longhairedlokean · 2 years
A prayer for Loki during times of change
I hail you Loki, lord of fire, seer of truths!
I praise you Loki, the one who does not falter!
I ask you to help me embrace the changes in the life that I have given to you.
I ask you to lend me the strength to be my true, authentic self in the face of those who wrongfully judge me.
For you are the only one who judges me rightfully for who I am and not for who I appear to be.
You see who I am, could be, and will be with your discerning eye and you guide me in the way you see fit.
I thank you for the hope and reassurance that change can be a good thing and that pain is something that we must endure and not give in to.
Just as you have taught us all to endure with a mocking smirk on our lips so shall I!
I thank you for these blessings!
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
I was talking to my friends about this over the weekend and we’ve all come to the agreement that Odin is the husband everyone suspects of murdering the missing girl in every domestic thriller novel ever written.
He is a drunk middle aged man child who hates hearing the word no.
But he still has good qualities. Odin tells great stories and gives good advice, he’s a good strategist, and a fun drinking buddy. He’s a good person to have on your side. If he existed in a domestic thriller novel, Odin would be a grizzled veteran and head of the HMO. He would keep up on current events and neighborhood gossip that he could lord over the neighbors if need be, and he’d turn up at a bar to get drunk and complain about foreign affairs (the Jotnar). He would treat Frigg like a queen and be a middle-range dad.
Sort of strict and impossible to please but he’d make sure his kids have everything.
Meanwhile Frigg would be a super mom, head of the PTA, and make sure that everyone thought Odin was the perfect man and husband.
Loki would absolutely be the neighborhood gossip. He keeps Odin filled in on the neighbors’ dirt but not really in a malicious way. Just because he doesn’t really know when to stop talking. But he also knows all of Odin’s secrets because he knows exactly how quickly Odin will turn on a guy if you piss him off. It’s self-defense.
During the day, Loki is a stay-at-home dad and a house husband. He plays the guitar in a local band. Sometimes when Odin starts droning on about politics, Loki just cuts him off with a joke to change the subject because he just can’t listen to another second of it. Loki tells the best jokes and he’s friends with a million people online from just about everywhere. Sometimes he’ll just take his family and split heading off in a retro Airbus without telling anyone where he’s going. He always comes back with wild stories that no one believes.
Loki has absolutely been in bar fights. It takes a lot to make him snap but when he does he has a monstrous temper. Sometimes when he’s really angry and some idiot at the bar is annoying him, Loki will punch him in the mouth just to shut him up. Sigyn has had to bail him out of jail.
Loki lets his kids watch R-rated films as long as they don’t tell their mom. But of course they do. Sometimes the kids will come home with a note complaining that they were swearing in class and Loki always argues, “It’s just a word. It’s not bad grammar and it’s not like they were wrong anyway.” Cause they usually weren’t because, despite popular belief, Loki does have a rather strong set of morals. He teaches his kids to stand up for the little guy and to fight back, so in situations like this Sigyn has a hard time disagreeing with him.
Loki and Sigyn have an open relationship that everyone thinks is just an excuse for Loki to cheat.
Its not.
Sigyn is a stressed out career mom and Loki isn’t exactly straight as an arrow. He’s been known to visit gay bars and she just wants him to be happy. He takes great care of the kids and treats her well, and it’s not as though she’s never had a side piece either. She’s not as innocent as people seem to think.
Angrboda is Loki’s on-again-off-again girlfriend. Odin doesn’t approve of her. Sigyn gets along with her most of the time. Loki has children with Angrboda and they come over most weekends to hang out with the twins. Hel is a bit of a moody teenager with a sarcastic streak. Loki treats her like a princess. Fenrir likes sports but inherited his father’s temper and Loki isn’t quite sure how to handle him all the time. Jormungandr is the quiet one. He spends a lot of time reading and drawing, and it takes a bit to draw him out of his shell. The twins are toddlers in the midst of their terrible twos.
Angrboda appeals to Loki’s more artistic side. She owns a popular tattoo parlor that Loki had been known to frequent even before they started seeing each other. She also volunteers at a dog kennel. She brings the kids with her because she wants them to know the importance of compassion and caring for animals. She lives in what Odin considers a bad neighborhood, but it’s perfectly nice. She inherited her house from her parents. Most of her furniture is eclectic and secondhand, and sometimes people ask her for decorating advice. She doesn’t have a housekeeper or anything, but it’s always clean and taken care of and the pets and kids are always well fed. Angrboda demands that her kids get perfect grades and they also go to school clean and well behaved.
If she ever hears anyone badmouthing Loki she always makes sure to get to the bottom of it. Cause let’s face it Loki isn’t the most popular guy. If someone is disrespecting her or her family she won’t hesitate to punch them dead in the face. Loki has had to bail her out of jail. Sigyn gets upset when this happens because she worries about the kids and it looks worse if a mother ends up in jail.
And I’m gonna stop here because I really can go on about this forever.
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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Old art I did of Jörmungandr because I love all of Loki's children, none of them needed to be dragged into their father's drama.
I tried to make it more cutesy to make it as a phone case design or something but I think if I ever draw him again, it'll be a bit towards the opposite style.
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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Marvels huge popularity can sometimes have its perks - got to add a cute lil Mjolnir to my Pandora bracelet :)
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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TĂłr vs Thor
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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Jormungand, the World Serpent by Aleksi Briclot
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
Runes: Elder Futhark
Runes are an Ancient Germanic Alphabet that many use for divination. They can also be used as sigils because each Rune holds its own meaning. Witches write out the Runic Alphabet on small stones, bones, or marbles and gently toss them into a vessel and scry based on where they land or what falls at all.
The Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the Runic Alphabet, and is consisted of three aspects of three different deities being Freyja’s, Heimdall’s, and Tyr’s Aetts. Each Rune has a meaning and its own correspondences. The Younger Futhark are also referred to as Scandinavian runes, is considered to be a reduced form of the Elder Futhark, but still remains a runic alphabet with sixteen characters. These were most prominently used through the ninth century.
Freya’s Aett:
ᚠ Fehu: Freya’s Rune, domestic cattle, power and position gained by your own hand, earned prosperity or regard. ᚱ Uruz: Auroch’s Horns, forces beyond our control are afoot, so stay serene and let it the process flow. ᚩ Thursiaz: Thor’s Rune, thorns and defense, protection within and around oneself or space, security. ᚱ Raido: The Chariot, travel, intellect, logic, the arts, journey, action, effort, change, progress, and movement. ášČ Kenzaz: The Torch, bending nature towards your will, paving your own way through with blazing passion.. ᚷ Gebo: Sacrifice, substitution, replacement, exchange, trade, offering up something for something better in return. ášč Wunjo: Strength in bliss, companionship, splendor, delight, pleasure, happiness, company, and camaraderie.
Heimdal’s Aett:
ᚻ Hagalaz: Precipitation, particularly Hail, Duality. Purging Chaos. The union of opposites. Fire and ice. ᚟ Naudiz: Determination, character, endurance, independence, desperation, self-reliance, force, and effort. ᛁ Isa: Ice, perfect stillness, introspection, sanctuary in seclusion, contemplation, being frozen. ᛃ Jera: Harvest, time, reaping what is sown, enjoying the fruits of your labors, abundance from work. ᛇ Ahwaz: Stability, reliability, firmly planted, grounded, connected, to be deeply rooted,     ᛈ Pertho: The grail, mystery, magick, femininity, secrets, reproduction, fertility, nether regions. ᛇ Eiwaz: Horns of a stag, labor and sacrifice for development and growth, high strength of will. ᛋ Sowilo: The Sun, transformation, productivity, maturity. movement, achievement.          
Tyr’s Aett:
ᛉ Algiz: Odin’s Rune, defensive protection, intellect and wisdom, divine connection, and interaction. ᛏ Tiwaz: Tyr’s Rune, authority, power, leadership, honor, admiration, regard, and reverence. ᛒ Berkanano: The Birch, new beginnings, openings, and journeys ahead. Growth and cycles. ᛖ Ehwaz: Horses, coordination, movement, independent cooperation to achieve the same goal. ᛗ Mannaz: Memories, union, fellowship, connection, the collective of humanity, harmony and peace. ᛚ Laguz: Leek, fluidity, emotion, insight, subconscious, processing, & divinity of the lake’s waters. ᛝ Ingwaz: Masculinity, fertility, potential, new perspectives, and opportunities, ripe with chance. ᛟ Othila: The hearth and home, sacred family, ancestral property, stability, inheritance, home. ᛞ Dagaz: Duality, balance, union of opposites, the day and night, oppositions finding peace.
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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by @keiidakamya
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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Loki prints available on my Etsy: Uglykidsophie
Finally got around to making prints! They’re A4 and would look perfect as the header of an altar
 or anywhere!
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
90% of the stuff many people think every religion has is just stuff specific to Christianity.
For example, here's a list of stuff Norse Heathenry doesn't have:
Holy books or scripture
Religious doctrines, dogmas, or taboos
Dualism (good vs. evil, us vs. them, etc.)
Separation of sacred and profane
The requirement of Faith
A divine plan
A Prophet or Savior
A Satan or "tempter" figure(s)
Deities that are defined by being good or evil
The need for a mediator between you and the divine
Magical Thinking
A Prosperity Gospel
The need to put deities before human beings
Godly surveillance
Gods that are omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient
Taboos around magic
Rules about sex
A bad afterlife as the default
A need for you to earn your worth (it's inherent)
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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✹New runes!✹
So amazed by these green/gold/black glitter resin runes from OstelBay on Etsy (As I write this she seems to still be away but definitely worth looking out for!) 3 of the colours I associate with Loki so I had to snatch! The quality is amazing and they’re bigger than I expected. Reasonably priced too💚 even gave me a matching necklace!đŸ–€
The green aventurine crystal set is cute! A bit small and fiddly for me tbh but undoubtedly cute. Very common as I’ve seen them all over but was able to get them a bit cheaper on a nice site called The Psychic Tree, they have the other crystal runes available too (obsidian, jasper, quartz etc) a nice cheap starter set :)
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
May the Gods once again guide us through a new year
May Óðinn once again grant us His wisdom
May Frigg once again care for us
May ThĂłrr once again protect us
May Jörd once again be favorable
May Freyr once again make the land prosper
May Freyja once again offer us Her tenderness
May Baldr once again bring light to our days
May Loki once again bring us laughter
May TĂœr once again give us our strength
May Heimdallr once again watch over us
May SkaĂ°i once again make us bold
May Forseti once again exact justice
May Njörðr once again blow His winds
May Sigyn once again show Her loyalty
May Hel once again guard our loved ones
May the Gods once again guide us through a new year
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
Acts of Devotion for Loki
I think a lot of people (not necessarily the tumblr community)  still see loki as this all chaotic god of mischief and destruction. While there’s no denying that he is absolute chaotic and mischievous, there is so much more to their love than that. To be honest, a lot of the Lokeans I have spoke to can attest to this. Loki is a god of SELF LOVE. He is the one who is teaching me to stand up for myself and tell people no, to push the boundaries I have set for myself and see where the world can take me. They are the one who has taught me that self care is not selfish. There is so much more to his than his mischief. Once we learn that, there is a never ending amount of things you can learn from them. With that being said, here is a list of devotional acts I have done for loki in the two hours I have been awake
- I brushed and flossed my teeth
- I brushed my hair
- I ate breakfast and packed a lunch for work
- I found a new strechmark on my body and tried not to get upset !!!
(This is still in process, loving my body is hard)
- I drank water and took my medication
- Prayed and journaled
Are you sensing a pattern here? Loving yourself and taking care of your body is important! Loki wants nothing more from us than for us to be happy, confident, and feel loved. If you can’t do these basic actions on your own behalf, why not make them acts of devotion for Loki? He will gladly accept these offerings with open arms. You are loved, He loves you. He, and I want the best for you. No matter what, you’re doing a great job.
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
Dear Loki. . .
I do not know how to talk to you
I will admit
when I sit in front of your altar
with candles and incense lit.
I stutter, I mutter, I slip
trying to start this conversation.
You sit and wait patiently for me,
hand on my shoulder when you see my desperation.
"Take a breath," I think you say.
"And let it all out.
I'm the God of Outcasts,
so why do you doubt?"
I don't know how to say
I fear rejection
but with your hand on my shoulder
I'm in the right direction.
"Are you scared?" You ask me.
"Do you doubt your worth?
Look, you are one of my many children
who roam this twisted earth."
I take a breath.
I breathe in and out.
You're right. You're so right.
In my heart is so much doubt.
Knowing this, I open up
and let you see my heart
with all the cracks and broken pieces
but you keep it from falling apart.
"Little one, don't doubt.
Put your trust in me.
If you just give me your hand
you'll be able to see."
I want to see.
Dec. 9th, 2021
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longhairedlokean · 2 years
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Thought I’d start my year off right and join social media as a Lokean! It’s something I’ve mostly kept to myself but it’s fab to see a great community on here :)
Here’s the art I keep at the header of my altar (made by me!)
As a realism artist I can’t create a face out of thin air, I need a solid reference, so Tom Hiddleston will have to do!
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