lushlushlovesnct · 3 years
I went to high school with a girl who said we should check the other planets for the dinasours because when the meteor hit they probably got catapulted away :(
and how can you be sure she’s wrong
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lushlushlovesnct · 4 years
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Rami Malek as Ahkmenrah in NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: SECRET OF THE TOMB (2014)
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lushlushlovesnct · 5 years
[12:47 PM] Taeyong asks if you’re okay after he accidentally threw a lightstick to your head during the concert
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
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♡ Jaehyun Soft Wallpapers ♡
Life/reblog if you use/save
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
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→ Like/ Reblog if you save or use
For Desktop, TOUCH02
Series: [ 映画 ]
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
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(180708) rosé - ddu du ddu du
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
You person, made my life
Lazily making out with Jaehyun 🌹
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
Hello c:
So im back, got my computer fixed which means i can write again (thank god ansjajsji) so i could say im inspired so ill open my Request box so have it as you want, although no smut cuz im not in the mood for it, if there's any idol i dont know i will research him or her and his/her group dont worry ladies.
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
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(180424) taeyong :: black on black
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
Nct is back bitches
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
Isn’t it a good day to
Love Jaehyun
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
If only jaehyun had tumblr
I’m willing to sell my soul for my ultimate bias
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
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NCTsmtown: Cizenies I’m bad at taking selcas so I worked hard and tried again.  How is it? -TY  💚
(1, 2)
Translation: Teddy @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: NCT Official Twitter
— Please take out with full credits
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lushlushlovesnct · 6 years
yukhei’s laugh  😂
@smyukhei @taeyxngie   
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lushlushlovesnct · 7 years
demigod!au taeil where he’s the son of aphrodite but his personality is so different from the rest of his siblings and whereas most people don’t believe him because they don’t find him to be as breathtakingly beautiful as most of his siblings are ,,,, the most Beautiful thing about him is his Heart and this alone attracts people to him
demigod!au johnny where he’s the son of hermes and serves as the mood maker of the camp and all of the female campers have developed crushes on him because he’s so warm and welcoming and easy to be around whenever a new camper arrives
demigod!au taeyong where he’s the son of hephaestus EVEN THOUGH HIS BEAUTY IS ON ANOTHER SCALE but the resemblance in personalities is almost uncanny because he’s so humble and appreciative and works well with his hands and tries his best to craft beautiful things because he thinks the world needs more beauty
demigod!au yuta where no one is able to believe that such a greasily charming guy like nakamoto yuta could be the child of hades ,,,, when in reality the charisma and charm were directly inherited from hades because he’s not a king (of the underworld) for no reason and persuading people to trade their souls to him requires an elite level of manipulation
demigod!au doyoung where wAiT aReS iS yOuR dAd ?? but the initial shock slowly fades away once people witness doyoung and his “fiery temper” that all ares kids are infamous for having ,,,,, and the only people that can calm him down are his adorable little siblings who usually just fight fiery temper with fiery temper
demigod!au jaehyun where he’s the son of dionysus even though everyone automatically assumes that ,,  with such good looks and charm ,,, he’s been Blessed with aphrodite genes ,,, and even though his dad is the director of the camp ,,, he’s still the most humble guy you’ll ever meet
demigod!au winwin where he’s so obviously the child of athena because the entire camp is aware of how intelligent he is ,,,, they know that he has a lot to say but he keeps to himself and because of this ,, other campers make it their mission to pull winwin out of his shell because they know he has so much to offer
demigod!au mark where he’s the child of poseidon and tbh ?? no one sees the resemblance but they couldn’t imagine him being related to any of the other gods or goddesses either ,,, and honestly it’s really cute watching him play with his water during meals
demigod!au haechan where he’s the son of zeus and because of this ,,,, his superiority complex is miles beyond what anybody can comprehend ,,,,, he acts all high and mighty around camp but then he Trips and Falls during a bonfire where everybody can see him and thankfully it’s dark out so nobody can see how red his cheeks have gotten while he yells on about “zapping” everybody with his “lightning power”
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lushlushlovesnct · 7 years
{Special} College!AU Jaehyun
major: visual arts / concentration: sculpture 
minor: n/a
sports: the star player and point guard for the uni’s basketball team 
clubs: wanted to join the art club but it conflicted with practice so his coach said he should drop it 
jaehyun is what you could call a campus celebrity, as in everyone always greets him and not only students ,,,,,,,but teachers too
all the faculty are always like jaehyun!!! you won us another trophy!!!! and jaehyun is like “well the whole te-” and they’re like cANT WaIT foR YOU TO TAKE US TO NATIONALS
and he’s just,,,,very humble about it because he doesn’t really know what to do with all the attention,,,,,and his friends (we are all looking at johnny) don’t let him live it down
and it’s /true/ his basketball scholarship is paying his full tuition and he loves the sport,,,,,,,,so he plays and practices with everything he’s got
but also,,,,,he’s got interests and hobbies 
and everyone on the team thinks he chose his “art major” because it’s “easy” and wont cut into practice 
because they’re all like jaehyun,,,,,you’re gonna get scouted and go pro right??????
but the reality is jaehyun,,,,,,jaehyun likes art. he likes looking at it, learning about it,,,,,,,,and making it 
yuta once pointed out that jaehyun’s hands are perfect for playing basketball they’re strong and big and can hold the ball really well while,,,,,,,ahem taeyong here with his bony little - jkjk
but jaehyun had agreed,,,,,his hands are nice,,,,,but they’re strong not only for basketball but because he likes to sculpt
just being in the studio,,,working with clay,,,,it calms him down but it also takes a lot of physicality that people overlook
and out of everyone it feels like only some of his friends get that his future isn’t just basketball basketball basketball,,,,,,
like mark and ten think it’s really cool and taeil always seems to cut the conversation when doyoung and johnny go off on tangents about how ~cool~ pro basketball jaehyun will be
but,,,,,,,,jaehyun knows he has responsibilities to the team,,,the school,,,,,and to keeping his scholarship 
also lets all take a moment to enjoy jaehyun in the basketball uniform,,,,sweaty,,,,towel around his neck
or even better,,,,,jaehyun after practice in a tank top,,,,,sweat pants,,,,,wet hair from the showers
ok ahem moving on
johnny does this thing where he yells JEFFREY at every game and jaehyun would flip him off if he wasnt such a sweet person LOL
keeps all the banners people make for him because he doesnt have the heart to throw them away or not accept them
and his roommate mark is like bro,,,,,,,,bro our closet is overflowing,,,brO
half the people in his art classes think he’s a joke and try to be high and mighty about how he’s just a jock,,,,,,,,,,but the other half are just heart eyes because wOW look at his muscles 
does the thing where he carries everything during studio or shop classes like literally carried about fifteen peoples projects,,,,then held the door open for people getting their huge portfolios or canvases through the door,,,,,got the wood for one person,,,,the clay blocks for another
he really cannot say no,,,,,,,its a problem jfldsgifdjlkfs
he comes back from class completely SPENT and mark is like,,,,,,,i didn’t know art involved so much,,,,,heavy lifting 
jaehyun with his face in the pillow: you dont even know mark,,,,,,you dont even know
wakes up super early to go running and do push ups on the field and everyone thinks he’s being super intense listening to some wild edm music getting pumped up but actually he’s listening to a podcast on alien abduction or something because hes always bringing it up like 
catch him sitting in sculpture II talking to his seatmate about the existence of extraterrestrial beings
and the person is just like ???????? and jaehyun is like “im telling you,,,,,they exist!!!!”
and then after he’s sitting next to ten and johnny telling them what happened and how his seatmate looked kinda scared and ten is like oh sweetheart,,,,,,,,,,,,,you probably gave the kid a heartattack
johnny just laughs his ass off so much he chokes on his rice 
he’s a silly boy,,,who is actually much more than his athleticism and he secretly wishes more people,,,,,,,would just accept him as a normal college student and not the ‘star player of the basketball team’
like he wants to join clubs!! meet people!! talk to teachers about upcoming exhibits,,,go to museums,,,,go on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dates
but he also feels like he can’t let people down not when even winwin is asking him to sign his notebook because wow jaehyun is on a real winning roll for the team!!!!
sometimes when he gets super tired from practice and class he’ll start sleep talking to himself in english and he’ll do it like right in the library where he fell asleep on his books
doyoung even took a video of it and it became a meme on campus,,,,,,jaehyun was not happy and chased doyoung around the campus like ten times till taeil just took doyoungs phone and deleted it
doyoung: how did you get my password???
taeil: i knew your password was ilovetaeyong don’t play yourself
you know jaehyun because he’s in your sculpting studio class and unlike most of the people there you don’t care that he’s a jock but you also don’t care about his good looks
mostly because,,,,,,,you care about your sculpture LOL not some dude in class who seems to be involved in so much gossip
the one thing you do care about and know,,,,,is that he’s got talent. you’ve been seeing him diligently work on this very pretty marble replica of strazza’s the veiled virgin
and it’s hard to make marble look like cloth,,,,,,but somehow he’s been pulling it off nicely
and whenever he isn’t in the studio,,,you couldn’t help yourself but go and take a closer work because really,,,,,,,,,did the basketball stare really do this>??
and one afternoon you happen to be working on your own piece while jaehyun is around and you know 
you exchange the pleasantry nods  and whatnot,,,but for the most part it’s quiet aside from the noise of your tools which is completely fine with you
until,,,,,,,,suddenly it’s anything but quiet
because the door has busted open and a couple of jaehyun’s rowdy teammates have strolled inside,,,,,,
and they’re like “coach said practice schedule is fucked up and we gotta be in the gym in ten minutes, let’s go jung”
and jaehyun is like ill be there but i need time to clean up-
“it’s just your art stuff, do it later and if its jacked just say it’s ‘abstract’”
you pretend to not listen,,,,but for some reason you can already feel something bad is going to happen
and just as you gaze over your shoulder you see one the dudes lean against the table,,,,,jaehyun’s almost done sculpture sitting dangerously close to the side
before you can think you open your mouth to say he should move it when,,,,,,,the dude turns to look at you and,,,,,,then you hear the sound
the sound,,,,,of broken marble
the shattered remains of jaehyun’s sculpture spread out on the floor of the studio in a sad,,,,big mess
and you can’t see that well across the room but jaehyun’s body has gone rigid and the group of loud boys have come to a hushed silence
you hear one of them swallow,,,another says they need to hurry to practice and that he’ll tell the coach jaehyun’s gonna be late
everyone leaves and you watch,,,wide eyed as jaehyun stares at the pile that was once all his hard work 
you think for a minute that,,,,,he’s going to get mad,,,,start screaming?? flailing his arms??? throwing things??? chasing that douche bag??
but jaehyun does nothing,,,,,he just drops to his knees and with his own hands starts to clean up
and you ,,,, can’t just watch anymore
you set down your own work and go over with a bag, crouching down next to jaehyun and helping him pick up the broken marble
startled he looks up,,,,and you can’t believe it when you see him try and force a smile 
“it’s ok, you don’t have to hel-”
“why didn’t you drag him back here? why didn’t you tell that asshole to go to hell? you at least deserved to do that.”
silently jaehyun stares at you,,,,before going back to cleaning with a small shrug
“it’s fine. i haven’t been working on this too long anyway.”
stopping you move some hair from your face and furrow your eyebrows
“what are you talking about, you’ve been working on this for weeks?”
jaehyun’s shoulders seem to drop,, his hands shaking over the remaining pieces and you hear him sigh
not understanding why he’s holding back so much you ask him again 
“why didn’t you tell him to go to-”
“because he’s on my team. the team,,,,,is more important right now.”
scoffing you push jaehyun’s hand away,,, for a second you think you’re being rude but at the same time you don’t know how to deal with that kind of logic
“if the team is important go to practice, i can take care of this. also ,,,,, is it jaehyun?”
jaehyun meets your eyes,,,suddenly sitting up straight and nodding and you shake your head
“don’t devalue your own work and talent. tell that guy, even if he is on your team that he should have some respect for what you do,,,,,,even if it isn’t baseball.”
“i,,,i play basketball”
“,,,,,,,,,,oh,,,,,,,wELL same thing. you should tell him off.”
laughing a little at yourself you make another comment that if jaehyun wants you can teach him some ‘choice’ words perfect for telling someone off but jaehyun refuses politely and says that he really cant make u clean all this up
but you shoo him away again and jaehyun,,,,stares at you for a moment
trying to remember,,,,,your name,,,,,,who you are,,,,,and when he says your name you look at him again and you’re like yes?
and he just fluster’s a bit and is like oh ,,, no i was just remembering it,,,im ,,im gonna go now
and you’re like ok? and he nearly trips over himself as he’s leaving but you just shrug it off and clean up and,,,,,really you cant believe it
murmuring to yourself about how if it had been your sculpture you would have lost your shit
but either way you find yourself going into the storage room,,,getting out a new block of marble and placing it on top of jaehyun’s work desk.
with a small note: ‘do it again, but this time dont keep it at the edge of the table’
at practice,,,jaehyun apologizes in front of the coach,,,,,and it all seems fine but also he cant,,,,,,concentrate
because every time he’s supposed to assist or pass the ball he can barely aim and everyone is like jaehyun???? Stop being so upset about the sculpture art is easy to pass, just make something half-assed c’mon
and jaehyun doesn’t say anything,,,,but it isn’t even the sculpture that has his brain in a fog,,,,,,,
it’s you
because ever since he started that class,,,,,he knew who you were,,,,but why didn’t he know anything else
and why ,,,,,,,,,,, was he so interested in knowing now
the next day,,,after coming to the studio you’d noticed that the marble was untouched ,,, which didn’t bother you but you’d hoped jaehyun would show up
and when he did,,,,,,,you were surprised to hear him call out to you
standing by the block of marble grinning,,,he pointed to it and is like “a gift from you?” and you just roll your eyes because,,,,,,,,,no it’s a gift from the school because does it look like you have money for marble
but jaehyun is still grinning 
and you’re like “get to sculpting” and he’s like ,,,,,,,,i will
it’s ,,,,, a comfortable silence again
just like usual,,,just the sound of tools and the small specks of sunlight coming through the windows
but this time,,,,,when you look over to see how jaehyun is doing,,,,,,you look at him hard at work
his strong hands working carefully and with detail ,,,, but you notice something else
his profile
soft hair,,,,long eyelashes,,,,an almost perfect nose,,,,and lips,,,,,parted in concentration with a small hint of his tongue sticking out as he sits back to study his progress
and you’re like @ yourself like w,,,,,,what the heck are you looking at go back to your own work
but it’s TOO late and you’ve been caught staring and jaehyun is like “it’s not much yet,,,,im kind of not sure what to make”
and you try to gather yourself and not make it look like you were totally just checking him out and you’re like 
“w-what about the veiled virgin or are you not gonna do that?” 
jaehyun scrunches up his nose (so cutely - wait what?) and goes “i want to do something ,,, original,,,,,,i kind of,,,,,well it’s embarrassing”
and you’re like ????? whats embarrassing
and jaehyun scratches the back of his neck and is like “i want to enter it in the monthly contest at the museum,,,,,,,,,,but i know im not good enough and i dont have the ti-”
you put up your hand and jaehyun is like ? and you’re like “that’s a great idea! you should do it, actually you’re going to do it. because you deserve it.”
jaehyun seem slightly confused and you tilt your head and are like “whats that look for?”
and he’s like n,,,nothing just no one has ever,,,,,encouraged me to do something art related it just,,,,,,feels different
you try to hold back a chuckle but you can’t and you’re like ,,,,, jaehyun,,,,,,,do what you want, you have talent so use it oh and also
jaehyun lifts his shy gaze to meet yours and you’re like
“also learn to tell people off seriously.”
jaehyun just sighs and is like you sound like johnny he always brings up dumb stuff from the past and ur like who is johnny and jaehyun brings his hands up and is like nothing nothing ill get back to work
and ,,,,, it’s like that for a while,,,,,,,,,,,
sometimes you and jaehyun are the only two in the room working,,,,,sometimes it’s more people ,,,,,,,, 
but somehow,,,,,there’s something between you now maybe like an untold secret???? 
the fact that he hasnt told anyone else kind of makes you feel a bit special,,,but you also cant help but think,,,,,whats it like to have no one support you for that long
sure people are jaehyun’s basketball fans and whatnot but,,,,,does anyone tell him,,,,,,,basketball isn’t all he has to do,,,,,that art is a choice too
and you can’t believe it. you’re having sentimental thoughts about some BOY you’re not even that close with 
you bang your head against your laptop keyboard and your friend is like dude hello u ok??? and ur like i gtg ,,,, work on my sculpture and she’s like it’s ten pm- and ur like its fine i know where the spare is 
and so you head over to the studio,,,,,,it’s dark in the hallway but you can see the lights are from under the crack in the door
and when you put your hand on the knob,,,the door opens easily
and you see jaehyun,,,,hunched over the marble,,,,,,and you can see that it’s the mold of someones face
but there doesn’t seem to be much detail in it yet and jaehyun finally notices you and smiles and he’s like “are you here to work?”
and you nod,,,,,coming over and looking at his sculpture before you can’t help it and go “whose it going to be?”
jaehyun sits back,,,,chewing on his bottom lip and going “i don’t know,,,,,”
you sigh and remind him that if he wants to enter it,,,he’s going to have to submit it to the museum by the end of the week and jaehyun is like i know i know
but then,,,,,as you’re both sitting in silence again,,,,,,jaehyun turns around and asks “are you hungry?”
and it’s,,,,nearing midnight but,,,,,,,a snack couldn’t hurt
and to your surprise jaehyun pulls out peaches and bread from his back and you’re like ??? do you just carry those around
and he’s like “yeah i also have protein bars in here, instant ramen - do you want ramen?”
and you’re like,,,,,i???? it’s ok ill take a peach
before you know it,,,,,your work has been abandoned and you and jaehyun are sitting across from each other talking about this and that
till he says something about practice tomorrow at 8 am and you realize it’s past 2 am now
and you both have to gather your things and sneak back to your dorms and jaehyun ,,,, before you leave
says that he’s thankful that sculpture of his was broken and you raise an eyebrow and he jsut smiles and is like “if it hadn’t broken,,,,,we wouldn’t have go to hang out like this.”
and you’re like o,,,h,,,,,,,,,,and god dammit why does jaehyun make your cool, aloof personality crumble
but he waves and is gone before you can blush in front of him and embarrass yourself
,,,,,,and it’s like,,,,,,,,,now it isn’t just two art students in a class together,,,,,,it’s friends
finally the last day of the week comes and you’re in the studio,,,looking at jaehyun whose covered his sculpture with a towel and you’re like ,,,,,,,jaehyun show it to me
and he’s just giving you a sly smile and is like you’ll see it at the museum
and you’re like ,,,,,,,,heY where would you be if i didn’t encourage you now show me-
but before you can finish your argument the door opens again and jaehyun’s basketball teammates appear again 
out of precaution jaehyun moves his sculpture to the table behind him and you give most of them an unamused look as they start touching this and that
jaehyun asks whats up and one of the guys is like “c’mon, coach wants us to have a big meeting about strategy for next week.” 
you look at jaehyun and then at the sculpture
“jaehyun has to come with me to the museum, tell the coach he’ll be there later.”
jaehyun turns to look at you,,,,,whose speaking with your hands crossed over your chest
the teammates just laugh and are like “and you are?”
and you’re like “jaehyun’s classmate. we’re submitting our sculptures to the museum. the deadlines in an hour so,,,,,,,he’ll be there later.”
the laughter stops and one of the teammates steps toward you
standings tall,,,,,,obviously since he’s also a basketball player,,,,,you don’t let it intimidate you but at the same time you realize that there’s four more people,,,,,,,four more people who dont want jaehyun to go with you
“i don’t think i remember jaehyun saying anything about that. so,,,,,he’ll be going with us.”
you frown and open your mouth but suddenly jaehyun steps in front of you and lets one hand rest on your wrist
and he’s like “guys, ill go with you. no big deal.”
turning to you,,,,jaehyun mouths for you to let it go but you can’t,,,,because again,,,,,,basketball is in the way of something else he loves
and you’re like “no you won’t, jaehyun you need to submit the sculpture in person -”
jaehyun just smiles,,,but you can see the sadness in his eyes and he says its fine, there’s next month.
with that,,,you watch him follow his teammates out and you’re left alone,,,,,jaehyun’s hidden sculpture on the table beside you
,,,,,,,,,,,,then you realize,,,,,,,,you can do it.
you can submit it for him
and carefully, you take the art into your arms and make way for the museum because there isn’t anyway you’re going to let jaehyun’s talent go to waste this time
and when you do get there,,,the woman accepting them asks for your name and you go “jung jaehyun” and she scribbles it down and asks what the name of the sculpture is
and you’re like,,,,,,,,,well you don’t even know because you didn’t even have the time to LOOK at it
so you kind of panic and blurt out ‘the one’,,,,,,thinking it is his first sculpture,,,,,and it is a person,,,,,,,,,so maybe its someone special?????
the woman waves her hand and says you may go
and with a beating heart you leave the museum and on the train back to school you think,,,,,,why didn’t you look at the sculpture?? were you scared,,,,,were you????? jealous of who it could be??
shaking off the idea you think that what matters now is if he wins or not
,,,,,,,,,and like clockwork the results come out and eagerly you visit the museums website and,,,,,,,,,,,
the winner,,,,,,jung jaehyun’s,,,,,,sculpture,,,,,,’the one’ 
and looking at the photo you almost drop out of your chair because the sculpture,,,,,,,,,,,the sculpture looks like you
and with no time to waste you dash out of your dorm,,,headed straight to the gym where you didn’t realize that there is going to be a game tonight
and the place is packed with students even though it doesnt start for another hour and you fight through the crowds on the bleachers
managing to get up to the court and jaehyun,,,,,whose doing stretches notices you
because well,,,,,,,out of excitement you literally run ONTO the court 
and the ref and coach are yelling at you to stop but you don’t hear them and jaehyun is like “what are you-”
and you run right into his arms and you’re like “jAEHYUN YOU WON!! YOUR SCULPTURE IS IN THE MUSEUM”
and jaehyun is frozen,,,,,,the entire gym staring at you two and an uproar of whispers about how one jaehyun is,,,,,,an art major???? two,,,,,jaehyun is dating,,,,,,,you????? i mean you are in his arms?????? you did run acROSS THE COURT to see him????/
pulling back you look at jaehyun,,,,who seems to still be processing what you’ve said and he’s like h-how i didn’t submit it? and ur like i went,,,,i put it in and i,,,,,,,,i didn’t look at it but then i saw it on the website and jaehyun,,,,,,,,,,jaehyun was it me?
turning cherry red,,jaehyun stutters over his answer but it’s obviously a yes and you grin and jaehyun is like “you inspired me,,,,,,i mean you were the only one to say,,,,,,i deserved it.”
and your smile grows wider and you’re like you do,,,,jaehyun look you did it,,,,because you’re talented and i -
without knowing how to put it into words you lean in and jaehyun reflexively puts his hands on either side of your face to pull you closer and it’s a kiss
right there in front of the whole gym
(which you later realize and get vERY embarrassed about)
but in the moment it’s perfect and,,,,,,,,,when you pull back you’re like 
“oh one more thing before i go because your coach looks like he might murder me -”
and jaehyun is like yes?? and you look around and find the dude who had broken jaehyun’s sculpture and you yell out his number and ur like “yeah you number 5,,,,,,,,,,,,this is me telling you off because jaehyun is too nice: GO TO HELL’ ok bye now”
and with that you dash off the court before the coach can chase you and jaehyun is standing there,,,,,lovestruck but also shocked
and the team is like what the hell jaehyun and he just shrugs because honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you’re wild and he,,,,,,
he freaking loves it
 you do get banned from games for a while,,,,,but its worth it
you hear that jaehyun won the game the next morning,,,mostly because you wake up to find all your friends standing over you demanding to know why the mvp of the uni basketball team just said in his winning interview that his significant other,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU,,,,,,,,,,,really inspired him tonight
and you’re like ,,,,me/?? jaehyun??? my??? boyfriend??? and they’re like YEAH EXPLAIN
but you dont even know what to say because everything is kind of a blur and did kissing jaehyun in front of the whole student body mean you were now dating??? who knows
well jaehyun knows so thats why you go to find him
and you do,,,, he’s doing another run on the uni’s track field and when he spots you he smiles and comes over and you’re like heY,,,,,,,,,so,,,,,,,,
and he’s like “i,,,,,,hope you,,,,,,,,,didnt mind me calling you my,,,,,,,,,,,s-s-s-s-”
“signigicant other?”
you kind of pretend to make a face and think about it,,,,rocking back and forth on your heels and you’re like hMMM well,,,,,,,
and jaehyun’s eyes turn into puppy eyes and he’s oh,,,no did i make you mad-
and you just lean up and kiss his cheek and you’re like nah, i like this straightforward jaehyun much more so,,,,,,,be like this more 
jaehyun blushing: than can i be honest
you: sure
jaehyun: ,,,,,,,did you like the sculpture?
you: i loved it. also,,,,i never knew someone could make me look so pretty
jaehyun: you’re stunning
you, blushing and trying to hide it behind your hands: ok,,,tOO straightforward
jaehyun throws his arm around you and you guys get off the track field and it’s,,,,cute because you’re walking across campus like an ACTUAL couple and okay,,,,this is,,,,,,something you could get used to
but yes dating jaehyun is like dating the sweetest boy who ever lived and ,,,,,,,,,,,wow do his friends really not let anyTHING go
you finally meet johnny and the first thing he says is “so,,,,,we gonna get a repeat of that basketball court smooch OH and dont forget the part where you told the dude to go to hell” and you’re like oh my god jaehyun you compared me tO HIM
and jaehyun is like oh,,,,,,,you know what i am sorry about that john here is special
john: excuse me,,,,,,jeffery
you: jeffery? 
jaehyun: if it were not for the fact that im a soft angelic person i would have kill-
but the rest of nct all really like you because,,,,,,basically you help jaehyun out of his shell,,,,,,
taeil and ten especially because wow they havent ever seen jaehyun so open and happy to talk about art???? like they’ve known about his passion but,,,,,you’ve let him explore
also oh my god you can really shut johnny up ,,,, but it even works on doyoung???? like one look and walla,,,,,,,,they’re convinced you have magic powers
but in reality it’s because you gave doyoung a noogie and made him apologize for asking jaehyun if he could make a sculpture of taeyong’s face
jaehyun is the kind of boyfriend that becomes more comfortable with time,,,,which you don’t mind because taking it slow isn’t bad
like if holding hands is all he wants to do in public than of course you’ll respect that
but also when you steal kisses every now and then while he’s studying or sketching you can liteRALLY feel his face heat up 
and you’re like how are you so handsome and yet so,,,,,easily flustered???? and jaehyun is like,,,,i ,,,,,,,,u,,,,,,kiss,,,,,,,,a,,,h,,, i need some water
he has a packed schedule between practice and spending more time on his art and you can tell when he hasn’t gotten any rest because he starts getting bags under his eyes and doesnt smile
and even though it’s kind of attractive,,,,you hate seeing him like that so you’ll literally sit in front of him and feed him lunch and be like “go to sleep on time, idc if the guys want to hang out after practice do you want to pass out tomorrow in class? no? exactly.”
someone once said you were a bossy s/o and u were like excuse m- but jaehyun just went ‘i would die without them so politely, leave us alone.’ 
but even with all your worry,,,, jaehyun has also taught you to be a bit softer
because yeah you always want to tell off his mean teammates or his over pressuring coach but jaehyun reminds you that sometimes in life you need to girt your teeth and take it
the amount of times he’s just pulled you into his arms when you’re fuming to calm you down,,,,,,,,you’ve lost count 
does the thing where he nuzzles his nose into the top of your hair and you can feel him grip onto you a little tighter
and you realize that even though he’s strong, handsome, and smart,,,,,,even people so perfect need comfort and closeness 
jaehyun let’s you wear his clothes but not without him denying that it’s his clothes is someone asks even though doyoung is like i literally gave you that hoodie like a year ago for christmas and jaehyun is like,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,um
and you’re like yeah its his we just spent an hour cuddling in his bed so i wanted to wear i-
jaehyun laughing really loud over you like hAHAHA we nEED To go bYE dOYOUNG
it’s hard now to work in the same room on your art because you and jaehyun get distracted and its like u can go maybe an hour before one or the other comes over and you guys start talking and its just,,,,,,
heart eyes @ each other from then on out 
whenever he smiles and the dimples come out you literally are like let me take a photo and jaehyun is like but u have 394302 photos of me smiling,,,,and ur like i can never have enough i love dimple
whenever you want to go on dates,,, jaehyun always suggests something outdoorsy and active and sometimes you forget that jaehyun is Good At All the Sports
and it’s like dating an olympic athlete,,,,,,you cannot keep up most of the time,,,,,,,
but its fine because jaehyun,,,even though he’s trying to run up this mountain,,,,,will contain himself just for you ildjsfg
gets corny when he sees kids and is like “a family,,,,,,in the future would be so nice,,,,,,,,” and you’re like “you’re smiling like a dad jaehyun” and he’s like oOPS,,,,,,,,but it’s,,,,,,,,,it’s cute 
you can see that he’s so gentle and caring with everyone he meets you can’t help but be like,,,,,,,,he is,,,,,,going to be a great parent some day
you didnt believe he could cook well too when ten told you about jaehyun’s secret delicious ramen
but then you guys were making some,,,jaehyun standing at the stove,,,,and you sitting on the kitchen counter and when he’d feed you you were like hOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING 
and jaehyun just laughed and u were just like jaehyun tell me baby are you a robot because you’re good at everything
and he was shy but he was like no im real here ill prove it,,,,,,he kissed you and u were like ur right robots can’t do that with their tong-
jaehyun: AnYWAY
you once stayed at his dorm for a date and when jaehyun picked beauty and the beast you kinda teased him a bit ,,, but also ended up cuddled up together crying about the beast’s backstory
and then making out for like an hour because it’s hard not to when jaehyun just wears sweats ,,,,,,and your shirt is really loose,,,,,,,,, and jaehyun is good at kissing,,,,,,,,,,,,very good,,,,,,,,,,,,, and -
but mark came back pretty early and you guys had to pretend you were just playing cards instead
mark: i didnt know your hair could be so messy playing cards. huh
you and jaehyun sweating like uH,,,,,
you’d managed to sneak into one of his games but unfortunately instead of staying quiet you’d basically yelled for jaehyun to CRUSH the other team and the coach had to chase you out again
but you waited outside of the gym and instead of kissing the trophy and celebrating jaehyun had ran straight outside to you and honestly,,,,,,,,,what could the coach do about that? LOL
jaehyun jokingly challenging you to some basketball but since he wouldn’t let you score you were like fine i wont kiss u for a whole week
and jaehyun basically begged for you to not be mad and u just couldn’t resist
like have you seen jaehyun’s big,,,brown eyes????
you’d caved and just started kissing his face all over and jaehyun just grinning and hold you around the waist and ,,,,,,,,,basically you two being super duper cute
someone complimenting jaehyun’s artwork: you smugly going that’s my boyfriend and yes he’s amazing and did i mention that he’s taken,,,,i love him
jaehyun blushing but also loving the fact that you love him so openly and unapologetically 
and wow let me mention this one last time: jaehyun in a basketball uniform but also,,,,,,,,,,jaehyun concentrating hard on a sculpture with a low cut shirt and big hands covered in clay,,,,,,,,like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yall
doyoung | taeyong | yuta | bangtan | vixx | monsta x | got7 + kard + amber | seventeen | 
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lushlushlovesnct · 7 years
My little monbebe heart :(( this is the best thing that has ever happened
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