mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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Oh I believe every time Sanji recalls his first time seeing(meeting) Nami, he remembers how unique and strong and beautiful she was and still is ❤
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
Hi can I ask some analysis on some of Sanji ships? ZoSan, LuSan, LawSan, SaNa, SanVio, SanPud?
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ZoSan: They’re basically two sides of the same coin. Though they differ from each other in some aspects, both have core traits of being monstrously powerful, fiercely competitive, and suicidally self-sacrificial. I think their deepest bond comes from sharing the pivotal position of flanking Luffy, and watching out for the crew while their captain takes out the main enemies. They may bicker with each other due to their competitive nature, but it’s mostly friendly rivalry between peers that show how close they are (and they do show agreement on really important matters). Their mutual respect and trust is almost tangible, and I think Sanji in particular deeply admires Zoro’s strength and determination. From Zoro’s perspective, I think it’s rare for someone full of pride like him to actually acknowledge a person’s power and trustworthiness to the point of having absolute confidence. He’s lucky to have Sanji who he can secretly count on to always have his back, really. And of course, the best part of their dynamics is that all of this is mostly left unsaid between them.
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LuSan: The ship that really needs to be reevaluated after the current arc. I don’t doubt that Luffy has equal love for all of his nakama, but Sanji’s the only one who got to hear “I can’t become Pirate King without you” from him. Also, you know just how much Luffy loves to eat, and he went as far as going on a hunger strike for the first time in his life just to get his cook back. It should also be noted that Luffy’s the person who understands Sanji best in terms of personal history. Out of the crew, only Luffy got the hear about Sanji’s experience of starvation and what Zeff and the Baratie meant to him. He was also the only person present when Sanji joined the crew, and up to now no one other than him has ever seen Sanji truly cry. In short, there are a lot of exclusive moments between them. To add on, I think Luffy could be particularly fond of Sanji in that he’s the main provider of what he loves the most: food. Sanji might call him out for bad table manners and such but I can easily imagine him always thanking Luffy for loving his cooking so much.  
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LawSan: At first sight, what clearly ties them together is that they’re both North Blue boys. I haven’t sighted any common denominators in their past stories yet but who knows - what happened in their childhood could be connected in some way or another, given their hometowns’ relative geographic proximity. That being said, it’s interesting how traumatic incidents shaped their characters differently. Whereas Sanji still had enough resilience to maintain his childhood innocence and hope for the future to some extent despite all that he had gone through, Law was totally stripped of his humanity until Corazon went out of his way to mend him back. What resulted in this difference is debatable but it certainly is worth noting. I don’t think it’s likely that they have particular feelings for each other just because they’re both from North Blue, but it’s possible that Law regards Sanji as the most sensible and reliable Straw Hat in terms of strategic planning, since he’s the one who pointed out his flaw and reminded him the bigger picture in Dressrosa. For Sanji, Law’s probably one hell of a picky bastard who deserves to get his ass kicked for hating bread. and umeboshi XD 
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SaNa: Be it in a platonic or romantic sense, I believe Nami holds a special place in Sanji’s heart. She’s probably the first woman he got to interact on a regular basis outside the framework of the Baratie, not to mention that the first mission he had to go through as a Straw Hat was none other than saving her from Arlong. Sanji swoons over just about any lady of course, but I think he genuinely likes Nami’s character, from her cunning nature and wildness to her bravery, kind heart and willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else. Nami might constantly brush away Sanji’s swooning out of annoyance, but I think she was so worried about him in the current arc partly because she’s grateful for all the care he shows for her, either consciously or unconsciously. Also, it need not be said that Nami’s the person who had the best understanding of Sanji’s situation and how he must be feeling in this arc, since she had gone through same shit before and that’s when she got to know Sanji as nakama. I think she slapped him not just because he hurt Luffy, but also because she was disappointed that he thought his nakama would be stupid enough to believe his lies and actually throw him out. Anyway the development of their relationship in this arc is quite amazing and I’m definitely looking forward to more intimate moments between them.
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SanVio: Just like Pudding, Viola was deeply touched by Sanji’s pure and kind heart (you could say it was his chivalry that won her heart, but I think at the root of his chivalry lies his gentle caring nature). She could’ve seen more than just Sanji’s skeleton, curly eyebrows and perversion (ahem) with her eyes, like what a heart of gold he has and maybe that’s one of the reasons she thinks so highly of him? Sanji did nosebleed massively after she hugged him and all, but I think this ship is more about how Viola feels for Sanji than vise versa. Their meeting was very brief and Sanji parted with her without getting to know her all that well, but he did manage to leave a lasting powerful impression on her - enough to make her blush and smile with fondness. I have a hunch that they’re going to meet again some way or another and when they actually do reunite, Viola’s going to help out Sanji big time.
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SanPud: Ah, the groom and the bride in question. If Sanji and Pudding really get married, I can imagine their relationship working out pretty well somehow. Sanji has no qualms whatsoever about marrying a three-eyed girl (not only having no qualms but he actually thinks her eye is beautiful) and he’d rejoice when teaching Pudding how to make chocolate (provided that she really does love to make it and wasn’t acting). As for Pudding, well, I think she totally fell for Sanji after he complimented her third eye so Sanji just being Sanji would be enough for her, I assume. Since they both had the traumatic experience of being abused by their own family, I think they can deepen their relationship by talking about their childhood trauma and comforting each other. Sanji in particular can give Pudding a lot of advice and assistance and maybe that would heal her twisted personality to some extent. This is all based on the assumption that they’re getting married of course, but even if they don’t it’s likely that their encounter with each other would become a lasting memory to both of them. After all, they did make each other succumb to tears, albeit on different occasions.      
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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Texts From Superheroes
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
Sandman has translated magazine vol.2 interview: Here is my summary for ONE PIECE Magazine volume 2 except for Ace novel and editors' short interview. - After becoming a mangaka, Oda noticed that his imagination ability of creating various stories is based on Rakugo, Japanese verbal entertainment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=落語 - Oda has been enjoying Rakugo ever since he was in elementary school. When Oda's friends in junior high school came to his house, he played a cassette tape of Rakugo to entertain them, but all of them got bored in 5 minutes. - Oda started listening to Rakugo since his parents enjoyed Rakugo via cassette tapes. On the other hand, his elder sister didn't get attracted to it. He even listened to Rakugo right before sleeping. Oda remembers he was an elementary school kid who fell into asleep thanks to middle-aged man's voice.lol - When Oda was around 12/13 years old, he was very glad that his parents kindly bought a ticket for Rakugo show in Kumamoto for his birthday present. - Oda meets Kosanji Yanagiya, one of the best Rakugo performer, once a year in Studio Ghibli. Toshio Suzuki, producer of Ghibli, invites Oda to his Rakugo event every year. - Oda believes he has never run out of ideas about ONE PIECE story because he knows a lot about classic Rakugo/film/Jidaigeki which survived the test of time. - Oda devoted himself to watching films in high school/college days. He watched 3 films per day. He got bored with current films soon and started focusing on classics. - Oda thinks perhaps the sound effect "Don!!" (ドン!!) in ONE PIECE is based on actors' overacting in classic Jidaigeki. Oda says he wants his audience to pay attention to the "Don!!" panel. - Oda considers a good sense of rhythm about words is important when creating sentences in ONE PIECE although he doesn't read many books. Oda sometimes keeps in mind that he should write sentences in 5-7-5 Japanese traditional poetic Haiku form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku - The person Oda wants to meet most now is Quentin Tarantino. Oda also says that he has already met most of the people whom he wants to. - Oda at the age of 3-6 resolved to become a mangaka since he can make a living via drawing manga every day. - Oda thought he would easily become the best mangaka since he had been confident of his drawing technique, but he noticed that he needed to learn creating an interesting story when he was around 17 years old. - Oda was not convinced when his art teacher in junior high school didn't give the best grade to his good Toriyama-ish dragon drawing. Oda says he thought there was no difference between manga and art. - Before Oda became a professional mangaka, his editor often advised him to create well-defined manga characters. Some people even criticized that Luffy in "Romance Dawn" (prototype for ONE PIECE) didn't seem to move on its own. Oda says that himself didn't fully grasp the personality of Luffy at that time. - Oda remembers he was a rude person without knowing it before his debut as a professional mangaka. He talked to a legendary mkangaka (HIroshi Motomiya) too casually in a party, which made staffs upset. - Oda keeps in mind that he should make funny and casual comments in SBS. Oda in childhood had read mangaka talking about their hardships in creating manga in author's comments. He made up his mind that he wouldn't write such a comment since [he considers audience wouldn't understand it no matter how mangaka talks about their hardships in detail. - Bandai company plans to sell OP goods based on SBS drawings of gender-bent/childhood characters although Oda just wants to draw them just for fun. - Oda says he'd like to keep being "a friendly funny guy in neighborhood" for kids who feels free to answer their requests to make drawings in SBS. Oda also says his drawings are not something very valuable. He says he is not a kind of mangaka who considers himself, "Even one line drawn by me can make much money!" *************************** - Oda "Be sure to look forward to Wano country. I refrain from revealing when I draw it, though." - Oda "There are tons of new characters I want to draw in Wano arc. Characters in ONE PIECE fight mostly on land despite them being pirates. I'd like to draw some event scenes on the sea which reminds us that they are pirates. Maybe I'll change my mind, though (laugh)" - When Kuma was introduced for the first time in 2002, Oda told one of his assistants that Kuma would cause the separation of Straw Hats in the future. It came true in 2008. - The drawings of Amaru Enel are based on a elephant. - There are some supplements (vitamin, turmeric, ornithine and forskohlii) and Red Bull on Oda's desk... - Oda is getting excited and doesn't eat food near the deadline for submitting manuscripts. Oda says food would make him sleepy. On the other hand, his assistants are getting exhausted near the deadline. - 3 assistants have been working under Oda for more than 15 years. - Oda had nearly 30 options for Rebecca's name. (Shalom, Violet, Russian, Akiria, Girasole, Laura, Helianthus, Seneca, Juvenalis, Noir, Vineyard, Iris, Amazonia, Lambda, Isbell and Fabula etc..) The text says Shalom means peace in Hebrew and some other options mean sunflower in different languages. - There is an impressive line Oda didn't use in Enies Lobby arc. Luffy "Robin! Keep laughing! There's nothing to be afraid of! I'm with you!!" Robin sheds tears remembering Saul's words "Laugh when you are in hardships!! Dereshishishi"
And lastly, these two pieces of colorspreads are well fridgin done! Nami ngggrrhhhhh!!! Asdghjkh fk u Oda!!!! But it’s not like I won’t keep the pic tho, for academic purpose ofc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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On the side note, the last piece should have Zoro and Robin in there #casuallywinkingtotheirshippers
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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Damn. I might ended up stowingaway onto ‘that’ ship. Judging by Oda's treatment in my otp, I don't even give a damn if it has a chemistry.
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
I will just post this here😂 Lo and behold, how the super saiyajin trains.
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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a dream
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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papas with kids
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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crayon josuke-chan
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
“Naruto Couples as Carly Rae Jepsen Songs”
NaruHina - Let’s Get Lost
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SasuSaku - Higher
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ShikaIno - Gimmie Love
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SakuIno - Run Away With Me
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SasuNaru - Making the Most of the Night
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NaruSaku - Cut to the Feeling
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KibaIno - LA Hallucinations
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SasuKarin - Your Type
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Nejiten - More Than A Memory
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KibaHina - Beautiful (ft. Justin Bieber)
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LeeTen - Heavy Lifting
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SaiIno - Sweetie
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KakaSaku - Talk To Me
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SuiKarin - The One
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GaaNaru - Picture
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SasuHina - Hurts So Good
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Shino be like…
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Listen to the songs and tell me what you think.
Requests are open! Comment any music artist/fandom couples you’d want me to do next! :)
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
The Honeymoon| Sanami June Bride 2017|
When Nami opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Sanji’s face. Looking directly at her.
“Ohmygod” she screamed, and she almost jumped from the bed, stepping away from him “Do you want to kill your wife on the very first day of marriage?”
Sanji laughed and stepped closer to her, embracing her in a hug. “I just can’t help but to stare at you. You look so peaceful in your sleep.”
“If I had known you would be such a creep I wouldn’t have married you.” She teased him, breaking the hug. “Now get up already, it’s getting late.”
“Who cares?” Sanji grabbed her by the arm, refusing to let go. “It’s our honeymoon.”
Nami sighed. “I know it is, but we can’t be in bed all the time.”
“Why not?” Sanji asked her, giving her the best impression of her puppy eyes. “There are plenty things to do in bed.”
Nami let out a laugh, but freed herself from Sanji’s gaze. “You already showed me that last night. And don’t give me that look, we knew what we were signing up to. It’s not easy to have a honeymoon in a ship with our crewmates.”
Before Sanji could try to convince her, they heard a knock on the door.
“You horny monsters, are you done?” It was obviously Zoro. Sanji chuckled and Nami rolled her eyes, but none of them responded. “Whatever, Luffy is hungry. And Usopp said there’s an island in sight, so…”
By the time they dressed up and opened the door, Zoro was already gone. Sanji gave Nami a slight kiss in the nose, and she wrinkled it.
“I’ll see you later. And don’t worry, we’ll have our honeymoon.” She assured him.
“Where?” He asked. He had always thought The Sunny was a big ship, but it certainly wasn’t big enough for privacy, or so it seemed.
“There” Nami said, pointing the island. Usopp was yelling “land ahoy!” from behind, and they both smiled. “There has to be somewhere where we can escape from everything else, right?”
“Like a hotel room?” he proposed, with a flirty smile.
“I hate to say this, but Zoro is right. You are a horny monster” she laughed, and left Sanji with a furious expression in his face.
The crew finally arrived to the island, and to their delight, this time it didn’t seem like anything was about to eat them, or anyone was about to fight them. The palms, the sun and the light breeze were the culmination of that peaceful sensation, something that they weren’t used to feeling.
“How could there be no marines in the coast?” Chopper asked, looking around. The only thing he could see besides the sand was a big building in the distance. People were walking, swimming or just sunbathing without any apparent worry.
“Are we dead and we’ve gotten to paradise?” Usopp gulped, his eyes trying to catch every single detail that his mind could process.
“If we were dead we would be in hell, don’t you think?” Robin laughed with her characteristic grin “It’s a pirate’s life we’ve earned.”
“Whatever this place is, I’m just so happy to be here” Sanji cried, bringing down to his knees. “It’s paradise.”
“And who should you all thank?” Nami said, stepping in front of her crew, that now were looking at her, expectant for her answer “Obviously the best navigator ever, me! I had it all planned.”
“So this means…” Sanji started, and Nami joined him for the second phrase “Honeymoon mode on!” They high-fived each other, and Luffy and Franky did the same.
“I don’t get it” Luffy said later, when they were on their way to the building Nami described as a resort “Why did we high-five?”
Nami rolled her eyes before answering him. “Leave it, Luffy. We don’t want your brain injured after a long session of thinking.”
“Okay” Luffy responded, not catching the navigator’s sarcasm. “Usopp, Chopper, Franky and I are going to the amusement park, bye!”
“I’m leaving too” Zoro announced with a chuckle “It’s better to do some workout than to watch you sickling lovebirds making out.”
“Don’t come back!” Sanji waved him goodbye, and Nami punched him softly in the chest. “What? I just want a private time with my wife, and not seeing that shitty marimo ever again. It’s not that much to ask, right?”
“Well that’s our cue to leave” Robin said, taking Brook with her. Soon enough, Sanji and Nami found themselves alone, just like they wanted.
“Now that we’ve gotten rid of them, what should we do first, my beloved wife?” Sanji asked Nami, pulling her closer to him so he could place a kiss on her cheek.
“I was thinking that since I brought the bikini you gave me we could hit the pool” she said with a devious smile “What do you think?”
As a response, Sanji lifted her up and carried her bridal style. “I think let’s go now” he said, starting to run.
Already at the pool, they couldn’t get their hands off each other. Luckily, they weren’t the only ones to do so: the whole place was filled with couples doing the exact same thing.
“What is this place?” Sanji asked her between kisses. Nami stopped him right away, and focused in her answer. She would often get too distracted by him for her brain to actually think, although she loved it.
“It’s a resort, I told you. Mainly for couples in love, couples with children and even couples who are struggling with getting a divorce or not. It comes in the pamphlet, see?” she handed him a piece of paper, and he read it carefully.
“Sounds appropriate.” He just said, before starting to kiss her again.
“Wait” she said, making him stop right away. “I’ll get us a bottle of cold champagne. I’m sure I could get us a discount.”
With a wink of her eye and a turn over her heels, she left him waiting for her return. She moved with confidence, like she owned the place. She felt good, self-assured. In fact, she felt better than ever. The wedding turned out to be such a blast, she was officially married to the man she loved and she had planned the best honeymoon ever. Now that she thought of it, she really was awesome.
“Excuse me, mister” she called the waiter, with a brilliant smile. The day couldn’t get any better, but a glass of champagne had never done any damage. “Can I get the best champagne you have? You see, we’re on a celebration.”
“Of course you are!” the waiter told her, clearly exited. She frowned and looked directly at him, confused. Was that how the staff was supposed to react normally? She didn’t think so. Looking around, she couldn’t see any other clients getting that treatment.
“Sorry, miss Nami” the waiter said, noticing her awkwardness. However, it only made things worse: how the hell did he know her name? “I… You’re Nami, right? The cat burglar, now married to black leg Sanji?”
Nami blinked twice, and slowly nodded. “How do you know that?”
“Well it was in the news. Everyone saw it. You even appeared on some big screens, and, if you ask me, you looked gorgeous.”
The waiter kept talking about how beautiful the ceremony looked and that he never thought a pirate wedding could ever be so classy, yet so funny. He even called it “the best of the century”, which Nami thought it was a little bit exaggerated. Still, she found his excitement funny, and for once, she was recognized for something more than being in Luffy’s crew. It was a nice feeling, being somehow famous. And, even better, she knew how to take advantage of that.
“Look, Brian” she said, reading the waiter’s name in his label. “I really appreciate your enthusiasm and that you loved the wedding so much, but I’m really thirsty right now, and I feel tired after all that big ceremony. Could you bring that champagne I was talking about before?”
“Well of course!” Brian assured, and rushed to the bar. In less than a minute, he was holding a cold bottle and two glasses already. “And don’t worry about the cost, it’s on the house.”
Nami let out the biggest smile she could make and flipped her hair. “Thank you! You didn’t have to!”
When she was walking out, she heard Brian’s voice again. “Sanji is so lucky to have you!”
“Damn right he is” she said, stepping outside again. However, she didn’t found her lucky husband waiting for her at the pool, but two men fighting. And one of them was Sanji, naturally.
“What the hell are you doing?” she shouted him, and he turned around to face her. “Stop that stupid fight of yours!”
“This man just insulted us! He said our wedding was ridiculous and that pirates shouldn’t be allowed to get married, how can I let this pass?” he told her, his eyes still cold from the stare he was giving the man in front of him.
The man, apparently drunk, shouted back. “Pirates getting married is just a waste of time. Sooner or later one is going to be executed, as should be. And then the other would marry someone else, because you pirates don’t have a sense of honor… I’m sure you only did it for show. Pirates can’t love.”
Nami let out a deep breath. She was still holding the champagne, so she left it on the ground.
“Honey” she called Sanji, and he turned to face her with a smile. He knew what she was going to say next, and he could recognize what that little but devious smile meant in her face. “Beat this asshole.”
With the man so drunk he struggled to move and Nami’s cheers and claps supporting Sanji, the fight ended almost as soon as it had begun.
“Repeat that words again and it will be my wife who will finish you off” he spitted to the man lying on the floor. Then, Sanji turned to see Nami’s happy smile, and she threw herself into his arms.
“That was great. But no more fighting, please.” She said, with her signature puppy eyes. He couldn’t escape now. Not that he wanted to, anyway. “Just me, and you, and our free bottle of champagne.”
“Your plans are always the best” he said, kissing her. “But I still wonder how that man could find out about our wedding.”
“Well, as the brilliant mind I am, I know the answer to that” she whispered, “but I can tell you all about it when we’ve had our deserved drinks.”
“As you wish, love” he told her, pouring the champagne into the glasses and serving one of them to Nami. “To my perfect wife, who planned the perfect honeymoon. Cheers!”
“Cheers!” she laughed, before starting to tell him her little experience with a waiter called Brian and the biggest wedding of the century.
Author note: Wow. This was such an experience. It has been a challenge since I had to do it in such a short time, but it was a blast! I hope you liked it as much as I did!
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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They didnt know.
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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mapofallblue-blog · 7 years
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jijis and jojos
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