king-without-g · 10 months
Music Blog moves: Reaching a new milestone in growth
Dear music fans, I have an important message to share with all of you. Because of my personal growth, I have decided to move my music blog to a new place.
For me, this decision is both exciting and a little sad. My music blog has always been where I express my love for music and share my feelings. It's where I connect with many passionate music lovers. But time keeps moving, and I want to keep growing and developing along with it.
To reach new milestones, I have chosen to move my music blog to a platform with more potential for growth. This decision wasn't easy, and I thought a lot about it and made plans for the future. I believe this change will bring more opportunities and new challenges, creating a better environment for my personal growth and development.
The new music blog platform will offer you a fresh experience with new features. I'll have more flexibility to share my unique thoughts, reviews, and recommendations on music. Additionally, I'll provide more music resources, professional knowledge, and interact with the music community. I look forward to connecting with you more closely and exploring the endless possibilities of music together.
Lastly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported and followed my music blog. I couldn't have come this far without your support. This decision doesn't mean it's the end; it's actually a new beginning in my personal music journey. I'm excited to continue sharing the passion and memories of music on the new platform.
Thank you for understanding and supporting me!
Warmest regards,
King without g
You can find my new blog at: https://medium.com/@kingwithoutg
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king-without-g · 10 months
King without g
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
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Ashley Mayorquin 這位出生於田納西州的演員兼創作歌手,在布魯克林音樂界以 Big Dumb Baby 的名字,在今天發布了她的第二張 EP - Terrible Twos,這是一封富有玩味的情書,鼓勵人們探尋他們愚蠢的一面。
悠閒而沉重的低音和輕率的歌詞貫穿主打歌 “Jenny's Place”,將人帶入 Big Dumb Baby 的有趣世界。這首另類搖滾曲目,對布魯克林20多歲年輕人生活的嘲弄。
Big Dumb Baby 將她的聲音描述為 “Shania Twain meets Pavement”,將市中心的獨立搖滾、與獨特的陽光、南方魅力融合在一起,提出了一種獨特而不矯飾的歌曲創作風格,讓人想起 Wet Leg 和 Soccer Mommy,再加上愉快的 Nashville (註1) 風格。
註1 : Nashville 是美國田納西州的首府,位於該州中部。它被稱為 “音樂之城”,因為許多著名的音樂家和音樂製作人都在這裡開始了他們的職業生涯。 Nashville 也是世界上最大的音樂城市之一,有許多音樂表演場所和音樂錄音室。
起初 Big Dumb Baby 這只是 Ashley Mayorquin 的第一張EP的標題,但她在發行後不久,就將其改為自己的藝名。她喜歡笑、喜歡玩樂,喜歡表現出自己幼稚的一面,而 Big Dumb Baby 這個名字恰好體現了這一點。她的作品和歌詞,都是從她個人的經驗出發,有時候她為了有趣,而扮演另一個角色。對她來說,這個製作意味著什麼呢?作為一個從演藝背景走來的人,她一直都喜歡講故事,但是對她來說,音樂是更容易自我表達的方式。Big Dumb Baby 以音樂分享生活經驗,與廣泛的聽眾連結一起,她最開心的事情,就是聽到人們如何與她的歌曲產生共鳴。
Big Dumb Baby 的第一張 EP 是她生命中黑暗時期的產物。 然而,最近幾年她變得非常非常快樂。 第二張 EP - Terrible Twos 就是這種表達方式。她從製作第一張 EP 的經歷中學到了,在製作中更加親力親為,而且對口頭表達自己想要的聲音更有信心。在 Big Dumb Baby 的第一張 EP 中,她被一群經驗的音樂家包圍著,令她學得自己在歌曲,缺乏詞彙傳達。
Big Dumb Baby 的聲音不斷地演變,在第一張 EP 中,她嘗試以不同方式去演譯,但她仍在想辦法用一種聲音,以凝聚力的方式融合自身的音樂品味。 在第二張 EP 中的歌曲更加相互融合。 而每首歌聽起來都像一首 Big Dumb Baby 歌曲,她進一步挖掘了自己的歌曲創作風格,並在自我創作的新歌中,繼續完善這一點。
Big Dumb Baby 將自己的聲音描述為“Shania Twain meets Pavement”,因為她認為 Indie-rock 是一個非常模糊的符號,是可以表示很多的東西,所以她不喜歡將 Big Dumb Baby 僅僅稱為“indie-rock”,不可否認,她深受 90 年代的獨立搖滾所影響,如 Pavement 和 Liz Phair,來自田納西州納什維爾的 Big Dumb Baby,從小到大每天在上學的路上,都聽著流行鄉村電台,雖然她不曾追求這種聲音,但它會潛意識地滲透到 Big Dumb Baby 的的音樂之中。
在討論到 Big Dumb Baby 在布魯克林音樂社區和納什維爾的經歷,是如何相比時,她認為主要區別在於紐約創作藝術品種類更多,然而納什維爾是一座不可思議的音樂之城,而她所在的社區更為廣闊,那裡不僅由音樂人組成,還包括設計師、作家、攝影師等等。在進一步論及布魯克林的當地的文化,是如何影響 Big Dumb Baby 的音樂?
她覺得布魯克林的人才數量令人難以置信,有太多人無法一一列舉,但例如:Shallowhalo、Precious Human、Grumpy 和 May Rio,這些不僅是瘋狂的創作藝人,而且他們都利用了,一種對他們來說是如此獨特的聲音,每個人都在做自己的事情,並且非常擅長,它促使 Big Dumb Baby 繼續探索和擴展其不同之處。 
令到 Big Dumb Baby 欣賞的藝人, Carol、Brennan Wedl 和 I.R. Michael,他們都寫過不少優秀的歌曲,
除此之外,她一直在進行 80 年代的深入研究,與此同時,她一直在聽 XTC 的 Skylarking 專輯和 Blue Nile 的 Hats 專輯,Björk, Ted Lucas, J.J. Cale 和 Caetano Veloso 都是她瘋狂愛上的藝人。
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king-without-g · 1 year
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king-without-g · 1 year
Listen/purchase: For Now by clairo
Hi there! Have you heard of Clairo? She is a really cool musician who has just released a new song called "For Now". She put the song up on her special website called Bandcamp and said that all the money she gets from people listening to the song will go to two great causes: For the Gworls and Everytown for Gun Safety. For the Gworls is a group of really amazing people who throw parties to raise money for black transgender people. Sometimes people need help with things like paying rent or going to the doctor, and For the Gworls wants to make sure that everyone can get the help they need. The other cause that Clairo supports is called Everytown for Gun Safety. They work really hard to make sure that people are safe and don't get hurt by guns. They do this by talking to people in power and trying to make laws that make sense and keep everyone safe. I think it's so cool that Clairo is using her music to help people who need it. It's really important to help others and make the world a better place.
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king-without-g · 1 year
There is a man called Greg Mendez who makes music. He has written a new song called "Maria". In the song, he talks about feeling nervous when someone wants to get to know him better. He makes a joke and tells them a silly story about when he and his friend got caught by the police in a place where people were using drugs. They were so scared that they jumped out of the window without looking.
The way Greg sings and plays his guitar is very gentle and calm. His music sounds simple, but there is a lot of meaning hidden in the words. At the end of the song, he talks about how he and his friend were clean earlier in the day, but then they heard someone say that it would be easy to go back to their old ways. This makes him feel confused and sad because he knows he shouldn't go back to using, but it's hard to resist the temptation.
Although the story Greg tells in his song may not be the best way to start a conversation with someone new, it's still important because it's honest. Sometimes it's hard to talk about our feelings and experiences, but sharing them can help us feel better.
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