#((why wud you ASK dAT???))
fornina444 · 1 year
im confused with u. first thing is u wud act like u still want me where u ask me to update u. when u reply my i love yous . when u still talk to me regularly . when u send me tiktok where it made me feel like we're together and working on it . and suddenly u said ure single . u cud do this u cud do dat. now im picturing theres anotha guy . idk im confused . waht do u wan from me. i wan u . but ure confusing me. i need u at the same time . dats why i stayed. i need u to tell me stop overthinking . i really meed u.
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straightjacket111 · 1 year
im not actually okay anymore. for the way u are talking to me now where it seems like ure trying not love me anymore.where im like not ur first love anymore. where u dont say i love yous. where ure not excited to call me or play games with me. everything. i remember u when we called again. u were smilling u were excited u show me ure hugging ur bear and everything else . and now its like ure showing me. nothing. like u js dont want to love me anymore. like idk. if u dont want to love me anymore i js wan u to say it instead me looking like a clown. i gave u everything back was to atleast see that u cared. tht u still love me. i kept and quiet js to see if everythijg js comes from the heart but no why do i have to keep asking for it. why do i have to ask u how my days gg. why is it always me that is asking. and rught now i feel like its useless if i said im overthinking. because idk. idk if u wud care. everything js fucks me right now dk if ure actually excited or not or watsoever. then anotha thing is u kept saying if im seeing a girl or what. there non. u dont even check up on me anymore or ask me how am i doing. or even check my tunblr again u dont. idk wtf am i to u. idk. idk if u js like to keep me ard when my heart is the softest now or js trhow me away when my heart is harderst. i question my self alot because of u. my own worth . my ownself everything. i dk what am i not worth for . am i even gonna be treated like this like being ignore that im there or wud anyone ever appreciate me . i nvr open up anymore to u because it seems like a burden when i think when im overthibking we're gg to start a fight again. or like u js gonna skold me. if u wan me to change then i atleats need ur support not js for u to look at me like dat. like idk. i feel like im lost u know like wilk i even be happy or mot. and all. js fucking tired of this feeling of not enough.
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Dear Izuku, Why the fuck do you keep Izubun around if he ruins the stalking?
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In other words you dare ask him to throw out his son???
There will be consequences.
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justjessame · 4 years
If Only Someone Looked At Me Like They Look At Guns 3
I kept my promise to myself. As soon as the clock turned six o’clock, I was closing down. I’d taken care of the coffee and espresso machines, washing and wiping everything down, and then made sure the trash had been tossed in the alley dumpster. Checking the store to make sure I didn’t miss any stragglers and that the aisles and bookshelves were clear and neat, I finally locked the front door behind me after turning the sign to CLOSED.
A part of me wanted to look around, to see if I could catch anyone watching me, but I didn’t. Maybe I didn’t want to know. Maybe I was scared I’d see nothing and not know if that meant they weren’t watching me, or if I just had no ability to sense it. Better to just not check at all, I decided. I walked carefully back to my apartment, thinking longingly of a hot bubble bath and something warm to eat with a nice glass of iced tea.
Walking into my building, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I looked around, but again saw nothing. I shook it off and took the elevator, feeling like the stairs would be too much with my current mood. When the bell dinged my arrival at my floor, I stepped out and felt the chill again. Damn it, what the hell. I glanced around and again saw nothing. Squinting at the stairway door, I stalked to it. I jerked it open and there they stood, staring at me like I’d dropped down from the moon.
“What the hell?” I asked, careful not to raise my voice. Even with two stalkers, two stalkers who were admitted killers, I didn’t want to rouse the neighbors.
Murphy had the decency to look embarrassed at having been caught, but Connor’s eyes stared straight into mine. He was looking at me like he had all the right in the world to be standing on the stairs leading to my apartment. “Wanted ter make sure yer made it ‘ome.” He said, stepping out of the stairway into the hallway. Murphy followed him and I was about to object.
“Ain’t yer gonna invite us in?” Murphy asked, as they hovered over me.
I rolled my eyes and stomped to my door. Pushing the key into the double locks with more force than necessary, I pushed the door open and stood back. “Come on in.” I said, sweeping my hand to allow them to go first. “If you’re my bodyguards, I suspect you want to case the place to make sure no one is inside to hack me to pieces.”
“Yer ‘dorable when yer pissed.” Connor said, walking past me and reaching out as if to pat my head.
I growled in irritation. “If you want to keep the hand, don’t pat my head. I’m not a fucking dog.”
Murphy chucked, knocking away Connor’s hand. “Wonder if ye’d bite.” He pushed Connor inside and grabbed my hand to tug me in with him. “Come on, give us de gran’ tour.”
I bit my lip and closed the door behind me, locking it because my dad had always insisted. They turned at the locking and I shrugged. “My dad always said there wasn’t any use to have locks if you don’t use them.” I moved to stand in front of them. “Grand tour? Ok,” I pointed in front of us. “Living room. Over here,” A point to the left, “Kitchen and dining area. “The three doors down that small hallway are, “ I walked a little further into my living room and pointed at each in turn. “Guest room, bathroom, master bedroom. My bedroom has its own bathroom. Now if you want, you may go inspect them all for mass murderers. Wait, I found them.” I pointed at the two of them.
Connor rolled his eyes at me. “We ain’t mass murderers.”
“Yeah, we only kill dos dat deserve it.” Murphy agreed with his brother.
I smirked at them. “Actually the definition of mass murder is the act of murdering a number of people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time and in close geographic proximity. You guys fit that description, correct?”
That gobsmacked them. “What kind of woman can rattle off de definishun of mass murder like it’s a recipe for chicken?” Connor asked, looking like I’d just thrown a baby out a window.
“I own a bookstore,” I answered with a glare. “Did you boys imagine I didn’t like to read?”
Murphy got over his shock reasonably faster than Connor. “Full av surprises ain’t ya?”
I shrugged. “Anyway, if you want to take a look, go ahead. I’m going to fix dinner. For three, I guess.” I held back a sigh. There goes my relaxing evening to process the day.
I kicked off my sneakers and hung up my bag on the coat rack by the door. Walking to the kitchen, I was hoping I had enough beef to make spaghetti for the three of us. Finding all the ingredients I needed, I started dinner as I heard them opening and shutting doors in the bedrooms and bathrooms. Satisfied that I wouldn’t be killed in my secure apartment, I guess, they joined me in the kitchen.
“If you want something to drink,” I said, putting the pasta in water on the stove. “There’s stuff in the fridge.” I stirred the sauce I’d already started. The beef and italian sausage were browning in another pan. “Oh and whichever one of you goes for a drink, could you hand me the loaf of bread out of the cabinet beside the fridge?”
I heard the fridge open and a bit of a groan. “Minerals and cold tea? Do ya not ‘av any real drinks?” Murphy asked. Minerals? Must be soda.
“If you were hoping for alcohol, you should have stayed at Doc’s.” I said, turning around and marching to the cupboard to get my bread down. “That’s what I have, so drink it or have water.”
I moved back to the counter by the stove to slice the bread and butter it with fresh made garlic butter. The oven was already on and ready to go once the pasta and sauce was finished. I layered the bread on a sheet and set it aside. While I was working I heard them take glasses out of the strainer by the sink and pour something.
“Ugh, tis sweet!” Connor spat, clearly having picked my tea. I chuckled. Murphy was silent, so I had to turn to see what his face must look like.
“It’s sweet iced tea, Connor, I’m southern for fuck’s sake. What did you expect?” I laughed at his grimace and saw Murphy’s glass was still completely full. “Scared, Murphy?”
He glared at me and took a small sip. His face contorted, but he swallowed. “‘Tis not dat brutal, Connor.” I giggled at the two of them. Dear God, they both look like they’d been poisoned.
“Give me the glasses.” I rolled my eyes, and poured the offending liquid into a large lidded cup for me to sip on while I worked. I rinsed the glasses out and opened the fridge to dig for a minute. Dad hadn’t been to visit much, but I’d gotten him some beer when he had, moving food around I found two bottles. Guiness, because I wanted him to broaden his horizons. There were two more left after I filled their glasses, Dad hadn’t been a fan. “Here, better?” I asked, holding up the bottles to show that there wouldn’t be any more surprises.
“Aye, ‘tis better.” Connor said, taking a long draw from his glass, clearly trying to get rid of the taste of my tea.
Murphy didn’t speak, just mirrored his brother.
I strained the browned meat and added it to my simmering sauce. Then I strained the pasta and put it back into the pot. Baked spaghetti and nearly homemade garlic bread sounded like heaven. Opening back up the fridge, I grabbed fresh mozzarella and parmesan and began layering my pasta, sauce, and cheese into a casserole dish. I could feel them watching, but I was too in my happy place to care. Once everything was ready, in the oven it went. I turned back to them after I put the dirty pots and pans in the sink.
“What?” I asked, seeing that they were eyeing me. “I’m sure you’ve seen a woman cook dinner before.”
“What are ya makin’?” Murphy asked, glancing at the pots and pans, as I moved to put away the leftover ingredients.
I tossed my answer over my shoulder. “Baked spaghetti and garlic bread.” I stood up and took my adult sippy cup to the table. “Let me grab the plates and silverware and I’ll have a seat until it’s done.” Connor stood up and Murphy followed suit. “Naw, yer cooked, let us set de table.”
Sitting down, I smiled and pointed at the cabinet and drawer they’d need. Soon three plates and all the silverware necessary for dinner were on the table. “So, are you going to tell me why you followed me home?” I asked, when they sat back down with their glasses. “Or do I have to assume the worst of you two?”
They grinned at me. “Tink yer already tink de worst.” Murphy said, taking a drink, but not taking his eyes off me.
“An’ nathin’ we say wud change dat.” Connor agreed, taking his own sip and staring as well.
I rolled my eyes as the timer dinged. “You’re not getting away without answering.” I stood and grabbed two oven mitts. I pulled out the bread and pasta dish. “Can one of you grab that heavy towel hooked on the sink?” Murphy did, and I gestured for him to lay it in the middle of the table. I placed the casserole dish down on it. “Don’t want to ruin my tabletop, do I?” I tossed the bread into a lined basket and carried it over to put down as well. “Connor, the drawer under the one you got the silverware out of has the serving spoons, can you grab one?” He did and soon we were dishing out dinner.
We ate in almost silence. I say almost because every now and then, I could swear they were talking animatedly in their heads. I’d heard of twins being able to do it, but sitting in front of them and witnessing it was plain weird. “You know you’re being rude, right?” I asked, putting down my fork and taking a sip of my tea. They both looked at me startled. “You’re having a really long conversation that I can’t hear, much less be a part of, that’s rude.” I picked up my fork and went back to my food.
“Didn’t mean ter be rude,” Connor said, looking at me with renewed interest.
Murphy nodded. “Don’t even realize we’re doin’ it ‘alf de time.”
I grinned, thinking it was rude, but made sense. “Well, you are, and it’s just as rude as speaking Russian or Italian in front of me.” Now they looked uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, I didn’t understand a word. I just think it’s rude.”
They both sighed, and I was taken in by the fact that they were mirrors. Connor was left handed. Murphy right. Their hand tattoos were on their dominant hand and that’s the hand they held their forks in. Their other tattoos, which now that their pea coats were off, having been hung on the coat rack with my bag, weren’t mirrors, but they were identical. Celtic crosses on their arms, Mother Mary on their necks, only Murphy had one that Connor didn’t. A star on his hand above the ‘e’ in Aequitas. They ate and drank like mirrors, but looked so different otherwise.
I waited while I studied them, knowing they were having another internal conversation. Rude, but understandable. Their eyes, I realized, both so blue they felt like I could touch the ocean if I held their gaze. That was almost the same. Oh and the fact that they both clearly had a blind barber.
“Yer right.” Connor said, repinning me with his eyes.
“We shouldn’t blather in front of ya in a languages yer don’t understan’.” Murphy agreed, also staring me down.
I nodded, “I understand the need for it this morning. I do,” I tried assuring them. “But now, I know who you are, could we keep it to a minimum?” I sighed, wondering why I was inviting this mess into my clearly sane life. “If it’s about your plans, fine, I don’t want to know. If it’s about ME, could you please just say it? OUT LOUD.”
I received two sets of nods. “Good.” I said, moving to put my plate in the sink. “I need to take a bath,” I closed my eyes, hoping I wasn’t going to regret what I was about to offer. “If you want, the guest bedroom and couch are available. For tonight at least.” I looked out the window and could see that darkness had fallen while we ate. “I’d hate for you two to get picked up after following me home.”
“That’d be awesum.” Murphy said, a smile growing.
Connor smiled, too. “”Preciate it.”
I nodded again. Feeling a bit like a bobble head doll tonight, I thought. “OK, I’ll be out in awhile.” I moved to my bedroom, feeling their eyes watch me the whole way.
I was happy to see that while they’d apparently opened the doors and looked around my bedroom and bathroom, they weren’t complete lurkers and didn’t paw through my drawers. I grabbed fresh clothes and sighed with the understanding that I’d only be braless for the bath. Half the joy of womanhood, I thought, crossing to my bathroom and starting the water, was coming home after a long day and whipping my bra off. Ugh, boys.
With that thought, I tossed off my clothes and settled into my warm bubble bath. The water was high enough to cover me to my armpits and for awhile I just sat soaking. Long day didn’t really cover it. Between my dad’s call of warning about the very men sitting in my apartment, and the very men in my apartment themselves, it had been a long month it seemed. I chuckled thinking of my dad finding out they were here, then sobered immediately. He’d call the authorities. He’d have them arrested in front of me. My heart clutched at the mere thought of it. Why? I wondered, why did I care?
I considered the fear I felt for them. The reason I was letting them stay with me, instead of insisting they go back to Doc’s. I didn’t want them to be hurt. I didn’t think they should be taken in by the police. I knew murder was wrong. Hell, even though I wasn’t much for church, even I knew the Ten Commandments. “Thou shall not kill.” It’s a big one. Of course, so was adultery, and for the life of me I couldn’t quite reconcile don’t fuck the married ones, with don’t smother people. Shaking my head, I tried to relax.
How could I? I thought, thinking of the two of them out in my kitchen or living room, sitting around like they belonged here, and I’m up to my armpits in warm, bubbly water. Naked. My head fell back against the tiled wall. Ugh. The two of them, those accents, those damn eyes. This had been a really bad idea. Having them here, nearby, close enough to touch. I tried to form a mantra to keep my sanity. “They’ve killed people. They’re killers.” And damn it if a sneaky part of my subconscious didn’t chime in with “only the ones that deserved it.”
Practically growling at my own damn traitorous mind, I started scrubbing myself with a vengenous. Scouring away the want wasn’t easy, but I worked hard to try to. My skin was a bright pink by the time I decided I was finished. Washing my hair just as hard, my scalp was tingling from the scrape of my nails. Unplugging the tub, I stood letting the water roll off my body and down the drain. Grabbing a towel to wrap my hair in, I took another to wrap around my body. The best part about being tiny was not having to buy enormous bath sheets to cover myself.
The mirror over my double sinks was steamed up, so I turned on the overhead fan. Stretching and cracking my neck, I felt the stress being relieved from the warmth of the bath and from just relaxing period. I dried off and pulled on my pajama bottoms over my panties. I glared at the sports bra, constrictive, but required with present company. Sighing I pulled it over my head and adjusted myself until my breasts were perfect. Then, I tugged on a loose t-shirt. Comfort, thy name is Tessa.
I exited the bathroom and grabbed the book I’d left on my bedside table. I could hear them talking, but I thought I heard more voices. When I walked out to the living room I had to smile. They were watching television, an action movie of some sort and were doing their own commentary.
Checking the television, I realized it wasn’t some action movie. “Con Air?” I giggled, throwing myself onto the sofa between the bickering boys. “What fault could the two of you possibly have with Nick Cage’s masterpiece?”
This truly got them going. “Neck Cage is it?” Connor asked, eyes shooting daggers at the screen.
“He’s a sissy.” Murphy agreed. Shooting his own glare at the movie.
Connor gritted. “Luk at ‘is ‘air!”
“an' 'alf de shoite yer man does ain’t believable,” Murphy added, pointing at something happening on the screen.
Looking between them, I had to laugh. Then Connor’s eyes gave the first hint of approval. “Though yer man does know de importance av rope.”
That broke me. I started laughing so hard that tears formed. They were watching me now, curious and possibly a little worried. “My man?” I snorted. “Dear lord, the two of you watching this damn movie like you’re filing it away for later. Please don’t tell me this is where your ideas come from.” They were quiet, far too quiet, and not in the internal dialog way. Shit, is this really where their inspiration came from, MOVIES?
They both looked down at me almost sheepishly. My laughter died away. “Seriously?” I asked, looking between the two of them. “Action movies?” They were still focused on me processing their muse. “Which stars are you trying to emulate?” What the hell? If they were crazy, I was in too deep.
“Duke Wayne is a gran’ wan.” Murphy whispered, seeing a bit embarrassed.
Connor nodded. “Charlie Bronson as well.”
“How have you two managed to survive?” I asked, confused by their complete idiocy. “You've been taking on TRAINED killers using moves you learned in MOVIES?” I sat stymied by the mere thought of how much luck went into them not being gunned down by now. “How many times?” I asked, and realized I may need them to explain what I was asking. “Have you been shot, how many times?”
This time I knew they were discussing within themselves what to tell me. “The truth, please.” I begged. If I was going to let them in my life, I had to know.
They nodded to one another. I nearly crawled out of my skin when they stood up and started disrobing. “Wait!” I raised my voice just enough to get their attention. “What the fuck are you doing?”
They each raised a shoulder, and kept pulling up their shirts. “Yer wan ter know.” Connor said, pulling his head free from his t-shirt.
“Tart it bes to jus show ya.” Murphy said, once his was free from his own. When their hands came to their belts, I jumped up.
“Jesus!” I said, stopping their hands with a hard gesture.
“Lord’s name.” They both admonished. I rolled my eyes, sure ok, taking the Lord’s name in vain is bad, but stripping in front of someone you barely knew isn’t. Just to show their battle scars. For fuck’s sake.
“Sure, ok.” I said, happy they had stayed their hands. Was it really this warm in my apartment or was I just that freaking turned on. Looking between the two of them I couldn’t make my mind work. Shit. What was the damn question again?
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resonance-chatroom · 6 years
Yo skele-dudes, AU question for ya: What do you know about Undertail? >:)
Comic: didnt someone already ask this?
Red: itz fuckin trash
Lust: i dunno, i think they capture how delicious looking you are pretty well~
Red: nobd needs t c dat shit
Slim: i like dat 1 comic a me n mlord datz real gud stuff
Red: u wud u shameless freak
Lust: bb we all know youre just shy but im telling you that the stuff of you is super popular~ everyone knows how good i got it with you~
Slim: altho da stuff depictin u n lil blues p gud too
Red: wut
Blue: WHAT?!
Slim: =)
Lust: omg slim you just have to poke the bear dont you
Slim: yup
Stretch: why is my brother screaming?
Lust: you probably dont want to know, honestly, but nobody is hurt so dont worry
Slim: hey stretch i just sent u a link go poke it
Lust: …its been ten minutes what did you send him?
Slim: sumthin from da papyra tag
Lust: nice
Slim: chaotic good
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6/12/2018, Part 2
"...anyway, i went down a dark street wit glowy lites!” 
“what kind of glowy lights?” 
“uh... i tink it was... oo! da signs!! all da signs on da bildings were glowy an' brite!! dey said, uh... cafe... uh... s-somethin...?"
"your first rave was at a cafe?"
"wha?? n-no!1!1 dat was just wat one of da signs said!1!! and, an' dey said, uh, cinema... an' bar... and... ooh, pizza!!1! but i didnt go in for pizza cuz i was lookin for Mettys show... and, uh, one sign said open late, 24 hrs..."
"you mean 'hours'.”
“wha?? no, it said hrs!1!!”
“yea, but that means hours.”
“it does??”
“yea, its short for hours."
"it is??"
"yea, it is. but what about the rave? when'd yu get to the rave?"
"OO!!1 OO!!! yayaya, the rave!!!1 um, i herd some music comin' from a bilding so i thougt i found Metty's show!1 so a big guy in front of the door askd me if i was there for da show, an' i said ya!!1"
"but it wasnt Mettatons show."
"nope!!1 it wasnt Mettys show!1 but i thougt it was, so i payd da big guy lots of munnys an' he let me in1!!"
"and then...?"
"ooo!1! an' den i went in and i saw evrybody dancin'!!1! da othr tems werent dere an neithr was Mettyton but there were lotsa othr monstrs, and lotsa humins, too1!1! they were all dancin' togethr!1! an' dey wer holdin glowy glow sticks, and wearin glowy glow necklaces, and, and... well, i wanted one, too, so i got a blue glowy necklace and den i started dancin wit everyon else!!1! it was da best nite evr!!1!!1!"
"oooo, sounds fun!"
"ya, it was1!1! an' i stretchd my legs up, an' up, an' up, an den i saw him!!1!"
"at the... DJ turntable??"
"ya!1! at turntabl!! i lookd at turntabl an' he was there!1! it wasnt Mettyton, it was Baku!!1! an' he was SO COOOOOOOOL!!1!"
I can feel Temmie's joyful nostalgia, rippling through me as she recalls her first time attending one of Baku's raves. Even though I've never even been to one myself, her excitement resonates within me. That feeling that one would have right after they had done something really cool for the first time... that's the feeling that she is passing onto me right now.
However, if we were separated, this conversation would have gone very differently. This would've been the point where I would have considered revealing the truth about Baku to Temmie- about his nature as a Fresh parasite- but with our souls fused, I am instead finding myself sharing in her happiness, as we close our eyes and reminisce on her treasured memories of her first rave.
...Why, I can almost see it, myself... Her memory is coming into view...
...The 'untz, untz, untz' of the bass as we- er, Temmie approached the building; I can hear it, in my mind...
Temmie paying the bouncer... going inside... music getting louder...
Lights... music... people... lights... music... lights... lights...
Music... amazing music... dancing, dancing, and dancing... and dancing, and...
...Stretching our- no, her legs, up, up, up... a silhouette in the distance, against a bright, flashing screen...  That's him, alright. No question about it. That is Baku, in his element.
"...tat realy was an amazin night, wasnt it?” 
“yaya, it sure was!!1 it was da best nite ever!!"
Heh... lucky Temmie. My first time meeting Baku didn't go anything like that. ...And upon noticing my thoughts going in that direction, Temmie asks me...
"wen did yu meet Baku???"
Oh god... I should've known that she would ask me that. My first time meeting Baku? I'm honestly not sure if I'm comfortable sharing that with her... even if we are fused together...
But it's too late. I'm already remembering that day on the Island, two years ago. I remember seeing him sitting at the bar, turning to look at me, and saying...
"...Like what ya see?"
I remember little Carrie acting all protective, not wanting me to talk to Baku, and then throwing her little arrows, or spears, or whatever they were, at him...
"AWAWA?!?! whos she?!? whyd she throw stuff at Baku?!?!"
Oh no... How am I supposed to explain this to her?
"she... didnt like him?"
"wh-whaaaa??? why dint she like Baku? why wud someone not like Baku?? hes the coolest rave guy evr!!!1!"
"well... i dont think shes evr been to his raves. i mean, i havent eithr."
"awawawa!1!! we gotta go somtime!!1 i gotta show yu da best ravetime wit Baku!!1! an take smol hooman wit wings ther, too!1!! she'l luv it so much she wont wana throw stuff at Baku no more!!1"
Yyyyeeaaahhh... I doubt that.
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BSM Taz Chapter 10
Officeral Aeffil stat in his room alone. He had told averyone dat if they needed him, he wud be in his bunk. when he went there howevr, he wuz suprised to see that there wuz a harpoon sittin there. But not just any harpoon -- dis harpoon was mystical. How did he know that? Well, it started to talk to him.
    “Usᴇ Mᴇ Tᴏ Kɪʟʟ Tʜᴇᴍ Aʟʟ, Dᴏɢ Eɪғғᴇʟ! Yᴏᴜ Kɴᴏᴡ Yᴏᴜ Wᴀɴᴛ Tᴏ, Dᴏɢ Eɪғғᴇʟ, Yᴏᴜ Kɴᴏᴡ Tʜᴀᴛ Yᴏᴜ Wᴀɴᴛ Tᴏ Kɪʟʟ Eᴠᴇʀʏ Sɪɴɢʟᴇ Oɴᴇ Oғ Yᴏᴜʀ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅs!” the most curious thing about the talking harpoon was that it spoke in nearly perfect russian. Which Dogg just learned he could understand. More than anything, more than telling him to kill all his friends, the Harpoon really wanted him to kill the empanada. The harpoon told him that it wasn’t good for crew moral. And that the only way to imporve Crew Moral was to kill all the people and empanada. That way nobody could be done and everyone could be happy! That’s how that worked!
“Wut is your name?” Dogg Eiffel asked the harpoon
“Mʏ Nᴀᴍᴇ Is Bᴀᴄᴏɴ, Tʜᴇ Dᴇsᴛʀᴏʏᴇʀ Oғ...” that part wasn’t translated for eiffel.
“Okay, Bacon... why does you want me to kill mys friends?”
Bacon thot this over 4 a long long while.
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resonance-chatroom · 6 years
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Chara: hear that guys no cheating
Slim: damn now i actually gotta think about it
Stretch: ya know, we could just ask about the condiment drinking since the only overlap is comic and dance
Slim: & mlord & lil blue dont drink m
Stretch: thats three questions: do you drink ketchup, do you drink mustard, do you drink mayo
Slim: wud u smooch a human
Slim: askin hu wuz a guard captain wud prove huz mlord
Comic: its kinda unnerving how we can basically be picked apart by like three-five questions
Red: shut up dey got me n one
Slim: lol
Lust: you know me so well~
Dance: yeah save them first because they are gross and vulgar
Stretch: why?
Pink: WHY NOT??
Slim: letz b honest i could find mlord with 2 q
Slim: r u a guard captain & wud u fuk ur bro
Stretch: i could find my bro with two questions too i bet. do you have lv and do you have a sugar intolerance
Slim: yeah cuz blue & red both got da sugar thing but only red has lv between dem
Red: fuk u i aint got no issue with sugar
Lust: bb no lying or you cant come out of the timeout box
Chara: edgy is the only one taking advantage of the three word hint and its only because he knows red would cuss him out
Axe: if i’m included in this game im screwed
Stretch: eh im sure sugar would figure it out
Axe: he says his questions would be do u like undyne and do you smoke
Axe: how the hell do those narrow it down
Slim: u & red r da only 1z dat hate undyne & red smokes but u dont
Axe: …ok damn yeah bros smarter than me here
Chara: so dance are you gonna build the time out boxes so we can play for real?
Dance: do i get to stuff red inside?
Red: no
Red: fuk u both
Dance: have them done in a week
Red: gdi
Slim: lol
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