#𓆩♑π“†ͺ kaetfb
kaethefangirl Β· 23 days
And I'm back, women in anime are depicted so terribly its wild. I just wanted to come and say, fuck elizabeth (nnt/7ds), fuck orihime (bleach), and fuck hinata (naruto, but fuck her a little less cs i kind of like her)
It makes me angry that in almost every shonen, the main character has a personality and a life and things that they go through and have to overcome... and then theres the love interest. Always airheaded, always soft spoken, always kind, with no willpower at all. In bleach, I would ship rukia with ichigo so hard if she wasn't perfect with renji.
Bleach was actually insane because literally every female character had a personaltity except Orihime. I do like that Fairy tail is set apart from the rest because Lucy is kind of sort of the main character so she gets to have a personality too. Fanservice is like an obvious thing that I hate about anime and it takes away so much. If an anime was a 10 before factoring the fan service, it would be brought down to a 7 or 6 afterward. Orihime sucks over all, 2/10 love interest.
I'm pretty sure most of my hate of Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) is stemmed from the countless anti-winry fanfiction I've read but she's a great standalone character. The only flaws I see in her is that she does the crying for the male mc thing, which is really out of character for her when I think about it. She has willpower, she's strong and independent, if anything she'd be travelling with them and staying strong for them because she understands that she's a liability if she breaks down crying at every bruise they get. That's more in character to me, but I suppose she is also a teenager so... I can't be too mad at her. All in all, Winry is an amazing female love interest. 9/10 love interst/mc.
Haruhi from Ouran Highschool really breaks the stereotype and gives us a refreshing view on women in anime. She wasn't obsessed with love, she didn't really care too much about anything. She wasn't the typical "yells at you for literally anything" female mc, or the "nice shy and airheaded" female mc. She wasn't even unique and I love that, she's genuinely a regular ass girl, and she was so hilarious. She's probably my favorite girl in anime if I'm being honest. 10/10 female love interest/mc.
Let's talk about Elizabeth. Elizabeth from 7ds is such a disgrace.. She sat and let Meliodas molest her and didn't care at all. You can tell when an anime is written by a man, and not to knock ALL anime written by men because there's some amazing ones out there, but things like that just make it so obvious. Diane and her obsession with Meliodas was weird too, it seemed a bit too much like a harem anime in season 1 and bits of season 2. Elizabeth was the typical soft spoken and overly kind love interest that I hate. Not a drop of personality there and then she has to blush with everything she says.. All in all, 0/10 love interest.
Last but not least, my dear Tohru Honda... Words cannot describe how much I love her. On the outside it looked like she was the typical soft spoken and overly kind female mc but she actually blew my mind. Her willpower is incredible, the fact that she stayed after finding out what Kyo really was and refused to leave. It wasn't a weird kind of moment where she was just blushing and refusing to leave because that's what the writers decided she was gonna do, but it was actually a great scene that showed who she was at her core. I loved how at the end of the series she disagreed with Kyo. "I might be nice but I do stand my ground." God, I love Tohru. It's like her kindness was genuine and real and so was her worry and concern for the Sohmas. All in all, 10/10 female love interest/mc.
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kaethefangirl Β· 1 month
saw you mention you're anti edwin πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ may I ask why? Im curious bc I know that ship is p popular in the fandom but I've just never vibed with it personally.
yea that FIASCO that happened aside, edwin just doent seem very healthy to me or in character with each character, not to mention it's the most basic, cliche couple ever and really came out of nowhere.
i cant see ed settling down that young, especially not after all the action he endured through his childhood. he would get tired and restless being a house husband really quickly, and i cant see him with a regular 9 to 5 working anywhere. Not to say he isnt dad material, but that probably wouldnt come until hes had his fill of traveling and he's actually ready to settle down.
winry is a good standalone character, but with ed i just dont like who she becomes. her and ed give more best friend energy than anything else, and the whole ship feels like the writers didn't put much thought into eds love life. it just felt like they said "winry will be eds love interest" and then forgot to add anything to that until the one episode where hawkeye mentioned ed loving winry. im convinced that ed loves winry platonically, theres just NO WAY that relationship lasted.
in my delusions of canon, ed and winry broke up on good terms and then laughed about it afterwards, and then winry ends up with someone else and theyre happy, and ed meets someone on his travels who ends up following him around and they end up together. ed, al, and winrys kids will all be best friends.
thanks for the ask! <33
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kaethefangirl Β· 25 days
Just started Sk8 the Infinity, quick question, why are Joe and Cherry Blossom so fucking gay for each other?
It's blowing my mind, if they don't end up together by ep 12, I'm gonna go insane.
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kaethefangirl Β· 25 days
NO. NO, NO, NO. ADAM MUST BE STOPPED. WHY IS HE BALLROOM DANCING WITH HIGHSCHOOLERS???? WHILE SKATING. INTERLOCKING HANDS???? no. hisoka 2.0 must be stopped, and i want him off the streets so i can walk safely.
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kaethefangirl Β· 23 days
I feel the need to yap about how much I fucking hate the new age of anime.
We used to get amazing plot lines and stories from authors who gave a fuck about their animes and actually put thought and time into making complex story webs that all come together and make sense at the end.
There was a time where we got anime's that had themes that made you sit and think, the type of shit that you have to sit and dwell on and it shapes your philosophy.
Philosophy is such a big part of anime, and maybe I'm biased because thats the field that I'm most interested in but you cannot tell me that Philisophy and good anime don't go hand in hand.
The time of good anime is over and I hate that, while there are some amazing modern anime's they just aren't as popular and get none of the recognition that they deserve.
Instead, we're getting the shitty isekais like "i got reincarnated as a.." and then its a old ass man in the body of a 14 year old surrounded by a harem of idiot airheaded girls who's only seperation and individuality is being "the big boobed one" or the one with the fat ass or the angry one.
Why are those animes getting the most popular you ask? The answer is quite simple. It's the 'people' you know and hate, the ones that ruined society, the one
the only...
Men are the ones creating these dumbass animes for men. Men are also the ones assuming that women would only like to watch a romance anime, and while i can appreciate a good shojo, that's not the only thing I want to see. Fullmetal Alchemist is actually brilliant and I'll never stop praising it as one of if not the only shonen that hasn't a drop of fan service and gets straight to the point. Not a single weird ass beach episode where the female love interest has to wear a stupidly revealing bikini, no filler, and most importantly its written by a WOMAN!
Oh! Oh! I have an idea, what if we left deciding what women want to see to the actual fucking women. Men really just sat up in the writing studio and said, "For us, let's make an epic ass anime. I'm talking naruto, bleach, fairy tail!"
"What about the girls?"
"Oh.. them. Uh.. give em highschool boys or somethin'."
I fucking love certain romance animes, *cough* the ones that are written by women *cough* but that doesn't mean I don't ADORE a good shonen.
Bleach and Fairytail are my personal favorite shonens but the turn off was all the fan service, I can't even watch it around anyone because as soon as they walk in its like one of the girls is smothering a dude in her tits. I wanted to show my little brothers fairy tail like my sister did me but I had to turn it off quick as hell. Same goes for Bleach, the story line is amazing and Rukia made me think "oh hey, maybe it wont be so much fan service" then we got Orihime. And I'm gonna make a seperate post for how much I hate how women are depicted in anime. DONT GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON SEVEN DEADLY SINS EITHER-
The bottom line is, the anime's that are written by women might not be the most popular, but they're usually the best animes out there in their respective genres. Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Ranma 1/2, and Kamisama Kiss are all examples of how amazing female writing has shaped the world of shojo and how good female writing is compared to shows written by men.
Also anime has so much misogyny ingrained into it its insane. The whole "traditional woman" thing probably either stems from or is fueled by the fact that in almost every major shonen, the male mc ends up with an airheaded woman with little to no personality. The girl's personality is just being the love interest of the mc. "I.. believe in you!" and thats it, no development, not jack shit.
Also women's taste in anime is better than men's, I rest my case. And this is all me generalizing things down to the statistics of men and women. If you're a guy and you don't think like this then that's actually amazing for you but that just means I'm not talking about you. On the other hand if you are a consumer of one of the weird shitty harem animes then I'm wishing nothing but the worst on you!
OH AND WOMEN = identify as a woman
MEN = identify as a man
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kaethefangirl Β· 26 days
I finally decided to make 2 different blogs to have the slightest bit of organization
@kaethefangal - comic only blog
kaethefangirl - anime only blog (from now on)
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kaethefangirl Β· 3 days
I just found my old Wattpad and with it was my old cringey 1st pov written todobaku fics. If anyone wants to volunteer kill me, I'm taking applications now.
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kaethefangirl Β· 3 days
Just found out yall mfs can see my ao3 bookmarks 😭 I deleted them all ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!
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kaethefangirl Β· 24 days
See because, no. My answer is no. Adam just decided to beat the fuck out of Cherry with a fucking skateboard because...he thought he was boring??
Headcannon: I think Cherry is too old to perv on and Adam only wants to prey on minors! Just a theory tho (also justice for cherry because what the fuck?)
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kaethefangirl Β· 1 hour
Oh, and I like when theres a twist put on the beauty and the beast troupe. The one where person #1 falls in love with a "monster" but instead of the monster changing, they get loved just as they are. They never turn human or change. Yes, you know what the monster is, yes you've seen his mug but you know his heart and you love him with all your being.
And I did in fact put monster in quotations, give it your own meaning.
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kaethefangirl Β· 5 days
πŸ˜ˆπŸ…πŸ“ŠπŸ€” for the ask game hehe
Oo I think one thing I enjoy doing that readers hate is my spacing. I have a mental tick that tells me to create a new paragraph for every dialogue part I have. And then sometimes I cannot bring myself to space a paragraph apart but I know it looks jumbled together. It's the parasite, the demon in me, that doesn't let me space.
Something I've recently felt proud about regarding my writing is managing to create a long chapter. I have a WIP that hasn't been published yet but it's 10k and counting, and I've never created a chapter longer than 5k words. I try not to set goals for myself as far as lengths but it made me happy when I realized just how huge the chapter was.
I've 6 WIPS, (mostly edling and edgreedling)
I'd say the hardest part of writing fics for me is characterization and wording. When I'm writing it has to be a character that I've analyzed and know or else I cannot write to the best of my ability. I hate mischaracterization in fics so it kills my heart when I realize I've done it myself.
And wording is so fundamental, there's fics I've read that were very unmemorable because the way the wording was clinical in a way. And for some kinds of fics, that's okay.
I've also read fics that I couldn't forget even if I tried, because the adjectives and wording just cling to my heart. Honestly, it all depends on the kind of fic. When I'm trying to write an action or romance-type fic, the hardest part is getting my wording to reflect that. I'm doing my best to expand my vocabulary so I can convey emotions and feelings. Sorry for the rant of an answer, thanks for the ask!
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kaethefangirl Β· 11 days
Hi! It's me from your Blindspotting comments, lol. How do you feel about antis and pro shippers on your blog?
(Your hamilton fics are amazing btw!) <33
Just now seeing this, sorry. Thank you so much! Bear with me, I'll update Blindspotting....one day.
And I don't really want.. any hate on my blog? So as long as antis aren't actively you know...being antis, I don't mind.
As far as pro-shippers it honestly depends. Shipping elricest is actually out of the question, that's the only thing I cannot tolerate. (Cause, what the fuck?) Other than that I don't care what other people ship or like, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I think that just about covers it.
Thanks for the ask!
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kaethefangirl Β· 24 days
Adam x Langa in Sk8 is sexy 😘
To each their own, dear anonymous asker
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kaethefangirl Β· 26 days
hi! i was wondering how you feel about people making podfics / art / translations / other things inspired by your fics?
Hii! I LOVE WHEN THIS HAPPENS! Someone made art of a headcannon post I made a few months ago and it made my day when I saw it! All I really ask is that I'm tagged/@ so I can see it whenever it's posted, that's all!
Thanks for the ask <3
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kaethefangirl Β· 1 month
all abt me
welcome to my blog, im kae, 18 yrs old
main fandoms: fullmetal alchemist, jjk, bleach, fruits basket (theres more minor ones that i cant think of atm)
ao3: kaethefanboy
discord: leautumn (plz add me! id love to chat!)
pronouns: any
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