#{ ch: lady luck | fang }
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fang & vanille meta/hc
an analysis on co-dependent relationships & mental illness [ note: i absolutely ship fanille, i ship fanille largely because of this meta and because i stan complicated relationships between women, but it could be triggering for those of us who have experienced toxic relationships with mentally ill people as people who are mentally ill themselves in the past. i do not mean to blame either fang or vanille for their co-dependency also. this is something so engrained in their relationship there is no true party at ‘fault’---and it’s so much more complicated than placing blame, as neither of them wants to blame the other at all, and in fact, blames themself.]
firstly. i want to define a co-dependent relationship. co-dependent relationships are relationships in which one person takes the role of a ‘caretaker’ and the other takes the role of an ‘enabler.’ the caretaker sacrifices their own needs, sense of self, morality, relationships with others, boundaries, and sense of intimacy/vulnerability-----in order to ‘people please’ the enabler. the enabler lets them sacricie and do this, letting the caretaker ride their whole sense of self on the enabler.
but the enabler, in fact, does not have to be some sort of monsterous abuser. sometimes, and definitely in the case of vanille & fang, the enabler simply does not know what to do about their partner’s co-dependent tendencies---and genuinely loves and feels they need the caretaker, despite relying on their affection and ‘caretaking’ for self-worth themself. in this definition of a co-dependent relationship, fang is the ‘caretaker’ and vanille is the ‘enabler.’
while obviously co-dependent relationships at first glance would look like an abuser (the enabler) that cruelly uses the obviously mentally ill dependent party (the caretaker), i believe 13 aims to show a more complicated&loving view on how relationships work. 
fang, is, by her own admission---not a good person, that is willing to let the world burn to keep vanille safe. but vanille herself is not the perfect innocent angel fang sees her as----she lies constantly to others, she runs away from her problems and responsibilities, she lets fang take the blame for ragnorak, she quite literally enables others, such as the 13 family and fang, to see her as weak and innocent through her lies about her own competency. she lets fang become ragnorak despite her not wanting to, and while vanille will never be directly at fault for fang’s actions (you can only control yourself), she refuses to talk to fang about anything (which is part of the reason she ran away) and when she does bring up ragnorak later in the game when fang eventaully finds her---she lets herself be soothed/cared for by fang (literally hugged as fang as she cries) instead of delving into the deeper issues of their co-dependency at play.
regardless of who you think is at fault for this largely unequal relationship, both girls blame themselves for it. fang decides that she is simply not a good person---she dives deeper within the role of caretaker, saying that she will tear down the sky for her, giving up her sense of self as her echalion shows that she really does not want to give up their friends to save vanille. vanille, on the other hand, blames herself so much for their co-dependency (shown in its ultimate stages pre-game by fang becoming ragnorak WITHOUT her, literally turning into a monster with many arms, symbolic of taking/giving), that she runs away from the relationship to what she assumes is her OWN DEATH (as she does not want to fulfill her purpose).
in showing fang’s struggle to be her own person/a good person, and vanille’s suicidality, the game shows us that often times, BOTH an enabler and a caretaker are mentally ill, and sometimes, these two parties are drawn to each other because of their mental illness and inability to take care of themselves on their own merits.
from here, i would like to discuss HOW vanille and fang entered their co-dependency, by discussing the ways people beome co-dependent.
co-dependent people often stem from emotionally immature or even abusive parents that WANT things from their children and make their children ‘serve’ their needs and expectations, and who are punished if they do not meet their lofty and often confusing and not specified or objective/normal expectations.
fang&vanille do not have any parents. its implied, at least by them, that gran pulse was kind of a paradise of love&affection. but it did have a drawback---the church (featured in the novel), which both fang&vanille were shown to be strongly against, probably due to many hunters they knew dying bc of being chosen to be l’cie.
the fal’cie are shown to be false gods---but we can also think of the fal’cie as the parents of humanity, like gods are often seen as fathers/mothers, etc. the fal’cie quite literally ask their ‘children’ to serve them---especially in the case of gran pulse where the fal’cie are worshipped---and the way their children are meant to serve them LITERALLY are not told to them in any way. they have to guess their whole lives why the fal’cie are here, and what the fal’cie want, or they will be ‘punished’ by turning into monsters.
this is a perfect metaphor for emotionally toxic parents.
we especially see, as fang & vanille come together to go AGAINST the church (that the rest of gran pulse does not and looks down at them for), that they are isolated from the rest of gran pulse and pushed into their toxic parent’s reach.
this isolation, when compounded with the fact that fang has ALWAYS cared for vanille as a ‘crybaby’, their own mental illness, and fang&vanille having the ‘toxic’ emotional figures, meant that the co-dependency was always bound to happen, no matter how equally they loved each other. (and despite their co-dependency, it’s clear that they really do love each other, just in a way that is harmful to both of them.)
but their relationship is not just co-dependent. the course of the game shows fang&vanille reuniting and growing as people. the game shows that by fang letting other people into their lives (the 13 family), they can BOTH grow out of the co-dependency. fang can start to forge other relationships and her own sense of self and morals that show that she really IS a good person deep down that cares about people other than vanille. vanille can start forging HONESTY with others, including fang, about how she feels about EVERYTHING, and learn to communicate in healthy ways that don’t involve the enabling and people-pleasing/self-sabotaging behaviors.
fang&vanille show that if there is a real, true love beneath the co-dependency, the relationship can grow and become healthy again with the help of others, and by putting in the work with ur mental illness to develop a support system of family and friends who love you.
you can’t just have one person in your life. you can’t just GIVE to one person, or just TAKE from one person. you need a balance, u need to be ur own person, and u need help from ur friends to get out of the emotionally toxic/suicide inducing mindsets your ‘parents’ gave you.
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destinysthralls · 5 years
@dawnled [ riku + fang : hogwarts au ]
Professor Fang is one of the youngest Defense Against The Dark Arts teachers in history---making some wonder if Dumbledore had finally run out of options entirely. She was practically fresh out of Hogwarts herself, only taking two years as an auror before retiring from work on the beat to settle down and become a teacher the same as her wife---but the reason she’s really here is far more important. She’s here to spur resistance in the youth, as only a good role model can.
Her first ‘pet project’ is a Slytherin. Teased by his fellow housemates for being too symapthetic to muggles and muggleborns, he’s the perfect first step into situating Slytherin youth against their parents. The rest of their house is far too young to be as prejudiced as they are, but that’s the pureblood brainwashing for you. It’s easier to start out bringing those who are already sympathetic to their side---by Fang, a pureblood despite being a Gryffindor herself---aims to bring all her students to a more open-minded frame of living. She won’t let these children become deatheaters. Not if she can stop it.
“Ten points to Slytherin,” she smiles, as Riku answers a question correctly. The rest of his classmates are torn between their sneering and being proud---they could actually win the house cup this year, despite Dumbledore’s all-too-apparent bias.
As she dismisses the class, she stops Riku before he leaves with a hand pushed in the doorway. “Ah, ah, ah.”
Her accent is thick. She might have gone to Hogwarts for seven years, but you can take the girl out of the outback ,but you can’t take the outback out of the girl.
“Where do you think you’re going, Mister? Have another seat.” She pushes her head towards the front row. “We have to have a little talk.”
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Kingdoms ch. 21
The head cook stared at him like he had lost his mind. Not an uncommon look; most of the kitchen staff was looking at him the same way. “I apologize,” said the head cook slowly, “but surely I could not have heard you correctly? You wish that I what?”
“I want you to cook rabbits for Spot to use in his courting,” Wade explained again. “I’ll provide the rabbits,” he added.
“Why?” asked the head cook, abandoning all pretense of humility.
“I’m trying to help him succeed in his courting!” Wade said with a smile.
The kitchen staff stared at him. Harry walked in, grabbed a piece of bread, and got his hand slapped automatically by the head cook. “What is everyone talking about?” he asked before taking a bite of the crusty bread, sending crumbs flying to the floor. Unnoticed by almost everyone—everyone except Wade—a little spider (the size of a lady’s hand, so “little” was only in comparison to the rider spiders) came out from under one of the cooking tables and quickly ate the bread crumbs.
Maybe Wade should ask for some bread to go with the rabbit. Couldn’t hurt if the lady spider thought Spot could get her more delicious food that she couldn't get on her own. Maybe that would help?
“He wants to help High Priest Peter’s spider win his courtship,” the head cook said as she looked at Harry.
Harry toasted Wade with his bread. “Good luck with that,” he said amiably before taking another bite. More crumbs scattered to the floor prompting the return of the floor cleaning spider. Another, larger spider, came out of nowhere and pounced, sinking fangs into the back of the floor cleaning spider before dragging it away. Ouch.
“We all feel nothing but respect and admiration for High Priest Peter,” the head cook said, “but—his spider. Should it really breed?”
Wade felt shocked to realize that, in the land of monstrous spiders, Spot was an oddity. True, the spider was larger than the other rider spiders (large enough that he could easily carry both Peter and Wade and probably another two people if he had a big enough saddle for it), but this was Wade’s first experience with the fact that the other people from Arachne thought that Spot was a monster. To Wade, who grew up in a land where if a spider was the size of a small bronze coin it was huge, this was almost insane. Here, there were spiders everywhere that were big enough for humans to literally ride. It seemed—almost petty to worry about a few extra feet of length, especially since Spot was such a cuddle buddy.
Harry simply smiled. “Do you want to deal with a moping, unhappy rider spider the size of Spot?” he asked sweetly.
The head cook recoiled. Wade watched the interaction with fascination. “No!” the head cook said, paling visibly.
Huh. There was more to rider spider rejection than Peter had said. “Awesome!” said Wade. “You can help me with this!”
The head cook rolled her eyes and lifted them to the ceiling. Wade was familiar with this look—his own mother had worn it frequently around him back when she’d been alive. The woman took a deep breath. “How do you want those rabbits cooked?” she asked.
“Romantically!” The woman groaned as Harry laughed and the two of them left the kitchen.
“You could have just told her you’re completing an assignment from the goddess,” Harry said quietly.
Wade grimaced. He should have known that Peter would talk to Harry about it. “It wasn’t an assignment,” Wade said slowly, “so much as it was—a suggestion. I’m surprised you know about it,” Wade added. He should have known that Peter would talk to Harry—but it hadn’t occurred to him. Peter valued the privacy of his people more than his own comfort.
“Wade, you go into a temple to pray and come out with a sudden desire to do everything in your power to help one of the largest, sweetest rider spiders succeed in courting his chosen mate? It wasn’t hard to figure out.”
And Wade frequently forgot that Harry was a commander. He had to know how to figure stuff out on the fly, in order to evolve battle plans under stress. Once upon a time, Wade had done the same thing—but never for other people. Or at least, never for people other than his father.
And, somehow, Peter had arranged it so that Nate was gone and Arachne had a different ambassador from Reaper. An ambassador who wasn’t, as far as Wade could tell, in the know about the other things that Wade had been trained for, raised for. It felt, for the first time, like the tie between him and his father was cut. It was both liberating and terrifying. No matter how bad his father had gotten, no matter how bad things had been—he’d always known that, at the end of the day, his father would still be the rotten, selfish, mismanaging jerk that he’d always been.
“I figure out a lot of things,” Harry added lightly tapping the red, angry looking bonding mark on the side of his neck, over the gland. “I figured out that the healers have no idea what’s going on with you, that you’re far less uncomfortable around the new Reaper ambassador than you were the old one, and Peter hasn’t gone into heat yet.”
It took a moment for the last one to sink in, but when it did Wade gaped. “What?”
“Every other person in the army that went to rescue you went into heat and rut almost as soon as we got back.” He flushed and toyed with the angry flesh for a moment, no doubt remembering his own rut. “But Peter—hasn’t. And trust me, for someone as visible as the High Priest, everyone will know when Peter goes into heat.”
“It’s—I’m still broken Harry.”
The commander shrugged. “And?” he asked flippantly. “One of my soldiers went into heat with a broken arm, two cracked ribs, and a sprained ankle. Before Morphio left they healed as much of the damage as they could.”
“I think—I think it might be different.”
“Maybe.” Suddenly Harry winced before clapping Wade on the shoulder. “I’ve got to rescue a courier from Mary Jane. She’s pissed about something.”
Everyone would know the moment Peter went into heat, because everyone was watching him. Wade wasn’t sure if he found this information to be terrifying—or incredibly arousing. Either way, he was going to have to ground himself more.
Next order of business: finding Spot and convincing him to wait until the food was cooked before taking it to the mate of his dreams. Oh, and to stop plucking whole flower bushes from the castle gardens. The maids were getting downright upset about it.
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lonelypond · 7 years
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 23
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2.5K, 23/?
Nico and Maki return to campus and Rin and Hanayo only have time to talk to other people.
Better Hold On Tight
Nico carried her bag out to her practical silver Audi, parked next to Maki’s sleeker, sportier red MX-5. Maki followed with her duffle and the cooler. Nico stared at the redhead,“Are you really going to leave your car here?”
Maki shrugged, “It’ll be fine. We can come up with my parents sometime.”
Nico opened the backdoor, pausing to lean into Maki, glancing up, eyes mischievous, “You’re spoiled, pretty girl.”
Maki huffed, then grinned cheerfully, pulling a muffin out of her side pocket, “Says the latest person to fall into my trap.”
“Ha!” Nico laughed, dodging out of Maki’s grasp and sliding into the driver’s seat. “Don’t tell Umi, but thanks to Maki finding Nico oh so very tasty…” Maki fumbled with the cooler, almost closing the door on herself as Nico watched over her shoulder, amused, “this morning, we are going to have to speed back to campus.”
Maki adjusted the cooler and bags, refused to look at a triumphant Nico and closed the door, “Do you want me to drive?”
"Nah, Nico’s good. You can heal some more. Nico spotted some bruises.”
Maki let herself into the passenger seat, wondering, “Why aren’t you using the trunk?”  
“Nico stores heavy stuff there in the winter to weight down the back. Fishtails aren’t sexy.”
Maki leaned over to nip Nico’s ear, “Not into mermaids, then?”
Nico leveled a withering glance at her girlfriend, “You tell me”
Maki buckled in, trying to make her voice sound husky and sexy,  “Four legs are better than none.”
There was silence. Then Nico shook her head and started the car, “That was terrible, Maki. Leave the jokes to the professionals.” Nico sighed, “I did like this cabin though. We could come back.”
Maki practically bounced off the seat, happy to think of returning here with Nico.
Nico moved on to her next topic, “Nico wants to meet your friends officially.”
“Okay. We can have dinner or something. Rin will probably drool on you.” Maki had discovered Nico’s music options and was sifting through them, “You still have cassettes?”
“Not still. Some of them are new. Cassettes have under the radar street cred.” Nico was proud of her music collection.
“No.” Maki took a close sniff of one and growled, “Cassettes are cheap, clunky, flat and very low fidelity. Bad for music.”
“Good for Nico. Very portable. Cheap. Works in Nico’s car stereo. More personality than mp3’s.” Nico turned her head briefly, ruby eyes flashing a dare at Maki, “Plus, Nico is a cute girl and you should agree with cute girls. And ooh and ahh over their music collection.”
Maki pulled out her phone, “Does your stereo bluetooth?”
“No.” Nico spoke slowly, enunciating every syllable. “Nico has cassettes. Pick one. There’s some fun mixtapes. Romantic.”
Maki swiped through a couple of screens on her phone and John Coltrane’s “Favorite Things” played.
A very staged yawn from the driver’s seat. “Nico will fall asleep.”
Maki squeezed Nico’s knee, bold. “Maki can jazz and drive.”
“Maki can jazz…?” Nico stuck out her tongue, “That’s terrible too. Nico is not impressed with your verbal skills. Or your music.” Nico accelerated through a merge, “We want a cassette. Listen to Nico. Pick a tape, any tape, pretty girl.”
Maki sighed dramatically, including a hair toss she knew Nico caught in her peripheral vision and grabbed a random cassette. The Dollyrots -- Family Vacation: Live In Los Angeles. Kicky, punky, fun guitar riffs instantly shredded the mood Coltrane’s smooth sax had created but Maki found herself caught by the beat and the vibrant strength of the singer’s voice.
Nico giggled, “Maki found the werewolf band.”
Maki whirled in her seat, eyes narrowed suspiciously. Nico tilted her way enough to blow a kiss before singing along,
“So you caught my wink
And you got my hint
Can I take you home tonight
Come outside
Where the moon is bright
For at least tonight you’re mine
With that look in our eye-eyes
So hand in hand we strut on out
And we hop into my ride
Reach on over steal that kiss
And you better hold on tight…”
And then Nico’s voice turned matter of fact, “Nico will take you home tonight, gorgeous and bitey.”
Maki blushed. Nico chuckled, running a hand lightly through Maki’s hair, as Maki wondered if she’d ever stop being thrilled by...everything Nico, “You’re amazing.”
“Nico is awesome too. Just keep listening to the songs, we’ll get to how awesome Nico is.” Nico’s smile was as bright as the sunlit new snow.
Maki sat back in her seat and let herself enjoy the ride, closing her eyes and reveling in Nico’s voice teaching her more things entirely new. Through all her senses, Maki was deliberately mixing herself into this speeding world full of Nico-ness. It was elating, the urge to BOUND, race faster than the car, howling her satisfaction loud enough to reach the Lakefill. Nico must have noticed fidgeting because a gentle hand touched her knee, “Don’t burst out of the car, pretty girl. Nico has rehearsal to get to. Save some energy for after.”
Maki rested her hand on Nico’s. Touch, a tangible warmth, a physical connection, a reminder of passion, of the bond they were creating. Maki let that calm her as they raced toward home.
Hanayo was getting used to the routine. She’d stop in the Tech Subbasement, check on the numbers, speculate what was happening at the Fangs rehearsals to cause various surges and do some online research. There was a surprisingly robust dark web supernatural network. Everything from dating apps to stores catering to magical clientele to acquire cryptid body parts exchanges. Hanayo realized Rin had been very fortunate to avoid scrutiny until now. Maybe there was a streak of luck mixed in with her werewolf genes. The Nishikinos seemed to just keep everything on lock down. Rin was the first werewolf in her family for four generations so her grandmother had been the only one with any practical werewolf knowledge.
Anju would be there most afternoons. She never talked business, just told Hanayo how cute she was and giggled about clothes and celebrities. Those chats were easy for Hanayo to half pay attention to. Erena would usually saunter in at some point, grump about actors and theatre majors, glare in Hanayo’s direction while asking if there were any glitches and saunter back out, seemingly bored by the array of equipment and readouts. Tsubasa was the difficult one, but she rarely stopped by in the afternoon. Today was one of the exceptions. Tsubasa had spent an hour standing over Hanayo, double checking each number, then sat across from her at the desk, grumbling at her own laptop.
“Know anything about animal tracking, Hanayo?” Tsubasa snapped suddenly. Hanayo squeaked and lost track of her place. Shaking her head, ignoring Tsubasa, she ran her finger down the line of numbers on the screen trying to figure out where she’d been interrupted.
“Hanayo? I asked you a question.”
Hanayo sighed, turning away from the computer, pushing her glasses up her nose and frowning at Tsubasa, “Is it fun?”
Tsubasa looked at Hanayo warily, as if a pet mouse had just bit her finger, “What do you mean?” “Is this fun, monitoring people, tracking people?” Hanayo fidgeted. “Why do you do it?”
Tsubasa chuckled, “You do have a personality.” She moved behind Hanayo, pointing her own finger at the numbers, “This is just information. Information is neutral. Information helps us.”
“Does it help the people you’re monitoring? Does it help anyone?” Hanayo rubbed her forearm, still antsy.
“Eventually it will.” Tsubasa smiled.
“And no one gets hurt?” Hanayo twisted her fingers. She knew Tsubasa’s answer would be a lie. Hanayo had been shocked by what she’d learned from Eli and Nozomi.
Tsubasa’s green eyes glittered coldly, so different from the charming friendliness of Rin’s. Hanayo had been wrong. It wasn’t a lie that came out with the smile, “Why should I care? They obviously have something to hide.”
“They’re people.” Hanayo stopped herself from standing and took a deep breath to slow her next words down.“They have friends, families.”
Tsubasa shot a question back, suspicious.“Do you know any?”
Hanayo had rehearsed this in her head, over and over, so her answer was immediate. “No.”  She met Tsubasa’s eyes bravely, ”But they’re not lab rats.”
“Lab rats are boring.” Tsubasa leaned against the desk, looking down at Hanayo, “I think bigger. There’s a reason there’s all those legends. These creatures find places to lurk, to wait. Are any of the stories ever fluffy and friendly werewolf helps little old lady?” Rin would help anyone, probably even Tsubasa, but that thought appeared nowhere on Hanayo’s face. She turned back to her computer and sighed, “If you’re right. Maybe there’s a vampire in Fangs then, right? Good camouflage.” Tsubasa finger gunned in Hanayo’s direction, winking, “Now, you’re thinking. And when we unmask whoever’s making the meters surge, you’ll be part of a famous team.”
Hanayo could make all the data disappear faster than Tsubasa’s cheesy grin. She was looking forward to the day she hit the key that triggered that macro, “Maybe I’ll get to meet some real ghostbusters.”
Tsubasa nodded, “They’ll be asking for our autographs. And hey, Hanayo,” Hanayo nodded, “Double check the werewolf sightings for me on the Wall of Weird, will you? It’s been too quiet.”
“O.K.” Hanayo let her fingers fly. Maki hadn’t been in town and she knew Rin hadn’t been out and about. Maybe Tsubasa would get bored if there was no reported activity.
 Maki had managed to drop Nico off at rehearsal on time then dodge her parents by going to Rin and Hanayo’s to take a quick shower. She was going to convince her friends to go out for burgers. But only Rin was there. “Kayo-chin’s working again. She spends the afternoon there when she doesn’t have classes.” Rin was folding her freshly laundered workout clothes.
Maki was perched on the top bunk, sipping from a coffee, “Does she know anything more? Mama said she didn’t have a lot of information yet.”
Rin groaned and threw herself down on the floor, arms and legs stretched out like a starfish, “She’s not telling me much. I just want to chase her bosses into the Lake.” “Rin!” Maki was startled by the vehemence in her friend’s tone. Rin sat up, bright eyes cloudy, arm wrapped around her knee, staring at the seat where Hanayo usually sat, “We never have time together in the afternoon anymore. And practice’ll get more intense soon.” “We can’t chase people into Lake Michigan in winter.” Maki insisted. Rin shrugged, “Only up to their ankles.”
Maki shook her head, “Rin…”
“I can take care of myself. Kayo-chin doesn’t have to worry so much.” Rin sounded mad.
“We can take care of ourselves.” Maki agreed with that part of Rin’s statement and took a long sip before she continued, surprised by her own thoughts, “But isn’t it nice to have somebody care?”
Rin grumped, digging her chin into her knee, “It’d be nicer if Kayo-chin were here. I miss her. If I scared her bosses, they might lay off me.”
“We can’t just terrify people. That would start even more rumors. I like Northwestern. I don’t want to slink off.” Maki frowned at her friend.
“It’s not so easy to be calm.” Rin stared at Maki, not backing down. “What would you do if they did something to Nico? Did Kayo-chin tell you Tsubasa said she’d been trying to get somewhere with her?” Maki crushed her cup, anger first starting at the goading, knowing gleam in Rin’s eyes, then realizing Nico saw Tsubasa nearly everyday. And might be in danger. Hanayo hadn’t mentioned her boss being interested in Nico. Neither had Nico. Hackles instantly raised, anger at Tsubasa flooded Maki’s system, eyes green, ears lengthening, low growl from the back of her throat. Maki remembered forcing bergamot, copper, and too calm away from Nico on the Lakefill. She'd do much more if she got the chance again. Rin watched, satisfied as Maki didn’t even try to fight the change, howling a warning as she fell back on the bed, letting the transformation happen.
“See, you’d be chasing her to the Lake too.” Rin announced, her point proved. Maki stood up, snapped at Rin, shaking her head, snarling as she sniffed at the window Rin had left open. Was Nico all right?
Rin smirked, her fangs gleaming, “Fine, biting it is. I’ll take the right side, you take the left when we see her.” Maki jumped down on Hanayo’s desk, scattering papers. She nodded at Rin, whining.
Rin grabbed for Maki, sadly wrapping one arm around the wolf, “Kayo-chin made me promise not to change so I can’t go for a run.”
Maki whacked Rin with her snout.
“Hey! She made me promise.” Rin pushed away from Maki. Maki dived into Rin’s closet and grabbed a Frisbee, dropping it in at her friend’s feet.
“Oh. We can do that.” Rin’s eyes gleamed, “Just don’t bite it in half this time.”
Maki huffed.
 When Nico stepped out of the Wirtz Center after rehearsal, two werewolves greeted Nico. Her girlfriend was not the one in human form.
“Hey, Nico! Maki wanted to play.” Rin sprinted up, waving, Frisbee in the other hand, wearing a unzipped track team hoodie and sweats, Maki keeping an even pace. Nico wondered if all werewolves ran warm. “Hi, Rin. It’s good to see you.” Nico braced herself for Maki knocking her over, but this time Maki was careful and let Nico catch her in a hug, not putting more weight on Nico than Nico could handle. “Hey, Pretty Girl, Nico missed you.”
Maki replied with a happy, low in volume howl, a private conversation not one for the general public. Nico was starting to understand the distinctions.
“I'm late for dinner with Kayo-chin so bye.” Rin waved again, sprinting off. “Have fun!”
Nico glanced down at Maki, “Does she ever do anything at a walk?” Maki shrugged. Nico was finding it fascinating how Maki adapted human expressions to wolf form. Many more muscles rolling.
Nico glanced around, making sure no one was close enough to eavesdrop. She’d waited until most people had left before even putting on her coat. “You can walk Nico to work, but then you have to go get Nico’s car and put on clothes. Nico doesn’t want to walk back to her apartment after her shift. Maki howled agreement. And then whined a little.
Nico crouched, “What’s wrong, pretty girl?” Maki opened her mouth and panted, tongue licking her snout.
“Tired?” Headshake. “Hungry?” A bark. “Nico will smuggle you a sandwich before she sends you off.” Nico bopped a kiss on Maki’s nose.
Maki howled happily as Nico got to her feet, “Let’s get moving, pretty girl. Nico is cold.” Maki bumped Nico’s hip and Nico rested a mitten on her back, “You can warm me up later.”
The response was a howl Nico was pretty sure you could hear in Wisconsin. And then there was an answer. Must be Rin, Nico thought. Maki hopped a little, excited, howling again, bumping Nico gently as they walked Cup o’ward.
A/N: And we ease back into action.
Time to build another playlist -- for {redacted}. Drop fave Christmas songs (and cookies) in the comments, please and thank you. And thanks for reading!
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queenofthedramedies · 7 years
Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Ch. 37
Special note: My thoughts are with the people of Puerto Rico and Los Vegas.
Read More:
WARNING: This chapter is rated with a strong M.
Hello, my lovely readers. I am going to try to update this fic faster to finish it up. BTW, there are historical flashback and I am not sure how well I wrote them…we shall see. On with the show…
Chapter 37: Remember Who You Are
After only two hours in Portland, Caroline wanted to go home and to find Klaus. She wanted to take him back to her room, curl up in her bed, to go to sleep and to forget all of the new things she was finding out about herself. Pulling out her phone, Caroline slid her finger across the screen, she found Klaus' number and she allowed her fingertip to hover over what would bring him closer to her.
"Hey, wondered where you went off to," Kai called, coming into the room that he'd offered her for the night. He leaned in the doorway. "Feeling overwhelmed?" he asked. Caroline looked up at the strange man who came to sit beside her. "I get it. Its weird waking up one morning and finding out you don't know anything about yourself. But the good news is that I'm here to help with that."
Caroline eyebrows rose. "In less than a day you think you can help me get past having entire past lives and not knowing who I really am?" she let out a bitter laugh. "Sure."
"You'd be surprised at what I can do," Kai winked at her. "In the meantime, we should get downstairs because dinner is served and I am starving." Getting up, Kai held out a hand and Caroline let him pull her to her feet. She'd call Klaus tonight— after she had gotten a better perspective on what the hell the new crisis was.
Kai led the way down the stairs and Caroline stepped into the room. She had checked in on Hayley over an hour ago. Hayley had locked herself in a room downstairs and refused to talk to anyone. Rebekah had tried to coax her out of the room. Caroline had tried, too, but with no luck. Bonnie hadn't seemed to know what to do; so she'd allowed Kai to take her on the rest of the tour. When Caroline gave up, she found that Damon refused to go with her. He had slumped to the floor outside of the room that Hayley was in.
Now, Hayley sat in a chair—five seats away from Damon and the others. She looked pale and unhappy, twisting a cloth napkin between her fingers. Caroline could tell that her friend had been crying. Streaks from her tears left a pattern down her cheeks. Her lower lip trembled every so often.
Rebekah sat on the other side from Damon and kept glaring at him every time he dared to look at Hayley. She twirled a knife in her hand, pointing it at him every few seconds. Caroline would have to handle that.
Damon sat—his elbows on the table—unusually quiet for Damon. His silence made Caroline tense up. She needed him to crack an inappropriate joke or to insult someone. If he sat through dinner like someone had killed his best friend; she might scream.
Bonnie sat two seats away from Damon, looking at Damon and Hayley and Caroline could tell that Bonnie wanted to stop them from killing each other but was unsure how. "Kai!" Bonnie cried when Kai came into the room. Looks like they'd bonded after all. "Thank you for coming back," Bonnie's smile lit up the room and Caroline smiled, too.
Kai grinned at Bonnie. "Hey there, pretty lady. Mind if I take this seat?" he asked, winking at her and pulling out the chair between her and Damon.
"Can we eat now?" Hayley choked out, looking miserably at Kai.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. One moment." Kai got up and hurried out of the dining room. "I hope you like chicken."
"Got any blood?" Damon called, leaning back in his chair and looking at Kai. His eyes strayed to Hayley who gulped.
"You want blood, Salva-whore, I'll be happy to shed a pint of yours," Rebekah snarled, pointing the knife at him.
Kai moved swiftly, over to Rebekah and took her knife. "I think I'll get you a butter knife. Or you can use your fangs," he hurried out of the room.
Damon rolled his eyes, leaning toward Rebekah. "You really think you have a chance in a fight against me, sweetheart?" he asked, a gleam in his eye.
"You're one hell of a 'Protector' that you go around screwing your bloody charges!" Rebekah accused.
Bonnie shot out of her seat. "I'm going to go see if Kai needs help with the food," she told them in a perky voice. She gave Caroline a look before leaving them alone.
Caroline placed her hands on the table. "Can we have a nice meal and then kill each other?" she demanded, glaring at her friends.
"He started it!" Rebekah shouted, throwing her napkin at Damon.
Damon scoffed. "What the hell, Rebekah? What does my relationship with Hayley have to do with you?" he yelled.
Hayley began to cry and moved to leave the table. "I can't do this."
"Hayley!" Damon shot to his feet.
"Leave her alone!" Rebekah got up and rounded the table, trying to put herself between Damon and Hayley when Damon used his vamp speed to get to the pregnant werewolf.
"Hayley, I am sorry. I should have said something to you before. I would have but when is a good time to say: Hey, we used to be in love, but we died, a lot. But now you're back, and, hey, honey, I'm a vampire now." Damon reached out and placed his fingers beneath Hayley's chin; forcing her to look at him. "Please, talk to me."
Hayley stared at Damon for a moment, then she reared back and slugged him. "I. Hate. You!" she yelled. "You ruined my life! I wish I never met you!" She ran off, again, into the confines of the absurdly large house.
"Great. Now we lost her, again!" Rebekah yelled at Damon.
Getting to his feet, Damon stormed out of the room. Rebekah would have followed him but Caroline grabbed her by the wrist. "Stay. Eat. Let them get whatever is going on there out of their systems."
Rebekah jerked away from Caroline. "Like you, with your list of boyfriends? Oh, good, then Hayley can break Elijah's heart. Maybe this time we'll kill each other—do that creature's work for him."
"Salad is served!" Kai called, re-entering the dining room. "And we're missing people. Did I miss more drama? Damn it! I don't get cable here!" he complained, setting the salad bowl down while Bonnie brought in bottles of dressing. "I'll go find them. Bonnie—if I'm not back in five—the soup needs to be set to low and stirred."
"Okay," Bonnie called.
"Looks like everyone is cheating," Rebekah muttered under her breath, picking up the salad bowl and serving herself.
"Excuse me?" Bonnie's eyebrows rose and she glared at Rebekah.
Rebekah grabbed a bottle of Light Ranch and poured a teaspoon onto her salad. Like she had to worry about calories as a werewolf. "I'm musing on why it is that my brother's girlfriends can't seem to stop entangling themselves with other men."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bonnie demanded.
"Oh, nothing. I think it's time to turn the soup down," Rebekah retorted, shoving salad into her mouth.
Bonnie gritted her teeth. Caroline watched the witch wave her hand and Rebekah's glass of wine tilted and spilled on her dress. "Bloody hell!" Rebekah cried, reaching across the table, she grabbed Damon's abandoned napkin and dabbed at her dress. She glared at Bonnie before waving her hand and the door to the dining room hit Bonnie in the face; knocking her to the floor. Caroline smelled blood and her fangs came out.
"Serves you right," Rebekah taunted Bonnie.
"Dinner," Damon said, appearing in the room and speeding over to bite Bonnie.
"Damon, don't!" Hayley yelled at him.
Damon's head snapped upward at the exact moment before his fangs could puncture Bonnie's neck. "Why not?"
"Come, have dinner with me?" Hayley held out her hand and Damon got to his feet.
"You're a lucky girl, Bon Bon." Damon walked away from Bonnie and over to Hayley, taking her hand and Rebekah let out a hiss.
"Hey, no biting at the dinner table," Kai warned Rebekah. "You might be a witch/wolf hybrid, but I am the head of a coven, don't mess with me under my roof."
Sighing, Rebekah went back to her salad and began to glare at Damon and Hayley. Caroline sat back down and Kai took Bonnie into the kitchen. "We need to take a look at that nose of yours." Kai was saying as they disappeared.
Somehow they survived dinner long enough to get to the Parker family's library. Kai pulled down some books and showed them more drawings and even writing from their past lives. Caroline kept trying to wrap her head around seeing her own writing; pictures of herself with different names and the men she had loved.
"Why is it that Hayley's the only one who had a lover that she kept for centuries?" Rebekah quipped, folding her legs and sending an evil look Damon's way.
Damon sat on a couch with Hayley beside him, his arm around the back of the couch, and Caroline had to admit that they looked cozy for two people who weren't a couple.
Bonnie sat on another couch with Kai, examining a spell book while Kai talked about the other girls' and Damon's past lives together.
Caroline sat by herself—in a chair opposite Rebekah—trying to understand Kai's explanation of things. "That I don't know. What I do is that Damon was created to protect you three. That was why he was born and reborn."
"But why us and why him?" Rebekah continued.
"I ask myself why I got to where I am. Destiny? Fate? A higher being with a sense of humor and an enjoyment of irony." Kai shrugged. "Some things just are. "Now, are you ready for a little leap into the past?" he asked them, rubbing his hands together.
"How are we supposed to do that?" Caroline asked.
"Well, you're a vampire, I thought you'd know that already," Kai replied with a smirk. "Gee, Damon, what are you teaching this poor girl?" Shaking his head, Kai rolled his eyes. "Fine. That's cool. We'll do it my way. Everybody, get in a circle."
"What is this: Pre-school?" Damon snapped but he got off the couch and sat in the circle that Kai was making with Rebekah and Bonnie.
"We're going to sit in this circle and I'm going to channel your energy to help you channel your past memories," Kai told them, looking at Caroline, Rebekah and Hayley. "Good thing I have two powerful witches to help me amp up my power," he said, grinning at Bonnie.
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Get on with it!" she snapped.
"This might hurt a little," Kai warned them and then he began to chant. When he said a little, he should have said "a lot."
Caroline fell backward, her body heaving and she let out a scream of pain as he channeled her energy. She felt Kai's spell drawing from her and her mind began to drift. Her hand still gripped Rebekah's and Hayley's; never letting go.
Pre-Canada 1093:
Caroline's eyes snapped open. She awoke in a plain hut. At least, she thought it was a hut. She'd never been inside one before. Blankets covered her but she didn't need them. She felt warm from the fire lit close to her. She climbed out from under the blankets and then pulled on a long coat, made of animal furs. Pulling the hood over her head, she stepped outside.
Wind slapped her in the face and Caroline wanted to go back in; where it was warm. But the man was coming. She'd seen him and his bird. Her body shivered in the cold as she waited. When she could take it no longer, she turned to go back inside when someone called to her. "Caroline!" the voice of the man called.
Turning back around, Caroline saw Damon making his way toward her. His bird's feathers stood out from its body, looking like a black ball of cloth on his shoulder. "Damon," she greeted him.
"We need to go. Find the others," Damon told her. Caroline nodded and they left her home.
They traveled for months, Caroline fearing that she would die from the cold. When they found the other girl, she came outside of a building, a bruise marring her pretty face. "Hello?" she looked confused.
"Rebekah?" Damon called.
Caroline came toward her. "You're safe now," she said and took the other girl's hand.
Another trip. This time in a boat. Across the ocean and into a land that Caroline and Rebekah had never heard of. They found a girl their age, planting seeds, in her bare feet. "Hayley?" Caroline called. Then more firmly. "Hayley!" she called again.
The third girl looked up, her face tan from working outside. "Who are you?" she asked. Only she wasn't asking Caroline or Rebekah. She was looking at Damon, dropping her pouch and making her way toward him.
"I'm Damon," he said, offering her his hand.
"What are you doing on my father's land?" Hayley asked.
Damon stepped closer to her. "I'm here to protect you."
Hayley let out a laugh. "Protect me?" she shook her head and walked back to her pouch. "I'm fine. You might want to help those two." She nodded at Rebekah and Caroline. "I don't think they know how to fend for themselves."
"I can do plenty!" Rebekah snapped back.
Caroline just watched them. She knew what would happen. She'd seen it in the fire and in her dreams. She worried no longer.
"Hayley, keep the stick up!" Damon cried.
"Stop hitting me and I will!" Hayley yelled back, rolling her eyes and then hitting Damon, knocking him off his feet. "Ha!" she yelled in triumph when he grabbed her by the ankle, sending her sprawling to the dirt floor. "If we're to marry, you have to be more gentle." She told Damon as Caroline giggled at their antics. Rebekah sighed, weaving a blanket.
"Has he been back?" Caroline asked Rebekah whose eyebrows rose.
"Rikard?" Rebekah demanded, continuing to sew. They'd come back to the North to live on an island called Wales. "He was to join with the soldiers but has yet to return."
"Does he know of the babe?" Caroline inquired, looking at Rebekah's growing middle.
"No," Rebekah said, shaking her head.
Caroline felt bad for her friend. She and Jon had been wed in the spring and she would have a new babe in her arms by the fall.
That night, Caroline laid down beside Jon under the blankets that kept them warm. She loved him. He would make a good father and was royalty. They lived in a small castle—with her "sisters," Rebekah, Hayley and her "brother-in-law," Damon—although Damon and Hayley had yet to wed. Caroline knew that Hayley would bare Damon a child not long after she had her own. Her friends would marry, and live long, happy lives.
Falling asleep, Caroline saw a man in the fire and knew that it was time. When she got up the next morning; she found that he had come. The battle was over before it had begun.
Peru, 1556:
Jerking in her sleep, Caroline awoke in an old castle. The men outside spoke Spanish. Caroline got up and nearly tripped over Hayley who slept beside her. Rebekah lie on the other side of her. Damon began to argue with the men. "Let go of me! I won't let you hurt them! Hayley! Hayley!" Damon shouted. "Caroline! Rebekah!"
Hayley shot to her feet. "Damon, no, don't! Let him go! Damon!" Hayley shouted, banging on the bars of their cell.
Caroline felt fury course through her and she began to viciously kick at the door. "No!" she screamed, her voice coming out a howl as she kicked it off its hinges.
Rebekah sat up. "What's going on?" she demanded. This time they'd been together for three years in Peru. Caroline knew that they could do better.
"Come on!" Hayley cried. She and Caroline pulled a very pregnant Rebekah to her feet and they ran as quickly as they could.
A pair of guards tried to stop them but Caroline ripped open their throats with her fangs and her claws while Damon and Hayley helped Rebekah out of the compound. "Where are we going?" Rebekah wailed. "Oh, God, the baby. The baby is coming!" she screamed.
"Yes, it is!" the man from their nightmares said.
Damon pulled out a sword and Hayley helped Rebekah lie down in the grass. Caroline joined the fight. The man laughed as he sent Caroline flying and sent Damon's sword into the woods behind them. "Fools. That child is mine," he told them.
"No, it's not!" Damon yelled and then he began to choke as the man—who would never leave them alone—closed his fist. Damon dragged at invisible fingers, cutting into his neck and then he slumped to the ground.
"No!" Hayley shrieked. "No! No! No!" she screamed, running to Damon and wrapping her arms around him.
Caroline dove into the fight. Punching, kicking, clawing and biting. Nothing worked. He sent her flying. Over and over again.
"If you kill her, you won't get this baby," Hayley warned their foe, holding a dagger over her middle.
He laughed. "You wouldn't dare," he scoffed.
Hayley looked at Caroline. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Caroline called back.
Closing her eyes, Hayley stabbed herself in the middle and then withdrew the dagger to slide it across her throat. "No!" he shouted, running toward Hayley.
Caroline ran toward the forest. She found Damon's sword and kept going. Her feet couldn't stop. She knew Hayley was dead. Damon was dead. Rebekah died; giving birth. She was all that was left. It was time. Taking the sword, she began to cry. "I'm sorry, Jon," she cried. Taking the hilt of the sword, she drove it through her chest, finding her heart and digging it out as she screamed in pain. Then it was over.
Italy, 1836:
Sunlight shone in her eyes and Caroline lifted an arm, trying to ward it off. It was the day that she dreaded. The day that her family sold her off like chattel. They'd moved across the continent to make this union in Italy. To a man she'd never met before.
"Caroline, it's time to get up," Rebekah's voice sounded outside her door and Caroline smiled. Rebekah, Hayley, and a man named Damon, showed up at her door mere months ago. Since then they had become the closest of friends, allies and confidants.
"Bekah," Caroline bounced over to the door and opened it. Damon and Hayley stood on the other side behind Rebekah.
"Good morning, blushing bride. It's not that bad, once you get used to them," Hayley said, nudging Damon who grinned, grabbing her and making her giggle.
"Thank you," Caroline whispered to them.
The day flew by and Caroline lay with her husband—wishing her friends were there—with her. Her husband had been handsome and kind but once they were alone, he ripped her clothing off and took her like some animals did their mates. "We're going to get this right this time. You're going to have the damned baby, do you hear me, Caroline?" he demanded while she sobbed into her pillow.
A year later, Caroline, Rebekah, Hayley and Damon ran into the snowy front lawn. It was pitch black outside and Caroline struggled to walk as fast as she could but her bulge prevented her from doing anything useful. "We have to go faster!" Hayley whispered, picking Caroline up with strength that a human should not have.
They climbed into a carriage. Damon took the reins and they were off. Into the cold, black night. Caroline felt tired and frightened. By now, she remembered who her husband was. And she knew she could not let him have this child. Nor could she allow him to have her friends' children. Hayley was barely showing and Rebekah was mere months from the baby's arrival.
Caroline knew her babe wanted out. Her body had been trying to help the child along all day. "Ow!" Caroline screamed in pain, causing Damon to look back at her.
"What is that?" Hayley shouted and Damon looked back at the road. A tree had fallen but the horses were still going, their hooves beating a steady rhythm.
Her body flew through that air and Caroline screamed, flying and then falling into the snow. She felt her leg positioned at an unusual angle. "Rebekah?" she called. Rebekah lie beside one of the horses, blood pouring from the side of her head.
Hayley gasped as she moved toward Caroline. "Caroline, I'm sorry," she whispered. She couldn't seem to walk either.
"Where's Damon?" Caroline asked. "Oh!" she cried, seeing Damon. He had hit a tree, his body, a broken doll on the ground, unmoving.
"Caroline, the baby's coming," Hayley whispered.
"Don't let him have my baby," Caroline replied, shaking her head.
"I won't," Hayley shook her head and Caroline screamed as the child ripped itself into the world. "Caroline?"
"I'll see you again, sister," Caroline promised and closed her eyes.
"What happened to my baby?" Caroline asked Hayley the moment they were back in their time.
Hayley looked away, tears streaming down her cheeks. Damon took her hand, squeezing it and Rebekah no longer glared at them. "I ran into the forest. I just kept running and hid. He tried to find us but I was good at hiding. We died in the cold."
"Thank you," Caroline whispered, choking on a sob.
Getting up on shaking legs, Caroline went upstairs and called Klaus. "Are you alright, love? Do you want me to come to you?"
"No, I'm coming home tomorrow," Caroline told him. "Klaus, I want you to know that I love you." Hanging up, Caroline brushed away a tear. She walked into the bathroom. Lifting her top, she examined the barely invisible bulge that would soon become noticeable to everyone and the reason she was taken a day ago.
Thank you for reading, loving, reblogging and following. :)
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hellodragonkit · 7 years
Work in Progress: Ch 17
i wish to thank everyone who waited so long for this chapter. I will not make any promises as to the next one and if it will be coming out as a lot has changes since the beginning of this story. Also I had issues with one program so had to finish this story with another which is why the style changes a bit during the story. Thank you to all my fallowers and as always any questions will be answered to the best of my ablility. Have a nice day. ^^ _________________________________ It took almost 3 days after finding out Maddy had been attacked before Alpha would even let her off the couch with out him carrying her to where ever she needed to go. Thankfully Maddy was able to reschedule the visit. Maddison showered after looking about a clean apartment wondering when Alpha had time to do such things and seem to smother her with the attention he had. After drying off she dressed in a long sleeve sleek dark purple shirt with a high neck collar. A pair of Boot cut Dark blue jeans, and her old combat boots. When she stepped out Alpha glanced her over and almost seemed to sneer. “Your going out?” Alpha’s words were short. “Yes i to-” she paused swallowing hard as a now full sized Alpha had one hand on the door frame, leaned down so he was face to face with her. His front fangs inches from her. “What makes you think you will be allowed to go, after what had happened, and With out Me?” Maddison blinked a moment trying to process what he said, then smiled, she reached a hand out and placed it on the side of his head, he closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, “Because even though you worry, you will still give me the freedom i need. If it will ease our pride, your can come with us or i can bring stretch. Even if it's just stretch who comes along i'm sure he will tell you if something happens.” Alpha gave a defeated sigh but moves out of the way, “Very well… take stretch with you,” He doesn't look her in the eye, “I do not think it best i go out this week… But please keep on the Main Roads and sidewalks. I do not want to risk what happened before to happen again.” “I will be careful Alpha. Thank you,” She gave him a hug best she could, then gathered the two minis and Stretch. Maddy kept vigilant fearing someone may try to exact revenge for the 3 idiots… but it seemed it was unneeded as the walk was uneventful. “Ma…,” King called. “Hm?” she looked down at the Mini with concern, after glancing around. “Can we stop and get some tea or something? I don't know if it's nerves or the kids but my stomach is doing back flips… “ a faint blue dusting of a Magical blush was upon his face, Gnaw gently rubbing his back. “Sure thing there is a cafe just a few blocks over,” Upon entering the Cafe maddy couldn't help but smile and take in a deep relaxing breath, there was something about the smell of coffee, and the dim-ish light of the cafe that helped relax and sooth her. “Hey Skelly Lady your back,” A guy greeted from behind the counter. Maddy felt a bit unsure and uncomfortable about the loud grating most left her be while she was here, “Oh… uh hi,” she was confused by it as well. “So i know you want Black coffee..” he pulled out a notepad walking over to her usual booth in the corner, as she took her seat, “But what about you … three? How many of these guys do you have?” He snorted. Maddy without hesitating, though her expression became slightly cold and guarded as it always seem to do when she spoke to humans outside work… and when her nerves didn't get the best of her, “Five that i'm the Adopted Caretaker to… But seven are living in my home,” She shrugged. “I’d like some unsweetened tea…” King mumbled, his head resting on his crossed arms as Maddy gently rubbed her Knuckles up and down his (do minis have spines? Idk i'm going with it) Spine. “I’ll Have a coffee with 3 shots of Mustard,” Gnaw Growled glaring at the man, not liking how friendly he was acting, “and you might want to back off with the flirting.” The man looked at Gnaw confused, after a moment began to laugh, “Calm down there bud, i'm not hitting on yer… mom? She used to come in here for a black coffee before work, and sometimes a random drink on her way home. I seen her a few days ago with three other little bone men… Honestly i never got to Meet any bittys before,” he smiled, “I’m Randle by the way, I own the place.” “My name is Gnaw, This is King, that's Stretch, and that's my Ma, Back off Pretty boy or Alpha will kick your ass,” Gnaw Snareld “Easy there Gnaw. I'm not interested in your Ma, not like that. She is a good customer, i just figured i should know one of my best customers,” Randle held up his hands palms up in the “i surrender” pose. “So i come in here at least once a day for the past few years and only just NOW you try to get to know me? After seeing me with Bittys?” Maddy raises a brow in question with an expression that said to tread very lightly. “In my defence, you always had a look like you were going to rip someone's face off and feed it to them if they spoke to you,” Randel explained, “But you kind of caught e a bit. I've always been fascinated by the mere concept of Bittys and have wanted to meet some, aside from my sister’s Curly i haven't had a chance to meet any… i feared if i went to a adoption place… well i don't think i'm the best candidate to Becoming a Bitty caretaker as i can hardly care for myself.” “That's why there is so many of us, sometimes we can help you with little things like reminding people to eat, or shower or whatever… at first i was a therapy Bitty… well it's what i was meant to be anyway….” Stretch informed, “i was meant to help with that sort of thing.” Randel smiled, “Well how about in exchange of putting up with my conversation and questions i give you all your drinks for free? It's fairly slow about this time of day anyway so i have time to chat if you don't mind, so we have a black coffee, one black with 3 mustard shots, a unsweetened tea… and Stretch was it? I'm sorry I almost missed your order.” Stretch shrugged, “I’ll take a  bottle of honey straight up,” He said bluntly. “Ok one bottle of Honey,” Randel smiled walking off to fill the order. He came back with the drinks and a large bottle of Honey, “here ya go,” He had an overly friendly aura about him, as if the coffee beans had seeped through his pores, why had Maddy not notice this before? Randel’s eyebrow raised when Maddy poured some of the honey into one of the doll mugs she had brought with her, and handed it to Stretch. Randel’s expression when Stretch drank the Honey earned a light chuckle from Stretch. “I know i’ve joked that the way some people drink their tea they might as well just drink the sweetener, but i never expected to see someone actually drink it…” After about thirty minutes and Meany, MEANY bad coffee and Cafe puns from both Stretch and Randel, Maddy carried the three from the cafe to the adoption- center. Seara smiled and greeted them at the door, “Nice to see you.” “Hi Seara, i brought both my mini’s, King wanted to meet the potential donors, and i figured Gnaw wouldn’t mind coming along… I hope you don't mind.” The fur vested women smiled, “Not at all, i hope you find what you're looking for King… Gnaw if you like your welcome to come with me and help, i'm getting some of our little ones.” Maddy smiled as her two minis were greeted by other living plush like skeletons. She took a seat in a plush chair in the book area, she pulled out a book to read, knowing her boys were safe. Stretch was resting on her shoulder as she read quietly, his back against her neck and cheek as he lounged, the two sat through 3 books. “H-hello…” a voice caused her to look up from her reading. She found what seemed to be a Papy mini standing in front of her, holding three cookies, “May i sit with you?” He smiled bit but looked almost ready to cry. Maddy gave a soft smile, “Sure,” she uncrossed her legs and helped the mini climb up onto her lap. “I-i have some cookies if you would like…” he offered with a look of worry. Maddy gently petted his head, “Thank you, but i don't need a cookie you can have the one meant for me if you like, But i appreciate the offer, you're very sweet.” “I’ll take half of one, i don't think i could manage a whole one,” Stretch yawned. As the Mini broke off a cookie and gave it to Stretch, Maddy asked, “So what’s your name?” “Oh i don't have a name anymore… after Mamma Seara took me in to fix my soul rot and help me find a good home, i figured i whould wait for my new mamma or Pappa to give me a good name” he sighed sadly, “but that was a long time ago… “oh ? that sounds sweet, i'm sure you will find a good home,” she gently rubbed the back of the Mini. “I was brought here when still too young to be without a parent… i was born from one of the original litters after they had been adopted out,” he sighed. “Don't cry sweet skull,” maddy wasn't sure how to comfort him, but all she could do was pull him close and that her gentle back rubs were helping. “M-m-most people go for the younger ones… to them i seem like i'm practically Middle aged in comparison to the ones who get adopted…. Not saying i AM middle aged, Minis live a long time…, but i think i don't look small or cute enough so some adopters think i belong to Mamma Seara, i think.” Maddison listend with a sad smile, “well Maybe you will find a good home soon.” she gave him a small hug. After a few hours Maddy laid a now sleeping pappy mini down on a bed then went to go find her boys. “I seen you were snuggling with one of our older pappys,” Seara smiled. “Ya… so any luck on finding a donor?” Maddy asked King, who scratched the back of his scull with a blush in responce. “Actualy ma… can we come back again?”  He wasnt making eye contact and almost seemed to be using Seara’s leg partly to hide. “Of couse. I never expected you to make such a big choice in one day," Maddy was a little shocked that King was acting so worried, Did he realy think she would tell him he couldnt come back? "Thank You Ma!" He seemed to light up. Maddy smiled at him, the next few days seemed to go the same, Stretch getting dropped off at the Cafe, Gnaw passing out at the aquariam, and King seeming to take off to visit whoever, while Maddy sat with the Papy Mini who seemed to be sitting and waiting for her. The first day back he was sitting curled up in the chair with the Book Maddy had been reading, she didnt move him so she set down on the floor and read through a magazine. "Im so sorry! i didnt mean to make you think you had to sit on the floor!" "Dont worry, i didnt want to wake you or i would have just put you on my lap." "Why are you back? I heard others say you left yesterday with Two minis." "I had but they were the two i braught with me, i havent adopted any more yet," Maddy smiled at his releaved look, "Would it be allright if i hold you again?" He nodded happily, It became almost a daily ritual for her to come in scoop him up and pick up the story ware she let off till time to collect Gnaw and King.After amost a week, Maddy couldnt help but wonder some thing... She apraoched Seara after coming to a conclusio, "Seara i was wondering if i could talk to you?""Is it about your Sans Pic? Rather intresting choice.""King made a pic? Thats great, but.. i had meant about possibly adopting a Mini.." Maddy felt nurvice and she didnt know why."You mean the little Papy that you cuddle everytime you come in?" Seara seemed to have an amused Smirk."Yes, thats the one.." Maddy gave a sheepish smile.Seara snorted still smirking, "Of course, let me get you the papper work for him." She walked to the otherside of the front desk, King walked out with a bashful look."Ma.. Can i ask you something?" he was fidgeting with the corner of his shirt."Of course." Maddy smiled down at him."I.. i found a mini, He is a breeder Papy, he seems to have been here a long time. I was ... well... Can we bring him home Ma?" King looked up with a slightly tilted head. Maddy Looked a little sad at first but then smiled at him, "of course Sweety, Though Alpha may  never let me walk into a shelter with out him again after this," She snorted, "we come for goop and end up binging home Two new minis.""Your adopting another?"King smirked, "Ya keep this up your going to become the crazy Monster lady," He looked over his sholder to a pappy mini who was peeking from behind a corner."Told ya Ma would want ya!" King smiled at him, "Come on out she wont bite."The papy mini made his way up to Maddy, seeming as profetional as he could, "Thank you for choosing me. i will do my best to fufill my job as Kings partner in the future," Maddy looked down at the mini almost with sad eyes, "Well allright then, but so you know im my home, if a Bitty or Mini needs or wants anything i expect them to let me know. i will not force or push any of you into anything and i would hope you will speak out should you not feel comfertable with some thing." She couldnt help but feel the Mini before her was terrified dispite his brave and profetional apperince."Would you like for me to get you another set of papper work to fill out for him?" Seara smiled.Maddy gave a nod, "Yes please, and thank you Seara." As Maddy filled out the papper work she paused at one point and looked down to the Pappy Mini before her, "Its asking for me to put down a name for you, Is there anything you go by here, or anything you would like to be called?"The breeder raized a brow at maddy, "i will go by whatever you would like to call me," he said planely."Ok... well any sugestions or things i should stear clear of?" Maddy blinked she had not been planing on adopting anyone realy let alone picking out names."No, nothing i can think of," he almost looked irritated.'Um..well ok... uh.. how about Benjamin? i can call you Benny for short if you like,"He looked at her like she had grown asecond head the huffed and looked away, "If that is what you want, then i will go by it," King nudged Benny in the side with his elbow as if to remind him of something, Maddy looked down at the new Mini with more and More worry But before she could say anything a odd noise caught all three's attention. Another Papy Mini came running around the hallway corner, a Mini sized duffle bag with him. It was the very same Pappy mini who had sat with Maddy each day since she started coming to the center."Hay guess what, guess what! Mamma Sarea says someone is here to adopt me isnt that great?" He was bouncing in place, "i hope they like me do you think they will like me? i hope i dont scare them off, im just so excited!'Maddy couldnt help the smile upon her face, "well. Of course i like you dear why wouldnt I?" The Pappy looked as if he were about to cry with joy, "Y-you realy want me? Even though you know i had soul rot?""Honey not all of us are perfict and if we were all judged by our imperfections i should have been tossed out years ago, No one is just one thing, you are Not just the Mini who had Soul rot. You are also the sweetheart who sat and kept me company, the one who needs a good home.. and though mine may not be the greatest i will do what i can," She looked to Benny, "For all my Minis and Bittys to make shure to give them happy lives. Now... Do you have any prefrince in a name? i know you said you wanted your adopter to pick one but i am tarrible with such things..."He looked so happy as he ran up and hugged Maddy's leg, "So long as you pick it it will be the greatest name EVER!" Benny looked on almost with a glare and pout, he would not admit it but it seemed he was almost jelous. "Hm... well the one charicter in that story i was reading his name was Victor.. will that be ok?""Yes, Not only a wonderful name but a Reminder of the Day i got to meet a Wonderful Human!"Maddy gave a happy smile as the little Mini seemed to celebrate, when the paperwork was done Mady left carrying a happy Victor, while fallowed behind by a tired Gnaw, And King who was rubbing the back of a seemingly sulking Benny. Maddy pondered if Alpha would ever let her visit another Adoptioncenter or Shelter with out him again. ____________ Next- https://hellodragonkit.tumblr.com/post/162570084746/work-in-progress-ch-18 Previous-http://hellodragonkit.tumblr.com/post/151359750406/work-in-progress-ch-16 First-http://hellodragonkit.tumblr.com/post/148160953486/work-in-progress-ch-1
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thehueofprose · 7 years
Aperturestock Ch. 2
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Chapter Two of the new crossover fic, Aperturestock! In this chapter, Wayne and company meet GLaDOS! They want to get back, but she wants it there! Good luck, boys!
Chapter links:
Ch. 1
Ch. 2 (You are here)
In despair, Wayne and Garth stepped out of the car with Terry following suit. Wayne and Garth found a swimming pool with an inflatable raft. Garth got on the raft, while Wayne edged into the water, and then clung onto the raft. "Jack," Garth whispered, reenacting the Titanic ending. "Jack. ...Jack. There's a boat. Jack. ...Jack. Jack. ...Jack! Jack! There's a boat, Jack! Jack?" Garth started to act-weep as Terry looked on annoyedly. "Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back!" Just then, a face peered around a corner. "I'll never let go," Garth continued. "I promise." He then kissed Wayne's hand, and let Wayne go. Wayne pretended to sink to the deep, holding his breath. Garth then got off the raft and started to swim, making whistle noises. Then the face turned around the corner, revealing a absurdly tall man. "Oi, oi! What're you blokes doing out 'ere?" said the tall man, with a chipper Bristolian accent. Garth turned suddenly to face the man. "Do ya blokes need any 'elp?" the tall man asked. "Oh, actually, we'd like some help," Garth said, pulling Wayne to the surface. The tall, lithe man smiled slightly, flashing a pair of sharp cuspids. He had long blond hair reaching his shoulders, much like Garth and Terry, but a richer caramel tint in his dirty blond hair, with the front locks a cinnamon-like auburn. Slightly obscured by his forelocks were two blue eyes, twinkling like sapphires, with chiseled cheekbones below them. The man also had a Van Dyke, which was slightly ruddier than the rest of his hair. "I can 'elp you blokes," he said. Garth's eyes widened. "Wayne," he said in excitement, "did you hear that? This dude says he can help us!" "No way!" Wayne exclaimed in disbelief. "Way!" Garth softly countered. "He's right, y'know," replied the tall man. The man's face lightened in realization. "Say, are you two the famed Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar?" he asked. "Why, yes we are," said Wayne with utmost affirmation. "And back there is our good friend Terry. Who might you be?" The tall man shifted his cerulean eyes to the side briefly in a nervous moment. "Uhm, well," he replied, "my name's Steven Wheatley, or Wheatley. But folks around 'ere like to call me Toothley, or Tooths fer short, 'cause of my fangs." He paused awkwardly for two seconds. "So, 'ow'd you blokes find yourselves 'ere? Did ya apply fer a job 'ere? Or som'thing?" "I held the map the wrong way," said Garth. "Lemme explain our conundrum better," Wayne suggested. "So you know the Waynestock we had?" Tooths nodded in affirmation. "Okay, so I had a dream where this robot babe told me to hold another one. So me, Garth, and Terry set to go to Chicago to set it up there, and--" "--I held the map wrong," interrupted Garth. "Anyway," Wayne continued, "somehow, we ended up here, and we'd like to know how to get back." "Okay, fair enough," said Tooths. "I can ask HER to get you directions back to Chicago so you can 'ave your Waynestock Two. C'mon, boys. Out of th' pool." Soaked to the bone, Wayne and Garth climbed out of the swimming pool to follow Toothley, with a dry Terry tagging along. Wayne and company could only think as they followed Tooths, "Who the heck is 'her'?" The four went inside the facility, traversing the halls and riding the elevators until they had reached 'her' chamber. And there they were, standing in front of a thirty-foot AI. "Ur, uhm, uh," Toothley stuttered. "Uh, GLaDOS, um, as you can see, I 'ave Wayne an' Garth 'ere, along wit' their friend Terry." GLaDOS squinted her yellow optic. "Toothley," she said in her synthetic voice, "are these the ever-popular Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar?" "Erm, yes, they are," Tooths said nervously. "Wait, wait, hold up a second," Wayne said. "My dream robot babe had that exact voice. And that's GLaDOS, right?" "I'm 'fraid so," said Toothley. "If dream lady had the voice of GLaDOS, then that means..." Wayne continued, looking at his hands. Then suddenly, Wayne and Garth looked at each other. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" they screamed in unison. "Okay, I'm not getting their context," said GLaDOS, nonplussed. "Would you two idiots please explain this 'robot lady' in context?" Wayne shook. "Uh, uh, well, y'see, I had this dream where this robot babe told me I should hold a second Waynestock. And--" "--Wait," interrupted GLaDOS, "did you say Waynestock? Like your own little version of Woodstock?" "Y-yes ma'am," stuttered Wayne, nervous that GLaDOS was speaking to him. "Anyway, we had planned to go to Chicago to set it up there, but Garth goofed up reading the map. And we'd like directions back to there." "Actually," GLaDOS suggested, "I have a favor for you two little idiots." Wayne and Garth tilted their heads curiously, wondering what a rogue AI could possibly want from them. "To be honest, being limited to just this facility has its drawbacks. Since you mentioned about this Waynestock, it got me thinking; I haven't seen a rock concert in person. So what I want you two to do is to actually hold your Waynestock here." "Wait, hold up," interjected Wayne, "how will we find bands? I mean, this is Aperture Science, isn't it?" "Well," GLaDOS answered, "I heard there are some bands and musical acts around the facility. Perhaps you can find some." "Oh, we'll find you some bands, GLaDOS," Wayne said. "We'll be sure it'll be a rockin' event." "Your planning room is up two hallways. Good luck," said GLaDOS. She paused for a moment, then pulled up her intercom. "Attention, robots and Aperture Science associates: Please welcome Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar to our facility." Cue excited whooping from turrets unheard by Wayne and company. Then they went on their way. When they came to, Wayne and company were greeted by a personality core. "Oh, he-hey! Wayne and Garth in the flesh!" the core said. "It is so great to meet you guys!" Wayne and Garth waved awkwardly to the core; whom of which had a bright lavender optic with the pattern of a treble clef. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the Music Core, but you can call me Michael." "Michael?" Wayne asked. "Like Michael Jackson?" "Er, yes," said Michael. "Wait," said Garth, "can you play drums or any other instrument?" "Well, no," Michael denied. "I KNOW about instruments, but I can't PLAY them. I'm just basically the music encyclopedia for the entire facility." "Wow," marveled Garth, "do you know our favorite band?" "Hmm... let's see..." Michael faux-pondered, looking at Garth's Aerosmith tee, "...mmm, Aerosmith?" "Wow, how did you know?" said an astonished Garth. "Garth," Wayne said, deadpan, "he can see your shirt." Garth looked down at his tee. "Oh, right," he said. "Silly me." "Okay, but guys, let's get to the real business," Michael said. "You guys said you were planning a Waynestock Two, but GLaDOS turned it on its head and wants it here?" "Yep," said Wayne. "But we have to find bands HERE. She says there's bands here, but aren't they robots and stuff?" "Well, yes," said Michael, "but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover these days. There are some pretty good bands around here." "Wait, 'old up, Michael," Toothley interjected, "there's the Fletchers and Freeman Friday we can invite. Would that be a good start?" Michael thought for a moment. "Actually," he said with certainty, "that's a good idea. Why don't you call them up?" "Yeh, I could do that," said Toothley. "I can just pull 'em up on my phone." Toothley reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, then pulled up his contacts. From there he dialed the Fletchers' lead singer. "...'Ello?" Toothley said. "...He-hey! Good to talk to you, Aero! ........Okay, listen, d'ya mind if you blokes come down to the facility? Wayne and Garth are 'ere! ...I KNOW! It's mad! Wonderful! Anyway, GLaDOS wanted 'em to do a Waynestock Two over 'ere, and I 'ad the BRILLIANT idea of inviting you blokes over! ...You'll come? Alright, good. One other favor, though. Can you invite Gordon and 'is band over too? ...You will? ......Tomorrow? Okay, see you blokes soon! Bye!" "Okay," Tooths said. "The Fletchers'll arrive tomorrow, along wit' Freeman Friday. In the meantime, wot do you blokes want to do?" "I guess some practice," replied Wayne. "We'd want to spice up Waynestock with our own performance, so it rocks hard! Only thing is, I don't know what song we should use." "Wayne," Tooths asked, "d'you mind if I sing for our part? I feel like I should contribute." "No problemo," said Wayne. "You can provide the lead vocals. Only thing is, we need a song." Michael flashed his lavender optic. "Wayne, since you're stuck on a song, how about I suggest some songs for you to choose?" he suggested. "Hmm..." Wayne pondered. "Yeah, sure. Hit me with some." "Okay," said Michael. "How about Foxy Lady?" Garth shook his head. "I'm not sure GLaDOS would approve. She might think it's directed at her." "Alright, how about Dude (Looks Like A Lady)?" Michael continued on. "Mmm.... nah." said Wayne. "Or Shut Up And Dance?" Michael suggested again. "Nah," Wayne denied. "Seems a little unoriginal." "Ah, right," said Michael. "How about Feed My Frankenstein?" Toothley widened his cerulean eyes. "Woah, woah, woah. Michael," he said in rejection, "I am NOT doing an Alice Cooper getup." "Okay then," Michael said, "we have one more option. And that is Head First." "Head First?" Toothley questioned. "Who's that by?" "Well, Tooths," Michael explained, "it's by Aerosmith. But it wasn't on any album. In fact, it was the first song released for online download by a major musical artist group. And this was a year after Get A Grip! Neat, huh?" "Actually," Wayne added, "I think Garth and I got that song long ago, but we kinda forgot how it went." "No problem," said Michael. "I can just pull it up here on my music database." Then Michael did just that. The song started playing. The riffs of a Get A Grip-era guitar filled the room, followed by pounding drums. Once the song kicked into full gear, Wayne and company started singing along, with Toothley bobbing his head to the beat. And when the chorus rolled around, everyone in the room started dancing wildly, even Michael. Then by the last verse, they sang along in unison. Once the song had stopped, Wayne and company were panting slightly from rocking out to the song. "Woooph!" exclaimed Wayne. "I almost forgot how awesome that song was!" "Great!" said Michael. "Now we have a song for you guys. How 'bout we go and practice in the band room two doors down?" "Yeah, let's do that," said Wayne. "But we have to grab our gear first." "Okay," Michael said. "Go ahead and get your stuff." And so Wayne and company did that, traversing the hallways to their car and back. When Wayne and company entered the band room, they found someone practicing a song on a dulcimer-like instrument. Playing the instrument was a man with long, auburn hair and eyes that shone like two polished citrine crystals. The Norwegian man was of average height and build for his nationality, and was clad in a Queen T-shirt and shorts. Leaning forward over the dulcimer, he was performing Walk This Way, even though Wayne and company couldn't guess at first. But once the man got to the chorus in the rich tone of the instrument, Wayne belted out, "Hey! Awesome rendition, dude!" As soon as Wayne uttered this, the man was startled, stopping his performance with a shrill pluck of the melody string. "Oh!" the man exclaimed, seeing Wayne and company. "I didn't see you there! But thank you! I've been working on practicing this song. But, say, didn't GLaDOS say over the intercom you were Wayne and Garth?" "Why, yes we are," Wayne assured. "Though, we have our buddy Terry along as well." Upon hearing this, Terry waved to the man. "Hi, Terry," the man said. He paused. "Oh," he continued, "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Virgil Vedlikehold, but you can just call me Virgil." "Hi, Virgil!" Wayne greeted. "Nice to meet ya. Say, what do you do around here?" "I'm the maintenance guy around here," Virgil responded. "I fix some of the components around here, especially the turrets." Wayne looked quizzically at the dulcimer-like instrument Virgil was playing. "And what's that instrument right there?" he said, pointing to it. Virgil turned to look where Wayne was pointing. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "That's a langeleik." "A long-a-what?" Wayne said, confused. "A langeleik," Virgil clarified. "It's a traditional instrument from Norway, where I come from." Wayne and company hadn't noticed then, but at the edge of one wall, a tan man was smiling. He clapped. In a deep and rich voice, he said, "Virgil, Wayne is right! You did a spectacular job!" Startled at the voice, Wayne turned around wildly to find the source, then meeting his brown eyes with a pair of hazel ones. The tanned man got up from his seat. In personal appearance, he looked as if he was a fusion of Wayne and Joey Kramer. His attire was filled with rainbow colors, including a Pink Floyd tank and a rainbow bandana, of all things. His dark brown hair was liberally streaked with rainbow colors, and he had a colorful patch of facial hair running from his lower lip to his chin. Needlessly to say, he was vibrant through and through. "Oh dear, Rainbow!" Virgil cried out. "You scared poor old Wayne! But thank you again anyway!" "Sch'yeah, this rainbow guy scared me!" Wayne said, in shock. "I didn't know he was here!" "Apologies," said the rainbow-emblazoned man. "I didn't mean to startle you, Wayne. By the way, I heard your web show is fantastic!" "Thanks, man!" Wayne said, giving a thumbs-up. "Oh!" Virgil exclaimed. "Wayne, Garth, I almost forgot to introduce him to you! This is Roger Vanadia. He likes to be called 'Rainbow', and he's my special one." "Special one?" asked Wayne. "Special... one?" "Wayne, he probably means they love each other... A LOT," Garth chimed in. "Wait, are they..." Wayne paused awkwardly. Garth nodded. "Okay," Wayne said nervously, "so you guys are gay?" "Yes," Rainbow and Virgil said in unison. Wayne shook for a second. He then took a deep breath, staying as calm as he could, trying not to anger the two, then exhaled. "I get that you're nervous, Wayne," Virgil said. "I understand it's often difficult to accept in this day and age. Just because Rainbow and I have a different sexual orientation doesn't mean we shove it down others' throats. We promise. We lead normal lives." "I'm happy for you, Virg," Wayne said, albeit still a little awkwardly. "But, we need some practice. This show's gonna need it." "A show?" Virgil said. "You're doing a show here?" "Yep," Wayne said. He went on to explain why they were here in the first place, and how GLaDOS wanted the concert there, then told about choosing their own song to perform for said concert. "Ah, I see," Virgil said. "You wanted to practice your own song here. Head First, wasn't it? By Aerosmith?" Wayne nodded. "We've got Tooths on vocals, me on lead guitar, and Garth on drums," he said. "That seems a little thin," Virgil said. "Do you want me to fill the role of rhythm guitar?" "Now that you think about it, go ahead, Virg, and play on your long-a-thing!" Wayne said. "Langeleik, Wayne," Virgil corrected. "But thank you! I can't wait to show the others my langeleik talent!" "Welp, guys," said Michael, "Let's actually get to practicing your song now. I've analyzed the track, and I've printed sheets for your parts." So along they went, studying the notes, beats and rhythm. They did so until everyone was bushed and went to their respective sleeping chambers for the night.
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@beausght​ [ FANG & BELLE ] for who could ever learn to love... a beast?
Once upon a time, a long time ago, two Princesses lived in a tower, guarded by God. And that was all well and good, as God often traps women in precarious situations, especially suspended from what man would call ‘reality’ or ‘The Earth’, with only each other’s company as a substitute for purposeful understanding. But Fang erupted through the chyrsallis of their youth, changed, and not-so-innocent a victim as she was meant to be. 
Fang had fallen in love with her fellow captive, and in doing so, doomed them both to suffer. 
Vanille was forced to roam the Earth a thousand years, a hag, her voice and youth lost, at least in the eyes of others. And Fang was ripped from her love into a new reality, a castle made of briar and rose and spindling, gaudy golden walls and broken mirrors that climbed into the Heavens. A gilded cage, Fang was meant to suffer in her own reflection & loneliness forevermore. 
This was her curse. 
To love as a woman, was to be burdened, to be broken. 
To love a woman as a woman, was to be a monster.
God called her Ragnorak---for if she ever was to escape, she would surely rip the throat of God out of the clouds and paint Earth with His blood. But she was not meant to escape. And Belle, Eve as she was, the beauty of this Earth and of this tale, was not meant to find her.
So our story begins. Fang stalking through halls, pacing every which way, and finding, instead of her own skulking shadow, a girl, dangling from the ceiling of her prison by one of the un-dead vines that run through it, her ankle gripped, and nothing else.
And so The End of The World’s loneliness ends, but not all at once. First, her heart drops. And she feels only shame.
“Who are you? What---what are you doing here?” The end of each of Fang’s arms curls into fists, the monkey’s paw’s fingers rupturing and withering like the thorns of the vines that trap them both here.
But her voice comes out not as its usual growl as it does when she talks to herself. It’s soft, and it’s scared, and it’s tired. She does not know when she last slept. She cannot remember ever sleeping at all.
She looks at Belle expectantly with so many eyes, so many fears, all seeming to swim around her head like a ravenous pirhana’s nest.
The vine drops Belle to the ground except for her shoe, which it seems to suck into the room’s mess of broken mirrors. It reflects them---Belle, beautiful and new. Fang, too old, too forgotten to dare to breathe in her presence.
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ff7r verse ( for some of my other final fantasy muses ! )
fang (along with vanille, of course) grew up in leaf house. now they’re part of AVALANCHE---albeit, a different division than barret and the gang. while fang will butt heads with barret’s rowdy crew for breaking off from the rest of them, she has secretly been trying to get her own division to be more aggressive out of sheer impatience and intolerance towards shinra. she still only cares about vanille---but saving the planet through non-violent activism is getting tedious and getting them nowhere. needless to say, despite her attitude problems, she ends up getting involved with barret. (dw they’re secretly bffs.)
gladio has two verses: one where he’s a SOLDIER bc why tf not, one where he’s wutai nobility and a general in their army fighting against shinra, which seems to be a battle they’ve already lost in just numbers and resources alone. his country & his people mean more than anything to him, he’d do anything to protect them.
jecht: EX-SOLDIER that was left to die from cell degeneration after taking too hard to drink to cope with war trauma and chronic pain from mako. they thought he died---but he apparently got better. now he’s a bounty hunter living under a codename (SIN) to pay back his ample debts and to try to support his son and seperated wife who left him bc of said debts.
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@lightlorn​ [ aerith & fang ( i thought you only murdered boys. ) ] I GO BOTH WAYS.
Ah. Dissidium University. Alma Matter of the rich, famous, and absolutely worthless. A party-performing arts-school with the prestiege of a hefty tuition. Aerith and Fang had gotten paired scholarships with big plans for their future. Fang had lined up every one for Aerith, listing every one for her, on the quad---
(Their hair overlays (Aerith’s strawberry brown ponytail intermingling in Fang’s black-violet mane) in the deep green astroturf, their pinkies knotted together in the grass despite the slight discomfort of Aerith’s around Fang’s bulky rings. Catcalls by annoying passerby are conveniently ignored as Aerith leans into Fang’s scent (lavender, and champage) & her firm shoulder. Fang paints a picture in the sky, her hand swirling between the clouds.) “You’ll get a role in a soap opera, and I’ll get a role in some stoner webseries as the love interest---”
in their dorm rooms---
(Their gazes tangle together, Aerith nosedeep in her study materials before she peeks up with a smile, Fang’s eyes, as always, locked on Aerith always.) “Then we’ll both hit it big in movies. Different ones. Yours’ll be the best friend in a Netflix romcom that is so much fucking prettier than the actual lead. I’ll be the underdeveloped love interest in an action movie. But I’ll be so hot and badass in it that I’ll be on posters in teenage boys’ bedrooms for the next fifty years.”
in the library---
(Sharing earbuds, listening to Mitski and Lana Del Ray croon about toxic love, before Fang quickly switches to bouncy, bubblegum K-pop in-between classic girlpunk. The sun draws through the windows. They’ve been here all night ‘studying’ on the floor in-between the stacks, really just talking and ‘not-talking’.) “And then we’ll both get real lead parts. Prove our chops. And get paid the big money.”
And everywhere in between.
Parties. Football games. Locker rooms. Auditions. Hips touching, hands brushing, lips glossed & eyes painted and heavy with booze and the exhaustion of sleepless nights. “Then, in fifty years, when we’re old and grey but still gorgeous as fuck, we’ll star together in a Ryan Murphy feud series as toxic aging hollywood dames....”
Aerith nodded and smiled and seemed to understand. But clearly she didn’t.
Fang had been so excited. Wicked was a play with two female leads. So what if Galinda and Elphaba weren’t explicitly romantic and Fang would have to pretend to have sex with Sephiroth on stage? Aerith&Fang’s dynamic would be magical. Their duet would be placed in the history books. And the first days were fun. Read-throughs, and scene blocking. They were freshmen in the school’s fall play. This was big for them---for both of them. With the school’s prestiege, real people in the industry could end up watching them. Networking was essential, and it seemed easy at first---just easy, and fun, like the play was, like their on-stage chemistry was, a reflection of their day-to-day life in the wings in colorful costumes and curly wigs.
Unfortunately for Sephiroth, Aerith had the nerve to date the wrong co-star.
Placing a curse on him was easy. Fang had enough lesbian friends to know a whole coven of witches. She just hadn’t expected to become the curse itself.
All she felt was anger. All she remembered was rage, and jealousy, twisting in her gut---Aerith’s gaze always so far away, just their pinkies touched, so much space between them, growing just a little farther with every passing day, every time Sephiroth was invited into their room and Fang was expected to third wheel a man who couldn’t be less charming if he tried.
The next day she woke up with blood on her lips, and news of an attack on the Boys’ Dorms echoing down the hallways. Her stomach felt full, and tight, and her hair and skin glowed as it never had before. She felt beautiful---and whole, as she stared into the mirror. Her reflection perfect. If Aerith saw her come back into their room last night, with claws, and fangs, and eyes feral and divine... She didn’t say anything.
And that was exactly how Fang liked it.
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i would really like to do threads in au/crossover threads where fang & vanille ‘break up’ because of their complicated co-dependency (outline in meta here), and fang tries to get back out into the dating world only to realize... she has absolutely no experience whatsoever with actual relationships with women other than vanille. like she can flirt until the chocobos come home---but like, actually entering a relationship with awoman? she don’t know what FUCKIN DOING GUYS...
i’d really like an ESPECIALLY COMPLICATED RELATIONSHIP where fang tries to. repeat the dynamic she had with vanille---and is, for the most part, shot down? and she has to learn how to have a healthy dynamic with someone where she doesn’t base her whole self esteen on taking care of them and protecting them.
obviously this is femslash heavy, but i’m always down for lesbros (dude characters being like ‘thats rough buddy’) as fang tells them her women woes over drinks or whatever.
like/comment if interested in MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE~~~
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destinysthralls · 5 years
things you were afraid to say / fang
THINGS YOU SAID MEME : accepting ! 
 one. peach has never known fang to be afraid of anything. as a child she stood on tables and chairs and brandished real swords she stole from peach’s guards---and peach gasped, and then grew to giggle as fang stomped and dance and sang, they laughed, and peach was impressed by her bravery. her strength.
“i was so scared.”
two. at the tender age of only nine, they are ripped apart. fang was every bit as royal as peach---but she was not a proper princess, she was corrupting their daughter. every time they met, peach’s voice got a little louder, her smile got a little brighter, she kissed and danced a little harder. this was not proper, for a princess. what they did behind closed doors was not proper.
“i missed you, i missed you, i missed you.”
three. teenage fang’s heart shattered the next time her parents left her kingdom without her. she had always been taken with them to see peach. they did not want to explain, that fang was too different, that fang was not what peach’s parents wanted. they loved their daughter, and their daughter loved a girl, and they, perhaps, could accept this, but the rest of the world was not so kind and free as gran pulse.
“i thought i’d never see you again.”
four. fang doubles down on training, growing stronger every day---fierce and wild as her land, muscles thick as the bark of the star-leaved trees that touch the sky---hair a wild mane, and yet, she still gives way to the feminine touches peach has taught her. she wears lip gloss from funguoso, and while it is not as pink on her lips as it is on peach’s----her lips are just as shiny, as if they just pulled away from her mouth’s touch.
“please remember me. please.”
five. when fang meets peach again they are not little girls, and they have not seen each other in years---but fang would recognize peach anywhere. chubby and soft, in every shade of pink and blue and blonde, a princess made of candied swirls and sunshine smiles. there’s more curve to her now---the swell of ample bosom and backside. it makes fang’s mouth run dry when she sees her in the stands. even from so far away, they’ve never been so close.
“do you recognize me? i recognize you.”
six. but when fang pulls off her helmet after hard-won battle, she is not soft with her beloved peach. she is hard as the kingdom always assumed her. she is brave, and she takes her by her hips and from her lips, a kiss that travels to her throat and the heated pool of her belly. her grip is tight, as if she is afraid peach will pull away, and she is. she is.
“please don’t stop.”
seven. and in the following days of chaos, fang sticks to her bride like glue. a promise is a promise----fang and peach are to be wed. technically they can produce a heir---combine their kingdoms through both blood and marriage. still, the king is outraged. fang’s mother and father are called----but fang makes her own deals. she won’t take no for an answer. they promised.
“are we still friends? we promised to always be friends.”
eight. but even as fang sticks to her---she is not kind. there’s hurt there, in a way there’s always been. like a child bullying another for attention---she picks on peach, stirs up rivalry instead of love. she wants peach to feel everything for her---as she has always felt everything for peach.
“i’m sorry.”
nine. and yet regardless of how peach feels, the wedding is eventually planned. it is to be a grand affair---peach and fang both in white dresses, a kiss for the ages. it will take place in gran pulse----and peach is to travel back to peach’s kingdom. peach has to say goodbye to her family, perhaps forever. she cries, and fang feels responsible for her tears.
“i never meant to make you cry.”
ten. peach is shy, and this land is strange to her---but fang opens up, for once, out of pity, maybe, and she shows her everything. the deserts, the jungles, the forests, the caves. all of it. and fang protects her, time and time again, showing off skills abound as the great beasts of the land attempt to attack her love. she is protective, she is strong.
“i would do anything for you.”
eleven. the wedding approaches. peach and fang are fit in gowns. peach refuses to go to fang’s fitting---won’t let fang come to hers. says that it’s tradition not to see the bride in her dress until the wedding itself. it’s so cute fang can’t stand it. she looks in the mirror, lips glossed, hair pulled up, dress a mess of white feathers and furs. she feels beautiful, soft, light. but not brave at all.
“i don’t know if i can do this.”
twelve. fang stands at the altar. all eyes are on her. she almost tripped down the aisle in her heels. she swears they do not fit. she feels so much fabric and feather and furs piled on her she cannot breathe---and yet, she feels so naked. the doors open once more. she sees white again---the music blares. she drops the flowers in her hands and races past her, this time actually tripping as she does. she loses a shoe in the process, and doesn’t seem to mind.
“i’m sorry.”
thirteen. fang has no change of clothes in the wilderness. she simply ran. and ran. grabbed a chocobo somewhere along the road outside her kingdom. tucked the other shoe in its saddle bag. she’s never felt so miserable. she’s never felt so alone. she’s never wanted to feel both these dreadful emotions so badly at once.
“how could i ever measure up?”
fourteen. days pass. both kingdoms are in shock. fang is always so sure of herself---and now she’s nowhere to be seen after a wedding she tried so hard to make happen. peach is soft, and peach is kind, and peach has had enough of playing at fang’s whims. this is her wedding, damn it! this is her life! fang can’t just do as she pleases whenever she pleases!
“i miss you.”
fifteen. peach makes her own trek into the wilderness. a proper queen of gran pulse in all but name---she commands practically an army to search with her. they find fang still in her wedding dress. peach is in much more practical garb. she pulls fang onto her chocobo behind her wordlessly. fang hugs her back, and peach gives a “hmph.”
fang wants to say everything and nothing all at once.
“... thank you.”
sixteen. the wedding approaches. they talk about their feelings for each other, in quiet whispers, and then in loud, long laughs. they reminisce under starlight. they kiss---harder and longer than they ever have. fang is not a perfect princess. she’s strong---but she can also be weak, and scared. peach knows this now, just as fang knows that peach is not the perfect damsel in distress----peach can be strong for her when she herself is weak.
“is this what love is?”
standing on equal ground, fang has never felt so high.
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destinysthralls · 5 years
@drachendive​ [ aranea + fang : aranea’s mercenary camp ]
“I’m looking for work.” The strange woman oozes confidence from every pore and follicle---and its probably why Aranea’s men let her into her tent without so much as a warning. She slams her hand down on Aranea’s desk so hard papers scatter. The stranger does not apologize. Nor will she. Aranea’s men look between each other, starting to think maybe it was a bad idea to escort her in here instead of escorting her out of their campsite.
“I hear you’re a mercenary. I’m a hunter. Officer ranking. But the work’s not always so steady--and I need to put food on the table. I hear you treat your company well and pay them fairly. You’re a good leader with a good head on ya shoulders. Good onya. That’s the kind of boss I want. I’m strong, fast, good with my hands, willing to do anything to get the kill and get the job done. Something tells me that’s the kind of company you wanna keep.”
Her accent is thick---she’s clearly foreign, as is her manner of dress. She doesn’t appear to be Lucian or Nif. Stranger and stranger.
“So let’s talk brass tax. What do I have to do to get the job?”
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destinysthralls · 5 years
muse 02. oerba yun fang
LIKE for a STARTER or for me to come in to your IMS to PLOT.
EXTENDED CASE FILE (x) / OTHER MUSES (under construction)
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destinysthralls · 5 years
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default relationships with major canon characters for mainverse (will change as needed for specific roleplayers.)
vanille - partner in crime. the meaning and the joy in her life. they fit together like missing puzzle pieces and have their whole lives---but at a cost. their relationship is one of mutually spoiling each other and not talking about their latent romantic feelings/what they owe each other as people, and as a result, they’ve become very flawed and co-dependent friends because of it. they need to have a long, long talk. 
lightning - friendly rivals! they both compete for best big sister of the group. they have different definitions of morality. lightning wants to be a hero, she’s trying harder to be open and kind with her friends. fang, meanwhile, is more guarded, but also more friendly and outgoing, and yet, she doesn’t want to be a hero so much as she wants to protect the person she cares about most. they’re very interesting foils! (i do ship this as well, i think that despite everything, fang really respects her and thinks she’s a hottie.)
snow - snow and fang are very much big sister/little brother in my head, but a more realistic form of this where they knock each other around and spar and make fun of each other. it’s GOOD.
sazh - fang doesn’t know if she can really trust the gang to be her new family, but she relates the most to sazh, feeling as if it is all his fault that his son turned into l’cie. she doesn’t remember her parents, but if they’re anything like sazh is---she misses them even more. while fang sometimes scuttles out from sazh’s paternal nature, fang leans into it when feeling sad or depressed. she feels like she could go for him for support if she let herself need it---but she usually doesn’t.
hope - LITTLE BROTHER tbh. she wants to take care of the little guy, but also thinks that he has it better than he pretends he does. everybody’s parents are dead hope! lets get you some COMPLETED FOCUS.
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destinysthralls · 5 years
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fang hc:
(likes & dislikes) 
Animals---specifically the beasts of Gran Pulse, the bigger the better. She enjoyed hunting them, eating them, and riding them, but also used their furs and tusks as decorations. Fang has also done a great deal of animal taming--and understands how to farm and domesticate prey animals peacefully. Women---of all kinds and sorts. Fang loves soft women such as Vanille as much as she loves hard women like Lightning, and she'll protect them above all else---even if they don't need protecting. Gambling---is it any surprise that a woman obsessed with talking about Luck would enjoy a good game of cards around the campfire? Fang keeps a deck on her person at all times---and she always wins, because Vanille, of course, lets her win. Competition---Fang enjoys a good competition through sparring, a chocobo race or a game of cards but be warned---she's a very poor loser. Nature---Fang feels most at home in Gran Pulse, surrounded by the beauty of her planet. Yes, it's wild and there are beast around every corner---but it's an adventure to be tamed and hunted, and there's beauty and life everywhere. Flying---Fang flies on Bahamut now, but before this, Fang would fly on the backs of the great Beasts that traversed Gran Pulse. It was only for a moment, sometimes---but it would make her feel trulyalive. Fruity Drinks---while Fang is the rough and tumble type, she has no taste for beer or ale, and much prefers the fruit-laced cocktails of her home with greater alcoholic content. She gets tipsy and sleepy rather fast. Make-up---while Fang's hair naturally falls that way and she doesn't have to put much maintenance into her apppearance, she enjoys collecting and wearing fancy lip glosses, moisturizers/face washes and perfumes. Fang absolutely loves doing mud masks and face masks, and does often during nights with just her and Vanille. Action Movies---Fang enjoys action movies, especially those from Cocoon featuring high action stakes and car chases featuring lots of destruction. While she loves hunting, she often fantasizes about giving those in Cocoon a taste of their own medicine.
Losing---Fang is a sore loser, and as a child would even throw tantrums about it. While she no longer does, she's prone to pouting and growing cross with you afterwards, claiming you were cheating even though when she cheats, she claims it's part of the game. Technology---Vanille handles all of the technology, and while she's taught Fang quite a few things---Fang finds it difficult to handle with her short temper. She hates Cocoon technology in particular, which is both more advanced and more unnecessary in her opinion. The Fal'cie---she both blames them for her own predicament and the fate of her and Vanille's parents, and so many villagers from Oerba before them that were lost to their focus. Cocoon---Not for just the reasons you think. It's easy to get lost in Coocon. Fang is used to her home where she knows where everything is for miles and miles---in the much smaller Cocoon, full to the brim with people who look at her funny for her clothes and demeanor, she's pushed this way and that in the crowds, and she loses her place on the map. Puzzles---While Fang is quite smart, she'd rather push her way through every problem than solve a puzzle. She cuts corners and cheats most times---and is often punished for it.
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