#╭ ⁞ ❏. narrations / abraham lincoln.
tqyzilla96 · 1 year
I would just like to show my silly steam review of TSPUD (yes, my steam account is Abraham Lincoln. I think it's absolutely hilarious)
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historiavn · 22 days
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    @frxncaise    said;     # b
╰►  SOURCE:    Send “#b” and I’ll shuffle my music player, and use my favorite line from the next song as a starter!
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HIS GRAY GAZE REMAINED LOCKED UPON the document spread out on his desk. This E.MANCIPATION PROCLAMATION was the most important endeavor which he had undertaken in his lifetime, so why did he hesitate?
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    With a trembling — not from anticipation, but instead from the sheer number of hands that he had shaken at last night’s NEW YEARS reception �� hand, Abraham beckoned Angélique forward. “All I need is just a pen, and then this document will be signed.” He said softly, somewhat surprised that his voice did not shake. “Will you please acquire one for me?” I know I was born for this.
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wrishwrosh · 4 months
hey, i find your posts about historical fiction pretty interesting, do you have any recs?
anon this is the most beautiful and validating ask i have ever received. absolutely of COURSE I have recs. not gonna be a lot of deep cuts on this list but i love all of these books and occasionally books do receive awards and acclaim because they are good. in no particular order:
the cromwell trilogy by hilary mantel. of course i gotta start with the og. it’s 40 million pages on the tudor court and the english reformation and it will fundamentally change you as a person and a reader
(sub rec: the giant, o’brien by hilary mantel. in many ways a much shorter thematic companion to the cromwell trilogy imo. about stories and death and embodiment and the historical record and 18th century ireland. if you loved the trilogy, read this to experience hils playing with her own theories about historical fiction. if you are intimidated by the trilogy, read this first to get a taste of her prose style and her approach to the genre. either way please read all four novels ok thanks)
lincoln in the bardo by george saunders. the book that got me back into historical fiction as an adult. american history as narrated by a bunch of weird ghosts and abraham lincoln. chaotic and lovely and morbid.
the everlasting by katy simpson smith. rome through the ages as seen by a medici princess, a gay death-obsessed monk, and an early christian martyr. really historically grounded writing about religion and power, and also narrated with interjections from god’s ex boyfriend satan. smith is a trained historian and her prose slaps
(sub rec: free men by katy simpson smith. only a sub rec bc i read it a long time ago and my memory of it is imperfect but i loved it in 2017ish. about three men in the woods in the post revolutionary american south and by virtue of being about masculinity is actually about women. smith did her phd in antebellum southern femininity and motherhood iirc so this book is LOCKED IN to those perspectives)
a mercy by toni morrison. explores the dissolution of a household in 17th century new york. very different place and time than a lot of morrison’s bigger novels but just as mean and beautiful
(sub rec: beloved by toni morrison. a sub rec bc im pretty sure everyone has already read beloved but perhaps consider reading it again? histfic ghost story abt how the past is always here and will never go away and loves you and hates you and is trying to kill you)
an artist of the floating world by kazuo ishiguro. my bestie sir kazuo likes to explore the past through characters who, for one reason or another (amnesia, dementia, being a little baby robot who was just born yesterday, etc), are unable to fully comprehend their surroundings. this one is about post-wwii japan as understood by an elderly supporter of the imperial regime
(sub rec: remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro. same conceit as above except this time the elderly collaborator is incapable of reckoning with the slow collapse of the system that sheltered him due to britishness.)
the pull of the stars by emma donoghue. donoghue is a strong researcher and all of her novels are super grounded in their place and time without getting so caught up in it they turn into textbooks. i picked this one bc it is a wwi lesbian love story about childbirth that made me cry so hard i almost threw up on a plane but i recommend all her histfic published after 2010. before that she was still finding her stride.
days without end by sebastian barry. this one is hard to read and to rec bc it is about the us army’s policy of genocide against native americans in the 19th century west as told by an irish cavalry soldier. it is grim and violent and miserable and also so beautiful it makes me cry about every three pages. first time i read it i was genuinely inconsolable for two days afterwards.
this post is long as hell so HONORABLE MENTIONS: the amazing adventures of kavalier & clay by michael chabon, the western wind by samantha harvey, golden hill by frances spufford, barkskins by annie proulx, postcards by annie proulx, most things annie proulx has written but i feel like i talk about her too much, the view from castle rock by alice munro, the name of the rose by umberto eco, tracks by louise erdrich
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emeraldspiral · 10 months
So from what I understand, the initial pitch for Invader Zim was that the main source of comedy was Zim thinking posing as an elementary school student was the best use of his time as a spy and making leaps of logic based on his lack of cultural knowledge. And we did certainly see stuff like that happen in the show, but I think over time there was a shift to more episodes focusing on the Zim/Dib rivalry or things going on in space that didn’t feature the skool setting at all or didn’t revolve around cultural misunderstandings to drive the plot. IDK if they did more of that in the comics, but here’s some ideas I feel were missed opportunities. Not including anything obvious like “skool dance” episode, or “forced to work with Dib on a project”.
1 - An episode that’s just Zim and Dib narrating short stories they wrote for a creative writing assignment. It might be low-hanging fruit for them to both write the same story of a real incident between them from either of their perspectives, or a self-insert wish-fulfillment fantasy about defeating one another. I kinda like the idea of Dib writing the kind of story he himself would enjoy, like a noir-style detective story with a supernatural twist or gothic horror ghost story. Zim would just copy a story told to him by GIR, which itself is a mangled retelling of something that happened on TV that neither of them actually understand, but no matter how ridiculous and nonsensical the plot was he’d read it like it was Shakespeare.
2 - Similarly, an episode that’s just Zim giving an oral presentation on a historical figure or event, but he gets a ton of stuff wrong due to misinterpretation, or mixing up factual sources with like, a historical fantasy. Like if he read TF2 lore and told the class that stairs were invented by Abraham Lincoln.
3 - Zim gets an exam/report card back and finds out he’s performing poorly, which makes him question whether he’s learned anything at all from all the time he’s spent gathering intel. He decides to put his plans for conquest on hold to spend more time studying, except he’s not studying anything actually assigned by the skool and nothing he learns is on his next test or useful for conquering the humans.
4 - Alternatively, Zim is warned that because of all his absences and poor performance he’s at risk of being expelled. Dib mocks him for it at the first, but then decides he’d rather not have to worry about what Zim’s getting up to all day while he’s stuck in class, so he decides to help Zim break into the server room for the skool’s computer system so they can change his report card, but because this is Zimworld the security system is ridiculously over-the-top and the stakes are a like a Die Hard movie.
5 - The skool needs a team to represent for an academic decathlon. Zim signs up because he wants to show off his superior intellect and Dib joins the team to keep an eye on him (and prove his superior intellect). Zim and Dib are the math and science experts while their other teammates specialize in different subjects but everyone except Zim at least knows enough about the other subjects to mostly get the answers right if they’re forced to answer something outside their specialty. Unfortunately all the questions Zim and Dib know the answers to go to their less science-minded teammates and they get stuck with all the insane questions about skinning moose and other lectures from Ms. Bitters that they didn’t pay attention to.
Either that, or they keep getting quizzed about pop culture trivia they don’t know because they don’t keep up with mainstream television. Zim ends up getting a question right that wins the game however because he remembered it from some insufferable show GIR watches constantly and everyone treats him like a fucking genius for it. Dib meanwhile is treated like an idiot for getting all the stupid pop-culture questions wrong.
6 - The class has to read some classic lit out loud and Zim’s over-the-top dramatic narration leads to him being asked to audition for the skool play. Zim scores the lead role and gets way too into method acting. To the point where Dib can’t even tell if he legitimately thinks he’s the character or if he’s just doing it to mess with him.
7 - Zim joins a skool club and quickly usurps the club’s leadership and rules over the other members with an iron fist, twisting it from its original purpose into just being a club dedicated to serving his whims/messing with Dib. It all falls apart for some stupid reason like one member leaving and forcing the club to dissolve because it didn’t have enough members or some forms not being filled out correctly or budget issues forcing a bunch of clubs to shut down. Meanwhile, Dib tries to start a paranormal club but can’t get any members and gets kicked out of every other club he joins for trying to steer it away from whatever its original purpose was to make it about the paranormal.
8 - Baseball/team sports episode. Zim and Dib are both actually pretty decent so their team begrudgingly puts up with them. They let their rivalry get in the way at first and don’t pay any attention to the skool’s rival team talking trash about their skool. Even when it turns into an 80s cliche where the skool will actually be closed if they don’t win the game they don’t care because it is a shit skool and if it closes they’ll just go somewhere else. It’s only when one of the rival team members interrupts Zim and Dib in the middle of their own little pissing contest that they finally get their act together and start strategizing with the rest of their team. They win and finally get a taste of what it’s like to be appreciated momentarily for carrying the team until everyone else finds out their shitty skool is staying open because of them.
9 - Some Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic-type card game becomes really popular and Zim decides to get into it to blend in and find a way to exploit it to gain power over the humans. Dib naturally gets in on it too and they get way too serious about it. It either becomes an over-the-top parody of Yu-Gi-Oh and its hyper-realistic holograms and battle arenas that turn card games into genuine life-threatening experiences for participants and audiences alike, or it satirizes the satanic panic by having some kind of reveal that all the cards are actually possessed by real supernatural spirits and the games are part of some nefarious third party antagonist’s plot to overrun the world with demons or something.
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rmstitanics · 2 months
List 5 topics you could talk about for an hour without preparing any material.
With Malice Toward None: a Musical of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. I’ve been developing this musical since summer 2020. With Malice Toward None focuses on exploring the mental health struggles that Lincoln experienced during his presidency. The musical is narrated by Robert Todd Lincoln, who recalls the storyline’s events with complete omniscience while at the 1922 Lincoln Memorial dedication. Relevant themes for the show include mental health, public history, teams that become brotherhoods, compassion, the stages of grief, leadership, and a bunch of other concepts that I’ll probably end up yapping about on here at some point. Orchestrally, the show can be described as “if Les Misérables, Hello Dolly, and Evita decided to have a threesome in my brain”.
all of my original characters. seriously. I have SO MANY OF THEM that I’ve developed over the years, mostly for historical fiction. 😭 the ones that are living rent free in my head the most right now are Anastasia Andrews-Ismay (the human personification of the Titanic), Lieutenant General Ethan Clay, and Dr. Constance Pierpont Morgan. Honorable mention goes to my Star Wars OC Shi’al Valorum 💅 if any of these muses seem familiar to you then we’ve probably either been in a discord server together or you’ve somehow stumbled across one of my roleplay blogs.
the rms titanic. literally EVERYTHING about this ship and her sinking is my Roman Empire. I’m particularly fond of yapping about Captain Smith, Thomas Andrews, Wallace Hartley, William Pirrie, J.P. Morgan, or any of the officers — but if you get me talking about the vilification of Bruce Ismay by the sensationalist yellow press in the aftermath of the sinking, then I WILL NEVER SHUT UP.
star wars. my first exposure to the Star Wars franchise was when I was a sophomore in high school and I got to see a screening of A New Hope where the soundtrack was played by a live orchestra. suffice to say, this altered my brain chemistry and I’ve never been the same since. I’m a Prequels girlie and Jedi apologist to my CORE; my favorite characters are probably Yoda, Dooku, Mace Windu, and Bail Organa.
film and tv soundtracks. …the fact that I once did a TWENTY FIVE MINUTE LONG presentation on the film score for Titanic (1997) should tell you everything that you need to know about this silly fixation of mine.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: ghost hunting, tarot cards, classical music, Taylor Swift, creative liberties taken by Lin Manuel Miranda for Hamilton, historical fiction as a genre in an era where media literacy is on the decline, Antebellum America, the Great Triumvirate (Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster), the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, and public history.
TAGGED BY no one. I stole it from the for you tab LOL
TAGGING: @viellohi, @the-rmstitanic, @man-i-dunno, @allysah, @charmwasjess, @quicksiluers, @aceofthyme, @tipsywench, @macaron-n-cheese, @meerawrites, @elisabeth515, @its-rmstitanic, @mattaytchtaylor, @tommy-288, @chamberlainswifey, AND YOU.
* make a separate post. do not reblog.
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Ch 52: To You, From Me
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Rip: "Want me to pick you up, too?"
Latla: "I hope no one tags me in this..."
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And that boy's name was Abraham Lincoln.
This chapter is all about Akira/Anno Un. For plot purposes, UU focuses on how his manga helped the Negators, but there are surely a lot of regular people who love it, too--Fuuko's mom, for one! It holds the record for the longest-running shoujo manga for a reason.
Andy and Tatiana both enjoyed it before they knew about its importance, too. It stands on its own as a story even if the reader doesn't know that it predicts the future, because it's a great story! Fuuko told Top that it was the "gold standard for long-running shoujo manga" and both she and Tatiana were SHOCKED that a young person like Top hadn't heard of it. I wonder what the normal fans would think if they learned its true purpose!
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I just realized that if little Akira hadn't been a manga fan, he might've done something else with the story he saw, like make it into a movie or children's books or a spoken word album or an interpretive dance or something. Or even just kept it to himself! And if that had happened, there's a chance that Fuuko would've never known about it, Juiz would've never put the puzzle together, and the people who needed to hear the story might not have ever encountered it.
But the fact that the object he picked up was a G Liner seals the deal. It's for drawing manga! It's like God/the Author/whoever put it there was gently nudging him to make this story into a manga instead of any other medium.
The flashback continues in narration boxes while the current story moves ahead. Rip is running along Autumn's claw while Latla and Bunny get in close.
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"Despite that, he never gave up on life, in part because of his mother's desire for him to stay alive. But the other reason...."
TOZUKAAAA!!!! Yes!! I love this!
He had to have a close relationship with a good parent or else the manga may have never happened. What if Akira hadn't overheard her hopes for him? Or if she'd given up on him?
It's all set up so perfectly! And Akira having a loving parent is the key to all of it working out. He wrote all of it with her in mind, even the title! And it did find its way to her, though Anno Un was too late to meet her in person.
I just love that he prefaces the fact that the characters kept him alive with "AND HE HAD A WONDERFUL MOTHER." It's nice to see that.
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That's a lot to put on a kid! Poor Akira!
If the bad ending was that the world ended because Fuuko died, it's probably bc killing God is only possible with her Negation abilities and personality, but also hear me out: (ch 16⬇️)
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Fuuko's death may have broken Andy, too, and with him weakened, Victor would come out to try to kill Juiz, and then who knows who would ride the Ark!?!
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The one-shot contest Akira won was likely in the 70s, judging by the name of the magazine, so by now he's had like 30 years of drawing these characters and writing stories for them. He's their #1 fan! He loves them! How could he not? He doesn't want to see them defeated.
(And that's the difference between Anno Un and God/The Author in the UU-verse. Anno Un knows they're real and wants to help them. God may or may not know the characters are sentient, but only wants to see them defeated...)
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Akira found a loophole to his ability by manifesting Anno Un to do the work for him! Has he just been following Anno everywhere all these years?
It seems like Akira may have taken out his soul with Soul Caliber and put it into Anno Un, but I still have questions:
If Akira's body was without a soul, then was his body just hanging out unnoticed somewhere like Fuuko's was when she was in the book?
How did Akira's soul get back into his body at the end of this chapter?
If you have theories, please send them!
Meanwhile, Andy and Rip begin the main attack on Autumn in a very wicked double spread
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Hit 'em with the double moons! Without Rip, they couldn't have pulled this off!
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The pen shattering as a punishment for changing the future is just cruel! Did God just expect him to live with that knowledge and not try to change it? Or was God afraid of what else Akira might tell them now if he could?
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Latla swoops in on her broom-cycle with Bunny and Fuuko and Bunny grabs the core as Andy sets up a Volcano Unluck Bullet.
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All of those pieces had to work together and maximize the way their skills could combine for Autumn to be captured. But now that Latla has the core, will the Union be able to get it back?
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Awww, that's what Fuuko told Cap'n Andy at the cabin in the book! It makes sense that Andy would be the one to reach out to Akira. He knows what it's like to lose people and how alone Akira must feel.
In the anime, the voice actor for Anno Un, Akira, and the narrator are all the same person, so these narration boxes are Akira's voice speaking and talking about himself in 3rd person.
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And we finally see Akira as an older man. He hasn't been acknowledged by another person in so long! Granted, Andy calls him "Anno," which is probably just how it has to be since no one can know about Akira. Still, a fist bump is a fist bump.
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"To You, From Me," was a phrase that summarized Akira's feelings toward his mom, but it's also what Andy is giving back to him. Akira's ability forced him to live in a situation where he could only GIVE, never receive. He gave advice. He shared his work. He gave life to a drawing, then gave that drawing his name, his soul, and his fame.
But he couldn't receive things from others because no one could perceive him. Andy's fist bump is the first thing he's received in so long! I wish The Union could find a way to contain his ability and let him live a normal life, like what happened with Tatiana, but his requirements are so strict that there probably isn't a way around it. Still, it would be fun to see him stick around.
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Round 1: Match 127
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Ridiculously funny coincidence that these two characters would be paired together.
From the Counter Strike wiki,
Booth narrates the briefings of 3 hard missions branching off from The Berenger Technique or Captive Audience. He holds a great respect for Chase Turner after his death, considering him a man of conviction. As an arms dealer, Booth sells his wares to any faction. However, Valeria Jenner does not consider him to be trustworthy.
From the Team Fortress
Within in his first mention on the Victory page of the WAR! Update, Lincoln was stated to have invented stairs in 1857 as a solution to the 300 year old problem of only being able to reach the second floor of a building by rocket jumping. In image scraps from the background of the first page of the Engineer Update, and in a painting depicted in its accompanying comic, its shown that Lincoln acted as the Pyro of the original BLU team, wielding an experimental flamethrower of his own design.
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charlesoberonn · 2 years
“Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Unreliable Narrators Anonymous. Anybody want to start us off and tell us about themselves? Yes, you, with the eyepatch.”
“Thank you. It all started when I found out my real dad was Immortal Pirate Abraham Lincoln...”
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designidraws · 1 year
Sam and Max characters’ hygiene ranked from best to worst:
Sybil Pandemik: She is a career-woman and knows what she is doing. Sybil cares about her appearance and how she is perceived, she is the most likely to give a shit about her hygiene.
Myra Stump: She is a talk-show host on TV and has a large audience. She definitely cares a lot about her hygiene since she acts like a bossy mom.
Santa Claus or the elves: Smells like holiday cheer, one of the best scents.
Momma Bosco: Self-explanatory, she probably smells of 60’s perfume and definitely takes good care of her hygiene.
Agent Superball: He probably smells like a really good cologne and he takes himself extremely seriously.
Grandma Ruth: Ruth probably has that grandma perfume smell that is just extremely nostalgic. She definitely cares about her BO.
The Narrator: He is British and very sophisticated, he takes good care of “himself”.
Jurgen: He is very attention-seeking and cares how other people perceive him. He definitely collects the latest and most popular perfume.
Conroy Bumpus: Sure, he may be involved in animal cruelty, but he seems to care a lot about his appearance. He has a toupee on display with high-security soooooo…. he cares a lot.
The Director: She is a director known for being prestigious about acting and probably takes good care of her hygiene.
Darla "The Geek" Gugenheek: She definitely showers regularly.
Sam/Sameth: Sam definitely cares about his hygiene for the most part. He acts like a dad and probably smells like one and cares about how he is perceived.
Lee-Harvey: He is a henchman for Conroy Bumpus and looks well-kept.
Anyone in the toy mafia: These guys probably smell ok.
Satan: Weirdly I think Satan in this series probably smells alright. He always cares about whether his bald-spot is showing on camera during the interview in *The City That Dares Not Sleep*.
T.H.E.M.: They smell average.
Abraham Lincoln: Smells like stone? (Whatever that means)
The C.O.P.S.: The smell of machinery.
Roscoe Bosco: He probably smells average, maybe a little sweaty some days.
Sal: He is a cockroach but seems relatively well-kept.
Flint Paper: He probably showers, but cares more about cases rather than personal hygiene.
Lorne (the friend for life): He doesn’t shower as much as he should.
Mr. Featherly: He is a chicken, but he does seem to care about how he is seen and is very much an attention-seeker.
Sammun-Mak: He smells like dirt but like in a good way, like the nostalgic kind of way.
Trixie: Ehhh she smells well… like a giraffe with a layer of perfume overtop
Max/Maximus: We all know he is covered in so many germs, but Sam definitely tries to get him showered every once in a while.
Hubert Q. Tourist: He is a strange, strange fellow. I don’t know what it is about him, but he makes me uncomfortable and he probably doesn’t smell all that well.
Hugh Bliss: Bacteria
Bessie: She’s a cow…
General Skun-ka’pe or his minions: All I need to say is gorilla.
Bruno: He is a bigfoot, need anymore explaining?
Brady Culture: I don’t think I can explain why, but I think he just doesn’t smell good at all.
Anton Papierwaite: HE IS FRENCH! (Also his *secret* makes him smell worse probably)
Girl Stinky: She smells like really bad, but tries to haphazardly spray perfume to cover it up.
Charlie Ho-Tep: People don’t have the decency to wash their hands before playing with him.
Any sea creatures: I absolutely despise the smell of fish…
Any of the baby characters: Babies can smell really bad…
Jurgen’s Monster: He is basically Frankenstein’s Monster, so he probably doesn’t smell good.
The zombies: They are undead and *god* do the dead smell gross.
Eldritch horrors of any kind: They don’t smell very good.
Molemen or the Rats: These guys smell like shit and probably don’t care about showering. They live in the sewers.
Grandpa Stinky: It’s in the name, he smells absolutely rancid. He probably hasn’t showered in decades.
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mushiver · 5 months
I haven't been a movie nerd even ONCE on this account. Here's my top 10 movies in 2023
1. The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
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Can't go wrong here. There's fantasy, action scenes, friendship, romance, badass dialogue, comedy. There's refreshing masculinity where men are close friends, fight for each other, die for each other, kiss each other on the forehead, sing, etc. The Aragorn Arwen romance is sweet and isn't overblown, and the main theme is to fight for good. If you're tired of anti-heroes and want a clean good vs. evil, this is it. The downside is not having poc representation and only 3 important women, but they are extremely awesome and play pivotal roles. If you've heard about LOTR for forever but never actually seen it, here's your sign.
2. The Lego Movie
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This movie sells itself, but I have seen it maybe. 40 times. And I could quote it from start to end as a kid. It's funny, has crossover characters along with the main ones (like Batman, Superman, Gandalf, Abraham Lincoln, Han Solo), lots of references, and the main message is that you're special in your own way. It's very autism coded, I think
3. Jaws
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Classic man vs. monster, and it's great if you don't watch thrillers and need something "dip your toes in." While the majority of the town goes all rambo trying to kill the shark, the main characters are the opposite. The chief of police is ultimately empathetic and wants to stop more people from being hurt, Matt Hooper is a shark expert "city boy" coming along, and Quint has a boat that needs to be bigger
4. My Cousin Vinny
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Vinny is a lawyer taking a case to prove his cousin didn't murder a clerk, but he's the worst lawyer in existence. He forgot everything he learned in law school, can't stop wearing a leather jacket to court, and his fiancée saves him most times. It has some of the most quotable lines and 10/10 I recommend to Alabamans for the southern jokes
5. Knives Out
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A modern "whodunit" mystery that shines the most because it's a comedy. The main character Marta is the only one who thinks she knows what happened, but she pukes every time she tells a lie. Benoit Blanc is also the most iconic detective to me and one of my favorite characters ever
6. Tommy Boy
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This has a very similar tone to My Cousin Vinny, but it's a road trip movie. After Tommy's dad dies, he and Richard (a jerk coworker) try to sell autoparts to save his company. They're the worst salesmen in existence, but ultimately are creative and pull some shenanigans (Tommy and Richard go from rivals to buddies). It's from the 90s and not very chill with the r-slur and some fat jokes, but it's ultimately a feel-good movie if that isn't a dealbreaker for you
7. Jurassic Park
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Like Jaws, another classic pop culture movie. The score is so good, and they make a world full of dinosaurs have the same magic feel as the wizarding world. It's an adventure movie with great action scenes and characters. (This is a trope I love personally but) Alan Grant is a grump who doesn't like kids, but later he looks after them. Ellie Sattler is one of my favorite characters ever, and Jeff Goldblum lays on a table. Survival movies are fun 10/10
8. Joker (2019)
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DROOLING OVER THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. It's such a well-made movie, and you never know entirely what's real with unreliable narrating. It makes you feel for Arthur and understand his actions while knowing he made the wrong decisions in the end. Some think it's negative for mental health representation, but it can be used as a cautionary tale for the ways mentally ill people are mistreated and how the events that led to the start of the film weren't his fault. Ultimately, I think it inspires more empathy, and it's a piece of art
9. Signs
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I'm a sucker for the "everything makes sense in the end" trope. A lot of people didn't like the combo of two supernaturals (the existence of God and aliens), but I don't think it ruins the movie. It centers around a family struggling with the death of their mother (or sister or wife, depending on the character), and the ex-priest dad had lost connection with his faith. He happens to find it again because of an alien invasion. Normal Tuesday
10. Arsenic and Old Lace
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From 1944, it's a weird movie and the acting is iconic. Mortimer is trying to get to his honeymoon, but when he visits his aunts, he finds a dead body in the house. It's a comedy involving shenanigans, avoiding the police, and an uncle who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt. (It's a bit outdated as far as mental illness goes, but Mortimer's goal is to put his family in the care of a mental institution rather than shipping them off or telling the police.) As a drama queen, I also appreciate Cary Grant being a drama queen
10 honorable mentions: Lego Batman, Napoleon Dynamite, The Goofy Movie, Clue, Psycho, Marriage Story, Into the Spiderverse, Avengers Endgame, Dead Poets Society, Muder on the Orient Express. Swag thanks for reading
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Last night I slept fitfully again, and jotted down detals on the following dreams in my notetaking app:
Wandering around this computer room or something. There was this background narration or whatever which stated that trans girls in Gensokyo tend to go through four phases: 1. "boy", 2. boy with a youkai-sona, 3. girl-youkai sona, 4. either transforming into a youkai or transitioning as a human. Or ... something like that. Marisa was stated to have gone through this.
A gritty Zelda game with older protagonists. There were these two Awful Women™ who were love interests, like each one was double-Midna. There was a quicktime event involving one of them grabbing Link's dick. Like, the game visually rendered his dick onscreen. Even in the dream I thought that was nonsense.
I and someone else were traveling incognito in this vaguely 1920's-styled location. I got into a fight with some mobsters.
A Star Trek TOS thing that seemed derived from the previous one. Someone sent a projection of Abraham Lincoln to the Enterprise to update them on the situation.
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historiavn · 3 months
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          @misfittcd      said;        “ If you can’t beat ‘em, yeet ‘em. ” (Luke to Abe)
╰► SOURCE:      even more unhinged comedic relief
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ABRAHAM GLANCED UP from the dispatch in his hand, BEMUSEMENT dominating his visage.
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     “Yeet?” The former JEDI MASTER — now PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES — repeated, raising an eyebrow whilst he spoke. “What do you mean by yeet, young man? I have never heard such a word before.”
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lboogie1906 · 14 days
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Louis Cameron Gossett Jr. (May 27, 1936 - March 29, 2024) was an actor. He was known for his Academy Award-winning role as Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley in An Officer and a Gentleman and his Emmy Award-winning role as Fiddler in Roots. He has starred in numerous other film productions including A Raisin in the Sun, The Landlord, Skin Game, Travels with My Aunt, The Laughing Policeman, The Deep, Jaws 3-D, Cover Up, Enemy Mine, the Iron Eagle series, Toy Soldiers and The Punisher.
He was born in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. He is an alumnus of Abraham Lincoln High School. His stage debut came at the age of 17, in a school production of You Can’t Take It with You.
He attended NYU, declining an athletic scholarship. He was Spencer Scott in Take a Giant Step, he was 17 with no formal drama training.
He appeared in the original cast of The Blacks. He appeared in the musical play The Zulu and the Zayda as Paulus. He wrote the antiwar folk song “Handsome Johnny”. He was cast in the title role in Sadat. He starred in The Powers of Matthew Star. He was the first African American man to win an Oscar in a supporting role, the African American man to win for acting, and the third African American actor to win overall.
He is the voice of the Vortigaunts in the video game Half-Life 2 and is the Free Jaffa Leader Gerak in Stargate SG-1. He provides the voice of Lucius Fox in The Batman animated series. He recorded several commercials for a Nashville-based diabetic company, AmMed Direct, LLC. He presented When Animals Attack! 4.
He played the role of fictional U.S. President Gerald Fitzhugh in Left Behind: World at War. He filmed the “Keep It Real” series of commercials.
He lent his voice talents in the Thomas Nelson audio Bible production known as The Word of Promise. In this dramatized audio, he played the character of John the Apostle.
He starred in the controversial drama Boiling Pot. He returned to television in The Good Fight. He narrated an audiobook based on Twelve Years a Slave.
He appears in Not To Forget. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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rmstitanics · 11 days
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WEBWEAVE: With Malice Toward None
WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE is a new musical currently in development that recontextualizes the well-known narrative of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency by focusing on his struggle with mental health. Narrated by the Robert Todd Lincoln of 1922, this musical is a complex commentary on the issues of mental health, leadership, and historical memory.
FEATURING QUOTATIONS AND IMAGES PULLED FROM Tumblr, Pinterest, And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle (Jon Meacham), Joshua Wolf Shenk, The History Channel’s Abraham Lincoln docuseries, The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln (Susan B. Martinez).
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writer59january13 · 2 months
Sans sixth (psychic) sense...
poise zen dystopian rant
This prognosticator doth predict potential based at current rate sinister debacle that will instantaneously annihilate,
United States storied republic, which alarming horror points to instantaneous annihilation of America the beautiful;
(ohm my dog) turbulent endemic chaotic spate
within human race poised to strike doom and generate shock tummy once
amp pull goldenlocks, now revealing a shiny baldpate
erratic behavior attendant prescient intimations presage apocalyptic fate
while current commander in chief didst unwittingly generate,
and sow the seeds of anarchy sparking
global conflagration that will create
instantaneous prime evil total mortal kombat,
cuz "FAKE" mandate issued, when Trump went ballistic loose sing rockets red glare, when pressing hot button to demonstrate
thermonuclear supremacy,
(albeit a moot point), would render superfluous need to late
to draft intestate
last (or perchance first, second, third...) will and testament, tete a tete perhaps minuscule (nee infinitesimal) bomb turns out a dud (Amazon, Toys "R" Us
Walmart, or store
of choice reject) aye narrate finding Don irate (blaming "crooked Hillary," democrats, gumby...yours truly...)
the list goes on, thus no need to iterate,
thus a sudden religious fervor gripped the wide webbed world attributing why weapons did not actuate
which found pontiff in high demand in an attempt to accommodate frenzied zeal attributing aborted blitzkrieg to divine intervention with bajillion
talking heads airing where to dedicate
material trappings to indigent, great
full not dead, plus those petty criminals rightly or wrongly, the strong arm of lanced law did incarcerate
bowed down on daily and nightly basis exploding huzzahs every human did ejaculate
"not prematurely," where all walks of life did integrate, a spontaneous international
utopian revelation awoke with linkedin diversity to promulgate protecting the planet took precedence
yea right Matthew Scott - dear mate only in the context of this poem I did create
on December twenty third two thousand eighteen, and now hemming and hawing CANNOT wait,
thus conscientious, fractious, and incautious, members of the electorate must not shirk their role
as arbiters of life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness
obliging themselves obeisance to the fifteenth amendment of the United States Constitution, which prohibits the federal government and each state from denying
or abridging a citizen's right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude," when said legal resolution ratified on February 3, 1870, as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments
cuz the wise ghost of Abraham Lincoln
did not procrastinate.
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mediaevalmusereads · 4 months
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Lincoln in the Bardo. By George Saunders. Random House, 2017.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: literary fiction
Series: N/A
Summary: February 1862. The Civil War is less than one year old. The fighting has begun in earnest, and the nation has begun to realize it is in for a long, bloody struggle. Meanwhile, President Lincoln's beloved eleven-year-old son, Willie, lies upstairs in the White House, gravely ill. In a matter of days, despite predictions of a recovery, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. "My poor boy, he was too good for this earth," the president says at the time. "God has called him home." Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returned to the crypt several times alone to hold his boy's body.
From that seed of historical truth, George Saunders spins an unforgettable story of familial love and loss that breaks free of its realistic, historical framework into a thrilling, supernatural realm both hilarious and terrifying. Willie Lincoln finds himself in a strange purgatory, where ghosts mingle, gripe, commiserate, quarrel, and enact bizarre acts of penance. Within this transitional state—called, in the Tibetan tradition, the bardo—a monumental struggle erupts over young Willie's soul.
Lincoln in the Bardo is an astonishing feat of imagination and a bold step forward from one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Formally daring, generous in spirit, deeply concerned with matters of the heart, it is a testament to fiction's ability to speak honestly and powerfully to the things that really matter to us. Saunders has invented a thrilling new form that deploys a kaleidoscopic, theatrical panorama of voices—living and dead, historical and invented—to ask a timeless, profound question: How do we live and love when we know that everything we love must end?
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: self-harm (cutting)/suicide, child death, rape, slavery, use of the n-word, allusion to pedophilia
OVERVIEW: Friends and family have been telling me to read this book for ages. FINE. Now I've read it. And you know what? You were right - this book is interesting. It's not historical fiction in the strictest sense - it doesn't seek to narrate a moment in time the way one might expect. But as a work of literary fiction, I find it's construction deeply fascinating, so for that reason, this book gets 4 stars.
WRITING: This book is told using a "multi-vocalic" technique; some chapters are comprised entirely of excerpts from scholarship or first-hand accounts of Lincoln's presidency (some real, some fictional), while other chapters are narrated by different souls in the afterlife, each narrating for a word, sentence, or paragraph at time.
I very much enjoyed this technique as it made me think a lot about perspective and how characters related to one another. Sometimes, characters would narrate the speech or thoughts of another (especially in the afterlife), so there was a very thin line between where one soul ended and another began (at least, textually speaking). I also liked that the more straight-forward parts told through scholarship/eyewitness accounts conflicted with one another, producing an image of the Lincolns that was both imprecise yet shockingly real and human.
The downside to this narrative style is that sometimes it can feel like form overshadows function, and there were definitely moments when I felt that. But since this book moves so quickly, there isn't really a lot of time for things to drag, so if you find yourself lost, you'll probably find your way again quite easily.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows a number of souls in the "bardo" (the intermediate state between heaven and earth where souls go after death) as they try to get Willie Lincoln - son of President Abraham Lincoln - to move on.
The parts of this plot I liked the best were when characters would reflect on things like grief, connection, unity, and empathy. Souls had to work together at various points in time, and it's very clear that in the bardo, there is very little to motivate such cooperation. Willie's presence and President Lincoln's grief, however, seems to move a lot of them, and I liked seeing them come together to help a boy let go and move on.
That being said, I don't quite think this book hit as hard emotionally as I would have liked. I can't put my finger on why, but when I was finished, I was grateful for the experience, but not left feeling gut-punched. This is hardly Saunders' fault since books affect every reader differently, but I do think more could have been done to drive home the book's main themes, especially in the last pages when Lincoln himself reflects on death on the battlefield or when Willie decides to move on.
CHARACTERS: Rather than speak of individual characters, I'm going to speak more about how Saunders crafts them.
The souls in the bardo are fascinating to read because none of them realize they are dead and all are defined by something that they hold onto from the world of the living. Roger Bevins III, for example, is a gay man who killed himself but regretted it last minute, so his soul appears as a monstrosity with multiple eyes, noses, and hands, representing his attachment to the sensory pleasures of life. His companion, Hans Vollman, has an enormous erection because he died just before he was about to have sex with his wife for the first time.
The primary way these souls "develop" is to not only accept their deaths, but to show care and empathy to each other. While all of them have easy companionships with other souls in the bardo, it is only when they band together to try to help Willie that they truly come to know each other and try to help one another. It was deeply moving, and I loved the changes in Vollman and Bevins by the end.
TL;DR: Lincoln in the Bardo is a multi-vocalic novel that centers grief and empathy over recounting a historical moment in time. While I wish some aspects of the book had been pushed to create a heavier emotional impact, the style of narration is endlessly fascinating and humanizes one of America's most iconic leaders.
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