#//  can operate a phone and write a document on a computer and that's it
hellguarded-moved · 2 years
//  it took me to make ig a criminal au for him to finally be at peace with technology
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transmutationisms · 10 months
okay so i’ve never really grasped this, might as well ask now — how exactly does the cyberspace & nft stuff mine resources? i’ve heard the basics (i.e. crypto mining uses energy and what not) but i’ve never been able to understand how internet connects to real resources. could you sort of explain that (along the lines with the spam email post) in a simpler way?
ok, put very simply: it's easy for people who only interact with the internet as users to treat 'cyberspace' or 'the virtual world' as immaterial. i type something out on my phone, it lives in the screen. intuitively, it feels less real and physical than writing the same words down on a piece of paper with a pencil. this is an illusion. the internet is real and physical; digital technology is not an escape from the use of natural resources to create products. my phone, its charger, the data storage facility, a laptop: all of these things are physical objects. the internet does not exist without computers; it is a network of networks that requires real, physical devices and cables in order to store, transmit, and access all of the data we use every time we load a webpage or save a text document.
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this is one of google's data centres—part of the physical network of servers and cables that google operates. these are real objects made of real materials that need to be obtained through labour and then manufactured into these products through labour. the more data we use, the more capacity the physical network must have. google operates dozens of these data centres and potentially millions of servers (there is no official number). running these facilities takes electricity, cooling technologies (servers get hot), and more human labour. now think about how many other companies exist that store or transmit data. this entire network exists physically.
when you look at a server, or a phone, or a laptop, you might be glossing over a very simple truth that many of us train ourselves not to see: these objects themselves are made of materials that have supply chains! for example, cobalt, used in (among other things) lithium-ion batteries, has a notoriously brutal supply chain relying on horrific mining practices (including child labour), particularly in the congo. lithium mining, too, is known to have a massive environmental toll; the list goes on. dangerous and exploitative working conditions, as well as the environmental costs of resource extraction, are primarily and immediately borne by those who are already most brutally oppressed under capitalism: poor workers in the global south, indigenous people, &c. this is imperialism in action. digital technologies cannot exist without resources, and tech companies (like all capitalist firms!) are profitable because they exploit labour.
all commodities require resources and labour to make and distribute. digital technology is no different. these are material objects with material histories and contexts. nothing about the internet is immaterial, from the electromagnetic waves of wi-fi communication to the devices we use to scroll tumblr. it is, in fact, only by a fantastical sleight-of-hand that we can look at and interact with these objects and still consider the internet to be anything but real resources.
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zebee-nyx · 7 months
CalmWriMo Day 1!
Waywards Progress:
So! Made some progress in a few areas. Still working out some bits of the outline, would like it to be more solid by the end of the week at the latest. I believe I have most of it tentatively set, except for the conclusion (O.o). Which is certainly an important part, so will be continuing that more tmr. Most of the time was spent on me going back and fleshing out the main characters to really understand what they want and fear and whatnot which should help out quite a bit later when writing them and hopefully make them more well rounded in general (^v^)b. Also spent a little bit of the time dashing out some worldbuilding stuff that I had logged in my brain but needed to be plopped in a document somewhere cause I'm prone to occasionally loosing my brain keys to the memory door (x.x).
2 hour writing goal: ✅
Blurb for the blurg: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅ [had me some tofu and pasta (^v^)]
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: [tbd, but feeling good about it (‘^.^)]
Reading: ❌ [unfortunately missed this bit today (0+0)]
Worldbuilding blurb: Augs
What are augs?
Aug(s) is short for augmentation(s)! Broadly they are any alteration to one’s body that generally includes: cyberware, cosmetic surgeries, and altered genetics [more on this tmr (o.o)].
Cyberware is by far the most common type of aug in Neocago as just about everyone has at least a little bit of metal in them in one way or another. Everyone (with few exceptions) in the city has a Bio-ID chip that is installed in the palm of their hand (or relevant appendage). This aug is used fairly universally for things such as identification, banking, tracking, clocking into work, signing contracts, and recording medical information. This aug has been made such an essential part of life in the city that it is installed for free courtesy of the friendly neighborhood NEX Conglomerate! It is usually installed when someone comes of age an appropriate to join the workforce around the ripe old age of 10! Exciting!
Most people have some model of a cybercomputer. A cybercomputer is more or less what it says on the tin, which is to say it’s a computer attached to one’s brain. This aug is a necessity for life in the city. In function it acts as the “translator” between the human brain and the digital world. This allows the auged individual to operate other installed cyberware, jack into computers, access the dream-net as well as having net-dreams, and it even serves as a phone for communication around the city. While there are all sorts of fancy accessories for any niche, there are a couple that come standard with cybercomputers of every model. The first is a JC (jack cable), which is a retractable spool of cable in one’s head that can be used to connect the cybercomputer directly to any external port. The second is at least one “slot”. A slot is a port is intended to be used to directly insert datadrives which can be used to transfer information and programs. Some cybercomputers are designed with additional slots for more versatility, however this comes with the trade off of increased chances of cognitive overload if over used.
[Thanks for reading (^.^). Foodstuff below btw \/ Anyways and always hope you are having a lovely day, peace (^v^)b]
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Sweetapple (Part 3 - Bit 1)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Bit 1
Still @flyboytracy​ ‘s fault. ::hugs you silly again::
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight​ for reading and playing crash dummy. Sorry! ::hugs lots::
Bit of a language warning on this and a touch of canon angst. I have to dash now, but hope to write more once I get back from having to do boring things like food shopping.
Tracy Industries Research and Development site, Māhia Peninsula.
He stared at the address written clearly in the document he had been staring at for a full five minutes in disbelief.
The email it had been attached to was simple:
Dear Alex Sweetapple,
Your Siliwrap project has been identified as viable for product development. As it will require extensive testing in multiple environments, it has been decided to offer you and your team accommodations at our experimental facility at Māhia for the duration of the project.
Please reply if you need further information outside what the attached information can provide.
I hope this invitation finds you well, and I look forward to hearing your reply, preferably before 8 June 2063.
Kind regards,
Tia Thompson Director, Research and development Tracy Industries Aotearoa
He had opened the attached document to find the equivalent of a dissertation on the Māhia Research Facility.
It was built out of the remains of an old government space agency testing ground, but according to this, the Tracys had filled it with top level staff and equipment.
Tracy Industries had a frickin’ Avengers Lab.
And he was going to be part of it.
His heart may have missed a beat or two.
“Hey, Sweetpie, you still with us? Or did you expire and forget to fall over?”
“The project has been approved.” His voice was hoarse and full of disbelief.
“What?” Erica was out of her seat and beside him in a flash, peering at his computer screen. “Māhia?” A stunned second. “Omigod, we’re going to Māhia!” And she was dragging him out of his chair and hugging and screaming and grinning in his face.
Somewhere between getting his hair completely mussed and her squeezing both his cheeks at once, it finally sunk in. “We really got it?” Why was it still a question?
“Yes, yes and yes, you lovable goofball. We are going to Māhia and you are going to be your brilliant self and save lives for the Thunderbirds.”
“Holy shit.”
“You better believe it, Pieface. Oh, this is going to be so good.” She started muttering something about what to pack and talked to the air about preparations and experimental needs.
Alex sat down hard in his seat.
Just as another email landed in his inbox.
The subject line read ‘International Rescue advisory to Tracy Industries.’
He opened it with joy in his heart.
DL-Tracy Industries Aotearoa
Dear All,
It is with sadness that I need to report that Gordon Tracy, marine specialist and aquanaut with International Rescue has been seriously injured today.
Standard media blackout applies.
Further information will be provided by the Tracy family as soon as it is practical.
If you need support, Tracy Industries counselling services are available as always. We are in this together, we will support each other together.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Tracy family today.
Veronica Myers Public Relations Tracy Industries Aotearoa
Alex was glad he was sitting down.
He grabbed for the remote discarded on the desk and lit up the large TV screen in the corner of the room.
As usual, it was set to the news channel and a lone reporter reported mournfully across the room the moment the signal stabilised.
The screen cut to a shot of Thunderbird Two landing in the rain in London. The reporter’s voice over kept tumbling out of the screen as an obscured huddle of IR operatives rushed a prone figure into the dull edifice of a building.
Footage cut to cell phone video bits and pieces in an emergency room.
The blues of IR uniforms etched themselves into Alex’s retinas.
Oh god.
The scene cut back to the reporter and his lack of further information.
Erica had frozen in the middle of the room, all excitement drained from her body.
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Why is it "easier" to capture paranormal evidence using analog tools?
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I've been writing a lot about how so many ghost hunting tools feel very analog. So many of them seem like relics from the 1980s and 1990s, like the spirit box, which is simply a modified radio.
I think that innately, we trust these more physical, analog ways of cataloging and interacting with the paranormal. Yes, it's easier to fake a digital photograph of strange phenomena or use a Spirit Box app on your phone. But for some reason, there's a sense that it's easier for the paranormal to interact with these more physical, analog, retro forms of communication and documentation.
I struggle to put my finger on exactly what this is. After all, why do we think that a ghost, spirit, or other paranormal phenomena would have a harder time interacting with a digital device like a smartphone or a laptop, than it would with a older electronic device like a radio or a instant camera?
Shouldn't it be easier to adjust a line of code than to move something in the physical world? After all, if an entity is incorporeal, and so much of our modern technology is as well, then why wouldn't they be able to communicate with us through our smartphones, tablets, and computers just as easily—or more easily—than they might through analog media?
Thinking about this using the Ovilus
You could argue that an entity couldn't interact with modern technology in the same way that it could, say, a film camera, because it's more complex. Maybe my example of an entity interacting with digital devices on a code level is absurd. That argument is fair, but if that's the case, why would a ghost more easily interact with popular digital paranormal investigation gear, like an Ovilus?
While the Ovilus is a (sort of) recent invention, dating back to the late 2000s or so , it has the vibe of an old piece of tech. It's a purpose-built device that takes environmental readings and translates them into words (and other output, like an image ).
My understanding is that this is how the typical Ovilus works (though I assume there's some amount of variation between models): it contains a word bank of ~2,000 words. Each of those words seems to be correlated to a different EMF reading (according to this write-up, at least.) The device monitors EMF readings, then when there's a fluctuation in the amount of EMF in the area, the Ovilus outputs the word that is associated with that reading.
The Ovilus is a very cool and inventive device. I've only used one in person once, but I'd love to get the chance to again. However, there are a number of criticisms you could level at the Ovilus, and many of them are very fair. (I tend to be of the opinion that treating paranormal investigation as scientific experiments—both from an earnest POV and a debunking POV—is missing the point. But that's something for another day.)
My big question here, though, related to analog vs. digital ghost hunting question, is: How does the entity you're communicating with know what words are in the word bank and what EMF readings they're associated with?
To me, this puts the Ovilus in the same camp as something like a modern smartphone: it's a digital device that can interact with and gather data from the world around it, but it operates in a way that's is opaque to (most) humans and entities alike.
Anyone can understand the basic mechanics behind a film camera or a cassette tape—they're straightforward machines, and the operator can open it up and see the physical thing that the data is stored on (the film or magnetic tape, respectively.) So it feels plausible that it'd be straightforward for an entity to interact with. But digital ghost hunting devices that turn environmental readings into words via code and databases? Less so.
Synchronicity as a tool
I'm not saying that the Ovilus doesn't "work," I'm just saying that this piece of physical gear is likely best viewed from a synchronistic standpoint. My credulity is strained by the idea that an entity could understand what words are affiliated with each EMF reading and manipulate the EMF based on that. Like any tool, something like the Ovilus should be woven into the larger narrative of an investigation rather than have its results taken on their own.
What do I mean by that? Basically, if an investigator is using an Ovilus and gets the word "demon" and then thinks that means that they're communicating with a demon, with no other evidence to support that, then I think they're jumping to conclusions.
However, if an investigator is, say, using an Ovilus while someone else is doing the Estes Method, and both the Ovilus and the Estes session start to output the same words or variations on a theme, then that's something to pay attention to and look into.
Basically, any investigation device is probably at its best when its data is viewed as part of a larger narrative of an investigation, rather than when taken at face value.
But if a large contingency of the ghost hunting world is willing to consider the Ovilus as a potentially effective ghost hunting tool, why does it seem like there's so much more skepticism when it comes to considering the possibility that entities could communicate using modern technology? [^1]
Okay, I know I just wrote a whole blog post about that yesterday, but I mean setting aside things that are being manipulated by algorithms and "machine learning." So, yes, there are good reasons not to trust the technology that we use these days. (In addition to the ease of fakery—accidental or intentional—we now all know that our phones spy on us and track our every move.)
But there's something else afoot here. While plenty of folks (including me) do put stock in the synchronicities that show up on our computers and smartphones, I just don't think as many people people generally believe that ghosts are able to interact with those devices.
Like I said, most people don't understand how smartphones and computers work, or at least not as well as we grok radios and instant cameras. But again, why do we seem to think that incorporeal forms would have an easier time interacting with something physical then they would have interacting with something digital?
Or here's a question: are paranormal phenomena interacting with us on our digital devices, but we can't tell, since anything could be written off as a glitch or algorithmic foible? I wouldn't be shocked if that were the case. After all, isn't the digital world—cyberspace, or whatever you want to call it—potentially closer to what the spirit world might be like? Isn't cyberspace place where time and space work differently, and complex, "invisible" forces carry great sway—in a way that isn't so different from some imaginations of other realms of reality?
[^1] Not all investigators feel this way, of course! I'm always a fan of Liminal Earth's approach to the paranormal, which is to have an open mind and try to connect to weirdness in creative ways. They've even shared a way to make custom a digital spirit box using mp3s.
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lasclchat · 2 years
Chirp programming software from danplanet.com
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#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com how to
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com mac osx
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com software
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com free
Chirpley is a decentralized platform that redefines the influencer market by acting entirely in the interest of its end customers: small influencers and marketers who need them, combining tech investment with influencer marketing. It's no surprise that the overwhelming majority of private equity funds today have a tech angle, with software-aservice firms leading the list. * Please keep in mind that all text is summarized by machine, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions. If you do not select Hide Unused Data, the stored CTCSS and DTCSS information are displayed whether or not the channel is configured to open in a mode that uses them. Two options for how CHIRP displays transmitted CTCSS access tones and DTCS codes are shown: 1.
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com mac osx
Radio channel details are not available with the Voice Over screen reader in the Mac OSX version.
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com how to
csv file that Excel can read and how to convert it into a radio. The Documentation has a link to a step-by-step guide to how to write a. csv file, the easiest way to use the Windows version of CHIRP with a screen reader is to use an Excel spreadsheet application to read and edit data exported from CHIRP. To read and edit data exported from CHIRP in a. In addition, editing an existing channel with CHIRP is often more effective than deleting and reprogramming a channel using internal radio menus. csv file you just saved someplace Now copy this config to your Baofeng UV5R Now enter the script to print this ad in it Now the CHIRP This is a great little talk and receive radio, and I currently use a Baofeng Uv-5r on the fire department I work on, which is a great little talk and receive radio. Your beloved Baofeng UV5R has all the FRS, GMRS, MURS, Marine VHF, and NOAA weather channels loaded in it, including the 68 channels for your 2 Meter and 70 cm frequencies then in CHIRP Select FILE > Import and import that baofeng-freqs.
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com software
CHIRP software will be used to control a Baofeng radio. The Baofeng handheld radios are cheap but many frequencies are covered, making them the Swiss Army Knives of the budget ham radio community. CHIRP has both legacy and unified macOS packages for macOS, but the unified package is preferred. The FTDI controller made by most operating system manufacturers would not function with counterfeit chips. Most operating system manufacturers will not support counterfeit chips. Phone calls like family members, relatives, coworkers, or your prepper group Local repeaters, which are usually available in radios Weather stations, such as police, fire, and EMS and FRS and GMRS frequencies, so you can meet people on those wavelengths Direct contacts like family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, or your prepper group or your prepper group or your pre-pack radio stations Local repeaters, which are special ham stations that re CHIRP isn't restricted to saving your address book.
#Chirp programming software from danplanet.com free
CHIRP is free Ham radio software that converts the radio's address book by plugging the radio into your computer. The website contains a list of radio models that CHIRP supports, including D-STAR radios.
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kloster38molina · 2 years
Password Protecting Usb Drives Is A Must Have
Do an individual too many passwords? Towards the gym the same way. Should you write down passwords? Using a no side, if somebody got their hands on the password list, then all security would quickly fade. Across vuze plus , you will have too many passwords bear in mind. I used to maintain web site accounts and passwords within a three-page Ms word document. This included my professional accounts at Constant Contact, Google, and Microsoft, as well as personal accounts at Amazon, PG&E, and Yahoo. Am I relying on memory to remember more than 141 web sites, usernames, and passwords? I don't think so. Whenever I start my computer I become message: "NO ISDN devices were found. Please install an ISDN device and run the configuration wizard". I neither had ever installed nor wish put in ISDN tracking device. Kindly advise how to achieve freedom from on this message keep clear of clicking "OK" ach a moment. Dr. Birbals: you must run scandisk first in thorough mode in order to check any problems in cash disk. if for example the scan disk does perform properly in windows, want must run it in DOS form. If there is any problem, then scan disk will report about the situation. Moreover, you must also check the result for any bad sector in cash disk simply because could be one belonging to the reasons rrn your problem. However, if gom player are reported fine by scan disk, the particular needle of suspicion flows to motherboard of the computer. This you is going to get checked from your hardware product owner. Your problem has nothing to use increasing the RAM and thereby increasing it to 128 MB will not actually solve your hassle. I am having p3 550MHz Intel processor with 810 Vinton motherboard, 20GB HDD, 52xCDD, Motorola 56 KBPS modems with WIN ME as operating pc. Recently I installed win 2000 professional but can't crackerpro able to the driver of modem. I tried installing motorist from initially Motorola CD but got the message "your driver may get clash with win 2000 version because the driver isn't having digital signatures." Please guide me what must do to be able to the driver of the modem. Password management is a tremendous issue. I've heard of corporations that measure time spent helping employees recover from lost/forgotten account details. As for my company, I was able to more billable work during the past year helping people recover lost and forgotten passwords than I did killing adware and spyware. spat revolution or purse (in an oversize, heavy duty ziplock freezer bag). Carry at least $100 in small bills, plus have adequate funds on one credit card to choose a ticket home by air, bus, train, or to rent a one-way rental vehicle. Pack $20 importance of quarters for laundromat, snack and drink machines, or phone telephones. These handful of most useful online resources that hand calculators use to hack or reset a forgotten Windows XP administrator one. It is always recommended to create a recovery CD beforehand make sure if necessity arises you can use it. However, some technical expertise is to perform above mentioned task. An individual need tech support, can easily consult a pc repair home business.
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A Guide to content management system (CMS)
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Are you under the impression that websites can only be handled through advanced technological understanding? Well, you can easily handle websites with a basic understanding of content and its management. A content management system—or CMS—can make it happen.
What is a Content Management System (CMS)?
A content management system (CMS) is a software platform that helps users to produce and manage content and ensures its distribution to the correct parties. It is user friendly and allows you to handle content like text, photographs, videos, documents, and more.
CMSs are the most frequently used for websites and other online services. They assist businesses and organisations with content creation and distribution. The best part about using a CMS is that it does not require any special expertise or technical skills.
What is Content Management?
Material management covers the entire process of developing, editing, organising, and releasing digital material. Content management includes creating websites, publishing articles and blog posts, and even simply sharing information online. Anything you can think of online can be called digital material. It contains text, photos, video, and audio files. It is the basis of any content marketing strategy.
Why Use a Content Management System?
A CMS can be helpful for almost everyone who wants to produce, manage, or publish digital information. A CMS can help individuals, businesses, organisations, and institutions of all sizes and sorts. It may assist you:
Save the time and resources needed to establish and operate a website.
Make the creation of content more collaborative.
Help you post and edit articles much quickly.
Improve the user experience for your website visitors.
Reduce overall development and design costs.
In other words, a CMS enables you to construct and manage powerful websites in a simple and easy manner—without engaging an army of developers.
What is the purpose of Content Management?
Managing content makes it much easier for businesses of any size to develop, organise, and publish digital material. This includes keeping your content correct, up to date, and consistent with your company's marketing objectives. On top of that, content management entails tracking and analysing content performance in terms of views, clicks, and shares. The content management lifecycle is a part of content management. It covers the actions you should take while managing digital content.
Here's how the lifecycle looks:
Define the goals for your digital material.
Write, design, and create content.
Review and approve your assets.
Publish and distribute your stuff.
Manage, audit, and archive your content.
How Does a Content Management System Work?
When you log in to a CMS, you'll usually see a visible drag-and-drop interface with pre-built modules. These allow you to create and customise applications without writing any code.
In fact, modern CMSs are among the most powerful "no code" systems available. This is a software product that may be created and managed without the use of traditional coding or programming skills.
A content management system consists of two parts. The first is a content management application (CMA), while the second is a content delivery application (CDA).
The interface is the most important feature of the CMA. It enables almost anyone to create, alter, and publish material without requiring technological skills.
The CDA is the engine and database that runs beneath the UI. It saves, organises, and arranges content in a way that is suitable for the device being used to access it.
Users may view your material through a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
Key Features of Content Management Systems
User management: If your company is using a CMS, you will most likely have several people on board. Your CMS will allow you to create and manage user accounts with different degrees of access and permissions.
Content creation and editing: You'll have access to a variety of tools for creating, editing, and distributing digital content, including text, photos, and video.
Version control allows you to track and manage changes to your content. This is great news because you may quickly go back to a previous version if necessary.
Templates and themes: These are pre-designed templates and themes that allow you to quickly create a unified design for your website or product.
Media management: You'll be able to manage and organise digital media assets like pictures and movies.
Search functionality: If you get lost, you can use the CMS's search and filter features.
What Are the Top CMS Platform Examples?
WordPress.org, also known as "WordPress," is the most popular content management system, responsible for over 43% of all websites on the internet.
However, there are different kinds of CMSs. They have different features, capabilities, and target audiences. A web CMS allows you to develop and handle websites. It typically contains tools for managing website navigation, design, and other aspects of the user interface.
Examples include WordPress, Webflow, and Wix.
Enterprise CMS: A CMS designed for larger organisations and institutions. Enterprise CMSs often offer more extensive features and capabilities, and they can handle a huge number of users and content volumes.
An open-source CMS is created and maintained by a group of volunteers. The source code is open for anybody to use and change. Open-source CMSs are frequently very customisable and versatile, making them an excellent solution for organisations with special demands or requirements.
A cloud-based CMS is hosted and managed by a third-party vendor. Users can access the CMS and manage their material over the internet. Cloud-based CMSs can be a useful option for businesses that do not want to operate their own CMS infrastructure, and they frequently provide scalability and flexibility.
A headless CMS is a form of content management system that enables users to manage and publish material without requiring a front-end user interface (UI).Headless CMSs have grown in popularity over the last few years. They can be used to manage and deliver content across a variety of platforms and devices, including web, mobile, and IoT goods.
Content management systems have advanced greatly in recent years. In the past, they were very limited in terms of design, time-consuming to work with, and required a high level of technical expertise to implement and maintain. Modern site builders such as Webflow and Wix allow anyone to create a professional-looking website in next to no time. Choosing the proper CMS for you is affected by the stage of your organisation, the type of business you are in, and, of course, your budget. Contact Digital Cappuccino for Guidance About CMS!
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Why did you elbow me? 194
Achilles Castle part 96
Lemonade and lies Part 39
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 3
Kate Beckett: pov Once in the hospital my friend Lanie who is a medical examiner continued CPR on me till another Dr took over for her the rest of the way to the trauma/operating room i was rushed into. My boyfriend at the time Josh who is a cardiac surgeon  happened to be on shift and started the emergency heart surgery. I had a collapsed lung that required a chest tube. In emergency cases like mine they do a thoracotomy. It's a massive sideways incision on your side from your back to chest.
Kirk sanders: pov Wow that sounds like a huge incision.  
Castle: pov oh it is. Kate continues on with her story they also use the rib spreaders for this surgery. Kirk says it sounds painful. He asks if it's to spread your ribs so they can have more space to work. Kate replies with yes.
Kate: pov The bullet hit/grazed my inferior pulmonary vein and left ventricle causing a cardiac tampon my surgeon Dr Kovaks who replaced Josh had to cut some of my pericardium to let the blood out and repair my ventricle, I then went into vfib and they had to use the internal paddles twice, they tried to do manual heart massages but i  went into cardiac arrest again and flatlined. They eventually got me back, I spent a week in the CICU unconscious. 
Sophia: pov Kirk says that is one hell of a story, I can't believe you survived that. Kate says I can't even believe I survived, since my trauma was so severe. She also brings up the fact that she has PTSD and a weakened immune system. Our food finally arrives, and it looks amazing. KIrk is curious about some of her  past cases. 
Castle: pov I ordered the BBQ wings with French fries and Mac and cheese. Kate ordered the wings plain which they grilled for her with french fries and a salad. Sophia and Kirk ordered the spicy wings and Buffalo ones with fried onion rings, fried pickles and French fries. Kate mentions that Sophia and Kirk can drink all they want because she is the designated driver because she can't drink.
Kirk sanders: pov what was a weird case you hand, Kate says let's see I have had a few. I was handcuffed together with Castle in a basement with a tiger. I had a cryogenic case where the guy was murdered by his wife because he had a brain tumor and his friend then stole his head. I had a guy who was dressed as Santa who was murdered and fell out of a helicopter. I had the witness who turned out to be the murderer, the guy who worked in the subway that was murdered because he stumbled onto a kidnapping. The dirty bomb case. Me standing on a bomb. The psychic who predicted her own murder, the weird thing about that case was her daughter told me that. At an important date,  Alexander would save my life. Strange thing is it's Castle birth name, Richard Alexander Roger's. 
Castle: pov Kate goes into more details about these cases and some of her other ones. Sophia Is updating Kate on her life. Me and Kirk are talking about video games. He is telling me something about the Hudson River, you know Kate almost drowned in the Hudson River. We were working a case with the CIA and her car went into the Hudson and her seat belt was stuck and I had to shoot at it to free her. I had to do mouth to mouth until she started breathing, she then proceeded to throw up everywhere once she was checked out by the medics and given some  heart meds, Kate convinced them to not take her to the hospital which they recommend because of her medical history. She was stubborn back then still is. 
Kate: pov it's getting late and I have a murder to solve. The 4 of us part ways with plans to hang out again. I’m so tired once home I change into some pj's and brush my teeth before getting into bed, plug my phone in before i fall asleep. Castle is in his office getting some writing done. 
Castle: pov i save my document on the computer then grab my crutches and head to bed Kate is already asleep. In the morning I wake up early and get ready for the day. I quickly shower and start on breakfast which is oatmeal with fruit. I can hear Kate in the shower, after she is dressed and has taken her medication she starts eating her breakfast. Mother is taking me to physical therapy today since she is free and Kate has to work since she got a murder yesterday. I kiss her goodbye and hand Kate her decaf coffee before she heads off to work. I also made one for Nick, the officer she is working with today. 
Esposito: pov Kate has a meeting with the guy from the drug unit before her and Nick from the gang unit meet with this other guy. I'm in charge until she gets back. I’m waiting for Lanie to get back to me about the autopsy 
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek: pov Kate is waiting for me with 2 take out coffee cups in her hand. She says Castle made it, and one Is for you. Which one is it? She points it out saying hers is decaf. 
Captain Ellison: pov thank you both for meeting with me. I wanted to go over some things before your meeting. My guy was under for awhile. He was injured some time yesterday. From the info I have I  think your killer might have injured him. I don't have a lot of details to go on. 
Kate: pov we go over some details of the case. The Captain from the drug unit says be prepared  you might have to go undercover. Our meeting isn't until later, we decided to head back to my office to get some work done, until then. I think we should pack some bags just in case we have to go undercover. To be continued.  ……….
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writtenbykatsworld · 4 months
1. Understand the mechanism of death.
Every human dies because the central nervous system gets unplugged. This happens in many ways, but primarily either the cardiopulmonary system stops, which tells the brain to shut down, or the brain stops, which tells the heart and lungs to give up.
In reality, this is harder to accomplish than it sounds, and it’s human nature not to check out without a fight. So people are actually hard to kill. A bullet to the head is effective, but stabbings, for instance, are time-consuming, difficult, and messy. Poisons are slow, strangling is tough, and folks just don’t stand there while being axed. So when you write the “perfect murder scene,” think about how realistically you kill your victim.
2. Understand time of death.
I’ve read (and seen on the screen) moments in which the coroner/pathologist declares the victim dead at a specific time, such as 10:05 pm. Uh . . . no—not unless someone was there with a stopwatch. Many mortis factors are considered when estimating time of death. Temperature is the biggie, followed by body mass.
A dead body will naturally adjust temperature (algor) to achieve equilibrium with its surroundings and will display time-telling factors, such as muscle stiffening (rigor), blood settling (livor), color (palor), and tissue breakdown (decomp). The presence of toxins also effects body changes. Cocaine amplifies the mortis process, while carbon monoxide retards it. Be careful in getting your forensic guru to commit on specific time.
3. Understand scene access.
Crime scenes are tightly secured. Absolutely no one goes in unless they’re necessary, and then they’ll wear complete personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid contaminating the scene or themselves. This business of a gumshoe detective in a trench coat, smoking a cigar and leaning over the body, doesn’t happen. Neither does a fifteen-year-old sleuth tagging along to help solve the case.
4. Get the terminology right.
I see writers get basic terms wrong, and it’s the little mistakes that seriously affect credibility. For example, calling a 9mm pistol a “revolver” or saying the body was “prone” on its back on the floor. So much is available through Internet searches or, better yet, having beta readers pick up on errors. Remember: check what you write.
5. Crime-lab results are not so quick.
Processing crime scene evidence is a cumbersome, frustrating, and time-consuming event. First of all, yours is not the only case the lab has, and it will sit in queue to get developed. You’ll probably get bumped to the back of the bus by more urgent files and it could be months before your DNA profile comes in. And, no, a phone call from the scene to your buddy in the lab is not going to speed things up. He’d probably get canned for playing favorites.
6. Don’t get creative with investigational aids.
Most writers fail to consider the multitude of resources used in criminal investigations. DNA is today’s darling, followed by AFIS (the Automated Fingerprint Identification System). Don’t just write in the usual things like forensic autopsies, toxicology, ballistic matching, and document examination. Expand your story by using informants, wiretaps, room bugs and wires, polygraphs, undercover operators, police agents, hypnosis memory enhancement, psychological profiling, computer analyzing, satellite surveillance, and one that’s a real bugger—entomology. Stay away from using psychics, though. I’ve never heard of a case in which psychic information was anything other than a wild goose chase. I think psychics are as toxic to a believable story as a “dream” ending.
7. Use the five senses.
The best page-turners happen when you connect with your reader’s senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. This seems to be the key to pulling off the show-over-tell thing. I keep a little sticky note on the bottom of my screen to remind me to make the most of the senses in each scene—it sure helps in editing.
Smell is the strongest link to emotional connection. It’s one thing to see gruesome photos of a gut-shot corpse, but once you’ve actually whiffed a maggot-crawling, gassing-off decomp, you’ll never forget it. Try writing out that sock-puking stench. Show the detective dumpstering his $500 leather jacket because the putrefaction permeated the calf-skin pores, and dry cleaning it just made it stink worse. True story—happened to me.
8. Craft believable dialog.
Be honest. Cops and crooks swear like sailors, and that’s the reality of the crime world. And some of the most foul-mouthed friends I have are females. One lady pathologist used to slip in some beauts while dictating and dissecting. Fortunately, her assistant was a good editor and covered her butt in reports.
There’s a balance, though. If every fourth word is four letters, it’ll get a little overpowering, but none at all is unrealistic. I read a prominent crime writer’s best seller on a recommendation. I picked up right away that something wasn’t quite right. Then I came to the part where a character had to use profanity—no way around it to be true to the character—and the author wrote it as ‘F@#*!’. I quit reading and I’m sure others did too.
9. Create compelling characters.
Something that’s as true as the fact that you’re going to flush the toilet before bedtime—the best cops and crooks have vibrant personalities. And they’re not entirely good or bad either. One of the Hell’s Angels I know should be a stand-up comedian, and a fellow coroner, who looks like frump-woman, is like travelling with Yoda. She has a terrible drinking problem, though, and sleeps with her incontinent ferret.
10. Understand the science of story.
I can’t stress this enough. There’s every much a science behind storytelling as there is in doing autopsies. Why readers stay up—and can’t put novel down—is that writers work words that release endorphins in the reader’s brain. One book that all writers, not just crime-writers, MUST read is Wired for Story by Lisa Cron. I promise you’ll never look at storytelling the same.
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Would you like to know about the features of the IRIS Law? You need to look at the various features that enable you to be informed now. So, you need to look at everything related to IRIS law. In IRIS Law, people can manage their legal documents and work more efficiently. The amazing features of IRIS Law make it a favorite tool for lawyers and legal professionals worldwide.
Take a look at fewer of these awesome features. The features of IRIS law are very helpful to those who are looking forward to being involved in IRIS law. Therefore, it is important to go through this article to understand the features of IRIS law so that you can apply this to help you in different ways.
In this article, you will learn about the top features of IRIS law so that you can decide if this law is beneficial to you or not. Therefore, go through each feature in detail so that you can know which feature is the one you are looking for. The following are the main features of IRIS law:
Easy Document Management:
All the data you need about your legal documents can be accessed and stored in one convenient location with IRIS Law. Everything you need to keep track of all your documents, like contracts and agreements, is in one place. Whenever you need any of your documents, you do not have to stress about losing them since IRIS Law ensures that your documents are always safe and easy to locate.
Smart Search:
Have you ever remembered that you forgot your important files or things? Sometimes, finding your important documents can be tricky. It’s easy to find any document in IRIS Law simply by typing its name into the smart search box and clicking the search button. Having the ability to find things fast is like having a superpower.
Document Collaboration:
Working on legal matters can sometimes be a team effort. You may need to work together to succeed in this matter. As soon as you start operating on a document with IRIS Law, you can collaborate with your colleagues because IRIS Law permits multiple users to work on it simultaneously. There should be a whiteboard where everyone can write about all their important things to remember.
Secure Data Storage:
Keeping your legal documents safe and secure is of utmost importance to the lawyers at IRIS Law. It uses a special lock and key to ensure that your data is secured from unwanted access.
Reminders and Notifications:
You no longer have to stress about forgetting important tasks because IRIS Law is here to help you. You will get notified when you have an important meeting or deadline coming up, preventing you from missing it.
Task Management:
You can handle your work like a pro with the help of IRIS Law. You can utilize it to keep track of all the tasks you require to complete, making it easier to stay organized. A feature that I liked a lot was that it was like having an assistant who would tell you what to do, when to do it, and what to do next. It was a very helpful feature.
Time Tracking:
Time slips through your fingers like sand. IRIS Law allows you to keep track of your time duration on each task you do with ease. It is as if you have a special watch that lets you see how many hours have passed since you started working.
Mobile Accessibility:
Whether seated at your computer or not, IRIS Law can be your best friend anytime. You can download an application for your cellphone or tablet that allows you to use it with it. You can access legal documents from any location and work on the move using this technique. Having your favorite game on your phone wherever you are is like having it with you always.
User-Friendly Interface:
You can even use IRIS Law if you’re a kid. With its large buttons and friendly colors, this easy-to-use application is fun to use. Everything is simple to understand, like playing a game.
Customization Options:
IRIS Law lets you customize its look and feel, just like you can choose your favorite color or ice cream flavor. Change the font, background, and other settings to make it glance like you want.
Integration with Other Tools:
There’s more to law than IRIS Law. Lawyers use it every day because it talks to other tools. You get to make new friends and solve puzzles together.
IRIS Law isn’t just powerful, it’s also cheap. Making your work more efficient saves you time and money. You can get the coolest toy without spending all your money.
Customer Support:
You can always get help with IRIS Law. It is always available for you to contact the people who created it. You can depend on them to answer all your questions and fix any problems.
In conclusion, you will find the best features of IRIS Law to be beneficial for you. Furthermore, IRIS Law has some amazing features to make it a great legal document management system. It keeps you organized, lets you work with others, and keeps your info safe. With IRIS Law, you’ll have more fun and less work. IRIS Law sounds good, so why not try it out? Get ready to encounter a whole new world of efficiency and productivity. It’s an amazing tool for managing legal documents. Organize documents, search smartly, collaborate, store securely, and set reminders. Feel the magic of simplified legal work with IRIS Law. Here it is essential to remember that the IRIS law is very helpful to those involved in it, but it is also vital to understand it to make it beneficial for your clients. So, go through this article to understand this law in detail.
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inextures · 1 year
8 Reasons Why Java Is Top Choice For Enterprise Software
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As we all know, java is the programming language used for web development. Java was created to be simple to use, which is why it is easier to write, build, learn, and debug than other platforms. Currently java is the most popular programming language as it designs customised applications that are fast, lightweight and serve a variety of purposes.
There is a lot of competition, but java continues to lead due to its flexible connectors, independent code, and security.
We use java for a variety of devices such as mobile phones, laptop, computers, and so on, but did you know that java was created by mistake while Gosling and his colleagues were constructing a set-top box and began by ‘cleaning up’ C++ and ended up with a new language and runtime?
Now, in this post, we will look at why the unintentionally formed platform java is now a top choice for enterprise applications.
An enterprise application is a part of computer software used by organisations . It includes features such as organisation communication, digital payments, enterprise planning, inventory management, and much more. The fundamental goal of enterprise apps is to assist businesses in streamlining operations, increasing efficiency, and increasing overall production. Why should you choose Java to develop enterprise software?
Why should you use Java for Enterprise Software Development?
Wide community
Rich API
User friendly
Wide range of development tools
Adaptivity: Adaptability is the ability to change the size or scale of anything. Java includes capabilities that make writing adaptable programmes easier. Because Java code can run on any device, developers can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms without rewriting it.
Platform-independent: Platform independence is an important property of Java, which means that Java code can run on any platform that has a suitable Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This capability allows developers to write code once and deploy it across various platforms without having to redo it.
Wide community: Java has a big and active developer community that gives support, direction, and contributes to the language and its ecosystem’s development. A number of forums, Stack Overflow, and other user portals are normally available at all times for help and support.
Security:Java is well-known for its security; it includes built-in security features such as a security manager that controls access to system and resource resources, making it a safe choice for enterprise applications. You can be confident in picking Java since the language includes advanced security measures that protect data and applications.
Rich API – Java’s API is rich and extensive. Java’s API is comprehensive, covering everything from networking and database access to user interface design and security. It is well-documented and follows uniform norms, making it simple to comprehend and use for developers.
It is user friendly – Java is considered a user-friendly language because to its easy syntax and readability. The language is intended to be simple to learn, comprehend, and apply, making it suitable for developers of all skill levels. Because the grammar of Java is similar to that of other popular programming languages, such as C++, developers can easily switch to Java.
Wide range of development tools
Java offers a diverse set of development tools, with its Integrated Development Environment (IDE) being particularly noteworthy. The IDE encompasses a range of automation tools, editors, and debuggers. Among the most commonly used Java IDEs are NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA.
You’re probably curious about the role of Multiprogramming in enterprise applications.
A Java Multiprogramming environment, on the other hand, delivers faster response time, fewer issues, more operations, higher performance, and the ability to manage numerous requests concurrently. A multithreading environment also allows for less obstacles during development.
Enterprise applications and technologies that manage multiple threads at once can benefit greatly from Java web application development.
Further, Java’s ability to work seamlessly with other technologies, as well as its wide adoption throughout various industries, make it a safe and future-proof investment for businesses who want to develop software that can adapt and evolve in response to changing needs.
Overall, it is clear that Java’s abilities as a programming language, as well as the benefits it provides for enterprise software development, make it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to build high-quality, dependable, and scalable software solutions.
Originally published by: Why Java Is Top Choice For Enterprise Software
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aditya242424 · 1 year
So You Want to Be a Data Entry Assistant data entry outsourcing companies?
If you're interested in becoming a data entry outsourcing companies t, you may be wondering what's involved in the process. This article will discuss the role's job description, the necessary skills, and the compensation associated with the position. In addition, it will discuss the training programs and compensation that are available. Job description
A Data Entry Assistant is a person who performs data entry tasks for a company. This job requires high attention to detail and quality. They must be organized and have strong problem-solving skills. They must also be able to manage their time well and be reliable. This position reports to the Operations Manager of a company. They must have computer skills and be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Oftentimes, a data entry assistant is responsible for performing data entry procedures, such as typing in information from documents, phone calls, and recordings. They also handle additional tasks related to organizing data and ensuring accuracy. Entry-level data entry workers usually receive job training. Some employers also require applicants to have prior clerical experience.
While a data entry assistant and an office clerk have similar responsibilities, the two positions have a few differences. A data entry assistant typically works on company databases and orders. An office clerk, on the other hand, is likely to use a personal computer and direct phone calls. Skills required
A data entry assistant's job requires concentration and the ability to multi-task. The job also requires thorough proofreading and attention to detail. The job also requires strong communication skills, which include oral and written communication skills. The ability to work as part of a team is essential. However, data entry jobs can be tedious and monotonous.
Data entry assistants must have good computer skills and must ensure accuracy of data entered. A data entry assistant is responsible for entering data from different sources into the computer systems or storage of the company. They also prepare source data for system entry and maintain company databases. They also store filed documents at designated places and ensure their accuracy before entering them into the system.
Although direct experience of data entry is not required, prior knowledge of databases, spreadsheets, and word processing is a plus. It is also beneficial to have some experience working in an office. Often, employers provide on-the-job training. While no formal education is necessary, attending a formal apprenticeship scheme or undergoing courses in computer literacy will help you in your job search. Training programs
If you're interested in becoming a data entry assistant, the first step is to obtain a high school diploma. During your education, you should focus on elective courses to improve your typing skills. If you don't have the time to study full-time, consider taking a certificate program to learn the basics of data entry. You can find these programs at community colleges or technical schools. They'll give you the practical skills necessary to start working immediately. They can be a faster and more effective alternative to a degree program.
Data entry assistants should have excellent communication skills. They should be able to write clear and concise emails, as well as verbally converse with co-workers. They should also be capable of using basic computers and software. These skills can help you navigate through computer systems and use the software required for your job.
Data entry assistants work from a desk or computer terminal. Oftentimes, they are required to work overtime, especially during busy periods. They should also be comfortable with technology and have good time management skills. Compensation
The average compensation for data entry assistants varies widely. Depending on experience, the job can earn a range of five to fourteen thousand dollars. Some tasks are time consuming, such as converting data formats, while others require a high level of accuracy and tact. Companies that need data entry assistants need experienced workers who can handle complex information. These assistants should be able to meet the needs of various companies and industries.
The median salary for a Data Entry Assistant is $36,084. The highest-paid 10 percent earn over $47,000 a year. The lowest-paid 10 percent earn less than twenty-five thousand dollars per year. However, some cities pay more than the national average. The following cities have high-paying data entry assistant positions.
The basic educational requirements for a data entry assistant are a high school diploma or GED, although some vocational and community colleges offer certificate programs. Data entry assistants must also pass a keyboarding test to get hired. Many companies offer on-the-job training for new employees. These assistants typically work in climate-controlled offices, and some companies offer night and weekend hours.
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Is forex broker Overton partners ltd reliable?
This material contains the following information:
Key information about Overton partners ltd;
Is Overton partners ltd a scam?
How do I get started with Overton partners ltd?
More detailed information about the broker;
In principle, the process of opening an account and starting trading is not too different from other firms. You have to go through the procedure of confirming your identity, by submitting the usual package of documents. The minimum amount for start is also standard - $250. At the time of writing, Overton partners ltd provides several insured trades and access to a standard range of assets in a beginner's package with a minimum deposit.
By and large, all modern brokerage platforms have the right set of features, if we are not talking about any sophisticated options for technical analysis used by swing traders and other categories of investors. It's not about economic summaries etc. Nowadays the key indicator to evaluate the level of a trading platform for newbies is its easiness and intuitiveness. All of the main options such as quotes, tools for market analysis, deal management, account management, instrument verification and tactics analysis function well. By the way, all this can be said not only about the computer version of the platform, but also about the version for mobile phones and tablets. The website is also quite comfortable and all the necessary information is present. We have not noticed any drawbacks. As for the websites of brokerage companies, the same evaluation criteria apply as for the brokerage platforms and the website of Overton partners ltd meets them, it is simple and intuitive.
Withdrawal of funds Judging by the reviews on Overton partners ltd withdrawals are done without any difficulty. Or at least we didn't find that on any of the sites we studied the reviews on. After speculating on forex with Overton partners ltd we applied for withdrawal and the funds were transferred in about a day. Another withdrawal yielded similar results. This is very cool when you consider that the average withdrawal time from a brokerage organization is two to three times longer.
Basic information Overton partners ltd has been operating since 2012. Legal address in the UK. Has a standard set of documents. In the stock market, commodities and foreign exchange markets the company offers work with a standard set of assets. The number of cryptocurrencies that can be speculated through Overton partners ltd is larger than the average spectrum. Overton partners ltd updates its platform constantly.
Reviews on Overton partners ltd We wrote above that reviews on the company are mostly positive so now just tell us what the reviews most often discuss and about the ratio of negative to positive reviews. The ratio of positive to negative feedback on Overton partners ltd is approximately 5 to 1 in favour of the good. This ratio holds true on all sites, including reputable ones like Trustpilot and Sitejabber. The point of the praise can be boiled down to the following three things:
Good service and analytics;
Broker sends profitable signals;
No serious problems from cooperation with the broker for a long time.
Is Overton partners ltd scammers? Without a doubt not. To begin with, as mentioned above, Overton partners ltd has all the necessary documents. That is the most important thing. It is also important that we ourselves have tested the company and realized that it is an honest company that fulfills its obligations, provides good service and Overton partners Ltd do not want to deceive people and steal their deposits in any way. Generally, we all know how many different kinds of scams there are and how to recognize them. In recent years, very often criminals charge huge hidden fees and arrange slippage. Trading forex with Overton partners ltd we haven't seen anything like that. Reviews are also a very useful parameter. Reading the reviews on Overton partners ltd we found the standard reviews on a white brokerage organization. Users talk about their personal experience of trading signals etc.
More detailed review of Overton partners ltd In the next part of the material information about:
Experience of trading forex with Overton partners ltd;
Comparison of how Overton partners ltd managers communicate with the way the scammers do it;
Overview of Overton partners ltd platform
Trading experience with forex broker Overton partners ltd We speculated with Overton partners ltd for a fortnight. Most of all it was trading in the foreign exchange market. We were checking the signals that Overton partners ltd put out on forex. We did not collect statistical data, but the ratio of profitable and loss-making trades was in the favor of profitable ones. We also observed the communication between Overton partners Ltd staff and clients. We watched whether they would use fraudulent techniques, for example when offering investment options scammers often use the so-called urgency creation, in other words the scammer claims that the option is available for a couple of minutes and then will not be relevant for one reason or another. In the end we did not see such things. Also often even employees of white brokers hold back some important information about investment decisions, they do not tell us about additional commissions, dangers, their tactics, etc. At the end of the research we did not notice any of the above. Therefore, in this review of Overton partners ltd, we are claiming that it is definitely a reliable firm.
Overton partners ltd platform review In this part of the article information about:
What is good about Overton partners ltd platform
The main requirement for a brokerage platform
Benefits of Overton partners ltd
Customer centricity;
Regular updates of the trading platform;
Wide range of financial instruments;
Fast execution of orders;
Competent support service;
No hidden fees;
What is required to trade with Overton partners ltd?
Features of broker Overton partners ltd It is obvious that the broker is client oriented and in this connection in the approach to the communication with investors the broker is focused on providing traders possibility to earn and to simplify trading process as much as possible. The following are the strengths and weaknesses of forex broker Overton partners ltd:
Weaknesses of Overton partners ltd No zero fees Standard minimum deposit Limited number of instruments available for traders with minimum deposits.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] When using the USB C device of Android system, please first determine whether the OTG function of the device is turned on. Please turn it on to use the USB C normally. Warm Tips about USB C Flash Drive: The USB C Flash Drive is Compatible with Tablets or Smartphones with USB Type-C Port and Support OTG Function. The Computer and USB Flash Drive have Different Capacity Calculation Algorithms.The Computer 1G=1024M, USB Flash Drive 1G=1000M.so the USB Flash Drive's Capacity Displayed on the Computer is about 90% of the Actual Identification. Generally the Default System of USB Flash Drive is exfat Format. This format can Transmit the Largest Single File Larger than 4G. The Thumb Drive is made of metal material,due to the fast transmission speed,so It is normal that it has a slight heat during use. please rest assured it does not affect your normal use. High Transfer Speed: -USB 3.0 - Read up to 80 MB/s, Write up to 30 MB/s -Phone port - Read up to 30 MB/s, Write up to 10 MB/s Media Formats Supported: Music: M4A / AIFF / CAF / MP3 / WAV Image: GIF / JPG / PNG / JPEG Video: AVI / FLV / M4V / MKV / MOV / MP4 / RMVB Document: DOC / PPT / XLS / XLSX / PDF / HTML / TX USB C Memory Stick 1TB supports plug and play without any software installation, just simple plug into the USB C port of a computer or other devicesIt can quickly transfer data between smart devices with USB C and computers Compatible with most systems such as Windows /Android/ Macbook Pro/Unix / Linux and Mac OS.(Incompatible with iPhone) Dual USB Interface Flash Drive with the USB 3.0 and USB Type-C interface, Photo Stick for Computer & Photo Stick for android phones.You Can Easily Transfer Files and Data Between Smartphones, Tablets and Computers instead of Using WiFi and Cloud Services, Efficiently Save File Transfer Time and Greatly Improve Work Efficiency. The 1000GB Flash Drive USB C Casing is Made of Premium Zinc Alloy, which Makes the USB Drive Extremely Sturdy and Durable.360° Rotation Protecting Cap Design Prevent Cap Losing, and 90 ° Stuck Point Design Avoids the Drive Rotates Randomly. You Can Hang the Thumb Drive USB C on a Key Chain with the Hanging Ring. When using the USB C device of Android system, please first determine whether the OTG function of the device is turned on. Please turn it on to use the USB C normally.For tablet supporting ipad Mini and USB C, please operate in the file management of the device when inserting USB C.Quality Guarantee: We promise the free replacement if you meet any issues with our products within 90 days. Just contact us via your order simply. [ad_2]
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Top 24 Tax Deductions for Your Small Business - 2023 
Small businesses can write off a number of expenses as tax deductions to help lower the amount they owe on their income tax. The top small business tax deductions include:
1. Business Meals
As a small business, you can deduct 50 percent of food and drink purchases that qualify. To qualify, the meal needs to be related to your business and you need to keep the following documentation related to the meal:
Date and location of the meal
Business relationship of the person or people you dined with
The total cost of the meal
The easiest way to track business meal expenses is to keep your receipt and jot down notes on the back about the details of the meal.
2. Work-Related Travel Expenses
All expenses related to business travel can be written off at tax time, including airfare, hotels, rental car expenses, tips, dry cleaning, meals and more. You can reference the IRS website for a full list of deductible business travel expenses. To qualify as work-related travel, your trip must meet the following conditions:
The trip must be necessary to your business.
The trip must take you away from your tax home, i.e. the city or area in which your company conducts its business.
You must be travelling away from your tax home for longer than a normal work day and it must require you to sleep or rest on route.
To read more visit: https://advancetaxrelief.com/tax-preparation
3. Work-Related Car Use
If you use your car strictly for work-related purposes, you can write off all costs associated with operating and maintaining it. If your car use is mixed between business and personal reasons, you can only deduct costs that are related to the business usage of the vehicle. You can claim the mileage you use for business driving, either by deducting the actual miles traveled for business, or by using the standard mileage deduction of $0.56 per mile driven.
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4. Business Insurance
You can deduct the cost of your business insurance on your tax return. If you have a home office, or use a portion of your home to run your business, you can deduct your renter’s insurance costs as part of your home office write-offs.
5. Home Office Expenses
Under new simplified IRS guidelines for home office expenses, home-based small businesses and freelancers can deduct five dollars per square foot of your home that’s used for business purposes, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. To qualify as a tax deduction, your work area has to be used exclusively for business (i.e. you can’t write off the square footage of your dining room if you do your work at the table during the day) and you need to use the home office regularly as your principal place for conducting business.
6. Office Supplies
You can write off office supplies including printers, paper, pens, computers and work-related software, as long as you use them for business purposes within the year in which they were purchased. You can also deduct work-related postage and shipping costs. Be sure to file all receipts for office supply purchases, for documentation.
7. Phone and Internet Expenses
If using the phone and internet is vital to running your business, you can deduct these expenses. If, however, you use the phone and internet for a mix of work and personal reasons, you can only write off the percentage of their cost that goes toward your business use. For example, if roughly half of your internet usage is business related, you can write off 50% of your internet expenses for the year.
8. Business Interest and Bank Fees
If you borrow money to fund your business activities, the bank will charge you interest on the loan. Come tax season, you can deduct the interest charged both on business loans and business credit cards. You can also write off any fees and additional charges on your business bank account and credit card, such as monthly service fees and any annual credit card fees.
9. Depreciation
When you deduct depreciation, you’re writing off the cost of a big-ticket item like a car or machinery over the useful lifetime of that item, rather than deducting it all in one go for a single tax year. Businesses usually deduct depreciation for long-term business investments that are more costly, so they’re reimbursed for the expense over the entire useful lifetime of the item. Here’s how to calculate depreciation:
Depreciation = Total cost of the asset / Useful lifetime of the asset
10. Professional Service Fees
Any professional service fees that are necessary to the functioning of your business, such as legal, accounting and bookkeeping services, are deductible for tax purposes. If you use accounting or bookkeeping software for your business, that would also qualify as a tax deduction. If you are having trouble determining whether a particular professional service expense is for work or personal use, these guidelines for legal and professional fees from the IRS can help you judge the nature of the expense.
11. Salaries and Benefits
If you’re a small business owner with employees, you can write off their salaries, benefits and even vacation pay on your tax returns. There are a few requirements for writing off salary and benefit expenses:
The employee is not a sole proprietor, partner or LLC member in the business
The salary is reasonable and necessary
The services delegated to the employee were provided
12. Charitable Contributions
You can deduct charitable donations that you make to qualifying organizations. If your business is set up as a sole proprietorship, LLC or partnership, you can claim these expenses on your personal tax forms. If your company is a corporation, you claim charitable donations on your corporate tax return.
13. Education
Any educational expenses you incur to bring value to your business are fully deductible for tax purposes. The requirements for education-related expenses are that the course or workshop must improve your skills or help maintain your professional expertise. Educational expenses that qualify for deductions include:
Courses and classes related to your field of work
Seminars and webinars
Trade publication subscriptions
Books related to your industry
14. Child and Dependent Care
Costs you incur for caring for children or adult dependents is tax deductible. If your own children are twelve years old or younger, you can write off costs associated with their care. Adult dependents also qualify for deductions, including spouses and some other related adults who are unable to care for themselves because of physical or mental disability.
15. Energy Efficiency Expenses
Upgrades that you make to your home to ensure it’s more energy efficient can qualify for tax credits. You can claim 30 percent of the cost of alternative energy equipment for your home, including solar panels, solar water heaters and wind turbines. The IRS site offers further details on the home energy tax credits.
16. Investments
If you borrow money in order to make investments, you can write off the interest paid on the loan. You can deduct the interest up to the point that it matches what you earned in investment income.
17. Foreign-Earned Income Exclusion
American citizens with businesses based abroad can, under certain circumstances, leave the foreign income they’ve earned off their tax return. To qualify for the exclusion, your tax home must be based abroad. This article can help you better understand the requirements for foreign-earned income exclusion.
18. Medical Expenses
You can claim both insurance premiums and medical care expenses, including doctor’s fees, prescription drugs and home care. If you’re self-employed and pay for your own health insurance then you can deduct your health and dental care insurance premiums.
19. Real Estate Taxes
Real estate taxes paid at the state and local levels can be deducted on your income taxes. Property taxes are included in these deductions and you can claim up to a total of $10,000.
20. Moving Expenses
If you move and the main reason for doing so is work related, you might be able to fully deduct the costs associated with the move. To qualify, your move has to pass the distance test. To pass the distance test your new job location has to be at least 50 miles farther from your former home than your old job location was from your previous home.
21. Retirement Contributions
If you contribute to an Individual Retirement Account, doing so helps reduce your taxable income for the year. Your total IRA contributions can’t exceed the total income you earned that year or it can’t exceed the annual maximum contribution, whichever one is less.
22. Advertising and Promotion
You can fully deduct expenses related to promoting your business, including digital and print advertising, website design and maintenance and the cost of printing business cards.
23. Client and Employee Entertainment
If you take business clients out, you can deduct the expense as long as you discuss business during the meeting and the entertainment takes place in a business setting for business purposes. You can deduct 50 percent of the cost of these entertainment expenses. You can also deduct as much as 100 percent of the cost of social events held for your employees.
24. Startup Expenses
If you launched a new business venture in the latest tax year, you can deduct as much as $5,000 in startup expenses you incurred in the lead up to your business launch. That can include costs associated with marketing your new business, travel and training costs.
Our experts can help rectify erroneous tax bills and guide you in picking a suitable repayment program. Contact us today (713)300-3965 for back tax filing and tax relief services.
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