#//  and the thing is that he will actually act upon those vibes if someone crosses him
hellguarded-moved · 2 years
//  it took me to make ig a criminal au for him to finally be at peace with technology
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
More Oni headcanons that I wanted to add on
to @ambrosial-tea post but I forgot until now!
There are different tribes of Oni as stated in the last post. Aka Oni (Red), Ao Oni (Blue), Shiro Oni (Pale/White), and our Kuro Oni (Black/Dark).
We don’t know too much of the Dark Oni we got but we do know that Oni were originally intended to be guardians between Material Plane and Spirit World when the two began overlapping (possibly The Grasslands/Departed, and Cursed Realm before they began separating). Put a tribe of Oni on the Material Plane for a couple years and they’d splinter into subraces of Oni and become more corrupted by the years. Dark Oni became one of the tribes corrupted.
Aka Oni are the most common type of Oni with their dark red colors, large size, and toughness. They’re slightly bigger than the rest of their kin, more violent, unfocused, and pursue immediate satisfaction, disregarding long drawn out plots and schemes. They’re mostly known for strength too.
Ao Oni are known for their unnatural cunning and aptitude for magic, smaller than their red kin but larger than pale, and have different shades of dark blue. They’re the ones you’d catch calculating and meticulously pursuing lofty goals like power and knowledge.
Shiro Oni are known for their aloofness and connections to the spirit realm. They’re the smallest of the main three tribes and the fewest of members. They vary from pale white to light gray. (They may as well adopt other Oni who share their colors and hopefully teach them their ideals.) Pale Oni would rather keep things in balance between the material plane and spirit world as the ancient Oni intended. They guard their locations but will adventure for artifacts of the spirit world and mend balance. If we take that into account perhaps they are another reason why Realm travel is difficult to Oni who try to cross through the any of the realms involving afterlives.
While Oni have no concept of gender since they have both reproductive organs, they also have no concept of sexualities either. Honestly they just didn’t have a name for it when one didn’t feel the need to have sex or when another felt more attracted to the same sex aspects of their partner. (If anything, their type of relationships or way of thinking would be looked up upon because they felt closer to their spirituality and their true selves.) Again they sometimes don’t mate for reproduction but just for the vibes of their partner.
They probably didn’t have a name for having multiple partners at the time either. If one Oni wanted to be a part of what the other two had and they were content with the feel of them, then it was okay. Plus more hands to help raise the cub personally. (Essentially that’s what PolyGarm would basically be. They make Garm happy, they’re happy with him, and Lloyd would basically have more than two parents. At this point Lloyd would just have more dads and Koko is just the one good mom he deserves.)
The second Oni learn what kisses are and how they work, they find it just as addictive as they do with other acts of affection.
Oni are more closer to their family than they are to strangers because in most Oni’s belief, strangers brought suffering to the family. In turn they displayed their family’s name first before their own, showing pride in them and hoping to intimidate any strangers with ill intent towards them.
Speaking of Oni names, they don’t usually have any but when they do their names would be what positive traits the parents wish the child to take on. For example, a son could have “Akihiko”. “Aki” meaning “bright” and “hiko” meaning “boy/prince”. They could want him to be someone brighter than they ever hoped for. For a daughter, “Asuna” with “asu” meaning “tomorrow” and “na” to “greens” or “apple tree”. Maybe the parents are hoping the Oni daughter would lead them to a more plentiful day. And then there’s the family names. The most famous ones are “Hideyoshi” and “Ishikawa”. We’ve heard of these names and the history behind them, I wouldn’t want to come across any of their descendants that carry their name with honor.
Ironically “Harumi” is actually a name for a female Oni in some home brewing lore. One of her meanings is “govern/rule” and “beauty”. Goes to show how far she would take her name literally.
Shiro Oni/Pale Oni don’t have names, but it’s because they don’t want to be too close to the material plane while they guard the spirit realms. They would refer to themselves and each other as “that/this one” instead like how gargoyles in the old days would. If they come up with names, it’s for the sake of working with others on the material plane, but even then it only happens when they really trust the people around them.
Oni have a large appetite that could put the Pythor and the Anacondrai to shame. They could honestly compete against the Great Devourer and other wyrms.
An Oni’s pair of horns are a sign of honor. No pair of horns are alike, not even the closest siblings’ horns look the same. They all have their differences. Their horn length is their pride. Having them sawed off is quite literally shameful to the owner of them but they did do something to deserve it.
It’s possible that some Oni were confused at Garm’s horns not being there at first but they hear about the first time they grew out of his head he quite literally broke them off and bled for a good long while to the point of passing out. (Blood vessels actually go throughout the antlers/horns in animals which is why they aren’t busted right off easily. Why wouldn’t they to Oni horns?) Come to find out it was the FSM’s hate for Oni that made Garm hate himself and how he looked so Garm had them filed down to his scalp or small enough to hide in his hair. It honestly almost hurts the Oni’s look on the FSM even more but hey who hasn’t he hurt? It takes a couple more decades and some therapy before he finally let’s go of his internalized self hatred and trauma that he grows out his horns and finally has pride in himself like most Oni already do.
So it’s not uncommon for Oni to live among other races, whether secretly or not, due to their shapeshifting abilities, however sometimes they’re immediately shunned when their true form slips out. Unless they proved otherwise to the most accepting of inhabitants, they’re allowed to stay. By then they’d have a hybrid appearance with their horns out, either out of their kindness to ease the others’ fear of them or for their own personal benefit.
Oni that do live on their own choose to live in the wilderness or in the mountains. If living in society but still wanting some sort of solitude, they’d either be closer to the outskirts or deep in the downtown where you’d either have to ask directions to specific people to find them or already know where they are. Hence Mistaké with her small tea shop and Wu being able find her.
As stated before Oni have no problems with Half-Oni at all. They’re just welcoming another cub into the pack and it’s just the fact that they are a child of an Oni who fell in love with another humanoid. Although there are some cases of Oni being chased out by the other race with their cub in their arms and they just run until they find the closest tribe. They’d be welcomed into the tribe and the cub is basically adopted by them.
Again half Oni isn’t a problem to them, but they do have a problem with any particular wizards experimenting on Oni breeding with any other humanoids. The know it’s not the parents’ fault neither is the cub’s. If neither parent want nothing to do with them, then the half Oni cub is taken off of their hands by another Oni who was grieving at a loss of a cub (or the realization they couldn’t have any) or a pairing who wouldn’t mind another. The cub won’t have a terrible environment, the parents won’t have to unwillingly interact with the child until they resolve their own issues or they wish to visit and see them grow.
Meanwhile, those wizards will never know peace again until the day they die, even other tribes, who they could be at war with, will catch wind of what happen and help in taking them out. By the time those wizards die, even the Pale Oni who have no ties with Omega or any other tribes won’t be forgiving to them. They won’t do anything too harmful to them, but they will lead them to the terrible part of the Cursed Realm and those wizards proceed to stay there until they fade out of existence entirely.
Enough angst there and let’s go back to fluff. I bet Oni would love dice. Like not even for games but for the click-clack sound. (“Lloyd. They’re metal dice. You cannot have—.” “Shiny sparkly metal bits make pretty sounds! :D” “Garmadon please tell your son not— Not you too!” “Wha~ It does sound pretty.”)
Y’all know how like adult lions play with their babies? They pretend to be hurt and that the cub is super strong to help build up their confidence. Hear me out, Oni do that too. Big goddamn Omega really be taking hits from tiny little cubs, Mistaké be playing with little Garmadon and playing dead on him, then Garm just does the same thing for little Lloyd. (“Koko, sweetie, help. It’s the battle of the century in here. Help, save me. He’s too powerful!” “*tiny war cry*”)
Someone makes a baby Oni cry one time and boy it’s absolutely over. It’s on sight for that person. I’m telling you On Sight!
Oni can purr loud enough to the point where it rumbles in them like a motor and that’s how cubs feel their parents’ purring. Then there’s baby Oni just babbling and the adult Oni just pretend to have a whole conversation with them. Don’t get me started on them playing soft flute music to help the toddler Oni sleep.
We probably only got a few words out of Omega when they first appeared because we were hearing them through human ears. Lloyd’s Oni brain would click on and translates what he knows while Garm in full Oni form can get full sentences out of Omega.
Oni are willing to learn a different language if it helps others understand them and their intentions. Now let’s just think of Lloyd connecting to his Oni side of the family (since let’s face it, the Oni are going to be around longer than most of his friends are) through teaching them sign language.
They also try to teach him their Oni tongue but he can only grasp a few words at a time easily. When he finally learns the language, next thing you know he’s going to be cursing and only Oni will understand. Some (aka Mistaké) want to scold him and others (*cough*Garmadon*cough*) find it hilarious.
Garmadon’s Oni-Dragon hybrid brain wants him to decorate his significant others and now I think of Oni just sharing the precious items they hoard with their mate. Wait till they figure out they can make jewelry and have their significant other wear it.
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
Class S: Love letters
This is the Class S+ Cecil love letters!! 
Please enjoy under the cut
From Riri:
Maybe it was his midnight-blue hair, or perhaps it was his ocean eyes, but the very moment I laid my eyes upon him my mind immediately thought, “Wow, he’s very good looking… charming... I really like his vibe.” That was the first reason why he piqued my interest, rather, the initial reason why I fancied him. My eyes were drawn to him and the fact that Kay bombarded me with a truckload of his pictures didn’t help at all, I just fell deeper into the hole. But as if that wasn’t enough, she started spamming me with utapri songs and I fell in love immediately. They are all such good singers but there’s one of them who sticks out to me the most, as expected, it’s Tokiya. His voice has this intricate and refined softness that seemed to caress my ears and touch my soul. He has such a sweet (and might I add a handsome) voice, kudos to Miyano Mamoru for that.
So I started watching the anime and through that, I got to know him better. At first, he seems cold with an air of loneliness and uneasiness dawning on him. But as the series progresses, I discovered that he’s a good-natured, warm, and dedicated person who loves singing and music with all his heart and all. He’s hardworking, dedicating everything to his craft. He has pride in it, so when he was told that his singing has no ‘heart’ it affected him a lot. That caused a lot of distress in his system, and the fact that his company is pushing him to pursue other things than being a singer added to that. His passion for his craft is burning, a fire that no one could put out. That’s one of the things that I love about him. He’s dedicated to everything he does. He’s a perfectionist but he’s also a caring person who cares a lot about the starish members. He’s genuinely a good person but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. He strives for improvement and development all the time. He helps the members whenever they need. Most importantly, his attitude towards his passion is respectable and admirable.
I might’ve said a lot of things but I guess that only means I love a lot of things about him. He’s such a beautiful soul that inspires me to be more dedicated to my passion, to make my dreams come true no matter what it takes. His path towards his dream was rough, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows but that’s life, isn’t it? Despite that, he kept walking towards his dream. He’s admirable, respectable, and irresistibly loveable. That being said, I love all the things that made his character; that made Tokiya Ichinose be the kind of character that he is right now.
PS. Miyano Mamoru played a big part too. His insane talent gave life to Tokiya’s character.
From @poorlydrawnutapri:
When I first watched the Utapri anime like 6 years ago, having a best boy didn't cross my mind. At first, I was just most interested in Tokiya out of all the boys because I just thought he looked cool. I liked how mysterious he seemed and also, his hair, probably just because it was blue tbh. Either way, good design.
However, what really got me attached to him wasn't his looks. I then liked Tokiya's serious personality. I like how he starts off cold and stoic but how throughout the games and anime, he slowly softens up. I didn't just like his personality, I could also relate to his perfectionism and hard-working side, even when he exhausts himself, which is something I admit I also have. I continue to relate to him now after all this time, and that's why he's such a good character to me.
Besides that, his songs are nice to listen to and he has just a very pleasant voice. It's nice just to go listen to his voice after a long day. In a way, liking Tokiya also got me into the whole Utapri franchise: made some friends, made a couple of good memes, all that kinda stuff.
Also, I feel like it's a crime not to mention this so: he thicc. Like, dang, no wonder the guy only eats salads because all the fats he eats goes straight to that ass of his. (I am sorry that you had to read that.)
Overall, I just think he's neat. To me, he's relatable and has a nice character development. Tokiya is and will continue to be my best boy. :)
From @incorrect-jinguji-ren:
Ren Jinguji, the 5th member of Starish is without any shame my favorite character of the Uta no prince sama series. Though often disregarded Ren is and always will be my most favorite and I firmly believe that he has one of the most, if not the most depth in his character. I love Ren a lot however because of his surface charismatic attitude he is usually labeled as a “playboy” or a “lothario”. This is not correct and it should never define him, as he actually is one of the most gentle and compassionate characters of the series. Ren has a very deep surface characterization and personality that is never usually recognized unless you truly take the time to understand WHY Ren acts the way he does, and WHY he makes the choices that he makes. My favorite part about loving characters is being able to accept them for their demons and embrace what others would see as the “imperfections” in them. That Is the best way to truly love them. I love Ren because of his motives, choices, and most of all his passionate loving heart. Although the pain he hides and the personality of who he really is, is hidden under a mask of charisma, he never loses himself deep within.
He’s misunderstood, but he’s beautiful. He’s so deep, from the everlasting devotion to loving his passed on mother, to always cherishing memories and the past bond he had with his childhood best friend Masato, to going against what his brother wants of him because he wants to fight to have a choice and to be passionate about something that he wants to love, because HE wants to love it. Ren didn’t have the love that a lot of people had at such a young age, he made a path for himself and along the way succumbed to the human faults that we all falter from within the hardest times in our life or even dicult events. He almost gave up, just as I know many of us had almost done before, as I know and can relate to, and still do now.
But he dusted himself o and picked up where he left o, making himself happy from once the feeling of being a hollow shell with no reason why he even existed to realizing that the most important thing in the world to him was cherishing the people who made him see the world in colors and seeking the choices that had been stripped from him at such a young age. He broke free from the chains of his family, his past, and his regrets to spread a beautiful pair of rose wings, his own wings to fly. And I hope he always flies. I will always love him, and wish nothing but the best for him whatever that be.
From @chips-and-vodka:
Ren Jinguji- the sexy, charming and flirty member of the STARISH boys. The youngest of the Jinguji family, a troubled child who grew up without a mother. A person who possesses many charms and is blessed with the gift of beauty. A red rose he was, beautiful yet his thorns are to be avoided. Beneath his passionate and seductive mannerisms there is a boy that craves genuine affection, from the one he truly adores and cherishes.
Ren Jinguji to me initially was one with a beautiful, attractive deep baritone, who is voiced by none other than the legend- Suwabe Junichi himself. The voice is an accurate fit of how this stereotype of a charming bishie should be, youthful and sensitive, and at times warm and seductive. His portrayal brings out the appeal of the character, the emotions and thoughts a troubled young adult such as the ‘useless third son’ lived through. Many would see him as a romantic one, one who showers those around him with attention and passion. Within however lives a rebellious soul who distrusts many, but still somehow desires that ray of sunshine that brightens his lonely soul.
Ren Jinguji is one that deserves real love, someone who appreciates him for who he is.
From Jules:
Why do I like Syo, huh? Well, there are a lot of reasons! Some of them are more personal ones. First of all, Syo has always been my best boy, since UtaPri (the anime) exists. So ten long years now.
His fashion style is the first thing I noticed and it immediately intrigued me. I remember that my first thought, after seeing him in season one, was “Woah, he looks really cool!” even though Syo was just in his school uniform! I think what also made me interested in him was his energetic persona. The way he looked up to Ryuya Hyuga and wanted to follow in his footsteps was really sweet to me as well. Syo’s enthusiasm and positive attitude actually encouraged me to become stronger in a way too, if I’m being honest. I, personally, have always found his songs motivating and they made me feel better. I really came to love Syo in his episode in season one. When he talked about his childhood and how weak he was, I really felt with him. From that moment on I cheered him on and Syo definitely became my favorite character. My interest never wavered over the next seasons either.
I also have personal reasons why I love him so much. I just feel very connected and relate to him a lot, y’know? We have quite a few things in common. Syo and I have the same eye color, we have both played the violin since we were little, and were born weak and with pretty much the same health and heart issues. I like to say that Syo “saved” me, which is true. There is also the fact that the blonde and I are both on the shorter side (and regularly get teased for it), too! Though, I’m even a little shorter than him.
But to be more positive again, there is just so much more to him than meets the eye at first! Syo is more than just the stereotypical short sporty character. He really cares for his friends and wants the best for them. Syo’s friendship with every STARISH member is different but still close. He’s also protective of the ones around him. Syo really cares about his little twin brother too, which can be seen in the games and the few times he talked about him in the anime. Syo’s big heart easily balances out his, sometimes, tsundere behavior and I love him for that. This blonde idol is just a great guy and deserves all the love he’s getting and more.
Seriously, stan Syo Kurusu, guys!
From Vic:
Syo Kurusu is my favourite idol within the utapri games and any other form of media pertaining to the franchise. He is my favourite idol because of several factors, one of which being that his voice actor is Hiro Shimono, who voices Zenitsu from Demon slayer and Lucifer from “Devil is a part timer”. Syo is a very outgoing character and is talented in many aspects athletically. Born with a heart disease, he continues to persevere throughout the myriads of life’s problems in front of him.
He’s extremely outgoing and is proficient in the martial art of Karate and desires to strengthen his body more than what it is currently. He is best friends with Natsuki and can communicate with each other proficiently. Syo is my favourite character within the franchise because of his resolve, perseverance and great chemistry with Natsuki and his teammates. Hiro Shimono did the character justice by making his voice one of young, adventurous and energetic. With that said, Syo is a character I truly enjoy within the franchise and wish to see more of him.
From Anon:
Greetings, princes and princesses, and welcome to a world of princes, questionably talking cats, and magic! I’m of course talking about Cecil Aijima, our foreign prince of UtaPri! So, why do I like Cecil Aijima? It’s borderline ridiculous, but it’s because of Cecil’s birthday. More specifically, Cecil’s Birthday Cruise card. But, I should start at the beginning.
Back when I first watched the anime, I thought Cecil was a little bit of a brat towards literally everyone, and one of my least favorites at the time. After watching through the rest of the anime though, I started to like him a lot more than I did before. To me, he had matured a lot after season 2, and never turned back to that bratty self. And so, when playing SL, he might not have been my favorite, but I didn’t hate him. Then, that one fateful day, I decided to pull in his birthday gacha. To my surprise, I had gotten the card in my first pull! Then the story dragged me into the Cecil Appreciation Group. I thought the story was incredibly cute. Then I got more Cecil cards so I could read more stories. Then the cycle repeated itself again. And now, well, if I’m writing this, I think you know what happened to me afterwards. I’ll be here, doing my best for him.
From Eden: 
The boy with childish like demeanor but continues to have a heart of gold for his friends and wonderful composer.
I remember first watching Utapri in middle school and questioning. "Well shit- this is my life now..." and I didn't really have a favorite character at the time. I was always bouncing between characters like Syo, Otoya, even the teachers. However it was season 2 that made me realize who my true favorite was. Despite his at first cocky nature when he was first introduced, Cecil to me was amazing! His singing was magical, his origins even more fascinating. You wouldn't think Utapri would turn that down the magic route but it somehow did.
As the seasons went on, and as I got more into the series, he just became more of a love to me. His kindness and child-like nature and curiosity, he felt different than the other characters.
I love the other characters, yes but him?
Something about him just felt right! He not only seems to be a protector for those he cares about but also feels like he would be the best person to be around. Always wanting to do anything new and exciting just to peak his curiosity and to learn more. Ever since then, he has always been my favorite. The one and only Annapolis Prince, Aijima Cecil.
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msmoondust · 3 years
|| TWST OC Profile: Morpheus Null ||
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Name: Morpheus Null
Nickname(s): Dragon Slug (by Floyd); Monsieur l'Instigateur/Roi du Chaos (by Rook)
Age: 18
Birthday: February 26
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'11
Homeland: Isle of Lamentation
Family: Father (Status Unknown), Uncle, Two Brothers (Triplets), Two Sisters
Dorm: Ignihyde
School Year: Third Year
Class: 3-E
Occupation: Student
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Alchemy
Dominant Hand: Right
Hobby: Raving in his room
Dislikes: Perfume
Favorite Food: Chicken Alfredo Pasta
Least Favorite Food: Raisin Bread
Special Skill: Hacking
Unique Magic: Oneiroi Guise
Morpheus is a young man often described as someone who lives for the thrill of chaos and uncertainty. Most students avoid him due to his father's background and status or his methods of withering his boredom. However, some do gain the courage to approach him when it comes to his tempting offers or perplexing personality. Although he is rather chaotic, Morpheus thoroughly enjoys hanging around those he deems fun to mess around or jest. He's actually not too dangerous as he is banned from taking certain actions for unknown reasons. Still, it's advised to keep him in a somewhat good mood as it is rumored bad luck ensues when he's crossed. But that is only rumors. Morpheus unfortunately loves to instigate and is rather sadistic when it comes to fooling others. He is pretty smart, but the thing is, he'll sometimes just begrudgingly do his homework. To add on to that, he won't ever do anyone a favor unless he gets something in return. Overall, Morpheus is an odd one; some can't even figure out if they should take him seriously or not. He acts peculiar but he is extremely capable of handling situations with ease either with honeyed words or taking matters in his own hands.
• I'm rather perplexed at how much I've developed him; since I was originally just going to have him be twisted from Bill Cipher (yes, I know) but then I just gave him bits of references to the God who he's named after (and a bit of the Sandman because I love unnecessary details to my OCs just for the fun of it) because I just love the sleep, dream, and night related Gods— So yeah, majority of his personality is twisted from Bill Cipher with hints and slight influences of habits twisted from the Greek God Morpheus.
• Morpheus is actually lactose intolerant but still eats his favorite food and drinks milkshakes. He's been given lactose free cheese and milkshakes whenever possible.
• His father (and his family in general) is actually feared in some parts of the Isle of Lamentation, so Morpheus was faced with some criticism upon first coming to NRC. There are even people whispering about his father but he didn't care. However, that doesn't mean he'll let them bad mouth his father without some form of warning.
• Morpheus actually lives with his uncle as his father disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving him under the care of his uncle.
• He's partially blind from his left eye after an incident, which links to why he's banned from doing certain things.
• Owns an online shop and usually hangs around the dark corner of the halls to sell snacks or notes because he's weird like that. He'll even do the same with asking for study help because he can't ask like a normal person.
• Always manages to get the first dibs when he pre orders certain items and this pisses off Idia so much.
• For some odd reason, when he's not being mischievous, he's sleeping all day in his room and some Ignihyde students wonder if they're imagining the soothing smell that comes from his room. It's extremely odd since he seems so active and this urge to sleep comes to him as he states he needs to go back to his dorm.
• That might come from the fact that he does give off very relaxing vibes when he's using those honey coated words, almost as if your worries are melting away.
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Parkside Confessions (Yami x Reader drabble)
Due to upheavals in my personal life I’ve been unable to write much of anything for several months, so, to help get back into the swing of things I figured I’d make some presents for some people I appreciate here on tumblr. You could also say these are very very, very, very late Christmas gifts. The first one is for @readerinsertfanfiction​ who is not only an amazing writer and someone I admire, but also someone who wrote me a couple fantastic drabbles not long ago.
I know it’s February but I set this during spring time because I’m desperate for winter to be over before I break my ankle on ice while walking to work bc why not. I also kinda tried to give this a Not Quite Unrequited vibe while still making it it’s own thing, so hopefully you like it, Rif <3
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Yugi took note of the way his brother was holding himself; arms crossed tight over his chest, eyes locked firmly on the ground, and lips pursed in a pout unlike any he had seen on Yami before. Yugi was struggling between wanting to laugh and actually feeling sympathy for his big brother.
Instead, the younger man put a comforting hand on Yami’s shoulder, “Hey, you don’t have to be so nervous! Just think of it like any other conversation, you guys have talked a million times before!”
He was glad to feel Yami’s muscles relax a little under his hand, though it only really served to make Yami start shifting his feet in a one-step dance of restlessness. Fidgeting was rare sign in Yami and Yugi fully started to appreciate how shot his nerves must be.
“But this isn’t just any other conversation, Aibou,” Yami muttered and if the sounds of nature in the park were any louder, Yugi might not have heard him. “I’ve practiced what I might say in my mind for over a week, yet I still feel no more prepared to say it face to face than I did two weeks ago.”
That made sense, Yami always did his best thinking on his feet. He was amazing at plans and strategies, but this wasn’t exactly the same as putting good card combinations in your Duel Monster’s deck.
Yugi felt his lips curl into a frown as he turned and peeked out from behind the line of trees they were conveniently settled behind. As always when the weekend weather was nice (and the gang had no plans to hang out) you were there, enjoying the outdoors as you worked on your tablet. Your usual bench was a bit isolated from the main part of the park, set off in the grass some ways away from the play ground and flat field others frolicked through. It was also surrounded by a spattering of trees, so a thick umbrella of leaves protected you from the sun, though your favorite hat did that job well enough. This was the third time Yami had passed through the park when you were here- only to powerwalk passed you without so much as a wave or awkward hello, despite his previous intentions of stealing some one-on-one time with you. 
Living up to the ‘ray of positivity’ title his friend’s bestowed upon him, Yugi quickly though of a solution to get Yami over there and under those trees with you. “Okay, new plan. What ever you’ve been practicing in your head- forget it, throw it out!”
Yami finally lifted his eyes from the uneven grass to blink at him, “What?”
Yugi grabbed his brother by the arm and started tugging, “You always come up with your best plans in the spur of the moment, so stop overthinking what you’re going to say and just go over there! It’ll come to you when you need it, I’m sure!” Yami’s eyes went wide as Yugi actually started (gently) shoving him in the direction of your spot. 
“Aibou, I-”
“No buts!”
“I didn’t say but!”
“Just get over there!”
Another shove with surprising strength behind it and Yami was stumbling out into the open. You hadn’t noticed, him being too far away and you too engrossed in your tablet. Yami stood frozen, like a cat caught climbing the curtains, until he let out a breath and stood straighter. That literal push was helpful, and just like other points in his life, Yami found strength in his brother’s encouragement. He could do this, it wasn’t like talking to you was anything new! It would be fine if he could forget the fact that this was the only time you two had spent alone...and push exactly why he was wanting to talk with you alone to the back of his mind.
Yami watched your bench for a moment, felt himself smile at how at peace you looked. When the breeze picked up and swept through the park, he saw the way it caught and lifted the strands of your hair. Your eyes closed against nature’s intrusion as you tucked some flowing strands behind your ear and Yami felt something warm and fluttering swell in his chest at the almost cinematic sight. That bubbly heat wasn’t new to him, he had actually grown quite accustomed to it the last few weeks. Warmth clawing up his neck and face when you smiled at him, head feeling light and stupid the few times he managed to get a laugh from you, how he wanted bury himself in the moments where you talked about your passions with that look in your eyes. All of these were signs even he couldn’t ignore. 
He had tried, gods had he tried, but he hadn’t managed it for long, he couldn’t. Couldn’t deny the way his eyes followed you like a smitten school boy, or how he scowled in disappointment (and perhaps a drop of jealousy) when he couldn’t snatch the seat next to you, nor how he longed for you to look back at him with similar feelings hidden in your gaze.
With another deep breath, Yami finally moved his feet in something other than nervous fidgeting. He could practically feel Yugi’s eyes on his back as he took strong and sure strides towards you. He passed a young couple on a walk as his mind worked through encouraging words. He tucked his hand in his pockets for a bit of security when he thought of how you would look up at him and greet him in your usually fashion. He took more calming breaths as even that mild imagery made his face heat up. He was closing in on you now, all he had to do was call out and wave and he would be one step closer to everything he had been planning and-
And without breaking stride Yami spun on his heel in a sharp U turn, stormed for a few hot-faced paces, and planted his butt firmly on a bench that was definitely not yours.
He was staring forcefully at the ground again, lips tight in annoyance, and fists clenched over his knees so tight the knuckles were already whitening. He knew he heard Yugi’s voice carried to him on the wind, but at the moment his mind was too busy scolding his love-struck cowardice.
Back in their hiding spot, Yugi huffed, wishing his beloved brother was in reach for a good shaking. “For the love of...”
Now, Yugi was not usually one for acting on impulse, but seeing his brother look so frustratingly hesitant made him act on the first plan that came to mind. Yami just needed a little push, that’s all.
Yugi ran out into the field, put his hands around his mouth like a megaphone, and in the best possible impersonation of his brother’s baritone he could muster, he yelled your name.
On the lonely bench, Yami’s heart sank when he heard a voice (trying to sound like his??) shout your name so loudly it carried across he park. His head snapped up in time to see Yugi retreating back to their previous hiding spot, darting out of sight- but not before the young man flashed him a thumbs up.
A few choice words to hurl at his brother ran through his mind, before Yami heard the voice that made a fresh wave of bubbly heat start in his chest.
“Yami? Is that you?”
Taking an almost audible gulp, Yami turned his head towards you sitting not far across the field. He prayed his dark skin would hide the blush he knew was scorching his face.
“Hello,” the tone was flat and awkward as he lifted his hand in an equally awkward gesture. 
You didn’t seem to mind, or maybe you did and were trying to spare him further embarrassment, because you nodded in greeting with a half smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I was- I” Yami cleared his throat in a hurry, “I was just taking a walk.” Somehow through the haze of panic and mortification he managed to stand up and start walking towards you. Of course he noted how his legs felt like jelly and his stride was likely very odd looking as he closed the distance. “I see you’re enjoying the nice day,” he observed, scrambling for any start to a conversation.
You nodded, “Just until it gets too hot anyway, we won’t have many more cool day like this with summer getting closer.”
“Right. I’m sure Anzu will try to get us to go to the water park when it gets hot.”
When you huffed in bemused laughter he felt some of his tension ease, especially when you said, “Probably, so I’m definitely going to enjoy the spring days while I can. Hey, you want to sit down?”
He found his lips lifting in a smile as you scooted over a bit and patted the newly freed spot beside you. He took it, glad to give his jelly legs a rest, though they were getting better with every passing moment.
“What are you working on? If you don’t mind me asking.”
And just like that you two fell into easy conversation. It didn’t take long for Yami to forget that he was alone with you for the first time, in a nice private setting. Rather it felt like any other day: you and the rest of the gang coming over for an anime marathon, all of you going to the arcade, or playing Monster World at Ryou’s house. It was...simple. Well, almost, but it was getting easier with every word and sentence. 
Of course, he eventually realized that the words to tell you the deeper things in his heart weren’t coming, like Yugi thought they would. Yami wasn’t even able to conjure up the speech he had planned when he took a second to think about it.
Then again, maybe it just wasn’t the right time. Maybe this was all he needed for now. Some time between the two of you, one on one. Something simple, though no less special. Something to help ease him into the things he wanted to say someday.
Yes, this was more than enough right now. He could tell you those deeper feelings held in his heart another day, right now he was more than content to sit by your side and enjoy your smile, your voice, and your company.
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elphiej · 4 years
Be My Light: Prologue
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*Pairing: Yoonig X Reader, possible OT7 X Reader (Undecided)
*Genre: Mafia, angst, eventual smut, slow burn
*Warnings: N/A (Yet)
*Summary: In the city of Central, a dark shadow rises as an evil from their past threatens to destroy the members of Bangtan and seize control of the city. While struggling against the rival gangs, as well as their own inner turmoils, they find their journey intertwined with a girl who’s past is a mystery, even to herself. She is lost and broken, but finds she has little choice but to trust the gang members as she becomes a target of the rival gang and drug lords. As they protect their new charge, the boys start to feel things they haven’t thought they would ever have. Can she help them fight against the shadows of their past? Can she melt the cold persona of Bangtan’s second in command? Can they be a beacon for her in own darkness? And can they help her unlock the secrets of her past and help her find her inner strength? 
(I’m terrible at writing summaries. Please let me know what you think)
              Be My Light 
               The last few stars in twilight sky illuminates the chrome skyline, barely a soul was awake, as a black SUV pulled up to the curb by a half-constructed office space in the lower part of the City. Hardly anyone who lived in the massive metropolis was about at such an early hour. Especially in this lower section of Central City, where it was mostly cheap apartments, shops, and construction. Central City- barely anyone remembered its true name after the ‘First’ Gangs bestowed the code name upon the citizens. The driver gazed across the empty street to the massive skeleton of a building that loomed in the fading twilight, not liking the ominous feeling that radiated from it like heat from the car’s air conditioner.  Nothing about this seemed right and his anxiety settled deep within his gut. This was not the usual drop zone and too far from their own territory. The construction cranes and bulldozers that were deadly still, like a warning, loomed about the shell of the shopping center the civil government thought would bring some life and safety back to this part of the city. The massive, five story building had too many unknown factors for him; there were too many places to hide, too many shadows, too many things to use against them should things go south. He sank lower into the driver seat, anxiety settling like a stone in his gut. It didn’t matter how many of these drops he had done or how many times he had seen things go one way or the other, he still got nervous. He turned his attention to the other member in the car, trying to distract himself.
               In the passenger seat, seemingly asleep and unbothered, was a young man who was older in years but shorter in stature than the driver.  He had pale skin and platinum blonde hair, dressed up in a simple black shirt and ripped black jeans, with a blood red, long hooded coat, that gave him a vampiric or bringer of death vibe. Fitting for what may happen, the driver thought. His arms were crossed against his chest and his head was leaning against the window. The eldest had been in the same position since they had left their garage a few hours ago. He seemed almost calm, which the younger allotted to his hyung’s experience with the rival gang.  However, quite the opposite was the presence in the back, who had stretched himself to lounge on the back seat. There laid an angelic youth with golden, wavy hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was yin and yang personified to those who had seen him in action. The angel had his phone above his face, tapping furiously in a game, the light illuminating his innocent features and smile. The driver knew that once they entered the building that the innocent look would change to something scary once they entered the building. If looks could kill, the driver trailed off. Having both his hyungs with him and both seeming calm should help put him at ease. It was a good team they had in the car and had done much harder things before. But he still couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that loomed over him.
               “Hyung,” he said, softy, looking at the sleeping passenger. The other seemed dead to the world, so he repeated himself louder. Only when the other made a noise of acknowledgment did he continue. “Are we sure this is the place?”
               The passenger opened his dark eyes and looked across the driver to the construction site. His eyes moved to out his own window before nodding. The angel stopped playing his game and sat up longer enough to confirm with this companion. It wasn’t quite the reassurance the younger man was hoping to get.
               “Hyung, I don’t like this” he said. “This doesn’t feel right. We’re doing a drop, right? This isn’t hallowed ground. It’s a half-constructed building that none of us have any knowledge of. This can’t be the site.”
               “This is where RM said to go. This is the place the asshole wanted to do this. Said they feel safer here,” the passenger said, his voice low and rough from being woken.
               The angel leaned forward between the two of them, thumbs still moving quickly across the screen. “Those guys are just scared,” he said, his voice as light and airy as his appearance. “They keep losing men because they don’t train them right. Once their boss disappeared, they can barely keep their heads above water. They think being on their turf will scare us or something. Think we’re more likely to agree in order not to cause any trouble. That we’ll be too cautious to draw any blood.” His eyes shifted to the driver, and the devil within shone through for a moment. “Not like that would stop us, right Jungkook-ah?”
               “Ease the blood-shed, Jiminie,” the eldest warned. “This is just an exchange. We get in and get out. They promised a standoff, no weapons. So we should oblige the goons.”
               “Then why do we have a weapon stash with us” Jungkook asked with a playful, knowing smile.
               “Because we’re not stupid. Ji may have been bound by the Accords, but he was still a deceitful fuck, played by whatever rule got him to where he was. And he taught his dongsaengs to do the same. Now that he’s disappeared, they’ve gotten more chaotic. Look what happened to Hoseok last month when they jumped him in the middle of the street. They’re getting messy. We’re lucky Moonbyul and some X-ers were in the area, else Hobi and some civilians would have been worse off.”
               “Come on, Hyung. Are you tell us that if Choi’s in there, you’re not gonna give him a couple more bruises to match the old ones? I’m sure he’d like a matching set,” Jimin said leaning back in his seat.
               “We’re not gonna stoop to their level. We’ll show them how to act. But,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a switch blade, and smiled, “if he is there and wants to start shit with me, I’ll be happy to give him a scar like he tried to give Hobi.”
               Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, grinning. Within their own group, they were all remarkably close, basically family. They all looked out for and took care of each other. But their Yoongi-hyung was even more protective of his younger brothers, always secretly doing things for them when they least expected it. On the outside, he was hard, quiet, and calculating. But on the side, they knew he was softy (though they dare not say that in his presence).
               Yoongi slipped the knife back into his red trench coat’s inner pocket and checked his watch. It was not quite time to meet with the Royals, though they knew them better as Goons or Jackasses. But it was time to check in with their secret surveillance. He pulled out his phone and made a call. Ringing filled the silent car through the speakers. It did not take long before the ring stopped, and deep voice replaced it.
               “Hyung,” it whined, “you finally call! I’ve been freezing out here since sundown, watching this damn building. I’m cold and lonely!”
               “Lonely my ass, Taehyung. You’ve been texting Jimin since you got there and playing that damn mobile game since two. You do realize you’re supposed to be look out. Or do I need to find someone who actually care about our safety to replace you next time?”
               “What? Hyung, no! I’ve been doing my job, I swear,” Taehyung said frantically, his voice wavering as if he was about to cry. “I can multi-task, I swear. We’ve only played a couple rounds, I promise. Please, Hyung, have mercy on me! You know I don’t like being alone. Please don’…,” his voice trailed off.
               Jimin grabbed the phone from Yoongi. “Taehyung-ah, it’s okay. Yoongi-Hyung is just kidding. He’s smiling, really.”
               “If that’s what you want to call it,” Jungkook laughed.
               As quickly as Taehyung’s sobbing began, it just as quickly turned into a deep laugh. “I know. I can hear it in his voice. Not nice, Yoongi-shi. We really need to work on your people skills”
               “Anyways, what is happening out there?” Yoongi loomed forward to look out the windshield to the building across from the meeting place. A top the highest building, he could just make out the body sitting there. Had he not known what he was looking for, or had an idea where Taehyung had positioned himself, he would have missed him. The lookout had positioned himself across from the back of the building where the Goons would be entering at, in order to stay a few steps ahead of them.
               “Barely anything has happened since I got here. Once the sun went down, all the people cleared the street. It’s been quite here. The civilians are probably worried about the Goons’ new recruits causing trouble at night. Only three cars have come down this way. And you’re number three. There’s some more construction to the west, some little family shops and alleys to the east, and a couple apartment housings to the north of here. So the civilians are safe from the cross-fire, if there is any.” He stopped talking for a sec, only to let out a loud, triumphant ‘yah’. “Got you, Jimin. That’s for cheating last round. I win! You owe me some honey rice cakes.” Said cheater threw his phone on the back seat with a growl, which only made Taehyung laugh more.
               Yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. “Why did I not ask Jin-Hyung to come with me?”
               “Because Jin-Hyung is taking care of Hoseok-Hyung. And RM-Hyung is trading that ‘equipment’ we picked up with Solar’s crew for some more fire power,” Jimin explained, leaning forward to rest his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Besides, we’re the dream team right here. Taehyung’s a great lookout with his attention to details. And he’s a strong back up in a brawl. Jungkook’s the most daring getaway driver, next to Jin-Hyung, and is the muscle. And you and I are the best shots. How can you top that?”
               Yoongi shrugged Jimin off him. “Fine, but stay focused. No more games, you two.”
               Taehyung chuckled deeply. “Ok, Grandpa. I promise.”
               From his place atop the building, Taehyung smiled down at the SUV. After so many hours of nothing happening, their reunion had woken him up and gave him some much-needed energy. He listened as Jungkook started asking Jimin about the game, and Yoongi grumbling every now and again. He stretched his long arms up, and checked on the screens in front of him. The time of the drop was approaching but there had been no activity in the building across from him. He and Jimin had snuck into the building a few days earlier and placed some hidden cameras all over. He tapped a few buttons on his screen, switching from floor to floor, his eyes taking in every detail. No change. The building was just as empty as it was when he first got there. He checked the time in the lower corner of his screen; it was only a few minutes before the appointed time and still no sign of the enemy. If there was one thing Taehyung liked about the absent head of the rival gang was his attention to time and arriving to an appointment early. Time was everything and, without him, they lacked it
               You’ve got shit timing, a voice echoed from the farthest reaches of his mind.
               His fingers froze on the keyboard. Why was that making an appearance? That deep, sinister voice had been lurking on the edge of his attention ever since Hoseok was jumped. His hyung didn’t remember most of that attack, let alone who was the spearhead. He recalled being jumped from behind by some lower level recruits that he may have recognized, and that he dealt with a few of them before they pinned him on his knees. And he remembered a pair of expensive, designer shoes coming into his line of vison before a cane cracked him in the face. Moonbyul, a member of the Mama gang from the Northern side of town, had been one of the first to come to his aid. Taehyung had only met her once but remember that she was a strong and intimidating, and a fierce fighter. Joohyun and Shownu of the X-ers he knew better from all their gangs’ interactions. They had been looking for a good restaurant when they heard the commotion and sprang to help. Joohyun swore that he saw the elusive Choi there in fray, yet neither Moonbyul or Shownu were sure if he was there or not. Choi had always been like a shadow, appearing and disappearing when he pleased. No one had heard of his actions for almost four years. And, in the two-year absence his leader, Ji, no one was quite sure who had taken over as temporary leader. There had been clues that Choi could have returned to take over; he was the oldest member of the generals, had been a right hand man for Ji, and was more secretive of his doings then some of the other Generals would have been. The idea of Choi being back in Central made Taehyung anxious; old, painful memories had started to resurface. Things that Taehyung had worked through and had lapsed into a comfortable mindset when they thought that bastard had disappeared. Just the thought that Choi may be back made him wonder if that meant Ji was back too and what that may do to his members.
               Taehyung didn’t have much time to dwell as movement from one of the cameras caught his attention. He clicked into the camera that was stationed on the opposite side of the construction site, where the back-loading docks were to see three black Royces with their lights off came to a stop. Here we go, he thought as pulled a folded bandana from his jacket and slipped it up under his dyed gray locks.  Zooming in, he saw a few Royal members that he recognized from past fights. Some were boxers and a few MMA fighters, but they were slower than his trim and light members. The rest looked new, young and jittery. Maybe just a training run, Taehyung thought. It wouldn’t be out of place. RM and Jin had taken him on drops and exchanges when he first joined.  Altogether, there were twelve Royal members. That alone made Taehyung nervous; there were too many factors playing out in his head. He knew that between himself, Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi, they could deal with them if they decided to do something stupid. One member Taehyung, Chen, knew well enough from their encounters was a high-ranking member and was normally the leader of the squad. He was slightly decent about following the Accords. Maybe this will go fine.
               That was, until he watched Chen go to the third Rolls Royce and opened the back door.
               The first thing that came into view was a pair of expensive, silver dress shoes. Then a matching ornate cane. Taehyung could feel his breath catching in his throat. Out of the car, dressed in a light colored three-piece suit with a white fur coat draped over his broad shoulders, stepped Choi. His gloved hand ran through his quaffed frosted hair as he gave instructions to his minions. The little smirk that appeared through the computer screen was all it took for Taehyung’s mind to instantly transport him back to the worst night of his entire life. He could feel those gloved hands on his neck and shoulder while Choi’s companion laughed like a crazed child behind him. That sadistic smile was one of the last things he remembered seeing before he was shoved deep into the freezing darkness.
               Here’s your punishment for your disrespect. Do me a favor and don’t die too quick. My brother wants his turn to play with you. Now, deep breath, Choi breathed in his ear.  
                    His heart started to beat harder and panic began to grip hold of him. He didn’t want to think about it, not now. He thought he was past all this. But, with the chances of seeing the general who tormented him, only made his breath check in his throat. Get a grip, he mentally screamed, get over it. Don’t let him win! But all he could focus of was the wet, chill creeping up from his toes, his lungs restricting, the muted sounds in his ears…He gripped his phone like a life-line, running through what his team taught him when he got like this. Taehyung closed his eyes and tried to count. He tried to focus on a happier memory, but the onslaught of panic surged onward. He tried to force himself to take an unsteady breath, shaking his dyed gray locks from his sweaty face. Focus, breath. He kept repeating it. But his lungs felt like they were in a vice, like they were filling up with ice cold fear. There were hands gripping him, dragging him deeper into the dark memory. And he felt like he was swimming against a current. It wasn’t until Jimin’s voice seemed to cut through the rushing in his ears that he felt he had a lifeline. Where his silence may not have seemed like anything to the others at that moment, Jimin seemed to sense the change, even without seeing him. Taehyung clung to his best friend’s words and took a shaky breath into his burning lungs. Then, another and another. Just like he did when this same nightmare plagued him for an entire year. And as quickly as it came on, the dark hands pulled back into the deepest part of his memory.
               Jimin called out to him again as his eyes opened, and Jungkook’s followed asking if everything was alright. Tae let his eyes fall on his computer screen to ground himself back into his reality. Everything is fine. Focus on the screens. There were only two men by the cars now, blocking the loading dock from any surprise attack. Where did the others go? Tapping quickly on the keyboard, he cycled through the different cameras. The ground floor was only occupied by the large support beams and boxes of different building material. The second floor had empty shells for stores. The third and fourth were much of the same, with only scaffolding, tools, and more large boxes. The fifth floor was were the designer had wanted to put an event hall based on the layout; wide open with decorative columns lining the middle of the space, windows that looked out to the distant skyline of the city, and a marble floor that hadn’t been finished yet. Like the other floors, metal scaffolding and work tables littered the area, and unpacked crates and such were dispersed. At the edge of the camera Taehyung had placed by the entrance, he finally spotted Choi and the rest of the goons. As his eyes darted about the screen, taking in every detail he needed, he sat a bit straighter and shifted from the playful Tae into a different being. Now in the position of lookout and back gunner was V.
               “Tae, you ok up there? You’re too quiet. I think Jimin’s about to scale this building to check on you,” Yoongi’s voice rang through the phone, behind it was Jimin’s quite voice asking the same.
               “Suga-Hyung,” V voice was much deeper and serious than Taehyung’s, signaling to the car that something was up, “They’re here. Three cars at the back-loading dock. Two men stayed with the cars. There are thirteen in total.”
               “That’s more than normal for a drop like this,” Jungkook wearily said.
               “Hyung,” V continued, “Choi is with them.”
               From his place in the car, Yoongi nodded silently. That was all the info he needed to know that this wouldn’t be a normal interaction like they had hoped. The confirmation that Choi was, indeed, back in the picture meant that the game was about to be much more dangerous. He looked across to his younger friends, knowing from the look on their faces that they understood that too.
               “Where are they V-shi?”
               “Choi and the others are in the fifth-floor hall like they said. Their situated in the back of the room. Take the elevator on the ground floor and it’ll open into the space. There’s enough room to keep some distance between you guys and there are enough obstacles, in case. I can’t see from this angle if they’re true to their word about the weapons but there’s a couple boxes I didn’t see when I set up.”
               “Good job, V,” Yoongi said. “Once we get into the building, make your way down and to the back. Pay the two lookouts a visit. Then, keep low in case we need you. I’ll have the in-ear if something comes up. Jimin, you’ll stay with me. Jungkook, you stay a little behind with the package. Everyone just follow my lead and stay alert. Let them think we’re as dumb as Choi likes to think of us. Got it?”
               Yoongi had slid into Suga, the mafia persona he had adapted over the years. Suga was calculative, alert, intimidating to those who didn’t know him, and able to set the world on fire with a turn of phrase. He straightened his red coat and flipped up the hood to block against the cold as he pushed open the door. Jungkook let out a breath, nervous energy still rampant but his drive to succeed against all odd weighted it out. He mumbled a ‘goodbye’ to Taehyung and turned off the car, shoving the keys into his black hoodie’s pocket. He let his gaze wander in the rearview to see Jimin had already slid his rose-tinted glasses he had grabbed before leaving their hideout onto his face and ran his finger through his blonde hair. A bit of his bangs slipped back across one of his eyes. And with that simple gesture, the angelic, mischievous persona had been replaced with a devilish powerhouse one who wouldn’t stop until the job is done. The differences between normal Jimin to gang member Jimin would make anyone wonder if two different people. It still creeped Jungkook out when his hyung’s happy mask would slip when they got into a disagreement. Said hyung noticed Jungkook staring, and those dark eyes melted a bit when the younger’s doe eyes quickly looked away. He smiled a bit and reached for the black bucket hat that Jungkook had thrown into the back seat when they left.
               “Don’t look so worried. We’ll be good,” Jimin said, placing the hat over Jungkook’s long dark hair. The maknae wasn’t entirely sure if Jimin meant that the meeting would well or if that they’d behave. Honestly, he didn’t think it’d matter.
               Suga leaned his head back into the car. “Jimin, why don’t you let our guest out? I’m sure they didn’t appreciate all those pot holes JK decided to hit.”
               JK gave a small smirk as the wickedly, mischievous glint reappeared in Jimin’s eyes. He slid from the back seat and made his way around to the truck. He gave the metal a good kick before opening the hatch, the person inside letting out a surprised yelp as they were yanked out and down to the cold asphalt. The rat was blindfolded, gagged, and bound. He had tried to infiltrate one of their warehouses. He was young and inexperienced, trying to blend in with the new batch of recruits. And he almost went unnoticed, had they not had the best surveillance known to any gang in all of Central. Jimin almost felt sorry for him. Lord knows, he was treated better with them than his own group. But that wasn’t enough for Jimin not to scare him a bit more with a couple good shoves and breathy threats as they made their way through the crisp early morning air towards the uncertainty that lay inside the building.
               With each step towards the towering building, no longer were the three the friendly band of brothers who had spent the two hours driving around, laughing, talking, and singing obnoxiously loud to the radio. With each step, they were the most feared gang to walk the streets of Central since the Royals were in their prime. They were the most powerful group to rise from nothing to the greatest empires in the history of Central.
               They were Bangtan.
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summonerscenarios · 3 years
Since you're adopting most of the kids, now I can just invision those TAS characters who wants a family with the MC (Takemaru, Gullinbursti, Temujin, Ophion and etc because I can't remember-) just going straight to heaven from seeing you cooing over the kids like a mother does and they tryna slide into the co-parenting too with you 👀 👀 Would you accept though if they actually asked to take care of the kids with you ?
dfghjkhgfg okay so I MAY have read this one wrong but it was too good of an idea not to roll with lmao. Ended up leaving Ophion out as I ran out of steam but I do hope these turned out okay (also for the record I would absolutely co-parent with Tak and Gull in a heartbeat because who wouldn’t dfghds)
If you could adopt these kids, you’d do it in a heartbeat. You’re not sure what made you come to this conclusion - maybe it’s because seeing the lack of parental figures in their life made you want to take them under your wing, or maybe you just wanted them to be given the same amount of love and support and have someone in their corner who’s willing to support and help them. Whatever the reason, it’s made you a parent magnet, and you’ve become a person who many kids look up to (outside of battle of course - you are not letting them be as reckless as you are), which in turn has just made you more protective of them. Even if it’s just little things, like carrying around snacks for them if they look hungry, helping them with schoolwork, giving them advice when they come to you for help with issues that they’re having - whatever it is, you’re always willing to pitch in to help make their lives just a little bit easier to navigate through.
You’re so used to taking on a parental role you don’t think twice about helping Robinson button up his coat while you’re outside - with the weather taking a turn the last thing you’d do is let him go out without at least keeping warm. You admit that you end up fussing a bit over making sure Robinson’s bundled up, as you just wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to catch a cold, so you’d paused to make sure he had it buttoned all the way up and had the zip fastened. You didn’t think much about giving him your scarf and gloves either, as Robinson at least seems grateful for the additional warmth when you offer it to him. You’re just finishing up wrapping the scarf around the boy’s shoulders and making sure that he’s doing okay when Takemaru spots what you’re doing.
The oni can’t help but admire how you fit into the role of the loving parent so well, watching you talk with the kid as you loop the two ends of the scarf together and make sure that he’s nice and snug. You smile softly watching Robinson tug up the garment a little higher to protect his cheeks from the cold with a happy expression of his own. 
It’s no secret that the thought of starting a family with you has crossed his mind before, and he’s even let it slip around you once or twice, but just seeing how you’ve practically adopted these children and shown them your love and support makes those thoughts come back full force. 
What really does him in is the way your expression lights up when you finally notice him, waving him over to come and join the two of you as you straighten up and ruffle Robinson’s hair. You’ve introduced Tak to the kid before, and it’s clear that he’s attached to you with how close he sticks to your side whenever he sees the two of you together - he’s definitely got the protective son vibe down pat. But upon seeing how you beam at the oni as he strides over, Robinson eases up a bit upon seeing how eagerly you greet him, and soon enough the three of you are moving on to enjoy the festivities together.
 A lot of the festive stores are still open, with colorful lights bathing the stalls and crowds in a warm, multi-colored glow as everyone moves around. Robinson seems to be enjoying watching everyone pass as the three of you walk around, though Takemaru notices that he keeps trying to get a peek at all of the open stores as they pass, only to keep getting blocked by one person or another ruining his view. It’s around the third time he notices this that Tak leans down and asks the kid if he wants a boost to be the lookout for cool looking stalls; Robinson seems to hesitate for a moment, squeezing your hand as he mulls it over, then Robinson nods, proudly declaring that Tak can leave it to him as the taller man stoops down to help the boy climb up onto his shoulders. 
You can’t help but feel a warmth in your chest as the sight of Tak carrying Robinson around on his shoulders, the younger of the two working diligently to look for places to head to next as he tells Takemaru what he sees - but alongside that you can see the wonder and awe in his expression that’s more fitting for his age. Robinson really hasn’t had much of a chance to just be a kid, and your heart swells watching him perched atop Tak’s shoulders. They almost looks like father and son - that thought makes you giggle, but you keep it to yourself for now, instead returning your focus back to the two as Robinson points out something further into the main venue, patting Tak’s head to get the transient’s attention and urging him to move over to where he’s pointing. Not wanting you to get left behind, Tak reaches out for your hand and you slip your hand into his without hesitation, squeezing it tight as you follow along with Robinson’s directions, joking that you want a turn as lookout next and watching Tak’s expression turn a lovely shade of pink when you muse that he could carry the both of you with ease thanks to how strong he is.
With how many younger members your guild’s managed to pick up over the course of its founding, it makes sense that as guildmaster you’d take it as your responsibility to keep an eye on them and make sure they’re safe. Or at least, that’s what you tell others when they point out that you’re acting more like a doting parent than a guildmaster - a fact that you’re quickly realizing is true even if you don’t admit it outloud. It doesn’t help that they all look up to you so much either, often tagging along with you whenever you’re going out on guild errands or need help with something. You’re always eager to step in and help them in return - you want to make sure that they’re all safe and having as much fun as they can whenever they’re around, whether that’s helping them with their schoolwork or giving them advice. You wonder if this is how Mr. Mononobe feels about the students - it’s always been a running joke that he’s team dad of the school, taking everyone under his wing and guiding them - but you’ve caught people calling you the team parent of the summoners and it’s always given you pause. It appears you’re not the only one who’s taken notice of you acting parental to some of your younger peers.
You’re helping the kids with some schoolwork, with Kijimuna perched on your lap and R-19 and Agyo flanking on either side, watching diligently as you point out some of the questions Kiji’s struggling on and help him work through it. Usually it would be a handful to get them to concentrate - Kijimuna loves to play and have fun, and more often than not manages to rope the other two into playing with him; however, you’ve managed to get them settled down, and they all look surprisingly focused as they listen to you talk. It’s going a lot better than you thought it would, and in the middle of studying Gull wanders into the room and looks at the scene he’s greeted with. He gives you a curious look but when you wave him to come over he follows the direction without question, taking a seat close to Agyo and watching you continue with the lesson just as intently as the kids are - it’s honestly kind of cute.
Kijimuna and Agyo both end up drifting off mid-way through the studying session, with Kiji having twisted around while you talked to sleep with his face buried into your shoulder, and with Agyo having nodded off against Gull’s side cuddling into his pelt. They look so comfortable you don’t have the heart to wake them, cradling the child close to your chest as you look over at Gull and watch him use an arm to steady Agyo. When Gullinbursti looks up at you he regards you with a perplexed expression, watching you run a hand through Kijimuna’s hair as you close up the books and clear up the mess of pens and pencils, sorting them into a neat pile with a chuckle of how easily these kiddos wear themselves out. You catch him looking at you and quirk a brow, asking him what’s up, and notes out loud that you look so happy whenever you’re taking care of them - much like a parent. 
Hearing Gull’s words you get a little bashful but still find yourself smiling fondly as your gaze flickers down to Kijimuna as he mumbles something in his sleep; patting his head you find yourself agreeing with him. Of course you’re happy - you love being there to support them and seeing them grow; it makes you feel proud being around to see them learn about the world around them, it’s almost like they’re your kids. Guess that really does make you feel like a parent, huh?
At your response Gull takes a moment to think, giving you an intense look right before he opens his mouth to respond:
“Master, would more children make you even happier? If so, I would be happy to provide as many as you’d like.”
You flush at the words, and go to quickly correct him that you don’t think that making children is quite the same thing as helping the younger guilds with homework, but mid-sentence R-19 - who’s apparently been awake throughout this whole exchange - chimes in. When he mentions that you have yet to show any signs of pregnancy, and doesn’t understand why Gull made such a comment you just about keel over where you sit. It seems as though your floundering ended up waking Kijimuna up too, as he goes from rubbing his eyes to letting out a loud gasp at the word pregnancy, and now you’ve got an excitable tree spirit on your hands, bouncing around and asking you if there’s really a baby coming to the guild. Right as things can’t get any worse a shrill scream of “A BABY?!” from a now very much awake Agyo has you burying your face into your hands with a groan, already dreading the conversation you’re going to have to have with them before Shiro catches wind of the situation.
Ikutoshi sometimes kicks up a fuss about you acting like you’re his parent, but he at least respects that you don’t push the idea - you don’t baby them or look down on them which Ikutoshi respects and Kagatsuchi loves, so it comes as a surprise to very few that you end up practically adopting the pair as time goes on. On more than one occasion you’ve ended up taking on the mentor role with the two of them, helping them out with their training whenever they come up to you to spar - they’re both always eager to test their mettle against you, and you’re eager to teach them what you know. If you can’t stop them from getting into fights, the least you can do is make sure that they go into them prepared.
This is exactly how Temujin comes across you. Temujin usually takes his training sessions outside of the main city, removing the distractions of the bustling world to immerse himself in honing his already impressive skills. And it is here that the two of you end up crossing paths, with you having just finished a sparring session with Ikutoshi and Kagutsuchi that had taken place outside of the dojo. Ikutoshi's sat across from you, sat on a log and working on lacing up his boots as you help Kagutsuchi into his - you don’t really need to help him, but the small acts like that are well worth the smiles and words of thanks that you get from the kid in return. You hear Temujin approach before you see him, tilting your head back as you greet the archer, and noting your surprise at running into him in this area. 
You’re expecting him to make some kind of comment - some not-so innocent slip of the tongue like you’re used to so you have a prime reason to leave. What comes out instead is an invitation to join the three of you - it appears as though you’re preparing to make your way back into the city, so he would like to accompany you until then, if only for a little while. His request gives you pause and you purse your lips, mulling the request over; there’s a few beats of silence before you shrug - eh, why not? So long as he doesn’t pull anything you’ll handle his company for a little while. You tilt your head, gesturing for him to take a seat by you as you finish up with Kagusuchi’s boots, and he settles down, folding his arms and watching you as you move. 
You may not notice it, but you’re more doting on the children than you think, pausing mid lace-up to fish some snacks you’d prepared out of your bag and handing them to the boys. The expression on your face when you regard them is soft, and it doesn’t take a genius to note that the way you’re treating them is less like an older sibling and more like a protective parent. Kagutsuchi is equally attached to you, and while Ikutoshi seems annoyed on the outset, it isn’t hard to see that he doesn’t entirely hate the way that you treat the two of them. It’s as though watching a parent and child, bringing them out to spar and guiding them as you do so - the thought is amusing to Temujin, and he finds himself entertaining that line of thinking as he continues to watch you. Once you finish tying up both of Kagutsuchi’s shoes the boy jumps to his feet, giving you a beaming smile as he thanks you and you chuckle, ruffling his hair and letting him run over to Ikutoshi as you stand to your feet and spin around to face the wolf. Following your lead, Temujin also rises to stand and he comments on how doting you seem to be with the young boys, a comment that has you raising your brows as you ask him what he means.
As expected, the next words out of Temujin’s mouth have to do with children, specifically his children and how your affinity towards childcare is yet another reason why you’re such a desirable candidate to bear his children. You give him an aghast look, sincerely hoping that the kids at least didn’t hear him say that or you’d kick his ass here and now; but you don’t need to even respond. No sooner do the words leave his mouth, a boot comes sailing over your shoulder and just barely misses nailing the wolf in the side of his head. You turn around to find Ikutoshi still sitting on the same log, mid-way through tying one his boots with the other missing as he bluntly comments that the shoe was too loose and that he might need some help, all the while giving Temujin a pointed stare as he says this.
You’re quick to step in and help him, scooping up the stray boot and jogging over to the boy, kneeling down to help him lace them both back up. Perhaps you’re just happy that Ikutoshi’s letting you help him, or you’re focused on getting the laces tight enough for the boots not to slip off, but you fail to notice the glare Temujin and Ikutoshi share over your shoulder, an unspoken dare for the wolf to just try and pull something like that again - if he wants to get to you, he’s got some protective sons to get through first.
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koshicoast · 3 years
Randomly thought of but MHA except Bakugou’s hatred for Deku isnt because he’s quirkless. Bakugou doesn’t hate or is prejudice towards quirkless people, he hates weak people
AU where Bakugou is still somewhat the same as in canon but his feelings and thoughts come from a different mindset
Growing up his parents taught him that a quirk doesn’t make a person stronger, the person makes a quirk strong
This leads him to train in not only with his quirk but also in various areas that could potentially come up during hero work (lock picking, reading body language, shit like that) bc if he’s weak then so is his quirk
If you’re wondering how a child is learning all of this, this is Bakugou-fucking-Katsuki. If he wants something, he’s gonna get it even if it means he has to go through hell.
Luckily in this AU, his parents aren’t neglectful or shitty!! they indulged in his whims more of them than not!!
They’re both famous fashion designers and have a lot of connections when it comes to ‘high end society’ so if katsuki wants to learn how to dress to kill or something like that, they already have it set up for him!
The Bakugou’s teach their little victory all of their tricks and tips about how to theoretically make clothes that have extra space for weapons (they know his desire to be a hero and while they’re a little worried they’re just happy he’s being prepared for the long run.) They don’t actually make clothes for him to hide weapons, they verbally tell him how to do something and tips but they leave it up to him to complete the task to a proficient level
They also let their coworkers teach Bakugou stuff, anything their kid would find important or somewhat interesting (taking pictures is boring but learning how to take clear pictures of a loving target is interesting)
Many models, photographers and people who know the Bakugous have basically adopted Katsuki as their feral child since many of them are unable to have their own kids due to their work
Now, Bakugou has learned things about body language (how to read it), how to fake his confidence, sewing, stitching, how to dress for any situation, etc from his parents and their coworkers
However while those skills are important for him (he has a plan to be the best and he can’t be the best if he’s lacking in skills) he needs to know how to fight hand to hand without a quirk or how to pick locks or how to pickpocket (who knows, maybe he’ll have to steal something from a villain!!)
He doesn’t tell his parents what his specific plans are but he does tell him he’s gonna do training on his own
Now normal parents would be worried but for the sake of the AU let’s just say that katsuki’s parents work on the mentality that ‘their child is strong and even if he gets knocked down, he’ll be right back up. He’s a Bakugou.’
Bakugou’s never give up, it’s not in their blood to give up.
So, Bakugou, feral child, goes off on his own to experience a real fight with people who won’t care if they hurt him or to find someone to teach him how to pick a lock or pickpocket
Most of the adults he’s met are just amused by this kid so they too indulge him and his demands
Especially those who spar with him, Bakugou has made it clear that if he feels like they’re holding back he’ll make it so they can’t afford to anymore
(Yes this isn’t always a good thing but what matters is that he’s survived and somewhat friends with a bunch of shady people)
(They’ll tell you that they’re friends, Bakugou thinks that they’re worthy opponents)
Now this leads me to his relationship with deku
Originally he didn’t actually hate Deku when it’s announced that he’s quirkless, why would he? The nerd just has to get strong and it’ll be fine!
Deku isnt weak because he doesn’t have a quirk just like how Bakugou isn’t strong just because he has a quirk
That mentality lasts for 3 seconds
he starts to hate how the green boy lets that determine his future of being a hero or not
Deku being quirkless isn’t a problem. Deku allowing himself to be weak because he’s quirkless is a problem.
He just gets so frustrated with deku that he eventually just pulls away. He doesn’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t work towards a goal, blood, sweat, tears and all that.
Deku wanting to be a hero is funny to Bakugou because deku is weak, the nerd let’s people step all over him especially Bakugou
To Bakugou, if deku just stood up for himself for once then he’d respect him
For obvious reasons, Midoriya does not know this and everyone including him assumes Bakugou just hates him because he’s quirkless
(The only exceptions is Bakugou’s parents because they have the same mindset and Inko because her and Mitski are best friends so she’s more than aware of their thought process)
For reasons, Bakugou’s ‘bullying’ is more like taunts and if he does use his quirk he never directly harms Midoriya (he just wants to push the kid to act not kill him) this also means he never tells deku to kill himself
Midoriya firmly believes Bakugou hates him and acts more or less the same as he does in canon
However he doesn’t see how the blonde will text inko to let her know when Midoriya is having a really bad day or how Bakugou wards off students who want to seriously harm him
Is this an excuse to write about Bakugou acting as a ‘reluctant older sibling who just wants the best for the younger but doesn’t know how to verbalize it so their actions come off as bullying or the likes’ and Midoriya being the ‘younger sibling who is terrified of their older sibling but still admires them greatly yet will never say that out loud because they’re convinced said older sibling hates them’? Maybe
Needless to say, this leads to an interesting conversation when the topic of quirkless people comes up during class
Bakugou scowls as he feels his classmates’ stares burn into his skull. He turns around with sneer, his palms popping. “What?” He manages to ask through gritted teeth. All without blowing up too.
His dad is gonna be so proud.
“W-well..” Shitty hair stammers, looking uncomfortable as he shifts in his chair. (The only reason why he doesn’t immediately get blown up is because Bakugou likes him. He’s man enough to admit he’s got a crush but like hell is he gonna do anything about. What he’s not gonna do though? Blow up said crush.)
“Y’know how you are!” Dunce Face blurts out, Tape Face elbowing his stomach harshly as Pinky hisses a not so quiet ‘not cool dude!’ . Now the others are exchanging shifty glances and from how reluctant they are to meet his eyes, he already has a good idea what this is about.
“Yeah yknow we’re just
“Yeah?” His eyes narrow with disdain as his ugly scowl softens into a calculating frown and he tilts his head just slightly. His arms crossed across his chest while he forces his body to relax. It takes just a few seconds but his aura changes from the ‘typical bad boy delinquent’ vibe he usually has going on and turns into something much more. It works wonders and he has a brief flashback from a conversation he had as a kid.
“You want to be intimadating? Don’t shout, don’t fire off your explosions, don’t give any reaction. Be cold, be caculating. Be dangerous little one. Being quiet is the most dangerous one can get.”
He has the electric blonde pinned under his look and faintly he can hear a ‘oh shit’ from a few seats away. He knows what he looks like, practiced the fuck out of this particular stare that a Russian model taught him all those years ago when he went on a fashion trip with his parents.
“I’ll teach you how to be scary little firecracker. Make us proud, you’re our little victory.”
Models, he muses privately as he watches the boy sweat bullets, are as dangerous as they are pretty. It takes a few moments of tense silence before someone eventually breaks and unsurprisingly it’s fucking half-n-half. He doesn’t have a real issue with daddy issues but he’s got a bone to pick with the tea kettle lover after the whole incident at the sports festival. The thought of fighting him is enough to get his blood going.
“They thought you’d hate quirkless people.” Hot Water fucker says, face void of any emotion and voice monotone. Ever since being friends with the nerd, IcyHot has gotten a lot better at speaking up when normally he’d just ignore everything. (Now if only shitty deku could pound some emotion that’d be great.)
Even though he’d expect it, he can’t help but laugh.“Why would I hate quirkless people?” He questions, raising a perfect brow. He drops his arms, an elbow perched up on Midoriya’s desk as his cheek rests on his open palm. He watches them falter, hesitation in their eyes. He decides to add fuel to fire, “One of my favorite people in this world is quirkless. She works for my parents as a secretary, I visit her every time I go.”
He doesn’t bother to listen to the responses, snapping his head and making direct eye contact with the nerd. “I hate people who have potential but let others tell them where they belong. It’s pathetic and sad. They should go get some fucking dignity, you think having a quirk is any better than not having one? It’s like having an arm, it’s the norm but if you don’t got it doesn’t mean you’re broken.” His words come out even despite the frustration building under his skin, he sees how Deku’s eyes widen in some kind of realization so he forces himself to pull his gaze away before landing onto Pony Tail. He doesn’t have an issue with her and actually likes her a lot better than the others but her confidence is so low it offends him, especially since he sees her as an opponent. Her eyes grow big and he can tell she’s nervous but before he can change his mind, his mouth opens. Oops.
The idiots practically brought this upon themselves. Reap what you sow dumbasses.
He just goes off and everyone is just stunned because they had this idea of him but that completely crumbled as soon as he started to reveal some of his thoughts and opinions
(Kirishima always kinda knew Bakugou was like this just bc I say so)
I know where this was going but now I do not lmao
Anyways he said his peace and it’s all quiet as people take in what he said and Ofc mineta decides to say something
“I don’t wanna hear that from a villain!” The diaper baby shrieks loudly, the grape fucker’s finger shaking as he points at him. Now usually, Bakugou has no problem with blasting the little pervert and calling it a day but he’s not quite done giving the literal talk down of a century just yet.
“Listen here you sex offender in training” He sneers and he takes great pleasure in seeing the other tremble in fear. “Wanna know why people shut the fuck up when I talk? Why people bother to take my advice? Why compared to me, you’re just a coward that no one besides the class’s resident sunshine trio will ever look at twice?” He asks, getting up slowly. No one stops him as he takes a step forward.
“Because I say actually fucking matters.” Step. “What I say is based off of experience and talent.” Step. “If you’re lucky then maybe the shit you spew will be worth something because it’s not worth anything here.” He finally makes it to his desk, towering over the other.
“You don’t like what I gotta say? Deal with it. I’ll continue to talk my shit to everyone and anyone because I can back it up. Can you? You fought any villains recently like teach over there? You go through some sudden growth and expand your moral compass like glasses? You fight and protect a little girl from the yakuza recently like Deku and Shitty hair? How bout deal with a shitty dad or shitty parenrs like IcyHot and Eyebags? What? Piss baby too scared now? Yeah, where were you when we were fighting for our lives? Were you there when Pikachu and Tape Face and Racoon Eyes fought against the villains in USJ?” He questions but everyone knows he’s not asking for an answer. “You there when birdbrain almost got kidnapped? You there when I got kidnapped? No? Then do everyone a fucking favor and shut the fuck up or I swear to whatever god you believe in, I’ll shove my fist down your throat and into your pathetic body and explode you so badly they’ll be scrapping off your guts for days.”
Needless to say, it was an interesting class
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ghostietea · 3 years
I would love to hear those Akito headcanons! (Also your Akito metas are amazing :D)
Thanks!!! As requested, here's some of the Akito headcanons from my masterdoc:
-Akito slowly and intimidatingly slinks around the estate because she is a powerful and scary God certainly not because she will pass out if she stands up too fast
-at the end of Furuba Akito should have permanently ended things with Shigure and then walked around acting like a 50 year old twice divorced woman even though she's like around 20 and they weren't even formally dating. Ex: Akito, wearing a huge vintage fur coat she found in some closet over slacks and a blouse, taking a sip from a glass filled with a beverage comprised of like one drop of wine and a bunch of cranberry juice: "Just kicked my ex out for the second time. Good riddance, you see-"
-Stole an eyeliner from Kagura one time when she was like 13 and promptly stabbed herself in the eye with it on accident and blamed Kagura.
-Can't even use a microwave. Don't let her cook your kitchen will burn
-When she was a baby Ayame tried to recreate the presentation of Simba with her and dropped her on the floor
-The one time she broke a bone it was because she got pissed off and punched a wall really hard
-Didn't like lit class. Likes reading but hates things like "effort" and "critical thinking." Payed someone else to write the essays she mailed in to school.
-Lesbian but doesn't know what a gay is. Doesn't think anyone suspects anything when she's climbing all over Kureno and Shigure not just because she's generally clingy but because she doesn't know gay people exist. Someone (Hana) has to stage an intervention to inform her that she is gay years in the future after months of everyone having to listen to her talk about how pretty and neat girls are as part of what she thinks is her unlearning being a raging misogynist.
-Demigirl she/they nonbinary but doesn't figure it out for years after she stopped presenting as a man
-Gets anxious about how clumsy Tohru is because of… that incident. One time saw Tohru fall down a flight of stairs and panicked and now she links arms with her anytime they go on stairs.
-Actually sorta likes dressing androgynously when it's her choice. Chronic dressing like a gay person syndrome. 
-Didn't keep her hair long. Cut it off after like a month in a moment of passion with a pair of kitchen shears and then had to reluctantly slink off to have someone make it look presentable.
-Secretly loves plushies but is too embarrassed to buy them for herself. Slowly acquires a hoard postcanon and can bury herself in a pile of them.
-She's very light and can be easily picked up and carried around by any of her friends that want to
-Googled "is hitting people bad?"
-Hana can call Akki over by pspspsps ing at her like a cat and Akki HATES it but still falls for it every time
-Doesn't get anything more than a flip phone and work laptop until postcanon. Generally REALLY sheltered, would get addicted to the first video game she got to play. Probably Animal Crossing.
-Secretly read every book of Warriors as a middleschooler but it became unsecret when she got into a fight with Haru about who could do a better human!Scourge cosplay.
-As an adult Kisa is taller than her.
-Mega lightweight with pretty much everything. Will either LOOSE IT and have an anxious breakdown or space out staring at the wall for 3 hours if she drinks coffee. Would probably be strongly affected by too much sugar. Strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol.
-As a child tried to convince the boys that the zodiac girls all had cooties
-Either can't swim or taught herself in her stupidly large tub.
-Sensory issues, does badly with bright lights, loud/annoying noises, non neutral temperatures, ect.
-Has perpetual cold icicle hands
-Crashes through several rebellious teen phases as an adult trying to find herself postcanon. Bleaches her hair and dyes it some unnatural color in the bathroom, immediately regrets it and dyes it black again. Nobody ever knows.
-One time ate a leaf because she was bored and has -10 impulse control
-Makes other people order for her at restaurants 
-Postcanon she has a pencil box FULL of animal shaped squishies Tohru gave her
-Was one of those kids that got A's without studying (also canonically homeschooled and ik that crowd)
-Starts painting her nails black after she meets Hana. Likes the symbolism 
-Called Hatori her brother by accident once and they both silently agreed to never speak of it
-Rin anonymously mailed her the "I'm sorry women" hat
-Realized she had almost no interests and started ping ponging between hobbies as she tried and then ditched them upon not being immediately amazing at said hobbies. Eventually is given encouragement to keep on trying instead of giving up because she believes she won't be good at it. One of the things she liked was doing stuff with flowers, but she initially ditched it after she killed all the plants she tried to take care of (@ Akki, lying flopped down on a windowsill: Why is everything I touch destroyed… @ her dead flowers: *are dead*). She goes back to it though when she realizes accidentally offing some plants is not a universal statement about her morality and eventually figures it out. Is told to get a personal creative project to work on by her therapist and she sits in the garden and makes a little journal with entries about the flowers and their symbolism complete with illustrations. 
-Connected, has a weirdly large amount of flower symbolism and lore memorised postcanon because of this (@ Tohru: wow a pretty flower! @ Akito: Ah yes, the poppy, did you know it symbolizes death, dreams, an eternal sleep… though is an eternal sleep not as good as death? Are dreams a small taste of what's to come? Also did you know they contain opi-" @ Tohru, confused but likes listening to her friends talking about their interests: 😶)
-Would probably do good with a pet cat for emotional support once she gets over the Sohma biases and can be trusted to take care of an animal.
-The Sohma mansion is always out of hot water because Akito uses it all taking hour long angst baths in the giant tub. 
-Uo+Hana+Akito have a sleepover were Uo and Akito are talking and are just like wow we both sure had a thing for the same dude because of varied ulterior reasons haha that certainly doesn't mean anything and Hana just sits there wanting to bang their stupid heads together like rocks
-Due to general isolation and probable lack of exposure to "memery," I believe that Akito Sohma would fall for the "updog" trap, in this essay I will-
-Akito full on doesn't remember how old she is. Someone's just like "how old r u?" and she's just like (internally) "How long have I endured existing in this wretched world? Hmm" *sweats in the passage of time doesn't seem real when you dissociate in a dark room all day*. Nobody else remembers exactly either. (That's why Shigure put an "I think" on the end of his "he's in his 20's" lol) Hatori can remember if he needs to but that's because he has her medical records. One time one of the younger juuni is like how old is he??? And they talk for 30 minutes and only come up with "has to be close-ish to but older than Yuki and Kagura. Didn't go to school. Was he born or does he just exist??? 
-Akki would be that one person that's always cold and has to be lent sweaters by their friends when they're out. You go into Akki's room postcanon and there's a pile of sweaters on a chair that where SUPPOSED to be washed and returned but just haven't been yet
-If Akito was an animal she'd be a cat... claws, dramatically lounging around all day, climbing all over people, attacking and then being like??? But I want love??? I did nothing wrong??? She's got the vibes.
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thatbadassbree · 4 years
Ok...Lovecraft Country Episode 6 aired tonight. I just finished watching and have come to discuss. SPOILERS AHEAD-SPOILER ALERT!!!!!
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Jamie Chung came to ACT ok. I felt that she encapsulated Ji-Ah's character oh so well. I felt at her sadness, smiled at her happy moments, etc. Her story is really tragic. Why would her mother summon of all things, a spirit to possess her daughter?? Why?? Bad enough that the former husband was an abusive piece of shit. She'll never get her daughter back once she opened that door.
Jamie Chung is a beauty.
It sucked seeing how poor the nurses were being treated. This still happens today but, imagine you are trying to save someone's life and they are hurling racial slurs at you..I would leave them there to die actually. You're not going to insult me while I'm trying to save your life. Big ups to all the Nurses, CNAs, and Homes Health Aides.
Listen...this episode was giving major Nine Tailed Fox Demon vibes which is funny considering that they touched upon this and the fact that Ji-Ah has a spirit/being sealed inside of her body similar to Naruto.
I jumped out of my bed when I saw those furry tentacles come out of her eyes. She was sucking people's souls...LITERALLY. Very good on the overall freaky/creepy factor. Was it spider legs? Idk...
Man...Tic could kiss my ass. How many times have we heard "I was just following orders" in response to major atrocities? I would not have felt bad if Ji-Ah had gotten his ass for what he did to her friend in cold blood. That was despicable.
I enjoyed how the writers incorporated Korean mythology, magick, shamanism, etc into the episode. It meshed so well into the overall chaos. The unnecessary war and Ji-Ah's personal conflicts.
So..I figured out who Tic's friend was (the translator with the dimples). After going back to watch the episode again, his name was Sung and he was played by Daniel Chung. I enjoyed the perspective that he brought since he supposed to represent the Korean American element. His comments about being a foreigner in both lands tied this all in.
It's wild how Kumiho (the spirit inside Ji-Ah) was able to see Tic's future. Like..wow. WTF. It's Kumiho who actually has feelings for Tic, which is why she spared him. She was crushing on him HARD which was frightening since she is not supposed to be able to "feel."
In that sneak peak of his past and future we saw glimpses into his childhood, his Mother, his baptism, Leti, Tic in bed with a woman who wasn't Leti🤨, Tic at the bus stop heading to Chicago, and then Tic possibly dying. Spooky shit man..
I am seeing the DISCOURSE on Twitter regarding how Tic rolled out the red carpet for Ji-Ah (movie theater date) and that all Leti got was some good strokes and that was it. I have to agree that I notice in a lot of shows/films the apparent narrative that Black women have to struggle through pain/suffering in order to "earn" a man's love and affection. Leti has been the hero and saved the day more than once already but...the actual romance is chintzy between her and Tic. Hmmm...I can see how others are noticing a pattern here.
Is Tic really going to die in the end? Destiny isn't always set in stone as every daily decision that you make, will change your apparent future.
I'm not gonna lie to ya..I like these sex scenes (smirks). The actors are all fine af.
I get how this was pretty much a filler episode as it was not apart of the book at all. An intriguing way to bridge a gap between some of the things that occurred while Tic was in Korea.
Next Sunday we will FINALLY cross over into Hippolyta's story arc. It is going to be an exciting ride because 1.) Aunjanue Ellis and 2.) Physics.
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traitvrs · 3 years
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ben barnes . cis male . he/him . wasn’t that ares dunne walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the king’s guard out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they notoriously melancholy, whilst also managing to be quite charming. the thirty-nine year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( forcefield generation ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of billowing cloaks, sandy hair, a wink as he leaves.  great to see the protector around, isn’t it ? ( lucy . she/her . 23 . aest .)
originally born in crysala, ares never though himself anything special. his family had been fishermen for generations, and he had always assumed that he would end up down the same path. more than that, he was more than content with leading a life on the sea. he loved the sea breeze in his hair as he and his parents sailed out in the mornings, enjoyed spending his afternoon sunbaking upon the shore. he enjoyed telling the nobles lies about merfolk he’d seen and warning them that the kraken could come to call any time it pleased.
the simple life suited ares, but fate had other plans. when he was thirteen and one of the boughs of his father’s ship broke, hurling straight for him, pure instinct took over and a sheer silver forcefield had emerged from his hands. he and his family had been shocked to say the least. no one else in his family had ever been a vrajiit, and ares had never so much as considered the idea that he could be one.
he tried to keep his powers a secret, but like most things, ares had no control over that. another accident happened in town, he used his powers to keep anyone from getting hurt, and boom. he was whisked away to the academy to begin his training.
he was thankful for the fact that he at least only had one power to deal with, unable to deal with the idea of handling more than one. he did, however, excel at hand to hand combat and was particularly skilled with a sword.
that being said, while he enjoyed sparring with classmates, he didn’t enjoy fighting itself. he loathed the idea of battle and so, he put off his service in the army for as long as he could. instead, he returned to his family home and continued being a fisherman, enjoying every moment of normality he could until he ran out of time.
he only spent five years in the army and that was more than enough for him. being more of a fighter only when necessary, his powers came in handy when it came to blocking off those who opposed them as well as protecting other soldiers.
his service ended on a bitter note when during battle, his dearest friend in the army was killed. it sent ares down a spiral of guilt, beating himself up over the fact that his reflexes should have been quicker, that he should have been able to save him. he hasn’t been quite the same since.
he became a guard more out of obligation than anything. war left a bitter taste in his mouth, and it was clear to everyone that his powers were better suited towards protection.  he takes it seriously, the king (and his family’s) safety becoming his number one priority. 
no matter how many years have passed though, he still longs for the end of this war in the hope that he can return to his hometown, living out his days on the ocean like he’d always planned. he’s a little too cynical to really believe it will happen, but the thought helps him sleep at night.
he definitely acts more carefree than he actually is. he kind of has jaime lannister sagittarius kind of vibes if that makes sense?? he likes to drink at the end of his shifts, will flirt and befriend most that cross his path, and he always wants to bring up people’s moods when they’re down.
honestly should be married and have kids by now, but he has some major commitment issues and fears that everyone he gets close to will end up dead so. he sucks.
connection ideas:
people that served in the army the same time as him! he finished his service nine years ago.
ex-betrothal(s): he honestly has probably been engaged a couple of times and has just not been able to go through with it in the end. he’d still care for them and love them deeply, but he just wasn’t ready to completely let someone in.
closest friend: mayhaps someone from the same town with him, someone he went to the academy with, a friend of one of his siblings that befriended him. could stem from anywhere, but give me someone he can get tossed out of the tav with because he’s too drunk.
lovers: he’s a bit of a hoe, but he’s a nice hoe at least.
enemies: please give me people who when they enter the room, ares just sighs and rolls his eyes every single time, i am begging.
literally anything, i’m always down and ares is always an idiot that lives for drama.
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
How to get away with murder
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Fandom; My hero academia
Pairing; Dabi x GN Reader
Synopsis; You had watched day by day, as the love of your life fell for someone who wasn’t you. It hurt a lot. Deciding that you should take matters into your own hands, you begin to take action and take what you thought was rightfully yours. No one else could have him, Dabi was yours, and only yours and you didn’t like sharing. 
Warnings; Death lmfao, mentions of alcohol and overuse. A bit of taking advantage of Dabi if you squint and a reader willing to do anything to get her crush. 
Word Count; 3092
A/N; This idea came to me when I was heading to bed after watching the series ‘How to get away with murder’ and while the two of them aren’t that similar, it caused me to think of this. I typed this up and didn’t finish till around 5 am, so enjoy my little typos and vibe with me.
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Everything seemed perfect, and when you say ‘perfect’, you meant it. 
Maybe it was the light drizzle of rain that soaked into both of your clothes, mixed in with the natural glow of the moon and stars made for a perfect scene. The sketchy buildings behind you, and the constant honk from a car passing by only added to the moment. 
Maybe it was how his rough hands held your body so softly, despite being the same hands of a killer. Maybe it was how he held you close, one hand resting on your cheek as his fiery blue eyes stared into yours. The love and passion that were displayed in his orbs had you standing there frozen. His breath was fanning your face, eyes peering into yours with no fears and no regrets. The hand on your cheek moved slowly, almost hypnotizing, as the other hand that rested on your hip pulled you closer to his warm body. 
Now a small smile rested on his features, showing you that he was more than some smirking bastard that you usually saw. You stared at the many staples on his face, and the purple marks under his eyes, and honestly, it had only made him hotter in this moment. 
The rain had now started to seep into your clothes making you shiver from not only that, but how close the other male was. And he would only get closer, closer and closer until his lips only brushed against yours in a taunting way. You were both hungry for each other, that much could be said, but the build up was starting to drive you crazy. 
And finally, after his blue eyes stared into yours for so long, asking permission, well more like begging for you to let him continue, you nodded and he finally closed the gap between you two. 
The loud honk and the sound of tires screeching snaps you out of your daze, making you finally come to your senses. Your eyes trail to the two cars that almost hit each other due to the rain affecting their sight. The two cars yell, before continuing their journey on the street, speeding away without actually fighting. 
Rolling your eyes, you finally remembered what you were doing. Your eyes gaze across the street, where you see Dabi, and no, he wasn’t with you and about to kiss you like your earlier thoughts. 
Instead he was leaning in to kiss some other girl, a girl who wasn’t you, and a girl who didn’t deserve him. 
You have to avert your eyes when you hear her giggle, and even though the rain was pretty loud, it still didn’t cover up the disgusting noises of their lips smacking together. It disgusted you, almost making you call it a night and go home, but you stayed, knowing you’d only sit home wondering what happened if you left. 
You watch as they make out, his hands exploring her body and her leaning more into him. After a long time of watching, they finally pull away, smiling at each other as they let each other go. 
“Goodnight Dabi, hopefully I can see you tomorrow” You hear her pathetic voice say, and you watch as he nods, giving her a light smack on her ass. After a while of exchanging more words, the female walks up to her apartment, leaving Dabi alone. 
You duck down in your car when you see him cross the street, cursing quietly as you hoped he wouldn’t notice you or your car. Stalking wasn’t really your thing, but if it meant keeping an eye on the guy you loved, then you’d learn real quick.
“Fuck her, she doesn’t deserve him” You spit out, sitting back up in your seat when Dabi turned into a nearby alley, vanishing quickly. Turning your car on, you turned to look at her apartment once more before shaking your head and speeding off. 
He was yours first, and now some other bitch has stolen him away from you with a few flirty looks and the promise of a future. It irritated you that you, his best friend, had been thrown to the side once a new girl was brought into the picture. 
In the end, you had only wished it was you who he was kissing in the rain, but sadly it was some other girl instead. 
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“That will be 34.72 Ma’am”
You nodded at the old man, giving him a small smile as you took out your wallet, pulling out two twenties. Handing it to him, you mumble for him to keep the change before taking your grocery bag and exiting the store. 
After what you had seen last night, you had believed it would be good for you to go out and get some groceries for your apartment. As eating out every night was starting to ruin your funds, and you knew you couldn’t afford to be homeless now. 
The sun was bright today, and the chatter amongst all the people walking on the sidewalk put you in a better mood. A way better mood than yesterday. Watching as the noisy children ran down the sidewalk with their toys in hand and smiles on their faces made your own face light up. 
Swinging your grocery bag, your eyes looked around your surroundings, enjoying the nice day that you seemed to be having. 
Feeling your pocket vibrate, you pull out your phone and answer it without checking the caller ID, the ringtone alone has already told you who it was. “What’s up Dabi, did you need anything or-”
You stop walking as you listen to his heavy breathing, which very much concerns you. “Y/n…” The pause after your name had you freaking out, making you assume the worst had happened. “I need you to come to my apartment” With those words, you heard the click of the phone call ending. 
It took a moment for that to sink in, and when it did you immediately broke out into a run, straight to Dabi’s apartment. It didn’t matter if you looked stupid, or the many people who you bumped into or knocked over. All that mattered was your best friend needed you, and you’d be damned if you took your sweet time to make it there. 
You made it to his apartment in under ten minutes, which if you had to say, was the quickest you had ever ran in your life. Stopping outside, you bend over as you pant, trying to catch your breath after all that sprinting. 
Walking up the stairs of the rundown building, you cringe when you see a literal rat scurry across the wooden floors. Disgusted, you hurry your way up the stairs, actually terrified you’d fall through. 
Making it to his door, you go to knock before seeing the door had already been open. Taking a deep breath, you push open the door and prepare for the worst. 
Upon opening the door, you are immediately hit with the strong smell of vodka and cigarettes. The combination of the two together was enough to make you gag, but you held it in as you walked in, closing the door behind you. 
“Dabi….” You trail off as your eyes finally land on him. He was only in a white tank top and some black joggers, an outfit that would have been very sexy if you didn’t notice the distraught look on his face. He was slightly bent over his counter, a glass of what you assumed was vodka in his hand. 
When he turned to look at you, you noticed his red, puffy tired eyes. Now you knew something was up. Walking closer to him, you dropped your grocery bag on the floor and joined him next to the counter. 
“What happened Dabi?” You ask softly, eyes searching his face before meeting his blue eyes. He had only stared back at you quietly, and after a few more seconds he sighed and downed the drink in his hands. You noticed that afterwards his shoulders sagged.
“She’s dead y/n” He whispers, eyes staring at his empty glass. Gripping the table tightly, Dabi shakes as his rage starts to build up. “She’s dead and it’s all my fault” The soft, scared tone he had earlier, vanished quickly and turned into an anger filled tone. 
You watch as he turns his whole body to you, his anger filled eyes staring down at you, and for a second, such a look being aimed at you had made you uncomfortable. The way his blue eyes seemed to have blue flames in them now, or how the room had gotten 10x hotter added to that growing uncomfortableness.
“Just calm down, tell me what happened” You state, not liking how things were turning out. You didn’t even know what was happening, so sitting here without the slightest clue had only made you worry more. “You aren’t at fault for anything, just-”
Your body freezes when you hear the shatter of glass, your eyes widening as you watch Dabi’s body shake in anger. “Calm down you say?’’ He repeats your words with a much harsher tone, as narrowed as he turned to face you, chest rising and falling in anger. 
The way his eyes burned into yours had you shifting back and forth on your feet. You had just watched him throw that same glass he was drinking out of earlier at the wall in front of him. It shattered into a bunch of pieces. 
“It’s all my fucking fault for even getting close to her’’ He rants, now pacing the tiny apartment. “I knew even talking to her was a big risk but FUCK” He slammed his hand against the counter, going quiet as he retreated back into his mind. 
You take small steps in his direction, acting as if you were approaching a wounded puppy, which in a sense you were. “Dabi, don’t you dare blame yourself for this. Whoever killed her is to blame, putting this all on you isn’t right”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up” He continues to mumble, “ you have no idea what you're talking about, since last I knew, you were still single and lonely.” He didn’t look at you while he spoke, “So that means you wouldn’t clearly understand what I was going through” He snapped at you, hands still gripping the countertop. 
You take a deep breath, you knew he was just saying these things because he was hurting, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. But this wasn’t about you. Dabi needed you in this moment, so no amount of harsh words would make you leave when you knew he needed someone right now. 
“I know you're hurting” You start off, taking confident steps towards him until you stand right in front of him. “And, if it makes you feel better to take it out on me, then go ahead. If that means yelling, throwing things or even calling me names”
Dabi slowly turns his body towards you, looking down into your sincere eyes. “You can do all of that, but I’ll still be here for you, because I am your best friend. It would be pointless if even me, someone you are really close with, can’t help you out during a crisis” You finish off. 
You notice how his mood changes again, and his shoulders sag once more. “I’m here for you” You whisper as you close the gap between the two of you, your arms wrapping around his body as you pull him into a comforting hug. 
“ I was just starting to like her y/n, I thought that maybe she and I could work” His arms wrap around you in a tight hug, placing his head in the crook of her neck. You feel the tears before you hear them, and it honestly breaks your heart. 
The two of you slowly drop to the ground, holding onto each other like your life depends on it. You hold him tightly as he cries, rubbing his back soothingly. You relished in the fact that you were holding Dabi, a small smile coming onto your face. You made sure he couldn’t see it, though. 
It was bad, you knew that, but just being able to hold him in your arms was enough to make you happy. Being close enough to breath in his scent, which mostly smelled like burnt cigarettes and heavy cologne, but that didn’t matter to you. It still smelled nice either way. 
After a few more minutes of holding each other, Dabi finally pulls away and wipes his tears, a small smile on his face. “ Y/n, have I ever told you, you're my best friend and I’d be hopeless without you?”
While it was a compliment, it had only hurt you in the end. You didn’t want to just be some best friend, you wanted to be more than that. Someone he could love and cherish, but you knew that maybe that wouldn’t happen. “I’m always here for you Dabi, through thick and thin”
He tugs at your wrist lightly, helping you up as he leads the two of you back to the counter. “We both need some drinks after that” He gestures to the glass that still lay shattered on the floor. “It’s the best vodka I could steal” He mumbles as he grabs two new glasses for the both of them to use. 
Pouring the two of them some of the vodka, the both of you pick up your glasses, clinking them together just because. Taking a deep breath, you drink the shot, the burning feeling it left afterwards made you shake your head in disgust. Yet Dabi had looked unaffected by it. 
“To be honest y/n, I was just trying to find someone to love in all this chaos” Dabi states with a sigh, his hand gripping his glass lightly. He turns to look at you and chuckles, “But that didn’t seem to work out” He says sadly. 
Maybe it was the vodka in your system, or maybe you were just tired of tiptoeing around him about your feelings. “I think you’ve been looking in the wrong places for someone to love, hell maybe the person right in front of you already does” 
The silence that followed after your statement had made you nervous, and instead of looking at him, your gaze shifted to the floor. Alcohol sure does give you a hell of a confidence boost. 
“Y/n...Did you mean that?” Dabi asks, his eyes staring at you for confirmation. When he noticed you wouldn’t even look at him, he finally understood. 
You had liked him this entire time. 
As his brain worked to put the pieces together, he found himself taking steps towards you. His head was screaming that maybe, just maybe that this was too soon. His mind was telling him that this was wrong, that he had just found out a girl he had liked had been murdered. But, again,the alcohol in his system was making his heart feel some things at her confession. 
His heart and head battle it out, wondering what the best decision was. 
In the end, he found himself cornering you, placing both of his hands on the counter in front of you, cadging you in. “Didn’t know alcohol made you this bold y/n” He whispers, studying your face. 
He had wondered why it had taken him so long to figure out that you were beautiful, always there for him and putting up with his bullshit. You were the only one who truly knew him and he looked over the simple fact that maybe you were a good match for him. 
You had frozen in front of him, not expecting him to get this close to you. It makes your face feel hot and the hairs on your body stand up. “Well, guess that's a good think huh?” You say back, your eyes staring into his fiery blue ones. 
Your long time crush was now standing in front of you, possibly going to act out on his feelings and you felt nothing but happiness. You had been eying him since you had walked in his apartment. 
Like how his black joggers fit nicely on his legs, and now his white tank top was tight against his chest, leaving little room for you to imagine. His toned arms free and currently flexing on the counter next to you had you practically drooling. 
 His face was close to yours, which gave you the excuse to stare at him even more. His black hair was messy, pointing in almost every direction. A small teasing smirk was on his face, his eyes looking you up and down. Not to mention that the staples and purple parts of his body had only made him sexier. 
He was the hottest man you knew, and he was hovering over you. 
“Is.. Is this okay?’’ Dabi asks, gazing into your eyes as he asks for permission, leaning in just enough that your lips brushed together, but still not what the both of you wanted. “Tell me now if you want me to stop”
You think about his question, and while there wasn’t anything to think about, your mind goes back to yesterday night. The night the girl he liked was killed. 
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“Please.. I’ll do anything! I’ll never speak to him again.. Please” The scared voice of the female in front of you did nothing but piss you even more. Her shaking figure though, had made you happy. 
Swinging the bat in your hand you shake your head, it was too late for things like that.
“He’s mine, and I’ll be sure to kill anyone who tries to come between us. And that's a promise” You say, swinging the bat full force at her.
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You nod, “Duh, wouldn’t have it another way” You say lowly, before your hand comes up to his cheek and pulls him into a kiss, one that you have been waiting forever for.
He presses his body against you, his hands going to your thighs as he hoists you up onto the counter. He had wanted to be even closer to you, so he settled his way between your legs and deepened the kiss. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. His lips were rough, but against your soft ones they were a perfect combination. You had waited so long, for just one kiss. 
And all it took was murder.
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elena-mayfair · 3 years
You’re allowed to have your opinions about whatever you want, but at your big age, I know you’re smart enough to know that your opinion was an uneducated one filled with assumptions and grand generalizations about people you don’t know. Many dark fics writers and readers are victims of assault themselves who feel that engaging in these fics gives them back a sense of control unlike in that particular situation(s) where they had none. Women who enjoy being submissive or in situations where they are submissive doesn’t equate to low self esteem. There’s literally no correlation. These fandoms are huge. There’s no shortage of writers who don’t write dark fics. You’re simply not looking for them because the dark fic community or whatever is relatively small. 1 in 3 women actually have rape fantasies. They’re very common. You just happen to come across those who write about it. Your post wasn’t about curiosity or questions and you know it. It was holier than thou and filled with judgement and your giddiness to look down on something you don’t understand nor have any intentions of understanding. It was filled with stuff you literally just pulled out of your head. No research. No actually reading up on why women fantasize about these things. Nothing. Just pure ignorance and vibes and you have the audacity to be shocked when people took offense to it. As an SA victim myself, I would never tell another how they should cope with their trauma. I could never even fix my mouth to do such a thing bc my experience is not everyone’s and anyone with common sense can understand that
I was very hesitant about replying to you and I wanna start by saying that I really really really don’t want to start the fight again. It wasn’t my intention in a first place, believe me or not. But there are few things that need to be clarify and I wanna take this opportunity to do that since the dust seems to settle on my post. So I’m sorry but it’s going to be long reply, partially to you partially to the people who commented under my OP, if they decide to read it.
Starting from a thing that annoys me the most, I never said anything about how people should cope with their trauma. What I said is that if someone gets turned on by reading about this kind of things, they should work on their self esteem, that is what I said (hold your hate, hide the torches, I’ll elaborate). I never said something on the line “if you find this helpful or healing you should work on your self esteem”. So please don’t twist my words. I know how difficult is dealing with trauma, and I’m not talking about rape trauma per say but trauma in general, so it would never even cross my mind.
Before you get angry, I wasn’t referring to the people who are into kink as general group. I wrote specifically that I “I get that people have different fantasies I do get that (...) I enjoy a bit of kink” - so no, I wasn’t condemning all people who are into all kinds of kink. I never expressed any hate towards people who are into it. Hate, pitchforks and torches came from the other side. Anyway, in my eyes there is a difference between kinky and straight disturbing. There is a difference between being submissive and being raped. People chose to read that as an personal attack on them and it is kinda obvious that I wasn’t referring to them, people who are into kink. You, they (I don’t know how to phrase this) you know how it works, what is a part of fantasy etc. something I personally know very little about because I’m not into it. Buuuuut, there are people out there who, like me, come across this type of content and upon discovering it are being shocked and horrified. And I’m sorry, you are aware that it’s coming from someone “outside of circle”, but I read some things which were truly horrifying. And again, I’m not referring to all of the kinky stuff, in my OP I was specifically referring to rape, degradation, breeding kink, non-con, forced pregnancy, very extreme things. I read through some truly horrifying things, rapes so violent that it makes Irreversible a rom-com. And comments under this kind of fiction weren’t about healing and helping but were indications of getting turned on, rounds of applause and appreciation for the author. And I’m sorry but for a life of my I don’t see how this might be helpful for an author or a reader who is a rape victim especially since the outcome of the rape rarely tackled. There is no aftermath, no repercussions for the abuser, no consequences for the abuser, nothing, just a plain violent act of rape. And yes, for someone who is “outside of the circle” it can look like normalization and erotization of a rape. But you know, it is an opinion if an ignorant.
Continuing, I’m sure you are aware that content can be read by people from “outside of circle” (and yes I will keep using that phrase from lack of better one). And believe it or not I wasn’t searching for it. Searching tag Steve Rogers x reader gave my only this type of fics for pages upon pages. Like I said before, perhaps Tumblr should work on their search engine. Going back to people “outside of the circle”, some will shake it off and move on, some will stay and maybe get into it more, and some well might take it on face value, in a very wrong way. Because you won’t convince me that art does not have impact on a real life, it does, it always did. And yes you are right, this is coming from my head, those are feelings and thoughts of a common folk. I’m sure you must be aware of potential danger of this kind of, let’s say themes, for someone who is “outside of the circle”. Let’s stretch our imagination for a sec: young girl come across this. She’s innocent, just discovering her sexuality, curiosity is the thing. And let’s be honest, forbidden fruit always tastes the best so of course she will ignore warnings. Around the same time she starts dating a guy, he’s not a very nice guy. They’re getting together and she’s not ready but we’ll he’s more than needing. So she thinks about all the things she read and maybe starts thinking that guys are into this, she doesn’t have much experience. So instead of running she becomes another rape victim. Or let’s look at this from the other perspective, a guys come across this kind of fiction and starts thinking that, hmm, maybe girls are into it. And next time he won’t take no for an answer, he will take this as an encouragement. Yeah, that is a possibility. And I don’t know how can I stress this enough, but it is only one of possible scenarios. That truly doesn’t mean that I’m hating or, damn this is ridiculous, kink-shaming people who are into kink. I’m simply presenting a scenario. Scenario from the point of view of a common folk, someone “outside of the circle”. And yes, yes, I read in the comments counter argument about violent games etc but we are not talking about this, and in my opinion it is just invalid argument. No one in their right mind will start killing people after playing a violent game. However sexuality is much more delicate subject, especially since power dynamics between man and a woman were always a difficult subject.
You saying that my post was filled with generalization, and yes you are absolutely right. It wasn’t targeted specifically toward people who are into kink, who am I to judge, I really really don’t give a flying fuck about what people do behind closed doors. It was about the sheer ridiculousness of the world we’re living in. That’s why I brought up subject of equal rights etc. Because we, society, as people, we are jumping from one opposite side of the extreme to another. On one hand women are fighting for equal rights, on the other hand we are taking all the power from women in the fiction, on one hand we are talking about toxic masculinity on the other we write about rape, on one hand women in some countries are fight for right to their bodies, on the other we are writing about forced impregnation. And I know, I know, one is a fiction an the other is a real life, it’s not for everyone, and so on. I get that. I’m painting a picture here. Picture of society which is swapping one extreme to another. And like I said before, this kind of fiction is being read not only by people who are into kink, but by common people, who know very little about it. And I’m sure you are aware, that common people can see it that way, and for common people rape fantasy is not normal, as in commonly accepted by society.
Anyways, this is longer than I wanted it to be. Like i said at the beginning, I have no intention in starting another fight. I never had intention like that in a first place believe it or not. For years I was a quiet Tumblr user, enjoying content that enjoy in my little part of the internet. You can check out my blog if you don’t believe me. So I won’t shit into your nest anymore, I’m going to crawl back to my little hole from which I crawled out. Enjoying content as I was before. And yes, I discovered filtering ;)
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Damn ... Pina from "Beastars", in the last episode, unironically, made me think he would make a great "pred" ... He kinda gives me Fomo vibes and I love him for It! ... Ever thought about doing something with him?
Well this is a very different question from my usual sort. And with references to FA figures, no less. XD Sadly, no. Not into Pina, or any of the herbivorous characters, really. There are some OCs out there that involve herbivorous characters that I like - you mentioned SpottedSqueak’s Fomo, and I shall also bring to attention Wildside’s Beal, just for two examples - but in terms of “canon” characters, there are precious few, if any, I’m especially into. To be honest, Beastars is a really weird series for me, in general: it’s one of those cases where I SHOULD unabashedly love it “in that way,” and yet I...don’t. There are really only three characters I’m “into” to any degree in the show: Bill (who no one wants to use or seems to care about), Riz (and he loses points for reasons not revealed in the anime yet, I don’t think, so I’m not saying them here), and Legosi...who is super popular, but has a fundamental problem for me. His whole story is about trying to avoid his predatory urges; fighting with himself over those instincts. This actually makes it hard to write for him; it’s one thing for a character to never display those urges and then inject them into things - depending on the character, it can make sense. It’s another thing for a character to constantly talk about those urges and not act upon them, but still being canonically carnivorous; that’s extremely easy, because then it’s just a matter of pushing things further. When a character actively DENIES their predatory nature - characters like Legosi, or Tiger from the Fievel movies - it’s a lot harder to write for them. Not impossible: I’ve written for Zootopia TONS of times with not much difficulty, and I’ve always loved Draco from Dragonheart, who has that “chewed in self-defense but never swallowed” line, but for some reason, Legosi rubs me the wrong way with things, probably because he so ADAMANTLY fights himself. That’s the constant theme of his character. With someone like Nick Wilde, it’s present, but Zootopia plays with things on a different sort of level; Nick accepts who and what he is, even if there are certain lines he will not cross. Then it’s just a matter of making him cross those lines, either for good or ill. Legosi’s struggle in the series is dealing with those instincts and learning TO accept who he is; the show itself tells a much better story on that front than anything I could do. XD
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smile-files · 4 years
melon’s comprehensive kinlist!
including name of character, source, image, short personality description, mbti, and then why i kin them! take your time to read, or don’t. i get it if you don’t want to scroll through an entire page just to psychoanalyze me lmao, have a good time
1. wirt (over the garden wall)
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an angsty, socially awkward dweebus who nerds out over interior design and plays the clarinet. fears death. infp.
my first kin! for a month after rewatching otgw i desperately wanted to be him. to be like him. anything!! it eventually wore away but i still feel that urge sometimes - the urge to write r/im14andthisisdeep poetry and to distance one’s self from their siblings... and heck - his tape for sara is indeed just as awkward as he is but let me assure you that his poetry and clarinet are actually pretty cool. 9/10 i need to see him more. give me more otgw comics. ok thanks.
2. snufkin (moomins)
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a philosophical vagabond of vague age. acts stoic all the time but can and will leave every social situation whether or not it’s humanly possible. infp.
after watching some 90s moomin (and later on moominvalley) i realized how much i liked him and how much i was like him; i soon daydreamed of myself, as snufkin, venting to someone. it made me very happy. i vibe with his general demeanor and ideals (minus his gripes about rules, i follow those by the book) and i love psychoanalyzing him. so fun. so fun.
3. arnold perlstein (the magic school bus)
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overly-anxious jewish kid and certified expert on rocks and panicking. owns a pair of fire-proof pyjamas in a lovely shade of green. isfj.
you all saw this one coming. my early childhood lives in my mind rent free and such i can’t help but revisit arn and his character. i’ve always loved him (even in, and quite possibly especially in, the reboot) and i’ve always loved psychoanalyzing every single little thing he does (remember that one time he said he was traumatized? me too). i soon realized a lot of it was me projecting! so sue me. actually, sue miss frizzle. either one of them. i mean, if arnold really didn’t like the field trips he could’ve just filed a restraining order! ...just saying.
4. fluttershy (my little pony)
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anxious pastel butterfly baby child. probably loves animals more than she loves herself. cries upon impact. isfj.
the pony i’d mentally point to and think “me”. i had like 10 fluttershy-related things growing up, like plushies or funko pops or that sdcc guardians of harmony thing. while not shy in the same manner, it was nice having a character i could relate to about so much! i cosplayed as her equestria girls form for my first comic con as well, so that’s pretty cool. in addition, me being a little lepidopterist means i was bound to love her. it was destiny~
5. lammy lamb (um jammer lammy)
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socially anxious and generally anxious rock star who thinks literally everything is a guitar. has an emotional support girlfriend. infp.
man!! she embodies the feeling when you have to go to the eye doctor by yourself to get your glasses fixed or when you have to call someone over the phone... that sheer tension. the panic. the feeling of ‘i want to throw my entire being into the trash can’. but lammy has a bunch of friends to support her, so she’s cool. died by slipping on a banana peel! same, sister. and man would i like to shred on my ukulele now...
6. loser (bfb)
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humble (screw bfb 21), supportive, well-loved cube dude who’s voice is like that of an angel. has an entire fanclub in his honor. enfj.
okay, no, i was never a cool kid or ‘popular’, really, but in school i was never bullied for whatever reason and was generally well-liked; i hung out with a squad of weirdos and yet the cool kids would often talk to me? and try to engage me?? despite my very apparent self-deprecation and awkwardness??? either way i feel like it’s such a blessing to me, that i have so many friends! i often feel like i don’t deserve it, but hey. it’s nice! and heck, back when i was on scratch i had a little fanclub myself :0
7. fan (inanimate insanity)
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nerdy, friendly aspie boyo who subliminally vents via blogging. longs for stability in his life; was best friends with an egg. entp.
ever since i noted his aspergers-like behavior i became super attached to him - whether or not it was intentional, i found it nice having a character i can relate those feelings with. he’s really sweet and dorky and i love how he gets along with test tube, paintbrush, and lightbulb! it makes me really happy to see him whenever i do. it made me really sad when he was eliminated. what the heck. yeah i dunno i don’t kin him super strongly but i love him to bits.
8. spinel (steven universe the movie)
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emotionally unstable clown girl who stood in a garden for thousands of years. patience of a saint. edge like an 11-year-old me. esfp.
uhh um uh totally wasn’t completely disturbed by how much i related to spinel after watching steven universe the movie... totally wasn’t reminded about how and why i hated middle school... totally didn’t rethink my life that day... that’s it. this is all i’m saying.
9. molly blyndeff (epithet erased)
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innocent child who has a terrible father and a wonderful demeanor. teddy bear who needs a hug and a criminal as her new dad. infp.
epithet erased is adorable okay?? i knew molly was infp in the first few minutes... more precisely, i knew she was me. man!! i don’t relate directly to her angst but i still feel it. i can replicate her voice so accurately it’s scary. also, i coined a new thing -  ‘molly cake’! you have a chocolate cake, preferably with chocolate chips inside. use chocolate frosting and add little pastel star sprinkles! on top! my mom would make this cake for us anyway but then i realized it was literally just molly in cake form. and it’s just as sweet!
10. tommy coolatta (hlvrai)
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a 30-something-year-old child who rocks a propeller hat. chose his last name off of a dunkin donuts menu despite the fact that he has a father. infp.
everyone loves tommy. he’s so sweet? and funny and loveable?? often times when i say something funny but bizarre, i just remember that tommy has said ‘soda helps you see faster’ and it makes me happy. if i’m going to be a weirdo i want to be the wholesome weirdo who loves soda and has a .png for a dog! also i legally have to kin tommy. i took a test for it (and i’m not complaining! i find it quite flattering).
11. twyla (monster high)
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the daughter of the boogeyman; would very much like to boogey out of here, if you know what i mean. avoids people like the plague. infj.
seeing her role in the show and in the movies, i really love twyla? first of all, her voice is my new favorite thing. it’s like... gravelly? and soft? she’s the type of person who would very much like to disappear when in a crowd; thankfully, she literally can. i am drawn to any sarcastic, self-deprecating introvert who takes care of their bonkers extrovert friend (in this case howleen), as i often act as such myself. also the phrase ‘boogey sand’ will never leave my mind now :)
12. lapis lazuli (steven universe)
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water gem who wants you to leave. cynical as all heck, sensitive as all hell. is there such thing as a gem therapist? just asking. infp.
in a similar way to twyla, i vibe with lapis’ sarcasm and wit as well as her emotional side. it can be kind of addicting, isolating one’s self. anywho, me and my sister used to do this routine of yelling up to each other this certain dialogue between lapis and peridot when peri was leaving for something (in which lapis replied to everything she said with dry ‘yeah’s); i would always do lapis’ part. i do reply a lot with ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’ or ‘cool’ to things people tell me, as i never really know what to say.
13. brad meltzer (xavier riddle and the secret museum)
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shy jewish butterfly kid who absolutely hates time travel. attracted to people who know how to socialize like a normal human being. infp(?).
okay okay so... combine everything from arnold and everything from fluttershy and that’s basically what brad is to me. a jewish socially anxious nerd who loves butterflies and drawing. badabing badaboom, there i am. that’s it.
and boom! all of the kins i can think of, of course not including comfort characters like will byers from stranger things or isabelle from animal crossing. if you have any kins to suggest to me, i would love it! thank you for taking your time to read this, friend! have a fantastic day :)
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lokemikaze · 4 years
Zuka Rant: Part 2 (2016 Yuki - Don Juan)
okay so. for some reason, the gang in the zuka server decided they wanted to torture me, and introduced me to the 2016 yukigumi don juan. i thought i was prepared, but uhhh apparently not - i didn’t expect this amount of pAIN D: i’m legit gonna spend the next week crying about this
if you don’t already know, don juan is a “womanizer” trash man who brings shame upon his family and doesn’t appreciate the people who love him - until he meets maria, who he for some reason falls head over heels for and ends up dying for. that is not the main focus of this essay, though; my wish is to expand upon my thoughts about don juan’s relation to mental illness. please note that this will touch upon heavy themes, including Bad Coping Mechanisms. i’ll say it again:
so. where to start. perhaps i should first make a disclaimer and say that while i am quite Experienced with mental illness, i am by no means an expert, and everything i write here will be my own personal opinions and over-analysis. i also know nothing about the history of this musical etc., i went into this blindly and got punched by the pain
when we first meet juan (played by the amazing daimon, who does such a good job), he is at a bar, surrounded by women. he smiles his gorgeous little smile, and dear gods we’re all taken by this utter trash man. he pushes the ones who love him away in favour of having yet another fling as he empties another bottle. does this seem healthy? nah fam, this is a textbook example of actual self-harm - he may not even realise it himself, but the way he is dealing with his inner struggles is to drown it in alcohol and s*x. it is harmful to both body and mind, yet he uses it to push away the harsh reality and ignore his own emotions
there’s a very touching scene where we get to see young don juan with his mother as she dies. i think this is perhaps where some of his struggles started - he seemed to be struggling slightly even before this, but this is of course a moment that deeply affects him. he throws away his cross necklace, cursing god, and from then we can only imagine the path he took to get to the present. there is a very big chance he hasn’t actually dealt with the grief and trauma from seeing his mother die, and has instead repressed it. for years. and you know what we say about repressing emotions? uhh yeah it’s not good
so as i see it, the juan we meet at the beginning of this musical is a broken man who does not want to acknowledge that he is broken. he shows obvious signs of depression (i.e. pushing people away, losing interest in i.e. the women he desire), and he spends his days (unconsciously?) self-harming. he hides behind a smiling mask, when in reality he is filled with so much anger and grief, and probably - judging by his reactions later - is really out of touch with his emotions, unable to grasp any of them. it is, in fact, Sad Boie Hours
then, the ghost appears. or is it a ghost? i see this as a figment of juan’s mind - perhaps a hallucination? he clearly believes what he’s seeing is real, but nobody else can see what he sees. he is distressed by this (obviously), and reacts violently bc that’s the only way he knows to act. we can see him slowly losing his grip on reality, unable to make out the difference. as someone who has at several points in my life had hallucinations, i can confirm that the way he is acting is indeed very realistic for someone in that situation. not to mention that he’s haunted by guilt and trauma and all those emotions he has pushed down for so long. he loses some of the control he has over himself due to the extreme mental anguish he is going through.
then, he meets maria. it is love at first sight. he sees her, and talks to her, and cannot grasp - what is this feeling? why does it hurt, why does it feel like everything is changing? he finally has something that feels light in his life, something that ‘sparks joy’. maria gives him what no one else have been able to - a positive feeling that shines through the darkness of his struggles. he swears to change for her, to abandon his old ways and start a new and better life, and this is where i need to rant a bit about the costumes
as i said in my previous essay, i am a Costume Nerd, and i was a lot more pleased with the costumes of this production than in 2009 zukabeth (still salty). there aren’t many costume changes, but there doesn’t need to be. juan’s first outfit is such a Vibe, and i absolutely love it - and it’s completely full-on black. only black. however, after he meets maria and pledges to change, his costume also changes. he now has not only really pretty sparkle, but *white*. his all-black has adapted to include touches of white. there are of course multiple meanings that could be read into this, but what does it mean judging from the mental health viewpoint? well, black is often associated with depression and dark thoughts (hence the name *dark* thoughts), while white is associated with purity, joy and hope. my theory is that juan’s previously hopeless existence now has hope, something he wants to live for, someone he loves and cherishes and who keeps him going. there is light at the end of the dark tunnel, so to say.
then, maria’s fiance comes back from war and confronts juan. they agree upon a duel, and juan has what seems to be a panic attack. all of a sudden, the fragile happiness he created with maria is broken, and everything comes flooding back - including his hallucination ghost. in a following scene, he is seen with his (absolutely gay) friend, who tries to convince him to Not Do This. the ghost follows, and we see that juan is once again losing his grip on reality, lashing out and refusing to listen to reason. when the duel scene arrives, juan’s costume is back to the full black. his hope is gone, and he has reverted back into the anguished man he was.
in the beginning of the duel, juan fights mercilessly, wounding his enemy several times, each time getting more and more out of control. he sees this man as the obstacle between himself and the hope he tried to cling on to, and now that he has had a taste of happiness, he wants it back. he aims to kill, and gets angry when his target won’t. stop. getting. up!! this is when the good old hallucination ghost once again appears, telling him that he is only procrastinating the inevitable, that if he wins, he will lose anyway due to the sin of killing another man. you can *see* the moment when juan’s last grip on reality shatters, and from then on out there’s no hope of it ending well. he has given up hope, he has given in to the darkness, he has accepted as a fact that there is no good outcome for him. if he lives on, he will be plagued by his own struggles, unable to find a way out of the deep dark hole his mind has plunged him into. and so, he does the only thing that seems logical, and basically throws himself at his enemy’s blade. he states that this way, maybe he can live on in the love between himself and maria. my belief is that it was a simple way to commit s*icide that didn’t involve him having to actually do it himself. it makes it seem ‘accidental’, and lays the blame on someone else. 
and so, don juan dies. a painful, harsh death that absolutely punched my heart and wrenched the sobs from my throat (thanks for enabling my hyper empathy, daimon, well done). he dies with little else than the vague hope that maybe, he can die with love, and that something good will come from it all. a man who got too little time, made too many bad decisions, and had too many issues that he should’ve gotten help with ages ago goddammit. it is questionable if he was fully aware of his decision, being fully lost to his own mind by then, but what is unquestionable is that he suffered a lot. his entire life was filled with suffering, hidden behind a cocky smile. 
if you’ve read all the way here, thank you for considering what i had to say. i hope i remembered everything i wanted to say. i have no way to conclude this, other than to say “thanks, i hate this” to the sadists who threw me into this. it is a heartwrenching story that i honestly can relate to a little too much to (no, i am not a murderer nor a womanizer), and i felt don juan’s pain on a deep level. have i read way too much into it all? probably. then again, that’s the beauty of fiction - we all have our own experiences which affect the impression it leaves us with. and to me, takarazuka’s don juan isn’t about a cocky bastard who got too full of himself - it’s about a young man so filled with pain that it led to his demise.
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