yajolene · 1 year
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buffetlicious · 7 months
Just the two of us so rather than the dining places that me and mum usually go to, I proposed Xing Hua Delights (回味轩兴化菜馆). What I liked about this place is their homey cooking style which matched my palate well. While waiting for the dishes to be served, we sipped on Barley Drinks. I had the cold version (S$1.80++) while mum took the hot drink (S$1.30++).
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We started off with this small (S$11++) Stir-fried Green Beans (干煸四季豆) cooked with minced pork and dried chilli. The beans are still crunchy in the centre and the chilli gave it a little heat; nothing we Singaporeans couldn’t handle.
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Normally we had the pig’s stomach in soup so we ordered this S$12++ plate of Flash Fried Pig’s Maw (爆炒豬肚) for a change. Came stir-fried with plenty of vegetables such as bamboo shoots, sweet peas, black fungus, carrots and onions plus spices like ginger and garlic.
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Using the lees (红糟) left over from wine fermentation, the restaurant prepared this S$15++ portion of Red Rice Vinesse Pork Belly (红糟三层肉). The lees imparted the dish its alcoholic fragrant and taste. While the pork bellies aren’t too bad, I found them on the springy side. I actually preferred their chicken version cooked in the same style.
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a-wei-lin · 8 months
阿嬤豬血湯 | 台中這間50多年老店,在地人從小吃到大~但...
《阿嬤豬血湯》這間后里美食超在地!傳承至今已有50年多近一甲子,目前阿嬤豬血湯老闆是第4代了,所以別看路邊台中美食好像很普通,其實每間台中小吃都擄獲在地人的心,不然怎們可能開到現在,《阿嬤豬血湯》必吃當然就是豬血湯拉,后里豬血湯超多間,看樣子應該是很厲害,不然怎麼都是幾十年起跳的老店呢😂但…辣椒醬用的不是東泉,吃起來是小辣喔! Continue reading Untitled
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beautyupdate · 9 months
高雄鹽埕|美德客音樂餐廳 Madker Live House & Restaurant 餐酒館聽歌初體驗
你有在酒吧、餐酒館或是任何音樂餐廳有過邊用餐邊聽人家彈奏音樂、唱歌的體驗嗎?在台北時我一直很想體驗,但都找不到好的機會,這次剛好來到高雄玩,說什麼都要安排一下,因為結束一個行程後,已是晚上八點多,故隨意找了一家Google評價有4.7顆星的美德客音樂餐廳,直接過去,邊吃東西邊聽歌到底是個什麼樣的體驗呢? #美德客音樂餐廳 #Madker Live House #高雄餐酒館 #高雄美食 #高雄音樂餐廳 #Madker
你有在酒吧、餐酒館或是任何音樂餐廳有過邊用餐邊聽人家彈奏音樂、唱歌的體驗嗎?在台北時我一直很想體驗,但都找不到好的機會,這次剛好來到高雄玩,說什麼都要安排一下,因為結束一個行程後,已是晚上八點多,故隨意找了一家Google評價有4.7顆星的美德客音樂餐廳,直接過去,邊吃東西邊聽歌到底是個什麼樣的體驗呢? 我從來沒有體驗過在餐廳裡聽別人彈奏音樂、唱歌的經驗,那天行程排的有點晚,又加上天氣熱的關係,其實體力耗的有點差不多了,然後也差點沒有辦法體驗這次的聽歌活動,要不是家人的鼓勵,也許最後可能就以將就、留下美好的遺憾收場。 Madker Live House &…
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generousfanphilosopher · 10 months
 3、炒好的老料最好是靜置兩天才使用,這樣效果會更好些。 等到製冒菜鍋底時取出加入湯鍋中。
蔥花10克、蒜茸5克、芹菜末15春藥王 春藥 媚藥 催情藥 聽話藥 迷藥 高潮藥 迷情噴霧 壯陽藥 女用催情藥 女用聽話春藥 女用迷昏春藥 女用高潮刺激 性愛迷情噴霧 男用助勃增硬 男用耐力持久 男用陰莖增大 克、澳宴奇-油脂粉精2克、榨菜顆粒5克、調料油2克、花椒油1克、雞精、特製豆豉醬15克、香油1克。
新款催情水 春藥噴劑 外用春藥 催情精油 助情香水 失憶水 女用快感液 迷情香水 聽話香水 潤滑液 精品春藥 媚藥香薰 外用高潮春藥 性信息素香水 催情香煙 女用口服液 迷情檀香 金蒼蠅催情水 美國卡宴催情水 尼蒙爾克素 新貓女迷情液  
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nana-didi-channel · 1 year
泰式現炒店,打炮豬飯、泰式炒粿條、歐姆蛋飯飯與冬央貢【納是我迪迪 Nana & Didi Channel】
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jackiechen6919jc · 1 year
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週日晚上 在新竹城隍廟口 超豐盛的又難忘的晚餐 感謝當兵同梯熱情的招待 沒有他還真的吃不到這一頓 風城食堂 這輩子第一次吃 第一道熱炒豬肝 入口的當下口感 擬任到有點入口即化的體驗 簡直是妙不可言啊! 鮮味十足的海蛤蠣 再搭配上九層塔絕妙組合! 白斬雞真鮮嫩 熱炒花枝木耳黃瓜 口感也是堪稱一絕 嫩中帶脆 讓人停不下來的筷子! 要是搭上飯就更絕了 語畢 柳家滷肉飯居然就來了🤤 而且是老闆親自上陣 感謝同梯的面子 正在遺憾沒有湯 同梯立馬去端 了一大碗公的肉羹湯來 也是好吃美味啊🤤 同梯真的是在地超級罩 當地最讚的攤位 機會都吃到了 感謝同梯在城隍廟真夠力 讓我有了滿滿的口福啊🥴 #風城食堂 #新竹美食 #新竹城隍廟 #foodstagram #熱炒 #豬肝 #chicken #炒花枝 #白斬雞 #seafood #ピカチュウスナップ #皮卡丘的奇幻旅程 #Pikachu #皮卡丘 #Pokemon #精靈寶可夢 @nintendoproperty @Nintendo.hk @ピカチュウ #ピカチュウ @Nintendo #Nintendo @Pokémon #photo @Pokémon GO(在 風城食堂) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkyFMlMPBSH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haylei-w · 2 years
最潮狂火鍋排隊名店來竹北自強南路插旗了~狂一鍋竹北自強店內用最新活動「愛的告白,打卡加菜」, 內用錄下“爆炒鍋”的影片並公開分享,就能得到一份軟嫩雞或活力梅花豬!台式爆炒湯底怎麼吃都吃不膩,肉香濃郁的功夫排骨酥鍋跟鮮香麻辣的火焰香辣鍋必點,還有新鮮美味的自助吧吃到飽,吃起來超幸福!新竹美食推薦/新竹火鍋推薦/台式火鍋/道地台灣味/台灣火鍋迷必吃火鍋品牌/藍子愛美食
最潮狂火鍋排隊名店來竹北自強南路插旗了~狂一鍋竹北自強店內用最新活動「愛的告白,打卡加菜」, 內用錄下“爆炒鍋”的影片並公開分享,就能得到一份軟嫩雞或活力梅花豬!台式爆炒湯底怎麼吃都吃不膩,肉香濃郁的功夫排骨酥鍋跟鮮香麻辣的火焰香辣鍋必點,還有新鮮美味的自助吧吃到飽,吃起來超幸福!新竹美食推薦/新竹火鍋推薦/台式火鍋/道地台灣味/台灣火鍋迷必吃火鍋品牌/藍子愛美食 本文網址 …
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idben · 2 years
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可⋯可惡,好想要來碗白飯。 #胡麻龍鬚菜 #糯米椒炒小魚豆乾 #孜然豬肉 #food #dinner #gracilaria (在 Global Mall 環球新北中和) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch4NUagrW_7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waywardsublimetyphoon · 4 months
從政不為農民發聲 選舉依靠網軍出征
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TS3 - Chinese Cuisine 【中國美食】12 Custom content 
D E C O R A T I O N   
Don’t believe portrayal of Chinese food in Shang Simla world because Shang Simla is American Chinatown from Western perspective which the food portrayal in that World is Westernized Chinese, not authentic, wrong to us Chinese and general Asian Sims players. There is no such thing as Fortune Cookies in Chinese cuisine. Fortune cookies are American product 100%. 
Chinese cuisine is the most oldest and diverse cuisine in the world, including noodles, which was first recorded invented in China from 4,000 years ago, has been existed until modern times.  
There are so many dishes in China, because due to many regions and provinces, I cannot include all of them here. I released list of my favourite dishes, which are prominent to Southern China region. Yanwo tang (Swallow bird’s nest soup) is the most expensive one because it provides health benefits: high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Title is below of the picture. 
Main course / 菜
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紅燒肉   Hóngshāo ròu   (Red braised pork belly) | Price: §5
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四川擔擔麵    Sìchuān dàn dàn miàn  (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles)  | Price: §5
燕窩湯   Yànwō tāng  (Swallow bird’s nest soup)  | Price: §55
蒜蓉炒青菜   Suàn róng chǎo qīngcài  (Stir-fried Pak Choy with garlic)  | Price: §5
牛肉炒麵    Niúròu chǎomiàn  (Stir-fried noodle beef) | Price: §5
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脆皮燒肉   Cuì pí shāo ròu  (Crispy pork belly)  | Price: §5
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北京烤鴨 Běijīng kǎoyā (Beijing roasted duck) | Price: §22
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四川麻辣豬肉拉麵   Sìchuān málà zhūròu lāmiàn   (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles, served with pork meat and Pak Choy vegetables) | Price: §5
餛飩湯    Húntún tāng  (Wonton soup) | Price: §5
紅燒豬蹄    Hóngshāo zhū tí  (Braised pork trotters) | Price: §5
Rice, as staple meal
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一碗白飯和筷子   Yī wǎn báifàn hé kuàizi (A bowl of rice with chopsticks) | Price: §2
一碗白飯  Yī wǎn báifàn  (A bowl of rice) | Price: §2
Mesh by Me, Rice & Sichuan mala zhurou lamian photography are by Me. The rest of food textures credits to each owner.  
Do not reupload/make profit/link to adf.ly or donation, no sims3planet, no simsdom.
Can be found in “Decor> All“ category
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe (生炒糯米飯) with Papa Fung, December 23, 2022
An aromatic sticky fried rice loaded with Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, green onions and some cilantro. The sticky texture is what makes this rice dish stand out. A great crowd pleaser for pot lucks!
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe  [生炒糯米飯食譜] 
This recipe makes 4 bowls of pan-fried sticky rice [製成四碗] 
Ingredients [食材] 
500 g glutinous rice [糯米] 
2 Chinese sausages [臘腸] 
5 shiitake mushrooms [冬菰] 
30 g dried shrimp [蝦米] 
60 g peanuts [花生] 
1 tsp lard [豬油] 
A few stalks of green onion [青蔥] 
1 stalk cilantro [芫茜] 
2 tbsp oyster sauce [蠔油] 
8 g sugar [糖] 
5 g salt [鹽] 
Some white pepper [胡椒粉] 
Some sesame oil [麻油] 
(250 ml mushroom/shrimp water) [浸冬菰和蝦米水] 
Directions [製作] 
Soak glutinous rice for 4 hours. Strain and set aside. [糯米浸四小時,瀝乾備用。] 
Wash shiitake mushrooms and dried shrimp. Soak until softened. Keep the mushroom and shrimp water for frying the rice later. [冬菰和蝦米先洗乾淨,再軟取出備用,留起水用作炒飯。] 
Dice all the ingredients, set aside. [將所有材料切碎備用。] 
Melt salt and sugar with hot water, mix until combined. Add in sesame oil, white pepper and oyster sauce, mix and set aside. [鹽和糖先用熱水攪溶,再混合蠔油,胡椒粉和麻油置一旁。] 
Roast some peanuts until fragrant, set aside to cool. [白鑊炒熟花生備用。] 
Heat up wok, melt lard, stir fry Chinese sausage until cooked, add in shrimp and cook, add in mushrooms, cook until fragrant. [熱鑊放豬油加入臘腸炒熟,再加蝦米炒香,再加冬菰炒至有香味。] 
Add in rice, continuously stir and add shrimp/mushroom water a little bit at a time and cook with the lid on to speed up the process. Once the shrimp/mushroom water has evaporated, repeat until the rice is fully cooked. [加入米要不停翻炒,同時加些少蝦米水及加蓋焗至水份收乾,重覆以上步驟至飯熟。] 
Once rice is cooked it’ll become sticky, now, mix in sauce that was prepared earlier. [當飯有黏性加入調味料炒勻。] 
Lastly, add in some dark soy sauce for some colour, and cilantro and green onions, and mix until combined. [最後加些少老抽調色和加芫茜和青蔥炒勻即可。] 
Place some cilantro and peanuts into the bowl, followed by the rice, flip bowl to reveal the dish and serve.  [放芫茜和花生入碗內,加上糯米飯,倒扣在碟上即食。]
The twelfth lunar month is called laap yut (臘月), the cold and dry weather being appropriate for drying and curing. Some recipes call for cured pork belly (laap yuk, 臘肉), cured belly to go with the (Southern) Chinese sausage (laap cheung, 臘腸) which are traditional season staples. Lard and sources of it were a year-round necessity for oil, fuel, flavouring, and caloric density but particularly important during lean months like the height of winter. Most of the ingredients for stir-fried sticky rice are dry or stable preserved goods that balance out the strong and rich pork and lard.
I made a batch Thursday for the winter solstice (Dongzhi, 冬至) using a different recipe. Like a lot of seasonal and festive foods the idea remains the same while the specifics change, and there may be something new for me to adopt from this version.
My mom used to use a rice cooker to steam the glutinous rice keeping it on the firm side, combining everything in the wok at the end. While soaking then stir-frying the rice from raw to cooked (as the name of the dish states) isn’t actually too bad adjusting for the size of wok or pan but it does take time and practice. I’ve taken to seasoning the soaked and drained rice by mixing it with a bit of oil and salt in a bowl while preparing everything else. The added oil from stir-frying seems to need a heavier hand with seasoning (like oyster sauce, added salt, or soy sauce) than with steaming the rice. 
After soaking, squeezing out most of the excess water, and dicing the mushrooms, she always marinated them with some oil, light soy sauce, and sugar. There was also soaked and shredded dried scallop (conpoy or gong yiu chyu, 乾貝 / 江瑤柱) in addition to the small, dried shrimp when we had some. 
One thing glossed over in the video is that the water can have sediment at the bottom; the initial washing leaves sand and grit that is released after rehydrating and should be discarded. This cold broth from soaking the dried ingredients adds to the savouriness of the rice along with the sausage and lard. The added oyster sauce in this and other recipes boosts the concentrated seafood accent. In the rice cooker/steamed rice version, the broth can be used to cook and soften the stir-fried sausage, mushrooms, and dried seafood, covering and reducing it fully before adding the rice. 
A quality dark soy sauce is often enough to colour and flavour the fried rice. The addition of white pepper and sesame oil to the sauce for the rice is new to me, though I imagine it cuts through the pungency of fat and the concentrated seafood and reducing the additional lard needed.
Peanuts, cilantro, and green onion are not essential, though they do add to the texture and freshness when the overall dish can be heavy. These are often garnishes added last as it is often reheated, softening the peanuts and the greens darken while losing flavour and crispness. Less and less restaurants bother with the peanuts at all: they become hard especially if fried or roasted and stale while others overcook the peanuts by boiling or with steam becoming bulk rather than texture. It’s easy to see why peanuts could be cut from an already long list of ingredients. One local dim sum has replaced them with what I’m certain is rendered pork rinds for a sturdier crunch. There’s probably an element of adapting it with more sensitivity towards peanut allergies, while at home we never had them as a staple. 
Another common addition to improve the overall dark colour is thinly-chopped omelette or a fine scramble. It was fashionable for a time at some restaurants to wrap it omurice-style or reheat portions with rehydrated lotus leaves to impart a different scent. Some recipes use a long grained glutinous rice or cut it with white rice to soften the chew but in the wrong proportion it compromises the structure and ability to keep or reheat.  There was a decade where places would just steam portions in the bowl upright and uncovered resulting in a soggy fried rice.  
Turning the rice out moulded with a bowl is solid, old-school presentation, it demonstrates how well the rice is made: sticky enough to hold a shape even when portioned; the thorough and even mix of ingredients, colour, and flavouring without overworking; and a careful stir-fry that is oiled enough to release. A good fried rice, sticky or otherwise, needs a shine without being greasy.
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桃園&中壢外帶外送懶人包 外帶超殺優惠~讓你宅在家也能輕鬆享美食~ @瑋瑋*美食萬歲
楊梅 點心 國泰飯店觀光事業旗下全台和逸、慕軒飯店將於5月20日至6月30日止,提供全台「逸起抗疫 外帶食集」餐盒全面89折優惠,部分品項更祭出不到6折折扣,配合多種家庭用餐型態,舉凡個人餐盒至四人分享餐、午茶甜點至晚餐美饌最低百元起,民眾在家也能輕鬆品嘗飯店主廚級手藝。 並且,6/19前家宴中餐廳每週推出限定美饌快閃5折優惠,凡外帶自取消費者還可參加抽獎活動,有機會再抽中家宴美饌免費帶回家。 其中,只要訂購海峽會主廚外帶系列就贈送「niko bakery 日香高級吐司專門店」限量口味生吐司免排隊訂餐就送。 而辰壽司割烹為體恤辛苦的上班族,即日起推出午間限定價$2000元,即可享受日本空運食材為主的無菜單套餐。 為了搶攻「宅食」商機,台北喜來登推出「中西海陸雙雄回饋」優惠方案,不論買安東廳牛排還是辰園的烤鴨,只要在5/31前都加碼送活龍蝦。 防疫期間,不適合出門用餐,但可以買回家吃,本篇整理超過10個桃園人氣美食餐廳,提供自帶自取優惠、或是滿額外送服務,又或者是可以在外送平台上點餐下單送到家,創造0接觸的採購用餐體驗,一起守護台灣。 想吃咖哩飯、定食、生魚片,還是小火鍋,就連下午茶、合菜還有生魚蔬菜通通都有,還有大桃園連鎖集團的外送菜單都準備好了。 館內有超大的透明觀景窗,可無死角觀賞成千上萬的魚群在水中悠游的景象。 並規劃有13個特色展區,運用現代科技將五感投入在各種生態環境,讓人有身歷其境的感受。 一樓販售新鮮現捕的魚、貝、螃蟹、蝦子等水產品,可讓遊客滿載而歸。 二樓還有許多海鮮餐廳,可代客料理,也有海產現選現煮,新鮮又好吃。 由於中原夜市美食眾多,上千個攤販餐廳,若沒有挑過一定吃不完! 這篇中原夜市美食全攻略精選13大中原夜市必吃美食,讓大家可以從早吃到晚。 瑪黑家居取得獨家授權,打造SMILEY快閃店與創意裝置、同步於P&T柏林茶館推出SMILEY限定甜點套餐。 官網搶翻「達美樂披薩199元」快閃4天回歸,8種口味「大披薩、四喜披薩」外帶199元搶先下單。 此外,異國餐盒也再次登場,如「日式照燒鰻魚飯」、「美國低溫牛小排」、「日式烤鯖魚飯」以及全新的「每日精選無菜單料理餐盒」等,不僅主菜異國風,每款配菜也充滿特色,櫛瓜、梅汁番茄、昆布捲、甜南瓜、番茄佐馬札瑞拉起司等令人食指大動,售價為280元至360元不等,平假日皆可預訂。 此外,朋派熱銷NO.1的豪饗手抓海鮮趣組合餐、全新上市滿滿30顆牡蠣的蠔海派義大利麵、及整隻龍蝦手工披薩搭配碳烤豬肋排與12oz肋眼牛排超豪邁四人分享餐等,最低每份180元起。 勞瑞斯牛肋排餐廳推出外帶外送二、三人豪華分享餐,分享餐享有77折起的超值優惠價。 二、三人豪華分享餐中的主餐包括勞瑞斯著名的「頂級烘烤牛肋排7.5oz」,嚴選美國Prime極佳級牛肉,再經過長達28天的熟成讓肉質呈現最鮮嫩的口感,並撒上勞瑞斯獨家調味鹽後,送進旋風烘烤箱中低溫烘烤,完美的將肉汁確實的保留在其中。 全台和逸飯店即日起於國泰飯店觀光事業線上商城推出多種形式餐盒,全品項89折優惠。 懂吃的明太子選擇搭配限量的和牛滷肉飯,吃的津津有味,一臉滿足的表情。 心得:一般的早餐店有鐵板麵就很了不起,而杰哥不僅有外皮酥脆的蛋餅,就連炒麵也有好幾種,菜單上的選項非常多,非常不適合像我這種有選擇障礙的人,一有機會就想再試試其它口味的蛋餅與饅頭,營業到下午也很適合當作午餐。 心得:我們家這一帶賣豆花的很多,但我總是經常跨區到隔壁的蘆竹買豆陣的豆花,手作傳統豆花有濃濃的豆香氣,材料每日現煮,仙草以古法煉製而成,再加上我跟明太子超喜歡QQ的粉圓、湯圓及粉粿這些配料,外帶時加一些冰,回家吃剛剛好。 心得:595元菜單週週更換菜色,五菜一湯便宜又滿足,分二餐吃也沒問題;吊燒雞是我們過去常到店裡吃的單點菜色,炒飯鹹香開胃,皮蛋炒蕃薯葉非常嫩,也是我們喜歡的料理。 鮮嫩牛排香煎至7分熟,逼出牛排香氣,佐以精選黑松露醬,提升牛排鮮甜風味,搭配季節鮮蔬營養不膩口,套餐包含5道副餐。 義大皇家酒店星亞自助餐廳推出「饗樂送券好食光」4人同行送2張招待券、現賺2千,搶攻高雄人吃到飽必吃清單。 滿分是個喜歡出遊拍照的女孩,相信親眼看見的美景,一定比相片來得精彩;和Kevin記錄每一次的旅行,拍下屬於我們最美的畫面,寫下每一次的親身體驗,再美的景色都一定要與景合影,咱們熱愛旅行出走,並分享給和滿分一樣喜歡到處賞景美拍的旅人。 「水餃控」本來只是一家花蓮水餃店,因為馬告檸檬、剝皮辣椒等創新口味大獲好評,加上使用在地原型食物食材、無化學添加的堅持受到肯定(Google four.9分/208則評論),粉絲敲碗新增網路宅配後,現在全台的水餃控都吃得到與眾不同的安心美味。 若想吃點有氣氛的海產餐廳,可以選擇到竹圍漁港內的航空港旋轉餐廳用餐,座位區可360旋轉眺望整個竹圍漁港美麗海景,還可看飛機起降,非常地有特色。 饗食天堂外送:距離 0~2.9km 運費 70 元,距離 3~5km運費 85 元,實際金額請依系統判定為準。 外送服務最低消費 300 元;結帳金額滿 1500 元享免運費。 因應疫情,近期外帶需求增加,台北萬豪酒店即日起至6月5日推出端午佳節限定外帶外送美饌,提供中西式各一款饗宴選擇,每套3,800元,適合四人享用。 王品集團集合王品牛排、THE WANG、藝奇三大品牌,推出41款價格超親民的全新夏日外帶餐點,從王品牛排法式紅酒燉牛肉、米其林餐廳THE WANG龍蝦義大利麵,到藝奇大份量握壽司…等,無論你是單身貴族、小家庭、上班族、居家上班者都能滿足。 王品集團旗下3大燒肉品牌「Oh my!原燒」、「最肉」、「肉次方」,推出漢堡排丼、醬燒牛肉焦糖吐司等外帶新菜,在家用餐也能有豐富的料理可以享用。 另外,還提供包含日本和牛、澳洲和牛、美國濕式熟成肋眼牛排等豐富肉品,6/30前到「Oh my!原燒」外帶烤肉組享9折優惠,還能以銅版價加購牛五花;到「肉次方」外帶2組燒肉組,即贈戰斧豬排一份。 慕軒飯店全新推出「戰斧牛排四人外帶分享餐」,安格斯牛排經溼式熟成後以直火炭烤並用蘋果木與相思木增添熏香氣息,限時6折只要5,280元。 不想要套餐也可選購「黑牛肋眼12盎司附炭烤時蔬」53折優惠每份690元,或者品嘗「異國風味烤半雞」搭配主食(薯條/馬鈴薯泥/白飯三選一)折扣後每份只要408元。 居家防疫期間還是不能忘記犒賞自己,板橋凱撒大飯店集結朋派西餐廳及家宴中餐廳持續推出各式外帶便當、多人享用組合餐及單點熱門佳餚。
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a-wei-lin · 8 months
豬血財老店 | 台中后里在地美食,傳承三代60年老店的好滋味~
《豬血財老店》這間真的不錯!如過台中旅遊到了后里,豬血財老店這間后里豬血湯很可以,是后里在地台中小吃,直至目前已開了60多年,一甲子三代人的美味傳承,是台中美食中,少見的湯是主角的台中小吃店,特推綜合湯,料多美味份量超足,但主食只有台中炒麵可以選~ Continue reading Untitled
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yichenglai1 · 2 years
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#喝個小酒(在 三隻小豬熱炒100) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPn8c5hkaM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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