#rant turned rating??
kaethefangirl · 29 days
And I'm back, women in anime are depicted so terribly its wild. I just wanted to come and say, fuck elizabeth (nnt/7ds), fuck orihime (bleach), and fuck hinata (naruto, but fuck her a little less cs i kind of like her)
It makes me angry that in almost every shonen, the main character has a personality and a life and things that they go through and have to overcome... and then theres the love interest. Always airheaded, always soft spoken, always kind, with no willpower at all. In bleach, I would ship rukia with ichigo so hard if she wasn't perfect with renji.
Bleach was actually insane because literally every female character had a personaltity except Orihime. I do like that Fairy tail is set apart from the rest because Lucy is kind of sort of the main character so she gets to have a personality too. Fanservice is like an obvious thing that I hate about anime and it takes away so much. If an anime was a 10 before factoring the fan service, it would be brought down to a 7 or 6 afterward. Orihime sucks over all, 2/10 love interest.
I'm pretty sure most of my hate of Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) is stemmed from the countless anti-winry fanfiction I've read but she's a great standalone character. The only flaws I see in her is that she does the crying for the male mc thing, which is really out of character for her when I think about it. She has willpower, she's strong and independent, if anything she'd be travelling with them and staying strong for them because she understands that she's a liability if she breaks down crying at every bruise they get. That's more in character to me, but I suppose she is also a teenager so... I can't be too mad at her. All in all, Winry is an amazing female love interest. 9/10 love interst/mc.
Haruhi from Ouran Highschool really breaks the stereotype and gives us a refreshing view on women in anime. She wasn't obsessed with love, she didn't really care too much about anything. She wasn't the typical "yells at you for literally anything" female mc, or the "nice shy and airheaded" female mc. She wasn't even unique and I love that, she's genuinely a regular ass girl, and she was so hilarious. She's probably my favorite girl in anime if I'm being honest. 10/10 female love interest/mc.
Let's talk about Elizabeth. Elizabeth from 7ds is such a disgrace.. She sat and let Meliodas molest her and didn't care at all. You can tell when an anime is written by a man, and not to knock ALL anime written by men because there's some amazing ones out there, but things like that just make it so obvious. Diane and her obsession with Meliodas was weird too, it seemed a bit too much like a harem anime in season 1 and bits of season 2. Elizabeth was the typical soft spoken and overly kind love interest that I hate. Not a drop of personality there and then she has to blush with everything she says.. All in all, 0/10 love interest.
Last but not least, my dear Tohru Honda... Words cannot describe how much I love her. On the outside it looked like she was the typical soft spoken and overly kind female mc but she actually blew my mind. Her willpower is incredible, the fact that she stayed after finding out what Kyo really was and refused to leave. It wasn't a weird kind of moment where she was just blushing and refusing to leave because that's what the writers decided she was gonna do, but it was actually a great scene that showed who she was at her core. I loved how at the end of the series she disagreed with Kyo. "I might be nice but I do stand my ground." God, I love Tohru. It's like her kindness was genuine and real and so was her worry and concern for the Sohmas. All in all, 10/10 female love interest/mc.
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 months
Small things that make me very happy, a list of the absurd:
1. The fact that I can hear a roster crowing from inside my house, even though it's against zoning code. I love rooster crows. I love that I know of at least 3 flocks that have a roster within walking distance.
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lukabitch · 2 months
Lesson learned: If a friend needs a break for themselves and then they turn around and basically say that they were taking a break from you. All because you zoned out on a call. A call that they started. A call that went from “haha funny gay men” to trauma dumping. Didn’t tell you that they were taking a break til four days later of silence. Lied to your face that they weren’t mad. Got even more mad at you for checking in every 3-4 days to make sure they were okay.
Leave them with an “I’m sorry I did all that” and a big fuck you by blocking them. I will not be treated like shit and only used for your convenience anymore buddy. If I’m such a bad person let me remove myself since you’re too much of a pussy to do it yourself.
The funny thing is I hope they get better. I know that under different circumstances that they would still be my friend. I only wished that the circumstances would’ve came sooner.
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aloeverified · 6 months
not to be a true love hater or whatever, but i genuinely cannot imagine marrying someone after only being together for like two years. like that's a stranger.
maybe it's just my perspective because i've been with my boyfriend for seven years, but i feel like you don't truly know someone in every way to guarantee all the ups and downs of marriage until you've been together for at least four unless maybe you've been friends for way longer.
especially when you're young too because you're constantly changing changing changing. like, if you're in your 40s and have your life pretty planned out and everything then i guess it's not too crazy — but even then i feel like you haven't been through enough with them to ensure that you or them will want to remain married under every possible circumstance unless you've been going through like the actual apocalypse together.
i don't know. maybe i've just study too much psychology and have had too many long term friendships end to be able to put myself in other people's shoes but like. two years of knowing someone and getting married is so crazy to me oh my goodness.
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soupinaboot · 1 year
For the love of God, if you are writing a story or a movie or anything like that, please do NOT title it the name of the main character. Do you have any idea what it is like trying to find good content about them? It's fucking hard.
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insomnianoctem · 9 months
Started new meds for anxiety and this time instead of sudden severe drowsiness/fatigue its rapid heart rate I can't tell if this symptom is better or worse to have
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ickyguts · 1 year
man tumblr rly bustin my balls rn 💔
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randomnameless · 2 years
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My heart
Look at him he's so happy to reunite with his sister - I know some people were kind of bullying him for wearing the tiara, but it's his sister's tiara, and what he might have thought was her last memento, and just seeing them like that I just :')
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And they lived happily ever after!
I still noted Sharena didn't notice how A!Tiki's breastplate is young Caeda's, but we know she's not the most reliable source concerning lizard things.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Gherman and Eileen (and if neither are available/you want, Micolash <3) for the character bingo :)
Hahaha, no man, never give me a right to choose! Because I will always chose all. Because I always have something to say. And if I don't, I obtain an opinion as I go because I am unhinged dfsdgh
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If this isn't my favourite character to discuss... :smh:
I only mention how terribly he was treated in every second post about him, the dude can shake hands with Chara Undertale on having the character ruined by fandom for fandom for years. xD I started swinging between 'You can have an unflattering interpretation of the character, just quit mocking and accusing people who disagree' and 'Actually no, forget it. It is not even an "interpretation", it is outright lore-inaccurate and tone-deaf and wrong. Why I should be 'okay' with you ruining a cool character? Sure, shoving away the actual character and replacing them with what you want to see is not BAD, but it is not GOOD either. How would you feel if I completely overlooked lore and portrayal of male characters you love, for example Djura, and replaced them with a punching bag for all my grudges with the sexism this wretched world commits? Would you people be cool with that?'.
I am under obligation of being 'understanding' because, honestly, the real villain here is localisation team that turned the whole angle of perceiving the guy over - that made it easier to ignore/misinterpret the shit load of other evidence for his case. Can't easily recall victorian mourning dolls, or that when Doll held an ornament full of his feelings - she cried in joy and compassion, not staggered in disgust, after the gross comment they put in his mouth, huh? Hire fans 👏
Nonetheless, the character is pretty interesting for many reasons, and it did feel a bit odd for me that he says like... one thing and then disappears for interaction. I don't even know where does he keep disappearing as a person stuck on wheelchair? *squints at Flora very loudly* I cannot pick him as THE best character because he at the very least shares the place with Maria, Micolash and Djura - and that's just my opinion! But he certainly just has so much going on about him, having had guts to commit to a horrible fate for the sake of humanity and out of his faith in Healing Church, all that. There are just so many things about him? Training the hunters and starting a workshop, combining ruthless traits and tragedy and tender love too. (Also aesthetic alone is immaculate).
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Annnnnd it is a bit funny that after the most controversial character, you listed the least controversial one... xd There are just no ways to mess Eileen up, really. No bad fandom trends, no questionable ships, no off the mark opinions, like... you have to be diabolically inventive to mess up EILEEN of all characters? She is a bit of a fresh air as a character who is basically perfect and there aren't things to disagree on :')
And I honestly think she is one of the most needed characters for the overall setting, and the coolest way to execute a concept - because someone SHOULD be out there mercy-killing blood-drunk hunters! Besides beak mask seems to be her original one, so perhaps she was a plague doctor before, and thus no stranger to mercy-killing before Yharnam? She is just so grim, yet so sympathetic. Drama potential with Crow of Cainhurst? Awesome. But, I am yet to find a very cool justification as to why she only goes blood-drunk in the scenario where we never interact with her? Like... what butterfly effect did we cause? I feel like there is a fantastic explanation for what could have gone depending on us, that is right here but I am not seeing it @_@
There is no unpopular opinion field though, however I think that the fact that Hunter of Hunters seems to be a "hostile" concept to the League is underexplored? Oath runes logic (like Beast's Embrace vs Kin and Corruption vs Radiance), also Valtr himself seems blood drunk? And she sounds as if she's been waiting for an excuse to kill Henryk? However both her and League pursue 'gone wrong' hunters, so maybe they have rivarly over who kills them? Do they fight over whether to bury them with an honour or rip their guts in search of some bug she can't even see? I need something aaaaaa
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This IS my favorite character yooooo
I can go on about him forever, and in fact I kinda sorta did in lore and headcanons posts now? I would not say he got done 'dirty' by the fandom, more like... could have been better? Not to downvote anyone's uploads, but finding more or less model accurate fanart of the guy can be more challenging than it should be? I often see him all prettied-up, with slick straight hair (and sometimes that one anime 'ahoge' strand), with wider/stronger chin instead of his sharp weak one, smug face that is anything but his tired/eerie look, sometimes hair is brown...
It is not 'done dirty' but rather, 'if your Micolash looks at least somewhat creepy/uncomfy/unattractive, you are doing it right'. Similar with personality and portrayal, maybe it is my not-enough-fanfics-read sorry ass speaking but I feel like the fact that dude is mentally unstable, crazy, ran a literal madcult responsible for kidnapping and mutilating/reviving corpses and is stuck in the nightmare of his own desire is... overlooked? He is often portrayed as just a quirky funny guy obsessed with books that is not dangerous at all, even though he is easily THE most evil character? Right, making character worse makes my blood boil *looks in Gehrman's general direction*, but making character better...? It just makes me... confused? I am not angry, I just don't know why? Again, if your portrayal of Micolash is at least somewhat repulsive - you are doing it right x)
Well as you can tell already I have my issues with the character, but I also love him for the reasons hard to explain? It is complexity, depth, the context of the character (terminal stage of falling for the hubris, but researcher rather than cruel hunter), voice acting in either language, eccentric behaviour, him being fucking funny but you shiver if you actually THINK about him, him being such a nerd that he's the only NPC without a real weapon (only magic spells), he is just so PERFECT - both for the setting and as a tragic figure that fell from the grace as a scholar and KEEPS falling. From moral standpoint I am supposed to hate him, but he broke the limits of humanity and morality so far away that my typical measures no longer apply?
(And yes, I am adopting him because the guy clearly needs a mom figure :pensive: Everyone wants him to be Bad and Quirky on them, but who will give him a motherly hug and tell him he can rest from despair for now? /lh )
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thebowcollector · 2 years
so apparently d*sney opened an online store for my country and they have pride merch ??? that's so fucking hypocritical of them I fucking hate them for doing this. turning rainbows into cash grab instead of actually advocating and supporting LGBTQ+ stories ??? get away from me !!
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impostorsshow · 16 days
Unspecified issue that im going to blame on my pika hospital rating time in a non linear order 4/10
I had to go to the ER twice since they didn't believe me the first time
Despite being afab between 4 women nurses and 1 male nurse the guy was the only one who came back like 4 times to my room to make sure I got an ultrasound and the
women kept trying to brush me off and say it was just period cramps [i am not on my period fuck you], etc thank hell for that guy. He also drove my hospital bed [since I could not fucking move more than like 2 feet] like a damn racecar and took some really smooth corners and that was very fun. Actually the way he handled it makes me think the [3/4] girls that treated me had like an ongoing rumor about shitty care or something
Another girl failed at putting in my IV twice and brought over "the IV guy" who was about to go on lunch break and they literally had to ultrasound my veins to find a good spot i sincerly apologized like 5 times for "having the shittiest veins in the west"
I had to lie multiple times and say my pain was a 9 in order to get pain meds. Yes I did want to cry but that's like a 7.5 I was not dying and whoever decided a 10 was crying obviously never has had chronic ankle and knee pain [or any chronic pain but y'know. Those are my chronics]. Despite sending me home for period cramps the first time in the ER I said my pain was at a 7.5 and they didn't give me Jack shit [they had to bump up the pain medication they gave me to be stronger so I don't think it woulda worked anyway, just maybe delay how long it took for me to beg to be taken back to the ER]
I was supposed to see the Garfield movie and had to have minor surgery like 3 hours before so womp womp [I am able to refund the tickets and am determined to see it in theaters]
I GOT ICE CUBES?? THEY GIVE YOU ICE CUBES?? brings it up from a 4/10 to a 6/10 honestly bitches love ice cubes
My assigned nurse read fanfiction and I told her about that one 400 chapter batim fanfic and she reaffirmed the name of it like 3 times shes definitely into that shit Good luck gal. I also said "i read this Hermitcraft fanfic-" and she immediately went "HERMITCRAFT??? Oh we are not on the same sides of ao3" and I'm still very unsure of what I implied or what she implied by that so I just transitioned into telling her about my sonic death fanfic from 2019
In the waiting room the second time I went they were playing a horror movie that used a theremin [that one famous no hand instrument] and the movie played the same 4 note creepy audio clip like 7 times in 30 seconds with no dialogue in between each time. What was. What was that excuse me?? Also it was like 11 pm at this point
So yippee me irrational [?] fear of my useless organ I forgot the name of exploding being the thing to have a risk of permanently fucking me over was Not the thing to bring me to the hospital. Here's doodles from my hospital visit taken in approximately shitty lighting that I mind my damn best to save with filters
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Also you made it this far read the alt tags
#it was not in fact caused by pika but i do have pika so fuck you you do not need to know why i was in the hospital#the trip both fully solidified why i fucking hate hospitals and why hospitals are usually the best option#like i think i would have had pernament damage/bled out/had an ambulance called if i didnt insist on going back to the ER within an hour#and my nana insisted on going with me to be a karen since shes had cancer like 3 times so i actually got treated this that time yippee#fuck you to the two girls that saw me the first time i went to the er [where i had to wait 2 fucking hours] and thought i was just absolute#-ly fucking insane and bonkers or some shit. they used medical terms to call me a liar to my face. second time i went the wait was only lik#15-30 minutes at the most?? even if i had to stay overnight thats fuckin better than 3 hours#i also took the uh anti anxiety shit they offer before a surgery so i do not remember anything unfortunately or else i would have rated tha#the post surgery girl did listen to me when i said crackers were too salty and got me jello in my preferred color though!!#talk talks#also the read more is weird because ✨ clickbait in the middle of a run on sentence ✨#also i turned reblogs off so my friends that reblog my items. please just leave me an ask in my inbox i do not want my hospital experience#going all over tumblr i want it to stay on My Account#forgot to mention i specifically mean the like 3 people that reblog with a matching rant in the tags. ill know its about this post dw
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unkat · 3 months
i love when people do like surveys where you have access to the results and like get a glimpse into the inner workings of people. like even if someone disagrees with your opinions its like ooooooh i wonder what your life is that you feel that way? people are so interesting.
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bucknastysbabe · 5 months
Tumblr should have a feature so that each time I visit your blog Knuck if you Buck plays
It’s either that or this one where’s DJ Dragonstone
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daybreakstorm · 9 months
bruh my dash is DEAD
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
Honestly, friends should be able to listen to each other rant. If you were taught to never voice your dismay about anything, or have never been in a situation where you and your peers are ever in the right headspace to support one-another, this might sound like an absurd claim. But in a good situation, ranting in the group chat is a team sport and good for you. Something you get to do, not something you grit your teeth to endure when you're already barely holding on as it is.
Just yesterday one of my friends unpromptedly posted "it's honestly incredible to me that there really are grown adult people out there who can't read." And the whole group chat perked up like a bunch of dogs hearing a food packet crinkle like oh? Are we gonna be talking shit? Who fucked up and what did they do?
And before anyone even said anything, she clarified that she meant like literally can't read. She had just met a middle-aged man who had told her he's more fluent in reading finnish than he is in reading his own first language, because back at the old country he never had the chance to go to school. Ah, so we're discussing what a huge privilege it really is to be born in a place where the standard of education is so high that you legit forget that having a practically 100% adult literacy rate isn't the default everywhere. This is fine too.
I wasn't the first to admit that I had been expecting some fiery "this co-worker keeps smoking right next to the 'no smoking' sign every single day" -rant, and had been looking forward to it. If one of us is having a bad day, the whole group chat is instantly turning into a hate club of this person who pissed you off.
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