prongssnitch ¡ 2 years
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Pairing: James Potter/Male Reader
M/N becomes rather conflicted and confused with James’ continuous flirting, wondering if he’s being led on a fight ensues between the two due to miscommunication.
CW: None
Slight Fluff :)
[Word count: 1,797]
(Disclaimer I know close to nothing about some Marauder fandom characters so I’m just using James, Sirius, Remus and Lily and Peter in this fic)
“C’mon James give it back!” M/N groaned as he reached as high as he could for his stolen books on herbology and transfiguration from James’ grasp, James smiled and held them higher “Don’t think so L/n, maybe a kiss will do just fine in return for your precious little books.“ James smiled slyly down at the shorter boy.
M/n rolled his eyes and huffed, feeling his cheeks become more warm at the comment “In your dreams Potter, now come on I have homework and Sprout nor McGonagall are not going to let me off the hook again for your stupid jokes.”
This hadn’t been the first stunt James had pulled in hopes of winning the affections of M/N L/N, in the past there had been many irritating incidents of James swiping things from M/N randomly, each incident never failed to end with an annoyed M/n storming off quite ready to punch the next person who tried to mess with him.
“Potter I’m not in the slightest mood for this, unlike you I actually value getting good grades.” M/n huffed a bit before hopping and grabbing his books from James and quickly storming off not paying him a glance as he made his way for the [Insert your house] common room.
“Y’know Potter if you just told him how you felt you wouldn’t need to do stupid things for his attention right?” Asked his friend with bright red hair, Lily Evans who had watched the whole thing go down. James scoffed as he intentionally messed his brown curly hair up again and smiled at Lily, obviously not taking a single word of what she said into consideration.
“He likes me he just doesn’t know it yet” James smiled more and grabbed his bag, Sirius his bestfriend laughed a little as he too grabbed his bag off the ground ready to follow him “Really now, with that logic I’d reckon Snivellus has a chance with our lovely Evans here?” Sirius asked motioning to Lily as she too joined them.
“Please, Snivellus has the best chance snogging the giant squid.” James retorted as he waited on the hill back to the castle for Peter, Remus, Sirius and Lily.
“You know sometimes y-your flirting makes you come off as a prat at times James.” Peter quietly spoke up as he sped walked to keep up with his friends already 6 feet ahead of him. Remus smiled “For James that’s just his way of asking M/n out” Remus said pausing to help Peter who had dropped his school books while hurrying to keep up with the other Marauders.
James felt his face get more warm, knowing he was visibly blushing. “I told him how I felt multiple times.” Yet again Sirius laughed at him “Really now Prongs? Hi M/n I have your quill can I have a kiss that may come off as sexual harassment in return?” Sirius’ comment caused the rest of the group and James to laugh. “I have moves don’t undermine me!” James laughed “Uh huh, such as poems to M/n like ‘Hey L/n roses are red violets are blue I want to snog you do you want that too?’ Remus adding smiling. “I’ll prove you idiots wrong.” James laughed blushing, messing his hair up again.
“Hmm okay will this be before or after I accept Snape’s marriage proposal?” Lily said with a tone of ‘Bet you won’t’
The night past by fairly eventless, besides with James and Sirius tricking Peter into eating a candy that caused his voice to go up five pitches higher every time he spoke for the remainder of the night. Morning arrived and awoke a very nervous James from his bed in the Gryffindor boys dorm.
Having only one thing on his mind that morning he went about getting dressed half minded that morning and nearly walked out of the Gryffindor common room with a tangled up necktie without pants and only boxers on.
“Hey Prongs, what’s up with you mate? You’ve barely said anything stupid since you woke up.” Sirius said as he nudged James as they both sat down in the great hall for breakfast. James was lost in thought and absent mindedly staring at a certain [Insert your house name] student. Sirius sat down next to James and followed his gaze before gasping
“Shut up! You’re actually going to tell him mate!” Sirius blurted out getting the message, James quickly covered his best friends mouth with his hand “Shut your mouth!” he whisper shouted turning to Sirius “Okay maybe I am thinking about, I was serious yesterday mate. I want him and I want him badly.” James was looking at M/n across the great hall. He was determined, he was ready for anything even if it were rejection. M/n was laughing and talking to Nymphadora Tonks, a hufflepuff 6th year one year younger than the Marauders and Charlie Weasley a Gryffindor 7th year the same year as The Marauders.
Peter and Remus and Lily soon joined them at the table, Peter exhausted from the amount of potions Madam Pomprey had him take to get his voice to its original pitch. Remus still waking up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, skimming through his book trying to find his place where he left off.
James’ leg bounced as his anxiety rushed through him as the realization hit that he’d be telling M/n how he felt, frantically turning to Lily tapping her hand slightly.
“Evans you’ve dated before.” James said with hints of anxiousness in his voice “Well spotted.” Lily said looking up from her homework from Flitwick “How um eh did you go about confessing to your past flings???” The panic in his voice becoming obvious, making Lily laugh at his nervousness “They normally confessed to me genius. But my honest advice is go talk to him Potter.”
Remus nodded as he started to pick at the food on his plate “In the muggle romance novels I’ve read being up-front and honest always seems to work.”
“Maybe don’t act like a prat either Prongs.” Sirius said patting James’ shoulder as he took a swig of his pumpkin juice while reading the daily prophet, scoffing when he saw his mothers name on the headline and dropping it on the table as if it were disease ridden.
James nodded as he got up after his friends shared their relationship advice, except Peter who always had little luck with getting girls to like him.
Nervously ruffling his hair to make it look as if he had just gotten off his broom James strode as confidently as he could over to M/n’s table who seemed to be in very deep conversation with Charlie about dragons.
The Hufflepuff 6th year Nymphadora Tonks nudged M/n as James came up to their table, hands shaking. “Hey there L/n” He smiled as he attempted to sound confident and cocky like usual even though his blatant nervousness shown through like a sore thumb.
M/n sighed and looked at him as he paused his conversation with Charlie Weasley, “What can I do for you Potter? Here to steal my quills and books again?” M/n asked with a note of sarcasm in his voice. James’ face grew more red as he stuttered slightly “W-well um I actually wanted to talk to you about something instead.”
M/n tilted his head slightly, not really used to this new side of shyness and lack of confidence from James, a side he’d only see in James’ friends Remus or Peter. “I’ll be right back then.” M/n said as he got up from his seat, exchanging confused looks with Tonks and Charlie. He followed James out of and into the hall, still very confused about what this was about.
James scratched his neck nervously and looked at M/n, he could feel himself trembling on the spot. Embarrassing didn’t even begin to describe how he felt looking the way he did in front of M/n.
Taking a deep breath in he hesitantly began “Look I know you think I’m a prat and I probably annoy the bloody hell out of you too-” James began causing M/n to scoff slightly “James what is this?” M/n asked snorting slightly as he leaned against the wall.
James cleared his throat and picked up where he left off “I’m sorry L/n if this is inconvenient to you but I’ve uh-” James paused, why couldn’t he get the words out? It wasn’t like he was giving a wizard news that he had dragon pox.
M/n pinched his nose and sighed again “Please don’t tell me you dumped my things in the lake with the giant squid.” James snapped out of his overlapping thoughts immediately and quickly waved his hands “No! No! I didn’t just I was trying to figure out a way to tell you about my romantic feelings for you.”
James froze in his tracks, it blurted out of his mouth faster than he cared to admit. His face went scarlet as his eyes went wide as well. James looked like a deer in headlights as every possible scenario to what he just said played through his mind all at once.
He didn’t notice that M/n had a rather smug smile on his face, “Aww does the ‘Great Potter’ fancy me?” M/n smiled as he took a step closer to James and messed with his uniform necktie causing James’ already red face to look as if it were going to combust and catch fire at any given moment.
M/n took it a step further and pulled James down by his necktie and gently placed a hand on his cheek “Aww where’d that famous cocky attitude go?”
M/n had him and he knew it, the poor blushing Potter boy was putty in his hands from how sweet he was being with him. “L-L/n, anyone tell you you have lovely eyes?” James stuttered as he attempted a very unsuccessful confident flirty comment as M/n gently stroked his cheek. “Keep blushing over me like that Potter and I think your face will catch fire.” M/n said as he moved some of James’ hair out of his face.
“Kiss me Potter, prove your feelings” M/n said finally after a few minutes of flirty comments to the blushing stuttering taller boy. James felt his heart almost leap out of his chest, M/N WASN’T JUST MESSING WITH HIM FOR MINUTES ON END THEN???
James regained his composure and quickly wrapped an arm around M/n’s waist and pulled him into a soft kiss. The kiss surpassed how amazing James had always imagined silently to himself in classes or at night when he couldn’t sleep.
Now that he had him, he wasn’t about to let him go. His heart felt full and content knowing the boy he fancied liked him back and that was all he needed.
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