persephoneyss · 2 years
I am obsessed with this anime❤
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── 鬼滅の刃 | kimetsu no yaiba | season 2 opening.
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persephoneyss · 3 years
The Persona.
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Pairing: kim taehyung x f!reader.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, angst, ghost au!
Summary: "A shadow that won't go away, even in the dark - what is that part of you called Persona showing?"
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, many scares, implied murder (suffocation), ghost/spirit! Taehyung, anxiety problems, use of sleeping pills, self-injury, blood, naming bleeding, work abuse, slapping, etc.
Number of words: 4k+
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︙Author's note: I posted this fic a long time ago on my wattpad, but I decided to bring it here. It's a very different au, and it's really inspired by a character from "Spirited Away".
I hope you enjoy, comments are always appreciated.
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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You had no recollection of his appearance on an appointed day. He presence was imminent and somehow realistic.
The evil that befalls mankind is caused by itself, in a certain dark way and far from knowledge its heinous acts are punished with hardship and headaches. Your mind went blank, it was simply wonderful.
You were not five years old but still your head managed to create an imaginary companion for you. It was a terrifying and ridiculous scare. Your eyes watched him with fervor, he was beautiful in physical appearance.
His height, face and body caught the attention of your curious eyes. You thought about talking to him but you remained mute, it would not be appropriate. Besides, you still didn't know if it was really a hallucination of your head.
Maybe he was a thief and with those you couldn't be nice.
His dark eyes were the most unlikely thing about him. He was wearing strange old clothes, it was a shirt that was quite big on him in gray and pants with the same characteristics, the clothes that covered nudity, even if it was in bad taste, didn't make him look less beautiful. He was in constancy, beautiful.
"W-what's your name?" Aware of any danger, your voice managed to get his attention more than required. Your hands reached for your phone that was just under your pillow, your first thought was to call the police. But...
He hadn't hurt you.
He didn't answer your question either, he was sitting motionless on the floor staring at you. You hesitate, you do it again. In any case, you decide to wait patiently for something to happen, you get bored easily in wanting to win his empty stare contest, he was boring.
"What's your name?" you insist again, tired of her silence. "You have to leave, this is my house."
Your eyes tremble for a moment, your hands hold him helping him to his feet. And in a moment, he is walking out the door in the same silence in which he arrived. You breathe, releasing all the air you had been holding in your body.
His presence was terrifying and managed to give you chills.
You forget that easily, standing up from your bed. You change your clothes ready to go out for some air, however, a loud bang falls on your ears. You hold your breath again as you walk to the door ready to go to the kitchen and catch an intruder, but before you can leave the same "person" or rather, quiet man re-enters with a plate of food in his hands.
"W-what is that? I don't want it." Startled you move your hands away from him and his strange kindness. You back up a few steps putting some distance between the two of you, his face that showed a slight smile disappears. But again he insists with a noise from his throat, bringing the plate closer to you in anguish.
He seemed distressed by your rejection.
"I don't want it!" you repeat, his attitude was scaring you. You back away backing away until you bump into your bed, you fall into it sitting up. The man standing in front of you drops any expression and changes it to a sad one. You scream in horror as his figure suddenly seems to disappear. The plate falls without warning to the floor, leaving a mark that nothing was a simple dream or a bad play of your head.
It was real.
The next few days passed in a constant riddle, you searched for him all over your house thinking you would find him and get him to tell you what he wanted from you. But he was nowhere to be found. He just vanished into thin air, he flew away like the wind on your winter afternoons.
You lowered your head checking the small list in your hand, you had only a few products left to buy before you could go home.
"That'll be 9,843 won miss"
The line behind you pressured you to hurry your movements, biting your lower lip with such force that it made you bleed, tasting the metallic taste of your blood. A trickle of saliva slid down your chin making you lower your head even more embarrassed.
"Miss, you have to pay. The people behind you are waiting"
A tear slipped this time. "I-I don't have the money, please..." You say in a choked whisper. The young man in front of you watches you uncomfortably, obviously not knowing what to say or do in the face of your wretched situation. "I'll pay for it later-..."
"I'm sorry, I can't do that. You have to leave."
You look at him in surprise, you really expected him to help you but you had simply underestimated the world too much. You had some faith in your own, and now it was like discovering a reality that was always there for you. Wake up, no one is going to help you.
You left the store empty-handed, your slow, stealthy footsteps sliding along the floor of the alley where you came from. You hoped to get lost on the way, it would be something very exciting that would give some enchantment to your stupid life.
And suddenly, a dry gasp woke you up. Again you look at him, he had appeared out of nowhere, just like he left before. He came back and you knew he would never leave, he was wearing the same boring clothes and grimace. "What are you doing here?" you ask angrily, trying to find your phone in your pocket. "I-I have a gun, so don't try to do anything" You lie.
You tremble in terror as his hands hide behind your body, you wait patiently for him to make his first attack so you can run and call the police with a valid reason. However, it doesn't happen. His hands come back into view, they were empty. You frown in confusion, but quickly fall prey to fear and confusion again. Almost as if by magic, several bills of various categories begin to fall out of his hand. They fall to the floor mixing with the dirty water below, you panic starting to move closer to try and stop whatever he was doing. "Stop please stop it!" You scream in overwhelm.
The man stops, obeying your command. You inwardly pray that this and what is happening to you was just an ugly nightmare, and that soon the annoying noise of your alarm would wake you up, ready to start a new day. The stranger looks at you curiously, maybe he thought you would get down on your knees to pick up the money that fell from his hands as if it was nothing.
Obviously, that was wrong. It wasn't worth it.
"You need to stop showing up like that, you might scare someone." You say reluctantly, taking his hand that apparently did exist and you could feel it. Cold as ice. "Come on, before someone else sees you. You're scary."
He's quiet. He just lets himself be guided by you, for a moment you thought about going with him through the crowded streets and maybe being able to check if everyone could see him too. But you discard that idea immediately, you didn't want to spend some kind of embarrassing moment and make people uncomfortable.
"Come in, I'll let you stay for a few days."
The man nods, calmly stepping inside. You feel a glance from behind you, you find your neighbor who was an old woman looking at you strangely. Then only I can see it, amazing and interesting. You laugh at your thoughts closing the door. You hadn't felt the need to talk to him all the rest of the night, he was just sitting there unnoticed. He would spend minutes sitting there doing nothing, then seemed to want to follow every step you took.
"Do you want dinner?" your voice echoes in the quiet place, he looks at you for a moment nodding slowly. You grimace, you didn't feel comfortable being the only one talking out of the two of you. "Can you talk?"
He denies. You're surprised he admitted he couldn't do it, you press your lips together nervously. Still wary you approach him, who is sitting on the floor. "So, can I name you? It's tedious not being able to call you properly."
He nods with a slightly odd smile, you return the gesture by taking a seat next to him while avoiding touching him. You think for a few seconds before coming up with the right name.
The spirit watches you warily, he really didn't expect you to correctly decipher his name. Its connection to you must have been stronger now, or maybe you just guessed. Taehyung, was the name he had in his past life. And now he was doomed to live among mortals as a not necessarily good spirit, wandering day and night not knowing which way to turn. That is, clearly, until he found you, a small pearl of sand on a beach. You were beautiful, and in a way a bit naive.
Taehyung had seen it all, how you sat in front of your bed looking at the window while thinking if it would be right to jump at that moment, you wondered in that curious head of yours if someone would look at your corpse by chance or at least for fun. Then the pills, you took a lot of pills to calm your anxiety, you were a compulsive person and without a doubt, you were lousy at controlling yourself in high-pressure situations.
You were a stupid, aimless person, just like him. The only thing that kept you apart was that you could not be aware that Taehyung was very present and would never leave you alone.
You were his, he would protect you from the world. He had the power to do that, he could even give you money, prepare your food, clean your house or anything that would make you happy and make you love him.
Never let him go-...
"Alright...uh.... Taehyung" You name trying to distract your mind from the strange being, his eyes watch you and make you feel uncomfortable right away. You sigh, then take a breath again. "You'll eat with me, I hope you don't mind eating only homemade ramen. I couldn't afford my groceries today so I had to improvise."
His body is so close to yours that you can feel the chill he emits. You doubt it's real, surely you're in a bad dream that extended longer than required and soon you'll wake up. His hands are raised to show again several bills of great value, they fall to the ground so easily that you find it hard to believe that your mind could have created such an incredible being.
Wake up!
"I told you I don't need your money, please stop, you shouldn't do this for others just like that!" you shout, all the frustration inside you bubbling up. Taehyung looks at you in surprise, it was the first time you showed you had a real temper. You mostly kept your head down, so cowardly. "First rule if you're going to stay in my house, don't make money appear out of thin air."
A gasp comes out of his mouth, he looks worried and distressed. His nervous face gives away what's going through his mind, he quickly drops to his knees picking up the money from the floor before your frightened and surprised self, his hands fill with countless bills. He stands up bringing his full hands towards you, begging with several noises for you to take what he wanted to give you. Tears begin to fall from her face as you insist on not accepting it and try to leave already completely terrified, you turn around watching as she crawls across the floor towards you sobbing and still with her hands raised in the air with the money in them.
Your legs tremble, your breathing stops and little by little the anxiety of the situation begins to affect you incredibly badly. You bite your already previously injured lip, blood trickles down your chin and your hands as well.
Taehyung watches as drops of blood fall to the ground, frightened he gets up trying to touch you thinking that you would push him away. However, all you do is fall to your knees hugging your body protectively.
"Please help me..." You sigh tiredly.
Taehyung disappears before you, causing a wrenching sob to come from your throat. But in a moment he reappears with a first aid kit in his hands. He approaches your weak body taking your arm seeing that you had no cut, but your fingernails had torn the palm of your hand hard. He very carefully and fearfully disinfects the wound, he was thinking what did they do to you to make you so easy to break.
"I'll go to sleep, you can eat if you want."
He nods silently, watching you struggle extra hard to make it to your room. He had managed to disinfect your lip as well, though you never showed him any sign of pain. You were used to tearing your body apart and then building it back up again. A small wound was like a caress to you.
The next day, you prepared yourself as best you could to start your classes. You had ignored Taehyung all morning, even though you knew she didn't need you and couldn't care less.
Bus rides were melancholy for you, you liked to watch the streets with excitement. It was amazing how the world kept turning even though you yourself felt it was the end.
You thought you would see Taehyung following you but it didn't happen. A sigh of relief came over you. You stepped off the bus with a sober and comfortable smile, looked for your lounge calmly and sat down in your seat greeting your seatmate politely.
Strangely, everything was fine.
Your hand moved quickly as you tried to take notes of the class, your eyes only focused on the writing of the teacher who seemed very impatient to erase everything and leave. Suddenly, Taehyung appeared in front of you scaring your mind and making you let out a scream of horror.
"Is something wrong, miss Y/N?" the teacher asks seriously, clearly upset.
"No, no. I'm so sorry." You whisper standing up to bow respectfully.
Taehyung sits on the classroom floor, staring at you as you ignore him again concentrating on continuing to write. You are frustrated as the teacher walks past the strange being but can't see it, you wished everyone could have the privilege of seeing it for what it is, terrifying.
It would be comforting to your damaged mind.
Taehyung stands still, not doing or saying anything as usual. It was fascinating, it was curious, it was strange and you didn't want to see him anymore in your life. You weren't even sure you wanted to know where he came from, and you got tired of asking what he wanted from you with all this.
It existed and it was really fucked up.
Class ended giving way to recess, your seatmate offered you to eat lunch with her so you wouldn't have to be alone in the noisy cafeteria. You accept happy to be able to forget about your loyal follower who is only a few steps behind you.
"Hey, are you all right? You're looking behind us for a while now, are we being followed?" Hyo questions.
"I guess not"
Hyo lets out a laugh at your answer, you smile embarrassed and more reassured that he didn't misunderstand your words. You count the bills in your hand, checking that you won't be able to eat anything but an apple and a glass of water. You receive your order, watching your last bit of money go.
You should start getting a steady job.
You sit down with Hyo who happily eats his hamburger, you smile at him again starting to eat quietly. Hyo suddenly spits out his food on your side of the table, you watch in fright as his face grimaces in infinite surprise. The cafeteria goes silent at the same time, your eyes follow everyone else to witness a bottle of Coke and a hamburger flying through the air as if it were magic or something paranormal. You stand in shock, not knowing what to do, but it's too late when both products are already landing on your side of the table fully served for you.
"What the fuck!"
Hyo gets up as you do, the students start running to get out of the now 'haunted' cafeteria as soon as possible. Your eyes catch the figure of Taehyung appearing right next to Hyo who is still paralyzed, she waves at you with her hand and an adorable smile. You press your lips together, shaking your head and approaching your companion to help her walk to the exit.
"Are you out of your mind, you can't do that kind of thing!" You claim, you were sure it had been him. Taehyung yawns, stretching his body on your living room floor pretending to sleep. "I'm being serious! If you want to stay here, don't try to help me!"
Taehyung opens his eyes, he is a little surprised. He is curious to ask if that is a rule too or an angry saying. He watches you, you are trying to find your sleeping pills in distress, he smiled pretending to be asleep again. He clearly hears how you open the white bottle and how you put two pills in your mouth, drinking water and walking to your room quietly.
He gets up from the floor walking as patiently as you do, following your footsteps like a puppy. He watches you collapse on the bed, totally exhausted. You had walked home, you had no more money to go by bus.
Taehyung felt useless, he wanted to help you with everything you will need, he even went as far as trying to put money in your backpack but you never noticed or used the money.
He was starting to get annoyed by your irritating attitude.
His hands touched your face, he bent down to your level lying on the bed. He sat on your legs, knowing that he would stay in that position for quite some time. He tried to speak but his voice got stuck in his throat, he was trying to be able to communicate with you but rationally it was impossible.
"Y-you..." He sighed, smiled happily and surprised to be able to utter a single word after so many years. He had lost count as he surpassed a thousand.
He bit his lip, wanting to get a little closer to you, he felt nervous and self-conscious at the thought of getting his hands on you in a dirty way. It was tempting, but it was wrong. You were not his properly and consciously.
Or maybe so. Taehyung felt strangely comfortable with you, he had never felt this way even in his physical form.
It seemed that something about you attracted him more than usual. You were not special, you were just like others in many ways. However, to him you were a jewel shining among the filth of the world. He was evil, Taehyung was repulsed by other humans.
They were a pest, he was disgusted by the idea of becoming one of them again, but he would do it if it allowed him to stay with you and have more than the odd cohabitation, possibly form a family. He felt elated at the idea of you ever being pregnant with him, he had seen how humans used that to their advantage to chain their loved ones.
He could do the same with you, clearly.
Your tired eyes left evidence of your lack of rest in your life, you waited on customers at the small "Omelas" coffee shop where I had recently hired you as a temporary waitress. You weren't complaining, it was a simple and practical job, and it gave you time to go to school and even, the pay was good.
"Taehyung..." You whisper in fright, almost dropping a cup on the floor but you catch it in time. You look at him annoyed, walking past him. He was starting to show up more regularly and almost always managed to scare you, at a certain point it was really bad to have him. It was only succeeding in ruining your life even more, you didn't need something like that now. "Go away, I'm too busy. Or do what you wanted, just don't show up like this."
You didn't want to admit that he scared you more than usual and gave you goosebumps whenever he was near you. It was like a horror movie in scale. Taehyung thought for a moment, he didn't want to watch you die slowly.
I was aware of how tired you always seemed to be, how you constantly had constant downfalls in the street while running to get to your school.
I still don't understand why you didn't want to accept what I gave you.
I could give you more if you wanted.
"What's wrong?" you ask annoyed feeling Taehyung pull your blouse roughly wanting to get your attention. You turn around expecting to see something important, but you only see him putting money in front of you again and making more appear every second.
You were about to complain to him but you remember your words 'First rule if you are going to stay in my house, don't make money appear out of nowhere', you feel stupid, the rule was only valid inside your house. Taehyung could do whatever he wanted outside of it.
"I'll accept it, but please stop..." You say quietly, not wanting to attract the attention of other employees or worse your supervising boss. Picking up the money quickly, Taehyung disappear just before your worst nightmare has come true.
Black shoes appear in front of you, you bite your lip in embarrassment trying not to exert too much pressure or you would bleed again. Your boss was an obnoxious man, you noticed it from the first day when he slapped a girl your age in front of everyone for breaking several utensils he was carrying on a tray. You thought someone would say something or she would file a complaint, but that didn't happen, she went back to work as if nothing happened, just like everyone else.
You made up your mind not to make that obnoxious man angry.
"Miss Y/N..." He said with a smile, his eyes looked lifeless and so cruel it was disgusting. "I understand that you have never had so much money in your miserable life, but that is worth a lot and even more to me. And you have the audacity to throw it on the floor."
Your voice choked up, you wanted to tell him that was your damn money that fell, or well it was given to you by a ghost that it seemed like only you could see. It would sound ridiculous and no doubt he would fire you accusing you of being a thief and a liar.
"Sorry, sir"
You rush to pick everything up, you try to get up but the man forces you to stay on the floor. You look up not understanding his order, but quickly receive the same treatment. A particularly hard slap lands on your cheek. You feel the pain, it was all too familiar.
"Learn your place, you little filth." He says with a dismissive tone, "Useless girl"
You look down, your tongue feels the metallic taste of your blood as usual. You touch your lip, it was starting to bleed again. You stand up wiping your face before continuing your labors. Ignoring how Taehyung sits on one of the chairs in the cafeteria watching through the window people walking on the streets.
"Let's go home." You tell her with a smile, you were beginning to appreciate her presence despite knowing that soon it would be nothing but history. Your cheek still ached, but you let it go.
Your home was warm and very peaceful. You sit next to Taehyung who watches as you put an ice pack on your cheek.
"I'll go to sleep, good night Tae."
The process repeats. You were chained to an endless loop, Taehyung misses your footsteps and soon gets up leaving your house to go to her first meeting. He sees the man who hurt you coming out of a bar with a woman obviously much younger than him, both are drunk and laughing non-stop.
The woman screams in horror and starts to run away as the man falls to the ground at a moment's notice, Taehyung holds him by the neck watching his static face. He felt fury, he looked so calm when only hours before he had hurt you in such a way.
He tightened his grip choking the man trying to shake him off, he was completely confused not knowing who was attacking him. Taehyung smiled in amusement, laughing at his pathetic self. Humans seriously were so stupid at his feet.
"D-die..." You whispered, tried to say something else but couldn't.
You were confused and Taehyung loved it, I could see how you rubbed your hands nervously when the news that your boss had been killed reached your ears. The main suspects were all women who filed a complaint against him for both labor and domestic abuse, not being listened to in all cases, the man you called boss was a fucking degenerate but he had the respect of the local police who took the case very seriously, questioning everyone in the cafeteria cautiously.
You frown in disgust, you couldn't believe how they could be so interested in finding out who killed someone so despicable. Internally you are thankful that no one saw the aggression on his part towards you, so you weren't a suspect who possibly killed him out of revenge.
"Excuse me miss, can you tell me what was your relationship with Mr. Jung? And where were you yesterday at the time of the murder? Be as precise and honest as possible, please."
You answer calmly, fearing nothing. The policeman watches you carefully until he lets you go with a thank you, you return home after a day at school and having to stop by the cafeteria to drop off your resignation. You sigh hiding your cry of frustration, you thought you had finally managed to establish a good relationship in your life, dividing your schedule perfectly between school, work and a break.
However, you were back to square one.
Taehyung appears with a bag of cookies, you look at him laughing at his sudden kindness. You sit next to him eating from the cookies, you were thankful that you could at least enjoy short moments like those.
"I thought a lot of bad things about you, Tae..." You say honestly, watching him eat like an innocent child. His cheeks puff out with the many cookies he stuffs into his mouth. "But you're someone exceptional, I wish I was a little more like you."
Taehyung nods, if wanting to admit he felt proud of himself. He tasted of glory and didn't want to give it up. It felt powerful to see your lack of confidence, it was like you let yourself be stepped on easily and honestly, it was obnoxious.
"Weak." He whispers getting your attention, you watch him trying to guess what he said.
"I'll go cook something to eat." You interrupt the awkward silence that had formed. Taehyung was a stigma, a strange being, maybe someday you would know what he really thought of everything around him.
They say curiosity killed the cat, but at least he died knowing what he was up against.
Taehyung made you realize that sometimes a little bit of listening to your instinct was enough to survive. Maybe you don't remember much, and you shouldn't. Taehyung made sure to ruin every point of your life to his liking, he sat as he always did watching your dreams and illusions fade away like humor. He mocked your naivety, he had known you since you were a child and had managed to see you fall more times than you got up.
You were ridiculously weak at his hands.
Possibly that's why he fell in love with you as much as he hated you, he wanted to protect you and make you understand with blows that no one was superior to his pain. You were dumb, stupid just like the others. But you had a glow that made him fall back to you and behave as if he were at your service.
Karma, perhaps.
He felt repulsion from you when your eyes weren't on him, at the same time he felt love when you looked at him so foolishly.
If he couldn't have your attention, let alone your pain, then he would be the one to give you a chance to die in peace.
Together. Forever and ever.
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persephoneys© All rights reserved, copying / translation or adaptation without permission is prohibited.
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masterlist │ wattpad │ kofi │ previous fic.
(Questions are always welcome, any questions about the fic will be answered with pleasure)
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233 notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
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seokjin - “DNA” 💙🤍
175 notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
Hola! Te quiero decir que tus historias me ayudan aprender como leer español. Mi primer lenguaje es inglés pero mi mamá es mexicana y mi papá es salvadoreño. Entonces entendió cuando hablan español y se como escribir español pero casi no puedo leer español bien 😭 y ademas me encanta como escribir, y tus ideas son genial 👌
Me alegra mucho que estés aprendiendo español, y por supuesto, que leas mis historias. Estoy segura de que si sigues practicando lo harás mejor, buena suerte anonie uwu💖💖
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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namjooning day ♡
5K notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
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455 notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
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prints | tutorials
4K notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
do you have a masterlist I love your daechwita yoongs and now i want to binge read your work :))
Of course, bae<3
Here is my masterlist and thank you very much for reading me❤😪😪
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persephoneyss · 3 years
I loved In the Pain of the Roses but some of the pronouns were incorrect sometimes and I got lost a few times because of it. Like using "I" instead of "he" and "her" instead of "his". Just wanted to tell you
Thanks for letting me know annonie<3
As you will know my first language is not English and I do not speak it fluently (I am from Peru, by the way, my mother and father language is Spanish;) So painfully I use the translator, and I try to do the best I can, but you make me see that now I must check again. I will go correcting some errors and reviewing, again thanks annonieeeee uwu
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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봄날 ; spring day - jungkook concert 180622 (1/2)
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persephoneyss · 3 years
My gif account♥️☺️♥️
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yoongi gif - (3MB suitable for wattpad)
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persephoneyss · 3 years
Thank you so much!!🛐❤️
In the Pain of the Roses.
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Pairing: min yoongi x f!reader
Genre: Yandere, Dark Themes, Angst, daechwita au!
Summary: ❝I wish I could tell her story with such a beautiful narrative feature, like your glorious existence on earth. You were a rose, so pretty and fragile but with thorns as dangerous as her sword❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, implicit killers, cruelty, explicit genocide, delusional and evil Yoongi, abuse of power, mild manipulation, non-c*n sex, slapping, humiliation, very slight mention of gang rape (not in reader), oral sex (fem receiving), unspecified forced pregnancy, light dirty talk, virgin! reader, 4 year age difference (reader is 20 when everything happens).
Number of words: 10k+
request by: penes_gratis♥ (wattpad)
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︙Author's note: Pass me, I made this request very long but it was fun. I hope the little person who asked for it likes it, it helped me a lot to finish my writer's block. Love u! ❤️
Possibly a warning that I forgot to put, I wrote this fic on different days so I forgot what I did, sorry:(
And this time it took years, and there are still some orders missing. But I will gladly do them, Thanks for reading!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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Love was visible among the red roses that bloomed in her white garden. Stained with the blood of her obsession.
I wish I could tell he story with a narrative feature as beautiful as your glorious existence on earth. You were a rose, so pretty and fragile but with thorns as dangerous as he sword. I knew that fate put them in you to protect you from him. But he could easily cut them off, rip them from your side, and possess your soul. He held you in his cruel hands and cut you off, blessed are those days when you could walk free through your lands, and now you were a prisoner.
His particular story had a beginning, as did many others. But it was narrated solely by him, through the eyes of an unhinged love.
He always took a pure white rose from some bush to give it to you, I admire you since your arrival at his feet, with a courteous greeting you presented yourself as a worthy princess arriving in peace in he country. He could notice almost immediately, that you were always next to your father and sometimes, you refused to separate from him because of a childish fear of strange places. His advisor encouraged him to come before you, so chivalrous that your father forced you to accompany him on a date to walk around his castle and teach you more about his culture. Night fell in the sky when he finished introducing you to all the halls of the great palace that he called home, in all that short time they had been completely alone. Your expressions so beautiful captivated his heart as well as your questions so curious, he found himself wanting to see you more often. When you had to return to your father's side, he said goodbye to you on his knees, giving you as a proposal a rose white in your soft hands. Your awkward grin was completely ignored by his eyes blinded by your beautiful face, he was so in love with you that he didn't pay attention to time.
You had to return to your country, the political and commercial deals with his kingdom had been concluded successfully for both of you. Your family had nothing else to talk about in person, and their return trip was already scheduled.
He cried like a child on the day of his final farewell, thinking that you would feel the same as him and that maybe, just maybe, you would stay by his side. But you were only a child, and your father still commanded your life.
He became so angry with fate, his wrath was reflected in his new hostile behavior towards his people and palace servants. He had become sour, stubborn, and rude. Like a child throwing a tantrum for days at a time, his father tried to speak to him rationally but his words took away what little patience he had. It was an insult to his traditions.
"I want to marry her, father. Please arrange a marriage for both of us", he said loud and clear. His advisor tried to stop him, knowing that what the prince most desired was as impossible as it was ridiculous.
"My son, she is only a foreign princess. You will be able to relate to many of her class in your future as ruler, our lineage must be pure", he concluded. "You will marry the beautiful Korean princess we chose for you."
His heart stuttered out of his chest, as outraged as he was hurt. He couldn't object against his king, so he just kept his mouth shut and his head down. Accepting, even angrier, the desire. His father smiled pleased, that he was fulfilling his duty as prince and heir.
However, he kept waiting for you. Every night for two years, he sat in the same spring garden and full of captivating roses, writing letters that would never be delivered to your hands as delicate as a petal, he promised to meet you again in his soft letters, the lines of statements in role were as loving as they were creepy, I swear to bring you back to her side. If it was not in this life, in the next, it did not matter how long it will pass, in the end you would be with him forever. He would find you anywhere you went, it didn't matter if it was fucking hell, he would be holding your hand in his for eternity.
Under expectant, and some fearful eyes, peasant, wealthy, and royal people witnessed his coronation. The people were unhappy at his sudden and early ascension to the throne, but no one expressed his will in his presence. With the king suddenly dead, it could be expected that his only son will take the throne as it should be. He is only a child, many said, he is going to ruin us and this country will fall along with him.
A smile spread across he sympathetic face, the princess of the neighboring kingdom crying at he feet, begging for forgiveness and mercy, screaming in fear not to be killed the next day. He knew that she had not accepted such a marriage either, but he could not bear to look at her face without thinking about why he still did not have you in her arms and that he had once agreed to marry this disgusting woman in contrast to you. The girl was executed in private and in silence. When her head fell, he was able to feast with a glass of Wine, the blood on the ground staining he black boots and he white silk garment. But he could only give a dry laugh, funny.
His royal councilors and politicians met him in the throne room, his mother still by his side overseeing his every move even though he was already king. It didn't bother him much, he just wanted to know when he could move the pieces of him to pieces a marriage with you asap.
But the anger that he believed extinguished was rekindled in his heart, they had broken deals with your country by, apparently, foolish and vague misunderstandings. Both kingdoms were in dispute, with a cold war still in the present. Waiting for one of the two to strike the first blow and then counterattack. His father had put that matter aside, not wanting to have communication with your kingdom and even less, to seek to resolve the conflict. Because according to Namjoon, one of his advisers and the council's most admirable administrator, your country was not that important in any way to his late father.
He ended the meeting abruptly, dismissing everyone present and ordering his mother to leave him alone. Still angry, he threw on the floor all the damn papers that spoke about his agreements between countries, he was completely livid, pounding the table with fury until his knuckles bled and thick tears slid down his face, torn by the disappointment.
He loved you for so much that it took him so long to believe that those two long years were at war, he cursed his father, wishing he would rot in eternal flames wherever he was.
He wiped his bloodstained hands on his fine clothes, ordering the servants to help him and not tell his mother of his sudden outburst of anger. None of them had a problem obeying, it felt good to be the leader, he could only wait for you to be by his side as his queen to feel fully happy on his throne. Him with you aside, taking his hand.
The blue ink was running on the paper so delicate, he wrote a letter that I wish was for you, but it was really addressed to your father. Asking him to end the absurd dispute, apologizing and asking for your hand in marriage for him as a final arrangement.
His words were truly sincere, describing the blissful love he felt for you. He thought that if you read his letter and the many others that I keep for you, it would make you blush because of the beauty of his expressions.
He was a poet for you.
He was your Romeo, but in reality, you never wanted to be his Juliet.
Perhaps at the end of his story, it would be he who would force you to drink the poison to die together and remain in his obsessive love for the long forever of romantic stories in old fantasy books.
He was a villain disguised as a prince. He was a manipulator in heart and soul, it was an immoral sin under his perfect mask.
But the cracks were beginning to reveal his true form and he was hideous. Terrifying in nightmares.
Your father snapped in annoyance when you handed him the letter on his throne, completely disagreeing. Blatantly rejecting his proposal, he even forced you to sign the letter also with rejection and writing almost at the bottom of the page that you would never agree to marry someone who came from his country. It was just impossible, and you were fine with it.
Yoongi never moved his smug stance, laughing at your rejection and scoffing at how naive your king was. Your father for him, was an idiot.
His mother objected to his going to war, that he had planned for the most desolate four years of her life without being by your side, or that he would start one that had long been forgotten. I swear that she would die of sadness if her only child left her, but it was determined, her army was prepared to die for him and did not take any step back. His mother's tears fell to the cold ground, the woman kneeling in front of him in pity, begging once more that she would stop this stupid and crazy idea. But he never stopped, and he let her die alone in her room.
His loyal men had invaded your country, the streets were deserts where he walked happily. He observed how the bloody bodies were everywhere, most of them had been killed by the swords of his soldiers. From children to pregnant women, everyone was covered in blood and pain.
He watched in fascination as one of his soldiers, his sword shining amid the flames of the burning houses, threatened a man who was crying for his family. The pitiful peasant was beheaded, his head rolled to his feet, his blood creating a path in the dirt-strewn ground. He kicked it lightly, walking away in disgust.
He had only one goal, which was to find your palace. The women continued shouting in the alleys, he soldiers were grouped around a young woman while they touched her morbidly. The woman was almost naked, with her clothes torn, wounds on her legs and arms, she had been beaten before being sentenced to the gang rape planned by all those men. Admire the woman and he eyes met for a few seconds, he did not feel at all sorry for her destroyed face of hers. She, like the many other people slaughtered, would be a small sacrifice in their future together as perfect kings.
Two souls who truly loved each other, ruling a country. His town would be even more prosperous with you by his side.
He's search intensified even more, with his wild thoughts running through his head, witnessing more immoral acts on his long way to you. Children crying on the ground before being shot in the head or cut in half by a sharp sword. Blood ran in the streets like water falling from the rain from the sky.
He saw with a bored look how his soldiers who were considered barbarians by your people, set fire to a house, where an old man screamed for help.
His tour ended, the doors of your palace were open for him. He felt pleasure when he crossed the corridors, there were several of your paintings and he even managed to find one at the age when he met you. You looked as radiant as I remembered and your white dress was lit up in the painting. You were barely twelve years old, you were a young rose in the spring and I loved him. I knew it was wrong to be so attracted to your small figure. They took a few years, but he remembered perfectly when he I was sixteen and his thoughts were not the most politically correct with you.
But I loved you more than anything in the world. And I knew, that in the end I would get your forgiveness for having such lewd thoughts about you.
He found you curled up on the floor of the royal hall, your thoughts racing uncontrollably in your mind. Your heart ached in your chest for not being able to help your people, and you only cried on the carpet at your feet. By staining your dress in your favorite color, you had been so happy when your royal companion put it on you, wishing you luck in your first proclamation as princess and future heir to the throne. You were old enough to be able to address your people and you had to do it well, so that they will get a great impression of he future ruler.
But, now they were all dead.
You couldn't think of who would be able to attack your kingdom in such a way, fire and destroyed houses. Lost lives, broken women and blood staining the prosperous lands.
It was all confused despair, until you saw it.
He was obsessed, crazy maybe.
You could see it through he brown eyes as dark as night. He was walking towards you, just as you remembered, his face at twenty two years of his hadn't aged at all. He was just as handsome and beautiful as before, but his blank expression made you recoil in fear.
"What are you doing here? My people are being attacked because of you! Get out of my sight!"
With your father dead, the only thing your people had was you.
You were there for them and you would never give up.
His scarlet green Hanbok moved in the air with such grace that you had a hard time believing that he was a king and not a God. He was so perfect, but you hated him. Your heart burned in hurtful waters of pain, the blood on his shoes gave you an indication of his indifference to so many unpleasant acts that he had committed. He was happy, a proud smile on his face as he just watched you silently. You wanted and needed to know what you had done to deserve such atrocities, only innocently paid for past fights and that in your present time you considered insipid. His letter was very clear, but you never saw him as a threat of war.
Now was the time to repent of past actions.
You tried to speak but he was already attacking what little was left of you, a blow to your head managed to knock you unconscious on the ground. Yoongi knew that neighboring armies that supported your kingdom would soon join the fight, he didn't want to deal with them when in fact, he already had what he wanted.
I carry you in his arms, your fragile and sleeping body at his disposal, thus taking you to his ship. Where he laid you in his bed, he would never dare to touch you in that state. But he couldn't help but slide his hands down your legs until they almost brushed your thighs, he admired you adoringly as his innocent touches began to become more intense. Leaving marks on your smooth skin, however, he was able to stop himself before being consumed by blinding lust at his sin.
I couldn't do it without you being awake to witness how he took everything from you, under his white sheets in his palace, in his room surrounded by riches that he would share with you.
Your breath began to accelerate in your chest soft as cotton, his head approached your breasts almost visible under the fabric of your comfortable dress, he leaned against you looking for more than just feeling you. He wanted to possess everything little and every part of your being, not just raw, he wanted your soul and spirit to be intertwined with his with the glorious red thread of predestined love.
His body refused to take you away from yours, his heart ached in his chest, but he could not show you what he was capable of for you to stay by his side if he continued to appear so weak before your feet that they crawled between the sheets in the cabin of his invading ship.
The celebration in his palace was as eccentric as it was fascinating, his mans celebrated with fervor, without knowing what it was for which they had fought and massacred so much. Her questions were ignored by her king, Yoongi was finely dressed in his emerald colored Hanbok with elegant black, his long hair hanging down his back. He was charming to look at, but his disturbed eyes managed to draw even the bravest soldier of the national troop away from him. Everyone trembled when he stood next to him to drink from his glass, his mother resigned herself to seeing him already knowing his heinous acts, she was terrified and even worse, disappointed. She thought that she had raised her only child with the best values ​​you could instill in a crown prince. But Yoongi was stubborn and he couldn't, nor was he going to take a simple "no" for an answer. He had a repudiation for that word and his mother was afraid to face him for damages already done.
He was inhuman, and at the same time, so selfish.
A single breath ached in your chest, your stomach contracted with hunger and your watery eyes released soft tears. The sheets under you felt so cold, along with the loneliness in your soul, were you really lonely now? You did not know, but you remembered seeing your father flee on a horse, you tried to take his hand but the invaders ran after him and he left you, alone. You run for your life, like a coward to the refuge in your palace when the same soldiers followed in your footsteps, but left you alone going over your surrendered body to continue with their massacre, which for you, was unjustified.
What did your country do to deserve something like this? Were they disrespectful? No, of course there were small conflicts but nothing serious. You planned to talk to the Korean king after your coronation and arrange everything to keep relations in peace, but they attacked from behind treacherously, and staining the streets with innocent blood, like barbarians.
Your body trembles in the royal cabin, your hands were chained and your dress dirty. You could see that you were in a room on an invading ship, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks woke you up from your sleep. The last thing you could remember was the pale and empty face of him hitting you to get you away from your already defeated people, you cried for several minutes, praying to God or whoever, that he will help you find a way out.
The wooden door opened, you fell to the ground looking to run away from the two men dressed as guards. You yell some vague insults, demanding that they let you go and that they would pay for everything they had done, one of them taunted you boldly. They took you hard, leaving marks on your arms from the hard grip of him to hold you back, you were still fighting against them and you weren't planning to give up anytime soon. You would rather die drowned in the frozen sea of ​​your lands, completely free, than live in chains at the mercy of a cruel man and without a single piece of a pure heart.
He was a sinner, evil incarnate on earth. You could not stop cursing Yoongi, however, you still remembered he beautiful gummy smile that he showed you, you felt exceptionally privileged when her accompanying maid told you with a soft laugh that he prince never acted like that with any lady, you were the first and although you did not know, for him, you were the only one.
Your arms ached, both men dragged you all over the ship and your family's palace, which was now possibly dead. You expected to see the queen and beg her because she will let you go, but she was absent from the festive feast, she confused you a lot but you fell, you couldn't think anymore, not when you fall to the ground when the guards released you. You let out a tired sigh, your eyes staring at the ground with fury and held back tears. The whole room went into an unexpected silence, your heart stopped until you felt a tug on your hair from behind, it was a new guard holding a handful of your hair tightly.
"Get on your knees, and show respect for your king, bitch." His order was ignored, but the pain in your head was beyond your limits. You stood up, still trembling you fell to your knees in front of him.
Your eyes looked directly at his black orbs, he was terrifying and you wondered how his people could continue to obey someone so cruel. Weren't they aware that his king was being possessed by the demon of greed and selfishness? Whispering in a captivating voice abominable orders, worthy of celebrating in hell with flames of the death of innocents, Yoongi was detestable and you hated everything about him.
You were dying to yell at him how bad you felt for him, humiliate his actions and make him a reasonable man who would see all the pain he had caused. But you fell silent, just waiting for me to dictate your execution time the next day. You were going to die, not because of him, but at his hands.
"Today we celebrate another victory, gentlemen," he smiled, raising his silver goblet in the air. Several screams were heard, they too were feasting with his loathsome king. "And as good winners, we will take home a prize. What do you think _____? Do you have any treasures?"
I scared you unpleasantly that he was asking you what else he could take from your lands, "II... In the-real room-..."
He quickly silenced you, a slap landed on your cheek hard. You fell to the side, with a groan of pain. "Honey, I don't want the materialistic shit." He growled angrily, taking your hands in his to crouch down at your height, with a hideous smile on his beautiful face he approached your lips to leave a soft kiss. You felt disgusted, cleaning your lips in fury and staring at him. "It doesn't matter when you resist, darling. At the end of this beautiful night you are being officially proclaimed my fiancee."
"Damn bastard", you whisper with all the hatred overflowing in your chest, your sad heart regretting still beating.
"My men, our most precious prize lies at my feet. My new queen, her queen and mother of my heir", a mocking smile settled on her face looking at you with disdain. "Our son, future king of two lands... Or rather of my lands. I'm did not believe that there is anything good to possess in this destroyed country"
A single tear slid down your red cheeks, your angry eyes were cruelly ignored. You still cried, sobbing into your hands for many reasons, it hurt so much that they were all completely valid. You were going to marry a tyrant and selfish man you didn't love, and in your worst nightmare, you would be pregnant with him. You would bring in your belly a spawn of the demon, you only wished you could take your son away from Yoongi's hands, raise him to be a good and honored future king. Avoiding making him embodiment of evil in the world.
Your eyes burning like the flames, your family's palace was ransacked by their guards, and then they set it on fire. You managed to escape from the hands of the guards, running with the chains in your hands to prevent them from ending their barbarity, but once again you fell to the ground crying, your tears covered the grass of your garden, while the smoke from the infernal fire drowned you . You wanted to die there, in that moment, along with all your lost memories in your sweet home. You screamed, praying to God why he would deliver you from evil, but your pleas were ignored.
The trip back to your country was melancholic, you cried all day, next to the windows of the great invading ship. Yoongi tried to be as friendly as possible, leaving food next to you and demanding in an order that you eat.
"What makes you think I'll eat something from your hands?" you ask, completely angry. You throw the tray on the floor, with all the courage you had in store.
You expected a blow to your cheek, Yoongi for you was nothing more than a coward, that he solved everything with violence and brute force. However, he left you alone, without measuring a word he left you absolutely confused in the royal cabin. Your dress was beginning to make you uncomfortable, and your stomach ached with hunger. It was worth it? Every damn second of anguish and hunger was worth it, you wanted to show him that you didn't want him and that you would fight for the rest of your life.
He could leave you as many times as he wanted, but you would never miss him the way he did.
Yoongi sighed angrily, his chest still hurting with his heart clenching tightly. He wanted to act so indifferent to you, to let you know that whatever you did, nothing would stop him from holding you by his side, not until you love him in glory. He loved you so much that he put you on a very high pedestal, but when he wanted it, he couldn't reach you when he wanted it most.
He couldn't reach your love, and that infuriated him too much.
The wrath consuming what little sanity in him.
He dragged you into his palace, you still hated his courtship and refused to hold his hand. He tried not to touch you again for some time, but it took him too much to hold you back when he released you from your chains, you tried in vain to escape. It irritated him terribly bad to see you yell and kick against him, I hug you trying to calm you down, whispering sweet phrases in your ear. But you kept crying, he held you in his hands, demanding that you shut up. It bothered him so much that you still tried to escape, you had yelled and fought long before, it was clearly not new. But this time she seemed more determined to run away, in a moment I want to seal your damn mouth and hug you in silence.
"_____, calm down!" He yelled angrily.
"Let me go! Yoongi... Please, I want to go back", you cried so dramatically that it seemed believable.
"Go back to where, darling? To desolate lands? Do you want to live in poverty?" He was sure he had shut you up, your expression softening before you opened your mouth again.
"I'd rather die starving, dirty and poor than live a life of luxury with you, you fucking bastard," you whisper. Your lips so close to his, releasing your poison covered in truth and harsh hatred.
Your body fell against the elegant white sheets of the bed, your cheek burned and his hand was marked on your hot skin.
The sweet maid knocked on the door seconds later, Yoongi was still paralyzed with his hand in the air, looking at you with pity and shame. It did not matter from which side he saw you or treated you, he could not control himself with you, in his love and fury, he was still willing to give all of him to your warm hands. Even the nastiest side of him, he couldn't hide his frustration with you, and possibly deep down inside of him, he didn't want to.
I could love you so much in the morning illuminated by the sweet light of the sun rising, than in the darkness of the night with the moon as a silent witness.
The woman, who seemed too kind, held you in her arms when he king left them alone. Not without first thanking him and also advising him that you could speak Korean perfectly. You cried in the embrace of the unknown woman, she could feel the pain and anguish through your sobs, but she did not dare to judge the actions of her majesty, her alone comforted you in the overwhelming silence.
She helped you to your feet, gently wiping the blood that leaked from the wound on your cheek. Yoongi had left a horrible mark on your skin, yet they both doubted that he would care a bit.
"Don't cry, sweetheart" she whispered to you, stroking your hair and hugging you once more. The warmth of loving her made you feel empty, but at the same time missed. She reminded you of your mother. "Everything passes, now it will be better not to fall into suffering"
You let her hold your hand, following in her footsteps to the new room. scared you what her said in a curious laugh that it was only temporary, until you and her king consumed their commitment to marry at the royal wedding. You wanted to tell her about your position in that decision, but she seemed to be just like the other townspeople, praising an evil king under a white mask of goodness and serenity.
The woman who appeared to be sent as a companion by Yoongi introduced herself as Eunji. She was faithfully at your service, she made you uncomfortable that she seemed to want to follow you everywhere, you felt so embarrassed when you took a rose bath in your royal bathtub. Eunji sat to the side, asking every five minutes if you needed anything. Your face could not show anything but disgust, you knew that the woman only sought to obey her king at the cost of your feelings, she seemed considerable and perceptible to you, but deep inside you felt enormous anger for that.
Obviously you were used to a companion lady, Leyha was your first friend and partner. She was always with you in your palace, following your steps but respecting your space, she played with you and taught you new things. Your admiration for her was so immense, you were so proud of her loyalty to your family, and you were sure that she was the first to prevent the raid on your country. She hugged you and hid in a room in the basement of your palace when the massacre started, she begged you on her knees not to come out until she returned. You sat at one of the dusty tables, waiting to see her face. Several screams from outside your hiding place startled you, and you opened the door without thinking. Your eyesight froze when you could see a soldier holding one of your servants by the neck, his black eyes observed you a few seconds before he moved his hand and with his sword cut the young woman's neck woman. You ran away again, but he didn't follow you.
"Princess, please finish your afternoon snack" Eunji aside the table asked you with nothing less than kindness. You kept daydreaming in her presence,the woman was intrigued to know how much you had passed in your short life, for remain silent and staring for so long to nowhere. "Today is the official marriage request in front of the town, we must organize the buffet and give details of her wedding dress-..."
Your hand went up in the air and very rude, that it was little proper of you, you asked him to leave, "I want... I want to be alone Eunji"
"But your majesty of he said -..."
"No. Eunji, leave me alone, please" Your tone of voice was firm, the old woman nodded with an apology for her insolence and left through the large doors of the room.
The dining room was exceptionally large and the solitude, which you would never appreciate with your beating heart, consumed you little by little. Your plate fell to the floor, you were so angry that you could not control your actions, the room was filled with thunderous sounds of plates smashing on the floor, and cutlery colliding with each other. The food spread out on the thin red carpet, you couldn't eat something that came from him and even less enjoy the peace of your space, not when Yoongi had you tied up, with the eyes of his guards and servants on you all the time, watching over you like a dam.
One single mistake and your hands will be chained again. It was her warning one night that she knocked on your bedroom door, you pretended to comb your hair in front of the mirror, without giving he a glance. But you were listening to each and every word from he, and also spitting on them furiously.
You fell against one of the chairs in the royal dining room, the tears kept coming out of your eyes on gray days without permission, your thoughts so confused and your body exhausted. The door opened with an almost vague noise, you couldn't look at anyone and you didn't want to.
"Your majesty is bleeding!" You were surprised to hear a new voice at that time, Yoongi forbade you and his employees to speak, you could only talk to him or Eunji if you needed something, He really thought that he would get you to talk to him that way. "Please let him help you..."
Your eyes crystalline from tears addressing the unknown person and voice, he was quite a young man. His features were delicate, like a painting on a pure and beautiful canvas, you were captivated by how surprised he seemed when you showed your face.
Taehyung was scared, his father warned him about the temptations in a palace, and also the consequences of just wanting to possess some royalty. You were a princess, I could see it on your face and the dazzling jewels that hung on your wrists, your fingers and your neck.
I should have run away, left you alone with your demons and never remember that unexpected encounter again. But he knelt in front of you, silently asking that you not give notice to the guards or you will reject him. I take your hand carefully, caressing your skin that seemed to be as delicate as cotton. Without your permission, he managed to cover the wound with a white handkerchief, he took a few steps away as a precaution. Fearing that you would push him away with annoyance, you were a princess and he a servant, he did not have the right to touch you despite helping you.
You were a goddess, and he was a mere mortal. One who wanted so badly to own a little bit of you.
"Thank you" was your gentle thanks. Taehyung was confused, your genuine attitude made him distrust, but even after the thoughts of him clinging to you, he held your waist carefully when you tried to stand up but your body seemed to fail you, almost falling to the ground.
Taehyung always accompanied you, out of sight obviously. He was by your side when you preferred to go out to the garden, or read a book for him. His family was part of the palace servants, but you found them charming when he introduced them to you, his father was shocked and outraged by his son's insolence in treating a princess like such a trusting acquaintance, a laugh came out of you as Taehyung blushing at her mother's comments, the woman seemed to question their friendship and cast doubt on their closeness. Eunji seemed more and more annoyed with you, she was asking you to stay away from Taehyung the whole time. Demanding fidelity to his king, when you could perfectly see how Yoongi flirted with the maidens, his concubines were constantly close to his cock, ready to fuck him without hesitation.
You were delighted when Taehyung sat next to you, whispering how much he liked your voice and how he eternally wanted to hear you tell stories of fantasy and love. Your heart beat again in your chest, this time as uncontrolled as it was anxious. You loved Taehyung very much, but the horrible memory of your destroyed kingdom kept haunting your head. Yoongi would visit you every night just to remember his official engagement date. She always made excuses for not showing up on the royal balcony, where her entire country would witness her marriage proposal.
Taehyung would be in the front row.
The walls of the palace seemed to get narrower and narrower, and your love bigger. You couldn't control your feelings, and Taehyung seemed to wait for you. He would wait for you his whole life, even if he could only have a few seconds from you.
You ran along the paths of the immense garden, your dress was dragging on the ground and your shoes were covered with dirt. You couldn't wait any longer, Taehyung received you in his arms that night with the moonlight swearing discretion. You sobbed, saying between sobs that you would never let him go, but that you could not promise to be by his side, you were trapped in a cage of many traps, one simple wrong move and you could fall.
"Run away with me, _____" Your body trembled, terrified by such an unusual and sudden proposal from him.
"Escape? Taehyung would never ask you for something like that ... Y-your family, they will pay for both" You flatly refused to let more innocents die, your soul was being dragged through hell to the doom of guilt.
"They will come with us, I know that if I tell them your story they will agree to help you. Please don't keep allowing me to hurt you."
Your reason yelled a resounding no, but your heart raced and fearfully said: "Yes, I accept. Tomorrow is the engagement, we have time until the wedding day"
A smile spread across his handsome face, pushing away any doubts you had about the path you took. You could walk your whole life in him, you would be guided by Taehyung, because he was simply your salvation from doom.
Your hands shook, and your breathing stopped. The tight dress cut off any pulse in your body, but Eunji seemed happy that you were wearing it, the diamond crown on your head was beyond eye-catching. It made you so angry to have to walk arm in arm with Yoongi, while he smiled like a winner.
The engagement celebration was short-lived, to your satisfaction. You tried to take off the corset that was pressing on your waist, but Yoongi stopped you with one hand gripping your arm tightly.
You frowned, with a quick movement he drew you to her chest, her arms sliding around your waist and her mouth leaving soft but bitter kisses on your exposed neck. The chain of rose gold and pearls slid down your clavicle, at your short 18 years you could swear that you had never seen such a beautiful and eccentric jewel.
Yoongi hugged you, looking at you through the mirror knowingly. "Do you like it honey?"
You couldn't deny that she made a big impression on you, but anger consumed you again, you were about to rip the collar from her neck and throw it away, but a person burst into the room. Taehyung backed away when she saw you, still being hugged possessively by her king, she tried not to show her disappointment but a sad sigh filtered through her voice. "I-I'm sorry, his majesty..."
"Wait-..." Your heart felt as if a candle burned your love, without being able to avoid it you ran after it.
Ignoring how Yoongi clenched her fists when you walked away from her side, he followed you but your steps escaped her sight, he froze in the middle of the hallway of her palace.
Ironically, he thought he was losing you.
You kept acting just as indifferent to her gifts, and he desperately tried to get your attention. She thought, almost pathetically, of making you jealous in order to win your love.
He always tried to talk or flirt with a woman close to your sight, but your eyes watched him for a few seconds, those in which he felt his ego grow in his chest and his cock contract in his pants, waiting for you to take him away from his victim and you will show who it belonged to. But your face only showed boredom, you kept on your way with Eunji behind you embarrassed.
She couldn't control her fury every time it passed, the young women who thought they caught his attention were hanged by their bare hands. They weren't on your level, they weren't enough for him, and he hated them.
They deserved to die.
The throne room felt so empty without your presence by his side, Namjoon kept taking over the kingdom, oblivious to how his king was too absent in those days.
All the servants in the palace seemed to be celebrating the wedding, moving from here to there to organize the event that would host none other than the finest royal personalities.
You refused to see your white dress, Yoongi had asked to be made a traditional one from your country, clearly looking for some recognition from you, sure that you would like to marry him with a dress that will remind you of your country, a country already dead and sunk in disgrace.
Eunji dried your hair, your reflection in front of the mirror reminded him a lot of a painting of his king. Yoongi was a great artist, his family raised him among the thousands of arts, including painting. He had drawn you on a canvas several years ago, wishing he could meet you again.
For your companion lady, the love that Yoongi had for you was very tender and special, but in your eyes it was creepy.
Eunji left you alone, with a short goodbye and a "good night, princess", she left your room. You quickly got to your feet, the wedding was one day away but you couldn't wait for your nightmare to reach the edge of reality. You had put various jewelry and clothes in a small suitcase, you could sell them in distant towns afterwards to get some money and stay alive on their escape. Your bare feet walked through the palace, reaching the front door, Taehyung was waiting for you with a loving smile. His face was covered halfway by a black hood, in the dark night you ran until you almost reached his arms, thinking of staying by his side as fugitives all his life, if you could be with him and the air of freedom, you knew that they will live fully.
Before you could take another step, you were already being dragged away by the royal guards. You screamed when one of them hit Taehyung, knocking him down and then grabbing his arms to lead him to the dungeon. His eyes observed you for a few seconds, you knew that he was trying to protect you, but it was not you who would pay for his too fanciful wishes, they were flying too high.
Yoongi came to your room hours later, you had been begging because they will spare the life of your loved. But you had been ignored, the guards held you once again harshly, you expected Yoongi to hit you and then kill. But his punishment was even worse, you tried to play with the devil's patience and he was having fun.
Enjoying playing with your fears.
Taehyung was always a calm man, even when he was crouching down and with a blade about to cut his neck. Yoongi sat on he throne, setting you aside, with he guards still holding your body tightly. Screams and pleas were heard from you, fighting with everything you had against the men who held you.
"Oh, darling" Yoongi said, with a face of false pity "Let me ask you a question that might save this poor man's life" He scoffed, your nails digging into your flesh to avoid cursing out loud. "You love him?"
Your heart stuttered, of course you did, but you didn't know what the correct answer was. Taehyung watched you, your eyes were fixed on his, crying silently.
Yoongi growled, knowing that no matter how hard he tried to deny it, you loved Taehyung like he loved you, far from reason and very close to dying on the edge of misfortune. He felt that he should die, with Taehyung dead no one would be taking his place in your heart, but he wanted to know the answer to his question. I wanted to hear you say you didn't love him.
"You love him?" He insisted, took your face in his hands. Diverting your sight from Taehyung, your eyes darkened when they met his. "You love him, ______?!" In an unprepared act, his hands held your body, shaking you hard. You were crying with your mouth sealed in a hidden truth. "Tell me, bitch. Do you love this damn man? Talk you, damn bitch!"
"Do not touch her!" Taehyung yelled, fighting the strong chains that held his hands. He wished he could protect you as he promised so many times, under smiles that were reflected in the crystalline water of the small fountain in the beautiful royal garden, his kisses were passionate and his looks were saying more than a thousand words, the helplessness in his voice was a reflection of the pain to see you so destroyed in your confusion.
"I-..." The air stopped when your voice invaded the torture hall, your eyes left Taehyung to look directly at the man, the same as he would be, whether he wanted to or not, condemned to live with someone who did not love him.
Yoongi was selfishly and unconsciously sealing he fate, marrying someone who would never reciprocate the love he had made known so much. Appeared before you and gave you all of herself, but you weren't interested in sharing your affection and passion with him. Perhaps, you thought, in another life when evil had not consumed him, you could accept a ring on your finger and a kiss on your lips, even when the storm draws near you would be with and for him.
But your thoughts went through reality, your destiny was falling from your hands. You couldn't hide the fear, and Yoongi enjoyed every part of you. In happiness and suffering, he wanted it all. "I... I love him", it was such a big confession that your body was relieved to let it go, Taehyung sighed exhausted but with a smile.
However, he did not want to die at the hands of his king, whom he now saw. He was a monster. Although he hurt, he could rest in peace knowing that you loved him.
If he was going to die unjustly for loving, he could not expect worse condemnation than the jealousy of other unfortunates who could not feel that beautiful and magical feeling.
He was blessed by the happiness of being able to live in flesh and soul the affection of a hug, the softness of a kiss abundant in love and caresses that left a mark, that told the beautiful story of two people who lived without being able to contain their desire for feel united.
The order was given, and the blade slipped in the proximity of death and Taehyung felt fly. But he did not see you fall, your tears covered your sight, something that you were eternally grateful for. You were crying inconsolably, the guards released your body that fell to the ground without having the strength to fight or flee.
His arms surrounded you, you wanted to believe it was Taehyung hugging you like he had done many times before, but his lips brushed your skin awakening your reason.
He seemed incredible to you how he still did not understand his sins, he was blind and crazy, he left a kiss on your cheek wet with tears. You knew he could taste the salty taste of your pain, but he cynically licked his lips with greed and lust. You walked away from the warmth of him, your dress dragged on the floor while you backed away without being able to believe that you were next to that man, you felt disgusting because of his kisses and so sad because of his cruel actions.
You had escaped, running out of reach, your legs failing every second that you remembered your loss again. Eunji tried to talk to you, but you slammed your bedroom door angrily. Your mind was losing lucidity, you couldn't sleep, but the sun came out like a normal day. Eunji managed to open the door, silently helping you to put on the white wedding dress, your hair was arranged and combed perfectly in front of the mirror.
You had imagined a lot what your wedding would be like, as a princess you were prepared for a future marriage, but the disappointment was so great that the emptiness in you was getting bigger and bigger. And it grew, grew and grew.
Eunji gasped in surprise when she looked at you, you were sobbing calmly, tears ruining your makeup. She tried to calm you down, thinking that the emotion was too much.
"Don't cry, my dear. When you love someone you can only hope for happiness from such a beautiful marriage."
"And what do you expect when you don't love that person?" Your question was direct and interrupting her sweet words, your voice cracking in a groan of pain. "Eunji ... What to expect from a loveless marriage?"
"Misfortune, dear. Misfortune" she whispered, wiping the last tears from your face. "Please don't let sadness consume you. Listen to me, princess" Her hands held yours with fear in her voice. "Do not let misfortune consume us all, this is as selfish as it is cruel but a king without his beloved queen is a curse, people will perish in the dark life of his majesty, it will destroy us. You are our only salvation, _____"
She vaguely released you, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before saying goodbye. Your slow but determined steps approached him, he forced you to take her hand with a smile covering his actions and trying to leave behind his atrocities. Your eyes were never on his face or his presence, you looked at the people present, there were children and women, men and the elderly. Did they all depend on you? Your stomach churned, ready to vomit from the pressure on your chest. Yoongi squeezed your hand hard, your eyes returned to the father who was looking at you expectantly. You didn't want to, but you said yes, with little enthusiasm in your voice. It almost seemed like a tired sigh, but no one said anything, they just clapped when the ring was put on your finger.
Your lips collided with contempt against those of he, and the people celebrated the end of the wedding. The party was very lively, but your head was focused on just observing the inspiring happiness of others. You could remain in chains if you could prevent others from suffering, as your people did, and now they were your new target. You were their queen, although it was not your decision, you were willing to stand for them and for your lost love. You knew that Taehyung would be proud of your bravery to protect others, and you will live for him.
With a soft gasp, a sigh stuck in your chest. You could feel it, his hands tracing small caresses down your waist covered by the white dress, his breath very close to brushing your neck and his lips ready to kiss your skin. Some people at the party observed them with discomfort, being a very reserved country, such daring displays of affection must have been blasphemous for them and you could not object, you also wanted to stop him, but really no one was going against the king and his wishes.
The beautiful maidens accompanied you, preparing you for your wedding night, where you, and your now husband, would have to consume their love. The soft silk fabric slid across your skin, barely covering your pure body. Yoongi was waiting for you, the red doors of her room opened before you and a piece of your soul escaped from your destroyed heart.
You wanted to run away, to run away, you so impulsively wanted to go with Taehyung to eternal oblivion.
His arms drew you to him, his breath hitting your cheek wet with tears, seeing you cry was the same image in his mind. Whenever he, your beautiful demon on earth, was close to you, you cried like the rain, dropping drops of blood, your face marked by the light that darkened in your hopes of escaping or being happy.
Without being able to avoid it, you knew that you would build a mask with a marked smile to hide your suffering from your people, who expected the best of you. You were becoming him, who magically hid all his life the evil in his soul, with the same worn white mask.
"Please..." Your voice cracked, your hands shook in the air. Your fingers brushing his precious, empty face, he felt the warmth of your touch and he never wanted to leave her go. He fell for you, he burned his destiny for possessing everything in your life, and your love was his only reward. "Please... I don't want to do this, Yoongi"
You were begging because he won't touch you, he could see your fake smile and your hand pushing him away. You wanted to deprive his hands of touching what he most wanted, closing your doors to his heaven. It infuriated him so much, his nails digging into your skin hard, leaving obvious marks.
"You're mine, I'll make you mine" he whispered, leaving you to sob. He held your face in his hands, forcing your eyes to look directly at him, through your scared mind and uncontrollable panic, he wanted to believe that you loved him and that you were willing to give yourself to him. "Pray bitch, pray that you don't make me mad anymore. You're my wife, make it worth it"
"If you touch me, I will hate you for my whole life" You say, with a deranged tone. Your words coming out with all the resentment that you had saved.
The beautiful royal bed was an unconditional witness, his hand hitting your face and your body being pulled against the red sheets, your cheek aching with the familiar sting of spite.
"One blow does not resolve the pain in my heart, Yoongi. You can slaughter my body to the end, but never..." Your eyes looked at him coldly, "You can never possess all of me."
His eyes were still competing with each other, but your mind was crying out for you to run away. No one was going to help you. Your hand went down to the bed, supporting you and pushing Yoongi with all the strength you could muster, your first objective was to run to the door and try to open it, but it was locked from the outside. Your fisted hands slammed into the wood furiously, screaming for help and an almost delusional salvation.
He taunted you with a laugh, trapping your body in his arms. You kept screaming in despair, whining and fighting him to let go. He tried to hold your wrists and corner your body between him and the bed, but you kept kicking the air, unable to contain your anger and displeasure, you firmly opposed him touching you in a sexual way.
The delicate garment was ripped from your body, with a gasp of surprise on your part. Your chest clenches in fear, begging for some compassion from him, letting you go or giving you a chance to die.
His rough, coarse hands brushed your bare skin, his lips soft like a rose petal leaving trace and evidence, with red marks of pain. Your neck was completely covered in bruises of possession. Yoongi seemed to be so calm and patient, taking monotonous time to mark the most visible areas of your body.
"Will you let me make you mine, _____?" He whispered, his teeth biting into your ear, trying to provoke something in you. "I love you so much, it hurts... I love you so much that I could die if I can't have something of you, please..." He sigh, "Love me too"
You couldn't answer, too shocked by his sincere confession. He loved you in unconformity, his love was stained with obsession, evil and blinded by unshakable pride. You could feel he tears falling down your neck, he was crying just like you, but he refused to look at you
"Love me too" he begged with a broken voice. Your hands timidly went up to his chest, which was still covered by the fabric of his clothing so fine. "Love me too, _____"
Yoongi felt your touch, his heart sped up noticeably and his breath hitched with soft sighs. He thought you would finally accept the great love he was preaching for you, but your arms moved forward, trying to push him away or push it. "No, please" you sobbed, his hopes fell before his eyes when he saw you cry. "I-I don't want this, Yoongi please don't..." You said as soon as he held you tight, his fingers digging into your hips with fury. Leaving noticeable purple marks and painful scratches.
"Shut up." He growled irritated by your words, bringing his lips to yours and taking possession of them. He kissed you so quickly that it cost you to bear it.
I wanted to hurt you through the pleasure.
His teeth bit your lower lip roughly, he smirked when he could taste the sweet delicacy of your blood, the exquisite metallic taste. A moan came from your lips, he could not ignore the pleasure that ran through him when he listened to you, you were so weak that you excited him greatly.
He kept kissing your lips, but his fingers brushing all over the sinful places on your body. He caught your breasts in his hands and massaged them so sweetly, appreciating your outer beauty. Confused you too much as he could just change his attitude in a few seconds. You had closed your eyes, trying to let your imagination run wild and forget the reality that had now cursed you.
His touches were going down, his fingers played with your pussy with soft touches, but without maintaining his caresses. You moaned in his mouth, trying to pull away or close your legs to prevent him from advancing, but you knew he would just force you to open them again. His fingers dug into your folds, delicately touching every part of your exposed pussy. A moan rumbled in her throat as he plunged his first finger into your tight hole, no one had ever touched you that way, you found yourself unable not to moan with pleasure or despair. Your mind clouded slightly, feeling her other hand massage your clit to relax your taut body. She stuck in another finger, checking that you could take it and take everything she was going to give you that night.
"Y-Yoongi... N-no" You stutter, your fingers digging into the sheets. A horrible pain invaded you, the burning in the lower part of your stomach was almost unbearable.
"Easy, sweetie. I'll make you feel good, trust me" He murmured, kissing your still bloody lips, a smile singing on her ethereal face. "I can't wait to bury my cock in your tight fucking pussy", grunt, captivated by how you moaned when her dirty words reached you. "I will mark my cock on you, never again will you think of any man other than me"
A third finger dug into your pussy, the pain doubled in your lower part, making you beg for it to stop. "S-stop... N-no" You cried, your back curved trying to get away.
"And if one day you dare to think of someone else, I will cut off their damn head. You are mine. My wife, my whore and the mother of my children. No one has the right to look at you" He murmured so close to a warning growl, " I'll kill them all! Do you understand?! " He screamed, completely angry at the very thought that it could happen.
He couldn't bear to lose you again, he felt the heat of betrayal and her life seemed to lose a bit of itself when he found out that you planned to run away with one of her servants. He could never explain the pleasant feeling she had when Taehyung died before his eyes and yours. Power and greed corrupting what little of him, and now he could say it proudly, he was a greedy king.
And his greatest wish, among many others, was to have you in his bed and in his arms.
His fingers moved in and out of your tight pussy, it was a bit difficult for him to move and I knew you would cry even more when he shoved his cock into you. Continuing to massage your clit, he bent down, your eyes widening in surprise to see him kiss the inner part of your thighs with even more sinful intentions. His own eyes met yours, a lustful gleam flashed in his pupils as a warning, you tried to scream and walk away, but his tongue was already licking your clit deftly.
A delicious but involuntary chill ran through you, the feeling of pleasure but disgust put you in a trance. With soft babbling and a drop of saliva running down your chin. He felt so fucking good, his tongue curving inside of you and hitting the exact spots that could easily send you to a tempting first climax.
Your body shuddered weakly, Yoongi thought that you had given up and he approached your face. With he lips stained with your essence, he naively tried to kiss yours, but he felt the so familiar disappointment of your rejection. Your face turned to the side, with a small grunt of denial, you were so cute that he heart couldn't even get mad at you for more than two seconds. He lulled you, leaving several kisses on your cheek and following he precious treasure. However, still persistent your head moved from side to side to prevent him from kissing you as if they were lovers.
He gave up, hoping he could please you a little. But her kisses never stopped, gently tracing he love on your skin. He hands ran over your breasts and down your waist, down to your hips, holding your small body under him. Forced you to spread your legs for him, his cock brushing against the inside of your thighs that were sore from the hard marks he left on your flesh, glowing raw red bruises leaving evidence of his uncontrolled possessiveness.
The precum leaking from the tip of his cock staining your skin, you tried to close your legs to move it away and once again affirm your position against. Your hands held your thighs, his fingers sinking into your skin making you gasp from the pain of his nails digging in with fury. "Never..." he growled. "Never try to get away from my side. I will kill you and die with you, you are my life and I can possess all"
Your face seemed to pale as his cock brushed against your pussy, it sank slightly and I came out again.
I was trying to prepare you for him, yet he never calmed your fear.
Your hands hit his chest as best they could, your body contracting with the pain of his big cock sliding down your folds. A drop of blood slid down your thigh, a high-pitched moan coming from your lips at the unbelievably strong pain. Your first time had been cruelly ripped from you.
You had been a faithful believer that when something like this happened, it would be between lovers who adored each other between passion and trust.
Yoongi loved you, like a man devoted to his unreachable goddess. He had captured you, and in his unbridled love he had torn you apart. Breaking your heart and leaving it unstable, unable to love someone.
He had broken you.
His thrusts were uncountable, you could hear the royal bed moving in contrast to his thrusts into you. His lips busy with him sucking marks on you, his almost dazzling smile of his shimmering before your tear-clouded eyes. "I could fuck you for eternity" He whispered, "And I would never tire of how wet your pussy is for me"
The first funky tear slid down your cheek. His tongue licked your pain, lustfully. As his cock plunged even deeper into you.
You couldn't look at yourself in a mirror, your reflection reminding you of your nightmare come true.
And your belly swollen with the pain of the roses.
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persephoneys© All rights reserved, copying / translation or adaptation without permission is prohibited.
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masterlist │ wattpad │ kofi │ previous fic.
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persephoneyss · 3 years
In the Pain of the Roses.
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Pairing: min yoongi x f!reader
Genre: Yandere, Dark Themes, Angst, daechwita au!
Summary: ❝I wish I could tell her story with such a beautiful narrative feature, like your glorious existence on earth. You were a rose, so pretty and fragile but with thorns as dangerous as her sword❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, implicit killers, cruelty, explicit genocide, delusional and evil Yoongi, abuse of power, mild manipulation, non-c*n sex, slapping, humiliation, very slight mention of gang rape (not in reader), oral sex (fem receiving), unspecified forced pregnancy, light dirty talk, virgin! reader, 4 year age difference (reader is 20 when everything happens).
Number of words: 10k+
request by: penes_gratis♥ (wattpad)
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︙Author's note: Pass me, I made this request very long but it was fun. I hope the little person who asked for it likes it, it helped me a lot to finish my writer's block. Love u! ❤️
Possibly a warning that I forgot to put, I wrote this fic on different days so I forgot what I did, sorry:(
And this time it took years, and there are still some orders missing. But I will gladly do them, Thanks for reading!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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Love was visible among the red roses that bloomed in her white garden. Stained with the blood of her obsession.
I wish I could tell his story with a narrative feature as beautiful as your glorious existence on earth. You were a rose, so pretty and fragile but with thorns as dangerous as her sword. I knew that fate put them in you to protect you from him. But he could easily cut them off, rip them from your side, and possess your soul. He held you in his cruel hands and cut you off, blessed are those days when you could walk free through your lands, and now you were a prisoner.
His particular story had a beginning, as did many others. But it was narrated solely by him, through the eyes of an unhinged love.
He always took a pure white rose from some bush to give it to you, he admire you since your arrival at his feet, with a courteous greeting you presented yourself as a worthy princess arriving in peace in he country. He could notice almost immediately that you were always next to your father and sometimes, you refused to separate from him because of a childish fear of strange places. His counselor encouraged him to come before you, so chivalrous that your father forced you to accompany him on a date to walk around his castle and teach you more about his culture. The night fell into the sky when he finished presenting you all the halls of the great palace he called home, in all that short time they had been completely alone. Your beautiful expressions captivated his heart as well as your curious questions, and he found himself wanting to see you more often. When you had to return to your father’s side, he said goodbye to you on his knees, giving you as a proposal a white rose in your soft hands. Your uncomfortable grimace was completely ignored by his eyes blinded by your beautiful face, he was so in love with you that he paid no attention to time.
You had to return to your country, the political and commercial deals with his kingdom had been concluded successfully for both of you. Your family had nothing else to talk about in person, and their return trip was already scheduled.
He cried like a child on the day of his final farewell, thinking you’d feel the same way he did and that maybe, just maybe you’d stay by his side. But you were just a child, and your father still ran your life.
He was so angry with fate, his anger was reflected in his new hostile behavior towards his people and palace servants. He had become sour, stubborn and rude. Like a child throwing a tantrum for days in a row, his father tried to talk to him rationally but his words took away his little patience. It was an insult to their traditions.
"I want to marry her, Father. Please arrange a marriage for both of us", he said loud and clear. His counselor tried to stop him, knowing that what the prince wanted most was as impossible as it was ridiculous.
"My son, she’s just a foreign princess. You will be able to relate to many of its kind in your future as ruler, our lineage must be pure", he concluded. "You will marry the beautiful Korean princess we chose for you."
His heart stuttered in his chest, as indignant as it was hurt. He could not object against his king, so he simply kept his mouth shut and his head down. Accepting, even angrier, his wish. His father smiled, pleased that he was doing his duty as prince and heir.
However, he kept waiting for you. Every night, for two years, he sat in the same spring garden and filled with captivating roses, writing letters that would never be delivered to your hands as delicate as a petal, he promised to meet you again in his soft letters, the lines of his statements on paper were as loving as they were creepy, swear to bring you back to his side. If it wasn’t in this life, in the next, no matter how long it takes, you’d be with him forever. I’d find you anywhere you went, no matter if it was fucking hell, he’d be holding your hand in his for eternity.
Under expectant eyes, and some fearful, the peasant, well-to-do and royal people witnessed his coronation. The people were unhappy about their sudden and early ascendancy to the throne, but no one expressed their will in their presence. With the king suddenly dead, one could expect his only son to take the throne as it should be. He’s just a child, they said many, will ruin us and this country will fall along with him.
A smile spread across he sympathetic face, the princess of the neighboring kingdom crying at he feet, begging for forgiveness and mercy, screaming in fear to be killed the next day. He knew that she had not accepted such a marriage either, but he could not bear to see her face without thinking of what he still had in he arms and that he once agreed to marry this disgusting woman in contrast to you. The girl was executed in private and in silenced. When her head fell, he was able to feast on a glass of wine, the blood on the floor staining his black boots and white silk clothing. But he could only let out a dry laugh, funny.
His royal advisors and politicians met him in the throne room, his mother was still at his side overseeing every move even though he was already the king. I don’t bother him much, just wanted to know when he could move his pieces to arrange a marriage with you as soon as possible.
But the anger that he thought extinguished was rekindled in his heart, they had broken deals with your country for, apparently, silly and vague misunderstandings. Both kingdoms were in dispute, with a cold war still in the present. Waiting for one of us to strike first and then strike back. His father had set aside that matter, unwilling to have communication with your kingdom and even less, seek to resolve the conflict. Because according to Namjoon, one of his most admirable councillors and trustee of the council, your country was in no way that important to his late father.
He ended the meeting abruptly, dismissing everyone present and ordering his mother to leave him alone. Still angry he threw on the floor all the damn papers that spoke about his agreements between countries, was completely livid, pounding the table in fury until his knuckles bled and thick tears slid down his face shattered by disappointment.
Wish you too long that it took him so long to believe that those two long years were at war, he cursed his father, wishing he would rot in eternal flames wherever he was.
He wiped his bloodstained hands on his fine clothes, ordering the servants to help him and not tell his mother of his sudden outburst of anger. None of them had a problem obeying, it felt good to be the leader, he could only wait for you to be by his side as his queen to feel fully happy on his throne. Him with you aside, taking his hand.
The blue ink was running on the paper so delicate, he wrote a letter that I wish was for you, but it was really addressed to your father. Asking him to end the absurd dispute, apologizing and asking for your hand in marriage for him as a final arrangement.
His words were truly sincere, describing the blissful love he felt for you. He thought that if you read his letter and the many others that I keep for you, it would make you blush because of the beauty of his expressions.
He was a poet for you.
He was your Romeo, but in reality, you never wanted to be his Juliet.
Perhaps at the end of his story, it would be he who would force you to drink the poison to die together and remain in his obsessive love for the long forever of romantic stories in old fantasy books.
He was a villain disguised as a prince. He was a manipulator in heart and soul, it was an immoral sin under his perfect mask.
But the cracks were beginning to reveal his true form and he was hideous. Terrifying in nightmares.
Your father snapped in annoyance when you handed him the letter on his throne, completely disagreeing. Blatantly rejecting his proposal, he even forced you to sign the letter also with rejection and writing almost at the bottom of the page that you would never agree to marry someone who came from his country. It was just impossible, and you were fine with it.
Yoongi never moved his smug stance, laughing at your rejection and scoffing at how naive your king was. Your father for him, was an idiot.
His mother objected to his going to war, that he had planned for the most desolate four years of her life without being by your side, or that he would start one that had long been forgotten. I swear that she would die of sadness if her only child left her, but it was determined, her army was prepared to die for him and did not take any step back. His mother's tears fell to the cold ground, the woman kneeling in front of him in pity, begging once more that she would stop this stupid and crazy idea. But he never stopped, and he let her die alone in her room.
His loyal men had invaded your country, the streets were deserts where he walked happily. He observed how the bloody bodies were everywhere, most of them had been killed by the swords of his soldiers. From children to pregnant women, everyone was covered in blood and pain.
He watched in fascination as one of his soldiers, his sword shining amid the flames of the burning houses, threatened a man who was crying for his family. The pitiful peasant was beheaded, his head rolled to his feet, his blood creating a path in the dirt-strewn ground. He kicked it lightly, walking away in disgust.
He had only one goal, which was to find your palace. The women continued shouting in the alleys, he soldiers were grouped around a young woman while they touched her morbidly. The woman was almost naked, with her clothes torn, wounds on her legs and arms, she had been beaten before being sentenced to the gang rape planned by all those men. Admire the woman and he eyes met for a few seconds, he did not feel at all sorry for her destroyed face of hers. She, like the many other people slaughtered, would be a small sacrifice in their future together as perfect kings.
Two souls who truly loved each other, ruling a country. His town would be even more prosperous with you by his side.
He's search intensified even more, with his wild thoughts running through his head, witnessing more immoral acts on his long way to you. Children crying on the ground before being shot in the head or cut in half by a sharp sword. Blood ran in the streets like water falling from the rain from the sky.
He saw with a bored look how his soldiers who were considered barbarians by your people, set fire to a house, where an old man screamed for help.
His tour ended, the doors of your palace were open for him. He felt pleasure when he crossed the corridors, there were several of your paintings and he even managed to find one at the age when he met you. You looked as radiant as I remembered and your white dress was lit up in the painting. You were barely twelve years old, you were a young rose in the spring and I loved him. I knew it was wrong to be so attracted to your small figure. They took a few years, but he remembered perfectly when he I was sixteen and his thoughts were not the most politically correct with you.
But I loved you more than anything in the world. And I knew, that in the end I would get your forgiveness for having such lewd thoughts about you.
He found you curled up on the floor of the royal hall, your thoughts racing uncontrollably in your mind. Your heart ached in your chest for not being able to help your people, and you only cried on the carpet at your feet. By staining your dress in your favorite color, you had been so happy when your royal companion put it on you, wishing you luck in your first proclamation as princess and future heir to the throne. You were old enough to be able to address your people and you had to do it well, so that they will get a great impression of he future ruler.
But, now they were all dead.
You couldn't think of who would be able to attack your kingdom in such a way, fire and destroyed houses. Lost lives, broken women and blood staining the prosperous lands.
It was all confused despair, until you saw it.
He was obsessed, crazy maybe.
You could see it through he brown eyes as dark as night. He was walking towards you, just as you remembered, his face at twenty two years of his hadn't aged at all. He was just as handsome and beautiful as before, but his blank expression made you recoil in fear.
"What are you doing here? My people are being attacked because of you! Get out of my sight!"
With your father dead, the only thing your people had was you.
You were there for them and you would never give up.
His scarlet green Hanbok moved in the air with such grace that you had a hard time believing that he was a king and not a God. He was so perfect, but you hated him. Your heart burned in hurtful waters of pain, the blood on his shoes gave you an indication of his indifference to so many unpleasant acts that he had committed. He was happy, a proud smile on his face as he just watched you silently. You wanted and needed to know what you had done to deserve such atrocities, only innocently paid for past fights and that in your present time you considered insipid. His letter was very clear, but you never saw him as a threat of war.
Now was the time to repent of past actions.
You tried to speak but he was already attacking what little was left of you, a blow to your head managed to knock you unconscious on the ground. Yoongi knew that neighboring armies that supported your kingdom would soon join the fight, he didn't want to deal with them when in fact, he already had what he wanted.
I carry you in his arms, your fragile and sleeping body at his disposal, thus taking you to his ship. Where he laid you in his bed, he would never dare to touch you in that state. But he couldn't help but slide his hands down your legs until they almost brushed your thighs, he admired you adoringly as his innocent touches began to become more intense. Leaving marks on your smooth skin, however, he was able to stop himself before being consumed by blinding lust at his sin.
I couldn't do it without you being awake to witness how he took everything from you, under his white sheets in his palace, in his room surrounded by riches that he would share with you.
Your breath began to accelerate in your chest soft as cotton, his head approached your breasts almost visible under the fabric of your comfortable dress, he leaned against you looking for more than just feeling you. He wanted to possess everything little and every part of your being, not just raw, he wanted your soul and spirit to be intertwined with his with the glorious red thread of predestined love.
His body refused to take you away from yours, his heart ached in his chest, but he could not show you what he was capable of for you to stay by his side if he continued to appear so weak before your feet that they crawled between the sheets in the cabin of his invading ship.
The celebration in his palace was as eccentric as it was fascinating, his mans celebrated with fervor, without knowing what it was for which they had fought and massacred so much. Her questions were ignored by her king, Yoongi was finely dressed in his emerald colored Hanbok with elegant black, his long hair hanging down his back. He was charming to look at, but his disturbed eyes managed to draw even the bravest soldier of the national troop away from him. Everyone trembled when he stood next to him to drink from his glass, his mother resigned herself to seeing him already knowing his heinous acts, she was terrified and even worse, disappointed. She thought that she had raised her only child with the best values ​​you could instill in a crown prince. But Yoongi was stubborn and he couldn't, nor was he going to take a simple "no" for an answer. He had a repudiation for that word and his mother was afraid to face him for damages already done.
He was inhuman, and at the same time, so selfish.
A single breath ached in your chest, your stomach contracted with hunger and your watery eyes released soft tears. The sheets under you felt so cold, along with the loneliness in your soul, were you really lonely now? You did not know, but you remembered seeing your father flee on a horse, you tried to take his hand but the invaders ran after him and he left you, alone. You run for your life, like a coward to the refuge in your palace when the same soldiers followed in your footsteps, but left you alone going over your surrendered body to continue with their massacre, which for you, was unjustified.
What did your country do to deserve something like this? Were they disrespectful? No, of course there were small conflicts but nothing serious. You planned to talk to the Korean king after your coronation and arrange everything to keep relations in peace, but they attacked from behind treacherously, and staining the streets with innocent blood, like barbarians.
Your body trembles in the royal cabin, your hands were chained and your dress dirty. You could see that you were in a room on an invading ship, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks woke you up from your sleep. The last thing you could remember was the pale and empty face of him hitting you to get you away from your already defeated people, you cried for several minutes, praying to God or whoever, that he will help you find a way out.
The wooden door opened, you fell to the ground looking to run away from the two men dressed as guards. You yell some vague insults, demanding that they let you go and that they would pay for everything they had done, one of them taunted you boldly. They took you hard, leaving marks on your arms from the hard grip of him to hold you back, you were still fighting against them and you weren't planning to give up anytime soon. You would rather die drowned in the frozen sea of ​​your lands, completely free, than live in chains at the mercy of a cruel man and without a single piece of a pure heart.
He was a sinner, evil incarnate on earth. You could not stop cursing Yoongi, however, you still remembered he beautiful gummy smile that he showed you, you felt exceptionally privileged when her accompanying maid told you with a soft laugh that he prince never acted like that with any lady, you were the first and although you did not know, for him, you were the only one.
Your arms ached, both men dragged you all over the ship and your family's palace, which was now possibly dead. You expected to see the queen and beg her because she will let you go, but she was absent from the festive feast, she confused you a lot but you fell, you couldn't think anymore, not when you fall to the ground when the guards released you. You let out a tired sigh, your eyes staring at the ground with fury and held back tears. The whole room went into an unexpected silence, your heart stopped until you felt a tug on your hair from behind, it was a new guard holding a handful of your hair tightly.
"Get on your knees, and show respect for your king, bitch." His order was ignored, but the pain in your head was beyond your limits. You stood up, still trembling you fell to your knees in front of him.
Your eyes looked directly at his black orbs, he was terrifying and you wondered how his people could continue to obey someone so cruel. Weren't they aware that his king was being possessed by the demon of greed and selfishness? Whispering in a captivating voice abominable orders, worthy of celebrating in hell with flames of the death of innocents, Yoongi was detestable and you hated everything about him.
You were dying to yell at him how bad you felt for him, humiliate his actions and make him a reasonable man who would see all the pain he had caused. But you fell silent, just waiting for me to dictate your execution time the next day. You were going to die, not because of him, but at his hands.
"Today we celebrate another victory, gentlemen," he smiled, raising his silver goblet in the air. Several screams were heard, they too were feasting with his loathsome king. "And as good winners, we will take home a prize. What do you think _____? Do you have any treasures?"
I scared you unpleasantly that he was asking you what else he could take from your lands, "II... In the-real room-..."
He quickly silenced you, a slap landed on your cheek hard. You fell to the side, with a groan of pain. "Honey, I don't want the materialistic shit." He growled angrily, taking your hands in his to crouch down at your height, with a hideous smile on his beautiful face he approached your lips to leave a soft kiss. You felt disgusted, cleaning your lips in fury and staring at him. "It doesn't matter when you resist, darling. At the end of this beautiful night you are being officially proclaimed my fiancee."
"Damn bastard", you whisper with all the hatred overflowing in your chest, your sad heart regretting still beating.
"My men, our most precious prize lies at my feet. My new queen, her queen and mother of my heir", a mocking smile settled on her face looking at you with disdain. "Our son, future king of two lands... Or rather of my lands. I'm did not believe that there is anything good to possess in this destroyed country"
A single tear slid down your red cheeks, your angry eyes were cruelly ignored. You still cried, sobbing into your hands for many reasons, it hurt so much that they were all completely valid. You were going to marry a tyrant and selfish man you didn't love, and in your worst nightmare, you would be pregnant with him. You would bring in your belly a spawn of the demon, you only wished you could take your son away from Yoongi's hands, raise him to be a good and honored future king. Avoiding making him embodiment of evil in the world.
Your eyes burning like the flames, your family's palace was ransacked by their guards, and then they set it on fire. You managed to escape from the hands of the guards, running with the chains in your hands to prevent them from ending their barbarity, but once again you fell to the ground crying, your tears covered the grass of your garden, while the smoke from the infernal fire drowned you . You wanted to die there, in that moment, along with all your lost memories in your sweet home. You screamed, praying to God why he would deliver you from evil, but your pleas were ignored.
The trip back to your country was melancholic, you cried all day, next to the windows of the great invading ship. Yoongi tried to be as friendly as possible, leaving food next to you and demanding in an order that you eat.
"What makes you think I'll eat something from your hands?" you ask, completely angry. You throw the tray on the floor, with all the courage you had in store.
You expected a blow to your cheek, Yoongi for you was nothing more than a coward, that he solved everything with violence and brute force. However, he left you alone, without measuring a word he left you absolutely confused in the royal cabin. Your dress was beginning to make you uncomfortable, and your stomach ached with hunger. It was worth it? Every damn second of anguish and hunger was worth it, you wanted to show him that you didn't want him and that you would fight for the rest of your life.
He could leave you as many times as he wanted, but you would never miss him the way he did.
Yoongi sighed angrily, his chest still hurting with his heart clenching tightly. He wanted to act so indifferent to you, to let you know that whatever you did, nothing would stop him from holding you by his side, not until you love him in glory. He loved you so much that he put you on a very high pedestal, but when he wanted it, he couldn't reach you when he wanted it most.
He couldn't reach your love, and that infuriated him too much.
The wrath consuming what little sanity in him.
He dragged you into his palace, you still hated his courtship and refused to hold his hand. He tried not to touch you again for some time, but it took him too much to hold you back when he released you from your chains, you tried in vain to escape. It irritated him terribly bad to see you yell and kick against him, I hug you trying to calm you down, whispering sweet phrases in your ear. But you kept crying, he held you in his hands, demanding that you shut up. It bothered him so much that you still tried to escape, you had yelled and fought long before, it was clearly not new. But this time she seemed more determined to run away, in a moment I want to seal your damn mouth and hug you in silence.
"_____, calm down!" He yelled angrily.
"Let me go! Yoongi... Please, I want to go back", you cried so dramatically that it seemed believable.
"Go back to where, darling? To desolate lands? Do you want to live in poverty?" He was sure he had shut you up, your expression softening before you opened your mouth again.
"I'd rather die starving, dirty and poor than live a life of luxury with you, you fucking bastard," you whisper. Your lips so close to his, releasing your poison covered in truth and harsh hatred.
Your body fell against the elegant white sheets of the bed, your cheek burned and his hand was marked on your hot skin.
The sweet maid knocked on the door seconds later, Yoongi was still paralyzed with his hand in the air, looking at you with pity and shame. It did not matter from which side he saw you or treated you, he could not control himself with you, in his love and fury, he was still willing to give all of him to your warm hands. Even the nastiest side of him, he couldn't hide his frustration with you, and possibly deep down inside of him, he didn't want to.
I could love you so much in the morning illuminated by the sweet light of the sun rising, than in the darkness of the night with the moon as a silent witness.
The woman, who seemed too kind, held you in her arms when he king left them alone. Not without first thanking him and also advising him that you could speak Korean perfectly. You cried in the embrace of the unknown woman, she could feel the pain and anguish through your sobs, but she did not dare to judge the actions of her majesty, her alone comforted you in the overwhelming silence.
She helped you to your feet, gently wiping the blood that leaked from the wound on your cheek. Yoongi had left a horrible mark on your skin, yet they both doubted that he would care a bit.
"Don't cry, sweetheart" she whispered to you, stroking your hair and hugging you once more. The warmth of loving her made you feel empty, but at the same time missed. She reminded you of your mother. "Everything passes, now it will be better not to fall into suffering"
You let her hold your hand, following in her footsteps to the new room. scared you what her said in a curious laugh that it was only temporary, until you and her king consumed their commitment to marry at the royal wedding. You wanted to tell her about your position in that decision, but she seemed to be just like the other townspeople, praising an evil king under a white mask of goodness and serenity.
The woman who appeared to be sent as a companion by Yoongi introduced herself as Eunji. She was faithfully at your service, she made you uncomfortable that she seemed to want to follow you everywhere, you felt so embarrassed when you took a rose bath in your royal bathtub. Eunji sat to the side, asking every five minutes if you needed anything. Your face could not show anything but disgust, you knew that the woman only sought to obey her king at the cost of your feelings, she seemed considerable and perceptible to you, but deep inside you felt enormous anger for that.
Obviously you were used to a companion lady, Leyha was your first friend and partner. She was always with you in your palace, following your steps but respecting your space, she played with you and taught you new things. Your admiration for her was so immense, you were so proud of her loyalty to your family, and you were sure that she was the first to prevent the raid on your country. She hugged you and hid in a room in the basement of your palace when the massacre started, she begged you on her knees not to come out until she returned. You sat at one of the dusty tables, waiting to see her face. Several screams from outside your hiding place startled you, and you opened the door without thinking. Your eyesight froze when you could see a soldier holding one of your servants by the neck, his black eyes observed you a few seconds before he moved his hand and with his sword cut the young woman's neck woman. You ran away again, but he didn't follow you.
"Princess, please finish your afternoon snack" Eunji aside the table asked you with nothing less than kindness. You kept daydreaming in her presence,the woman was intrigued to know how much you had passed in your short life, for remain silent and staring for so long to nowhere. "Today is the official marriage request in front of the town, we must organize the buffet and give details of her wedding dress-..."
Your hand went up in the air and very rude, that it was little proper of you, you asked him to leave, "I want... I want to be alone Eunji"
"But your majesty of he said -..."
"No. Eunji, leave me alone, please" Your tone of voice was firm, the old woman nodded with an apology for her insolence and left through the large doors of the room.
The dining room was exceptionally large and the solitude, which you would never appreciate with your beating heart, consumed you little by little. Your plate fell to the floor, you were so angry that you could not control your actions, the room was filled with thunderous sounds of plates smashing on the floor, and cutlery colliding with each other. The food spread out on the thin red carpet, you couldn't eat something that came from him and even less enjoy the peace of your space, not when Yoongi had you tied up, with the eyes of his guards and servants on you all the time, watching over you like a dam.
One single mistake and your hands will be chained again. It was her warning one night that she knocked on your bedroom door, you pretended to comb your hair in front of the mirror, without giving he a glance. But you were listening to each and every word from he, and also spitting on them furiously.
You fell against one of the chairs in the royal dining room, the tears kept coming out of your eyes on gray days without permission, your thoughts so confused and your body exhausted. The door opened with an almost vague noise, you couldn't look at anyone and you didn't want to.
"Your majesty is bleeding!" You were surprised to hear a new voice at that time, Yoongi forbade you and his employees to speak, you could only talk to him or Eunji if you needed something, He really thought that he would get you to talk to him that way. "Please let him help you..."
Your eyes crystalline from tears addressing the unknown person and voice, he was quite a young man. His features were delicate, like a painting on a pure and beautiful canvas, you were captivated by how surprised he seemed when you showed your face.
Taehyung was scared, his father warned him about the temptations in a palace, and also the consequences of just wanting to possess some royalty. You were a princess, I could see it on your face and the dazzling jewels that hung on your wrists, your fingers and your neck.
I should have run away, left you alone with your demons and never remember that unexpected encounter again. But he knelt in front of you, silently asking that you not give notice to the guards or you will reject him. I take your hand carefully, caressing your skin that seemed to be as delicate as cotton. Without your permission, he managed to cover the wound with a white handkerchief, he took a few steps away as a precaution. Fearing that you would push him away with annoyance, you were a princess and he a servant, he did not have the right to touch you despite helping you.
You were a goddess, and he was a mere mortal. One who wanted so badly to own a little bit of you.
"Thank you" was your gentle thanks. Taehyung was confused, your genuine attitude made him distrust, but even after the thoughts of him clinging to you, he held your waist carefully when you tried to stand up but your body seemed to fail you, almost falling to the ground.
Taehyung always accompanied you, out of sight obviously. He was by your side when you preferred to go out to the garden, or read a book for him. His family was part of the palace servants, but you found them charming when he introduced them to you, his father was shocked and outraged by his son's insolence in treating a princess like such a trusting acquaintance, a laugh came out of you as Taehyung blushing at her mother's comments, the woman seemed to question their friendship and cast doubt on their closeness. Eunji seemed more and more annoyed with you, she was asking you to stay away from Taehyung the whole time. Demanding fidelity to his king, when you could perfectly see how Yoongi flirted with the maidens, his concubines were constantly close to his cock, ready to fuck him without hesitation.
You were delighted when Taehyung sat next to you, whispering how much he liked your voice and how he eternally wanted to hear you tell stories of fantasy and love. Your heart beat again in your chest, this time as uncontrolled as it was anxious. You loved Taehyung very much, but the horrible memory of your destroyed kingdom kept haunting your head. Yoongi would visit you every night just to remember his official engagement date. She always made excuses for not showing up on the royal balcony, where her entire country would witness her marriage proposal.
Taehyung would be in the front row.
The walls of the palace seemed to get narrower and narrower, and your love bigger. You couldn't control your feelings, and Taehyung seemed to wait for you. He would wait for you his whole life, even if he could only have a few seconds from you.
You ran along the paths of the immense garden, your dress was dragging on the ground and your shoes were covered with dirt. You couldn't wait any longer, Taehyung received you in his arms that night with the moonlight swearing discretion. You sobbed, saying between sobs that you would never let him go, but that you could not promise to be by his side, you were trapped in a cage of many traps, one simple wrong move and you could fall.
"Run away with me, _____" Your body trembled, terrified by such an unusual and sudden proposal from him.
"Escape? Taehyung would never ask you for something like that ... Y-your family, they will pay for both" You flatly refused to let more innocents die, your soul was being dragged through hell to the doom of guilt.
"They will come with us, I know that if I tell them your story they will agree to help you. Please don't keep allowing me to hurt you."
Your reason yelled a resounding no, but your heart raced and fearfully said: "Yes, I accept. Tomorrow is the engagement, we have time until the wedding day"
A smile spread across his handsome face, pushing away any doubts you had about the path you took. You could walk your whole life in him, you would be guided by Taehyung, because he was simply your salvation from doom.
Your hands shook, and your breathing stopped. The tight dress cut off any pulse in your body, but Eunji seemed happy that you were wearing it, the diamond crown on your head was beyond eye-catching. It made you so angry to have to walk arm in arm with Yoongi, while he smiled like a winner.
The engagement celebration was short-lived, to your satisfaction. You tried to take off the corset that was pressing on your waist, but Yoongi stopped you with one hand gripping your arm tightly.
You frowned, with a quick movement he drew you to her chest, her arms sliding around your waist and her mouth leaving soft but bitter kisses on your exposed neck. The chain of rose gold and pearls slid down your clavicle, at your short 18 years you could swear that you had never seen such a beautiful and eccentric jewel.
Yoongi hugged you, looking at you through the mirror knowingly. "Do you like it honey?"
You couldn't deny that she made a big impression on you, but anger consumed you again, you were about to rip the collar from her neck and throw it away, but a person burst into the room. Taehyung backed away when she saw you, still being hugged possessively by her king, she tried not to show her disappointment but a sad sigh filtered through her voice. "I-I'm sorry, his majesty..."
"Wait-..." Your heart felt as if a candle burned your love, without being able to avoid it you ran after it.
Ignoring how Yoongi clenched her fists when you walked away from her side, he followed you but your steps escaped her sight, he froze in the middle of the hallway of her palace.
Ironically, he thought he was losing you.
You kept acting just as indifferent to her gifts, and he desperately tried to get your attention. She thought, almost pathetically, of making you jealous in order to win your love.
He always tried to talk or flirt with a woman close to your sight, but your eyes watched him for a few seconds, those in which he felt his ego grow in his chest and his cock contract in his pants, waiting for you to take him away from his victim and you will show who it belonged to. But your face only showed boredom, you kept on your way with Eunji behind you embarrassed.
She couldn't control her fury every time it passed, the young women who thought they caught his attention were hanged by their bare hands. They weren't on your level, they weren't enough for him, and he hated them.
They deserved to die.
The throne room felt so empty without your presence by his side, Namjoon kept taking over the kingdom, oblivious to how his king was too absent in those days.
All the servants in the palace seemed to be celebrating the wedding, moving from here to there to organize the event that would host none other than the finest royal personalities.
You refused to see your white dress, Yoongi had asked to be made a traditional one from your country, clearly looking for some recognition from you, sure that you would like to marry him with a dress that will remind you of your country, a country already dead and sunk in disgrace.
Eunji dried your hair, your reflection in front of the mirror reminded him a lot of a painting of his king. Yoongi was a great artist, his family raised him among the thousands of arts, including painting. He had drawn you on a canvas several years ago, wishing he could meet you again.
For your companion lady, the love that Yoongi had for you was very tender and special, but in your eyes it was creepy.
Eunji left you alone, with a short goodbye and a "good night, princess", she left your room. You quickly got to your feet, the wedding was one day away but you couldn't wait for your nightmare to reach the edge of reality. You had put various jewelry and clothes in a small suitcase, you could sell them in distant towns afterwards to get some money and stay alive on their escape. Your bare feet walked through the palace, reaching the front door, Taehyung was waiting for you with a loving smile. His face was covered halfway by a black hood, in the dark night you ran until you almost reached his arms, thinking of staying by his side as fugitives all his life, if you could be with him and the air of freedom, you knew that they will live fully.
Before you could take another step, you were already being dragged away by the royal guards. You screamed when one of them hit Taehyung, knocking him down and then grabbing his arms to lead him to the dungeon. His eyes observed you for a few seconds, you knew that he was trying to protect you, but it was not you who would pay for his too fanciful wishes, they were flying too high.
Yoongi came to your room hours later, you had been begging because they will spare the life of your loved. But you had been ignored, the guards held you once again harshly, you expected Yoongi to hit you and then kill. But his punishment was even worse, you tried to play with the devil's patience and he was having fun.
Enjoying playing with your fears.
Taehyung was always a calm man, even when he was crouching down and with a blade about to cut his neck. Yoongi sat on he throne, setting you aside, with he guards still holding your body tightly. Screams and pleas were heard from you, fighting with everything you had against the men who held you.
"Oh, darling" Yoongi said, with a face of false pity "Let me ask you a question that might save this poor man's life" He scoffed, your nails digging into your flesh to avoid cursing out loud. "You love him?"
Your heart stuttered, of course you did, but you didn't know what the correct answer was. Taehyung watched you, your eyes were fixed on his, crying silently.
Yoongi growled, knowing that no matter how hard he tried to deny it, you loved Taehyung like he loved you, far from reason and very close to dying on the edge of misfortune. He felt that he should die, with Taehyung dead no one would be taking his place in your heart, but he wanted to know the answer to his question. I wanted to hear you say you didn't love him.
"You love him?" He insisted, took your face in his hands. Diverting your sight from Taehyung, your eyes darkened when they met his. "You love him, ______?!" In an unprepared act, his hands held your body, shaking you hard. You were crying with your mouth sealed in a hidden truth. "Tell me, bitch. Do you love this damn man? Talk you, damn bitch!"
"Do not touch her!" Taehyung yelled, fighting the strong chains that held his hands. He wished he could protect you as he promised so many times, under smiles that were reflected in the crystalline water of the small fountain in the beautiful royal garden, his kisses were passionate and his looks were saying more than a thousand words, the helplessness in his voice was a reflection of the pain to see you so destroyed in your confusion.
"I-..." The air stopped when your voice invaded the torture hall, your eyes left Taehyung to look directly at the man, the same as he would be, whether he wanted to or not, condemned to live with someone who did not love him.
Yoongi was selfishly and unconsciously sealing he fate, marrying someone who would never reciprocate the love he had made known so much. Appeared before you and gave you all of herself, but you weren't interested in sharing your affection and passion with him. Perhaps, you thought, in another life when evil had not consumed him, you could accept a ring on your finger and a kiss on your lips, even when the storm draws near you would be with and for him.
But your thoughts went through reality, your destiny was falling from your hands. You couldn't hide the fear, and Yoongi enjoyed every part of you. In happiness and suffering, he wanted it all. "I... I love him", it was such a big confession that your body was relieved to let it go, Taehyung sighed exhausted but with a smile.
However, he did not want to die at the hands of his king, whom he now saw. He was a monster. Although he hurt, he could rest in peace knowing that you loved him.
If he was going to die unjustly for loving, he could not expect worse condemnation than the jealousy of other unfortunates who could not feel that beautiful and magical feeling.
He was blessed by the happiness of being able to live in flesh and soul the affection of a hug, the softness of a kiss abundant in love and caresses that left a mark, that told the beautiful story of two people who lived without being able to contain their desire for feel united.
The order was given, and the blade slipped in the proximity of death and Taehyung felt fly. But he did not see you fall, your tears covered your sight, something that you were eternally grateful for. You were crying inconsolably, the guards released your body that fell to the ground without having the strength to fight or flee.
His arms surrounded you, you wanted to believe it was Taehyung hugging you like he had done many times before, but his lips brushed your skin awakening your reason.
He seemed incredible to you how he still did not understand his sins, he was blind and crazy, he left a kiss on your cheek wet with tears. You knew he could taste the salty taste of your pain, but he cynically licked his lips with greed and lust. You walked away from the warmth of him, your dress dragged on the floor while you backed away without being able to believe that you were next to that man, you felt disgusting because of his kisses and so sad because of his cruel actions.
You had escaped, running out of reach, your legs failing every second that you remembered your loss again. Eunji tried to talk to you, but you slammed your bedroom door angrily. Your mind was losing lucidity, you couldn't sleep, but the sun came out like a normal day. Eunji managed to open the door, silently helping you to put on the white wedding dress, your hair was arranged and combed perfectly in front of the mirror.
You had imagined a lot what your wedding would be like, as a princess you were prepared for a future marriage, but the disappointment was so great that the emptiness in you was getting bigger and bigger. And it grew, grew and grew.
Eunji gasped in surprise when she looked at you, you were sobbing calmly, tears ruining your makeup. She tried to calm you down, thinking that the emotion was too much.
"Don't cry, my dear. When you love someone you can only hope for happiness from such a beautiful marriage."
"And what do you expect when you don't love that person?" Your question was direct and interrupting her sweet words, your voice cracking in a groan of pain. "Eunji ... What to expect from a loveless marriage?"
"Misfortune, dear. Misfortune" she whispered, wiping the last tears from your face. "Please don't let sadness consume you. Listen to me, princess" Her hands held yours with fear in her voice. "Do not let misfortune consume us all, this is as selfish as it is cruel but a king without his beloved queen is a curse, people will perish in the dark life of his majesty, it will destroy us. You are our only salvation, _____"
She vaguely released you, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before saying goodbye. Your slow but determined steps approached him, he forced you to take her hand with a smile covering his actions and trying to leave behind his atrocities. Your eyes were never on his face or his presence, you looked at the people present, there were children and women, men and the elderly. Did they all depend on you? Your stomach churned, ready to vomit from the pressure on your chest. Yoongi squeezed your hand hard, your eyes returned to the father who was looking at you expectantly. You didn't want to, but you said yes, with little enthusiasm in your voice. It almost seemed like a tired sigh, but no one said anything, they just clapped when the ring was put on your finger.
Your lips collided with contempt against those of he, and the people celebrated the end of the wedding. The party was very lively, but your head was focused on just observing the inspiring happiness of others. You could remain in chains if you could prevent others from suffering, as your people did, and now they were your new target. You were their queen, although it was not your decision, you were willing to stand for them and for your lost love. You knew that Taehyung would be proud of your bravery to protect others, and you will live for him.
With a soft gasp, a sigh stuck in your chest. You could feel it, his hands tracing small caresses down your waist covered by the white dress, his breath very close to brushing your neck and his lips ready to kiss your skin. Some people at the party observed them with discomfort, being a very reserved country, such daring displays of affection must have been blasphemous for them and you could not object, you also wanted to stop him, but really no one was going against the king and his wishes.
The beautiful maidens accompanied you, preparing you for your wedding night, where you, and your now husband, would have to consume their love. The soft silk fabric slid across your skin, barely covering your pure body. Yoongi was waiting for you, the red doors of her room opened before you and a piece of your soul escaped from your destroyed heart.
You wanted to run away, to run away, you so impulsively wanted to go with Taehyung to eternal oblivion.
His arms drew you to him, his breath hitting your cheek wet with tears, seeing you cry was the same image in his mind. Whenever he, your beautiful demon on earth, was close to you, you cried like the rain, dropping drops of blood, your face marked by the light that darkened in your hopes of escaping or being happy.
Without being able to avoid it, you knew that you would build a mask with a marked smile to hide your suffering from your people, who expected the best of you. You were becoming him, who magically hid all his life the evil in his soul, with the same worn white mask.
"Please..." Your voice cracked, your hands shook in the air. Your fingers brushing his precious, empty face, he felt the warmth of your touch and he never wanted to leave her go. He fell for you, he burned his destiny for possessing everything in your life, and your love was his only reward. "Please... I don't want to do this, Yoongi"
You were begging because he won't touch you, he could see your fake smile and your hand pushing him away. You wanted to deprive his hands of touching what he most wanted, closing your doors to his heaven. It infuriated him so much, his nails digging into your skin hard, leaving obvious marks.
"You're mine, I'll make you mine" he whispered, leaving you to sob. He held your face in his hands, forcing your eyes to look directly at him, through your scared mind and uncontrollable panic, he wanted to believe that you loved him and that you were willing to give yourself to him. "Pray bitch, pray that you don't make me mad anymore. You're my wife, make it worth it"
"If you touch me, I will hate you for my whole life" You say, with a deranged tone. Your words coming out with all the resentment that you had saved.
The beautiful royal bed was an unconditional witness, his hand hitting your face and your body being pulled against the red sheets, your cheek aching with the familiar sting of spite.
"One blow does not resolve the pain in my heart, Yoongi. You can slaughter my body to the end, but never..." Your eyes looked at him coldly, "You can never possess all of me."
His eyes were still competing with each other, but your mind was crying out for you to run away. No one was going to help you. Your hand went down to the bed, supporting you and pushing Yoongi with all the strength you could muster, your first objective was to run to the door and try to open it, but it was locked from the outside. Your fisted hands slammed into the wood furiously, screaming for help and an almost delusional salvation.
He taunted you with a laugh, trapping your body in his arms. You kept screaming in despair, whining and fighting him to let go. He tried to hold your wrists and corner your body between him and the bed, but you kept kicking the air, unable to contain your anger and displeasure, you firmly opposed him touching you in a sexual way.
The delicate garment was ripped from your body, with a gasp of surprise on your part. Your chest clenches in fear, begging for some compassion from him, letting you go or giving you a chance to die.
His rough, coarse hands brushed your bare skin, his lips soft like a rose petal leaving trace and evidence, with red marks of pain. Your neck was completely covered in bruises of possession. Yoongi seemed to be so calm and patient, taking monotonous time to mark the most visible areas of your body.
"Will you let me make you mine, _____?" He whispered, his teeth biting into your ear, trying to provoke something in you. "I love you so much, it hurts... I love you so much that I could die if I can't have something of you, please..." He sigh, "Love me too"
You couldn't answer, too shocked by his sincere confession. He loved you in unconformity, his love was stained with obsession, evil and blinded by unshakable pride. You could feel he tears falling down your neck, he was crying just like you, but he refused to look at you
"Love me too" he begged with a broken voice. Your hands timidly went up to his chest, which was still covered by the fabric of his clothing so fine. "Love me too, _____"
Yoongi felt your touch, his heart sped up noticeably and his breath hitched with soft sighs. He thought you would finally accept the great love he was preaching for you, but your arms moved forward, trying to push him away or push it. "No, please" you sobbed, his hopes fell before his eyes when he saw you cry. "I-I don't want this, Yoongi please don't..." You said as soon as he held you tight, his fingers digging into your hips with fury. Leaving noticeable purple marks and painful scratches.
"Shut up." He growled irritated by your words, bringing his lips to yours and taking possession of them. He kissed you so quickly that it cost you to bear it.
I wanted to hurt you through the pleasure.
His teeth bit your lower lip roughly, he smirked when he could taste the sweet delicacy of your blood, the exquisite metallic taste. A moan came from your lips, he could not ignore the pleasure that ran through him when he listened to you, you were so weak that you excited him greatly.
He kept kissing your lips, but his fingers brushing all over the sinful places on your body. He caught your breasts in his hands and massaged them so sweetly, appreciating your outer beauty. Confused you too much as he could just change his attitude in a few seconds. You had closed your eyes, trying to let your imagination run wild and forget the reality that had now cursed you.
His touches were going down, his fingers played with your pussy with soft touches, but without maintaining his caresses. You moaned in his mouth, trying to pull away or close your legs to prevent him from advancing, but you knew he would just force you to open them again. His fingers dug into your folds, delicately touching every part of your exposed pussy. A moan rumbled in her throat as he plunged his first finger into your tight hole, no one had ever touched you that way, you found yourself unable not to moan with pleasure or despair. Your mind clouded slightly, feeling her other hand massage your clit to relax your taut body. She stuck in another finger, checking that you could take it and take everything she was going to give you that night.
"Y-Yoongi... N-no" You stutter, your fingers digging into the sheets. A horrible pain invaded you, the burning in the lower part of your stomach was almost unbearable.
"Easy, sweetie. I'll make you feel good, trust me" He murmured, kissing your still bloody lips, a smile singing on her ethereal face. "I can't wait to bury my cock in your tight fucking pussy", grunt, captivated by how you moaned when her dirty words reached you. "I will mark my cock on you, never again will you think of any man other than me"
A third finger dug into your pussy, the pain doubled in your lower part, making you beg for it to stop. "S-stop... N-no" You cried, your back curved trying to get away.
"And if one day you dare to think of someone else, I will cut off their damn head. You are mine. My wife, my whore and the mother of my children. No one has the right to look at you" He murmured so close to a warning growl, " I'll kill them all! Do you understand?! " He screamed, completely angry at the very thought that it could happen.
He couldn't bear to lose you again, he felt the heat of betrayal and her life seemed to lose a bit of itself when he found out that you planned to run away with one of her servants. He could never explain the pleasant feeling she had when Taehyung died before his eyes and yours. Power and greed corrupting what little of him, and now he could say it proudly, he was a greedy king.
And his greatest wish, among many others, was to have you in his bed and in his arms.
His fingers moved in and out of your tight pussy, it was a bit difficult for him to move and I knew you would cry even more when he shoved his cock into you. Continuing to massage your clit, he bent down, your eyes widening in surprise to see him kiss the inner part of your thighs with even more sinful intentions. His own eyes met yours, a lustful gleam flashed in his pupils as a warning, you tried to scream and walk away, but his tongue was already licking your clit deftly.
A delicious but involuntary chill ran through you, the feeling of pleasure but disgust put you in a trance. With soft babbling and a drop of saliva running down your chin. He felt so fucking good, his tongue curving inside of you and hitting the exact spots that could easily send you to a tempting first climax.
Your body shuddered weakly, Yoongi thought that you had given up and he approached your face. With he lips stained with your essence, he naively tried to kiss yours, but he felt the so familiar disappointment of your rejection. Your face turned to the side, with a small grunt of denial, you were so cute that he heart couldn't even get mad at you for more than two seconds. He lulled you, leaving several kisses on your cheek and following he precious treasure. However, still persistent your head moved from side to side to prevent him from kissing you as if they were lovers.
He gave up, hoping he could please you a little. But her kisses never stopped, gently tracing he love on your skin. He hands ran over your breasts and down your waist, down to your hips, holding your small body under him. Forced you to spread your legs for him, his cock brushing against the inside of your thighs that were sore from the hard marks he left on your flesh, glowing raw red bruises leaving evidence of his uncontrolled possessiveness.
The precum leaking from the tip of his cock staining your skin, you tried to close your legs to move it away and once again affirm your position against. Your hands held your thighs, his fingers sinking into your skin making you gasp from the pain of his nails digging in with fury. "Never..." he growled. "Never try to get away from my side. I will kill you and die with you, you are my life and I can possess all"
Your face seemed to pale as his cock brushed against your pussy, it sank slightly and I came out again.
I was trying to prepare you for him, yet he never calmed your fear.
Your hands hit his chest as best they could, your body contracting with the pain of his big cock sliding down your folds. A drop of blood slid down your thigh, a high-pitched moan coming from your lips at the unbelievably strong pain. Your first time had been cruelly ripped from you.
You had been a faithful believer that when something like this happened, it would be between lovers who adored each other between passion and trust.
Yoongi loved you, like a man devoted to his unreachable goddess. He had captured you, and in his unbridled love he had torn you apart. Breaking your heart and leaving it unstable, unable to love someone.
He had broken you.
His thrusts were uncountable, you could hear the royal bed moving in contrast to his thrusts into you. His lips busy with him sucking marks on you, his almost dazzling smile of his shimmering before your tear-clouded eyes. "I could fuck you for eternity" He whispered, "And I would never tire of how wet your pussy is for me"
The first funky tear slid down your cheek. His tongue licked your pain, lustfully. As his cock plunged even deeper into you.
You couldn't look at yourself in a mirror, your reflection reminding you of your nightmare come true.
And your belly swollen with the pain of the roses.
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persephoneys© All rights reserved, copying / translation or adaptation without permission is prohibited.
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masterlist │ wattpad │ kofi │ previous fic.
(Questions are always welcome, any questions about the fic will be answered with pleasure)
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persephoneyss · 3 years
Maknae reaction to them sharing a bed with their female friend and she starts to strip off her clothes while asleep
Warnings; Non-con, fingering, nipple play, masturbation
Park Jimin
It was a long night- for Jimin that is.
You had just bro ken up with your boyfriend and you needed the comfort and support of your best friend, which is why you were now passed out on his bed next to him. Eyes red and puffy over your long crying session. Jimin was there for all of it, even when you started out a rant over how inconsiderate and stupid men were.
Little did you know, Jimin had a little chat with your boyfriend the day before the breakup. Now, he didn’t have to do much, just show a few compromising photos and texts he had photoshopped to look real and let the rest play out. Now you are here. Sleeping next to him like unaware of the hungry eyes he was staring you down with as he laid next to you.
He could smell your sweet strawberry scented shampoo as he buried his nose into your scalp. He felt a throb from his cock as he slowly pressed himself against you, feeling the warmth that radiated off your heartbroken body. He started to slowly reach an arm over your body and was instantly stopped as you stirred in your sleep. His heart started to beat against his chest as he thought he was caught red handed. However, when he saw your eyes weren’t even open as you sat up and reached for the edge of your shirt, he knew you weren’t really all that conscious.
Lifting up your shirt, Jimin hungrily and eagerly took in the newly exposed skin as your flashy red bra made an appearance to greet his lingering eyes. Throwing the shirt to the side, your body fell back down onto the soft mattress before turning your back on Jimin once more, feeling the relieving cold air touching your skin as you were sleeping as deep as a bear.
If Jimin wasn’t losing it before, he sure was in for it now. He waited a good ten minutes before his stiff body relaxed once more, sinking his head into the pillow as he watched your shoulders rise up and down slowly alongside your breathing. Deciding to test out if you really were fast asleep, he ran his hand up along your back and slowly reached over for the clasp of your bra. Once he saw that you didn’t so much as flinch at his touch, he moved his fingers to work the clasp before undoing the bra. Slowly pushing the straps off, he heard the thump from the bra as it hit the floor, your chest now exposed.
Turning you on your back, Jimin hovered over you, taking in your fully naked torso. He felt the uncomfortably tight feeling in his pants become even more painful as he took in the beautiful curves of your breasts. Glancing up at your sleeping face, Jimin decided now was his chance to fully take advantage of the situation.
Licking his pillowy lips, he leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth before he started to gently suckle on it. He ran his tongue around the nub and even nibbled on it gently as if expecting your sweet nectary milk to meet with his taste buds.
God, how hot would it be if you were actually lactating right now? Your breast would be round and heavy with the milk he would gladly drink in like a mad man.
Jimin spent a good half hour just worshipping and sucking on your breast, pinching and massaging the other so it wouldn’t be left out without his attention. Jimin was in nirvana the entire night. A night in which you don’t remember much of as you woke up feeling how sore and aching your nipples felt.
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Kim Taehyung
Whatever happened was your fault. You were the one who came onto him, not him onto you. You were the one who crawled through his window in the middle of the night, drunk as a kite before crushing on his bed and stripping down to your underwear, screaming about how hot it was.
You knew what you were doing, he told himself. You knew that he liked you- no was infatuated with you. You knew how much of a drug you were for him. You knew all of this, even pushed him away and stopped seeing him for weeks on end after you found him jerking off to one of your dirty panties. Yet, here you were. Naked and displayed perfectly on his bed.
You’re the one who ventured into the spider’s web, you’re the one who is asking to be swallowed whole right now. He’s simply doing as you want.
You’re the one who wanted him to bury his face into your sopping cunt, you’re the one who wanted him to make you reach your orgasm under the pretense of being passed out. Taehyung was just being of service to you. That’s what he keeps telling himself as he fingered your tight hole, feeling how your wet pussy juices covered his hand while touching that sweet spot deep inside of you.
Your legs, although unconsciously, quivered and quaked as your third orgasm was rippling through your body, making you groan and whimper in your sleep. You not once woke up as his tongue assaulted your clit, flicking and sucking on the small nub while palming himself through his gray sweats.
When he did pull away from your gushing cunt, his face was dripping with your juices and cum, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his tongue savors your flavor.
This was definitely a night to remember, unfortunately it would also be a night that haunted you to this very day.
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Jeon Jungkook
He might as well have been a pubescent teen at the moment because the only thing he felt besides your soft gentle breathing down his neck was the raging hard on he had right now. Ever since you unknowingly got undressed next to him, he hadn’t moved an inch. Not even when you rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped a leg around his waist, panties covered cunt rubbing against the side of his leg.
Jungkook was counting his ABCs back and forth in order to distract himself, he even made a small rap in his head that went from B to P. Nothing worked, however. Nothing could distract him from how his precum practically dripped down his basketball shorts, nor the feeling of your hips moving slightly, pressing and rubbing up against his leg.
He wanted to touch you, feel you up. The urge to just wake you up and make you scream his name was an almost unstoppable need. He still didn’t do anything, though. He didn’t want your first time with him to be something rushed and animalistic, he wanted it to be tender and romantic with a nice dinner accompanying the moment. That was the ideal way for the both of you to have each other. The thought alongside the motivation of waiting for that moment made him cool off a bit, but not enough for his cock to not still throb against his shorts.
Biting his lip gently, he slowly reached down with his free hand under his shorts and pulled his cock out, the tip red and throbbing against his touch. He glanced over his shoulder down at your peaceful oblivious sleeping face, noticing the slight string of saliva drooling down the side of your mouth. Slowly stroking the length of his shaft, Jungkook leaned closer to your face, poking his tongue out as he tried to lick up the small trail of drool off your chin.
Once his tongue came in contact with your silvia, his hand started to pump up his cock at a faster pace, a small groan escaping his lips.
He is going to definitely be inviting you to more sleepovers in the near future
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561 notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
Ohmygawd ur gonna do a second part??? For the marks I just assumed jimin or tae had drugged her while she was asleep/witg food and one of em had assaulted her in her sleep mayhapa- anon about doomeds
yeaaaahhhhh - but when I do get rid of this horrible writer's block, I hate it😣😓
I'm working on a fic about Taehyung so it will take a while, wait for my anonie!❤
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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3K notes · View notes
persephoneyss · 3 years
Doomeds is a masterpiece I can’t - that was amazing I’m still processing it all like whoa danggg
Thankssssssss anonie❤
I was really reading that fic to review my writing and it gave me the chills again. Although I left many things out that I did not explain, such as the mysterious marks, so I decided to do a second part uwu
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