potion as proof (it does push him in the right direction, admittedly). He continues being slightly hesitant, but make no mistake- it was pure, innocent happiness when the potion reminded him of you, as he knew it wouldn’t be anyone else.
-- Severus
Another sweetheart (everyone’s a sweetheart, really), the poor thing is at a loss. He’s an expert at potions, ask anyone- so when he’s tasked with a potion he’s created time and time again, he very briefly believes he botched the batch this time. But no, of course he didn’t, and of course it’s you.
He doesn’t want it to be anyone else. Happily enough, you become the anchor on love potions as you’ve done most everything else in the Slytherin’s life. When a scent he associates with you hits him, it’s another he mixed correctly.
-- Lucius
The blond is quick to brush off any initial surprise, and equally as quick to delve into any thoughts. Malfoy is a brilliant name, one he wears with pride, and he isn’t shy by any means- but he’s savvy and calculating.
He’ll be keeping an even closer eye on you, and trust when he does approach (likely a tad more nervous than he’d care to admit), he’s thoughtful and not unprepared. Until you smile at him, that is, and he himself is unprepared for the innocent happiness shooting through him. Damn you.
-- Graves
Percival does take it very well. He dusts the beginning surprises off and, to be honest, it doesn’t do much to change anything. He’s already planned to make a move, and soon, but the thought does make him smile.
Lightly impressed and intrigued, he had dealt with escorting victims to be cured of the powerful concoction prior, but never interacted with it directly for so long. To associate with it firsthand is a welcome, and he takes a moment to wonder the potion effects on you (because deep down, he hopes you smell a scent you associate with him, too).
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dreme-inc · 3 years
When the Amortentia
...reminds them of you. Harry Potter preference. Draco, Ginny, George, Fred, and Newt (feat. gender-neutral reader).
[ Happy Valentine’s! ]
-- Draco
Malfoy’s sole heir is taken by the beginning shocks a little. He doesn’t have too much trouble- the Malfoy name is powerful, and anyone is lucky to have the lone son’s attention, he’s aware. It’s more building the nerve to approach any feelings on you because he’s very serious.
You mean so much to him. He’d, honestly, handle it well if you denied him as long as he did everything he could, and correctly. If some careless mistake messed anything between you two, he’d never forgive himself.
-- Ginny
The youngest Weasley is only caught off guard because of the initial shock, really. She’s smart, and conscious of the person who has caught her eye. It’s more of a surprise getting such strong proof on her feelings for you.
Not too much changes, but she is hopeful- like a crush- to catch your attention in more than friendship soon. She could make you as happy as you make her, she knows it. It is a tall order though, since it takes a single thought on you to have her smiling.
-- George
The sweet boy is speechless for once. He’s working with Fred on shop inventory and is hit with a ton of bricks the first time he realizes it. These scents- he’d know them anywhere and, most of all, he associates them with you. It’s quite effective to stopping him in his tracks.
Fred quickly notices; said twin brother then trying to lighten the mood with some teasing. He laughs in response, but does take the matter very seriously- the wheels turning for more than a prank. He wants this chance with you.
-- Fred
Unbeknownst to George, the rougher twin could almost laugh. It ensures the batch of their softer love potions weren’t defective, at least. When he recognizes scents he associates with you, it sort of makes him happier because he doesn’t doubt any feelings for you.
He likely won’t approach with a solid plan, as the gentler twin likely will, but they’ll help- and tease- one another in getting there. He does take it carefully (he doesn’t want to lose anything between you two), but handles and reacts to it differently.
-- Newt
Young Scamander humorously doesn’t really register it at first. He’s so used to adoring you from your side, he simply thinks you must be on his mind again and continues working. It’s only when he needs to concentrate on said duty- likely a task on creatures- and finds he can’t does he stop and look.
The scent is strong- were you here? And he finds you aren’t. It’s a love potion, and the poor baby is left trying to think of what to do next... and hopefully what to confess to you very soon.
Note: George and Fred aren’t in love with the same person (unless it’s what you’d like, of course ^^) If you’re with George, Fred has the scent of someone else, and vise versa.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
You Wear Their... Two!
South Park preference. Cartman, Kenny, Token, Jimmy, Heidi, and Red (feat. gender-neutral reader).
Honestly, they're all so happy, what can I say? Though, admittedly, Cartman continues being a smug little bug, like- see what I can get and what you singletons don't have, you know? It’s mostly because, somewhere deep down in the depths, small questions tend to pick at him a bit. Is he close to good enough? Do you deserve better and, mostly, does it mean he should let you go? He's naturally insecure on you (someone very great), but when he sees the slightly larger hat on your head, he almost offers you the matching gloves he wears in a heartbeat moment of weakness to your cuteness... Almost.
It’s Kenny’s parka, of course. I picture you in sweats or leggings, whichever is most your style, and he absolutely adores you in it (lightly a little more thirsty, too). In the beginning, he refrained from giving you the puffy orange jacket because, apparently, it’s cursed. As he sees you relaxing in your rooms however, wearing and enjoying because the clothing was his, he vowed to protect you against everything it’d bring (...please don’t leave the house, okay- if something happened because you were wearing the accursed thing, his heart couldn’t take it).
Token loves it, likely more than you both thought. The purple sweater with a buttoned shirt underneath is what I picture, existing so effortlessly fly; it takes his (and everyone else’s, really) breath away. He does a bunch at once, to be honest- hugging you because he can’t resist, assuring it’s yours whenever you want it, and even offering purchasing a match if it’s something you’re interested in. Adorable, both of you.
It isn’t you wearing Jimmy’s clothing necessarily, but one time he had to spend a night in the hospital and you were tasked with bringing his crutches. He needed something to make him smile, you’d think (in addition to you, of course, seeing you never failed to make him happy), so you initially walk into the room hanging onto them to cease any worrying. Then, you use them the rest of the way to the bedside and, without a single word, he’s smiling and laughing. Quite a superpower you’ve got there. “You’re so cu... cuuu- cuuu-... adorable.”
It’s comforting to Heidi. She lost the hat during the entire online fiasco, and it spanned into a few episodes without wearing one. It was after she gradually made some steady improvement she got it back- thanks to you, no less, having found and returned the floral accessory as a celebratory present. Another one to perhaps place it on your head spontaneously one day, she reminisces on what you meant to her during the time whenever she spots it on your head. It was ever easier to get better with you there- she wants to be with you, after all.
Red lends you her coat, like Bebe. It seems you’re one of those couples with the sweet moments without trying- she spots you headed out to the balcony and casually slips the coat from her shoulders. It’s placed on yours with a kiss to the cheek in one smooth move. “...and I- Oh! One sec, guys,” she’d politely interrupt herself, the coat dropping gently onto your shoulders, “Stay warm, babe.” And then casually turns to some smiling friends as you proceed giving her a hug from behind. It’s something else entirely when your relationship makes the people about you smile, too.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
You Wear Their...
South Park preference. Stan, Kyle, Craig, Clyde, Wendy, and Bebe (feat. gender-neutral reader).
[ Does it happen to be easy telling my favorite based on the way they’re written? I hope not ^^ ]
When you wear Stan's hat, he's flying. A pretty simple guy: adores his girl, adores his hat, and seeing said girl wear said hat is everything he needs. One of those willing to place it upon your head himself at some time, but overall kind of shy on the whole thing. When he does, it's accompanied with a bashful and brief glance away before looking at you directly, a genuine smile spread across the face. "Hey- don't worry your cute, little head. I've got you."
Kyle's happy, too. I picture you wearing green somewhere in the outfit to match the hat- he notices immediately and appreciates the detail. It’s the notion of being in a place where you’re fine wearing his hat about, and he’s internally squealing, really. It’s one where he’s likely aware he’s looking too much into it, doesn’t want to stop himself, and isn’t necessarily wrong in a sense either.
Craig is one of those likely to place it on your head himself for whatever reason (a little like Stan). He doesn’t think too much on it, but I’m sure that works for both of you. It makes him smile, and you ever make him smile (or soo happy), anyway. Add wearing his hat to the ever-growing record on the little things you do. I picture you wearing a little blue, and he, too, notes and appreciates the detail.
It’s Clyde’s letterman. He’s likely to be a little cheeky, trying to be a smooth gentleman and everything, but you (and others) can easily tell he’s looking out for you incredibly often. Best believe the brunet gives you the jacket much. The first is jokingly enough around others, slightly smug because he cannot resist showing you off. The second is when you’re least expecting it, and it never fails to make you both happy.
Wendy is so overwhelmed. She’d squeal, “You’re so cute!” She wants to lend you her hat much more often afterwards, and you laugh, agreeing on the condition she wears yours so her head doesn’t get too cold either- easiest deal ever. It isn’t a rare occurrence to catch the raven mischievously swapping the hats on your heads from time to time. As she enjoys wearing yours, too, it’s a win-win, really.
Bebe lends you her coat. It’s likely accompanied with a well-intentioned scold, not passive-aggressive or annoyed, really. It’s please do it because you’re ever on my mind and therefore I want you to be warm and happy all the times. And somehow, the message never fails shining through her smile to you as she places the coat over your shoulders and cuddles close, wrapping your arms around one another whilst sharing.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
Finding a Plush
...of your favorite animal, two! The Walking Dead Preference. Shane, Merle, Carol, and Clementine (feat. gender-neutral reader).
Shane reacts as an interesting mix between Rick and Daryl. He'd find it easier to walk past, but be drawn to it for some reason. Slight hesitation at the doorway, wondering why he felt the urge to enter such an establishment when his eyes fall on the plush.
He instantly regrets nothing and quickly goes to get it before rushing back to the car. The officer cares and loves deeply- especially you. He’s very pleased and proud his instincts default to you because he wants more than keeping you safe, after all. He wants to make you happy.
The man owns up if he were spotted, similar to Rick. He’d likely note their successful run and that his pack had room in it for a present (it isn’t too common, finding a place like this). The companion is understanding as they’re aware of how much you mean to him, even if he does get a bit passionate from time to time.
Merle is likely to walk straight to the store, especially if you’d mention liking plushies in the past (he’d chuckle to himself on the baby brother, Daryl, too). Scanning through the window first, he’d quite frankly be thrilled to return with something for you.
Best believe you’re always at the front of his mind. If anything, it makes it easier for him to return to camp. He needs to make sure he goes back to you.
“Yeah!” he’d say, if anyone asked, “It’s for my baby.” Referring to you, of course, before shoving the plush in a bag and slinging it over the shoulder. There could be a raised eyebrow depending, but you keep him calm and the companion knows he’s thinking about you- and honestly, what more could they ask for you?
Carol smiles, even if she were trying not to let it get to her too much (there are many memories tied to a children’s store). The doors are wide open on this one, and when she cranes her neck- getting a quick glimpse inside, something catches her eye. Something for you, specifically.
It’s the little gestures, really, a present that she was thinking of you, even though you (and everyone else on the matter) were more than mindful you occupied a good chunk on her thoughts already. She’d never want to tire on showing it to be true.
Honestly, all these guys live to see you smile. I think she’d laugh a little if she were caught, “Hmm, you know how they are, a bit of a child... Great smile, too.” Causing the companion to laugh.
Bonus! Clementine is a little like Carol, smiling even if she, too, were trying to push the feeling down. She tries not to remember what the world used to be too much but reacts alright enough since the place isn’t surrounded by groaning.
She could spot her favorite animal, but ignores it, figuring it wasn’t worth the effort until she spots the stuffed animal you love. Nothing else seems to matter when she pictures your face, and she stuffs the plush in her bag (you both’ll hug it).
She handles it well if she were caught, a bit awkward and adorable all the while. “It’s for them, I... want to make them smile for a bit.” And when she thinks back on your smile, she can’t help her smile, too. It’s why she knows she needs you both to get through this.
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dreme-inc · 3 years
Finding a Plush
...of your favorite animal. The Walking Dead preference. Rick, Daryl, Maggie, and Negan (feat. gender-neutral reader).
[ I wanted a penguin plushie from Rick <3 How 'bout you? ]
Rick spots the toy store and smiles a bit, since it reminds him of Carl. Glancing towards the direction of their getaway, alone (as the companion went on ahead to start the car), the cop finds himself drawn into the store.
It is oddly more empty than he would've imagined- hopefully it meant more children were surviving out here. As he turns to leave, your favorite animal catches the corner of his eye. He thinks of you instantly and stuffs it in his pack, eager to surprise you with it.
If someone spotted him, I don't think he'd be too embarrassed, to be honest. He'll likely mention these times are a bit tough and he can't wait to see your smile when you see the plush. Said companion isn't too surprised either, knowing the sheriff.
Daryl sort of stares at the shop a bit before looking around him. It would’ve been an easy pass if he hadn’t spotted your favorite animal staring back at him through the window- now more determined than ever not to leave without it.
He’s always on the watch to nab presents that make you happy because he saves one or two as reserves for when you’re down. If he despised something in particular, it was leaving on a run when you were sad (he’d much rather spend the time with you). Said hunter swipes the plush and prepares to leave.
Slight embarrassment caught, I think, but honest on any intentions because he was proud of being with you. It was for you since you mentioned loving the animal, he’d say. Then the companion teases him, let’s be real.
Maggie smiles because- you, me, us- she thinks. It could be a reminder on loss, sure, but she can’t help looking ahead. Like, being with you in a home some day. It was always the case when down to you: you were ever her strength.
She’d enter the shop cautiously, mostly to reminisce and sate her curiosity, really. It’s rather untouched this one, and the smile on her face widens when she spots the perfect plush for you. She eagerly goes to grab it and return outside.
If you’re on the road, you two likely place it in the house you eventually share, as a sign good times are surefire when you’ve got someone to hold. She doesn’t mind if anyone sees, shooting another beautiful grin and accompanying it with a tiny shrug. “It’s a present for them,” she’d say, proudly.
Negan is likely to laugh and strut on over (it’ll be fun). “Goddamn,” he’d breathe. It’d be enough to make him stop and think a moment. Almost too normal and innocent to be out here- reminiscent on you, he supposed.
And in the midst of his thoughts revolving about you, smiling like a goof the entire while, he notices a specific plushie and immediately laughs again. “Well... aren’t you and I a lucky pair?” he drawls, and really, so are you. “I get to surprise my baby, and you’re going to have a loving new home.”
I think he’d want to say he’d be nonplussed if discovered, but be a bit bashful in actuality if it really happened. Then he’d find confidence again because, honestly, it must look hilarious watching him approach with a stuffed animal and placing it with the other supplies. It’s likely he’s joking with them for a bit, and then be super pissed if it went too long.
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