oprika · 1 year
The stupidest thing that people came to accept, after being drilled-in to believe in it by a capitalist society, is that you need to work hard or suffer to deserve happiness, good things, and/or blessings.
It’s a little like drug addiction. It’s been collectively accepted that you need to be suffering to be worthy of attention, compassion, empathy, sympathy, a helping hand, a borrowed ear, etc. So the Opression Olympics became a thing. Not because people weren’t legitimately struggling. But because there was this idea that if you won you would deserve all the sympathy. You would finally be able to rest. Ironically, very counter-productive since you would need to keep suffering— even if you wanted to be/get better— to keep the attention/understanding compassion. Also counter-productive in the sense that those running for the marathon would become bitter, not only in the sense that they didn’t win but the fact that you’re undermining/invalidating their struggles. There’s no winning to it. That’s the ridiculousness of it all. But it’s not our fault. This is a very well hidden agenda; an agenda that makes us believe that as long as we put in the blood, sweat, and tears we are still deserving of goodness. At the end we’re suffering for nothing. The pain is for nothing.
We’re already born worthy. Living is the deciding factor that makes us worthy of happiness.
(I mentioned the drug addiction not to compare it to the oppression Olympics, my mind was running too many thoughts. I mentioned it because you’re being fed something that keeps you addicted. It messes you up mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As a whole you’re fucced. When you try to get better it feels even worse. The withdrawal feels worse than any other pain. Society looks down on you and blame you for even starting to do this when it’s not really your fault. Empathy, sympathy, and compassion are not limited assets— they shouldn’t be treated like one either.)
Getting better is hard but it’s worth it. Start separating yourself from negative societal influences. Hope this helps.
This is topic #9: Glorification of Pain.
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oprika · 1 year
Healing isn’t pretty. When you start feeling moody, physical pain, experiencing emptiness, etc. it’s not that you’re getting bad again— it’s that you’re purging all of the bad stuff.
Think of it like vomiting. Vomiting isn’t pretty. It doesn’t feel good, makes you feel weak, makes your stomach hurt, makes you tired, leaves a bad taste in your mouth. But at the end of it, all that was making you sick + hurting your stomach is out. Now all you need is to rest and understand that you’re healing. It’s not a competition— it’s a journey, and you’ll be needing a lot of patience + compassion.
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oprika · 1 year
Why is working a thing? I mean, seriously, why do we work to a self-sabotaging and harmful extent?
If the answer is the future generation, does that mean that THEY get to rest? Is there a specific future generation that is MEANT to rest? What’s the end goal?
The only rational answer that I could think is that working in this society is bûlshït and founded in the wrong principals. We should be living here and now. Working shouldn’t be the sole reason for living nor the primary. Actions taken in the name of obligation or under threat only raise inevitable conflict.
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oprika · 1 year
Since our subconscious can’t disguise real from fake then why the hell are suicudal jokes so normalized?! Whether they’re meant to be taken seriously or not, they shouldn’t be so nonchalantly socially accepted.
(There are times these days where I’m having the absolute best day of my life but because not wanting to live is so normalized I tend to turn to ideation at any minor inconvenience. That’s not funny. It’s scary. I don’t want that.)
If you are having bad thoughts please get help. That’s not normal. You deserve better. You deserve to be satisfied by life. You deserve happiness.
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oprika · 1 year
Topic #2: Awareness
This topic is born out of the fear of discussing certain subjects. Topics shouldn’t be labeled as too ‘taboo’ nor should they become trigger phrases.
Recently I wanted to make a comment about Kanye and the hypocrisy in what’s happening, however out of fear of being ‘canceled’, treated harshly, or as far as being doxxed– I didn’t comment on it. This creates trouble because it limits how much information people have available– yes you’re right, people should be doing their own research– but if you’re like me, a conversation IS where all your questions can get answered in the format that YOU specifically need.
There was another instance where I brought up some speculation I had about the Holocaust and how it came to be, (in terms of political strategy), but there were people who focused on the incorrect parts of my statement. I decided to simply apologize and move along when in reality I didn’t really understand what I did wrong nor did I feel anything other than dreadful adrenaline at being morally “wrong” for bringing up the topic. Living at a time where the only feeling I have is the fear of being “wrong” rather than a genuine enthusiasm to understand is horrible. It shows a shallowness to the interactions happening in today’s age.
There ARE times when people say disrespectful, or ignorant, things though rather than making the experience equal to you’re either on the ‘right side’ or ‘you’re a horrible person’, is childish and stupid. It should be about correctly informing people.
Honestly, this could even venture into the same effects of making s3x a taboo topic. When something significant is kept under the rug the only things that will be seen are people making uninformed choices, misinformation, and easier to be manipulated into horrible parties.
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oprika · 1 year
Topic #1: The cycle of pain
[Disclaimer: The fight for equality, for many groups of people, isn’t even close to done. This topic is about going about it in the right way. Don’t let your actions become counter-productive.]
When trying to fight a (social) system that has kept you down– DO NOT PLAY BY ITS RULES.
I’m talking about what’s happening now with the LGBTQIA+ community, POC + Black community, etc. Fighting people’s closed mentalities by making their identity “the new minority” isn’t ok in the short-term or long run.
E.g The TikTok of the girl asking permission from her POC friends to bring her white friend into their group activities. “Being straight is so boring. Normie.” Or some other stupid anti-straight/cis verbal shit.
People mocking others for being straight, white, hetero, cis, etc. isn’t nice. It’s perpetuating the same system that was fought for too long. A fight that many died for. By playing into the design of minority vs majority or ‘wokeness’ vs conservatism/traditionalism, you are simply getting caught in the seesaw system. A game where you’re held up as the ideal and those that don’t fit into it are stranded in a humiliating cycle of not being socially accepted. It may be fun when you’re winning but when the scale determines that you’re no longer valuable– you’ll be back to the cycle of alienation, humiliation, and aggressive treatment.
The only way to get rid of this cycle is to get rid of the system in general. If you start getting rid of the need to uphold a particular group because of their titled minority/oppression and instead battle said oppression then you will stop creating a ‘my tribe vs your tribe’ mindset. The fight for equality is justifiable but the means to get to the end aren’t. I literally sound like those LGBTQ seminars that battle discrimination. Please, don’t become the new enemy/oppressor/bully.
Start with the man in the mirror and TPWK.
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oprika · 1 year
I saw this TikTok a couple of days ago that said that instead of baby witches needing protection wards and the likes, they needed to practice discernment. I was like 🤯
Not only have I started practicing more discernment spiritually but emotionally. When I TELL YOU THAT PRACTICING DISCERNMENT WITH EMOTIONS MAKES YOUR LIFE 100% BETTER THEN IM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH. Imma tell you all the things that have gone up: my emotional intelligence, my patience, my kindness, my confidence, my self-love, being able to take more meaningful actions, etc. My anxiety has gone down and my self-perception is getting better.
This might be TMI but I even realized that a spike of paranoia/anxiety happens an hour before I need to do #2. IT’S NOT ME WHO’S LOSING IT, IT’S MY BODY!! Also I get depressive before entering my menstruation BUT IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF MEEEE!! IT’S MY BODY!!
It’s like when you finally give a name to it— it feels easier to manage. Easier to breathe. Most of the time the problem isn’t you, and when it is…self-awareness is the first step into getting better. :)
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oprika · 1 year
It does not matter how good your God treats you; your beliefs and relationship with the Devine doesn’t have to be experienced in the same way/methods for other people.
Recently I was texting with a friend who shares the same system of belief as me, while we were talking they said that people who practice organized religion— the big 3— are people who are “lost”. When I read that word I got a full-body shiver— becoming a bit stressed. I mean, it felt like a door opened to my religious trauma. I told them that it wasn’t ok to think that way and that people are fully in control of their choices, that the only thing they could do was respect that they were interested in something different regardless of past personal pains attached to the topic.
That conversation made me realize that a lot of people, regardless of knowledge gained on past experiences, behave in very patronizing, harmful, and dehumanizing ways. Like a universal joke to behave in the same negative way you were treated.
Feeling like other people need saving sounds exhausting. As if people don’t know what they’re doing 🙄 Let people have their autonomy, treat others the way you would like to be treated.
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oprika · 1 year
I mean, seriously, isn’t life for us? Aren’t we alive to be? How is it that we live under a system that is self-serving? We’re getting absolutely nothing out of it. Even relationships have societal meanings and instructions that doesn’t work for US.
Everything seems to be FOR the system. If you were to tell me that we’re getting SOMETHING, just anything valuable, out of it I wouldn’t be so mad. However, there’s no order. Psychopathy is a byproduct of this society. People are less and less willing to be alive. The prison system is bs. People get punished for their desperate need to survive; there’s more minorities of every kind in the prison system than people who ACTUALLY committed a crime.
AND THEN IM BEING TOLD THAT MONEY IS VALUABLE?!! PAPERRRR?!!!! How is THAT more important than US. JUST HOW. Why are we living for a system. A system that doesn’t even provide BACK to us. Why has our ‘purpose’ been decided for us and diminished by some fucking CONCEPT. A CONCEPT. ITS A FREAKING CONCEPT. A CONCEPT THAT DOESNT SERVE UUUSSSSSS.
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oprika · 1 year
I wonder if everything ‘bad’ about living as a society started with money. Did money/status remove us from one another? So far that living is a job rather than to be.
We should go back to bartering for goods and services.
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oprika · 1 year
I’ve had a lot in my mind about the world and myself. I decided to write about some of my ‘common’-sense in these past 2 weeks. Didn’t know where to put it and decided this was the place.
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