tinygryphon · 2 months
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*something about sibling dynamics and traumatised characters with love interests who would literally die for them*
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romantic-ageru-yo · 1 month
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I just wanted to put 18 in the Tacos shirt and then I remembered that time she stole and wore Chichi's clothes, she is so a clothes-stealing girlfriend omg
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koinekid · 2 years
A New Enemy Attacks
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It was a hard fought battle, but they’re okay!
It’s not related to any specific prompt, but what the heck?
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krillin-fanfic · 2 years
Chestnut Fest 2022 Week 1: For A Friend
Hello again, friends! It's that magical time of year again, and much like Shenron, I have been summoned from my slumber to grant your wishes for new story content once again.
The theme for this story? Comfort Food. Wasn't sure how I could translate that into a written work, but I think I found a way. This entry is set before Krillin and 18 are a couple, while their friendship is still budding. It's more platonic than shippy, but I think it's important to explore the planting of the seeds too! So without further ado, here we go! LINKS: FF.net AO3
It was another lovely day at Kame House. The seas were especially calm today, only light fluffy clouds on the horizon. A gentle breeze blew through, providing just enough respite from the heat of the now-setting sun.
Two figures sat at a table on the strip of beach separating the pink house from the water's edge. A woman, blonde, impossibly attractive, baggy shirt and a pair of shorts, looked at her short, bald companion with some amusement as their conversation had taken a rather unexpected turn.
"Comfort... food? I don't get it."
Krillin's cocked his head slightly. "Huh? What's not to get?"
18 tilted her head. "How is food comfortable? You eat it, you don't use it like furniture or clothing."
He chuckled. "No, not comfortable, comforting. It means foods that give off a sort of comforting or nostalgic vibe." He held up his index finger. "Now some people like to try to put it in a box and say "comfort foods" can only be certain kinds of food, usually fatty or decadent things," he smiled and closed his eyes. "But I happen to be in the camp that thinks that any food that really takes you back to a happy place in life qualifies."
She leaned back in her chair and sighed. "Sounds weird to me."
"Eh, it's just all tied to memories, I suppose." He looked up at the blue sky. "I still remember the day I found mine. It was after the 21st Budokai. Me and Goku had both lost to this weird Jackie Chun guy that somehow knew all our moves, but Master Roshi still bought us a big ol' meal afterwards for doing so well. A whole buffet right at our table!"
18's brows raised a bit. "...You mean Goku had that much himself, right?"
Krillin scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Well... I wish I could say that but, uh... I kinda ate almost as much as he did, being honest." He giggled. "We'd been fighting all day, I got stupid hungry, and the food was so good!" She saw his eyes light up as he remembered. "There was roast pork, lo mein, baozi, duck... I'd never eaten that well in my entire life. They never really gave us more than unseasoned rice and vegetables at Orin, and I didn't have any money when I was on my own, so getting to experience that..." he smiled. "And now, that's sorta become my own comfort food, I guess."
18 fiddled with a loose strand of hair. "Ah. Sounds... nice."
Krillin tapped lightly on the tabletop next to his baseball cap. "So you're saying you don't have any food-related memo-" her eyes shot in his direction and he stopped himself. "Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry..."
"I guess..." she spoke, her voice barely audible over the waves lapping at the beach. "I guess maybe I have... one."
Krillin sat forward in his seat, hands folded on the table in front of him. It was rare to see 18 this quiet. Almost... vulnerable. The least he could do is give her his full attention.
"Yeah? Do you mind sharing, or...?"
"It was when I was with 17 and 16. When we were..." she paused to consider her choice of words. "...traveling together. You know..."
Krillin nodded. That topic was still a bit of an elephant in the room for them, neither entirely sure how to address it yet. "Yeah, I get you."
She twirled the strand of hair a bit harder. "We took a truck then. 17's boneheaded idea. 'Make it fun', he said, 'go on a road trip, see the sights'..." she smiled. "He was always chasing being human again, even as he insisted we were above them now. After 16 cleared it out, we took off on the road and after a while, the raido? Monotonous." She glared. "I swear, if I ever wind up in a place that plays nothing but that annoying guitar twanging all day, I'm ending it right there and then."
He chuckled. "I can relate. Being stuck with only one sort of music can be grating."
"Yeah... anyways... we thought everything had been cleared out, right? All the food? But it turned out 16 found a few loose items that had gotten out and rolled around back there behind the seats. Fruits. Not many, but a couple. Two of them were common enough. An orange and a banana. 17 snatched those up himself. But there was another that 16 gave me." Her brow wrinkled a bit. "It must have been fiarly uncommon, given we had no information about it. It was colorful. Like a deep pink on the outside, with these... leaves almost, coming off the skin. The fruit inside was white, with seeds. I remember it having a very light sort of taste, almost barely there." She smiled. "I remember 17 sitting there with a big wedge of that orange in his mouth, pulling faces at me... 16 smiling in the back..." 18 thinned her lips for a moment. When she next spoke, Krillin could hear the shakiness in her voice. "It... it was the last time it felt like things were almost 'normal' for me. Like we were almost... family." She let go of her hair and covered her face with her palm. "God, that sounds so dumb..."
Krillin shook his head and waved his hands nervously in front of himself. "No, not at all! Believe me. I may not, y'know... 'get it', but I do get it." He sighed. "I'm such a wordsmith. I just mean that... I may not get that exact scenario. I know I haven't been through what you guys have, and I'm not trying to suggest that... but I do know that feeling. It's actually... a lot like the one I felt at that table that day at the Budokai."
18 turned toward him again. "Really now?"
"Yeah. It was like... Like I had friends now. Like a sort of a family. I had people who cared, who were happy for me, proud of me for a change." He put a hand up. "Again, not saying it's the same as your sitch at all. But the feeling is the same. That stays with you."
18 pursed her lips and gazed up at the sky for a bit before letting her head fall back with a groan. "Well, it's not like I'll be experiencing that 'nostalgia' thing any time soon anyways. Even if I bought into the idea." She stood up and pointed at him. "Which, to be clear, I still don't." She brushed stray sand off her legs quickly and started back inside the small house. " Don't even know what that stuff was called anyways..."
Krillin sat at the table, hands folded on its top, deep in thought. When she'd first come here, seeking shelter and answers, he'd promised her he'd help her adjust to human life. Said that he'd help her get back what that sick old man had stolen from her. This? This was part of that. He nodded to himself. 'Right. Let's get it done.'
He stood, put on his cap, took a deep breath, and without a word floated off into the air, headed due north.     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To say Krillin was exhausted was an understatement. He landed a bit hard, panting, next to one of the only 24-hour groceries he could find. For the last six hours, he'd flown around, desperately trying to find a fruit that had matched 18's description, starting up north where that truck had been... acquired. Every stop had been the same answer. "Never heard of a fruit like that." "You sure your friend didn't dream it up?" "That sounds wild, man. Let me know if you find it."
He'd gotten halfway to Satan City before a farmer in one of the shops proved helpful. "Oh, I've heard of that stuff, friend! You're in the wrong place. It grows in more tropical areas down south!"
The tropics. Where he'd started. The irony wasn't lost on Krillin as he caught his breath near the shop entrance. 'I just hope this one actually has what I'm looking for,' he thought to himself. 'I've been all over the region and so far no luck.'
He pushed the door open and was greeted by a portly older man in overalls. "Welcome! How can I help you tonight?"
Krillin gestured back toward the fairly large produce section. "Can you tell me if you carry a certain fruit? It's about the size of my fist, has a deep pink color, what looks like leaves growing out of the skin?"
The shopkeeper blinked a few times before smiling. "Ah, yes! I know the fruit you mean. I believe we sold the last of that on the shelves earlier today." He saw Krillin's face drop and he frowned. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. I can check our stock in the back if you like. It's very popular in the area but we may still have some."
He looked up, hopeful. "Please! It would mean a lot!"
"Very well, hold on." The man strolled from behind the register toward the doors in the back. "Shouldn't take more than a moment!"
It wasn't long before he returned with a small crate and a large smile. "Good news, sir! I believe we do indeed still have five in stock here!"
Krillin beamed. "Oh, thank you so much! How much are they?"
The shopkeeper plopped the crate onto the counter and tapped away at the register. "Hmmm... says here we're looking at 600 Zeni apiece."
Krillin blanched. "D-did you say 600?"
"Yes sir." He smiled. "Each. Dragon fruit don't grow too often and given the popularity..."
"Yeah, yeah. I get-wait..." Krillin raised an eyebrow. "They're called dragon fruit? Seriously?"
"Yessir!" The shopkeeper looked confused. "Is that surprising to you?"
"No... no at this point I almost expect everything in my life to be connected to dragons somehow." He fished the cash out of his wallet. "So... 3000 Zeni, huh?"     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"18! Can you... come down here for... a sec... hooo boy..."
A groggy 18 made her way down the dark stairs at Kame House and found a rather disheveled (and tired Krillin sprawled on the couch, barely visible in the light of the desk lamp. "Hey there... so... don't wanna get your hopes up but-"
"What happened to you?"
"I'm... getting there... hoo." He sat up and held up a bag. "I decided that you needed to catch a rather integral part of the human experience so... I tried to track down that fruit you were talking about."
18 hesitantly reached forward and took the bag. She peered inside it and froze. There it was. That same fruit. The very same one 16 had given her on their trip.
"I'm not... super sure it's the right one... but the guy at the store said it matched the description... so I got some." He smiled, his breath finally evening out. "Would you believe they were actually native to near here after all? Boy, did I ever get off on the wrong track... I think I need... a nap."
She slowly took one from the bag and split it with little effort. There it was, the white flesh dotted with so many seeds, sharply contrasted against the pink skin. She tentatively took a bite.
In that instant, those memories came flooding back, vivid as ever. That feeling she'd felt... it was back, if only for a moment. And suddenly, 18 understood.
"Oh... wow." She looked over at Krillin. "I guess I was-" she was halted by a deep snore. Krillin had passed out there on the couch, out like a light, hat dangling from his foot off the end of it. She smiled and grabbed a coat, using it to cover him up. "You really are a weird little man," she noted, gently rubbing his shoulder. "But I guess you're a really good friend, too."
18 reached over and switched off the lamp before heading upstairs to bed. She'd have to remember to thank him in the morning. But for now... she had a lot to think about.
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longmonthartist · 1 year
ChestnutFest2k22 Award Unboxing (And what K18 Xmas might bring)
I’ve never done unboxing before but felt this one is very necessary given how much effort had been put in by the ever so generous and awesome Jen at @chestnutisland @xfadedmemoriezx
As the fortunate contributor chosen at random to receive this year’s Chestnutfest 2k22 Giveaway, I received these two lovely figures, along with a heartfelt thank you note from Jen.
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Yes, they are the stars of K18, Krillin the strongest Earthling Man (クリリン-地球人最強の男) and his spouse, Android 18 (人造人間十八号). Yes, those are titles given to them on the box, sorry Tien, but Krillin’s the strongest Earthling not just human.
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Also here we can see that there are several official trademarks from the merchandise copyrights holders. What this meant is these figures were released with the official acknowledgement of Toei, Bandai, Funimation...etc. No, the presence of these logos does not impact the figures themselves, but it does mean they cost way more than unlicensed merchandises and are possibly of higher quality.
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Now onto unboxing. Let’s start with Krillin first. This is a fully posable figure with 4 expressions (heads) and 6 hand gestures plus the Destructo Disc and Senzu bean.
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Next, we have Android 18. Unlike her spouse, she is not posable but the craftsmanship on this one is no less amazing. I mean just look at how she wants to blast anyone who has annoyed her or cause her family harm.
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No, I don’t want to stand in the crosshair of these two badasses (Note: These figures are not accurate depiction of Krillin and 18′s heights relative to each other as they were made by different companies and belong to different figure series).
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While I do not know what kind of Xmas gifts participants of K18 Xmas 2k22 will receive and cannot guarantee the prize will be equivalent to what I have here, it’s safe to say Jen is very generous and does not cut corners when giving out gifts. I myself couldn’t imagine giving away two licensed figures of such quality and shipping them free.
If you have time this coming week and the next (Xmas event goes from Dec 14th - Dec 25th), please consider creating something for K18 Xmas. I was lucky enough to be picked as the recipient despite this being my second time participating in ChestnutFest and let me say this, even without the gifts (they are amazing beyond doubt), sharing contents with like-minded individuals is definitely worth it.
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silverwoodwork · 2 years
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Since Krillin was shown to be a cop in Super, I made a design for what he would look like in GT; a commissioner for Satan City!
@chestnutisland thought you might be interested in this :3c
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dragonballwish · 2 years
Oh one more thing do you know any good blogs for stuff on the characters? Thanks again.
It depends on what you mean by stuff ? Hmm hmmm
(Sorry in advance for tags) (please lemme know if you want me to remove you from the list LOL)
If anyone else thinks they’ve got what anon needs feel free to reply / reblog
Here’s a previous one I did that was uhhh way less amount of blogs but
A quick disclaimer (?): you should definitely look around these blogs before following since a lot of them have very different content (some are art centric some are a lot of exposition, some have OCs. Some have AUs)
Good blogs for krillin:
@dragon-ball-meta , @chestnutisland ,
Good blogs for yamcha and tien:
@yamchaas , @tenshindon
Good blogs for Gohan:
A lot of blogs are good for gohan honestly but
@dailycupofcreativitea , @birdantlers , @sonohban are pretty standout (and also have content that is pretty on point and in character for other characters too) (especially skit has a lot of piccolo / namekian stuff and tea has a lot of general db stuff)
Namekian-centric (piccolo) blogs:
@dinkybirb , @sherenytr ( I haven’t seen them online in awhile but their art is so good and ugh their namekian headcanons are so cool— sorry for tag :( )
Goten blog @dbzebra iconic goten stan legend
Goku blogs are a dime a dozen but some I love that aren’t already here are @gokustits @gokuthegrandpa @gokugallery
Trunks blogs that I think are interesting include but are not limited to (because everyone loves trunks): @miraitrunks @secretsofdbz
I won’t lie, I don’t follow a single vegeta blog I don’t think LMAO ? And i don’t really follow any bulma blogs … I love them but i just haven’t interacted or seen any on the dash so,, trunks blogs will probably get you to what you want before I could !
Honorable mentions: @imperfectercell , @duhragonball , @xenogohan , @hellzonegrenade
I don’t know if I can really say they have specific character fixations but their content rocks
[reiterating please lemme know if y’all want me to take your tag off the list hahaha]
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contentexplorer · 1 year
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^ People I think who might enjoy this meme. ^
Below is context. It may not be conventional to include context, but this my meme and post, so I'll over explain whatever I want. Be aware, long explanation ahead; read at your own peril.
First off, you are beautiful.
Second, I am new to the K18 game. I became a fan of this power couple since noticing their cute chemistry from the Super Hero film. Been a fan of the franchise since a kid (mostly casual), but never noticed how dope K18 was until Super Hero. Ever since, I've been going through Dragon Ball content again to watch all the K18 goodness, as well as find awesome fan art, fiction, and content, especially on Tumblr, of these under rated characters. Unfortunately, my discovery of Krillin and 18 soured a little when I found certain moments in the franchise that just did not sit well with me. The End of Z (anime version) and Episode 100 of Super being the highest contenders (Ep.75 doesn't count because that was 18 using tough love to help Krillin get out of his funk and back to being the badass we know he is). But after some time to get over them and revisit all the positives, I still love K18. But I felt I needed to do something to get over those limited, but nasty moments. That's when the idea of using my favorite meme came to life.
This is my therapeutic way to remind myself as well as the other fans that the K18 goodness outweighs and outnumbers the rare bad ones; 18 will always love her family (Universal Fact). It was a hassle to make this without Photoshop, but despite its rough edges, I think it came together well. There are changes from the original "not you" meme template because I needed more squares.
For any K18 fans that are unfortunately reminded of the horror of Ep. 100 and End of Z, I apologize since you guys have been streets ahead of me and gotten over them a long time ago. But since I'm streets behind, if I got to deal with this, then you guys got to double deal with it.
Have a productive new year. :)
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sweetescapeartist · 2 months
Hello Friend!
I am just one of your countless anonymous fans. I want to let you know, yes you, Sweetescapeartist know that you rule.
Please keep posting your awesome DB analysis and of course, wonderful K18 art.
Sincerely Yours,
Your Anonymous Fan
Thank you! I'll do my best to keep on doing thise things! I really love analyzing DB & making K18 art (dragon-ball-meta & chestnutisland were my biggest inspirations).
I'm gradually working on some things & want to post more K18 art soon. Slowly but surely. And I think K18 lovers will love what I have in store! More DB analysis on the way too. Maybe some in March & April. Glad you enjoy what I do! 😊
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theultradork · 1 year
My prize from @chestnutisland 's K18mas giveaway just arrived!
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So happy! I'd had my eye on this guy for a while now, too!
Thanks so much, @xfadedmemoriezx.
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tinygryphon · 2 months
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Why are they so adorable
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romantic-ageru-yo · 2 months
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koinekid · 2 years
Chestnut Fest 2022 Prompt: Indulgence
Caramel and Crunchy Stuff
A Dragonball Z/Super Marron fanfiction
by Koinekid
It started with a dab of caramel on the rim of a bowl.
Dishes had been Marron’s responsibility since she turned seven and discovered the concept of an allowance. Instead of leaving the chore to the end of the day, she developed a habit of regularly checking the sink for dirty dishes, rinsing them, and loading them into the dishwasher for later. Today was no different. After returning from school and tossing her backpack onto the couch, she made a beeline for the kitchen, dreading the horrors that awaited her if uncle Goku had made the surprise visit Goten teased her about. But all she found were a pair of bowls and spoons, nearly spotless save for the telltale drop of golden goodness.
Marron grinned. Caramel meant one thing. She grabbed a clean bowl and spoon and practically skipped to the freezer, only to find it conspicuously devoid of ice cream. She checked the trash bin—empty with a fresh liner. Nor were there any sundae toppings in the fridge or pantry, unless you counted the lone, almost too ripe banana stashed between the cereal and rice. Her grin faded to a frown, which she just managed to conceal before registering her mother’s footfalls headed toward the kitchen. Swapping the bowl for the banana and juice box, she made a hasty exit, passing by her mother and mumbling an excuse about homework.
On impulse, Marron nearly voiced her suspicions, but the sight of Mama, brow raised, staring into the sink, made her think better of it. Besides, figuring things out herself would be so much more fun, right?
Homework drove the notions of secret ice cream and mystery solving out of her mind. Instead, she spent the hours after school second guessing her decision to enroll in pre-Algebra. The mundane, non-headache-inducing fifth grade math most of her friends were taking seemed much more appealing these days. She shouldn’t have let Trunks tease her into signing up. Her only consolation was that the purple-haired son of a genius was struggling with the subject as much as she was.
After dinner, she transferred her homework from the dining table to the desk in her room and alternated between quadratic equations and texting in the group chat she shared with Trunks, Goten, and a few other friends. After dogpiling on Goten for his cheerful proclamation that he finished his math homework hours ago (he was in general math), she and Trunks collaborated on one of the toughest problems. At 9:30 PM, she finally set down her pencil and flopped into bed. Five minutes later, she sat bolt upright.
“The dishes!”
She rushed downstairs and, as she neared the kitchen, noticed faint light coming from underneath the door and what sounded like silverware clanking against porcelain. If her parents were washing the dishes she neglected, she’d be so embarrassed.
Forcing herself to slow down—over the years, she’d smacked more than one person with a hastily thrown open door—she eased the door open and slid the dimmer switch upward to fully illuminate the kitchen. “Sorry, sorry,” she murmured. “I for...got.”
All thoughts of chores faded as she found her parents huddled, not over the sink, but over a plastic container with what appeared to be an even mix of caramel and ice cream. The words on the container were hard to see, half obscured by the plastic grocery bag in which it set. Marron could just about make out “gelato” and “indulgence.” Mama paused, spoon an inch away from her mouth. Papa dropped his spoon, and it clattered to the table, spilling caramel and melted ice cream onto the wood. Mama shot him an annoyed look and gestured for the roll of paper towels in the middle of the table.
Marron found her voice. “I-is that ice cream?”
Mama met her eyes. “No.”
Papa retrieved his spoon and wiped it with a paper towel. “It’s gelato.”
Mama continued. “You wouldn’t like it. It’s got caramel and...” She looked at the container as if searching for the proper word. “...Crunchy stuff.”
Marron blinked. “I like caramel.”
Mama said, “It’s for adults.”
Papa inserted his now clean spoon into the container and grinned. “I’m an adult.” Marron thought about arguing further, but the whole event was just too surreal. She decided to chalk it all up to a homework-induced stress dream and go back to bed. For once, she would leave the dishes to the morning, and if she found more ice cream covered bowls and spoons than yesterday, she would roundly ignore them.
One late night, six years and five advanced math courses later, Marron found herself on the other side of this bizarre happening. An unopened letter from Satan City Polytechnic Institute lay on the table before her. It contained the response to her early admissions application. Also on the table were three bowls--one for each of her parents, and one for her. Her first taste of gelato brought to mind three words: Worth. The. Wait.
“Are you ready to open it,” Papa asked.
Marron toyed with the flap of the envelope, well-worn from hours of peeling it back a little at a time.
“Don’t rush her,” Mama said.
Marron pushed the envelope to Papa. “I’m still too nervous. You—”
“Is that ice cream?” a voice interrupted.
Marron turned her head to see a shrimp with an unruly mop of black hair rubbing sleep from his eyes. Jacin. And where one of her twin brothers was, the other...
Jaden, his blonde hair as messy as his brothers, was far more awake. He grinned and started for the table. “All right!”
Marron rolled her eyes, but then an idea formed. “No.”
“Aww,” Jaden whined. “Dad, we can have some, right?”
“No,” Marron repeated. “It isn’t ice cream.
That stopped the boys in their tracks.
Marron continued, “It’s gelato, and it’s for adults. Right, Papa?”
Papa chuckled. “Sorry, boys. Your sister is right.”
“It’s got caramel and crunchy bits,” Mama added. “You wouldn’t like it.”
“We like caramel,” Jacin squeaked.
Mama rose, smiling to herself. “Come on, I think we have some mint chocolate chip in the freezer.”
The boys perked up but deflated when Mama added, “But only half a cup each. It’s past your bedtime.”
“You can have gelato when you’re older, “Marron called out. “When you’re both adults.” She turned back to the table to avoid any rude gestures the boys might send her way. That’s right. She looked down at the acceptance letter. I am an adult, and I should act like it.
Pushing her bowl aside, she picked up the letter and tore open the envelope. Mama paused at the freezer, and she and Papa shared a glance. Marron took a deep breath and pulled out and unfolded the single sheet of paper within. The shriek of delight that followed shook the house.
Okay, so maybe she wasn’t fully an adult, but what would be the fun in that?
The End
The inspiration: https://youtu.be/R1Q-T_raX8Y
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krillin-fanfic · 8 months
Got an outline for my K18 Day Entry this year. It's not gonna match the Chestnut Fest theme, sadly, but it's one that's really been speaking to me lately.
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longmonthartist · 2 years
Hello folks. So this is actually a prompt suggested by KoalaTakingNotes but due to the nice timing, I’ve decided to submit this for Krillin Birthday event. Hope you all enjoyed this short piece.
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pam0100 · 1 year
Have a nice happy new year @zoe-oneesama @asktrio516 @askthejourneysgang @chestnutisland @theultradork @dbnextgenz @dbzebra @anewcalamity @pokemon-personalities @pan-chandbgt @whiteartblood @meezumaki @xfadedmemoriezx @neogohann @naya-queenzie @finnoky @urban-hart @hellyeahharvestmoon @happygochi @sarahw-world @dilemmaart @kumapillow @jira-chii @beshamaru @betaruga @ramenuzumaki @knuxthefangirl @thegreatbentennyson @officialfanbug @distructodicks @bisexual-trunks @tangledbea @chauvel @kbmochi @munchkinkittyhams @seolvair
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