Luke Hemmings: Condoms & Revenge
**Another update! this was randomly inspired by a random commercial I came across about condoms so enjoy also it's a little long ;)**
       The halls were crowded and loud as I made my way to my locker, I walked quickly swerving through the masses as of gossiping teens disregarding them as I kept my eyes on the ground. I could hear the whispers of my name, though I didn't pay any mind to them knowing very well they were a weak attempt at making me feel like shit. I managed to get to my locker without incident, but once I put in my lock combination and opened the navy blue metal door my relief diminished. A pile of silver packets pouring out onto my feet, causing me to freeze in shock. I heard the laughter start and spread like a flood, my cheeks growing red at the thought people were taking pictures.
"Well well if it isn't loose Lucia" A girls voice sounded behind me, echoing in the long hallway. I wasn't surprised at the voice I heard, that of the girl who had made it her life's mission to make mine as miserable as possible. Once I turned around I took in the tall brunette bitch before me, keeping my face void of any emotion willing myself not to give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me. "Hopefully my present lasts you long enough to get through the weekend" Brenna smirked her idiot minions laughing at her ridiculous jab at my dignity, I let out a deep breath my fists clenched as I held myself back from tearing her head off. She rolled her eyes seeing that I wasn't going to retort her insults, she stepped forward slamming me against the lockers "what's wrong have a sore throat?" she continued her assault throwing me to the floor, kicking the silver packets at me. "Enjoy slut" she relished the last word flipping her hair over her shoulder as she walked away leaving a dense crowd of laughing teens video taping the event. I scrambled to stand my eyes forming tears, taking her absence s a chance to let my emotions go. My legs were weak as I rushed out the nearest exit, escaping into the alleyway where hardly anyone ever came during school hours.
      The outside air caressed my skin it's cold temperature bringing goose bumps to my bare legs. I paused for a second leaning over to roll down my knee socks, retrieving the thin cartridge I used to conceal my cigarettes. Without a second thought I lit one of the sticks, inhaling deeply my negative thoughts swirling  with the smoke invading my lungs. The thought of having to go back inside making me want to curl up in a ball and disappear.
"I never took you for a smoker" a guys voice breaking the silent battle going on in my head, I looked up to see Luke Hemmings the schools resident bad boy walking in my direction with a smirk on his face.
"Fuck off Hemmings" I muttered hoping for once he'd be decent and leave me alone.
"Damn what's got your panties in a twist?" He teased obviously having no intentions in going away.
"What the fuck do you care?" I retorted glaring at him with a look I'm sure would've killed him if it could.
"Must be bad if little miss goodie two shoes is pissed" His tone remained teasing, the sound irritating me to no end.
"Fucking Christ Luke, go inside or better yet check your phone I'm sure even you will be able to deduce why I'm in such a fucking pissy mood." I shouted taking another drag from my cigarette, watching as his face fell. He pulled out his mobile , the sound of a video playing causing more tears to fill my eyes. Once the video ended he looked up at me his face blank, something I hadn't expected. "What no smart remark?" he shook his head,
"What did you do?" He asked
"She thinks I slept with Matt," I replied referring to the football captain and golden boy of our school. Also known as Brenna's asshole ex boyfriend.
"Why would she think that?" Luke asked in disbelief,
"He told her I did" I replied recalling my drunken venture with Matt and his buddies. "I...He...His friend asked me out a week ago, we ended up going to some party at Matt's house. Shit happened and next thing I know I'm half naked with Matt trying to shove his dick up my...well you get the idea." I cut off my anger boiling over, I had managed to get away which Matt wasn't all too happy about. Leading to the rumors of me sleeping with Matt and half the football team.
"He's a fucking prick" Luke replied taking the cigarette from my mouth, taking a drag and blowing the smoke in my face.
"No shit Sherlock" I mumbled surprised he had listened. He laughed stomping out the last embers of the cigar, his blue eyes raking over my body a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I know the perfect way to get those fuckers to shut up."
"and what is that?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.
"Easy...fuck me" he said bluntly
"You've got to be fucking kidding me, you know for a second there I thought you were nice" I began to walk away only to be pulled back and pushed against the alley wall.
"Just listen sweetheart" He pressed his body into mine, his face close "what's the one thing Brenna has always wanted but never had?" I gave him a puzzled look.
"I don't fucking know!" I replied trying to push him away.
"Me Luci she's been begging me to fuck her since sophomore year" He said "now who does Matt hate more than anything?" I looked at Luke confused not knowing what he was getting at. His blue eyes looking at me expectantly
"You?" I guessed, He nodded
"the fucker hates when I get something he wants" I looked at him barely able to grasp his insinuation.
"Wait what the hell are you saying then?"
"Put it together if we fuck, Brenna and Matt will flip. You and me the bad boy and saint together"
"Are you serious right now? it would just make things worse for me, and you'd be willing to fuck the school prude turned slut for what?" I replied
"Baby don't be so naïve I may be a bad boy but I got a soft spot for those in need" He said placing his hand at my waist, "Besides you'd be known as the girl who tied down big old bad Luke and with an achievement like that and me by your side no on would mess with you."
"Tied down I-" He cut me off his lips brushing against my neck, and his hand trailing up my skirt,
"Sweetheart on the contrary to popular belief I don't just settle for anyone, but just maybe you could be the one to change that."
"Why me?" I asked realizing he was serious on his offer, the look  in his eyes honest and kind.
"This isn't the first time you've caught my eye" He whispered his teeth grazing my earlobe. "So what's it going to be?"
      I gazed up at him my heart racing, my mind whirling as I thought it through. He waited but received no worded reply as I pulled on the collar of his leather jacket connecting our lips in a heated kiss. His response immediate lifting my legs up around his waist.
"This could be a fucking disaster" I breathed out looking into his eyes that had gone a few shades darker.
"or it could be something beautiful," He replied kissing me again grinding our bodies together, earning a moan from me. He wasted no time riding up my blouse, palming my breasts over the material of my bra. The feel of his calloused fingers tracing the skin of my stomach sending a shiver up my spine. I closed my eyes running my fingers through his hair, jumping slightly when his fingers snuck to where I needed him most.
"God you're already so fucking wet" He growled pulling down my underwear to be able to freely roam my nether regions.
"Fuck I clenched my jaw two of his fingers curling up inside me his thumb stimulating my clit. His eyes meeting mine both of us entranced, the intensity of our gaze bringing out a side of me I never knew as I rushed to unbuckle his pants. I slipped one of my hands underneath his boxers using my general knowledge to work my hand up and down his length.
"Shit like that baby" He groaned working me harder and faster. We went on until he suddenly stopped right before I could come undone. "I want you to come all over my cock" I blushed at the words never having had someone talk dirty to me. He lifted me higher making me cry out when he filled me all the way, the feeling something I had never experienced.
"Luke" I clenched the collar of his jacket as he went hard and fast right from the start. Our bodies were connected completely the sound of our heavy breathing, echoing in the alleyway as we held on to each other.
"Say my name again" he breathed out leaning in to press his face into the crevice of my shoulder his teeth biting into my shoulder.
"Luke fuck right there!" I nearly shouted as he hit the spot that brought me the most pleasure. My body began to shake the first wave of pleasure hitting me like a brick wall. Luke followed not long after his movements becoming labored and sloppy. He kissed me slowly as we came down from our highs.
"Fuck" He slowly let go of my legs my feet touching the ground, I was grateful he still held on to me so I didn't fall from my weak knees.
"You can say that again," I replied he laughed pulling down my blouse and fixing my skirt. We took time organizing ourselves a slight awkwardness taking over the atmosphere I shivered from the breeze that blew around us,
"Here" He said shaking off his leather jacket slipping it over my shoulders.
"I'm fine" I said about to return it when he kissed me pushing me into the school building.
"I don't need you getting sick babe" He stated both of us walking down the hall to my locker where the silver packets still lay. I looked away noticing Brenna coming from the opposite direction, I'd decided to ignore her at all costs when Luke stopped us next to her.
"Hey Bren thanks for the donation I'm sure Lucia and I will find good use for it wont we babe?" He said pulling me into him, kissing my lips affectionately while Brenna looked at us in shock. I blushed taking Luke hand in mine, a smile on my face as we walked away the taste of revenge sweet on my lips.
 ***Heyyo yes you requests are open!!! so hmu if you liked this! :) -Bell p.s keep in mind I do 1D, 5SOS, Emblem3, Magcon, Omaha Squad...or just about anyone!***
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Harry Styles: Hold On
***On the eve of Harry Style's birthday enjoy this sad one shot inspired  by James Arthurs 'Hold On'***
          The sound of the front door slamming and keys jingling made  me aware of another presence in my apartment, mindless humming causing a familiar ache to resonate in my heart. I sat at the dining table a glass of wine cradled in my hands as a had of curly hair popped into view.
 "Going to take nap," a deep slow voice cut through the silence I'd been consumed in, large hands lifting my chin so a pair of lips could touch mine. I didn't say a word letting him walk down the hallway, toward a room where I knew reality would hit him. In seconds I heard his heavy footsteps rushing back in my direction, his green eyes wide in confusion when they met mine.
 "You're leaving?" he said his tone more deflated than questioning, I looked him in the eye tears threatening to fall at the sight of him. "you can't" he pushed the dining chairs out of his way, bending down on his knee before me. His eyes desperately searching mine,
"I have to Harry" I whispered my breath catching in my throat, his name a bittersweet melody on my tongue.
"Baby please" He begged his words ones I'd heard one too many times, "we can through this don't let go of us please."
"That's al we do Harry try and hold on to something that isn't there anymore!" I pleaded with him as he shook his head in denial, "please listen to me you can't honestly say you haven't noticed how things have changed. the blank glances, empty conversation, the constant fighting. open your eyes...the days where we were everything to each other are gone."
"Don't say that!" he cried pulling away from me to pace back and forth,
"I can't do this anymore, I can't sit here pretending everything is perfect whem we only talk to fight and when I look at you I don't feel the same. I can't... I wont!" he froze his brown curls a tangled mess after being tortured continuously by his slender fingers.
"So that's it?" He asked a sudden anger sparking in his voice. "You're just going to throw away three years."
"I'm not throwing anything away, what we had has been gone for a while we both know that all too well." I replied hitting a nerve that kept him quiet, his shoulders slumped over his breath shaky as he let his tears and emotions take over.
"This is all my fault" he said wiping at his tears furiously.
"No Harry it's not your fault" I shook my head pulling him into me, holding on to him as he shook uncontrollably.
"Of course it is if I hadn't-" I cut him off squeezing him tightly, not willing to let him put the blame on himself. We stood there for a while his crying and my attempted soothing words the only thing that could be heard. After a few moments I pulled away cradling his face in my hands my thumbs wiping away the tears, my own held back for his sake.
"This isn't on you" I replied brushing my lips against his, in a way to assure him I still loved him regardless of what had happened between us.
"I can't do this without you" He whispered
"It feels like that right now, but I know you Harry you're strong" I said "I will always be here." my right hand finding his heartbeat.
"That's not enough" He pulled away avoiding my gaze. He stood with his shoulders slumped over, his demeanor cold and detached a signal it was time for me to leave. I let out a shaky breath walking past him to retrieve my things. My heart raced as I set my copy of the flat key on the kitchen counter next to his, my feet leading me to the front door for the last time. The moment the door clicked behind me I could no longer hold in my tears, the sound of a scream and breaking glass echoing along with my retreating footsteps.
***Kay that was sad but! requests are open so be happy!-Bell**
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Michael Clifford: Better
      screaming and loud crashes sounded in the night, the rain pouring outside no use in drowning out my parents arguing downstairs. It wasn't an unusual occurrence yet it still stressed me out since the more they argued the more they tried to pin their problems on me. Which led to me being unable to function normally. I sat on my bed trying to ignore them as I did every night, but it was next to impossible with the thin walls and my mums abnormally loud voice. Tonight's argument about my fathers constant business trips and inability to      spend time with his family, and my mums unending snooping and nagging.
     I'd sat there for what felt like hours when I felt my phone vibrate next to my chemistry book,
Mikey<3: hey babe want to come over I'm lonely :(
the text from my boyfriend giving me a sense of relief, since I'd have an excuse to escape the screaming match. I replied with a quick 'sure' and grabbed my wool jumper and my keys heading out of my bedroom toward the stairs flinching at the sound of glass breaking.
"Going out!" I shouted out not waiting for a reply, my feet taking me down the driveway to my car. It didn't take me long to get the apartment complex. My boyfriends familiar figure already waiting near the entrance.
"Hey!" he greeted me excitedly pulling me in for a tight hug, his lips finding mine in a sweet kiss. He pulled back seconds later a worried expression gracing his features. "What's wrong?" It came as no surprise that he knew something was up, he knew me too well for me to be able to hide anything.
"My parents" I murmured letting him lead me inside to the elevators, where he pressed the button for the 7th floor. His hands finding their way to my waist,
"What was it this time?" he asked
"Nothing new my moms obsessing over my dad not being home," I replied wrapping my arms around his torso, pressing my cheek against his chest. "I don't get why they don't get a divorce, my dad isn't happy and despite evidence implying he's having an affair i's my mom fucking the neighbor." Michael chuckled simply rubbing my back leaving a kiss on my forehead, both of us staying in the same position until the elevator stopped opening up to the hallway where we walked to room 718.
"Don't worry about it ok? you'll be fine." He said leading me into his apartment where I was greeted by the scent of coffee,
"I know that it's just, what if we end up like that fighting all the time-" Michael cut me off with a long kiss,
"Mandy we will never be like them," he said kissing me once more in attempt to assure me he spoke the truth.
"Promise?" I asked he nodded brushing my hair over my shoulder his hands trailing the curvature of my body.
"Now if you're done being pessimistic I'd like to make you feel better." He pouted playfully bringing a smile to my lips.
"Oh really and how exactly are you going to do that Clifford?" I questioned as if I had no idea what he was insinuating.
"Shut up and find out" He teased pulling me forward so our bodies were pressed together, his lips trailing kisses from my jawline to my neck the action clouding my mind as I slowly forgot all I'd been upset about. He pushed me down the hall way towards his room, pulling off my jumper in the process. There were hardly any other words as he laid me on the bed, my clothes as well as his finding their way to the floor. I shivered at the feel of his hands palming my breasts over the material of my bra.
"I love you" he mumbled slipping one hand under the band of my underwear, the air around us warm and relaxed unlike the other times where it was hot and intense. I pulled his face level with mine, looking into his eyes words passing between us without a sound coming from our lips. He kissed me bringing my legs around his waist, his hips grinding against mine creating a sweet friction that had me panting for breath. I bit my lip trailing my hands up his torso waiting as he pulled off the rest of our undergarments, our skin hit against each other. He smiled down at me, silence enveloping us in a warm blanket. Soon he had himself aligned at my entrance thrusting forward seconds later. His length filled me completely the tip hitting a spot that made me moan loudly, which he returned with a low groan as I clenched around him.
"Shit" I breathed out gripping his hair harder with each movement of his hips.
"You feel so good"  he said looking down at me, I moaned again using all my strength to flip us over. He smirked placing one hand at my waist, the other reaching between us his fingers rubbing against my clit. The new stimulation causing the knot in the pit of my stomach to build up faster,
"You close?" I asked leaning forward to press a feverish kiss to his soft lips. He simply groaned in response his breath cutting off for a few seconds when I started a slow rhythmic rotation of my hips.
"Fuck keep doing that" He groaned moving his hips so they met with mine perfectly. He looked up at me with concentration his need to make me feel good evident when he pulled me forward placing his lips on mine again The pace slow and patient. I felt my legs begin to shake, pleasure raking my body as I came low groans and sloppy movement from Michael letting me know he was right with me. We slowly came to a stop, our bodies pressed together as I lay on top of him. His fingers trailing my warm skin.
"Better?" he asked kissing my cheek, I nodded in response.
 ***hope you enjoyed keep in mind requests are open!! any thoughts or questions also welcome! :)-Bell***
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Niall Horan: In the Best of Hands
 ***Here it is the first update in a while hope you all enjoy:) btw…Teacher Niall is going to be the death of me***  
 My footsteps were slow and steady, the sound of my feet tapping against the linoleum floors echoed in the empty hallways of Clover Hill Private school. I breathed in deeply humming along to the beat of ‘Rearview’ by the bad suns the bass and guitar taking over my fingers as they moved to the sound. Soon the familiar double doors came into view, the sight of the dark wood bringing an overexerted anxiety at the thought I’d be stuck here for the next two hours. "Miss. Bates" My ancient music tutor’s voice cut through the music that still played from my earphones. "Mr. Levigne good afternoon sir!" I greeted him with my best fake enthusiastic smile, noticing quickly we were not alone a familiar tall blonde blue eyed man stood next to him eyeing me as I gazed at the pair in confusion. "Um hello Mr. Horan" "Good afternoon Miss. Bates" He replied with a wide grin; his eyes boring into mine as I set down my belongings, walking over to the two men at the front of the room. "Well June I’m glad you came early today," Mr. Levigne said his stout figure jiggling as he motioned for me to sit, "as you may recall I notified you of a few conferences that I have to attend in London the next two weeks, and due to some complications I must leave earlier than expected. With that in mind I don’t want you to miss any days of practice so I’ve enlisted Mr. Horan here as your substitute while I am away." I felt my body freeze my eyes finding the tall figure I knew well. "I um… isn’t he a maths teacher?" I asked not thinking clearly as the words spilled from my mouth. They both chuckled at my comment causing a warmth to formulate on my neck and cheeks. "Well yes I am but, back in the day I was a full time musician even studied music in uni. So if you were at all concerned with my qualifications and knowledge I can assure you there are surely a few things I can teach you." Horan replied receiving a nod from Mr. Levigne, "Yes of course don’t worry Miss Bates I know I leave you in the best of hands." He said giving me an assuring smile. "Oh yes…no I didn’t mean.." I stumbled with my words trying to apologize but Levigne stopped me, "I must be on my way but I’ve left a lesson plan for you to follow, good luck you two." He said gathering his brief case pointing to a manila folder on his mahogany desk. "Have a nice trip Stephan" Mr. Horan replied waving goodbye as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him when he was gone. He turned to me giving me one of those wide smiles that always seemed to be present on his face, the sight making my knees wobble involuntarily. "Alright where should we start then?" it took me a moment to reply my mind running around in circles, my body temperature rising by the second. l bit my lip shivering under his gaze, "You tell me Niall” I replied emphasizing each syllable of his name as he walked toward me, his eyes many shades darker than before. "Well what I’m thinking doesn’t involve any musical study" He said pulling me by the waist until I was pressed against his body, his hands low on my waist near the hem of my school skirt. "You should have warned me about Levigne" I said my voice going high at the feel of Niall’s lips against my neck. "And miss that deer caught in the headlights look on your face?" He teased "Shut up I was pretty smooth" I retorted jumping up to sit on the desk behind me, pulling him so he stood in-between my legs, my fingers playing with the royal blue tie he had on. "Yeah well I was absolutely dying all those five minutes" He whined running his hands up the top of my thighs, his fingers clenching around the material of my skirt. "You in this damn uniform kills me enough during maths extra time just murders me." I laughed pulling his face level to mine our lips meeting in a hot mess of quick tongue movements and crashing teeth. "Well we have about an hour and a half so we can fix your problem" I teased squeezing the bulge at the front of his trousers, my senses tingling at the low groan that escaped his lips. "God you are seriously going to be the death of me, if we don’t get caught first that is." He growled pulling me forward in such a quick fashion I gasped at the feel of him grinding against me. "You’re going to be the death of me if you don’t fuck me right now" "Yeah?" He asked wrapping my legs around his waist, his teeth nipping at the soft skin of my neck. "Yes" I whined arching my back when he tugged at the material of my knickers. "Alright then, what my princess want she gets" he replied a devilish smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. He wasted no time pushing up my skirt, his hands trailing the skin of my inner thighs so slowly I though I'd combust if he didn't start doing something right away. "Ni come on" I begged, freezing up when he slipped three fingers inside me. "You were saying?" He teased to which I replied with a moan. "Fuck like that" I whispered being careful to keep my voice low enough so we couldn't be heard. He kept his eyes on me, their darker hue flickering each time I bit my lip to contain my screams. I could hardly breath his actions leaving me a mumbling mess, "You like that love?" He asked curling his fingers in a way that made me jump in surprise. "Oh god yes!" I breathed out clenching his arms, a familiar knot gathering force for my unraveling. "What the hell?" I suddenly felt an absence of his touch my closed eyes flying open. "I want to be inside you when you cum baby" he stated pulling down his trousers in record time, his usual laid back tone undecipherable as it went thick and deep; his accent clear as day more than it usually was. He brought his lips to mine bringing my body closer to his, his length brushing against my clit. We froze in place our eyes caught in a mesmerizing trance as we connected slowly. Our breaths coming out in short gasps in time with each other. "You feel so fucking good" he groaned rocking his hips into mine so fast and hard that the desk I sat on scraped across the linoleum floors. I couldn't say a word as I brought my face to the crook of his neck, biting on his pale skin to suppress my moans. He kept his pace steady his hands grasping my body as if he was afraid to let me go, "Shit" I cried out when he hit a part of me that made me squirm, my fingers digging into his skin as I begged him for more. "Come on baby" he growled biting his lip in concentration as he continued to hit me in all the right places. "Yes yes yes" I chanted hugging him to me as my body exploded in a hurricane of pleasure, his own words echoing in my ear as he came seconds after his thrust halting into sloppy slow movement. "Fuck" he mumbled placing a soft kiss to my lips, our bodies relaxing as the came to a stop. "Got that right" I replied breathlessly leaning into him as he held me, "How's that for your first lesson?" He asked a smile finding its way to his rosy swollen lips, brightening his now light ocean blue eyes. "Not too bad" I teased standing from the desk to retrieve my knickers from the floor, "you know Mr. Levigne was right" "About what?" Niall asked confused watching me as he tucked in his dress shirt, I smiled wrapping my arms around his torso. "He sure left me in the best of hands."
 ***Requests are open any questions or random thoughts hit up the ask box :)-Bell***
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Zayn Malik: Wherever You Are
***This is based off of the song "wherever you are' by 5SOS so listen to song if you haven't to understand, enjoy :)***
'Torn in two and I know I shouldn't tell you but I can't stop thinking of you wherever you are and every night I almost call you just to say it will always be you'
Zayn's POV.
I sat watching the sunny California coast pass by, the urge to call her itching in my veins my phone ready in my palm if I chose to succumb to my urges tonight. It had been six months. six long months since I had last seen her face, six months since I'd left her on her brokenhearted on her doorstep. Thoughts of her invaded my mind, everything from napkins reminding me me constantly of what I had lost.
"Zayn! oi mate!" Louis' voice echoed in the small space of our tour bus, bringing me back from my memories.
"What's up?" I asked disregarding the worried look on his face, not feeling up for explaining what had, had me so caught up in  my head. 
"we're here mate, we've been calling you for like ten minutes." he said 
"Oh." I trailed off looking outside to see the evening sky looking over the reserved parking lot area behind our hotel. "I'll be right there" I stood walking over to my bunk grabbing my jacket and laptop, the only things I bothered to keep with me at all times nowadays. A warm breeze blew on my face as I stepped off the bus, the other lads already far ahead of me running toward the hotel building. Soon enough we were checked in and collapsing in out respective spots in out joint suite.
"So whose down for fifa?" Niall asked from his position in front of the flat screen provided for us,
"I'll play a few rounds" Harry replied Louis nodded in agreement.
"I'm gonna pass" I said in turn sifting through my suitcase looking for the pack of cigarettes I had purchased just a few hours ago, much to Paul's disappointment. My plan to find a secluded spot to wallow in my memories of the past.
"Yeah me too I'm knackered" Liam mumbled face planting into one of the beds, grumbling about crazy schedules and headaches as he closed his eyes. 
The others shrugged us off setting up for their game, while I snuck off stepping out into the hallway heading in the direction of the stairs that lead to my favorite spot in any building the rooftop. The sky had gotten significantly darker the time on my phone showing it was almost eight o clock. I sat down near the ledge looking out at the lively night life of L.A. pulling out a cigarette, I lit the tip my muscles relaxing as the smoke invaded my lungs. But with the relaxed feeling came the thoughts of her. The memories of her dark eyes  flickering with amusement, and the way she bit her lip whenever I smoked. Her words echoed in the back of my mind
'really zayn all this smoking is going to kill you but, for some reason I still find it so broodingly sexy'
a lazy smirk usually accompanied her words, as well as a kiss. I shook my head gazing at the lit screen of my phone, the background image the same as it had been for the past eight months. It was a picture I'd taken of her, her bare body almost completely exposed her back to the camera, her hair splayed across a deep grey pillow, a thin white blanket covering her bottom half, tattoos scattered across her back...the sight taking me back eight months to the time before things went downhill. 
She lay next to me her breath steady, her body relaxed into the  deep sleep she was consumed in. My fingers trailed her bare skin it's surface hot after the exhilarating activities we'd indulged in moments before. I pressed my lips to her shoulder before standing from the bed, going to the kitchen in need for a glass of water. In minutes I returned my body freezing in the doorway at the sight of her, my heart racing at the thought she was mine; a fact I'd emphasized many times during the night. I grabbed my phone form the night stand deciding to capture the moment in a picture, the early dawn light seeping through the curtains making her look like a goddess. Once I'd taken the picture I slipped back into bed, smiling as she turned her body to cuddle into me. 
"Love you" she mumbled scrunching her nose in her sleep,
"I love you too" I replied pulling her close, her soothing honey suckle scent and soft skin pulling me under. 
-Flashback done-
I don't know how long I had been sitting there in silence reveling in the past, but when I came to I noticed the red embers of my cigarette had long since burned out. With a sigh I flicked the butt to the ground, impulse causing me to pull out my phone. My fingers inputting the pass code scrolling my contacts until they came across her name. In my heart I knew it was a terrible idea, calling her could open the wounds I hoped she had at least tried to heal. I couldn't tell her how I felt now after all this time, but I couldn't stop myself as my thumb pressed the green button that had taunted since that time. The dial tone began to ring sending chills down my spine, hope blooming in my heart that she would answer even if for one last time.
It was early morning the sun had yet to rise, as I sat on the edge of my bed looking out at the white clay buildings of my mothers home in Greece. My hair twisted between my fingers, my mind blank aside from a pair of hazel eyes that refused to fade. Even after half a year I couldn't bring myself from the pain, to awaken my senses to the new reality of a world without him. I shifted on my bed, standing up and heading to the balcony the sea breeze filling my lungs memories running to the times I'd spent with Zayn in this very spot waiting for the sunset or sunrise. Tears found their way to my eyes as they always did at moments like these. After a few long minutes a familiar ringtone echoed in the small space of my childhood bedroom. I walked inside reaching over to the nightstand next to my bed, for the black electronic device almost dropping it instantly the name and picture of the caller shocking me like electricity. My mind ran in circles, my conscience and I arguing on whether or not I should answer. It seemed like hours had passed when I decided to take the call, only to draw back when the ringing stopped. My hands clenched the device to my chest, tears now flooding down my cheeks at the realization I had lost the chance to hear his voice. I lay back on the pastel blue sheets of my bed staring up at the ceiling, a noise from my phone notifying me I had a voice mail. With a deep shaky breath I glanced at the black object in my hand, deciding on not letting my conscience rule my decision again. The need to know what he said ultimately leading to the phone being pressed to my ear, as I held back my sobs his voice shaking me awake.
"Y/N it's me" A pause followed "I just shit...I know I shouldn't be doing this but i miss you so much. I know hearing from me is probably the last thing you want but you need to know, that I can't stop thinking about you. after all I've said and done I still love you. regardless of what I said when I left I still love you so much. Every night I sit thinking about you, think about calling you. I wish I could go back and take back that night I thought ending it would be what was best. the truth is you were it for me I can't live without you. I know now it always was, always has, and always will be you." his voice cut off obviously from the fact he could no longer control his shaky breath, though it made sense I was a complete blubbering mess far before he'd finished. I dropped the phone, my fingers desperately wiping at my tear stricken face; my heart breaking all over again. In a moment of contemplation I knew this would be the last time I ever heard of him, the defeat in his voice clear as he stumbled through his speech. 
It seemed too difficult to try and think of the pros and cons, one thought invading my thoughts as they awoke from the depression they'd been consumed in for the past months. I scrambled for my phone, may hands shaking as they voluntarily tapped the screen. It rang once... my breath halting at the sound of my name coming in that familiar accent.
***Weird way to end it maybe...eh oh well enjoy :)-Isabel (AKA Nova_Dossantos on wattpad.)
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Prologue: Zayn Malik FanFic
 ***This is the prologue mentioned in my last post (check it out if you didn't read it) and well give me feedback of what you think I will be posting it on wattpad in the next week or so if you all like it. so enjoy!! and let me know what you think! (keep in mind this is a prologue and I'm not getting into too much detail of the story yet but I will have the description and prologue up on wattpad soon)-Isabel (aka Nova_Dossantos on wattpad)
Music floated through the air, my feet tapping along to the beat of some classical song that I had never heard. It was cold clouds decorating the dark midnight London sky, as I walked up the regal looking steps to the mansion like abode before me. Two men greeted me one of them recognizing me immediately,
"We weren't expecting you" the taller of the two spoke first, putting his arm up to stop me before I could walk into the building. I looked up at him giving him the million dollar smile I'd been practicing since I was a child in diapers,
"I know" I replied stepping towards him just as his partner fell to the ground, a bullet going silently taking his last breath.
"Wh-" He was cut off another bullet silencing him for the last time. 
"Stay out here," I turned to the tall blue haired man behind me, "I'll take care of the rest" 
        He nodded slipping his gun back into it's holster, giving a signal to the three other men who'd accompanied us to come forward.
"Nice job mate," one of them said, my ears fading out the conversation as I walked up the rest of the steps, my heels clicking on the combined concrete marble. Big mahogany doors stopped my trek, my eyes looking at the wooden surface I had come across many times in the past the thought that tonight would be the last time came as a relief. I failed to knock opening the glass and wooden doors, the familiar elegant wall paintings and statuettes staring at me the moment I stepped inside. Another familiar face greeted me, the woman in her early thirties gazed at me in confusion though she asked no questions. 
"Go on I'm not here for you," she nodded rushing past me, pausing only for a second to place a soft kiss on my cheek. Her soothing vanilla scent lingering after she ran out the door, I looked back out the still open door knowing I could no longer go back. My feet lead me up the carpeted double stair way, the classical music I'd heard when I arrived still playing softly as I made my way. I'd made it to the main hallway a figure standing next to the door I needed to get past, he looked up at me with his soft brown eyes shock registering on his features. "Are you going to make this harder than it has to be?" He stood silently just as the woman had, his eyes looking into mine as if trying to read my mind.
"No. You know I would never hurt you." He replied
"I wish there was another way," he shook his head, stepping forward and taking my hand.
"You don't need to justify yourself to me, I know what you're doing is the only way and I wont stop you." His voice was soft just as I'd always remembered it, hearing it bringing a sense of peace. We stood silently his hands finding their way to my face, his slender fingers brushing a stray curl from my face. "Just breathe and it will be ok" I smiled pulling away looking into the brown eyes I had once fallen in love with, 
"Take care of yourself" I said praying in my mind that he'd make it out of town before all hell broke loose,
"Hey I've been doing fine for 26 years, I'll be fine." He replied giving me one of his signature smirks as he walked down the hallway,
"I hope so." I whispered as I watched him walk away, wishing in my heart I'd see him again one day. I stood still for a few seconds, looking at the white door before me the memories of the events I'd seen conspire behind it flashing before my eyes. Without another hesitation, I knocked hearing a muffled 'come in' being voiced from inside the room. 
        The moment I stepped inside the clear sound of music filled my ears, followed by a man's voice.
"Ma- Wha-What are you doing here?" The grey eyed man sitting in a plush leather chair behind a grand desk questioned, his clear confusion and slight fear mirrored in his features.
"Lovely to see you too sweetheart,"  I mocked walking in his direction only stopping until I stood right in front of him, I gave him a small smile sitting on the edge of his expensive desk enjoying the mixed emotions that swirled in his cold irises. He stood from his seat looking at me in such a way, it was obvious he thought things had taken a turn from the last time we'd seen each other.
"What does this mean?" I laughed pulling him toward me yanking softly on the loose tie around his neck,
"It means I am ready to move on,start over and forget this whole thing." I replied he scoffed grabbing my wrists placing his body in the space between my legs,
"This is you were talking about, how do you expect me to believe you're here to forgive and forget?" He questioned "and what about lover boy?" I smiled and pushed him back onto his leather chair, giving him silent credit for his little jab. 
"“He doesn't matter he isn't here and I have no wish to know where he is” I said leaning forward over him, my body so close to him I could hear his heart beat pounding and see the sweat that gathered at his brow. I gave him a small smile taking him by surprise when I placed my lips on his, the movement causing him to tense up then relax just as I had expected. The touch of a woman a weakness almost no man could fight against, something he proved as he stood slamming me against his desk his urgency to touch me intensifying by the second. He caressed my body kissing my neck leaving small bites with each touch of his lips against my skin, the contact in no way exhilarating or enticing. I pulled away looking into his now dark eyes,
"Let's take this somewhere else yeah?" He asked his obliviousness almost funny, I smiled pulling down my dress and slipped off my coat.
"No let's finish off in here." I replied dropping my coat on his desk revealing the glock I'd hidden up until then, he only had a few seconds to react before I pulled the trigger a bullet lodging itself somewhere near his heart. He dropped to his knees blood sputtering from his mouth, I leaned forward holding his face as his life slipped away my lips placing a kiss to his forehead. "I told you I'd make you pay baby"
        His body fell lifelessly to the ground, blood pooling out onto the carpet and around my feet. I stood there the sight of his body bringing me a sick satisfaction.I turned and flicked on the screen of his desk top computer pressing keys hacking into the system erasing any footage of his security cameras. I pulled out the small flash drive I'd kept in one of the pockets of my coat plugging it in before searching and transferring all the documents and information I'd come for. No sooner had I finished a knock sounded at the door a blonde haired man entering the room,
"Everything finished?" He asked surveying the room, giving no reaction to the dead body behind me. handing me a handkerchief to clean up. I nodded with a small smile looking back at the man who'd been my worst nightmare for the past two years,
“Yeah got everything I need” I said walking toward my companion, letting him help me pull on my coat.
"The car is ready out front; the other guys and I will clean up here and tie up the loose ends” he said pulling me in for a hug, His warm arms assuring me I wasn't alone in this journey I was about to ensue,
"I'll see you soon right?" I asked he laughed and nodded,
"I promise." He replied. I looked back at him once more before slipping out of the room, walking down the regal stair way outside to the black Camaro that stood ready to depart. I stepped inside glancing at the driver,
"Ready?" He asked placing a hand over mine,
"As I'll ever be," I replied he shook his head with a smile playing on his lips,
“You know he'll find you eventually” He said as we drove past the entrance gate pulling onto the main road heading in the opposite direction from when we'd arrived.
“I'm counting on it” I replied a smirk gracing my red lips, “and when he does I'll be ready”
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Adeline: Zayn Malik
   ***I was listening to this song called "Put the Gun Down"- By ZZ Ward and this just came to me, I wrote it a while ago but never got around to posting it so here it is enjoy :)***  
      The moment her eyes met mine I knew she would be the beginning of the end for my relationship with my boyfriend. With her long blonde hair and deep red lips, my plain brown hair and blue eyes were no match. Her curvy body and drowning sex appeal, put me to shame. So it came as no surprise when I found the man I thought to be the love of my life, succumbing to her manipulations. My vision of true love and happily ever after was forever changed her name the symbol of my end...and the beginning of the me who would eventually find the end of her... 
      He sat alone at the bar a glass of whiskey clenched in his hand, his eyes searching the crowd. His eyes meeting mine the moment he caught sight of me, a smile gracing the lips I had come quite familiar with over the last few months. 
"I thought you wouldn't show" He said once I'd reached him, his right arm finding it's way around my waist.
"My boss kept me a lot later than expected" I replied kissing him softly on the lips, the taste of alcohol on his tongue reminding me of the other reason I'd accepted to meet up on a late Wednesday night. I ordered my preferred scotch taking a sip as he watched my every move, his hazel eyes giving away the fact he was in desperate need for something more than some alcohol and hot dancing.
"I hate when he does that, takes away from the time you should be spending with me" He pouted kissing my neck his teeth biting at the skin, causing my toes to curl at the contact I'd been longing all day.
"Mm trust me I was counting the minutes for him to let me go." I said trailing my finger down his chest, stopping at the buckle of his belt the feel of his bulge enough to make me want to take him right in the middle of the club. 
"I'll bet you were" He teased recalling the many times I had complained about my stout old pervy employer, who had almost gotten on my last nerve with his sexual advances. 
"Shut up, you should be pissed he is even thinking of fucking me!" I retorted, laughing at the way his eyes went dark and his grip tightened around my waist.
"oh baby trust me I'd kill the man if I could get away with it" He smirked standing up from his seat, "Let's get out of here" 
"What why I just got here!" I cried having been excited for the opportunity to torture him with my hip movements. 
"Yeah and since that moment I can't stop thinking about ripping that damned dress off of you" he growled leading me toward the entrance his hand gripping my wrist as if so he wouldn't lose me in the drunken crowd. 
      We shifted through the crowd, finally making our way outside to the parking lot where he slammed me against his Maserati. His hands clenching the fabric of my dress the material riding up my legs as he wrapped them around his waist. 
"Your place or mine?" I asked gripping the collar of his leather jacket,
"Mine" He replied his hands warming my thighs as he rubbed them up and down on the skin, pausing only set me down opening the passenger door for me. I smiled watching as he walked around to the drivers side starting the engine and getting us to the street in record time. It was mostly silence, aside from the small muttering words he uttered when a red light stopped our trek to his flat. 
"Calm down big boy I'm not going anywhere" I teased placing my hand on his thigh near his already prominent bulge,
"And there is no way I could even let you leave" He said entwining our fingers keeping his eyes on the road. No sooner had ten minutes passed we arrived on his street tall street lamps lighting the way to his modern looking expensive town house. He wasted no time getting out throwing me over his shoulder the moment I stepped out of the car,
"Oi I'm not some rag doll!" I exclaimed slapping his back just after he had the nerve to smack my bum,
"Well if you were I definitely wouldn't be fucking you right now" He said giving me no time to reply, as he set me down inside slamming me against the door with his lips attacking mine with a savage hunger that had my mind spinning. I returned the eagerness yanking at his collar my fingers finding their way to his dark locks, jumping at the feel of his hands lifting my legs up around him.
"Where to love?" He asked his hazel eyes searching mine as I quickly made my decision,
"Bed" I whispered kissing him as he took us to the bedroom, his body hovering over mine as he lay me on the cotton sheets.
"I'm going to make you feel so good" He spoke in my ear, his hands lifting up the hem of my dress yanking off the material leaving me in my bra and knickers. "fuck" he muttered taking in the sight of my half naked body my tan skin a contrast to his slightly darker skin. He pulled my legs up leaning them against his chest and over his shoulders, his warm fingers teasing my skin their rough texture causing goosebumps as they made their way to the lace material of my cream colored knickers. "What do you want me to do love?" 
"Take those damn hands and put them to good use" I replied my eagerness getting the best of me, he smirked pulling at the lace material with such force they almost ripped. All of a sudden my legs were spread, his index and middle fingers invading my body, his thumb working my clit at such a pace it took me a few seconds to realize what he was doing.
"Shit" I mumbled moaning as he sped up his pace hazel eyes catching mine in a steady glance,
"You like that baby?" He asked leaning forward to bring his lips to mine, the shift causing me to lose my breath.
“So fucking good.” I moaned back at him arching my back as my end came near, though he stopped before I could finish a deep laugh leaving his lips at my annoyed expression at his actions.
“I’m not done with you yet" He teased pulling off his clothes in a rushed manor leaving himself in only his boxers. With one movement he had me straddling his hips my body rubbing against his creating a friction that produced loud noises to come from both of us. "I'm going to fuck you so good" I smiled loving the way he described what he'd be doing to me the mere though making my insides churn. No sooner had he spoken he had his boxers on the floor his length lined up at my entrance the tip rubbing against my clit in a teasing manor.
"Just fuck me already" I whined after he spent a few seconds teasing me leaving my anticipation to eat away at me,
"So impatient aren't we?" He said thrusting into me as he spoke, my moan drowning out his words. I moaned loudly rotating my hips to meet his movements shuddering at the deep growls that escaped his lips,
“Harder, fuck me harder.” I cried out.
He obliged pounding into me hard and fast, our skin slapping together loudly.
 "Oh god fuck" I clenched his body my nails digging into his back, the sight of his sweaty body over mine alone almost bringing me over the edge.
"Like that love?" He muttered I simply nodded gasping as he reached between us his fingers flicking and rubbing my clit, the action causing a burst of pleasure to hit my body. I moaned loudly the feeling of ecstasy taking over my senses. my mind barely registering as he came right after me our bodies melding together as we rode out our highs.
"Mm that was amazing" I mumbled wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss,
"That's an understatement" He replied pushing us back so he lay on his back with me leaning on his torso. After a few minutes of silence he shifted to his side bringing me into his chest, "I love you" his words brought a smile to my lips.
"Love you too" I replied snuggling into his body, his heart beat serenading me to sleep.
      The next morning I got up not long after the sun rose, my body aching in a good way as I swung my legs over the bedside. I slipped on my undergarments, having to go on a scavenger hunt for my dress across the room. 
"Bloody hell" I muttered after stubbing my toe on the bedside table while pulling on my pumps. 
"Wh-Where you going?" A deep and raspy voice cut through the silent morning, making me cringe at the thought of my unnoticed exit being ruined. 
"I should get home I have a meeting to get ready for" I replied facing my bed partner, catching a glimpse of the frame on his night stand. He looked back at it, sighing as he knew what was going through my mind at the sight of it.
"You know I'll handle it soon" 
"Yeah, yeah I know" I replied taking my coat and bag heading for the bedroom door, barely catching the 'I love you' as I walked out down the stairs to the front door. I walked outside onto the side walk, only getting a few yards when someone bumped into me.
"Oh pardon me" a familiar voice mumbled, my eyes meeting a familiar shocking blue. "Danae?" she recognized me much to my surprise since I was no longer the young naive 19 year old she'd met three years ago. I took her in her long blonde hair now cut into a short cut, her red lips now a pale pink. Her sultry fashion replaced with a professional look similar to mine, before I could speak a voice cut me off from behind.
"Dee you forgot your-Ade what-wh" His voice stumbled through his words, the woman before me and I turning to face him. In his hand my phone that I'd forgotten in my hurry to leave his house,
"Zayn?" Her voice came out in cut up pieces, much like mine had all those years ago.
"Um-" He stood shirtless looking between us two. I simply took my phone from his hand, sending him an apologetic smile as I turned away.
"Doesn't feel so good does it Adeline?" I said brushing past her, her eyes meeting mine in understanding tears rushing to those cold blue irises that had once watched me as I broke down my world crumbling down around me. My mind registering a sick satisfaction at seeing her as broken as I had once been. "oh Ade don't waste those tears he never loved you anyway" My words taking me back to that day three years ago.
      She straddled his lap her eyes suddenly relaizing my presence,
"oops looks like we have bit of company" She said pulling her robe closed, the man beneath her jumping up from the sofa.
"Danae" he began to explain the situation, Adeline cutting him off
"Oh Liam it's not like she's a complete idiot she knows what we were doing love" she walked over to me wiping my tears in a teasing manor, "now now wipe those tears it's not like he loved you anyway; what's ya think he was going to marry you? don't be so naive" I stood still sobs choked up in my throat, Liam's brown eyes meeting mine no remorse or sympathy in them. Leaving me no choice but to walk away.
"What'd you think he was going to marry you Adie?" I looked into her eyes one last time walking past her as I spoke my last words "Don't be so naive" her sobs broke through, the sound fading as I walked away my phone drowning out what else I could hear of the argument that ensued,
"Danae Boston speaking." 
****So ummmmmmmm what'd you guys think? let me know :) and yes I am fully aware Danae is a beep but as an argument Adeline did it first! and unless some of you want me to I will not be doing a Part 2 but let me know otherwise this was exactly how the Adeline story was supposed to end! So have a wonderful day, night, evening whatever it may be!-Isabel
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Zayn imagine for anon
We were all seated around the table. My father at the head, my mother to his left, and all of the prestigious guests sat along the right side of the table. I sat somewhere in the middle of the left hand side, with my boyfriend Zayn next to me. All we could hear was boring talk of politics and the economy. My father is running for president in a couple weeks which is why we are gathered now, to discuss the final steps of his campaign. I was bored. Hiding my yawns every few minutes or so. That was until smooth fingers began tracing circles higher, and even higher still, up my leg. Zayns long, slender fingers rubbed me through my panties while he was immensely engrossed in a conversation with the mayor about the nations health care system. I had to control my breathing. I knew what he was doing and I was getting wetter with each passing second. He pushed my panties to the side and gently inserted his fingers into my wet pussy. It felt so good, like ecstasy. But I was so afraid we would be caught. His thumb began rubbing my sensitive clit and I was fighting to keep back moans. Soon enough, I was ready to cum and just as I was about to let go he pulled his glistening fingers out of me. He's gonna pay for that, I thought. And all the while he had just kept a straight face, the perfect facade.
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'Give me an hour, and I'm all yours' - Liam
*So I was reading smut, and I came across a good story line. It was getting so good, and I loved the direction it was going, but then she stopped before the smut even happened! So I'm taking the storyline and changing it. Enjoy! - Gee*
The sky was dull and lifeless, waiting for the impending storm to rip through it. London looked dead from the 36th floor of the tower block, and Cassie was bored. She sat by the window, hunched over with her legs in front of her, like a small child who was sulking after being told off. She twiddled the belt of her robe, and sighed. She was horny, and Liam was still working. She looked to the door of the studio where he had been holed up for three hours. She rose, and walked slowly to the studio. Leaning against the door, she admired him, and thought as to how lucky she was to have him.
His fingers were moving with such grace and skill, and she longed for him to do the same to her. She wanted him to stroke his fingers up and down her body, and to her sides where it was torturous pleasure. She longed for his mouth to work on her clit, and was desperate to have him move hid beautiful cock inside of her. He was so engrossed in his work, so she cleared her throat to make herself known. He tore his gaze away from the screen, and smiled a lazy smile.
'I'm bored Li, come play with me' she said, in her cutest little voice. He toyed with the idea, but he was so close to finishing the new song, and knew that the boys would give him an earful if he didn't finish it for the next day.
'Babe, I'm busy. Give me an hour, and I'm all yours.'
'Li, I can't wait an hour. I'm horny, and I wanna cum now. Please.'
'I love it when you beg, but I need to finish this. One hour, I promise. You'll be glad I made you wait.'
'I'm not waiting. I'm going to cum. With or without your help.' His gaze narrowed, and sent a chill up her spine. 
'You know you can't touch yourself, or cum without my permission' he teased, his tone menacing. He turned back to his work, and she scowled at the side of his face. A thought popped in to her head, and she slowly undid her robe, and let it pool at her feet. She had his undivided attention now, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. 
'Is this new?' 
'I bought it for you today, I thought you might like this.'
'You thought naughty underwear would deter me?' He questioned. He struggled to keep his temptation under control, but thought of the scrutiny he would face tomorrow. 'One hour Cassie. Don't make me punish you' he warned her, and turned back to his work. She picked up her robe and headed to their room. She didn't want to wait, and she would get her way, even if she did have to break his rule.
Cassie entered the room. and went straight for her bedside table. Pulling open the top drawer, she located Liam's favourite toy. The glass dildo was something he had bought. He told her he wanted to see her stretch out when she used it. It drove him insane, and sometimes, he swore he could cum just watching her. Moving to the second drawer, she pulled out a porn film, and headed out to the living room. 
She popped the DVD in and settled back, she could hear the music coming from the studio, but she knew it wouldn't be for long. Making herself comfortable, she sat with her legs spread wide, and feet on the edge of the sofa. The movie started, and she skipped all the boring parts. Pulling her underwear to the side, she positioned the glass tip at her opening and pushed in. The contact felt good, but not as good as Liam felt. She could still hear the music, and decided to turn up the DVD. As she got to work on herself, she lost all purpose of what this was for, and consumed herself with the need to cum. She pumped fast and used her other hand to stroke her clit. The woman's moans mixed with hers spurred her on to finish, and she felt the knot ready to explode. She clamped her eyes shut, and let go, crying out and shaking. She rubbed hard, riding out the high. She slowed down, and tried to get her breathing back in control. She was so wrapped up in her play, that she didn't notice Liam stood at the end of the sofa, eyes pinned to her body, and his jeans undone to make room for his hard on.
'I thought I told you not to touch yourself' he said quietly. She jumped, startled, and mentally slapped herself for not remembering to stop. She didn't actually want to cum, she just wanted to lure Liam out of the studio so he would fuck her. 'Well?'
There were no words. Her mind was blank. There was nothing she could say, either way she was getting punished. He sat by her feet, and pulled his jeans and boxers to his mid thighs. His cock stood to attention, waiting for her to devour it. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, which was a silent sign that surely he wouldn't have to ask her. She started to remove the dildo, but he cut her off. 'Leave it in. I want it soaking wet, because when I fuck you, it's going in your ass.' She looked at him, and then got to the task at hand. She wasted no time, and knew teasing would not be tolerated tonight. Cassie pushed him in as far as she could go, and gagged. He was big, and deep throating was hard, but she knew it would please him, and hopefully make her punishment a bit easier. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, and moved her mouth up and down his cock. Her sliva glistened in the light, and he moaned.
'Such a good girl. Although you've been extremely bad, haven't you? You know that Sir doesn't allow you to play with yourself, unless he says so. You've also made me leave my work unfinished. But I figured you needed to be taught a lesson. Such a bad little girl' he moaned. He mouth working her usual magic. He couldn't get enough of her, everytime they fucked, it was heaven. When he would go away for long periods of time, the first thing he would do, would be to pick her up and slam fuck her against the nearest wall. He missed not having her around, and being ready to fuck whenever they wanted it. He felt himself tighten, and pulled her off of him. He wanted to cum inside her, make her remember that she controlled his orgasms, just as much as he controlled hers.
'Take it out and give it to me. Then bend over the arm of the sofa, ass up in the air, legs spread for me.' She did as she was told, and assumed the position. He came up behind her and grabbed her cheeks, spreading them so she was available to him. 'Such a tight little ass. You ready?' He spat and lubed her up, slipping in a finger, and adding another. She moaned at the sensation, and wriggled underneath his touch. 'No squirming Cassie, or I'll have to tie you down.'
'Yes Sir.' She breathed, trying her best to hold still. He fingered her roughly, and then pulled them out. The cool glass rested at the puckered entrance, and he pushed in slowly, circling her clit with his fingers.
'Good girl, it's all the way in. You're such a pro baby girl' he cooed. He left the dildo in, and she heard the familiar sound of the condom wrapper being torn. He quickly rolled it on and lined himself up, sinking himself all the way in. He filled her up, a little too much, but the pleasure, mixed with a hint of pain drove her wild. He started to move, first at a slow and steady pace, but then picking up, The feeling of his cock pounding in to her, and the dildo in her ass was overwhelming. As he slammed, he pushed against the glass object, and the thin wall that separated them was rubbed in a unique way, that she was sure she would do this over and over again.As he pounded, he took hold of the dildo, and moved it in and out, the different tempos had her climbing to the point of no return. She knew it would be a strong orgasm, possibly the strongest one she would have ever had. The gripped on to the arm rest, as Liam tightened his grip on her waist, slamming hard in to her, desperate for his own release. 
'Cum for me, you love to cum so much, I need you to tell me who fucks you the best. Who gives you the best orgasms. Tell me Cassie' he coaxed. And with that, she came, the hardest she ever had. She called out his name, and her vision blurred. She shut her eyes, and let the feeling own her body. Her legs shook as she gave way beneath him, but he hoisted her back up and continued to fuck her, until he filled the condom, and called out a string of profanities and her name. He dropped on to her, pushing her further in to the sofa, both of them fighting for the breath, and listening to each other. He kissed behind her ear, and down her neck.
'Baby girl, you really know how to test me, don't you?' he chuckled in to her ear, gently kissing and sucking.
'If I knew that me misbehaving would do this, I would have been naughty a long time ago' Cassie giggled. His hands immediately went for her hips, and squeezed them.
'Next time I won't be so gentle. Next time, I might just fuck your ass and not give you much time to prepare, and maybe I won't even let you cum. You know I don't like it when you steal orgasms from me, they're mine to enjoy. And mine only' he growled, hardening up again and sinking back in slowly.
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'Wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch' - Liam
*Inspired by Beyonce's 'Dance for you'. I had the idea, and I couldn't let it slip away*
The candles were lit, the food was laid on the table, and the sexually charged playlist was playing in the background. You'd made sure that the place was tidy, and that you were looking good. It had been two months since you last saw him, and you wanted tonight to be a night he wouldn't forget. The only item you had on were a pair of sky high Louboutins, that you were now happy that you'd blown a full month's wage on.
You sat in the dining chair, and drummed your nails against the arm rests, waiting to hear the keys in the door. As you smoothed down your hair and did a check to see that you hadn't accidentally spilt any sauce on yourself, you heard the lock click, and assumed your position. You heard him drop his bag on to the floor, and chuck his keys on to the hallway table. Rounding the corner, he stopped when his eyes immediately fell on you. You had your legs swung over one arm rest, with your legs crossed as you didn't want to give away everything straight away. You arms were folded over your breasts, and you looked up at him.
'Welcome home, baby' you purred. He swallowed hard, and started to make his way to your end of the table. 'Uh uh' you taunted, holding up your finger to warn him.
'Y/N, I haven't been able to touch you for two months, don't make me wait any longer' he pleaded. Liam pleading was your favourite thing, seeing as it was usually you pleading or begging him.
'But I made you your favourite food, sir' you said, provoking him. He gripped the hem of his shirt with his right hand, and twisted it around in his fist. He looked at his seat that you laid out for him at the opposite end of the table, and moved towards it. You both ate in silence, glancing at each other, Liam unable to keep his eyes off of you. All of a sudden, his favourite Beyonce song came on. He looked up at you, and you smirked knowing it would drive him insane. Moving from your seat, you made your way to his end of the table, walking slowly and swaying your hips. His eyes burned in to you, waiting for your next move. You walked around the back of his chair, and pushed your arms down his rock solid torso. He tensed up the muscles, and you raked your nails into him, through his shirt, kissing the back of his neck, and still swaying in time to the music.
You moved in front of him, and placed your foot in between his legs on the seat, pushing him back to clear some space for yourself. Sit back, sit back, it's the pre-game show. Daddy, you know what's up you sang, putting emphasis on the word 'Daddy'. He groaned and tipped his head back, never taking his eyes off of you. You rolled your hips, raised your arms above your head, and brought out every move that you knew would drive him crazy. He was twitching in his seat, so you stepped up your game, climbing in to his lap and grinding down on his crotch. His grip on the arm rest was turning his knuckles white, restraining himself from touching you. Raking your teeth up his jaw towards his ear, his breath hitched. 
'Touch me, I'm all yours, daddy' you whispered in to his ear. He picked you up and had you face down on the sofa in a matter of seconds. 
'Knees on the arm rest, ass up in the air, baby girl' he panted. You did as you were told, and looked back at him. He was naked, and you were so glad that this fine man was all yours. 'Eyes on me at all times, do you hear me princess?' You nodded, and he spanked you. 'I need to hear you Y/N' he coaxed.
'Yes, daddy.'
'Good girl' he said, whilst sinking in to you in one slow movement. He stretched you out, filling you full. A moan escaped your lips, and he spanked you again. 'You know the rules baby, you don't moan, unless you intend on the neighbors hearing you.' He moved in and out slowly, letting you get comfortable after the months of not having him like this. 'Oh baby, I see that squat challenge has been good to you. I love your ass' he moaned, as he slapped and squeezed your cheeks. 'Brace yourself, I'm about to get rough. And I want you to be vocal Y/N.'
He pulled out and slammed in, crashing your bodies together. He set himself at an animalistic pace, pounding you like it would be the last time. Suddenly, his hand was in your hair, pulling your head back. 'Come on baby, use your voice. Tell me how much you've missed me. Tell me what you've had to do to keep yourself satisfied.'
'Uh, fuck! I've missed you so much. I've missed you fucking me like this, the toys you bought just aren't the same' you moaned, causing him to tighten his grip on your hair as he thrust in to you.
'Oh baby, I've missed this sweet little cunt. Every time I masturbated on tour, I tried hard to imagine it was you, but you are so much better than my imagination' he panted. He fucked you relentlessly, moving faster and slapping himself against you. You moaned out, and received a sharp swat to your ass when it wasn't loud enough for him. Taking you by surprise, he inserted his middle finger in to your ass. You gasped, unaware that he would do this. He always warned you when he would play with your ass. 'I thought I told you not to pleasure yourself when I was away baby girl. I thought I told you to save it for daddy?' He moved his finger in and out, at a different speed to his thrusts, stroking the thin wall that separated the two holes he was claiming. The feeling was intense, and you knew if he kept this up, you would cum soon.
'L-Liam, please' you begged. 
'No baby, not until I say. Does this feel good?'
You nodded, which earned you another warning slap to your ass.
'Yes, it feels so good' you cried out, unable to control yourself. You felt your walls tightening around him, but in one quick move, he pulled out, leaving his finger where it was.
'I said no. Not until I say so. Are you going to disobey me princess?'
You kept quiet, frustrated by the orgasm that was lingering, ready to explode. He pulled his finger out, and walked down to sit on the couch.
'Suck it, get it nice and wet' he gestured, holding his cock in his hand. You scrambled off the sofa and knelt in front of him on the floor. 'Eyes up here Y/N.' You looked in to his eyes, dark with the longing and desire, and sealed your mouth around his cock. Bobbing your head up and down, you moved fast, and when he hit the back of your throat, you gagged. He controlled your movements with his hand at the base of your head, moaning when you took him the full length in. He grasped the hair at the nape of your neck and pulled you off him, kissing you hard. You both looked down at his cock, glistening with your saliva. He pushed his finger in to your mouth. 'Suck this, and then sit yourself on my lap, with your back to me.'
You did as he commanded, and you sat down. He pushed you forward, giving him better access to your holes. He slid his finger of your anus, slicking up the entrance with your spit. 'I'm going to fuck your ass now Y/N, as a punishment for disobeying me. Okay?'
'Yes, sir.' You put your feet on either side of his legs on the couch, and lifted yourself up. He positioned his cock at your ass, and pushed in very slowly. Spreading you out, it felt like you were burning up on the inside, but once you were settled and accustomed to the feeling, the pleasure soon set in. He held you up by your ass, and thrust in and out, moaning and groaning. 
'God, you are so fucking tight' he growled, the rumble resonating from his chest. He snaked his hand around to your clit, and began to rub fast circles, building you up once more. The room was filled with moans, groans and the sound of skin slapping against each other. You felt him twitch, and empty himself in to you, your own high approaching fast. But as he came down from his high, he snatched his hand away and pulled out, leaving you on the brink once more.
'What the fuck?' you questioned.
'Y/N, it's called edging. And until I decide that you have earnt the right to cum, it's going to happen until then. I've been away for two months, and I am ready to fuck all night long. So be prepared princess, it's going to be a long night for you' he said, lifting you up and carrying you in to the bedroom.
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'Don't give it away' - Harry
*This is for the anon who loves the dark Harry smut. Hope you enjoy! - Gee*
'Hold still princess' he cooed. I was bent over the desk in front of him, legs spread just as he liked. He was crouching behind me, lubing up the toy. Not like we needed the extra lubricant, as I was already dripping at the thought of the delightfully wicked task he'd set for the evening. He stroked the miniature vibrator along my lips, before positioning it at the hole and pushing it in. The cool plastic felt nice against the burning heat that had resided there. 'Good girl.'
He stood, pulling my panties up as he rose. He positioned them, slapped my ass and turned me to face him. He grabbed my neck, and set his teeth on my earlobe, tugging at it. 
'Now, you know the rules, don't you? You cannot cum, unless I signal you to, no matter how much you want it. You'll act as if everything is normal, no going quiet on us baby. And, don't give it away. I don't want them knowing.' I nodded, and he smoothed out my dress and took my hand. We walked out to the waiting car, and were greeted by Billy, the driver who had driven us around for hours, whilst Harry had his wicked way with me. I knew that he knew, but he was always so professional, he never gave anything away. He gave us both a curt nod, and opened up the door for us.
I slid across the back bench, and Harry climbed in next to me. He took my hand, and then reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small remote. 'This is for the toy. I will switch it on when I feel like it. I won't tell you, so that'll be a lovely little surprise for you.' A wicked grin crept on to his face, and he kissed the back of my hand as we set off.
'...So I think that's sorted then. Y/N, are you okay with that?'
'Sounds good to me, Niall. If you can just send me the details, and then I can put it all together for you.' Harry watched me as I spoke to Niall, and then he reached into his jacket pocket. I braced myself for the buzzing sensation that would follow, but there was nothing. I looked at him, and he just smirked, pulling out a handkerchief. I groaned inwardly, and started to speak to Sophia. Halfway through telling her about the design project we were doing for an up and coming band, that's when he struck. My voice faltered, and I felt his hand at my thigh, warning me of the rules. I carried on my conversation, and fought in vain to ignore my muscles that clenched around the vibrator.
I made it through the starter, and we were just finishing up the main course, but the pressure had become too much. I sat up in my seat, pressing my legs shut to fight off the orgasm that was brewing. Harry stroked up my thigh, stopping at my panties and then moving his hand back down again. I looked at him, with a pleading look, and he just turned away. I tried so hard to think of everything else that I could, anything to take my mind off of it. I tried to find comfortable ways to sit, but had no such luck.
‘Y/N, are you okay?’ Liam asked. ‘You’ve gone a bit pale?’
‘Uh yeah, I’m fine. Just feel a bit hot and light headed’ I lied. I felt anything but. I felt as if I was on fire, and I needed Harry. I needed to cum. He slid his hand ever so carefully up to the apex of my thighs, and cupped me. This sent me over the edge, and I bowed my head, and let my orgasm take over me. My body shook with silent screams, and I clamped my mouth and thighs together, trapping Harry’s hand. I started to come down, and that’s when I registered Harry had stood up and announced our departure.
‘Sorry guys, looks like I’m going to have to get this one home. She doesn’t look so good’ he said, taking hold of my elbow and standing me up. He pulled me close to his side, chucked some money on to the table, and escorted me out to the front. Billy was waiting for us, but I barely acknowledged him, still feeling light and airy from the intense orgasm I had just endured. Harry settled me in and then walked to the other side, climbing in.
‘Billy, drive until I say otherwise’ Harry commanded. Billy tipped the brim of his hat and set off. The partition was rolled up, and I knew what was to come. ‘I see we couldn’t do as we were told, princess’ he said, his words dripping in sinful glee. I moved to kneel in front of him, but he stopped me. I want you on the bench, on your back, naked and spread out. Two minutes.’
He watched as I peeled my clothing off, every last piece of it. When I had assumed the position, he took my clothes and placed them next to him, before reaching in to his pocket and turning the vibrator on to full power. I arched my back off of the seat, and let out a moan. His hand clamped over my mouth, to stop me from making a sound. He shrugged out of his shirt, and started to undo his belt. ‘No no baby, I don’t want you to make a sound’ he whispered. He moved to where my legs were spread, and replaced the vibrator with his cock. The vibrator was still buzzing in his hands, as he started to thrust in and out. He placed it against my over sensitive clit, and I groaned out. Suddenly his hand was clamped at my neck, as he thrust in and out of me.
‘Seeing as my little angel loves to cum so much, I’m going to see how many times I can make her cum in the car’ he growled in to my ear. Suddenly he stopped, and pressed the button for the speaker. ‘Billy, yes, could you drive us to Cheshire please? I need to get back to the house there. And how long will it take?’
‘The traffic is said to be heavy up that way, sir, so I think it’ll be between 3 to 4 hours.’
‘Okay, thank you Billy’ and he took his finger off of the button. ‘Hmm, four hours to see how many times I can make you cum. This should be a lot of fun Y/N. Now stay still for me, I’m going to fuck you real hard for misbehaving in there’ and with that, he started his lengthy attack on my already shattered nerves.
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'Back up, babygirl' - Harry
*This is a dominant Harry smut, for a lovely anon who requested this. Hope it's what you had in mind - Gee*
'You mean, I get full control over you tonight?' I bit my bottom lip, unable to believe what I was hearing. Harry was going to let me take over and possess him for one night.
'Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. But if you carry on biting your lip like that, I'll have you across my lap faster than you can say sorry.' I immediately released my lip. Standing from the sofa, I took his hand. I lead him over to the black leather chair, and took a seat.
'Strip for me' I ordered. He raised an eyebrow, amused that I was using his signature moves. He started to strip, and as much as I loved seeing his body, I wanted to drag it out. 'Slowly, or else you'll be punished. You don't want to disappoint me now, do you?' Silence filled the room. 'I can't hear you.' He looked at me, a scowl trying not to reach the surface. He hated not being in control. 
'No, mistress.' Came his short, sharp reply.
'Now now, let's not be cold with mistress.' I taunted him, hoping that he would lose. There was no way Harry could keep this up. I watched as he slowly undressed, and I licked my lips. He stood before me naked. 'On your knees. Good boy, now take them off.' As he slid my underwear down my legs, I felt a real sense of power surge through me. This is what it felt like to be in control. I loved submitting to him, but the control was sweet. 'Make me happy, Harry.'
With that, he licked up my core, and swirled his tongue around my clit. I arched my back and moaned. It somehow felt better when he was under my command. I held on to his hair, and controlled his movements. I could feel myself nearly at the brink of an orgasm, so I pulled his head away roughly. 'Lie in your back, arms above your head.'
'Oh no Y/N. I didn't agree to that.'
'Are you really going to disobey me? Don't you want to cum?' He grumbled under his breath, but did as he was told. As I moved over him, he protested when my mouth didn't stop at his cock.
'Are you kidding me?' He asked, exasperated. 'I use my mouth on you everytime!'
'Harry, this is about what I want tonight.' Before I knew it, he had me pinned beneath him, his face close to mine.
'Back up, babygirl' he purred, as I struggled under his weight, 'It's not about what you want. It's about what we want. You know we wouldn't do this if you didn't like it. It's for both of our needs, both of our pleasure. I care just as much about you orgasms, as I do mine. In fact, I care more about your orgasms. I love to get you off. Now, seeing as you won't be a good little girl, and play the master role properly, it looks like I have to take over.' He pinned my hands above my head with one of his hands, and smacked my clit with the other. I let out a squeal. He moved up by my head, and turned my head to face him. 'Lift it up, that pretty little mouth is going to take all of me.'
He grasped the back of my head, and pushed himself down my throat, fucking it relentlessly. I couldn't use my hands to stop him, but I didn't care. Harry was good at this, and I loved when he got rough. He held me at the base, and then pulled me off of his dick. It glistened with my saliva, and he stroked himself. 'Now, do you want to cum again babygirl?' I nodded, frantically. He moved and settled himself between my thighs. 'I didn't hear you Y/N. I said, do you want to cum again?'
'Yes, please sir!'
'Beg for it, as I fuck you.' And he plunged himself in. The burning sensation of me stretching around him felt good. But he stilled. 'I said beg.' He growled in to my ear.
'Fuck me, please. Make me cum Harry. I need it. I need you.' I panted. He started thrusting, slamming himself into my dripping wet entrance, making sure I felt every inch. His dick, hitting every sweet spot inside, making them scream with anticipation. He drove in to me with such force, that I knew I would be bruised.
'More baby, I need more.' He choked. He laced a hand around my throat, and held me still as he pounded in to me. 'Your cunt is so wet and tight. So greedy. You just can't get enough of me. Tell me how much you need me. Tell me how I make you feel.'
'I can't stop needing you, You're everywhere. You're all I think about. When I'm at work, I wish you were there, taking care of my needs. You're my every thought, I'm lost in you.' He rammed in to me hard, and that tipped me over the edge. My body spasmed, and I felt him releasing in to me. My aching core held on to him, not wanting to let him go. We lay there, for what seemed like an eternity, before he spoke.
'I'm glad that's how you feel. I've completely possessed you and everything you do. I'm glad that I'm all you can think about, because it means there's no room to think of anyone else.' He took my earlobe between his teeth and pulled, which made the muscles clench below, even after that shattering orgasm. I looked into his eyes, and gazed at him.
'I knew you couldn't give me total control for one night' I giggled. He kissed me, and pulled me on top of him, lining himself up. He sunk in to my tender pussy once more.
'Baby, you control everything I do. But you just can't be trusted to take the lead' he said, with a wink and a mischievous grin.
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'Don't be embarrassed' - Niall
*This is for a lovely lady who asked me for some Niall fluff! (Yes, this is a fluff piece) I hope you like it my lovely! - Gee*​ 
'Niall!' I shouted, packing all of the stuff in the baby bag. This was Declan's first trip to Grandma's house, and if Niall didn't stop pissing around, we'd be late. Checking over the nappies and wipes, I called him again. 'Niall! What on earth are you doing? We need to go!' 
'Ashley, I'm here, I'm dressed, and me and Declan are ready to go, we're waiting on you my darling.' He grinned a boyish grin, and stood waiting with Declan in his car seat. I peered in to see my smiling boy, in his new Derby County football shirt.
'I can't bloody trust you with anything. I asked you to put him into his new shirt and jeans, not a football kit,' I said, laughing. This was typical Niall.
'I think he looks cute. Taking after Daddy, aren't ya son?'
'Yes, yes, both of you are my cute boys, now let's go. Your mother said dinner is at 1pm, and we shall be there before 1pm.'
Clambering into the car, we set off on the drive to his mum's house. We were staying in a hotel not far away, and I loved seeing Niall back in Ireland. He was relaxed and care free, no tour stress, no worrying about albums or singles. Just time with me and Declan. I started to play with my fingers, nervous about feeding Declan in front of his family. He was still breast feeding, and I felt uncomfortable doing that around his family. Niall must have sensed my apprehension, as he reached over for me hand, and brought it up to his mouth, kissing my palm.
'Don't worry Ashley, you'll be fine. It's natural, and my mum did it with me and Greg, and Denise has done it with Theo. Relax, and don't be embarrassed.' His words were a comfort, but they didn't quite ease my worries. I knew I was stupid, but it still felt weird. The only people who had seen me breast feeding were Niall, Paul, my own mum and that time the boys had walked in to the dressing room and hadn't realised. I don't know who was more embarrassed, but the look on their faces always made me laugh when I thought of it.
'We're here! Come on Declan, let's go see Grandpa and Uncle Greg! We can watch the football together, Derby for life!' Niall said, cheering. Declan giggled, and showed off his gums. He loved it when Niall was loud and cheery. I grabbed the baby bag, and made my way to the front door. Niall's mum opened the door and greeted me with a big grin and a hug. I knew where Niall got his jollyness from. 
'Ashley, my beautiful daughter in law! You look absolutely gorgeous, how have you managed to get your baby body back so quickly? I wish I still looked that good.'
'Oh Maura, you know you look good. I hope I look half as stunning as you when Declan is Niall's age.' She pulled me in to a hug, and kissed my cheek, before ushering me in. Then she pulled Niall into a hug, before taking Declan out of his seat and holding her grandson. He giggled, as I set his changing bag down in the hall. His cheery disposition definitely came from Niall. Declan was the best baby anybody could ask for, he only cried if there was something really wrong, and he always had a smile on his face.
'Would you like some help Maura?' I asked, I always wanted to be on the go. 
'No dear, but you can come and gossip in the kitchen with me, while the boys settle to watch football.' I smiled, I was a widow when it came to football, just like Maura had been for the majority of her married life. We chatted away, from Niall touring, to the best way to keep the sofa clean. Cheers and shouts bellowed from the front room, as the boys all started the celebrations. Denise made her way into the kitchen, and took a seat next to me. We swapped tips for when Declan started teething, the best way to get a temperature down, and what to do with our men when they wouldn't do as we asked. 
'You give them a slap to the head' Maura chimed in. 'Ashley, will you go tell the boys that the dinner is ready, I timed it for when the match would finish. That's also another tip. Try and do dinner when the football isn't on.' I climbed down from the stool and made my way to the front room. The boys were talking about the match, and it was all lingo that went completely over my head.
'Hey guys, dinner's ready.' Niall jumped up and gave me a quick kiss, before ushering us into the dining room.
'Now, if I hear any talk of football at this dinner table, I will take away the food. Do I make myself clear?'
'Yes mum' chorused Niall and Greg.
We made our way through the meal, each telling the others what we'd been up to. It was my turn, and I was telling everybody about how it was hard to find a decent Au Pair. I'd just gotten round to telling them about what would be happening at work when I went back, when Declan started to cry. I shot a worried glance at Niall, and he gave me a wink.
'Sorry everyone, Declan needs to be fed' I said, excusing myself from the table.
'Just grab him and bring him in here love, then you can get back to telling us about that exciting venture' said Maura. I smiled and quickly made my way to the living room. I picked up my boy, and got him into the position. Unhooking my nursing bra, I latched him on to my nipple and tried to feed him as quickly as possible. All of a sudden, Maura came in to the room, and sat on the sofa opposite me. I froze, and felt embarrassed.
'Ashley, Niall just told me how you feel about feeding him in front of people. You have to understand that it's not something to be embarrassed about. It's natural, and you are giving your child the best start in life. Just because some people think it's a sin to breast feed, that doesn't make it so. I have done it with Niall and Greg, and look at them. Two strong, healthy boys.Denise has done it with Theo, and look at him. We were born to do this. There's nothing sexual, or weird about it, it's just a part of life. These people who complain, will probably have been breast fed. Just hold your head up high and remember why you are doing it. Now come on, your dinner is getting cold, and I want to hear the rest of your story.'
Standing up with Declan, I gave her a smile. She hugged me and walked in to the living room, with me in tow. I sat back in my seat and everyone was still talking. Nobody even bothered to look at me. Maura was right, this was nothing to be embarrassed about, and I don't know why I ever felt embarrassed. I told them about the rest of my work, and then it was Denise's turn.
After the meal, we all sat in Maura's front room and watched some crappy old black and white movie. Everybody fell asleep, full from the dinner, except for me and Niall.
'I'm proud of you babygirl. Like I said, nothing to be worried about. I'm sorry for telling mum, but she knew something was up.'
'It's okay, if it wasn't for your mum, I would still feel the same way.'
'I'm glad it worked, and seeing as you've been such a brave soldier, I may have to give you a special reward tonight.' He winked, and planted a long, slow kiss on my lips.
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The Dancer
Chapter 7
'What the actual fuck? You can't just break in to my house you absolute fucking lunatic!' Jenna raged. Liam had revealed himself sat in the chair, the fear evaporating from her body, but anger soon replacing it. She stood there with her hands on her hip, but it was hard to be stern when she could see double. She shook her head, hoping her sight would return normal, 'What are you even doing here? Where's your date?'
He watched her walk to the drinks cabinet in the corner of the room, and take out a bottle of brandy and two small glasses. She poured them both a drink, and walked back to the desk, sliding his across so it landed by his hand. 'I think you've had enough Jenna.' She scowled and tossed back the drink, immediately regretting it. She hated that he was right. Stupid, smug bastard! She thought.
'I came to see if you got home safe, providing you were going to be coming home at all.' He took a sip, and glanced over her body. 'So, did Harry have his wicked way with you and then boot you out? Nice of him to walk you back.' His voice was laced with disdain. He hated the thought of Harry getting his hands all over Jenna. But she looked the same as she did in the restaurant. No sign of sex hair, still smelling of her perfume. He smirked to himself, thinking maybe Harry couldn't perform from being so drunk.
'Not that it is anything to do with you, but I had a great time with Harry.' She spoke defiantly. She wasn't going to be made to feel guilty about anything. And she definitely didn't want to give anything away about her evening with Harry. She wanted to see how long she could tease Liam, and see how wound up she could make him. 'So which window did you break?'
'I remember Sam ringing you when you were on tour, and you told him about the emergency key under the plant pot.'
'You know, you're an absolute freak right?' She laughed, and reached for the bottle, topping up her glass and chuckling to herself. 'You know some people would have called the police by now. I'm still tempted by the thought of ringing them. So why are you really here? I know it's not to check if I got home, because there are phones for that.'
He gulped back his drink and set his glass down, walking around to stand in front of her. He took her glass and set it next to his, and he cupped her face in his hands. He took in her features, she was an angel, a pure vision of beauty. He kissed her gently, waiting for her to respond. It took her a few seconds, but soon she was kissing him back. It took every ounce of control that she could muster not to push her hands inside of his shirt. 'You can't just let yourself in and expect to bed me Liam. I don't want any potential relationship to start off with sex. I know what I did on tour was stupid, and it may have put the wrong impression across, but I'm not that sort of girl.'
'What do you want Jenna? I can give you anything you want or need.'
'I want your undivided attention. I want romance, spontaneity. I want you to be like any other normal 20 year old guy. I want fun loving, with a bit of dark and dangerous on the side.' She paused, and raked over her thoughts, seeing if there was anything else. 'And, well, if you want to chuck in a Ferrari, I'm sure I could be open to that.' She giggled, humour was her greatest asset most of the time.
He smiled and pressed his forehead to hers. 'Angel, I would buy you every Ferrari you ever wanted, if it meant that you would be mine.'
Monday came around, and Jenna found herself skipping through the door of the hall. She shook her butt at Jack, who watched in amused confusion. She settled herself down, and pulled on her dance trainers.
'Okay, who is he? Is it Harry? Does he have a big dick? Tell me he's got a penis to match the bank account!' Jack pestered her. Jenna just tapped the side of her nose and blew her best friend a kiss.
Liam had left after making sure Jenna had gotten to bed safely, but not before he'd tried to jump in to bed with her. She gave him a stern 'no' and told him to get lost, before she inevitably kicked his arse. They'd texted each other every day since, and she was happy at the pace they were moving. 'As your best friend, I demand to know all the details. That is my privilege as a top bff.'
'I'm not telling you here, as people can't keep their noses out...' she gestured towards the other dancers, who were looking in their direction '...so how about you dig deep and buy me a panini, and I shall tell you.'
'Bitch, in the last three years of friendship, I have never bought you food. And it's not going to start now. So YOU can buy the paninis, and I will smile and try not to look like I want to stab you for being a lucky cow.'
The cafe was busy, and Jenna and Jack struggled to find a decent seat. In the end, they had to wedge themselves between the tourists, and the brash business man, who made sure that everyone knew how much money he earned.
'So tell me, can Harry rattle a headboard like a sailor on leave?' quipped Jack. Jenna shot him a look and raised her eyebrow at him. He could be so crude, which is why Jenna loved him, but the tourists had nearly choked on their pancakes.
'There has been no sex, and it's not Harry.'
'Bullshit to the sex bit, you're glowing so much that I'm surprised you haven't been announced as the replacement for the sun.'
'I'm serious there has been no...'
'Okay, whatever. So who is making my little angel this happy? Has Sam finally snapped out of his stupid alpha male phase, and wants you two to be official?'
'No, he's with Abi, remember? Right, if I tell you, which I will because I fear I won't leave this cafe alive if I don't, you have to promise to keep it to yourself. Okay?' Jack shut his lips and gestured that he was zipping and locking them up. Fat chance, Jack would probably tell half of London. But he was her closest friend. 'It's Liam.'
Jack looked like he had just been caught in the act by his grandmother. He was wide eyed, open mouthed, and babbling like an idiot. 'Jack, say something. Close your mouth at least, there are cute guys coming this way.' He immediately shut his mouth, but didn't bother to check out the guys.
'You mean to tell me, you're seeing Liam Payne?' Jenna nodded. 'You're telling me that you are banging Mr 'I would let him do whatever he wants to me' Payne? Mr Dominant? The sexy god that has been placed on this earth to make us cry?'
'I haven't banged him yet, but yes I am seeing Liam. So you don't think he's good looking then?' she joked. Jack slapped her arm.
'This is no time for joking Jenna! We have to come up with a plan, so that when you two do get it on, he is never going to want to let you go. EVER.'
'Jack, routinely planned sex is not my thing. It feels like I'm being instructed, and I just won't be aroused enough.'
'I didn't mean plan out if you were going to let him fuck you in the arse!' The spluttering from the tourist table was more than just one person this time. Jack turned, smiled at them, and swiveled back round to face Jenna. 'What I meant was, we are going to go shopping, and update your underwear collection, buy some candles, and maybe a cook book for you...' he was met with piece of panini to the face. '...I mean to see if we can come up with some fabulous recipe. Oh this is going to be so romantic! I can feel it. A real fairy tale romance right from the beginning! So how did it happen? Did he buy you flowers? Chocolates?'
'Ah yes, well this part isn't so fairy tale. You better get us some cake, because this is going to take a while.'
After Jenna had explained how her and Liam started off, the tourists had moved away from the table, and Jack was doing his open mouth, wide eye routine again.
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It's okay, when it's in a three way - Liam and Harry
Suggestion sent in by an anon for a threesome with Harry and Liam. Actually based on the song ‘3-Way (Golden Rule)’ by The Lonely Island with Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga. I never do one shots based on songs, I just tend to use lines in a song as a title. Hope you enjoy!’
'Haha this song is the best!' Liam laughed. He loved this band, and I could never understand why. ‘Why, what’s the song about Liam?’ ‘About threesomes’ he said, with a mischievous grin on his face. He looked at Harry, and they exchanged glances, before laughing at the lyrics. We sat and listened, finishing off the last of our beers, and harry nearly choking from laughing so hard. When the song was finished they turned to me. ‘So Y/N’ Harry started, ‘…what would you say to a threesome with me, and the Payne Train?’ I nearly spat my drink all over him, eyes nearly popping out of my head. ‘W-what?’ I stammered. ‘You heard.’ ‘Well, I, er, I,er…’ Liam interrupted. ‘We know you want to. We heard that you’d told someone about a naughty dream you had involving us two, and how much it turned you on.’ My face went crimson. The only person I had told was Zayn. Bloody big mouth. ‘I’m gonna kill that bastard!’ I exclaimed. Liam and Harry just laughed. ‘Well, why don’t you try it out? See if you really do like it?’ Harry challenged me. He wasn’t going to give up, and neither was Liam. They both moved closer to me, it felt like I was being circled by vultures. Out of nowhere, I had a surge of confidence, and squared up to them both. ‘Only if you think you two are man enough to handle me.’ I stood up and sashayed out of the room, giggling to myself at the stunt I had just pulled. No way those two were serious, they could barely speak to girls, never mind initiate a threesome. I flopped on to my bed, and closed my eyes. As I stretched out, I felt the bed dip on either side of me, and my eyes shot open and looked from side to side. Liam and Harry were sat either side, and before I could ask if they were serious, Liam had his mouth planted firmly on mine. Harry was playing with the waist band of my sweats, trailing his fingers lightly over the sensitive area underneath my stomach. I broke the kiss and looked down at Harry. His head was positioned over my aching core, ready to pounce at any second. His eyes danced with delight, as he shot a menacing smirk at Liam, before ripping through my lace panties and delving in to the slick sweetness.
His tongue swirled, and lapped at me, hungry and desperate. I moaned into Liam's mouth, as his hand wandered to my breast, playing the cup of my bra, before he pulled on it, freeing it from it's lace prison. Taking my nipples between his fingers, he twisted and pulled ever so lightly on it. He moved his mouth from mine and trailed sweet, lingering kisses on my neck, before closing his mouth around my nipple. I moaned out, the feeling of both of their tongues on my hot body. I needed them both. It had been more than just the one dream, I had found myself fantasising about it at any opportunity that arose. When I was in the shower, when I wasn't busy at work, and when I found myself alone with nothing but my hands for company. As if sensing my desperation, Liam signalled for Harry to move, as he stripped to nothing. His cock was thick and long, and so beautiful. I didn't realise I was licking my lips as I watched him move and settle himself between my legs. Looking up, he smirked, and pushed himself all the way in.
'Oh god. You're so tight Y/N. Harry, you're going to have fun with this.' Liam started to move, hitting every spot that was screaming to be touched. Moving his hands up my pubic hair, he tugged on it, adding to the sensation. Harry had managed to get himself undressed, and hadn't taken his eyes off of where me and Liam were connected. It should have felt weird, but it actually felt right. Not like how you would imagine it. These two were smooth operators, hiding behind a facade of being shy boys fresh from their teen years. Harry moved onto the bed, kneeling at my head. He cupped my cheek and turned my head to face him, positioning himself at my mouth.
I teased the tip of his penis, kissing it, and darting my tongue in and out. I licked the tip, and then pushed my mouth down on to his shaft. He moaned from above me, and placed his large hand at the back of my head, and pushed tentatively. Relaxing my mouth, I took him deeper, and watched him lose control. He was a moaning mess, the public would have died to see him like this. As he pumped himself in and out of my mouth, Liam was furiously driving himself in to me. Long, hard strokes, and the swivel of his hips were shattering my nerves to pieces. He was skilled, and moved with such grace, that somehow it didn't seem like we were just fucking. Raising up my legs, he hooked one over his shoulder and held the other with his arm, so he could hit at a deeper angle. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he picked up his pace, racing to the finish line. 
As he came, he called out my name between gritted teeth, a low growl in his chest, and the warm fluid spilling in to me. He slowed to a stop and looked at me, a lazy grin spread on his face. 'Harry, it's your turn now.' They switched places, and as Harry slid himself in, Liam laid out beside me, teasing my nipples with his fingers and mouth. Both sensations were driving me crazy, taking me higher and higher. The end was so close, but I couldn't quite get there. I snaked my hand down to my clit, and found that Liam had beaten me to it. With one hand still playing with my breast, and his other circling slowly against Harry's fast thrusts, I felt myself tense up.
'Oh shit Y/N, I didn't think you could get tighter' Harry moaned. His voice was hoarse, his need to come was there with mine. Liam moved his mouth to my ear and whispered.
'Come for us Y/N, go on. We want to see it. Harry's waiting for you.' His silky smooth voice and warm breath, unleashed the impending orgasm. It wreaked havoc with my body, causing me to throw my head hard back on the bed, and screw my eyes shut. I heard Harry moaning, s he emptied himself into me, Liam's fingers still working in time with Harry's thrusts, drawing the rest of my orgasm out of me.
I laid there, drained. Harry settled himself on the other side of me, and he and Liam looked at me. It was a nice moment, no words were needed.
'So where does it go from here?' I asked.
'Well, I had fun, it was hot watching Harry do you.' Smirked Liam. He high fived Harry, which broke the seriousness of the situation. Elbowing them both in their sides, I looked at them.
'Maybe next time, you two could do each other? I'd like to see that...' I laughed, and they both started to fight with me, tickling my ribs.
'No, in all seriousness' piped up Harry, 'I like this arrangement, and I'm happy if you guys are?' He stuck out his little finger, our secret handshake. Linking our fingers, we all looked to one another, before giggling again.
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Last Minute Requests!
Rightie then unless someone want to put in a last minute request for something then I will no longer be taking requests by midnight (California U.S time) so get them in! I'll be starting on them thursday since I have class tomorrow and I'll work through the weekend to get them finished and posted ASAP :) -Isabel P.S. As ways have a wonderful amazing day, evening, night whatever it may be!
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Neighbour: Harry Styles Preference 1/5
Been a loooooooong time BUT FINALLY here it is enjoy I missed writing! inspired by Travis Garland "Neighbor" <<<best sexy Neighbor song ever! So you should listen to it to understand a little more 
'Every time I pull up, I be like there she go, you be like "hey,hello"... Start a little conversation say your man's on vacation you over here tryin to be patient. You nasty (damn) and I know it...girl I can be your fix he shoulda never left ya...now I'm bout to impress ya'
A cool breeze caressed my cheeks as I turned the familiar corner of my neighbourhood, the rich clean cut houses standing perfectly aligned. Trimmed trees leading my pathway as I jogged on the pavement, focusing on my breath as I finished up my daily exercise. My drive way came into view, the back Audi that had been there this morning now gone, reminding me of why I'd gone on a longer run than usual. Negative thoughts tried to force their way in my head, but I shook them off slowing to a walking pace passing the threshold to the front porch. Upon opening the door I heard a loud bark followed by a blur of brown and White, "Jerri!" I groaned setting my water bottle and keys on the long thin table near the front door, turning to begin the search for the St. Bernard devil I cherished more than anything, "Jerri come back here you asshole!" I muttered frowning to see he wasn't anywhere in the front yard. As I walked down the drive way a black hummer pulled into the drive way in the house next door. My dread and annoyance intensified ten times more, I looked away ignoring the opening and closing of a car door focusing on the task at hand. Hoping I'd find the damned dog before... "Hey Y/N looking for this guy?" a slow warm voice echoed in my ears, causing an unnatural shiver to run up my spine. I turned, a bright smile replacing the frown that had up to that point been plastered to my face. My neighbour stood tall holding the collar of previously mentioned asshole dog, "Hey! Yeah...um thanks" I replied walking down to his driveway mentally cursing the dog who sat as if he'd no knowledge of what he'd done. I could practically see in his eyes the mischievous glint,
"No problem" the man smiled releasing the massive dog who trotted over plopping down next to me, nudging my hand in what felt like a teasing manor.  "He's always running off on me!" I laughed about to bid my farewells until the sinfully attractive man before me decided to change the direction of our conversation. "Yeah. So how are you?" he asked  "Uh I'm good...what about you?" I replied shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, trying to avoid his beautiful green eyes that could make my knees go weak with just one glance into their bright hues.  "Cool, I'm great been working...what about Y/B/N (boyfriend) I saw he was back a couple days ago" he ran his slender fingers through his curly locks, his husky voice making me think things a woman in a committed relationship shouldn't think of another man.  "He's on a business trip, he's doing this team building program for his office, he left this morning..." I trailed off liking my lips, trying to bring back the moisture that seemed to have escaped to other places of my body.  "Wait so he just came back and now he's gone again?" I nodded mistakenly glancing into his emerald irises, feeling a familiar aching feeling start up in my nether regions, the thoughts flitting in my mind scaring so much I jumped back. "Yeah he's ya know busy...uh shit I'm sorry Harry... Um I just remembered I have to...I have to go...water my plants yes... So I'll see you..later!" I fumbled through my lies his expression confused and his eyes, watching me as I tugged at my unzipped jacket that revealed my bare midriff and sole sports bra that covered my chest. "Are you ok Y/N?" he stopped me with his hand catching my wrist, a jolt of electricity from his skin against mine making my mind reel. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I paused mid-sentence as he brought his palm to my forehead, "Well you don't have a cold...and you don't seem to have the flu..." he began, analysing my face his eyes searching mine intently. A smirk appeared on his rosy lips causing me to clench my fists, "Y/N...Do I make you nervous?" his voice had transitioned to a whisper his face close to mine, the tone behind his words teasing. "N-No!" I squeaked wishing my body would agree with me,  "You sure?" he asked his fingers rubbing the top of my hand, making my sub conscience scream with glee. "Yeah." I replied my voice still shaky and unsure, he nodded and released me. "Ok...well I'll leave you to..water your plants" he smirked, his eyes telling me he knew exactly what was going through my mind. "thank you." I replied calling for Jerri who followed behind me, as I practically sprinted back to my flat. My hands gripped my head as I slammed the door behind me, my back pressed against the cool wood.I walked over to the side window that had a view to his house, he stood a small bag in his hand. "What the fuck just happened!" I mumbled watching as he disappeared into his home leaving me to run to my bathroom for an ice cold shower.  *************************************** Harry's POV:  To say Y/N drove me crazy was an understatement, images of her perfect body swam in my head as I made my way inside after practically scaring away. Our interaction from minutes before had me on edge, and back in the same position I'd vowed I would avoid at all costs. Something about her had me hopelessly love sick but, she was in a relationship...a shitty one at that but it was a steady relationship nonetheless. It was the only facts that kept me from making my move and admitting my feelings, if I did it was sure to cause some trouble. I wasn't willing to ruin her life no matter how much I wanted her, and even if I knew she wanted me just as much...the way she reacted to my touch proof enough.  "Jesus Harry get a fucking hold on yourself she's just a girl!" I scolded myself 'A beautiful girl who deserves better' my sub-conscience retorted, "She's in a relationship" I argued,  'well the asshole isn't here is he?' I shook my head retreating to my room I couldn't do this, I couldn't have the same argument with myself I'd been having for the past few months. I walked into my bedroom pulling off my tee shirt, deciding on taking a nap maybe then I could find some peace. But it was no use thirty minutes later and I was still seeing flashes of Y/N, though it wasn't too bad seeing as it was of her in her workout clothes something I always looked forward to around the early evening. I lay staring at the ceiling wondering what it might be like if her asshole boyfriend wasn't in the picture...it could be perfect. Since the day I'd met him I knew he was a prick, why Y/N was with him was beyond me. He was a pretentious cocky bastard who was always on 'business' trips. A contrast to her completely, she was perfectly imperfect...the freckles on her cheeks and slightly crooked smile drove me crazy any time they came across my eyes. I thought about her as I lay there, smiling to myself like an idiot when a pounding sound echoed from the front door.  "What the hell" I mumbled standing up and walking down to the door, irritated that someone would dare interrupt me while I contemplated the universe. I swung the door open to see a womanly figure just about to reach the last step toward the drive way, "Y/N?" she twirled around her body tense and her face looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "uh hey!" she waved awkwardly, with that crooked smile that made me swoon...(yes swoon...men can swoon too!)  "Hey um did you need something?" I asked looking at her with a confused expression,  "Uh no I'm fine..it's just Jerri ran off again when I put him in the backyard and I have no idea where he is" she replied looking down at her feet, her long hair falling in front of her face a red tinge visible on her cheeks.  "oh well I could help you look for him if you'd like..." she shook her vehemently and walked backwards, "no no it's cool I just wanted to if you'd seen him" she fiddled with her fingernails, avoiding looking in my general direction which brought to my attention I wasn't wearing a shirt. "It's no bother let me just get a shirt on and I'll help you look around the neighbourhood" I said with a grin, enjoying how I made her nervous. 'bet hot shot Richie boyfriend doesn't have that effect on her' my conscience teased.  "Ok" she replied walking toward the door way, standing on the steps as I told her I'd be right back. I ran up the stairs Ito my room, grabbing the first thing I saw which was a plain White Tee. She stood leaning against the door frame, her body tense and soft words trailing from her lips.  "Hey ready?" I asked putting a hand on her shoulder, almost instantly retracting it as I sensed her body visibly tense even more at my touch.  "yeah.." she trailed off her mind seemingly else where as we walked down the drive way, calling Jerri's name as we reached the sidewalk. She no longer wore her gym wear, instead it was replaced my a long simple blue flowy skirt, a White crop top, and a grey Cardigan that slipped from her shoulders.  "So does Jerri have a girlfriend or something? Because he seems like a teenage boy sneaking out after curfew" I joke hoping to bring her from her silence, "Well if he does he better kiss her goodbye and tell her he's off to the pound because that dog has gotten on my last nerve" she replied her voice showing she wasn't serious. "Poor lad he just wants to have fun!" I reasoned, "Oh no don't go defending him!" she argued pushing me lightly, the action shocking me since she did it in full playfulness mode. "What are you gawking at styles?" she teased looking around calling out the dogs name once more. "Nothing just your face" I replied automatically regretting my response, 'FACE really Harold get a grip mate!' my alter ego shouted, "Well I have a nice face don't I?" she said, a smile once again finding it's way to her lips...those lips.  "Yeah I guess it could be considered nice" I laughed when she scrunched up her nose, "I'll have you know your face is no better than mine!" she retorted shoving me lightly, "ok ok sheez and I thought I made you nervous!" she rolled her eyes, but I could see her body tense up like it'd been when we talked earlier. "you make me nervous? Oh Styles how could you make ME nervous?" she asked  "I dunno, a lot of girls get nervous around me it's only natural." she smacked me and rolled her eyes. "Well I'm not one of those girls!" she argued, her eyes growing wide as we saw Jerri ahead of us rolling around on the grass of someone's front lawn. "JERRI!" she spoke sternly, the big dog popping up and running in our direction.  "oh I'm so glad I'm not him right now" I said watching as he sat in front of her seemingly awaiting his scolding. "I swear I'm going to lock you in the garage for a month see if you try escaping again" she said pointing behind her from where we'd come, Jerri immediately walking back in the direction of home.  "Damn he knows you mean business" I teased, "Yeah well I used to train dogs while in secondary school for an odd job." she shrugged walking by my side, occasionally snapping her fingers at Jerri when he paused for too long at a certain spot. All too soon we got to her front door step, a dread filling my head as she looked up at me opening her door reminding me I couldn't follow.  "uh thanks for helping me find him..." she said, a look flashing in her eyes as she placed one foot inside the house. "and I'm sorry...for running off on you earlier." I shook my head with a frown, "It's no problem," I replied my hands shoved into my pockets, my alter ego telling me to stop being an idiot and kiss her. "have a good evening." she walked inside, I nodded waving at her before turning away my heart aching as the sound of the door closing echoed in my ears. Y/N POV:  I'm an idiot...i shook my head an absolute idiot. But I couldn't help it, it had to be done I couldn't fight myself anymore. I swung The door back open surprising the curly haired devil who was just about to reach the last step, "I lied" I blurted out, he looked at me confused "Lied...about what?" he asked shifting as I stepped toward him only a few feet away, "I lied when I said you don't make me nervous" I replied he went to speak but I continued, " I shouldn't feel this way it's wrong and I shouldn't even be telling you but...I like you Harry a lot, way more than I should and it drives me crazy when I see you because all I want to do is run up and kiss you.but I can't because I'm with Y/B/N! And it's stupid because he's hardly ever here and it's frustrating because if he weren't around I always imagine what it would be like and-" I was building up in my senseless rant until I felt strong hands grasp my face and soft lips mould to mine. It was shocking and exhilarating his tongue dancing with mine, brought the aching I'd been feeling ever since I'd accepted my feelings back full force.  "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he breathed, pressing his forehead to mine. I looked up into his emerald eyes my pent up sexual frustrations being barrelled to my head by the horny bitch in my sub-conscience.  "Do it again." I replied biting my bottom lip as he contemplated my request, "Are you sure?" his voice unsure, "Harry do it before I change my mind" he didn't need any other push, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me with a passion I could only have ever dreamed of before. He groaned into my mouth as I ran my fingers through his curly locks, biting his bottom lip tugging on it teasingly.  "Fuck you're only kissing me and I can't see straight." he mumbled pushing me against the door frame, his lips kissing from my jaw to my neck obviously in search of my sweet spot. "Well I wonder what'll happen when I do more than kiss you" I replied, his eyes met mine their bright green hues melting into dark pools of black.  "Let's not waste time and find out" he said clenching up my skirt and wrapping my legs around his waist, his excitement clear as his prominent bulge rubbed the inside of my thigh. I smirked my breath catching as he stepped inside the house, slamming the door before pressing me against the wooden surface. I let out a moan his teeth biting at every inch of skin he could reach in our current position. His hands sliding up an down my thighs moving us so we grinded against each other, the movement making me breathless. I removed my Cardigan and slipped my fingers under his shirt, "couch now" I breathed unable to form a full sentence, he nodded holding me tight our lips moving in sync. He lay me on the plush leather sofa, his lips leaving mine to explore my body. In record time he pulled off his top and mine revealing both our bare chests. It was the. He paused gazing at me unmoving, "what's wrong?" he shook his head with a smirk painted on his rosy lips. He Slid down my skirt throwing it to an unknown area of the room, "nothing...I just want to taste you" he replied his head bent forward, his breath warm against my bare chest. I moaned instantly when his teeth tugged at my pert nipples,his Tongue lathering them up leaving a warm trail from my chest to the top of the boy shorts I wore. "fuck" he mumbled his fingers finding their way to my wet core, he smiled up at me using his teeth to slowly pull down my underwear. The intensity of his stare making me squirm with anticipation, "Ha-Harry just fucking do it already please!" I whined when he took his time kissing my inner thighs, avoiding where I needed him most. He chuckled and complied, "impatient are we?" he asked I nodded furiously, "seven months Harold I really can't wait anymore" I replied his eyes popping up and a scowl appearing on his beautiful face. "that fucker hasn't touched you in SEVEN months?" he growled I nodded, he shook his head a determined air radiating from his body. The connection of his Tongue on my clit taking a while to reach my brain, my fingers tangling in his hair once it did. "oh fuck!" I shouted gripping his hair so tightly I could imagine some strands might be left when I released him. He expertly licked everywhere, his eyes catching mine as he brought three fingers into the mix. Every movement leaving me speechless my only option to look on as he ravished my body. Soon enough my legs began to tense up, my unraveling building up. "oh shit shit shit Harry!" I screamed as he sped up the pace, curling his fingers so they connected with my most intimate part that brought me the most pleasure.  "come on baby come for me" he urged, those words bringing me over the edge as I came all my senses on over drive as he continued without pause causing screams and moans to flow from deep within my chest. He came up so his lips touched mine, "now I'm going to fuck you" he said pulling off both his trousers and boxers off in one swift move, he wasted no time giving me no option but to follow his lead as he plunged into me. "oh shit yes!" he threw his head back clenching his fingers on my thighs. "oh fuck right there!" I screamed sitting up slightly and pushing him back so I could straddle him, the way he bit his lip while I rotated my hips to meet his thrusts a sight I thoroughly enjoyed. We leaned toward each other, our lips catching the moans that came from us both.  "baby oh fuck I'm gonna-" he cut off a groan resonating from his throat, he tensed up bringing his fingers to my clit rubbing it in rough circles. "come on baby let go." he growled sitting up thrusting into me in an erratic manor, the pleasure that coursed through me exploding in spurts of colour. The sound of our moans and skin against skin echoing around us, we slowly came down riding out our highs. His forehead against mine and our eyes searching the others, were all I could see everything else no existent. "that was-fuck" I breathed slumping forward onto his chest,our body's sticky with sweat. A low chuckle rang in my ears, "fuck it was" he replied, tracing imaginary figure on my lower back. I looked up at him worry beginning to seep through the bliss, "Harry... He'll be back in two weeks." my voice grew shaky at the thought, I'd just cheated on my boyfriend yet I wasn't worried about him.  "Hey well figure it out" he whispered planting a soft kiss on my lips, "whatever you decide I'll live with it...even if you decide to stay with him it would kill me but-" I cut him off with a kiss. "I want to leave him... I just, this I need to know if I'm doing this you aren't going to leave me and tell me this was a mistake" I replied he shook his head, and caressed my cheek. "Y/N I want you and nothing will stop me from having you" he said his eyes full of sincerity. I was about to reply when a loud bark echoed at the back door, where Sat next to his empty food bowl looking at us accusingly. "well maybe Jerri will..." I laughed getting up to feed the insistent dog, only to be pulled down by Harry once more. "I think I love you" he said, I blushed my heart racing. "I think I love you too" I replied kissing him passionately, a nudge at our faces making is burst into laughter. "Jerri!" ***weird way to end it maybe but ok hope you like it this is a preference so each guy will have his own neighbour story so listen to the song mentioned above!! Part two will be up soon! -Isabel***
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