#|| verse || taking the black ||
scholar-of-yemdresh · 27 days
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Why yes I am using the Silt Verses to push propaganda for some of my faves 🤭
If you like TSV for its weirdo eldritch gods and cosmic horror most of these would fit.
If you're specifically looking for capitalism-core with a dash of lovecraft type shit The Craft Sequence and The Dead Take the A Train got you.
If you're looking for the Ace/aro Mood while attempting to comprehend the horrors and being persecuted for your creepy fantasy religion try Winter Tide/The Innsmouth Legacy.
You looking for the unhinged queers who do murder in the name of their gods + a middle-aged trans MC who's just trying her best™ No Gods For Drowning might be for you.
Ya like the messed up saints?the body horror?and devastation that the gods in TSV bring? The Black Iron Legacy might do you some good.
Suppressed religions & dangerous gods 2 electric boogaloo aka The Divine Cities. Also got that sweet sweet political intrigue and commentary on colonisers/colonised dynamic among other things.
TWs:violence, death, gore, body horror for most of these. Some sexual references but nothing too graphic, In the Craft Sequence I do remember Three Parts Dead having a non-consenual kiss, can't recall any further SA atm.
I'm bad at explaining but just try them. K thx bye.
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tvgals · 11 months
the way spider byte and hobie were immediately down for miles as soon as they met him js warms my little black heart
like yes black solidarity 🙏
+ the fact hobie sees miles like his little brother and that’s so cute to me 😞
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mokeonn · 4 months
I am honestly still absolutely flabbergasted that those "Gorillaz without the rap" videos exist. Like bro I just don't think you like Gorillaz at that point.
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butevrythinggoesaway · 7 months
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So I already headcanon that Benj is pretty much immortal because of the Spider God, and that Marvel Noir actually does have colour it just changes in saturation sometimes, and that Marvel Noir and the Arkhamverse are the same world because pretty much worst case scenario...
AU where Benj finds Jason before Slade can, immediately adopts him without realizing. If I continue drawing for this au, I will post on either my spiderverse and arkham knight blog and reblog to the opposite blog, and switch between that. Either way, it'll end up on both blogs.
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calamitys-child · 1 year
Flint is Highwayman by the Highwaymen and Madi is Highwomen by the Highwomen but unfortunately Silver is The Pilgrim by Kris Kristofferson
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Ok, last one, I think (I could be wrong (: )
Sola and Thrown to the Wolves au. Specifically, the version where Regis never goes to Galahd, so all he knows is what Mors told him before he died and whatever he found in the archives.
Now please take a moment to imagine all the potential angst that comes from the fact that Regis' first baby is under Adagium's Curse. (Whatever that's supposed to mean, because the royal archives are surprisingly silent on the topic.) His tiny teeny baby girl who was born premature and who fought for her life so fiercely is supposed to be a monster in human skin.
I don't think Regis would ever abandon her, he's not called the Father for nothing. But he's certainly not going to have a good time in this verse. +Sola's less-than-human instincts would probably make things even worse.)
I'm always up for asks if you've got more! (they make for a great breather from studying for finals)
You are right. This is so angsty. >:)
Regis' heart breaks when he puts his little Sunshine through the ritual, when instead of needing the potion held in a white-knuckled grip, Sola's skin slowly knits back together under the faint glow of golden magic. But even as he holds his wailing daughter close, wiping away blood to reveal skin unmarred by so much as a scar, Regis knows he cannot abandon his daughter here. Adagium's Curse or no, Sola is a child. His child.
Regis leaves the broken shards of a potion and doesn't look back.
And the Vitae watching from the shadows wonder.
In this 'verse, Sola grows up having to hide her golden magic. This is not the time of the Rogue or the Wanderer, technology is everywhere and Regis cannot risk Sola living beyond the Wall with the war in an uneasy ceasefire.
The court believes Sola without magic, and rumors abound of Sola not being Regis' daughter at all. Sola looks so like her mother, but she acts much like Cor, and it doesn't take long for the gossips to speculate that Cor and Aulea were having an affair behind Regis' back.
No one in the royal family is amused.
Even after a paternity test is provided to shut up the worst of the gossips, the court pushes against Sola as Regis' heir. Surely the Ring will not accept one without magic, they argue. And for all Regis tries to shelter Sola from the court, he cannot stop everything from reaching the ears of his sharp little girl.
When Sola, all of five years old, tells him that she refuses to be Queen, Regis' heart breaks all over again.
None of the adults tell Sola the truth of her golden magic. They tell her that she cannot use it because it will hurt her and those around her, but they do not tell her about Adagium's Curse. Regis and Aulea hope, that with love and care, their bright and fierce Sun will not grow up to be the monster described in faded legends.
Oh, they see her less than human instincts. Watching Sola so closely, they'd have to be blind to miss them. They worry, because they think this the grain of truth to the legend, a manifestation of the Curse.
And yet... Sola isn't malicious. She's fiercely protective to the point of bordering on possessiveness, more inclined to attack first and ask questions later if she perceives a threat to Hers. But Sola doesn't attack anyone who doesn't attack or threaten her or hers first. She never subjects anyone to abject cruelty. If Regis hadn't seen Adagium's Curse first hand, he'd think Sola simply too similar in temperament to Cor.
Then Sola tears out a man's throat with her teeth.
In the aftermath, Sola's fairly certain she wasn't supposed to overhear Regis, Clarus, and Cor talking in Papa's office. But she does, and she overhears 'Curse' and 'not-human', and Sola's already heard more than a few people referring to her as a monster these past few days to realize that Papa and her uncles are talking about her.
Sola sneaks around the library looking for anything she can on curses, dodging suspicion from her papa and uncles by insisting that she's more than old enough to find her own books. One of the librarians, a woman with really cool dark eye makeup and lipstick, helps Sola with her research. Unfortunately, Sola's unable to find the answers she's looking for, but one afternoon when she's curled up with Noctis for an afternoon nap, Sola resolves that Curse or not, monster or not, she will protect her little brother. No matter what.
When Sola's old enough to formally apprentice to Cor, Regis shares his magic with her, as Noctis is still too young yet to properly create a Retinue bond. There's no question Sola is Noctis' Sword, just as there's no question that Gladio and Ignis are his Shield and Heart, but they're planning to wait until Noctis is at least sixteen.
Only, Noctis gets kidnapped before that can happen, then picked up by a wandering Vitae and brought back to Galahd.
Where originally Noctis would be utterly baffled by Galahd's insistence that Regis was a bad father, Galahd knows how Regis loves and cares for Sola despite her so-called 'curse.' Galahd knows it to be no curse, knows Sola's non-human instincts instead come from the Draconian's Blessing (Galahd's been dealing with those same dragon instincts for millennia, they know it when they see it and Sola's very dragon).
Regis knows none of this. He had every reason to abandon baby Sola to her death and erase her from the records.
He didn't. He lied. He kept her hidden, kept her safe and loved as best he could, and the handful of Vitae spies hidden amongst the Citadel staff have seen it all.
It seems the Father is the Mother's child after all.
When Regis and Sola arrive, Regis demanding to know where his son is with Sola's rumbling growl reverberating through their bones, Sola's growl cuts off with a jerk of surprise when one of the Furia trills at her, reassurance-Hoard-safe-not-seeking-fight brushing up against the embers of gold magic suppressed inside her soul. Sola stares at the Furia with wide eyes, because no one, not even Uncle Cor for all his growls and chuffs, has ever responded in such a way to her.
Things get sorted out, and before they leave for Insomnia, Sola and Noctis and Regis get to meet their aunt/sister and cousin/nephew, and Sola's given an invitation to come back to Galahd to properly train her gold magic.
@secret-engima if you want to add anything from Galahd's perspective feel free to join in!
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clemencetaught · 6 months
Psst, from Quinn 💋
gossiping from the knight ( behind their back gossip meme w/ @uroborosymphony )
Send “Psst” for 10 5 Things My Muse has said About Yours Behind Their Back.
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“She might have good intentions, but that doesn’t mean her actions are good. She didn’t even think about who else wouldn’t been hurt from her little stunt. No one, not even her boyfriend would've stopped her.”
“What do you mean she’s around the corner- Pawn, where is she? …Fuck.”
“She needs to go. No Rook, we’re not killing anyone- we just need to get her out of the way.” 
“She’s not dipping her paw in this case. I’m not doing damage-control today.” 
*frowns and puts coat on* “…I changed my mind; I’m leaving now.”
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94erz · 1 year
Every day I log on to Twitter now I am infuriated by the fandom. 100 #1's on iTunes for a song with multiple abusers and serial criminals while multiple members of the group they claim to stan haven't reached that yet for multiple songs off their albums.
And then they have the fucking nerve to be like ''we treat and support them all equally'' ''there is not a ML bias in the fandom'' like shut the fuck up already, I hate them so fucking much.
In mere days they've once again shown up in huge numbers for a single member while letting others fall to the wayside and I'm supposed to believe all of these accounts are truly OT7? Bullshit.
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lvebug · 2 months
an andie eliot reading guide (tags drop pt 1)
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etoilesombre · 1 year
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Black Sails Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Captain Flint | James McGraw/John Silver Characters: John Silver, Captain Flint | James McGraw Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, light for Black Sails i mean, Fluff, also only by Black Sails standards, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode Related, s02e01, fuck Dufresne Flint will never not be captain, the intimacy of sharing food and space, wound care, Medicinal Drug Use, Watersports, But not really though, only in the context of hurt/comfort, John Silver: I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me, silverflint weird sleepover in which they try not to kiss, hm i'm not gonna say the sexual tension is resolved exactly, Hand Jobs, Interrupted Sex, something exhibitionism adjacent, Edging Series: Part 3 of our feast is but beginning Summary:
“This is your plan?” Flint sneers, looking at Silver like he’d expected no better. “Hiding below decks like a rat?”
“Now Captain, that’s unkind,” Silver pouts, trying to hide his hurt behind teasing reproach. All day he has attempted to match Flint, to fight alongside him though he is ill-suited to it, and it has earned him nothing but disdain. Now it’s time to do things his way for a while. “Like a stowaway, at least.”
After they have taken the warship and been cast out of the crew, Flint and Silver are forced to contend with each other and the nature of their relationship.
____________________________________________________________ HERE WE GOOOOOOO chapter two: morning after time! Did we actually think touching dicks was gonna be the endpoint for these fools? Oh no, this is just a stop along the way.. it can get SO MUCH weirder and more intimate than that. 
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compacflt · 1 year
okay here to pick ur mind…i know you’ve alluded to it throughout WWGTTAI and debriefing but do u think bottoming is something that i’ve struggled with throughout his relationship with mav-especially if he enjoyed it-bc it may have been “more gay” in his mind and therefore harder to excuse due to the inherent misogyny wrapped up in men’s homophobia? it’s something we’ve talked abt in my gender studies classes so i just wanted to know how you think your ice may have approached that due to the repression of his sexuality so throughly and for so long!
as always with questions like this there’s a diegetic (in-universe) answer and a non-diegetic (writing theory) answer so I’ll start with the diegetic answer (not tagging this as nsfw but obv refer to the subject matter & discretion advised):
he isn’t thinking about it. I mean, he has to think about the mechanics of it, because sure there’s a lot of prep work involved, but he’s not really thinking about what it means, because no one’s telling him to. He knows it’s “wrong” —but the whole thing is “wrong,” anyway! The fact that he’s doing anything with Maverick is already wrong... I think he categorizes things as “not-fucked-up” and “yes-fucked-up” in his head, and any form of non-societally-approved contact with another man is “yes-fucked-up,” and there’s not really a sliding scale. Which is why Maverick’s weird extended hug thing right when Ice leaves TOPGUN (ch.4? I forget) is like literally the biggest deal in the world to him. I think Maverick could’ve actually groped him and he would’ve responded the same way. It’s all fucked-up, in his head. No difference between hugging/kissing/fucking/being fucked; it's all the same. There are the rules, and then there’s breaking the rules—no gray area in Ice’s mind (though note, in turn, Maverick’s analysis of Ice bending the rules—there is a gray area, just an unacknowledged one). 
So, yeah, he isn’t really thinking about the implications of the specific act. Maybe he knows that he enjoys it, and that thinking about what it means that he enjoys it would ruin it, so he doesn’t think about it. Also, he’s operating under the unspoken assumption that there’s something “wrong” with Maverick and not with him, because remember that Maverick already confessed to engaging in same-sex acts in ch. 4. There’s something fundamentally “wrong” with Maverick, so anything Ice does automatically looks better in comparison, because (he thinks) his transgressions are isolated incidents, whereas Maverick’s are a known pattern—even if Ice’s “transgressions” amount to literally being fucked by another guy. Hey, well, at least I’m not as bad as rule-breaker Maverick, who does this all the time, apparently! 
In Ch. 8 I was kind of trying to harp on that fact with the use of the word “resentment” during Ice’s discussion of choice/free will—there is kind of a sense that Maverick did this to him against his will, as in, he wasn’t “yes-fucked-up” until he met Maverick/this whole FWB-situation started, and maybe there is some deep-seated resentment about the fact that he might have been “normal” if it weren’t for Maverick (he wouldn’t have been, but he doesn’t realize that). I was close to having him just say this outright in Ch. 8, but as I’ll talk about below, their relationship is already pretty toxic, and there were some lines of toxicity I didn’t want to cross explicitly.
As for the non-diegetic answer, AKA the reason I wrote it this way: I’m kind of hesitant to politicize sociosexual (esp. “hierarchical”) roles in fiction, because I feel like it’s an easy way to betray your own political biases (as a writer) towards male sexual roles—it’s just too slippery of a slope IMO. Especially once you introduce ranks and professional/financial power dynamic differences, I feel like it’s all-too easy to portray the relationship as incredibly and toxically sociopolitically unequal. Yeah, I guess it would make more sense for very-closeted Ice to top 100% of the time, but he’s already “hierarchically” above Maverick 100% of the time anyway—politically, professionally, financially, in terms of social respect, etc. I didn’t want their dynamic to be skewed all the way towards one character having all the social/external/traditionally masculine power, so I didn’t write it like that. That in and of itself is a political decision that betrays my beliefs about male sexuality, and might not make sense in-universe, with characters this repressed, but…I personally felt uncomfortable with the alternative.
I think I’ve explained this a couple times elsewhere, but I wanted Ice & Mav to be true equals in this fic, because it reflects the equality they achieve in canon— “You can be my wingman anytime” vs. “Bullshit, you can be mine.” They are canonically equals. And, yes, of course in a sexual relationship you can be “giver” or “taker” and still be “equal” with the other person, but—like, you see how it would be different, right? If you’re only ever the “giver,” in our society’s traditional understanding of gender roles, you have an insane amount of power over the other person, and I wanted Ice & Mav to be equals when they’re with each other. It’s why I was hesitant having like an actual D/S dynamic with them as well—and the lack of that dynamic is itself a plot point. Ice in ch. 8 rebels against what he thinks their dynamic is—namely, that Maverick always leads/gives the orders, and Ice always follows. He portrays himself as submissive in that moment (“I’ve never had a choice”), but in reality he has just as much control over this relationship as Maverick does—i.e. he is just as “dominant,” and wants it just as bad, he just can’t articulate that. Which is the point of his whole character arc. Their equality is the point, not the transgressiveness of the act itself.
Also related to his character arc is the passivity of the act of bottoming as well, which is maybe why it's "overrepresented" in the story (sorry coming back to add this graf after doing the tags already &then Having A Thought). Like if Ice's whole thing is following orders/not having a choice, which makes him a great naval officer but a deeply flawed and confused person, then it makes sense that his narrative focuses most on the following/passive act of "taking," not necessarily the more leading/active role of "giving." These are simplistic terms obv but hopefully you can see what I'm getting at.
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🖊️ for Est?
est :D
she needs to figure out that she's mostly just dps, and That's Fine, Actually. she can do a little healing (story wise anyway lol. when i go raiding she mostly heals), but she's not really good at it. she doesn't take naturally to it and she never really studied it either, and she tries to make up for that with stubbornness and nothing else, which doesn't always work out. she'll jump into healing when she's panicking sometimes- and sometimes it is admittedly necessary to go about things that way- and she'll go around offering it after a fight or something bc she feels like she's obligated to bc she can (and sometimes also bc it's pretty much the only thing she can do at all), but it's still very much not her Thing; a far cry from her storm affinity
some of her trying to like. fill every role at once was an offshoot of how much time she's spent just on her own, traveling and adventuring and, most recently, Being The PC lol. even when she works with other people for a bit, it hasn't often been long-term nor in groups where she can safely just let someone else handle it entirely
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lcerys · 3 months
i do like luke in the show too because i just like luke's character, but he does ? have a bunch of differences with book ! luke, which i've said ik but it's wild for me because luke has maybe ? four appearances in the book.
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starwrittenfates · 3 months
@wolfishmoon continued from X
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Sirius knew how stubborn his friend could be, but he wasn't going to let Remus go through anything alone, even these pesky full moons. It wasn't right, nor was Sirius one to turn his back on his friends, especially those who needed him the most. "I don't mind if you ask me for favors all the time, Moony. After all, we're friends-- no, more like family. You can lean on me and know I'll always be here for you."
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Get your fresh au of the au!
Prompt found! @weirdnatasha asked what would happen ifLucius met Izzy and Eddy in the Hornigold era! Ages are adjusted here, we start with Lucius at 21, Izzy at 23, Eddy at 24.  This bulleted list is known as ‘find a place to make a stand and take it easy’: 
-There’s a job. There’s always a job. Izzy hasn’t done time in his crapbox apartment in weeks, isn’t sure he can reliably remember the color of the drapes.  He has a deep gouge of a scratch from one shoulder to the middle of his back where Eddy had dug in and every time he shifted his wait, it reminds of the way she’d half-moaned his name. It’s distracting. 
-”Witness protection?” Eddy asks, bemused. 
“It’s a blackmail play. The kid was somewhere he shouldn’t, saw something he shouldn’t and he’d make a good witness. Linus wants us to hold him until he makes a business deal, hold it over his the guy’s head.” 
“We liquidating at the end?” Izzy frowned.  Killing other people with weapons was one thing. He hadn’t killed a bystander before and he wasn’t planning on starting now. 
“No,” Hornigold shook his head. “We’re not assassins.” 
“Just babysitters,” Eddy made a face. “A wait and see, really? Can’t we stick O’Brien or Mark on it?” 
“It’s a top dollar, client,” Hornigold said with the kind of patience that let you know it was almost at an end. “He asked for round the clock security. I laid out specifications for a location and he’s provided a very nice place for you to cool your heels. Consider it a vacation.” 
Eddy and Izzy exchanged a very brief look. Whatever this was going to be, vacation would not be in the top ten words they’d put to it. 
-They pack bags and go though. Not a lot of choice there. The building is definitely upscale, the apartment when they step into it, is fucking ridiculous. Huge living space with big windows, a kitchen that’s clearly never been cooked in and bathrooms that echoed with marble. 
“Windows are a problem,” Izzy says right away as Eddy drapes themselves over a big couch with a sigh. 
“Nah, they’re tinted to hell and back. Checked before we came in.” 
-They sweep for bugs, for cameras, disable existing systems, put in their own. Then there’s a knock. Izzy checks the door, gun out, but there’s their package with Hornigold behind him. 
Eddy opens the door, Izzy falls back. 
-The guy isn’t an actual child, thank fuck. He’s apparently in college, some bullshit art program. His clothes are oversized, but in a way that suggest intention rather than second hand. His dark hair is mussed and he eyes up Izzy and Eddy with about the same amount of suspicion Izzy is giving him. 
“Lucius, these two will be your loyal guards,” Hornigold gave them both heavy looks. “They’ll be making sure no one kills you.” 
“Thanks,” Lucius gritted out. “I’ll be...in a room. Where am I sleeping?” 
“Right this way,” Eddy gives a little bow with a laugh that usually makes people back up slowly from them. 
Lucius looks wide-eyed, but didn’t give up ground. Points to him. 
Hornigold gives Izzy a slap on the back. “I’ll probably call Eddy in now and again, but you’re my boots on the ground. Don’t fuck it up.” 
“Yes, sir,” Izzy has his eye on Lucius’ retreating back. Eddy puts him in the middle bedroom which happens to also be the biggest. Smart. Farthest from the windows, centered him between the two of them. 
-The first few days are just what Izzy expected. Lucius sticks to the bedroom, barely speaks to them and responds to inquiries about meal as shortly and clearly as possible. He’s eating, no one’s tried to kill him, all is well. Eddy climbs the fucking walls, but on day four, Hornigold blessedly calls her in and leaves Izzy to read a book in peace for fuck’s sake. 
Not that he doesn’t enjoy Eddy’s boredom to some extent, but he needs some time to recoup. 
-Lucius takes that exact moment to decide “I cannot spend another fucking second in that room. Please tell me there is something to do in this monument to Linus’ wallet.” 
“There’s books,” Izzy says vaguely. 
“I’ve been reading and sketching for the last three days. Please. Anything. Say human words to me, I know that’s not your thing, but I’m going to need you to try.” 
“What do you mean it’s not my thing?” Izzy’s attention drawn away from his book unwillingly. 
“You let the other one do most of the talking. You mostly say swears and gesture from what I can tell.” 
“I talk,” Izzy says, annoyed at this entirely accurate description. 
“Prove it.” 
“I’m talking to you right the fuck now.” 
“About something. About...I don’t know. How the hell are you passing the time here?” 
“Guarding you.” 
“Thrill a minute, but I know you’re doing other shit, the walls aren’t that insulated.” 
Has Lucius heard them? That is...troubling. Izzy shoves that to the back of his head. They were usually pretty quiet, considering how intense things got, so probably not. Probably he’s heard them doing the thousand other things they did to keep from going stir crazy. Cooking, playing cards, talking over movies and sparring in the clear space by the windows. 
Most of that wasn’t going to fly with Lucius, who looks like fighting was beneath him or at least something that took place very far away from him if he has any say in it.  
“I could eat.” 
-Izzy teaches Lucius the few basic recipes he knows. Meat and potato kinds of dishes. Izzy likes cooking, but there's rarely time and he doesn't own anything half as nice as what gets stocked in a posh place like this. Lucius seems happy enough to chatter about college at Izzy while they cooked like Izzy knew shit about it. Only stops occasionally to prod a response out of him.
“Guess that’s all over now though,” Lucius realizes as they put everything into the oven. 
“You guys will leave me alone eventually and what then?” Lucius stares blankly at the oven. “Wolkski won’t let the same trick work twice. I’ll be dead, won’t I?” 
“Nah,” Izzy says, but he’s not actually sure of that. He doesn’t know what Lucius saw. Doesn't know how time sensitive it is.  Doesn’t know how Wolkski from a hole in the wall. “Killing someone is a good way to make more blackmail. He’ll probably just buy you off.” 
“You think?” That actually perks him up and Izzy has a small treacherous thought. Hope I’m not lying to him. 
-Eddy comes back and finds them both on the couch watching some weird comedy reruns that hasn’t made Izzy laugh once, but he’s laughing anyway because Lucius is a catty asshole and has a lot to say about the leaden acting. 
“You two are getting on,” Eddy glances between them warily. Like they’re up to something. 
“Come sit with us,” Lucius scoots over. “Do you think they put her in that shade of pink because they hate her? I bet she’s a pill to work with.” 
“What’s wrong with the pink?” Eddy frowns, but drifts over and sits down between them. 
“Washes her out completely,” Lucius tsks. “Pastels in general would. She needs jewel tones.” 
And as Izzy watched, Lucius gathers Eddy’s complete attention, gets an arm around the back of the couch, circling them in and more than once gently touched their knee. Eddy let him do all that, apparently enthralled. 
Almost one touches Eddy casually anymore, except for Jack. Sometimes Izzy did, but it's less and less welcome if it ever had been at all. Maybe it was Lucius' whole affect which yells ‘I’m not a threat, but don’t try anything anyway’.  
“What got you out of your room?” Eddy asks at last as the commercials rattled at them, 
“Izzy’s cooking,” Lucius grins over at him. Like they're sharing a joke. Like Izzy had had anything to do with it besides the food bits. 
“Oh yeah?” Eddy glanced over at Izzy. “Is that so?” 
“Everyone’s got to eat,” Izzy shrugged. “Left you a plate if you want it.” 
“What is it?” 
“Meatloaf. Mashed potatoes.”
“With a pound of butter,” Lucius puts in. “It’s sitting in me like a brick, but it was great.” 
-Eddy does eat her plate. That’s fifty-fifty when Izzy presents her with food, so he’ll take the win. Lucius goes on loosely flirting with Eddy, who’s not giving it back the way she would if she was totally sold, but isn’t running away either. It’s weird to watch. Unsettling. 
-They sleep in shifts, one of them always awake, just in case. At 2 AM, Eddy comes out of her room to relieve him and they rut on the couch, her hand over his mouth, his teeth worrying at the meat at the base of her thumb.  
It’s almost gentle. When she comes, she presses her other hand to the mark on his cheek. 
Izzy wants to ask questions about that, but he’s never managed before and he apparently won’t be starting tonight. Instead he says, 
“Lucius is worried about being murdered once we’re done with him.” 
“Yeah,” Eddy drops her full weight on him. Just for a moment, just for two breaths. It feels like Heaven. She doesn’t offer anything further, and then she’s gone and Izzy goes to bed. 
-Lucius stops hiding in his room altogether. It should be annoying. He’s full of questions, teasing and prodding. 
“Wait, you’re how old?” Lucius asks Izzy as they wash dishes. It feels bizarre, domestic.  
“Twenty-three. Why?”
“Because I thought for sure you were in your thirties or something. Not a looks thing, just the way you both carry yourselves. Eddy too?” 
“Year older.” 
“But you said you’ve been doing work like this for a while.” 
“Four years. Eddy is longer, five or six.” 
“Huh,” Lucius gives him a long look over. “Looks good on you.” 
Izzy has no idea what to do with that. He just scrubs harder at the dish. 
-Eddy and Lucius disappear for a few hours into Lucius’ bedroom at one point and come out, flushed and giggling like children. Izzy doesn’t ask. Won’t give them the satisfaction. Either of them. 
-”What’s with the ring?” Lucius sits so close that Izzy can make out the places he’s dotted concealer to cover a zit. Like anyone here gives a damn. Where did he even have the damn stuff? It’s right along his jaw and Izzy’s filled with a dark temptation to rub it off with his thumb. To feel the prickle of stubble against his fingers. His palm. 
“What ring?” He mumbles, distracted. 
“The one around your neck.” 
Izzy reached up and yeah, it slipped out of his shirt. He tucks it back, tries to keep it casual, but Lucius watches him sharp-eyed. Izzy’s been slipping. Acting like this place is his own instead of a job. Wearing t-shirts instead of the crisp button-ups that he’d adapted in the last two years to make people take him more seriously. 
“Just a ring.” 
“Uh huh,” Lucius lifted his brows. “Your mom’s or something?” 
“No,” he snorted. 
“Oookay, So mystery girl? Or very fine-boned boy?”  
“What’s it matter?” 
“Just curious,” Lucius drew a single finger over the back of Izzy’s hand where it lay between them on the couch. “You’re a bit of a closed book, you know.” 
“I don’t need to share shit.” 
“There’s not much any of us need to do,” Lucius sighed. “But it’s so much more interesting when we do the things we want.” 
“You used to getting the things you want?” 
“Less often than you might imagine.” 
-Eddy brings home booze, bottle of vodka, bottle of rum. 
“Oh thank fuck,” says Lucius so Izzy doesn’t have to. 
They all get beautifully, completely stinking drunk. It’s bad protocol, but this job has gone on for tedious weeks. Lucius and Izzy are practically prisoners, Eddy only a step better, released occasionally to fetch and carry for Hornigold or check in.  There’s a half empty container of orange juice in the fridge and they just pour the vodka entirely into it and pass it around. Izzy though Lucius would object to such a delivery, but he keeps up with them for a good long while without complaint. 
“I’m going to die,” Lucius announces to the ceiling. “And I won’t even have had a hot threesome with my guard dogs.” 
“Is that what you’ve been gunning for?” Eddy laughs over the container, now mostly empty. 
“Yes. I think I’ve been pretty obvious. I know you two are banging it out. Please tone it down for my delicate sensibilities. Walked in on some hellicious shit the other night. I don’t do blood.” 
“What do you say, Iz?” Eddy glances over at him, impossible to read like this. Especially when Izzy was flush and woozy. 
They didn’t do this. It wasn’t something they shared with anybody. No one knew. No one even really suspected. If anything, it's talk about how pathetic he is for trailing after hoping for leftovers. Eddy never put words to what they did. Izzy never dared.
This is words. This is someone else. Is it a test? He can’t fucking think. 
Only Lucius is pretty, pink lips even pinker when he’s drunk and he has touched Izzy so many small times. Asks him things. Tries to pry him open. He’s so...interested. Interesting. He draws these real looking things, art that Izzy understands. He’s drawn Eddy a dozen times already, beautiful Eddy with her hair spread out behind her,  doing her morning routine of situps and pushups or just sleeping.  
Lucius silently gave him one of those loose sketches and Izzy hadn’t even protested. Taken the few lines that conjured Eddy stretched over the couch and tucked it safely away.  
Lucius is all the things they aren’t and more besides. He’s going to be someone, probably. He’s beautiful and not theirs. Certainly not Izzy’s. 
Izzy loves stealing. 
“Yeah,” he says roughly. “Okay.” 
Lucius crawls over to him. To him and not to Eddy. Why not to Eddy? He levers himself up, then captures Izzy’s face in both hands.  
“Oh, we’re going to have fun,” Lucius informs him and then kisses him with intent, keeping him right where he wants him. 
-Eddy watches for a long time. That’s what Izzy remembers the most, her eyes on them, silent, and intense.  Then suddenly they’re everywhere. Lucius gasps into their kiss, Izzy writhes under their touch. Everything oozes together. 
-When it’s over, Eddy claims the couch and falls into a deep sleep. Lucius stands and holds his hands out to Izzy. 
“Come on.”
Izzy takes them, bemused. Lucius leads him into the bedroom, doesn’t turn on the lights. 
“What’re we doing?” Izzy mumbles. 
“Sleep. Come on.” 
Distrustful of even the thought, Izzy goes slowly, but Lucius really does just curl up on his side. The bed looks good and has the advantage of being right there. He feels a little unsteady still. He gets in. He closes his eyes. Lucius turns and he tenses, but it’s just a hand landing on his arm, not even holding, just resting. 
Izzy falls asleep. 
-It becomes a problem quickly. Lucius enjoys sex quite a bit and shares neither of their reservations in discussing it. Eddy, always quick to learn something new, takes to this readily. Izzy feels like he’s under attack as they discuss positions and things to attempt, but when he tries to get away from it, they turn their eyes to him like he’s the one exhibiting bizarre behavior. 
He doesn’t add anything, but he stops trying to leave. He has quite a lot of sex. 
-”You’re getting so good at that,” Lucius praises him once. “Anyone would think you’d had a lot of practice.” 
“Of course he has,” Eddy says off-handedly. 
Lucius glances down at Izzy, “That true?” 
And Izzy wasn’t in a lying position. 
“No,” he admits and at least he was already flushed, not betraying himself even more by turning scarlet. 
“No?” Eddy sits up a little. 
“Go on,” Lucius says gently. “You can tell them.” 
“Fuck off,” he tosses his arm over his face. Fuck the both of them. Maybe he could flip Lucius off him and make it to the bedroom, bar the door before someone caught up with him. 
“Tell me what?” Eddy asks, a growl in her voice which means no one is going anywhere. Goddamnit. 
“There wasn’t anyone else,” he grinds out. “Just you.” 
“Oh,” Lucius says. “I didn’t think it was that hard line. I guessed maybe something close, but uh... sorry, Iz.” 
“That was your first time?” Eddy’s voice is raw. 
Fuck it. Izzy does get up though he just nudges Lucius aside and he goes. Lucius is easy like that, rolling away without complaint. Giving him the space he needs. Soft little punk. 
Izzy walks away and no one stops him as he quietly closes the door to ‘his’ bedroom. The one he hasn’t used in days because somehow Lucius has convinced him to share. 
He sits down against it, presses his back to it. He holds onto the ring for dear life and thinks about nothing at all. 
-Eddy comes for him in the end. He expects Lucius, but later he’s not sure why. She doesn’t try to get in. Doesn’t even knock. He just hears her sit down on the other side of the door.  
“You let me in when you’re ready, Hands. But then we gotta talk.” 
He can’t remember a time either of them waited for each other. It’s not what they do. There’s no time to wait. There’s never any fucking time for anything. But right now it’s endless days. Ticking down until Lucius is free. Until they’re all released from this prison that’s also been a cradle to something Izzy doesn’t know how to name. 
He doesn’t mean to make her wait long, but the minutes tick by until he feels even halfway to ready. He stands up, walks to the bed and sits on the end. Rubs his palms over his jeans. 
“Yeah,” he says, not sure if it’s loud enough to carry. “Come in.” 
-She stands for a second in the doorway, blocking out the light, and she’s so beautiful it makes his chest clench. The space between them yawns, but she closes it with a few long strides, sits down beside him. They sit like this often, pressed thigh to shoulder. There’s barely any room where they have to go sometimes. Barely any way to stay quiet unless you’re whispering right into each other’s ears. 
“Do you think we’re broken?” she asks him. “Not us as in me and you, us as in whatever we have between us.” 
Izzy wants to say no. He wants to believe that this is what should be. Wants to practically kill Lucius himself for proving them both wrong. 
“Yeah,” he says roughly instead. “I think we are. A little.” 
She nods vaguely, “He is going to get killed, you know that?”
The longer this goes on, the more likely that seemed. “Yeah.” 
“I think you should take him and go,” Eddy says. 
“What?” Izzy stares at her. 
“He needs a guard dog,  we need to stop.” 
“The job is all I’ve got,” Izzy blurts. “If we’re not...I don’t have anything else, Eddy.” 
“You do,” Eddy says firmly. “You’re smart, you’re fast. He’ll be with you. You run.” 
“No,” Izzy reaches out, hesitates and then decides that if she’s knocking down walls, he can too. He takes her hand in his. When she doesn’t resist, he holds on, probably a shade too tight. “Eddy, if we go, Hornigold will know you were in on it. You can’t just walk back in there.” 
“I’ll say you knocked me out while I was sleeping or something.” 
“He’ll never believe it.” 
“You make him believe shit like that all the time.” 
“You don’t,” Izzy says. “You’re a great liar, but it’s different with him.” 
“It is,” Eddy concedes. “He always knows.” 
“So come with us.” 
-Lucius, does not like any versions of the plan. 
“I’m not leaving my life behind.” 
“Then you can stay here and get picked off later.” 
“Izzy said they might not kill me. That it would be too messy.” 
“He was being...optimistic,” Eddy settles on, giving Izzy a look. He shrugs.
“What are the odds?” 
“I’m not a computer,” Eddy rolls their eyes. “You can stay here and take your chances or go and take your chances.” 
“With one of you with me,” Lucius looks between them. “So...what? You give up everything for someone you met a few weeks ago? What are you getting out of it?” 
Izzy scrubs a hand over his face. He waits for Eddy to put words to it. She doesn’t. Hung out to dry. 
“We get to not be the kind of people that let innocents get murdered over rich people’s business deals,” he says. 
“You care about that?” 
“Yeah, Luc,” Eddy says softly. “We care.” 
“I don’t actually, in general,” Izzy amends. “But I care about you and I don’t want you to fucking die.” 
“Yeah, I don’t want to die either. But I also don’t want to give up on college.” 
“You can finish college. Somewhere else,” Eddy says. “We’ll figure it out.” 
Lucius does not agree. Does not agree as they argue, does not agree as they eat dinner in sullen silence. Does not agree as Eddy stomps out to report to Hornigold. 
Izzy has no wiles, no charisma to speak of. He’s not Eddy, who can spin castles in the clouds. He can only sit down next to Lucius and pick up his hand because that works a little, apparently, and say, 
“The ring belongs to a dead girl. I don't want another one."
“Yeah,” Lucius drops his head onto Izzy’s shoulder. “Yeah, all right.” 
-They take their time. Three days of planning. Eddy gets them fresh papers, Izzy finds a clean place and siphons money off the accounts he’d just started keeping for Hornigold. That part is dangerous, but he hides his tracks, only taking enough to give them a head start. Doesn’t get greedy over the horde of dragon’s gold. 
-They leave all at once, crossing the threshold that Izzy hasn’t stepped over in weeks without fanfare. It’s a gray day, the air oppressive. Lucius has a hood pulled up over his hair, a ridiculous pair of sunglasses on. He keeps them on until they’re so far away it barely matters. 
-They go south because Eddy wants warmth. Izzy drives the car (stolen, plates switched, abandoned and replaced before the settle). Eddy stares out the window, fingers drumming on her thigh. Lucius lays down in the backseat. None of them talk much. 
-They find a place in a different city. It’s familiar and unfamiliar all at once and Izzy spends a lot of time walking around and around, mapping the streets with his feet. Their apartment is small, two bedrooms. Eddy claims one. Izzy hangs outside both doors until Lucius puts a hand on the small of his back and guides him into the other. 
That feels like that. The end of something. The start of something.
-Eddy makes good on their promise. 'Luke Spangler' goes to art school, finds a bar gig after work. Izzy figures he’ll find something too, he knows grocery stores if nothing else, but Eddy just turns up and hands him a book on week two of their escape. 
“CPA. You were doing half this shit anyway. I can cook a fake degree up for you, but you’ll need to pass the exam.” 
“What about you?” 
“It’s a port town. I know some shit about boats.” 
Izzy hadn’t known that, but isn’t surprised. Eddy is always pulling out new skills like it just occurred to them they could do something, so they could.
-It takes a long time for them to relax. Months go by. Lucius draws and draws, talks about his day, takes Izzy to bed and figures out how to manage Eddy’s hair, brushing it out at night until she’s practically a puddle.  He’s nervous, ill at ease, but the never complains about it. He’ll complain about a lot of things, but not about them. Not about the life he’s come to lead. 
“I’m taking off the beard,” Eddy announces, eyes a little wild. “Too recognizable.” 
Izzy finds a place to be while that happens. He can’t watch. 
When he comes back, she’s transformed. The beard is gone and she’s in Lucius’ things. Softer things. Lucius is brushing out her hair and she doesn’t look wild at all. 
“What do you think?” she asks without opening her eyes. 
The wall is down. It may never go back up. He cups her jaw. The skin is perfectly smooth beneath it. 
“You look yourself.” 
She smiles against his palm and what the hell is he supposed to do with that? Lucius beams at him too like he got a hundred on a quiz. Fuck the both of them. 
He makes them dinner. 
-A knot comes undone between Izzy’s neck after a year. A year is a long time. Long enough for someone to find them if they were looking hard enough. Long enough for Izzy to build some clientele, unsavory types maybe who don’t care so much about his credentials and more what magic he can do with their taxes. He works out of the apartment, mostly sitting at the kitchen counter. Eddy leaves behind the boats, then a security gig, then finally settles in at a florist shop. She seems pleased by the flowers, bringing the wilting unsellable ones back with her, settling them in the vases that seem to multiply. 
Lucius draws her over and over surrounded by flowers.  
-She and Lucius still fuck sometimes, Izzy’s fairly sure. He misses it. Misses Eddy’s body beside his. Lucius is good though, and Izzy knows he’s changing under Lucius’ influence. Becoming something new and he’s not sure what. 
-At two years, it’s becoming clear that no one is coming for them. They can’t go back, that’s just ludicrous, but they can maybe unwind a little here. 
“I could get my own place,” Eddy ventures. 
“Oh,” Lucius frowns, then looks to Izzy. “No, right?” 
“I-” He doesn’t want to trap her there. Not anymore. Not really.  But...”Do you still think we’re broken?” 
She gives him a long even look. He makes her dinner most nights when she gets home. Lucius is home too late for that. He otherwise stands back, watches her do everything on her own unless she asks deliberately for his assistance, which is rare. She manages her own moods, she figures out her own schedule. She remembers Lucius’ birthday. 
Eddy never needed him. Not really. It hurt in a way he couldn’t describe, didn’t even try, not even to Lucius, who held all his other secrets. 
“No,” she decides. 
“Then you should stay. If you want to.” 
“Agreed,” Lucius says with some relief. “Stay with us.” 
Eddy stays. Or rather, she goes, but they go with her. First to another apartment with more room for them to spread out. Then another when they start what becomes an incremental migration back North. They follow jobs, Lucius learns to work on the road, taking commissions and picking up bartending gigs. Eddy finds work as easy as breathing and Izzy’s business moves online too. 
-After the third move, Eddy arrives unceremoniously at Izzy’s side of the bed. 
“My mattress sucks donkey dick, move over.” 
They start fucking again within two nights of that. Lucius, precious dictator that he could be, straightens out any misunderstanding with a careful, 
“He’s mine now. Break him and you owe me.” 
Eddy doesn’t glare or laugh, she just nods. Izzy apparently has no say in that and he’s grateful for it. 
-They make it home a full decade after they left. Lucius may look a little the same, but he moves through the world differently. He’s picked up their wariness and some of their menace and can even back it up if push comes to knife. Eddy has not only left behind the trappings of her former self, but she moves through the world like it can be kind and smiles easily. No one would recognize her. 
It’s Izzy that could be a problem. His changes are seismic, but internal. For the first time, he lets his beard grow in, itchy at first, but then just another thing about his face. He lets his hair grow out too, catches it back in a ponytail that Lucius is forever picking out to run his fingers through.  
-Eddy walks into a new flower shop, walks out a manager because that’s how it goes. Izzy finds new clients, slowly slowly. Lucius draws beautiful things, beautiful people and makes drinks at a bar by their new place. Izzy goes down there after dinner, sometimes Eddy comes with him. They sit at the bar and he flirts with them, with everyone really, but dotes on them especially and they tip him as a joke and he always takes their cash, then uses it to buy them little gifts.  
-They don’t know why they’ve come back, except that this was their home. The city belongs to them, even if only Izzy was born in its limits.  They will not be driven off forever. 
Maybe Izzy, very late one Saturday night, slips out of the apartment. He ghosts across the city. He finds one old man in his bed. Then another.  Maybe they would’ve never come looking. Maybe he could’ve kept his hands forever clean.  He prefers not to live with maybes. He prefers certainty. 
He comes back to bed, freshly showered and still damp. Eddy grabs his wrist, holds him there. Accesses him. Then scoots over, lets himself fold down into their arms and doesn’t ask a follow up question. 
-Lucius gets a new job at a new bar. 
-Izzy watches Eddy fall in love and it’s new and beautiful and he hates it and he can’t look away. 
“You going to be okay?” Lucius asks him, holding his hand in the dark of the bar. The Revenge is kind in the dark. It kills you with glitter and song, instead of a bullet.
“Yeah,” he says with no confidence. “I always knew-” he stops dead with realization. “Wait. Will you be okay?” 
Because Eddy has been in their bed. Not just Izzy’s, not for long years. Lucius and Eddy have their own thing, their own dance that Lucius relishes. They spar verbally a lot, make out like it’s breathing and no one has graced Lucius’ sketchbooks more. 
Eddy is Lucius’ muse, if not a million other things.  
“I don’t know,” Lucius confesses, tiredly. “But I don’t know that we can stop whatevers happening either.” 
They both watch Eddy talk to Stede, her entire body straining towards him. It’s not how Eddy treats either of them. It’s another new side to her, another face catching the light. 
But she’s a diamond. She’s a jewel and they have a lot of angles. 
“We don’t have to stop it,” Izzy decides. “We just...we talk about it.” 
“You want to talk?” Lucius asks incredulously. 
“No,” he sighs. “But I don’t see a way around it.” 
-The conversation is scheduled. No one is ambushed, but Eddy still looks hunted when she sits down. 
“We want you to be happy,” Lucius says. 
“We want you to go where you want,” Izzy agrees. 
“But we’d miss you terribly if you left.” 
“Where am I meant to be going?” 
“Don’t do that,” Izzy shakes his head. “Stede is...okay he’s not fine, he’s awful, but not in a bad way. So. If you want him, you should go after him.” 
“Just maybe come home after,” Lucius says softly. “Please.” 
“Like you do?” Eddy gives Lucius a soft smile. 
“Yeah, sure. Or less often if that’s what you want. Never got a taste for sleeping over,” Lucius shrugs. “But you do you.” 
Eddy does go. But she also comes back. Lucius actually makes friends with Stede, so Izzy is forced to socialize with the man and...he’s so fucking weird and off-putting and goddamnit, Izzy winds up liking him too. 
The kids are unexpected, but interesting.  
-They’re moving again, closer to the Revenge since two-thirds of their party works there and Izzy might as well for how often he’s there. 
“Hey, look at this,” Lucius stops packing one of his boxes. He holds out a sketchbook to Izzy. 
“What is it?” 
“It’s from when we started. Haven’t looked at it in ages.” 
Izzy sets it aside. There’s no time just then, but he thinks about it some, makes sure to tuck it on the top of one of the easy to reach boxes. 
When they’re all in the new place, furniture mostly where it’s going to be and wiped out, Izzy plucks it back out and hands it to Eddy. She opens it at random, stares, then flips back to the beginning and takes it slower, tilting the pages to Izzy. 
“Ugh,” Lucius says as he sees it. “Look at that linework. Awful.” 
“It’s not awful,” Eddy counters. 
The pages are full of them. Not just Eddy like Izzy always thinks of those books, but both of them. Together, sometimes. There’s one close to the end, Izzy lending over the back of the couch, looking down at Eddy with a hunger in his expression. Eddy is talking, her hands waving wildly in the air, a fraction of a smile on her face. Her hand is almost cupping Izzy’s face, just a bare fingertip away. 
“Maybe we weren’t broken,” Eddy says softly. “Maybe we were lost.” 
Izzy leans against their arm and looked at younger faces, at those strangers.  “Yeah. Think we’re found now?” 
Eddy took the hint, wrapped that arm around him and drew him close, kissed his temple. 
“Yeah. I know exactly where we are.” 
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roseplendunce · 1 year
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The pseudo-saiyan startles slightly at the sudden exclamation, breaking the deep level of concentration and focus he had been maintaining while playing around with his alteration-type ki, as well as causing the magenta-colored energy to dissipate. Black took a moment to calm his nerves a bit before whirling around to face the color-shifted fusion, more than a little peeved at having allowed himself to be so easily spooked.
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“You,” he snaps, somewhat cantankerously after calming down a bit from that earlier scare “What is it that you want?”
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