#((also casey called raph
snackugaki · 2 years
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still (gently) bullying those boys from the bay(verse)
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
Hello just wanted to ask (not a complain nor anything bad) but why is only Leos? What happened with the brothers? Why don't they get any screen time? No interaction, no nothing. Where are they? D:
Thank you for your time ♡
Ok first of all, please do not ask any creators or artists this. In the end it is really up to them on what they do and do not draw
I am answering because I have gotten multiple people asking me now, and you did phrase this nicely unlike most people, so thank you
It really comes down to the artists priorities, and energy to create. Lets say I were to make a bunch of content for Leos brothers, all 3 of them. That would be time and effort on my end, and screen time taken away from the Leos. Because myself and most other artists are only going to have so much energy to work on something each week
If 2AL were to focus on the rest of Leos family along with the Leos, the Leos would not have as much screen time or scenes in general to be developed properly, and they would not be what makes them memorable and iconic anymore, because there would be less content of them due to everyone else taking up time
The brothers, Splinter April and whoever else, in turn would not be very developed either. I do not have the energy or motivation to fully develop and focus on that many characters, and yeah there are a lot of characters-
Ask any writer or artist, they will all tell you that the more characters in a scene/storyline = the harder it is to draw and/or write
Also, the title, is literally "2 Arms Left"
I have planned from the start to mostly focus on the Leos and I have so much story I want to tell with them, which is hard enough as it is. I cannot add more work onto myself by adding an extra 3, 5, maybe 8 more characters to focus on when 2 characters is already plenty of work
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purplecatghostposts · 2 years
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Tell me I’m WRONG. I will not take criticism. Mikey is the only one who would use it RIGHT, the other three would be too murderous or panic at the wrong times and make things worse.
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20s-turtle-posting · 2 years
2003 Raph would call the bayverse turtles all bootlickers, and you know what he'd be right
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wolfasketch · 1 year
Something I wanna make a comic strip for, but cant get anything right…
In the Base; Raph and April are on the couch, April laying down with her back pressed against the alligator snapping turtle's side, Leo is sitting sideways in a recliner, Mikey, Lisa and Donnie are sitting on the ground, Mikey next to Lisa while Donnie sits across from her, Leon's prosthetic laying between them as they work on it, Casey is also sitting on the ground, a few feet away, cleaning his mask.
Present Leo: (to Lisa) How old are you?
Lisa: 17.
Mikey: Awe, maaaan!!
Mikey: (to Lisa) Birthday?
Lisa: August 5th.
Casey: (perks up and looks over at Lisa) That's my birth date!
Everyone: (freezes) …
April: Junior, how old are you?
Casey: (looking dazed)...17…
April: Time-Space Twins!!
Donnie: That's not how being twins works!!
Raph: Leon Twins!
Casey: We are not!
Lisa: He's not our dad!
Future Leo: (leaning against the doorframe drinking coffee) That's harsh, but makes celebrating easier.
Casey: Sensi?!
Lisa: Da Vinci?!
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
❤️ for Rasey 2k12
| Send ❤️ to grab my muse and kiss the HELL out of them.
Oh sweet sweet freedom at last! Was Raphael's first thought the second he stepped foot out in the alleyway he was making how way into now from the manhole cover. He took in the biggest, deepest breath of smoggy, cool city air he could. Slightly coughing right after. Hard enough for tears to pickle at the corn of his eyes. He continued to scrambled his way out. Not wanting to waste a second or chance a change in Splinters mind about freeing him from grounding. He may be 18 and by human logic an adult. But by Splinter's logic he was still in his teens, a child and that meant when he broke crew few he was grounded. Well not to mention the bit of trouble he got into that caused him to break crew few if it had just been that? Then yeah Raph would have likely only just gotten a restriction on the crew few over not being allowed to leave for two weeks. And no visitors allowed either.
Raph started to scale up the fire escapes to make his way up to the roof, happily loving the feeling of the metals vibrating under his feet god he missed this. Fine it was only two weeks but that had been the longest he has gone with out the feeling of freedom! Though it was also the longest he has gone with out Casey. The worst part of that grounding period. Checking his phone for where they were meant to meet up. Just a couple blocks away. They wanted to make up for loss time, likely they would just tag some walls, maybe play some stick hockey. Well Raph was hoping for a different kind of hockey game as well. Didn't take him long to get to the run down little city park they were planing to be their meeting spot for the night.
Casey of course that big fuckin' sap was there already waiting up for Raphael. The turtle paused just looking out at his boyfriend. Bike resting up against the bike rack as they were doing the same against the play set. Raph just smirked to himself as he was about to jump right down to them, deciding to instead quietly make his way down to Casey. Foot steps light to avoid the slightest sound to give him away as he made his way up the play set. Stomach against cheap wood as he crawled over to the edge. Smirking at Casey from above reaching down to snag their bandanna sift and quickly jerking his arm back as he pulled it free from their head.
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"aw bandit, ain't ya just cute there waitin' up for little 'ol me." casually twirling their bandana around his finger as he taunted them a little. "man you're so whipped." as if the turtle had any room to talk. He finally moved up to sit in the edge of the playset, before pushing off against it to drop down beside them. "Jeez someone might just think ya missed me or somethin' was only two weeks but I know hard to go with out me in yer life uh?" As if the turtle hadn't darted right out of the lair the second Splinter said he had served his time. Holding up their bandanna for them to take back. Only to jerk his arm away keeping just out from their reach.
Okay, he was still feeling just a bit in a mood to mess around with Casey. Blame it on going stir crazy locked up in the lair. Worse because all his brothers were able to go out all they had wanted too, and rubbed it in his face. He wasn't even allowed to train in the dojo outside daily practice! so pent up was also how he felt. And well Casey was his favorite person to mess around with which was why he was picking a fight already. Going to put their bandanna on top of his own head. Not out right calling attention to what he was doing more focused on poking fun at his boy friend. Moving in closer to them needing to lift to his tip toes as he took hold of Casey's hoodie tugging them down. Man he missed them so much, but he didn't go for a kiss nah he was still in a mood. Waiting for a sing that Casey was expecting the kiss as he grinned wide and with just so much grace, let out his tongue and licked it across Casey's face. Chuckling as he let them go and step back, in all fairness it was a bit of a show of affection just not very romantic.
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Fingers moved to open up his mouth as he let his tongue hang out "what's a matter lover boy looking for a smooch? come and get it then." just a playful game of chase going on now as Raph was keeping just a bit of way from Casey's grasp, till tripping back over a balance beam on the playground falling back on his shell. Casey having him where he wanted. Raph paused to look up at them face slightly tinted with a blush as Case clambered over him keeping them down to the wood chips they were meant to act as padding for the place. Raph hand to wonder how humans thought wood chips were soft enough to fall on, as he was sure a few were jobbing him right now. Luckily his mind was taken off how uncomfortable they were, as Case got his hands on his face and started to plant kiss after kiss on to him. Raph could help the laugh that was working out from his shell right now. A soft low churr bubbled out from the back of his throat as he soaked in the affection. A near enough purr leavening him as Casey seemed to press his lips to every open spot he could on him. Raph Reached up to take hold of Casey's face in turn now. Sighing out as green eyes grew soft looking at them. "I miss ya too." moving to sit up now going in for a kiss when he once again took the chance to swipe his tongue up across Casey's face "Bleeh" he went on to say to add to the action unable to start how he laughed after, as he fell back on the wood chips with a laugh.
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3rdsday · 2 years
It took me until about halfway through season 2 to start enjoying 2012 TMNT but Karai is my favorite character
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
2k3 Rasey - All Of The OTP Questions MASTERLIST uwu
otp master list coming back for my torment love at first fight
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Who’s the primary protector of the two? Both you know these two dumb asses are always trying to protect each other. Look only they are allowed to punch their boyfriend when they play fight uwu
Who sleeps in and who is the early bird? I truly can not see either of them as early risers especial since they both stay up late.
Who is the least patient? There isn't an ounce of patient between the two of them u-u
Which of the two listens to old music and which one is more into the newer stuff? hmm I feel they both listen to older music and sort of discover new stuff when its considered old.
Who’s the first one to quit a new hobby because they’re not great at it on the first try? Probs Raph, if he isn't good at he don't need to know a thing about it. I Don't know Casey might try a few more times before dumping it.
Who holds a grudge the longest? Both. Don't let them both hold on on you because they will encourage each other to keep that grudge XD Look Casey has held on on the purple dragons since he was a kid, with good reason mind you but still.
Who secretly knows all the lyrics to the other’s favorite songs but refuses to expose themselves? Raph again uwu look he may come of prickly but he tends to pay just a bit more attention to the things those he cares about like, he just refuses to make it known he is soft.
Who’s more likely to cry about a plant dying? I feel this be Casey, just cause Casey a bit more sensitive and Raph should not be allowed near a plant anyway u-u
Which of the two is the most outspoken? How can anyone be more outspoken then either them? if anything these two need to learn to shut up u-u you know they just always going off and encouraging the other when they do XD
Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen? In this case granted I am thinking of the roof top scene in 2007 movie which I know are not the same really buuut it’s close sooo I would say Raph is a bit quicker to listen to Casey compared to Casey to Raph. Though I feel Casey dose get better about it as he spends his time around the turtle.
Who’s the most eager to have kids? hmm maybe Casey? I don’t think it crosses Raph mind as much.
Which of the two rolls their eyes the most often? Raph you know it is Raph who is always rolling his eye not that he has any room to talk of course but he still rolling his eyes every time.
Who’s an open book and which one is more reserved? Oh this is a bit tough going off the show Casey dose seem a tad more open in compared to Raph who only tends to sometimes speak on how he is feeling.
Who gets the most invested in their hyperfixations? Maybe casey Raph seems a tad too serious to often relax enough to even show he has an interest in some other than fighting openly.
Who’s into Eurovision? eh likely neither of them
Which one’s the first to help a stranger in need? Nah both will, Casey wants to do good for the city and clean it up of the crime it is infested with. Raph was raised to help thos ein need and generally cars for those in need
Who’s had the same pair of jeans for years and refuses to change them out? Once again Raph don’t wear clothes and i don’t put it pass Casey to re-wear his clothes days in a row.
Which of the two is the most gullible? Okay SOO I am properly watching the show in order now and not just bits I recall haha but um I wanna saw Raph can be a tad more gullible we can blame that on the whole living underground thing Casey giving the man credit here AS HE HAS EARN may not be smart in a conventional sense but he is pretty street smart and often the one to help the turtles in certain pinches.
Which of the two acts bothered by the other one but secretly enjoys every second of it? Casey Jones befriend mutuans because he far to annoying for opther humans and even if Raph has the shortest fuse in the world cause he is short as hell! May get railed up by Casey remarks but he loves every second of it. Especially since Casey tends to catch all his punches throw his way or just takes them. Even if Raph walks away Casey hot on his trail not shutting up uwu its flirting
Who’s more likely to get into a bar fight? Both, Im sure Raph has snuk into bar with Casey and Im sure they gone just to get into a figth.
Who’s the optimist and who’s the pessimist? ehh Raph can be a tad more pessimist comepared to Casey who tends to try and look at the bright side or point it out at least
Who gets more easily embarrassed? Raph very easily, he the red turtle for sure, he can’t help it he is in truth easy to fluster Casey likely thinks it’s cute.
Which of the two would you rather team up with for a game of laser tag? Maybe Casey cause I feel he knows how to play better, I still perfer being on team with both of them on my team tho I know I’d likely win uwu
Who gets a little too invested in board games? I cant see either of them sitting down long enough for a single board game
Which of the two is more likely to take care of the other’s elderly parents? I think Casey already sort of dose that with Splinter he is pretty respectful towards the rat, and Raph is somehow pleasant with the elderly so he be decent as well. So both
Which of the two is more likely to stand out in a crowd? The giant ass himbo who wrote the wrong company name on a  toaster clearly, Raph duh but you know he turn any remarks towrd himself to casey uwu “what the hell is that its disgusting!” Raph: “Well that’s just rude, Case ain’t that bad lookin.”
Who will be the one baking banana bread on a Sunday after a week of complete mayhem? I still like the idea of them doing this together cause these two doming something more domestic and I guess would be seen as unconventionally masculine hate that phasing but I still wanna see them bake break together maybe it’s Casey’s grandma recipe
Who brings CapriSun to a frat party? Casey did it just very fitting
Who’s the designated driver? Sadly both these two can drive somehow so im sure they switch just means the other gets to hold on to the drive uwu
Who sugarcoats and who shoots it straight? Rapheal is honest and honesty isn’t always nice, Casey depending on the situation and who he talking to can effect this result
Who insists they’re the best at everything and who lets them believe it? Im pretty sure they are both very guilty of this for the other. Gotta hype up your best friend after all unless its against each other then its more insulting and claiming they suck
Who’s the first to apologize? Hmmm I wanna say Casey likely is just cause he is a tad more heartfelt compared to Raph but I feel this can go either way, Raph just dosen’t say sorry like most do he just tries to do something nice as a sorry.
Who takes on boring tasks around the house so the other person doesn’t have to do them? Hmm Casey lives alone so im sure he used to home chours or lets em pile up meanwhile Raph has been shown cleaning up after meals so i could see him at Casey’s telling him he lives like a pig and cleaning up for them XD
Who’s the more skeptical of the two? Again a toss up because these seem to find alot to be wary of, Raph may warm up after a bit but Casey will hold on to suspicious longer and often is right
Who picks up languages faster? Maybe Raph? I imagine he knows a bit of japaness from his dad but even at that I don’t think its a major skill on his part.
Who’s better at dealing with emotional trauma? *laughing and crying as I fall out of my chair*
Who’s more foulmouthed? Nah these two likely say fuck and bitch more than each other name u-u
Who’s more in touch with internet culture? Alternatively, if they live in a world where the internet doesn’t exist, who would be more in touch with it if it did exist in their world? Ehhh neither of these two seemed like the type to partake in it much, I feel they get way more invest outside screens outside a tv show or some sport game like hockey or america football
Which of the two is more artistic? mmm If im not recalling something right I don’t think either of them have shown the trait? Casey is a mechanic so he got like that to his advantage?
Who’ll be the first to snap if someone makes a bad comment about the other person? It be a contest on who acts first they may call the other shell for brains and numb skull but oh god forbid anyone else insults their bae they will be catching hands.
Who’s the most self-aware? Raph seems pretty self-aware and it oftens adds to his frustration on his anger issues
Who has the most self-control? this is hard cause both of them can, but it really depends on what is going on
Which of the two would be more likely to make a family album with physical pictures? I could see Casey doing this, since ya know he’s a tad of loner having a family and such now? i can see him wanting to have some proof of it
Who would confess their love first? I SAY RAPH! and You know why I just like the emotional stunt turtle saying it he might not say the actual words but he states it at least uwu
Who gets most excited about holidays? e.g. Christmas Casey, and its cute Raph more for the special treats and meals uwu
Who gets most intense during a fight? Both of them have often had to be stopped for going to far so that is the answer
Who’s the cheapest? Hard when one got no dough and the others dosen’t make like a great amount but enough to get buy. Beside Casey been show to be find spotting his friends in the show time to time.
Who’d refuse to pay the others bail just to mess with them? Raph cause hes a lil shit that way XD
Who’s the most concerned about details and semantics and who doesn’t care at all? hmm Raph can sometimes get caught up on things like this and probs did even with their relationship cause hes a mutant turtle and Casey a human he’s just being dumb of course but still
Who invites the other to dance for the first time? Hmm I could See Casey doing so of course it’ll take a lot of coaxing to get Raph to go for it but still if anyone can? it’ll be casey
Who overthinks the most? Raph surprisingly least outside anything physical it’s why he rather be fighting or anything being still means he can think and he dont wanna think 
Who whines the most when they get sick? Casey, least the times he been hurt pretty bad he tends to whine or he just hamming that up for the attention
Who’s the most ambitious? Casey, often Raph knows when to back down even if he hates it mind you he dose thanks to influence of his brothers but Casey? yeah he didn’t have that sooo
Who’s the most likely to get stage fright? Oh I made a bad joke last time for the 2012 versions I be serious this time, Casey seems good about jumping into an act when needed Raph not so much so he’s the one with the stage fright for sure
Who’s the best cook? uhhh they may both be decent at best, Raph seems to cook the lest compred to mikey and even don, but imagie casey has to be able to cook somewhat
Which of the two is the most competitive? I don’t think there is way for one to be worse than the other between them
Who’s got the highest pain tolerance? I’ll go with Raph just cause the mutation did alter the turtles bodies a lot and man they shit he gose through in the show compared to Casey who been badly hurt by simllair things Raph and his brother be able to get back up from.
Who’s the most fashionable? Casey only cause Raph hardly knows a thing about clothes so that aint saying much
Who’s the most stubborn? Raph he will die mad thank you
Who’s the most childish? Casey, and he lives for his childish needs to just being a full on pain in the ass
Who’s the best at throwing axes? Just say Casey again cause I could see him trying likely gone to a bar that dose it even (yes thats a thing)
Who’s more likely to buy some stupid NFT just because it looks cool or cute? These two don’t even know how to work a computer
Whose grammar is so bad it’s a miracle they graduated 5th grade? How Casey made it outta school I’ll never understand, Raph never went but if he did? he fail XD
Who starts gearing up for Christmas first? hmm I feel Raph dose hes sort subtle about it just takes not of thing casey might say he needs or wants and hold on to it till chirstmas
Who’s got the most scars (physically)? Casey likely because he he soft like a peach uwu yeah im calling him this too
Who would survive the longest in the wild? I’m sure they both could its where they belong esp casey
Who’s the most spiteful? Rapheal is saltly because of all that spite in his body.
Which of the two would you choose to be stuck with in an emergency situation? Casey look he pulls through for the turtles a lot! I trust this himbo to take charge and thats how bad it gotta be
Who’s the most likely to hurt the other’s feelings unintentionally? Likey Raph sometimes he lashes out far to much gose to far with remarks even if he don’t mean it
Which of the two has the most dominant traits, aka., which of the two would their child end up resembling the most? hmmm if they like took in a kid at a younge age I feel like the kid would just pick up on the anger issue on both of them XD
Who makes their bed in the morning and who's more of a slob? Nah Casey place a mess raph room a second training zone neither of them are making a bed sides raph sleeps in a hammock cant really make that up
Who'll be caught saying "rules are made to be broken"? Both who needs rule they are boring anyway~
Whose hobbies/interests change every 2-5 business days? Neither they seem pretty constant in what they like
Who'd be able not to talk for the longest? Raph he good with the slient treament Im sure his brothers have dealt up to months of it before. Casey always has to say something when he really shouldn't
Whose I-Hate-Everything-And-Everyone teenage phase was the most intense/lasted the longest? Raph is still in this phase and wont leave it till he old but likely even then XD
Who'd take the gingerbread house decorating contest just a little too seriously? I feel they shouldn’t be allowed in cause itll be a awful mess and mistake at the end of the day
Who's more likely to execute their threats? I think they are both one to stick by a threat they make
Who has the more embarrassing Spotify Wrapped? + Give a run-down of each character's Spotify Wrapped, in as much or little detail as you want. Casey likely has a lot of 80s rock music, heavy metal and other in that vine Raph has about the same but he got some pop songs inthere and he will run to hit skip before it plays !
Who's the most likely to take a bribe? Who has the hardest time finishing a train of thought because they get distracted by a million other things along the way? Casey seems ready to prove other wrong all the time especially if bribe, Raph even with being close to Donnie often get lost with words with a few too many symbols in them
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kathaynesart · 2 months
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The eye of the hurricane. I like to think Cassandra sometimes called the brothers by the nicknames their dad used, given they were probably pretty close before his passing.
Man oh man, this one was way messier and off model than my last few updates but whatever, we got to keep this ball rolling! Life's been crazy so I've had to take some unwanted breaks in between updates. Thanks everyone for your patience as always!
One thing I wanted in this flashback was to really get a sense of how the brothers worked as an experienced team with Leo at the helm as a proper leader. It's something we never got to see much of in Rise and I felt it was important to include since half the team is already gone by the time of Replica. Team Dynamics Ted Talk under the cut!
We know from Casey Jr that Leo stressed the importance of listening to your team. A big part of that also means knowing how to communicate with them in general.
With Michelangelo, he keeps it short and succinct, trusting his brother to know what he's doing when in his element. This trust goes a long way with Mikey, having spent years of his youth as the baby striving for the respect he felt he deserved. Leo knows it's best to not bog Mikey down with details, allowing him to improvise as needed. This unspoken freedom has only grown over time as Mikey has dipped deeper into spiritual arts that, frankly, go completely over Leo's head.
The greatest sacrifice Leo has ever made was read Donnie's Big Book of Bad Guy Codes. While he doesn't remember ALL the numbers, he has memorized the ones that matter and it has helped tremendously in avoiding miscommunication with his genius brother. More importantly it silenced any of Donnie's usual belly-aching. As Leo's "twin"/"equal" the two still butt heads from time to time. Donnie respects his brother's authority (mostly) but will still push the boundaries of what he's allowed on a semi-regular basis. Give Donnie an inch and he will take the mile and then find a loop hole that allows him to go twenty miles more. This is partially due to him often being the one left behind at HQ, making the turtle just a TAD stir crazy. Leo does his best to keep him in line regardless.
Big brother Raph will forever and always be big brother to Leo. As such he holds a place of authority in Leo's heart and is someone he still regularly seeks counsel from in both the ways of leadership and more. Raph is always happy to support his younger brother and does a surprisingly good job (albeit after years of practice) of walking the line so as not to step on his brother's toes in the process. At least not since the secret of "the Key" blew up in their faces several years ago. They don't talk about that anymore. Leo is the leader now and he's done a great job in recent years as far as Raph is concerned. He trusts him to make the right call. The two have a close bond and regularly use mind meld to quickly communicate rather than speak ...this will be important to remember for the future.
Hope that overall feeling came through for this group!
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
You know what I find truly hilarious? Out of all the turtles, it is Donnie that got stuck with the most familiar moniker.
Leo is Sensei, because he came in at a time when Casey was actively grieving both parental figures and Leo was not at ease with his new role, so they had to broke a middle ground and work around it.
Mikey is Master... Probably it was just a matter of how everyone referred to him that way, I cannot see another explanation around it (but would love one!)
And Donnie was actively disliked in the beginning. He wasn't around much because yes, he was busy upkeeping all the tech of the Resistance but also kids are really not his speed. Not to mention his appearence tended to come attached with scary and pretty traumatic memories for Casey. But at some point, probably years down the line when Case was older, more removed from the trauma and more directly involved with the Resistance they bonded.
And Sensei's evil twin became Uncle Tello.
I wonder how that happened, and I can kind of picture Leo and Mikey's faces when the call sign was truly uttered for the first time.
(I did not mention Raph in this thing because his situation is a lot more complicated but yeah)
So, that's it. I did not really have a point lmao. I just love your comic.
Oh yeah. Mhm. I have some nice little story about this whole "evil scary guy->Uncle Tello" evolution. I hope I'll have enough motivation to show it in the comic at some point
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
I absolutely adore your feral Leo au and was looking it over for the billionth time when I noticed on part 1, when Leo shows Raph the photo he calls treasure... there's a tear in it, probably from wear but also more than likely from krang. But Leo's face is the one torn and nearly unrecognizable while Mikey's face is whole since the two are where the tear is at. (Meaning that Leo is no longer part of the family forcibly torn from their side and nearly unrecognizable to them.) Does Leo even recognize himself? Like,, does he even know what he looks like? Would he pass the mirror test? Or would he see himself and think stranger? Please I need to know!!!
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It takes Leo a few months before his memories slowly start to return and he’s able to talk. Then almost a full year before he’s even close to making jokes again. It takes him almost that whole time to come to accept the way he looks now, because you’re right, unfortunately during an early fight with Kraang Prime his picture was torn, so he went almost his whole stint in the prison dimension without being able to see his own face. When he first sees himself he doesn’t even know what he’s looking at.
His picture would probably be beyond saving, but I think Mikey, as soon as his arms healed, would draw Leo a new picture. This one with Casey and Leo in the center being given the biggest hug by the entire family.
HERE’S SOME MORE FERAL!LEO FOR YA’LL!! Since Mikey was asleep during their last hug I wanted him awake for this one! Though, this is months into Leo’s recovery so they’ve probably hugged like a million times since lol.
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imababblekat · 3 months
Raphael W/ A Feisty S/O; HC's
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@ursulaprentissmay , "Hey! I recently found your blog and the stories are adorable🥰. I’d like to make a request if that’s alright; a Raph x fem/gn reader where the reader just wants to fight someone, knowing full well they’ll lose to any of the turtles. Hope you have a nice day, drink water and tea!"
-Raphaels s/o has nothing but spiciness in that body of theirs
-Mikey sometimes calls them a sour patch kid
-your excuse is having too much pent up energy
-may or may not have one time bit Vern
-no matter how much they beg, no one will spar with them, mostly because Raphael will have a conniption if they somehow get hurt
-it wasn't till you got into a street fight that, despite walking away with only a black eye and the other guy looking much worse, Raphael decided it would be best to at least train you how to fight properly
-finds it so funny how his s/o tries their hardest to bring him down; 100% holds them by the back of their shirt like some sort of feral cat
-loves watching you go at the punching bag, but also makes sure that your hands are properly protected before hand
-Raph adores your street skills, but also makes sure you know form and hone in on the skills he teaches you
-got lowkey kinda grumpy when you teasingly told him he was acting like Leo
-when he's confident in your growth as a fighter, he becomes open to the idea of letting you spar his brothers, ofc still keeping an eye out and letting out a curt chuff if he thinks one of them (usually Mikey) is getting a bit too rough
-speaking of Mikey, him and Raph with out a doubt will set Casey up to get his ass kicked by you
-they ofc find it hilarious as shit, but after poor Casey gathers himself he comes up with the great idea to trick Vern into fighting you next, to which both ninja brothers are absolutely down for
-Raphael couldn't be prouder or more attracted to you in the moment when you pulled a Black Widow versus Happy move on Vern when he tried to "show you the ropes" in the middle of the dojo
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
The Spotlight Effect
Maybe someone else has pointed this out before but I'd still like to talk about it!! Something really interesting to me about Leo (rottmnt) as a character is his inherent charisma, and how he draws in people with grand and dramatic speeches. Visually this is shown by something I like to call the "spotlight effect".
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Season 1 Episode 2 "Origami Tsunami"
Originally the mentioned effect was used as a bit/gag. Here Leo is trying to hype up the boys to go on a junior-level "safe" hero adventure, and does succeed in getting them excited. Throughout the episode he's shown to drag them place to place, one inspirational speech after the other.
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Season 2 Episode 1 "Many Unhappy Returns"
In season 2 we see this effect return. In "Many Unhappy Returns", in which Leo is initially a figure of comedic relief to ease tension in the return of the Shredder. This backfires a little bit, as it mostly annoys his family despite good intentions (which are not clearly communicated). It's not until he proves that he's taking this situation seriously--and ramping the team up with another one of his on-point speeches about everyone's strength of character--that he becomes a point of inspiration. The scene above takes place after Raph questions Leo, who in turn responds with "trust me".
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Season 2 Episode 2 "Todd Scouts"
Again we see the "spotlight effect" used as a gag; however, there is still an interesting point here made in this scene. Leo calls himself something along the lines of the master at apologies, and something I believe that contributes to the effectiveness of such apologies is that charisma that draws people in. Which is shown visually for us via this effect!!
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Season 2 Episode 5 "Air Turtle"
Another apology of Leo's after his dismissive and competitive behavior when playing basketball with his brothers. It also serves as a motivation point in this episode, for them to go against the mysticly beefed up basketball players.
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Season 2 Episode 9 "Bad Hair Day"
I'm tentatively counting this as part of the phenomenon I've pointed out because while Leo is Put under the spotlight as a potential suspect to the thieving in this episode, Leo takes full advantage of it to wrap people around his finger. The hair doesn't not help either.
And now for one of the most Blatant and emotionally impacting examples.
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The Rise Movie, the moment when they think their brother is lost, and when Leo begins to finally start listening to his team.
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He unites them under his hope and confidence. I mentioned in this post that Raph is their center of responsibility, well in comparison Leo would be their center of inspiration. His competitiveness rubs off on his brothers (encouraging to put their all in the silliest of things), his playful encouragement keeps the baby of the team from being too babied, and his speeches tie everyone together to one goal. Hope is a ninja's greatest weapon, and while he may not realize it until Casey Jr. quotes that famous phrase, he's been using it this entire time.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
cw: // death mention // violence // torture //
Aw man I have an idea for a “Leo spends a lot longer in the Prison Dimension” divergence.
The way the Prison Dimension works is that it essentially keeps you alive so long as you haven’t completely broken.
Leo, despite how sure he was that he was going to die, didn’t want to, and that’s all the Prison Dimension needed to keep him “alive” and “resetting” him. His body is kept in the exact same state he was in when he entered the dimension - messed up, but mostly okay.
Also, Leonardo “jokes are how I cope” Hamato eventually uses his newfound “oh I can’t die” status as a way to relentlessly quip at Krang One. Sure, he “dies” many times doing this, but eventually he just treats it like a game. How much does he have to fuck around until he finds out?
The amount varies.
He’s thankful that his (Casey’s-) photo is still intact, though at some point he has to etch the names of the people in it (his family-) into the walls of whatever building rubble he called home.
Sometimes he and Krang One talk. It’s almost nice, at times, having another being there.
Leo doesn’t know what to think of this.
The nice feeling always ends with his “corpse”, anyway.
Leo’s eventually saved, of course, and he’s brought back home and he smiles, smiles, because of course his brothers saved him! Of course he got out! He never gave up, not really, so they didn’t either-
And then he noticed how tall they were. How Mikey had hair, how Raph’s scars had long healed, how Donnie’s tech was more advanced.
Six years, they tell him. Six years.
And Leo looks the same. Just as banged up as ever, still a mess of bruises and cuts that he’s grown so familiar with. (And it does not escape Raph’s eye how dark the ring of bruises around Leo’s neck are-)
And it’s fine! It’s fine. He just needs to play catch up, now. He’s technically six years older too, right? Only his body is sixteen. His wounds will heal, and he will grow up too.
Only that doesn’t happen.
Because here’s the thing about the Prison Dimension: it’s grown fond of Leo. Six years is nothing to it, but Leo was new, different from what normally comes through. Leo was a bright blue light that only grew brighter with time, coming back from where it was almost snuffed out. So, a piece of the Dimension attaches itself to Leo’s soul, living yet not, and he remains as he’s been for the past near decade.
His wounds do not heal. He does not grow.
He exists more than he lives. And in the back of his mind he can hear Krang One screaming.
He wonders if his own screaming was heard back.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
I mentioned in a reblog thing that I'd wanted to make a Rise comic series called "ROTTMNT: UNPAUSED" and I hinted to one of the finale episodes being called "Mikey's Birthday Bash"
Well I'm gonna infodump about that now...
So basically the episode started off with Mikey waking everyone up for a special breakfast to celebrate his bday, only to discover that not only did his brothers forget his bday, they all made plans of their own. To quickly make up for it, the guys take him into the Hidden City for a quick shopping spree before they all have to leave for their engagements. While Mikey is looking for something to buy, he overhears his brothers conversing about how in the next year, Raph won't be a TEENAGE mutant ninja turtle anymore (he is 17 currently). Donnie adds that he is already looking for colleges to join and hopes for an early admission. Leo also admits he has been planning for the future. Mikey realizes that his brothers are all planning to leave and grow up, which he is not ready for. He runs away crying, and meets a strange old hag who sells him a "special" birthday candle, which she promises will grant his biggest birthday wish.
Mikey finds his bros again and uses the candle on a meager cupcake they got for him. As soon as he blows the candle out, the four are transported into a version of the Battle Nexus, trapped there along with every other character from the show (and my comics) by the hag who sold Mikey the candle. She reveals that Mikey's wish was for "everyone to spend my birthday together", and the only way for them to escape is for the turtles to win the tournament! The bros are furious at Mikey for making the wish, and Mikey promises to get through the games as quickly as possible so they can get back to their plans and leave.
The hag states that the turtles will be pitted against their previous enemies, and with each round they win they'll will receive more allies. Anyone KO’d will be eliminated from the round and sent to watch in the audience, and upon the ending of the game all contestants will be returned to their last location. The enemies will get progressively more challenging until they defeat all of their opponents.
Round 1, April is with the guys, and they are up against Baxter Stockboy, Albearto, and the Purple Dragons.
Round 2, the Casey Joneses join the fight against the Foot Clan.
Round 3, Draxum, Splinter, Big Mama, and the two missing siblings hinted at by the writers join against the evil league of mutants and the Mud Dogs. April is KO’d after getting slammed into a wall and knocked unconscious by Heinous Green. Cass is KO’d by Hypno after he hypnotizes her to knock herself unconscious as well. Draxum is KO’d by Meat Sweats after he steals his power.
Round 4, Several characters (such as Agent Bishop and Mona Lisa) join to fight against the Triceratons (which were introduced in my series). During this round, everyone is K.O.'d except the turtles. However, Mikey sees that he didn’t finish the battles in time and his brothers have missed their appointments. He feels guilty, and his brothers are admittedly irritated.
Round 5, the final boss battle. They are pitted against the Shredder and the Kraang. Before the fight begins, Mikey has a blowout with his brothers and finally admits that he was angry they were gonna leave because he was scared of growing up, as he is not ready to be an adult yet and he doesn’t want to be alone. The Kraang interrupts stating “I can help you with that” and captures Mikey. However, the Turtles get one last team member… Karai. The Shredder -- having been defeated and Oroku Saki redeemed -- turns against the Kraang and sides with the Turtles and his daughter. The boys defeat the Kraang using the special formula from the movie, but not before the Shredder and Karai are K.O.'D by the Kraang. The Kraang are defeated with the last of the mixture, but to the boys' horror they see that Mikey was kraangified, and now have to fight against him as their last opponent. They try, but are unable to defeat him due to his increased strength AND his ninpo. Leo refuses to admit defeat, saying “Mikey never gave up on me… I can’t give up on him.” He tries one last attack, grappling with Mikey and holding him down...
I happened to make sketches of what came next...
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The game finished, everyone is returned home. Mikey apologizes for everything, but Raph admits that he isn’t ready to grow up yet either, and he never wants to leave Mikey alone. He found out the hard way what that felt like, and the brothers agree to wait a little longer to grow up and enjoy being the teenage mutant ninja turtles while they can. Back at the lair, everyone bursts in to make sure Mikey is okay. They spend the rest of the day with him, enjoying his birthday...
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So yeh that's that
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bingusbongu · 3 months
(Sorry I'm about to send like 4 requests /srs)
May. May I request some rottmnt Leon general dating hcs..
A/N: HEY BESTIE,,,, dawg really sent me 8 requests,,,, oh well here is my take on Leolanadro dating hc!!!!!! Im tired,,, sorry if this is to short
Leonardo Dating hcs♡
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• he is a HUGE flirt. Even before you and him even began a relationship, he is finding the most wildest pick up lines that he can think of, and blurting them out without even thinking about it
• he would totally get hurt and when you rush to his aid he takes this chance to flirt
"Ow,,, ive hurt myself from falling,,,, for you ;)"
• does litterly EVERYTHING to get a blush or a giggle out of you it makes him look stupid (he already does)
•and when he actually manages??? His ego boosts, and he gets all proud of himself. The smugest smile ever
• NEVER uses your real name. He HAS to call you a nickname. From the moment you guys started dating, and even before he had a stupid nickname for you. And you just have to go along with it
• does litterly anything and EVERYTHING to try and impress you. Whether it just be chugging a whole can of soda without burping, he does it just to earn your praise. (He is also alittle insecure,,, make sure he knows how amazing he is ♡)
• he loves physical affection, atleast just holding your hand or tackling you into a hug to cuddle. But i also think he would use words of affirmation. Praising you on every little thing you do, even if you are just sitting there with him, he will just come up with a praise out of nowhere, and not even realize it.
• he also needs words of affirmation from you, make sure he is doing a good job and you love and appreciate him<3
• when he has to leave you or you have to leave, he wont let it happen without getting a kiss from you. Whether it just be a quick peck or a cheek kiss, he needs a kiss before he leaves. And has the biggest grin when he gets it
• speaking if which, when he is out with his brothers without you, he complains so much. Complsining about how he misses you and your kisses and your hand in his and the way you lean against him -
• his brothers had to ducktape his mouth shut because of how much he was complaining about missing you.
• Donnie is getting so tired of here about you from Leo that he had to pull you aside and ask what you see in him. But alittle releaved since Leo goes to you to bother instead of him.
• Mikey thinks you guys are ADORABLE. Having Leo come home after a date and tell him EVERYTHING because he needs to know
• Raph is happy for him! He is just very worried that he is going to get distracted during a battle or something even worse and get himself hurt because he couldn't stop babbling about you
• when he is done with his day, he is immediately searching you our to find you, kiss you, lay ontop of you and tell you about his day and the recent battle. (Def twists the story to make him look like the only hero)
• you have to wear earplugs simetimes at night to drown out Leo from being up or making alot of noise in the middle of the night. Or, sometimes you stay up with him for as long as you can jusr to talk to him or comfort him. Though, i also think he would love to hold you while you sleep. Even if he is awake, he'd like holding you close to him
• wakes you up super early because he is bored
• Dates are normal, going out to a different restaurant each week to try the food. And if there is pizza, Leo always orders that instead
• some of your dates though might be small, like him coming over to watch a show or movie with you
•you are one of his main priorities, alongside His Brothers, Dad, April, and Casey. So you bet your ass Leo would go out of his way to protect you and keep you safe. And you're his first concern when a battle is done. Has Donnie scan you just in case so many times.
• hold this poor baby PLEASE, he so needs it
• he makes sure to drag you along with him everywhere he goes, he dosnt go anywhere without you unless its a battle. He needs to keep you safe and he intends to to so.
• brags about you all the time, mever shuts up about how amazing you are. Telling everyone how you woke up this morning
• he is the type of guy to push you back in the car and close it just so he can open the door for you.
• when you enter the room he is automatically to your side and cracking up the worst pick up lines once again
• if you do actually manage to laugh at one of his jokes, he is already looking at rings to buy you
• if anyone tries to flirt with him, he will decline by going, "sorry, but im... taken." makes it so dramatic for no reason
• if you were to call him at any time and you could be halfway across the city and you need him, he is automatically up and out of the lair running to your destination to get to you he isnt slacking.
• LOVES the fact that you depend on him. Makes him so proud of himself, also gives him another bit of motivation to be a good leader!
• Casey is so happy to see you two together in a different timeline. Yet, has to constantly avoid Leo sometimes. Because he pesters Casey atleast once a day to see if you guys were married in the future.
• cant go a full day without seeing you at least once. He will show up to your home unannounced and break in. He's done it so many times that you just gave him a spare key.
• your home becomes his second hang out spot. If hes not at the lair, he is definitely hanging in your house and raiding your fridge for food
• his brothers dont question it, they know where hes at
• sends you random memes in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, LIKE???? leo honey, we need sleep
• gets so pouty when he has to leave you, but when he does he makes the most dramatic exits like jumping out of the window and shouting "WE SHALL MEET AGAIN, MY LOVE"
• He's so stupid, but we love stupid♡♡♡♡
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