#( will i stop rambling massive essays for headcanons?
doctor-who-binge · 1 year
If ya feel like following my chaos here, please know:
🔹This blog was made for me. I'm not trying to change your mind on anything. I would go off on like essays of my opinion and shit to friends as I watched and wanted to stop bugging them with it incessantly. I always want to leave YT comments but just thats such a no, I only leave one occasional. Besides I can't keep track of my YT comment thoughts like I can with a blog. I'm hoping to get into the extended media as well so this gives me a ranty rambling outlet for that as well. Its why I share and comment on articles and YT videos. Its also why you can expect a fuck load of posts when I'm watching or whatever with no queue effort.
🔹If you want to interact and chat about my views on posts or whatever: yay! If you don't, thats cool too. I don't do DMs
🔹If you really want my opinions before following:
I think the Moffat & Davies Eras are simply different and neither is better than the other.
This explains why I don't like Chinball's era— yes its very long but it is very thoughtful and genuinely evaluates the writing. Also it has chapters!
The Flux is awesome but was completely unfinished/loose ends
Favorite companion is Donna. But Martha was an amazing companion just unfortunately overshadowed by the unrequited love story. Rose is overrated.
11 is probably "My Doctor," since that seems to be a designation people make for some reason. But I love the second and third series of 12. I love 10 but dear christ his episodes make me sad. Need to rewatch 9.
In regards to 13: I hate that she removed the Master's race perception filter because she had already defeated him via the fake radio messages yet still decided to make his 77 years worse by weaponizing his skin color. I don't really hate her though... just bleh. I think I'll like her better in extended media one day?
Anti-Timeless Child, like... really.
Massive River Song fan
I change my mind a lot.
I do want to enjoy Classic I'm not Nu only—but atm BritBox is making it impossible.... don't worry you'll know when I'm watching it lol. Planing to explore the extended media.
..... are there any more decisive disclaimers I need for y'all????
🔹 Some of My Headcanons
Meta Crisis was not solved by Girl Power™
Mels as their best friend didn't exist until after Big Bang 2, meaning she "grew up" with Amy & Rory in the timeline they never actually lived.
The reason Amy divorces Rory despite the enormous character building of the relationship, and why she doesn't consider adoption, is all related to PTSD.
Ashildr isn't that old
The Doctor didn't forget the Gamma Forest girl, he simply hadn't met her yet by time she was dying— because time travel.
Ruth Doctor is between 2 and 3, the reason 3 falls out of TARDIS in 2's clothes is immense efforts by Time Lords/Division to hide Ruth's existence
Spy Master is between Saxon Master & Missy/Lumiat. Because Saxon would refuse to regenerate into Missy knowing what she would become
I reject seeing the Weeping Angels moving and reject a shard of Clara telling the 1st Doctor which TARDIS to take. I will stick my fingers in my ears and yell la la la if anyone tries to convince me otherwise
Probably more
Blog I like from: @sag-dab-sar-follows
Main Blog: @sag-dab-sar
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moralityblurred · 6 years
so in a roundabout way the topic of sleep came up when chatting with salem and produced a sleep headcanon ( or collection of them rip ) for ari. xD
firstly, he likes to be WARM. like if you put all my muses’ beds side by side, ari’s would by far be the one with the most and fluffiest blankets. he has at least three thick fleece blankets that are super soft and warm, and generally a comforter along with that. it also means he sweats A LOT when he sleeps, which is gross you weirdo, but hey showers are a thing. ( also thereby making him a morning shower person rather than a night shower person. )
secondly, he’s very reluctant to wake up. he’ll scrunch up his face and wriggle around and cover his face with a blanket or pillow to block out the light or try to get away from whoever is waking him up. not exactly a great habit for a hitman to have if shit goes sideways, but then again their home is kept very safe and their jobs are generally planned unless someone has them on retainer / on call for a dicey period. so he gets a small pass from me, but he totally gets teased about it by lex and tri in particular ( esp when tri goes to wake him for physical training & he whines and tries to hide in his bed. )
thirdly, he sleeps some irregular hours due to the nature of his work. the nighttime hours are typically the most volatile and the busiest for them, so ari might sometimes be up all night and only go to bed as the sun’s coming up. sometimes he might only catch a couple hours during some downtime or while someone else is taking watch. he’s gone a couple days on no sleep and then crashed out hard for twelve hours straight, and he’s had weeks where he’s only had 3-4 hours a night, just enough to keep his body from shutting down. part of this is deliberate conditioning as part of his training, but it has its purpose rooted in that that’s their life and he shouldn’t count on a regular sleep schedule.
finally, ari is most definitely a cuddler. he sleeps best with someone else in bed with him and he’s usually curled up to them in some way. laying his head on their shoulder and draping a leg over theirs or spooning ( he’s usually the little spoon tbh but he doesn’t mind being a big spoon either ). he likes the physical contact, and the body warmth helps him fall asleep.
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quinthejester · 3 years
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 Experimenting more with how I colour digitally with some pictures of Maeglin!
Also @outofangband asked me about my headcanons and such on Maeglin, and I figured this would be a good post to ramble on about them! Maeglin ramblings under the keep reading thingy-
(I’m going to mention, what started off as me thinking ‘oh! I’ll just do a nice summary of my Maeglin headcanons’ turned into a messy essay-like ramble. Like, I just started typing, and I couldn’t stop. The TLDR of my ramblings is that Maeglin is sad and needs therapy) 
TW: Mentions of abuse and torture
Ok so, I think I probably have a lot to say about him because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on this boy. Bare in mind, all that is written bellow is my own personal headcanons and interpretations!
Obviously I feel like he was much closer to his mother, Aredhel, and was a bit clingy towards her- which tended to annoy Eöl because not only did it keep Aredhel’s attention off of himself, but he also perceived this sort of behaviour from Maeglin as weak. Eöl definetely dislikes Maeglin acting like a kid (even tho.. he was a kid) and made it pretty clear to Maeglin through verbal abuse, calling him pathetic and weak, etc. He wanted to hold Maeglin to impossibly high standards, and wasn’t at all very loving to his child. I imagine Maeglin definitely also got a fairly unhealthy view of relationships from witnessing his parents relationship, and from his fathers own treatment of him. 
When his parents died, and Maeglin was alone in Gondolin, he felt incredibly lost and alone. The only person he could trust, and the only person who loved him, his mother, was dead. And I also kinda imagine Maeglin developed a small fear of heights after his father died and cursed him to the same fate. So when he met Idril, who I imagine was one of the first people in Gondolin to be nice and show concern to him, he massively latched on to that. Probably followed Idril around like a lost puppy at first, especially with him feeling a bit like an outsider to Gondolin. 
I’d say he definitely had romantic feelings towards her, but I wouldn’t say it was creepy or anything. I imagine it’s just more of an innocent, childish crush, that never really went away, due to the fact he latched on to her after such a traumatic situation. 
On his life in Gondolin, I imagine he always felt like an outsider, and genuinely struggled talking to and getting to know the people. At first, I can see him just hiding away from people, stuttering over his words, etc, but I feel like he builds up a front of stoicism and confidence, but mostly to hide how terrified he is of people. 
As a way to try to fit in, get respect, etc, I feel like he also would act more grown up than he probably should, and take on way more responsibilities than he probably should. It always kinda weirded me out when reading about Maeglin that he just got to be head of his own house, hold so much influence, and head so much work in mining and stuff, when he was such a young elf- so I just kinda assume he faked it til he made it, using a false confidence, pretending to be wiser and more mature than he actually was, and managed to be held in such high esteem because of that. Of course, he was genuinely skilled and talented, but at the same time I think he would have been far to immature and young to take on such responsibilities. 
I also tie that factor I think of him, to how Eöl treated him, always expecting him to act like an adult. I think part of Maeglin genuinely fears acting his own age, or emotionally, etc, out of fear of punishment, and of course all that kind of has a negative effect on him mentally. And this also causes him to be afraid of actually telling people how he feels, and making him afraid of asking for help. And then of course there’s this desperate need to be accepted that also just impacts how he views his own feelings, and how he feels like he needs to be more mature and adult-like than he actually is. 
And in the end, him pretending to be more mature than he actually is etc, actually works, and people value his opinions, his achievements- and that’s validating to him, but it’s also built on an unhealthy coping mechanism of over working himself, and trying way to hard to be more than what he actually is. I do also think its a bit irresponsible for the adults in his life, such as Turgon and Salgant, to hold him to such high esteem when he’s basically a child/young adult, and they’d be much older and wiser than that, but I can also see Maeglin just having built up an excellent persona of false confidence and seriousness, that maybe they just saw something in him. 
But despite this, Maeglin is kind of immature and doesn’t really have healthy methods of dealing with things, and can be quite childish when it comes to his decisions- however is so good with his false confidence that Turgon and his court just go with it. Such as when it came to Tuor and Ulmo’s warning, Maeglin himself just because he felt Tuor was kinda sus (and I mean, if Tuor didn’t actually have any evidence, then that’s understandable). I can also see Maeglin just envying Tuor because, even though Tuor is an outsider, he adjusts incredibly well to Gondolin and gets along very well with the people there, which is something Maeglin struggled to do himself. And of course there’s the whole Tuor marrying Idril thing, though I’d say Maeglin kept his distance from that relationship for the most part, and maybe even avoided them. But yeah, just Tuor is cool, and Maeglin envies that, idk. 
Tho I do like to think Maeglin accidentally became a cool uncle figure to Eärendil, and that Maeglin, while awkward around Eärendil, does genuinely care for and is fond of the kid. 
And then there’s the whole being captured by Morgoth thing, and honestly I think that just destroyed Maeglin. I think while captured, he had thoughts like ‘no one would care enough about me to come save me’ and such, and l do think he went through hell while in Angband. He broke, told Morgoth where Gondolin is, and I think that just really caused him to view himself in distain, see himself as the weak pathetic thing his father always told him he was. Basically, sad Maeglin. 
And when it came to the whole working for Morgoth, and getting Idril’s hand in marriage thing, I think it came from a point of fear and genuine mental instability. I also think that in his own head, he saw marrying Idril not as a way to force her to be with him/allow him to be creepy on her, but to protect her and Eärendil from Morgoth because, well, now he was basically working for Morgoth, then Morgoth wouldn’t hurt his new family, right? Mental gymnastics, but given the torment I imagine he went through, I really don’t think he was thinking straight. 
Then he returned to Gondolin, and tried to act as normal, all that- and I mean, he’s had years of practice pretending to be something he’s not, so yeah. He’s able to pretend things are fine for the most part. And I also think that while he did get scars from his experience in Angband, they were easily hidden by clothing, and aspects like his face etc were avoided when it came to hurting him specifically because they knew they could use him as a mole (lol). 
I also don’t think he actually tried to kill Eärendil at the fall of Gondolin, and instead he was trying to drag him away from what he percieved as danger or something, but in the moment it looked like Maeglin trying to harm/throw Eärendil off the walls of Gondolin, which obviously would anger and scare Eärendil’s parents. 
And then Maeglin got yeeted and died and yeah, I’m sad.
also other smaller headcanons i guess-
-  Lómion is what Maeglin considers to be his proper name, and that name means a lot to him. However, I can imagine him only wanting people he truly cares for knowing and using that name on him. 
- For some reason I imagine that he’s a little short for an elf. Yeah.
- He can seem a bit intimidating/harsh, but it’s a defence mechanism as he’s scared of seeming weak.
- I imagine he has a soft spot for children and animals. 
And yeah. I’ve written a lot for this guy. To summarise: I love him, and I think he deserved better. 
If you somehow managed to read through these ramblings, congratulations, thank you so much, and remember all of this is just my own headcanons/interpretations/etc. I hope you were able to keep up and understand everything? Because I probably made a few gramatical errors, went off on tangents, and was probably a bit nonsensical at points, because all this kind of got out of hand haha. But yeah!
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wigglebox · 4 years
Putting my tweets here because I’m feeling okay (and note; you’re allowed to feel angry confused and hurt, I STILL feel like that, but I’m also feeling like this)
I woke up this morning pretty sad, and it's not just the fact that the show ended like that but that the show ended. And I was sad throughout the morning as well up until recently and this is what happened.
Early this morning I decided I wanted to write my own ending, and then my post-show headcanon. But with writing my own episode, I wanted to kinda crowdsource others' opinions on what they wanted to see, and I had gotten amazing answers.
And then, later, I had realized that the whole headcanon that I come up with will lead into what I believe how a relationship would develop between D/C as time went on (because they got to the merging of feelings and now it's our world from there), and even if EVEN IF they had given us what we really understood to be coming, it still would have been like that, all of us on our own envisioning how it would play out over the course of the rest of their lives. And that's really powerful to me.
And in thinking about all of this I realized that no matter WHAT 15x19 and especially 15x20 did in terms of an 'ending', it doesn't negate the special special SPECIAL things that this show has done over 15 years.
Ignoring the CW and the higher-ups meddling in things, this show gave us POWER characters and POWERFUL story arcs and character development. And up to 1520, the episodes had been so special I can't even really describe to you how much I loved this season.
And because of just how I am as a person, I love every season, and can pull out the goodness from each episode. Even 15x20. And that's because of the people who do their HARDEST to make it as good as it can be with the restraints they have.
The majority of cast and crew breathed absolute life into #Supernatural for 15 years, some being there for all 15 years! Blood sweat and tears went into this show, some with better results than others—and I'm not going to let ONE episode make me NOT honor that.
This show has created a massive fan base. It's given us so much to think about, given us relationship dynamics to love and adore, character development, meta after meta, media analysis essays—and that's just the tip of the iceberg
Did we all win in the end? no. But it's not like that was THE end you know? And nothing is going to make me not love everything else we have gotten. And on a special note in terms of D/C, like, that is still organic. That's still something that developed and acknowledged and had cast and crew working on it and loving it as years went on. That's something I'm not going to just throw away because someone, somewhere, at some time, decided 15x20 and most of 15x19 shouldn't address.
Several writers like @robertberens threw their all-around these things and actors as well. like it still exists! it's still there. we didn't get our satisfactory "end" to it but it wasn't even going to end for us anyway bc we were going to continue it regardless.
I'm rambling now but the point is, I'm not upset anymore. I don't know what the future holds in terms of this show and its whole world and what but I don't care bc I know that it's going to continue to HAVE a future because I'm never going to stop loving it. #Supernatural.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My 12 Favorite BKDK Meta Posts
by mysterylover123
So you might have picked up, if you’re following my posts, that I like BKDK. Katsudeku. Bakudeku. Izukatsu. Whatever you call it. Shipping Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. I love this freaking pairing so much, but it’s always difficult to explain to people why that is. That’s why I often will point to meta, written by far more eloquent and organized people than me, to explain what about it interests me so much. So here’s a list (not comprehensive, I can’t read every BKDK meta ever written) of my favorite meta on the two’s relationship, and a shout out to my other lovely tumblr posters, organized in order of when the incident they’re covering takes place, how many spoilers there are, etc.
1. Ryokure  “Deku vs Kacchan”
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Ryokure is one of my favorite BKDK meta writers - great at correcting some of the early mistranslations and analyzing most of the early arcs. The Ryokure meta only go up to about the training camp arc, and for some reason stopped after that. I picked this one as my favorite Ryokure BKDK meta, it’s a rare one that covers the Battle Trial Arc. My favorite line from the meta is the ending:  “On this point I’m like 80% sure that Mineta’s existence, Yaoyorozu‘s stupid costume (come on, she’s fifteen! it’s too early to be objectified!), etc are there so people wouldn’t think that this is shounen-ai.”
2. PunkBakugo: “Deku and Bakugo’s subconscious understanding: A Sports Festival Analysis”
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I’m currently rewatching the sports festival right now, and despite this being the big Tododeku and Izuocha arc, it’s pretty impressive how subtly pervasive BKDK still is in this arc anyways. This meta is very impressive, pointing out small details throughout the SF arc that showcase how central BKDK still is to the narrative, the ways in which Deku takes inspiration from BK, how BK fixates on Midoriya, and how they think in similar manners. It’s also quite well-written, and I recommend this poster if you’d like the POV of a non multi-shipper tumblr.
3. The-nysh “Episode 37 Commentary”
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The-nysh is another great BKDK poster, and I have at least 2 from them. The first is their very in-depth and image-heavy commentary on Episode 37 (they have another one on episode 61 that’s just as good), which provides some nice analysis of BKDK in this arc. The second is this one: https://the-nysh.tumblr.com/post/171252060116/whats-your-opinon-of-kiribaku-and-tododeku , which while it’s mostly about the poster’s opinions on the other two ships, has a few choice snippets about BKDK that I find helpful - one is also in connection with Ryokure, to quote: “Deku is such a super special case that if a fanfic has him and Kacchan in it - no matter the parings - and they don’t have some case of mutual obsession, I actually consider that OOC.” Definitely another good meta writer worth checking out.
4. Osakakitty “Vol 10 Katsudeku thoughts ramblings”
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This one is a good analysis of the Training Camp Arc and Hideout Raid. Osakakitty has some very sweet BKDK meta and generally writes very close analysis of them, taking a more emotional stance on the pairing than some of the meta before. There’s a very raw quality to these, a feeling of reacting in time to the story as it unfolds and getting your heart broken. This one does a good job of outlining how deeply personal the Hideout Raid is to Deku, because it was Kacchan who was taken. Definitely worth a read. 
5. KiraElric’sInsanity: “What is your favorite Headcanon about Izuku”
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KiraElric was one of the first meta writers I encountered with BNHA, and really helped me get a grasp on the series. She has tons of great meta on the series and a really fine grasp of BKG’s character. There are lots of them worth reading, but this is one of my all time favorites because of how thoroughly in depth it is about Izuku’s feelings on the matter. Since Deku is unquestionably my favorite BNHA character, it was very important for me early on to determine who I shipped him with, how I perceived his relationships. And something about this meta helped me understand exactly why I liked BKDK so much. But if you want more of the other side of things...
6. KiraElric’sInsanity: “My Best Friend’s a Fxcking Nerd and an idiot God he pisses me Off”
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This is BKG’s side of the coin. This meta helps contextualize a lot of BKG’s actions, in a way that made a ton of sense to me. This, and the one before it, both contain spoilers up to DVK2, so if you haven’t caught up just be aware of that. This meta does a great job of spotlighting how important Deku is as a force in BKG’s life, as someone to talk to and admit to feeling weak around, who cares about him unconditionally. These two meta together are great to read for getting an all around feel for each side of the relationship.
7. KrisPNatz “What’s in an OTP? Bakudeku”
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OK this one’s a video, not a tumblr meta, but it’s still an analysis on the relationship so I count it. It’s more of a funny one, joking and goofy in tone, but with a very sincere and passionate discussion of the relationship, what it means to ship something, how their interactions have evolved over time, and why the creator of the vid ships them. This one’s less analytical than the others, but still has some good insights into the duo.
8. Makeste reads BNHA: “Chapter 120 A Secret Among Three”
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Makeste is my favorite BNHA liveblogger, going over the entire manga (she just posted Chapter 221 today, it’s pretty great). This is her reaction to Chapter 120, which she proclaims right away is her favorite chapter of the series. While it’s mostly a reaction post, it’s also interrupted with a few mini-essay meta on the nature of this relationship, going into some deep analysis of both characters’ feelings from a very attentive and clever reactor, whose absolute favorite character is Katsuki Bakugo. I recommend makeste to BNHA fans, the reactions are absolutely fantastic.
9. CuteIzuku “Izuku Midoriya’s Image of Victory”
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This is a good meta on Deku’s classic “image of victory” comment from DVK2, going into some more depth about how Deku perceives Kacchan and what that means for the narrative. It also helps compare Deku’s perceptions of Katsuki and All Might, how Deku feels towards both, and what the differences are. It’s a nicely written piece and not particularly biased about the ship.
10. Mujoe-girl “The Way They Look at each other 
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Another one that looks at both sides of the equation, parcelling out first how Deku looks at Kacchan, then how Kacchan looks at Deku, and acknowledging both sides and how they’ve changed over time. It’s pretty subtle and touches on various extreme expressions (one of my favorite things about BNHA: how expressive the characters are) from each character and what they mean. Certainly worth a read.
11. Riruru “The Choice of Wording Here”
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OK, this one is getting into really recent manga spoilers - avoid looking over this, anime onlys. Basically this is a brief, but effective meta about Chapter 210, written after 210 came out and before the reveal about OFA. It talks about Deku’s reaction to Monoma’s dissing Kacchan, and puts it quite well exactly why this is significant to their relationship. This is a really recent development, and something that went over my head the first time I read it - certainly helped me understand more what’s going on here.
12. Makeste “The New BKDK Status Quo”
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Another one from makeste to finish us off - this one discussing the current status of BK/DK in the manga, up through Chapter 217. So again massive spoilers. Makeste, responding to a comment, talks about how the relationship is so much healthier these days, how the two have improved and how much better a friend BKG is to Deku now, post DVK2. It’s very sweet and a lovely place to end things off for now.
So yeah those are my 12 favorite BKDK meta out there so far. Any recommendations for more are welcome. I hope you guys enjoy reading these, and special nod to all my fellow posters for being so clever.
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