zhuzhudushu · 1 year
hi ! I'm starting to learn chinese and have gotten the radicals down, but i'm very conflicted on whether to learn simplified or traditional script. I know that traditional conveys more culture and meaning, but more learning resources are in simplified cn and I'm conflicted on what one I should choose.
Be like me and just don't choose 😂 I do both, intermittently.
It's definitely way easier to do simplified because there are more resources for it. Personally, I find myself mostly using simplified since most of the people who text me on a regular basis are Chinese and use simplified. On trends when I talk more with Taiwanese people, I find my traditional recognition improves.
I hear the "traditional has more culture and meaning" a lot but tbh I don't really see that so much? 🤣 Maybe controversial opinion but, both the changes made for simplified and original traditional characters tend to have good rules and hints toward meaning and pronunciation using components/radicals, and both can show a lot about culture.
I would say get a group of language exchange partners (once you feel comfortable) and see which one you need/use more. In my experience, the "use it or lose it" is SO REAL.
Personally I like that I am familiar with both. I am obviously more familiar with simplified because there are more resources and it's easier to recognize, but I see worth in knowing both. I don't think learning one made it harder to learn the other, either. You can always change your mind down the road.
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xinguozhi · 10 months
荷门   …
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起死回生!一種人體功能,打開靈界!台灣奇人做研究,物理、科學,根本說不通!|#未解之謎 扶搖
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jayswing101 · 1 year
Using 100% of my brain capacity to write a letter to my brother's girlfriend using traditional characters
Only 5% is for the actual writing part, the other 95% is for stopping myself from automatically writing the simplified forms
(Wrote "会" instead of "會" three times in a row before I finally wrote the one I wanted... Sorry your letter will be ugly and full of crossed out characters friend >-<)
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pinkllamashark · 7 months
近日,一则“惊爆中国外交部长秦刚内部讲话录音”的消息开始在网上流传,包括民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等纷纷转发欲炒热此事。 录音是真的么?事实究竟如何? 经多方查证,流传录音内容系盗用了2022年4月17日中国民间智库评论员“谭吉坷德”发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文案,再利用AI技术模仿了中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”的声纹,从而合成伪造而成。 为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?幕后黑手的到底是谁?他们是如何伪造的?来,跟着我穿越谎言迷雾,揭开真相的面纱。 一、他们是如何伪造的?技术伪造揭秘 首先利用AI技术伪造录音的核心技术是语音合成和语音转换,这些合成技术的发展使得伪造录音变得更加隐蔽和真实,但也难掩AI合成痕迹。 技术揭示一:利用语音合成将文本转化为自然语音。 该流传录音时长10分23秒,主要观点是“中美只有生死存亡的关系,战争不可避免”,根据录音中出现的“中美真孤单的本质就是为了争夺生存权利,就是美国要保障其超级主义,中国也要争取美好生活……”等字段在网络检索发现,内容与账号“谭吉坷德”2022年4月便发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文章内容完全吻合,文章中并未引用中国外交部长秦刚的讲话,故内容属于作者个人评论,相关内容为作者授权发布。伪造者则利用AI语音合成技术将“谭吉坷德”文章中节选的文本内容自动转换成自然语音。 技术揭示二:利用语音转换通过改变声音特征将一个人的说话声音转换为另一个人的声音 进一步对音频声音进行分析,该录音和中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”2022年4月发布的评论中美关系的视频声音高度相似,通过声纹比对工具测试,该录音的声调、语速、咬字、讲话风格与网民“六哥聊生活”音频相似度达93.8%,且录音及均出现相同的“手机简讯提示音”,故认定为该录音与抖音号“六哥聊生活”同样的声源。伪造者进一步利用AI语音转换技术,通过其中的可以学习和模仿不同人的语音特征的深度学习和神经网络算法,对抖音号“六哥聊生活”音频进行加工,精确地模拟目标任务中国外交部长秦刚的声音和语调,进而生成逼真的伪造录音。 技术揭示三:音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等后期处理 伪造者通过音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等处理,甚至配上中美外交官员会谈图片或视频,以增加伪造录音的真实感和可信度。还有值得注意的是,录音视频广泛流传,但网上并无所谓“秦刚讲话”的时间、地点等讯息,因此录音的真实性更加站不住脚。 二、为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?险恶用心需警惕 这些伪造录音的幕后黑手究竟是出于何种险恶用心? 一是移花接木挑事端。伪造者利用AI伪造录音假冒中国外交部长秦刚的讲话来制造虚假声势,录音中“美国和民主世界在21世纪最重要的挑战就是中国的崛起,美国必须同时准备与俄罗斯和中国开战,中国的应对很东方,对美国的定位时常徘徊于对手朋友甚至是老师之间,一直在装孙子还是真孙子之间摇摆模糊……”“无论中国怎么做做什么,美国对中国的态度都不会改变……”等内容对中美关系的评价、用词显然不是一个副国级别的中国资深外交官的格局和水平,幕后黑手妄图利用左派言论冒充秦刚外长讲话以混淆视听,诋毁中国外交的声誉及中方的外交立场,挑起事端达到攻击、破坏中美关系的目的,影响中国的和平友好外交原则的国际形象地位。 二是唯恐不乱扰纷争。中美关系仍面临着一系列的挑战和问题,关系紧张的背后涉及贸易争端、科技竞争与安全、地缘政治等多个因素,中美关系的发展同时也受到各国内部政治和经济变化的影响,而幕后黑手的狐狸尾巴藏不住,妄图以假乱真造谣中国立场,干扰中美健康外交,录音中“美国历史上所有解决唯一的方法只有一个,那就是战争,美国要阻止中国崛起的唯一方法也只有战争……”“中国国内常有一种盲目的自我安慰的乐观情绪,认为美国经不起一场同中国的战争……”等充满偏激的话语,显然是别有用心者带着个人情感在“中美之争”观点上煽风点火,制造所谓的舆论煽动民族情绪,简直无稽之谈。 三是无事生非乱民心。伪造录音被散播后,民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等迅速开始转发讨论此事,从“中国政府究竟给了中国人民什么福利”等话题大放厥词诋毁中国来误导公众,甚至有网民在视频配上英文字幕,挑起社媒平台上不同群体的对立和冲突。在信息时代,幕后黑手深知网民对于煽动性、争议性信息的热衷,不择手段编造虚假录音内容试图操纵舆论、制造混乱扰乱民心,妄图破坏社会的信任和稳定,以达到分裂社会、破坏社会秩序的目的简直痴心妄想。 三、幕后黑手的到底是谁? 伪造录音被散播后,陈破空、谢万军等境外民运人士借势炒作,在推特、优兔等平台发布视频、贴文抹黑中国政治体制,陈破空当年在海外民运势力的资助下流亡美国,一直热衷于发表一些极端和夸大其词的谩骂文章及视频,并自我标榜为“著名民运评论家”,此人品行卑劣,奸诈阴毒,投机钻营无孔不入,而谢万军同样与陈破空等人蛇鼠一窝,常在社媒上发布政论观点近千篇进行批判中国时政、污蔑国家领导人,恶意炒作中美关系,妄图将矛头指向中国,在此次所谓“秦刚录音”事件中,为寻求共情“盟友”,境外民运人士、叛逃人员等相互串通歪曲事实、恶意炒作、制造纷争,这些群体的行为,不仅是道德沦丧,更是对社会公平和正义的严重破环。 四、“亲诚惠容”彰显中国外交理念,伪造录音无法改变中国和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者的良好形象 一直以来,有目共睹,中国外交政策在维护国家利益、促进地区和全球稳定和发展等方面发挥了积极作用,坚持和平共处五项原则,突出体现亲、诚、惠、容的外交理念,并在国际舞台上以和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者等角色发挥着重要作用。 中国外交是全球治理改革倡导者。中国主张改革国际治理体系,以更好地反映新兴和发展中国家的利益和关切,中国通过积极参与国际机构和倡议,推动全球治理体系的公正、公平和有效,提出了一系列改革方案和倡议。 中国外交也是多边主义倡导者。中国一直积极倡导和支持多边主义,强调国际社会的合作与共赢,中国参与并推动了包括联合国、世界贸易组织和金砖国家等多边机制,致力于通过对话和协商解决国际争端和问题。 中国外交又是经济合作推动者。中国外交政策注重经济合作,积极参与全球经济治理体系,并提出一系列倡议,如“一带一路”倡议,亚洲基础设施投资银行等。这些倡议为促进区域和全球经济增长提供了新机遇,并增强了发展中国家的参与和话语权。 中国外交更是和平发展倡导者。中国坚持和平发展的道路,并致力于构建一个和谐稳定的国际环境,中国积极推动和参与地区合作框架,如东盟地区论坛等,通过经济合作、文化交流和人民外交等方式加强地区间的友好合作。 然而,中国外交政策的发展仍然面临着挑战,需要与其他国家保持紧密沟通和合作,以构建更加和谐、稳定和繁荣的国际秩序。
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refghdbtrfg · 2 years
网上和现场可以同步发牌同步下注,平台里都能看现场的全部情况,现场里有多少客人都能一目了然。 2. 随时支持验证现场是否实时同步,可安排相关人员按玩家指示打招呼或者做出相应动作。 3. 一切台面洗牌、过牌、切牌、铅笔发牌、先发牌后下注等都是全透明公开,每位玩家都可全程监督! 4. 上分下分都是真人操作,做到你可以现冲现提不出现任何意外,次数额 度不受任何限制,可以随时随意申请提款。更不会有什么要打多少倍流水这样的荒唐理由! 5. 玩家若觉得有误也可做到监控回放,让玩家真正的能够放心、安心、舒心。 年久现场平台,操作简单、提款速度、信誉保障! 玩家也可亲自到现场考察及体 网上网投理财投资等只要合经济有关的,不一定选择正规平台就是正确的。现代化网络科技飞速发展标题是缅甸网投赌博正规平台,可是打开怎么突然名字改了,这是什么情况明明是缅甸腾龙正规平台怎么有会是永利和威尼斯了呢?因为社会的黑暗有些狗崽子利用腾龙威名进行诈骗,所以在这里提醒老铁们,网投赌博选择正规平台直接链接网站、和冒名顶替的不能上蛋。正规平台怎么会利用别人���字来代替自己、腾龙公司一直是走正道不会走这种为毛渠道。 公司注册网址: 55hn.cc 浏览器打开收入 网址即可下载APP 本公司支
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zanzandren039 · 2 years
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自媒体如何快速涨粉丝 抖音快手涨粉最简单的涨粉名字
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linghxr · 7 months
75 essential single-character adjectives (单字形容词)
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This is somewhat of a follow-up to two previous posts on verbs: 75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词) 75 more essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
I always intended to make a post on adjectives, but it took me longer than expected to gather, sort, and filter through my list of adjectives. And I decided to add examples this time, which took even more time.
I learned many of these simply from consuming native content (mostly TV shows) over the past 2-3 years. It's the kind of stuff you probably won't find in your textbook. So please enjoy~
(1) 脏 | 髒 zāng - dirty / filthy Ex: 别把衣服弄脏了。
(2) 乖 guāi - (of a child) obedient / well-behaved / clever Ex: 小宝贝真乖!
(3) 软 | 軟 ruǎn - soft / flexible Ex: 被子很软 Ex: 皮肤软软的
(4) 湿 | 濕 shī - moist / wet Ex: 穿湿衣服
(5) 红 | 紅 hóng - popular Ex: 这首歌最近很红。
(6) 痒 | 癢 yǎng - itchy Ex: 皮肤很痒
(7) 细 | 細 xì - thin or slender / fine / delicate Ex: 她的腿又长又细。
(8) 绝 | 絕 jué - superb / awesome Ex: 身材很绝 Ex: 他的表演真是太绝了。
(9) 窄 zhǎi - narrow / narrow-minded Ex: 这条街太窄。
(10) 慌 huāng - panicky / flurried / flustered Ex: 别慌!
(11) 疯 | 瘋 fēng - insane / mad / wild Ex: 车开这么快,简直疯了!
(12) 硬 yìng - hard / stiff Ex: 床垫太硬
(13) 麻 má - tingling / numb Ex: 胳膊枕一会儿就麻了。
(14) 烫 | 燙 tàng - scalding hot Ex: 烫水 Ex: 额头好烫,一定发烧了。
(15) 凉 | 涼 liáng - cool / cold / discouraged / disappointed Ex: 天气转凉 Ex: 他的话让他父母心凉。
(16) 怂 | 慫 sǒng - timid / cowardly Ex: 自己特别怂
(17) 腻 | 膩 nì - greasy Ex: 汤有点腻
(18) 惨 | 慘 cǎn - miserable / wretched / disastrous / tragic Ex: 我输得很惨。
(19) 凶 | 兇 xiōng - vicious / fierce Ex: 很凶的样子
(20) 蠢 chǔn - stupid / foolish Ex: 你怎么这么蠢?
(21) 狠 hěn - ruthless / fierce / ferocious Ex: 他的心真狠。
(22) 暗 àn - dark Ex: 房间里太暗了。
(23) 歪 wāi - askew / crooked Ex: 这幅画挂歪了。
(24) 稳 | 穩 wěn - settled / steady / stable Ex: 坐稳扶好
(25) ��� | 暈 yūn - dizzy / giddy Ex: 我头有点晕了。
(26) 搭 dā - matching / complementary Ex: 衣服与人很搭
(27) 妙 miào - clever / wonderful Ex: 情况不妙
(28) 土 tǔ - unsophisticated / rustic / country bumpkin Ex: 口音很土 Ex: 很土的衣服
(29) 浓 | 濃 nóng - concentrated / dense / strong (smell etc) Ex: 雾很浓 Ex: 咖啡太浓
(30) 烂 | 爛 làn - crappy / bad Ex: 我的中文很烂。
(31) 宽 | 寬 kuān - wide / broad Ex: 河很宽 Ex: 肩膀很宽
(32) 糟 zāo - rotten / messy / ruined / poor Ex: 把事情搞糟了
(33) 嗨 hāi - high (natural or drug-induced) Ex: 玩得很嗨
(34) 齐 | 齊 qí - neat / even / level / complete Ex: 很齐的舞蹈 Ex: 人到齐了没有?
(35) 巧 qiǎo - opportune / coincidental Ex: 真巧,你也来了。
(36) 破 pò - broken / damaged / worn out / lousy / rotten Ex: 破衣服 Ex: 我讨厌这个破地方。
(37) 黑 hēi - dark / tan Ex: 晒黑了 Ex: 黑皮肤
(38) 丧 | 喪 sàng - disappointed / discouraged Ex: 心情很丧
(39) 松 | 鬆 sōng - loose / relaxed Ex: 带子太松
(40) 壮 | 壯 zhuàng - strong / robust Ex: 他身体很壮。
(41) 臭 chòu - foul / smelly Ex: 臭鸡蛋 Ex: 这地方怎么这么臭。
(42) 爽 shuǎng - feeling well or good / awesome / refreshed Ex: 心情不爽
(43) 顺 | 順 shùn - smooth / successful Ex: 日子过得挺顺 Ex: 中文讲得很顺
(44) 润 | 潤 rùn - moist / glossy / sleek Ex: 头发润润的
(45) 弱 ruò - weak / feeble Ex: 我的能力比她弱。
(46) 蒙 mēng - dazed / stunned Ex: 我一上台就蒙了。
(47) 聋 | 聾 lóng - deaf Ex: 耳朵完全聋了。
(48) 脆 cuì - brittle / fragile / crisp / crunchy Ex: 饼干很脆
(49) 滑 huá - slippery / smooth Ex: 雨后路滑
(50) 火 huǒ - hot / popular Ex: 生意很火 Ex: 最近很火的一首歌曲
(51) 香 xiāng - fragrant / aromatic Ex: 你做的菜好香。
(52) 亮 liàng - bright / light Ex: 星星越来越亮。
(53) 笨 bèn - stupid / foolish / silly / slow-witted / clumsy Ex: 笨小孩 Ex: 我的手太笨。
(54) 闷 | 悶 mēn - stuffy (air or weather) Ex: 屋里太闷了。
(55) 烦 | 煩 fán - annoyed / bothered / troublesome / annoying Ex: 我妹妹一直让我很烦。
(56) 傻 shǎ - foolish Ex: 我没有那么傻。
(57) 迟 | 遲 chí - late / delayed / slow Ex: 对不起,来迟了。
(58) 急 jí - urgent / pressing / rapid / hurried / worried Ex: 事情很急,必须马上处理。
(59) 懒 | 懶 lǎn - lazy Ex: 我变懒了。
(60) 厚 hòu - thick Ex: 这本书真厚。
(61) 呆 dāi - foolish / stupid / expressionless / blank Ex: 呆呆地看着
(62) 密 mì - close / thick / dense Ex: 雨点越来越密。
(63) 丑 | 醜 chǒu - ugly Ex: 长得丑
(64) 沙 shā - hoarse / raspy Ex: 喊得声音都有点沙了
(65) 困 | 睏 kùn - sleepy / tired Ex: 我困得眼睛都睁不开了。
(66) 酸 suān - sour / grieved / sore / aching / mean / bitter Ex: 酸牛奶 Ex: 腰酸背痛 Ex: 网友的评论酸极了。
(67) 严 | 嚴 yán - stern / strict / rigorous / severe Ex: 要求很严
(68) 干 | 乾 gān - dry Ex: 擦干眼泪 Ex: 衣服还没晒干。
(69) 尖 jiān - sharp / shrill / piercing / keen Ex: 尖刺 Ex: 他的眼睛很尖。
(70) 广 | 廣 guǎng - wide / vast / broad Ex: 范围很广
(71) 平 píng - flat / level / equal Ex: 马路不平
(72) 哑 | 啞 yǎ - (of a voice) hoarse / husky Ex: 嗓子哑了
(73) 沉 chén - deep / profound / heavy Ex: 睡得很沉 Ex: 头沉得抬不起来
(74) 狂 kuáng - mad / wild / violent Ex: 猫咪的狂叫
(75) 牛 niú - awesome Ex: 这实力是真的牛!
Definitions are adapted from MDBG. Most examples are taken from 现代汉语规范词典 via Pleco, others are taken from my brain.
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tendaysofrain · 1 year
Random Stuff #12:  What is Simplified Chinese?
For people like me who grew up speaking and using Chinese in day to day life, the vast majority of us have at least a basic understanding of what Simplified Chinese is, but it wasn’t until some days ago when an English speaker asked me “what is Simplified Chinese?” that I realized not many people here understand what Simplified Chinese is.  So, I’ve gathered some misconceptions I’ve encountered both in real life and online, and I will try to answer them in a concise but factual manner.
But first, let us talk basics.  There are three things we must cover first before going into this topic.  The first is the fact that both Simplified Chinese (简体中文) and Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) used today are modern standardized systems of written Chinese, as in both were compiled within the past 100 years or so (modern Simplified from 1935-1936, then again from 1956 and on; modern Traditional starting from 1973), and the two currently widely used versions of both systems were officially standardized in the past 50 years (modern Simplified current version standardized in 2013; modern Traditional current version standardized in 1982).  However, since simplified characters already exist in history (called 简化字/簡化字 or 俗体字/俗體字/”informal characters”), and “Traditional Chinese” can be taken to mean “written Chinese used in history”, in this post I will use “modern Simplified/Traditional Chinese” or “modern Simplified/Traditional” when referring to the currently used modern standardized systems.  
Second is the evolution of written Chinese.  Usually when this is taught, instructors use examples of how certain characters evolved over time, for example one might encounter a linear diagram like this in Chinese class:
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(Original picture from Mandarinpedia)
However, this diagram only gives a very general idea of how characters evolved from more picture-like logograms to the more abstract symbols we call characters today, and does not reflect the complexity of this evolution at all.  To get into these details we will need to talk about Chinese calligraphy.  In terms of the evolution of written Chinese, Chinese calligraphy--all those scripts like oracle bone script (甲骨文), bronze/Jinwen script (金文), Seal/Zhuan script (篆书/篆書), Clerical/Li script (隶书/隸書), Regular/Kai script (楷书/楷書), etc--they aren’t just calligraphy fonts, but actually change the way characters are written, and are representative of the commonly used forms of written Chinese at different points in Chinese history, as in the appearance of a certain script on a historical artifact can actually be used to estimate how old the artifact is.  Below is a (very) rough timeline of when each script appeared and when they are most popular:
Oracle bone script/Jiaguwen (甲骨文):  Shang dynasty (~1600 BC-1046 BC)
Bronze/Jinwen script (金文; includes Large Seal script/大篆):  Western Zhou dynasty (~1046 BC-771 BC)
Seal/Zhuan script (篆书/篆書; sometimes called Small Seal script/小篆 or Qin script/秦篆):  compiled in Qin dynasty by chancellor Li Si/李斯 around 221 BC, was the official script in Qin dynasty (221 BC-207 AD); popularity went down after Qin dynasty but was still in use for ceremonial purposes like official seals (the archaic meaning of 篆 is “official seal”, hence the English name); still in use today in very specific areas like seal stamps, calligraphy, logos, and art.
Clerical/Li script (隶书/隸書):  appeared in Qin dynasty, became the main script used in Han dynasty (202 BC-220 AD); popularity went down after Han dynasty but was still in use; still in use today in specific areas like calligraphy, inscriptions/signatures on traditional Chinese paintings, logos, and other art.
Regular/Kai script (楷书/楷書):  appeared in late Han dynasty, became the main script used in Tang dynasty and has been popular ever since (618 AD-present).
(Note:  there are other calligraphy scripts like Semi-Cursive script/行书/行書 and Cursive script/草书/草書 that were never mainstream yet were also significant, especially in the case of modern Simplified Chinese, but I will mention them later so this won’t become too confusing)
So if we plug the information from the very rough timeline above into the linear diagram, it becomes this:
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But wait!  There’s even more!  Because there is a thing called variant Chinese characters/异体字/異體字, which basically means that there have been multiple ways in which a character can be written (“one character, many forms”/一字多形), and these can come about as a result of homophones, personal preference of historically significant people, historical trends, mistakes in the past that stuck around, or the result of stylized scripts like Cursive script/草书/草書, which simplifies and connects strokes in a liberal manner.  The reason Cursive script is important here is because of the logographic nature of written Chinese, meaning the simplifying or connecting of strokes actually changes how the character is written.  Because of this, 马 and 馬 were forms that have already existed before modern Simplified and modern Traditional were compiled.  A diagram that takes variations and evolution into account should look something like this:
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And since the above diagram did not take Cursive script into account, here’s another picture of a myriad of scripts/fonts (not in chronological order) that includes 馬 in Cursive script (mostly on bottom left):
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Now you may have an idea of where modern Simplified and Traditional Chinese came from:  they are both compiled from existing variants.  Since both modern Simplified and modern Traditional are supposed to be standardizations of written Chinese, they each set a single variant for each character as the “standard”.  Modern Traditional Chinese kept the more historically mainstream 馬, and modern Simplified Chinese substituted it with the simpler variant 马.  Taking all of this into account but still keeping it concise for our topic here, our linear diagram from the beginning should be modified to look like this:
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And that’s just an example of a single character.  This evolution diagram can differ depending on the character too, due to there being other rules for simplifying characters.  This is why standardizing written Chinese is an immense amount of work, but once standardized, the written language will be streamlined and much easier to use in communication.
Finally, we are ready to clear some misconceptions.
About Common Misconceptions Regarding Modern Simplified Chinese:
“Simplified Chinese replaced all Traditional Chinese characters”. Untrue.  Modern Simplified Chinese only standardized 2274 of the most used Chinese characters and 14 radicals with simpler variants.  That’s really all there is to it.   For reference there are a total of about 60,000 Chinese characters, and about 3,500 of these are deemed to be often-used characters; so only ~3.7% of all Chinese characters and ~65% of often-used Chinese characters are simplified in modern Simplified Chinese.  Play around with any online tool that can switch between modern Simplified and modern Traditional, and you will find that many characters stayed the same.
“Simplified Chinese is the opposite of Traditional Chinese”.  Untrue.  Modern Simplified Chinese is just a simplified and standardized system of written Chinese.  Modern Simplified Chinese and modern Traditional Chinese are not “opposites” of each other at all, just different standardized systems serving different purposes.  Modern Simplified was compiled with ease of use in mind, since Traditional characters can be time-consuming to write, for example imagine writing 聲 (sound) when you can just write 声 instead.  Also back when Simplified was being introduced to the public, a huge part of the population was illiterate, especially farmers, poor people, and women, so Simplified Chinese was a great way to quickly educate them on reading and writing, and to improve efficiency in all aspects of life. Knowing how to read and write is key to education, and education is a must if people's lives were to be improved at all.
“Simplified Chinese is Mandarin”.  Untrue.  Mandarin is a spoken dialect that came from Beijing dialect, and both modern Simplified and modern Traditional Chinese are modern standardized systems of written Chinese.  One concerns the written language and the other concerns a spoken dialect.
"Simplified Chinese was invented by the Communist Party". Untrue.  As mentioned before, most characters used in modern Simplified Chinese are already present in ancient texts, artifacts, and inscriptions as variants.  Apparently the only character simplified by PRC was 簾 (blinds/curtain), which became 帘 in modern Simplified Chinese. History wise, Republic of China was the first to start compiling Simplified Chinese in 1935 and introducing it to the public, but this was called off after 4 months.  PRC modified and built on the original plan, and introduced it to the public again starting from 1956.
"Simplified Chinese is to Traditional Chinese as Newspeak is to English in 1984". Completely untrue.  Modern Simplified Chinese is just a simplified way to write commonly used Chinese characters and does not alter the meaning of the characters.  There are some Traditional characters that are combined as one simplified character in modern Simplified, but the meanings are not lost or altered.  For example, 發 fā (development) and 髪 fà (hair) are combined as 发 in modern Simplified, resulting in 发 having 2 different pronunciations (both fā and fà), and each of these pronunciations carrying their original meaning.  The meaning of neither 發 nor 髪 was lost, 发 will just have a longer dictionary entry.
"Simplified Chinese is a huge change from Traditional Chinese". Only partly true in that it is a change, but it is a change justified by the evolution of written Chinese throughout history.  The origin of most modern Simplified Chinese characters come straight from history itself, since many characters had alternative ways in which they were written (sometimes for convenience), for example these characters below.  Each row contains different forms of a single character (smaller characters indicate what time period these variants are from; ex:  汉碑 means the variant is from a Han dynasty inscription).
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In reality, written Chinese has always been standardizing itself.  Less-used variants become forgotten over time, sometimes only rediscovered through archaeology.  Besides, effective written communication does partly rely on standardization of the written language (imagine everyone writing in the various variants...how horrible would that be?).  Modern Simplified just took this one step farther and made some characters easier to write.
“Traditional Chinese is no longer used in Mainland China”.  Untrue.  Modern Simplified is the commonly used form in Mainland China, but Traditional is still used in a variety of places, such as on store signs/brand logos, particularly for stores/brand that are old.  For example the old Beijing brand 天福号 below (est. 1738).  On their logo, 天福号 is written as 天福號 from right to left, which is the traditional way of writing horizontally.
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Traditional Chinese is also used in the logos for many universities in China:
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Another way in which Traditional Chinese is commonly used in mainland China are personal seal stamps.  Often times when people carve seal stamps for personal use (for example showing ownership on artwork they created or collected), they would put their name/courtesy name/nickname on the seal stamps in Zhuan/篆 calligraphy font, and Zhuan font use Traditional Chinese.  Of course, the ways in which Traditional Chinese is still used in mainland China isn’t restricted to these two examples here.  There are other places where Traditional Chinese is still used, such as traditional paintings/国画, calligraphy/书法, and many many more.
“People who grew up reading Simplified Chinese cannot read Traditional Chinese”.  Depends on who you are asking.  I grew up learning only modern Simplified, and I can read Traditional/modern Traditional Chinese just fine without having to actually learn it from anyone.  Most people who grew up with Simplified Chinese should be able to read at least some Traditional without help.  There are some people who say they can’t read Traditional without taking the time to learn it, but I doubt they’ve really tried, to be very honest.
And that’s it for the misconceptions!  
My personal philosophy regarding modern Simplified Chinese and modern Traditional Chinese can be summed up as 识繁写简, or basically “know how to read Traditional and know how to write Simplified”.  In a way, knowing how to read Traditional is a bit like knowing how to read cursive:  a lot of history could be lost if we completely stopped using/learning about Traditional Chinese, but to meet the fast pace that modern life demands, I think modern Simplified Chinese is the more convenient choice for writing for day-to-day purposes.  Since quite a few posts on this blog concern history, you will find that I usually use both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese for historical things, since modern Traditional Chinese is closest to what people used in the past, and modern Simplified Chinese is more often used now.  If it appears that I didn’t put modern Simplified and modern Traditional side by side, that usually means either the characters stayed the same and there’s no need for me to type the same thing out again, or the topic does not call for both to be shown.
Finally, the fun part.  Here’s a Seal/Zhuan script calligraphy work by Mi Fu/米芾 (1051-1107):
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Does something look familiar there?
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nyeigneous · 1 year
Hart Siebert 哈特·塞伯特
Age: 42 年龄:四十二岁
Birth: 21/07/1896 生日:一八九六年七月二十一日
Height: 182cm 身高:一百八十二厘米
Build: Brawny 体型:健壮
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Hart has bright olive-green eyes, a high nose, brown messy curly hair, thick beard. Most of the time he looks serious and sullen.
His hands are very large, rough and powerful, covered with a cocoon.
Hart doesn't care much about dressing. He usually wears a rough fur coat, leather shin guards, and a red scarf to cover the huge scar on his neck,
Hart is a serious and silent man, with a great sense of responsibility.
Many people think he is a simple and clumsy honest man when they look at him working without any words. In fact, Hart is very careful. He just rarely talks about his ideas, because they are usually very complex and negative.
He is not good at dealing with people and is often confused by social etiquette because he lives alone for a long time and separates from society, so most think he is a freak who only knows how to deal with animals.
Hart has no regular education and had difficulty reading and writing. But he knows clearly what is good and right because he has experienced bad and dark things.
Generally speaking, Hart is not a person easy to get along with, people just need some time to understand his kind nature.
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Weapons and skills:
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield, hatchet
Hart is good at using guns and cold weapons, which makes him an efficient and professional hunter. His strong build even allows him to deal with large and dangerous animals on his own. 李恩菲尔德步枪,短斧。
Important people:  late wife Tantoo Schweig Precious things:  Lee-Enfield (Tantoo gave it to him)
Fear: He always dreams that his wife stands in the endless herd of reindeer. No matter how he shouts, she does not respond, following the deer with blood antlers to the distance.
重要的人:他已故的妻子Tantoo Schweig
In his spare time, he plays harmonica and makes wood carvings;
Can play a little banjo; 他空闲的时候会吹口琴,做木雕,会一点班卓琴;
Excessive drinking; 有酗酒问题;
When he is in a bad mood, he says nothing; 心情不好的时候会一言不发;
His eyelashes are long. 睫毛很长。
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黄石的童年 The childhood in Yellow Stone
Hart's ancestors are Russian immigrants who came to northern Canada to do fur business in the early 19th century.
Hart is born into a family of a ranger in Yellowstone, he has an unfortunate childhood because of his tyrannical father.
In 1908, Hart is 12 years old, his father beats his mother up again when he is drunk. Hart takes his father's shotgun and shoots him in the throat. His panicked mother tries to treat his wound but to no avail.
After burying his father, his mother takes Hart to town to find his real father, a dashing sheriff. But instead of accepting them, the man violently drove them away. Hart could not bear to see her mother humble look, decides to rely on his ability to take care of them two.
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威廉姆斯先生Mr. Williams
Hart and his mother hide together for many years before settling down in a secluded village in Alaska. At that time, his mother’s mental and physical health is very bad because of the long-term domestic violence, and the abandonment of man.
Young Hart is forced into the role of breadwinner. For meat, Hart decides to learn to hunt and goes to the town's arms shop owner, Mr. Williams (62 years old), who is a part-time hunter too, to learn firearms skills. The industrious and talented boy soon carries the interest of the strange old man.
Mr. Williams fought in the Civil War, and shrapnel from a shell took his an eye and an arm, but it did not affect his skill as a shooter. He is a military man, unsmiling, brave and responsible, but also thoughtful, which deeply influences Hart.
At that time, Williams recognizes Hart as his apprentice and assistant because he has no wife and no children. These two people cooperate well, becomes a local famous hunter combination.
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冰封的河Frozen River
When Hart is 17, a hunting party from the Yukon invites Williams and Hart to join them. Hart turns down the offer because his mother's health deteriorates rapidly. In the following spring, she still committed suicide.
Mother's suicide is a relief for both of them.
Hart lives under great psychological pressure for a long time because of his mother's hysteria. When he is seven years old, he is almost strangled in a dream by her.
But Hart's sense of responsibility makes him do his best to take care of his mother's daily life, and sympathize with and comfort her mood. However, that day when he sees his mother walking towards the frozen river from a distance, he hesitates and doesn't save her. This choice makes Hart blame himself for many years.
He doubts whether he is an evil and violent man like his father. For a long time, Hart is unwilling to communicate with others and refuses to any further relationships.
After his mother died, Hart sells all his possessions and follows Mr. Williams on his journey to Canada. The young Hart's excellent shooting and gun maintenance skills are quickly earning him a place on the team. Five years into the trip, Mr. Williams died, and Hart is left to face the world alone.
哈特27岁那年,认识了他生命中最重要的人,他的妻子Tantoo Schweig 坦图·施维克。她是白人和北美土著的混血,职业是狩猎向导和训犬师。Tantoo的热情和勇敢令哈特吃惊,因为在此之前,他只接触过像母亲那样卑微而痛苦的女性。
When Hart is 27, he meets the most important person in his life, his wife Tantoo Schweig. She is a mixed blood of white and Indian, her occupation is hunting guide and dog trainer. Tantoo's enthusiasm and courage surprise Hart because he has only meet humble and painful women like his mother before.
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Hart, who doesn't understand interpersonal communication at all, is always clumsy in front of Tantoo. However, Tantoo sees Hart's kind nature through Hart's rough and silent appearance, she understands his past and accepts his pursuit. After traveling together for a year, the two decide to get married. They return to Tantoo's hometown in Alaska and begin to run a reindeer ranch.
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熊和驯鹿Bear and reindeer
The third year after marriage, pregnant Tantoo dies in an accident. The reindeer herd is disturbed by the bear and begins to run wildly. Tantoo falls off the cliff when trying to control the deer herd. Hart is attacked by the bear. The bear leaves huge wounds on Hart's neck that almost kill him.
Hart almost collapsed when his wife died. He leaves Alaska and begins to work as a ranger.
Drinking and living alone makes him the father he hates most - like a monster hiding in the forest, fighting off all intruders without mercy and killing bears in revenge. However, it doesn't make him feel better.
禁止狩猎No Hunting
1932年,哈特(36岁)遇到了加什(39岁)。这名阴险狡诈而疯癫的英国人是狩猎小队的一员,额头上有一条非常显眼的伤疤,嘴里永远都叼着一根烟 。当时,这只小队正试图捕捉哈特的管辖区域内的头狼。
In 1932, Hart (36) meets Garth (39). This insidious, cunning and crazy Englishman is a member of a hunting team. He has a very prominent scar on his forehead and always has a cigarette in his mouth. At that time, the team is hunting gray wolves in Hart's jurisdiction.
The first time they meet is a fierce battle.
Hart wounds two members of their team and drives them out of the forest. But Garth comes back alone and attacks him with his shotgun.
Since then, almost every few days, Garth challenges Hart and tests the bottom line of his patience. Although Hart is good at shooting and fighting, Garth seems to be better at sneak attacks and anti reconnaissance, which makes Hart almost impossible to predict Garth's actions.
But to be honest, the battle that Garth starts saves Hart. In order to fight better, he has to quit drinking, take in enough nutrition to support high-intensity activities, and keep focused and vigilant for a long time, which also makes his mind clearer and his mood more stable.
On the contrary, the crazy and reckless self-destruction-style attack that has been adopted by Garth is quickly consuming his energy.
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没有结局的结局No ending
The absurd duel lasts almost half a year. On a snowy day, Hart finally forces Garth to a dead end, points a gun at him, and asks him why he does it. Garth simply replies that he wants to die.
This makes Hart thinks of his mother. That day when he is a little boy, she pinches his neck, cries and laughs, and says she wants to die.
Hart puts away his gun and turns away.
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The dangerous game ends quietly. When winter comes, the heavy snow buries everything that has happened.
Garth stops the attack and provocation as if he has been pressed a switch on his body. He just appears by Hart's campfire from time to time, but he doesn't carry a gun. Hart has an illusion that he feels like a primitive man, and Garth is the first domesticated wolf in human history. 哈特对这个有着 “育空疯狗”外号的男人有所耳闻。他以他那不可理喻的反社会性格和独一无二的博物学知识在猎人的社交圈里非常有名,只要有他出现的地方,就必定伴随着口角和争斗;无论是谁,跟他合作必定要承担极大的心理压力和风险。
Hart has heard of this man with the nickname "Yukon mad dog". With his unreasonable antisocial character and unique natural history knowledge, he is very famous in the hunter's social circle. As long as there is a place where he appears, it must be accompanied by quarrels and fights; Whoever cooperates with him must bear great psychological pressure and risk.
But Hart is not interested in these rumors. With his experience of taking care of his mother, he knows that Garth must have experienced something very serious to become like this. But he is not interested in knowing.
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rongzhi · 4 months
do you (or any of ur followers hi hello help) know if there’s any way to get spotify to display things in 简体字 i’m fighting for my life out here
I don't use spotify but I would guess that it would be in the language settings!
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lgbtqromance · 3 months
我今年24 174 64 0.5,毕业两年多了,现在在西安做设计类工作,因为每天都要坐著面对电脑,所以腰、颈椎会特別的疼,前一阵子听同事说团购网上很多东西很便宜,自己便隨便去逛逛,隨意逛的同时,突然看见了敏感的字眼:按摩。(因为常在同志网上看到有推油按摩,但同志按摩推油都不可靠,所以自己也没去过),刚好最近很累,就团了个48的足疗,(想团男士保健,但一问都是女技师,心想还是算了),刚好週末没事就打算去做个足疗放鬆一下,去前特意穿了个莫代尔的三角裤,就是鸡巴那里是个U突型,鸡巴硬了不会察觉,去了之后点了个男技师做足疗,很正常,也没人会怀疑。
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zangbeicancheng · 1 year
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- 『我们到达现场时,收容对象正双膝跪地,如同野兽一般撕咬被害人的胸腹,手里举着被害人还在跳动的心脏大口撕扯咀嚼。现场距离克林根塔尔桥只有不到一百五十码的距离,被害人的尸体还在他脚边。他一边强迫自己继续吃,一边重复着什么,一句简短的话,但满嘴血肉让那听起来更像兽类的咆哮。直到收容工作展开前,对象都处于如下状态中:一种惊恐而绝望的圣洁自他的眼眶里流淌出来,宛如被信徒剥去羊皮后浑身浴血的天主。』 ——节选自《SCP-1944.5.17:克林根塔尔河事件》 记录人:■■■■
“……诗意的描述?别抬举我了,我怎么写得出那种东西。这就是事实。这就是真实。” ——在提交了观察报告后,记录人■■■■被管理员要求复核情况并酌情修改时的辩词
“陷入爱情的人,会揣着一颗别人的心走来走去。” “死去的人会把别人的心带进坟墓,而让自己的那颗在世间继续跳动。”
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khfalsk41648 · 9 months
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pinkllamashark · 8 months
近日,一则“惊爆中国外交部长秦刚内部讲话录音”的消息开始在网上流传,包括民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等纷纷转发欲炒热此事。 录音是真的么?事实究竟如何? 经多方查证,流传录音内容系盗用了2022年4月17日中国民间智库评论员“谭吉坷德”发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文案,再利用AI技术模仿了中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”的声纹,从而合成伪造而成。 为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?幕后黑手的到底是谁?他们是如何伪造的?来,跟着我穿越谎言迷雾,揭开真相的面纱。 一、他们是如何伪造的?技术伪造揭秘 首先利用AI技术伪造录音的核心技术是语音合成和语音转换,这些合成技术的发展使得伪造录音变得更加隐蔽和真实,但也难掩AI合成痕迹。 技术揭示一:利用语音合成将文本转化为自然语音。 该流传录音时长10分23秒,主要观点是“中美只有生死存亡的关系,战争不可避免”,根据录音中出现的“中美真孤单的本质就是为了争夺生存权利,就是美国要保障其超级主义,中国也要争取美好生活……”等字段在网络检索发现,内容与账号“谭吉坷德”2022年4月便发布的《告别美国,全球化死了,暴风雨真的要来了》文章内容完全吻合,文章中并未引用中国外交部长秦刚的讲话,故内容属于作者个人评论,相关内容为作者授权发布。伪造者则利用AI语音合成技术将“谭吉坷德”文章中节选的文本内容自动转换成自然语音。 技术揭示二:利用语音转换通过改变声音特征将一个人的说话声音转换为另一个人的声音 进一步对音频声音进行分析,该录音和中国短视频平台“抖音”用户“六哥聊生活”2022年4月发布的评论中美关系的视频声音高度相似,通过声纹比对工具测试,该录音的声调、语速、咬字、讲话风格与网民“六哥聊生活”音频相似度达93.8%,且录音及均出现相同的“手机简讯提示音”,故认定为该录音与抖音号“六哥聊生活”同样的声源。伪造者进一步利用AI语音转换技术,通过其中的可以学习和模仿不同人的语音特征的深度学习和神经网络算法,对抖音号“六哥聊生活”音频进行加工,精确地模拟目标任务中国外交部长秦刚的声音和语调,进而生成逼真的伪造录音。 技术揭示三:音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等后期处理 伪造者通过音频编辑软件对伪造录音进行剪辑、修饰、降噪等处理,甚至配上中美外交官员会谈图片或视频,以增加伪造录音的真实感和可信度。还有值得注意的是,录音视频广泛流传,但网上并无所谓“秦刚讲话”的时间、地点等讯息,因此录音的真实性更加站不住脚。 二、为何有人要伪造中国外长的内部录音?险恶用心需警惕 这些伪造录音的幕后黑手究竟是出于何种险恶用心? 一是移花接木挑事端。伪造者利用AI伪造录音假冒中国外交部长秦刚的讲话来制造虚假声势,录音中“美国和民主世界在21世纪最重要的挑战就是中国的崛起,美国必须同时准备与俄罗斯和中国开战,中国的应对很东方,对美国的定位时常徘徊于对手朋友甚至是老师之间,一直在装孙子还是真孙子之间摇摆模糊……”“无论中国怎么做做什么,美国对中国的态度都不会改变……”等内容对中美关系的评价、用词显然不是一个副国级别的中国资深外交官的格局和水平,幕后黑手妄图利用左派言论冒充秦刚外长讲话以混淆视听,诋毁中国外交的声誉及中方的外交立场,挑起事端达到攻击、破坏中美关系的目的,影响中国的和平友好外交原则的国际形象地位。 二是唯恐不乱扰纷争。中美关系仍面临着一系列的挑战和问题,关系紧张的背后涉及贸易争端、科技竞争与安全、地缘政治等多个因素,中美关系的发展同时也受到各国内部政治和经济变化的影响,而幕后黑手的狐狸尾巴藏不住,妄图以假乱真造谣中国立场,干扰中美健康外交,录音中“美国历史上所有解决唯一的方法只有一个,那就是战争,美国要阻止中国崛起的唯一方法也只有战争……”“中国国内常有一种盲目的自我安慰的乐观情绪,认为美国经不起一场同中国的战争……”等充满偏激的话语,显然是别有用心者带着个人情感在“中美之争”观点上煽风点火,制造所谓的舆论煽动民族情绪,简直无稽之谈。 三是无事生非乱民心。伪造录音被散播后,民运人士陈破空、谢万军,中国叛逃前外交官陈用林,仇华媒体“明镜电视”等迅速开始转发讨论此事,从“中国政府究竟给了中国人民什么福利”等话题大放厥词诋毁中国来误导公众,甚至有网民在视频配上英文字幕,挑起社媒平台上不同群体的对立和冲突。在信息时代,幕后黑手深知网民对于煽动性、争议性信息的热衷,不择手段编造虚假录音内容试图操纵舆论、制造混乱扰乱民心,妄图破坏社会的信任和稳定,以达到分裂社会、破坏社会秩序的目的简直痴心妄想。 三、幕后黑手的到底是谁? 伪造录音被散播后,陈破空、谢万军等境外民运人士借势炒作,在推特、优兔等平台发布视频、贴文抹黑中国政治体制,陈破空当年在海外民运势力的资助下流亡美国,一直热衷于发表一些极端和夸大其词的谩骂文章及视频,并自我标榜为“著名民运评论家”,此人品行卑劣,奸诈阴毒,投机钻营无孔不入,而谢万军同样与陈破空等人蛇鼠一窝,常在社媒上发布政论观点近千篇进行批判中国时政、污蔑国家领导人,恶意炒作中美关系,妄图将矛头指向中国,在此次所谓“秦刚录音”事件中,为寻求共情“盟友”,境外民运人士、叛逃人员等相互串通歪曲事实、恶意炒作、制造纷争,这些群体的行为,不仅是道德沦丧,更是对社会公平和正义的严重破环。 四、“亲诚惠容”彰显中国外交理念,伪造录音无法改变中国和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者的良好形象 一直以来,有目共睹,中国外交政策在维护国家利益、促进地区和全球稳定和发展等方面发挥了积极作用,坚持和平共处五项原则,突出体现亲、诚、惠、容的外交理念,并在国际舞台上以和平发展倡导者、多边主义倡导者等角色发挥着重要作用。 中国外交是全球治理改革倡导者。中国主张改革国际治理体系,以更好地反映新兴和发展中国家的利益和关切,中国通过积极参与国际机构和倡议,推动全球治理体系的公正、公平和有效,提出了一系列改革方案和倡议。 中国外交也是多边主义倡导者。中国一直积极倡导和支持多边主义,强调国际社会的合作与共赢,中国参与并推动了包括联合国、世界贸易组织和金砖国家等多边机制,致力于通过对话和协商解决国际争端和问题。 中国外交又是经济合作推动者。中国外交政策注重经济合作,积极参与全球经济治理体系,并提出一系列倡议,如“一带一路”倡议,亚洲基础设施投资银行等。这些倡议为促进区域和全球经济增长提供了新机遇,并增强了发展中国家的参与和话语权。 中国外交更是和平发展倡导者。中国坚持和平发展的道路,并致力于构建一个和谐稳定的国际环境,中国积极推动和参与地区合作框架,如东盟地区论坛等,通过经济合作、文化交流和人民外交等方式加强地区间的友好合作。 然而,中国外交政策的发展仍然面临着挑战,需要与其他国家保持紧密沟通和合作,以构建更加和谐、稳定和繁荣的国际秩序。
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refghdbtrfg · 2 years
网上和现场可以同步发牌同步下注,平台里都能看现场的全部情况,现场里有多少客人都能一目了然。 2. 随时支持验证现场是否实时同步,可安排相关人员按玩家指示打招呼或者做出相应动作。 3. 一切台面洗牌、过牌、切牌、铅笔发牌、先发牌后下注等都是全透明公开,每位玩家都可全程监督! 4. 上分下分都是真人操作,做到你可以现冲现提不出现任何意外,次数额 度不受任何限制,可以随时随意申请提款。更不会有什么要打多少倍流水这样的荒唐理由! 5. 玩家若觉得有误也可做到监控回放,让玩家真正的能够放心、安心、舒心。 年久现场平台,操作简单、提款速度、信誉保障! 玩家也可亲自到现场考察及体 网上网投理财投资等只要合经济有关的,不一定选择正规平台就是正确的。现代化网络科技飞速发展标题是缅甸网投赌博正规平台,可是打开怎么突然名字改了,这是什么情况明明是缅甸腾龙正规平台怎么有会是永利和威尼斯了呢?因为社会的黑暗有些狗崽子利用腾龙威名进行诈骗,所以在这里提醒老铁们,网投赌博选择正规平台直接链接网站、和冒名顶替的不能上蛋。正规平台怎么会利用别人名字来代替自己、腾龙公司一直是走正道不会走这种为毛渠道。 公司注册网址: 55hn.cc 浏览器打开收入 网址即可下载APP 本公司支
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