omamaineiko · 10 days
Here's the real question: Does Mammon count as a true himbo? 👀
Kiiiiiiinda 👀😅
The Theory of Mammon the Himbo
It depends on how you define himbo. Not unlike tsundere, himbo has two separate definitions, though it's not yet commonly accepted that it does. Which is why this is a theory 😁
Type A himbo: the classic combination of brawn, a heart of gold, and a lack of brains.
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This is similar to its original equivalent, the bimbo (attractive, kind, unintelligent). But there are plenty of people who are described as bimbos that are hella smart - it's only that they are perceived as being so (eg a "dumb blonde") that has them labelled as bimbos (Elle in Legally Blonde, Dolly Parton!!!, Mona in My Cousin Vinny, etc).
The same is true of himbos - they don't need to be unintelligent, they just have to be perceived, or dismissed by others as such.
Mammon is constantly told he is a dumbass, a stupid Mammon, a moron, and an idiot, and we see at times in the game that this really does get to him. He's used to being picked on and ignored, but when he's encouraged to show his skills he turns out to be a maths genius, a criminal mastermind, and someone who can pick up very easily on how MC and others are feeling.
(Equally, hotness is subjective, and someone who looks pretty lean can be strong af. (Not talking himbims here who are typically lean and not physically strong!))
Quite often, characters described as himbos tend to run their mouth, voice their emotions honestly no matter what, or speak without thinking. A lot of that however isn't really a trait of being unintelligent but a trait of honesty.
Mammon occasionally speaks a plan made with others that is supposed to be covert outloud - if MC is present - because his honesty overrides his desire to enact the sneaky plan.
A himbo can be someone who is very emotionally intelligent, and even just highly intelligent in general, but they're perceived as being dim because of their emotional honesty.
We see this in Mammon as even with his tsundere archetype, he often says his real feelings out loud before trying to deny them. This is his emotional honesty, overriding his tsundere traits.
Mammon is also always the one who tells his brothers off for teasing anyone else too far (eg Luke), or for inadvertently making someone feel bad (eg Satan).
So what is the second type of himbo? On the surface, it's someone who has brawn, a heart of gold, and who is perceived as unintelligent by those around him (and not necessarily by his love interest).
And this I think really gets at the heart of what a himbo is, and why we love them so much.
It has nothing to do with intelligence level.
It's the emotional intelligence, the empathy, the honesty, and the lack of lies or deceit, all of which goes beyond the mandatory heart of gold or mere kindness.
It's the lack of toxic masculinity, and the presence of being very open, honest, and engaged.
Type B himbo: brawn, heart of gold, and a total lack of toxic masculinity.
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Mammon illustrates this definition perfectly. He is someone who speaks about himself in the third person, refers to himself as the Great Mammon, and is genuinely one of the strongest beings in existence, but at the same time, behind his bravado and tsundere traits, is his utter lack of toxic masculinity.
And that always, always, pushes past his self defenses of tsundere bravado, as he lays out his emotions plainly and honesty, while always caring the most about everyone else and being the most aware of who is truly doing okay and who is just fooling everyone else while crumbling on the inside.
Mammon is exactly that himbo 🥰💞
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Further reading:
The Theory of Mammon
Mammon the Protector (& Lucifer the Guardian)
OM! Theories Masterpost
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omamaineiko · 3 months
Hi Ghosty!
I didn't realize you were taking requests for Obey Me too! Could you write something about the brothers being mc's first?
Sure, I don’t mind taking requests for Obey Me too! It just takes me a while to get to my asks little by little since I’m only writing on my healthy free time, but I love Obey Me prompts as well. It’s just that no one’s really sent me many, which is fine too! I’m very slow anyway!
I’m marking this as NSFW due to me taking your question to mean, “MC is a virgin and OM character is your first,” but it’s not incredibly vulgar either.
Text is below the cut!
He’s outwardly calm and collected, inwardly panicking. He doesn’t mind being your first; in fact, it’s quite the honor that you trust him enough to tell him in the first place and that you’re willing to give your first time to someone as powerful and terrifying as he is. If he’s your first partner ever—first kiss, first sexual encounter, first everything—then he moves so entirely slow that it’s nearly maddening. “Lucifer, you don’t have to treat me like I’m some fragile piece of glass,” you say with a huff. “I’m not breakable. You can touch me more than that.” But he’s still cautious, even with your permission. It takes all of his self control to build you up to taking him, to the point that he spreads your first time over the course of a week to ensure that you’re taken care of and receive adequate aftercare. It must be so stressful being with someone as perfect as him, so he makes sure you’re safe and secure. It’s not that he wants to make a huge deal out of it, but he wants to be positive that your first experience is better than anyone else could offer. You get his full attention, and that’s that.
You mean he’s actually your first…everything? You have no experience with a partner at all?? N-not that he cares, obviously! But with someone who’s as much of a catch as you, how have you not had every experience you’ve ever wanted? He finds it wild, and at first is a little distant, but not for long. If he’s going to be your first everything, then he’s going to blow any competition out of the water! Imagine him renting out a hotel penthouse suite, flower petals on the bed, champagne served in golden flutes. His palms are trembling though as he runs his hands over your body. Is this okay? Do you like this? He’ll spend hours taking every direction from you about what you like and dislike. Oh, you’re ticklish here? No problem. You’re sensitive there? Well, maybe that’s a good thing, let’s explore it a bit more. Every moment is taken with precision. He’s not going to fuck this up like he does with most things. He’s more focused than at a poker table. You’ll be satisfied more than anything by the time he’s done.
Wh…What?! So he needs to teach you everything?? But…But he’s supposed to be the one who’s not as experienced as his brothers. How is he supposed to teach you when everything he does is awful anyway? What if he teaches you something weird? You’d never sleep with a creep like him if you knew how depraved he actually was, and—Well, maybe, with a little research on Devildom’s version of WikiHow, he can manage a powerpoint of information on inserting Tab A into Slot B, and maybe a little more about foreplay too, because he really doesn’t want you to be sore. If you really don’t mind, he’d like you to close your eyes and not watch him. Please, don’t judge the sweat rolling down his face or how burning red his skin is, and don’t mention it if he pops into his demon form. He really, really tries to stay calm and pay attention to you and your responses to the point that it’s almost impossible for him to stay hard. But that’s okay. He knows other ways to play around. Just…tell him honestly if you don’t like something. He’s putting a lot of trust in you, you know.
Somehow, he’s sure he knew already, though he could never pinpoint how. Something about your behavior when you held hands, or how you flushed when one of his brothers made a comment about intimacy. Either way, he’s quite patient, not building up the anticipation much at all. Oh, you want to go further during a make-out session? He’ll smirk, verify with one question that you’re sure, and reach beneath your shirt with a practiced motion and warm hands. It’s nothing stressful. He goes with the flow, even though he’d love to go further more quickly, but your comfort is what matters most. When it’s time, he’s methodical rather than emotional. Don’t worry about getting him off; he likes seeing you enjoy yourself more than he expects to get off. In fact, he’d rather not reach climax at all, especially until you have, because he wants to make sure he lasts long enough for you to find what makes you most love sex.
He’s also not very surprised. Honey, he can smell sex from miles away, and you’ve got that doe-eyed look on your face screaming that you’re not experienced. That’s okay! He’s more than happy to pop your cherry, as he so-lovingly calls it to your face. Building up to the moment, there are SO many innuendos and curious questions. Do you enjoy lace or latex more? How do you feel about how thick of a size you can take? Where are your most sensitive spots? But when you’re in bed together, he’s so knowledgeable and perfect that you’re not sure it’s really happening so easily. This is what you were worried about? There’s zero discomfort, and any awkwardness is shrugged away with a chuckle and a simple, “Aren’t you a cutie,” before quickly scooting along. He takes the lead, but he mentions offhand that he’s interested in you taking control whenever you’re interested. He also offers the easiest positions and softest movements so that everything is picture perfect. Really, he could make a whole scrapbook with the memories of your first time that he wishes he could print!
Oh. This could be a problem. He’s not really known for his patience or gentleness, so taking his time when he’s so excited to be your first is kind of terrifying for him. What if he’s too big that you pull muscles in your legs just trying to fit his hips between your thighs? What if he loses himself and his pace grows erratic? What if you tell him to stop because he’s managed to go too far without even thinking? But you love him, and he loves you, so he’ll try his hardest to move slowly. He doesn’t mind waiting for you to be ready, but it seems to happen on a random evening after everyone’s gone to bed and Belphie’s not in the shared bedroom. One thing leads to another, and he’s struggling not to rut against you too hard. If he can’t fit inside or you’re not interested in trying it at the moment, he’s okay with that, but he definitely hopes he can use your mouth or that he can pump himself to a finish on your stomach. But once he’s inside, all bets are off. It takes SO much energy to make sure you’re okay, but if the look on your face is any indication, he’s doing well. And wow, does he love your expressions.
He’s smart. He’s already teased you for it since you got together, and he’d found out quickly, so he’s confident in himself that he’ll be your first. Better yet, there’s no one else to compare him to, so you won’t feel any urge to seek satisfaction from anyone else because he’ll be your best. “Aren’t you cute, being a little virgin, hehe,” he says with a smile as he’s pulling your shirt over your head. Even though he talks a big game, he’s listening to you carefully. You might think he’s being a bit rough or demanding like he’s forgotten you’re inexperienced, but he’s observing every moment of your expression to make sure you’re enjoying it. After all, you know who’s in your bed, so he can’t help but be a little bit of a brat, especially since he’s stuck taking the lead. He’ll put you on top and let you set the pace, but if you’re too uncomfortable being on display—even though he adores watching you take control—then he’ll easily flip you on the bottom and hold you down just enough that you’ll know he’s in charge. Sure, it’s your first time, but what’s the harm in showing you what he’s really made of?
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omamaineiko · 7 months
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I want to be greedy! Can't I be a little greedy?
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omamaineiko · 7 months
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omamaineiko · 9 months
Oct 2023 issue of B'sLOG translation Special Feature: Hyper☆Summer Date
Oct 2023 issue of B'sLOG translation Special Feature: Hyper☆Summer Date Feat. Mammon, Solomon
[PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD] (reblogging/comments okay)
The brightness of the summer sun pushes us to be more open than usual. To enjoy this fun season, the special feature will be called "Summer Date"! Please look out for the happy summer date plan he chooses ♪
(Characters are given questions according to the place they what to go on a date with - either the beach, an amusement park, or a summer festival.)
➀ Today is a date with your loved one at an amusement park! What matching items would you like to wear together? I'd think of headbands of the new Devil's Coast mascot that recently debuted, Awoofa*. Puttin' that on and uploadin' to Devilgram is all over the rage, man!
② It's lunchtime at the amusement park! Which do you prefer, the restaurants or lunch boxes? Either one of those shall do, but I'd like to buy from one of those carts over there and walk around while eatin'. Isn't that the way to have fun with them as much as we wanna?
③ Your loved one wants to go to a haunted house! Can you lead the way? BUT OF COURSE???? Why did'cha even bother askin' that???? Huh? Huh???
④ Riding the Ferris Wheel near closing time, you'll do this to the person you love at its highest point…… Hm, I guess I'mma just say what I thought of at the time. Like where's the House of Lamentation, how small the Demon Lord's Castle is, et cetera. It's pointless expecting me to say things that Lucifer or Satan would say. I'm sure they know that too. Oh, maybe I'll ask them if they had a good time with me. That's the most curious thing I wanna know.
*unofficial translation of Garurufa/ガルルファ. No relevant info in the game has been found regarding this new mascot (as of Sep 2023). Note that this should a different mascot from 'Devilcat/デビネコ', a red teddy bear-like creature with horns on its head.
➀ Today is a festival date with someone you like! What kind of clothes do you want them to wear? When in Rome, they tell me to do as the Romans do, so it's gonna be a yukata. Wearing something different from the usual can make someone excited, right? I want them to feel excited too, so I'll probably wear a yukata too.
② It's so crowded that there's a chance of getting separated! What would you do? It's unthinkable that I'd lose sight of my cute apprentice, though I might pretend that it would be a natural excuse to hold hands with them. But since I think they might see right through me, I might honestly say that I want to hold hands with them (laughs).
③ At a target shooting range, they asked you to get "the one" for them! Do you have what it takes for shooting? If my partner is looking forward for me to win, I'll win even if the lottery doesn't include a winning ticket. Eh, no magic is allowed? Hmm, even so I'll give it a shot!
④ Watching the fireworks near the festival's end, you'll do this to the person you love whose eyes are shining bright…… Maybe I won't be able to say anything to them because I'd be falling hard for them who is trying their best to watch the fireworks. Maybe deep inside I'd be saying "I'm glad we're able to make good memories".
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omamaineiko · 11 months
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in my heart of hearts he still has a small bird tail
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omamaineiko · 11 months
Only hands 🫶🏻
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omamaineiko · 11 months
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Lord of Fools ⚜️
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omamaineiko · 11 months
I might be stupid, I just realised why manga Mammon is nicer to MC pre-pact than game Mammon
Y'know Mammon who baby talks cats and volunteers at a human world dog shelter and coos over panda videos and cries during nature documentaries........
Y'know how in the manga he says he'll protect MC till the end of the year but also says he's not going to find a way to turn them human again....
Man's seeing a cute fluffly lil' sheep when he talks to MC and that's making him nicer and making him actually put effort into protecting MC whereas game Mammon's just dealing with some random full grown human and has no time for it
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omamaineiko · 1 year
Diavolo: Do you have representation?
Mammon: I call upon my lawyer MC!
MC: My client is innocent!
Diavolo (pinching MCs cheek): Of course he is, case dismissed!
Lucifer: Lord Diavolo there's crisp clean video of Mammon stealing from-
Diavolo (petting & cuddling MC): MC said he's not guilty, so he's not. What's so hard about that?
Lucifer: MC do you handle murder cases?
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omamaineiko · 1 year
Can we all just take a moment and enjoy the fact that MC is one of the most powerful beings in the three realms. Minus Diavolo, Barbatos and the Kings. And what do we use our power and talents for.
Keeping a crow out of jail,
A snake to socialize,
Domesticating a feral cat,
Charming the horny scorpion,
Keeping the literal black hole from eating everything,
Stopping the moo cow from hating humans
And getting the emotional stunted older sibling from his own feelings and ego trip.
MC has the power to do anything they want and they choose to use that power instead of trying to take over the three realms to basically be a therapist to a bunch of sexy demons with the ability to friend zone them all.
MC is literally the two definitions of "Fuck it I'll do it myself" and "I'm going to fuck around out and find out myself!"
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omamaineiko · 1 year
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Shut shut up shut up mc still carries food around for beel like there isnt even an option against it im crying
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omamaineiko · 1 year
Okay so,
Canonically Mammon's really good at engineering & mechanics (possibly physics given the context clues)
Canonically he likes tinkering with his car and does it more or less often
Canonically he forgets words sometimes, making him stutter and try to describe the word he's forgotten or making him mix up two totally different words
Canonically Mammon & MC hang out with each other a lot and are just generally very close
Mammon, grease stained in a tank top, hoodie tied around his waist, hair held back by a hairband & little colourful clips he got from his kid the last time he visited her in the human realm, upper half completely under his car's bonnet. Reaching out a hand without even looking up and asking his human to pass him something but completely fumbling over the word because he knows what he needs but his brain completely blanked when he tried to think of what it's called, so he's stuttering and trying to explain what he's talking about except he knows he's not making sense and yeah it's frustrating but he's lived long enough that he's used to it now. Lived long enough that he knows he'll have to get out to find what he needs on his own which will break the zone tinkering with his car has put him into, and if he breaks the zone then he knows he runs the risk of suddenly losing motivation or getting distracted by something else and not coming back to finish the work on his car for another week -if he's lucky- and yeah it's frustrating, specially when he knows he's going to randomly remember the word he's looking for hours lat- and oh there's a weight on his hand - and he pulls it back to see he's holding exactly what he needed and he spares a glance at the human who's still sitting on the floor next to his toolbox engrossed in the book they borrowed from Satan. He ducks back under the bonnet to get back to work, to hide the way his ears burn and the silly smile taking over just in case the human looks up again.
Sometimes it's just the little things that make you fall a lot more in love, that make you realise you are loved more easily and wholly than you ever thought possible.
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omamaineiko · 1 year
So I'm pretty sure general MC's Sin is Gluttony
Hear me out;
It's 100% not Sloth. They're very active and hard-working - both mentally and physically.
It's not Pride either, specially considering how blunt they are - how they feel no shame or hesitation when expressing their feelings/emotions/wants. They're not too proud to accept help (though they may hesitate to ask), to do and say what they want, to be as goofy and dumb as they want etc
It's not Greed either as they have no problem lending money to Mammon. And even though they're good at gambling it isn't an often visited activity. And even though they like material items and want money it's in a more general manner than in one associated with Greed.
It's not Envy because they're awfully self-assured and know they can do things or get good at things without being envious of others. They're also highly adaptable to different situations so they won't feel Envious of others while in a new situation. They do feel jealousy over their partner(s) but it's not that regular of an occurrence.
It's not wrath, they're incredibly patient and are able to tolerate most things. When they do get angry, though, it tends to be pretty explosive but it's also very rare and they calm down soon after. They do have a really evil glare though.
MC's level of Lust depends totally on the individual players and their choices and so can't be considered.
Gluttony on the otherhand?
• MC hides sweets in their room.
• They always have food on hand to give Beel.
• They're very good at cooking.
• They're able to eat food from both the Celestial Realm and Devildom with no alterations done to said food, something regular humans can't do.
• Beels notes that they loose weight whenever they come back from the human realm.
• In S4 Levi notes that they tend to pile food at the buffet instead of taking a little and going for seconds
• Beel assumes they'll be able to eat a 20(?) layered sandwich and is in no way suprised if they agree
• In the parfait memory card with Mammon, Asmo & Levi one of the choices the players are given isn't really a choice at all since both boil down to MC saying "can we just eat now"
• In the memory card with Lucifer, Mephisto & Diavolo as compensation for helping Lucifer with his paperwork they ask to get treated to dinner (and no not in "take me on a dinner date" way, it was the not romantic option and was said in a "then buy me food asshole" way)
• They seem to actually enjoy the Devildom's food which all sounds very....um.....yknow
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omamaineiko · 1 year
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Welcoming 2023 with bunny outfits!
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omamaineiko · 1 year
Their relationship actually means the world to me
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I would kill for solmare to give us the story of how they met, the way they did with Beel & Lucifer AND to address the issues Mammon had with Lucifer that they brought up in S2 and then buried
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omamaineiko · 1 year
warning: talk about sexual harassment
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Shut up shut up this is making me crazy
Remember how I made a post about all the canon moments that prove Mammon is objectively terrifying and can you imagine how fucking pissed he would have been at this moment.
When his brothers (people who know and care about MC and who back off the second MC asks them to) hits on them Mammon is loud and flustered and very high energy about the whole thing (exclamation marks and fully capitalised words can be found within these sentences)
But that sentence^ sounds cold. And Mammon does shut down and become cool, calm & collected when he's genuinely pissed off and/or serious about something eg:
• When he heard Satan, Asmo & Beel shittalking Lucifer via shittalking Mammon
• When he was trying to teach choreo to his brothers and none of them were taking it seriously
• The time in the manga where he lifted up that student
• After he accused Michael of punishing Simeon in S4 and Simeon told him to leave it
• When Lucifer goes missing during the mobile phone event and Mammon takes charge
to name the most obvious instances
He also didn't use the usual "they're mine/I'm their first man" he does around his brothers. He uses "They're with me" which is Protective rather than Possessive
AND Mammon absolutely cannot pull off a line like that under normal circumstances as seen when he becomes flustered while trying to pull off "princely" lines in his fairytale story Devilgram and when he tries to say "here's to looking at you, kid" in a chat
Which also absolutely goes to show how focused he was on the situation as a whole rather than what MC would think of him, whether they'd think he was cool etc
Also going out in public and trying to do your own thing, only for someone to come into your space and not only hit on you but also touch you is an absolutely terrible feeling within a disgusting situation - and it's something that's a lot harder to deal with on your own than you'd initially imagine. You do find a strength in it when someone backs you up and fires back at them, because it might:
a.) jolt you into action, because something like that happening may sometimes shock you enough for you to freeze up
b.) reassure that tiny terrible voice in the back of your head that no, you're not overreacting - no, this isn't just flattery - it's harassment
c.) prove that you're currently safe enough that you can yell at them/call them out if you wanted to rather than shaking them off as quick as you can, ignoring them & walking fast to the nearest crowded place
bonus points if it's like the fucking Prime Minister of the country or whatever threatening to beat this asshole to a pulp on the street for touching you
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